#absolutely Struggling around the snout lmao
risingsunresistance · 2 years
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The Pig 🐖
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lilxberry · 4 years
Lost Then Found - Bofur
Requested By: @prestongoodplayisbabey​
Could I have a Bofur x reader where the reader gets lost (she’s part of the company) and when Bofur and the rest find her she’s eating a bear she caught with her own hands? I loved ur fic for @iwazoomingouttahere 💕
It’s probably a little different to what you were expecting but who doesn’t love a surprise amiright?! Also, I’m really glad that you liked the other fic so much that you wanted to request something for yourself so I hope that you like it
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Warnings: A lil bit sad, wouldn’t say angsty though. Fluff. Mentions of death (animal). Mentions of blood. Mentions Bofur without his hat lmao. I think that’s it, don’t quote me on that.
Words: 2,713
Pairings: Bofur x Reader (female reader)
It was definitely NOT your fault when you had become separated from the company. Everyone takes a wrong turn occasionally and loses the entire group they were travelling with. Right? It’s not like you heard a strange noise a bit away and went to investigate and when you returned, you found that they pressed on without you. If anything, it’s THEIR fault you were now separated from you. The big knuckleheads are completely oblivious sometimes. Anywho, that isn’t the point. It most certainly, definitely, absolutely WASN’T your fault.
Honestly, you actually had no clue in which direction they took off in but nevertheless, you followed your gut. They’re quite the noisy bunch so it shouldn’t be too hard to find them if you were on the right track. So, when you hear no rowdy group of 13 dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard, you deducted that you either went the wrong way of they finally learnt the meaning of the word silence.
You huffed as you sat down on the damp ground as you were surrounded by forestry. The towering trees and shrubbery provided great cover for when you slept alone at night. You brought your knapsack that contained your bedroll over to your side where you rested against the mossy tree. You wrestle your bedroll from its confinement within your sack and roll it out, ready for when you rest when it gets darker.
As you finish up sorting your sleeping arrangement, you turned and looked at the slight clearing which you’ve chosen to set up camp before groaning slightly and setting out ready to find whatever you could for kindling the fire you plan to build. You set out slightly away from where you’ve set up your bedroll and knapsack and begin searching the ground for anything that isn’t to damp and will burn.
All you can think about as you collect fuel for your campfire is of the company, more specifically, a certain dwarf who had captured your heart with his whittling, singing and goofy hat that never leaves his head. You sigh, wondering if he even cared that you had disappeared, if any of them cared really. You had been separated for almost a week, surely, they noticed at least.
You shake your head. ‘Of course, they care.’ You groaned as you realised you practically came to a standstill as your mind wandered instead of doing what you intended on doing so. You look at the singular stick within your hand and huff. “It’s gonna be a long night…”
Bofur’s mood had been off lately, everyone could tell, especially his brother and cousin. They all dearly missed Y/N and were concerned about where she is now and whether she is safe, but it’s Bofur who’s losing his mind over his missing One.
Bofur knew the moment he first laid on the girl that she was his One, he almost instantly confided in his brother and cousin about the subject. He even asked Balins’ ear off over what he should do. He loved how Y/N’s smile always happened to brighten up his day, or how her laugh could lure any man for it was easily mistakable for a sirens call.
He even loved how she was the only person to truly make him flush a deep red. She matched him perfectly when it came to humour, making him flush when a sarcastic, dirty joke passed her lips.
The dwarf sighed as he sat himself down on a log beside his cousin and the young princes’. The three all shared a concerned look towards each other then turned their gaze towards the love stricken, hat wearing whittler.
“Don’t worry Bofur, we’ll find her.” Fíli spoke, placing a comforting hand atop his companions’ shoulder, offering a sympathetic smile.
“Yeah. She’s probably right on our ass knowing her.” Kíli joked, attempting to lighten the mood. Bofur could only offer a solemn shrug and a smile that couldn’t meet his eyes. The brothers turned to Bifur, hoping he would know what to say.
Bifur shook his head and shrugged his shoulders ever so slightly before looking towards his cousin and offering him the most comforting of smiles he could muster up. “We will find her soon. I promise cousin. We will find your One.”
Bofurs’ smile a tad bit more genuine at his cousins’ words. He sat up that little bit straighter before standing and facing towards Bombur who stood near the campfire. “I’m gonna see if Bombur needs help lads, thanks.” And with that, he slugged his way over, looking down towards the ground and sighing out deeply.
“Where the bloody hell are ya, lass…”
You head away from your camp and towards the deeper parts of the woods, ready to hunt for your meal. Crouching low to the ground, you spot small tracks, a rabbit most likely. You slowly and quietly followed the small tracks, hoping to come across meat for your food.
