#shibi x reader
dira333 · 5 months
The Road Not Taken - part 16
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
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The change in your household is subtle yet obvious. 
Tsume smiles every time she sees you, a knowing, teasing smile that dances across her lips. So far you’ve managed to keep her silent, but you doubt her self-restraint will hold much longer.
Yori has yet to reappear on your doorstep, giving you some time to come to terms with your conflicting feelings toward her.
As a Clan-elder, you’re expected to show her respect. But, as both Shikaku and Shibi have pointed out, you’re no longer part of the Nara-Clan. 
You owe her gratitude, for bringing you up when no one else would and for arranging the marriage that has brought you so much happiness, but you no longer owe her your blind obedience. Maybe you never did.
Shibi has started to get up later in the mornings. 
He quite enjoys staying in bed as long as he possibly can, awake yet unmoving, holding you close until one of the boys or both start making noise.
You’ve been trying to make him see the sweet joy of taking a bath together, quietly planning a short trip to the Onsen for when Shino’s advanced training officially starts. It’s slow progress, but it’s progress.
You started working one week after your return from the mission, your leg still in a brace. It’s only two mornings a week so far and you can take Shino with you if you want, though he seems less interested in the hospital every time you take him with you.
Rika’s been a godsend, never once batting an eye when you flinch at loud noises or Iruka comes in with Naruto for a private check-up that’s mainly just a chat and a shared lunch box. 
Even Akane stops by once, her face still pretty pale.
“I heard you started working again.” She looks at your leg brace that’s peeking out from under the table. “How are you doing?”
“It’s good.” You nod at your little office. “Quiet, too. But I think I owe you a thanks. I’m sure I wouldn’t have this job without you.”
Akane shakes her head. “I didn’t do anything for you. I know your husband. I knew he’d pull the necessary strings. The Hospital can’t operate without the generous donations coming from various Clans. I’m not an expert on that matter, but I think the Aburame Clan donates quite a substantial amount.” 
You narrow your eyes at her. “I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t. I did what I could do for Iruka. He deserves it. Tell him so when you see him next.” She gets up again. “Oh, by the way… did you take a look at the scroll when you had it?”
You furrow your brows. “No? Why would I? I don’t even know what it was supposed to be.”
“Hmm.” Akane doesn’t look convinced. You sigh.
“Don’t tell me I got the wrong scroll.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Because that would be typical. Going through all the hassle of getting that scroll and then I didn’t even check if it was the right one. Not that I would have been able to make sure of it anyway with my limited knowledge.”
“Well…” Akane clears her throat. “I’m no expert either. But I was questioned about it this week. I did take a look and from what I could tell I thought it was the right scroll. But Danzo’s convinced it’s a fake.”
You sigh. “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now, right?”
Akane nods, the movement tight. 
“Are you okay, though?” You ask. “You’re still very pale. Are you getting the rest you should?”
“Oh, yes. I’m fine. I’ve always been rather pale.” She sends you a tight smile. “By the way, Rock was asking if he could come over sometime and meet you and your kids. I told him a bit about you.”
“Oh, of course. Shino’s not that keen on making friends and Torune’s not to be touched for various reasons, but I’d love to meet him. I’ll talk to Shibi and get back to you, is that okay?”
She nods, taking one last look at you before she leaves with a wave of her hand.
There’s something strange about her visit, but you can’t put your finger on it.
Two days later you hear about her departure. All you know is that she’s sent out on another mission.
“Much too early,” her husband bemoans when you talk to him. “But you’ve met Akane.” He tells you with a smile. “She can never sit still.”
You only hear of her death a week after it has happened. There’s no more talk about Rock Lee visiting. 
“Have fun today,” you brush your hand through Shino’s hair, wondering absentmindedly if you’re clinging to him for his comfort or yours. “I’ve got a surprise for you later.”
“Can you come with us?” Shino asks. He’s very proud of the new coat he’s gotten, he’s told you all about it three times today.
You look at Shibi for input, but he shakes his head. 
“Today it’s just us.”
“You can tell me everything when you come back, okay?” You press a kiss to Shino’s temple. “I’m very curious. I still remember my first training with my Dad.”
“Can you tell me about it?” Shino asks. You can tell he’s trying his best to waste time.
“Sure, when you come back. Come on, give me a hug and then it’s time to go.” 
He hugs you tight, sniffles a little into your neck. 
“I’m very proud of you.” You tell him when you see him off. 
Twenty minutes after he’s left there’s a knock on the door.
You half expect them to be back already, that Shino’s stubbornness won out in the ned.
It’s Chiasa instead.
“Shibi took Shino out for training,” you explain. She nods and points in the direction of the kitchen with her chin.
“Oh, sure, come in if you need anything-” She sidesteps you and you bite back a sigh.
Chiasa is never rude, but her quiet assertiveness is sometimes hard to take. You suppose you could have worse mothers-in-law, but you often wonder what she sees in you. If she likes you or just deals with the fact that you’re here.
“Ah,” another voice calls out, sending a shiver down your back, “You’re home.”
You turn to see Yori march up the path to your house. You haven’t seen her since that dreaded mission. It’s been almost a month but you could have taken a longer break from her.
“Hello, Yori.”
“Your leg’s all healed, I see?” She asks. “Can I come in?”
Considering her usual way of greeting, that’s almost nice. 
“Sure,” you say, because there’s only Lunch to prepare today, as well as the laundry and you can’t run away from her forever, “Chiasa is here too.”
“Ah,” Yori pushes past you with the grace of a hungry deer sniffing food. “How nice. I was wondering when we could all have tea together.”
“Chiasa?” You turn toward the kitchen. “Yori is here. Would you mind having tea with us?”
“That’s not the way to ask, Child!” Yori points out. “Aburame-san, how nice to see you again. How’s your health?”
Chiasa nods instead of speaking, her dark sunglasses reflecting Yori’s forced smile.
“I’ll make tea,” you rush forward, eager to get your hands busy. “Does anyone want something sweet? I’ve made Honeyglazed Apple.” 
“I suppose it’s understandable that you’ve got a sweet tooth with your condition.”
Chiasa’s eyes flick over to you at Yori’s words. You can feel sweat forming at your collar. Right, just what you wanted. Your grandmother and your mother-in-law discussing your fertility.
“About that,” you start, unable to look one of them in the eyes, “I’m not actually pregnant. It was just a silly rumor.”
“Well, just because you’re not pregnant now doesn’t mean you won’t be pregnant soon.”
You tense. Somehow Yori’s even worse to handle when she’s trying to be supportive. All you feel is dread as you wait for the other shoe to drop.
“Maybe we could talk about a different topic,” you ask quietly, not daring to raise your voice. 
“Please speak up,” Yori orders immediately. Chiasa must have heard you, however, because her eyes are on you. You can feel her stare despite the sunglasses hiding her emotions.
“How is work?” Chiasa asks so suddenly you almost drop the teapot you just picked up. 
“It’s uh, nice.” You swallow thickly. “Plenty of stuff to do. They’ve asked me to come in two more mornings if possible.”
“Well, why wouldn’t you?” Yori asks. 
You think about the disappointment you’d felt days prior when you’d gotten your period. You think about Shino showing off his new coat he got for training. You think of Torune’s who’s going to be home in a few hours, trailing after you like a shy cat. 
You lick your lips and say something else.
“It’s going to be Spring soon enough. I need to talk about it with Shibi first to make sure I won’t leave work here unattended.”
“Sure, sure,” Yori huffs, clearly displeased by your answer, “You need to talk with your husband. But your job at the hospital is a prestigious one. You shouldn’t swap it with playing housewife.”
“No one said I was.” You point out, hurt clawing at your throat. Maybe you’d love to play housewife. Would that be so wrong?
“And don’t forget about your Clan,” Yori soldiers on. “Ayame just asked yesterday when you’d be back around. There’s no one as talented as you when it comes to her therapy.”
You blink in surprise. Next to you, Chiasa seems busy with her plate of apple slices though. You wonder if this is a test. At least on Chiasa’s side. She’s just letting you blunder on, judging you silently behind those dark shades.
But even if she wasn’t there, you’d be hard-pressed to say something.
You can’t go on like this forever, with Yori. You have to put up some boundaries someday. 
Your heart beats thunderously as you take a seat.
“Yori,” you start, focusing on a stubborn stray hair in her eyebrows to keep safe from her stare. “I am no longer a Nara. I am an Aburame now.”
“Nonsense,” Yori waves her hand around, “You’re both. That’s what this marriage was for. To bring our Clan’s closer together.”
“Maybe. But I am also human. I cannot fulfill the duties of two Clan members. I have to prioritize one. If Ayame wants to continue her therapy through me, she’ll have to see me at the hospital like everyone else.”
Yori falls silent. She has been remarkably well-behaved up until now, probably because Chiasa’s in the room with you. But how far does that self-control go?
“Are you really this ungrateful?” Yori’s voice has turned cold. Your already tense body stills completely, the muscles in your neck screaming in pain. “You wouldn’t be married at all without me, still hoping for some fool to notice you. And how are you repaying me for all the work I took on, for all the good I did for you? Just because you can play mother and wife now doesn’t mean you’re suddenly someone new! You’ve always been lazy, good for nothing, like your father-”
“Leave.” Your mouth is dry and your voice sounds rough around the edges, but there’s enough determination in the single word to stop Yori’s lecture. 
“What did you say?” She asks, her face full of surprise. Chiasa next to you is silent. Your hands are shaking, but you know you can’t go on like this. Should she be opposed to your decision, there’s nothing you can do about that but trust that Shibi will have your back.
“I am grateful. You have brought me up when I had no one else and you were the one who pushed for this marriage to be possible. But I will no longer let you treat me like a doormat. Leave. You are no longer welcome here.”
“I-” Yori’s speechless, a rare occurrence. She grabs her coat and storms toward the door nonetheless, something you’re incredibly thankful for. You don’t know how long you’ll be able to keep up the strong facade, how soon you’ll break down crying. 
“Shikaku will hear about this!” She crows and slams the door shut.
Silence fills the room after her departure. 
You can feel Chiasa’s eyes on you just as the first tears trickle down your cheeks.
“Did I do the right thing?” You ask before you curl into yourself at the table. 
Chiasa does not speak for a while, but she rests one hand on your shoulder. It’s the most reassuring she’s ever been since you moved in.
“I was the one who approached Yori,” Chiasa eventually says when your tears have dried and your hands no longer shake.
“What?” You turn to look at her, but her face does not betray any emotion.
“Shibi was very lonely. He’s still young enough to have more children and I remember how it was when my husband died. It’s easy to settle into a quiet life, but it’s not necessary.”
“But Yori said…” You trail off. It would be on brand for Yori to present someone else’s idea as her own.
“It doesn’t matter in the end. To me, at least. Shibi would not have acted on it without Yori pushing for it. Why? He does not listen to his mother as much since he’s become a father.”
“He listens to you a great deal,” you tell her and you might be wrong, but you think you see her lips twitch into something like a smile.
“You are trying to get pregnant?” Chiasa asks after a few more minutes of silence. “Right?”
“How… How do you know?”
She raises her hand to show off a few of her Kikaichu. You’ve seen them before but never up close like this. They are more of a reddish color, different to Shibi’s stark black ones or Shino’s with their blueish tint.
“There are no secrets when you’re an Aburame. If you have trouble conceiving, there is a tea I can recommend. Why? It has helped me conceive Kenji after I’ve had trouble.”
You can feel your cheeks heat at the topic but you swallow down your embarrassment and nod. “That would… that would be nice, thank you.”
-.- Shibi -.-
Shino’s hanging off him like a sack of potatoes.
Every person they pass sends him a knowing smile. They’ve all been there.
They meet Torune just shy of the front door.
“How was it?” He asks, peering up at Shino. The younger boy does not answer. Shibi suspects he’s fallen asleep.
“He did very well,” he says, a quiet pride coating his words.
Torune pushes the door open for him and there you are, hands already stretched out to welcome them all.
He could get used to this, coming home to your smiling, eager face - he could do without the dried tears on your cheeks he will have to ask you about later -  and the way you pull him in for a shy little kiss.
“I packed some things for us,” you declare, “So we’ll just have a quick snack and then leave for the Onsen.”
“The Onsen?” Torune asks, clearly confused. “What are we doing there?”
“It’s a family trip. Like a mini vacation. Come on now, I made us some salad. Does anyone want tea?”
You’ve already settled in the steaming water, a little too quick for his hungry eyes, laughing at the way they’re all standing there, peering cautiously into the water.
“I am wearing so few clothes,” Torune complains, keeping a safe distance from the others.
“It’s fine,” you tell him again, “I talked to Chiasa and some of the other elders. Your bugs don’t like water. So as soon as you settle in it, everyone will be fine. You can even sit on our lap if you want to.”
“Really?” Torune’s face lights up and he climbs into the pool, dipping down for good measure too.
“Do I have to?” Shino sounds less pleased at the prospect.
“How about you put your legs in first?” You offer. “You too, Shibi.”
He swallows a sigh. This is just like taking a bath, he reminds himself, just a little hotter.
As he takes a seat at the edge, legs dipped into the hot water, Torune climbs into your lap, arms slung around you like a little monkey.
“You all look really cute in your bathing trunks. I wish I could have taken a picture of you, all lined up there before. But that would be a little weird, wouldn’t it.”
Shino settles into his side. He’s tall for his age, but slender, which is often forgotten under those bulky coats.
Eventually, they both make it fully into the water.
But it doesn’t take long for the heat to get to them, especially Shino.
Shibi picks him up and lifts him out of the water, lays him onto the cool stone tiles.
“Everything okay?” You ask, worry in your voice.
“It will be. We’re not used to this kind of heat,” he explains. “We’ll just be taking a break.”
“Oh, you point at the paper screen door he had noticed before. “This door should lead into a small garden. Don’t stay out too long, but I guess you both will find something of interest in there.”
And you’re right. It doesn’t take Shino long to find two different kinds of beetles and one fat caterpillar who curls up on his palm as he shows it to you and Torune.
The older boy doesn’t seem to mind the heat. It’s not hard to tell that he would endure much more than a little heat if it meant being able to touch and be touched without risk.
After an hour or so Shibi slips back into the pool. 
“If you want,” he offers Torune quietly, unsure of it himself, “We can sit together a little as well.”
Torune nods shyly and climbs into his lap, folds his long legs to fit perfectly, not unlike Okita who’s spotted a new, albeit small box to sit in. His head rests perfectly on his chest and even though it breaks his heart in a new, fresh way, Shibi can’t help but think that this might be the first time someone’s got to touch him like that since his father’s death. 
And even before that… was Shiruko a man who held his son close? He doesn’t know and he doesn’t want to pry. All he can do right now is offer to be what Torune needs.
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned
@fandomhoe101 @sa-su-gay @elliotintgewoods @theshortmuffin07 @diamondtrashbag @bjem @1syd43 @shadowwolf202101blog @tictac2 @lllaw @kitty262 @mind-ya-business420 @ravenswife @oldanimefan @gaarassenshi @yariany02
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Single Dad Shibi Relationship Headcanons (ft. Little Shino)
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𓆃 It’s a simple life, but a good life. Content with the way things are, just him and his little boy, Shibi isn’t in a rush to find someone
𓆃 Shibi, like most of the Aburame clan, is quiet, so you’ll do most of the talking. Although Shibi thrives when it comes to taking initiative in planning little dates or what have you. He’s an acts of service kinda guy
𓆃 Open to dating a civilian. With the way things are between raising a kid and shinobi work, someone constantly on high-level missions wouldn’t be a good fit. Above all, Shibi seeks stability 
𓆃 Ideally, you would value a soft, almost mundane approach to life and be satisfied with a life accompanying Shibi on walks, tending to the garden, and other activities in nature
𓆃 If you’re already involved in work related to nature, such as owning a flower shop, being a volunteer gardener, or you just live a life with similar values to the Aburame, Shibi is sure to fall for you straight away
𓆃 Shibi is hit or miss when it comes to emotional intelligence. For as quiet as he is, he knows more than he lets on when it comes to reading your emotions. When you’re down, he seems to always know what to do
𓆃 After a long day at work when you stop by to visit Shibi, he’s already standing in the doorway to the kitchen as Shino walks to greet you at the door with a simple, floral dessert 
𓆃 Shino 100% calls you by your first name. No special prefixes or suffixes.
𓆃 Shibi and Shino have already been on their nightly walk where they each brought you back a bouquet of wildflowers. Shibi sips his tea silently as Shino sits on your lap showing you each flower he got for you 
𓆃 Shino, of course, has been taught their scientific names. He’ll tell you the scientific name, the common name, the species and the family. Shibi rarely has to correct him as Shino sticks flower after flower in your hair
𓆃 Shino isn’t a very talkative kid, but he takes after his father, not helping a little pout when it’s time for bed. Due to his age, Shino doesn’t have full control over his beetles yet. They crawl around on you the more excited he gets, which you don’t even notice before
𓆃 At least during your dating stage, you get to spend a bit of alone time with Shibi after Shino is put to bed. You enjoy sitting outside, talking about the day and the stars in the sky above before you go home.
𓆃 Shibi always walks you back, no matter the time. 
𓆃 You’ve gone from a casual presence in Shibi’s life to an even more casual presence. From flowershop owner to lover. Or perhaps squad member to Shino’s second parent. 
𓆃 And above all, you must be willing to get to know Shino and be willing to be involved with the Aburame family
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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spellcasterlight · 1 year
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Hi there, Praiseworthy Poison Dart Frog Anon! 😄
This came out much more emotional than you probably expected when you requested this, but the plot bunnies do what they want! All the love right back! I hope I do your request justice! Happy birthday, Shibi! 🪲💕
I hope you like it! ✨
Also, a massive massive thank you to my beta reader @depressedhatakekakashi. They were amazing in helping me get everything just right ❤️
The Promise Of Patience - [Shibi x Trans Male Reader]
@hate-mail-to-canon - Day 3 Prompt: Divorce From Canon
@kinky-things-happen - Tile 21: Anal and Dildos
Warnings: Minor Character Injury. Graphic Sexual Scene. Dildos. Anal Sex. Mild Swearing.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕ | Reblog Blog 🟢
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 9 months
Naruto Uzumaki
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒰𝓏𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓀𝒾 𝒩𝒶𝓇𝓊𝓉𝑜[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Incest, Threesome, Age Gap, Underage Drinking] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Sasuke Uchiha
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒰𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒽𝒶 𝒮𝒶𝓈𝓊𝓀𝑒[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Monster/Human Romance - Merman!Sasuke] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Shikamaru Nara
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒩𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓀𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓊[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, ABO, Age Gap] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Kiba Inuzuka
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝐼𝓃𝓊𝓏𝓊𝓀𝒶 𝒦𝒾𝒷𝒶[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, ABO] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Neji Hyuuga
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Shino Aburame
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒜𝒷𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑜[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, ABO, Insect Play(is that a thing?)] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Shibi Aburame
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒜𝒷𝓊𝓇𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝒷𝒾[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, ABO, Incest] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Shikaku Nara
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒩𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓀𝒶𝓀𝓊[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, ABO, incest, Threesome]
Kakashi Hatake
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝐻𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒦𝒶𝓀𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Incest]
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Yamato | Tenzou
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒴𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓉𝑜|𝒯𝑒𝓃𝓏𝑜𝓊[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Poly] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Minato Namikaze
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒩𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓀𝒶𝓏𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓉𝑜[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, ABO, stepcest, threesome] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Tobirama Senju
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Madara Uchiha
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Itachi Uchiha
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒰𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒽𝒶 𝐼𝓉𝒶𝒸𝒽𝒾[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, stepcest]
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒪𝓇𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓊[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Monster/Human Romance - Naga!Orochimaru, Mentions of Sacrificing(Reader is a Sacrificial Bride of sorts)] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒰𝓏𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓀𝒾 𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓂𝒶[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Stepcest, Lactation Kink, Age Gap]
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berryberryrad · 3 years
wishing her well.
100% self indulgent. i can n o t let go of protective grandpapi shibi, goodnight. had to let off some steam with this one.
one ooc moment equals one wrist slap, so tally them up homies.
warnings/disclaimers: blatant abuse of punctuation and grammar. i kept shino’s partner gender neutral, however he has a daughter in this so i am sorry if a son would have appealed more. mm, fluffy. am soft. not a writer, just a muser. meli is specifically requested not to read this or i will beat her up :D
word count, 623
Asking his father to babysit his daughter was an obvious choice, and Shino would never come to regret this notion. There was no one Shino trusted more with his child, save perhaps his own partner, but that is neither here nor there.
No, it was decided long before her birth that Shibi would be the favored babysitter as he had grown a bit older in age and therefore had been less keen to take on missions and instead pouring his attention on his clan, his garden, and his granddaughter who he had come to spoil rotten.
Shino, having already investigated the common room and his father’s study which were the two most frequented rooms of his father, took instead to the greenhouses where he sure enough found his father toting the newest addition of the Aburame clan is his grasp. And there she was, nestled in the grasp of one of Konoha’s strongest Shinobi. Her amber gaze was masked by a pair of smudged, tinted goggles. Shino knew the time would come in which she would learn not to fiddle with the lenses as much, however foreign objects within reach of a one year old were fair game to curiosity.
The current object of her quizzical stares, however, was a small lady bug that had landed on her delicate nose. It was poised, ready to take flight at the first sign of her raised greedy fist bearing upon it. She peered at it with what can only be assumed a cross-eyed stare.
“A Coccinellidae,” Shibi spoke softly so as not to startle either of the creatures in his arms. “Or a ladybug, however you will. It is said that if you bear a wish onto this beetle that it will come true. Quickly make a wish before it flies away.”
And as the last syllable left his lips, the small beetle made flight into the depths of the greenhouse, leaving the young Aburame heiress open mouthed in awe in its wake, a tiny hand raised in the air as she attempted to follow it with her eyes.
It was then Shino cleared his throat softly, alerting his father and daughter of his presence. Shibi turned and offered his son a small smile behind the collar of his coat. Shino watched his own daughter’s grin illuminate her small, chubby face as she recognized her father’s features. Her grin was beginning to become toothy, something that made Shino’s heart swell. He crossed over to her in just a few short strides, scooping her into his arms and nuzzling his nose into her’s with nothing but pure adoration fueling him.
As Shino pulled away and tucked his cooing daughter into his arm, Shibi gave Shino an approving nod, gesturing to his granddaughter with an idle flick of his chin.
“Thank you for allowing me to watch over her today,” he said, and Shino nodded.
“And thank you for keeping her safe.”
Shibi grunted, brushing off his son’s compliment and locking eyes with the little girl.
“It is always my pleasure to see her. She reminds me of you when you were younger. Full of wonder at the life around you.”
Shino hummed, peering down at his daughter who was craning her own next to look up at her father.
“She is quite the eager learner. I hope that for her sake that curiosity never leads her to any danger .”
And while Shino and Shibi never shared much physical contact, Shibi put a knowing hand on Shino’s shoulder and peered off towards the trail the lady bug had followed only minutes before.
“Do not worry about that, Shino. I have put in my own wish, you see, so that we will never worry for her safety.”
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Donation For Stories - Final Masterpost
With May ending @lemony-snickers & @kankuroplease & me officially end our Donation For Stories event. Thank you for the support for the last 3 months and as the war continues going on we would urge you to keeop donating, even if the three of us can't offer anything in return anymore.
Thank you from my side to KPZ, who jumped in to help out with art to give people another reason to donate and also to Lem, who came in when I was a little overwhelmed with everything and took a lot of work off my hands (and also got her own work! She did quite some in a short amount of time). I had so much fun chatting with both of you these past few weeks, I hope we stay in close contact.
