#about darius
its-a-full-galaxy · 10 days
Darius's ship - Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter
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Usually only used in Asset or private transport, Darius flies a modified white and golden-orange Tri-wing Pegasus starfighter. Though nowhere near as skilled as the Rogues, he's quite handy with it and does his best to "earn his stripes" when it comes to flying it during his missions as Asset Protection and his recreational bounty hunting jobs.
When he isn't flying it, Darius keeps his Tri-wing on the Corvid, a modified HWK-290, with his pilot and friend, Theo (@toodamnloyal ).
I haven't decided if Darius has an astromech droid or not, and if he does, what kind. I'm heavily leaning toward an R2-R model, but I think in his later years, he definitely has an R8 model called "Eyes" because it'd be both ironic and appropriate for him personally.
He also keeps a Lothal Speeder bike, one of the smaller, more modular speeder bikes, tucked in the Corvid for traveling short distances. He's looking for a way to have his speeder on hand when he's flying in his Tri-wing, just in case, but so far, no luck. The man must content himself with not living out of his starfighter.
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mando-of-esverr · 7 months
About Darius || Verses
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Main Timeline
Kid Videre || Clone wars era || 19 BBY & before
A youngling apprentice in the Vidor academy, Darius up and around learning from his father, Baribus, how to be a Videre and an upright young lad. However, it's a little nerve-wracking to be a little boy in a galaxy now embroiled the new conflict of the Clone Wars.
Young Videre || Young Empire verse || 1 BBY & before
Born to the prolific Scourman, Baribus Thatch, and his wife, Vienna Thatch, Darius is a young Videre with a promising career as the fledgling bodyguard for the Esverran Noble family, House Heraldy. Following in his father's footsteps, Darius has become a proficient scourman, a skilled bodyguard, courageous friend. He has lived his childhood through the Clone Wars and really has only known the aftermath of the Clone Wars and Imperial Rule. However, others have not and everyone is a supporter of this new Galactic Empire. With His Lordship Heraldy secretly supporting the Rebel Alliance, Darius would work as a go-between for the Heraldies and their Rebel contacts... until they are discovered and Imperial Disciplinary Action is taken...
Set Adrift || Post-Banishment verse || 0 BBY - .5 ABY
After Lord Heraldy's rebel ties were discovered, House Heraldy was raided by Imperial Authorities. While the initial raid resulted in the deaths of Lord Charles Heraldy and his wife Lady Heraldy, Darius was party to an escape of the Heraldy heirs, Lavinia and Charles Augustine. However, the escape ended in disaster when their ship was shot down by TIE fighters, killing most of the passengers aboard. With only a brief flash of flame as his last memories, Darius awoke in a hospital under his false name after being in a bacta tank for severe crash injuries. But what wasn't healed by medicine was the onset of flash force blindness, A symptom of being cut off from the Force. As an Esverran, he had always been connected to his people through the force, but now there was nothing - a silence where there should have been a symphony - a silence that only came before one's own execution. Naturally, Darius departed as soon as he was able, but without the Force or his family to guide him, he wandered numb and alone through the core worlds of the Galaxy.
This Is The Way || Young/Apprentice!Mando verse || .5 ABY - 3ABY
After several months of his wandering, Darius accidentally discovered a covert, mistaking a forge for a well and receiving an invitation after he prayed for help in finding "the way". He was taken in by a covert of the Watch and became a convert sponsored by a True Mando named Tajur Jiang ( @sundanceofapache). Under Tajur, Darius began to find a new way of living, of surviving, and a new purpose. Together, he would learn how to handle his new life without the Force and how to find his new place as a Mandalorian of Esverr.
