#norwegian langblr
errorca-learns-norsk · 4 months
Free Norwegian Language Resources
I see many learners looking for Duolingo alternatives and realized I haven’t shared any new resources in a bit! So here are my personal favorite Norwegian learning resources that are completely free!
NTNU’s NoW (Norwegian on the Web) — Online independent learning course developed by a Norwegian university that progresses from beginner to intermediate level. Includes reading, audio, practice exercises, and grammar! [A1-B1 level]
Norskappen (App store link) — Fantastic vocab practice with real human spoken audio! There is also preposition practice, article gender practice, and verb practice. The app’s creator actively listens to and incorporates user feedback (link to Reddit post by creator asking for feedback). [A1-B1 level]
Norsklærer Karense on Youtube — Grammar and vocabulary videos produced by a Norwegian language teacher. Lots of in-depth explanations of grammar with examples, differences between similar words, and advice and information about taking the Norskprøven (Norway’s official language test). [A1-B2+ level]
If you are aiming to take the Norskprøven at B2 level, your best resources are often going to be the ones not designated as a “course” — reading articles on NRK or Store norske leksikon, watching Norwegian news/debate shows and podcasts (since B2 level involves being able to reason and defend an opinion) like Debatten or Dagsnytt 18, and lastly, producing your own language in written or spoken format. For that last one it helps to find a tutor who can practice with you and correct your writing, but besides that you can really come a long way for free!
Lykke til! 💫
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A brief introduction
Hello! 👋🏻
I'm not new to tumblr or langblr (you may know me as nordic-language-love), but I've decided to make a new blog for a whole host of reasons. And it's only courteous to have an introduction post when ones makes a new blog, isn't it?
👩🏻 You can call me Victoria
🎂 I'm in my 30s
🇯🇵 Originally I'm from the UK, but I currently live in Japan (Tohoku) where I teach English
🇳🇴 Learning Norwegian and Japanese. Japanese is currently my main focus for obvious reasons, but Norwegian will always be my fave <3
🗣 Other languages I'm interested in: Finnish, Icelandic, Spanish, Irish, Korean, Ukrainian, Tswana, Cornish and French
💬 Big linguistics fan too (etymology my beloved)
📚 I'm an aspiring bookworm. My favourite genres are fantasy and sci-fi (with a lil YA sprinkled in there). Find my 2024 TBR here.
📝 I also write! Getting something published someday would be nice, but I'm more focused on just having fun. I write primarily fantasy.
🩰 I practice yoga (intermediate level) and ballet (total beginner)
🧠 I'm neurodivergent. I have no official diagnosis yet but I have been referred for an assessment. I'm 99% sure I have ADHD (probably combined, possibly just inattentive) and autism's been suggested as well.
✉️ I'm shit at replying to messages. If I never get back to you please don't take it personally!
More about this blog
This blog is gonna be a bit of a mix of all my hobbies and interests because I can't be bothered to run like 5 different sideblogs anymore. However, my main interests that I'll be posting about are languages and reading.
I have a fitblr for my diet and fitness shenanigans! You can follow me on @flyingfitandsugarfree
I go through phases of posting original content, but I mostly post about my own journey and whatever random thoughts pop into my head
I try to post language learning logs once a week, where I kinda summarise what I've been working on and what progress I've made
Because I live in Japan, I sometimes like to post about my life there and how it differs from life in the UK
I don't really do aesthetic posts. Most of what I post is wordy and boring lmao
If you feel like being my friend, give me a follow! I'd love to get to know you :)
My 2024 Goals
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nordic-language-love · 10 months
today i learned the japanese word だるい / だる and it's pretty much the japanese equivalent of norwegian "jeg orker ikke" ie "i don't have the energy for/i can't be bothered/i don't wanna" and i love it
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adito-lang · 1 year
Podcasts for intermediate/advanced Norwegian listening practice
Finding Norwegian podcasts has always been a bit daunting for me, because I don't listen to a lot of podcasts in general, but over the past weeks I've discovered some that I really enjoy!
1. Lær norsk nå!
This podcast (norsknivå B1 – B2) cover all sorts of interesting social, cultural and political topics - coffee, the Cold War, right-wing populism in Norway, feminism, Sámi history, etc - as well as aspects of the Norwegian language 🔡 You can listen to all the episodes and find transcripts for them (starting with episode 5) here. The host, Marius, is originally from Nærbø (in Rogaland, near Stavanger), and speaks in both his dialect and also standard østnorsk depending on the episode.
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2. Relax With Slow Norwegian
I'm a tinglehead (someone who loves listening to ASMR ✨), so I was super excited to find this podcast and Lene's YouTube channel! She speaks bergensk and has lots of great episodes and videos dedicated to learning Norwegian centered around a specific topic.
