#abigail baines
chelleinyy · 3 months
TW: Blood and slight horror
So I drew Abigail, but I wanted to do something different. So here she is, as a bleeding bust
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I wanted to draw Lawson as well to accompany her, but I had to go to bed :,)
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asharkapologist · 6 months
But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now
⚠️TW for mild blood!⚠️
And tagging @chelleinyy because you are this couple's biggest fan lololol
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So Justin Lawson and his late fiance aren't technically my FAVORITE couple, but I've already drawn my actual favorite couples lol. But I do think they are quite interesting, considering the massive impact Abigail's death had on Justin and how much it influenced his character development. And something tells me she wouldn't be happy with how he turned out in Capital Peak, so have her ghost glaring disapprovingly at him.
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telekinetictrait · 10 months
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he'll wish he had that son!
hello everyone have this completely random victorian sim for download (first house dress is the one included as everyday) on this completely random day!
uses items from: vampires, seasons, cottage living, and vintage glamour.
cc used linked under the cut, as well as the download and creator tags.
cc you need to download SEPARATELY will be bolded and italicized
twistedcat's poise eyebrows / hazelminesims' maple hair / sunivaa's sofi hair / linzlu's calico dress / gilded-ghosts' ever elegant blouse v2 / gilded-ghosts' perfectly plain skirt v2 / ms-marysims' ida blouse / gilded-ghosts perfectly plain skirt v2 / renorasims' wicked blouse / vintagesimstress's working girl skirt / lilis-palace's seasons of ladies hats - fall / sentate's elphaba dress / gilded-ghosts' victorian visions hat / gilded-ghosts' victorian visions walking suit / linzlu's colonial caps / vintagesimstress's 1884 bathing suit / eirflower's bain de soleil bathing shoes / vintagesimstress's 1890 elegant dress / dancemachinetrait's pemberly collection gloves and stockings / vintagesimstress's working girl top / gilded-ghosts perfectlyplain skirt v2 / simsverses' winter hat with feathers conversion / mlyssimblr's pufferhead scarf / kaguya-fox's abigail dress / kedluu's ankle boots
kijiko's ea eyelash remover + 3d lashes v2 / andersimblr's motive skinblend
thank you to @twisted-cat @hazelminesims @sunivaa @linzlu @gilded-ghosts @ms-marysims @renorasims @vintagesimstress @lilis-palace @sentate @eirflower @dancemachinetrait @simsverse @mlyssimblr @kaguya-fox @kedluu @kijiko-sims @kedluu @twentiethcenturysims @antiquatedplumbobs and @allhistoricalcc
DOWNLOAD LISBETH HERE (sfs) or HERE (mediafire)!
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ehilikeshoney · 3 months
Done :)
Hope you guys like them 💝
1. Abigail Baines - @chelleinyy
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2. Bernadine Rochester - @asharkapologist
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3. Jack Archer - @gachaclubideas
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4. Karen Knight (genderbent) - @anxietyfluffy
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5. Gail Harper - @blenderscientist
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6. Zoe Kusama - @dinamo123xpq
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7. Velma Bannister- @totojo2
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8. James Savage - @katrinahood
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9. Zara Tien - @cheriemarii
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10. Arthur Darkwood - @alexlesuagz
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11. Elliot Clayton - @blueberry84 + @turtlethebean
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12. Freddy Stewart - @4n0th3r-m4st3rm1nd
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13. Rex Logan - @babyzassou26
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14. Jarvis Donne - @questionablemarkii
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❗️ Please let me know if anyone’s request is missing ❗️
Also, I’m deeply sorry for the low quality ones, but I genuinely didn’t have any drawing ideas for those whatsoever.
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melodiaemfrp · 3 months
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s twelfth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period of Monday, January 8th to Thursday, March 7th.
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Friday, March 15th to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Friday, March 15th. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by or before the next inbox run (Tuesday, March 19th)
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
Hana Fujisaki (OC) 
Kelechi Okafor
Ishar-mla (Skadi)
Nikolai Gogol
Osamu Dazai
Noelle Holiday
Archer (Robin Hood)
Caster (Merlin) 
Lancer (Sakamoto Ryouma)
Saber (Yamanami Keisuke) 
Amour Darling (WOL BRD) 
Osial viator Lacus (OC)
Valentyne Monnawesfv (WOL RPR)
Happy Chaos 
Sasara Nurude
Luca Balsa
Abigail Walker (Fetch)
Inumaki Toge
Suguru Getou 
Leone Abbacchio
Shieda Kayn
Shidou Kirisaki 
Erika Ishikawa
Eurydice "Eury" Lebedev
Natsumi "Nat" Kitagawa
Tristana “Titiana” Ulgoras
Witch Princess
Corvina Umbrae (OC)
Rosalind Wolf (The Chief) 
Yosuke Hanamura
Chesed (Daniel)
Rui Kamishiro
Akito Shinonome
Bradley Bain 
Nero Turner 
Ai Minato
Cheryl Heather Mason 
Momoi Tarou
Yano Kairi
Gira Hastie
Jeramie Idmonarak ne Brasieri
Ryuunosuke Ikenami
Shiba Kaoru
Shiba Takeru
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu 
Vash the Stampede
Morrigan Desrosiers (OC)
The Operator
Goro Majima 
Yozakura Mutsumi
0 notes
chaosmultiverse · 5 months
🚼 (Dallas & Bain)
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Abigail Steele
She is very much like Dallas being a type-A who is high strung, and like her fathers she is a criminal though is a lot less guns blazing and much more a movie hestier type, relying on stealth and social engineering.
She would likely been rised by Dallas alone, after all Bain is 'dead' (don't ask how her actual birthdate isn't before Bain was considered dead in the criminal world), she grew up hearing stories of The Payday Gang in it's prime and was likely tutored by its members on skills like guns, stealth, social engineering and technology.
