your-rutherfurr · 4 months
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Basically a combination of abrogender and abrigender
Abrogender: A form of genderfluidity that changes more erratically and in a less defined way. A gender that is so intricate, and changes so quickly, that it is nearly impossible to nail down
Abrigender: unlike abrogender, the gender's feelings don't change, only the label
Might seem contradictory but gender is weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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artsyaech · 8 months
i redesigned the abrigender flag!
[PT: i redesigned the abrigender flag]
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[image ID: a pride flag with five horizontal stripes. the colors are from top to bottom: light green, even lighter green, white, lavender and black. END ID]
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[image ID: a pride flag with six horizontal stripes. the colors from top to bottom are: light blue, dark blue, dark purple, dark pink, very light orange and light yellow. END ID]
“abrigender, similar to abrogender, is a gender that changes; however, unlike abrogender, the gender's feelings don't change, only the label. someone might change their label quite often and choose to identify as abrigender, but their gender always has the same feeling.”
- lgbtqia.wiki
the new flag’s colors mean:
blue to pink gradient: the changes in one’s labels
yellow: the stark same-y feeling of one’s gender
flag was made for my friends to use! anyone (who doesn’t fit my dni) can use it, though <3
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[image ID: a banner with the sonneflorian flag as a background. It is an eleven-striped flag, with the colors, from top to bottom, being blue, pastel blue, pale blue, golden, orange, black, orange, golden, pale mint green, teal, and evergreen. the banner reads, in pastel blue lowercased block text, "read my dni before interacting". there is a symbol of a small bunch of sunflowers on the left side of the banner. END ID.]
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Gender that is being both boy and girl but neither at the same time but feels a little more girl. Confused with gender and gender expression. Feels like changing between boy and girl but actually isn't and actually just feels the same gender wise just changes expression.
I’m assuming that you’ve read the disclaimer in my pinned post, so I will not be restating it here. (/lh)
Here are some identities/labels I found that sound like they could fit:
Expression fluid (when one’s gender expression changes)
Gender non-conforming (someone that does not fit the stereotypes of their gender identity
Genderqueer (a gender identity that feels “queer” or differs from the gender norm in some way)
Bigendersize (someone that has two, non-fluid genders, and one of the genders outweighs the other)
Abigender (someone who is both agender and bigender or somewhere between the two identities)
Greybigender (someone who identifies as two genders that are both weak, fuzzy, blurry, or hard to identify)
Yukirangender (a mostly feminine gender that is also slightly masculine and/or androgynous)
Plerugirl (someone that has multiple genders but a feminine gender is felt more strongly or takes up more space)
Refutiogender (someone has multiple genders that contradict each other)
Abrigender (a gender whose feelings don’t change but the label does)
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