A small crackle within the bushes before you forced you to snap your head up. You smiled victoriously as you raised your bow and arrow, steadying your breathing, bringing your elbow back past your ear, forcing you to stare down the length of the piercing wood with a steel pointed head. ‘Got you, ya bastard.’
Just before you released your arrow to send the arrow piercing through the air, the small rabbit emerged from behind the bush, standing on its hind legs, revealing itself as not a small rabbit like you intended to find but a large, burly bear covered in a dark, fur coat.
You fell backwards from your crouched position on to your behind, clamping a hand over your mouth, your breathing becoming increasingly heavier, almost hyperventilating. Your eyes were wide with fear as the bear raised its snout into the air and sniffs, almost as if it were searching for you. You slowly crawled away backwards, putting some distance between you and the beast.
Your efforts had practically been futile.
The bear whipped its head towards you in a flash, staring at you for moment, a moment where you could only hold your breath and pray to whatever God could hear you. The beast released a loud, ground shaking roar, a heavy growl underlining it before it burst out into a run towards you. You scrambled to stand quickly and take lengthy steps back as you drew your sword, unsheathing it from its position at your hip, your bow and arrow long forgotten on the dirt ground.
It lunges towards you and you let a piercing scream tear its way through your throat. You drove your sword up into the chest cavity of the beast as it fell down from the force of its attack, impaling the beast on to your weapon.
It bawled out and whimpered in pain as it laid dying atop of your smaller form. You struggled to worm yourself out from underneath the beast and laid yourself beside it, sprawled out like a starfish and chest heaving heavily as your tried to catch your breath. “I’m sorry…” you whispered to the bear, a tear escaping from the corner of your eye.
You rolled on to your side and slowly came to a stand. You retrieved your dagger from your belt and stepped closer to the corpse. Embedding the blade into the bear, you began to skin and salvage any possible meat from the beast, your body quickly being covered in the luke-warm crimson liquid.
“I’m so, so sorry…”
The company had sat around the fire, eating whatever Bombur had been able to form into an appetising broth when they heard the loud roar of a beast. They all momentarily paused, all either halting their chewing or stilling the movement of the spoon coming closer to their mouths.
Their eyes travelled along each other as they sat a few moments in silence, some slowly lowering their bowls down, cautious if any over the few decibels they were making would draw whatever it was to them. But once they heard the feminine scream moments after, they jumped up and raced towards whatever they hoped to find.
Everyone was hopeful that it was their missing lass, all the while they wished it weren’t. The scream could never be a good sign. Bofur was the first to spring to action and burst through the treelines to head deeper into the woodland. All he could think is that his One could be in danger and he isn’t with her to protect her.
The others followed suit, rushing towards whatever it was. They dodged and weaved through trees and climbed over and under branched and roots. They ran and ran until they came across the carcass of a bear, a large one at that. It was partially missing some fur along with most of the meat that once encased its bones.
They searched the area, high and low. As Kíli crouched low towards the ground, he noticed the strange disturbances the ground had gone through. He assumed it was that of someone shuffling backwards in a vulnerable state. He brought the scuffle evident in the dirt to Thorins’ and the companies attention.
They backtracked the marks in the dirt and found where they had started, near a bush. They continued to search but one discovery had sent everyone into a state of panic and fear. Your bow and a singular arrow.
“She must’ve been here. You cannot deny it is hers!”
Finding your own tracks that came from your boots hadn’t been difficult to do. So, with that, they hastily followed your footprints, double and triple checking they were on the right track. A million thoughts whirled through their heads. What had happened? Were you alright? Had you been injured?
Bofur felt an array of emotions as he tailed the company, perplexed about what he had hoped to find. He so desperately hoped it was you, but what if they found you in a condition they so desperately didn’t want to come across. What he didn’t want to come across. He would never forgive himself if you had been injured or worse, never forgiving himself for not being able to protect you. His woman, his One.
He prayed to Mahal all throughout their search for you and soon, he found his prayer answered. There you were, sat beside a small campfire atop a thick coat of black fur, turning large chunks of meat over the fire, roasting it for your meal, all the while you were still covered nearly head to toe in nearly crisp dry blood.
Bofur dropped his weapon to the floor and rushed over to you, causing you to jump near enough a foot off the ground. “Mahal, Y/N, I’ve been worried sick!” He enveloped you in a bone crushing hug, dis-concerned about the blood, your shocked face and the other members who watched on. He pulled back ever so slightly and cup your face in between his hands, staring at you intensely. “Where did you run off to?!”
