oaresearchpaper · 7 months
Ablo is wet bread, slightly salty and sweet, steamed and sold in the form of pellets. The objective of the study was to assess the microbiological quality of millet-based Ablo and sorghum-based Ablo. The methodology adopted was to perform production tests followed by analyses in the laboratory. The results showed that the lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds were the dominant micro flora of the millet- based Ablo and sorghum-based Ablo. Furthermore, analysis showed that the millet-based Ablo and the sorghum-based Ablo doesn’t contain either total coli forms, coli forms thermo tolerant or consequently Escherichia coli.
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yolboyuuzgun · 1 year
Ablo kapandı kapanalı psikolojim hiç yerinde değil.
Yemin billah hayattan bir gram zevk almıyorum ablosuz 🥲
İki eğlencemiz vardı onua kaldırdınız bee yazıklar olsun size püüüüü
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why-i-love-comics · 10 months
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Scarlet Witch #7 (2023)
written by Steve Orlando art by Lorenzo Tammetta, Sara Pichelli, & Frank William
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Still really can never bring myself to be actually afraid of Diablo... always just seems like a silly villain...
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vividblaze · 1 year
Asking to make sure you've seen the new Mitsutada that was announced today
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Thank you for bringing the new Mitsutada oniichan to my attention! His design looks amazing and he fits right in with the Osafunes. Can't wait to see how his personality turns out... especially with his other brothers ohoho~
(Takehito Koyasu has been one of my favorite voice actors 5ever and I never thought they'd get a veteran like him in the gameasdLWkNjs;g STAY WINNING SANIWAS!!)
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comicsgallery-marvel · 6 months
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Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider (2018) #3
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mramur · 11 months
I- have a lot of comment for tensura nikki new uploaded chapter..
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edgepunk · 1 year
I realized that only three AAA games this year weren't absolute disasters and two of them were remakes. I'm talking abt Dead Space, RE4R and Zelda ToTK ofc
I really can't think of any other AAA game that didn't have a controversy surrounding it
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dare-g · 1 year
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Whisky (2004)
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eliah · 1 year
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oaresearchpaper · 8 months
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belanova · 1 year
I'm so glad the few times they start impromptu speaking english they don't start take it as a chance to have the worst conversation ever
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chaegua589 · 2 years
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bumble交友软件 ablo国际交友软件 纯免费的交友软件
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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What a surprise that the bad guy of a story arc called Diabolique wound up being Diablo
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pablitogavii · 8 months
No more distance
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“She doesn’t want to leave the bloody apartment Pablo! How am I supposed to talk her into this???” Your friend was secretly on the phone with your boyfriend who was on his way to surprise you since it’s been awhile since you’ve been together.
“Take her to sushi…she loves sushi!” He said and she agreed sending him the address of the place they will be so he can just show up and surprise you.
“I don’t want to leave this bed!!! Just leave me here!!!” You were whining for half an hour while she tried to get you to get ready.
“Not even for sushi???” She used Gavis advice which was working like a charm. You were up and going in a few minutes.
“I know it can’t be easy girl…being so far away? But you love each other a lot and you will survive this!” She said but you were still in the bad mood really missing Pablo little extra lately. It’s been a long time since you were close to each other…close enough to touch and kiss like a real couple…
“I miss him a lot…” you sighed feeling someone place hands on your eyes and you screamed making the whole restaurant pay you attention while your friend giggled.
“Would you giggle if someone kidnaps me too!??” You said touching the obvious manly hands as your heart started racing as tears fell down your cheeks wetting Pablo’s hands.
“You’re not real…you can’t be really here…I’m dreaming again…it’s a dream!!!” You said and a Pablo’s heart melted when he felt you crying as he moved closer squatting down and removing his hands but you were still keeping your eyes closer.
“Amor, open your eyes preciosa…” Pablo was drying your tears seeing your friend smiling at the two of you.
“If I do that…you will disapper” you Said sadly AND Pablo smiled leaning in AND kissing your wet cheeks.
“I’m not going anywhere…not without you…again” he spoke while kissing and you were blushing hard at the thought of everyone watching you two right now.
“Um…Pablo?” You say reaching your hand and placing it on his face without watching and he chuckled.
“Yes, amor???” He answered kissing your fingers on his mouth.
“You promise???” You ask and he nodded which you felt under your hand.
“I promise…open up and look at me preciosa” he said and you slowly opened your eyelids smiling wide when you say that he was really there with you.
“P…p..ablo” you said and he smiled leaning closer and kissing your lips this time as everyone cheered before returning to their dinners.
“Hi…” he said after pulling away and you snaked your arms around his neck staring at him in utter awe.
“Hi…” you repeats as he kissed your nose playfully.
“We’re gonna…” Pablo started and your friend nodded smiling at you being happy again with him together.
“Go..!” She said and you two ran out of the restaurant holding onto each others hand very tightly.
Pablo took you to get some ice cream and you were currently cuddling in bed chatting about any random thing that came to mind.
"I can't believe you're really here Pablito..." you said nuzzling your face into his neck and he smiled kissing the top of your head.
"I missed you so much preciosa...having you sleep in my arms like this. It's priceless...so please come to Barcelona with me?" he said and you were currently tearing up feeling so happy that Pablo didn't want to leave you again.
"Are you sleeping or choosing to ignore my question amor? " he giggled feeling a little worried of scaring you off but when you looked up at him with those happy eyes he knew already what is your answer.
"I want to go to Barcelona with you Pablo...no more distance!!!" you said and he leaned down to kiss your lips loving;y.
"No more distance amor<333" he said after you pulled away excited for your future togehter while holding tightly onto each other and getting some well deserved rest.
Might not be long...but cute nevertheless <333 for y'all!!!
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