#accidental summoning platform au
colormepurplex2 · 3 months
The Demon Is In The Details | It's Just A Box
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↳ Demon!Jimin x Human!f.Reader ⤜ Crossroads Demon AU, Accidental Enthrallment ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 6,470 ⚠️ Crass language, demon summoning, talk of blood, demon deals, life bartering
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“Wouldn’t you rather be at home and in bed right now? I know I would,” you lament for the dozenth time since your best friend dragged you out into the middle of nowhere.
She gives you a disgruntled look from over her shoulder. “Can you stop being such a spoilsport already?”
You’re not trying to be a spoilsport. You just don’t see the appeal in trudging through the woods in the middle of the night to go bury a box of questionable items at some supposed crossroads just so nothing can happen.
“Do you really believe in this stuff, Dom?”
Dom—or Dominique Portland to almost everyone else—has been your best friend since you were both barely tall enough to see over the kitchen countertop. Inseparable only just scratches the surface of the bond you share. Your summers growing up were spent sharing her small twin bed and waking up to her mother frying bacon and flipping pancakes nearly every morning.
The silver ribbons holding her unruly space buns in place flutter in the air as she spins around and starts walking backward, her mocha eyes assessing you. “You know I do,” she finally says, a playful smirk curling the corner of her full lips, making the piercing in the center of the bottom one glitter in the soft moonlight filtering through the trees.
You’ve always found her to be a stunning human being; a bit eccentric maybe, but that only adds to her beauty, you think. The bright lilac streaks in her tightly coiled hair match the overall dye of your own, a sentiment you both think speaks volumes for the kind of friendship you have. Her cinnamon-colored skin is radiant and smooth, and she has a smile that lights up any room.
“Watch where you’re going before you trip or something. I’m not carrying your ass the three miles back to civilization,” you grouse good-naturedly, giving her shoulder a playful swat.
Dominique laughs, the sound echoing through the sparse canopy around you. But she spins back around and resumes stalking through the underbrush, the flashlight in her hand swinging wildly across the trees. Her platform combat boots make quick work of the climbing weeds and thin saplings under foot as she picks up her pace.
She started dabbling in witchy things over a decade ago, mostly crystals, tarot cards, herbs…and now summoning demons, you suppose. When she first showed you her tarot cards and the satchel of crystals her grandmother passed down to her on her eighteenth birthday, you humored her by letting her read your fortune or whatever it is she did with them, thinking it would be a phase and pass.
But, as the years went by and she continued to delve into the mystic arts and varying degrees of the occult, you realized it wouldn’t be passing; at least, not any time soon. It’s become less about humoring her and simply more about supporting your best friend in what she loves to do, even if you find it a bit unorthodox.
“We’re almost there,” Dominique sing-songs, throwing her hands up and doing what you’ve coined as her terrible impression of jazz hands. The bangles on her wrists clack together, creating a tinkling sound that you find eerie as it peals through the quiet of the forest.
“Oh, golly gosh, how exciting,” you mutter to yourself so Dom doesn’t hear your unenthusiastic sarcasm, before continuing a bit louder, “Cool. Think we’ll be back before the sun comes up? I’d like to be able to get at least a few hours of sleep before work tomorrow.”
Dominique chuckles, her shoulders swaying as if she moves to some musical beat you can’t hear. “Don’t worry yourself, my lovely friend. I’ll make sure you’re home and in bed long before the sun graces us with its warmth.”
You follow Dom through a tight squeeze between two towering trees. It opens up to a small clearing. The moon, bright and full overhead, illuminates the space like a spotlight setting the stage for a grand number. In the very center of it all stands a giant tree, the star of the show, with its branches reaching far to each side. Its leaves thread through those of the others lining the edge of the clearing.
“Wow,” you mutter in awe. “It’s so creepy it’s actually kind of pretty.”
Your friend claps delightedly, a girlish squeal of excitement echoing from her. “It’s just like Grann described. She told me stories about this place when I was little. I always wanted to come see for myself, but by the time I was old enough, I had honestly forgotten it existed.”
“Until you decided you wanted to summon a demon,” you offer, earning a giggle from Dominique.
“Until I decided I wanted to try and summon a demon,” she agrees, clicking off her flashlight and shoving it into the crossbody bag she has over her shoulder.
You follow her further into the clearing. The tree in the center seems to grow taller the closer you get, looking larger than life once you’re under the outer fringe of its branches. The leaves are dark and richly green, and the trunk looks rough, gnarled, and ancient. It must be hundreds of years old, you’d wager.
The ground underfoot changes from the soft give of grass and dirt to a harder, more resistant feel as you move ahead, just behind Dominique. “Odd,” you say, stamping your foot. The heavy thud of solid ground sounds from under your foot. “It’s almost like…” You trail off, realizing it’s exactly what it sounds like.
Beneath the layer of leaves and other debris, there is a faint, hard-packed path. You can see it now, the distinct difference in the way the grass grows. It’s like a path runs straight at the tree before bisecting to either side of it.
“A true crossroads,” Dominique announces. “Full of old magick, a pinnacle of power…so divine. Can’t you feel it?”
Whether it’s of your own accord, or Dom bringing attention to it, you’re suddenly aware of a distinct buzzing sensation crawling its way up your arms and down your spine. It feels like ants skittering over your skin and you’re just waiting for that sting of the first bite.
An uneasiness settles in, filling the pit of your stomach with wasps instead of butterflies. Something about this place feels wrong. Like one false move and the ground will open up and swallow you whole.
“I-I don’t know if I like this, Dom. This place is giving me the creeps.” You no longer find it all that beautiful. If anything, you’re fairly certain the beauty is hiding what is really underneath: pure, unadulterated wickedness.
She pulls a small tin from her back pocket and gives it a little shake. The contents inside rattle around, making you wince at the sudden, jarring sound. You watched Dominique fill the tin earlier tonight. Graveyard dirt, a few strands of hair, a photograph, a sliver of yarrow root, and a few drops of blood soaked into a square of homemade paper fit tightly into the hinge-lidded metal box that once held tiny breath mints.
Dominique explained the significance of each item, but if someone asked you right now to repeat what she said, you don’t think you could. Especially not with the anxiety deep in your gut growing in intensity with each passing second.
“There’s nothing to be worried about. It’s just a box. You said it yourself, this probably won’t work. Worse case, I get my hands dirty burying this, and then we can go home…where I will graciously accept as many ‘I told you so’s’ as you want to give me.”
You sigh, resigned to let her do this. You take a few steps back, giving Dominique a wide berth as she kneels down in the grass in front of the tree. The jeans and ribbed long-sleeve shirt you’re wearing are keeping you comfortable, but despite that, you shudder as a chill passes over you.
The words Dom mutters are incoherent to you, sounding mostly like gibberish spoken with a thick, in-the-throat accent. As soon as the incantation trails off, she pushes to her feet and brushes the dirt from her hands off onto the thighs of her jeans. The whole time her focus is lasered in on the small mound of disturbed earth where her tin now resides.
The sound of treading footfalls echo around Jimin, seeming both distant and close all at once. It’s the same every time someone decides to disturb the relative peace of a crossroads. First, it’s the sound of their footsteps, then the airy inhale and exhales of their lungs, and then comes the erratic, lub-dub of their heartbeats.
Seems it’s time to go to work. There is an order to these things, a queue of sorts, and it just so happens that now it’s his turn. It’s been a while since Jimin was summoned, though not long enough as far as he’s concerned. With the number of demons combined with the progression of disbelief among the human population, the fewer people who believe, the fewer people who demand deals.
It’s not that Jimin hates his job, per se. He quite enjoys haggling his way through pitiful souls, satiating that deep, internal ache inside himself. It’s a primal necessity, one derived from being at the top of the proverbial spiritual food chain. Yet…he’s found himself growing tired of the mundane dribble of the same tired requests.
Nothing excites him anymore, and that should be a crime punishable by a thousand years in the darkest sanguine pit of his world, he thinks. Being a demon should be fun—it once was. But, after thousands of years of hearing the same sniveling pleas and demanding offers, he desires something more…just, more.
The inside of his quarters in the Obsidian Fortress reflect his restlessness. He’s acquired some of the more baser items from his time up top. A bed he doesn’t need, furniture that would easily sell for millions at auction for its rarity. Jimin has come to covet such things, if only for the fact that he thrills in acquiring something that someone else wants so badly.
The eclectic collection now looks more ramshackle than anything, though, with the chaos of discarded clothing items and trinkets tossed about. If anyone else were to see his quarters, they might think him manic. All it would take is a simple flex of his power to right everything, to return all the clothing to their place in the armoire, and to neatly tuck his trinkets back onto the tansu in the corner.
Yet, he can’t bring himself to clean up. Not just yet, at least, he needs one more moment to enjoy this before seeing to the demanding call from above. The disorder offers comfort in its own way, something for his mind to focus on instead of the dreary, repetitive existence he seems to be trapped in. But, duty calls…unfortunately. Taking one last look around his quarters, absorbing the chaos of it all, he sighs and taps a forefinger against the side of his thigh, and in a flash, everything is as it should be.
Irritated now more than ever, he considers ignoring the call from up top for just a while longer, in spite of himself and the cleaning he just did. Not like it matters either way because whoever they are, they’re taking their sweet ass time getting to the good part. Intriguing, though, that there are two sets of footfalls. Typically people do these things on their own. But, Jimin doesn’t mind an audience. Maybe it’ll even be more exciting that way; he sure as hell could use it now.
It’s been some time since he was last called upon, but even longer than that since he had some genuine fun. Long gone are the days when the people who wanted to strike a deal actually asked for something worthwhile. No, it’s gone from selfless pleas for the health and prosperity of families to coveting millions of followers on Instagram for oneself or something equally as ridiculous—how utterly boring.
Though, he supposes, it’s no wonder humans have grown selfish, considering the world they’ve supposedly revolutionized for themselves. Sensationalized greed and loathing, poisoned with the bitter taste of caffeine and processed foods. Most would probably think that’s a treat to his kind; easy prey and all that. But, they couldn’t be more wrong.
Jimin sighs, rolling his head from side to side over his shoulders as if he could somehow rub away the itch now grating beneath his skin. His corporeal form is his preferred, even if it comes with its own set of limitations.
For instance, moving slower between his place in the underworld and up top. It burns as he wills his body to the surface. It’s a pain he welcomes, as a reminder that there is more to life than his servitude, and if he plays his cards right tonight, he’ll get to walk away with a special little treat in his pocket.
As soon as he surfaces, he flexes his power and suspends everything in the clearing in time. It gives him a moment to consider the offering and gather his bearings. Using a hand on the trunk of the tree to keep his balance, Jimin bends down and sifts through the dirt, fingers plucking the small, metal box from the earth.
The giant tree at his back is a comforting presence. It’s seen a fair amount of deals, his as well as others. Just a silent sentinel watching over each morsel of humanity bargained away. Which, thinking of that, Jimin shakes off his mental fog and refocuses on the two women standing before him.
They are both uniquely pleasing to Jimin’s eyes. He would enjoy sampling them both, given the chance. It’s a shame that’s not how these things go. Maybe if he’s persuasive enough, he can garner some sort of pleasure, even if it’s just taking in the smell of a second soul he won’t know the taste of.
Jimin bounces the tin in his hand for a second before thumbing open the lid. The contents are the usual bits and pieces. Well, usual at first glance. But, taking a closer look, he pauses…realizing there is something different about the clump of hair inside.
Sure, it’s purple, which makes it quite unique to begin with. But it’s more than that. Plucking out the hairs, Jimin brings them to his nose and gives a sniff. All reservations about tonight being any sort of mundane are quickly replaced with an assurance of fun and intrigue. Tucking the hair away and slipping the tin into his pocket, his mind begins to swirl.
He thought having an audience might make things interesting, but he never imagined this possibility in all his millennia; sure to be fun indeed. Resuming a demeanor of nonchalance, Jimin leans back against the tree and, with a flick of his wrist, allows most of the world around him to resume breathing once more.
Mmm. Well, well, well, what do we have here? Two little mice come to play?
The voice is a seductive purr that licks across your psyche. It’s simultaneously inside your thoughts and in your ears, everywhere all at once. Dominique is frozen where she stands before the tree, her hands tightly fisted at her sides. She doesn’t so much as appear to be breathing.
You whip around, trying to seek the source of the voice, but your best friend is the only other being you can see in the clearing.
“W-who’s th-there?” you choke out through quivering vocal cords. “Dominique? Dom, let’s just go!”
The few steps you have to take in order to grab Dominique by the arm feel like miles with the way your feet shuffle sluggishly. It feels like you’re wading through thick mud instead of meadow grass.
As soon as your fingers brush her arm, an electric shock zings up your arm, and the scream that bursts from your lungs is a mix of pain and terror. The same instant the zap surges up your arm, a man appears lazily leaning against the tree trunk. You’re certain he wasn’t there before.
Oh. How deliciously interesting. The same voice from before reverberates through your mind and echoes in your ears. One contract. Yet…I taste the essence of two distinct souls. He pushes off from the tree and cocks his head to the side, inhuman vermillion eyes lock on Dominique in consideration.
Ignoring the fiery burn where your skin touches hers, you tug on Dominique’s arm, but no matter how hard you pull, she doesn’t budge. “Dom, this isn’t funny! Let’s go, now!” Your words are edging on hysterical. Tears of fright flood your lashline, causing you to blink rapidly to try and keep a clear eye on the strange man. “You stay away from her!”
Those haunting scarlet eyes flick in your direction, and a sly smile hooks up one corner of his pouty mouth. He doesn’t move any closer, but you’d swear that if your eyes were closed, the sweeping sensation that you feel caressing the apple of your cheek is his fingers. Fear not for your friend, little mouse. It is you that you should be concerned for. In all my millennia, never before have I come across a free soul. Tell me, is this simply a mistake, or is it intentional? Either way, I think I’ll enjoy this…yes, I think I’ll enjoy this very much.
“Oh my god. Holy shit, I did it,” Dominique whispers. Her body sways like she suddenly was released from whatever was making her immobile. The way she stares at the man with wide eyes and a half smile, you wonder if she’s even registered the last few minutes that have passed. “Look! Look, do you see him? A fucking demon! I did it!” She whoops with glee, stamping her feet in clear excitement.
“What the fuck, Dom?! Let’s get out of here!”
You try to yank on her arm again, but she shrugs you off this time, giving you another one of those disgruntled looks. “And lose this opportunity? No fucking way.” She shoos your hands away and whips her phone from her pocket, immediately thumbing to the camera and begins to film.
A solid presence at your back keeps you from taking a step backward. It feels like you’re pressed against a wall. “Dom, please!”
The man takes another step forward, coming within just a few feet of where Dominique is standing. His eyes catch the moonlight and flash like twin blood red rubies. Dark, coifed hair frames his smooth forehead, and his pert nose leads to lips that are full and glossy.
If there ever was someone that embodied all the devious, lust-filled thoughts in the world; this would be them. “A real demon,” Dom breathes. “My very own demon.”
The man—demon—tuts softly, wagging a dainty finger in the air. “I belong to no one, least of all to a sweet, little field mouse like you. If anything, it’s one of you that belongs to me.” It’s the same voice that was threading through your mind just moments before, only now it’s crystal clear and fills only your ears; it’s sweet like honeyed music. A significant contrast to the wicked words themselves.