You swallowed down the dry lump that had formed into your throat and looked into his eyes, the other members of the company momentarily forgotten. “I uh-I heard a noise, so I went to check it out and when I came back, you guys weren’t there…” you trailed off, tears forming in your (E/C) orbs, threatening to spill at a moments notice. “I…I thought you guys didn’t care…”
The dam had broken and you now openly sobbed, tears had begun to stream down your face like salty waterfalls. Bofur had reacted quickly, bringing you into yet another hug, seeming more desperate than the last. You clung on to him like a scared child would cling on to their mother as you wept and wept into his chest. The other members all watched with saddened eyes, their hearts breaking the slightest at the thought of you thinking they hadn’t cared that you had disappeared.
“We’re right here lass, I’m right here. It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Bofur whispered sweet, soothing words in your ear as he laid a gentle kiss upon your forehead. “I ain’t ever letting you out of my sight ever again, ya hear?” You sniffled and even released the faintest of giggles as you lifted your head up to look Bofur in the eye. He smiled down at you and you could do nothing but return it with a tiny one of your own. “Aye, there’s my lass and that beautiful smile. Not as beautiful as mine though.” He spoke to you with such love and care.
You had laughed once more, always thankful for Bofur and his attempt at making others smile. “I missed you.” You whispered, leaning your forehead against his own.
He beamed towards you as the words passed your lips. “I missed you more, amrálíme.” He spoke not even a decibel louder than you before planting his lips firmly against your own. You froze, shocked by what was happening, but before you knew it, you melted into the kiss and matched his passion and love, raising your arms to wrap loosely around his neck.
The company all had smiles etched across their faces, some of them cheering and realising high pitched wolf whistles. You two broke the kiss as if remembering you were surrounded by others. You flushed a deep red whilst Bofur only seemed to beam towards you once more.
“I would like it if you would allow me to court ya and braid your hair, lass.” He spoke with such confidence that it almost made you neglect the pink tint his cheeks adorned. All you could do was nod and smile sheepishly as your blush intensified. He grinned from ear to ear and kissed you once more, one you happily returned.
Parting, he stood and extended his hand down towards you. You placed your smaller hand into his own before his encased yours and pulled you gently to stand beside him. As soon as you gained your balance, Bombur had rushed towards you and crushed you in his own embrace, him clearly missing you a lot just like his brother. You chuckled as you hugged him back, the company also finding Bomburs affection amusing. It even elicited a deep, throaty chuckle from the ever-brooding Thorin.
You all headed back towards the camp the company had set up, not without grabbing your belonging along with the meat and fur you obtained for the bear you had the misfortune of running into. Bofur had a protective arm around you the entire time, not even removing himself from your side once you had reached the camp.
Bombur and Bifur had taken it upon themselves to cook yet another meal for the company, seeing as you had salvaged much meat from the beast. You all sat and ate, they barraged you with questions about the week you had been separated from them. They even asked about the bear you had taken down and how you lugged so much its meat back towards your makeshift sleeping area.
As you talked and talked with the company on how you had no clue if you were even heading in the right direction towards them, Bofur stared at you lovingly, afraid that if he were to blink, you would become separated once again.
He thanked Mahal a million times over in his head, thankful that they had found you again, that he had found you again. He smiled, removing his hat which he then proceeded to place atop of yours. It fell past your eye, obstructing your vision, causing you to push it up whilst you giggled.
Bofur released a chuckled of his own as he brough you further into his side and rest his head on top of yours. “Amrálíme?”
You smiled as you hear his hushed use of the affectionate name. “Yes Bofur?”
“I love you.”
You turned and looked up at him through your eyelashes, that hat of his threatening to fall over your eyes once again and smiled. “I love you.” You snuggled further into his warm, loving embrace and you both sighed in happiness and contentment.
He’ll be damned if he ever got separated from his One ever again. And Mahal help whoever stands in his way.
First fic uploaded in 2021, lets gooooo!
It’s a little different to what the requester probably envisioned but the overall plot is still there so all I can hope is that they like it
I hope you all enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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damienthepious · 4 years
okay so yeah i managed another thing, smol and honestly just setup bUT- STILL
Striation (chapter 1)
[ao3] [ch 2]
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla, Lord Arum/Rilla
Characters: Rilla, Lord Arum, Sir Damien
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Established Relationship, Massage, Science Shenanigans, Gentleness, (look chapter 1 is just a lot of gentle touching), (but chapter two is going to be pwp), (fair fucking warning. fair warning about the fucking.), (we just. arent' there YET.), (so i don't know how to TAG the fucking yet because. i haven't written it lmao)
Fic Summary: Arum sees something that the humans don't. This discovery leads to quite a bit of science, and quite a bit of touching.
