#abel –
dhl-au · 23 hours
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nekfores · 1 month
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— The Lamb's appearance. | inspired by the piligrim's packs.
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cuties-in-codices · 4 months
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cain kills abel
in a manuscript copy of hans vintler's "blumen der tugend", tirol, c. 1424-26
source: Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 13567, fol. 11r
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aiyanakopa · 7 months
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can I get some fourth squad appreciation!
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kikker-oma · 8 days
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@skyloftian-nutcase I humbly offer you some Abel and Tilieth comfort🥺🥺
I wanted to draw what I hope happens in the next chapter of Blood of the Hero, cus both of these beans need love and sleep and comfort❤️
You also deserve love and sleep and comfort too, dear friend❤️
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ark-fork · 1 month
A bit more of AU designs + AU name reveal Grand Orchestra AU
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
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Art by @iamespecter
Caine and Pomni grow closer while making the next day's race! Caine can't deny his feelings, but Pomni is unsure! The other racers make their own mischief without a track to keep them busy!
WARNING: none!
Gangle hummed to herself cheerfully as she redesigned the paint sceme and patterns on her kart. She was feeling rosey pink today, so that's what her kart would be for tomorrow. She drew her custom designs on the control panel tablet and they appeared on her kart in real time. "Hmmm....I wonder how many white flowers I could fit..." She was so focused, she didn't notice Gummigoo standing beside her.
"EEP!" Gangle's mask went askew but she held it before it moved out of place further. "Oh, hi!"
"Uh, hey...can I talk to you?" Gummigoo looked around to make sure no one else was in earshot.
"Sure!" Gangle put down the stylus and gave him her full attention.
Gummigoo rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the scarred indents of Bubble's teeth marks. "I...I think something happened to me last night."
"A lot happened to everyone last night." Gangle giggled.
Gummigoo forced a small smile. "Yeah, look, I think something bad happened. I went to my room, blacked out and woke up standing in Pomni's room. She seemed rather freaked out by me being there."
"Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't see you go in there. I was... preoccupied." Gangle glanced at Zooble, a light blush dusting her mask. "Have you tried talking to her today?"
"Yeah, but she brushed me off... wouldn't even look at me." His shoulders drooped. "I consider Pomni a friend, I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I had hurt her in some way...what do I do?"
Gangle put her hand on his shoulder. "Give her space for now. She'll come around when she's ready."
"What if she never is?" He couldn't handle the thought of Pomni never talking to him again.
"How about I ask her on your behalf? Maybe she'll talk to me about it. Girl to girl."
"I'd really appreciate that. You're a true friend, Gangle." Gummigoo smiled for real this time.
"Awwww, shucks. I try." Gangle waved him away bashfully. "Anyway, try not to worry too much. Pomni wanted you here in the first place. I don't think she'd change her mind overnight."
Gummigoo took a deep breath. "I'll have to take your word on that for now, but thank-"
"LOOK OUT!" Ragatha cried out.
Gummigoo turned around in time for a pb&j sandwich to smack him in the face. It slid down his stunned form, falling to the ground with a wet splat.
Jax was laughing his ass off. "I wasn't aiming for you, but I'll take it."
"What's the big idea!?" Gummigoo wiped off the smear of jelly and peanut butter over his eyes.
"I'm bored." Jax picked up a cup of yogurt from the dining table. "That's why." He chucks it at Ragatha, who ducked. The yogurt smacked the back of Kinger's head, who silently turned his head curiously. "Man, my aim is off today." Jax picked up a a mixed berry pie and aimed for Zooble, who had their back to him.
Before Jax could launch the pie, Zooble spoke. "Throw anything at me, and it'll be the last thing your arm ever does."
Jax changed the trajectory last second and threw the pie at Loo, who was hiding behind the furniture with Ragatha.
Gummigoo rushed to the packed table. The bubble chef hovered overhead, amused by the racers playing with the food. Gummigoo got a whole bowl of mashed potatoes, and dunked it on Jax's head.
"AH-MMMPHTH-!!" Jax was blinded and stumbled over a bean chair.
"Fooooood fiiiiiight!" Gangle cheered.
Everyone except Zooble scrambled for the table. They grabbed random handfuls of food and pelted Jax mercilessly. "I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!" Jax warcried.
Zooble sat cross legged in a recliner, thumbing through a magazine. Not a spec of flying food touched them.