Dominique laughs. “Me belong to you? Riiiight. Pretty sure that’s not how this works. I summoned you, demon.”
“Be that as it may, you’re not the only little mouse here,” the demon chuckles darkly. He turns slowly, his eyes cutting in your direction. “It is, in fact, your delicious friend here that seems to be caught in my web without a way out. Imagine my surprise when I’m summoned here, only to discover that there are two souls but just one contract. Seems someone made a grave mistake, judging by how she quivers just so.” You watch as the demon comes closer, pulling something from his pocket. It’s the tin, you realize, as the silver exterior flashes in the moonlight.
“What are you talking about?” You and Dominique ask at the same time.
With a thumb, the demon flicks open the small mint tin, exposing the cluster of items within. He pinches the strands of purple hair between his thumb and forefinger, pulling them from the tin. “It’s a shame, really. I assume you didn’t pull these directly from your pretty head,” he muses, devilish eyes flicking at Dom. “A brush or a comb perhaps…one that your friend may have also used a time or two.���
Dominique absently pats at her hair, fingers coiling around a few of the stray strands of purple—the same purple as your own hair—that have escaped her buns. Cold dread pours down your spine and fills your belly until you think you might be sick.
“Dom…tell me he’s not saying what I think he’s saying.”
Her breathing grows erratic, but she provides no response or affirmations for you. Because you both know exactly what happened. You watched as she plucked purple strands of hair from the boar bristle brush. A brush that you have used in a pinch a few times when you couldn’t find your own.
“B-but, she’s…she’s not the one that summoned you. I did. This is my contract, my blood sacrifice!”
The demon hums, tilting his head side to side in a thoughtful, so-so manner. “That’s the interesting part. Well, interesting for me, more’s the pity for you. You see, the blood you so graciously added to this tin here—” he gives the now closed box a little shake “—affords your soul some safety. However, without that…well, an unprotected soul is just so tantalizing and ripe for the plucking.”
“NO!” Dominique screams, throwing up her hands and stepping in front of you as if she can shield you from your fate. “I’ll do anything you want. This—this, um, my deal…yes, my deal is you have to leave my friend alone. I want to protect her soul. You can’t have her, that’s what I want!”
He throws his head back, crowing to the moon with maniacal laughter. The tailored suit jacket and white shirt covering his torso gleam as his whole body shakes. The grass beneath his shiny loafers begins to dance and sway, almost like flickering flames. The sight he presents terrifies you.
“Oh, this is going to be good,” he finally says after his laughter trails off. He smooths his hands down the lapels of his jacket as if to compose himself. “You’re essentially asking for the price of a soul. Which, being generous, is quite priceless to begin with. Anyone would be hard-pressed to give up such a delightful treat. Let’s see—” he  tucks his hands into his trouser pockets and paces a few steps away before turning back “—I think, and mind you, this is being quite nice considering…sixty years would suffice.”
“Sixty years?! Sixty years of what?”
Before the demon can answer, Dominique explains in his stead, “My life. Sixty years of my life in exchange for your soul.”
“In exchange for…what? What the actual hell is going on? Neither of us is going anywhere with this fucking psycho! Let’s just get out of here, Dom!”
Angry tears sting your eyes, but you don’t even care to stop them from sliding down your cheeks as you desperately try to pull Dominique backward. That solid, impenetrable presence is still behind you, but you ram your shoulder against it over and over, grunts of frustration ripping from your throat.
“It’s no use,” Dominique resigns with a sigh. “Neither of us can leave before the deal is sealed.”
“This is nonsense! A cruel prank. Give it up, Dom, it’s not funny!” you beg, yanking at her arm. “Just stop!”
“I can’t move,” she tells you, and you watch as her body sways on the spot like she’s trying to lift her feet but cannot. “I’m sorry, okay? I am so sorry.”
“But, it’s not real. It can’t be real! You said so yourself that this wouldn’t work! Sixty years, Dom, you’ll die!” Desperation colors your words, your voice cracking from the intensity.
Dominique turns her head to look at you, her lips parted as if she’s about to speak, but she freezes once again. It’s like she’s turned into a statue, a macabre wax replica of herself.
Calm yourself, little mouse. There is no need to panic. If the taste of her soul is any indication, she will agree with my terms. Sixty years of her life in exchange for letting you scamper away back into your little burrow, soul intact.
“She’s thirty, if you take sixty years, she’d…that’s not fair! There has to be another way.” You lick your dry lips and can feel the demon watching the quick swipe of your tongue as you do so.
One moment he is a few feet away, and the next, he’s crowding into your space, forcing you back against the invisible barrier behind you. The acrid scent of brimstone and burnt matches clogs your nose, carrying with it the subtlest hint of citrus bite.
Up this close, you’re able to see just how deep red his eyes are and how utterly flawless the expanse of his face is. The pointed tips of his canines peek out as his lips pull back in a rictus grin.
That is my price, human. Your friend gives me sixty years of her life right now and I’ll leave you alone. Perhaps, if you’re lucky, she’ll be healthy and cognisant long enough for you to say goodbye.
“And if she says no, if she doesn’t agree?” you ask in a shaky whisper.
In that case, you become mine…wholly and completely. You see, your friend was careless in her dabbling, naive and truly laughable, honestly. Such wasted potential. A sound similar to a sigh feathers through the explanation, and you can see the demon roll his eyes as if he’s annoyed with the revelation.
“Wholly and completely? Not protected?”
The blood sacrifice that is needed for summoning demons is a way to bind a demon to the rules of the crossroads. It means we’re not allowed to bring untoward harm to those we are summoned by. However, because your friend decided to be lazy and pull hair from a brush instead of from her head, combined with the lack of your blood inside that little tin, well…you’re not protected by those rules. Meaning, if I wasn’t such a nice fiend, I’d have gobbled up your sad soul the instant it was presented to me. Which is exactly what I’ll do if your friend says no.
You can tell he’s trying to make it seem like it’s Dominique’s fault. And, maybe, in many ways, it is, but you also feel responsible for indulging in this madness in the first place. But, it also seems far too simple, like— “That seems like a really shitty loophole,” you say aloud, echoing your internal sentiment. “How do I know you’re not just saying that to try and trick me? I’ve read about demons, they’re known to be liars and con artists.”
The demon reaches out and tugs lightly on a stray lock of your hair, making you hiss in pain. “At least you’re cute and smart. But, if you insist.”
He steps back, putting much-needed space between your body and his, though it puts him closer to Dominique, and your fingers itch to shove him farther away from her. Not that you think you even could. He might look slight in build, but you know it’s not his physique you’d have to contend with, but whatever demonic magick he has.
With a flick of his wrist, a giant scroll unfurls in the air. Several feet of winding parchment swirl around you. It settles on the ground in great heaps, one end held in his fingertips and the other lost somewhere among the waves. He snaps the fingers of his other hand, and Dominique completes her turn toward you, confusion instantly furrowing her brow. Whatever she was going to say dies on her tongue.
“What the fuck?” she asks absently as she looks down at the yards of paper covering the toes of her combat boots.
“Perhaps you’ll be interested in this as well,” he says, gesturing with the paper in her direction. “Considering this is your contract, after all. You both should be thanking me for this opportunity, I don’t typically do this. But, with it being a special circumstance, I figured I’d indulge before any hasty decisions are made. Go on, read between the lines. Because, as they say, the devil—well, demon,” he chuckles lightly at his own joke, “—is in the details.”
It’s cute watching the two mortals actually attempt to read the contract. The contract is written in The Dark Tongue, the language spoken by all daemon-kind, but with a little trickle of power, it appears in whatever language is necessary for the reader.
“How are we supposed to read and comprehend all this nonsense? It’s worse than reading a legal document. All of it sounds made up, jargon that a group of kids came up with or something,” you mutter under your breath.
Jimin has yet to learn your name. It would be easy to reach into your mind, or the mind of Dominique—whose name you inadvertently, yet conveniently, provided to him—and pluck it out. But, for some reason, he wishes for you to be the one to tell him on your own. 
Dominique fumbles with a length of the contract, frantically skimming. “I-I don’t know. Look, I’ll…I’ll just take it. This is my fault, my fuck up. I can’t let you be punished for something I was so careless over. It doesn’t matter what any of this says,” she shakes the contract, “because there are probably too many hidden meanings, and…you’re not going to pay for what I’ve done.”
“What? No, Dom. Shut up, okay. You don’t get to talk like that.” Your voice is thready and thin, breaking as you plead with her.
“I don’t have a choice here. I have to make a deal, regardless,” Dom mutters. She moves in close to you, her eyes flicking over to Jimin before she leans in even closer, putting her mouth close to your ear.
It takes tremendous effort for Jimin not to roll his eyes at the action. They could be miles away, whispering, and he would still be able to hear them. He listens as they start to try to devise a plan that involves keeping both of their souls. Jimin can taste the conviction in Dominique, and knows that no matter what, she’s not going to just let you go. Not without a fight, at least. But, she has the right of it. She can’t leave this glade without signing on the dotted lines. Whether on this contract or a different one.
Finally, after several minutes, the contract forgotten on the ground; it seems that Dominique and you have come up with some sort of plan. Jimin tuned out most of it, not really caring one way or another. It wouldn’t change his offer or what is required tonight.
“It’s okay, Dom. It’s going to be okay,” you reassure her in a soft voice. “I trust you.”
As Jimin swings his attention back up, letting the two figures come into focus, he makes a mental note that the tears shining in Dominique’s eyes are not mirrored in your own. Your back is straight, chin jutting out in what appears to be an attempt at courage. It’s delightful to see that you’re not a complete jellyfish.
“So, ladies, are you satisfied?”
You swallow audibly, but your resolve doesn’t wither as you stare him in the eye and shake your head. “I have a new offer, different parameters.”
Jimin suppresses the laughter that fills his chest. “Well, let’s hear it, then.”
“Before we start, w-we—I want…I want to make sure this new deal guarantees that she’s unharmed,” Dominique's voice quivers as she speaks.
One of Jimin’s perfect brows arches in curiosity. “Go on.”
“She’s not giving up sixty years of her life. That is not happening. So, I’ll go with you, but under the condition that you allow us to see each other in person once a week, right here in this clearing for as long as the moon is in the sky. Just so she knows I’m okay.” Your sass is appealing. Jimin had thought you were the more demure one of the two, but it seems maybe he was wrong.
He contemplates for a moment, considering the new parameters. “Once a year.”
“No, that’s not good enough. A lot can happen in a year. Twice a month.”
The fact you’re not even trying to bargain for your life, just time, at this point, is amusing to Jimin. It’s not often he gets to barter. Most humans just take his initial deal and think they have no other options.
“Twice a year,” he counters, interested in what you’ll suggest next, though he can feel himself grow tired with the prospect of the back-and-forth already. His intrigue instantly takes a dive.
You shake your head, accepting the hand that Dominique offers you. Your fingers squeeze around hers as tears begin to fall down her cheeks. “Once a month. Please. That isn’t asking much, I wouldn’t think.”
“Once a quarter.”
“No. No. Once a month! And you only keep her for three years,” Dominique states, her tone more demanding than he feels is warranted considering the situation. He pointedly ignores her.
“Please,” you implore, looking vulnerable for the first time since you discovered his desire for sixty years of Dominique’s life in exchange for your soul.
Jimin’s eyes flash with annoyance. “You do realize I could simply end this farce? All it would take is a snap of my fingers—” his eyes blaze with flames for a second as they bore into yours, his voice growing harsher “—and you’d be mine while your friend was left floundering. Do not think to press this any further. I will keep her for ten years and not a day less. You may have your once-a-month meeting and the only person in this sad existence who will remember you exist is her.” He flicks a hand in Dominique’s direction, making her flinch.
Knowing Dominique will be safe is a relief. But the prospect of everyone in your life ceasing to know you exist is another blow you weren’t expecting. In fact, you were hoping to use that to your advantage. If Dominique could go back and file a missing persons report, it might help somehow. But now…now, that’s another option off the table.
Ten years. That’s seemingly an unfathomable amount of time now that you’re facing it; more akin to an eternity as far as you’re concerned. But, you try to remain hopeful. Whatever happens at the end of those ten years is something you’re not certain you have the mental capacity to think about right now.
You did your best to keep your voice low when you put your head together with Dom’s, not sure whether or not the demon would be able to overhear your exchange. You told Dom that she can’t give up sixty years. That you would rather endure a few years of servitude to the demon in the chance that she could discover a way to free you. If anyone could do that, you know it would be her.
She has sworn to do all that she can to see you released from his grasp. Even if she has to summon every crossroads demon between here and the other side of the world, she���s vowed to do just that. The first thing she’s going to do when she leaves his clearing is call her Grann and tell her everything. You’re confident that even if this demon erases you from everyone else’s memory, Grann will believe Dom regardless.
You straighten your spine, giving Dom’s hand a squeeze before untangling your fingers from hers. “Accept the deal, Dom. This is how it has to be.”
“I-I can’t do that,” Dominique whispers, her voice cracking with emotion. “Please don’t make me do that.”
“Dom, you have to.” You turn to her, soaking in the sight of her beautiful face while you can. “I trust you,” you say the words slowly, enunciating clearly in hopes she gets your meaning. “I’ll see you in one month, okay? One month.”
Dom’s lips tremble as they open to form the word of acquiescence. The one word that will seal your fate and her guilt.
“So be it.” Jimin flicks his wrist, and the contract retracts back into its rolled-up form. He unfurls it again in the same movement, displaying it once again before you and Dominique. “Each month on this same day, we shall return here for precisely one hour’s time. Whether you show or not is your own prerogative,” Jimin directs that at Dominique before turning his gaze and focusing back on you. “You will be mine. Body, mind, and soul. You will not disobey me, you will not hesitate to do as I tell you, and you will never question me. If you do, this contract will be void, and I’ll spend the rest of eternity making you regret ever befriending this poor excuse of a witch. Is that clear?”
“Ye—” Dominique jolts forward, her free hand slapping over your mouth and cutting you off.
“Don’t. Don’t you say anything. He’s trying to trick you into an agreement that is separate from mine. You don’t have to agree to anything, don’t let him lull you into things like that. Please,” she beseeches, “be vigilant. Do not accept anything he says at face value. Always think before you agree.” Dom tears her eyes from yours, training them on the being watching your exchange. “Hear me, demon. You’ll do well to remember the first part of my demand: I want her unharmed. If she has so much as a single hair out of place the next time I see her, I swear—”
The tip of his nose twitches as his lips mash into a thin line before cutting her off, “Best hold your tongue, witch, lest I cut it out for daring to tout such nonsense. As if I would breach the terms of a contract. She will be unharmed. I may be a demon, but that does not make me a monster nor a cheat.”
Dom gives you one last searching look. You nod, letting her know it’s okay.
“I’ve already agreed, demon. Let’s finish this.” And, so, with a prick of Dominique’s thumb and a smear of blood, it’s finished…all because your best friend buried a box.
