#acc can’t wait to finish it tomorrow there’s probably going to be so many more things that come to me that I want answers to before I watch
mintmentos · 2 years
So Eyk is now on the Prometheus, which is in some kind of ship graveyard for previous experiments presumably. But how is the Prometheus there when it was the Kerberos that went somewhere else when the machinery kicked in?
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wizkiddx · 4 years
honeymoon morning
Honestly I apologise in advance bcos this is pure sickening, god awful fluff. It’s shit bit fluffy af and warmed my cold heart of stone a little ahah. Kinda imagined that its actress!reader too, but doesn’t acc have to be (oh and for the purposes of the story also married Haz off to the readers best mate). On a real, really didn’t excute the idea the way I wanted but hey-ho. T x 
Summary: the morning after the wedding and there are some beans to be spilt in between all the happiness
The best morning of her life. Y/n knew it would be just that. I mean, it already was - she woke up in the arms of the man she loved, that she could now call her husband forever and ever. Tom looked glorious; still asleep as he lay on his back, slightly tilted toward her side and his arm outstretched as if he was waiting for her to come back to bed and join him. Even unconscious, Y/n still wanted to please him in everyday possible so she did just as he wanted. Tiptoeing from the doorway on their ensuite, she pulled the cord of the white silk robe slightly tighter round her stomach. Before she lay down next to her husband, she smiled gently and pulled her still wet hair to one side, smelling like apples of the hotels free sample shampoos. As if rehearsed, as soon as she settled on the white pillows, ontop of Tom’s outstretched arm, he rolled almost ontop of her, throwing his other arm over her side and squeezed. Y/n couldn’t repress that little giggle his actions illicited, making the brunette around her groan and mumble something incoherent meanwhile pressing his head further into her hair. 
Which made him pull back and slowly blink awake with a scowl. Her hair was still wet. 
“Hi husband” She grinned, loving the way his scowl at being awoken morphed into this shit eating smile. 
“My beautiful wife huh?” Tom tucked a clump of damp hair behind her ear before letting his palm rest on her glowing cheek and just staring into her seemingly ever changing eyes. No matter how many times he looked into them, Tom always managed to see something different and exciting in them. Something else to fall deeply and helplessly in love with. 
“Yesterday was…”
“Everything.” Tom finished off for her, before pressing his lips to hers as she shifted to lean over him. 
“Uh-huh. But now it’s today. Which means… you gotta get up!” She eventually got to the point, sitting up and therefore avoiding his second attempt to meet lips, once again making him pout. 
“Is it too much to ask to just spend a day in bed with my wife?” His wife. Boy did that sound like music to her ears.
“Yes because everyone is waiting downstairs for us at breakfast!”
“They can wait there till tomorrow for all I care.” Indignantly, Tom closed his eyes pretending to go back to sleep.
“And… because I got you a marriage present.” That got his attention. Eyes flying open, as he pushed himself up so he was sitting against the headboard of the big four poster bed, Tom looked quizzically at his wife. His wife. 
Giggling at his oh-so-predictable reaction, Y/n leaned off the bed to pickup the small gift wrapped box on the floor.
“Y/n you really shouldn’t have I didn’t know we were doing this-“
“Oh shut up and open it would you?”
“Unless this is a toy for… you know, then you really should have.” Even half asleep, Tom still had something on his mind.
“Tom! Just open it before you ruin the moment anymore.” She wasn’t really mad. She was smirking and jokingly rolling her eyes at his idiocy. He was her idiot though. With a confused look, Tom followed her instructions, carefully unwrapping the silvery gift paper to reveal a navy blue velvet box. He looked up momentarily to question Y/n, who just gestured for him to open it. Going at a painfully slow speed, he lifted it up to reveal an old and tattered watch. It had a cracked glass front yet Tom could still see the ‘Rolex’ logo branded onto the face of it. 
Not going to lie - he was confused. Y/n knew he already had multiple nice watches he wore regularly. All of those were in better nick than this. 
“I umm-“
“It’s an old Rolex. I thought you could do it up like your dad did for you.” She whispered, with this massive smile just because she knew Tom still didn’t understand.