Chapter Notes: Google Blaschko's lines, they're REALLY COOL, and the idea of Arum being able to see them hit me like a truck. Shoutout to @skunkoon for the initial idea and subsequent discord yelling about the subject!! This is rated Explicit because it is ABSOLUTELY going to pwp town in chapter two, but this chapter is entirely devoid of sexytimes. please enjoy the gentle.... happy lizard kissin'..... OwO
"Saints," Rilla groans as she stretches her hands high above her head, joints popping audibly. "Alright, so maybe I overdid it a little rearranging the mints."
"Your back?" Arum inquires, lifting his snout from his tea and tilting his head.
"Shoulders, mostly," she says, rolling them with a grimace. "I should've stopped when I got them all up and saved the replanting for tomorrow."
"Stubborn," Arum says fondly, and Rilla scowls. "Come here, then. Sit for a moment. You've more than earned a bit of rest."
Rilla considers that for a moment, glancing back towards the other sections of the greenhouse Arum has agreed to let her dig her hands into, organizationally speaking, but she feels her neck twinge when she looks and she relents pretty quickly. She sighs as she sinks to sit beside the lizard on the thick-woven blanket he's laid out, and he moves his tea and small stack of books aside to make room for her.
"Did you have fun watching me, then?" she asks with a raise of her brow, and she grins hard when Arum sputters indignantly.
"I- did no such thing. I was quite engrossed with my own business, I'll have you know, far too busy with-"
"Your pile of unopened books?"
Arum snaps his teeth together, but after a breath his posture softens and he rolls his eyes, presumably at himself.
"You always move with such distinct purpose," he admits, gesturing with one clawed hand. "It is admittedly difficult to look away, particularly when you are so deeply engaged with a project."
"Did you forget about your tea, too?"
"It tastes just as well when cooled," the monster hedges.
Rilla snorts a laugh, then winces as her shoulders twinge to remind her the kind of abuse she's put them under today.
Arum tilts his head again, concern on his face, and then he reaches a hand out. "Here. Closer, little doctor. Let someone else do the caretaking for once."
That offer is simultaneously amusing and tempting enough that Rilla lets Arum's hands snake around her waist, maneuvering to rearrange the both of them, shifting so that Rilla is seated in front of Arum with her back to his chest. When he's done moving them he doesn't pull his hands away, though, or hug her from behind like she's half-expecting. He runs all four palms up her back (she bites her lip, inhales sharply) and then he starts to massage, slowly and carefully kneading the tension out of her shoulders.
"Mm… yeah, okay, that actually feels really nice," Rilla says, leaning back into Arum's hands as the second set shifts outward to draw gentle, deliberate claws down the skin of her arms, caressing up and down in a slow rhythm.
Rilla closes her eyes with a sigh, and then the exhale slips into a low groan as Arum's hands find a particularly tender spot, and it feels too damn good for her to really mind the mild chuckle that Arum gives at her expense.
The hands on her shoulders roam, working slowly through different points of stiffness and soreness, and his other two hands draw claws down from the tops of her biceps nearly to her wrists and then back up, an even and unceasing caress.
"You keep doing the same pattern with your claws," Rilla notices in a murmur, and Arum's claws draw down again, slow and certain as his other hands continue to knead into her shoulders. "It's starting to feel kinda tingly."
"I'm simply following the lines," Arum replies mildly, and Rilla can feel him shrug behind her. "Is "tingly" a… good feeling, then?"
"In this case, yes," she says, and then she glances over her shoulder. "Hang on though- what do you mean, lines?"
"The stripes down your arms," Arum says, his tone factual and unbothered, though his words make less than no sense.
"Uh," she says, pulling forward enough that she can turn meet his eyes properly again, "what are you talking about?"
Arum raises an an eyebrow. "Your… stripes? Obviously."
Rilla looks down at her own skin, at the place on her hand where Arum had been steadily and rhythmically drawing his claws, but her skin stays exactly as un-striped as she's always known it to be. "I don't have a clue what you could mean."
Arum's brow furrows now, and he leans closer again. "Your stripes, you ridiculous creature. You have them nearly everywhere on your body." He traces his claws along her arm in wavering lines, and the contact tickles her hair and, well, it feels nice, of course, but as far as Rilla can see he's tracing a pattern that simply doesn't exist. "There," he says stubbornly.
"Not there," she says flatly. "Are you messing with me?"
Arum pulls his head back, and then he scowls. "Are you messing with me?" he retorts. "There," he says again, and then he draws his fingertips over her shoulder in an arc. "And there." Then across her stomach beneath her short top, and Rilla suppresses a laugh as her stomach jumps at the unexpected contact.
"I don't have stripes," Rilla insists, shaking her head. "Damien!" she calls, and the poet makes a questioning sound from the the other side of the greenhouse a half-moment before his head appears around the trunk of the Everdead. "Damien. I don't have-" she narrows her eyes at the lizard as his scowl deepens, "stripes, right?"