But more importantly: thank you for all the donations!! I am more than happy that this project resonated with so many of you and how generous some of you have been! Thank you so so so much. In total, we raised about 814 $ / 746 €, which is more than I would have ever believed. (there is some rounding going on, because currency exchange rate changes etc, but still.)
|| Here is an overview of all the stories that were written over the last few months:
by lemony:
for @oscurolibelle: Fanning The Flames - Tobirama x OC
for @kats-comfort-corner: In Cups of Coffee - Shikamaru x Oc
for @sunmoonandsoundtracks: Suna no Ikezumi - Gaara x OC
for @super-kame-love: Dancing in the Moonlight - Killer B x OC
for @munofsilver: Shifting Sands - Gaara x OC
for @hori-shi: Threads of Fate - Kakazu x OC (nsfw)
for @iantoyawrites: Take Shelter - Gaara x Chojuuro
for anonymous: With Me - Kakashi x OC (private)
for anonymous: Body Love - Anko (private)
for @nightingaleflow: Beginnings - Gaara x Oc
by wind-becomes-lightning:
for @lemony-snickers: A Day Out - Kakashi x Reader (nsfw)
for @butter--peanut: Fool for Love - Kakashi x Obito
for @revefantastique: Just as friends - Obito x OC
for @kakashiswilloffire: Together - Kabuto & Tayuya
for @uchihashisuii: In the dark of night - Shisui x OC
for @okanother: Some other Guy - Kakashi x Iruka
for @audaciousanonj : Undercover - Kakashi x Obito
for @anannua: A (not so) boring afternoon - Obito & Shisui
for @qettleqorn: Shino's Day out - Shino & Shibi & OC
for @yamanaka-shin: A storm for lunch - Shin x OC
for @sunstaar : Sour & Sweet - Kakashi x OC
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effeminateboyninja · 4 years
I love my big daddy Shino, buuttt pulling out is NOT an effective method of contraception (seriously). His uterus having s/o finds out they are pregnant! Also how would bug king Shibi react?
ouuu drama! we love
~ Unexpected ~
(Shino x fem!reader) fluff // 1.3k words
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You stood in line at the pharmacy anxiously tapping your foot and fiddling with the test in your hands. The little pink box felt like it was burning in your grip. It had been almost a month now since you and Shino had made love that blissful night, and terrifyingly — almost a week since missing the start of your expected period.
Of course you’d taken a risk by not using protection, but c’mon, your first time? What kind of sick joke was this from the universe? And oh my god, can that woman please hurry up?! you thought, shooting an impatient glare and sighing out loud at the lady making small talk at the counter. She glanced at you annoyed, and raised her eyebrows in judgment at the small package you were holding, causing your cheeks to warm with embarrassment. Finally, she stopped chattering and let the cashier bag up her things when you heard the bell at the door ring, signaling another customer's arrival. Your stomach dropped and all the colour faded from your face as you recognized the distinctive round glasses behind a high collar. Shibi.
Frantically, you shoved the small box into your pocket and hastily picked up a pack of gum from the shelf just in time for him to notice you.
“Oh hello, (y/n),” he addressed you in his usual flat tone. “How have you been?”
“Oh I’ve been fine,” you lied smoothly, shooting him a sweet smile and hoping he didn't notice the way you kept fidgeting with your back pocket.
Luckily he didn’t seem to, “That’s good to hear. If you’ll excuse me I’m just here to pick up a few things. Hopefully I’ll see you around the house again soon.” With that he left you at the counter, shoulders falling forward in relief that you’d fallen for a man from a family of so few words before moving towards the register and inconspicuously pulling the test from your pocket to slide it over the counter.
As soon as you’d paid you snatched the bag and rushed out the doors. By the time you got home you felt as if you might faint, but you made it to the bathroom just in time to slam the door behind you and collapse on the edge of the tub. A couple minutes of some uncomfortable maneuvering with the test under you in the toilet and a few more spent agonizing while waiting for the results later, the two pink lines became clearly visible.
You shook the test as if it were an etch-a-sketch hoping the result would change but of course it didn’t. It felt like your world was crashing down around you, what were you going to do? You hung your head in your hands momentarily, mind racing, before taking a deep breath and resolving to save the waterworks for later. There was someone you needed to talk to first.
An hour later you were sitting in his bed — the same one that started this whole mess, and you were trying to find the words to explain the situation. But they wouldn’t come, so instead you pulled the test from your bag and showed it to him silently, heart feeling like it might beat out right of its chest.
“Is this what I think it is?” If he was surprised his voice didn’t show it.
You nodded meekly, dreading what the lack of emotion in his tone could indicate. Just as you were about to start stuttering about how you’re so sorry, you shouldn’t have pushed him to have sex or this never would’ve happened — he’s taking your shaking hands in his own and gazing into your eyes from behind his glasses.
“I’m not scared,” he said simply, and your eyes widen. You didn’t know what you’d expected him to say, maybe you didn’t expect him to say anything. His lack of fear is surprising, but more so it instilled you with a sense of comfort. He went on, “that’s because I love you (y/n). I know we’re young and this is unexpected, but I believe in us and there’s no one else I would rather go through this with.”
Your eyes welled up and you threw your arms around him enthusiastically, releasing a relieved sob into his chest. He rubbed your back and hushed you until you had calmed down and whispered against your hair, “Whatever you want to do I’ll support you.”
He felt you stiffen against him. You hadn’t even considered options, to you there was only one. You pulled away and looked at him hesitantly, a lump building in your throat once more, “even if I want to keep it?”
The silence feels like it lasts forever even though it’s just a few seconds.
“You want to have my child?” his steady voice breaks a bit at the last words and a single tear falls from behind the dark of his round frames. You nod again, a nervous smile forming on your lips and that’s when it hits him.
A baby. His baby. There’s so much to do!
He gets up and starts pacing at the foot of the bed. “We’ll have to start making preparations right away! Oh, and I should probably think about taking less missions so I can be home for the two of you…”
Your heart warmed at the words, “the two of you”. What had you been so worried about? Of course Shino would know what to do and just how to calm you, he always did.
“Speaking of you and the baby, are you feeling okay? Can I do anything for you?” he kneeled down and reached out gently to touch your belly that hadn’t even begun to grow yet.
You giggled. “I’m fine, Shino.” He looked absolutely darling kneeling before you like this, showing a paternal side of him you’d never known existed.
“You know though, there is something you can do for me.”
His head snapped up and he began to rush to his feet, “Anything. What is it?”
You just grabbed him by the collar and stopped him in his tracks. “This,” and you pulled him for a kiss.
He softened into your embrace and wrapped his arms around your waist, grateful that out of anyone it was you that would be the mother of his child — unplanned or not.
The next few months pass by faster than either of you could expect. Shino rose to the occasion and did everything he could to make things ready for you and the baby. He even started reading insect books to your belly a few days after finding out.
“They can’t hear you yet,” you laughed.
He just shushed you, “Aburames have excellent senses,” and kept reading.
Your due date was only weeks away now and you watched from the kitchen where you were making lunch as your husband argued with Kiba in the living room about how to put together your child’s new crib. Hinata stood between the two trying to make one of them notice the instruction booklet she held in her hands but they were too busy bickering to notice. You smiled, knowing that your child would always have these wonderful people in their life.
Shino felt your eyes on him and looked up from his conversation with Kiba. His face softened slightly and a small smile lit up across it before he turned back to the Inuzuka man, “... I’m the father I think I would know how to put together my own baby’s crib…”
You chuckled and interrupted their quarrel to announce that lunch was ready. Eagerly, they all rushed to the kitchen and the four of you sat and ate together happily. You looked down at your round belly and rubbed it tenderly before looking to Shino once more. He was going to be such a great father.
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mayhemscorner · 3 years
Pinky Promise
Shino x f!reader
“Gross! He has bugs all over himself, stay away from him!”
“You’re weird! Stay over there!”
The insults drive further and further at a young Shino, who has resorted to tucking himself further in to his oversized jacket while walking home. His fingers curl with embarrassment, and he tries to steady the little heart in his chest beating what felt to him, was a thousand beats per minute. Sliding down against a nearby shops weathered wall, he doesn’t realize the other child looming over him.
“I don’t think you’re weird. They’re actually kind of… cute. My mother says insects are attracted to the most beautiful people of the village because they are so pure and sweet. She also says it’s because I eat too much candy.” They sputter while reaching a hand out to the little boy. Shino only moves his eyes behind the dark shades that shield him from the overbearing sun to see they were offering a wrapped sweet to him. His heart calms immediately at the vision in front of him, even managing to catch air in his throat. Her robes sway lightly in the warm breeze that mimic the mess of hair on top her head, lazily tied back but still managing to fall out in places over her newly placed headband. A fresh camellia tucked behind her right ear as if she had just picked it moments ago. Above all else, the little bumble bee droning slowly above her with no intention of leaving.
Shino makes no movement towards her, only looking away bashfully. He feels her come closer before she is fully invading his personal space.
“Here, flowers make everything better… and insects love camellias, I would know! My mother grows them on the south side of the village. Want to go there with me?” She questions while placing the camellia clumsily in to his headband. Shino let’s out a small gasp before slowly nodding and toddling off behind her.
The gardens were extensive, many vibrant hues flashing through Shino’s glasses and clashing in his extensive vision. His eyes wander to the many bee’s happily buzzing to different flowers. Calmness rushes over him in waves as they stumble through the beaten path between different planters.
“Please watch where you step, the beetles love the stems and leaves and mother said not to harm something that hasn’t harmed you.” The little girl sighs as if her mom lectured her of this daily.
“Y/N! Where have you been?” A lady shouts as she steps from a greenhouse to their right. The shock on her similar looking face to the girls, turns in to a smirk. She couldn’t help the warm feeling of seeing her daughter making a friend for once. The woman who seemed to be almost in her thirties was fresh back from a mission, still clad in her Jonin uniform.
“I was just showing Shino the camellias!” The little girl groans to her mother.
“Not every flower is a camellia, they just happen to be your favorite, Y/N.” The woman chuckles as she surveys the little boy next to her, even though she knew almost immediately who the child belonged to. The three spend the next few hours, sitting happily surrounded by a splatter of colors and the soothing hum of insects. The mother talks of the different flower families and how it’s detrimental to their clans Kekkei-genkai, hoping to get Shino to say anything, even just a word. But he would still resort to only shaking or nodding his head, occasionally repositioning his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“A lot of people get it confused with wood style but we could never match up to lord firsts powers!” Y/N shrieks with excitement, ready to flaunt her knowledge of the hokages at any given moment. Her mother only sighs before glancing up at the quickly growing figure behind the two children, making his way through the long rows of outstretching flora carefully trying not to disrupt even a single flower.
“Ah Shibi, I had a feeling Shino was one of yours.” She chuckles as she heaves herself off the ground to greet him.
“I was slightly concerned when he didn’t return home, but glad of all places he was here, Ume.” Shibi speaks quietly. As the two older shinobis have light conversation, Y/N was determined to hear Shino’s voice.
“You should take some flowers for your insect friends. I’m sure they’ll be happy. And once these have withered you’ll have to come back to get more! Pinky-promise me that you will?” She asks with her puny little finger stretched out to him in desperation. He hesitates for only a moment before reaching out with his own sleeve covered pinky.
“Pinky-promise.” He mumbles back to her as the rouge tinges his cheeks softly. While Shibi guides him back to the Aburame home, Shino had only the thought of the pleasure he felt now that he had someone to call a friend.
Here he was now, almost in his twenties, making his way to the same gardens to see Y/N and her now retired mother. After that day as kids, it was habit to follow the girl home after training to pick a new bouquet of flowers at least once a week, usually more. This day was different seeing she was assigned a mission.
“Oh Shino! Y/N is inside packing for her mission, but you’re more than welcome to pick whatever flowers you see.” Ume calls to him from the now weathered, but still the same greenhouse she was always in. He thanked her quietly enough his words could’ve been lost in the wind if there had been any that day, as the hidden leaf reached its summer and was quite warm. He could only wish there had been a breeze to save him from his own embarrassment. Regardless, he roams casually through the rows questioning which flowers to grab, as Y/N has always insisted on doing it for him so she could sneak some in to his forehead protector, or even weave some in to a crown to place on his hood ridden head.
“Having troubles?” Y/N calls from behind him as she places a few flowers on his head as usual. He turns, catching sight of the sun glinting brightly off her head band as a few bees hover over her head. Shino chuckles slightly at the view of her in her own element.
“It is usually your area of expertise.” He sighs, defeatedly looking at the still budding flower he had almost picked too soon. She swats his hand away lightly.
“You have to know when to pick them. If you pick them too soon, they’ll never reach their full potential.” She huffs before picking a few nearby and placing them in his hand.
“Anyways, I have to head to the gates but I’m sure my poor mother would love the company. Have your parents stop by for dinner, she’ll be bored to death without me here for a few days.” Y/N adds on while huffing a forced laugh. A few days felt too long for Shino as they had spent almost everyday together since children, switching between households for dinner and even bringing both families together for nights out in the village. Y/N tilts her head down with a small groan of frustration.
“Listen Shino, it’s been a while but can you do me a small favor?” She asks quietly so her mother doesn’t over hear. Shino can’t help but slightly gasp in shock as he tries to collect his bearings. Y/N never asked for favors, especially just before a run of the mill mission.
“Anything.” He replies curtly. It takes a few deep breaths before she’s finally able to speak again.
“I’m almost sure it won’t be just a few days. I told my mom we’re going on a simple tracking mission outside of the village but, in all honesty, it’s a little more complicated than that. There’s a band of rogue ninjas claiming to have reinstated the Akatsuki and we finally have a lead. We’re headed to the outskirts of the land of waves, and they’re high ranking ninjas we’re after. If I don’t come back just make sure she does what she loves best, tending to these poor flowers and spending time in that dingy old greenhouse. That’s all I ask.” She whispers hurriedly, continuing to look over her shoulder in watch of her mother.
“You lied to Ume?” He clips at her in frustration.
“I had to! She would worry more if I told her what was really happening.” She admits sheepishly, scratching nervously at the back of her neck.
“You think she won’t worry when you don’t come back after day 4? Day 30? She was an honored shinobi you can’t hide that from your own mother!” He fires back as quietly as possible with his quickly rising impatience.
“Then tell her after I’ve left if you have to, I just can’t stand to see her worried and you know that.” She exhales softly as even the thought of her mothers worry-lines appearing on her forehead pickle at the back of her eyes. Turning away quickly to collect herself, not even sparing a glance, she only throws her outstretched pinky over her shoulder.
“Just promise me you’ll watch out for her. Whatever you say to her about it after I leave is up to you. It’s hard enough I have to tell you.” She brokenly chokes out. Split between both sides, he does nothing at first. Only staring at what was once a pudgy little finger covered in sweets, has now grown with her. Covered in scars from countless battles and aged to match the hand that carried it and wielded her important Kekkei-genkai, one that could easily place Shikamaru’s quick thinking in a stalemate. The one that placed her in dangerous missions her own mother once faced herself. Just as she’s about to curl her hand back and recede without a word from pure anger and spite, Shino connects their hands. Instead of the pinky, he weaves his own finger through hers.
“Regardless of the outcome, your mother and this garden is now my priority. The Aburame clan and myself will see to it.” He states curtly, almost no emotion at all. The coldness of his tone stings at her cheeks, all she could manage to mutter was, “I guess this is goodbye.” With her parting words, her figure shrinks with the now setting sun as his hand was left still outstretched where they had just parted.
His other hand unfurls the now strangled bouquet, petals crashing in to the ground as fast as his own gaze had. Mixed emotions bubble at his throat and behind his eyes. Was if anger? Regret? Hate? Maybe it was all, he thought to himself as the most painful tears he’s experienced ghost slowly over his now hot cheeks.
“Shino! Are you hurt? What’s happened?” Ume shrieks, rushing from the greenhouse to scan him over for any abrasions, pure habit from the many years in the field. She tenderly runs her hands up and down his arms, in a weak attempt to console the young man, verifying he was indeed physically fine at the least. Without even thinking he leans in to the motherly touch as a silent sob he’s tried too hard to suppress shakes him to the core. Ume, not having the slightest thought on consoling another person due to Y/N being weathered over the years by her no longer present fathers emotionless guidance from years in the anbu, tries her best to just pat his head and calm him quietly.
“Should I take you to Shibi?” She questions. Shaking his head he pulls away, once again all emotion had been pulled from his face as if the world didn’t just come crashing down on him.
“Ume, We need to discuss Y/N’s mission. There’s a few important details she’s kept from you.” Shino expresses quickly. Ume can only nod while he recounts everything Y/N had relayed to him in the least amount of words he could use, both to save time and to keep from working himself up again. When Shino had fallen silent for a few moments longer, she placed a hand on top of his head, much like Y/N did to her friends.
“She is from the Tsutsuji clan, but most of all she is the daughter of two hardened shinobi. I’m sure she’ll be just fine, it’s not the first time she’s hidden a mission like this from me and I know it won’t be the last. Thanks to her father, she tends to hide most things behind that smile of hers and rarely ever breaks. Damnit, as her own mother I was robbed of seeing it from her much, even when she was a child. It’s good to know she cares for her poor old mom however. Seems she must have a soft spot for you seeing she told you the truth.” Ume utters in attempt to lighten his mood. That night Shino only returned home to check in on his own parents. Shortly after, he’s wandering aimlessly down the now quiet streets of the village. It was now a habit to clear his head, focusing on things that weren’t colorful or buzzing with life for a change. The darkness of night lacked color, the hum of insects dying down. It felt night had reflected his own recent emotions tonight. The same for the third night, and the tenth. Soon it was 20 days. Ume and Shino have resorted to carving notches on the old greenhouse doorframe, one representing each day since Y/N had left. 30 days. Day 50, and it was as if everyday was on repeat mindlessly for Shino, as if his body knew the routine and it was doing it for him. Wake up, train, light tracking missions here and there, visit Ume, carve a notch, walk the town. Above all else no one had heard from Y/N’s team or even from herself. Ume kept reminding him, and even herself at some points, no news was better than bad news. But both ultimately tried to suppress the horrid thoughts at the back of their minds, her being captured, or even killed with no witnesses.
It wasn’t until a mission to track the team down had finally arose, he volunteered immediately and it lead him to cross her path once again. Stopping his squad in the treeline as two chakra signatures came to his recognition, one being too familiar, making his stomach jump nervously. Then he had met her eyes, peeking from under the cursed straw hat as the small bell rang with her tilting head. Even covered in the red cloud adorned robe, he knew it was her. Before he could register the look of regret on her face and the anger reaching at himself, she had already signed her jutsu to attack. Vines wrap around Shino and his teammates, constricting them to the branches. In the blink of an eye, she was in front of him, perching on the tree branch mere inches from his face. Looking from under the brim of her hat, he could see the tears pooling slowly at her lash line.
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, Shino.” She claims, just as the thorny vines wrap around her arms, settling in her palms to create her thorny senbon like attack. He knew they contained poison, whether it was her lethal version or not, he didn’t want to find out. The last thing he could remember is questioning her why she would do such a thing before the thorns took flight, almost too quickly, blackening the edges of the dense forest in his eyesight. He could only thank himself to think quickly in that moment to place the female beetle discreetly at her foot.
Part two: the insect attracted to the flower
All sense of time was lost, as he came to, the darkness of night had shrouded his vision and panic set in. His team had made camp, setting him down by the fire and the healer tending to his wounds.
“Relax, they got the jump on us but we’re all mostly unharmed. Save for a few punctures here and there.” The healer swears to him. As Shino sat on watch that night, while fumbling for food pills in his jacket, he feels a crumpled and skinny scroll. Unraveling it, he see’s Y/N’s messy and loopy handwriting.
Shino, it’s destined for us to cross paths eventually, if not soon. We’ve been given word of hidden leaf trackers coming around the area of their now temporary hideout. With only recent activity in the area from our two man team, it’ll most likely be classified as bandits or low ranking rogues. I fear this new era of Akatsuki has already grown too deep for me to take care of personally. My teammates were killed off within minutes of reaching our destination. Get word back to the hokage of this location, and the casualties that have taken place for proper grieving. Do not search for me. I was ordered to kill anyone from the village on sight. I’ve done and seen things I regret and couldn’t bear having to do it to you. Seal this scroll and report to the hokage immediately. Do not carry on with this mission until proper reinforcements have been arranged.
-Y/N Tsutsuji
Shino tightly wraps the scroll before immediately sending his team back towards the hidden leaf while it was still night. His mind distant the whole time trying to justify what had happened. Why wouldn’t she return home? How was her team killed, but she had been spared? He could at least answer that for himself to calm his nerves. Ultimately it led to the infamous Tsutsuji Kekkei-genkai she carried. The bingo books with her family name and even pictures. It made her more valuable alive than dead, regardless of the bounty on both of her parents heads, even her own. Wiping the tears from his face he hadn’t even noticed, he pushes on. He wastes no time to reach the hokage, his only will left to return her to the village, to return her to him.
“She is now considered a rogue by the village hidden in the leaves. Unfortunately we can’t send in more teams and risk a sacrifice that great. At this time our village views peace and alliance with the other nations, and they aren’t directly targeting the hidden leaf. It’s not our concern at this time Shino.” The hokage proclaims, sealing their hands tightly together dismissively.
“She had no choice!” Shino attests, to everyone’s surprise, quite loudly. His chest now heaving in panic at the thought of his own village turning their backs on one of the most promising shinobi of their generation.
“Then she should’ve died with the rest of her team, as a true shinobi should.” They finish curtly, turning in their chair to look out the large window, ending the conversation then and there. Shino rips the door open, slamming it harshly behind him. He doesn’t make it far before seeing Ume and Shibi already at the end of the hall waiting, Ume quickly recovering her shock from the door slam. When Y/N or Shino had missions as kids they would take turns meeting them at the hokages office and walk both kids to their respective houses after being treated to dinner. This time it was different for all three, with hopes of hearing good news and being able to celebrate. But they both sense the hurt as soon as that door slammed shut, shutting his emotions with it.
“Shino, tell me. What’s such a simple mission have you acting so out of character?” Shibi inquires in his usual monotone voice. At that point, he didn’t want to retell everything for what felt like the hundredth time. He wanted to pack his bags and bring Y/N back. But gazing in to the eyes of both parents, he couldn’t leave them shadowed in the dark.
“This is not the place to talk.” He attests quickly, before ushering them both towards the Tsutsuji gardens. He once again recounts the mission, down to Y/N using her poisonous thorns, which earns a gasp from Ume. The usual stoic face of Shibi finally breaks over his tea cup as Shino tells him what the hokage had said in their office. He also runs by them their plan to retrieve her and how he had planted a beetle to track her, regardless of knowing the location by heart.
“I won’t allow you to do tha-“ Ume begins, being cut off by multiple protests from Shino.
“Let me finish. This is my daughter, and I won’t allow you to do that on your own. It looks as if I happen to be coming out of retirement. But the two of us would never be enough. It will take time, that is if your parents even want you going on a mission that could shun us from our own village.” Ume finishes urgently, all the while trying to maintain eye contact between the two Aburame men. Shibi remains quiet for several moments. Shino can tell his father is serious when he drops his glasses to make direct contact with Ume.