Like both her fathers she is a very loyal and family oriented person and like Bain is prone to extreme amounts of planing to ensure the joy and safety of those dear to her, including her fathers and any sblings or cousins (aka the other pd gsng members kids)
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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Dans une vision, on m'a montré une famille.
Cette famille vivait dans une très grande et très belle propriété.
Elle semblait mener une vie très luxueuse.
Ils avaient de très beaux bâtiments, avec de magnifiques jardins remplis de fleurs, des chemins sur la propriété avec de belles fleurs qui poussaient sur les côtés et d'innombrables serviteurs qui entretenaient la propriété et s'occupaient des propriétaires et de leurs enfants.
Ils semblaient vivre une vie de royauté.
J'ai ensuite vu la famille prendre un bain de soleil sur de magnifiques balançoires.
Leurs enfants semblaient être des adolescents.
Ils avaient tous les yeux rivés sur leur tablette.
J'ai vu qu'ils regardaient des feuilletons et des films mondains, ainsi que des vidéos en streaming sur Internet, tout en profitant du soleil.
Puis j'ai entendu une voix qui disait : "Si c'est ainsi que vous passez votre vie, que direz-vous le jour où Dieu vous demandera comment vous avez passé votre vie ?
La vision s'est terminée.
C'est la question la plus importante que tu puisses te poser : comment diras-tu à Dieu que tu as passé ta vie ?
Si vous avez couru après les choses de ce monde, vous aurez certainement honte parce que vous vous rendrez compte que toutes ces choses étaient inutiles.
A ce stade, cela peut sembler irréel, mais nous devons vivre pour Dieu.
Nous ne pouvons pas être trop occupés pour Dieu.
Toutes ces choses mondaines ne servent qu'à distraire notre marche avec Dieu.
Nous devons faire preuve de discipline, de détermination à servir Dieu même si personne d'autre ne le fait autour de nous, et d'une véritable dépendance à l'égard de Jésus-Christ.
Nous n'avons pas le temps de nous détendre et de courir après le monde.
Votre vie pourrait s'arrêter à la minute même, pouvez-vous dire à Dieu que vous avez vécu pour lui ?
Une relation avec Dieu vaut bien plus que tout ce que ce monde peut vous offrir.
Tous ces feuilletons et films que le monde est occupé à poursuivre sont des appâts pour ton âme.
Satan veut votre âme, alors il produit des films très séduisants et attrayants qui montrent des gens vivant une vie insouciante sans Jésus-Christ, utilisant le nom de Dieu en vain, buvant, s'habillant de manière immorale et promouvant toutes sortes de choses que Dieu déteste et méprise tant.
Dieu m'a dit que tous ces films, feuilletons et dessins animés impies sont l'appât de Satan pour les âmes humaines.
Cela vaut-il la peine d'échanger son âme contre un film ?
Rien sur terre ne peut acheter l'âme humaine.
Il a fallu que Jésus-Christ la paie par le sacrifice de sa propre vie, de son sang.
Personne ne peut vous donner la vie à part Jésus.
Il est mort pour que vous viviez, mais vous devez abandonner toutes ces choses abominables, prendre votre croix et suivre Jésus-Christ.
Je ne doute pas que si Dieu pouvait nous ouvrir les yeux pour voir exactement ce qu'il nous réserve au ciel, nous n'hésiterions pas à abandonner toutes les choses terrestres qui nous séparent de Dieu.La Bible dit que l'œil n'a pas vu et que l'oreille n'a pas entendu ce que Dieu a préparé pour ceux qui l'aiment.
Tout ce qui a été révélé sur le paradis, y compris ce que Jean a vu, n'est qu'un aperçu de ce qu'il est réellement.
Dieu nous réserve de grandes surprises, si seulement nous y parvenons.
Le prix a été payé pour nous ouvrir la voie.
PAR: Rachael Abigail Mushala Chisulo
0 notes
bananango · 2 years
Unsolved wiki johnny lee wilson
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Pratt, Erik Jan Hanussen, Faith Hedgepeth homicide, February 2007 Salvadoran congressmen killings, Fereydoun Farrokhzad, Fidan Doğan, Florence Broadhurst, Gareth Jones (journalist), Gary DeVore, Gerald Bull, Gerard Davison, Geylang Bahru Family Murders, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Godard family disappearance, Gottlieb Fluhmann, Halsman murder case, Harry Dudkin, Harvey and Jeannette Crewe, Henryk Siwiak homicide, Herbert Chitepo, Huang Yuanyong, Isdal Woman, Ita Martadinata Haryono, Jackie Coulter (loyalist), Jam Master Jay, Jane Thurgood-Dove, Janet Smith case, Jay Ferdinand Towner, Joachim Peiper, John Kituyi, Johnny Lee Wilson case, Jonathan Luna, Joseph Barboza, Josslyn Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll, Judy Smith homicide, Keddie murders, Kerry Babies case, Lake Bodom murders, Lava Lake murders, Lead Masks Case, List of murder convictions without a body, List of people who disappeared mysteriously, List of solved missing persons cases, Lists of murders, Louis Allen, Malcolm Caldwell, Marcel Francisci, Marcia Moore, Mark Moran (criminal), Martin DeFoor, Mary Rogers, Matsukawa derailment, Michele Sindona, Mineral, Washington murders, Murder of Atcel Olmedo, Murder of Betsy Aardsma, Murder of Betty Shanks, Murder of Carol Cole, Murder of Carolyn Wasilewski, Murder of Catherine Cesnik, Murder of David Reed, Murder of David Stack, Murder of Harry and Harriette Moore, Murder of Jaclyn Dowaliby, Murder of Joe Cole, Murder of Lindsay Buziak, Murder of Marcia King, Murder of Margaret Martin, Murder of Melanie Carpenter, Murder of Michael Nigg, Murder of Michelle Garvey, Murder of Miranda Fenner, Murder of Pamela Werner, Murder of Raonaid Murray, Murder of Robert Eric Wone, Murder of Seth Rich, Murder of Simon Dale, Murder of Stephanie Crowe, Murder of Susan Poupart, Murder of the Grimes sisters, Murder of The Notorious B.I.G., Murder of Tupac Shakur, Murder of Udin, Murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German, Murders of Kerry Graham and Francine