#academics have entire careers in their chosen field and often get hands on experience from the source
gogoakechi · 2 years
"dont trust tiktok influencers OR academics just do YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!" like oh yeah i can perform some chemical tests on the shroud of turin no problem i got it in good with the pope
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Online Research Opportunities For High School Students
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Finding high school research opportunities is not always easy, especially for those in the early stages of their academic career. However, the rewards are significant, and securing a research opportunity is certainly worth the effort. By pursuing a variety of research projects, high school students can gain valuable hands-on experience and expand their knowledge of global health. They can also take part in professional development activities and learn more about their future options in the sciences.
If you want to get a head start on your college search, you can look into online research programs for high school students. Many of these programs offer a unique opportunity to demonstrate research skills, as well as the potential to publish your findings. You can enroll in high school programs entirely online, or choose to take individual courses to learn more about your chosen field. To find a program that suits your needs, consider Clonlara's or The Ogburn School, two private schools in Florida that offer programs tailored to the needs of non-traditional students. If you probably want to get more enlightened on this topic, then click on this related post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_research.
Another great program is the COSMOS program, which is hosted by the University of California, Irvine. Students apply to a specific "cluster" that addresses an advanced STEM topic such as engineering, pharmaceutical sciences, or computer science. The program brings high school students into university-level research by pairing them with mentors. Each year, the student chooses a research project from a list of disciplines. It is crucial to choose a research topic that interests you, because it will help you gain knowledge about the topic.
Once you've narrowed your topic, you can work with teachers or professors to pursue independent research. There are also many opportunities to conduct research at a high school level without the help of a professor. Often, high school students can work with teachers to identify professors to partner with. For example, a student at Moon Prep, for example, has partnered with a university professor to research jet lag. In the long run, the student hopes to have their research paper published in a high school research journal.
Another option for high school students is the Horizon Academic program. This trimester-long online research program connects them with an expert mentor from a top US university. The students work with their mentor to come up with a research proposal and finish their final project. The final project, typically a twenty to 25 page research paper, showcases their best work and provides them with letters of recommendation. It also helps them get outside recognition for their work and showcase their talent to universities.
For hands-on research experience, high school students can try the Summer Science Research Program at Rockefeller University. This program is specifically geared towards high school students and is led by prominent professors on the campus. The program takes place virtually in 2021, but the students must be 16 years old at the time of application. The online research programs are designed to prepare students for college-level research. Once accepted, interns are given a stipend for their work.
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aye-of-newt · 3 years
(Japanese) reason for living 
Jon always worried about losing his mind.
But in the end, he lost his soul.
Pairing: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood
Warnings: Character Death, some blood, tragic ending, fear of losing one’s mind
Read here or on AO3
For nearly as long as he could remember, Jon had feared losing his mind. It wasn’t perhaps the most pressing of his (admittedly numerous) fears, but it was there nonetheless.
As a child, the fear had more to do with intelligence. He’d been told, at the ripe age of four, that he was smart and did everything in his power to maintain that image, that precious status, going forward, continuing to hold onto it well into his adult life. There were, perhaps, times in his youth when he thought a little too much of himself and his big brain, but by the end of secondary school, his classmates, who had no problem finding his various faults and oddities, had ensured that that would no longer be a problem. And, had that not been enough, the creeping depression which had followed him most of his life, only to finally descend upon him and feed in university, took care of any last shreds of arrogance left.
Still, as he progressed into the field of academia, first at uni and then in his career, Jon held on tightly to his shield of intellect. He knew he wasn’t especially attractive or funny or charming in any real way. Sure, he had managed to make a few friends in college, even shared a few brief relationships, but they all crumbled to nothing after a time. His human connections withered easily, like a particularly finicky houseplant left in the sun just an hour too long. The thing that seemed so vital to everyone else left Jon only burned, and, as time passed, it became increasingly clear to him that he didn’t have much to offer other than his mind.
Although at times, he doubted he even truly had that at all.
He hid behind wire-framed glasses and a large vocabulary and the demeanor of aloof disinterest in the hopes that, if no one got too close, they wouldn’t see that his veneer of intelligence had nothing behind it other than a young man who’d formed his entire personality on being a mildly impressive child, only to wind up far over his head in a job he doubted he was qualified for.
When Elias had approached him, offering the position of Head Archivist, Jon had been surprised. He hadn’t even applied. The thought had never ever occurred to him. Why would Jon, of all people, be chosen when surely there had to be someone else, anyone else, better suited?
He’d said as much to Elias, who only laughed and assured Jon he knew what he was doing.
The way Elias had smiled at him, sharply, laughingly, like he knew something Jon didn’t and was endlessly amused by it, had bothered him even then. Of course, it took some time to figure out exactly why that look had sent shivers down Jon’s spine, but by then it was too late. In the moment, in that terrible, haunting moment when Jon unwittingly signed his life away, he dismissed it as excitement. That little shred of childhood that still clung to his bones, that tiny part of his mind that held on to dreams of greatness, had whispered temptations to him. Its sweet seductive call had promised Jon the chance to finally prove himself. It offered the assurance that Elias, that anyone, thought Jon was important, was worthwhile, was  smart.
He’d accepted the position and done his best to forget the feeling of unease that had prickled through his body when he shook Elias’s hand.
Jon blundered his way through his first months as Archivist, going home most days wincing at how he’d managed to make a fool of himself as he pretended desperately that he knew what he was doing and snapped, often far too quickly and harshly at anyone who made him feel like he didn’t.
It wasn’t just self-consciousness that caused this tension. He didn’t trust them, his assistants.
Sure, Tim was a… friend. Perhaps. Maybe. Tim at least insisted he was, but Jon honestly wasn’t sure if they were actually friends, or if Tim was one of those people who was just nice to everyone, and accepted the job offer because it would progress his career more than any real affection for Jon. His continued affection and invitations for drinks could very well have been just simple office politics, basic politeness. It was a possibility Jon kept in mind, even if he secretly hoped he was paranoid.
Sasha was quite competent at least, though that too came with danger, as Jon was sure she was the most likely to find him out, discover that he wasn’t half as smart as he pretended to be, and send his whole facade crashing to the ground. If what he’d heard murmured when others thought he wasn’t around was true, she should have been given his position to begin with. Jon made sure to make an extra effort maintaining appearances in front of her and did his best to squash down whatever guilt he felt at robbing her of what was doubtless a much-more deserved promotion than the still mysterious one Jon had been given.
Martin was nice. Very nice actually. Too nice. Jon hated people who were too nice. It was creepy, all that smiling and asking about Jon’s weekend and making tea like he cared.
Why would Martin care about Jon? He didn’t seem overly impressed by Jon’s prowess at organizing files and showed no discernible reaction to the jargon that Jon tended to slip into his speech wherever he was feeling particularly self-conscious. If it wasn’t his work that Martin liked, if it wasn’t his perceived intelligence that he found engaging, then what exactly did Martin see in Jon? The answer eluded him.
As for Martin himself, he seemed perfectly content to be where he was. He showed no real ambition to rise through the ranks of the institute and, despite the degree his resume boasted (Jon had checked), he was surprisingly quiet about whatever academic insights he might be able to add to the investigations into the validity of any statements. It was odd and Jon couldn’t quite get a handle on him. Martin just didn’t appear to feel the need to show off or even let anyone know his capabilities at all.
Jon did entertain the idea that he just didn’t have any capabilities to show off, and certainly had no problem saying as much, but some part of him always doubted that was true. After all, Martin did work for the Institute. He had to have some level of knowledge or expertise or something, anything, to add. Elias wouldn’t just let any random person work in the archives. He had standards.