Caine and Pomni laughed hard together, out of bounds. Pomni has to brace against a colorful mushroom tree and wipe tears away as Caine held his ribs and kicked his feet mid air.
"So- so- okay-" Caine tries to talk through bouts of laughter. "So I said; why would the kart need more speed sets? It's already got three! Here, there, and GONE!"
"Oh my god..." Pomni continued to laugh. "I can't believe Kinger of all people would ask for that."
"Oh, believe it! He's more mellowed out these days, but Kinger was a real speed demon early on. Held the champion title for a record number of seasons." Caine took a steading breath, the occasional giggle escaping him.
"Could you add more speed of you wanted to?"
"Oh, definitely. The only limit is the game engine, but if I made everyone go top speed at all times, that would make the boosts and items pretty boring. Got to keep a pinch of chance mixed in with the strategy required to win a race. Keeps things interesting."
"Fair point." Pomni could finally breath normally again. She went to remove her hat to run her hand through her hair, but it didn't budge. She forgot she couldn't remove it. "Hey, um... what all can you do in the game? Are you really all-powerful?"
Caine was a bit taken aback and looked away as he cleared his voice. "I wouldn't say-....yes, I am. As the administrative AI, everything in the game is mine to do with as I please. The only exceptions are the racers. While I could certainly move you around if I wanted to, I can't control the way you act or feel or anything like that."
"Can you affect our clothes?" She tugged at her hat.
Caine looked her over, an embarrassed blush lightly displayed on the sides of his face. "...technically, yes." He wasn't sure were this was going.
"Then can you PLEASE let me take off this hat? It's a bit obtrusive."
"OH! Oh, yes, of course. Avatar changes are tricky, especially since- Nevermind, but I can help you with this." He put his hands on the sides of her hat.
Pomni leaned against the mushroom tree behind her, watching Caine curiously.
Caine focused and lifted the hat slowly. Binary code that made up Pomni's form was exposed. He ran his hand over the top of her head and the code morphed and changed color. Dark brown hair flowed from her scalp and glided between his fingers as he made it grow. The hair length stopped just below the base of her head all the way around. He smiled as he felt her soft hair slip through his fingers, his hand lingering just a bit longer than necessary near her cheek.
Pomni's eyes dilated watching Caine's expressions subtly change as he focused. Her head tingled as the hair grew. Caine's fingers brushing her cheek made her breath catch in her throat. Her digital heartbeat felt like it was trying to escape her chest.
Their eyes met, so close to one another. Caine's gaze drifted down to Pomni's lips.
"Thank you..." Pomni said quietly.
"You're welcome." Caine tried hard not to stare, but Pomni wetted her lips nervously and he shuddered.
"Hey, boss!" Bubble popped in.
Caine launched himself away from Pomni, hovering stiffly. Pomni froze in place against the mushroom tree asset.
"What!?" Caine said a bit too loud. His blush was dark red. Pomni's hat clutched tightly in one of his hands.
"The racers are destroying the garage." Bubble said with a smile.
"Good for them." Caine said, staring determinately in a random direction away from Bubble or Pomni. "Without a race, I'm sure they need something to do."
"You don't want to watch?" Bubble asked, mildly confused.
"Nope. Too busy. Lots of work left to be done on this new track if it's going to be used tomorrow."
"Okay, boss. I'm going to watch the violence." Bubble giggled giddily and popped.
Caine and Pomni both immediately relaxed when Bubble left. Pomni stepped away from the mushroom tree and looked over what she and Caine built. "You're right, there is still a lot to do. We got distracted there for a bit."
"Yeah, we did." He couldn't stop thinking about how close he had been to her. Thoughts of what could've happened if Bubble hadn't come in made his code buzz excitedly. He shook them from his mind and rejoined Pomni on the ground. "While there are still quite a few decorative assets to complete, the track itself is about finished. I'm going to sprinkle in a few jumps and maybe a tunnel for extra flavor."
"Ooh, how about a tunnel made of water?" Pomni smiled.
"I like the way you think." Caine smiled back and tossed her hat onto the same asset his coat was hanging from.
An entire plate of food crashed against the wall behind Kinger. He had barely managed to avoid it, moving his body back in a limbo bend. He was out of ammo and grabbed two cushions to throw back instead.
Everyone and everything in the garage was covered in food. The bubble chef kept making more appear on the table as the racers ran around upturned furniture.
Loo shielded Ragatha from an incoming jello mound. Green apple flavored gelatin went everywhere. Loo licked the jello off her lips. "Mmm, at least the food is good."
