#aburame shino x oc
robotbackpack · 1 year
Shino X Reader or Shino X OC fic I have an idea for, but will probably never get around to writing:
Prologue during meteor disaster of The Last (ugh, I haven't even seen it yet, just read summaries) when Shino and Kiba are on search-and-rescue
Shino finds a teenage civilian girl in the rubble of a building
She's already crying when the bugs find her from a broken leg
Shino removes rubble covering her, informs the medical team she'sseverelyinjured, asks her if she's ready to be moved, and floats her out on a swarm of bugs
Boruto-era (because they done my bugboi dirty in Next Generations)
The girl he saved is very shy and nerdy
She's just a little younger, maybe 3 or 4 years
She has always remembered him as her hero
She picks up any discarded XCards with Shino on them that she finds
She likes to stash them in the hollow of her favorite tree in the park, or take them home to the (pile of) box(es) in the corner of her shed
If she can't bring them to either place easily, she might make it into an origami bug, or leave it in a patch of flowers
She dislikes bugs, but mostly because they never ask permission before touching her
She intensely dislikes surprise touches, and distrusts those who surprise her often
She really doesn't like drunk people because they're usually too touchy without permission
She likes to watch bugs sometimes, though, as a peaceful, quiet, often beautiful part of nature
She thinks it is cute and gentle that he still plays with toys, and he does things that bring him joy
I can't decide if she's taken a self-defense class or not, but I think she has.
She loves touching someone on her terms.
She asks to hold his hand first.
The next meeting, he asks to hold her hand too
These dorks are fully adults and blushy, sweaty-palmed, heart-fluttery messes just from holding hands discreetly in the park
She asks for their first hug too.
She has big thick glasses, so when Shino asks for a first kiss, he's a nervous wreck, but he takes off his visor so it doesn't get in the way. (They are several dates in before he decides he's been thinking about it too much, and finally makes his request)
The poor girl is not ready for the full beauty of this man's face. She is dumbstruck, transfixed by this ikemen suddenly looking directly into her eyes so sincerely
(Funny version: she literally forgets to breathe and faints)
They kiss though, and it is sweet and tender and awkward and enough for now but just the beginning
Shino's class can tell something is up he's been acting weird(er than usual). Absolutely love struck. Super prone to daydreams.
Mostly the kids are nervous how much he's smiling, and some are worried he's planning something and trying to butter them up.
The most romantically inclined child figures it out first. Classic Classroom Hinjinx ensue
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kankuroplease · 4 months
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@aburameweek prompt: school days
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d-choppy · 8 months
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"Swapping bodies" (Oc x Canon)
It's Shino Week !!!!!
Yes ! Always a pleasure to draw my husbando !
soooooo for the first day i made a comics ~
They have to wait until Ino is better and they didn't think about her father to change it .... they spend a day like that.
Sashika is my Naruto's Oc, my first one ~
I hope you will like it !
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nadikore · 3 months
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“Kotone…what’s the matter? Are you sick? Why? because you are acting strange.”
Art (c) Cosmopur on Instagram
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dira333 · 5 months
The Road Not Taken - part 16
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
Taglist open if you want to be added
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The change in your household is subtle yet obvious. 
Tsume smiles every time she sees you, a knowing, teasing smile that dances across her lips. So far you’ve managed to keep her silent, but you doubt her self-restraint will hold much longer.
Yori has yet to reappear on your doorstep, giving you some time to come to terms with your conflicting feelings toward her.
As a Clan-elder, you’re expected to show her respect. But, as both Shikaku and Shibi have pointed out, you’re no longer part of the Nara-Clan. 
You owe her gratitude, for bringing you up when no one else would and for arranging the marriage that has brought you so much happiness, but you no longer owe her your blind obedience. Maybe you never did.
Shibi has started to get up later in the mornings. 
He quite enjoys staying in bed as long as he possibly can, awake yet unmoving, holding you close until one of the boys or both start making noise.
You’ve been trying to make him see the sweet joy of taking a bath together, quietly planning a short trip to the Onsen for when Shino’s advanced training officially starts. It’s slow progress, but it’s progress.
You started working one week after your return from the mission, your leg still in a brace. It’s only two mornings a week so far and you can take Shino with you if you want, though he seems less interested in the hospital every time you take him with you.
Rika’s been a godsend, never once batting an eye when you flinch at loud noises or Iruka comes in with Naruto for a private check-up that’s mainly just a chat and a shared lunch box. 
Even Akane stops by once, her face still pretty pale.