“Not only is she your daughter, but an honorary member or the Aburame clan seeing how often she spends time with us. Above all, she is a ninja of the hidden leaf. She always will be. If we are to betray the hokage, we’ll need a better team seeing as they’ll be on our tails while already dealing with the reformed Akatsuki.” Shibi vows then and there, that as long as he was with him, Shino would lead them on this mission. With that, the three of them vanished in the night to knock on old friends and teammates doors alike, amassing shinobi old and new. By sun up they had rations packed for their sizable squad containing the three, Kiba, Tsume, Hinata, Hiashi, Even Kakashi and Guy. Hiashi finally broke, seeing the pure panic in Hinata and Shino’s eyes, knowing the mysterious hokage was wrong in sense of his decisions.
“We all realize this could be the last time we call the hidden leaf a home since we are going against the hokages word. But to abandon a shinobi is a crime above all else. Today we see generations on this team. We haven’t seen this since the war, and it’s bittersweet to see this again. If anyone wishes to back out you may do so now. Otherwise, I’d like to bring my daughter back to her village.” Ume forces over the small crowd, trying not to crack in front of old friends.
“Any of us would do the same for our child. For our teammates. We can deal with the hokage when we return.” Hiashi affirms stoically. Kakashi nods while Tsume chuckles and ruffles Kiba’s hair in obvious agreement.
“Feels kind of good to come out of retirement for a little bit of fun.” Tsume yawns away what little amount of sleep she had before Ume had come pounding on her door in the middle of the night. As an old teammate, she may have owed Ume a favor or two, but overall knew if she was ever in the same type of need the other woman would do the same. Seeing the sheer panic when she had sleepily opened the door, she almost thought someone had died. Upon reaching the gates, Kotetsu had stopped them just before crossing to the outlying trail through the forest past the gate.
“I don’t think this could possibly be an average parent and child outing, is it?” He questions in concern, mainly looking towards the most respectable and well known of them, Hiashi.
“Keep the hokage unknowing. We will face the consequences upon our return if we so happen to survive.” He stresses hard enough on the if in his sentence to make a few cringe. Kotetsu looks to Izumo before scanning over the group once more, noting some of the legendary faces in the mix. He once again meets eyes with his partner before nodding and placing a fist to his chest, knowing if it was important for some of the most strict in the shinobi way to betray the hokage.
“I wish you luck. You have support from us two if any messages need relayed or another team sent out.” He finishes before stepping aside to let them all pass. Kotetsu earns several pats to the shoulder and head nods as everyone crosses the threshold that kept the village sheltered from outside attacks.
Two days later, Shino relays to the group they were closing in on the location and to keep their eyes open. The small fire between the ever growing circle grows smaller as more people join to eat and slowly retire to their sleeping areas for the night. Even with Kakashi and Guy on first watch, Shino can’t close his eyes long enough for sleep to claim him. He finds himself poking at the embers of the now extinguished fire lazily with a stick as someone sits silently next to him.
“It truly is a tough decision. As a child I wouldn’t have done the same. I would’ve went by the word of the hokage and that would be the end. Your generation really has changed the village, and even us older shinobi who refused change. It’s a struggle but you’re doing the right thing.” Kakashi confides in a bored like tone as usual. Guy nods from the other side of the fire in agreement before scanning the treeline once again. Only this time, Kakashi notices his eyes stay trained in a single area for several seconds.
“What is it?” He asks Guy in a whisper, already crouching in to position.
“We’re being watched, by several eyes. Get in to the three man formation.” He whispers back as the three quickly position themselves back to back, leaving almost no blind area.
“Clones.” Shino mutters as his beetles confirmed quickly. As if the attacker knew they have been found, they advance their attack on the small camp. Growling breaks out immediately from the foliage to Shino’s left before Akamaru and Kuromaru bound towards a few clones. The clones keep coming towards the group as Tsume and Kiba join in the fray. Shibi and his insects soon force their way to the now 6 man and two dog circle. Shino and Shibi take turns wiping out whole waves with their insects but they just keep coming in what felt to them larger numbers each time a new set of clones would appear. Shino realizes the off feeling all too late.
“My genjutsu is inescapable. I’m surprised you even realized. I wouldn’t even try, it’s recreated from the Uchiha clan. Our first successful recreation, and it’s stronger than the real thing. We’re close to rival even Madara Uchiha’s power at this point.” The crude voice echoes out.
“I’ve been through far worse.” Shino growls as he finally manages to release. He comes face to face with his attacker as Kakashi and Guy flank him for real this time.
“You won’t be returning to your village alive, regardless of who you recruited. It will be a hay day at the collection office.” The young man in front of him states, the words seeping with malice. The real fighting soon began. It rang on through the night, waking everyone from their already broken slumber. Eventually, the young man behind the cloak had obviously exhausted most of his chakra, leaving him heaving in front of the now fully assembled group. Ume steps forward, entangling him in vines.
“We’ll be returning to our village, our home, with my daughter regardless of who’s going to try and stop me.” She chokes out in anger while preparing a barrage of poisoned thorns.
“And whoever your leader is, can come knocking on our doors personally when we’re finished with you.” She finishes as she raises her hand towards his heart. The man in front of her laughs maniacally, causing hesitation from everyone.
“Maybe you should check up on your hokage. Don’t you find it weird none of you personally know them? Our goal this whole time is to collect rare kekkei-genkai and the Hyuga’s are next. We just needed more numbers before we even thought of that. But now seeing every shinobi that’s worth a damn is out here for one worthless girl, I’m sure they’ll be making their move. You fell right in to the set up, you’re all jokes, too easy to fool in your older years.” He laughs before spitting at Ume’s feet, causing pure anger to fuel her. Before she can deliver the killing blow, thorns storm straight through his chest from the other side of the dense forest. Y/N stumbles out slowly, clutching her left side soon after. Shino is the first to notice the crimson pooling from between her fingers. He catches her just as she’s about to collapse on the cold ground.
“I’m sorry, should’ve known, shouldn’t have sent you to hokage. shouldn’t have sent help. need to take him down, it’s priority.” She coughs her quick apologies in to Shino’s shoulder, slowly becoming harder for her to breathe from her own poison the rogue had stabbed her with earlier, mere moments before the fight. Noticing the effects, Shino knew this was a lethal poison, but could never guess it was hers. Thankfully Shibi had come quickly to aid as his insects neutralized the poison slowly.
“Luckily when your mother was in a squad with Tsume and I, she may have accidentally nicked us a few times, causing quite a concern for our sensei. My insects can now neutralize a poison if they’ve come in to contact before. This interestingly enough, seems to be your own.” Shibi sighs, questioning if she even had the sense to poison herself.
“Even without the poison I’m useless. They’ve been harvesting my chakra and extracting thorns from my attacks in attempts to recreate it. Unfortunately I used lethal thorns earlier in the day in an attempt to kill him off when he was distracted. He saw it as an opportunity to test just how lethal my poison was when I missed my target from pure exhaustion.” Y/N explains quickly.
“Exhaustion, just admit you missed.” Kiba chuckles while placing a hand on her head, causing a loud smack on his back delivered from both Tsume and Ume.
“Don’t worry about the rest of the rogues, they’ve almost reached the village.” Someone informs the group from the trees suddenly.
“Kotetsu, what’s happened?” Kakashi calls out to him while surveying the area for anymore signs of threat.
“I’ve come here personally to inform, the village is in upset. They’ve ordered dead or alive retrieval on all of you shortly after you left. The hokage has barricaded themselves in the office with guards at the door. It has the village split. We have a group trying to control the situation but some shinobi are already out tracking you all. I’m just lucky it seems I’ve reached you first.” He quickly breathes between the explanation, tired from rushing to their location at break neck speeds.
“But how did you even find us?” Shino questions, now curious how Kotetsu knew exactly where they were at. He only points to Kakashi.
“I had a general idea and was investigating long before Y/N had even left for her mission. We’re just lucky they were still operating in the hideout nearby or I would’ve easily given him the wrong location. It all just seems too easy.” Kakashi explains easing everyone’s questions, and rising concerns of betrayal.
“If you knew, even just the slightest why send me on the mission. Why send me into danger?” Y/N fires back.
“I said general knowledge. It may be hard to believe but, I don’t know everything.” He shoots back, receiving only a shrug.
Part 3: a budding flower never gets picked too soon
Once the gates were in view, the chaos it contained could soon be heard. Several times the group has had to dodge trackers, luckily being guided in another direction by the Aburame’s insects or the Inuzuka clan. A lone figure slowly appears in the line of vision, casually propped against the now closed gates. Y/N can’t help but reach up his sleeve, and grab Shino’s hand. Upon seeing Shikamaru she knew it could be either good or bad news.
“Bad news.” He begins kicking off the wall and trudging over to break the distance between them. Shino squeezes her hand in support, quickly linking their pinkies together.
“This is seriously out of hand and several of us have been banished from the village for retaliation. Such a drag, I’ve been out here since last night.” He mutters, sticking his hands in his pockets and widening his stance as if everything was just a minor inconvenience to him.
“Who’s all out here?” Kiba asks impatiently, yet worried just the slightest for his sister, though he’d never admit it aloud. Shikamaru only points his thumb to a makeshift camp around the wall, “just everyone you’d expect.” He answers. Scanning Shino could see a few familiar faces, Kurenai, Yamato, even Choji and Choza.
“Where’s Hanabi?” Hiashi panics.
“We tried grabbing her on the way out but they have the whole compound guarded. We already put up the best fight we could manage without any of you here. Choji broke through a barrier but before we could even sneak through we had to put up a battle with the numbers against us. I can only do so much.” He explains casually before shrugging it off. Hiashi storms for the gates only to be pulled back by Ume and Tsume. They all agree to take action at night. With the full moon, Shikamaru was still of use and they could easily take cover in the dark. Y/N sits a distance from the fire, head tucked in to her knees. Shino slowly approaches before dropping down in front of her.
“You know this was the other way around the day we met.” He utters quietly, placing a quickly picked wildflower in to her jostled headband. She manages to chuckle slightly, grabbing his hand before he can pull it away from her face.
“Yeah I suppose it was. Wish we could go back to those days. Now we’re fighting for our village… again. I’m just ready for it to end. Ready to maybe find love and just be a sensei, or sell flowers to more than just the vendors in the village.” She rambles on placing his outstretched hand gingerly on her cheek before leaning in to the contact. Shino’s heart stutters at the word love. Could she be talking about him? Never. They were just really good friends, she’d probably marry in to a more reputable clan like the Akimichi’s or the Nara’s and leave him behind with the wind and bees that follow her. He would be the bee, he thought. Droning behind her at a comfortable distance not to bother her, but still following desperately to be in her presence.
“What do you want when this is all over?” She asks quietly, staring at his glasses, hoping he was staring back.
“Well, I’ve been told I’m good with kids. Maybe be a teacher at the academy. Teach others of my clan so future generations aren’t seen as creepy or weird. Settle down eventually if the opportunity arises.” He answers her, connecting his free hand to the other side of her face.
“Whoever comes along, whoever you have your eye out for better treat you right or they have Kiba, Hinata, and myself to answer to. They should love you fully, insects and all.” She praises him slightly, hoping maybe he’ll get a hint. She never thought of the two of them, not until she was secluded in a dark place during her mission. Her only drive to survive was coming back to the village, to her home. Picking flowers and laying in the gardens with Shino and her mother, talking aimlessly of insects and plants. Two things that make the others world spin. The insects gaining nutrients and shelter, the plants being pollinated and protected. She was a flower and he was the insect in the equation. Her mind in other places, she doesn’t notice Shino leaning closer.
“She could never treat me wrong. I would go to the ends of the earth to ensure her safety and happiness. And I hope she knows.” He whispers, just to be interrupted by a gagging noise behind them.
“Just kiss already so we can get our village back.” Kiba groans. Only breaking eye contact to roll her eyes, she sends an barrage of vines, clinging to Kiba’s legs and toppling him to the ground as Shino releases a swarm of beetles on to him.
“Heh, little shit deserved that.” Tsume cackles with Ume as Shibi let’s out a slight huff in agreement from their view a comfortable distance away. Laughing hard enough Tsume is wiping tears from her eyes. They couldn’t help but watch, always knowing it would eventually happen, and the two moms secretly taking bets on when.
“Well Shibi, you know Shino already has my approval what do you say? I mean they’re adults now.” Ume asks while judging him softly.
“I honestly thought they could’ve been together this whole time. But as an Aburame, he can be very reserved. You know our reputation for mystery.” He answers. Ume giggles knowing well that no one just got close enough to the clan to see their true personalities. To the right people they open up fully, and are a truly loving family with big hearts. Tsume taps the two just in time to see the two kiss. Both mothers hugging eachother with excitement.
“You guys are going to have some powerful grandchildren.” Tsume points out in astonishment before heaving herself up to go cut Kiba free and prepare for the mission. Neither Shibi nor Ume could hide their blush of embarrassment from the comment, and they didn’t even try. Soon everyone was positioned at different points of the wall, infiltrating their own village from every side. Swords and kunai ring in to the night as a select few make their way to the hokages office. Kakashi walks in first casually with Guy in tow. The guards are already on defense, one ready to cast a genjutsu.
“Sorry, I’m too old for mind games and trained Naruto himself. You’ll have to try a bit harder to fool an old man like me.” Kakashi yawns, pulling out an old tattered issue of one of his books.
“Just as I thought! My own rival Kakashi no longer finds the power of youth within himself! How about a challenge?” Guy booms.
“Guy, right now? We’re a little busy.” He mutters.
“I’ll take more of these guards down then you will! And if I don’t, it’s 500 laps around the whole village!” He proclaims, receiving a sigh and eye roll from Kakashi. Soon, they work in tandem, effortlessly making headway as Lee and Shino deploy themselves to open the hokage doors.
“All yours Y/N.” Kakashi calls down the hall to Y/N as she once again conjures her thorns while he bounds the last guards hands.
“Lucky for you, these will only give you a nice nap. I’m feeling generous.” She says, puncturing them without even looking as she passes by to the door. Shino and Lee couldn’t find a way to open the massive doors in time without resorting to more violent methods, instead Y/N pushes her way between them, working together to kick down the sealed doors. After several kicks, the door gives a creak in protest before finally opening, revealing the hokage with their back turned.
“Hello Y/N. I wondered how long it would take, let alone if you’d even make it.” They chuckle darkly. Soon they turn around, their disguise shedded, revealing their face as the mask flutters to the ground.
“Dad?” She chokes, fury taking over.
“Kita?” Kakashi asks stunned.
“Kakashi, resorting to my Anbu name for old times sake. It’s been a while. Y/N, you’ve grown.” He spits.
“A while? You abandoned us for this? For… THIS? Putting your own daughter and village in danger for the hopes of what? Acquiring a kekkei-genkai? You’re pathetic.” Y/N shouts, quickly making her way to the desk her own father now stood behind. She summons vines to creep over the desk, ultimately being stopped by a slew of kunai.
“An old trick like that? Please. I trained you, I’ve been watching your every move since you were born. You’re only as good as I made you to be.” Her dad laughs, making his way over to her. Trapping her from pure fear alone. He was right. She knew he was right. He had even taught her Anbu strategies at a young age, honing her skills to make an honorable shinobi. Countless hours, days and nights, training. And she knew she couldn’t beat him because he had taught her everything.
“Your chakra signature feels pretty low kid, spending too much time at that Akatsuki gimmick I set up? It was a nice distraction while it lasted. I had hope in you to see through it quickly, but I’ve been wrong before. Who would truly be insane enough to try something like reinstating a notorious crime organization during a time of unity of all nations? That’s near instant death if the other nations had caught wind,” he begins to ramble, knowing just by the look on her face he had several moments before she could even coax herself to move as the others watched intently, waiting for him to make a move himself.
“I gotta give it to you, this whole ploy with the clans I banished is smart. But once again your dad is always one step ahead. I already know that lazy Nara kid will jump in any moment to save the day with his little shadow jutsu from behind.” Kita laughs.
“Wrong, actually I only came for the show. I’m pretty wore out from mine and choji’s stunt we pulled last night. If you hadn’t noticed we did leave a few things on our way out from our official banishment statement from the hokage himself. You might want to check the paperwork on your desk and view the departing schedule of messenger birds. You’ll see we sent out a few S.OS’s to nearby shinobi villages.” Shikamaru yawns the beginning of his explanation before continuing, “You’ll also see your hand is placed on a piece of paper. That would be your own bounty. I had my suspicion the night I’d seen the hokage taking a leisurely stroll to the Tsutsuji gardens, and let himself in their house knowing they weren’t even home. Currently we now have our village walls sorrounded in support, waiting for the signal. All I have to do is give it.”
“Shikamaru always 10 steps ahead even when we have no idea what the hell is going on.” Kakashi mutters astonished of his capabilities.
“If I’m going to be honest, we can do this the easy way where you surrender and not get everyone outside involved, but I know how much of a dream that is.” Shikamaru complains. Everyone turns to him, confusion and concern battling their faces.
“If only that plan would work for you. My daughter will be dead before any one that would be a challenge to me arrives, and I’ll be able to extract that cursed Kekkei-Genkai of hers. You all are still kids, too inexperienced.” He chides, almost laughing at the team before him.
“Shino, Choji, now!” Shikamaru shouts, followed instantly by a swarm of insects filling the room to cushion the debris from Choji caving the roof in from outside. Shikamaru sends a flare in to the sky, causing all chaos to erupt in the now open room. The Inuzuka’s claw through the windows, the guttural snarls from both dog and human sorround the room quickly. The Aburame clan file in from the door, insects looming at the ready. Kita freezes as Y/N readies thorns on her now tired palm.
“It takes a village to raise a child, not just a single man who was absent for the rest of their life. You may have taught me to be a shinobi, but you didn’t teach me that working in teams pushes a shinobi to greater limits they never thought of achieving. You never taught me a bond makes a team unstoppable. For that I have to thank you. Some of the most powerful clans in our village now work in tandem instead of fighting about who’s better, and the limit is endless on the potential of working together, something you never learned when you abandoned your family.” Y/N mutters, staring the man down intently. He goes to move towards her, malice heavy in his eyes at he growls to her,”I’ll kill you. I’ll take that kekkei-genkai from your lifeless body and finish off this whole village if I have to.” He finds himself stuck in place, ultimately falling in to Shikamaru’s shadow possession.
“Get on with it already.” Shikamaru heaves out, strained on his rapidly depleting chakra levels. Y/N quickly surveys the room and her eyes fall on Shino. He meets her gaze and only nods, giving her the capability to deliver a killing blow with what chakra she has left. With her chakra finally meeting it’s limit, she crumpled to the floor the same time as her dad. Turning her head to get one last glimpse of him she smirks and breathily addresses him before passing out,”I’ll defend this village until I die even if it means killing my own father.”
After a few days of recovering in the hospital, under Sakuras constant nagging, she was finally discharged to return home. A yawn escapes as she leaves the bright room, trying quickly to stifle it upon seeing Shino. He outstretches his hand with his pinky jutted out.
“Pinky promise we’ll never put our kids through that.” He states. She raises her eyebrow in question before locking pinkies, and soon pulling him along without letting his go.
“I just now get out of the hospital and you’re already stuck on the thought of kids?” She questions. He only chuckles in reply, seeing the three parents who’ve raised them at the end of the hall ready to bombard them with embarrassing comments.
“It’s never too early for kids! We’re not getting any younger!” Ume calls out jokingly followed by Tsume shouting over her,” screw kids get a dog!” Followed only by Shibi shaking his head. With pinkies connected the whole walk home, they make new promises and goals to work towards together, promises of a better future for them, and their ever growing families.
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dira333 · 2 months
The Road Not Taken - part 17
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Life's been busy!
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Winter turns into Spring. As the seeds sprout in the ground, life does too. 
He can tell that something has changed way before you figure it out. He should have known from Tsume’s smile too, the knowing, teasing tilt to it.
“It’s a girl,” you tell him quietly one night after you’ve checked your belly, hands glowing. So far it’s hard to tell that something is growing, even less under the bulky Aburame Coat you’re wearing.
He still leans in and presses a kiss to the soft skin covering this unborn life. It’s a little cheesy and his cheeks burn when he moves back, but he can tell that you’re touched.
They tell the boys soon after.
“What are you worried about?” You ask, noticing the quick glance the boys share. 
“Where is she going to sleep?” Torune asks, voice timid.
“If we’re going to be three kids,” Shino raises his fingers, “And we only have two parents, there’s always one person not getting cuddled.”
“Those are both good questions,” you agree, “Why? Because it shows you care. For the first month’s she’s going to sleep in our room. Now for after that we have a few options. You boys could share one room or we extend the house a little. Make some space for another bedroom and an office, maybe?” You look at Shibi who nods slowly.
“We’re looking at you too for suggestions,” he explains, “You are getting older, and it’s good to practice making decisions and finding a compromise.”
“And for the second question,” you hesitate, “I guess we’ll have to cuddle each other all the time. I know it sounds a little abstract now, Shino, but you might want to cuddle your sister too when she gets here.”
Shino doesn’t look convinced, but Shibi can’t blame him. He’s gone from being an only child to being a younger brother to becoming an older brother in less than six months.
He’ll need time to figure this out. And guidance. But he has both at his disposal.
Spring turns into summer. Your bump becomes visible when your coat is off.
There has been no greater joy, lately, to feel it under his fingertips at night, in the mornings, when he comes home from work - casually slipping his hand under your shirt to find it.
Naruto has moved out of the orphanage by now and there are afternoons where the house is empty when he comes home, and he doesn’t have to look for a message to know you’ve went over to his place to cook and clean. 
The situation itself is not ideal. 
A five year old kid, left alone for days on end. Naruto’s endless amount of energy and tendency for mischiev is making things worse, but you ensure him that they are figuring things out. 
In a little while, you tell him at night, Iruka will have figured out this new job.
In a little while, he will have more time for Naruto after school, will have enough money to afford decent food, will have-
It’s always at that point that you hide your face in his neck, that your voice tapers out. 
Sometimes it’s hard to enjoy what you have, knowing others are missing it.
-.- Airi -.-
Old habits die hard.
Without the boys asking for Cuddles, you wouldn’t have a reason to sit down all day. There are the Aburame gardens to tend to, the sick - and pregnant - that come knocking on your door. Two days a week you find reprieve in your little office at the hospital, cramming a quick nap in when finally no one’s asking for you.
You love being needed. You love being pregnant. 
Shino thinks it funny, the way your stomach is growing. He knows what’s happening, is smart enough to get that early on, but he still puts his hands on your belly each day, incredulous about the size.
“But where’s the Baby in there?” He asks. Or “How big is she now? Like a lemon? How?”
Torune’s a little quieter about it. You fight for time alone with him, for chances to ask him what he’s thinking or feeling. He’s hesitant to touch the little bump, but eager to come up with names.
The harmony at home makes up for the heartbreak you feel whenever you look after Naruto. 
Iruka’s doing his best. You know that. But you wish you could do more.
Shibi is as attentive as ever, even more so when no one is around.
“I brought you chocolate.” He tells you when he arrives late from a mission.
The boys are already in bed and while your body craved a nap your mind wouldn’t let you rest. 
Summer is in full swing. There’s work at the Aburame compound, hospital work, housework and, occassionally, work for the Nara Clan. You wouldn’t call your current relationship with Yori warm and welcoming, more like a ceasefire. All tasks are now handled through Shikaku which makes it a lot easier to decline… if only you’d be better at saying no. 