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3. Norskpodden
An awesome podcast (norsknivå B1 – B2) with episodes ranging from grammar to salary negotiation to the the history of queer rights in Norway. Episodes and transcripts can be found here. I find the transcripts helpful, because the host Camila speaks at a quite natural pace (so it gives me a huge confidence boost whenever I can understand most of an episode without the transcripts 😎).
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4. Nylig Norsk
This is a fun little podcast created by students at the University of Bergen. They speak a lot slower than the other podcasts here, which sounds a bit unnatural, but that makes it quite easy to understand (norsknivå A2-B1). The topics are engaging and there's transcripts here for each episode. I like the "city-trip"/regional episodes, and it felt really cool having been to some of the places they talked about! ✈️
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5. Språktalk
This podcast isn't aimed at people learning Norwegian, which is good practice for listening to natural-sounding dialogue. The episodes are all about languages and linguistic topics, so if that's your cup of tea I highly suggest giving it a listen. They had a German guest for one episode who spoke Norwegian sooooo well, it gave me hope for myself 😂
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6. Forklart
Forklart, another podcast that isn't aimed at people learning Norwegian, takes a topic from the news (sometimes domestic news, but more often international news) and breaks it down into a compact 15-minute episode 🗞 There is one episode every day, so if you're interested in keeping up with current political events in Norwegian, this is a great podcast to listen to! Although keep in mind that the podcast is run by Aftenposten (as is Språktalk), which has historically been a centre-right newspaper.
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cryptid-aac · 6 months
Should I learn Irish or Norwegian? (Want to learn both but can't decide which to learn first)
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skieslanguage · 3 months
so I’ve borrowed a japanese grammar book written in norwegian and I was wondering if it would be worth it if I made a post here about every lesson/chapter?
like it would obviously be worth it for me, but would it be interesting for anyone else?
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thefakepolyglot · 8 months
Postgrad Life and Back to Langblr
Hello everyone! I have been gone from langblr for a hot minute now, but after graduating from university in May and being left to my own devices in terms of language learning, I am focusing once more on this blog.
Thanks to all who have stuck out this account! I love seeing some of my posts still get notes years from when I posted them, always gives me a little bit of a nudge to come back and be more active. This time, I hope I'm here to stay.
Don't know if langblr is even that active anymore, but I hope that even if there's just a few of us left, we can use this platform to hold ourselves accountable and stay connected with other language learners.
I hope I'll see some familiar faces online, and I hope you'll keep an eye out for mine :)
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ayumistudies · 2 years
Does anybody have, like, a masterpost of free or generally affordable Norwegian resources?
Duolingo is going to be implementing a horrific update that takes away your ability to choose what lessons to review, which new material to learn, and when. It’s going to streamline all learning through an algorithm and will completely nullify the methods I use to learn Norwegian through Duolingo on my own terms. So… I need something new.
I have Memrise, and the first of the Mysteriet om Nils series (second one is a little pricey but I’ll probably get it eventually). But other suggestions would be wonderful 😭
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studyscrasic · 1 year
Hello and welcome! My name is Nate (he/they, and generally fond of masculine pronouns in gendered languages).
I'm 27, a native English speaker (from the USA), and currently back in school working on finishing my bachelor's degree.
As far as languages go, I study Norwegian (B1), German (A2), Scottish Gaelic (A2), Irish (A1), and Yiddish (very beginner)
My main areas of study are biology, the history of science, and science communication. Some of my favorite areas of science/biology include ecology, evolutionary biology, and paleontology, and some of my favorite historical topics include the European medieval & Renaissance era (especially medieval & Renaissance science), transgender history, and the intersection of superstition/folklore and society during eras like the witch trials.
I work in the special collections of my university library, in particular in our LGBTQ+ history collection and historical medical library. I've also done a lot of museum and herbarium work in the past, both in exhibits & collections
My non-academic or language-related hobbies include playing viola, geocaching, cosplay and historical costuming, writing fanfiction, and foraging!
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in-a-vancaster · 9 months
Meg i mørket
Midt på natt, på et ukjent stad
Ligger mitt sinn, og mitt hjerte snart
Og for meg vil det være et bad
Et sted med vann så klart
For eget sinn, og egen skjel
Er minnet fullt, og natten lang
Så ta turen til et sted så svel
At munnen gripes av sang
Løkter i mørket
Det seiles foruten vind
Da mørket faller
Mens følelser lever
Og dør i lys
Kan det vi hever
Og et nytt liv, en ny følelse sys
Men for nå og da
Er det da meg i mørket
Med minner langt bak
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errorca-learns-norsk · 7 months
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Smittsomme sykdommer | Infectious diseases
Made a vocab list of common or well-known (historically or because of vaccination programs for example) infectious diseases, since the non-scientific names can be so different between languages! Spoiler alert, chicken pox does not involve kylling 🐓
forkjølelse | cold (minor respiratory infection)
hundegalskap | rabies (is often also just called rabies in Norwegian as well)
influensa | flu
kikhoste | whooping cough
kjønnssykdom | sexually transmitted disease
kusma | mumps
kyssesyk | “kissing disease,”mononucleosis
matforgiftning | food poisoning
meslinger | measles
miltbrann | anthrax
omgangssyke | stomach bug (popular term used for various short-term contagious stomach illnesses)
røde hunder | rubella
stivkrampe | tetanus (aka lockjaw)
tuberkulose | tuberculosis
vannkopper | chicken pox
nearly the same in Norwegian & English: covid-19, difteri (diphtheria), HIV, klamydia, malaria, polio
Bonus: Check out Store medisinske leksikon if you want to do any medical reading in Norwegian :)
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
12. Calendar
Hello all! Today we've just got some useful when words.