“I heard you started working again.” She looks at your leg brace that’s peeking out from under the table. “How are you doing?”
“It’s good.” You nod at your little office. “Quiet, too. But I think I owe you a thanks. I’m sure I wouldn’t have this job without you.”
Akane shakes her head. “I didn’t do anything for you. I know your husband. I knew he’d pull the necessary strings. The Hospital can’t operate without the generous donations coming from various Clans. I’m not an expert on that matter, but I think the Aburame Clan donates quite a substantial amount.” 
You narrow your eyes at her. “I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t. I did what I could do for Iruka. He deserves it. Tell him so when you see him next.” She gets up again. “Oh, by the way… did you take a look at the scroll when you had it?”
You furrow your brows. “No? Why would I? I don’t even know what it was supposed to be.”
“Hmm.” Akane doesn’t look convinced. You sigh.
“Don’t tell me I got the wrong scroll.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Because that would be typical. Going through all the hassle of getting that scroll and then I didn’t even check if it was the right one. Not that I would have been able to make sure of it anyway with my limited knowledge.”
“Well…” Akane clears her throat. “I’m no expert either. But I was questioned about it this week. I did take a look and from what I could tell I thought it was the right scroll. But Danzo’s convinced it’s a fake.”
You sigh. “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now, right?”
Akane nods, the movement tight. 
“Are you okay, though?” You ask. “You’re still very pale. Are you getting the rest you should?”
“Oh, yes. I’m fine. I’ve always been rather pale.” She sends you a tight smile. “By the way, Rock was asking if he could come over sometime and meet you and your kids. I told him a bit about you.”
“Oh, of course. Shino’s not that keen on making friends and Torune’s not to be touched for various reasons, but I’d love to meet him. I’ll talk to Shibi and get back to you, is that okay?”
She nods, taking one last look at you before she leaves with a wave of her hand.
There’s something strange about her visit, but you can’t put your finger on it.
Two days later you hear about her departure. All you know is that she’s sent out on another mission.
“Much too early,” her husband bemoans when you talk to him. “But you’ve met Akane.” He tells you with a smile. “She can never sit still.”
You only hear of her death a week after it has happened. There’s no more talk about Rock Lee visiting. 
“Have fun today,” you brush your hand through Shino’s hair, wondering absentmindedly if you’re clinging to him for his comfort or yours. “I’ve got a surprise for you later.”
“Can you come with us?” Shino asks. He’s very proud of the new coat he’s gotten, he’s told you all about it three times today.
You look at Shibi for input, but he shakes his head. 
“Today it’s just us.”
“You can tell me everything when you come back, okay?” You press a kiss to Shino’s temple. “I’m very curious. I still remember my first training with my Dad.”
“Can you tell me about it?” Shino asks. You can tell he’s trying his best to waste time.
“Sure, when you come back. Come on, give me a hug and then it’s time to go.” 
He hugs you tight, sniffles a little into your neck. 
“I’m very proud of you.” You tell him when you see him off. 
Twenty minutes after he’s left there’s a knock on the door.
You half expect them to be back already, that Shino’s stubbornness won out in the ned.
It’s Chiasa instead.
“Shibi took Shino out for training,” you explain. She nods and points in the direction of the kitchen with her chin.
“Oh, sure, come in if you need anything-” She sidesteps you and you bite back a sigh.
Chiasa is never rude, but her quiet assertiveness is sometimes hard to take. You suppose you could have worse mothers-in-law, but you often wonder what she sees in you. If she likes you or just deals with the fact that you’re here.
“Ah,” another voice calls out, sending a shiver down your back, “You’re home.”
You turn to see Yori march up the path to your house. You haven’t seen her since that dreaded mission. It’s been almost a month but you could have taken a longer break from her.
“Hello, Yori.”
“Your leg’s all healed, I see?” She asks. “Can I come in?”
Considering her usual way of greeting, that’s almost nice. 
“Sure,” you say, because there’s only Lunch to prepare today, as well as the laundry and you can’t run away from her forever, “Chiasa is here too.”
“Ah,” Yori pushes past you with the grace of a hungry deer sniffing food. “How nice. I was wondering when we could all have tea together.”
“Chiasa?” You turn toward the kitchen. “Yori is here. Would you mind having tea with us?”
“That’s not the way to ask, Child!” Yori points out. “Aburame-san, how nice to see you again. How’s your health?”
Chiasa nods instead of speaking, her dark sunglasses reflecting Yori’s forced smile.