Trimble, Murders of Margaret and Seana Tapp, Murders of Sally McNelly and Shane Stewart, Muzafar Bhutto, My Favorite Murder, Natalie Wood, National Airlines Flight 2511, Oklahoma Girl Scout murders, Paul Cunniffe, Paula Hounslea, Paxton Boys, Peggy Hettrick murder case, Peter Bergmann Case, Pike County, Ohio, shootings, Piotr Jaroszewicz, Raymond Washington, Reşat Amet, Redhead murders, Richard Lancelyn Green, Robert Donati, Robert Johnson, Robison family murders, Rodney Marks, Ryan W. , Death of Manon Dubé, Death of Mitrice Richardson, Death of Nicole van den Hurk, Death Valley Germans, Deaths of John and Joyce Sheridan, Deaths of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, Dino Bravo, Dolores Della Penna, Dursun Aksoy, Edwin T. ġ98 relations: Adolph Dubs, Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870, Alas Chiricanas Flight 901, Albert DeSalvo, Alberto Nisman, Allen Dorfman, Alphonse Gangitano, Arnold Schuster, Arthur Brennan, Assassination of Haim Arlosoroff, Assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, Ötzi, Babes in the Wood murders (Stanley Park), Bain family murders, Bashir Ahmed Qureshi, Battersea Mystery, Bisoye Tejuoso, Black Dahlia, Black Donnellys, Blackfriars Massacre, Bogle–Chandler case, Bola Ige, Boris Berezovsky (businessman), Bowraville murders, Brian Spencer, Burger Chef murders, Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 21, Carlos Muniz Varela, Chandra Levy, Chinx, Clarence 13X, Counter-Guerrilla, Crawford family murder, Cyprus Airways Flight 284, Dacer–Corbito double murder case, Dardeen family homicides, Death and state funeral of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, Death of Alberto Nisman, Death of Alexander the Great, Death of Ambrose Ball, Death of Andrew Sadek, Death of Barbara Precht, Death of Caylee Anthony, Death of Corryn Rayney, Death of Dave Walker, Death of Gareth Williams, Death of Jeremiah Duggan, Death of Joan Robinson Hill, Death of Katrien De Cuyper, Death of Kendrick Johnson.
This list of unsolved deaths includes notable cases where victims have been murdered or have died under unsolved circumstances, including murders committed by unknown serial killers.
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chelleinyy · 10 months
Two Promises, One Fulfilled-2
Caught by the hand of justice, the muggers would soon face their reckoning in court. However, amidst the impending trial, an inexplicable force had drawn him here. Justin found himself seated not at the head of the aisle or by the pulpit, but among the gathering of mourners as Abigail's father delivered a eulogy.
"She was truly remarkable, a radiant presence..."
Alongside him, Abigail's mother held a handkerchief against her face, stifling her silent sobs. Justin's pats on her back, though a gesture of solace, was something he could not do for himself. His gaze remained locked on a photograph of Abigail, resplendent in white, surrounded by a wreath. Slowly, his eyes wandered to the casket.
A horrible feeling came to his chest whenever he looked at that coffin. It always did. He had rushed to Sinner’s End after Arthur and Bontemps announced her death, only to find the scene being cleaned up by the police. In disbelief, he had witnessed the police cleaning up the remnants of the incident, traces of blood staining the surroundings. It had been a mere matter of days since their wedding had been abruptly called off.
“Oh, Abigail…my sweet girl…” sobbed her mother. Justin avoided looking at her too. She was gone, Abigail was gone…but it felt impossible. It was only two days before their wedding, and she had been fitted into her gown according to the details shared by Walter.
Once more, his gaze settled on the casket, his vision blurred by the onset of tears. The familiar heat that welled in his eyes just by looking at the coffin or the cleaned wedding dress that now sits in her home, mingled with a sinking sensation in his chest—a feeling of profound loss and helplessness.
His mind felt clearer, yet still so vague. Justin wasn’t sure if he preferred to think or not to think at all at the moment.
“Her mother and I will always remember her, as the child we loved, and unfortunately lost. We can only hope that wherever she may find herself now, she is freed from the pain that shadowed her final hours."
The eulogy drew to a close, and Abigail's father retreated from the front of the casket, his eyes avoiding the sight. As he passed Justin, he felt a fleeting touch on his shoulder which communicated sorrow, the unspoken release of a cry.
Justin wiped his eyes and directed his gaze to the casket once more. One by one, mourners stepped forward, adorning the casket with flowers. Justin lingered, eventually taking his turn.
"No... not this. Not like this."
In that instant, he turned away, retreating toward the fringes of the crowd. An inexpressible tightness was felt in his throat, rendering him unable to speak. The tears that he had struggled to contain now flowed freely. Though he did not openly sob, his bowed head bore the trace of glistening tears for those who looked at him closely.
The funeral gradually drew to a close, the crowd dispersing in a somber procession. Each person who passed by Justin offered their condolences.
"Please accept my deepest sympathies, Mr. Lawson."
"May you find solace. The pain of losing a loved one is immeasurable."
Then, a somber figure approached—the familiar presence of Walter. His expression mirrored the weight of the occasion. With a heartfelt embrace, Walter offered solace, though Justin's own grief left him unable to reciprocate the gesture.
“I shed tears for her last night," Walter confessed softly, his voice heavy. "Remember, Justin, I'm here whenever you need to talk. My condolences." As they parted, Justin's gaze remained affixed to the ground, his eyes damp from unshed tears.