i dag - today
i går - yesterday
i morgen - tomorrow
i forgårs - the day before yesterday
i overmorgen - the day after tomorrow
i morges - this morning
i ettermiddag - this afternoon
i kveld - this evening
i natt - tonight, last night*
(akkurat) nå - (right) now
morgen (m) - morning
ettermiddag (m) - afternoon
kveld (m) - evening
natt (m/f) - night
*I natt describes the closest night. If it's 9am and you say "i natt", it means the night before. If it's 9pm, it means the coming night.
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nordic-language-love · 5 months
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Read a short story
Italki lesson (30m)
Pokemon episode x1
Read part of an article
Grammar video
Read Rødstrupe
Kveldsnytt x3
Speaking practice
Read NaNo messages
Writing practice
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I've been feeling pretty burned out this week. Sunday I watched an episode of Pokemon and it made me sad and then I didn't really recover from that before I went into my busiest school week. 20 classes vs my normal average of 14, and the train times are awkward so I have to get to the classroom really early and don't get home until almost 11pm Tuesday - Friday.
But the good news is that NaNo is finished, so now I no longer have to push myself to write 1700 words a day every day. I'm really glad I did it and I'll do NaNo again next year if possible, but I think pushing myself to get all the badges wasn't super beneficial to my mental health. I'm still very proud of what I achieved though!
So yeah, lots of minimal effort studying this week. Hopefully this coming week I'll be feeling a bit more up to proper studying.
Progress updates? Eh, none really this week. I remembered the meanings of a few words in quizzes on Renshuu a bit more easily that I did previously, but that's about it. It's still worth mentioning though because any progress, no matter how small, is still progress, right?
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adito-lang · 5 months
Grønnsaker - Vegetables 🥒🥔🌽🍆🍅🥕
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brokkoli (-en) - broccoli
rodkål (-en) - red cabbage
hodekål (-en) - white cabbage
blomkål (-en) - cauliflower
salat (-en) - lettuce
ruccola (-en) - arugula / rocket
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potet (-en) - potato
gulrot (-a) - carrot
løk (-en) - onion
vårløk (-en) - spring onion
reddik (-en) - radish
purreløk (-en) - leek
hvitløk (-en) - garlic
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agurk (-en) - cucumber
tomat (-en) - tomato
aubergine (-n) - eggplant
paprika (-en) - paprika
gresskar (-et) - pumpkin
mais (-en) - corn
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asparges (-en) - asparges
artisjokk (-en) - artichoke
sjampinjong (-en) / sopp (-en) - mushroom
ert (-a) - pea
selleri (-en) - cellery
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bokmaal-norsk · 3 months
This is a norwegian language learning blog!
I am a native Norwegian speaker and I am going to be using this blog to teach Norwegian
I'll be focusing on Norwegian book-language (norsk bokmål), the most common of the languages called Norwegian. If you want to learn nynorsk (newnorwegian) as well I'd reccomend just reading newnorwegian after learning bokmål.
disclaimer that I'm not a teacher by profession or education or anything.
resources: ordbøkene.no (dictionary in norwegian), Lexin ordbok (dictionary with translations for many languages), NDLA (target audience of norwegians but includes grammar details), bnorsk (free norwegian course), lifeinnorway (english language blog that teaches norwegian)
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skieslanguage · 1 year
I've made a new language account after losing access to my old one, so I figured an introduction would be a good start
about me:
-sky, he/they (not my real name, but ya know)
-20 y/o
-learning Japanese
-native Norwegian speaker, by no means a teacher, but definitely willing to help you out :)
-dogs !!
-art (drawing, crocheting, sewing)
-games (stardew valley, the sims, minecraft are constant interests, other games come and go)
how my blog will work:
-I'll make lists of vocabulary as I learn, with sentences to help learn
-most likely I will add a link to a Memrise course I've made with the sentences for practice
-all of my vocab/sentences posts will be tagged #skyjapanese !
-other people's language posts will be tagged #otherjapanese
-like mentioned, I speak Norwegian, and I'll be happy to make vocabulary lists if requested. I'll try my hardest to make them learner friendly
my ask box will pretty much always be open /pos
feel free to DM or send an ask if you'd like to talk/practice Japanese together :)
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