Breaking bread? Or breaking beds?
Murder husbands dine together! Normally this wouldn't be a problem...maybe if they weren't evil gays! Watch them eat and snicker, they probably blast Lady gaga! How dangerous!!! How sickening...hold your loved ones closer. And your rain on me albums closer.
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abiggalehobbits · 6 months
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Imagine driving around is this ugly ahhh car. Mom type beat, or should I say paternal?
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enabler1therapist2 · 4 months
You seem like the kinda person who say Splendid alot and @1dogloverinwolftrap seems like the kinda person who says Fuck. Every other sentence. - @one-armed-lass
Yes, my Mylimasis does have a sharp tongue that often forms those crude words. Whereas I'd have anyone's tongue for that display of language..I cannot help but be enamored by how beautifully sinful Will truly makes it to hear those in his mouth. They fit perfectly and lose all their crassness. They become nothing but melodic utters of Will's mouth. Perfect.
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1dogloverinwolftrap · 5 months
I am looking for my leg, it has gone missing some time ago, if you have information or if you could help spread the word, thag would be great.
Thank you.
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I may or may not have seen a piece your leg in a Tupperware in the fridge...
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thebeverlykatz · 5 months
Hello Agent Katz,
My leg has gone missing some time ago, I am looking for information in regard to it. If you could help me spread the word that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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MAN that's a bummer! I kinda had my own brush of danger with Hannibal. I had to lie low for a bit too, but I'm back! I hope you can find your leg! I wish you well in your life Ms. B, I sure as hell hope everyone who had to meet Hannibal does.
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dr-bedeliadumaurier · 6 months
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The daily need to avoid socializing with all these unstable minds is sickening at times. I am need of another glass of wine if I am going to continue seeing all this 'shit storm' as some may say, unfold.
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abiggalehobbits · 6 months
Freddie get your scraggedly raggedly ass hoe skeleton from minecraft ass red shock red hair rumplesklitskin ahhhh self off of my property.
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enabler1therapist2 · 5 months
Hello Doctor,
I have been looking for my leg for some time, if you could help me with spreading the word that would be keenly appreciated. Your medical expertise could also be of great aid.
Thank you.
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Hello Ms. Bedelisia,
I see that you are in search of your leg. You made the right choice of asking me, I have the solution to put an end to your search. You see, I personally removed it. I salted it, cooked it, and fed the lovely meal to my family. It is unfortunate you no longer have the appendage, but it served as a lovely meal. It tasted exquisite with the truffle extract with zest. I paired it with a lovely wine named Chateau Lafite 1869.
I bid you well in your one-legged promenades, I hope we can have you for dinner soon again.
Hannibal Lecter
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abiggalehobbits · 5 months
Hello Abigail,
I lost my leg some time, ago, I was hoping for some help in regard to finding some informations about it. If you could spread the word, that would be deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
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Hi, Ms. Bedelisia! Sorry, I have to tell you this way but- uh...we kinda ate it for dinner. It was really good- because you know...Hannibal is a good cook? Don't worry none of it went to waste..I made a really good sandwich with it. Sorry!
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Murder family and a new arrival?
It seems to be that the murder family has room to expand! New murder family member @one-armed-lass joins ranks with them? It's a bit maddening to see this especially after @enabler1therapist2 was the reason as to why she no longer has her arm! Is this a bad case of Stockholm syndrome? They even go around calling to each other in posts with disgustingly sweet responses to each other. Is this just another attempt for them to reach the public eye or create another monster who will terrorize our country?
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abiggalehobbits · 1 year
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Fishing with the GOAT 🐐 ‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🐟🐟🐟💯💯💯💯
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enabler1therapist2 · 5 months
I'm sorry, I just saw you ask button and I had to.
I knew all too well that I had tried to gift, Will my love. I saw myself as a gift, a gift to Will. A gift I wanted him to have along with his own gift.
He of course responded with, "Didn't I?"
He had wanted it. But he..just could not find the reserve to fully abandon his responsibility and loyalty to human kind. I would have abandoned it all for him, I was. Will, just hadn't been ready then, but he now is fortunately. I am proud to be his husband.
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Hammurabi's code or just Hannibal?
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." -Hammurabi's code.
How about you guys try an ear, leg, and arm for a change?! Yeah, that's right! Hannibal the Cannibal has taken all three! @abiggalehobbits 's ear, @one-armed-lass 's arm, and @bedelisia 's leg! Can you believe it? Someone sure had the munchies...
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Don't let this domestic image fool you, he probably knows his way around all the different cuts there are to the human body that are enjoyable to his palette. @enabler1therapist2
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It seems to be that he's adopted the free-range livestock concept. He did after all adopt @abiggalehobbits and @one-armed-lass into his family with his (not so innocent) husband, fbi ex-consultant and expert break your husband out of jailer, @1dogloverinwolftrap Will Graham. My favorite little guy to talk about here on Tattle crime!
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He may appear fatherly, but I can assure you, hide your kids. He was said to have thought he was Garrett Jacob Hobbs for a while when he had contracted viral Encephalitis! Abigail may be very well on her way to their dinner table and I can't help but be despaired at the lost of such a young brilliant mind- that is just...happy to have joined ranks..you see Abigail is just as guilty! You are what you eat I suppose and Hannibal took that quite literally!! So keep an eye out and hope Hannibal the Cannibal doesn't candy it into a jam. Until next time on Tattle Crime, Toodles!
Freddie Lounds
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