At least Jon hoped he did. Because if he didn’t, that cast a very dark shadow on his own unexpected promotion indeed.
Looking back later, Jon would laugh darkly at himself for how foolish and insignificant his worries once were. It was true that, in the end, Jon’s fears were realized. It was just that, when the darkness came for him, it wasn’t in the form of a bad performance review. He wasn’t unmasked as a fraud and a fake, leaving him professionally humiliated and without a job.
No. Instead, he met the physical manifestation of the fear of losing one’s mind.
And over a dozen other terrors aside, of course.
His fears came in the form of a philosophical quandary that Jon doubted many people had ever been forced to ponder in such a direct way. For, not quite two years after assuming his position in the archives, Jon was faced with the very real question of if he was becoming a monster. If he had, at some point without his noticing, stopped being human.
It didn’t take too long for him to find the answer was a bit more complicated than yes or no, that he was stranded somewhere in between the two, no longer as human as he once was but not entirely monstrous either.
When exactly he crossed that threshold was unknown to him. Was it the moment he’d stepped into the archives? When he’d read his first statement? When his body had, for a brief time, become host to worms and the fragile shell of his mortal being was breached? It bothered him, not knowing when exactly he went too far, that he had lost such an essential, vital part of himself and not even noticed.
It nagged at him, an eternal, subtle feeling of wrongness, difficult to forget but necessary to ignore if he wanted to be able to do anything other than lay motionless on the floor, slowly crushed by the weight of his sins and terror of his existence.
Even with all of that, Jon honestly wasn’t sure what was worse⏤  not knowing, or being horrifically, agonizingly aware of his own downfall, feeling himself drift further and further from his own humanity by the day and unable to do anything to stop it.
Though, if Elias was to be believed, it had been his choice.
Jon tried not to think about that too much. It was easier if he was a victim. If he could ignore his own mistakes. His own guilt.
Sometimes, he was afraid he’d been a monster before he even met Elias.
Whatever he was before, working at the Institute had changed Jon on some level at least. Throughout his life, Jon had always thought of himself as a bit of a coward. He wasn’t especially confident or brash and was more likely to apologize to the person who ran into him than confront someone who had wronged him.
Of course, when one experiences unholy evil barely even comprehensible to the human mind, their scale of what qualifies as terrifying tends to slide a bit, and Jon increasingly found himself doing things he would have paled at the thought of a year or even a month before.
Still, he didn’t count himself as brave. He was scared. Constantly. He only managed to get through the endless days by cauterizing himself off long enough to complete the task at hand, allowing himself to collapse in numbing fear only when it was safe to do so.
He staggered on, shouldering the fate of the world and trying to keep his head above water, praying that he stayed human enough to still care if he failed and if the people he had once been so suspicious of lived.
It was cruel, really, that Jon was the one who brought the end of it all, not in the least because he spent so long trying to stop it.
He didn’t understand why Martin stayed, after. But he’d never understood Martin to begin with.
Make no mistake, Jon was glad that he didn’t leave. Beyond grateful really. Selfishly so, holding on to him as tightly as he could when he knew for a fact that Martin deserved better. He wondered if it made him monstrous, devouring the love that Martin gave so readily when he had only his own patchwork, inhuman heart to offer in return.
Martin took it readily though, smiling like Jon had hung the moon when he offered him the tiniest amount of praise or affection. Even if he felt like a bit of an asshole for accepting such undeserved rapture, seeing Martin look at him like that made Jon feel more human than he perhaps ever had in his life.
More than that, it kept him human. When the Eye clutched at him, digging its endless gaze into his soul and trying to tear him apart, Jon needed only to reach out and grasp Martin’s hand. For no amount of power and knowledge, no matter how beautiful its song, could ever be as satisfying as the honey-sweet touch of Martin’s lips on his scarred and pitted skin. It could never be louder than his whispered I love you, pressed into the tangled halo of Jon’s hair.
At some point in the meaningless expanse of time on their journey to the panopticon, Jon looked to Martin and realized that it wasn’t his mind he was afraid to lose.
It was his heart.
His soul.
That was what made him human.
And for Jon, both of those things resided not in his own chest, but in Martin.
It made his whole being sing to think about, even as fear, stronger than any that had struck his hardened heart in a long time, sank deep into Jon’s bones. He couldn’t bear to lose Martin. He wouldn’t survive it intact.
It was unclear if it was Jon’s realization, never spoken but still surely seen, that solidified Elias’s plan, or if killing Martin was something he’d always counted on doing. The effect was the same either way and Jon didn’t stay himself long enough to truly contemplate it. He was too busy drowning in grief.
Because, as inhuman as Jon had become, as many powers and as much knowledge as he possessed when they came face to face with Elias, his body was still far too mortal, too slow, too wracked with warped tissue and badly fused bones to move fast enough to get Martin out of the way.
And, for as much as Martin meant to him, as much as he was Jon’s world, his last tether to his humanity, as incredible and irreplaceable as he was, he was just a human. Skin and bones and blood that was so easy for a bullet to pierce.
If it wasn’t so tragic, it would have nearly been funny. That after so long, after surviving so much, it was an ordinary gunshot that ended Martin’s life. Just as it had ended Gertrude’s.
It was almost funny how Elias, one of the most powerful immortal entities in the non-world, chose such a simple, mortal weapon with which to carry out his dark deeds. Though to be fair, even if it lacked in style and supernatural flare, it worked all the same.
Martin was dead.
Even if Jon failed to see the humor in the situation, Elias thought it was funny at least. He laughed while Jon screamed, clutching desperately at the wound as far, far too much red leaked down the dingy jumper, soaking it and Jon’s hands as he tried to save his love, his heart, his soul long after he was already gone.
Jon cried, collapsed over the empty body, until even Elias was growing bored at feeding off the waves of torment and anguish.
“Are you going to lay there for all eternity, Jon, or are you going to get up and come fight me, save the world just like you thought you would?” Elias taunted cruelly. “Or have you given up so soon?”
Hate, more pure and hot than anything he had ever felt before rose in Jon. That time, when he stood, Jon chose knowingly.
He took one last look at Martin, limp and broken and utterly devoid of the glowing golden life that had enraptured Jon.
Martin, who had never given up on him, even when Jon was a total ass.
Martin, who had stayed with him, even when Jon literally brought about the end of the world.  
Martin, who had loved him, for some unknowable reason.
Marin, who had kept his old creaking heart something close to human.
Martin, his reason.
Elias, Jonah, whatever the creature who stole Jon’s life was called, laughed again, his interest sparked once more now that he had a reaction out of his toy. It reminded the Archivist of the day he’d been given his title and of the smile that had haunted his nightmares.
“I won,” Elias mocked him. “Your little boyfriend is dead and there is absolutely nothing stopping you from solidifying my new world. Or perhaps I should say, our new world. Come on, don’t be stupid, Jon. Join me. There’s nothing to hold you back now from taking your true form and being one with the Eye. Think of all that you can know and see. Think of all that power, just out of reach. Come on, Jon. Take it. ”
Slowly, the Archivist turned towards him, staring at Elias with eyes turned milky and pale, clouded over but seeing everything from the first spark of the universe to its choking wheezes as it struggled against the forces of chaos attempting to snuff it out. They glowed slightly with a pale, haunting light, like that of a specter in the night. “You know, Elias,” he said. “You’re right.”
The smile he gave Elias was wide and sharp and cruel. It looked nothing like Jon’s smile. It looked nothing like a human smile at all.
