#he calls me habibiti means my baby or my love
أحبك بيريل
I love You Beryl
I like to say I love you in every language I have learned ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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mlink64 · 9 months
Hongjoong Unique Nicknames
In writing an earlier post, I came to the conclusion that, out of all the members of ATEEZ, Hongjoong would be the most likely to look up/find nicknames in other languages to call his s/o because he would want the nickname to be unique. This mans doesn't want to call his partner something common or generic (or simple)!
I can see him falling reeeeeally hard when he finds 'the one' and to him they are ethereal, stunning, unique, one-of-a-kind (no1likethem😤) and he would want to address them as such.
Sooooo, struck with inspiration, I wanted to make a post of some pet names in other languages (masc. and fem.) that I could see him calling his s/o 💖
(My personal favorites/the names I can most see him using will be starred ✨ sparkled? )
~ If my translations or pronunciations are wrong/weird/wonky I apologize, I'm using a number of different sources here including google translate 😅 nicknames below the cut ♥️ ~
~One more side note: it's easier to find nicknames in some languages as opposed to others and I'm also more familiar/proficient in certain languages so I'm sorry if there are fewer nicknames for certain languages! I'm trying to get a wide range of languages on here and I love learning new things, so if you know of additional nicknames in other/your languages leave a comment! I know it can also be a cultural thing: finding cute nicknames in Romance languages (ex. French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) is much easier than finding nicknames in Germanic languages (ex. German, Swiss, Dutch) simply because of the cultures ~
First of all...treasure. Treasure is a common pet name all over the world so there's no shortage of variations to choose from. And like...COME ON! It just fits so well! A Captain needs his treasure 😍.
Arabic - كنز (Kinz) : pronounced kahn.zohn
Danish - Skat : pronounced sk.eht
Dutch - Schatje : pronounced sch.hight.chee.en
[one source said this ⬆️ translated to 'little treasure' while another translated it as 'baby' ]
Esperanto - ✨ Mia Trezoreto : not sure on the pronunciation here, I couldn't find it anywhere...best guess would be mee.ah treh.zoh.reh.toh
{ If you're like me ten minutes ago and don't know what Esperanto is, it's a "constructed international auxiliary language" ; which means it was created to be a means of communication between people of different cultures who do not share a common first language. Created in 1887 by LL.Zamenhof, Esperanto was intended to be an international second language. (This concept is absolutely fascinating to me and if you or someone you know speaks Esperanto lmk cuz I'm curious how widely it's used, if at all). }
French - ✨ Mon Trésor : pronounced treh.zohr
Polish - Moja Scarbie : pronounced moh.yeh skar.b.ee.yeh
Greek - θησανρός (Thisavrós) : pronounced fay.sah.vrohs
Hindi - ✨ खज़ाना (Khazaana) : pronounced kah.zah.nah
Indonesian - Hartaku : pronounced har.tah.koo
Italian - Mio Tesoro : pronounced teh.zoro
Portuguese - Meu Tesouro : pronounced may.oh chez.ouro
Russian - мое сокровище (Moye Sokrovishche) : pronounced mahy.oh sah.kro.vih.che
Spanish - Mi Tesoro : pronounced tehs.oro
Turkish - Hazinem : pronounced hah.zee.nehm
Ukranian - мій скарб (miy skarb) : pronounced mee skar.b
Vietnamese - kho báu của tôi : pronounced koh bow kwah toy
Okay, totally went overboard with this nickname...😅 but I just love this idea so much abfursffkj
Anyhow...moving on
Arabic (Side note...y'all...I'm so sorry for probably butchering these...Arabic is hard as fuck, how do y'all do this!?) -
حبيب/حبيبة قلب (habib albi) pronounced hah.beeb ah.til.hah.lee.ah.tah : Love of my heart
يا حياتي (ya hayati) pronounced eey hie.ah.ti : My Life
حلو/حلوة (ya helo) : pronounced eey hooh.loon/hah.la.whe.toon : Sweet
✨ يا قلبي : pronounced eeyah kahl.bee : My heart
✨يا قمر (ya [g]amar) : pronounced eeyah koh.mah.roo : Moon
宝 (bǎo) : pronounced bahw : Precious ~or~ 宝宝 (bǎobǎo) : Baby
(I think bǎo also means dumpling?)