"Thank you, Walter," his voice trembled, fragile under the weight of his emotion. With a parting touch on his back, Walter took his leave, leaving Justin alone amidst the quiet of the cemetery. The crowd had dispersed, leaving behind only Abigail's relatives clustered near the gravestone. He couldn't bring himself to witness the casket's descent into the earth—too painful a sight to bear.
With a trembling sigh, Justin approached the gravestone. His fingers brushed against the etched words, and he exhaled shakily. The inscription read:
"Forever in the hearts of her loved ones,
an enduring source of inspiration."
Turning, he faced Abigail's grieving parents. Their faces bore the raw marks of their sorrow, mirrored in his own anguished expression. With a faint smile, Justin nodded respectfully.
"Mr. and Mrs. Baines," he murmured. "Please accept my deepest condolences." His gaze remained fixed on the ground, a hesitation to meet their eyes. Alexander Baines' lips formed a sympathetic smile. "Call me Alexander, my boy. Formality holds no place in times like these." Beside him, his wife's eyes held a silent understanding, her expression gentle.
"We truly are sorry," Mrs. Baines added, her voice a soft murmur. Justin shook his head. “This loss, it touches all of us," he managed to say.
The force of the situation left Justin unable to fully meet their gaze, his eyes fixated on the ground. Alexander spoke with gentle understanding, "We know your love for Abigail was deep. She held you in the same regard..."
"I am aware...”
As the three exchanged glances, Alexander withdrew a small velvet box from his pocket. With a sense of solemn purpose, he extended it to Justin, who accepted it. He opened the box, revealing two gold rings within, inscribed with the words "Mr. and Mrs. Lawson." Justin's breath caught in his throat at the sight, the gravity of the gesture leaving him stunned.
He closed the box. No, he did not want the rings. In fact, any reminder of Abigail hurt him deeply at the moment. He couldn’t even look at the photograph he had of her at his house. He held out the box to Abigail's parents, shaking his head gently. "No, please. I cannot..."
Alexander spoke, his tone gentle yet firm. "We know the depth of your devotion to our daughter. Abigail cherished your love. Please, Justin, accept these rings."
Justin's hands trembled as he held the box. The rings now seemed to bear a heavy weight. He extended the box toward Abigail's parents once more, his voice a fragile whisper, "I can't... I can't bear it."
Abigail's mother placed her hand atop the box, gently pushing it back towards Justin. "You must, Justin. Please, for Abigail's sake."
Alexander's gaze held a mixture of empathy and understanding. "Remember, son, these are not just tokens of the past, but symbols of the love that will always endure."
His voice was barely audible as he nodded. "Thank you..."
He felt the box's weight in his hands, the emotional turmoil too profound for words. What good was it to keep them if the other one will never be worn by Abigail? Another further reminder that she's gone. Nothing could be done to take her back.
With a measured breath, he finally managed to articulate the question that lingered on his lips.
"Could you kindly remind me, when is the trial scheduled for this week?"
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80s4life · 3 years
Character/Movie List
Below is movies and TV shows I like personally and are lsited as a reference. If you don't see something you're interested in, it is not that I don't like it, it is because I most likely forgot it because I love so many movies/shows tbh. Just ask, and I'll answer! And, from the Rules and Regulations page, what I had meant by "mostly" is that I can dabble outside of the acting world and into actors/actresses themselves and/or singers, popstars, etc.
{Another side-note, I am not so much into shows, but mostly movies! Although, there are some exceptions that I love beyond belief!}
Back to the Future Series:
Biff Tannen
Griff Tannen (Maybe, he wasn't the best of the Tannen's imo)
Buford Tannen
Marty McFly
George McFly
Doc Brown
Lorraine Baines
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Jack Dawson
Caledon Hockley
Brock Lovett
Rabrizio De Rossi
Thomas "Tommy" Ryan
Karate Kid Series {1/2/3}:
John Kreese
Mr. Miyagi
Johnny Lawrence
Daniel LaRusso
Bobby Brown (not so much; don't know him too well)
Ali Mills
Lucille LaRusso
Terry Silver (duh lmao)
Mike Barnes (also duh)
Jessica Andrews
Stand By Me:
Vern Tessio
Billy Tessio
Gordie LaChance
Chris Chambers
Eyeball Chambers
Ace Merrill
Teddy Duchamp
Jake Fratelli (he was kinda hot ngl)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off:
Ferris Bueller
Jeanie Bueller
Cameron Frye
Sloane Peterson
License to Drive:
Les Anderson
Mercedes Lane
Toy Soldiers:
Billy Tepper
Joey Trotta
Snuffy Bradberry
Ricardo Montoya
Hank Giles
Scream Movie Series {1/2}:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dwight "Dewey" Riley
Randy Meeks
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Gale Weathers
Cotton Weary
Derek Feldman
Escape Plan:
Emil Rottmayer/ "Victor Maheim"
Ray Breslin/ "Anthony Portos"
The Expendables:
Barney Ross
Lee Christmas
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
Bao Thao/ "Yin Yang"
Hale Caesar
Divergent Movie Series {1/2/3}:
Beatrice "Tris" Prior
Caleb Prior
Tobias "Four" Eaton
Christina "Chris"
Eric Coulter
Marcus Eaton
Terminator Series:
T-100/"Uncle Bob"/Terminator
T-1000 "Austin"
John Connor
Sarah Connor
Dani Ramos
Dazed and Confused:
David Wooderson
Fred O'Bannion
Randall "Pink" Floyd
Ron Slater
Don Dawson
Mitch Kramer
Benny O'Donnell
Rocky Series:
Rocky Balboa
Apollo Creed
Captain Ivan Drago
Zombieland {1/2}:
Little Rock
Lethal Weapon Movie Series {1/2/3/4}:
Martin Riggs