“I’ll make tea,” you rush forward, eager to get your hands busy. “Does anyone want something sweet? I’ve made Honeyglazed Apple.” 
“I suppose it’s understandable that you’ve got a sweet tooth with your condition.”
Chiasa’s eyes flick over to you at Yori’s words. You can feel sweat forming at your collar. Right, just what you wanted. Your grandmother and your mother-in-law discussing your fertility.
“About that,” you start, unable to look one of them in the eyes, “I’m not actually pregnant. It was just a silly rumor.”
“Well, just because you’re not pregnant now doesn’t mean you won’t be pregnant soon.”
You tense. Somehow Yori’s even worse to handle when she’s trying to be supportive. All you feel is dread as you wait for the other shoe to drop.
“Maybe we could talk about a different topic,” you ask quietly, not daring to raise your voice. 
“Please speak up,” Yori orders immediately. Chiasa must have heard you, however, because her eyes are on you. You can feel her stare despite the sunglasses hiding her emotions.
“How is work?” Chiasa asks so suddenly you almost drop the teapot you just picked up. 
“It’s uh, nice.” You swallow thickly. “Plenty of stuff to do. They’ve asked me to come in two more mornings if possible.”
“Well, why wouldn’t you?” Yori asks. 
You think about the disappointment you’d felt days prior when you’d gotten your period. You think about Shino showing off his new coat he got for training. You think of Torune’s who’s going to be home in a few hours, trailing after you like a shy cat. 
You lick your lips and say something else.
“It’s going to be Spring soon enough. I need to talk about it with Shibi first to make sure I won’t leave work here unattended.”
“Sure, sure,” Yori huffs, clearly displeased by your answer, “You need to talk with your husband. But your job at the hospital is a prestigious one. You shouldn’t swap it with playing housewife.”
“No one said I was.” You point out, hurt clawing at your throat. Maybe you’d love to play housewife. Would that be so wrong?
“And don’t forget about your Clan,” Yori soldiers on. “Ayame just asked yesterday when you’d be back around. There’s no one as talented as you when it comes to her therapy.”
You blink in surprise. Next to you, Chiasa seems busy with her plate of apple slices though. You wonder if this is a test. At least on Chiasa’s side. She’s just letting you blunder on, judging you silently behind those dark shades.
But even if she wasn’t there, you’d be hard-pressed to say something.
You can’t go on like this forever, with Yori. You have to put up some boundaries someday. 
Your heart beats thunderously as you take a seat.
“Yori,” you start, focusing on a stubborn stray hair in her eyebrows to keep safe from her stare. “I am no longer a Nara. I am an Aburame now.”
“Nonsense,” Yori waves her hand around, “You’re both. That’s what this marriage was for. To bring our Clan’s closer together.”
“Maybe. But I am also human. I cannot fulfill the duties of two Clan members. I have to prioritize one. If Ayame wants to continue her therapy through me, she’ll have to see me at the hospital like everyone else.”
Yori falls silent. She has been remarkably well-behaved up until now, probably because Chiasa’s in the room with you. But how far does that self-control go?
“Are you really this ungrateful?” Yori’s voice has turned cold. Your already tense body stills completely, the muscles in your neck screaming in pain. “You wouldn’t be married at all without me, still hoping for some fool to notice you. And how are you repaying me for all the work I took on, for all the good I did for you? Just because you can play mother and wife now doesn’t mean you’re suddenly someone new! You’ve always been lazy, good for nothing, like your father-”
“Leave.” Your mouth is dry and your voice sounds rough around the edges, but there’s enough determination in the single word to stop Yori’s lecture. 
“What did you say?” She asks, her face full of surprise. Chiasa next to you is silent. Your hands are shaking, but you know you can’t go on like this. Should she be opposed to your decision, there’s nothing you can do about that but trust that Shibi will have your back.
“I am grateful. You have brought me up when I had no one else and you were the one who pushed for this marriage to be possible. But I will no longer let you treat me like a doormat. Leave. You are no longer welcome here.”
“I-” Yori’s speechless, a rare occurrence. She grabs her coat and storms toward the door nonetheless, something you’re incredibly thankful for. You don’t know how long you’ll be able to keep up the strong facade, how soon you’ll break down crying. 
“Shikaku will hear about this!” She crows and slams the door shut.
Silence fills the room after her departure. 
You can feel Chiasa’s eyes on you just as the first tears trickle down your cheeks.
“Did I do the right thing?” You ask before you curl into yourself at the table. 