亲亲 (qīn qīn) : pronounced sheen sheen: Dear/dear one/kiss
太太 (tài tài) : pronounced tie.tie ~or~ 老婆 (lǎo pó): pronounced lahw poh: both mean Wife
老公 (lǎo gōng): pronounced lahw gohn : Husband
小公举 (xiǎo gōng jǔ): pronounced shahw gohng chu: Little princess
(Couldn't find a masc. equivalent)
✨ 心 肝 (xīngān): pronounced shin gahn: Darling, or, in a more literal sense - heart [心]and liver [肝]
(In Western cultures this would likely be a little weird and creepy, but in Chinese culture it's rather poetic in the sense that those are the two organs you can't live without. Therefore, it's like saying you can't live without them)
Mi amor : pronounced mee ah.mor : My love
Amorcito : pronounced ah.mor.see.toh : My little love
✨ Mi sol : pronounced mee sol : My sun
✨ Pastelito : pronounced pahs.tel.ee.toh : Little cake
Linda/o : pronounced leen.dah/doh : Cutie
Princesa : pronounced preen.seh.sah : Princess
Príncipe: pronounced preen.seh.pay : Prince
✨ Mi sirenita : pronounced mee see.rehn.ee.tah : My (little) mermaid
Mi Tríton : pronounced mee tree.tohn : My merman
Hermosa/o : pronounced air.moh.sah/soh : Beautiful
✨ Mi Chispita : pronounced mee chees.pee.tah : My spark
Conejita/o : pronounced koh.neh.hee.tah/toh : (little?) Bunny
✨Osita/o : pronounced oh.see.tah/toh : Little bear
✨Mijn lied : pronounced mine leet : My song
Lieve : pronounced lee.fuh : Dear
M'eudail : pronounced may.tahl : Sweetheart/darling
Mo ghraidh : pronounced moh ghreye : My love
Mo luiadh : pronounced moh lohy : My love/darling/sweetheart
Mo leannan : pronounced moh leh.non : Sweetheart
✨ Brèagha : pronounced bree.yah : Pretty
Mo ghaol : pronounced moh hill : My love
✨αγάπɳ (agápi) : pronounced ah.gah.pi : love
μωρό μou (mόro mu) : pronounced moh.row moo: my baby
✨ αστερáκi (asteráki mu) : pronounced ahs.teh.ra.ki moo : my little star
✨ καρδɩá μou (kardiá mu) : pronounced kahr.dee.ah moo : my heart
Ku`u Lei : pronounced k.oo lay : my beloved
E ku'u aloha : pronounced Ay k.oo ah.low.hah : my love
✨ Na'u : pronounced nah.oo : Mine
✨ Ipo : pronounced ee.poh : Sweetheart
✨ Mon (petit) chou : pronounced moh.n (peh.tee) sh.oo : My (little) cabbage
Mon amour : pronounced moh.n ah.mooh : My love
Ma beauté : pronounced mah boo.thee : My beautiful
Ma chérie : pronounced mah sh.eh.ree : My dear/darling/sweetheart (fem.)
Mon chéri : pronounced moh.n sh.eh.ree : My dear/darling/sweetheart (masc.)
✨Mon bijou :pronounced moh.n bee.zhu : My jewel
Mon cœur : pronounced moh.n kh.ur : My heart
Ma moitié : pronounced mah moh.tee : My other/better half
✨Ma colombe : pronounced mah koh.loh.mb : My dove
✨Ma souris : pronounced mah soo.rhee : My mouse
Ma chatte : pronounced mah sh.ah.t : My cat (fem.)
Mon chat : pronounced moh.n sh.ah : My cat (masc.)
✨Mon nounours : pronounced moh.n noo.noor : My teddy bear
Mon ange : pronounced moh.n ohn.zh : My angel
Thought I'd finish up with some classic French nicknames there cuz...France...anyhow! LMK if you want more of this types of post (nicknames in other languages)!
Like I said above, message or comment if any pronounciations or spellings or anything are weird or wonky! I love learning cute little things in other languages 🥰
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spooky-z · 5 years
It's time to get the chains out
Is your tongue tied up?
'Cause this is my ground
And I'm dangerous
And you can get off
But it's all about me tonight
Confident – Demi Lovato
Warning: Adrien and Marinette's potty mouth
@ozmav @maribat-archive
 "Do you think she'll like it?" Damian asks, his worried face.
