#about the trash panda(mun);
anunkindncss · 1 year
*BANGS POTS AND PANS* everyone! It’s my dogs gotcha day!
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dead-in-the-pool · 1 month
I’d know if I was a furry 😭 -🦝
that's what they all say
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disasterghaster · 4 months
Spooky Binch
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(( I moved blogs to start actually organizing this place, but this character is older than Tumblr. Don't let the WIPness fool you. ))
[Other Blogs!] || [Thread Tracker]
Indie!OC (Urban Sci-fi/Fantasy-ish)
OC & Canon Friendly
Flexible Narrative Style (para/script/long/short/whatever)
Mun 30+
Open to all types of character relationships, even negative.
NSFW/Vent: @ghasterstatic
debriefing; answered asks
behind a cigarette; thematic to Devang
brain pan blues; thematic to her mental illness
empty house; to do with Devang's body (sans Devang)
pizza accessories; pizza related stuff
sounds in silence; thematic music
ugly mug; images of Devang (including fan-art)
classifieds; ask memes
ghaster; thematic/info of Ghaster form
dekropolis; information about Dekro
millennium city; information about Millennium City, CA USA
deep research; additional lore/information
satellite ears; Charlie ( @cdwalker )
marlboro scarecrow; Doc Worth ( @sodoffyabuggers )
trash panda; Miles ( @mr-pulvis )
old woofer; Dietrich ( @uberwulf )
wip; Rook ( @averyrook )
offered me a ride; ( @theothersideofhim )
Hiya, I'm Asche (she/he/they). I'm 30+ yrs old and agender/ace. Feel free to talk to me!
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previously @murderbynecessity // @murderbynecessity-moved // @disasterghaster-archive
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donuts4evry1 · 3 years
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I feel like I’m a bit too old to be going through a rebellious phase but here we are anyway
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Mun vs Muse
Mel vs Kimberly
tagged by: borrowed from @ericbrandonrp tagging: @ghostofaformerself ; @voxvulgi ; and anyone else who wants it <3
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Tag Dump Pt. 1
OOC Tags
out of voices (ooc tag) of ashes and embers (about the trash panda mun) shout it to the f*cking heavens (psa) behold ; a lovely (follower promotions) deserving of good things and happiness (follower appreciations) shut up and take my love (not so daily compliments) compliments? dafuq are those? (nice messages) i am shameless ; plz love me (self promotions) from out of ashes (trash panda speaks ; mun answers) a wild mel appears (mun face) the power of positivity (feel good posts) queuing voices (queue tag) mel does photoshop without photoshop (my edits) mel makes things ; not very good mind you but she makes things (my graphics) dumping my trash on the dash (tag dump) begone from existence (posts to delete)
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creaturesxfhabit · 5 years
TAGGED BY: @rayofsunshinc TAGGING: @covldbeworse @coilicah @gavrele @wantediniceland & anyone else who might wanna do the thing! Tag me I wanna seeeee!
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Road of the Gypsy - Adrenalin (Iron Eagle soundtrack) Beam Me Up - P!nk Wheel in the Sky - Journey Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran (HunterThunder song awyiss) Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden (don’t judge I grew up in the 90′s) Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU?: Not that I know of, though my husband swears ‘Cold as Ice’ was written for me. 🤷‍♀️ WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?: It’s been a while... hang on... Okay, just now. I’m good. WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH?:  Shall I link my muse pages? 😂 In all seriousness, Ackles, Hunnam, and Tommy Flannagan. WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE?:  My fucking alarm going off in the morning, double hate & loathe entirely. Love? My dog barking (Woo! Woooooo Wooooo Woooooo! He sounds like Ric Flair I s2g). DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?: Of course, I’ve seen one. HOW ABOUT ALIENS?:  Yup, no way our planet is the only one out there with life. DO YOU DRIVE?: I do! IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED?: Clean record. And now I’mma find some wood to knock on. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Probably one of the Potter books but it’s been a minute so I’m not sure which. DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE?  It makes my stomach turn. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Creed 2, sooooo good. WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? I’ve dislocated both of my knees many, many times. It fucking hurts. Basically, I was born with my hips dislocated. The doctors put me back together gently and then I had to wear a plastic brace for the first two years of my life. Because of that diaper shaped brace, my knees didn’t develop right and my kneecaps aren’t centered. DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? As always: Supernatural and The Walking Dead (ZOMBIES!!!!) I also found an MMO Pokemon game that’s really fucking sweet (no download required). DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? Oh, boy do I! Hello, Capricorn here, nice to meet you. Yes. So much yes. I’m still pissed at the kid who tried to pull out one of my loose teeth in Kindergarden. Who the fuck puts their hands in someone’s mouth without asking? And let me tell you, at 5 I knew how boys ‘went potty’ and I wanted nothing that touched that in my mouth. So I bit his fingers, that was the one and only time I’ve been written up in school. THAT FUCKER BROKE MY PERFECT DISCIPLINE RECORD IN FUCKING KINDERGARTEN WITH HIS WINKIE FINGERS AND FUCK YOU MIGUEL! THAT’S RIGHT I STILL REMEMBER YOUR NAME!!! I mean ......yes I hold grudges....  IN A RELATIONSHIP? Yes, since November 30th, 2003. I also have two wives (Hi bitches, love you!)