Damien blinks. "Stripes?"
Arum's tail curls in the air, the tip flicking irritably. "The repetition is becoming intolerable. The lines on your skin, you infuriating mammals. You both have them. What is the issue, here?"
Damien's lip curls into a bemused smile as he steps closer. "You know I hate to disagree with you, my lily-"
Arum snorts.
"But so far as I can see, neither myself nor our Rilla are patterned in such a way."
Arum growls, but as he's opening his mouth to argue further Rilla snaps her fingers.
"So far as you can see," she repeats, dawning realization in her voice, and Damien purses his lips to bury a delighted smile as Rilla practically vibrates with excitement. "Oh, duh, of course. Arum- you're seeing something that we can't. We already knew your vision works differently from ours, I mean, you can basically see in pitch black, but this must be something that human eyes can't pick up on!"
Arum pauses for a moment, his frill fluttering by his neck as he visibly struggles between the urge to continue arguing and the urge to preen at his superiority.
"Okay," Rilla says. "Okay. I like this theory." She claps her hands, rubs them together with a toothy grin, and then turns her gleeful gaze on Arum. "D'you wanna try to figure out exactly what it is you're seeing? I don't know why humans would have stripes, but I'm going to figure it out, and this seems like a really fun first step."
Damien watches the pair of them with a smile he clearly can't help, and Arum stares at Rilla with his lips parted, clearly too overwhelmed by her enthusiasm to remember to protest.
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dragimalsdaydreams · 5 years
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WHEW BOY, I’ve been itchin’ to draw these designs up for quite a while now and finally got around to it, haha. I’ve struggled a lot with my personal style for MLP ponies, trying to make something nice out of “realism with MLP proportions” with.... mixed results, lmao. but I was inspired by @jayrockin‘s tiny sapient ungulate au to draw up my own more specevo designs, and I think I finally got something here I rly like
while I took heavy inspiration from Jay’s au (esp for the pegasus wings, which I will discuss in further detail in that section), I genuinely want to make something of my own here, and hope that comes through. if I’ve failed to do so, I apologize Jay, and I’ll be happy to delete or shift designs as needed-- I don’t want to infringe on ur designs or anything,,
anyways, I have a lot to say abt these designs, so I’ll throw it under the cut
while this is basically the starting point for my ponies-- the “unaligned” base-- it got me thinking about how it could possibly appear in-canon. magic is such a critical element of pony life, it would have to be something pretty drastic to strip a pony of all unique, class-defining features. which leads me to believe that if it would ever occur in the show, it would have happened in Starlight’s equality town. I imagine this wouldn’t necessarily be on purpose, but perhaps an unintended consequence removing a pony’s cutie mark? or maybe just a consequence of the particular spell Starlight used? either way, she prolly wouldn’t complain about “equalizing” her townsfolk on yet another level (tho she might have to explain why she gets to keep her horn for the removal spell). either way, it’s fun to imagine a uniform, blank set of unaligned ponies..
I had a hell of a time trying to figure out the relationship b/t magic and evolution, and how that translated to hexapods vs. tetrapods and the presence of a magic horn. my tentative lore is that alicorns are the basal ancestors of ponies (briefly: vertebrate hexapod clade >> ungulate-analogue clade >> magic-horn clade >> alicorns >> ponies). the eventual division of labor in early pony society redirected magical energy towards the most essential morphology for the three classes of labor, resulting in earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. though the genetic structures for horns, hoof-nails, and wings (+ secondary traits) are still present in any given pony’s genetic code-- it’s simply a matter of whether the switch for a particular set of traits is activated or not
physical remnants of horns and wings are still subtly present in ponies who don’t have those structures, in the form of a small bump on the skull and reduced wing-nubs just behind the front legs. often, the bump or nubs will have some identifying pelt pattern, though this isn’t always the case
now since my take on ponies is that they’re ~technically~ all genetically alicorns, this has the potential for more of a gradient b/t classes. in rare cases, an individual may be born with two different classes of magic+traits activated at once, dubbed a “bicorn”. however, without the regulation of a powerful alicorn to consciously divvy out the traits/magic in an individual’s body (as was the case for Twilight’s ascension), these traits/magic don’t express to the full extent that they could have if they’d been activated individually. as an example, I think Fluttershy would absolutely be a “bicorn”-- a pony who has the innate earth-bound magic of an earth pony, but the physique and wings of a pegasus (and I would hc her with small, underdeveloped hoof-nails as well, in this case). without the full extent of air magic to keep her aloft, Fluttershy can barely keep up with her swift pegasi cousins, and she doesn’t have the brawn typically associated with earth ponies. she’s still a very successful pony in her own right, but she had to find unique ways to fill in the gaps between earth and pegasi life that weren’t necessarily inherent to either lifestyle. due to their perceived ‘lack’ in cohesion and magic, some ponies call bicorns “the beggar’s alicorn” (or if I wanna be rly mean and up the age rating on this au, “the bastard alicorn”)
now past all that nonsense abt the classes, I want to detail some universal traits among pony anatomy.