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here4theheartbreak · 2 years
2022 Writing Roundup
It’s become a tradition for me to sort of reflect on the writing I did throughout the year and gather it into one place; and this year I was also tagged in a separate round up by @moccahobi​ - thank you! So I figured I’d combine them into one post. Below this cut is what my fandom year amounted to. Fics, opinions on my writing, breakdowns of things I’ve written, etc. This year was a lot smaller in terms of writing, but I think that’s okay. I got to explore a lot of new things in my writing, and I did a lot of personal improvement outside of fandom.
Fandom(s): BTS, SHINee, and Stray Kids
Total Fics: 3
Total Words: 178,766 (93,530 published)
~Favorite Things~
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Why?
My favorite fic this year that I published was Of Magic and Social Media. It was a really fun fic to try topic wise and I got to play with some tropes that I realized I really enjoyed. (But my actual favorite favorite fic this year is actually not published yet!)
Top 4 current WIPs - Okay, so I don’t actually have any WIPs that are partly written. I worked really hard to finish my WIPs before the new year, so I could go into it without anything half progressed. But have a whole list of planned projects, so I’ll just pick the four I’m most excited about writing from there.
trans boy Changbin x Felix AU (inspired by Farewell Wanderlust by TAD)
It’s a Wonderful Life reversal AU (wherein the mc is shown around by a demon, rather than an angel)
Cambion/nightmare demon x human he’s supposed to torment (ofc it’s a love story, have you met me)
Enemies to Lovers Soulmate AU - a witch is trying to spell his crush and accidentally summons a demon who tells him his “crush” isn’t his soulmate and gives him a view into who his soulmate is.... His worst enemy.
Favorite Line - This is actually from an unpublished fic, Leader of the Pack (Chan x Changbin) - “Gonna huff and puff and blow my house down, wolf boy?”
~Question and Answer Time~
Top 3 Biggest Improvements
My ability to take it easy with writing. I wrote so much less this year and I’m actually okay with that. I would have normally beat myself up for not writing for months, but I realized it doesn’t matter. I was focusing on other things, and I think my future works will be improved because of that.
Writing without requiring constant assurance that my fic doesn’t suck. So general self confidence? I used to always be sharing line after line or asking for advice because I was insecure about my writing, but now I’m more sure of it.
Same vein as 2, but slightly different; I stopped focusing so heavily on keeping a readership across x and y platforms. I realized I had a fic that wasn’t doing well on Tumblr, so instead of continuing to waste time and post it every week, I just stopped and posted on the 2 platforms where it was doing better. If someone on Tumblr likes my fic, they have the ability to go read it still. Before, I was so scared of losing readership and whatever fanbase I had that I would agonize over posting here, and now I just... Don’t care. (In a good way! I still love getting notes and comments, but I don’t feel like I need to agonize over it when I don’t).
Top 2 Resolutions for 2023
I want to write more! I don’t want to force it, but now that I feel like I have that passion back, I really want to try to get more works out in 2023. Maybe not as many as I used to, but more than this year.
I want to write more for new fandoms and pairings! I’ve gotten into so many new groups this past year and I’m really excited to continue writing new pairings and stuff for them and others I haven’t tried yet!
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than, or about what was expected? Why?
Aha way less! I wrote 355k words in 2022 and published 45 fics; so this year it was less than half of the words and wayyy less fics. I normally aim for about 200k written a year. I assumed the same would happen this year, but I got burnt out early in the year and some stuff happened related to fandom things. So I took a big writing break actually; mid-February to mid-July I didn’t actually write a single word. So given that I took a break that encompassed nearly half the year, I’m still pretty proud of what I accomplished. Most of my word count is actually an upcoming Stray Kids fic that I’ll be starting publication for in early 2023.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? How was it? 
This year it was Stray Kids! Last year I knew nothing about the group aside from by name and the general like “know the bad stuff” about groups you’re not into? Yeah - I never imagined I’d get into these guys. But here they are, bumping right up against SHINee in terms of adoration. And they’re so fun to write for; I haven’t done many ships yet - but the few I’ve played with I absolutely had a blast writing, and I am full of ideas for so many other ships and plots with them!
What’s your most popular story with readers?
Top Fic by Tumblr notes as of 12/31/2022: Purrfect Halloween (45 notes
Top Fic by AO3 kudos as of 12/31/2022: Under His Mask (438 kudos)
Top Fic by AO3 hit counts as of 12/31/2022: Under His Mask (9063 hits)
So it’s Under His Mask (BTS) on AO3 and Purrfect Halloween on Tumblr! (Though, to be fair here - Under His Mask was published at the start of the year, while the other 2 fics I wrote were end of year fics lol - so the stats there are a bit skewed)
What was your most productive days/day of the week/month, etc in terms of writing?
So, looking at my spreadsheet, Monday was my most productive day of the week this year (averaging 821 words daily throughout the year) and my least productive day was Saturday (averaging 221 words daily throughout the year).
My most productive date of the year was 12/26/22 - with 7007 words written in one day. This was because I was cramming to finish my long WIP before end of year though. My most productive month was December, with 36,060 words written (average of 1,163 per day); but October through December were all super productive, so this isn’t a huge gap.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wouldn’t say I had any major risks this year with my actual writing. The biggest risk I took was stopping writing for BTS. I had written for them for so long (since 2018!) and I knew starting over could be a total failure. But I was pleasantly surprised; I actually got equal or better readership/interaction with my other groups on average despite being a new writer for them. So it was definitely a happy risk.
~ Fics Written in 2022~
💙🔥📚 Of Magic & Social Media (SHINee; Minho x Taemin) - Minho is a decently successful influencer. He amuses his followers with  vlogs of random GPS coordinate exploring. One such adventure leads him  deep into the woods, where he stumbles upon a box, locked and buried.  Upon opening it, a series of strange, and inexplicable things begin to  happen to him. Is it just bad luck? Or did he release something ancient  and powerful when he lifted the lid? (Smut, Romance, Fluff, Spooky Mystery, Fairy AU, Influencer AU, Light D/s Themes, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Light Bondage, mature)
🔥 Purrfect Halloween (Stray Kids; Chan x Felix) - Bang Chan loses a bet to Felix. The punishment is simple, wear whatever  costume that Felix chooses to the company Halloween party. But Felix has  an ulterior motive. (dirty talk, friends to lovers, bad jokes, bottom Felix,  mature)
💙🔥📚Under His Mask (BTS; Jungkook x Seokjin) - Jungkook’s luck is on his side when he wins a raffle hosted by his favorite camboy. The winning prize is a chance to sleep with him on camera. But when Jungkook finally gets to meet the handsome performer face to face, they realize they aren’t the strangers that they thought they were. (trans boy Jin, camboy au, smut, dirty talk, rough sex, D/s themes, toys, mature)
And that’s that! Here’s my full masterlist if you want some more of my stuff; and my AO3 if you prefer to read over there. (BTS fics are on this AO3). I also have started publishing on AsianFanfics, so feel free to use that platform if you prefer! My ask box is always open for questions, comments, or chatter! Thank you to everyone that has been so lovely this year!
Tagging: @eatjeanjin @casuallyimagining @btsmosphere @written-in-flowers
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cherriipeachcreme · 2 years
Hellaverse/Helltaker/PASWG AU
!! Please read my links / carrd before interacting !!
I noticed that Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss, Helltaker, and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt had similar vibes imo, and since Heaven, Hell, and Earth are settings in all three of them, I wanted to write another crossover AU!
Tbh, sometimes PASWG and Helluva Boss/Hazbin get a bit too gross or violent for me, but I wanted to try writing this AU anyway. I'm also gonna be toning down or removing things I personally find uncomfortable for this. Again, this is all fan lore and just for fun.
Basically like in some of my other AUs, all four stories are mostly disconnected but the lore from each of them coexist in the same universe. I also have a self insert OC which I'll talk about below. This is what I have so far:
The main setting where all the events on Earth take place in is Daten City.
Normally when angels are kicked out of Heaven, they must collect Heaven Coins by defeating ghosts to be allowed back in. But for more severe cases like murdering a human (even accidentally), they'll become permanently banished.
Angels can become humans if they stay on Earth for too long, or fall and become demons.
A few high-ranking demons (from Helltaker) run the largest corporation in Hell.
Only demons of a higher rank than Sinners can have ghosts as servants and summon them upon Earth.
Self Insert: A hellborn demon with some angel-like traits, possibly having a halo and black wings. She also has light pink skin, darker reddish pink hair, green eyes, red horns, and a black tail. Despite her traits, she's still only a demon and is not very strong. She likes things that are considered "pure"; Romance, happiness, helping others, ect. But because she is not an angel and good deeds are generally mocked in Hell, she struggles with this and feels like she can't truly be herself. She also has low self esteem and a pessimistic view on things. She is scared of most angels and demons, since they hate each other, and especially dislikes ghosts. She is afraid of violence as well, even though in Hell it's hard to avoid. She's actually a huge sub and a bit of a masochist, and wants to get dominated, but is embarrassed about it. She also loves video games (especially platformers), sweets, learning how to cook, girly things, and EDM + Rock music. I'm thinking her name could be Candie but maybe another dessert-based name can also work?
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When you were doing it just to be dramatic but it actually worked so now you gotta take your best friend back to civilization
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shuaflix · 2 years
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author’s note ▸ welcome angels! thank you so much for checking out my works & for showing me your support ♡ hope you have a wonderful day/night!
navigation ▸ click here last updated ▸ november 22nd, 2023.
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f — 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟   a — 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 m — 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 h — 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫
✩ — 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬
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𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐛 (𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐚𝐢𝐭) ↳ demon au | m, f, a | 23.6k | ✩
just when you thought your luck couldn't get any worse, you accidentally manage to summon an ancient demon prince named jeonghan out of a scrap of paper from your statistics textbook. now, you're tasked with figuring out how to return your so-called "guardian demon" back to where he came from before he can stir up any more trouble.
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𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 ↳ college au | m, f | 16.8k words
you’ve finally passed your written test and gotten your permit after six failed attempts. eager to get your license while attempting to avoid overpriced driving lessons, you enlist the help of kwon soonyoung, who only requires a STIIZY pod as payment.
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𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 ↳ college au | m, f | 6.4k words
❝ y/n, you can’t keep staying here. you’ve been living in my room for like, two weeks now. you don’t even pay rent. ❞
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𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮'𝐬 (𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ↳ friends with benefits au | m, f | 31.2k words
❝ you’re telling me that you, Miss Dick Repellent, had sex with Captain Chastity By Choice over here. ❞
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𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 ↳ summer romance au | m, f | 4.8k words
the summer you started putting more effort into your appearance also happens to be the summer where vernon chwe's piercing gaze leaves you feeling like you're floating high up in the clouds. 
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© shuaflix on tumblr. no reposting of my work is permitted on any platform.
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Witch Charming (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Charmed AU, magic, witch!Baekhyun, halfblood!Reader, established relationship, fluffy at times, smut
Warnings: evil!Baek for a sec, rough sex, name-calling, some mild violence, also baby Baek that’ll make you m e l t  (nothing surprising, I’m soft for this boy)
Word Count: ~6.6k
Summary: Baekhyun suddenly disappears from your arms, and you follow just to find him summoned to the past by his family… And accidentally turned evil. The 24-hour chase to set him back on the path of good has already begun.
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: Hey sweethearts!! So excited to finally drop my biggest birthday month story^^ This is based on ep20 s07 ('Imaginary Fiends') of Charmed. I’d say about half of the plot I took from the show, the rest was me running wild with it lol I don’t think you have to be very knowledgeable about Charmed to enjoy this, I tried my best to make it as clear as possible while being somewhat authentic. In case you have no idea what this show is, just treat it as any other fantasy/ magic au. And I’m always here if you have any questions!!
Network tag: @supermwritersnet @exo-writers-net​
Tags: @blahblahblah-boo
Characters (as per Charmed):
Baekhyun as Wyatt (Jinah and Donghyun’s eldest son, the most powerful witch of all time)
Jongin as Chris (Jinah and Donghyun’s youngest son)
Jinah as Piper (oldest sister; power – molecular immobilization/ combustion/ acceleration, i.e. freezing/ exploding)
Jiyeon as Phoebe (middle sister; power – premonition)
Jiwoo as Paige (youngest sister; power – orbing, telekinetic orbing)
Donghyun as Leo (Jinah’s husband, father to Baekhyun and Jongin) 
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‘Ghh, Y/N…’  Baekhyun sighed softly, making you smirk.
His chest was flushed and his cheeks were rosy, and you absolutely adored when he got like this. Rolling your hips consistently while holding his wrists down, you coerced the tiniest moans out of him. It was obvious your lover wanted to be vocal, but you were in his family mansion, so he was wary of his parents overhearing. What a baby.
‘Enjoying yourself, little witch?’ You teased, feeling his fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs.
‘Stop it, or I’ll vanquish you…’ He muttered, and you could only snort at his deplorable threat.
‘Somehow… I don’t think you will.’
Leaning in, you planted a playful kiss on his lips before accelerating. He’d been hovering on the edge there for a while.
‘Gonna come for me, baby?’ You traced the shell of his ear with your index finger. ‘In your parents’ house. What a shameless boy you are…’
You knew it wasn’t long now, so you straightened up, doubling the speed and concentrating on the ambrosial feeling in your nether regions as well. It was easy to reach ecstasy when you could watch him all wrought-up and aglow, burning up with you on top of him like this.
Baekhyun’s plump lips trembled, forming a small ‘o’ as he finally came inside you. His breathless moans were so sexy that you followed right behind him, dragging your hips back and forth quickly. As the waves subsided, your movements gradually came to a halt as well. You barely contained a groan when Baekhyun squeezed your butt, pressing himself deeper into you, and shot a frustrated glare his way.
‘Next time we’re casting a spell to make the room soundproof. I want to hear you.’ Grumbling and still out of breath, you slowly slipped off of him.
‘How about we just do it somewhere else?’ He suggested rhetorically, watching with loving eyes while you rearranged your ponytail with a hair tie.
‘I’m too lazy to shower now-’ You nattered, snapping your fingers.
Making you both fresh, and clean, and dressed in sleeping clothes at once came in handy often, yet Baekhyun didn’t usually allow you to practice magic ‘unnecessarily’.
‘Haven’t I told you not to do this? You know it’s per-’
‘Yeah-yeah, personal gain, witchy rules, yada-yada,’ you rolled your eyes, leaning on your elbows. ‘I am half-demon, remember? Besides, how’s it my personal gain if it’s you who’s not covered in all kinds of bodily fluids and is instead resting in his underwear and pj pants comfortably?’
‘You’re wearing a t-shirt to sleep too.’
‘It’s yours, so I say it’s for your pleasure as well. Doesn’t count,’ you shrugged dismissively.
‘Unbelievable,’ he snickered, melting as soon as you scooted closer to turn him slightly and latch onto him from behind.
‘Go to sleep, honey. The sooner it’s tomorrow, the sooner we can get back to supervising the renovation of our condo. I promise you’ll get to fuck me on each surface you like before the housewarming party is even planned…’ You murmured, pinching his belly playfully.
‘How are you always so… so...’
Your lover’s words became a slur, as white lights consumed him, making his body vanish right from your arms.
‘Baek? Baekhyun?’ You called, growing rather agitated, but he was completely gone. ‘What the hell!’
Calling out his name had no effect. You knew he always answered your call, so he either couldn’t hear it, or couldn’t come. This already seemed incredibly suspicious, so it was time for you to act fast. Using your demonic power, blinking, you teleported quietly to the attic, where the family heirloom was stored. The gigantic book full of spells created or written down by witches of Baekhyun’s family line. Otherwise known as the Book of Shadows.