“Oh I er… I mean I could I’m not sure-“ Tom stammered, she seemed so proud of herself, yet he couldn’t really understand why and didn’t want to disappoint her. To be fair him being a bit slow wasn’t an uncommon thing, Tom would hold hid hands up and admit he wasn’t the smartest. Whereas and completely unknown to most people, Y/n was really really clever, I mean she was nearly going to be a doctor. That was one of the things Tom absolutely loved too, the way she would be able to make leaps and figure things out the average person would just stare at confused. So fair to say, she was used to explaining things to him. 
“You know your Dad gave it to his first born on their eighteenth, your eighteenth birthday. And I thought you could do with all the 18 years because I dont fancy you as a professional watch-fixer.” Tom was still absolute clueless, waiting for more of an explanation. 
“18 years?” The number seeming a bit random but oddly specific to Tom.
“Well you know… 18 years from now when your son or daughter turns into an adult. When they aren’t our little baby anymore.” She whispered, taking his hands in her and pressing it against her ever so slightly bloated stomach. 
And then finally it clicked. His eyes grew impossibly wide, pressing lightly on her silk-clad stomach as he sat forwards.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Tommy we are going to be parents!” She smiled whilst nodding, totally enamoured by the look of sheer joy on his face. 
“This isn’t a joke right?”
“No I swear to you. 12 weeks yesterday.”
“You’re serious? We’re going to be parents?” Y/n just nodded in response this time, before instantaneously Tom’s lips were on hers, pouring all the passion and love and excitement that he could on her. After a few moments they pulled away, yet keeping their faces impossibly close.
“I love you”
“I love you and… well I love them too.” Y/n was so in love with the man in front of him. He just was going to be the best Dad in the world and there was no-one she would rather start this journey with. In complete honesty, yesterday the first thing she’d wanted to do when she saw Tom standing at the altar was tell him. It had been impossible, the last weeks of keeping ‘shtum’. But she’d only found out when she noticed she was 3 weeks late on her period, by which point Tom was away filming. They’d agreed that so they both had a quality honeymoon, to finish any backlog of work before the wedding, so it was a 8 week holiday with just the two of them. It had also made the reunion that much better, having been apart for almost 2 months before the wedding. 
“You want to see them? I had the scan really early yesterday morning?” It was an unnecessary question, as soon as Y/n even mentioned it Tom bolted up like an excited puppy. With a knowing laugh, Y/n then slipped her hand under the pillow to produce the little white card and offering it to him. Tom took the card, while with his other hand pulling her flush with his chest so she was sitting half on his lap. Slowly Tom lifted the front of the card, to reveal the black ultrasound print. For all he knew that could be an ultrasound of elephant dung; but the fact that he had it on good authority it was his wife and baby, Tom swore he’d never seen anything more beautiful. Knowing he was more than hopeless at this, Y/n took him through slightly different blobs on the picture, demonstrating the head, an arm, a foot. 
“Why didn’t you tell me though? You had to do this by yourself?”
“By the time I found out myself you were already in new york and… well its not something to say over the phone is it?”
“Y/n as perfect as this is, you could’ve sent me a text for all I care. I wouldn’t have let you do this on your own! Have you been sick or-“
“Not technically on my own… don’t be mad but Y/f/n was there when I took the test, she was the one who said I should.”
“I should’ve guessed that to be fair” Tom rolled his eyes playfully, of course Y/f/n knew they were basically joint at the hip. She probably sensed it with her best friend powers.
“And yeh mornings aren’t very fun but thats supposed to ease now we’re over the first trimester.”
“I-fuck I don’t know what to say… I just love you.”
“And that is all I’ve ever wanted.” She whispered against his lips before they connected once again. It was just so full of gentle, care and love for each other. The moment was just perfect… until her phone rang. 
Y/n pulled away, receiving an almost whine from her husband, reaching to answer her phone. 