"Absolutely." Jason whistles, enjoying the breathtaking view.
He hoped his brother was right.
Marinette was... bored.
Chloe hadn't come to school today because Kagami was going to travel to Tokyo and she wanted to say goodbye to her girlfriend at the airport.
Because she's a drama queen.
Her class was once again around Lila, eating everything she spat out of that lying mouth.
At least Adrien had stopped covering her and was now helping Marinette when Lila tried to hit her.
The class was not happy with any of the three (Adrien, Marinette and Chloe), but neither did they exclude them. At Lila's request, of course. She wouldn't let Adrien go like this without a fight.
"... Then Damiboo took me for a romantic picnic in the garden of Wayne Mansion." Marinette felt bile rise in her throat, but swallowed back. "He has a motorcycle, but he loves me so much that he was afraid I would fall out of it, so the driver, Alberto, took us for a ride around Gotham."
How could people believe this? For real. Marinette seriously doubted whether her classmates still had working neurons. Even a monkey could tell what was true and what was pure shit.
But she had already given up on them. It was no longer her problem.
Her cell phone buzzed twice signaling that she had received a message.
Bǎobèi: Angel, did you dress like I asked?
Marinette smiles, but bites her lips to avoid questions.
Habib: Maybe... You didn't tell me why. And I am waiting.
She had dressed as Damian had requested.
Leather pants, boots, a leather jacket as well. Underneath she had a plain, loose-fitting white T-shirt.
She still didn't understand why the request and Damian didn't tell.
Bǎobèi: Wait for you at the school entrance at break. Do not be late!
Marinette straightened in her chair.
Damian was coming for her?!
Habib: Are you coming here?
Habib: Dami?
Habib: ?
Habib: Hello?
She drops the phone giving up on getting an answer for now. It was only five minutes before the break.
“... My God, girl! You're so lucky!” She hears Alya scream “Damian Wayne at your feet!”
And there we go again.
When it gave two minutes for the bell to sound, the loud sound of two bikes was heard throughout the school.
High performance bikes.
And Marinette thought it would be too much of a coincidence that Damian would come and pick her up, soon after, bikes prowling the school.
The class looked confused at each other. Kim looked excited with the expectation of ... something? Marinette didn't understand very much what was going on in the boy's head.
Alya had the sparkle in the eye of the one who found the exclusive of the day. Lila seemed to be up to something and Adrien... Poor baby, sleeping as if he'd been kept awake for a whole week.
Which was probably true, given that Mr. Agreste was a dick. Marinette has never hated an adult as much as she hates him.
"OH MY GOD THAT IS DAMIAN WAYNE?!" someone shouted in the courtyard and the class got surprised.
“Hey, isn't Damian Wayne your boyfriend's name, Lila?” Mylene asks innocently.
Marinette suspects that her classmate is not as stupid as the others. She always seemed to know things you don't want anyone to know.
Adrien wakes up scared, his face scrunched up and his eyes heavy.
"What is it?" He asks.
“Lila's boyfriend Damian Wayne is here at school!” Alya gushes excitedly.
The blonde tilts his head in confusion. “Lila's boyfriend? But he wasn't-“
“It can't be my Damiboo because he went on a business trip with other billionaires.” Lila quickly cuts Adrien knowing that he would say something against her.
This is when the bell rings and everyone seems to jump out of their chairs and leave the room. Curiosity eroding them.
Even Lila ran.
That left only Adrien (who looked like a cat, sprawled on the table) and Marinette, who was waiting for Damian's message.
She goes to Adrien, worried about her friend.
"Chaton, you don't look well." She strokes the blonde's head, hearing the soft purr coming from him.
He turns his head to look at her.
"It's been a tough week for this cat, My Lady."
Plagg runs away from the bag just like Tikki, only to land on the boy's head.
“That miserable man that my kitten has as his father decided it would be a good idea to make a busy schedule to the brim of appointments for the whole month.” The god of destruction complains “If Tikki hadn't stopped me I would have totaled him already.”
Marinette smiles at him.
“Plagg, we already talked about it!” Tikki complains and the two starts arguing.
“Gabriel seems to be getting worse, Adrien.” Marinette says, “You're 18 years old soon, I think it's time for you to run away from him. Have your independence.”