The usual spells you’d mastered by now didn’t work, and your attempts to locate or summon Baekhyun were less than fruitful. You figured that there was something magically blocking your tries to snatch him back. So, you decided to get creative and rewrite one of the spells so that it brought you to wherever Baekhyun had disappeared to. You really didn’t want to wake his parents up, but you’d have to if this failed. There was no telling what had happened to your better half, what if he was magically kidnapped or something? The lights around him when he disappeared did not seem demonic in nature, however, you weren’t willing to sit around and wait. You wanted to make sure he was okay, yet the strange feeling in the pit of your stomach strongly suggested otherwise.
Thankfully, when you finished saying the incantation you came up with, it worked its magic immediately. You closed your eyes just for a split second, and then you were... in the attic. Still?
Well, this time you were not alone.
Baekhyun stared at you coldly from across the room, and you were taken aback by his attire. He looked completely different, dressed in leather pants and an aggressively red jacket, hair a peculiar blueish color now…
‘What is-’ You were cut short by Baekhyun’s mom (where did she even come from?) shouting something.
You turned around, just in time to blink – disappear for a second – dodging a fireball shot your way by some pathetic excuse of a demon. An explosion sounded from behind you, and the attic was, once again, a complete mess. Apparently, you dropped yourself into an ongoing struggle, and very likely in some other time.
Too hot-headed to think, you whirled your wrist to draw a glowing blue energy ball and threw it at your attacker. The creature was vanquished. His accomplice tried to escape, but your firepower got him before he could blink out of here.
Coughing at the kicked-up dust, you turned around swiftly to question Baekhyun’s passive behavior in this exchange. This time, however, he wore a weird smirk on his face while disappearing in a swirl of dark orbs.
Dark orbs?!
‘Uh-’ You turned to his mother and aunts, who were eyeing you in high alert. ‘What the hell happened here?’
‘You tell us… Crystals!’ Jiwoo called out and waved her hand, orbing the damn protection stones around you.
Since you had just tapped into your upper-level demonic powers while generating all of the energy balls, the residue was going to linger for a few minutes. This, in turn, made the crystals an efficient trap, caging you just like any other demon. Albeit not for long.
‘What are you even doing?’ You sighed, looking up from the floor. ‘Don’t you know that I can walk out of those? Eomma, you tell them.’
As the dust began to clear, you made out that they looked quite different. Much more different than you first thought. Years younger, or even decades.
‘Eo-eomma?’ Jinah stuttered. ‘Did she just- call me her mom?!’
As your mind caught up with the situation, you gasped.
‘Oh! No, you’re not my real mom. I just call you that because- well- I can’t tell you,’ you rambled to avoid revealing something that they weren’t supposed to know and messing up the future. ‘The actual question is, what happened to Baekhyun? Did you summon him?’
‘How do you know my son?’ Jinah asked cautiously.
‘I- from the future,’ you replied vaguely, clearing your throat at the thought of what went down between you and him less than thirty minutes ago. ‘I was with him when he disappeared. ‘To call a lost witch’ spell didn’t work, so I modified the ‘to find a lost love’ spell, and it took me here.’
‘Okay, how does a demon know spells from the Book of Shadows?’ Jiyeon asked, looking at the older sister.
Of course, they’d be worried. The Book of Shadows was the most powerful magical tome passed down in their family through many generations. Moreover, it never let anyone evil lay a hand upon itself.
‘No-no, I’m not a demon!’ You chirped, reassuring them quickly. ‘Only half-demon. And half-witch.’
‘Great,’ Jinah grumbled.
Nudging the crystal with the tip of your shoe slightly to check if the afterglow of using your demonic powers had worn off, you finally managed to walk out of the magical cage.
‘Hey you, stay where you are!’ Jiwoo warned.
‘Are you gonna whoop my ass if I don’t, auntie?’ You chuckled, approaching the dusty couch. ‘Oh, and allow me…’
You snapped your fingers, the entire mess disappearing, leaving the attic rearranged and completely clean.
‘Good as new,’ you hummed.
‘What- that’s not allowed!’ Jiyeon complained.
‘Oh please, another lecture on personal gain? You guys are boring,’ you plopped on the couch and stretched. ‘Now, are you going to explain what happened with my b- Baekhyun, or not?’
‘I’m pretty sure she was going to say ‘boyfriend’,’ Jiyeon provided.
She was always damn attentive to those slips. Probably made a note to self when you blabbed about the ‘to find a lost love’ spell…
‘Okay, yes. Ugh, I’m so bad at this ‘not saying too much thing’! Although from what I saw – you’ve already spoiled the future. He wasn’t evil when you summoned him.’
‘How can we know that we can trust you?’ Jinah asked.
‘This is hurtful, eomoni. But I understand, it took you a bit to learn to trust me in the future as well,’ you mused. ‘I don’t know, what if I can touch the Book?’
‘The Book has been fooled before,’ Jiwoo responded dryly.
‘Can I read her?’ Jiyeon suggested amiably. ‘I can tap into her memories with my premonitions.’
Jinah nodded, but then turned to you and pointed a menacing finger.
‘Don’t try anything!’
‘Why would I-’
‘Just don’t,’ she quipped.
You rolled your eyes and held out your arm for Jiyeon to touch.
The vision she had of you apparently convinced everyone that you weren’t lying. After the initial tensions deflated, you finally got back to the issue at hand.
The sisters explained that they seemed to have trouble with the little Baekhyunie, age two at the current time, so they decided to cast a spell in order to understand what was going on and how to solve it. But the spell backfired, bringing the unsuspecting adult Baekhyun to their time.
Neither of you understood what exactly turned him evil, until his father, Donghyun, peeked through the door, holding his son close.
‘Is everything alright in here?’ He inquired, looking around the strangely neat room.
‘Yeah, we were just-’ Jiwoo began but was interrupted by your excited squeal.
‘Is that… Baekhyunie?!’ You shot up from the couch. ‘He is adorable!! Can I hold him? Please, please, can I hold him? Abeoji-i!’
Donghyun looked at his wife, completely bewildered, and you were almost jumping on the spot.
‘A future girlfriend. Don’t ask,’ Jinah waved off, nodding as he allowed you to scoop the curious boy up in your arms.
‘You’re so tiny,’ you cooed, touching his small hand, and he looked up at you with his enormous chocolate eyes. ‘Aw, little puppy… You’re just too cute!’
The entire room watched as you showered the baby in affection, tickling him, talking to him, and making him giggle. When he burst in a fit of laughter again, hiding his face in your neck shyly while you kissed the top of his head, you finally noticed the stares.
‘Um- what? I’ve always wanted to do that when I saw his childhood pictures, that’s all,’ you defended, getting flushed at your own outburst. ‘I’m not even a ‘child person’… He’s just really cute.’
They exchanged unreadable looks, and Donghyun cleared his throat.
‘Actually, he might be the reason why Baekhyun from the future turned evil. Remember his favorite teddy bear? Well, I think the ‘imaginary friend’ we were worried about was a demon that only he could see and talk to. The demon was building trust with Hyunie for days… And then used his toy to somehow assert that trust? I’m not sure.’
‘Did you see something specific?’ You asked, looking at the child in alarm.
‘I turned away for a second, and then the teddy bear was floating and glowing. I didn’t get to him in time, not before he could touch it. And as he did, the demon materialized… I think he didn’t want to attack me in front of Hyunie to maintain his trust, so he just blinked out of the kitchen.’
‘So, you think that the toy is now cursed or something?’ Jiwoo asked and received a nod from the boy’s father. ‘Well, why does he still have it then? Teddy bear!’
Using her power, she orbed the plushy away from him. Baekhyunie fussed in your arms, reaching out, and orbed the teddy back to himself.
‘Yeah, you know it doesn’t work like that,’ Donghyun sighed, leaning at the doorframe. ‘Maybe we can-’
The crying from downstairs interrupted him.
‘Oh no, Jonginie! Hyunie, orb to your brother and protect him with your orb shield!’ His father instructed, and all of them rushed downstairs.
The baby disappeared from your arms, and you blinked, finding yourself on the first floor. The commotion was seemingly in the kitchen, and you approached it carefully, peeking from behind the wall.
‘What are you doing, siding with demons now? Let him go!’ Jinah sounded angry.
‘Don’t worry, mom. I have no intention of harming him, for obvious reasons.’ It was Baekhyun’s voice. ‘But I won’t let you tamper with his morality anymore. Let’s go, Baekhyunie.’
His voice sounded sinister, and the sisters didn’t manage to hold him back before the dark orbs took him someplace else.
‘Dammit!’ Jinah cursed, as you slipped into the kitchen. ‘He took him!’
‘Calm down. You know he won’t kill him, or he’d disappear himself,’ Donghyun tried.
‘Wow, that’s so comforting, honey!’ She mocked.
‘We need to find him,’ you piped up. ‘He took him for a reason.’
They turned to you, looking quite annoyed, and you explained.
‘The window of opportunity is wide open for him now, he can easily be swayed back to his status quo, which is being good. They want to keep him away until the window closes. To ensure that you cannot change him back easily.’
The sisters fussed around the kitchen, the mother most distressed of all.
‘This can’t be happening. It’s Baekhyun we’re talking about! Why do we keep failing at keeping him good?’
‘It’s okay, Jinah-yah, we’ll find a way.’
You looked at them, getting an idea.
‘Can you, perhaps, ID the demon that cursed his teddy?’
Donghyun turned to you in confusion but nodded.
‘That’s a good idea. Jiwoo, orb Jonginie to magic school, he’ll be safe there,’ Jinah said, turning to Jiyeon and Donghyun right after. ‘And you – come with me. We’re going to find that demon and vanquish his sorry ass!’
Baekhyun’s parents seemed quite relentless when it came to the safety and wellbeing of their children. Just as they would be (were?) in the future.
The action began with Donghyun identifying the culprit as Vicus, the demon who preyed on children, especially young witches, turning them down the path of evil. It didn’t take the sisters too long to make the vanquishing potion. Problem was, they still had no idea how to reverse his curse.
‘What if we just get rid of him and hope that does the trick?’ Jiwoo suggested.
‘It’s not impossible,’ you offered, a bit unsure. ‘But I think the solution has to lie in Baekhyun somehow. It’s more likely, don’t you think?’
‘So, you suppose we should be binding his powers or something?’ Jinah asked defensively.
‘Not at all. I just assume it won’t be as simple as that. I want him to turn back too, you know?’ You backtracked.
Something thumped upstairs.
‘Did you hear that?’ Jiyeon asked.
‘Someone’s in the attic! Orb us there, Jiwoo-yah!’
They disappeared in blueish orbs before you could warn them this could be a trap.
Damn were they headstrong! Baekhyun definitely took after his dad in this regard, more rational, balanced, and thoughtful. You were thankful for that, if he was any other way, he wouldn’t have been able to tame your wild half-demonic ass.
Blinking, you reappeared upstairs, watching the scene unfold through the door cracked open.
‘What do you want, Baekhyun? Bring him back!’ Was his mother’s stern voice.
‘I came for my magical inheritance.’
His voice was calm and low as he replied.
‘The Book? You won’t be able to touch it. You’re evil now!’ Yelled Jiwoo.
He approached the Book of Shadows, but, as expected, its magical field protected it from his touch.
‘It’s Vicus, he screwed you up! Is he here, with you?’
You heard glass breaking, indicating that the sisters were throwing potion vials around.
‘Not even close,’ he smirked, clearly amused by their fruitless attempts to get rid of the demon who started all of this. ‘Let me make it easier for you.’
He waved his hand, and the previously invisible demon was now seen.  His expression quickly changed from satisfied to petrified.
‘What did you- Naagrh!’
The scream announced that the potion finally met its target, and the flames destroyed the demon in seconds. But the silence afterward seemed spooky. You wanted to burst into the room, but something told you it was best to stay hidden for now. This Baekhyun was unpredictable.
‘Well, that only achieved… nothing,’ the same dark voice stated. ‘I guess you’re not changing me back after all.’
He disappeared.
The sisters exchanged heavy looks. This situation had become even direr than it used to be. They were wrong about breaking the curse by killing the demon. And now he had a new agenda – like all evil creatures, he wanted to possess the power of the Book. This was extremely dangerous.
‘What are we gonna do now?’ Jinah asked, before turning around to watch you creep into the room.
‘Well, he wants the Book, maybe we can set a trap for him?’ Jiwoo suggested.
‘He probably won’t come if he can sense us here…’
They circled the Book.
‘We can modify the ‘To call a lost witch’ spell to bring him here against his will. But even if he comes at his own volition, we still need to stun him somehow. I could make a potion, but we’ll need to customize it using something of his… his hair, maybe? Where can we find it though?’
‘Maybe I can help?’ You came forward. ‘I can try being a double agent. Fool him into thinking I’m also evil and get you the hair.’
‘This way we’ll be able to summon him, both of… him, use the potion to stun, and then reason with little Baekhyunie while the adult one recovers, right?’ Jiyeon assumed.
‘What’s to say this will even work though?’ Jiwoo was reluctant about that plan.
‘You got a better idea?’ Jiyeon called her out.
‘Sadly, not this time. I guess… I should get to this potion. Jiyeon can write the spell, and you, Jinah… Just think it through. You have the toughest job – getting through to my little nephew. I think convincing him to give the bear up may undo the curse.’
‘I certainly hope so.’ The oldest sister turned to you and nodded. ‘Do it.’
The lair you found yourself in was gloomy, to say the least. You could instantly tell you were in the Underworld now. Demons preferred to lurk in dark, unpleasant places like this ugly cave. But this was where your connection with Baekhyun brought you, so he had to be somewhere close by. Of course, you would’ve blinked to his exact location, but it was obvious that he cloaked himself. He didn’t want to be found.
But the two of you had been through a lot together, and him turning into an asshole didn’t mean that the connection simply evaporated. In fact, it seemed like what weakened on your witch-side became stronger on your demonic side. Not that surprising, considering that he was evil now. So, you allowed your inner demon to lead you to him.
‘I wondered if you were to come,’ the low voice almost startled you.
Turning around, you met his sharp eyes.
‘Of course. Took me a while to locate you. Almost got vanquished at your home, too,’ you smirked.
He sized you up slowly, probably still trying to figure out what your agenda was. It was your time to do some acting.
‘I can’t believe you’ve made it this hard for me to find you,’ you complained teasingly, stepping closer to him. ‘Was under the impression that you enjoyed spending time with me…’
By the end of your sentence, you were running your palms up his chest to wrap them around his tense neck. He allowed you this close, it was a good sign.
‘I don’t know, pet,’ his hand squeezed your ass. ‘How can I even trust you?’
People were putting zero faith in you in this time, to the point it was becoming frustrating! You always had to prove yourself.
‘Why wouldn’t you trust your soulmate? We’re literally meant to be together, remember?’
At this, you were referring to the prophecy in the back of the Book that appeared exactly on the day Baekhyun laid eyes on you.
It said that the most powerful descendant of the Byun line of witches, the Charmed offspring, would create the balancing Force of Good, but only if he could learn how to tame the Darkness he fell in love with.