Ragatha playfully glared at Gangle, who had thrown the jello. "Take that!" She grabbed a handful of random mashed food on the wall and threw it back.
Gangle was hit square in the face, falling backwards. Her mask slipped, shattering on the floor. The sound of the breaking porcelain made everyone stop. Zooble slapped her magazine shut.
Ragatha nearly slipped on mashed food trying to get to Gangle. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?"
Gangle lightly sniffed, gingerly picking up the pieces of her comedy mask. "Been... awhile since...this happened. I knew I should have...secured it better today." Her voice lulled slowly with a heavy rasp.
Zooble scooped up the pieces easily, then helped Gangle to her feet. They stood between Gangle and the others, not letting them see her tragic face. "Come on, there's extra glue in my room." They leave together to go upstairs
"Way to go, Ragatha. Now the mood is ruined." Jax complained.
"I didn't mean to hit her in the face! I really am sorry!" Ragatha called up after Gangle as the door to Zooble's room shut.
Loo placed a comforting hand on Ragatha. "I'm sure she knows it was an accident."
Ragatha didn't say anything as she brushed food off her dress.
Gummigoo shook mush off his tail, looking around. "Crikey, I think we got carried away." A bit of food fell from the ceiling and splattered on his snoot. He groaned.
"Without a race to reset the garage, we'll need Caine if we want this cleaned up." Kinger commented as he wiped undistinguishable food off his robe. He looked mournfully at the messed up cushions, no pillow forts could be made with messy cushions.
"Hey, chef?" Ragatha addressed the bubble in the room. "Would you mind asking Caine to pop over real quick and help us out?"
"No can do." The bubble shook in reply. "He's busy working on tomorrow's track with Pomni."
"They left?" Regatha looked out the window with it's blinds open.
"You didn't see them leave? You should pay attention more." Kinger said poignantly.
Ragatha didn't comment. She turned back to the bubble chef. "Come on, he can do it in less than a second. It wouldn't take much of his time."
"Nuh-uh." Bubble said with an even wider grin. "He's so focused he even has Pomni against a tree for comparison."
Ragatha blinked and looked to the others, everyone shrugged.
"...and taking off her clothing assets." Bubble announced.
Ragatha clapped her hands over her mouth. Everyone else struggles to pretend they didn't just hear that.
Jax picked up a plate and threw it like a frisbee it at the chef. The unhelpful bubble pops and the plate smashes against the wall. "Useless assistants."
Caine finished rendering a new spiral launch and took a breather. "That's the last of the track. This is going to be spectacular, Pomni! Thanks especially to you."
Pomni waved off his praise. "Oh, come on, all I've done is talk. You're the one doing all the work."
"My dear, creative brainstorming is a big part of what I do! The fact that you came up with most of this on your own, I'm impressed. What inspired you?"
Pomni looked around at the dark light colors and soft lighting. "I think I just like pretty things that shine in the dark."
"How poetic." Caine smirked.
Pomni smiled bashfully. "Maybe this is what I liked on the outside..."
Caine watched her carefully. "...how much do you remember?"
"Not a lot. I remember snippets and I dream, but nothing solid. Like, I can't remember where I'm from...where I grew up....if I had a family..."
"I'm sorry." Caine said quietly. "If the exit wasn't the way it is, I'd let you go back in a snap, but for what it's worth...I'm glad you're here."
Pomni wiped away a tear that tried to sneak out. "It's not all bad. The others are fun to be around, and you've... made me feel pretty welcome."
"It's what I do." He took off his hat and bowed dramatically. "Caine, Race Host Extraordinaire, at your service."
Pomni giggled. Before she could speak further, a large asset started blinking some distance behind Caine. Pomni saw it shudder and glitch, her eyes widened.
Caine got up from his bow and saw Pomni staring into the distance. "Something wrong?" He goes to turn around but Pomni grabs his wrist.
"No! Nothing! Sorry! I just, uh- had an idea! Yeah! We haven't made insects for this track yet. Kinger would be disappointed if we forgot." She quickly glanced behind Caine, the asset was normal again.
"Gadzooks, you're right! What an oversight! I know just the thing for a track like this, but I'll need your help." He slid his wrist out of her grasp to hold her hand.
"What could I do? I can't create things out of thin air."
"Not alone you can't, but with a little bit of administrative access..." He snapped his fingers and his hand holding hers glowed a dim gold.