Chiasa does not speak for a while, but she rests one hand on your shoulder. It’s the most reassuring she’s ever been since you moved in.
“I was the one who approached Yori,” Chiasa eventually says when your tears have dried and your hands no longer shake.
“What?” You turn to look at her, but her face does not betray any emotion.
“Shibi was very lonely. He’s still young enough to have more children and I remember how it was when my husband died. It’s easy to settle into a quiet life, but it’s not necessary.”
“But Yori said…” You trail off. It would be on brand for Yori to present someone else’s idea as her own.
“It doesn’t matter in the end. To me, at least. Shibi would not have acted on it without Yori pushing for it. Why? He does not listen to his mother as much since he’s become a father.”
“He listens to you a great deal,” you tell her and you might be wrong, but you think you see her lips twitch into something like a smile.
“You are trying to get pregnant?” Chiasa asks after a few more minutes of silence. “Right?”
“How… How do you know?”
She raises her hand to show off a few of her Kikaichu. You’ve seen them before but never up close like this. They are more of a reddish color, different to Shibi’s stark black ones or Shino’s with their blueish tint.
“There are no secrets when you’re an Aburame. If you have trouble conceiving, there is a tea I can recommend. Why? It has helped me conceive Kenji after I’ve had trouble.”
You can feel your cheeks heat at the topic but you swallow down your embarrassment and nod. “That would… that would be nice, thank you.”
-.- Shibi -.-
Shino’s hanging off him like a sack of potatoes.
Every person they pass sends him a knowing smile. They’ve all been there.
They meet Torune just shy of the front door.
“How was it?” He asks, peering up at Shino. The younger boy does not answer. Shibi suspects he’s fallen asleep.
“He did very well,” he says, a quiet pride coating his words.
Torune pushes the door open for him and there you are, hands already stretched out to welcome them all.
He could get used to this, coming home to your smiling, eager face - he could do without the dried tears on your cheeks he will have to ask you about later -  and the way you pull him in for a shy little kiss.
“I packed some things for us,” you declare, “So we’ll just have a quick snack and then leave for the Onsen.”
“The Onsen?” Torune asks, clearly confused. “What are we doing there?”
“It’s a family trip. Like a mini vacation. Come on now, I made us some salad. Does anyone want tea?”
You’ve already settled in the steaming water, a little too quick for his hungry eyes, laughing at the way they’re all standing there, peering cautiously into the water.
“I am wearing so few clothes,” Torune complains, keeping a safe distance from the others.
“It’s fine,” you tell him again, “I talked to Chiasa and some of the other elders. Your bugs don’t like water. So as soon as you settle in it, everyone will be fine. You can even sit on our lap if you want to.”
“Really?” Torune’s face lights up and he climbs into the pool, dipping down for good measure too.
“Do I have to?” Shino sounds less pleased at the prospect.
“How about you put your legs in first?” You offer. “You too, Shibi.”
He swallows a sigh. This is just like taking a bath, he reminds himself, just a little hotter.
As he takes a seat at the edge, legs dipped into the hot water, Torune climbs into your lap, arms slung around you like a little monkey.
“You all look really cute in your bathing trunks. I wish I could have taken a picture of you, all lined up there before. But that would be a little weird, wouldn’t it.”
Shino settles into his side. He’s tall for his age, but slender, which is often forgotten under those bulky coats.
Eventually, they both make it fully into the water.
But it doesn’t take long for the heat to get to them, especially Shino.
Shibi picks him up and lifts him out of the water, lays him onto the cool stone tiles.
“Everything okay?” You ask, worry in your voice.
“It will be. We’re not used to this kind of heat,” he explains. “We’ll just be taking a break.”
“Oh, you point at the paper screen door he had noticed before. “This door should lead into a small garden. Don’t stay out too long, but I guess you both will find something of interest in there.”
And you’re right. It doesn’t take Shino long to find two different kinds of beetles and one fat caterpillar who curls up on his palm as he shows it to you and Torune.
The older boy doesn’t seem to mind the heat. It’s not hard to tell that he would endure much more than a little heat if it meant being able to touch and be touched without risk.
After an hour or so Shibi slips back into the pool. 
“If you want,” he offers Torune quietly, unsure of it himself, “We can sit together a little as well.”
Torune nods shyly and climbs into his lap, folds his long legs to fit perfectly, not unlike Okita who’s spotted a new, albeit small box to sit in. His head rests perfectly on his chest and even though it breaks his heart in a new, fresh way, Shibi can’t help but think that this might be the first time someone’s got to touch him like that since his father’s death. 