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kit-just-kit · 3 years
hah my url :)
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This ooc meme thingy!
Do I Follow Them?: *Yup!*
Why Did I Follow Them?: *Because .......it’s the actual James bloody Bond, that’s why!*
Do We Role Play?: *Yes,, tons too. Long may it continue*
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: *if I must with this trash panda, then so be it lol (spoken as a follow panda with plenty of trash)*
An AU Idea For Our Muses: *I mean - who doesn’t love a ‘professional Naval man shagging a women married to someone else’ trope? Even though it’s been done, it will remain my go to AU*
A Song For Our Muses: *Hmmmm.....’At last’ by Etta James is my vibe for them*
Do I Ship Our Muses?: *UGH.....YES SO VERY MUCH*
What I Think About The Mun: *Just......the funniest, most honest and real person. Truly a gem of a friend who has seen me through some horrid times and always manages to make me smile. ILYSM x*
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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Do you have a favorite portrayal of Gavin by any of the people you rp with? If not, what is something you like about each of their Gavins? Love you friend!
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
I don’t think I have a ‘favorite Gavin’ portrayal. I love them all in their own ways.
@detective-phck Their Gavin was the first I ever interacted with. He has the right amount of snark and sweet. He is very much like a cat, always pushing buttons, yet has a soft side that he shows that makes my Connor melt. The trash panda also likes to bite, which makes me laugh as Connor pouts. 
@bring-me-a-coffee-dipshit Their Gavin started out as soft as can be, having been a sick-fic starter that started their relationship. These two are in a world of their own where they actively look for ways to care for each other while making everyone else puke from the sweetness. How he treats my disaster human also makes my heart melt every time. 
@loosecannon-justice Their Gavin is so damn sassy! So capable of handling his own, but wanting the emotional connection that the people before Connor had destroyed. Our threads are rarely connected, which is pretty fun for that feeling of angst as they try to essentially ‘pull their heads out of their asses’. Connor would do anything to keep Gavin safe and feeling loved. 
@heartscfvalor Their Gavin is an angry man with a lot of pain. Connor is never sure how to approach it, all he knows is that he wants to help. As soon as he learned there might be more behind his hatred, the RK just couldn’t let it go. 
Each Connor is different just as each Gavin is different, and it just adds to the experience of rping. 
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anunkindncss · 1 year
Being a writer is shitty as hell sometimes because in your head ideas are like hell yeah and then you get them on paper and you're like what in the pile of dumpster garbage on fire is this. And that is how I feel 99% of the time.
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
Wave Incense/Odd Incense [one, both, or neither x]
Whispering Smoke || Accepting
Wave Incense: What Ship have you been running the longest?
I feel...like this is a two part answer. Part the first...
In 2000, one of my oldest friends and I began a ship with a novitiate nun and a vampire {who to this day, has terrified me, the mun, a number of times}. There were beautiful moments of madness. There were maddening moments of beauty. There were a cast of thousands surrounding this story, npcs we created, other people’s OCs who wanted to help or hinder the relationship, including the vampire’s sister, his best friend, her good friend, the Queen, the Crown Prince...it was so incredible, it was vast but it was also intimate, it was perfection. There’s you-tube videos about it, there’s documents on people’s computers across at least two continents, it’s an experience that shaped me as a writer.
And it’s also the vampire’s turn to reply.
No, none of this is a joke or an exaggeration on my part.
Part the Second... I’ve been really fortunate to meet the people on tumblr that I have. And I have been so fortunate in being involved with the ships both platonic and romantic that go along with the muns I’ve become friends with. Come September, I will have been on tumblr for five years. And in those five years I’ve had: Beth and Zarek which lasted four years, one marriage, one child. Everyone is still surprisingly alive, even if some of them maybe don’t feel like they want to be. Beth and Baz,which is also four years in the running {and they may actually have their first real date soon!} Beth and her favourite Trash Panda, James Barnes. This is at least four years, though it may actually be five now, and it’s so very soft.
Beth and Ron have this beautiful and honest relationship for four years, and it’s been exquisitely tender, with pups, foundlings, older brothers, mutual mental illness and multiple eras.
Beth and Loki, which I do count even if it’s mostly {I think} one-sided. Look people, it’s a trauma-feels pinata, and I don’t make up the rules.
