#absol acharya
blanketorghost · 1 year
Ive slowly started to design and doodle OCs for twst and Id thought I'd start with my favorite so far;
Prof. Acharya!
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Boigraphical Info:
Full name: Absol Acharya
Occupation: Humanities Professor & Guidance Councelor
Age: 59
Height: 180 cm (turban adds around 1cm)
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Hobbies: Gardening
Favorite Food: Chicken Biryani
He's an NRC Alumni, Used to be Scarabia's housewarden back in the day.
Mozus and Absol had a rivals to lovers relationship @ school, more one-sided on Trein's side tbh.
Prof. Acharya's biggest problem kid in RSA is Chen'ya, he is definitely the reason for half his wrinkles.
Neige frequents Acharya's office and often bakes him cookies to keep in his office.
Trein introduced Acharya and Yuu to each other on the VDC— he's taken quite a liking to him since he reminds him of a younger Mozus (cat and all). He has given Yuu a couple free therapy sessions.
Just like his twisted counterpart, Acharya smokes from a Hookah. Which means his nagging to Yuu about his own smoking is useless.
Ideally, Trein and Acharya would be both working @ the same school. The reason why Crowley hasn't been able to hire Acharya is, and I quote: "because he can't afford them both".
Trein and Acharya have 2 daughters that are already out of school— Giselle and Annette.
Absol and Lucius hold a Tom & Jerry style rivalry over Mozus's attention. The only reason why he hasn't thrown the cat to the curb is because his husband loves it so much.
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blanketorghost · 1 year
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I would vote for him.
Based on this Brooklyn 99 clip
Methinks i should seriously exploit the fact Yuu and Acharya are psychology majors and how NRC is like a treasure trove for psychoanalysts everywhere
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blanketorghost · 1 year
OOO hi hi!! i saw ur interactions post..ur ocs are so amazing i was genuinely blown away at Absol's design and lore it's so good!!!! Since he works at RSA, I was wondering how he would interact with my RSA staff ocs Fayette and André ? No pressure tho!! Take ur time^^
(Ask list)
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F: What's with the long face, Absy? You're too young to be sulking like this!
Ab: I could write my entire doctorate dissertation based solely on my experience within this school, Fayette.
Hm! I think Absol is considered to be one of the meaner and stricter teachers of RSA, so he'd be quite the contrast of personality to Fayette's carefreeness! I'm sure Fayette has pulled the 'senior' card on Absol a couple times to get him to loosen up.
Absol's surprised that such a 'dim-witted' professor is still holding a job at the college, but he can't argue he is quite the spell-caster.
I'm not sure if it'd be funnier if Fayette was blissfully unaware of Absol's annoyance or if he actually plays dumb on purpose to get on his nerves. That'd be up to you to decide!
Either way, Absol is a bit relieved he has at least someone to talk about the sorry psychological state of today's youth aside from his husband.
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An: Pardon, have we met before?
Ab: VDC of the 79th, I believe. .. Ah, I can't seem to escape these cat freaks...
An: Hm? Said domething?
Ab: ... Nothing.
Since André is only a year older than Absol, I'd thought it'd be interesting if they had met at least once during their school years. It'd be even funnier if Absol, given he is Mozus's second husband, would've only encountered André at RSA until after reconnecting with Mozus (but they were not quite yet dating).
Here's a doodle of them on their younger teaching days! I think they'd be about maybe 40 here? Absol started his teaching career quite late. He used to be a private therapist.
After Absol and Mozus started dating and subsequently got married, I'd like to think sometimes Absol accidentally mixed the two together on days he was especially sleep-deprived or maybe walked on during smoke sessions.
When Mozus found out about one specific time, he didn't talk to Absol for a month (rip)
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