And even before that… was Shiruko a man who held his son close? He doesn’t know and he doesn’t want to pry. All he can do right now is offer to be what Torune needs.
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned
@fandomhoe101 @sa-su-gay @elliotintgewoods @theshortmuffin07 @diamondtrashbag @bjem @1syd43 @shadowwolf202101blog @tictac2 @lllaw @kitty262 @mind-ya-business420 @ravenswife @oldanimefan @gaarassenshi @yariany02
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clvssy-cvli-dvisy · 1 year
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Thank you to @kankuroplease!! My oc Akari and Shino ❣️
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yams-here · 10 months
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Had this funny lil hc about the aburame clan and I had to draw this out lol
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fade-steppin · 4 months
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tangled up in your trance and i'm certain, you've got your hooks in me
the last prompt for @aburameweek ; free day
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synchrosummonz · 10 days
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Yoru spends some time away from the village to hone her skills and reunites with Shino first thing when she gets back
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qettleqorn · 1 year
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08.09.23 | Some doodles!
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robotbackpack · 1 year
WELP I started a thing.
Chapters: 1/1...?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: Shino finds out that someone remembers him.
Boruto-era. Shino's life has settled back into the more usual levels of constant stress for a sensei at Konoha's Ninja Academy.
He didn't usually take this path, but a long, hard day and his first cicada sighting of the summer turned his feet this way. 
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kankuroplease · 8 months
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Bad bug jokes with Shino and friends 🪲
Also featuring Boro’s girl, Reina~
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d-choppy · 4 months
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Shino Aburame Week Day 4 : Academy Days
Madame Aburame came today to bring a good meal to her husband on this school day and in front of the students. Oc x Canon
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nadikore · 4 months
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Get a girl that loves you so much, she makes plushies of you <3
Art (c) Cosmopur on Instagram
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dira333 · 2 months
The Road Not Taken - part 17
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
Taglist open if you want to be added
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Life's been busy!
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Winter turns into Spring. As the seeds sprout in the ground, life does too. 
He can tell that something has changed way before you figure it out. He should have known from Tsume’s smile too, the knowing, teasing tilt to it.
“It’s a girl,” you tell him quietly one night after you’ve checked your belly, hands glowing. So far it’s hard to tell that something is growing, even less under the bulky Aburame Coat you’re wearing.
He still leans in and presses a kiss to the soft skin covering this unborn life. It’s a little cheesy and his cheeks burn when he moves back, but he can tell that you’re touched.
They tell the boys soon after.
“What are you worried about?” You ask, noticing the quick glance the boys share. 
“Where is she going to sleep?” Torune asks, voice timid.
“If we’re going to be three kids,” Shino raises his fingers, “And we only have two parents, there’s always one person not getting cuddled.”
“Those are both good questions,” you agree, “Why? Because it shows you care. For the first month’s she’s going to sleep in our room. Now for after that we have a few options. You boys could share one room or we extend the house a little. Make some space for another bedroom and an office, maybe?” You look at Shibi who nods slowly.
“We’re looking at you too for suggestions,” he explains, “You are getting older, and it’s good to practice making decisions and finding a compromise.”
“And for the second question,” you hesitate, “I guess we’ll have to cuddle each other all the time. I know it sounds a little abstract now, Shino, but you might want to cuddle your sister too when she gets here.”
Shino doesn’t look convinced, but Shibi can’t blame him. He’s gone from being an only child to being a younger brother to becoming an older brother in less than six months.
He’ll need time to figure this out. And guidance. But he has both at his disposal.
Spring turns into summer. Your bump becomes visible when your coat is off.
There has been no greater joy, lately, to feel it under his fingertips at night, in the mornings, when he comes home from work - casually slipping his hand under your shirt to find it.
Naruto has moved out of the orphanage by now and there are afternoons where the house is empty when he comes home, and he doesn���t have to look for a message to know you’ve went over to his place to cook and clean. 
The situation itself is not ideal. 
A five year old kid, left alone for days on end. Naruto’s endless amount of energy and tendency for mischiev is making things worse, but you ensure him that they are figuring things out. 
In a little while, you tell him at night, Iruka will have figured out this new job.
In a little while, he will have more time for Naruto after school, will have enough money to afford decent food, will have-
It’s always at that point that you hide your face in his neck, that your voice tapers out. 
Sometimes it’s hard to enjoy what you have, knowing others are missing it.