It sent a tiny shiver, a barely-registered flicker of unease down Elias’s spine. He had counted on Martin's death costing Jon his humanity. He hadn't counted on the burning fury that would infect the shell that was left behind.
Still smiling, the monster embraced himself.
And he unleashed his wrath.
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mikea321 · 4 years
Behind the Smile of Every Artist is a Weeping Soul
By Mikee Angelica M. Barbarin
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A performer is known for their dedication and commitment to entertain their audience. They are easily remembered and recognize through their distinct talents and often abilities that creates their identity. Due to their popularity, several attempted to imitate them, others tried to bash them and the rest supported them. Their lives usually revolves on the expectation and standards of their audience which limits them form living a normal life.
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Being a part of AJM Voice and Stage Music Center and Production here in the Philippines, opened several opportunities for me. It gave me remarkable experiences such as performing on different local malls and organizing different events.  I stared my care there as a student and after a year they hired me to become a part of their team.
Aside from those experiences, I became a freelance event violinist and singer. I could consider myself as a little performer but apparently, because of all the school works I had set aside a part of my dream and it is one of my biggest regret in life.
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“If you don’t sacrifice for your dream, your dream will be sacrificed.”
Under this studio, I met Clarence Masajo, a young man around my age who is both a singer and performer. He approached me during our summer recital year 2018. Ever since that day, we became good friends and in fact he courted me after he knew that Kuya Rogz, my boy best friend left me with no reason. At the end, we went through chaotic moments.  
Let me tell you something about us, as soon as the time he learned to memorize, his parents enrolled him in a music studio under a voice program also known as voice lessons. The decision was made in consideration that he is a very shy child, who is not into socializing with others. By that time, I was already joining different school musicals and started dreaming of becoming a celebrity someday. I became a choir member and passion for music constantly grew as I improve.
Sadly, my parents did not support me with the dream I had in mind. They rather wanted me to focus on my academics so for a few years I had less afflictions with people who have the same field of interest as mine while Clarence was being persuaded by his parents to continue and achieve his dream.
Moving forward, he is now a local artist who still continues to perform but now on the studio which his parents owns. In fact, his parents are both into performing. He’s career grew and he manages to earn a little extra by attending singing engagements and endorsements like being one of the ambassador of uni-silver year 2018 where he modeled the accessories for the whole entire year. He is considered as a campus crush on three different branches of Perpetual Help University. As I return, I became his voice coach and mentor. My mom has nothing against it anymore since I started to earn and financially sustain myself with it. I went back performing with my instruments.
His experiences where far ahead mine and is different than any ordinary young man’s. At a young age, he sang with various famous artist of this generation such as; Yeng Constantino, Angeline Quinto, Michael Pangilinan, This band, Sponge Cola, December Avenue and some more artist. He went to international completions and was chosen to represent STI College but he rejected it with this in mind:
“Huwag kang manghinayang sa opportunity kasi hindi lahat ay para sayo”
                                                                                          -Clarence Masajo
People question him regarding the reason behind letting opportunities go but he tend to answer them with a silent grin. Often he would run away from those matters and that usually puzzles me as I watch him run away.
Basically, watching him from a far is all I can do. It might sound silly that he is courting me by that time yet we do not get to spend a minute to talk in person. All we can do is to smile and wave as a soundproof wall interferes us. I only get to be with him during vocal correction classes but we do not get to talk there.
His life is basically controlled by someone else. One time, he held me on my arm as I was passing by and whispered “gusto kitang makasama pero hindi ko magawa. Gusto kitang solohin pero ‘di pwede. ” I felt the terrifying sadness from his voice. I also wanted to be with him but I may not. Someone is separating us. Someone is pulling us apart, similar as how our schedule never collides.
Everything got worst. Problems started to arise when a man dared to destroy my reputation to ruin Clarence’s reputations. We faced it together, we got through it and stayed together. He there whenever I get catcalled out of a performance and I stay on his side whenever danger comes along to him. We are to support each other no matter what happen next.
Till such time, we have to deny the fact that we are emotionally attached to save our career mainly his career. It was the most painful decision we made. It practically made us both restless.
I never thought that it could happen but it did. We are now both performers living out our own careers and leaving all feeling behind. He goes on stage calling out different girls from the audiences and I’m there at the backstage watching him being chased. How could it ever be possible that he will notice me the same way as before, if thousands other girls run after him?
“Oo, yung taong mahal ko hindi ko magawang mahalin dahil bawal ko siyang mahalin. Para saan pa lahat ng pasusumikap ko kung yung inaalayan ko ng kanta ay hindi mapasaakin? Sana hindi nalang ako natutong magperform.”
                                                                                  -Clarence Masajo
         The atmosphere totally change whenever we are together pretending that everything is fine. Concealing all pains because the audience is the priority we are not permitted to be unhappy in front of them. Even though we are ill we must perform as if nothing wrong is happening.
         Last February 7, 2020 Clarence sang as a front act artist at SPCBA Foundation Day Concert Event. I held him on his hands asking him if he is doing good since his eyes looks empty and what I found out is that he is literally burning hot because of his fever. It was so high that he almost had delusion.
“Are you okay?”
           “No, but I should be.”
“Are you sure you could perform?”
            “No, but I have to perform I cannot turn back I’m paid to do this.”
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And there he is, climbing up the stage and singing as if he is not in pain. The crowd is hysterically enjoying his performance while I was deeply worried if he will make it or not.  His parents are both busy on managing the entire event and they let me to take over him. The moment when the songs was over he went down tired and weak. His knees are trembling but then again girls run after him asking for pictures so he smiled and embraced some of them. I took their pictures and pulled him back to his dressing room. Where he finally spoke “Thanks God, now it’s done”.
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danisavin · 7 years
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     »  hufflepunk!dani fact dump:
     The House of Lovel that Dani was born into were a pureblood Romanian Rromani (Gypsy) clan of morally ambiguous witches and wizards. They were generally disliked in their wizarding sector of the world for their history of switching sides for their personal benefit. They were survivors by nature, with frequently shifting loyalties and clan members on all sides of the political spectrum -- including many practitioners of dark magic. Seers and animagi were common in the bloodline, with the occasional metamorphmagi or parseltongue. Talented and clever, it never hurt to have a Lovel on your side. They were brilliant at crafting new spells and potions, but when they began to dabble too deeply into the Dark Arts and upset the wrong house in the process, their line suffered for it. Few members of their house remain, and those that do, especially the youngers, were absorbed into other families who wished to preserve and possess their unique magical gifts.
     As a natural-born seer, Dani’s gift was incredibly sought after, and the Savins were quick to seize the opportunity. Dani was adopted into the family of Alin and Viorica Savin. They are the youngest of four siblings with three brothers: Dragos, Emilian, and Niko, respectively. Niko and Dani and very close in age, with Niko their elder by only three months. The two of them are fairly close, and at family events, inseparable. All three boys are in Slytherin House like their father and mother before them. Alin and Viorica are Death Eaters. It may not technically be confirmed, but it’s no secret either, and they expect the same of their children. Including Dani.
     Alin and Viorica originally lived in Romania along with the rest of the Savin clan, but moved to London when Dani was seven years old to be closer to the epicenter of the Death Eaters’ operations. Thus, Dani has attended Hogwarts for their entire magical academic career whereas their elder brothers Dragos and Emilian were Durmstrang transfers into Hogwarts. Regardless of academic origin, the entire family are avid fans of the Romanian National Quidditch team.  