Since prophecies were always gibberish, it was Jiyeon who explained that you had everything to do with this. You were the one who brought darkness to the equation, and he was to help you manage and control it, but also love it as any other part of you. She assumed that the balancing Force meant that it was paramount in preserving the natural struggle between the Good and Evil, the Yin and Yang of the entire world, and it was probably your duo that was meant to keep the scale tipped towards the Good.
Either way, you were destined to be together. And the fact that he changed now meant nothing.
‘Didn’t I make you a complete goody-two-shoes in the future?’ He asked through a sarcastic smirk, hands still roaming your body.
‘You ‘tamed my darkness’. What’s to say you cannot un-tame it?’ Murmuring seductively, you guided his hand under your skirt.
Changing the attire was the right decision.
‘Oh?’ He pulled you flush to his body. ‘Why don’t we continue in a more convenient interior?’
He orbed you into some other cave. It looked much better in comparison with the one you were in before. Like a gloomy underground room with just one entry point. You wondered where that door led.
As soon as you were there, he plopped you onto a large rock that was part of the wall and tugged at your hair. You hummed as he kissed your exposed neck, every touch dangerous as if he could sink his teeth deep into your throat at any given moment.
When he found your lips, it was rough and fast. Your tongue was in his mouth, and then it wasn’t, overpowered by his. The clothed thighs pressed to your core and ground on you.
‘Fuck,’ he breathed into your mouth, lower lip glistening with saliva. ‘I’d love to show you a good time, but I have something urgent to take care of.’
You pouted, running your fingers through his thick hair. His eyes changed for a second, much less cold than before, but you barely caught that fleeting moment. Despite thinking that you’d abhor this Baekhyun, a strange lust was awakened by his proximity, and you somehow felt more drawn to him.
‘But I want you to take care of me now… Can’t it wait another ten minutes?’
He gave you the most lascivious look.
‘What an impatient little slut,’ he gritted, hand reaching down to pull his already hard dick out of his pants. ‘I give you five. Take it or leave it.’
Before you could answer, he was bucking into you.
At the painful sting, you cried out.
‘Sh-h, you’re gonna spook the baby-me,’ he warned, licking his thumb and finding your clit. ‘Just this once. Don’t get used to this.’
With added stimulation, his shallow thrusts became quite bearable, and in a couple of minutes, he could very well take his foot off the brakes.
You held your moans in, now that you realized that he was keeping his past self close by, and only grunted.
‘I haven’t told you this before,’ he almost growled, pulling the hem of your dress further up and looking at where his fingers were playing with you. ‘But this is my favorite view.’
The question in your heavy-lidded eyes prompted him to continue.
‘I love fucking you like this. Completely exposed. Lips wet…’ He chuckled, adding a lewd, ‘Mouth too.’
‘Mh- Feels so good,’ you muttered, reaching out to him.
It was a hopeless try, yet he surprised you by leaning in. You tugged at his hair, making him rumble.
‘Come all over my pussy,’ you hummed before arching your back in pleasure.
Watching you come, Baekhyun delivered a few more rough thrusts, and, as soon as you were done, pulled out and pumped himself.
‘Hh-yes, yes, fuck-’
His face scrunched up, and you felt warm strings of his cum soil your inner thigh. Working his hand, he milked himself dry and stopped only when it became much less pleasant.
Both of you had to take another minute or two to catch your breaths.
‘You know what? Let me take care of my family business, and then we can continue this,’ he hummed, tucking himself in and reaching down to bite your lower lip teasingly.
Smiling at him, you nodded in agreement.
‘I’ll be right back,’ he promised.
‘And I’ll be waiting for you,’ you replied, demonstratively scooping some of his semen from between your legs and shoving the coated finger into your mouth.
‘Oh, just give me a second, whore.’
He disappeared behind the door, and you quickly snapped your fingers to clean up and restore your clothing. A second later – you were in the middle of the attic.
‘Incoming!’ You announced, alerting the sisters. ‘Here, the hair.’
Jiwoo motioned for you to drop them into the potion, and then distributed it in three vials. Just to be safe.
‘How did you even get those?’ Jinah asked.
‘I don’t think you, as his mother, would want to know…’ Jiyeon remarked, subtly motioning for you to cover your neck.
He probably did leave a mark or two…
There wasn’t much time before Baekhyun was to make an appearance, so you decided to hide and make sure they had this. And you disappeared just in time – a second before the dark orbs revealed him, holding his younger self’s hand. Upon arrival, he examined the room, taking notice of his family. All present and ready for combat.
‘You better get out of my way,’ he waved a hand, and the three sisters were thrown to the side, clearing the path to where the Book was. ‘Let’s get what we came here for.’
He was addressing the child. Your eyes widened as you realized – he wanted to use his younger self somehow to gain access to the Book of Shadows.
‘You left us no choice!’ Jinah shouted, throwing a potion vial his way.
He stopped in his tracks, letting go of the tiny hand. And then turned around.
Although you watched from outside of the room, you could feel his dark aura become even more intense. They had angered him.
‘You really… shouldn’t have done this,’ he gritted, and Jiwoo threw another vial at him before Jiyeon screamed for Hyunie to get away.
Losing his temper, Baekhyun shocked the Charmed sisters with his power. Although the potions did weaken him, he was still powerful enough to bring harm to them. The force had flung their bodies to the wall and held them there, floating in the air and unmoving.
‘Didn’t I tell you to stay out of my way?’ He rumbled, making them yelp in pain from the sheer force.
That was it. You couldn’t stay behind any longer. Using his momentary distraction, you slipped into the room and reached the scared boy left in the middle of the attic with only his teddy bear to hold onto.
‘Hyunie,’ you called softly, dropping down on your knees next to him. ‘I know you’re scared, sweetie, but I won’t let anyone hurt you, okay?’
He looked at you silently, chocolate eyes big and trusting.
‘We can help your mommy and aunties. But you have to do me a little favor first,’ you stroked his head almost motherly. ‘Would you let noona hold your teddy? Just for a second. I’ll give it right back, promise.’
‘What are you doing?!’ Baekhyun roared, glaring at you over his shoulder, and allowing the sisters to fall to the floor as he turned his attention to you.
That was when Jiyeon threw the third vial at him, stalling him for a few moments to buy you time as he struggled against the magical effects of the potion, becoming completely enraged.
‘I’ll protect you from him, sweetie. Please, let me hold-’
Baekhyunie outstretched his arm, offering you his toy. You wasted no time, snatching it out of his hands.
The teddy bear began to glow.
‘No!’ Baekhyun yelled, breaking out of the potion’s confines, and conjuring a powerful energy ball to throw your way.
There was no time to do anything but leap forward, covering the boy next to you with your whole body. To shield him from the deadly hit at all costs.
An explosion sounded, and there were voices and screaming… But you still held the tiny body to your chest, protecting him from any impact.
The truth was… you felt no impact.
Opening your eyes, you searched the floor for signs of blood or any destruction. Slowly turning around, you saw Baekhyun. His hair was back to normal color, and his clothes were ordinary too. He was back.
‘What- I-’ Baekhyun turned around, finding his family on the floor. ‘Mom! Oh my god!’
He rushed to help them up, and you noticed that the room had a blue-ish hue to it. And then you realized…
Baekhyunie held his orb shield up to protect you.
Unwrapping his tiny arms from your waist, you met his puppy eyes.
‘It’s okay, Hyunie,’ you cooed. ‘You can lower your defenses; the evil is gone. We’re safe now.’
You took his teddy bear from the floor and shook it to get the dust off before handing it back to the boy. He pressed it to his chest, but then looked at you again with the same trusting gaze. Melting under it, you scooped the boy up, rocking him from side to side.
‘You did great,’ you murmured, lips tickling his temple with a smooch. ‘Protected noona and saved the future. Baekhyunie is the best boy.’
Scrambling yourself off the floor, you finally brought the quietly giggling pile to his mother.
‘Oh, thank god!’ Jinah clamored, taking him from you.
She and Jiwoo fussed over the boy, while Jiyeon rubbed your forearm sympathetically.
‘Are you okay?’ She asked.
‘Yeah. Baekhyunie used his shield to protect us both, so not a scratch.’
‘Better tell him that,’ she tilted her head, motioning at Baekhyun, who stared down at his feet awkwardly a few steps away from you.
‘Hey stranger,’ you called, approaching him and instantly wrapping your arms around his torso.
He ‘oh’-ed in surprise and reciprocated timorously.
‘I’m- so sorry,’ he sighed, and you looked up in surprise. ‘For everything I did… I didn’t-’
‘Hey-hey-hey, hold on,’ you interrupted him. ‘It wasn’t your fault, the demon corrupted you as a baby, changing your future personality as a result. You’re fine now, and no one was hurt… not too much anyways,’ you corrected sheepishly.
Baekhyun’s eyes looked distressed, so you touched his face tenderly.
‘It really is okay now, baby. We’re all doing great, right?’ You turned to Jinah and the others, and they nodded, proving your point.
‘Are you sure you are all fine? No one needs healing?’ He still inquired anxiously.
‘Nah, we’re fine, really,’ Jiwoo waved him off. ‘And I think you should be on your way back already!’
‘She’s right, you know?’ You turned to Baekhyun, who was scratching his head.
‘What about all the knowledge? Of the future?’
‘I’ll ask the Elders to do their memory dust trick on us.’ Jiwoo promised, and you simply nodded. ‘We messed up enough of the future for one day.’
It was time for goodbyes, so all of you took turns hugging each other.
When it were Jiyeon’s arms around you, her voice whispered mysteriously in your ear.
‘The Balancing Force will be your third offspring.’
‘What?!’ You couldn’t help but exclaim.
‘Sh-h! I read it off of you and I have no clue what it means but… take care. Both of him and yourself. And start breaking your wedding shoes in well in advance,’ she winked at you, stepping away so that you could say bye to Jinah.
‘Someone else wanted to say something,’ she smiled, putting Baekhyunie down so that he could approach you himself.
You crouched down to be more or less on the same level as the boy and waited for him to do whatever it was he wanted to do.
As it turned out, Hyunie wanted to present you with his precious teddy.
‘Is that for me?’ You asked when an astonished gasp sounded from the sisters.
The boy nodded shyly.
‘For favorite noona.’
You blinked. This was the single sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for you. He was so adorable it was impossible to handle.
‘Hm, you know what?’ You began, offering him to take his beloved toy back. ‘Could you keep this bear safe for me? And next time we meet – when you’re all grown up – you can give it to me. If you still think noona is your favorite. Would you do that for me?’
He nodded firmly, taking his task seriously, and you nearly squealed again at his cuteness.
‘Be a good boy always, Baekhyunie,’ you told him and kissed his plump rosy cheek.
‘The spell is finished!’ Jiwoo announced, waving a tiny sheet of paper.
Baekhyun nodded, looking at you as if to ask ‘Are you ready?’.
‘Let’s go home,’ you smiled, and the sisters began chanting.
 ‘Son in the future, son in the past,
seeing anew what once had passed.
Return him now from whence he came,
His love to follow, all be the same.’
 When you opened your eyes, you were back to where you were when Baekhyun disappeared on you. The bedsheets were still as messy as you’d left them, and you noticed something new – a tiny teddy bear – sitting at the top of the nightstand. He kept it for you. It wasn’t even a question since he had no other toys in his room. Having two younger siblings, he didn’t get to keep much memorabilia. But that one he did.
Just as you wanted to point that out, he released your hand and wrapped it around his waist. You glanced at him, noticing that he was even more upset now.
‘Baek-’ You began, but he shook his head, shutting you down.
‘I know you told me it isn’t my fault. But- I understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore.’
He gulped a breath, bracing himself to continue.
‘You’ve sacrificed enough to save my future, Y/N… I can’t ask-’
‘Well, shielding Baekhyunie was hardly a sacrifice. Hi- your shield protected me from all and any harm, really.’ You reached out, but he still didn’t let you touch him.
‘I didn’t mean that.’ His answers only added to your perplexity. ‘I meant the- how- you let me use you to get closer and stop me…’ He trailed off.
‘Baekhyun,’ you sighed, stepping closer to him until he had nowhere to move away, and forcefully trapped him in your arms. ‘You listen to me very carefully.’
He didn’t look at you at all, but you could tell he was paying attention.
‘I did what I had to, that is true, but- Please, don’t misunderstand! It doesn’t mean that I- didn’t- enjoy it,’ you finally got it out, and he turned to you in confusion.
‘Enjoy… it?’
‘Yes. I- How do I describe it… When you turned evil, I wanted to change you back. I love you the way you are. Your gentle heart, your good deeds… You treat everyone well, you’re a loving son, big brother, and cousin, and a great friend. Lecture me about personal gain and using our powers for good all day long!’ You teased, earning a small smile. ‘But- I cannot say I couldn’t relate to you when you became evil. It felt… Exciting even. I know it’s probably freaking you out, but it’s no secret that I have a dark side to me, and I guess it is easier for it to relate to you when you have it too…’
You looked at the floor in shame, still holding onto him tight, as if to prevent him from orbing away and leaving you here alone. He swallowed audibly before speaking up again.
‘Everyone has a dark side. I wouldn’t turn bad just like that if I didn’t have one,’ he said, tracing your features with his eyes. ‘If I give in to the darkness and let it rule, I might become evil. How come your demon half doesn’t relate to me?’
‘Because your father is a whitelighter, Baek. You’re literally part witch, part angel…’ You rolled your eyes.
‘So? Angels fall from grace. Dad did once too, you know? To be with his family. With mom.’ Baekhyun’s voice seeped into your ears like honey. ‘I know that you can be bad, but so can I. So can anyone. And although my family was terrified when they heard of your demonic side, I- was never wary of it.’
‘You weren’t?’
‘Not at all,’ he smiled. ‘I love you the way you are. I even like it when you use your powers freely, not caring about the rules. It’s incredible: you do it as much as you want and are still you, whereas I… I could be corrupted and thrown off my path just from exercising my power like this. Heck, I can be corrupted with just a teddy bear!’
‘You make it sound like your dark side is worse than mine,’ you snorted, and he pulled you closer to his warm body.
‘It’s not a competition, and I don’t even think ‘bad’ is a fitting description for it. It is dark. It has potential for bad things. But it’s not necessarily bad. We’re both living proofs of that.’
‘Alright, alright, I’m convinced. We’re both dark as fuck but pretty good still.’ You summarized.
‘Language,’ Baekhyun scowled, causing you to burst out laughing.
‘Hey, there’s something else… I need to get off my chest.’ You said, sitting him down on the bed before taking the spot next to him.
He looked curious.
‘I- Your aunt told me something before they sent us off. She said,’ you pursed your lips for a moment. ‘That the Balancing Force would be our third child…’
You looked at him, awaiting his reaction, and he just went ‘Huh.’
‘Huh? That all you got??’ You frowned at him impatiently, unimpressed by the lack of feedback.
‘Sorry. I just thought it was going to be our fourth one.’
Baekhyun shrugged, and you almost fell off the bed as you screamed.
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A/N: Yayyy!! Happy to see you here after finishing the story, hope you enjoyed it^^ Let me know in your comments/ reblogs and asks! As usual, I remind you there’s no need to hold back and be shy, I always appreciate all of your messages <3
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Dewey se encuentra solo cuando descubre la verdad en el diario de Lena al final de la primera temporada??? Cómo lo maneja??