“Hey… yeh yeh I know we are on our way, just had some news to spill… I think he’s happy yeh-“ she giggled, as she watched Tom gently pull back the sides of her robe to reveal her belly. At only 12 weeks, she was barely showing at all but now Tom looked he didn’t understand how he hadn’t noticed last night. “-… I’m not sure let me check hang on” Y/n spoke into the receiver again, Tom already knew the moment it rang it would only be Y/f/n. Only she would have the audacity to interrupt the couple the morning after their wedding. 
“Tom so… I kind of made arrangements just incase, because this is a pretty good time just because everyones here. But I figured you might want to keep it a secret for a bit when its just us that know?” He looked toward the window, apparently deep in thought, before turning back to her. 
“I’m spoiler king right? Might be safest to tell them before I explode.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeh course, you know I can’t keep a secret, one look at Haz and he’ll know something is up”
“Actually he might already know too-“
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broken-clover · 5 years
ACC Day 28- Empathy
Despite this being on the longer end, I will say I at least have half of an excuse, seeing as how I got the day order mixed up and got about halfway through tomorrow’s before realizing I was doing the wrong prompt....oops.
Tried something a little more plot-focused for once, using Bedman again because I like him, also some slight Axl-related spoilers for Revelator if you’re worried about that kind of thing
Empathy. Noun. “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
A simple enough concept. Then again, everything seemed simpler on paper. Bedman found it hard to understand the emotions of people who didn’t think objectively. Even if that was being perhaps a bit hypocritical. If he was forced to admit it, he would say that being able to see Delilah again at the cost of rebooting the world and everyone in it was entirely based on his own selfishness. He knew that. It didn’t make empathy any more of a simple prospect.
It didn’t exactly help that he had nobody to quantify the interactions he had. He wasn’t really capable of stopping in the middle of a conversation and asking if he was doing it properly. It was ridiculous, and would also probably get him stabbed. One of the many drawbacks of being the antagonist.
Maybe that’s what he could use to describe his emotions regarding Ramlethal and her dog…? No, on second thought, that seemed more like sympathy. Sympathy for a being that believed itself to have no purpose despite the clear burgeoning emotions. Ramlethal had a soul, emotions, a purpose- not experiences he could commiserate with, he liked to think that he’d always had a purpose and emotions- but ones that he could definitely sympathize with, to the point of denying his orders. She had just as much a right to live as anyone else.
Empathy. Empathy. A concept he was still struggling to properly grasp. He had been thinking the idea over for a while, mulling over details while he waited on Ariels’ next set of instructions, only to find his own personal space interrupted by an unlikely but still unwanted guest.
“Axl Low?”
Bedman was forced to abandon his thoughts in order to deal with his intruder. Though despite his intentions to quickly kill and/or scare the man off, it seemed that Low still kept his happy-go-lucky charm and...oddly endearing genuineness, to the point where he was willing to not immediately shoot him in the face and instead listen to whatever it was that was so important.
“I just want to go back to my...no…
...I just want to see Megumi again. Even just once.”
“Megumi?” It was one of the few times someone had been able to genuinely take him off-guard, if only momentarily. What was so special about this one person?
“She’s like...well, family, I guess you’d call it.”
There was a certain sort of audacity that came from breaking and entering into his dream in order to ask questions about life, but at least Axl was willing to admit it. Especially when, somehow by complete coincidence, the two of them apparently shared similar problems.
“What if I destroy the world to make one modest wish come true?”
Annoyingly enough, he didn’t want to empathize with Axl. He was supposed to be the enemy. He had to swiftly reiterate that he wouldn’t be willing to stand idly by if the man intended to get in the way of their plans. He wasn’t going to give that up, not out of something like empathy-
-it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do anything, though.
With the final act rapidly encroaching, there was only so much that someone of his level of importance could do. Ariels was counting down the minutes until the Saint Oratorio, delighting in how the Flame of Corruption and all of his little friends were running around in an attempt to counteract the information flares. They were making progress, though, which was making tensions rise, but she seemed firm that they wouldn’t be fast enough to interrupt. At least, she was confident enough to not issue any new orders, or to call on him for anything.