     Stefan Savin is their first cousin. The two aren’t close per se, but they certainly don’t have a problem with one another. Dani willingly assisted in freeing the house elves under Stefan’s roof, however received only mild punishment as Viorica saw the situation as Stefan roping his younger cousin into his antics rather than them participating of their own volition. Within the school halls, Dani will sometimes sneak into the Ravenclaw dormitories to visit their cousin, usually when they are upset and have no one else to turn to -- because there are some familial issues they simply can’t share with outsiders and while it seems Stefan merely tolerates their presence, they are glad for his company anyway.
the nature of seers
     Seers have the ability to see into the future with their inner eye and predict prophecies; however, seeing into the future is incredibly difficult and dangerous. Prophecies that come from seers are often recorded and stored in the Hall of Prophecy in the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Mysteries. True Seers are extremely rare and it is believed that Dani Savin, along with Sybill Trelawney fall into this elite group. 
     In addition to prophecies, seers are incredibly proficient in the field of Divination. Their abilities range from full-blown Ministry-concerning warnings to an eerily accurate sense of intuition -- for example, when they recommend you step to your left at quidditch practice, best do so unless you fancy getting a face-full of bludger. Most prophecies and visions are obtained through intentional seeking or dreaming, but they can also strike out of nowhere and catch a seer unawares, which has a tendency to freak out observing bystanders. These random events can to some extent be controlled as a seer matures and hones their abilities, but even the most experienced seers cannot escape messages from the beyond when they are intent on coming through. 
nature of wand:    [ visual here ]    
-- - flexibility: hard
     A wand of this flexibility is very difficult to work with and its loyalty is not won easily. Hard wands are great for complex and advanced levels of magic, so beginning wizards and witches may find extra difficulty with this wand when it doesn’t perform well for simple magic. As such, this type of wand is best suited for wizards and witches who are gifted, stubborn, and never give up. Owners of this wand also have a tendency to view things in absolutes; black or white. Some people may find them intimidating or difficult to approach.
-- - length: eleven inches
     “Many wandmakers simply match the wand length to the size of the witch or wizard who will use it, but this is a crude measure, and fails to take into account many other, important considerations. In my experience, longer wands might suit taller wizards, but they tend to be drawn to bigger personalities, and those of a more spacious and dramatic style of magic. Neater wands favour more elegant and refined spell-casting. However, no single aspect of wand composition should be considered in isolation of all the others, and the type of wood, the core and the flexibility may either counterbalance or enhance the attributes of the wand’s length. Most wands will be in the range of between nine and fourteen inches. While I have sold extremely short wands (eight inches and under) and very long wands (over fifteen inches), these are exceptionally rare. In the latter case, a physical peculiarity demanded the excessive wand length. However, abnormally short wands usually select those in whose character something is lacking, rather than because they are physically undersized (many small witches and wizards are chosen by longer wands).”
-- - wood: ebony
     This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
-- - core: augurey feather
     Those who are often misunderstood, wise, ready-minded, free spirited, reclusive, pure of heart and courageous would have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that your motives and intentions are often a mystery or are often misunderstood or wrongfully misrepresented as being someone of an untrusting or evil nature. Despite your reclusive nature, you are ready, willing and able to learn things, be it on your own or with the help of some loyal and trustworthy companion. Loyalty is often a rather strong trait found among this type of wand core, just as is the case of a regular Phoenix Tail Feather cores. This is one of the best cores to use in Divination and Spells of Prophecy. It is a wand core predominantly found among those of House Ravenclaw, but can also bond well with those of any of the other Houses. Augureys, or Irish Phoenixes, were once associated with the Dark powers and the wands of Dark Wizards and Dark Witches, as their cries were thought to signify an upcoming death. However, they were in reality never a strong Dark core, and were more accurately a powerful wand core for Divination. Misunderstood students may find themselves bonded to an Augurey Tail Feather, although these wand cores are altogether quite rare. In the case of certain wand combinations, this wand core will allow the wand type it is paired with to wield Fire spells on occasion.
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anamedblog · 4 years
Life imitates research (or vice versa?) at the Merkez Han
by Catherine Steidl, ANAMED Post-Doctoral Fellow (2019–2020)
The way I most often find myself describing ANAMED to others is as a “scholarly monastery.” 
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A view of the author’s room from inside the NIT Library—a luxurious monastery, indeed
This is, of course, because of its physical form; fellows live in their individual cells (much more luxurious than standard monastic quarters), moving between different parts of the building to prepare food, work in the library, partake in shared beverages, or come together to interact in personal and professional contexts. Opening one’s door to look through large glass panes onto a library is a constant reminder of scholarly duties, but also of the pieces of our lives that all fellows share. ANAMED’s characterization as something of a monastery, however, also captures the sense of community and belonging that is—or can be—quickly engendered in such all-encompassing shared spaces. I cannot speak for my colleagues who spend their days considering historic monastic life, but daily life in and around the Merkez Han frequently has me thinking about my own work. As an archaeologist, my main research focus is identity and the dynamics of ancient communities. This is particularly salient for our understanding of (ancient) cross-cultural interaction in trading settlements, colonies, and within the general context of ubiquitous Mediterranean and Anatolian mobility, all of which would have brought together a diverse array of people living in longer-term, close proximity. ANAMED fellows’ collective diversity, our interactions, and our individual practices all offer the chance to consider—and constantly reconsider—the social experience of those ancient interactions for individual people participating in them.
How does this work? In my own work, I’ve argued that a specific definition and framework make communities not only possible subjects for study in the archaeological record, but also comparable—in terms of understanding how they form and change—across contexts that are very different in time and space.[1] When different people come together in new spaces, in order to understand what aspects of their own practices and identity are of greater or lesser importance (i.e., the things they maintain), and what aspects of their daily lives they find commonality in to identify with new neighbors (i.e., things they’re willing to change), I’ve argued that it’s helpful to look at three categories of evidence: shared maintenance practices, shared ritual practices, and shared social experiences. Instead of a lengthy, theoretical explanation of all of this, I’ll dive straight into how it plays out within the ANAMED community of fellows.
When a new crop of fellows arrives each September, we know little about one another except that we share two basic things in common. We’re all academics and researchers, and we’re all focused on something that relates in some fashion to Anatolia. Though our focus and methodology might be different—archaeology, history, philology, philosophy—and our evidence therefore looks quite different, too, we nonetheless share similar practices and experiences. After all, common across the humanities (and other fields) are the processes of formulating research questions, interrogating and evaluating evidence, spending hours (or weeks) hunting down important sources, writing as a means of thinking and communicating, and considering aspects of the intention and experience that belonged to people who have, in many cases, been quite dead for a significant period of time.
The fellows share other “maintenance practices” too, however, and by that, I mean the kinds of things that are required to sustain life, either physically or, in the case of fellows-as-scholars, professionally: we’re provided with accommodations, but need to seek out or prepare food, need to acquire basic necessities, and have to take care of some vices to which we’re personally accustomed (e.g., coffee! cigarettes! wine!). There are only so many ways to go about such things in and around the Merkez Han, and yet it’s interesting to see both how differently some people approach them, and how interested they generally are in how others have chosen to do so. For example, some fellows have taken to preparing meals in the shared kitchen, and knowledge of where to purchase particular ingredients and what can be most easily prepared with the tools at hand is coveted. A little creativity goes a long way, and people are happy—and indeed enthusiastic—to share their “go-to” staples and increase everyone’s repertoire of healthy, inexpensive eats. (For the record, I’m a fan of doctoring a packet of tavuk çorbası with some added orzo, lemon, and tempered eggs, for a tasty faux-avgolemono.) Newly discovered restaurants are also a hot commodity, either for their novelty, their quality, their price point, or (ideally) all three. Finding and sharing “solutions” that fulfill our collective needs in interesting ways is one of the primary things that seems, at least socially, to literally bring people together.