for one, ponies have dexterous lips that they use to hold and handle delicate objects, much like manatees. this is basically reused from my past suggestion for Jayrockin’s own pony designs, but retrofit for my take on pony faces. since my faces have more pointed, upturned noses, I figure that the lips could hold an object in place, while rabbit-like nose-twitching could direct the angle of the object (like for writing). the bottom lip may still be able to help in angling, but the nose is the more directive force, in this design. this also makes it so the tip of a pencil is up in a pony’s direct line of sight, even if the pencil is a simple straight-line stick rather than more ergonomically-designed. this is important to me b/c I don’t know if more complex writing structures would necessarily be available in early pony society, so if ponies only have simple sticks to write with, I still want them to see what they’re writing lmao
this also directly influences ponies’ long, flexible necks. since pony heads are treated as an extra limb for dexterity (especially in those ponies without horns), the head needs to comfortably reach different parts of the body
pony “hooves” are essentially meaty mitts covering three inner toes. the thick padding and leathery skin usually obscures the internal anatomy, though sometimes indentations are visible (especially in earth ponies). the middle toe is the main anchor of support, with the side toes providing extra support. they also allow for some dexterity, as the side toes can pinch together well enough to even hold thin objects like pencils. while the overall construction of the legs makes dexterous use of the "hooves” a bit difficult, it’s not uncommon to see certain professions gravitate towards hoof use over lip use. many earth pony artists, for example, tend to use their hooves so they can keep their faces an appropriate distance away from their pieces to view the “big picture”, and painters in particular prefer the wide strokes they can get with their hooves
unicorn horns have a keratin shell with an inner base of bone. the center of the bone houses a thick bundle of neurons which extends back into the base of the brain. the keratin covering is composed of overlapping layers that grow into place as the unicorn ages (the tip is the oldest, while the base is the youngest). most newborn unicorns are born without a horn, but the first layer of the horn quickly breaks skin and grows into place within a few weeks of birth. a groove runs up the dorsal side of the horn, acting as a funnel for magic, which then spills into and out of the lips between keratin layers
unicorn spines tend to be rather long, consequently leading to long necks, torsos, and tails. their skulls are also usually a bit long compared to others. this overall length usually isn’t obvious when looking at a unicorn on their own, but next to any other class, they look a bit stretched
additionally, unicorns tend to style their hair long as well, coveting flowing tresses. hair appears in several different places on the body besides the head/neck and tail, such as the chin/jaw, throat, ear tips, and fetlocks. while individuals from other classes can sometimes grow hair in these extra places, it’s a rather rare trait, and seems to be associated more with bicorns than full-blood pegasi or earth ponies. interestingly, hair only seems to sprout from the end-half of unicorn tails rather than the full length as seen in other classes-- some ponies joke that unicorns’ first ancestors stole hair from their tails to fill out the rest of their bodies
so this is where I more heavily reference Jayrockin’s designs, and where I apologize if I didn’t make my wing designs unique enough from Jay’s... I just LOVE the look of cartilage-lobe wings, and it makes so much more sense than *suddenly feathers* in pony anatomy, imo (unless I were to just make all ponies’ fur/hair highly-specialized feathers, which is.... I mean it’s not a bad idea, but I’m not super into it)
anyways, pegasus wings vary across individuals, with different shapes and sizes leading to different flight styles. all wings are too small to support a pony without magic, but there is still a sense of relative loading and wingspan that leads different modes of movement. all wings have four fingers, with the first digit usually serving as a kind of alula. the cartilage of the lobes can reach as far as halfway up the length of the fingers, though they can be smaller. due to the lobes, the fingers only have one joint about halfway down the finger, near the start of the cartilage. the cartilage spines near the elbow also have one joint, and can range from 2-4 on a wing. pegasus tails are much stiffer and straighter than those of other classes in order to support tail spines and webbing for flight. 2-4 pairs of spines sprout from the base of the tail and are constructed similarly to the spines on the wings. sometimes the webbing of the back edge of the wings and the front edge of the tail connect, but this is uncommon
pegasi are generally the tallest of the classes, with long, thin legs and necks providing ample height. to handle the forces of powered flight, pegasi torsos are much stiffer than those of other classes. while pegasus wings aren’t especially muscular due to the reliance on wind magic, they still bulk up the torso with thick pectorals (still on the fence over whether they need a shallow keel tho..)