The model rises from his chair, bag on his shoulder. He smiles at his friend.
“And I will.” She raises her eyebrow to show she wasn't having any of that. “Really! Luka has been helping me. As soon as I turn 18, I leave the mansion.”
Marinette smiles mischievously.
“Luka, huh?!” Adrien blushes at her tone. “You've been very close lately. Can I celebrate already? Because it was about time.”
She pokes him playfully.
“MARI!” He squeaks.
"What? It's true and you know it.”
“Alright!” He complains. “Now let's go, because I'm sure Lila must be trying her moves and Damian pissed off that he couldn't get rid of her and Alya.”
Marinette gets serious quickly.
"You're right! He's going to kill her!” She pulls Adrien out the door, their kwamis quickly hiding in their bags.
“Even, I must say, My Lady, you're divine in those clothes.” He says gallantly. “Makes a better cat than me. A total of 10/10.”
Marinette doesn't respond, just pulls the blonde harder through Dupont's corridors.
When they arrive at the school's front door, they come across the crowd of students. Everyone squeezing so they could see what was happening on the street.
“… What do you mean you don't recognize me, Damiboo?” Despite all the confusion, Marinette and Adrien were able to hear.
The brunette palmed her face, not believing what she was hearing.
“Look, she can be a liar and all, but you can't deny she has courage.” Adrien whistles.
"Too much courage." Mari observes. "Now help me through them."
"Right away, my lady!"
They start pushing people, apologizing when someone complains more strongly. Marinette thinks they lost two minutes pushing the students until they reached the top of the stairs.
“Holy shit.” Adrien sighs.
"Fuck." Marinette replies.
The scene was as follows:
On one side was Lila in Alya's arms pretending to cry, while Alya had the furious expression on her face. The class was close behind, anger was a joint feeling, from what Marinette could observe.
On the other side was Damian, all dressed in black leather, helmet in hand, and scornful expression.
A beautiful black Suzuki GSX R1000/R with red accents and an all-black Kawasaki ZZR1400 Ninja parked on the sidewalk.
"Look, I'm just going to talk one more time: I've never seen or met this girl in my life." His voice colder than the Antarctic glaciers. "I've only had one girlfriend in my life and I still keep dating her."
“Why are you lying, Damiboo? I thought we loved each other!” Lila pouted.
"It's LILA." She growls.
"-LILA, unless you were born with the name Marinette and changed your identity from yesterday to today, you're not my girlfriend."
“Marinette? Like Marinette Dupain-Cheng? That Marinette?” Alya asks surprised.
"Yes. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My girlfriend for three years.” He frowns “That’s late again.” And looks at Marinette standing at the top of the stairs. He smiled.
She takes her cue and jumps into his arms. The boy catches her effortlessly.
“Hey you.” She kisses his lips quickly. "Wǒ xiāng nǐ."
"I missed you too, Angel." He replies. "And I brought your gift for taking your license." And points to the parked Suzuki.
Marinette lets him go, the shock on her face.
"Wait! Is this my?!” She looks incredulous “Adrien comes here! I have a bike now!” She shouts at the blonde running down anxiously.
They were totally ignoring the rest of the class.
"Damian." He greets before going to see the Suzuki.
“Adrien.” The brunette greets back.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Alya demands, having already released Lila, very focused on trying to understand what was going on. The three stops to look at her. "Are you dating Damian Wayne, Marinette?"
"... Yes? I thought he already said that.” She answers placidly.
“And Lila? Are you stealing other people's man now?!” Alya was livid.
“I never thought you'd play so dirty, Marinette.” Lila sniffles. She would be a terrible actress, Jesus. "I know you hate me because all the boys you like end up coming to me, but I didn't think you would do anything like that."
Marinette feels a vein burst in her temple.
“Girl, you need urgent help! This is not healthy.” Alya supports Lila.
“… Are you telling me they really believe this?” Damian asks Adrien, not believing what he saw.
"How can you handle it?"
“At the base of croissants and hot chocolate.”
Marinette snorts, looking like a bull.
"I won't argue with you." She says "I have more important things to do."
"Like me." Damian jokes maliciously.
Some students blush at the blatant joke.
“You two are gross.” Adrien scowls.
Marinette doesn't answer because she was admiring her motorcycle. Her wonderful, beautiful and powerful bike.