“You didn’t have to.” You tell him, leaving the grounded antlers on the table to meet him at the door. Kissing him is still as thrilling as the first time, your lips finding his, knowing that he’s yours.
“I know. I wanted to. Apparently, the village is famous for it.”
“Do you want to share?” You ask, pulling him to the table. “I need to finish this recipe before we can get to bed but I’ll be quick.”
“I don’t need one. Why? I will taste them on your lips.” 
You blush furiously at these words but can’t deny that he’s right.
The next day starts early, the hospital shift kicking your ass.
It’s probably selfish of you not to slip out of bed quietly as soon as your alarm goes off, but if you have to decide between five more minutes pressed against Shibi or work, the decision is easy.
“You’ve got to get up, love.” He mumbles into your shoulder.
“Do you want me to call in. I would. Why? You could need a day of rest.”
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just need five more minutes pressed against your chest.” You grumble, arms curled around him.
“You smell really good.” You tell him, breathing in deeply. “Why do you always smell so good?”
He doesn’t answer, already having learned that you don't need answers in a state like this.
“Do you want to take a shower together?” He asks when you feel yourself falling asleep again.
You huff out a breath and blink up at him, his face a mere outline in the darkness. 
“When did I ever say no to that question?”
“You look… good.” Yori eyes you over the table. “Did you put on a little weight, maybe?”
“I don’t know.” You answer truthfully, peering over the menu. You haven’t told her of your pregnancy yet, the wide cloak you’re wearing hiding any signs.
It’s not the first time Yori has asked to meet. You’d been hesitant at first to agree, supported in your decision by Shibi and Shikaku. But Yori claims she wants to work on your relationship and you’d like nothing more than it to work out. So you’ve eventually agreed, a café chosen as neutral ground.
This café is probably your favorite. It’s close to the academy and serves some of the best desserts you’ve ever tasted. And since you haven’t been able to eat more than some leftover apple slices since breakfast, you’re eager to try something new.
“You know, just because you’ve settled doesn’t mean you have to show it.” Yori points out with that well-known edge to her voice that you’ve grown to hate.
“What are you hinting at?”
“I’m just saying. You’re lucky I got you this arrangement. But if you blow up in size so short after the marriage Aburame-san might regret his decision.”
It’s a low blow and from everyone but Yori you’d be able to deflect.
But the older woman has always been able to cut right through your defenses.
Dessert suddenly doesn’t sound so appealing anymore.
“We’ve been married for over a year now,” you remind her and close the menu.
A waiter appears at your table just seconds later.
“Hello there. Have you already decided?”
“Green tea, please.” Yori purses her lips in a disappointed pout as she looks the waiter up and down. She doesn’t like men in “female jobs” as she calls them.
“For me as well. Could you pack me some of your desserts to go? I want to bring them back for the children.”
“That’s no problem. You’re Aburame-san’s wife, right? You should try the Honey Kasutera and the Shibuya toast. We make them with your honey.”
“That’s a great choice. Please also add the Strawberry Daifuku and the Mitarashi Dango.”
“That’s quite a lot of dessert.” Yori points out as soon as the waiter is out of earshot.
“The boys have been very well-behaved and deserve a treat.”
“But two for both of them? You don’t want them to look like the Akimichi’s.”
You swallow your anger at the comment and smile. 
“You’re doing well, I hope?”
The house is empty when you come back. 
In about half an hour, Muta will bring Shino home from a playdate with Kiba and some other kids and Torune, who’s training with some of the older Aburame, will be home around the same time.
You put the sweets into the fridge, already looking forward to sharing them. The burning hunger you had before your meeting with Yori has crumbled into a state of light nausea and you’re searching the kitchen for something easy and filling.
As you take your pot from the bottom drawer and get up, a sudden spell of dizziness hits you. You stumble, your hand shooting out to catch yourself, but the cabinets are too far away.
A sharp pain shoots through your head. After that, nothingness cloaks you like a heavy blanket.
“Mom! Mom!”
You're shaking. Your head hurts. You’re looking through blurry lenses up at something dark.
“Mom! Wake up!”
You blink, your vision clearing enough to recognize Torune who’s cowering next to you, touching you only with his gloved hands, shaking you.
“Torune. Torune, stop, I’m awake.”
He’s sobbing now, loud, wrenching sobs that shake him just as much as he’d just shaken you.
“Hey, hey, everything’s okay. Sit down, breathe.”
Torune falls back onto his ass, drawing in one shaky breath as snot runs down his face. He wipes it away with his sleeve and you look up at him in concern. Your head still hurts and you wonder what frazzled him this much that he came to wake you up. What time is it anyway?
As you move to get up, you realize with sudden concern that your muscles don’t work the way you want them to. Your hands feel like jelly and your legs like nothing at all. At best you can feel your head but what you feel is pain.
“Tell me what happened, Torune.” Your voice is calm but you’re panicking on the inside. What just happened?
“I came back because I wanted to go to the bathroom and ask you if I could stay out training a bit longer and when I came in… you… you were lying on the floor and there’s blood. Look!” He reaches for the floor and pulls his hand back up, his gloved fingers red from blood.”
“Oh, I must have fallen. I was a little dizzy. Why don’t you help me up, honey.”
“Are you sure? What if you hurt yourself?”
“If you help me get onto the Couch, I can take a better look. I don’t want Shino to find me like this and he’ll be here soon.”
“You’re right.” Torune nods and takes another shaky breath. 
Pulling you up is harder than you thought it would be. Torune has to be careful how he touches you and your arms and legs are as useful as cooked noodles. Somehow, with a lot of dragging and pulling and pushing, you make it to the Couch.
“Honey, can you get me a glass of juice first? We can clean the kitchen later but I haven’t eaten in a bit. Pour a glass for you and Shino as well, okay?”
You watch as he pours, his hands still shaking, the juice spilling everywhere.
“I’m sorry Mom.” He calls out, his voice already on the edge of breaking again.
“Ah, don’t worry. Just come here and cuddle with me a bit, okay? Careful with the glasses.”
“You’re still bleeding,” he tells you when he puts the glass in front of you.
“We’ll look at that right away, but first, we need something to give us energy.”
You urge him to drink his juice, slowly sipping on your own glass.
Your hand is shaking and you spill juice over yourself twice, but the sugar helps significantly. 
If you weren’t so focused on keeping Torune calm, you’d probably laugh at the sight of the two of you, sipping juice in stained clothes on the otherwise pristine Couch.
In the middle of it all, there’s a light knock on the door before Muta steps in.
“Hello.” He greets warmly before zeroing in on the scene before him.
Before he can say anything, Shino has already stepped past him, kicked of his shoes and approached the Couch.
“Someone wanted to throw my Kikaichu at the girls today.” He tells you with the air of someone who has had great injustice happen to him.
“Really? That’s awful. Torune poured you some juice, honey. Drink some, it’s still cold.”
“Are- are you okay, Aburame-san?” Muta asks cautiously from the door.
“I have fallen,” you tell him as calmly as you can, Shino’s eyes now zeroing in on the blood dripping from your face. “Do you happen to know where Shibi and Chiasa are?”
“I will get them right away.” He dips out of the door before you can tell him not to make a fuss about it. Before you can do anything else, Shino’s already reaching for your head.
“You’re bleeding, Mom!”
“I know, honey. Do you want to get the emergency kit from the bathroom? I hit myself on the head.”
Where Torune is still clutching his glass and staring into the distance, Shino is level-headed and calm. But that’s understandable. Torune has lost two parents to serious injuries whereas Shino doesn’t connect your situation right now with anything serious. 
If you said you’ve hit your head, you’ve just hit your head, that’s all.
“That’s it, right there.” Shino places the bandage as instructed, nodding to himself.
“It looks good. Do you have any other injuries?”
“Not right now, but I am a bit weak because I haven’t eaten much. Why is that bad?”
“Because we need the nutrients. Why haven’t you eaten?”
“Why? Because I had so much to do.”
“Why is Torune sad?” Shino asks, switching topics seamlessly.
“I scared him. I was lying on the floor when he came in and he was scared that it was something worse.”
“Like an attack?” Shino looks at you and back to Torune.
“Torune, did you think Mom got attacked?”
“I don’t know? Maybe?” Torune sniffs loudly. “You would have been scared too.”
“But she’s fine now, right? Shino turns to you. “You are fine now, right? Because you’re not bleeding anymore.”
“Ah.” You say and attempt a smile. “I will still see what the doctor says. It’s always better to double-check.”
At that moment, the door flings open. Shibi’s out of breath and doesn’t even bother to slip out of his shoes at the door.
“What happened?” He uses his Clan-leader voice, the tone demanding of answers.
Both boys sit perfectly straight in a second, staring up at their father.
“I found Mom in the kitchen on the floor and she was bleeding.”
“I put the bandage on her head.”
“I had a spell of dizziness, tripped and hit my head.”
“Were you unconscious?”
“Yes, but not for long.”
Shibi sinks to his knees to look up at you. His brows are furrowed as he takes you in.
You put your hand softly onto his shoulder.
“I am not downplaying it. I will check in with a doctor as soon as Chiasa is here to look after the boys but I doubt that it will be anything serious.”
“I want to come with you.” Torune’s voice is shaky again and his gloved hand curls around your elbow. “Please.”
“Me too.”
Torune and Shino sit in the two small chairs by the window, distracted by your latest game of  who can find the most bugs outside. They have one pair of binoculars that they use to inspect the tree tops from above and are quite content, while Shibi stands next to your bed, stiff as a board.
You reach out your hand, softly brushing your fingers against his.
“Sit with me?” You ask. He takes your hand but he doesn’t sit down. You’d love to know what he’s thinking about but he doesn’t want to talk.
Eventually, one of your colleagues steps into the room.
“Hey boys. Do you want to come with me for a minute? We’ve got some ice cream we want you to try.”
You nod when Torune looks at you for directions. “Take your time. And be careful, honey. Wear your jacket.” He nods and slips back into the long coat he wears around non-Aburame’s.
Your colleague leaves a clip board on your bed and winks at you before she ushers the boys outside. 
With an experienced eye you take in the test results, stopping only once to take in a breathe. 
“What is it?” Shibi asks, now finally sitting down on the corner of your bed, trying to see what you see.
“Well, I fainted because of my blood sugar and blood pressure. Also my iron-levels aren’t that good. Which wouldn’t normally be a problem, but since I’m pregnant…” You put the clipboard away to look at him. “Shibi,” your voice is low and serious, “talk to me, please.”
There are many emotions you could have expected. The unabashed fear on his face is not one of them.
“Are you-” He swallows thickly. “Is it safe?”
Your first reaction is surprise, followed by a sudden, heart clenching understanding. Of course. He lost his first wife to a pregnancy. Why wouldn’t he be worried?
You take his hand and put it on your stomach, right where the little one is growing right now.
“It is safe. I am healthy. I just need to look after myself a little better. Nothing is going to happen to me.”
There’s still fear in his eyes, a deep insecurity that can’t be tamed by words alone. You smile and kiss him softly. 
“I love you.” You tell him softly. “Everything will be okay. I promise I will look after myself better. I promise I will be okay.”
Two hours later, after an iron and multivitamin infusion, Shibi has placed you on the Couch and ordered the boys to guard you.
“No getting off the Couch.” He tells them.
“What if I have to pee?”
“You can get up to pee. But nothing else. I will clean the kitchen and be back in a minute.”
“Oh. There are sweets in the fridge. How lucky that I bought them. Now’s the perfect time to eat them, don’t you think?”
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned @theferretkids
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dira333 · 1 month
The Road Not Taken - part 18
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet (now with Natsu)
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As hard as it is, you have to change some things.
You cut your hours at the hospital even more, down to one day per week that you use to train someone as your replacement.
With the help of Shibi and Chiasa the entirety of the Aburame Clan is informed about the regular hours you will take patients, making sure that you have enough rest each day even if an emergency should occur.
The last part is the hardest. 
You sit down Iruka, cry silent tears the whole time you’re explaining what’s going on.
“It’s okay,” he promises, grown so much in the few months he’s been a teacher now. “It’s okay.”
But it’s not, you can’t help but think. 
Naruto deserves so much more than he’s getting and you’ll never be able to give him all you want to give. 
Explaining it to him seems a little easier, though who knows how much of it he understands right now.
“You can always come over,” you promise. “Have Dinner with us whenever you and Iruka feel like it, okay?”
Curiously, the boy touches the swell of your stomach. 
“There’s something growing inside?” He asks, clearly confused. 
“Yes. A girl. Her name’s going to be Natsu. Torune picked that name.”
“Natsu.” Naruto grins. “That’s a cool name. Hey Natsu, you need to get out of there fast, so that we can play together.”
You politely decline Yori’s next invitation for lunch, delivering the overdue news of your pregnancy through Shibi.
For a whole week everything turns blissfully silent on her end. It’s clear that she’s mad. As a Clan elder you should have informed her earlier, but you can’t feel guilty. It has become clear that you need to limit contact.
Her next invitation comes through Shikaku, his tired eyes telling you more than his words. 
“Don’t agree to it,” he follows up. “I didn’t tell you that if anyone asks, but you really need to rest. I can see how much good it has been doing so far.”
Natsu chooses that moment to kick you and you flinch.
“I’m not sure if the baby agrees or disagrees with you, but I’m not in the position to waddle all the way to the Nara compound anyway. Not in this heat at least.”
Shikaku grins. “I’ll let her know. If she wants to see you, she’ll have to come over during business hours.”
“Something like that. I’m sure Shibi will be delighted to see her again.”
The door opens, Torune peaking through.
“Hey,” you smile, waving him over, “You’re home already? Come here.”
“I don’t want to disturb.”
“Nonsense,” Shikaku straightens a little, watching him with a smile. “Airi mentioned you’re showing great progress. Have you ever played Go?”
“A little,” he admits, leaning into you now, careful not to touch you with any bare skin. “Shino showed me.”
“Great. Are you up to a game? Your mother always gets distracted.”
Torune blushes a little at that, like he always does when someone calls you his mother. But he slides into the chair next to you, leaning close as he plays. 
Soon, he’s going to be signed onto missions, gone for days or weeks on end. You don’t want to think about it, want him close a little while longer.
“What do you think about going to the Onsen on the weekend?” You ask when the first game ends and Shikaku sets up the next. “Just the two of us?”
Torune smiles. “I’d love that.”
-.- Shibi -.-
Natsu is going to be born in the winter. 
With everything else going on, the renovations aren’t going to be done in time for her birth but he agrees with you that next spring is going to be just as well.
After all, he still remembers how tiny Shino had been those first months, the crib too big for him.
Still, planning everything is taking a toll and he’s starting to understand why you left that to him, going to the Onsen with Torune instead.
“Do you want to have your bedroom downstairs?” He asks Shino, going through the sketches. “We could have you and Torune sleep downstairs. Natsu could take your room and Torune’s room turns back into an office.”
Shino considers that for a moment. “Someone has to sleep downstairs, right?”
“Yes,” Shibi nods. “Someone will have to sleep downstairs.”
“Natsu should sleep downstairs. Why? I had my room first,” Shino begins, stubbornness audible in his voice. A knock on the door cuts him off before Shibi can do so.
“We’ll talk about that,” he tells his son before making it over to the door, surprised to see Yori standing there.
“I am here to visit my great grandchild,” she announces with that air of arrogance Shibi has always disliked.
“Shino,” he calls for his son. “Your grandm-”
“Not-” Yori’s face turns red with barely concealed rage. “Your unborn child. My great grandchild.”
“Ah.” He doesn’t move and confusion appears on her features.
“Well? Aren’t you going to let me in?”
“What’s that supposed-”
“You are not welcome here,” he tells her with the authority of a Clan Head and a Shinobi, stepping forward and closing the door behind him, keeping this conversation from Shino’s ears. “Until you change your ways. You are belittling my wife and you are belittling my Clan. Your great grandchild will be raised as the Aburame it is and as you don’t seem comfortable around insects, I suspect you should cut your losses now.”
“It will be half Nara-”
“So?”  Shibi stares her down. “This child will know that it is loved and cherished. If you cannot do that, you are not wanted here. Goodbye.”
“You cannot do that!”
“Watch me.” He closes the door in her face this time.
The Aburame Clan might often be forgotten, but they have learned to turn the tables.
Your cheeks are glowing when you return, Torune’s just as pink as he trudges next to you up the stairs, hair mussed and limbs loose.
“Was it nice?” Shibi asks, hugging Torune and kissing you as long as his children’s watchful eyes allow. 
“Very,” you beam before flinching. “But Natsu’s just as energetic as ever.”
“I am beginning to think she wants more attention. Why? She only kicks when we’re seemingly forgetting about her.”
“That could be true,” you agree with a grimace, rubbing a hand over your stomach. “Though she could be a little nicer about it. Are you guys hungry? I think we’re going to take a quick nap before Dinner.”
“Rest,” he agrees, kissing you again even though Shino’s already groaning in the background. “I’ll prepare the food.”
-.- Airi -.-
Kaede Aburame is born on a sunny morning in September, your legs numb from being up for hours.
Toshiko’s sweaty and teary-eyed, thanking you profusely as you hand her her second child.
“Look at him, oh, look at him Kenji,” she whispers, sinking into her husband’s chest as he brushes a single finger over Kaede’s plump cheeks.
And it’s not your first birth but it hits different this time.
Maybe because it’s Toshiko, who’s quickly turned into your best friend, who’s your sister in law and so much more, or Natsu’s birth drawing closer.
You long for Shibi’s hand to hold, surprised to step him into the room only half an hour later.
“Muta is awake,” he announces quietly, Torune and a sleepy Shino by his side. “The elders will be here soon.”
Shino cuddles into you, arms wrapping around your torso to press his face against the swell of your stomach, a greeting you’ve grown accustomed to.
“The Ritual,” you guess and Shibi nods, leaning into brush his lips across your cheek in greeting. 
“You can go home if you need to rest,” he offers quietly but you shake your head. “I am fine. I want to be here.”
“It’s my first time attending too,” Torune admits just as Shino nods as well. “Mine too.”
“They’re family,” Shibi explains briefly. “Family members should always be present if possible, each of them offering one of their own insects to the new host.”
“So Kaede could become host to any of the insects that are present?”
“Or a different one,” Torune adds quietly. “My father’s and my Rinkaichū were not part of our family before.”
You want to ask more, but the Elders arrival disrupts the bubble of calmness you had occupied.
Soon enough, you find yourself pressed against the wall in the small room, Torune to your left and Shino to your right, both boys holding your hands.
Toshiko’s resting, watching Kaede who’s being offered as a host, alone, in the middle of the room.
You can’t help but think of yourself in her position.
Soon you will be, watching as Natsu is presented, your family members surrounding you and the baby.
You wonder if Toshiko is afraid. Does she think about the possibility of Kaede taking to Torune’s Rinkaichū? Becoming a host that cannot be touched? 
Are you afraid?
You squeeze Torune’s hand at the thought and he squeezes back as if he knows what you’re thinking.
Then, all of a sudden, Kaeda squirms, letting out a wail. Just a few steps away, Kenji lets out a sigh and Muta, usually so calm, presses his hands against his mouth, breaking his posture.
You want to ask but you don’t dare to break the tense Silence, don’t dare to step forward even as Kaede starts to cry.
Anxious, you watch as Shibi eventually moves forward, picks up the baby and delivers it to Toshiko’s arms.
“The Ritual is complete. Kaede has become host to the Shōkaichū.”
“That’s Muta’s kind, Mom.” Shino explains as Muta crosses the distance, settling next to his mother, reaching for his little brother. “I wonder if he’s proud.”
“Would you be proud?” You ask. “If Natsu got your kind?”
Shino considers that for a moment. “I don’t really want to share,” he eventually admits and you can’t help but bark out a laugh.
“You’d only have to give them two, though.” Torune points out. “They will take it from there. They’d be your Kikaichū’s children.”
“I’m to young to be a father,” Shino points out and you’re fighting the laughter that wants to spill out.
“What’s so funny?” Shibi asks, walking over.
Instead of answering you move to kiss him. 
Later, when you’ve rested and the two of you are alone, you will tell him that you can’t wait. Just a bit longer and he’ll hold Natsu, will present her like he did with Kaede. You can’t wait for him to meet his daughter.
Snow comes early this year.
A thick white blanket covers the Aburame Compound, weighing down your steps as you make the distance to check in on Kaede, Shino sometimes traveling after you. 
Muta’s often training with Torune, but his free time is now filled with looking after his little brother, so Shino responds accordingly, watching his youngest cousin with curious eyes.
“Is Natsu going to do this too?” He asks often, when Kaede burps or ends up covered in spit up.
He doesn’t seem to mind though, Kaede’s quiet character making him easy to love.
Shino’s old crib gets refurnished, Naruto almost making enemies when he proposes to paint it a bright orange on one of his visits. 
The world outside has fallen into an almost peaceful slumber, the mission count going down in both risk and quantity.
You’re almost ready to burst by the time it’s ready for the yearly celebration of Konoha’s founding, but this time you get there early, stuffing yourself on the buffet next to Chouza while Shibi talks to the Clan Heads he needs to talk to alone.
“When is it due?” Chouza asks over Yakitori. You’ve begun to eat meat when you’re eating out, at least until the baby is here. Your iron levels have thanked you.
“In two weeks,” you tell him, flinching when Natsu kicks. “She’s ready to get out.”
“Ah,” Chouza nods. “An overeager one. Now, I know, Shikamaru took his sweet time coming out, but I still remember how we felt safe knowing Chouji’s due date was still a few weeks away only to have him surprise us a few days later. The little guy just wanted to taste real food, I’m sure.”
You laugh.
“I am keeping an eye on it, but her position isn’t right yet.”
“Ah,” Chouza smiles. “Like that would stop a determined baby.”
“Aburame-san!” Takeo Lee interrupts you at that moment, stepping closer. “My, how you’ve changed. Have I told you about my grandson before? Let me show you some pictures.”
Shibi’s quiet on the way home. 
The peace outside of Konoha’s walls doesn’t seem to bring piece to the inside. The tension between some Clan’s is stifling and you wonder if he’d like to talk about it. 
He hasn’t, so far. You know it’s safer for you that way, but you wish you could take those worries away from him, if just for one second.
“Do you wanna take a bath?” You ask, despite the late hour and the fact that you both showered in the morning. “I want to hold you.”
Shibi stops on the stairs, emotions flickering over his face before he nods.
It’s a quiet thing, these moments between you, the warm water kissing your skin with every movement
Shibi’s hands find your stomach, protective even when his mind is muddled. You draw a path into the mess of his hair, scratching his scalp softly.
“In case I haven’t told you yet, I am so so so glad that I got to marry you,” you tell him in the dim light of the bathroom. “You are the love of my life.”
The next morning brigns a fresh wave of snow, the paths the boys shoveled yesterday no longer visible. 
You send them all of with a kiss and a Bento Box, too restless to read yet not willing to step outside and make the short trek to Toshiko for second breakfast.
You change the sheets on all the beds, fluff up more pillows for the living room and the master bedroom before finally lowering into the bathtub with chocolate and the book you’ve been wanting to read.
Five minutes in you realize something’s wrong.
Natsu’s coming, but she’s still not turned the right way.
You try to get out of the bathtub, panicking. This isn’t the moment to be left alone.
But the water has made everything slippery and you almost crash onto the tiles, catching yourself at the last minute. 
“Breathe,” you tell yourself, “Breathe. You’re a doctor. You can do this.”
Dressing yourself in a towel you go through the options you have.
