ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 SAN of ateez. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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asecretsummer-rpg · 4 years
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Ooc Information: Court, 28,CST Activity Level: Medium Character Name: Laurence Waters and Manon Wilson Character Birthday: Laurence: Jan 7, Manon: June 19 Character Gender: Laurence: Male, Manon: Female Character Sexuality: Laurence: Heterosexual, Manon: Pansexual Para Sample: Stolen by -A Anything Else?: I used to play these two a while back, I don’t know if you remember me. Things have gotten pretty chill now and I would love to come back if you’d have me.
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bloodshedfalls · 7 years
Hey, is that CASEY DEIDRICK? Oh no, it’s RHYSAND “RHYS’ TERRELLA. I hear he is TWENTY EIGHT YEARS OLD/900 and he can be CHARISMATIC and CREATIVE but can also be DEVIOUS and COMPLEX. Not to mention they are a IMP. (Flyyyyyyyyyyyyn) 
Accepted! Welcome to Bloodshed Falls! Be sure to send in your account in the next 24 hours, track these tags, be sure to read through our plotdrops, post a starter and follow everyone on the blogroll! 
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Rhysand Terrella was born to an imp father and an apparently loving mother — which he’d never come to know as she died during childbirth, never to be seen again. While his life started out with the death of a loved one, it was necessary in giving him his half sister who arrived a mere three years later. The death of his mother has and will always continue to be seen as the best thing that ever happened, something that he used to tell his father constantly while growing to care for his now step-mother and adoring the child she bore; his half sister who continues to be the other half of him.  Growing up in a small village in Italy, it was clear the raven haired male took to his imp nature as he forever sought out ways to prank the locals and test out his abilities that seemed to grow with his age. It was in his teens that acting or perhaps simply pretending seemed to take a strong hold on the eldest Terrella, who would often take on various roles in the face of people who didn’t know who he truly was, finding these pastimes to be the highlight of his days, especially when Tatiana started to join him on his small adventures, both finding great amusement with how they chose to spend their time. Their imp nature only seemed to grow as the years waned on, and Rhysand quickly discovered that his light-footed ways would grant him access to most places where other’s wouldn’t dare, allowing for their pretending ways to play a massive part in how they both decided to live their lives. Tatiana would often seduce her way into the bed of powerful men while Rhysand would take on the role of the humble servant, allowing him to sneak where ever he pleased in order for the siblings to get what they wanted from that current position before moving on.    The gift of immortality gave the siblings the perfect opportunity to perfect their craft without having to worry about their decaying human bodies. While their father chose to remain mortal, Rhys and Tully didn’t back down from the challenge that came from earning their immortality which seemed to fuel their desire in living their life to the fullest without making any apologies in their wake. Rhysand continued to dive deeper into his imp abilities, finding that he had quite a love of plants and all the power that they truly held and while the imp explored their healing nature and the natural remedies that could be made, he soon started leaning towards the toxins they produced; it was because of this that his love for poisons increased.  Years passed, as did the centuries and slowly but surely the siblings continued to stay in the character’s they pretended to be (often pretending to be simple humans) even going as far as staying in those roles for years on end, forgetting their true selves even when alone with one another. Slipping in and out of characters effortlessly for so long could be mistaken for a mild split personality disorder at times despite both siblings having such a hold on the lifestyle that they have willingly lived for nine hundred years. It is because of their acting ways however, that Rhysand has lost his true self and can often fall for his own manipulative ways —- is reality the one they’re living or the one they’ve both constructed?  For anyone that doesn’t truly know who he is, his name is Rhys and nothing more. While this alter ego is used on mortals (along with the fake life that he lives to a tee) he often continues to be Rhys even to the supernatural friends/enemies/lovers —- only choosing to reveal his true nature and name to those he believes he can actually trust. Until that time arrives, the imp is Rhys to everyone — a mere mortal man and if it’s revealed he is indeed an imp; he pretends to of the nature loving, healing variety. There is no scenario in which he doesn’t find what he does entertaining or amusing and often considers himself a twisted Robin Hood because for some reason stealing from people who barely have anything to their name seems more rewarding.  While having visited Red Creek on and off over the centuries, the siblings have found themselves in town for the past three months, living their human lives while observing all the major players that have all gathered in the small and very famous town that was built on bloodshed. Some familiar faces have been noticed and yet its the allure of the chaos of Red Creek that has Rhysand chomping at the bit. The world is a stage, isn’t that what they say?
1: Rhysand has no preference when it comes to other people’s sexuality. Male, female, it doesn’t matter.  2: Will never be seen without the silver moon bracelet that he wears – a token from he and Tully’s first adventure into the world of thievery.  3: If he had to proclaim a profession, he’d consider himself a thief above all other things. 4: Likes to live in the woods, among the plants. This is also for privacy.  5: Because imps can throw their voices, he spent centuries learning how to change his voice and mimic the one’s around him.  6: Has a naturally flirty personality and while he uses this to his advantage, he enjoys the quiet moments over a drink or two, flirting with people that catch his eye. 
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andgoldhq-blog · 5 years
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Dear Chosen, CONNER/RK800 - you should feel honored that you have been selected to assist in the strives of saving our universes. I see that you hail from the Detroit: Become Human universe; we hope that it isn’t too different to get used to here. I had to do a double take, you almost looked like Bryan Dechart, but I was wrong. Please report to the inn-keep within 24 hours with your URL of residence, check out the WELCOME NOTE, and head on up to your room. Welcome to GLITTER AND GOLD. 
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theragingsea-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome aboard Sailors!
Please take an extra moment to review the rules and regulations before boarding, and read through the requirements. Any sailor who fails to board in the next 24 hours will be left behind.
Accepted applications:
> Loretta Tahiri - Adria Arjona FC
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 WOOYOUNG of ateez. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 HONGJOONG of ateez. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 JUYEON of xdinary heroes. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 HANI of exid. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 MINNIE of (g)i-dle. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 YUNJIN of lesserafim. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 SAKURA of lesserafim. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 JENNIE of blackpink. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 THEO of p1harmony. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 YEONJUN of txt. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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ikigaidotnet · 1 year
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   〔 JANGJUN of golden child. 〕  your application has been processed! time to get you sorted so we can bring you into the community. your account name must include no special characters & be either your muses full name or stage name to be easily identifiable. you have forty eight [48] hours to add 〔 admin anima 〕 or your faceclaim becomes available to play again!
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