Asset Protection, Father of One || Main Mando Verse || 3 ABY - 5 ABY
After becoming a fully-fledged Mandalorian and getting a bit tired of the scarcity of bounty work, Darius and his buir, Tajur, decided to go into a business they knew was always booming and founded the asset protection company "Hawkeye Asset Protection". From there, clients would come to them with requests for various levels of protection. After all, who's going to face down a Mando for a few hundred credits worth of goods? And if they are dumb enough to do so, who says they're going to live long enough to regret it? With that in mind, Darius and Tajur work on improving their company, providing various protection packages while also inviting others they deem skilled and competent to join their lucrative securityq business. What they don't expect, however, is for their business to land Darius in the middle of a hot situation that started with a package containing a Holocron and ended with Darius bringing home a near-ferral 12 year old boy named Mathafew Farthen. Mathafew had been fleeing his Inquisitor and Northumbrian(Darr'Thumbrian - Imperial Videre) handlers when he'd crashed into Darius on a a supply run with his pilot Theo. Upon seeing who'd run into him, Darius at once recognized boy as a Trueman (a telepathic Videre) and was startled to find him able to feel him in his mind. Believing his people to have been destroyed in the Purge, Darius chose at that moment to do all he could to protect the boy from whatever was distressing him. How could he have known it would have pitted him against an Inquisitor and an Imperial Videre? Fortunately, arrogance is a broad weakness. And though he was almost overcome, he managed to dispatch the duo and get Mathafew to safety. After that, Darius formally adopted Mathafew as his own, swearing to keep him safe from the Empire, correct his Videre training, and bring him up as a proper Mandalorian. At this point in time, Mathafew and Tajur are the only ones who know of his old family name, as the boy keeps near constant mental contact with him. Something Darius appreciates but hopes he can keep between him and Mathafew.
Lusankya Verse 1 || Counter Agent || 5 ABY - 6 ABY
After being captured by Imperial Remnant forces and discovered to be not only the "kidnapper" of an "Imperial Videre Initiate", but a former Esverran himself! With his connection to Esverr brought to light, it was requested for Darius to be immediately transferred to the Nor'Thumbrian division of the army. The headquarters of that division? Aboard the secret Imperial Prison, Lusankya. Darius's time there was arduous. After being stripped of his Mandalorian armor, Darius was forced through into the process of a Nor'Thumbrian "Scouring", a counterfeit Videre Scourging that affected not only one's eyes and force senses but one's entire psyche as well. The process nearly destroyed the Mandalorian, but he managed to keep a semblance of himself until he could recover from his Scouring. Unfortunately, his recovery did not go the way his captors desired. Having "failed" to succumb to his scouring, Darius was put through a secondary conditioning in hopes of making use of him since getting a proper Nor'Thumbrian out of him was out of the question. This might have been successful, had he not clung so firmly to the creeds of people. With the two procedures proving to be failures, Darius was abandoned as a subject and shipped off with a fellow washout, Tycho Celchu, whom he escaped with back to the New Republic. However, neither of them escaped unchanged, the pair of them gaining a Force Bond in their travels. Now, whether they like it or not, the Force has greater plans for them than either of them care to think about.
Lusankya Verse 2 || Sleeper Agent || 5 ABY - 6 ABY
After being captured by Imperial Remnant forces and discovered to be not only the "kidnapper" of an "Imperial Videre Initiate", but a former Esverran himself! With his connection to Esverr brought to light, it was requested for Darius to be immediately transferred to the Nor'Thumbrian division of the army. The headquarters of that division? Aboard the secret Imperial Prison, Lusankya. Darius's time there was arduous. After being stripped of his Mandalorian armor, Darius was forced through into the process of a Nor'Thumbrian "Scouring", a coutnerfiet Videre Scourging that affected not only one's eyes and force senses but one's entire psyche as well. The process nearly destroyed the Mandalorian, but he managed to keep a semblance of himself until he could recover from his Scouring. Unfortunately, his recovery did not go the way his captors desired. Having "failed" to succumb to his scouring, Darius was put through a secondary conditioning in hopes of making use of him since getting a proper Nor'Thumbrian out of him was out of the question. In this, they were successful. Through chemical and sim conditioning, Darius became an unwitting sleeper agent, with all of his conditioning tied to his simple desire to go home. With his conditioning set deep in his psyche, Darius was released with the other prisoners and allowed to "escape" back to the New Republic. What they didn't count on was him bringing a failed sleeper agent with him - a certain Tycho Celchu with whom gained a force-bond over the course of their travels. Now Darius is back in the New Republic and a certain Imperial Handler is keeping their eye on him until the time is right to activate their new human toy.