I know that this wasn’t technically your question but I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, I hope that this is ok and that it still answers your question, if not then let me know and I can try and go into more detail about what you want to know. Now, without further ado:
How The Shadow War Part II: Day of the Ducks! would go in my “HDLW grow up with their Duck Cousins counterparts” AU (Part 1 is here)
Quick Note: To avoid this being too long and/or bothersome I’m not going to talk about the things that would stay almost exactly the same as in canon (I.E.: The one-on-one scenes with Scrooge and Magica) unless it’s A.) Very important, or B.) Not super important but I need it for set-up so that things don’t just happen out of nowhere
The family is in shock of Magica De Spell’s appearance when Gyro, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb climb onto the boat talking about the underwater lab and the shadows
Donald starts giving his dramatic speech, only for no one to be able to understand him and for Dewey to half-jokingly call him “Unintelligible”
Donald chases Dewey around, Gyro grabs him and gives him The Barksian Modulator (the voice box thing)
Donald does some quick tongue twisters and then finishes his dramatic speech and tells everyone the game plan
Donald tells Dewey to stay at the dock and to “Under no circumstances come to the bin”
So obviously he’s going to the bin
However, he can’t break in on his own and goes to find an expert on breaking into places: Lena
He goes to search the old stage by the beach where she usually hangs out and when he can’t find her anywhere he ends up stomping the ground from frustration and accidentally opens a trap door
Dewey goes down to find a clearly lived-in room, but still no Lena
He spots the journal under a bench(?), quickly pulls it out, opens it, and begins reading:
“To end the line of Clan McDuck She sought a token of their luck Lo, with the eclipse in its prime She’d trap old Scrooge within his dime But Scrooge reversed her vengeance planned And in his Dime, the witch did land. Yet as he struck the final blow She cast a spy from her shadow I walk the earth and wield her power To bring about McDuck’s last hour”
Dewey is heartbroken and angry when he finds out that his only friend betrayed him for Magica and ends up pulling a curtain down from the wall to reveal Lena’s painting of Magica being freed and trapping Scrooge in the dime in her place
He runs off with a new determination to save his family
Dewey swims to the flooded underwater lab (I have no clue how they get the scuba gear in canon but that’s how he gets it here too) and swims up the elevator shaft to one of the Money Bins hallways
He trudges up the stairs until he realizes that his shadow is back and it attacks him
He managed to cut the lights so he won’t cast a shadow and uses the night-vision goggles that he keeps with him because his granny always says that “A good spy is always prepared”
As soon as he steps into the office, and into the light, a bunch of shadows rise up
Before they have a chance to attack Dewey Donald tackles one of them saying “Get away from my kid” and proceeds to take out the rest of them
They have a brief “You’re right on time” moment before more shadows appear and Donald pushes Dewey through the door to the Bin and tells him to save his uncle while Donald holds off the shadows
Magica sends a blast of magic towards him, breaking the platform Dewey is standing on
He manages to use his grappling hook to slow the fall although he does land rather ungracefully
Magica brings herself closers and shows off her new limited edition Scrooge-Dime
She starts attacking him and Dewey decides to use the “Cause as much chaos as possible” battle tactic
He runs around dodging her attacks until she’s dizzy and disoriented, and then he kicks the dime out of her hand and charges for her, fueled by the rage of the betrayal of his best friend
Dewey continues to attack her with the sorceress now on the defensive while yelling at her
Magica manages to summon the dime back to her and knocks Dewey away, stating that Lena could never be his friend because Lena was never real
Magica tells him how pathetic he was to be friends with a shadow
She sends a bolt of her magenta magic towards him with the intent to “put him out of his misery” only for a bright blue light coming from his bracelet to shield him
Lena appears in her shadow-realm form (idk what to call it) and shouts at Magica to get away from her best friend while tackling her
The two fight for a bit and Magica hits Lena with her staff, sending the girl away
Dewey shouts and launches himself at the woman in a fit of rage
She drops the dime and Dewey grabs it and runs
Magica send a blast of magic at him but he uses to dime to deflect it and ends up freeing Scrooge
Scrooge images Magica in a fight and knocks the staff away from her just as Donald, Beakley, Manny, and Fenton open the vault door
Donald sees the staff and attempts to catch it only to trip and break it, thus draining Magica of her powers and dispelling (pun intended) the shadows
Magica uses a smoke bomb and runs off.
Dewey solemnly stares at his friendship bracelet as he realizes that Lena is gone
He puts it back on but fails to see Lena briefly appearing behind him as he does, and then approaches his great-uncle
Scrooge gives him a large hug
Donald attempts to say that family is the greatest adventure of all, only to start coughing and cough up The Barksian Modulator, which Scrooge covers with some coins
The family “swims” happily in the gold
Meanwhile, Della and Webby see a picture of Scrooge McDuck and his family on the TV they’ve barely gotten to work, and notice a few missing people
Ok, I know that it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done an episode post and I’m sorry, I will try to get better at that. Right now we just have to get through Nothing Can Stop Della Duck (AKA Webby intro part 3) and Whatever Happened To Donald Duck before we reach [REDACTED] (feel free to guess what it is). I’m still not planning on answering any “how would [episode] go?” asks anytime soon (mostly because I don’t have the energy right now) and the main reasons I did this one was because I’ve already done part one of this episode and it was on my list of episodes I want to do. However, I would still love to answer any other asks you have about this AU!
Important Links/Info For AU
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gigilefache · 4 years
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So this au. I said I was gonna post some of the updated story stuff for it so I'll just do that.
So this au is based around the concept of Kirby's species being of a powerful, other worldly, angelic origin.
This au is also mostly a backstory au, so there is no big change to the canon settings, rather a backstory setting. This setting being the realm of "The Aether." The puff home dimension. 
The dimension is a paradise area. It is inhabited by only puffs. The main central area of the Aether is a towering star shaped plateau, encompassing forests with a wide variety of nature, bodies of starry/galactic water, snowy mountains, and artificial towers made of unknown materials. Outside of the main plateau are floating isles and other large pillars reaching up to the high heavens, but they're just there to look cool. At the center of the plateau is an even taller tower, reaching so high it barley pierces the barrier of the dimension, and all other dimensions can be seen from there. The tower is known as the Skyview Tower, and it's peak is called "the Peak of Yonder Otherworlds." This peak is also rests a mirror. Using the purest forms of the four elements on this mirror can summon the Mother Orb. But she's mean, so like, don't.
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There are four levels to The Aether, and each one is mainly inhabited by a different type of puff.
The bottom level is the Silent Outskirts. It's incredibly dark, due to the sky being blocked by storm clouds. Despite it's darkness however, it is home to a lot of bio-luminescent plants and crystals. There is a lot of interdimensional trash here too, stuff that accidentally pours in from other dimensions like candy wrappers, shattered mirrors, rammen packs, stuffed animals, and the occasional corpse.
The level above that is the Titanous Terrain. This level is located on the part of the plateau just above the storm clouds. It is inhabited by soul puffs, and makes up a majority of the realm’s natural beauty.
Above that is Angelic Area where the heart puffs reside. And it's all in the clouds. The only solid ground being floating platforms and high reaching pillars. It's very peaceful. Many aspects of this area are actually mechanical though, specifically the floating isles.
The level above that is the River of Heavens. A twilight sky area inhabited by dream puffs. There are many constellations here, as well as edible star fragments. The river has a fountain of dreams vibe to it, complete with bio-luminescent artifacts like in Silent Outskirts.
The last setting is within Skyview Tower. It appears very tall and monstrous, but it's actually pretty cozy, and each floor is different. The first few floors have gardens, pantries, bedrooms, and even an observatory. Once you climb the floors though it gets more eerie. There are stained glass windows in empty rooms, galleries with moving paintings, prophetic tapestries, mechanical floors that make lots of noises, and a big bedroom/playroom that is really dusty with a creepy music box vibe going on. There's also a couple rest areas.
There are four categories of puffs, each being based on the elements of dark, dream, heart, and soul. However, the characters Kirby, Void Termina, Meta knight, Galacta Knight, Morpho Knight, and the Mother Orb (character specific to this au) are in none of these aforementioned categories because they are culmination of all four elements.
There different types of puff and their defining traits are as follows:
Dark: dark/shadow colors. Have glowing eyes and cheek blushes. Can have glowing horns or antennae. They have mouth eyes that glow in the dark.
Dream: colors you would see in a twilight sky or sunset. Have glowing features like horns or antennae, but they can also have glittery wings or fins. They have star shaped cheek patterns. sometimes they're even cats.
Heart: very small. These puffs don't have glowing features, but they can fly. They are pastel in appearance, and have heart shaped cheek patterns. They are also cuddly.
Soul: see copy abilities. Yeah that's them. Except they are just a bit goopy, like fresh paint.
All encompassing (chaos): Kirby and Void are both all encompassing, as well as the Mother Orb, which created all of the puffs. Defining features are hunger and bastard tendencies.
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There are also light puffs and glass/mirror puffs. Both are found inside of Skyview Tower. The mirror puffs act like guards, while light puffs are mostly servants/messengers.  
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The Mother Orb, also named Twinkle Popo ,is the creator of all puffs except for Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, and Morpho Knight. She appears as a big bright Kirby with a tiny face, rainbow markings that extend from her cheeks and throughout her body like veins, wings like the SA sparkler or the dragoon, and a halo. However she is actually the entire dimension, in that every part of the realm is connected to the Mother orb. The mother orb created all puffs, but Void was created using her direct essence. So void is essentially her son.
Because Void was stolen by the ancients, the Mother Orb got really pissy, so whenever they tried to come back for more stuff she "confronted" them. After Void was sealed, she cried for ten thousand years. Eventually her tears turned into Kirby, another direct descendent.
The Mother Orb was a lot more controlling of Kirby, and kept them locked up in the tower for a little bit. After a while Kirby just kind of decided "fuck this" and left the dimension entirely.
The Mother Orb also doesn't speak. She's just bass boosted Kirby. She loud.
Meta Knight, and by extension the other orbular star warriors, were genetically made to be the strongest warriors. Meta knight the only one made with all encompassing matter, while the others like Sir Arthur, Percival, Galahad, and Lancelot are each made of a specific type of matter.
Galacta Knight was made to essentially be an avatar of all matters, so they are also lab grown. They were made to specifically take care of void. And by take care I mean kill. But after they did that Galacta got put in the timeout crystal.
Morpho Knight was created by Necrodeus with all encompassing matter, and is actually more powerful than him. But because he's a little bitch baby he turned Morpho into a butterfly. They have an agreement that if Morpho takes enough souls to the underworld then they will get their real form back. They won't keep this promise. Sometimes they visit the Aether and they tell Galacta about it.
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There are guardians throughout the Aether that watch over the purest forms of the four elements. They also act as guardian figures to the puffs of that area. But this is all they do.
That's it though. Hope this Au is to your liking. Tell me if there's anything I can do to improve on it, or just tell me your thoughts on it. Thank you for reading.
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I posted 105 times in 2021
21 posts created (20%)
84 posts reblogged (80%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.0 posts.
I added 46 tags in 2021
#original writing - 7 posts
#shitpost - 7 posts
#worldbuilding - 6 posts
#oc: maxie - 5 posts
#maxie - 4 posts
#inscryption - 4 posts
#time bokan - 4 posts
#inscryption spoilers - 3 posts
#one piece - 3 posts
#horror - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#emmy ascended into an eternal recurrence of a reincarnation that sometimes shares all memories
My Top Posts in 2021
My current hyperfixations(MotU2021 and Inscryption) are bleeding into each other. Read my previous Inscryption post for a summary of my crappy sequel/AU idea. Also this is post Season 1 for MotU2021.
-Basically, after Grogal(and after The Student collects more cards including The Stinkbug(Grimora), and The Second Stoat(a brand new character made for this AU/sequel) and beats up the planet's resident darklords in the card game), The Student accidentally turns left at Abucurky(The Star Station was named as such by the Star Humans as an inside joke) and enters a hole in time space. One that goes to Eternia.
-There, they(all pronouns for my child) screw around and make the big mistake of using an Archfiend. Archfiends warp reality slightly to show off their power.
-The Snake Mountain gang get winds of this.
-The Student gets kidnapped and has to play tutorial man to a group of losers on power trips(Skeletor is the biggest and strongest, but, for whatever reason, he's merciful towards The Student. The real scariest is Kronis. Everyone else can play the game just fine, but Kronis cannot get the rules to stay in his head too long).
-The Stoat, The Stinkbug, and The Second Stoat are perpetually on the edge of losing their minds every time something goes wrong.
-Which is often.
-Like holy shit man. Skeletor keeps trying to steal the masks The Student puts on to try and enhance the experience, Evelyn always wants to summon an Archfiend, R'Qazz keeps sacrificing the animal cards, and Kronis is a trainwreck.
-I have no idea what else to do with this idea.
5 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 22:10:39 GMT
Balan Wonderworld is a bad modern game.
This kinda essay is exactly what it says on the tin. Balan Wonderworld is a bad modern game because of dated controls, a lack of non-book story, and the lack of ability to keep up the vibe. In the olden times of Platformers, this stuff would have been partially O.K. The controls wouldn't be dated, the story would have had some explanation of stuff(Fun Fact: The game is based on Broadway musicals. Did you know that until you saw a post on the subject? I didn't. The game only hints at this stuff.) and back then, games had to keep the vibe visible or else perish. The Cutscenes are a 10/10. Character design has *T H O S E* vibes
7 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 01:03:16 GMT
*slaps desk* Tell me what you like about Yatterman.
Yatterman is, from an outsider's perspective, batshit insane. It has such a simple looking premise(two superpower-less kids, their toy robot, and their mech robot go and fight a trio of bad guys with their own mech made for the episode and an unknown bad guy), but then you watch the episodes, and dear god. It's ridiculous, and oh no I've gotten attached to these many dumbasses(I'm looking at the Dorombo gang, as respectfully as I can at a bunch of idiots who look completely ridiculous and YatterKing, yatterking my beloved) and also, What The F*** just happened. Have my offering of Youtube subtitled Episodes of Yatterman(1977) in hopes of Dorombo gang fanart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjeizKaIPOo&list=PL8X1q_TwRdmfRJAzVrhawKlyOAtF6e5jC
Also, watch other Time Bokan series.
12 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 01:16:08 GMT
Weird Inscryption AU/Sequel Ideas Part 1
-We start with a 'friendly' duel between The Student and The Teacher. The Student is featureless beyond wearing a hat and a cloak. The Teacher is a many eyed being with many arms and hands. The Teacher is the worst mix between Leshy and P03 personality-wise, but they still attempt to teach you the game.
-The game is changed slightly. There is still Blood, Bones, and Energy. The mechanics on energy have changed(drain the health of an animal/undead thing/another robot/rememory to summon a robot). The element that replaces Mox is Memory. Memory is a resource acquired turn by turn to be used when you call upon a rememory(basically a character card). There are multi-resource super cards that are divided into Archfiends and Archangels(They all speak! all other cards that can do this are seen as anomalies)
-Your starting deck is mainly blood based cards with only high bone/1 blood/3 memory cost card Kraken as an outlier. It also has your(the player's) old friend, The Stoat(there's another non-P03 Stoat later on).