You can’t very well perform a C-Section on yourself, so you will have to try and turn her. You’ve only done that once before, the theory of it still in your mind even though the process hadn’t been successful back then.
“Who can help?” You mutter before realizing the obvious, creating a Shadow Clone. “Get dressed and get Chiasa. Tell her I’m giving birth and I need her help.”
Natsu is unwilling to move, her stubbornness already reminding you of Shino. 
Chiasa’s calling your name from the hallway and you never felt as relieved to hear her voice than today.
“Bathroom,” you call out weakly. She enters without knocking, something you would have hated on every day but today.
She takes one look before crouching down next to you, pressing a hand to your stomach.
“She won’t turn,” you explain, fighting against another panicked sob. “I can perform a C-Section if you help, but-”
“She’s an Aburame,” Chiasa cuts you off. “She will listen. Why? It is in her blood.”
“What’s that supposed to-” The baby’s movement cuts you off. Whatever Chiasa is doing seems to work.
“Even though she is not a host yet,” Chiasa explains calmly and this time, just for your sake, your sure, “Natsu is already responding to the hive. Were you bathing? She probably didn’t like the water.”
You sigh. “Fussy Aburames,” you joke. 
“Now that you’re out of the water and she’s turned, it might take a while until she is ready to come out,” Chiasa offers but you shake your head. 
“Nope, this girl is already on her way out. She’s an impatient one.”
And you’re right, less than an hour later the squirming bundle is resting on your naked chest, wailing at the injustice of a world that dares to bath her right away.
“Shibi is on his way,” Chiasa announces. “Do you want me to bring you clothes?”
You sigh. “That would be amazing.”
Now you’re in Toshiko’s place, resting on the bed as Natsu is offered as a host. She’s not the least bit like Kaeda, squirming and wailing and just overall unhappy about it all.
Shino and Torune are pressed against the wall next to Muta, both of them wearing serious expressions.
You should have known, you realize, that you would not be scared.
Wether Natsu receives the Rinkaichū or not doesn’t really matter. She’ll be loved either way.
“The Ritual is complete. Natsu has become host to the Kikaichū.”
“Which one?” You ask as Shibi move to sit on the bed beside you, not yet willing to give Natsu back. You lean into him instead, cradling her tiny head as she raises her fists, her face a dark red.
“Chiasa’s,” he explains quietly as the people filter out of the room, one after the other. You know most of them will be back tomorrow to congratulate you.
You catch her eye as she moves to leave and you shake your head, beckoning her to stay.
“Thank you,” you tell her as Shino climbs onto the bed as well, peering down at Natsu as Torune hides behind Shibi. “For everything.”
To your surprise she flashes you a rare smile.
“Of course.”
“Do you want to hold her?”
To your surprsie, Shibi pulls Natsu closer. You laugh. “As soon as Shibi is willing to let her go, I mean?”
A soft red bloom on his cheek. “Just one more minute,” he asks and as you catch Chiasa’s eyes you know she doesn’t mind.
-.- Shibi -.-
He doesn’t sleep that night, his body restless next to yours. 
But he doesn’t mind, content to stay awake and listen.
Natsu moves in her crib, the Kikaichū inside her multiplying by the minute. His mother’s kind is strong, resilient. Shibi has no doubt his daughter will be the same.
Would he feel different if she had taken to his kind? Would he be able to feel more joy than he already does? He doesn’t know. 
You sigh next to him, your body warm and pliant against his.
You are alive. Still, even after today’s events. Yes, you are tired and recovering, but you’re already laughing, teasing, living just like before.
You turn to your side and fart and he can’t help but laugh, rub your back as you snore softly.
Shino is sleeping on the other side of the hallway, Torune one door further down. His family is safe and he can’t hep but marvel at its beauty.
With a sudden sound, Natsu wakes, wailing. You move to rise but he stops you, already out of bed.
“I got it.”
But it’s not that easy.
Natsu keeps on crying, loudly, as he takes her down the stairs and into the kitchen, away from the sleeping members of the family, prepping a bottle for her.
She latches onto it with fervor, drinking it down only to spit up on his shoulder the moment she’s done, crying softly as he rocks her to sleep.
Shibi thinks back to Shino, the first year after his birth. He’d been a quiet baby, only letting out a noise when his hunger seemed unbearable or his diaper needed urgent changing.
He has a feeling that Natsu will be different.
Shibi kisses the crown of her head as she falls asleep in his arms.
“Welcome to the family,” he tells her and feels her Kikaichū respond in kind.
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned @theferretkids
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dira333 · 7 months
The Road Not Taken - part 14
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
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-.- Airi -.-
They have been able to escape multiple times, slip out from under their grasp at the proverbial last second, but they’ve also been running in circles. 
Whoever is following them is as stubborn as an Inuzuka. 
Your foot is almost useless by now. The pain is so intense that it brings tears to your eyes when you cannot avoid putting weight on it. Iruka can mostly move on his own, if a little short on breath. Akane looks so pale she’s practically glowing in the growing darkness. They are in need of a resting place for the night, preferably one where they will not be found.
As they burrow themselves in a narrow opening beneath the roots of a giant tree, rain sets in. It’s the last thing they need on their already awful day. 
Their little nook is damp and cold, water drips in from too many places to count. 
Akane has first watch and you huddle into the corner, intent on getting the most of the few hours you have. Something crawls over your neck and you pause, fighting down your instinct to fling it away. It’s probably not one of Shibi’s bugs, but you’re training yourself to adapt to all kinds of bugs, to be gentler with them. You offer your hand and feel it crawl onto your finger. You cannot see anything in the darkness, so you tell yourself what color you want it to have.
If only it would be one of Shibi’s. If only it could lead you back to him, or lead him back to you.
“I want to go home.” You tell the bug, whisper it as quietly as you can. The rain swallows the sound but not the feeling of the insect lifting off your finger. It does not return.
“Wake up!” You’re shaken awake. Your ankle screams in pain when you sit up and grab your things. It’s still pretty dark outside, and you grab Iruka’s hand so that you don’t get lost. Akane must be at the front. The cold rain wakes you up sufficiently, soaks through your clothes in minutes.
Somewhere above you, lighting strikes. You duck your head instinctively but there’s no thunder. Again, another bolt of lightning and no thunder.
“Is that-” You ask as you stumble over roots. “It’s Kakashi!” Iruka yells back. “Akane recognized him just as we were about to be attacked.”
Kakashi. You have no idea how he got here, and just in time too, but you have no time to ask. The ground moves under you and you stumble, lose your hold on Iruka’s hand. 
Your head smashes into something. You pull your hands up, ready to defend yourself when you realize you cannot get up again, your right leg useless under you.
There’s not enough light to see, the rain swallowing almost any noise. You try to use your shadow, see flashes of steel, and then, suddenly, a warm, furry body right in front of you.
“Need a ride?” Tsume’s grin flashes in the eerie light of Kakashi’s lightning. You’re so relieved you could cry and maybe you do, the tears mixing with the rain pelting your face.
Kotetsu and Izumo are on guard when you arrive at the gates in the morning. You sure are a sight to see. Eight Shinobi have been sent out to find your team and the three of your five-person cell that remained alive.
You wonder what is in that scroll that it warranted such intense fights. You will probably never know.
All you want is to rest, to lay in your own bed, preferably with Shibi on one side and the kids on the other. Forget what happened. Play pretend, just for one day.
But this is Konoha, a village built by and for Shinobi.
Death is honorable. Injuries are inevitable. It’s all part of the job. 
You’re ushered to the Hokage tower because none of your injuries are life-threatening at the moment. Sure, your leg is broken in at least one place and you have a concussion, but that’s just a normal Monday.
There’s no chance to check in on your family but at least you know that Shibi is safe and home with the kids. It had been one of his bugs, if you understood correctly, that had alerted the Search Party in the first place. You wonder if it was the one you had found on your neck that last night. Or if it had been one hidden in your hair, deciding that enough was enough.
“Thank you for your work.” The Third takes the scroll from you and hands it to someone on the side. That could have been done without your attendance.
As quickly as you can the three of you summarize what happened in the time you’ve been away. It’s been over a week, a time period you still cannot fully comprehend. 
“How did you obtain the Scroll.” The Third’s eyes are on you now and someone clears their throat behind you, a clear sign that you zoned out for a second. 
It’s getting harder to focus with the hammering pain behind your eyes that makes your stomach jolt every time you dare to move your head.
“I asked nicely.” 
Another awkward throat clearing.
“I wasn’t aware we had such good connections to Kiri-Nin.” Another voice points out. Your neck-hairs raise at the sound and you turn your head slightly to spot Danzo standing near the door. He must have slipped in after you arrived.
“They were not Kiri-Nin. I think they were from Yugakure but they did not wear any Hitai-Ate.” 
Silence follows your correction.
You blink against the growing fog. Your head hurts so much.
“They had been hit by another team as well, only two remaining Nin. The female Shinobi was trying her best to save her comrade’s life and I bargained his life for the scroll. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to save him, but she accepted it eagerly.”
“And who gave you the authority to propose such a bargain?” Danzo’s standing right in front of you now. You have to put your head back to maintain eye contact and another wave of nausea rolls through you, strong enough to make bile creeping up your throat. You press a hand to your mouth as you swallow saliva. Whatever you do, you cannot throw up on Danzo. 
“I did.” Someone says to your right. You don’t dare to turn your head, but you don’t seem to have to. 
“Akane was barely conscious, Daisuke was dead, so I was the next in line as Team Lead.” Iruka declares firmly. “We discussed our options and I decided that this strategy would serve us best.”
“You’re telling me that you anticipated that not only would a team of Yugakure-Nin obtain the scroll but that they’d be in need of a Medic as well?”
Danzo’s voice is filled with condescension. Iruka doesn’t falter.
“Of course not. I’m not clairvoyant. But we agreed that if it came to it, it would be a valuable bargaining chip.”
“You’ve barely made Chunin and-”
“That’s enough.” Akane’s voice slices through Danzo’s words like one of her knives does through flesh. It’s a clean cut and he stops talking immediately.
“Iruka has shown commendable use of strategy. Even after I gained consciousness I did not feel the need to take over the role as Team-Lead. While I think he’d make a fine Jonin, I’d like to see him as a teacher at the Academy, perhaps. If anyone can teach my boy how to use his head instead of his fists, it would probably be him.”
“A fantastic idea to consider.” Lord Third declares and claps his hands. “I will look into this after you’ve all submitted your reports. But I think you all need to check in at the hospital first. Tsume, would you be so kind? I don’t think they can walk the distance.”
To your left and right, people start shuffling around. Danzo’s eye is still on you, holding you in place on the lone chair someone had pulled up for you and your useless leg. 
A hand places itself on your right shoulder and you whip around, nerves still on edge. The movement is too much for you, Might Guy’s shocked face the last thing you see before you lose consciousness.
Your body feels heavy when you wake like someone had poured lead into your joints while you slept.
You try to blink yourself out of your daze, annoyed when the room keeps spinning. You can’t move your head, not that it would help much with how everything blurs, so you clear your throat awkwardly.
A face pops up over you, a young woman grinning down at you.
“Hello again! This is the third time you’re gaining consciousness. This time you’re in an actual hospital bed. Do you remember me?”
“No problem. I’m Rika. I was training under you, but I changed my hair recently, so you might not remember me.”
“Hi Rika, can you tell me what’s going on right now?”
“Of course!” Her cheerfulness is almost too much for you. “We fixated your neck and treated your concussion, now we’re going to work on your leg and-”
“YOU LITTLE-” A shrill voice cuts through her explanation. You try to turn your head but fail. It doesn’t really matter. Something clatters loudly to the floor followed by the voice of a child you’d know everywhere.
“Naruto!” You can hear Iruka, his voice a little breathless. “Behave!”
“They won’t let me through!” The boy wails. You manage to grab Rika’s arm and pull yourself up, her protest falling on deaf ears.
Naruto’s standing in the middle of the busy room, snotty-nosed and dirt smeared over his face. Behind him, a nurse picks herself up from the floor that’s covered in the contents of a tray that had fallen over.
Iruka’s on the bed opposite of yours, shirt gone as two medics have their glowing hands pressed against his torso. He’s a little pale but otherwise fine.
Akane is nowhere to be seen, but your vision’s still blurry, so you could be mistaken.
“Naruto.” You try a little calmer. “Come, wait with me. Iruka’s fine, but they need to move around him and we don’t want to get in the way.”
“You look bad,” Naruto tells you plainly. “Are you going to vomit?”
You want to say no when you do just that.
Rika takes charge after that. The last you see of Naruto is his yellow hair burning brightly by Iruka’s side. 
Your bed moves, or maybe that’s just your head. 
At some point, the room falls quiet around you and you blink up to the ceiling to find that while it’s not spinning anymore, this is definitely a different ceiling than before.
“Where are we?” You ask.
“Surgery.” Rika smiles down at you again. “Nothing serious, but we need to set your ankle right. You won’t feel a thing.”
“Rika,” You pull on her scrubs. “My husband. Have you seen him?” 
“Oh?” She looks surprised. “I didn’t know you were married. I will ask the head nurse right after we get out of surgery, alright?” 
You suppose you can’t do anything about that right now.
But you wish Shibi was here. You wish Shino was here too, and Torune, even though you’re probably still covered in vomit and dirt and blood. 
Something buzzes above your face. You blink against the bright lights to find a single Kikaichu flying above your face. It settles on your temple and rests there and you imagine the lingering touch to be from Shibi’s lips.
-.- Shibi -.-
Hana finds him just a few feet from his door, brimming with joy. 
She’s only eleven and to be chosen by her mother to bring him the news of Airi’s arrival means the world to her. 
“I have to go pick up Kiba.” She dismisses herself straight after. “Tell Mom I did a good job when you see her.”
She leaves him with a difficult decision.
Does he grab Shino and Torune or does he leave them behind? He knows Shino won’t stay home knowing you’re finally back, but what if you’re not in a condition to be visited? 
Before he can lose himself in the what-ifs he lifts his arm and sends out his Kikaichu, just a few of them, with the mission to find you. He’d do it himself, curses his self-control that makes him consider his children before himself.
But would he be himself, the one you care for, if he’d be any different?
The door closes behind you just as he arrives at the hospital.
“I’m here for Airi. Aburame Airi.” He exclaims, Shino to his left, Torune to his right. 
“Oh, she’s just gone into surgery.” The nurse explains, squinting through her glasses. “Her leg’s broken and she’s got a concussion, but otherwise she’s fine. Are you friends or family?”
“Family. Why? I am her husband and these are our sons.” 
Torune blushes vividly, even more so when Shibi puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
The nurse coos. “Of course, of course. I’m sorry, we’ve had some problems with our paperwork ever since Kazue left. We didn’t even know Airi was going to be on a mission, we expected her to show up for work last Wednesday.”
“Show up for work?”
“Oh yes. But why don’t you grab a hot chocolate for the boys first and meet me back here in ten? We can go over the details then. Maybe you can do something about that mess of a child too.”
He follows her pointed finger to find Naruto sitting in the waiting room, gnawing on some kind of long gummy worm like it’s a bone.
“He came to see Iruka and wouldn’t leave.” The nurse explains with an air of condescension. “Thankfully Kakashi was still here and had the idea of bribing him with sweets.”
“Where are they? Kakashi and Iruka?”
“Iruka’s in surgery as well. I don’t know where Kakashi went, that boy is like the wind.”
“Come,” Torune says softly to his right and offers his hand to Shino. “Let’s comfort Naruto while we wait.”
“Do we have to?”
“Mom would be happy. I am sure he’s worried about Iruka.”
Shino huffs softly, lets go of the piece of his father's cloak he’d been clinging to.
“Fine. But I want to see her as soon as we can. Why? I need to give her my present.”
“I will call you as soon as she’s out of surgery.” He promises.
His Kikaichu alerts him minutes before the nurse even knows that you’re out of surgery. 
She’s still going over your data, explaining in neverending circles how Kazue seemed to have mistakenly left out the fact that you’re married as if that changes anything about the fact that you’re the one to be offered a position.
They probably bank on him being too relieved that you made it to care for these obvious mistakes. But he’s an Aburame. He might forgive, but he never forgets. And he might stay silent now, but that doesn’t mean he will forgive this lightly.
To offer you a position is one thing, to ask your grandmother, an elder of your former Clan, if you’re able to take it, something entirely else. 
When he gets up, the nurse looks up in surprise.
“Do you-”
“Airi just got out of surgery.” Shibi does not care to explain how he knows. “We will see her now.”
Behind him in the waiting room, Torune is quietly explaining something to both Naruto and Shino, the small boys transfixed by his story.
A shadow peels itself from the doorframe, silver hair falling over one eye.
“Hey, kid.” He points at Naruto when all three boys look up. “I was just going to get some Ramen. Do you want to come? I think there’s still some time before they’re done with Iruka. We could bring him up a bowl when we’re finished.”
“Who are you?” Naruto asks for a second, cocking his head to the side.
Kakashi falters visibly but doesn’t get a chance to explain himself before Naruto shrugs and gets up.
“Ramen is fine. You’re paying. I want three bowls.”
The door to your room is open. Shino’s steps falter to the point he’s dragging his feet. 
Torune’s the first one to step inside. You’re sitting in bed, a neck brace keeping your head in place but you seem to sense them, stretch out your hand as if to call them.
“Shino?” You ask softly, interrupting the medic who had been explaining something to you. “Is that you? Torune? Shibi?”
“I will come back in a moment.” The medic excuses herself with a smile, leaving them. Shino’s still frozen in place by his side but Torune steps forward and takes your hand into his gloved one, shakes it softly.
“I am glad you’re back.” He says calmly, but his voice carries more emotion than can fit in his words. 
“Oh, Torune, I missed you. The pills you gave me saved so many lives.”
“Mom.” Shino pulls away from Shibi, taking the few necessary steps urgently until he’s barrelling into her. “Mom, I’m sorry!”
“Oh, Shino, I know. I know.”
Shibi steps forward, lifts Shino to make sure he doesn’t hurt your injured leg in the process of climbing up.
You smile at him, telling him without words what he wishes he could say.
I love you. I missed you. Don’t you ever dare leave.
Hours later when he’s managed to take you home he carefully lifts you into the bathtub to wash off the grime. The boys are downstairs, recalling the events of today to the cat. 
“Hey.” You tell him softly, hand cradling his cheek. “How are you?”
Shibi huffs softly. “You’re asking me that?”
“Yeah. You’ve been different. Quieter. Are you okay?”
“I almost lost you.” He whispers and you respond by leaning forward, pressing your temple against his.
“I love you.” You say and he admires how easily the words seem to come over your lips. He’s been thinking it for so long, yet he can’t bring himself to voice it. Why is it so much more difficult now that he knows you reciprocate? Is it because he knows what could be? Because he knows just how fragile this is?
He pulls away first, busies himself with making sure the cast around your leg is safe from any splashing water. 
Taking care of you like this brings back memories of his first marriage. You must sense his distress because your hand finds his shoulder. That is what grounds him first. Your hands are what defines you, he thinks. Your hold is firm, your skin calloused from hard work, yet you are never harsh. 
“Stay.” You say. It doesn’t sound like a question, but he can read in your eyes that it is. You’re not demanding. 
He washes your hair, watches quietly as dirt and blood wash off your skin. He could almost convince himself that nothing has happened if he blends out the cast on your leg or the brace around your neck.
“The night we were found,” your voice is soft, does not cut through the Silence but rather pinches it, like one does carefully with a filled balloon, “There was a bug on my neck. I could not see it because it was dark, but I wanted it to be one of yours. How many did you leave with me?”
“Ten.” He recalls. “They like to hide in your hair.”
“I like that.” You carefully turn so that you can face him. “I like to have you with me.”
“I love you.” The words stumble over his lips awkwardly and he needs a moment to realize that they came from him. It’s the blooming smile on your lips that tells him the truth.
“I know.” You lean into him. “I love you too.” 
“We need to talk. About the mission.” His mind won’t let it slip. There’s still so much to consider.
“And the hospital.” You agree simply.
“Yes. And-”
“Shh.” You kiss him softly, lean further into him. “Not today, okay? Today, I just want to be home with you and the boys. I just want to love you and be loved.”
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned
@shadowwolf202101blog @kitty262 @sa-su-gay @8u-nni @ravenswife
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dira333 · 6 months
The Road Not Taken - part 15
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
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-.- Shibi -.-
Shibi has always cherished early mornings. Everything feels different in the hours and minutes before the sun rises when the world is bathed in a grey light, the air heavy and light at the same time. 
He likes the morning when you wake him up, when you fail to be quiet as you get ready for an early shift. Sometimes he humors you and pretends to be asleep while you tiptoe from one room to the other, dropping a kiss on Shino’s hair or sidestepping a playful Okita.
He likes the mornings when you blink sleepily at him at the kitchen table, not awake enough to listen or to speak yet, but eager to get up with him, knowing you have the whole morning for the things you want to do.
He likes the mornings when he gets up just as you get home, when there’s no difference between good morning and good night for you and your lips brush his cheek on your way to bed.
So far he’s never been sure which kind of morning with you is his favorite.
Today he seems to have found his answer.
The world outside hasn’t woken up yet, but he’s wide awake already, his hive humming. They’ve grown slowly but steadily, suppported by his rest but held back by the uncertainty of your absence. But now that you’re back, safe and sound, they are just as eager to have you here as he is.
You’re not lying on your side as usual, but on your back, head supported by your neck brace. your plastered leg resting on a pillow. But your arms are wrapped around him, holding him close as if he’s the one who’d been gone for too long. There’s no barrier of clothing between you and he has to call back his Kikaichū multiple times. They already know you, from your chakra signature to your scent, but they respond to his emotions just as much as they do to his commands. And his need to touch you, to caress your skin and taste your warmth, does not go unnoticed by his hive. 
You’re so warm next to him, your chest moving with every deep breathe you take. Your hair is a mess under his nose. If he could stay here, unmoving, for the rest of his life, he suppose he’d be happy with it.
A single Kikaichū enters the room through the keyhole, meeting the top of his outstretched hand.
Shino tells him that he’s awake, anxious to be with you again. He sends the Kikaichū back with one of his own, telling his son that he will be with him shortly.
When Shibi moves to untangle himself from you, your face falls into a frown. He halts, hesitating. He doesn’t want to wake you, but he shouldn’t stay longer, even though he wants nothing more. Your eyes blink open as he’s still battling himself. 
“Shibi?” You ask, your voice hoarse. “What time is it?”
“Too early. You should go back to sleep. Shino’s awake.”
“So?” You yawn.
“He wants to cuddle but you’re very much naked.”
You groan but your eyes close again and he takes it as a sign to move again, to slip out of bed fully, looking for his clothes. 
Seconds later he can hear the bedsheets rustle and turns around to you sitting up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Where’s my shirt?” You ask before yawning again. “Never mind, just give me one of yours.”
“You should sleep.” He tells you, but his voice is too soft and he allows his hand to wrap around yours when you stretch it out toward him, reach for him like he always wants to reach for you. Your fingers entangle with his. His hive hums appreciatively.
Fifteen minutes later he’s making tea while Shino is curled up on your lap on the living room couch, your plastered leg resting on the coffee table.
“Do you want to nap on the couch?” You ask Shino softly. He’s grown even more in the last months, at almost five years old a heavy weight in your lap. 
“I don’t want to sleep.” He complains. “Why? I missed you.”
“I know, Shino, I know. Do you want to tell me about the bug you discovered this week instead? That will keep me awake.”