Pomni's palm felt warm and tingly. Her gloved hand buzzed and pixelated a little before going back to normal.
"...if you can conceive it, you can achieve it. Now, visualize in your mind what you want to appear."
Pomni closed her eyes to focus. She thought hard on picturing a moth. It's what was on the top of her head. Suddenly something fluttered in between her hand and Caine's. She gasped and pulled away from him. A black light green and blue moth flew free, coming to rest on the trunk of the mushroom tree. She looked at her hand. "Oh my god..."
"Neat, right? Now, imagine... having that power with absolutely everything! The world is yours to command at a single snap." Caine snapped his fingers and every asset they worked on that day levitated for a second before going back down. "Go on, give it a try."
Pomni looked for the smallest asset. A pebble. She thought to herself: jump! She snapped. The pebble jumped several inches off the ground. "WOAH!"
"You learn quickly." Caine beamed. "This access will allow you to help me more in the future. However, it will only work out of bounds. Can't have you snapping things around active tracks all willy-nilly."
"Aw, and here I wanted to snap Jax into the nearest dumpster."
Caine chuckled. "As tempting as that is some days, it's important to show restraint. Yet another lesson I've learned the hard way." His eyes became distant for a moment, then he cleared his voice. "Anyway, would you like to keep making more?"
"I would." She held out her hand to him.
Caine gladly accepted it. "My power is yours. Show me what that beautiful mind can create."
Pomni could not get used to Caine complimenting her, as nice as it felt, the fluster made it hard to focus. All she could think of were "colorful night bugs". She snapped. A flurry of multicolor moths and fireflies and beetles flew from her hand out on to the new track.
Caine watched her with soft eyes. The way she looked in the colorful low light was truly something to behold. He ran his thumb subtly over her knuckles, wanting nothing more than to pull her in and kiss her breathless. For now, at least, she seemed very happy with her gift. There was real joy in her smile. That was enough for him.
It was late before Pomni and Caine popped back into the garage, right outside her room door. All was quiet, the other racers already settled in their rooms for the night. Pomni had her hat tucked under an arm, still wanting to enjoy her head's new found freedom. "Thanks for spending time with me, today. I had fun." She gave him a genuine smile.
Caine's code skipped a beat. He placed a light kiss to the top of her hand. "Trust me when I say, it's been my absolute pleasure. I should have you around out of bounds more often. Who knows what kind of trouble we could get into." He winks.
Pomni internally screams from romantic panic. Her face felt as hot as the sun. "That- that- would be nice! We could make a date of it! ...again." This time, nothing felt like just a nice gesture. This time, it felt meaningful. That maybe pursuing a romantic relationship with a gaming AI wasn't that crazy after all.
Caine could explode into butterflies and confetti. She wanted to make it another date! "Just let me know when. Give your fingers a snap, and I'll be right there." He held both her hands in his. "I'm so happy, Pomni. I'm so very happy to have you around. You're not just another racer, you're special to me."
Pomni didn't know what to say. She was happy too, but at the same time, this was still a crazy situation to find herself in. Part of her wanted to launch herself into Caine's embrace and never let go, the other wanted to run. She awkwardly swung her arms with his. "I... you're becoming something special to me too. I still have... reservations. I'm sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to hear, I just...need to go slow." She looked down and away.
Caine gently squeezes her hands. "My dear, we can take this as slow as we need to. We can save the high speed pursuits for the track. Rest well, I look forward to tomorrow."
"Me too." Pomni gave him one last smile as she shut her room door.
Caine hovered near the ceiling, looking down at the travesty that was the garage. "Racers." He chuckles and snaps. The place instantly became spotless and tidy. He teleported away.
Pomni immediately checked her room for Abel. Relieved to find herself alone, she flopped on her bed and screamed confused emotions into her pillow. "What am I doing!? I can't actually be falling for him?? I want to leave but he's so- so- AAAAH!! Is he really interested or is it an act?? Abel said-... And why ME of all people!? I'm not- HE- uuuuuuuuugh..." She relaxed face down on the bed, eventually drifting off to sleep.
A blue digital countdown flashed before Pomni's eyes. It scared her. She tried to run from it. The numbers got bigger, the blue glow getting brighter behind her. More lights ahead. Two high beam gold headlights. The roar of an engine. Tires screeching. She tries to run to the side, but feels sluggish, her running stride slowing no matter how fast she tries to go.