pegasi usually don’t have upturned snouts, but rather a straight slope with a small snout tip, giving the overall skull an aerodynamic wedge shape. their ears are also smaller to cut back on wind disturbance
pegasi hair tends to grow rather short, and even then individuals will usually keep it cropped short so it’s less of a hassle while flying. tail hair generally only sprouts from the very tip of the tail, sometimes extending down some of the underside of the tail. unlike the mysterious short range of tail hair in unicorns, this growth pattern is a direct result of the tail spines/webbing. while pegasus hair is sparse, pegasus fur tends to be thick and fluffy, especially around the torso and neck. this helps insulate pegasi when flying high in the chilly skies
since earth pony magic seems to be driven by tactile connection to the earth via their hooves, I gave them hoof-nails as a more distinct conduit for their magic. they’re designed after elephant toenails, so they’re thick and blunt
besides that, earth ponies have bulky, thick physiques to match their typically labor-heavy lifestyles. not much more to say since that’s a p universal hc for earth ponies so ¯|_(ツ)_/¯
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phantomrubies · 7 years
Dancing for Infidget prompts? Infinite would have to stand on his toes and Gadget might start bending down to meet him half-way. Also, while waltzing, Infinite would always looks floaty and graceful, but Gadget would keep slipping into a polka waltz. They'd keep standing on one-another's toes, but Infinite can't help but smile a little when seeing Gadget look so energetic and happy. (THIS WAS GONNA BE THE ONE SENTENCE AND I GOT CARRIED AWAY SORRY)
AYEEE THIS IS A RLY CUTE PROMPT THANK Ui think i didnt entirely nail this bc im v rusty w my writing rn, but hopefully what ended up tumbling out suffices sdfghjgf i’ll dump it under a read more!! didnt have much of a proper direction so what happened just kinda happened lmao
There’s flour everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Coating the wooden countertops, clinging to their fur, the substance spreads from area to area with seemingly no end amidst all the other kitchen chaos. Pots and pans also clutter the sink in disorderly piles, sugar spills from a packet left open and slumped over on its side, used utensils are strewn around, there’s a small puddle of milk on the tiled floor… the list could go on.But Infinite and Gadget are having the time of their lives. Caring not for the disarray, the two banter back and forth as they finish putting their cookies into the toasty oven at long last. While not the most professional looking lumps of dough, the wolf insists it’s perfectly fine; they’re made with love.“Well, so long as neither of us get food poisoning. Love won’t save us from that.”The teasing comment prompts said wolf to playfully swat at his arm with a checkered print tea-towel in protest. “Hey, I may be a sloppy baker, but I’m not that careless!”“…I guess I’ll take your word for it.”Due to the heat in the room gradually rising what with the cooking, the long-haired mobian reaches over to unlatch and open the window. The light summer breeze that flows in is instantly gratifying, fluttering the curtains and ruffling said hair somewhat, and it carries the scent of flowers. He can now hear faint, distant sounds of small children frolicking in the park nearby to their flat, almost drowned out entirely by the soft, mildly static hum of their old radio. Despite being past its prime, Gadget had insisted on keeping it, claiming the slightly warbled sound gave it an odd kind of charm. Naturally, Infinite had tuned the aged thing into a rock station.He soaks in all the elements of the homely atmosphere as, speak of the devil, Gadget slides up behind him and buries his snout into the crook of Infinite’s neck. Long white locks are delicately brushed aside. As the wolf speaks, his warm breath tickles against obsidian fur, and there’s that distinct, little hint of giddiness in his tone that weaves its way in whenever he’s close to his partner. They only made things official just recently, so it’s understandable, really.“You hungry..?”“Hm?”“Aw, c'mon, don’t say you still don’t have an appetite after all this work. They won’t take long!”“Oh, don’t worry, I’m definitely not letting these go to waste.” Infinite can practically feel his boyfriend’s familiar, beaming grin, and chuckles.For a moment they merely stand there enjoying one another’s company, until Gadget abruptly shifts, taking hold of one of Infinite’s hands. He then leans over with the other to turn the volume dial of the radio propped on the windowsill, cranking it up higher with a gleeful sparkle in his amber eyes. The words that follow the gesture are spoken more akin to an affectionate demand than a means of invitation.“Dance with me.”“..Dance?” Infinite blinks, cocking his head with one comically raised brow. A slight smirk graces his features. “You’re… not kidding, are you?”Feeling the wolf interlock their fingers together more securely, he supposes he has his answer, but if that wasn’t enough of a giveaway, Gadget nods enthusiastically. As what he can vaguely identify as the intro to some early 2000’s hit starts up, he finds himself dragged into……a waltz?