-The Stoat's a curiosity to The Teacher. The Stoat does not think likewise. The Stoat is less abusive towards The Student compared to his/their/it's antics in the previous game. Kraken and The Stoat start bickering the second their ideas on how to play clash. Kraken loves The Student as a friend.
-After you win two direct battles against The Teacher, he basically forces you out with the excuse of 'see the world, fight better card players, get a better deck'(the real reason is that The Teacher is being 'fixed' and his personality will change and he doesn't want to be seen suffer).
-This is where Act 2 gameplay returns.
-please don't kill me. I have fun world building.
-In the White Spiral Galaxy, the card game is a hobby! A massive hobby, but a hobby none the less.
-The Student cannot fight. They need someone/something else to get them between settlements. The Stoat almost calls The Student a little bitch at one point(involving a trio of crappy raiders, a lich who loves the card game and is also a Darklord matching minds with you(5th return of Act 1 style), and one hell of an exit).
-There are 8 major planets in the White Spiral Galaxy.
-They are: Lero(the Green Planet), Grogal(the Desert Planet), Tormental(The Water Planet), Glisenglim(The Ice Planet), Gigantula(The Giant Jungle Planet), Tinkadink(The Fountain Mine Planet), Zeus(The Cloud Planet), and The Unnamed Planet(The New Planet).
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 23:08:33 GMT
Happy Nintendo Direct
Splatoon is one of my joys just b/c worldbuilding. Clothes and Weapon based Worldbuilding that ties into biology worldbuilding.
There is going to be a Splatoon 3. Ya’ll need to get ready b/c while 1990s throwback stuff is fine, I’m ALL here for the post-apoc type outfits. Maybe, Nintendo could make hybrid outfits where it’s both post-apocalypse and 1990s outfit, b/c that would be the best aesthetic.
13 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 01:32:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mostweakhamlets · 5 years
Roll for AU
You'll need a set of gaming dice (or Google has a dice roller) and follow these instructions. The outcome will be an AU that goes like: "__ AU. (Character) is the main character who (characteristic) and (major event happens). (One of the six literary conflicts) is hindering their happiness/wellbeing. The story ends with (outcome)."
Some are going to be silly. Some might get sad. Some just might be lame. This is just for fun, and it might spark an idea for someone. Let me know if you get an interesting/ridiculous one!
AU (D20)
For AUs that focus on an occupation/role, it will apply to whoever your main character is
Modern human
Paranormal investigator
Medieval fantasy
Conspiracy theorist
Street fashion icon
University student
Starving artist
Bodyguard + celebrity (mc is body guard. Celebrity is of your own choosing)
Regency era
Struggling novelist
Social media influencer (platform of own choosing)
Gamer/Twitch streamer
Main character (D12)
Madame Tracy
You main character is someone who... (D10)
Cannot keep a plant alive for more than a week (they live alone, have anxiety, and plants are their only companions)
Secretly runs a famous blog
Has recently broken up from with their partner of five years
Has a rivalry with their neighbor (roll d12 for neighbor) over the upcoming neighborhood gardening contests
Come from a rough backstory that they don't talk about though it affects their every day life
Has an upcoming surgery that they won't tell anyone about
Was recently promoted (or got popular if an influencer/model/actor/etc.)
Recently moved to a new town where they don't know anyone but thankfully they have a kind neighbor (d12 for character)
Is trying to quit smoking for their spouse, but is too stressed to do so successfully, causing marital problems
Is really financially irresponsible and keeps spending rent money on as-seen-on-TV products
Major event (D8)
Love interests/additional characters do not need to be rolled for
MC's spouse (of own choosing) falls ill with a mysterious illness
MC adopts a cat
MC's learns that their love interest (of own choosing) is actually a supernatural entity
MC starts a cycling class on January 2nd as part of their new year's resolution and meets (roll d12) who is also trying to get in shape
MC inherits a farmhouse in the country from a recently deceased family member they hardly knew and meets overly-involved local (d12 for character)
MC accidentally summons a demon (roll d12 to find out who the demon is)
MC quits their job to start their own dream business with a friend (roll d12 for friend)
MC joins a book club to get out of the house and socialize and meets (roll d12)
Type of conflict (D6)
In literature, there are six types of conflict. This may need additional googling on your part if you're unfamiliar with these
Character v. Self
Character v. Character (roll d12 for character #2)
Character v. Nature
Character v. Supernatural
Character v. Technology
Character v. Society
Outcome (D4)
They live happily ever after
Major character death (character of own choosing)
MC gets married
MC goes to jail
I hope people actually use this omg I spent a while on it. Mine is:
Bodyguard + celeb AU. Michael is the main character who was recently promoted (I'll make Aziraphale their client) and her spouse becomes ill (I'm making Beelzebub their spouse). Character v. Character (Beelzebub (ooh could be interesting)) hinders her happiness. It ends happily ever after.
Do not tell me that wouldn't be a dope story! Try it and please hit up my inbox if you want to share yours!
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stormtodoroki · 4 years
Love Sparks
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader
Soulmate AU
Warnings: None
P.O.V: Reader's
Word Count: 2,644
The knowledge about how and when Quirks came along goes far beyond my family's history, at least I think. My name is Aizawa, (f/n) and I am preparing for my UA entrance exam, thankfully my mother has allowed me to come to Japan from America for schooling. She mentioned something about being able to meet my grandparents as well as my biological father, if I get the chance. She hasn't told me much about him, every time I'd ask her she'd get really mad and tell me not to ask again, but I was persistent, I just had to know. But that's not the only thing I had to know, not only are quirks a fascinating part of our lives but so is the way we find our forever person, our body's receive a shock that courses through our bodies when we make skin to skin contact with our soulmate. 
I stood at the main gates and took a few deep breaths, this was it, the beginning of my future, if I passed this entrance exam I will officially be a hero student at UA High. As I took my steps over the threshold and moved closer to the designated building I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding. What if my quirk might not be good enough to get through? What if someone has a similar quirk and they have better control over it than I do? I stopped walking all together and was about to turn around when someone crashed into me. 
I looked up to see what I could only describe as an angry porcupine, his face contorted with rage if I looked at him close enough I'd probably see steam coming out of his ears. I let out a quick apology and nodded, he tsked and walked away grumbling, boy I would hate to be in the same testing area as him, I'm just grateful that I didn't say anything back to him.  I shook my head clear and walked into the building, looking for my number I sat next to a kid who looked like he was in the wrong place, he dressed a bit too formal. I wonder if he's going to take the exam in that? 
I took a quick glance around and gulp, there's a lot of kids here, I knew how prestigious the school was and how low the acceptance rate was, but this was just insane. My attention was soon directed to the front  where- oh my gosh it's the Pro-hero Present Mic., he's giving us the run down for the practical? This should be good. 
Present Mic. walked to the middle of the stage, he turned to all of us and screamed,
"Welcome to today's live performance. Everybody say, hey!"
We were all silent. You could hear crickets chirping. 
"Well, that's cool, my examinee listeners! I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical, are you ready, there was silence, yet again as he screamed, "YEAH! "
Listening to Present Mic. screaming and talking loud like he always does began to give me a headache, rubbing my temples I tried to focus on what he was saying. A few rows or so away, I heard what sounded like muttering, I quietly turned and looked towards it, there was a boy with unruly green hair next to, I can't believe it… it's the angry porcupine from earlier who knocked into me. Though he didn't seem too happy to be next to the green haired boy.
"This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing 10-minute-long "mock cityscape maneuvers"! Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, each head to your assigned testing location."
"Is that so kids from the same middle school can't help each other out?"
I heard from the duo behind me, shaking my head clear I was happy that I didn't know anyone from Japan so it'd be easier for me to take the test and not worry about  any of my friends who were also trying to get into UA, all I have to do is worry about myself. 
"Each site is filled with 3 kinds of faux villains, points are rewarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!! Use your quirks to disable, these faux villains and earn points! That's your goal, listeners! Of course, playing the anti-hero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!"
I noticed during this part of Present Mics. explanation, the boy dressed in formal attire next to me was twitching in his seat, he waited for Present Mic. to finish talking before he up abruptly stood up with his hand and paper in the air.
"Excuse me, but if I may ask a question?!"
Oh boy, this ought to be great… 
"There appear to be no fewer than 4 varieties of faux, the one on this handout, such a bland, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for you. Japan's top academy we're all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes."
He then turned and pointed to Green Bean. 
"And you with the curly hair, you've been muttering this whole time, it's distracting if this is some sort of game to you then please leave immediately! "
He muttered, sorry and put his hands to his mouth, I covered my mouth with my hand and fought back a giggle. 
"Alright, alright, examinee 7111 nice catch thanks, but the 4th faux villain variety gets you zero points this more of an obstacle, have you all played Super Mario Brothers, the old retro games?"
"It's kind of like a thwomp! Only one at each site, a "gimmick" that will rampage around in close quarters."
I heard quiet murmurs about the zero pointer all around me and just shook my head in pity, clearly this is a decoy. Yes, there may be a zero pointer but it's more likely to be the biggest one there is otherwise there'd be more stationed at each site. They expect us not to worry about said faux villain, yet it'll probably be the most important one in the whole exam, I'll have to keep an eye out for it. 
"Thank you, sir, I apologize for the interruption!"
With that the formal guy next to me took a bow and sat back down. 
"That's all for me, I'll leave my listeners  with our school motto, the great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'true heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life!' plus ultra!! Break a leg everyone! "
With that everyone got up from their spots and filed out in search of where they were to go.  As I looked around the battle center I was sent to a breathed out a sigh of relief, neither the formal dude or the hot head were in sight. I looked around for the green bean to ask him what the hot head had shoved up his butt, but to my dismay he wasn't assigned to my battle center either.  Looking around I see people meditating and conversing with each other, I don't need to do either. I began walking towards the front of the crowd marveling at the city front before me. I looked around and saw Present Mic. on top of a platform and smiled up at him and waved, like a buffoon he looked and and pointed to himself in confusion then waved back before pointing to the city urgently. 
I took that as my cue to go so I took a deep breath and ran in, I made in about 10 feet into the city before I heard him call out. 
"What are you waiting for?! There are no timers in real battles! Begin!"
I knew if I turned around I'd see all the kids running towards me so I decided to get some air coverage. Sticking my arms and hands out to my sides I shot up into the air leaving a trail of water spiraling down below me. I landed on a high rise and looked around the city, seeing a 1 pointer and a 2 pointer approaching I summoned a ball of water into my hands and contorted it into a spear. 
I began to run and jump the rooftops closer to the faux villains and replicated the spear before throwing them both at each bot, taking them down. As the bots were falling I hopped onto them and used my water to slide down to the ground. Looking around them I did a double check to make sure nobody made it this far and accidentally got crushed by a giant falling robot. After seeing it was clear I decided to make way to the center on food, as I began to jog I heard a scream from behind me. I turned to look and saw a 3 pointer ready to crush a girl with pink hair and what appears to be horns? I looked closer and saw her foot was stuck and she was trying to get out without using her quirk on herself. I definitely wouldn't make it to her by running, so I had to muster up my energy and use my quirk from afar, something I'm not too good at. 
"Hey! Close your eyes!"
The girl looked at me and nodded, I then stood next to one of the fallen faux villain bots and took a stray piece in a ball of water I expanded to its size, quickly I released the piece and expanded the water ball more until it was the size of the bot. I hurled the ball of water at the bot and encased it in my water ball before throwing the water ball into the air, it disappeared from the center and past the clouds. 
"Okay, I may have been a little too extreme… "
I muttered to myself, as I walked over to the girl and helped free her. 
"You good?"
She nodded and thanked me. 
"Don't mention it, just go get some more points for yourself. I'd hate for you not to be able to get in because you were stuck and couldn't stop thanking someone who saved you."
After taking down a few more bots and saving a few people I estimate that I have around 35 points right now which means I should be in good standing. I was so lost in thought that I bumped into someone, they sent a shock through me and I froze for a second before shaking my arm. 
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you with my quirk are you okay?" 
'What? Wait? He hit me with his quirk?'
I cleared my head and looked at him in confusion, that wasn't just the electric shock that goes through your body when you meet your soulmate? 
"Oh…  uh. Don't worry about it. I'm all good."
'Lies, why would I be alright? You know damn well it wasn't your quirk.'
He gave me a look of uncertainty and smiled. 
"Hi, I'm Kaminari Denki. Nice to meet you uh…  what's your name?"
I scoffed internally, 'really? That's how you're gonna ask me my name? Dude just how dense are you?'
"F/n L/n. Crap, sorry. L/N, F/N. Nice to meet you as well Kaminari. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and rack up more points so if you don't mind I'll just be o-"
Kaminari cut me off by yelling. 
"That's a zero pointer! No way! That thing is huge!"
Looking up I saw what he was talking about, I smirked. 
"U.A. definitely lives up to its prestigious name. I am impressed. Wow. This zero pointer is glorious."
Kaminari looked at me like I was insane, as if I somehow sparked a fire in him he puffed out his chest in glee and smirked. 
"All the more reason for me to prove my strength. Stand back L/N I'm gonna light this bot up."
I blinked in surprise as he ran towards the bot and he charged up- no way, he wasn't kidding. Large amounts of electricity sprayed out of his hands to the bot, it froze in place for a few moments with electricity spazzing all around the bots frame, but it didn't go down. Kaminari turned to me and gave me a thumbs up and a dumb look on his face. 
"Kaminari you fool! You fried your brain with that foolish attack!"
The bot soon was out of its shocked state and raised it's foot ready to pummel the poor dunce. I quickly mustered up my strength and formed a water ball and sent it at Kaminari, once he was inside I whipped it at me. Kaminari and the water ball collided into me just as the bot stomped down where Kaminari was seconds before. I stood up and slapped Kaminari, feeling another jolt of electricity surge through me. 
'Awh hell. This fool is my soulmate and he's too dense to realize it's not his quirk.'
I turned to the bot and watched it moved closer before turning back to Kaminari. 
"After this exam you're taking me out for ice cream for saving your fried ass not only once but twice."
I turned back to the bot and sent two water balls towards the next spots where it would step, not satisfied with the ground I sent more until the bot stepped and sunk a few feet. 
"Yes! It worked!"
I happily then made a few water spears and threw them at the bot before I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes and concentrated on a tiny ball of water in my hands, I needed to focus all my energy if I wanted to make this work. I slowly enlarged the ball in my hand and listened as it started to crackle and pop, taking another deep breath I slowly opened my eyes and smirked before shrinking the softball sized water ball and throwing it at the exposed part of the bot. Once it was a foot from contacting the bot I spread my arms out enlarging the crackling ball and watched as it downed the bot. 
I looked to Kaminari and sighed. I need to get him somewhere safe until this wears off, if I leave him here he'll be an easy target for the other bots. I'm pretty sure there's five minutes left meaning I can still get a few more points if I hurry up. I took some gummies out of my pocket and threw them in my mouth, I'm lucky we were allowed to bring things in that would help us, otherwise I'd have been out for the count when I helped that pink girl.  I led Kaminari to a safe area and smirked as a three pointer came out of the alley next to us, I jumped up with my water and formed water around my wrist as I plummeted down and punched the bot. It went down just as Present Mic. screeched. 