Inquisitor/Dur'Thumbrian Verse || Dur'Thumbrain!Darius || ???
Black is the color of death for an Esverran. It is the color that consumes light and life, hope and joy. It is the color of the Dark and it is the color of the sclera of all Nor'thumbrain Scourmen and it is complimented by the silver iris color they share with their Falsemen brothers. Darius is no exception. After his capture, Darius was put through a potent and painful process known as the Nor'Thumbrian "Scouring". Rather than just his eyes and Force sensitivity being affected, the process affected his psychological and spiritual self. Psychologically breaking him down to his base personality, the Scouring reconstituted his psyche according to the design of the Nor'Thumbrians just as it reconstituted his eyes and his connection to the Force... but not in the ways of the Light. After his Scouring, he was put into recovery for a period of time, allowing him to adjust and come to terms with his new state of being. Pain, numbness, and psychological shaping were the key aspects of induction into the Nor'Thumbrians. Through their efforts, Darius came to see himself as the equivalent of "dead" and thus without need to fear "death", for whom he was a servant. With this form of deep brainwashing, Darius was pulled in the the dogma of the Nor'Thumbrians, and given his old sir name as his assigned name. With additional conditioning, Darius soon ceased responding to his Mandalorian name and began to identify simply as "Thatch" among the Nor'Thumbrians. Now properly trained and conditioned, Thatch is a prolific hunter, trained to hunt down his quarry without fail, yielding only to the stronger Dark Side user, and following the commands of the commanding Inquisitor in charge. He retains some of himself, though it can often only be seen in the songs he sings when on his own, and the far-off look he gets as he gazes at the stars.
Animorphs Crossover Verse || Hitchhikers & Parasites || 8 ABY - ? ABY
While escorting a shipment of bacta to a world on the edges of Wild Space, Darius becomes embroiled in a secret war when he becomes host to an intelligent parasitic brain slug known as a Gastropodas. Through this parasitic being known to him only as "Presence", Darius discovered the creeping threat of the Ga'podas Empire infiltrating the Known Galaxy. Now, he must warn the New Republic before their freshly won war for independence ends in them being subsumed into something worse than Empire.
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mantleoflight · 1 year
//Played Season of the deep this morning and I’m 99% sure Fastion’s gonna have an aneurysm over Darius and his incessant drive to take on Xivu Arath. (In what began as a revenge quest but actually transformed into something of an obsession that was only helped by the wizard Ir’Alharath of Xivu’s hoard. And Fastion was having NONE OF IT.)
//But him seeing all this and just being like, “Four years of therapy, intense training, and meditation to get him out of that mentality and you go and ruin it in one mission. … I’m going to need some ibuprofen for this.”
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livsmessydoodles · 4 months
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looking out for you
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soldrawss · 1 year
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Single dad Darius AU is something that can actually be so personal guys
Featuring local 23yo law student who finds an abandoned baby and decides to raise it as his own (cue cool young bachelor to being an absolutely smitten dad speed run)
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snaileo · 6 months
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really rough darius doodle bc ive been consumed by thoughts of him ever since the trailer dropped
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solifelessblog · 2 years
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Angst in the brain, the boy miss his dad
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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petimetrek · 3 months
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This meme fits them perfectly:
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
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its-a-full-galaxy · 11 days
//Thinking about Darius and other Mandalorians and how being a convert for 5 years really does color how he views being a Mandalorian.
//There's so much to know and learn and he's trying his best, but when your introduction to the Way is through the Children of the Watch and then learning through a True Mando lense, it really pushes Darius to sus out what it means to be a Mandalorian for him. He isn't born and bred, but he's trying so hard to jump in with both feet that he can be a bit overzealous about it.
//Fortunately his buir, Tajur ( @sundanceofapache ), is almost patient with his boneheadedness. Though sometimes he still needs to ring the man's bucket to get a point through his thick head. XP
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mando-of-esverr · 3 months
When Darius came home to Esverr for the first time, his brothers were the first to recognize him by his singing voice and all dogpiled him with hugs like the father of a prodigal son. Darius finds out his father would have done the same if he hadn't been blinded in the line of duty.