Beth and Luka, which is three years running, and someone somewhere told me that the man still has hope in his eyes. Beth and Billy, also three years and some very dirty looks from Baz and Luka and some death plotting by Lorcan. Melakeni and Anakin are also three years in the making, and it all started with an intriguing ask and some hair petting.
Odd Incense: Do you have any ‘crack’ or otherwise ‘weird’ ships for this muse? Have you role-played them before?
The crack ship on tumblr that I never really saw coming was from what I believe was the other mun’s ask box, a magical!anon that spawned Lorcan out of Luka’s subconscious. It was supposed to be a joke, some steam being let off by his mun. And then we got talking about it over discord and eventually we created and built this truly gut-wrenching backstory and plot that filled in details for Luka’s backstory, and created one whole cloth for Lorcan, and then Lorcan became an entity all on his lonesome. And there are some aspects of the story that I will not and will never let anyone else get away with, but that absolutely make sense in the context of the story we created.
And I do absolutely think my favourite part about this ship and this muse is that Lorcan should not work at all with Beth, they are diametrically opposed at every point and lack any sort of logical reason to even be in the same room together, and yet they DO work, if you can call it that, though both of them are entirely too themselves, and too downtrodden to recognise it.
Then of course, there’s Anakin and Melakeni, in which essentially you have the living Human embodiment of the Force who happens to be involved with an actual Sentient Plant who may or may not have cannibalistic tendencies. So if we want to talk about inter-species relationships, I mean this is a good place to start. And Anakin is one of the very few people outside of her home-world that even knows she’s essentially really interesting, really intelligent salad.
There is something about them that is so poignant, so very real and raw that I absolutely adore every moment I can spend in that head-space, taking in the wonderful replies and reading them, deconstructing them, and rebuilding them from an equal but opposite point of view and indulging in the trust and passion that is so layered and unique. I don’t think that when I got that ask about the hair petting that seemed at first so random, and almost like a joke, that it would turn out the way it has. 
And that’s not even getting into Anakin’s pet Loth-Wolf/Human hybrid, Imperial assassinations and 40 years of love and hate for a single fandom.
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Have you ever promised drafts but ended up secretly lurking on your dashboard instead? / Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun? / Have you ever turned interactions with another muse away for reasons? / Have you ever cried because of a thread? / Have you ever found yourself unconsciously doing the facial expressions that your muse is doing while you write?
from @ericbrandonrp
Have you ever promised drafts but ended up secretly lurking on your dashboard instead? 
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 shhhhh don’t call me out like this
Have you ever stalked the ship of another mun? 
😳 😳  yes...
Have you ever turned interactions with another muse away for reasons? 
Yes. Reasons such as I don’t really see our muses interacting, which I do feel guilty for because I would love to give everyone a chance, but like...yeah...Idk...Just gotta do what’s good for me, I guess? I am selective, that’s all I can really say about it, I guess. *shrugs*
 Have you ever cried because of a thread? 
Have you ever found yourself unconsciously doing the facial expressions that your muse is doing while you write?
ALL. THE. FREAKING. TIME.  Every time Katrina is sad and about to cry? Yep. Every time Kimberly gets that genuine smile that makes her nose crinkle? Y E P. All the time. 
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pcrfide · 4 years
MUN      VS.     MUSE
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1. Both mun and muse come from a rural, predominantly white neighborhood.
2. Both mun and muse are blunt and obtuse about certain things, but with a general good heart at the core of it.
3. Both have best friends they’d absolutely die for. 
4. Both mun and muse are white.
5. Both muse and mun like villains far, far more than they should.
1. Mun is a female homosexual, while Muse is canon coded homosexual cis-male.
2. Mun is an accountant. Muse is a wanted vigilante trash-panda.
3. Jack is obviously an in-shape super soldier and mun is a lumpy potato.
4. Mun thinks Jack should give up these shenanigans and maybe go into retirement and do some gardening. Muse obviously disagrees and keeps running headlong into the dumbest shit possible like the idiot he is.
5. Muse obviously has a fixation on the past. Mun understands, but thinks he needs some goddamn therapy to cope with that and the raging alcohol addiction he has going.
Tagged by: @agent-lacroix​
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this.
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me, as a ‘writer’: revise and improvise aka bullshit everything.
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PSA: if I 'like one of your open starters or starters you have written for me tbh, 90 percent chance it's because I want to respond to it. The other 10 percent of that is me forgetting it is in there and I wanted to do the thing because I'm trash it's fine I love you I swear
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creaturesxfhabit · 6 years
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I can literally pull a walking dead verse out of my ass for any of my muses. I love zombies. Hit me up if you ever have a need. Esp for Dean in that universe, because he loves killing zombies.
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