#about Japanese I’m still beginner 😅
أحبك بيريل
I love You Beryl
I like to say I love you in every language I have learned ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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truthem · 1 year
It’s 9 pm and I just decided that I gonna pick up Japanese.
I’m gonna take learning hiragana, katakana and some kanji really slowly to make sure I know them well before getting into the actual language. (I didn’t do this with 한글 when I was a beginner in Korean & I kinda rushed learning 한글 and I’m paying for it now with my terrible pronunciation and reading but I’ve definitely gotten better 😅😅)
That way I can also make sure to progress more in Korean and Spanish while not being too stressed out about another language.
I’m also not like insanely determined to learn Japanese as much as I am with Korean…. so obviously I’m gonna take it lighter than Korean.
I think Japanese will go pretty smoothly for me as Korean has nearly the same grammar structure (correct me if I’m wrong) and I’ve heard that knowing Spanish helps with Japanese pronunciation.
I’ve obviously expressed that I still suck at Spanish even after 3 and a half years of studying it, but I’ve been told my pronunciation is pretty good 👍
I think I’m also going to use Korean or Spanish to learn Japanese. So instead of translating straight to English, I’ll translate to either Korean or Spanish. (probably Korean because I’m better with Korean and the grammar is basically the same)
I’ve actually seen many polyglots do this method and they said it helps tremendously with learning a new language AND reinforcing the language they’re learning with, so why not give it a shot?
It was either Japanese, Thai or Indonesian and to be honest, I didn’t want to fool with Thai’s tones yet and I don’t have much motivation for Indonesian. Possibly in the future though ‼️
Anyway, if anyone who’s self-studying Japanese sees this, please recommend resources. I’ve gotten some resources piled up, but I always love to have multiple options because I’m picky about my explanations. 🙏
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fallynleaf · 6 months
my current insane plan is trying to read 推し短歌入門 (an introduction to tanka through composing poems about your favorite characters) by april 19, 2023, the date of Hyper Misao's second produce show, because Misao loves tanka and i feel like it might make her day if her own wrestling work inspired someone to write tanka, so i want to read that book and learn the basics of writing them, then compose a tanka based on her show and post it on twitter (where there's a strong chance she'll see my poem).
the only problem is that i have a whole lot on my plate reading-wise right now, because TJPW is about to be in the middle of an extremely busy period, so there will be a big show that i’ll have to translate next week, and then their show in America, which will likely include a press conference that i will also have to translate, and i’ll be watching a whole bunch of other shows on top of all of that.
oh and also i still have yet to have actually finished reading a proper book in Japanese (just manga and a fair amount of digital text and a few books with a lot of English in them), so this one would be my very first finished Japanese book, and it’s quite a bit harder than everything else i’ve read. and not to mention i’ll be attempting to compose poems in a language i’m not at all fluent in.
what could possibly go wrong? 😅
the book is a little less than 90k characters total, and i have to read it at roughly a rate of 3k characters a day to keep up. this is fine when i have no translation workload. it’s substantially harder when i do. so far, i’m doing an okay job keeping up, but the real busy days will be the end of march and the first week of april, so i’m hoping to get a bit ahead now while i still can in case i fall behind then.
i am currently 22k/90k characters into it! roughly 1/4 of the way through!!
i'm actually enjoying the oshi tanka book more than i expected! it's LGBTQ-inclusive (the author used an example from The Half of It (2020 Alice Wu film) when talking about other ways to say "i love you" without using those words, and in the section i just read, there was a tanka that was explicitly about a lesbian relationship used as an example). it also cited Henry Jenkins, which shocked me, hahaha.
it feels honestly about as accessible for beginners as it can be (barring the language barrier). i feel like i'd be struggling more if i didn't have the little experience that i do have reading senryu (and composing a couple), since a tanka is basically a senryu/haiku with 14 extra mora. but i'm picking up on a lot of things from reading it, and i managed to successfully compose my first tanka:
(inspired by this)
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Language Learning Log 2022 Week 24 (13/06 - 19/06)
Banner photo: The weather was nice this week (mostly), so I took the opportunity to light up the fire clubs my friend lent me several months ago. I love them! She’s said she might sell them, in which case I’ll definitely buy them off her!
Speaking practice
Chatted with @pilvenhattara 💜
Listened to 2.5x Ekko podcasts
Read 7x Kakerlakkene chapters
Read 1x article
2x italki lessons (1h 30m)
Listened to the radio
Made grammar notes
Attempted to read NHK easy news
Made and reviewed Anki cards
Played Pokemon Shining Pearl
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The mini speaking challenge is underway! I missed one day because it was a busy day and I ended up being really tired/not having time, but other than that I’ve managed to stay on top of it. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep it up this week as my boyfriend and I are going to Amsterdam for his birthday. But it’s okay, because my Norwegian tutor’s back this week, and I’m also using up some extra package lessons from my Bergenstest tutor. Then I guess I should practice some Dutch! Gotta say, I barely remember a word of it, but I’ll probably recap the basics so I can at least order a diet coke and say thank you (I feel like that’s the least you can do when you travel abroad tbh, even when going to a country where like 90% of people speak flawless English).
I think I'm getting faster at saying things in Japanese. Not a lot faster, but it takes me a little less time to think about the number I need to say before I say it. Although I have developed a new habit... adding question particles to the end of past tense verbs for no reason 😅 I think it's just overcorrection because I kept forgetting those particles. Duolingo is getting easier too though; the things that used to feel too difficult are quite easy, or at least starting to make sense. The beginner stage of a language where you can see your progress really clearly is awesome, huh?
NHK Easy News is still too difficult for me by a long shot though. But every time I try to read the headlines, I see something familiar and can maybe work something out. It's such a nice feeling when that happens! Like I saw 円 and 安 and was like "so the first one is yen and the second one is cheap... something about the yen being weak?" And I was right :D I'm still yet to understand a single headline without the help of Google Translate though. But I’m trying very hard!
Another thing I did was start playing Pokémon Shining Pearl in Japanese. Do I understand anything? Nope! I understand a word or two here and there, and I look up any that appear frequently. So far I’ve learned maybe five words. It’s something, right? And I’m getting faster at reading hiragana/katakana (obviously I’m not playing with kanji lol). I also practise saying them time every time I look at the clock and the numbers when I win money from battles. I suck at numbers so I need that practice 😅
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