She was almost jumping with anxiety to run through the streets of Paris.
Mari rode the bike, testing the comfort, the pedals, and the accelerator. Not paying attention to the discussion going on between Adrien, the class, and Damian.
Maybe she was drooling a little.
"Bǎobèi!" Marinette calls, cutting off the discussion. "Can I take a walk with her?"
Damian smiles, delighted with the animation of his angel.
"Sure." He replies. "But first the helmet."
He goes to her, the black helmet in his hands and extends it to her.
Marinette runs her hands through her hair to fix it so that it doesn't fall into her eyes. They were much shorter than at 13. She had decided on an asymmetrical jaw-length cut.
She takes the helmet from Damian's hands and puts it on her head, pinning the buckle below her chin.
Damian adjusts to fit her helmet better and closes the leather jacket she wears, for better protection.
She turned to Adrien.
"How am I?" She poses.
“I would let you kidnap me. Approved.” He claps his hands. “If Damian wasn't here… Oh boy.” He shakes his eyebrows and Damian rolls his eyes.
“I'M TALKING TO YOU!” Lila screams angrily.
Adrien looks at Marinette.
"She was?"
Marinette shrugs.
“I don't care.” She turns the key to the bike, loving the sound. “Now get in loser we're going shopping.”
Adrien widens his eyes in surprise.
“Really?!” Marinette rolls her eyes at him before closing the helmet visor. "I'M GOING!"
He rides the bike holding tight to Marinette's arms, knowing she can take his weight.
Damian was already seated in Kawazaki, his helmet steady, when Adrien tightened his grip around Marinette.
“Let's bet who's the fastest, Wayne?” He says mischievously.
“Oh? Do you really want to bet a race sitting in the passenger seat?” Damian sneers.
Adrien seems to understand his situation, but it was too late.
"I accept the challenge. May the best win."
“Wai-” his voice was cut off by the acceleration Marinette gave.
Damian close behind.
The whole school stopped without understanding anything.
And Lila? Well, she kept talking to herself.
"Do you think Marinette would take me for a ride?" Alix sighed, a dreamy expression on her face.
"Marinette could take me with her anywhere." Kim replies, his face an exact copy of Alix. "Did you see how beautiful she was?"
"Yes..." They sigh together
"... So how long have they been like this?" Max asks Nathaniel.
The redhead shrugs.
“Since Adrien and Marinette left.”
"... That was an hour ago."
Nathaniel shrugs again.
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Hello! Hope you are having a great day!! Happy early holidays!! I’m not completely sure if requests for the winter prompt list are open, but if they are could I please request #68 (winter proposal) with Older!Damian Wayne? If you don’t feel inspired it’s completely fine, you don’t need to do it!! I absolutely adore your writing and every time you post I get super excited, I am thankful that you have blessed us with your amazing writing!!! You are amazing and I hope you know that!! ❤️❤️❤️
Note: You’re soo sweet 💕 Also, my knowledge of arabic is limited to a handful of phrases: ya hayati means my life and ya habib alby means love of my heart. That’s to my knowledge, if it needs to corrected, just let me know. Also, I wrote listening to this (somebody request a brown wedding imma write the shit out of it) Ok I’m done. Hope its alright ❤
Prompt list here.
He needed it to be perfect. It had to be perfect. You deserved a gesture that was flawless and beautiful and unforgettable because that’s what you were. You were his everything. Forget hanging the moon, you were the reason the sun rose in the morning and cried itself to sleep at night; your smile, your laugh, your all-encompassing aura kept the world spinning.
You kept his world spinning. He could never even try to imagine a life without you. It was too painful, too much, too raw. Holding you at night, your nose pressed into his clavicle was like an anchor that kept the nightmares at bay. Your hand, curled into his, squeezing so tight, bled tendrils of anger out of his body; unwrapping the tight ropes of frustration that coiled around him. You were his everything, and you deserved a perfect proposal.
He checks in with Alfred again, nosing around the pots and pans and trays in the kitchen. He keeps fiddling with his tie, breath coming only in shallow pants at the thought of anything that would cause him to falter. All the words he planned to say to you spin round and round in his brain making him dizzy. Despite this, he was filled to the brim with love for you. His heart thrums against his ribcage, so fast and so loud that he could hear it quicken with each breath.