Both sets of lights get closer to her. A panicked heart beat booms in her ear. The red door with the C&A logo appears between the lights. She throws herself through it as the lights collide.
Beyond the door was an office, but not the same as she's seen before. It looked like a home office. More modern. Papers and files stacked everywhere. Photos of faceless people pinned to a corkboard. Red string connected them. The C&A logo centered on the board with multiple red circles drawn over it.
The flat screen monitors came to life with red letters. P W P I. Again and again. "Pomni..." A feminine disembodied voice called out. "Pomni..." It came from a wall that was entirely made of mirror.
Pomni stared into it, not seeing herself, but the woman in the brown jacket. The strange woman put her hand against the mirror. Pomni felt inclined to do the same. When their hands touched, the mirror cracked violently. The reflection became fragments of visions that meant nothing to Pomni.
The mirror wall fell apart, revealing a black abyss beyond. One large green and orange eye opens, staring directly at Pomni. She couldn't move. Her body defied any instinct to run. The eye rushes her.
Pomni jolts awake with a shout, falling off her bed. "Ow..." She holds her aching head. She didn't feel like going back to bed. None of her dreams have made it worth it. She opened her door to find sunlight peeking in through the blinds on the main floor. It was morning already.
Pomni tiredly requested coffee from the bubble chef. She was the first up, having the lounge to herself. It was the first bit of peace and quiet she actually had in a while. Her mind was exhausted. Swinging wildly from one emotion to another, and dreaming about...whatever the heck all that was, had her drained. Her peace was broken by Zooble and Gangle being the next ones down.
"Good morning!" Gangle cheerfully greeted as she sat next to Pomni. Zooble sat next to Gangle with an arm over the back of the couch.
Pomni internally cringed at Gangle's tone this early in the morning, but kept a neutral face. "Morning..." She sipped her coffee.
"Are you feeling better after spending time with Caine? You were a bit out of sorts yesterday."
Pomni slowly blinked, trying to remember what Gangle was referring to. "Oh...yeah, I am. We had fun."
"That's great! Because Gummigoo seemed pretty upset that you wouldn't talk to him."
"I didn't want to talk to anyone." Pomni said defensively.
"I know, but he was REALLY worried that he had done something wrong."
Pomni focused on her coffee. "He didn't. Just...wrong place, wrong time."
Gangle looked to Zooble in a silent plea. Zooble shrugged. Gangle nervously tapped her ribbon hands together. "Maybe you should talk to him? Tell him things are okay? He cares about how you feel about him."
Pomni stared at her reflection in the black bean water. "I'll talk to him." She'd have to at some point. Abel would be back any time.
Pomni caught Gummigoo the moment he left his room. "Hey, can we talk?"
"Sure thing." Gummigoo felt an icepick of fear in his code but went with her anyway. He needed to know what he'd done.
They sat together in the stands, away from prying ears in the garage. Another perfect digital day made the quiet environment easy to enjoy. Gummigoo nervously held his hands together, leaning forward to brace his elbows on his knees to keep them from shaking.
Pomni sat back with her arms crossed. "Nothing happened the other night. You walked in. We talked a bit. You came around. I helped you find your way out. That was it."
"...that doesn't explain how scared you looked. You acted like I was about to literally bite your head off. Then you wouldn't even look at me the next day. I'm sorry, but I don't believe you." Gummigoo said quietly but firmly.
Pomni took a moment to answer. "The conversation got heated. You're kind of scary when you're angry. I'm glad you came to when you did." The memory of Abel's cold fury directed to Caine made her head hurt.
"What did I say? I really don't remember...I'm sorry." Gummigoo sulked.
"Don't worry about it. People do weird things under the influence. I still consider you a friend."
Gummigoo sat up straight. "That's a relief. I would've been devo if I couldn't muck about on the track with you anymore." He smirked.
Pomni smiled back. "Things would've gotten boring so fast."
Caine appeared right on time in full race host uniform. Fairy lights sparkle, falling around him. "Hello, my fabulous fantastical friends! I have a very special treat for you all today! A brand new track designed from the very mind of our own Pomni!"
"Oh, this oughta be good." Jax huffed.
"It's more than that! It's excellent!" Caine excitedly flew over to Pomni and held out his cane to her.
She looked at it with confusion. "Uh...what-"
"This is your track, Pomni. You should be the one to introduce it to the other racers." Caine motioned for her to take his cane.