So instead, Bedman got to work on a new little side project. There were millions of mindscapes to prune through, but he’d had enough experience in both sifting through the webs and recognizing the ones of people he’d encountered directly. Axl’s sudden appearance in his dream made it very easy to recognize his individual signature, and it was child’s play to pluck it out from the mess that surrounded them on all sides. As soon as he knew where Axl’s mind was, he knew where the rest of him had to be in the real world.
He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting. It was a dingy, cheap inn room above a bar which, according to the man’s memories, was an almost depressingly common place to stay as he drifted from place to place. No real place to go, nothing or no-one to consider turning to as a source of comfort- aside from the Flame of Corruption, who regarded him as an entertaining annoyance at best, and a tall glass of alcohol, which served as a temporary distraction and an easier way to sleep through the night.
It seemed Axl had gotten into a bit too much of the latter. He was passed out in a drunken haze on the beat-up mattress, apparently too out of it or too tired to even shed his day clothing before climbing into bed. It made for a depressing image.
Despite the machine’s immense weight, it moved quietly across the weathered floorboards. The few squeaks of wood were swallowed up by the sound of revelry downstairs. If the noise didn’t wake Axl up, he certainly wasn’t going to. The wheel’s spikes retracted back into hands. They carefully reached out as instructed, not to snap the sleeping man’s neck or crush his skull, but instead carefully nudging him onto his side and dragging a threadbare blanket over his body, earning no response all the while but an incoherent murmur.
Axl was out cold, but aside from the likelihood of having to deal with a splitting hangover the next day, Bedman couldn’t find any major concerns. That was good. There weren’t any extraneous details to have to deal with. He could work without worry.
There was no dream already playing out as he slipped inside, just a black void of unconsciousness. Everything would have to be made up from scratch. Not a particularly difficult task. First order of business, a little bit of light. In an instant, the darkness was swallowed up.
“W-what the- ?”
Axl had appeared in front of him, clearly confused. Bedman wasn’t sure if he could tell that he was dreaming yet, but that was inconsequential. He didn’t need to think. The landscape sprawled out from under them, soft grass springing up underfoot to form a green carpet. Axl was so surprised by the sudden changes, he never thought to turn around and see if he wasn’t alone.
Bedman wasn’t supposed to feel anything for this person, aside from disdain. So why was he here? Why was he doing this? He was supposed to behave objectively, yet he couldn’t find a single objective thought in his current situation. No logic. Just empathy.
Axl started to turn. Without thinking, Bedman found himself moving forward. He barely came up to the man’s shoulders, but he wrapped arms around him in an awkward parody of a hug, shocking them both back into motionlessness.
“W-what are you…”
“I will give you what I can’t have, even if it’s just for one night.” It was hard to think rationally. He’d put himself in a situation where that was impossible. The best option had to be just finishing as soon as possible and being on his way.
It was easy to erase his slight presence from Axl’s memory, especially with a new addition to his dreamscape a moment later to put his attention elsewhere.
A woman with long, midnight-black hair took him by the hand with a smile. A beautiful meadow spread out as far as the eyes could see as they began walking, off to somewhere in the distance. Bedman watched them go, slowly fading back out into the real world until he once again found himself in the dingy little room.
It was a kindness. That was all it was. A little bit of kindness to someone that he felt he understood. Maybe it ultimately made no difference, but it was just one little spark of joy that hadn’t been there before. He could say that he’d done something good.
Even asleep, Axl was smiling now. He was still curled up on a dirty bed in a rickety inn room he could still barely afford, but despite all of that, he looked content. Happy.
“Tomorrow will be judgement day, but until then, sleep peacefully.”
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bound-forthestars · 6 years
tag game bc I’m a loser!!1!
tagged by: annnnn 💜
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
tagging: shit i know a whole two people on this site ((that’s what I get for being inactive and not acc putting effort into my blog rip)) but here we go: @0andthatsthat0 @thebroketraveller
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my parents called me from upstairs bc they were to lazy to come to the basement to talk to me ((which is a Mood))
3. text message: annnnnn
4. song I listened to: sunset by kim donghan
5. time i cried: i nearly cried finishing dai does that count
6. dated someone twice: god I wish someone would date me at all man
7. kissed someone and regretted it: it was kindergarten. we were in daycare. I kissed him on the cheek.