“What makes you think I’d joke with you like that?”Infinite is clearly struggling to hold back his amusement, trying to ease into the unsteady flow - if their awkward shuffling could even be considered as such - of movements.“You know, Gadget, this choice of dance and the music don’t exactly match. In fact, they clash horribly.”“Who cares?! Having fun is what’s important. We may be terrible,” the statement is unintentionally emphasised as Gadget steps on his foot, “but we’re terrible together.”…He can’t argue with that. A grin graces his muzzle, and Infinite laughs, admiring his energetic companion with a gentle and humoured gaze. The two allow themselves to get lost in the music, and quite frankly, most certainly each other as well. They sometimes slip into completely different styles of dance, swaying back and forth and always entirely off-beat to the rhythm of the song, but lack a care in the world. Infinite swears his heart is drumming far harder than bassline of this track, and as it draws to a close, in an attempt to end with a flourish, Gadget for once makes a rather bold move and dips the other mobian. This would have worked out…If it wasn’t for the milk on the floor.Infinite’s bare foot slips on the spillage and he falls down without even time to register it, pulling his poor boyfriend with him until they’re left in an unceremonious, tangled heap on the chill tiles. Gadget is on top of him gaping down in surprise and embarrassment, the radio continues to blare obnoxiously, their prides are down the drain……and then they break into laughter harder than they have in weeks. Who could possibly keep a straight face? The sheer hilarity of the situation hits and both can barely just wheeze out words of apology to one another after the tumble they took. It requires a solid few minutes to calm down enough for them to meet gazes again without it inducing another chuckle fit, but once they do, Infinite is left breathless not simply because of the amount of giggles they’ve shared by this point or having the wind knocked out of him, but by the sheer happiness in Gadget’s eyes. The wolf is absolutely radiating joy, and to know that he had a part in bringing him that joy? It makes his heart soar to indescribable heights. He lacks a cheesy enough metaphor to truly express the way his love’s presence makes him feel, in fact.Gadget tilts his head with a curious smile as though silently questioning the unwavering, awestruck stare, and that’s when Infinite kisses him. Hands find themselves running through unkempt, but wonderfully soft auburn fur.He’s too adorable, damn it. It’s spontaneous and brief, but lingering; the two are reluctant to withdraw. Infinite finds he tastes of all things sweet and sugary, like strawberries and cream, or his favourite candy, and Gadget’s smooth lips ghost over his admittedly more chapped own, feather-light but with a deeply resonating fondness. It remains like this for… well, he isn’t sure how long. What, you expect a guy to be able to focus enough to count the seconds at a time like this?“As much as I love kissing you,” Gadget finally mumbles between each tiny peck, his cheeks heavily flushed, “The floor isn’t exactly comfy, Infi. Plus, the cookies are gonna burn…”Infinite smiles and rolls his eyes. He laughs in deep huffs, and strays to pepper a few final smooches over the other’s freckled muzzle, before ceasing in his affections entirely. “It hasn’t been that long. I do agree with you about the floor, though…”That being said, Gadget manoeuvres off of him and within a moment, they’re both back on their feet and rummaging around for a pair of misplaced oven-gloves. Suffice to say, while Infinite’s rear might be a bit sore the next day, he deems the fall worth it. Entirely.…“Have you been eating the icing, by the way?”…“How’d you know?”
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🍬+ Warheads because I saw that tag lmao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Give Him Candy!: Accepting! 
He whined as he looked at the tiny package with the mushroom cloud plastered across the front.  The small writing detailed a challenge of keeping the contents in his mouth for as long as he possibly can.
Pendles loved a challenge.
Pinching at the top of the wrapper, he struggled to get it open.  Lacking nails, his glove and tentacle slipped with every attempt.  Frowning, he tore it open with his fangs and plopped the hard candy into his maw.
He heaved to spare himself of the searing point of a timeslowed bullet boring itself into his gums, but a challenge was a challenge.  Pendakka “Pendles” Lakonna, the CEO, CFO, Head of Helician Resources, Accountant, Intern and Star Assassin of Executive Executions was not going to be defeated by a candy.  He coiled his tentacle around his snout to keep his jaw zipped shut.  Just another 45 seconds....
Tears streamed from his eye as he danced around to take his mind off of the absolute horror destroying his taste buds.  He squealed and his breath hitched, but he had to succeed, dammit.
His reward came as the burn faded and he spit out the yellow abomination, figuring that the 60 seconds had passed.  He licked at the now rough spot on the side of his jaw.  “People’re bloody masochists!  Why’re these on the shelf?!”
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