Roger Myrtaugh
Rianne Murtaugh
Leo Getz
Henry Hill
Jimmy Conway
Tommy DeVito
Karen Hill
Avengers Heroes-
Iron Man/Tony Stark
Ant-Man/Scott Lang
Hulk/Bruce Banner
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Hawkeye/ Clint Barton
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Black Panther/T'Challa
Vision/Victor Shade
Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Spider-Man/Peter Parker
Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Avengers Anti-Heroes/Antagonists:
Yondu Udonta
Loki Laufeyson
Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
Wolverine/Logan Howlett
Sabretooth/Victor Creed
Bolt/Chris Bradley
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Cyclops/Scott Summers
(Younger!)Professor X
Deadpool/Wade Wilson
Cable/Nathan Summers
Colossus/Piotr "Peter" Nikolayevich Rasputin
Negasonic Teenage Warhead/Ellie Phimister
DC Universe:
Superman/Clark Kent (Henry Cavill)
Batman/Bruce Wayne (Affleck, Bale versions)
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Joker (Leto, Ledger, Phoenix versions)
Captain Boomerang
Rick Flagg
Bane (Tom Hardy)
TV Shows
Stranger Things:
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Joyce Byers
Johnathan Byers
Maxine "Max" Hargrove
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
Jim Hopper
Steve Harrington
Sex Education:
Erric Effiong
Aimee Gibbs
Adam Groff
Ola Nyman
Otis Milburn
Maeve Wiley
Hannibal (Show):
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Dr. Alana Bloom
Jack Crawford
Abigail Hobbs
Orange Is the New Black (OITNB):
Piper Chapman
Nicky Nichols
Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren
Galina "Red" Reznikov
Tasha "Taystee" Jefferson
Dayanara "Daya" Diaz
Gloria Mendoza
Lorna Morello
Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett
Alex Vause
Joel Luschek
Big Boo
Maritza Ramos
Poussey Washington
Yoga Jones
Gina Murphy
Brook Soso
Sophia Burst
George "Pornstache" Mendez
Larry Bloom
Polly Harper
Stella Carlin
The Boys:
Billy Butcher
Starlight/Annie January
Hughie Campbell
Kimiko Miyashiro
Queen Maeve/Maggie Shaw
Mother's Milk "M.M."
The Deep/Kevin Moskowitz
Becca Butcher
The Walking Dead (TWD):
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Lori Grimes
Maggie Greene
Beth Greene
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Michonne Hawthorne
Carol Peletier
Shane Walsh
Paul "Jesus" Monroe
Eugene Porter
Sgt. Abraham Ford
Outer Banks (OBX):
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Ward Cameron
John B
Frank Gallagher
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Jimmy "Steve" Lishman
Karen Jackson
Cobra Kai
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Robby Keene
Carmen Diaz
John Kreese (baby version & old version)
Terry Silver (baby version & old version)
Tory Nichols
Samantha "Sam" LaRusso
If there is something or someone you like not on this list, feel free to ask or direct message me! For movies like the DC Universe and Marvel, if there is multiple actors of that character and you want a certain one, please make sure that you add that detail!
Rules & Regulations
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acourtcfmuses · 3 years
List of muses under the cut
The below format is:-  MuseName (age) - fc fcName
** Denotes Original Character
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Feyre Archeron (18+) - fc Danielle Rose Russell
Cassian (500+) - fc Can Yaman
Gwyneth ‘Gwyn’ Berdara (28+) - fc Deborah Ann Woll
**Orion of Velaris (18+) - fc Gavin Leatherwood
**Koa (18+) - fc Booboo Stewart
**Amberle (18+) - fc Danielle Campbell
**Asta (18+) - fc Tati Gabrielle
From Blood and Ash
Penellaphe ‘Poppy’ Balfour (18+) - fc Abigail Cowen
Delano (unknown) - fc Jordan Patrick Smith
Harry Potter
Marlene McKinnon (18+) - fc Summer Bishil
Hermione Granger (18+) - fc Emma Watson
Night World
Ash Redfern (18+) - fc Chris Zylka
-:: TV MUSES ::-
Teen Wolf
Malia Tate (18+)  - fc Shelley Hennig
Lydia Martin (19+) - fc Holland Roden **(alt fc Sophie Skelton - just hmu)**
Jordan Parrish (24+) - fc Ryan Kelley
Scott McCall (18+) - fc Tyler Posey
**Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Lahey (18+) - fc Haley Lu Richardson
**Nathan ‘Nate’ Dunbar (18+) -  fc Charlie Gillespie
Chris Argent (44+) - fc JR Bourne
Julian Greenberg (20) - fc Drew Ray Tanner
Melissa McCall (41+) - fc Melissa Ponzio
Claudia Stilinski (44+) - fc Carla Gugino
Laura Hale (25+) - fc Meghan Ory
Carrie Hudson (22+) - fc Sarah Grey
**Aoife Argent (21+) - fc Melissa Benoist
**Veronica ‘Roni’ Meyers (33+) - fc Stephanie Beatriz
**Aurora Lycan (23+) - fc Eiza Gonzalez
**Silver Lycan (19+) - fc Alycia Debnam Carey
**Lycus Lycan (21+) - fc Dominic Sherwood
**Rhudi Lycna (21+) - fc Jordan Connor
**Greyson ‘Grey’ Martin (20+) - Cameron Monaghan
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Caliban (unknown) - fc Sam Corlett
Agatha Night (unknown) - fc Adeline Rudolph
Dorcas Night (unknown) - fc Abigail Cowen
Nick Scratch (unknown) - fc Gavin Leatherwood
Clary Fray (18+) - fc Katherine McNamara
Simon Lewis (18+) - fc Alberto Rosende
Heather Nill (18+) - fc Olivia Welch
Ray Hall (18+) - fc Ray Nicholson
Julie and the Phantoms
Luke Patterson (18+) - fc Charlie Gillespie
Lucifer Morningstar (eternal) - fc Tom Ellis
Fate: A Winx Saga
Bloom Peters (18+) - fc Abigail Cowen
Sky (18+) - fc Danny Griffin
Riven (18+) - fc Freddie Thorp
Lost Girl
Dyson Thornwood (1,500+) - fc Kris Holden-Ried
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Jemma Simmons (22+) - fc Elizabeth Henstridge
Grant Ward (31+) - fc Brett Dalton
Mia Smoak-Queen (21) - fc Katherine McNamara
Ravi Chakrabarti (29+) - fc Rahul Kohli
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson (1000+) - fc Daniel Gillies
Harriet Jones (20+) - fc Shelley Hennig
Lilith Gato (20+) - fc Ivana Baquero
