#abigail remeltindtrinc
Abigail: Do you maybe think your relationship with the band is your way for compensating fo-
Charles: No Abigail, I’m just helping out my bread and butter. I’m not trying to play out some weird, sick dad fantasy or resolve a deep guilt for past neglect. Or even try to retroactively fix my own childhood by recreating someone else’s. And I’m especially not doing all of those things at once!
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nightklok · 3 years
Title: Coast
Chapter: 2
Pairing: Abigail Remeltindtdrinc/Pickles the Drummer
Trigger Warnings for the Chapter: implied abuse
I am in the process of making Coast a long fic rather than making it a short story as originally planned. The summary and chapter titles may change but I think I’ll keep the title. Thanks to those who have waited patiently!
Link here!
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
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❝Guys, your process is BULLSHIT. You’re burned out, and deep down you’re worried that you don’t have anything left to say.❞
💿Abigail Remeltindtrinc from METALOCALYPSE || Multi Muse                                                                                          Personals do NOT reblog!!
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Totally Real Legit Metalocalypse Movie Script Leak
PICKLES: Yeah but how exactly are we supposed to do this whole "chosen heroes of ultimate destiny" crap?
NATHAN: Yeah can't we get like a Facebones video or something to figure out how to defeat Salacia?
ABIGAIL: I'm sorry, you want...Facebones?
TOKI: Yeahs our cool cartoons pals alway knows how to explains stuff to us!
ABIGAIL: Guys I'm afraid there is no Facebones video on how to defeat Salacia to my knowledge.
DETHKLOK: (indistinct mutterings of disbelief)
MURDERFACE: Ugh juscht when we needed him moscht! That fucking dildo left us juscht like Charles!
ABIGAIL: That's because Charles is Facebones!
NATHAN: What?!
CHARLES: Boys, I know it's been a long time, but we don't have any more time to waste. Salacia's forces are closing in and the Black Klok is almost at zero. The hour of the Metalocalypse is upon us now and we have to be ready for it.
PICKLES: Do the voice!
CHARLES: I'm sorry the what now?
NATHAN: Yeah we miss that little goofball Facebones! And also you obviously ,but you're Facebones which means we missed the both of you!
RANDOM BLACK KLOK MEMBER: Wait a minute, you were the voice of Facebones this whole time? We seriously cracked Falconback before we figured out who the voice was?
CHARLES: It's an industry secret and there are serious consequences to anyone who violates the NDA. Or rather "were" but you get what I'm say-Look, the fate of the world is at stake right now and we're wasting time with all of th-
TOKI: Buts we wants Facebone!
SKWISGAAR: Yeahs we haven'ts seens hims in ages! I donts knows how wes even survives how without hims for this longs!
CHARLES: (using the Facebones voice) ...Hey guys, it's me Facebones.
CHARLES: *sigh*
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nightklok · 3 years
would you ever write a fic about abigail and toki and how their friendship changes after doomstar?
Oh man this is interesting! I honestly never thought about that if I have to be honest as much- I’m not sure if I can nail writing toki for this but I would love to write this as a possible side plot or one shot. I keep wanting to write about the themes with trauma...I say with various trauma wip...and I love the idea of writing a fic of them post doomstar trying to navigate themselves back to the real world while also trying to not rely on each other otherwise they will go back to the bad habit of seclusion and Toki confusing security and trust in someone with romantic love just to really throw in more angst. (The boy just wants to have the feeling of being in love with no strings attached :( )I think their platonic relationship post doomstar would be rocky with trying to adjust to things. And also the promises they made to each other to keep each other sane would have to be broken as well-realistically, they wouldn’t own a home back in Finland and have dinner with Toki’s mother and father. They wouldn’t be able to spend the summers or harsh winters in Germany where her family lived. Toki’s father is gone, Abigail’s family left Germany so many years ago, everything they said they wanted to do wouldn’t be possible so they clung onto nothing.
I’m sure I’d make it a happy ending probably djdj
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nightklok · 3 years
Would you ever write........a Picklegail tropey AU? Like coffee shop AU, college AU, etc.
I am so sorry I am answering this late but here I am one week later, completely able to respond!
As for that yes I do :O the art trashvarietyhour drew me for my birthday that’s my PFP is a constant reminder of that-I keep thinking about them living a domestic life somehow. While not AUish I do like the idea of them post DSR moving to Portland and starting a crystal/music shop together-
But for an actual tropey AU: I’m not sure if this is even a trope but I would love to do a crystal shop owner/weed shop owner in Portland AU because it feels fitting for them tbh-I need to work out a lot of it but I like the idea of the AU just being a chill, low drama fic. Maybe pickles is the musician of retired band Snakes an’ Barrels who decided to stop pursuing music as a full time career and made himself content using the rising age of the internet to be able to keep music in his life where he occasionally drops an album or song on the internet and gets attention from old and new fans. He runs the local music shop though it’s a front for a weed shop but nobody cares because he’s a local celebrity. maybe Abigail’s family member dies and she is inherited a business space and decides to use it as a crystal shop. Both end up having their businesses next to each other and both are grieving some part of their lives. They can go on a spiritual journey, for some reason anytime Abigail does a reading on herself or pickles, the cards say they are closer to their soulmate than they think- I really want to work on this soon I hope during this summer I can ;-;
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nightklok · 4 years
Abi/Nate 👉👈?
I am genuinely surprised how high I have rated them but I have honestly begun to love them as much as Chickles, though it happened a lot more gradually. I suppose it’s just very much a comfort ship for me much like chickles, in terms of it being a bi male/bi female ship (in terms of how I head canon them) and sometimes I just need those comfort ships- I just think it can be really cute and wholesome and I love the idea of them both helping each other as friends and it gradually turning to something more! Just so many wholesome possibilities with them :)
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