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Members of the ANAMED community of fellows partake in an educational wine tasting, brought together by shared interest in Anatolian grapes
These shared practices bleed seamlessly into shared social experiences—more intangible aspects of communal living that are attested quite obliquely by material culture, at least in ancient contexts. Eating together in the same restaurants, fighting to walk through Istiklal’s throngs on busy evenings and weekends, attending Friday teas, coordinating use of the washing machines, sitting in the same library spaces, making efforts to personalize living space, and, of course, trying to sleep through the dulcet tones of ‘90s and early ‘00s Turkish pop that emanate from our night-club-neighbor every day between 10:45pm and 12:45am… these are all augmented by shared social experiences that are not inherent to life at ANAMED, but in which we choose to participate together… going farther afield to try new restaurants, socializing on the terrace, exploring new neighborhoods in the city, and hunting down local concerts. These extend beyond the positive to include more stressful experiences: worrying over socio-political climates in our home countries, concern over the welfare of others, of the planet, and strategies for addressing all of those; supporting one another through the trials and tribulations of the academic job market, of early-career research challenges, and the general stresses that come with regular and repeated academic nomadism (at least for some of us).
What helps all of these aspects of our lives to engender a sense of community is that they are shared. Both those creative and productive solutions to problems or needs we all face, but also more embodied knowledge and practice. The knitters and crocheters of ANAMED, for example, meet irregularly, but enthusiastically, to drink hot beverages, eat snacks, and engage socially in creating. Having all been taught different crafts in different places, it’s still possible to come together and explore the differences and similarities in our practices… both terminology and technique. The same is true for cooking. Until I came to ANAMED, I was completely unaware that Serbian strudel is an entirely different (and equally delicious) animal than its Austro-German counterpart. And yet, fellows are both enthusiastic to share their own ways of doing and genuinely interested in exploring others’.
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ANAMED fellow Bianca D’Anna shows off her scarf, the first completed project for the terrace yarn club
Above all else, what has been thought-provoking about being part of a developing ANAMED community has been this question of curiosity. When we think about the ancient world, the default notion about cross-cultural interaction is that people needed some kind of impetus to make it happen, or that they would have been generally suspicious of the “other.” The idea that merchants and their families coming together in a new, permanent home on some piece of Mediterranean coastline would have been genuinely open to, and curious about, their new neighbors’ practices isn’t often openly discussed. That they might have selectively adopted goods or practices they liked, yes, but not that pure curiosity might have been the cause, or that people might have tried out something new for its own sake, like preparing grains in a different pot, or stewing their meat instead of grilling it. People are creative, and they’re curious. Fundamentally, we are interested in getting to know others, and in understanding what they do and why. It’s true that, in the development of a new communal identity—a sense of shared belonging to something—it is necessary to have a spark of sorts, or an initial shared thing. The fellows certainly have more than just our residence in the Merkez Han, but perhaps the necessity of living together in a new, shared space, and finding creative solutions for daily necessities would have been enough in the ancient world as well.
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The author receives training in the tradition of cooking-decorating for St. Martin
[1] For the interested reader, I use the following base definition of communities from Canuto and Yaeger’s 2000 The Archaeology of Communities. A New World Perspective: Community is “an ever-emergent social institution that generates and is generated by suprahousehold interactions that are structured and synchronized by a set of places within a particular span of time. Daily interactions rely on and, in turn, develop shared premises or understandings, which can be mobilized in the development of common community identities” (5).
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neetu-uplifts · 5 years
The Bravery Deficit
I’ve been a fan of Reshma Saujani for a while now. I see her as an intelligent, accomplished and inspiring South Asian female role model. She’s a lawyer, a politician and an entrepreneur, driven to make a positive impact for girls. In her powerful TED Talk, Saujani speaks about one of the biggest issues facing our economy, our families and our communities - the bravery deficit. Saujani explains how we are “socializing girls to be perfect - to smile pretty, [ensure their hair is in place], [be friendly], play it safe and get all A’s”. Boys on the other hand, are socialized to play rough, jump off the monkey bars and take risks, which teaches them to be brave and bold. This gender gap in bravery socialization carries forward in which career path is chosen and the confidence with which that path is pursued. Despite her incredible accomplishments as a Harvard and Yale graduate; successful attorney, politician, entrepreneur; and wife and mother,  Saujani reflects on how long it took her to be brave - when she made the decision to run for Congress. “I was 33 years old and it was the first time I had done something really brave, where I didn’t worry about being perfect.”
Coincidentally, as I was exploring Saujani’s TED Talk, I happened to come across a NY Times article on the same topic. The article, written by psychologist Lisa Damour, examines how (in general, not in all cases) school teaches girls to be overly prepared, conscientious and perfect, which leaves them feeling confident only when they’re 150% ready. Meanwhile, school teaches boys to be strategic, to fly by the seat of their pants, and be comfortable with not knowing it all, which builds their confidence and appetite for risk. According to Damour: “From elementary school through college, girls are more disciplined about their schoolwork than boys; they study harder and get better grades. Girls consistently outperform boys academically. And yet, men nonetheless hold a staggering 95 percent of the top positions in the largest public companies.” Damour explains that “when it comes to work-related confidence...men are far ahead”. She reinforces this by sharing research from Kay and Shipman, which finds: “Underqualified and underprepared men don’t think twice about leaning in, [whereas] overqualified and overprepared women still hold back. Women feel confident only when they are perfect.” A man will apply for a position even if he only meets 20%-60% of the listed qualifications but a woman won’t apply unless she meets 80%-100% of the listed qualifications.
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In the work my team and colleagues do to support entrepreneurs, we often see how a female entrepreneur will need to have everything perfectly researched, analyzed and thought through before she makes a decision to grow her business or take on financing. Whereas male entrepreneurs, not nearly as well prepared, generally just dive-in, with loads of confidence, head first. And we know that with greater risk comes great reward. According to a Fast Company article, that digs into why women-run businesses aren’t making millions, women take on significantly less debt or equity (Venture Capital or Angel investment) funding to grow their businesses, which tend to be in lower-growth retail and service sectors. “Women start businesses at nearly twice the rate of men, but far fewer of them actually scale”. Motherhood, the bravery deficit, systemic discrimination and access to social capital are all contributing factors. My question is: what can we do about the bravery deficit? Let’s start somewhere.  Why are women so afraid to take a leap, screw up or go for something that perhaps we’re not entirely qualified or prepared for? Why do we fear looking bad? How do we undo and unlearn the obsession with “preparedness” and “diligence” that is holding us back? Ladies, it’s time to embrace ambiguity, accept “half-baked-ness” and to get messy, slippery and risky. And we need to seed this much earlier in life, starting with children.
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We need to raise our boys but especially our girls to believe that starting something that’s tricky or going for an opportunity that’s hard is okay. Let’s stop applauding and solely focusing on the areas that our girls excel in so that they don’t internalize and cling to perfection and show up only when they know they will win. Teach them that falling on your face and not winning is 100% okay - in fact it’s good for them. To develop the bravery gene, we need to encourage them to prematurely put themselves out there, time and again, so they can cement that behaviour pattern throughout their lives. I love the saying that if you’re not failing at least once a day, you’re not trying hard enough. As Saujani insists, “we need to socialize girls to be BRAVE not perfect”. So, how might we teach girls to embrace imperfection? How can we push them to be okay with being afraid, to navigate and become friends with the unknown and to stay the course and keep trying, even in the face of failure? I feel like the answer lies in helping them develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset is excited by a challenge and resilient in the face of ambiguity and discomfort. We need more girls (and women) adopting the growth mindset so their confidence can finally catch-up with their high levels of competence. In addition to fostering a growth mindset, we also need to “show girls they will be loved and accepted not for being perfect but for being courageous”  says Saujani. For far too long we have socialized girls to think they will be loved, valued and accepted if they are pretty, kind, thin and cooperative and we’ve punished them for being loud, chubby, disruptive, competitive and messy. Fuck that shit. It’s screwing them up and the impacts are screwing up our economy.