His mother disapproved of them doing the tackle hugs without her and insisted on dragging him home to come hug his father and get to know his family again.
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mantleoflight · 1 year
Timeline & Verses: Darius Lieur
Wishbound Immortal || Pre-Ahamkara Hunt || early main verse:
Before the death of the Dragons at the Guardian's hands, Darius lived with his father Baribus, and his younger brother Mathafew, in the hidden valley of Ashven the wish dragon. Brought back to life by his father through the power of the Wish Dragon, Darius was gifted with the not-so-unique ability of being able to die and come back to life. But rather than utilizing the Light as the Guardians and their Ghosts do, the wish's magic utilizes a more immediate source of life--that of other living things. With one touch, the young man could be revived by absorbing the life force of whatever or whatever touches him first. A testy ability when one's family is within arms reach. Now he works with his father as a guard and vassal of the wish dragon, Ashven, guarding the Hidden Valley from Guardians and those too dangerous or "unworthy" of its wishes. Unfortunately... some things are not made to last.
Friends in Arms || Atl!current verse
After the loss of his home and family to the invasive forces of Xivu Arath, Darius made himself a place in the tower, finding work with the local cryptarchs and weaponsmiths. During this time, he encountered a unique guardian, a Titan named Fastion, and his ghost, Branson. The friendship was unique in that Darius had known (and inadvertently named) Branson before Fastion had been raised. The connection helped in integrating Fastion into the Tower as the innate knowledge he'd had from his past life left him wildly unprepared for modern life. With Darius's help, Fastion found a place to be while he gained his footing and Darius found a mission buddy to help him in doing fieldwork as a cryptarch and weapon supplier. Not only that, but he'd managed to learn a few things from Fastion including honed swordsmanship and meditative practices. Unfortunately, those practices didn't help much to keep Darius from taking the path of vengeance and going after Xivu Arath's forces. Utilizing his skills, Darius hunts members of Xivu's hoard, seeking to root them out and eliminate any toehold the hive god of war might have on Earth and elsewhere in the Sol system
Born of Wrath || Wrathborn!Darius (alt!timeline to Hive Knight!verse)
Despite his new life in the Tower, Darius still harbored terrible feelings of hatred and anger in his heart. After all, Darius had stood and fought as the Hive and Wrathborn of Xivu's hoard ravaged the Secret Valley, slaying the resident Wishdragon and his family. Only thanks to the cursed wish of life-stealing immortality did he manage to survive and escape before the collapse of the Valley's pocket dimension. Others counseled him against going out into the world to seek vengeance, but his pain and anger could not be quelled. In his quest, Darius sought to use his dragon's gift to take on Xivu Arath's forces, only to fall prey to his own obsession and the traps made to exploit it. While fighting a hoard surrounding a cryptolith, Darius begins to experience the influence of the Cryptolith. With each slain foe, his thoughts began to unravel until only his burning anger and violent fury were all that remained. By the end of the fight, Darius' had no more foes to battle and he fell to one knee at the cryptolith, its horrific hive magic leaving him as nothing but a nigh-immortal, human wrathborn. --- Post-Wrathborn -- Yet he would be missed by the two connections he still had to the tower - Fastion and Branson. As dutiful friends, the pair of them went out to find their prodigal companion and discovered him as a wrathborn within the tangled shore. Aiding the Young Wolf in their hunt of the Cryptoliths, Fastion managed to track down his wrathborn companion and, in an attempt at mercy, killed him to end his miserable servitude to Xivu Arath. What Fastion didn't expect was to activate Darius' wish curse when he went to move him for burial. The curse pulled the life right out of the titan, filling Darius with his light-infused essence. Fortunately, it did not take all of Fastion's light and Branson was able to revive him with little trouble. More than that, the pair of them watched as the light-infused life force both healed and revived their wrathborn friend, restoring his human thoughts and faculties while leaving pocked scars along his back and shoulders. With a texture like that of a Cryptolith emblazed upon his shoulders, this was an experience Darius would not soon forget.