Shibi serves the tea on the little table in front of you, unsure how to fit his own tall body on the couch now. You sense his eyes roaming over the space and pat the place next to you.
When he sits, you lean back into him instantly, your head resting against his collarbone. He can’t resist the temptation and drops a kiss on the top of your head when Shino is distracted by his own story, counting down all the different species he’s learned in the last week alone.
“When did you wake up?” A voice asks from the staircase. Torune’s peering down at the three of them.
“Just a few minutes ago. Cuddle with us?”
Torune hesitates for a moment before nodding. He pulls the giant comforter you bought him from the basket in the corner, wrapping himself until there’s no point of skin visible that one of you could touch on accident. He crams himself into the space on your left and Shino stretches out his legs to rest on top of Torune’s.
You laugh softly and when Shibi looks down at you, your eyes are closed in contentment.
“This is perfect.” You hum. “My little family.”
-.- Airi -.-
When Muta comes to collect the boys for training, neither of them wants to leave.
“No, no, I understand.” You dry the tears that Shino sheds as he stubbornly insists that he needs to stay back with you. “I know you want to make up for lost time. But I need to catch up on a lot of work, take loads of naps in between, so you won’t be missing out an anything. And when you get back from training, we can make a cake together and cuddle some more.”
“Come,” Torune tugs on Shino’s coat. “You can help me train today.”
True to your word you fall asleep on the Couch just minutes after the front door closes. 
When you wake up, Okita is nestled against your side and you think you can hear Shibi in the kitchen.
“Shibi?” You ask, pulling yourself up. “Are you there?”
“I am. Why? Do you need help?”
“Yes, kinda. Can you help me up the stairs? I need to pee.”
You suppose you could tackle the stairs on your own if you had to. But you don’t have to, not as long as you have Shibi at home.
“Why do you need to rest again?” You ask through the bathroom door, knowing that he’s on the other side. “I know you told me some of it yesterday, but with the boys hanging off me and everything-”
“It’s okay. You went through a lot. We were ambushed and while we got out victorious in the end, we suffered heavy damage. Most of my swarm was killed.”
“Oh.” You say because what is there to say, really?
When you open the door again, wobbling on your good leg, nothing betrays what he’s feeling. Or so one could think. But you can tell that there’s a difference, like a quiet kind of grief for the Kikaichu that died.
“How are you feeling?” You ask, your hands wandering over his body a little more than necessary. Shibi leans into your touch until you’re fully embracing each other, him carrying your weight, you carrying his sorrow.
“Empty.” He whispers eventually. He does not explain himself but he doesn’t need to. You might never fully understand what it means to be an Aburame, but if you care this much about the ten Kikaichu living in your hair, you can imagine how he must feel for the thousands upon thousands living inside of him. You’ve seen him tend to them. 
At one point you find yourself back on the Couch, leg propped up. Your neck brace is getting annoying, especially when Shibi is sitting next to you and the brace is restricting your movements. 
You tell him about the mission, from Yori’s visit to the initial report made to the Hokage. 
He’s quiet the whole time, listens intently, only interrupts to urge you to drink a bit more tea.
“I’ll write your report,” Shibi says when you’re finished, dark sunglasses reflecting your surprised face. “Why? You need to recover.”
“But the report will be falsified.” You repeat. “If you write it for me, you’ll make yourself an accomplice.”
“I understand. But if you write it yourself and we will be questioned, I’m already an accomplice. You told me the truth.”
He leans forward, presses his temple against yours. “I will not lose you.” His voice is more sincere than you’ve ever heard before. You swallow thickly.
“Okay.” You nod. “I will… I will dictate you the words.”
Normally, reports are exaggerated for personal gain. One’s own role is presented as far more important for the success of the mission than it had been.
You aim to do the opposite.
While you, Akane, Iruka and now Shibi know the truth, Konoha will only ever know what you decide to tell them. It’s better this way. 
This way, Iruka can become a teacher and hopefully live a long life in the safety of Konoha. This way, you won’t become a Jonin, won’t be ripped away from your family again and again.
But there’s one thing you haven’t told any of them. Yet. 
You wait until Shibi declares the report finished. When the ink has dried and your eyes are slipping closed again, you nestle yourself against him to tell him the one thing you’d trust no one else with.
“Those Shinobi from Yugakure. I recognized them. They’d been under the attackers when… my eye was hit.” And my fiancé died, you add in your mind.
“I understand.” 
“You do?” You try to turn your head to look at him, but the neck brace won’t allow it.
“From the day we got to know each other, I’ve admired your compassion over everything else. You’re the only person I know that’s strong enough to help someone who’d previously tried to kill you. Not because you’re too weak to say no or from a strategic standpoint. You knew you’d help them the moment you realized that she cared for her companion.”
You swallow against a bout of tears. Maybe, just maybe, Shibi already understands you better than you do yourself.
-.- Shibi -.-
While he hates to admit a weakness, especially during a Clan-Head meeting, Shibi’s decided he will if it goes on for yet another hour. He’s already missed Dinner as well as Shino’s bedtime. You’re probaby crawling up the stairs on your own right now, not willing to ask Chiasa for help.
“There’s one last topic to address.” It’s Fugaku Uchiha’s turn to lead the meeting and he’s surely enjoying it. “A new teacher for the Academy. Aburame-san, do you have anything to say on this topic?”
Fugaku’s smile is less than friendly. It makes Hiashi look like he’s beaming with joy. 
“If you’re referring to the events of my wife’s latest mission, I have nothing to add to that.”
“No?” Fugaku’s brows furrow aggressively. “So your wife isn’t doing anything in her power to make Iruka Umino, an inexperienced Chunin, an academy teacher?”
“Hey now.” Takeo Lee clears his throat pointedly. “My daughter in law was the one who proposed it! I trust Akane’s judgement completely.”
“Your daughter in law hasn’t been friends with Iruka for years.” Fugaku points out, but Tsume is quick to catch him on that.
“Exactly. If Akane proposes Iruka as a teacher, it’s from an unbiased stance. Also, Akane’s a hardass. If she thinks he’s good, I’d trust him with Kiba any day.”
“I won’t let my children be taught by a Clanless Chunin!” Fugaku bristles.
Hiashi Hyuga clears his throat, effectively silencing the table.
“I propose that we vote. Everyone in favor of making Iruka Umino an Academy Teacher should raise their hand.”
“Wait.” Shibi stops before anyone can react. “I won’t vote. Why? If Fugaku is concerned that I might be biased, I will hold back my vote.”
There’s murmuring, some of the voices sounding clearly impressed by his decision.
Hiashi nods and glances at Fugaku who seems to have gotten his self-restraint back.
“Alright. Everyone in favor of Iruka Umino becoming an Academy Teacher should raise their hand.”
Even without Shibi’s vote, the decision is a clear yes. 
Shielded from the eyes of others, Shibi’s mouth quirks into a smile. He cannot wait to tell you this.
The house is quiet when he arrives. 
He finds Torune in the living room, petting Okita. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” Shibi asks, fondness evident in his voice.
“Mom is upstairs,” Torune explains instead of answering his question, taking a seat with him at the table, watching him eat. “She says it’s a shorter distance to the toilet.”
“How was training today?” 
“It was fine,” Torune looks over at Okita, avoiding his eyes. 
“Really? Tell me more.” 
It takes effort to get Torune to talk. But now that he’s being listened to, the words seem to flow from his lips.
There’s training, today and the day before, the new techniques he’s trying to master and the ones he’s set his eyes on after that.
Eventually, as it always does, they circle back to Shiruko.
It’s been about two weeks since he died yet it feels like months have gone by.
“How are you?” Shibi asks, “You can be honest.”
“Mom asked about that too.” Torune rubs his gloved hand over the table. “Is it okay that I call her Mom?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” 
A soft blush grows on his pale cheeks. Torune buries his face in his arms as if trying to hide himself against the table.
Shibi stretches out his arm, rests his hand on the boy's shoulder.
“Your parents would want you to be comfortable and feel loved. You do not betray their love by reciprocating ours.”
“How do you know?” Torune asks, voice muffled through the fabric.
“When my father died and my mother eventually remarried, I had the same question. My mother told me what I just told you. Now that I am a parent, I understand. Why? If something would happen to me, I’d want you to have someone in your life, someone who loves and cares for you. And I would want you to be able to reciprocate.”
“Even Airi?” Torune asks. The words cut through him like a burning knife.
Shibi swallows thickly at the thought.
If history would repeat itself, if you’d lose him through a mission or yet another war, would he want you to find love again?
He’d never had to think about it from this perspective. He’s always been the one left behind, left alive.
But what’s the alternative? You turning into him? Scared of love, hanging onto the ghost of a person? 
“It hurts to think about,” he finally manages, “But I’d rather have her happy with someone else than have her turn away from life. What do you think about that?”
Torune hesitates.
Shibi, having picked up one or two things from you, offers him an out.
“If you need to think about an answer, that’s okay too.”
“Hey,” you greet him with a smile, “Welcome home.” 
Shibi leans down to kiss you but what’s meant as a quick peck on the lips turns into something longer, more urgent, your hands digging into his coat, holding him close.
He’s half laying on you, half crouching on the floor, trying his best to not put his full weight on you. 
“What was that?” Shibi asks, a little breathless when you let go of him and smooth out his hair. 
“I missed you,” your calm voice betrays the thunder of your heart.
He undresses quickly, changes into a simple shirt and trousers just in time.
There’s a soft knock on the door. Shibi opens it to reveal Torune in his sleepwear, glasses discarded.
“I wanted to say goodnight.” The boy’s hands are folded in front of him.
“Oh, no, let me take you to bed,” you push yourself out of bed and hop through the room on one leg before Shibi can fully register what’s going on, “Come on. Like I’d miss that.”
Torune’s blushing, but there’s a content smile on his face too, as he lets you lead him back to his room, Shibi in tow.
He carries you back, begs his heartbeat to stay calm when you let your head rest on his chest. 
Shibi slips into bed with you. He’s not tired enough to go to sleep yet and he can tell you’re too, but with you more or less bound to the bed, he’s content to share that sentence.
“Iruka got the job,” he tells you as you move around, trying to find a comfortable way to sit. “I pulled myself out of the vote because Fugaku thought it was my idea and I was pushing  some kind of agenda.”
“Oh, that’s great.” You’re finally satisfied, leaning into him as you sit, smile on your face. “As soon as he’s a bit more comfortable in that position, he can apply for adoption.”
“About that,” Shibi sighs as he watches your smile waver. “He can’t adopt Naruto and teach him too. But the orphanage is pretty full so I think they wouldn’t be opposed to sending Naruto off on his own.”
“At barely five years old?”
“It’s called assisted living. It’s not an adoption and in all technicality, Iruka wouldn’t be Naruto’s dad, but instead a grown-up looking out for him, making sure he’s got enough money, food and whatever he needs, living nearby in case of any problems.”
You ponder it for a moment.
“Danzo wouldn’t be able to do much about it, would he?”
“I don’t think he’d like it, but there’s not much he can do about it. I’ve looked into it, it has been a thing in Konoha ever since the first War when the orphanages were filled to the brim.”
“I’d rather have him adopted,” you chew on your lip as you think, “But I trust your judgment. We should talk to him about this as soon as possible.”
Shibi pulls you closer. He can’t help the pleased hum of his hive when you cuddle into him. You giggle. 
“Was that your hive?” You ask. “I didn’t hear them before.”
“They’ve grown bolder.”
“How are they, anyway?” You press your ear against his chest. “How much longer are you put on rest?”
“A few more days.”
“You sound disappointed. Why?”
Your cheeks turn hot, he can feel it even through his sleep shirt.
“It’s nothing.” You mutter. His hand, previously rubbing distracting circles on your back, stills. He’s still debating whether he’s supposed to ask or not when you speak up again.
“Rika came by today.” You’re not looking at him. “We just talked, but it was pretty enlightening. She’s not been at the hospital for long, but she caught the tail-end of Kazue’s tyranny. From what she’s gathered, they’re looking for someone to take up Kazue’s job. It’s less medical work and more bureaucracy, making sure that there are always enough doctors and nurses on hand and so on.” 
You pause. He can sense that there’s more to it, but you don’t open your mouth again, still hiding your face from his eyes.
“Do you want to take it?” Shibi asks, hopes that the warmth of his hands lets you know that he’ll be supportive, however you need him to be.
“I said…” You hesitate, “Well, I said… I’m not sure I could take it and that I would have to talk to you about it.” You lean back now, but even though your face is in full view, you avoid looking into his eyes. “Since I wanted to ask you… What you think about having another child…”
One, two heartbeats long Shibi forgets to breathe. When his lungs remind him, he takes a shaking breath.
“Are you sure?” His voice is just as shaky, breaking in between.
You nod, your eyes finally flickering up to his. “I mean, it doesn’t have to happen. Not now or not ever. This is a joint decision, after all. But you make me feel… loved… in a way, that I…” You fall silent again, your hands playing with the hem of his shirt, your eyes yet again unable to meet his. “If Shino’s going to start training soon and Torune’s training progresses with the same speed, why not try for it? It’s probably not going to happen quickly anyway, I’m almost thirty after all. I could go back to work until it’s time for me to take a step back and depending on what my work entails I could keep working part-time, if needed. Like one or two days a week or something like that. What do you think?”
“Are you sure?” His voice is barely above a whisper now. There’s a tone to it that he can hardly explain. He’s less asking if you want this than asking if you really want this… with him.
You seem to pick up on it because your features soften and you pull him into him. 
It must be uncomfortable for you, sitting like this, your leg still very much useless. But you don’t complain, mold yourself against him instead. 
Your hands are warm on his skin, gifting him the soft caress of a lover, not just a woman who agreed to marry him.
“What do you think?” You ask yet again.
Something loosens in him, a knot he never knew he tied up. His tongue responds in kind, telling you a secret he’d never thought would see the light of day.
“I always wondered what it would be like to have a daughter.”
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned
@shadowwolf202101blog @kitty262 @8u-nnii @ravenswife @theshortmuffin07 @oldanimefan
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dira333 · 8 months
The Road Not Taken - part 13
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
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The track back to your cave isn’t long, but you have to tread carefully. The shadows seem alive around you, the darkness a beast, intent to swallow you whole.
You barely have any Chakra left when you leave some shadow clones scattered around the area, slip into the cave in the hopes of going unnoticed.
Iruka’s welcoming you with wide eyes, voice skittish. 
“Where were you?” He asks. “Akane’s not doing good.” 
You lean over her. She’s gotten a fever.
“I found the scroll. It took me some convincing to get it.”
You take one look at him, calculate the chance of someone attacking tonight.
“Get some rest.” You tell him. “I’ll take care of Akane. You’ll have to bear the brunt of any attack if it happens and we need you at your best.”
He doesn’t object, but you doubt he’s resting well, with danger licking at his heels and a dead comrade by his side.
Akane’s fever breaks two hours later and you allow your eyes to close - not to sleep, but to take a breathe and listen, to replenish your Chakra the best you can. It will be a difficult trek home. You’re not safe yet.
-.- Shibi -.-
He’s never been more glad to see the familiar walls of Konohagakure. 
His gourd is strangely light on his shoulders, his Kikaichu decimated to the point that they all fit inside his body. It’s been a long time since he felt this empty.
“Ah, I’m looking forward to get home.” Kenji mutters, looking as exhausted as Shibi feels. “Toshiko’s not been feeling well lately. The pregnancy is freaking her out a little.”
“Has she talked to Airi?” He asks but is interrupted by his own Kikaichu before he can elaborate. His brows furrows and Kenji watches him with observant eyes.
“Everything good?”
“Hisoka has given birth. They’ve been waiting for our return to start the rituals. It seems to be a healthy girl.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Kenji laughs. “Hisoka was hoping for a girl. But you’re worried. What is it?”
“Airi isn’t home. Let’s check in first.”
“The Hokage-”
“The Hokage can wait.” Shibi orders curtly. Kenji follows him quietly.
His mother is working diligently at the kitchen table, teaching Torune how to fill capsules and press dried herbs into little pills.
Shino seems to be working on something similar, still clumsy in the way he handles the tools that are a little too big for him. It has always been his mothers approach to let children get acquainted with work as soon as possible.
Shino looks up, recognizes him and stubbornly lowers his head again.
Ah. It’s like that again.
Torune, however, jumps from his place at the table, draws as close as he dares to.
“Hello, Shibi-san.” The boy greets him calmly. “I’m glad you came home safely.”
“How was the mission?” Chiasa asks, eyeing him carefully. “How long will you have to stay put.”
Her question addresses the obvious lack of Kikaichu and he puts his gourd away, takes the few steps to the table and offers his hand to Shino who considers it for a second, before taking it, pressing his face against his arm for a second.
“Where’s Airi?” Shibi asks, directs the question at his mother.
“Left for a mission two days after you left. She’s supposed to be back today.”
“A mission? Why?”
“There was an aunty.” Torune points out. “From the Nara-Clan. She came in the morning and Mo- Airi had to make tea for her. She gave me breakfast and told me to eat with Shino in the living room and not come into the kitchen while the aunty was there.”
“It was the mean one.” Shino points out. “I tried to defend myself against her once and Mom didn’t like it. She’s very mean.”
“Who is?” Shibi asks. Shino looks up at him, blinks once as he recalls the name. “Yori. Mom called her Yori.”
Ah. He’s going to have to do something about that. Talk it through with you as soon as you’re back.
“I’ll have to meet with the Hokage.” He points out, notices how Shino immediately pulls away, hiding his pout behind his collar. “Is there anything special I should buy for Airi returning home today?”
“Chocolate.” Torune points out quickly. “There’s hardly anything left.”
“Pear Flavored Candy.” Shino comments now too. “But I want to buy them for her. I didn’t say goodbye.”
“That is a good idea. Mother, will you take them to the store after this?”
Chiasa eyes him for a second, clearly debating if she should allow him to spoil the kids. But she nods in the end. 
You do not return that day. 
Shino had been hopeful when he went to bed, Candies set out on the kitchen table as a way of greeting for when you returned..
But you don’t come home that night.
Shibi can’t even blame his son for the mood he’s in the following day, cranky and skittish.
He’s on strict rest to regain his Kikaichu as fast as possible, but he still takes the boys out for a long walk around the compound before dropping in with Hisoka for a visit. 
She asks after you and he swallows around the lump in his throat as he tries his best at a calm, reassuring voice.
You’re fine. He’s made sure you’re capable of defending yourself.
He still would have liked for you to be present at the ritual. You’re usually so interested in all things Aburame and he would have loved to explain the intricacies of it. How the bond between human and bug starts and how it is maintained.
He supposes that there will be another time for this, especially considering that Toshiko is pregnant as well, but still - he misses you.
The next day, Shino’s foul mood has turned into something even more devastating. 
He hides for the better part of the morning, does not eat breakfast and only comes out of hiding when Okita needs to be fed, demanding for him to move.
“You are upset.” He points out as Shino hides his face in his father’s coat.
Torune watches him over his cup of tea, face equally torn.
“Shino did not say goodbye.” Shino whimpers at Torune’s words, but allows Shibi to lift him up.
“I said I do not love her. Why? Because I did not want her to leave!”
“I understand.” Shibi holds his son close and opens his arms, a sign for Torune to step closer as well. He does so carefully, leans into the hug as best as he can. 
“You’re Shinobi. You have to understand that each mission could be your last. We should always consider that our words  will be parting words.”
“What did you say when you left?” Shino asks.
“I told you all that I would stay safe.”
“Mother said that as well.” Torune remembers. “She promised she’d come back.”
“She’s not one to break a promise.”
Two more awful days pass. 
There are no news of your mission status, no matter who he asks. 
He drops in with Shikaku, explains the situation as best as he can.
“I wasn’t aware of that mission.” Shikaku shakes his head. “I thought she would start working at the hospital again. Yori was pestering me about it. She probably could have dropped out if she asked for it, especially since you were away.”
“Not if Yori asked her to do it.”
“Ah.” Shikaku nods slowly. “So you’ve noticed the power Yori holds over her? I mean, you owe that witch your marriage, in a way, but I would advise you to keep out of her way.”
“How are you talking about an elder?!” Yoshino yells from the kitchen.
“I’m just being honest! You don’t even like her yourself!”
A strange feeling takes hold of him as he watches them fight.
It won’t leave him, not when he excuses himself a short while later, nor when he stops in front of the house he knows Yori lives in.
How would he act, if confronted with that woman? 
For a moment, as quick as a heartbeat, he considers the possibility of your death.
Its implication surges through him like lightning, leaves his hive buzzing in panic.
He forces the thought away immediately, cannot allow himself to pursue it further.
But its impact lingers. Your absence is too obvious.
It’s in the way Tsume’s voice is only half as loud when she talks to him. In Mikio bringing over Sakura to keep Shino occupied. It’s in Naruto’s eyes when he passes him on the street. The boy is searching for someone and he cannot fault him for that one bit. Shibi’s searching himself.
-.- Airi -.-
Your right foot has not stopped hurting for hours.
Your pretty sure your ankle is sprained and it does not help that you’re supporting Iruka’s weight with your right side. He’d taken the brunt of your last fight and it’s a testament to his quick thinking that he not only made it out alive but managed to draw the fight closer and closer to the borders of the Land of Fire. 
It’s been days since you’ve got the scroll. You’re always on the move, living off whatever you can find. Today it’s been a type of moss you recognized as edible, a very skinny rabbit and as much water as you could possibly drink. 
“As soon as we cross the border, we can send out a Messenger Hawk.” Akane grinds through her teeth. She’s still awfully pale, tires easily in fights, but she’s doing her best. 
“Not yet.” You shake your head, the pain in your ankle intensifiying when your foot knocks against a stubborn branch. “We cannot stay put just because we’ve crossed the border. I don’t think the other Shinobi care that much about the border anyway.”
Akane glares at you. There’s something like respect in her eyes, but she’s not giving it to you lightly. It had been hard for her to accept that not only did you, a Chunin, procure the scroll she failed to get, but that you also called the shots since Daisuke died. 
Jonin pride is something you’ll never fully get.
“When we get back.” She points out, taking her time to talk just like you, preserving her energy as much as she can. “You will get promoted to Jonin.”
“I’d rather not.”
Her head snaps around.
“Why not?”
“Why would I take a slightly higher pay just to have a higher chance at getting killed every day?”
“You are obviously skilled enough to be a Jonin. We need more Jonin. Would you really be this selfish? What about serving your country?”
“What is it with you people that you think serving your people means to offer yourself up to get killed?” Your voice has turned sharp. “I understand that the life of a Shinobi is a short and dangerous one. I understand that we serve to keep those alife who cannot fight. But I shouldn’t have to fear for my loved ones every single day because the teams are small to save money and they send Chunin’s out on missions that require Jonin.”
Akane’s mouth has turned into a thin line. She is not a friend of you, no matter how many times you’ve saved her life on this mission and your words are dangerous if taken out of context. But there is something that the two of you have in common.
“I am a mother.” You say with conviction. For a moment you see Yori’s face in front of you and you repeat it with vigor. “I am a mother. It is no longer my sole duty to serve my country and die a honorable death. It is now my duty to keep these boys safe and to make sure that when the time comes and they’ll have to go out, they know how to stay alife. I serve the following generations and not those who came before me.”
“I agree.” Iruka coughs and blinks. You check his vitals quickly but he’s doing good. Well, as good as he can with two broken ribs and a lot of internal bruising.