“Master Damian, would you please sit down. You look faint.”
Alfred pushes him into the dining room and stuffs him into a chair. The flower arrangements there are all white: baby’s breath, camellia and Japanese anemone twined together with calla lilies and tulips. All were as white as the fresh snow that covered every inch of the ground outside. Pure and a little unusual in their combination. Just like both of you.
Through the glass doors in the dining room, he could see the glint of low hanging fairy lights, golden like champagne. They were hung in strings by Cass’ expert hand, overlain with little glass orbs of bouvardia and snapdragon. It looked magical and otherworldly. He hopes desperately that you would like it.
He was nitpicking again, tearing into everything that he could see. What if it was too cold? What if you weren’t in the right mood? What if you didn’t love him as much as he loved you?
And then he knew he had to pull himself back. To reel it in. Because that was a dark thought. He knew you loved him. You poured adoration and love and comfort out with every touch, kiss and look shared. Every moment with you was hazed with the soft pink glow of it. Every moment with you was precious. God, he hoped it came close to perfect.
When the doorbell rings and the old wooden doors are pulled open with a clatter, he couldn’t help but feel like someone replaced all the bones in his legs with jelly. For a moment he’s stuck, sweat clings to his forehead and temples despite the cold and his heart is so scared that it’s taken up residence in his throat.
“Dami?” the sweet, dulcet tone of your voice pulls him back like it always does. Just the sound of you and his whole body unfurls, tension dissipating like wisps of smoke. He can do this. He needs to do this. He needed to marry you like yesterday.
“In here,” he calls, steeling himself for the sight of you. Trying to prepare himself for the way you knock him off his feet.
And yet, as your gentle footsteps reach the hall, your shadow preceding you, he knows he’ll never be prepared for the beauty you hold. He can never grow tired of it, never find it ordinary. You belong in the works of Runge and Rembrandt. A work of art that he could never fathom.
He’s drawn you so many times, knows all your curves and edges like strokes of a paintbrush, like the scritch of a pencil on a sketchpad. All the time he’s spent looking at you, trying to capture your essence, and your smile still manages to melt his brain. To make his cheeks flush with colour and his breath catch in his throat.
“Did you do all of this?” you gesture to the flowers and the lights outside.
“Cass and Dick helped,” he admits, reaching an arm out to pull you in. “Happy Anniversary, ya hayati.”
“This is…” your voice trails, eyes going glassy, “It’s perfect. I can’t even…thank you, gorgeous.” you whisper the words into his chest and the relief that floods him is like the first gasp of air after drowning.
“Can we step outside? There’s one more thing I have for you.”
He leads you out the door with sweaty palms, struggling to remember the speech he had planned. You stop in the middle of the deck. Your skin is flushed out by the snow and coloured gold by the lights. You stop, eyes slowly drinking it all in, hands clasped as though you’re beckoning to some higher power. He takes a moment to capture the image of you; it’s something so prepossessing. Something that makes his hands itch to paint.
He draws in a deep breath, mutters a final prayer to God before dropping to one knee, head bowed at your mercy. “Beloved. Ya habib alby, there are no words. None in any language that can describe the way I feel about you. I have spent so much time searching. So much of my life, trying to be a soldier, a hero and a brother. With you, I’ve never had to try. With you, I could just be.”
“I know, I know,” he whispers, voice cracking as tears come running down your cheeks. “Let me just say this; you are a part of me. Even if I was cut open and bled dry, my heart would still beat only for you, only for your love. You’re my whole world, my best friend. You’ve taken me as I am. You deserve every star in the universe, my love. Every one.”
His hands tremble as he takes out the ring, it glitters with hope in his shaking fingers as you let out a raw sob. “Will you do me the honour–”
“Yes! Yes! Of course,” and your kissing him. He fumbles with the ring, slips it on just before you wrap your arms around his neck. Something bursts inside him, like a dam that’s been churning for too long and as you sob; salty, wet, happy tears into the kiss he holds you tight. Eyes stinging with emotion.
It’s a ridiculous sight; both of you in expensive clothes on the cold, snow-covered ground, laughing and crying and kissing. The furious clicking of a camera followed by squeals and giggles tells him that his family is watching, documenting the moment for you. He’s grateful for it. For them. For you. It was perfect, just as it needed to be.
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