Saujani sees the bravery deficit as being a significant contributing factor to why women are underrepresented in STEM fields and in C-suites, boardrooms and politics. “Women have been socialized to aspire to perfection and they’re overly cautious. And even if we’re ambitious and we’re leaning in, that socialization of perfection has caused us to take less risks in our careers”. Saujani points to the vast computing and tech jobs not filled by women, resulting in the lucrative and innovative tech industry being a male-dominated arena. Her organization, Girls Who Code, is working to actively expose and educate young girls in computer science, robotics and other tech related fields and help them to pursue careers in these areas. Coding requires a growth mindset because it entails a lot of trial and error, which teaches perseverance and imperfection. This is Saujani’s way of socializing girls to be brave and take risks. And it’s working. Girls Who Code alumni are going on to pursue STEM-related degrees at a rate of 15X the US national average. Women make-up less than 25% of total STEM jobs in Canada - we have a lot of work to do here at home! I’m hoping we can grow that 25% to 50% in not only STEM but STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math).
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Helping girls and women rise up to our fullest potential is something I’m deeply passionate about. I consider myself to be a pretty courageous and brave woman. I was built like that by a very bold and courageous Mother (LOVVVE YOU MOM!). BUT, of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t have insecurities. I haven’t always felt brave. As I read Damour’s NY Times article, the phrase “she never felt “safe” enough to ever put in less than maximum effort” hit home for me. I feel myself so much in that sentiment. For much of my life, I’ve been extremely focused on school, being the top of my class and having a perfect GPA. I endured painful experiences with anxiety and insomnia throughout high school and University as a result of being sickly obsessed with academic perfection, preparation and knowing everything. Where did this stem from? Internal drive and interest - yes. Parental pressure around academic achievement - yes. But also (I now realize) from the broader sociological conditioning of striving for perfection - because as a female, anything less wouldn’t be okay. I was the girl who guys were friends with - the one who gave them pointers on and connected them to the pretty, thin girls they wanted to date. School and academics was my passion and it’s where I belonged so if I didn’t win in that arena, then who was I? What was my worth? I wish I could go back and tell my 16-year old self that she is incredible, she is beautiful, she is enough and that she is going to live an epic life - regardless of her GPA or anything else. Because who she is, at the core, is SO much bigger than any of this. And that all the things that make her uniquely Neetu (her quirks, her awkwardness, her frizzy hair and her fierce and assertive ability to use her voice and tell someone what’s up) are the things that she will one day love the most about herself.
I grew up surrounded by entrepreneurial parents who were very brave in navigating an unknown, racist climate, hustling to survive and taking several real risks everyday. They definitely inspired (and continue to inspire) me. This inspiration ultimately led me to address the bravery deficit in my own life - and doing so, saved me. Courage is a muscle and the more I flex it, the stronger is has become. Standing up to racism on the school playground (with fierce words and fists even though it resulted in nearly getting expelled), competing in the science fair against the smartest kid in my school (a white boy - who later wanted to be my study buddy), moving halfway across the world several times to pursue my dreams, choosing an unconventional and highly ambiguous Masters degree program, not playing it safe by starting a business in the midst of real debt, falling deeply in love and then growing the courage to walk away, traveling solo in random parts of the world, moving back home and starting over, and more recently, asking for a raise, and calling out girl-on-girl-crime even though my voice shook and my job might’ve been on the line. I’ve gotten into a habitual pattern where being brave makes it easier to then take a few more more brave and courageous steps. Each risk I take catapults me into the next opportunity to be brave, and over time, this has given me a healthy-sized courage muscle. Courage does not mean one is immune to fear but rather that one is not debilitated or paralyzed by fear. The curiosity, interest or passion for what could result overrides the fear of what might go wrong. You become bold enough to go for it. And why not? Life is so damn short - let’s have some fun! It’s all going to end anyway. Might as well enjoy it. Find ways - big or small - to be brave everyday. Speak up in a meeting. Apply for that crazy job that no one understands. Ask that person out on a date. Leave that person, job or habit that depletes your soul. Stand up for someone who is being judged, bullied or disrespected. Put yourself first. Nothing bad will come from being brave (don’t go up to a bear and say what’s up or anything - bravery is not synonymous with stupidity).
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Writing this post has ignited an accountability in me to do whatever I can to continue to address the bravery deficit in my life and in the lives of other girls and women. I hope reading this inspires you to see the role that we all play, as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, spouses, educators and leaders, in developing bravery in women and girls. The risk of not doing so is too high. Just think of all the untapped potential we’ll never realize or benefit from, otherwise. And for the guys out there, this doesn’t mean you’re always beating your chests with endless confidence and that you’re not impacted by the bravery deficit. We know you are. While the research speaks to the lived experience of most females (as that is where it’s most pronounced), this issue is not exclusive to just girls and women. Boys and men also struggle with being courageous and bold so let’s ensure that doesn’t get overlooked.
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Alternatives to a Traditional Four Year College Degree
While in the past there were only a few options for those seeking a college degree, there are now a multitude of pathways to an education. There are more degree types and focus areas than ever before, and students are entering academia from a wide range of backgrounds, with an even wider range of plans for the future. So, let’s look at the various paths these degree seekers can follow to earn their hoped-for goal.
    Traditional Path
Earning a GED
Earn College Credits
Community College
Online Education
Life Experience
Vocational Trade School
  The Traditional Path
The traditional route to a college degree is a story many of us were raised with. That is: you work hard to attain the best possible grades in high school, formulate some general idea of what you want for a career, then apply to the best and most affordable colleges. Some visit their first-choice schools, take a tour, and even spend a weekend getting to know the potential school.
After the acceptance letters come in, you choose the best of the bunch and enroll. Once the financing is squared away, you venture off to campus, study hard, and graduate four years later. Along the way, you might spend a semester or a year studying abroad, or you might opt for other alternatives to traditional campus life.
Not the Only Way
One of the only constants in life is change. The traditional route to a college degree certainly is one standard narrative that is experiencing dramatic upheavals. These days there are many ways to approach a college degree and your path to a successful career.
One huge shift in the way we approach college has resulted from online education. These days, you could easily attend a campus on the opposite side of the continent on which you live, or even the opposite side of the world. Online education allows you to choose specific programs and degree types that were previously out of reach.
There are also other alternative routes to a college education. Some take a "gap year" or two during which they travel or maybe take a job to learn more about the world of work. Others join the military so that they can use the GI Bill to help with tuition once they discharge. It's also common for students to attend community college for two years so that they can take care of their core courses at a reduced rate prior to attending a four-year institution to get a college degree.
Earning a GED
One non-traditional route to an education might entail an alternative completion of your high school years. You could leave high school prior to graduation and then still pass a standardized exam in order to attain a General Equivalency Degree (GED). Though dropping out of high school is often considered a path that takes you away from the option of college altogether but that is not always the case. You might opt for a GED if you have medical issues, for instance. Some students find that high school is not challenging enough and so take their GED exam and then apply to college before beginning their senior year. And even if you do drop out of high school, thinking college isn’t for you, you can always study for the GED and pass it if you decide you want another shot at college.