“Every time I go out on missions I don’t know if I’ll come back. And I want to do my best, but I will probably never make Jonin. I just don’t have my parents skill. But I… I think I am… good with kids. Naruto-”
“You should be a teacher.” Akane speaks like it hurts her to pull the words from her mouth. “Both of you. If you cannot see yourself out in the field for much longer, you should teach the following generation. Because you have skill, obviously. Otherwise you would no longer be alive. I’ve seen you fight.”
Iruka laughs and you wonder if he’s got a fever as well.
“I’m a poor Orphan who failed his first Chunin exam. They will never let me become a teacher.”
“They will. I have an idea.” A shiver runs down your back. “But we need to find cover now. There’s someone following us again.”
-.- Shibi -.-
Four days after you should have returned a search party leaves Konoha. 
Tsume is on it, as well as Kenji. They have nothing to go off but the original mission instruction and their Kekkai Genkai.
Shibi longs to be part of that search party, but even without the fact that he’s missing half of his Kikaichu he cannot bring himself to leave his boys behind.
Only half an hour after the search party has left the village there’s a sharp knock on his door.
He opens, surprised to find Kakashi, no Anbu mask in sight.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes. I’d like you to appoint me as a secondary Search Party.”
There’s a moment of silence. None of them speak. 
Somewhere behind Kakasi another figure appears.
“Me as well.” Might Guy declares with too much enthusiasm for a topic like this. “Asuma and Kurenai want to come as well, they are currently packing their things.”
“This is a nice offer.” Shibi steps outside and closes the door behind him. “But the first Search Party is very well suited for this mission. Enthusiasm alone will not make your talents match those of an Inuzuka or an Aburame.”
“We have information-” Kakashi starts but is interrupted by Might Guy who grabs his friends shoulder like his life depends on it. “My friend here-” “Rival.” “My Rival here has vested interest in the return of Iruka Umino. I myself have gotten pestered by the young Rock Lee about the whereabouts of his mother. We want to help and we might just have gotten information that the original Search Party lacks.”
Shibi turns to look at Kakashi who’s doing his best at looking as bored as possible.”
“Explain yourself.”
“It is about the child.” Kakashi presses out. “I have promised my Sensei that I will look after the Child. You have probably noticed that Naruto has been looking for Iruka.”
Shibi fights back a sigh. “Very well. Let’s take a short walk and discuss the matter.”
It’s not a small sum that he has to pay to employ four high-class Jonin - one of them still mostly part of the Anbu - on a second Search Mission. He doubts they will have more success than the team made up of Shinobi who are trained for Search and Rescue. But if there is something he can do, no matter how small, he has to do it.
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned
@shadowwolf202101blog @kitty262 @diamondtrashbag
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dira333 · 8 months
The Road Not Taken - part 12
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
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We're closing in. A lot of angst in this chapter, so be warned. Trigger warning for death, but no major characters this time.
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You’ve shared a bed for only two days now, and it’s ridiculous, but you cannot fall asleep.
Shibi is missing, it’s as simple as that. 
And it’s not just that you want to kiss him, because you want to, constantly if possible, but the loss of his quiet presence is unsettling.
Toshiko doesn’t seem to be worried about Kenji’s absence, but she’s also not a Shinobi.
And she’s preoccupied as well, sending the boys into the garden to play to pull you into the safety of her kitchen.
“I’m pregnant again.” She tells you, voice filled with warm excitement. “We’ve been trying for a while now and I’m so happy it worked, but could you… take a look? I don’t want anything to happen now that we’ve got this far.”
She’d been pretty young when she had Muta and you understand her worries, appreciate that she came to you. Work does a lot in keeping your mind occupied.
And there’s a lot to do, just as Shibi had foreseen. 
Hisoka, for example, is just about ready to give birth, her belly swollen.
“A few more days.” You conclude after you’ve taken a closer look. “But the boy is healthy.”
She’s not the only pregnant member of the Clan. And not the only one in need of your help either. 
Shino doesn’t seem to mind that there’s a constant buzz of people coming and going. He’s content to stay by Torune’s side as long as you’re close by.
Two days after Shibi’s departure, Yori knocks on your door. 
You’re a little surprised to see her, and not in a pleasant way. Breakfast is on the stove, Shino is chasing after the cat and you’re supposed to be at Hisoka’s in an hour to check on her.
But Yori is not just your grandmother, the woman who raised you after your parents death, she’s also a clan elder and respect is all but etched into your bones.
“Come in.” You say after a moment of silence. “I’ll make tea.”
She inspects the rooms she walks through, a habit you’ve always hated about her. 
“When’s the last time you cleaned this room?” She points out, like you expect her too, dragging a finger through the dust on the windowsill. “It’s filthy in here.”
There’s no point in arguing here, so you bite your tongue and prepare the tea, plate breakfast and step out of the kitchen long enough to hand it to Torune, beg him to consume the meal in the living room for once and make sure that Shino’s out of earshot.
“Is this how you treat guests?” Yori asks when you come back in, arms folded in front of her. “Leave them alone in the kitchen?”
“The children-”
“Children are there to be seen and not heard. They can live without breakfast for a day. Haven’t I thought you properly?”
You bow your head and serve tea, serve it with slices of apples because you know she likes them. She still admonishes you. A host has to have cookies at hand, treats that are made freshly every day. It’s a good thing you didn’t bring out the chocolate, because she comments on your weight next as you fold your hands in your lap and endure it.
“I spoke with Shikaku.” She points out when the apple slices are gone. “You’re a disgrace to the Clan with how you’re acting. I expect you to bick your duties back up at the hospital.”
“I-” You dare to speak up but she silences you with a look.
“Don’t forget who you owe this opportunity too. You’d still be unmarried and unwanted without my interference. I put in a good word for you. They’ll take you on without questions and you can work up to your delivery date.”
You swallow your comment at that. It’s better for you if she thinks you’re pregnant.
“Well, I’m off.” She gets up from the table. “I was supposed to drop this off with you.”
She hands you a scroll. You recognize the shape and pattern, know what it is before you open it.
“A mission? I cannot take-”
“Have you forgotten your duty?” Yori might be smaller than you, wethered by age, but she’s always possessed power in her eyes, her stare mightier than any sword. If it’s a Kekkei Genkai you’re glad you didn’t inherit it.
“No.” You answer quietly, bowing your head. There’s a spark of something in you, a flame of hope and devotion licking up your spine. You don’t dare to look up into her eyes as you speak, but you dare to speak.
“It’s just- Shibi is on an important missions, and my children-”
“They are not your children.” Yori’s words are like ice water, dunking you under until you’ve lost sight of the surface.
“I expect you to take that mission.” She leaves after that, leaving a tremor behind, a shiver that runs over your body like you’re freezing even though the sun is warm outside, especially for a winter day.
Shino cries when you pack your things, digs his feet into the ground when you move toward the front door. 
Torune is frozen and you can’t blame him. He’s just lost his father, Shibi’s gone and you’re about to leave as well.
Chiasa is quiet, a watchful presence from the safety of your kitchen.
You don’t know wether she’s pleased or not with your departure. 
“Hey.” You grab Shino, pull him up and into your embrace, let him hide his snotty face against your neck. “I won’t be gone for long. I promise. I will come back.”
“I don’t want you to go.” He whines. “I don’t-”
“I know. But I’ve got to go. I love you.”
“I don’t.” He untangles himself from you in one swift move, drops to the floor and leaves for his room. You cannot go after him, there’s simply not enough time.
“Torune.” You turn to him, your heart heavy. “I will come back, okay. I promise.”
He nods, swallows thickly. You’ve never wanted to hug him close more than you do now.
“Shibi should be home sometime today or tomorrow.” You recall his plans. “Chiasa will look after you. Everything will be fine.”
“You should go.” Chiasa points out from the kitchen. 
Torune steps forward, drops something into your hands. “Good luck.” He whsipers. “I’ll look after Shino.”
You peer down at the assortment of medicine he handed you. Green pills for poison, capsules filled with purple powder for blood loss. Tiny yellow things that thwart infections, one of the biggest dangers after cuts or broken bones.
The mission is straightfoward.
There’s word of a delivery, a scroll snagged from Ishigakure, said to be transported to Yugakure, or possibly Kirigakure.
But it seems you’re not the only one’s who heard about the thievery.
You run into a group of Kiri-Nin first, lose one member of your team instantly. Reduced to four, you stay close to Iruka, who’s the youngest.
“Regroup.” Your team lead decides when the other team splits up. It might be a cowardly thing to do, but it’s more important to get that scroll than to prove to some Kiri-Nin that you can best them in a fight. 
“Aburame-san.” Iruka stays close as you race through the forest. “Should you really be on this mission?”
“Should you?” You ask back, watch him pale under your gaze.
It’s a wild goose-hunt after that.
There’s at least another team out there, you suspect from Ishigakure, because you stumble upon dead Kiri-Nin’s with no time to examine them. Whatever’s in this scroll must be important and you curse whoever thought it was a good idea to put two Chunin - you and Iruka - on a mission like this.
You manage to get a hold of the scroll once, but loose it soon after in a fight that’s essentially a blood bath.
You’ve long lost track of time from the hours you’ve spent awake and the distance you’ve travelled. You’re pretty sure you’re no longer on familiar ground, lush forests having given way to naked rock and deep caves.
Iruka’s got a nasty cut on his arm, pulling the bandage closed with his teeth. Your team lead is worse for wear, blood trickling out of his mouth as he tries to speak.
“Don’t speak.” You order him, the decisions you have to make are hard enough. You can’t save both of your teammates, must choose between Daisuke, a thirty-year-old Jonin with no children or Akane, a 25-year-old who had a son last year, went back to work two weeks after birth. You’d done a check up on her, couldn’t remember her name until she reintroduced herself but the swell of her toddlers cheeks. He’d been cute, big eyes and bushy brows. 
The rules are pretty clear for a situation like this. 
The team lead is more important than a single team member. All of your lifes combined is less important than fulfilling the task at hand.
But you cannot stop thinking about that toddler, his big eyes looking up at you, not at all scared of your eye. You push yourself up and to her side, examine her situation.
They’re both critical, won’t survive without at least half your Chakra poured into them.
“Help me.” You order Iruka, pop a soldier pill and empty a capsule each into both of their mouths. You cannot bring yourself to defy orders, but you cannot bring yourself to rob a child of its mother even less.
“I should go back out.” Iruka realizes as you’re working, shivering in his boots. “We need- the scroll… I-”
“If you got there alone, you will die. What would I tell Naruto?” You ask him, your voice unnecessary harsh as you can feel your Chakra drain. 
Akane, coughs weekly under your care. She hasn’t gained consciousness ever since you dragged her into the cave. Her kid’s called Rock Lee, you remember too, looking more like his father than his mother.
Daisuke dies under your hands. You wonder if you could have done more for him if you hadn’t tried to save Akane too. She’s much more stable now and you lean back to catch a breathe, replenish yourself as much as you can.
Iruka’s looking up at you, his face so pale it reflects the moonlight.
“When I die…” He says, voice unnaturally hollow. “When I die, Naruto will mourn me.”
“Of course he would.” You sidle up to his side, mistake his shock for something else. “He loves you.”
“I wanted to kill him.” He whispers. “When I went to the orphanage for the first time. I’d spent years mourning my parents, plotting revenge for their attackers, until someone mentioned it in passing - that it hadn’t been someone from outside like I was made to believe, but someone from within. That the murderer was allowed to live in Konoha, unharmed.”
You freeze, fear choking your heart.
“But he was so small.” Iruka’s heart cracks. “He was just a little kid. And they left him alone in his room with nothing to play but his blankets and a stuffed toy that was clearly made by someone with no crafting talent.”
You shiver. You had made that toy, painstakingly learned how to sew until the lump resembled some kind of animal. A frog, perhaps, for the only fabric you could find had been a vibrant green. You wonder briefly if he still has that toy.
“He’d been so happy to see me. And I couldn’t bring myself to tell him why I was really there. And ever since then I just came back, again and again, hoping I’d bring myself to revenge my parents. But I’ve let them down, haven’t I?”
“Were your parents kind?” You ask, your voice quivering.
“Incredibly so.”
“How could you let them down then, when all you’re doing is being kind too? Naruto never chose to be a Jinchuriki. He just wants to be a child.”
His elbow knocks into yours. You realize what he’s doing a little too late, but you don’t pull back when his hand takes yours. 
“What are we supposed to do?” He asks. “We cannot come home without the scroll.”
You press his hand as an eery calmness washes over you.
“Stay with Akane.” You decide. “I’ll take a look.”
“But, it’s dangerous-”
“I promised to come back alive.” You say. “I intend to keep my promise.”
It’s an inherent Nara trait, to be able to walk in the shadows, unseen and unheard. At least that’s what your father told you when you collected subpar marks for weapon handling and the likes, but excelled in sneaking around the house, always able to get the last piece of cake your mother had put to the side.
It comes in handy now, decades later.
Not far from your cave you find another team, beaten and bloodied.
A woman is trying to save her comrade, hands caked with his blood as she uses chest compressions to keep his heart beating. She’s not a medic, you realize at the same time you recognize the scroll attached to her hip.
It’s probably a trap, you think, even though she’s hidden away in yet another cave, not out in the open. But it would be too easy, especially with your shadows, to capture her and get that scroll. Nothing’s been too easy on this mission so far.
“I’ve noticed you.” She presses out. “Take one more step and I’ll obliterate you.”
“But that would mean you’d lose him.” You point out and notice the way her brows tighten and her spine straightens at the prospect. So she cares about her team members.
“Like you’d save him. He’s just scum to you.”
“Would you be willing to give up the scroll if I saved him?” You offer.
“How could I trust you?”
“I’m married too,” you point out, guessing correctly. “Two kids that want me back in one piece. Is that enough for you?”
“What are their names? How old are they?”
“Shino’s turning five in two weeks. Torune is 8.”
She huffs, considers it, before she nods and releases whatever Jutsu she had prepared.
You make sure to walk slow and calm even though your heart thunders in your chest.
“I’m a medic.” You point out as she eyes you, back to doing chest compressions. “I cannot promise you anything but my best, but it will be more than what you’re doing.”
“Just get on with it.” She snarls as you kneel down on the other side of him, your hands above his sternum.
He’s severely wounded, but his heart is in one piece.
“Keep doing what you’re doing,” you point out, pulling Torune’s gift out of your bag. You empty the last of his blood loss capsules into the man’s mouth before getting to work.
“His stomach ruptured.” You point out. “And his spine is damaged. He might not be able to walk without crutches.”
“But he will live.” She summarizes when you breathes on his own, when his heartbeat is strong under her hands. There’s a relief in her eyes that is palpable. It transforms her face, makes her suddenly recognizable.
You know her, deeply so. She’d been on the team that night you lost your fiancé and your looks. She seems to recognize you too, throwing herself over her comrade as if to shield him from you.
“The scroll.” You point out with teeth that seem to stick together. “As promised.”
She blinks up at you. “You’re not going to get revenge?”
You shake your head. “I’ve never been keen on revenge, even right after it happened. I just wanted to understand… why it happened, I guess. Why it had to be him instead of me.”
“We didn’t-” She starts and stops, as if realizing how it sounds. “We didn’t aim for him, if that’s what you thought. They gave us this new weapon and told us to use it. That’s all it was, just a mission-”
You nod curtly, can’t listen to this any longer.
“The scroll.” You repeat. She nods, releases another Jutsu that you had anticipated and hands it over.
“Don’t follow me.” You point out and she grimaces.
“We’re not the ones you have to fear.”
@sammieshuttle97 @burningbluegalaxy @mazingerzeto @diamondtrashbag @kitsunerealm @craftypastadeanbailiff @ravenswife @kitty262 @satublueberry
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dira333 · 1 year
The Road Not Taken
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
part 2 ; Character sheet
I had an idea and could not stop writing it. Normally I finish a fic before I post it but I wanted to try something new. I hope this doesn’t blow up in my face.
tagging: @spellcasterlight​ because she’s lending me her own OC as Shino’s mother
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Her parents named her Airi, choosing the two Kanjis that meant favorite - because they had been waiting for her - and Pear Tree - because her father had planted one the day they had gotten married.
Her father, a member of the Nara clan, had inherited the laziness and the looks, but not much of their genius. Her mother, unwilling to fight, had focused on healing to help the village and what she lacked in talent she made up for in vigor.
All they wanted was a simple life, an average life.
They died early. 
Growing up alongside her cousin Shikaku, Airi realized three things early on.
First, she would always be two steps behind, whether it was in age, constitution, or talent.
Second, love was not often given freely in the world of Shinobi but it was cherished.
And third, she needed to be able to pick her battles and pick them well.
The door to Shikaku’s house isn’t fully closed.
You push it open and call out for the family of three.
“We’re in the living room,” Yoshino calls out and Airi follows the noise.
It is no surprise to see Shikaku sprawled out on the Couch, most likely on his third nap of the day. It is no less surprise to see Shikamaru napping on his chest, an ever-growing bundle of sass and genius.
“Tuckered out?” You ask and Yoshino nods, not bothering to rise from where she is going over her needlework. 
“Shikaku has been teaching him Shogi. I’ve never seen him so focused before.”
Whether it is the mention of Shogi or just the usual time for his nap to end, Shikaku groans, shakes his head, and peers at them.
“Airi,” He says and you know immediately that he has been informed. You nod, ignoring Yoshino’s curious looks.
“I thought it would be better to discuss this here,” You say, an apologetic smile on your lips. “Would you care for a walk in the woods?”
Shikaku nods grimly and pulls his son from his chest. Shikamaru whines but settles instantly on the soft cushions, already fast asleep by the time you make it to the door leading into the backyard.
“We won’t be long,” Shikaku tells Yoshino, a tone in his voice that keeps her from questioning.
The sun hadn’t yet gone down fully but dusk was settling quickly and below the trees, it was almost dark, soothing to your left eye. 
“Yori said that you agreed to everything. That’s not the Airi that I know.”
“Which Airi are you referring to?”
He huffs. “The Airi that fought tooth and nails to marry the man she loved? True love conquers all, wasn’t that your life’s motto?”
“Do I have to remind you that he died?” Your voice is low and calm but Shikaku tenses as if you’d slapped him.
“Just…” He starts again. “Why are you agreeing to an arranged marriage?”
“So far I haven’t agreed to anything. I’ve been minding my business, doing my work until Yori decided to pop in on one of her surprise visits. You know how she is, she’s got her ears and eyes everywhere and…” You stop, swallow, and force the words out of your mouth. “She mentioned that Aburame-san has been a widower for two years now and that his son needs a mother. The Aburame’s have always been open to arranged marriages and she’s not wrong. My chances for remarrying have significantly dulled since the injury to my eye.”
“I understand that, but Shibi? Are you sure?”
“I haven’t met him yet. I knew Yori would tell you immediately and I was hoping I could talk to you first but I see she’s beat me again. I am asking you as my Clan head and not as my cousin for your honest opinion on this case.”
He is quiet for a while as he walks next to you through the woods that had been your home for so long.
Finally, he speaks.
“Shibi is not a bad man. If you are serious about this, I’d give you my blessings but I want you to meet him first, and talk this through. Don’t marry that man without knowing him, especially his family's jutsu.”
“You’d have to officiate.” You remind him and he groans in annoyance.
“What a drag.”
Shibi is tall. You cannot tell much more because his clothes seem to swallow him whole. Dark glasses cover his eyes and his hair is a mess of brown that almost seems to defy gravity but other than that, you can only see his long fingers wound around the teacup in front of him.
You wonder briefly if he’s cold. Maybe less than perfect blood circulation?
“Why don’t you tell us about your son?” Yori’s voice cuts through the quiet of the room but you barely flinch this time, the tips of your fingernails digging into the flesh of your hands instead. 
Yori is one of the elders of the clan. What she lacks in size she makes up for in volume.
“His name is Shino.” Shibi offers politely. His voice is calm. “He was born four years ago, therefore he is as old as Shikamaru.”
“What are his hobbies?” You ask, your voice a whisper in comparison to Yori.
Shibi’s left eyebrow raises and he seems to ponder your question for a moment.
“Currently, he is learning about honeybees. Why? He is very interested in bugs and insects of all kinds.”
There’s so much more you want to ask. 
Does he miss his mother? Does he like to cuddle? Does he cry or does he hide his tears like Shikamaru sometimes does because he’s embarrassed?
“Well, it sounds like you’re getting along,” Yori exclaims happily to your utter embarrassment. You can feel the blood rush to your cheeks and unlike Shibi, there’s no way to hide your blush.
He clears his throat pointedly and you fear the worst.
“Would you like to take a walk? We are not far from our grounds and I would like to show you the Aburame estate.” Just as before he adds a question and its answer to his sentence. “Why? Because you should know the place you’d be going to live in.”
It is almost endearing and you wonder if he’s aware of this mannerism.
Yori all but pushes you out the door. You’re not really dressed for a walk in today’s weather, the pretty Yukata Yori had demanded you put on is no match against Konoha’s fall winds.
But you soldier on.
The streets are busy as ever, but no one pays you any mind. 
You’ve never stood out before but since your injury, people tend to look away when the notice you. Shibi seems to share your fate but he doesn’t seem to mind.
He’s quiet as he walks. You want to ask more questions but you don’t know what you should ask. Or if you’re allowed to.
Eventually, he turns to the right and through a tall, wooden archway. 
Even in the fall, the Aburame estate is beautiful. There’s a multitude of trees dipped in various shades of red, yellow, and the dark green of conifers. Where the Nara estate is a dense forest with a few clearings, the Aburame estate is a cultivated garden.
It’s a feast for the insects, you realize, as you follow him down a path.
Wild vine covers the house you are walking towards. A door opens and a woman steps outside, a boy next to her. She’s old, her grey hair in a long braid.
“Father.” The boy greets Shibi and he looks nothing like you thought he would but nothing like that at all. He’s about the same size as Shikamaru but he wears long wide clothing and a tiny set of sunglasses that cover his eyes. His hair is a shade darker but just as wild.
“Shino. Chiasa-san. We have a visitor.”
“Hello.” You wave your hand awkwardly and they both greet you politely. Their eyes may be shielded by their sunglasses but you can tell that they are watching you curiously.
“I would like to borrow a coat, Chiasa-san. Why? Because Nara-san is here to learn about our estate and she is not dressed for the weather.”
“Can I come?” Shino asks. There’s a moment of Silence as you watch Shibi, trying to guess his answer. You want him to say yes just as much as you want him to say no.
“You can come. Why? You can tell her about the honeybees.”
There’s something like a smile tugging on little Shino’s lips. Chiasa is back, a heavy coat in her arms. It’s the same unassuming greenish-brown that seems to be the colour of the Aburame’s uniform. You take it, eager to slip into something warmer. As you move to put your arm into one sleeve, Shibi lifts the coat for easier access.
It’s a simple gesture but it’s attentive and you suppose it’s more than you could have asked for.
Shino is a determined guide. He lists all the plants that usually grow as well as the bugs that feed from them. Whenever he has nothing to say he falls silent. If he grows tired, he doesn’t say, he just trudges along on short legs.
Shibi halts in between the trees. It’s darker here but not as dark as in the Nara forest. Still it soothes your left eye.
“Before an Aburame engages in an arranged marriage, it is custom to show their eyes.” He exclaims. “If it frightens you, you will not have to see it again.”
Without any further explanation, he pulls the sunglasses from his face.