-.- Airi -.-
Old habits die hard.
Without the boys asking for Cuddles, you wouldn’t have a reason to sit down all day. There are the Aburame gardens to tend to, the sick - and pregnant - that come knocking on your door. Two days a week you find reprieve in your little office at the hospital, cramming a quick nap in when finally no one’s asking for you.
You love being needed. You love being pregnant. 
Shino thinks it funny, the way your stomach is growing. He knows what’s happening, is smart enough to get that early on, but he still puts his hands on your belly each day, incredulous about the size.
“But where’s the Baby in there?” He asks. Or “How big is she now? Like a lemon? How?”
Torune’s a little quieter about it. You fight for time alone with him, for chances to ask him what he’s thinking or feeling. He’s hesitant to touch the little bump, but eager to come up with names.
The harmony at home makes up for the heartbreak you feel whenever you look after Naruto. 
Iruka’s doing his best. You know that. But you wish you could do more.
Shibi is as attentive as ever, even more so when no one is around.
“I brought you chocolate.” He tells you when he arrives late from a mission.
The boys are already in bed and while your body craved a nap your mind wouldn’t let you rest. 
Summer is in full swing. There’s work at the Aburame compound, hospital work, housework and, occassionally, work for the Nara Clan. You wouldn’t call your current relationship with Yori warm and welcoming, more like a ceasefire. All tasks are now handled through Shikaku which makes it a lot easier to decline… if only you’d be better at saying no. 
“You didn’t have to.” You tell him, leaving the grounded antlers on the table to meet him at the door. Kissing him is still as thrilling as the first time, your lips finding his, knowing that he’s yours.
“I know. I wanted to. Apparently, the village is famous for it.”
“Do you want to share?” You ask, pulling him to the table. “I need to finish this recipe before we can get to bed but I’ll be quick.”
“I don’t need one. Why? I will taste them on your lips.” 
You blush furiously at these words but can’t deny that he’s right.
The next day starts early, the hospital shift kicking your ass.
It’s probably selfish of you not to slip out of bed quietly as soon as your alarm goes off, but if you have to decide between five more minutes pressed against Shibi or work, the decision is easy.
“You’ve got to get up, love.” He mumbles into your shoulder.
“Do you want me to call in. I would. Why? You could need a day of rest.”
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just need five more minutes pressed against your chest.” You grumble, arms curled around him.
“You smell really good.” You tell him, breathing in deeply. “Why do you always smell so good?”
He doesn’t answer, already having learned that you don't need answers in a state like this.
“Do you want to take a shower together?” He asks when you feel yourself falling asleep again.
You huff out a breath and blink up at him, his face a mere outline in the darkness. 
“When did I ever say no to that question?”
“You look… good.” Yori eyes you over the table. “Did you put on a little weight, maybe?”
“I don’t know.” You answer truthfully, peering over the menu. You haven’t told her of your pregnancy yet, the wide cloak you’re wearing hiding any signs.
It’s not the first time Yori has asked to meet. You’d been hesitant at first to agree, supported in your decision by Shibi and Shikaku. But Yori claims she wants to work on your relationship and you’d like nothing more than it to work out. So you’ve eventually agreed, a café chosen as neutral ground.
This café is probably your favorite. It’s close to the academy and serves some of the best desserts you’ve ever tasted. And since you haven’t been able to eat more than some leftover apple slices since breakfast, you’re eager to try something new.
“You know, just because you’ve settled doesn’t mean you have to show it.” Yori points out with that well-known edge to her voice that you’ve grown to hate.
“What are you hinting at?”
“I’m just saying. You’re lucky I got you this arrangement. But if you blow up in size so short after the marriage Aburame-san might regret his decision.”
It’s a low blow and from everyone but Yori you’d be able to deflect.
But the older woman has always been able to cut right through your defenses.
Dessert suddenly doesn’t sound so appealing anymore.
“We’ve been married for over a year now,” you remind her and close the menu.
A waiter appears at your table just seconds later.
“Hello there. Have you already decided?”
“Green tea, please.” Yori purses her lips in a disappointed pout as she looks the waiter up and down. She doesn’t like men in “female jobs” as she calls them.
“For me as well. Could you pack me some of your desserts to go? I want to bring them back for the children.”
“That’s no problem. You’re Aburame-san’s wife, right? You should try the Honey Kasutera and the Shibuya toast. We make them with your honey.”
“That’s a great choice. Please also add the Strawberry Daifuku and the Mitarashi Dango.”