If you decide to leave high school and attain a GED, you also need to take the SAT or ACT and then start applying to colleges. It will work to your favor if you become involved in community service projects or save money to take an enlightening trip abroad. After all, colleges are looking for self-motivated students who they can point to educational experiences. If you want to stand out in the application pool, the GED route can afford opportunities that your traditional peers cannot access.
Earn College Credit in High School
Many high schools provide options for Junior and Senior students to begin experiencing life in higher education. Students who have an acceptable GPA might be allowed to start taking courses at a nearby community college. The entire college curriculum might not be available to high school students and they might only receive high school credit, but these programs come in many different configurations, depending on the schools involved. Some provide college and high school credit to high schoolers who complete college courses.
Often, community colleges will open up a select group of courses for high school students. In some circumstances, exceptional students might be able to take higher-level courses and earn full college credit. This is a great benefit to advanced students in small schools that may not have many options for Advanced Placement courses, for example. You should be aware that if your local community college has not yet converted to free tuition, there may be fees involved.
These days, students might be able to opt for online courses so that they don't have to commute to a college campus. If you are considering taking advantage of such an opportunity, you might find that there are even remote colleges that will allow you to take their courses online. Discuss these options with your high school advisors as they will know which opportunities are available in your area.
Getting College Credit by Taking CLEP Tests
Community College First
One great alternative to the traditional educational route will first take you through a community college program. With a two-year degree under your belt, you will have not only completed the core curriculum that most colleges require but you will also have the opportunity to take coursework in your chosen field of concentration.
You might even be able to apply your two-year associates degree to the working world. For example, if you have an Associate of Science in Accounting, you could start working as a bookkeeper or maybe find a position with an accounting firm. Hiring managers will appreciate that you have completed a degree program and they will be all the more receptive if you indicate your intentions to complete an undergraduate degree at a later date. Some employers may even offer tuition assistance when you decide to work toward your bachelor’s degree.
When you take a year or two to apply what you've learned in your associates degree, you can gain a better idea of how to proceed when you return to school. This includes first-hand knowledge of careers that were once only ideas. Your experience might steer you towards certain specialty areas that you didn't know about previously and you may have the chance to accrue some experience in those areas.
Yet another advantage to this alternative route to college education is that, when you apply to a four-year institution, your application will stand out from the rest. Not only will you already have a degree, but you will also have experience working in your field. Admissions counselors love finding students who have experience to bring into the classroom.
Online Education
Online education is still a relatively new phenomenon in higher education. Since it began to gain prominence in the public mind, there have been a number of questionable players in this new field. However, there have also been a number of phenomenal success stories. For-profit online institutions have begun to acclimate to a more standard approach to academia and students are the ones who are benefiting. Now, online institutions are gaining accreditation and their reputations are growing as well.
In fact, online platforms are growing all across academia. These days it’s hard to imagine a physical classroom that doesn't have some degree of online presence. Instructors post materials to their websites and students correspond with one another, and their instructor, via email or other communication media. Certain classes might even administer tests via the virtual portion of the classroom.
Indeed, most colleges and universities are offering courses online. Some require that students take a certain number of online classes, or only offer certain core courses via the internet. Thus, online education is gaining traction as a standard part of higher education. Though you might not be able to complete every major a university offers from your laptop, every year finds more advances in the virtual realm.
It's even been found that, when researchers compare online students and their traditional campus peers, outcomes are nearly the same. Given that online education offers many advantages over the traditional campus approach, one day we may see online courses eclipsing brick-and-mortar classes in terms of both quantity and quality. If you are good at time management and can set aside the appropriate amount of time for studying, an online degree might be just the thing for you.
The Life Experience Route
In years past, college students were generally between the ages of 17 and 23. Students with grey hair were outliers and were often viewed with suspicion. However, non-traditional students who bring years of life experience to the classroom can be a benefit to everyone. These students might be in the process of changing careers, seeking a degree for the purposes of taking their career to the next level, or simply bucket-listers who are seeking a degree for the satisfaction of completing the task. Their broader experiences lend a depth and richness to their in-class questions and discussions.
Non-traditional students have many advantages over traditional-age students. They have had a lot of time in the working world to gain experiences, to test ideas, and to learn about things younger students have not yet been exposed to. If college is an institution and experience that teaches students how to think and learn, then non-traditional students are well ahead of the game.
Other non-traditional students include those who are currently working in a professional capacity and attending college part-time. They might be a bit stressed from the experience of juggling both a professional and academic schedule, but their numbers are on the rise. That's perhaps due to the increase in educational costs that make work a necessity for many students. In fact, this is such a pervasive issue that part-time students are far more common these days than in the past. Again, the notion of what a traditional student looks like has changed dramatically.
Vocational, Trade and Technical Schools
Vocational and trade schools are gaining in stature these days. Since college tuition is on the rise, students seek formal training that will directly apply to the working world, without the liberal arts title that adds time and money requirements. Further, students are looking for training in fields for which there is a steady demand. Ultimately, younger (and older) students want to graduate with minimal debt and maximum earning potential.
Depending on the field you pursue, a vocational degree can help you re-enter college for an academic degree at a later date. For instance, if you study a field like Information Technology in a technical college, you can begin work in an IT department. There, you can gain training in programming languages, software development, and more. Thus, you can apply your knowledge and experience later if you decide that you need an undergraduate degree to develop your career.
There are many fields that are perfect for this approach. For instance, you can become a CAD technician and work alongside engineers or architects. Your CAD expertise will be of immense help to your employer but you'll also learn a lot about what that firm does, both from a business and technical standpoint. That sort of experience will count for much when you apply to an architectural or engineering program. Not only will it help you gain admission, but you are more likely to end up with a career that is best suited to you and in which you will find success.
Thus, if you opt for trade school rather than a traditional four-year college or university, you will not only be able to complete your program before your traditional peers, but you will start accruing invaluable experience while they are still taking core courses.
  Alternatives to a Traditional Four Year College Degree is republished from University HQ
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edivupage · 5 years
2020 Best Midwestern Colleges and Universities
Often the Midwest is called the “heartland” of America. The phrase not only refers to a region but is also a term that extols the values and ideologies, such as hard work, small-town communities, rural heritage, simplicity, loyalty, and honesty. However, the Midwest is known for more than being the engine that drives America. For one, it’s home to many, many well-respected colleges and universities. In this piece, we will discuss the best of them.
Ohio State University – Columbus – With a student enrollment of nearly 59,837 undergraduate students and almost half a million alumni, it’s clear that OSU is a favorite school for many. OSU offers more degrees and programs of study than any other institution of higher education in Ohio. The school is recognized for its undergraduate teaching. The acceptance rate here is 48%. The academics are rigorous, but there’s plenty of opportunity for entertainment as well. Tuition and fees run $10,726 each year.
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor – With an enrollment of nearly 46,000 students, this university is among the largest in the nation, and it ranks #27 in universities across the country and has outstanding undergraduate instruction. The University of Michigan – Ann Arbor is also a good choice for veterans. The campus has a 27% acceptance rate. In-state students pay $15,262 annually in tuition and fees
The University of Chicago – offers the best of both worlds, with a vibrant campus life as well as big-city atmosphere right in the prestigious Hyde Park neighborhood. Known for its rigorous academics, the university boasts 70 majors and several renowned post-graduate programs.
Northwestern University – is best known for its music, performing arts, and communications programs. Between challenging academics and a busy social scene, students are fully occupied. Frequent plays, concerts, and social gatherings enliven a highly collaborative academic atmosphere.