His eyes are a light shade of amber and you wonder if they would glow gold in the sunlight. Below each eye is a line of black dots. Before you can question if they are painted on or tattooed like the marks of the Inuzuka, the dots begin to move. 
Quickly, you realize that they are bugs. Hundreds of them move out of tiny holes in his face, the most prominent ones below his eyes. 
On instinct you take a step closer, your left eye not much help in distinguishing one bug from the other and something akin to surprise passes over Shibi’s face but you could be mistaken.
“Does it hurt?” You ask as you watch, transfixed.
“It does not.” Shino exclaims to your feet. “Should I show her too?” He asks his father.
Shibi seems to hesitate for a moment and you take it as a sign to take the lead, dropping down to be on eye level with the boy.
“If you want,” You tell him. “You can show me.”
Shino’s eyes have a blue tint, probably inherited from his mother. He watches you intently as the bugs march across his nose. This close you can tell how many of them there are and how small they are.
“Does it tickle?” You ask. 
Instead of an answer, Shino lifts his hand and points at your left eye, his hand so close his finger almost pokes your skin.
“Does that hurt?” He asks bluntly.
“Only when the lights are very bright.” You tell him honestly.
“Why don’t you wear sunglasses?”
“I haven’t found a pair that I liked yet.” It’s not the whole truth but he seems satisfied with it.
“How did it happen?”
You swallow thickly, your brain rushing through various explanations.
“He only wants to know what caused it,” Shibi explains softly. 
“Why? Because it looks like poison but none that I am familiar with.” Shino expands further, copying his father’s style of speech.
It is endearing to see parts of the one in the other. 
And as Shino is not asking for much more but the most basic details of your injury, his question is quickly answered.
The boy stifles a yawn as you finish and Shibi, his glasses back in place, picks him up with ease. 
“It is time for you to sleep. Why? Because your hive needs to regenerate.”
You walk after them, feeling a bit like a spectator to their home life as Shino melts into his father's hold, content to be carried.
Chiasa is already at the door when you arrive, accepting Shino into her arms.
“I will be home soon,” Shibi tells his son. “Do not wait up.”
You move to slip out of the given jacket but Shibi stops you quickly.
“I will walk you home. There is no need to give it back just now.”
The walk back is as quiet as when you started but it feels a lot less heavy now. 
You can tell that Shibi is not much of a talker. This marriage would mean a quiet life and after having spent so much time around Yori, you can’t say you’re against the change.
About half a mile from your house, Shibi stops in the soft light of a flickering street lamp. He looks up at the sky where one cloud chases another, the strong winds pushing them further and further away.
“I’d like to know your opinion.” He says and you wait, already anticipating what will follow. “Why? Because it is important what you think about this.”
You hadn’t expected this particular kind of reasoning, another blush working itself into your cheeks. 
“I-” You start, unsure of how to phrase your thoughts. “I’d like to try.” You shudder under the weight of this decision. “You seem a calm man. I don’t have much to offer but if you’ll have me-”
It sounds like you’re proposing to him, in some way, but Shibi doesn’t react. He’s quiet, almost frozen in place. You wonder what he’s thinking.
Eventually, he speaks again.
“How soon do you want to be married?” He asks.
Your wedding is small.
As the Clan head of the Nara, it is Shikaku’s duty to officiate any wedding inside the Nara Clan. But as you’re marrying someone from another Clan, he’s found just another reason to duck the responsibility.
You are wed in the Hokage office instead of the Nara forest as you had planned that your first wedding. The one that never happened.
Shikaku and Chiasa are your witnesses and Yoshinori is standing to the side, holding an already snoozing Shikamaru while Shino is a stiff spectator to her side.
Everything is done and over in less than twenty minutes.
There is no party after, no honeymoon that’s just the two of you in a shabby hotel. 
While you were getting married, everything you’ve packed has been moved out from Yori’s house to the Aburame estate and is now waiting for you to unpack.
Less than a month ago Yori had approached you with her grand idea and now you were no longer a Nara but an Aburame by name and residence.
The walk toward your new home reminds you of your first walk with Shibi. 
You’re both not dressed overly fancy, the change from work clothes to something more casual the only visible sign that this was not a work visit to the Hokage.
No one sends you any looks as you make your way through the village, Shino in your middle, refusing to be carried.
The fact that you look like his mother now, like you’re one family, hits you like one of Maito Guy's punches. Because, legally, you are his mother now. You are family. 
It just doesn’t feel like it.
The wine-covered house is Shibi’s. 
It’s slightly bigger than the others on the compound and as you step through the door you are surprised by the well-chosen interior. Light, earthy colors are interjected with the dark green of plants.
“Can I play?” Shino asks as soon as you are inside.
Shino slips out of his shoes and into the living room. Before you can wonder what he considers playing, Shibi points towards the first floor.
“Let me show you your room.”
Your room, as he calls it, is a small bedroom that fits one bed, one dresser, and one small desk. There’s a door leading to a bathroom. 
“It used to be my study.” He explains, his voice soft. “I thought you might want your own room. Why? Because we are not yet well acquainted.”
His words offer a look into the future. When you are better acquainted you will share his room. A shiver runs down your back, but you’re not sure why. You knew this was going to happen.
Quite frankly you hadn’t even thought it possible to have your own room. You were married now, after all.
The bathroom connects his room with yours. There are two more rooms on the other side of the hallway, Shino’s bedroom and another small bathroom.
“Are you hungry?” Shibi asks. “I will prepare something. Why? Shino is going to be hungry soon.”
“I am not hungry yet. Do you want me to help?”
“It is your choice. I will not mind your help nor if you choose to unpack instead.”
He leaves for the ground floor after that, leaving you to decide for yourself.
The day moves by quickly after that. Unpacking doesn’t take as long as you would have thought. 
You come back down right on time for dinner only to realize that the Aburames do not talk during meals. It’s a quiet, yet tasty, meal. The small bug in your pocket, carved from an antler, is burning into your skin. But not once does it feel right to pull it out and gift it to him.
This is your wedding day but it feels different than what you had imagined.
After dinner, Shino and you help clean up the little that is to clean. 
Shino settles in the living room soon after, a book roughly his size on the floor.
He puts his finger on the page and follows the words, sounding them out aloud whenever he has trouble.
He is four years old yet he can read almost as well as Shikamaru. You wonder how you’ll ever be a mother to him.
“I have to leave,” Shibi announces shortly after, gourd already on his back. “I’ll be back before morning.”
Shino nods in understanding and Shibi turns towards you. There is an awkward pause, roughly two heartbeats long, as you wonder how you should say goodbye. Do you hug him? Kiss him? Nod at him as Shino did?
“Shino will go to bed at his usual time. If there is any problem, Chiasa lives in the house closest to ours.” 
He leaves after that with a curt nod, while you ponder the fact that it is now “our” house instead of “theirs”.
“I will go to bed now,” Shino tells you. “Why? Because I am tired.”
“Do you want me to take you?” You ask, getting to your feet.
He freezes in surprise. “How?”
“How do you take one to bed? I do not need to be carried.”
You smile. “When I was your age, my mother would sit by my bed until I fell asleep and tell me stories. And my father would give me a good night kiss so that I would have good dreams.”
He ponders that for a moment until he nods in resolution.
“I would like to try a story. Why? I assume that those are educational.”
“They can be.”
When he has settled in his bed, his glasses on the nightstand, his bugs freely moving across his face, you pull the carving out of your pocket.
“What is it?” He asks and you hold it up for him to sea.
“It is my present to you. It is a bug made from antler.”
He takes it from your hand, holding it up as well. 
“It is not anatomically correct.” He tells you. “It is much too big to be real.”
“It is not meant to look real. It is meant to be cherished.”
He ponders that for a moment before he puts the carving on the nightstand next to his glasses.
“Do you have a story about antlers?” He asks.
You smile. “Of Course. I come from the Nara Clan after all.”
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dira333 · 9 months
The Road Not Taken - part 11
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
Taglist open if you want to be added
I apologize for the delay - my health hasn't been the best. Future updates may be slow, but they will keep coming.
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“Mom.” You find yourself back in your house, Shino in front of you.
“Shino.” You blink. “I’m okay.”
He doesn’t look convinced but lets you get up from the Couch.
Your knees are wobbly and you could use something to eat, but otherwise, you’re fine.
Torune is sitting stiffly on a pillow not far from you.
“Hey, Torune.” You keep your voice soft as you kneel down next to him.
“How are you doing?”
“I’m fine.” His voice is as stiff as his posture.
“It’s okay to be sad.” You pull Shino closer to you and he lets you, leans into your touch and looks over at Torune, a boy he’s only learned to know as strong and talented.
“I need to stay strong.” Torune whispers. “I need to be ready for the burial.”
You stretch out your hand, wanting to touch him, to comfort him. Torune moves back on instinct, brows furrowed now.
“Don’t touch me. It’s dangerous.”
“Okay. I’m sorry. No touching, I promise. Do you… Want to eat something?”
Torune looks at you in silence for a long time before he nods slowly.
This is where Shibi finds you. 
At the kitchen table, making Onigiri with the boys.
Your eyes find his. Even with his eyes hidden behind sunglasses you can see how affected he is by the sudden death.
“Sit.” You point at the chair on your left. “Eat.”
He doesn’t object, his body falling heavy into the chair. His arm meets yours as he moves to grab an Onigiri, his shoulder barely grazing yours.
But you push into the contact, hope that he understands.
You’re here. Ready for him to lean onto you should he need to. 
Now that Shibi is by your side, it feels like you can take a breath, can take a step back.
Shino and Torune are quiet, but it’s not the awkward silence you’ve seen when Shikamaru comes around. Shino doesn’t seem uncomfortable, not confused by the grief.
Instead he leans in almost eagerly, watching Torune work with steady hands.
Torune’s stiff limbs seem to warm under Shino’s attention. He gingerly offers one Onigiri to the younger boy, blushing faintly when Shino bites into eat with a nod of thanks.
You smile and look back at Shibi, surprised to see him nodding into the direction of his bedroom.
“One minute.” You tell the boys and get up, following Shibi up the stairs.
“Torune’s mother died shortly after he was born.” He relays calmly to you as soon as the door of your bedroom clicks shut behind him. “His closest relative is his grandmother, who was my mother’s cousin. She’s willing to take him in, but age hasn’t been kind to her and Torune’s type of insect isn’t easy to handle.”
“So we take him in.” You offer and Shibi halts completely.
“What?” He asks, voice suddenly hoarse. You must have taken him by surprise completely.
“I’ve been in his shoes. Having someone taking him in is far better than what most kids experience but just handing him over to the closest relative can go really wrong really fast.”
“As the Clan head it’s my responsibility to look after him,” Shibi starts but doesn’t end his sentence.
You look at the room in front of you then back to him.
“He can take my room.” You offer. “We can take him in.”
“Isn’t that why you asked me up here?” You ask back. “You knew how I think about the topic.”
“Naruto can’t come over. Why? Because Torune cannot be touched. Skin on Skin contact is deadly with his kind of insect. Shino is well aware of it, but other children his age might not understand.”
You swallow thickly and nod. “I understand. I can still help Naruto in a different way, but… Torune needs us now. Unless there’s someone else you think would be able to give him a home?”
There’s a beat of silence before Shibi shakes his head.
“But are you really… okay with sharing my room?”
“Are you?” You ask back, surprised to watch a faint blush appear on his cheeks.
The burial is held at night. It’s hard to tell in the dark but it seems like every member of the Clan attends it, holding a candle up to pay respect, as Shiruko’s body burns.
A few of the poisoned bugs have been taken off him, quarantined for further examination, but all the others, Torune’s and Shiruko’s alike, burn in the flames, to dangerous to keep alive.
Torune stays at your side and no one seems to question it.
When Shibi comes over to stand next to you, you lean into him.
His body, warm and strong, is like an entirely different fire, licking up your skin. 
You’ve never been so aware of him as you are now, knowing that in a few hours, you will share a bed with him for the first time.
But before that, you take the boys to bed.
Shino’s so tired, he falls asleep in your arms just moments after you started telling him a good night story. You tuck him in and press a kiss to his temple, relieved that he seems so unaffected by what’s been going on. 
He’s not shown any jealousy toward Torune once, shared your attention amicable like you’ve never seen before. 
“You’re the best boy,” You murmur into his soft hair, heart swelling with affection for him.
Torune’s wide awake in your old bed, the few belongings he brought over fitting in your night stand.
“Here.” You pull a Quilt from the closet and spread it over his legs. “This is my present to you.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a blanket that my mother made for me when I was little. My parents died when I was about your age.”
“Why do you give it to me then?”
“I want you to know that you’re loved. So much. The whole Clan is watching out for you. And… because we can use it to cuddle.”
Torune cocks his head in confusion. “How?”
“Well, if you wrap the Blanket around you, I can hug you without touching your skin. So I gift it to you, to use it wisely.”
Torune rubs the fabric between his fingers, falling quiet.
You settle on the chair next to his bed, watching him patiently.
“I’m going to sleep now.” He points out eventually. “Are you going to stay here until I fall asleep? Like you did with Shino?”
“Do you want me too?”
He looks away for a moment.
“It’s okay if you want to. It’s also okay if you don’t want to. Two things can be okay at the same time.”
“Five more minutes?” Torune asks and you nod with a smile.
“Sure. Do you wanna hear a story?”
“Alright, settle in then. You comfortable? I’ll tell you the tale about the little bear and the moon.”
You wait for him to curl into the sheets, his gaze intense on you as you smile, recalling the story your father told you so many times before, every time you felt sick with worry about them going on a mission.
“There was once a little bear, who was friends with the moon. He was about your age and just as smart too…”
“The kids are asleep.” You tell Shibi when you step into his room.
You have been in here before, moving some of your stuff into his drawers.
Some of the shyness you had felt right after the wedding takes hold of you, but you force yourself to keep going.
This is Shibi. You know him. You might even love him.
“Do you want to sleep closer to the wall?” He asks, putting down the book he’d been reading at his desk. Even now he’s wearing his glasses. 
You wish he’d pull them off, the longing for it so sudden and strong, it surprises you.
Your hand twitches with the need to pull his glasses off his face, just so you can see his eyes again and you turn away from him to bite into the soft inside of your cheek.
“Airi?” He asks and you take a shuddering breath. 
“Where do you sleep?” You ask, keeping your voice steady.
“I’ve slept near the window before. Why? It was simply easier.”
You smile, his usual way of talking setting you at ease instantly.
“I’ll sleep closer to the wall then.” 
You move, grab your sleeping attire and change in the bathroom, press your temple against the cool tile to combat your thoughts. It doesn’t help much.
“Hey.” You’re on your side, hands folded under your head in the hopes that it will keep them from Shibi. “How are you feeling? About Shiruko? And today?”
He’s settled in bed, sunglasses still on, posture a little stiff like you know him to be.
Shibi sighs. 
“I am not sure.” He admits finally. “How are you feeling?”
“Weird.” His eyes flicker to you and you send him a small smile, still itching to touch him, to see his eyes. “It feels like it’s been a week instead of just one day. I’m glad Torune seems to be relatively okay for now, and so is Shino, but I’m worried. To be confronted with Death so early…”
“It’s a testament to the growth of your Village that they’re not fighting yet.”
You swallow around the unsaid words. “Yeah.”
Silence falls over you. At some point, Shibi seems to think that it’s time to sleep as he turns off the lights.
You hear him move, guess that he’s removing his glasses now, at least.
The urge to touch him is so strong now, it makes you jolt.
“Are you-” He asks at the same time you speak. “Shibi?”
“Could I touch you?”
“Of course.” His voice is smooth, but it carries some worry.
You lean forward, your eyes straining against the dark. Your fingertips find his jawbone and you can feel him tense under your touch. But he doesn’t move away and you pull yourself closer.
Your thumb ghosts over his cheek, the slight stubble around his jawline, finds the line of holes under his eyes. 
“I miss seeing your eyes.” You whisper, unable to stop yourself. His cheeks warm under your touch and you realize that he’s blushing.
Something tickles your fingertips and you realize that some of his kikaichu have moved out from beneath his eyes.
“Hey little guys…” You whisper in greeting, almost missing how Shibi’s breath catches at your words.
“Could I…” You swallow thickly, barely daring to say it out loud. “Kiss you?”
Instead of words, his hands find your shoulders and hold you steady. 
For one terrible moment you think he’s stopping you, but before you can speak again his lips touch yours.
It’s the softest of all touches, his lips barely grazing yours and you move to return the kiss instantly, your mind flooded with all of him.
Shibi smells good, so distinctly him that you think you’d notice it everywhere, even without the nose of an Inuzuka. His lips are dry, but not chapped and his hands, big and warm, are cradling you close.
You dig one of your feet into his blanket, find his and graze your toes against the underside of his foot, giggling as he jerks away in surprise.
“Sorry.” You can’t stop giggling. “Are you ticklish?”
“Don’t tell.” You move to follow him, not willing to let go of him yet. Not when it feels so good to be so close to him.
It’s quiet for a moment, a comfortable Silence that you hate to break but he’s too far away for comfort.
“Shibi? Can you kiss me again?”
-.- Shibi -.-
Shibi wakes with your face pressed against his shoulder, your legs tangled with his, your arms slung around his midsection. You are holding onto him just as much as he’s holding onto you. 
This is new. New for the two of you, new for him entirely. Zoka had always had trouble sleeping and more often than not she’d slept in a separate room so that he would not disturb her sleep. And even when sharing the same bed he’d kept his distance out of respect, knowing how much she feared his Kikaichu.
You do not seem to share that sentiment.
Still, he calls back the Kikaichu that have escaped him in his sleep. 
They tell tales of exploring the soft skin of your neck, of tasting the edges of your Chakra. 
His Kikaichu are curious about you, consider you a part of him just as much as Shino even with how little they still know.
You move when he does, eyes blinking against sleep trying to pull you back under.
“Shibi?” You ask, your voice as soft as your skin. You hold onto him with a strong grip. “Where are you going?”
“Go back to sleep.” He asks. “Why? It’s still early.”
“Are you leaving?” There’s something in your voice he cannot translate into words. But it sounds like he feels, needy for your affection, but unwilling to admit it. 
“I’m meeting up with Kenji and the others. If we want to catch the one who did this to Shiruko, we’ll have to act fast.”
You lean in and press your lips to his. He can feel the emotion simmering beneath the gesture, too much to decipher in the short time he has.
His hands are in your hair, holding onto you like he’s drowning and you’re the shore, as he kisses you back.
It’s only when his Kikaichu remind him - painfully - that he needs to go, that he pulls back, breathless and dazed. He can’t look at you, overwhelmed by the response of his body to you but you pull him back, press your temple against his shoulder.
“Come back safe.” You urge him, allowing him to hide his face in your hair.
“I will.”
“What’s your favorite fruit?” Shino’s voice rings loud and clear through the house as Shibi steps inside.
“I love pears.” Your voice answers calmly but there’s an edge to it that keeps him at the door, listening intently.
“I am named after them.”
“You are?” That’s Torune, his voice a little deeper and lower.
“Yes, the name Airi is written with two Kanjis. One means favorite because I’m my parent's favorite child and one means Pear Tree. They planted one when I was born because my mother loved the fruit so much.”
“Where’s that tree now?” Torune asks as Shino interjects with a rundown of the insects that love pears. 
You wait patiently until Shino has exhausted his knowledge about pear-loving insects before answering Torune.
“It’s still in the garden of our old house. When my parents died I moved out, just like you did.”
“Would you recognize it?” Torune is surprisingly interested in that tree, Shibi thinks, but your answer distracts him from that thought. There’s that edge again, this time it’s more pronounced. You sound like you’re just short of crying.
“I carved my name into the bark when I got my first kunai. I’d recognize it everywhere.”
Before you can say more, a Kikaichū crosses Shibi’s path and he clears his throat, intent on making himself known before Shino realizes he’s already here.
“I’m home.” He calls out. “Where is everyone?”
It’s not a conscious thought until he lays awake at night, unable to forget.
He should be thinking about other things. the slow going process of gathering information, the possible suspects responsible for Shiruko’s death, the fact that he’s going to have to leave tomorrow for who knows how long…
But somewhere on the Nara residence is a tree that means something to you. Something you had to leave behind not because you wanted to but because you were forced to as a child.
He slips out of bed, careful not to disturb you, and leaves the house.
All he wants is to find the tree, that’s what he’s telling himself.
But when he finds that the tree is infested with Pear Psylla, clearly not properly cared for, his Kikaichū get to work.
You don’t rise when he gets back into bed but he wakes up hours later - much too early for his liking - when you get out of bed.
He keeps his eyes closed to give you privacy but his ears are way too sensitive not to hear you gasp when you look out the window.
“That’s not-” He can hear you turn, unsure if he should open his eyes under your gaze.
“Shibi.” Your voice has that edge to it again and he blinks to look at you. Tears are already forming around your lash line. “Did you really-?” Your voice breaks and he nods wordlessly.
You don’t need more, already spinning around, rushing out of the room in your sleepwear.
He follows after you as quickly as he can and passes Shino and Torune playing quietly in the living room.
“What’s going on?” Shino asks, not as quick as Torune to get up and follow the procession out the door.
The tree is at the back of the house, shielded from the streets outside the Aburame compound but placed just right - to get enough sun and to be always in view of the bedroom window.
It’s not a massive tree, it’s stumped growth a sign of a lack of care, but you’ve wrapped your arms around it, sobbing into the bark.
“Why is Mom crying?” Shino asks.
You turn around with tear-stained cheeks and a smile.
“I’m sorry. I always cry when I’m happy.”
“You’re happy?” Torune’s voice is full of disbelief. “Why?”
“Why? Because this is my pear tree! Come, see!” You usher them forward, showing them the crude drawing in the bark.
“How did it get here?” Torune, always the voice of reason, is not done with his questions, while Shino is already examining the leaves in search of insects, carefully balanced on your shoulders.
“I found it and brought it here,” Shibi explains and you turn to look at him, an emotion in your eyes he hasn’t seen before. It’s warm and all-compassing, like the first sun in spring.
He doesn’t want to leave. Not now, not when it’s like this. 
But when you press a little closer as he hugs you goodbye, he knows that you’ll be okay. Torune’s a steady presence by your side, watching everything with careful eyes.  
“Stay safe.” You tell Shibi, words heavy with emotion. “Please.”
“I will.”
Taglist: @spellcasterlight @sammieshuttle97 (I am so sorry I forgot to tag you) @kittycatcomander @f1girlie @domesticcaboose @burningbluegalaxy @diamondtrashbag @satublueberry @kitty262 @slimesludge-space @craftypastadeanbailiff @daughter-of-the-stars11 @ravenxhelenaxjuliet @doodlepip00 @grapefanta0108 @kokonoiscoconut @tictac2 @resting-cat-face @daughter-of-the-stars11 @nonbinary-cheshire @itsbatman01 @evanebon @trohmantics @kitsunerealm
This tags sadly did not work, it seems: @shinos-whimsical-bitch @violet-hatake @sparky7-2 @elyses1901 @1syd43 @weasleytwins-41 @vev-da-best @valkyrie-senju @yuupuu @anenymousblog @sanrio1mocha @melmelmel111 @mind-ya-business420
Since it's taking me so long for the chapters, I've decided to make a taglist from now on. Because chapter 11 took me particularly long, I'll add everyone who liked or reblogged one of the former chapters. If you want to stay on the taglist, you'll have to shoot me a message, otherwise it will be just this one chapter you're tagged in. Hope this is okay...
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