Hannah Hightopp (21+) - fc Holland Roden
Mal Fae (18+) - fc Dove Cameron
Benjamin Florian Ricard (18+) - fc Mitchell Hope
Alfreda ‘Freddie’ Facilier (19+) - fc Vanessa Morgan
Derek Bergmann (19+) - fc Archie Renaux
Matthias Gothel (18+) - fc Felix Mallard
Julia Darling (19+) - fc Tiera Skovbye
Alissa Kingsleigh (20+) - fc Emily Bett Rickards
King Club (20+) - Freddie Thorp
Chesney Cheshire (19+) - fc Noah Centineo
Fleur Faery (18+) - fc Danielle Rose Russell
Ruby Fitzherbert (19+) - fc Melissa Benoist
Braxton Snatch (21+) - fc Dean Geyer
Briar Snatch (19+) - fc Zoey Deutch
Kris Bjorgman (18+) - fc Danny Griffin
Gaspard Legume (19+) - fc Fred Hechinger
Shock Trickster (unknown - looks 21+) - fc Chelsea Gillian
Diana Moors (19+) - fc Katherine McNamara
Urina Tow (22+) - fc Summer Bishil
Damian Jones (22+) - fc Bill Skarsgård
Edwin Hyde (23+) - fc Luke Baines
Pace Ratigan (23+) - fc Nathan Parsons
Hans Westergaard (38+) - fc Sam Heughan
Pirates of the Caribbean / Descendants
Elizabeth Swann (20+) - fc Keira Knightley
Arthurian Legends / Descendants
Guinevere Pendragon (25+) - fc Katheryn Winnick
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blank-mange · 5 years
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The Baron
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afterlifeserial · 7 years
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Girl Power!
Afterlife Volume 3 will focus on these three strong female characters:
The Enforcer Razor: Formerly Michelle Hemingway. At the end of Volume 2, Shelly was a changed woman. Everything had been taken away from her and she was obsessed with a single-minded goal to exact revenge upon Warrick Baines, a key figure in the International Anarchy Organization who murdered the father of her unborn child. She was once a beautiful, famous wunderkind who excelled at singing, acting, writing, and anything else she put her mind to. As her world fell apart and her face was permanently scarred by Baines, she quickly became a crack shot and learned martial arts and is now the perfect killing machine.
The Leader Mavery Thomas: She was a journalist of African descent exiled from New Atlantis for having the courage to speak out against Herman Rennock and his racist, corrupt regime. She quickly learned how unforgiving the desert environment outside of New Atlantis could be when a group of bandits attempted to rape her, but she was rescued before it happened by the intimidating former bandit, Big Ed, who would later become her bodyguard, friend, and lover. She set out for Rose City to create a blog and news organization to gain support for the resistance. Little does she know that this will only be the beginning for her.
The Legend Abigail Song: They say she once freed an entire city of starving refugees, giving them all food and water in the process. They say she’s so smart she can read a person merely by one glance into his or her eyes. They say she once fought off over a hundred attackers single-handedly, saving a village of women and children in the process. They say she’s an angel, or perhaps a goddess… The reality, of course, is far less glamorized. Her family was killed by Warrick Baines under the orders of Herman Rennock, but not before her wealthy, powerful father gave her the mission to find hidden stashes of diamonds in order to found a new nation based on democratic principles. She fought through the demons of drug addiction and revenge obsession, but she found redemption and is now back on track mentally and ready to usher in a new era, fulfilling her destiny as the newest incarnation of Prometheus.
Afterlife Volume 3 Chapter 1 will appear on sheamagazine.com on June 12, 2017. Stay tuned…
Read the Volume 3 preview here.
Or start from the beginning if you’ve never read Afterlife before: Afterlife Volume 1 Chapter 1.
Image via.
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newsfact · 3 years
Spanberger, Manchin hit Biden, progressives for massive reconciliation demands: ‘Nobody elected him to be FDR’
Two high-profile moderate Democrats are hitting President Biden and progressives in Congress over their massive demands what spending should be included in Democrats’ reconciliation bill, noting that Democrats do not have the kind of majorities former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had when he passed his New Deal. 
“Nobody elected him to be F.D.R., they elected him to be normal and stop the chaos,” Rep, Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., told the New York Times Wednesday, regarding the president’s ambitious legislative agenda. 
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., echoed a similar point on CNN’s “New Day” Thursday morning. 
“We don’t have the numbers that FDR had or that Lyndon Baines Johnson had in order to get some major, major legislation done,” Manchin said on CNN. “So we have to come to realization what we have and deal in good faith that we can do at least something.”
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U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) delivers remarks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S. November 1, 2021. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)
House Democrats released a new reconciliation bill text on Wednesday and are frantically working to vote on it potentially Thursday, Friday, or over the weekend. The bill text includes money for paid family leave, which Manchin says should not be included in the bill and instead should be passed separately. There’s a strong chance that even if the bill is passed through the House this weekend, that provision will be stripped in the Senate. 
Manchin said on Fox News’ “Special Report” Wednesday, “They’re working off the House bill. That’s not going to be the bill I work off of.”