“That’s quite a lot of dessert.” Yori points out as soon as the waiter is out of earshot.
“The boys have been very well-behaved and deserve a treat.”
“But two for both of them? You don’t want them to look like the Akimichi’s.”
You swallow your anger at the comment and smile. 
“You’re doing well, I hope?”
The house is empty when you come back. 
In about half an hour, Muta will bring Shino home from a playdate with Kiba and some other kids and Torune, who’s training with some of the older Aburame, will be home around the same time.
You put the sweets into the fridge, already looking forward to sharing them. The burning hunger you had before your meeting with Yori has crumbled into a state of light nausea and you’re searching the kitchen for something easy and filling.
As you take your pot from the bottom drawer and get up, a sudden spell of dizziness hits you. You stumble, your hand shooting out to catch yourself, but the cabinets are too far away.
A sharp pain shoots through your head. After that, nothingness cloaks you like a heavy blanket.
“Mom! Mom!”
You're shaking. Your head hurts. You’re looking through blurry lenses up at something dark.
“Mom! Wake up!”
You blink, your vision clearing enough to recognize Torune who’s cowering next to you, touching you only with his gloved hands, shaking you.
“Torune. Torune, stop, I’m awake.”
He’s sobbing now, loud, wrenching sobs that shake him just as much as he’d just shaken you.
“Hey, hey, everything’s okay. Sit down, breathe.”
Torune falls back onto his ass, drawing in one shaky breath as snot runs down his face. He wipes it away with his sleeve and you look up at him in concern. Your head still hurts and you wonder what frazzled him this much that he came to wake you up. What time is it anyway?
As you move to get up, you realize with sudden concern that your muscles don’t work the way you want them to. Your hands feel like jelly and your legs like nothing at all. At best you can feel your head but what you feel is pain.
“Tell me what happened, Torune.” Your voice is calm but you’re panicking on the inside. What just happened?
“I came back because I wanted to go to the bathroom and ask you if I could stay out training a bit longer and when I came in… you… you were lying on the floor and there’s blood. Look!” He reaches for the floor and pulls his hand back up, his gloved fingers red from blood.”
“Oh, I must have fallen. I was a little dizzy. Why don’t you help me up, honey.”
“Are you sure? What if you hurt yourself?”
“If you help me get onto the Couch, I can take a better look. I don’t want Shino to find me like this and he’ll be here soon.”
“You’re right.” Torune nods and takes another shaky breath. 
Pulling you up is harder than you thought it would be. Torune has to be careful how he touches you and your arms and legs are as useful as cooked noodles. Somehow, with a lot of dragging and pulling and pushing, you make it to the Couch.
“Honey, can you get me a glass of juice first? We can clean the kitchen later but I haven’t eaten in a bit. Pour a glass for you and Shino as well, okay?”
You watch as he pours, his hands still shaking, the juice spilling everywhere.
“I’m sorry Mom.” He calls out, his voice already on the edge of breaking again.
“Ah, don’t worry. Just come here and cuddle with me a bit, okay? Careful with the glasses.”
“You’re still bleeding,” he tells you when he puts the glass in front of you.
“We’ll look at that right away, but first, we need something to give us energy.”
You urge him to drink his juice, slowly sipping on your own glass.
Your hand is shaking and you spill juice over yourself twice, but the sugar helps significantly. 
If you weren’t so focused on keeping Torune calm, you’d probably laugh at the sight of the two of you, sipping juice in stained clothes on the otherwise pristine Couch.
In the middle of it all, there’s a light knock on the door before Muta steps in.
“Hello.” He greets warmly before zeroing in on the scene before him.
Before he can say anything, Shino has already stepped past him, kicked of his shoes and approached the Couch.
“Someone wanted to throw my Kikaichu at the girls today.” He tells you with the air of someone who has had great injustice happen to him.
“Really? That’s awful. Torune poured you some juice, honey. Drink some, it’s still cold.”
“Are- are you okay, Aburame-san?” Muta asks cautiously from the door.
“I have fallen,” you tell him as calmly as you can, Shino’s eyes now zeroing in on the blood dripping from your face. “Do you happen to know where Shibi and Chiasa are?”
“I will get them right away.” He dips out of the door before you can tell him not to make a fuss about it. Before you can do anything else, Shino’s already reaching for your head.
“You’re bleeding, Mom!”
“I know, honey. Do you want to get the emergency kit from the bathroom? I hit myself on the head.”