The University of Notre Dame – is a private Catholic school just 100 miles away from Chicago. A strong athletic program (especially football!) are among the many things that make students’ experience here exceptional.
Purdue University – is a large flagship university whose focus is agriculture and STEM. It offers at least 275 degree programs, most notably in Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln – The undergrad enrollment at this public university is 26,079, and the school is part of the Big Ten Conference. Students can choose from 150 majors, and the 400 students organizations on campus enrich the college experience. Warren Buffet and Johnny Carson earned degrees from this school, and it’s considered #129 in the nation as well as a best-value school. Tuition and fees run $9,242 annually.
University of Kansas – This university ranks at #129 nationwide, and it focuses on research and teaching. The programs in special education and public administration are outstanding, and the KSU law program is a top 20 choice for value. Annual tuition is approximately $11,148.
University of Iowa – Has one of the top programs in the nation for leadership with its unique Leadership Development Series. A smoke-free campus means a healthy environment for future leaders.
Iowa State University – This large flagship university boasts eight different colleges and 100 bachelor’s degree programs, including animal ecology and aerospace engineering. It is also the scene of the invention of the first electronic computer.
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse – This public school offers nearly 100 undergraduate majors as well as plenty of co-curricular activities for a well-rounded education. It’s a best-value school, a top public school and has a recognized business program. In-state tuition is less than $10,000 per year.
Benedictine College – At #13 in regional colleges of the Midwest, this private Catholic school hand-picks their admitted students, and getting in is not easy. Students are encouraged to study abroad through the university, and options include programs in Italy and Ireland at sister campuses. Tuition and fees are $29,530 annually.
Carleton College – Carlton has achieved the distinction of being ranked 8th among liberal arts universities nationwide. Students benefit from small classes, and 96% of freshmen report being satisfied with their educational experience here. This private school ranks first in undergraduate teaching, is a best-value school, and in the top dozen innovative schools in the nation. Annual tuition and fees are approximately $54,759.
Bethel University – The focus at Bethel is on Christian principles in every one of the programs of study offered at the college. Business, nursing, and education are popular majors, and students learn how to become servant leaders. Annual tuition is $37,300. Bethel is tied for 17th in the Midwest.
Catherine University – St. Kate’s ranks eleventh in the Midwest region, and it’s also considered a best-value school. This school is known for its programs in nursing public health, and social work. Women make up 96% of the student body. The acceptance rate here is 69%, and tuition and fees are $38,349 annually.
University of Wisconsin – Superior –  This university comes in at #35 among Midwest colleges in the region. The student enrollment is small, and therefore, degree candidates enjoy small classes and closer engagement with faculty. The university devotes time to community service projects and regionally relevant research. Annual tuition and fees (in- and out-of-state) are $8,126 and $15,699 respectively.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – With 17 different schools and colleges and over 1000 students organizations, any student can find a niche at this large urban university. It is particularly well-known for its programs in engineering, library science, and psychology.
DePaul University – Small class sizes and friendly, supportive students and staff set this small Catholic university apart. Communications and liberal arts are the most popular majors.
Loyola University Chicago – Has been ranked as one of the top Catholic universities in the nation. It is best known for its business school and its liberal arts program.
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire – This school is ranked #38 in regional universities in the Midwest. The Eau Claire campus focuses on hands-on learning experiences in a variety of disciplines including STEM and education. Students are encouraged to student abroad, and some education majors student teach overseas. The university requires all students to complete a service learning project before graduation. Tuition and fees are $8,820
Hamline University – This college is the oldest institute of higher learning in Minnesota. This small school has big ideas about college studies, and it encourages students to study abroad, participate in co-curricular activities, and make the most of their time spent in small class sizes. If bachelor’s degree candidates do not graduate in four years, Hamline pays for the additional semesters until graduation.
Case Western Reserve University – Located in Cleveland, Case Western Reserve is ranked at #42 in the nation among national universities. This institution of higher education is known for its research, and as a result, attracts graduate students to its top-rated programs. Undergrads engage in rigorous academics, and the can also take advantage of the school’s tremendous extracurricular programs. Annual tuition and fees here run $49,042.
Kettering University – Kettering involves students in hands-on learning experiences that help them gain relevant expertise in their chosen fields of study. As a result, freshmen gain valuable work experience that enhances their learning. By the time students graduate from Kettering, they are more prepared to innovate in their careers than many of their peers who graduate from other universities. Annual tuition and fees are $42,490.
Wabash College – One of only three men’s colleges in the entire nation, Wabash is consistently ranked among the top liberal arts schools in the US. A requirement of comprehensive exams for earning a degree ensures that students have learned all course materials.
Butler University – Caring professors and a close-knit community of students are among the many things that make the “Butler Way” a top choice. For plenty of personal attention and a small student-teacher ratio, Butler is an excellent option.
University of Dayton – This private, Catholic school offers students more than 80 degree programs and 200+ organizations to become involved in. The University of Dayton weighs in at #124 among national schools, is considered a best-value choice, and has earned excellent ratings in business and engineering. Annual tuition and fees are $42,000.
University of Cincinnati – Known for fine arts and health programs of study, the University of Cincinnati also awards degrees in business, engineering, and law. The school is veteran-friendly, and it’s also considered a best-value choice among similar schools. Expect to approximately $11,000 in tuition and fees.
Kent State University – This large, public university offers plenty of programs of study, but it’s well-known for its programs in business, education, health and human services, and speech pathology and audiology. Kent State is a top-notch public school with a recognized business program. Annual tuition and fees for in-state students run approximately $11,000.
University of Minnesota – Duluth – This institute of higher education ranks 45th in the Midwest region of the United States and students can choose from 93 programs of study. Tuition and fees run $13,367 annually.
Creighton University – This Jesuit-affiliated private school offers nine programs for undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for students seeking professional certification. Students can take advantage of international opportunities for study, during the regular semester or exclusively in the summertime. This university has an impressive 91% freshman rate, and Creighton ranks #1 in regional schools in the Midwest. Tuition and fees are $39,916 annually.
Washington University in St. Louis – Coming in at #19 in the United States, Washington is comprised of four undergraduate schools and four graduate schools. They offer programs in social work, business, law, medicine, arts, engineering, applied science, and education. Annual tuition and fees are $53,399.
Webster University – Webster represents the best of the Midwest, but it also maintains an international presence with campuses in Europe and Asia. Students are encouraged to study abroad, especially if studying global journalism or international business. This school is ranked #23 in the Midwest, and it is a best-value school. Expect to pay $27,900 for tuition and fees.
Louis University – Although the school was founded on Jesuit principles, it welcomes students of any faith.  The college is ranked #106 of universities in the United States, and it is also a best-value school. This school also has the distinction of being the first public institution of higher education west of the Mississippi. The university has a 64% acceptance rate. Annual tuition and fees average $43,996.
Nebraska Wesleyan University – Ranked at #17 in Midwestern universities, more than two-thirds of the classes at Nebraska Wesleyan have fewer than twenty students. Nebraska Wesleyan is affiliated with the Methodist church. This liberal arts school is also considered a best-value among similar schools, and many graduates continue their studies and pursue masters and doctoral degrees. The tuition and fees run approximately $33,000 annually.
Hastings College – Another private school in Nebraska, Hastings is ranked at #23 among Midwestern colleges, and it’s a best-value school as well. Almost one-third of the students participate in Greek life. Hastings offers an Irish Fellows program, in which students study abroad for one month. This college is affiliated with the Presbyterian church, and tuition is $30,050 per year.
Click here to learn more about the ranking methodology that we used to compile this list.
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