Spanberger’s and Manchin’s comments come in the wake of a devastating loss for Democrats in the Virginia gubernatorial race. Some progressive Democrats have blamed moderates for not acting quickly enough or boldly enough on liberal policies and spending plans to fire up the Democrat base, while moderates say the lesson from Virginia is that Democrats should govern pragmatically from the middle. 
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Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., speaking at a press conference sponsored by the Problem Solvers Caucus and the Common Sense Coalition at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. (Photo by Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
“This is not a center-left or a left country. We are a center, if anything a center-right country,” Manchin told CNN Thursday. “That’s being shown. And we ought to be able to recognize that.”
Manchin added on CNN: “Now we have a reconciliation bill which is only a partisan bill by our Democratic Party, and that’s holding up the other bills that were bipartisan that’s the problem we have and there has to be some good faith. But if you want someone to agree that I’ll sign off on everything you want and that’ll be the way it’ll come and if I do that you’ll pass the other two .. that’s not the way democracy works.”
Nevertheless, top Democrats appear ready to move the reconciliation bill in the House soon. 
“I’m hoping you guys don’t have plans for the next couple of days,” Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., said Thursday. 
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President Biden speaks about the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11, in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus on Nov. 3, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
“Everything’s moving forward in a very positive direction,” House Democratic Caucus Chair Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., added. 
But whatever comes out of the House is unlikely to excite Manchin – or potentially even House moderates who are aligned with him. Fox News asked Manchin Thursday whether the Penn Wharton Budget Model analysis of the reconciliation bill –  which is expected to show its real cost is nearly $4 trillion – concerns him.
“Of course it does,” Manchin told Fox News. “It should concern everybody.” 
Fox News’ Hillary Vaughn and Jason Donner contributed to this report. 
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The post Spanberger, Manchin hit Biden, progressives for massive reconciliation demands: ‘Nobody elected him to be FDR’ first appeared on NEWSFACT.
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Рациональная интерферонотерапия ОРВИ и COVID-19
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В  процессе биологической эволюции природа создала надежный инструмент внутривидовой борьбы с вирусами за счет эффективной системы интерфероновых белков. Интерфероновая реакция на чужеродный антиген имеет сложный молекулярно-биологический механизм. Антивирусное действие интерферонов проявляется в повышении активности ряда ключевых ферментов клеточного обмена, а именно, интерферон увеличивает продукцию протеинкиназы, которая фосфорилирует один из факторов инициации трансляции и ингибирует синтез белка. Под влиянием интерферона накапливается олигоаденилатсинтетаза, приводящая к образованию 2,5-олигоадениловой кислоты – она активирует клеточную эндонуклеазу, которая разрушает молекулы вирусной РНК . Почему дети больше подвержены вирусным заболеваниям Проведенными научными исследованиями установлена корреляционная зависимость между возрастом человека и уровнем интерфероногенеза в организме: наиболее низкие титры ИФНа были обнаружены у детей до 3-х лет и у лиц старше 60 лет. Этот факт свидетельствует о незрелости и неполноценности защитного интерферонового механизма у детей младших возрастных групп и большей их восприимчивости к ОРВИ. В период новорожденности в крови у детей циркулирует так называемый «ранний» ИФН, защитные свойства которого  незначительны. Такой «незрелый» ИФН отличается по физико-химическим и биологическим свойствам от ИФНов, синтезируемых клетками взрослого организма: ИФН новорожденного состоит из 1 субъединицы с молекулярной массой около 45 кД (килодальтон), тогда как ИФН взрослого человека состоит из 2 субъединиц с молекулярными  массами каждой 32-45 кДа и 25—30 кДа соответственно. ИФН новорожденного, по сравнению с ИФН взрослого человека, обладает менее выраженными гидрофобными и антипролиферативными свойствами и качественно другой антивирусной активностью по отношению к разным вирусам. . Интерферон против новой коронавирусной инфекции Интерферон является мощным генетически-детерминированным фактором иммунного ответа, проявляющим свою активность буквально с первых минут и часов от начала инфекционного процесса. Однако в норме  депо интерферона в организме отсутствует, а концентрация ИФН в плазме низка . Известно, что новый коронавирус SARS-CoV-2 высокочувствителен к действию интерферона. Выявлена зависимость продукции ИФН-α от тяжести заболевания. У пациентов с легкой и средней степенью тяжести болезни наблюдается стабильный высокий уровень ИФН-α. Высокий, но короткий уровень ИФН-α наблюдается у тяжелых пациентов, у критических мы, в свою очередь, видим  низкий уровень или полное отсутствие ИФН-α. У пациентов, находящихся в тяжелом и критическом состоянии, также снижена экспрессия генов, кодирующих интерфероны I типа . К сожалению, в процессе вирусной эволюции новый коронавирус научился  использовать многочисленные механизмы подавления интерфероногенеза и уклонения от иммунного ответа. Исследованиями установлено, что  белок, экспрессируемый с гена ORF3b нового коронавируса SARS-CoV-2,  сильно подавляет синтез интерферонов I типа у пациентов с COVID-19, а  белок ORF9c, отвечающий  за формирование нуклеокапсида вируса, также способствует уклонению коронавирусного патогена от иммунного ответа.  Таким образом, отсутствие «депо» эндогенного  ИФН в виде постоянно присутствующей оптимальной концентрации в плазме крови в свободный от вирусной агрессии период, естественные молекулярно-биологические механизмы SARS-CoV-2  ингибирования синтеза эндогенного ИФН, а также снижение синтеза эндогенного ИФН у детей младших возрастных групп и лиц старше 65 лет послужили теоретическим обоснованием применения препаратоэкзогенного интерферона в клинической практике.  