Blade of Red || Hive Knight!Darius (alt!timeline to Wrathborn!verse)
After months of training and healing, Darius considers the one wound that won't heal; the absence of his family. With his heart aching with their loss, Darius turned to the one source that burned his belly and coaxed him out of his melancholy and into action: vengeance. But now that he'd had time to train and learn how to manage his thoughts, feelings, and skills, he acted with much more care than when he first arrived at the tower. With careful planning and precision, Darius utilized his training and transformed his curse into a boon as he sought out the lairs of Xivu's Hoard and its subordinates. While many would balk and avoid such horrible, wrenching deaths, Darius saw his deaths as his own secret weapon, the poisoned knife he honed for killing his virulent foe. Even being sundered by a death song couldn't keep him down when there were so many thralls waiting to feast on his flesh. It was this cruel and bloodied determination that attracted the eyes of the hive wizard, Ir Al'harash. Utilizing rival broods, Ir Al'harash left breadcrumbs for Darius, feeding him lessons from the Books of Sorrows and instilling the precepts of her brood's law. Soon enough, he came to the end of her trail, the road leading to a final confrontation between him and her greatest knight, Uirog, with her ritual circle as their battleground. Believing that killing the knight would stop Ir Al'harash's ritual, Darius fought with all he had, managing to kill the knight with the folded steel blade his friend had gifted him upon his completed training. To his horror, he had not stopped the ritual but completed it, with Ir Al'harash declaring his name, his rite, and his accepted tribute of blood. With that, the ritual was enacted and he was enveloped in soulfire which burned away his weak humanity and left the charred black armor of his new state as a newly-morphed hive knight. Unfortunately, he’s still himself and now he must face the consequences of his obsession and decide what he is to do to overcome this new obstacle in his life.
A Better Future || Main!Verse || Current Timeline Verse
After reuniting with and avoiding getting killed by his friend, Fastion, Darius found he had little choice but to continue his campaign in hopes of stopping Xivu Arath's advance into the Sol System. His and Fastion's efforts bring them to the Ascendant Plane where they face insurmountable odds and take them on together as a 2-man team. However, their luck runs out when Fastion is killed and Branson is unable to revive him because of the oppressive darkness. In all of his terrible decisions, Darius has had a single emergency fall-back plan: a secret wish his father had kept for him. Around his neck in the shape of an ahamkara talon, hung a wish his father had asked for from the ahamkara Ashven. But even Darius knew that using such a wish was a double-edge sword, that if he used it, it would give him his desire in such a way that he'd regret ever making the wish at all. Yet, in this moment of possibly losing the closest person he's had to family since the fall of Ashven's Valley, Darius utilized that gift and asked for a second chance. He is given one and finds himself once again on the precipice of battle with Xivu Arath. He attempts to change strategies, adding caution, altering fighting styles, anything to keep from losing Fastion and his victory. Yet the result is the same and because his mind had traveled back in time, he still had the wish to ask for another chance. Chance after chance he tried until finally, he fell to his knees and admitted his true wish: To go back and be with his family, alive and well again. In his wish, his feelings encompassed himself, his original family, and Fastion and his ghost. The wish acquiesced and soon Darius found himself walking back into his apartment in the Last City, his younger brother Mathafew, asleep under their father's jacket. Unfortunately, Darius isn't recognized and Mathafew isn't alone. a ghost named Stoat is with him and he doesn't recognize Darius related to Mathafew or his guardian, the lad's father, Baribus. The dragon had given him his wish - his family was alive and well, but in another timeline: one in which he no longer existed. Now he must contend against the endless tide of familiar strangers as he copes with this timeline's psychic alternate of his Brother, and the ghost of the Guardian-alternate of his father, and hope this new chance doesn't come back to bite him. After all, there's only so much you can do when you run out of wishes.
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natamouche-art · 3 months
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Late night at darius' cabin
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risariba · 2 years
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how to tie a tie in 1 minute lesson by Darius
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
Remember when Willow first met Darius and how, despite his title and power, immediately fought back
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Vs in the epilogue she immediately bursts into laughter over him teasing Hunter
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The dynamic between them has so much potential to be hilarious, just, so much
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campbenji · 4 months
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it's so hard being a BowmanKon brothers enthusiast in this economy
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