"Ooo! How exciting!" Ragatha clapped. "Go on, Pomni. You can tell us about what you made."
Pomni slowly took the cane, trying not to look at all the eyes on her. "Uh..." Microphone feedback from the cane's topper made an ear splitting ring echo through the garage. She held the cane out at arms length. "Sorry."
"Already off to a great start." Jax muttered sarcastically.
"Um, the track today is..." She just realized they never agreed on a name. She had to come up with one on the spot. She spied the sparkling lights Caine had made part of his entrance and rolled with it. "Uh...the Fairylight Forrest."
As if on cue, Caine snapped and the race track title appeared in shiny, colorful letters overhead. They had way too much pizzazz for Pomni's lackluster announcement.
Everyone but Jax politely clapped. Pomni wanted to fall through the floor. She tried giving Caine his cane back.
"Not yet! They need to see it! Come on everyone! Lead the way, Pomni!"
The embarrassment was going to kill her.
Caine opened the door for her and the racers. The outside was gorgeous. A dark Forrest bathed in pale moonlight surrounded the startling line. The track disappeared into the iridescent woodland, small lights lining the sides. Bioluminescent mushrooms as tall as the trees gave off blacklight glow. Moths and fireflies flitted about.
The racers all gave whispered gasps and comments of astonishment. This was one of the most serene tracks any of them had even seen. Ragatha nudged Pomni with her elbow. "Good job, this is way more mellow than anything Caine's every made."
Pomni smirked mischievously. "You haven't seen the track yet." She raised her voice confidently, seeing how genuinely impressed everyone was. "Welcome to the Fairlyight Forest! Don't be fooled by it's appearance! It's as dangerous as it is beautiful!"
Caine lounged back in the air with his arms crossed, a proud smile on his face.
Pomni raised the cane to her lips. "This track is packed with harrowing hairpin turns, sickening spirals and mind-blowing multi-tiered jumps!"
Caine was falling in love all over again.
"Be amazed! Be astounded! But don't be caught unaware! For a great beast roams these woods, and it's hunger for racers is never saited! Can you make it to the final lap in one piece? Let's find out. Racers! To your karts!" A roaring applause came from the themed stands behind her. She jerked her head around to the crowd, like she had forgotten it existed. NPCs where on their feet, going wild for the announcement. The others excitedly ran to their karts as Pomni held the cane close to her chest. She was rather surprised with herself.
"You're amazing." Caine said from behind her.
Pomni smiled bashfully and held out the cane to him. "I learn from the best."
He took it, going out of his way to make sure his fingers brush hers. "Have fun out there, my fairy queen."
"Always." Pomni smiled all the way out to her kart, jumping in.
Caine twirled his cane. "Racers! Start! Your! Engines!!"
Bubble appeared with translucent fairy wings on their back and stuck out their tongue to start the countdown.
First light...
Pomni couldn't take her eye off Caine. He was looking at her so longingly that her heart skipped a beat.
Second light...
She winked at him, reving her engine.
Third light...
She could swear Caine fainted.
She takes off with the group into the forest.
Blue static crackled along the bounds of the game, moving with purpose. Every asset touched by it blinked and glitched subtly. The static came to the portion of the forest where the antagonistic beast lied dormant, awaiting the racers to trigger it's pursuit. The static leapt into the eyes of the beast. It's cold silver eyes turned bright blue.
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theweekndbrazil · 1 year
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 11 months
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926 notes · View notes
kazimir29 · 4 months
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More Cain and Abel
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alexzahhak · 4 months
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He stands busily
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thelovelycircusau · 4 months
Main Cast Height Chart
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dionysian-mystery · 7 months
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Screaming crying throwing up.
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alusniper · 2 months
Can I have more depresso Adam with Lute comforting him? Maybe he had a nightmare about Cain & Abel
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• G U I T A R S P E R •
• W E E K •
Firstly, I'm so sorry for making you wait... when guitarspear week was announced and one of the days was angst I couldn't resist and waited :"> But I really loved the idea you had given anyway ;>
✨Day 5: angst
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
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I forgot to share this, @kikker-oma had made this in honor of Abel's surprise appearance in the Healthcare AU and gave me permission to share it, so here it is in all its glory because she is an absolutely phenomenal artist <3 <3 <3 Healthcare Hyrule in his element, and Abel having a pretty typical day for his sad, angsty life (RIP my beloved blorbo LOL)
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transparensie · 29 days
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letter to an old friend
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