Where Torune is still clutching his glass and staring into the distance, Shino is level-headed and calm. But that’s understandable. Torune has lost two parents to serious injuries whereas Shino doesn’t connect your situation right now with anything serious. 
If you said you’ve hit your head, you’ve just hit your head, that’s all.
“That’s it, right there.” Shino places the bandage as instructed, nodding to himself.
“It looks good. Do you have any other injuries?”
“Not right now, but I am a bit weak because I haven’t eaten much. Why is that bad?”
“Because we need the nutrients. Why haven’t you eaten?”
“Why? Because I had so much to do.”
“Why is Torune sad?” Shino asks, switching topics seamlessly.
“I scared him. I was lying on the floor when he came in and he was scared that it was something worse.”
“Like an attack?” Shino looks at you and back to Torune.
“Torune, did you think Mom got attacked?”
“I don’t know? Maybe?” Torune sniffs loudly. “You would have been scared too.”
“But she’s fine now, right? Shino turns to you. “You are fine now, right? Because you’re not bleeding anymore.”
“Ah.” You say and attempt a smile. “I will still see what the doctor says. It’s always better to double-check.”
At that moment, the door flings open. Shibi’s out of breath and doesn’t even bother to slip out of his shoes at the door.
“What happened?” He uses his Clan-leader voice, the tone demanding of answers.
Both boys sit perfectly straight in a second, staring up at their father.
“I found Mom in the kitchen on the floor and she was bleeding.”
“I put the bandage on her head.”
“I had a spell of dizziness, tripped and hit my head.”
“Were you unconscious?”
“Yes, but not for long.”
Shibi sinks to his knees to look up at you. His brows are furrowed as he takes you in.
You put your hand softly onto his shoulder.
“I am not downplaying it. I will check in with a doctor as soon as Chiasa is here to look after the boys but I doubt that it will be anything serious.”
“I want to come with you.” Torune’s voice is shaky again and his gloved hand curls around your elbow. “Please.”
“Me too.”
Torune and Shino sit in the two small chairs by the window, distracted by your latest game of  who can find the most bugs outside. They have one pair of binoculars that they use to inspect the tree tops from above and are quite content, while Shibi stands next to your bed, stiff as a board.
You reach out your hand, softly brushing your fingers against his.
“Sit with me?” You ask. He takes your hand but he doesn’t sit down. You’d love to know what he’s thinking about but he doesn’t want to talk.
Eventually, one of your colleagues steps into the room.
“Hey boys. Do you want to come with me for a minute? We’ve got some ice cream we want you to try.”
You nod when Torune looks at you for directions. “Take your time. And be careful, honey. Wear your jacket.” He nods and slips back into the long coat he wears around non-Aburame’s.
Your colleague leaves a clip board on your bed and winks at you before she ushers the boys outside. 
With an experienced eye you take in the test results, stopping only once to take in a breathe. 
“What is it?” Shibi asks, now finally sitting down on the corner of your bed, trying to see what you see.
“Well, I fainted because of my blood sugar and blood pressure. Also my iron-levels aren’t that good. Which wouldn’t normally be a problem, but since I’m pregnant…” You put the clipboard away to look at him. “Shibi,” your voice is low and serious, “talk to me, please.”
There are many emotions you could have expected. The unabashed fear on his face is not one of them.
“Are you-” He swallows thickly. “Is it safe?”
Your first reaction is surprise, followed by a sudden, heart clenching understanding. Of course. He lost his first wife to a pregnancy. Why wouldn’t he be worried?
You take his hand and put it on your stomach, right where the little one is growing right now.
“It is safe. I am healthy. I just need to look after myself a little better. Nothing is going to happen to me.”
There’s still fear in his eyes, a deep insecurity that can’t be tamed by words alone. You smile and kiss him softly. 
“I love you.” You tell him softly. “Everything will be okay. I promise I will look after myself better. I promise I will be okay.”
Two hours later, after an iron and multivitamin infusion, Shibi has placed you on the Couch and ordered the boys to guard you.
“No getting off the Couch.” He tells them.
“What if I have to pee?”
“You can get up to pee. But nothing else. I will clean the kitchen and be back in a minute.”
“Oh. There are sweets in the fridge. How lucky that I bought them. Now’s the perfect time to eat them, don’t you think?”
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned @theferretkids
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vaguewrites · 3 months
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Based on this meme
In case you can't read my handwriting
Shino: Are you not afraid you might be incurring God's wrath?
Mingxia: Eh, God's cool
Shino: See, I am no so sure that he is.
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