8. been cheated on: can’t get cheated on if you don’t date anyone amiright
9. lost someone special: prob last year I guess
10. been depressed: bitch I literally am depressed
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i gagged on champagne at New Years does that count
favorite colors:
12. pinkkk
13. orange I guess but like peachy pastel orange
14. yellow
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: hell Yeah so many
16. fallen out of love: haven’t been in love so
17. laughed while you cried: multiple times
18. found out someone was talking abt you: yeeet definitely
19. met someone who changed you: not rly
20. found out who your friends are: oh def I nearly got surgery and was in the hospital and texted a group of my friends like “hey guess who’s in the hospital and missing term exams” and more than half of them left me on read rip and the rest of the year was downhill from there on
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends: no,,,
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: no Facebook
23. do you have any pets: a dog
24. do you want to change your name: nope
25. what did you do for your last birthday: fuck I don’t even remember uhh idk
26. what time did you wake up today: ~11:30
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: writing
28. what is smth you can’t wait for: idk futures seeming pretty bleak rn
29. what are you listening to rn: night call by kim donghan
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: midnight
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i mean maybe one requested go follow my insta once
32. something that gets on your nerves: the fact that da4 doesn’t even have a release date yet smh
33. most visited website: on my phone it’s probably gamepress for fire emblem heroes tbh
34. hair colour: dark brown
35. long or short hair: longish
36. do you have a crush on someone: i have so many crushes but I would sooner die than talk abt them
37. what do you like abt yourself: my work ethic i guess
38. want any piercing: !!! I wanna get doubles and a helix this summer
39. blood type: idk
40. nicknames: jord i guess??
41. relationship status: super single
42. zodiac: Aries
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: b99 ofc and i rly like new girl and queer eye rn
45. tattoos: nah
46. right or left handed: rivht
47. ever had surgery: getting my wisdoms teeth out tomorrow :-)
48. piercings: used to have my ears pierced but they grew over
49. sport: MY ENTIRE LIFE IS LITERALLY BASKETBALL ((I play volleyball, badminton and some others too)
50. vacation: i hit up Jasper for a training camp awhile ago
51. trainers: ????
more general:
52. eating: ????
53. drinking: ???????
54. I’m about to watch: more queer eye probably
55. waiting for: someone to like me back it’s been 87 years
56. want: validation and attention
57. get married: one day hopefully
58. career: astrophysicist, astronaut, or maybe even a professional basketball player (unlikely but hey maybe I’ll take it to college or uni)
which is better
59. hugs or kisses: never been kissed but either is good thanks
60. lips or eyes: eyessss
61. shorter or taller: im assuming this is for an s.o so if it’s a dude definitely taller
62. older or younger: if this is dating too I guess slightly older but not weirdly older yknow
63. nice arms or stomach: don’t,,, make me choose ((arms tho))
64. hookup or relationship: relationship I guess??
65. troublemaker or hesitant: ???? what kinda choice is this
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: nope
67. drank hard liquor: small amounts ((it was nasty don’t recommend)
68. lost glasses: I don’t have them but if I did i would lose them
69. turned someone down: i rejected a marriage proposal in kindergarten
70. sex on a first date: never had either
71. broken someone’s heart: idk maybe that dude from kindergarten’s
72. had your heart broken: by myself
73. been arrested: nope
74. cried when someone died: who hasn’t???
75. fallen for a friend: not yet
do you believe in:
76. yourself: that dumb bitch?? lmaooo
77. miracles: i mean my little brothers alive so yeet
78. love at first sight: attraction?? definitely. love??? not likely.
79. santa clause: used to
80. kiss on first date: hell yeah 81. angels: who knows
82. best friends name: annnnnn and tasha
83. eye colour: brown
84. fave movie: stand by me
85. fave actor: nic cage (“hey guys who’s my favorite actor??”)
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