Лечение препаратом ИФН-α в концентрации 50 международных единиц (МЕ) на 1 миллилитр снижает титры вируса в клетках Vero соответственно на 3,4 log или более 4 log. Обработка клеток культуры pHAE интерферонами I или III типа за 24 часа до заражения приводила к снижению репликации вируса на 90%, а в Китае рекомендации по лечению COVID-19 рекомендуют вводить пациентам по 5 млн. МЕ ИФНa путем вдыхания его паров два раза в день в комбинации с рибавирином. Создание и поддержание высоких концентраций экзогенного ИФН в организме для снижения вирусной репликационной нагрузки этио-патогенетически оправдано, что  подтверждено многочисленными исследованиями последнего времени. Какую лекарственную форму выбрать?  Известно, что при интраназальном введении водный раствор ИФН сталкивается с муцинозной слизью носовой полости, при этом образуются капли раствора, которые слабо взаимодействую с  несмачиваемой поверхностью  муцинозной слизи, и под действием силы тяжести, при вертикальном положении пациента, эти капли скатываются за пределы носовой полости.  Применение же лекарственной формы ИФН в виде геля позволяет дозированно вводить препарат, преодолевая гидрофобную слизь полости носа.  Лекарственная форма ИФН в виде ректальных суппозиториев позволяет ввести действующее вещество непосредственно в системный кровоток, минуя ферментативную функцию печени, поскольку липофильные неионизированные молекулы свободно проникают через слизисто-эпителиальный барьер ампулы прямой кишки к кровеносным сосудам, и далее, через систему геморроидальных вен, – в нижнюю полую вены и в большой круг кровообращения.  Препаратом выбора, на наш взгляд, является отечественный препарат рекомбинантного интерферона-α2b с антиоксидантами, выпускаемый под коммерческим наименованием Виферон® в лекарственных формах гель, мазь, ректальные суппозитории. Результаты проведенных научных исследований свидетельствуют о том, что комбинация ректальной и топической форм ИФН α-2b (Виферон® свечи + Виферон® гель) обеспечивает положительную клиническую динамику к 3-му дню от начала лечения и является эффективной и безопасной терапией для больных ОРВИ, гриппом и COVID-19. СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ: 1.Ершов Ф.И., Киселев О.И. Интерфероны и их индукторы (от молекул до лекарств). М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2005; Афанасьев С.С., Онищенко Г.Г., Алешкин В.А. и др. Интерфероновый статус, препараты интерферона в лечении и профилактике инфекционных заболеваний и реабилитации больных. М.: Триада-Х, 2005. 2.Малиновская В.В. Онтогенез системы интерферона и принципы применения интерферона в практической педиатрической практике / Современные аспекты применения интерферонов и других иммунномодуляторов. – М., 1990. – С. 70–71.)  3.Mordstein  M.,  Neugebauer  E.,  Ditt  V.  et  al.  Lambda  interferon renders epithelial cells of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts resistant to viral infections // J. Virol. 2010. Vol. 84. № 11. P. 5670–5677;  4. Le Page C., Génin P., Baines M.G., Hiscott J. Interferon activation and innate immunity // Rev. Immunogenet. 2000. Vol. 2. № 3. P. 374–386 5. Wong H.H., Fung T.S., Fang S., Huang M., Le M.T., Liu D.X.Accessory proteins 8b and 8ab of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus suppress the interferon signaling pathway by mediating ubiquitin-dependent rapid degradation of interferonregulatory factor 3. // Virology. 2018;515:165–175. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2017.12.028). 6. Абатуров А.Е. , Агафонова Е.А., Кривуша Е.Л., Никулина А.А Патогенез COVID-19// Zdorov’e Rebenka - 2020;15(2):133-144. doi: 10.22141/2224-0551.15.1.2020.200598 7. LokugamageK.G., , Hage A.,  Schindewolf1C., Ricardo Rajsbaum R.R., Vineet D. Menachery V.D. SARS-CoV-2 is sensitive to type I interferon pretreatment // BioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.07.982264 8. Yoriyuki Konno, et al. // SARS-CoV-2 ORF3b is a potent interferon antagonist whose activity is further increased by a naturally occurring elongation variant. //bioRxiv, May 12, 2020; DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.11.088179  9. Jérôme Hadjadj, et al. // Impaired type I interferon activity and inflammatory responses in severe COVID-19 patients. // Science 13 Jul 2020: eabc6027; DOI:10.1126/science.abc6027 10.Смирнов В.С., Тотолян А.А. Врожденный иммунитет при коронавирусной инфекции. // Инфекция и иммунитет. 2020, Том 10, №2; https://doi.org/10.15789/2220-7619-III-1440;  11.Yoriyuki Konno, et al. // SARS-CoV-2 ORF3b is a potent interferon antagonist whose activity is further increased by a naturally occurring elongation variant. //bioRxiv, May 12, 2020; DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.11.088179;  12.Ana Dominguez Andres, et al. // SARS-CoV-2 ORF9c Is a Membrane-Associated Protein that Suppresses Antiviral Responses in Cells. // bioRxiv 2020.08.18.256776; 13.Mantlo E., Bukreyeva N., Maruyama J. et al. Antiviral Research 179 (2020) 104811 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ANTIVIRAL.2020.104811 Received 5 April 2020;  14. Zhou Q., Chen V., Shannon C.P., Wei X-S., Xiang X., Wang X., Wang Z-H., Tebbutt  S.J., Kollmann T.R., Fish E.N. Interferon-2b Treatment for COVID-19.// Front. Immunol. -  2020, б11:1061.doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01061; 15. Abigail Vanderheiden, et al. // Type I and Type III Restrict SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Human Airway Epithelial Cultures. // BioRxiv 2020.05.19.105437; DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.19.105437; 16. Dong, L., Hu, S., Gao, J., 2020. Discovering drugs to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).// Drug Discov. Ther. 14, 58–60. https://doi.org/10.5582/ddt.2020.   Источник Read the full article
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chelleinyy · 10 months
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I wanna talk about them, like
They have been on my mind for so long which made me write a 2/3 angst fic about them
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