"It's all over! Good job everybody! 
Within moments Recovery Girl was by my side looking at Kaminari, she shook her head and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Kaminari blinked and looked around in a state of confusion before looking at me. 
"Come on Kaminari, you owe me an ice cream."
I poked his cheek and was sent another shock of electricity, which he definitely would have felt as all and leaned into his ear. 
"After all we are soulmates, and I just saved your butt."
I gave the shocked boy a knowing smile and grasped his hand and began leasing him away towards the exit. If we both somehow get into the hero course this was going to be one exciting year...
A/N: this is AU prompt was brought upon you thanks to the bnha discord server. You can find other works by member of the discord here:
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blogging-time · 5 years
Any cute fluffy headcanons that you got for Virgil x Remus?
Send me a “Sanders Sides” ship and I’ll respond with a list of HCs or an AU.
Dukexiety Headcanons:
💜 Despitewhat others may assume about the couple due to their rather distinctpersonalities, Remus and Virgil are rather effective at communicating with oneanother. Subtly has never really been Remus’ strong suit, so his words willtypically be rather explicit and leave little room for doubt/spiralling inVirgil’s mind. Furthermore, Virgil has never really been the type of Side whocan keep his concerns to himself; Remus will know if something is makinghis boyfriend feel uncomfortable.
💚 Thepair initially bonded over their shared distaste for Roman’s antics. Pre-AA,the prince had a rather unfortunate tendency to dismiss pretty much allof the pair’s ideas. Even though things are better between them these days,Virgil does occasionally like to tease Roman by reminding him he still owns the“Roman Suckz Club” T-shirts that Remus had designed for them.
💜 Their“Love Language” is undoubtedly physical touch. Let’s face it, both of theseboys are touch starved gays. It’s not unusual to find the pair cuddled up onthe Mindscape’s sofa, Virgil sitting on his boyfriend’s lap, scrolling throughhis phone mindlessly as Remus takes a bottle of styling powder and a bag of increasinglysilly clips to his hair.
💚 Remusonce thought it would be cute idea to surprise his boyfriend by handcuffingthem together for the day, claiming “This way we’ll never really belosing touch with one another!” However, things quickly became a lot less cutewhen the Creative trait realised he’d accidentally misplaced the key, and nowthey needed the entire Mindscape’s help to try and find it again. Logan – havingbeen in sole possession of the brain cell that day – decided he would simplysit back and observe how long it took for the other Sides to realise they couldsimply summon a new key. (Note: Logan was only able to stomach thescene for two hours before breaking down and telling them himself.)
💜 Theoriginal key showed up again five days later in Remus’ pants pocket. (“Ithought your trousers didn’t have pockets?” “Not on the outside, they don’t!”)
💚 BothRemus and Virgil have accepted their fates as being the resident “Fashion Disasters.”In fact, they still have an ongoing competition to see who can find and wearthe ugliest outfit imaginable. Virgil has currently taken the lead by matchingRoman’s old outfit to a pair of hot-pink platform crocs. However, once Remus hasfinally finished recreating his everyday outfit entirely out of worms on a string,he aims to steal back victory.
💜 BothRemus and Virgil also have a tendency to summon increasingly strange and funnylooking plushies that they can gift to the other while proclaiming, “It remindedme of you!” or “I think I found your long lost triplet!” When the traditionfirst began, they tried to keep all of the plushies on the bed with them.Nowadays they have to settle for switching the plushies out every now and then,as there wouldn’t be any room left for the pair to cuddle up otherwise.
💚 Theyeach got to choose one plushie that is immune to being switched out. Remuschose to save a soft, pastel green kraken plush named “Vivian,” while Virgilchose to save a wide-eyed spider plush named “Reaper.”
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chaggle · 5 years
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Quite the luck indeed - What is up with these S7 shadows?? also rip Stress for getting a boss shadow.
 I honestly just wanna see an interaction between Distress (Ill just call her S7 shadow Distress) and Chill. Mostly just Chill offering Distress cake to stop being a jerk and be friends with her.
(Design of Distress and the au is @mine-sara-sp​!)
Under the cut is a lil fic and the pic without the text :D
Warning for death at the end of the fic.
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Stress knew the risks she was taking entering the temple. She knew what monstrosities she could accidentally bring into the server. Stress heard of what happened to Doc and Mumbo. She heard of how Mumbo and Iskall’s new shadows are now working with Puzzler. She knew of the effect it would have on other people and her if her shadow turned out to be dangerous. Just look at poor Grian...
But Stress was curious and prepared. 
As the view of summoning platform became more clearer, doubt began to bubble up in her stomach. Her grip on her backpack tightened and she suppressed any of those troubling thoughts as she trekked forward. 
Stress placed her backpack against one of the columns and stared at the summoning area one more time. She looked around the temple.
Everything was engulfed in darkness. Not even torches or lanterns could light the place up. Three towering pillars reached the ceiling, and in the center was the platform.
Stress slowly breathed in and stepped onto the platform. 
She snapped her eyes shut as she heard the whirling sound of her shadow forming. 
“What the-? Where- Oh.”
Wait, shadows don’t usually talk when they’re first summoned. Stress’s heart raced and her palms became sweaty. She opened her eyes to view what she summoned.
The entity in front of her was also struggling to process what just happened. Parts of her hair and shoes glowed. There seemed to be glowing cuts on her shirt. But what stood out the most was her glowing scythe. It looked familiar, like the scythe Grian had after he talked about fighting the shadow bosses...
Stress instinctively stepped back, catching the shadow’s attention. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think you’re going?” Stress froze as she saw her counterpart swung the scythe at her. She waited to wake up in her bed, but instead her shadow was in front of her, smiling, with the blade behind Stress’s back. 
“My, my. You got quite lucky, Stress.” 
Stress looked over her shoulder at the blade. Her stuff is still in her bag. If she could just get it. 
“I didn’t expect for this to happen, especially to me, but here we are.”
The blade moved closer to Stress, forcing her to move nearer to her shadow. Getting a closer look, there was a glowing slash on the heart of the shadow. The shadow also observed Stress.
“Interesting...” The shadow made eye contact with Stress, “I’m honestly curious of what the world looks like beyond this temple. But it looks like you want to get rid of me. So I’ll make this easier for the both of us.”
Stress’s eyes widened as the shadow swung.
[Stressmonster101 was slain by their shadow]
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pocketseizure · 5 years
I’m currently writing a multi-chapter Breath of the Wild Modern AU fanfic called Malice, which is an urban fantasy story about a strange girl with hidden powers who, in a moment of frustration and despair, accidentally summons an ancient demon king. The strange girl is Zelda, and the demon king is Ganondorf, who has an uncanny knack for manipulating digital networks and looks devastatingly handsome in a suit, because of course he does. Ganondorf offers to teach Zelda how to use the magic she’s been forced to keep buried inside her - for a price.
I’d like to commission a tarot card style cover illustration of Ganondorf being sinister and spooky, and I’m looking for an artist who draws attractive adult men in a realistic but still stylized way and can handle portraying a character who’s morally ambiguous but generally not a good person. 
If anyone has seen a relevant commission post floating around and can recommend an artist, please let me know! The artist doesn’t have to be in the Zelda fandom, and it’s fine if Tumblr isn’t their primary social media platform.
Calamity Ganon is creepy and awful, but I think Ganondorf is a lot scarier and more dangerous. Zelda is brave and clever and can take care of herself, but I want to show just how formidable her opponent truly is.
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Dirt man explains his journey in a terrible way
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kaithedumbass02 · 7 years
A New Undertale AU
(First off, I'm sorry for not posting here often, but I've been doing some big things, like making this AU, all the characters are finished, I just need help with the story of the AU, if anyone has any ideas, please tell me ^^) ErrorLust Sans Appearance: he is a bit taller than both Error!Sans and UL!Sans, it's not a lot, but it's noticeable, The shirt he wears is the same as UL!Sans, but the shirt is light grey and the heart on the shirt is much bigger and red, the heart has light red glitches on it. He's jacket is a grey color and has neon blue ruffs on the end of he's sleaves and collar of the jacket. He also wears black fingerless gloves, he's shorts are a very light grey along with a heart on the top which is the same neon blue. Both of he's eyes are purple and he has dark purple tear marks running down from he's eye sockets, and he has the ability to produce purple strings from he's fingers. Personality: he is VERY kinky, but easily pissed off, loud noises, most stupid things, and rather dumb people set him off. He has 2 kinks, Eproctophilia and Bondage, he doesn't often let people know about them, he prefers to keep these to himself. He is...kinda gassy, most of the time he has a hard time controlling he's gas, and often blows...from both ends, it is glitchy, the sound, smell and color changes every few seconds, he does try to act embarrassed about it, but he normally isn't. When he gets set off, he will use he's kinks as punishment for making him mad, wrapping up he's victims with purple strings that comes from he's hands, and then gassing them until they either pass out or beg him to let them go. He actually enjoys being tied up, this would be the Bondage. He normally gets himself into very..."showy" poses if you get what I mean. Likes: being around people, not too many thought. Acting on he's fetishes in private. If pissed, making he's victims pay. Not eating too much. Dislikes: people who act stupid unless it's a friend. Eating a lot, gives him a REALLY bad stomach. Extreme weather. People acting stupid. VERY loud noises. Abilities: Gaster Blasters: like the classic Sans, he has the Gaster Blasters, these are blackish purple with dark purple marks running down from the eye sockets, and the eyes are red, they are a bit bigger and more powerful then the classic ones, the beam they spit out is purple and can poison you if hit. The damage increase isn't THAT significant, it takes away around 10-15 HP, but the poison makes that seem like a lot. He can fire them rather quickly, a bit faster than Classic Sans.  Bone Attacks: he has the regular bone attacks like the original Sans, the ones where you have to jump over are still white, but the ones where you have to stay still are purple and black, the colors are marbled in. And they move a bit quicker too. Asster Blasters: these are just like he's Gaster Blasters, but instead of shooting out energy, they shoot out beams of pure stink, these ones do around 15-17 HP of damage, but the poison does more damage. Smokescreen: he can use he's gas to create a smokescreen, this makes it harder to dodge attacks, it does last for a few turns so it's kinda hard to get through. Poisonous Smokescreen: this is basically the same as the regular Smokescreen, but it does damage over time, sometimes safe spots show up so someone won't take damage, but they do move around so you would have to try staying in the spot to avoid damage, but luckily this only last for a few seconds. Poisonous Goo: he can create balls of purple, poison goo, these do a VERY large amount of damage, around 30-40 HP, but at least the poison effect isn't very powerful, you do have to keep moving around so they won't get you, but they are a bit fast, but are avoidable, but it's still not a good idea to get hit by these Binding: he uses the strings that come from he's fingers to tie you up and prevent you from moving, similar to Undyne, instead of using spears, he uses he's Gaster Blasters and you have to move to face where the attack is coming from to get through it, but they do come pretty fast ErrorLust Papyrus Appearance: He is white instead of black unlike the original Error!Papyrus, being almost double the height of he's brother, he can be quite intimidating at first, but he wouldn't hurt anyone unless angered. He's clothes are basically the same as Error!Papyrus, a few differences with he's clothes are he doesn't wear the gloves, and he's jacket is zipped up. He's scarf is is a light pink in color and is a bit longer. The jacket itself is a dark pink to contrast with the light pink scarf. He's pants are a light grey color. The rim of he's boots are a neon blue and the main of the boots are white. The inside of he's mouth and eye sockets are a dark pink, and he's teeth are white. Personality: he is a little kinky, but no where as kinky as he's brother, he only has one kink, and that is Bondage, he has a VERY strong dislike for he's brother's gas, he basically hates it, not only does it annoy him, but it absolutely disgusts him, but he still loves he's brother no matter what. Unlike he's brother, it is very hard to anger him, but if he is angered, you'll regret it, big time, he will tie you up with dark purple strings that come from he's back, and these are very, VERY painful if touched, he can be pretty brutal with these, constricting the victim with these, sometimes he's accidentally killed with these strings, but he doesn't think straight when he's mad, he's basically the polar opposite with he's actual personality when mad.  Likes: he's brother (at times). Calming things (this is just about anything calming). Cold things. Cool/regular weather. Being calm. Being active. Dislikes: he's brother (at times). Loud noises (like he's brother, this is something that would set him off, but they have to be VERY loud and last for awhile to piss him off). Hot things. Really hot weather. Being angry. Not doing anything productive. Abilities: The Bone Zone: He traps you in a small box made of blue bones as an onslaught of bones attack. They don't do much damage but they're a lot of them Halt: He attacks with one of his purple strings that does a decent amount of damage and slows your movement by 50% for the next 3 turns Burning Bond: he wraps you up with his purple strings, draining HP, the HP drain is only 1 HP, but it happens every few seconds, and the longer you move while this is active, HP will be drained quicker, the HP drain only works if you are moving, so simply don't move to avoid damage, but there are some points where you have to move with the strings, occasionally the strings will move along the board, they do move pretty quicky. Attack Drain: if hit by any of he's strings, your attack will be reduced by 30% for 5 turns. Biting Dog Heads: he will summon dog heads that come out from the ground, but doing this also summons platforms so that your able to dodge them, be careful though, these dog heads deal a big amount of damage, around 20-25 HP ErrorLust Chara Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: she has her regular hair color while the tips are a deep velvet red, all the glitches are on her back along with the glitchy stripes on her crop top sweater which is the same velvet red that her hair is, her shorts are basically the same as UL Sans Personality: she is cruel, sadistic and enjoys torturing victims, she'll use any torture imaginable, gas torture, pain torture (I mean ANY kind of pain, cutting with a knife to sexual torture) and anything else that someone can torture with. Being very dark in nature, preferring to stay away from everyone else, basically the polar opposite of Frisk. The kind of torture she uses the most is pain torture, she's been known to cut her victims many, MANY times, often letting them bleed to death, walking away, laughing. But thanks to Frisk's will, she is very easily contained and doesn't appear too often. But she tries very often to break out of her containment.  Likes: Torture. The night. Dark things. Anything that is really dark in nature. Fighting. Being alone. Gory things. Anything with death. Dislikes: Being kind. The day. Nice people. Being contained. Anything that's nice, sweet or caring. Anything colorful, it just disgusts her. Abilities: Gas Lethality Increase: for every few LV she gains, the smell and lethality of her gas will increase. LV1-LV4: very tame, they are worse than normal, but nothing too bad. LV5-LV9: they are pretty bad around this point, most humans would/or want to pass out after a few farts. LV10-LV14: around this point the smell gets close to Sans's level of stink, not AS powerful, but VERY close to it. LV15-LV18: at this point, the smell is more powerful than Sans's smell, MUCH more powerful. LV19-LV20: they are downright lethal at this point, up to the point if exposed to them long enough, it will kill you. Death By 1000 Cuts: She attacks with a barrage of knives that do a low amount of damage but apply a bleeding affect when one hits you, the bleeding affect lasts for 5 seconds and the effect stacks if hit multiple times with the knives. Bloodlust Gain: if hit with the bleeding affect, at the end of the turn she will regain 20% of the damage as a attack increase. Low HP, More Attack: if her HP gets down to half, both her attack and attack speed go up by 50% ErrorLust Undyne Appearance: Her hair is neon blue with bright red streaks going through it, her skin is a bit darker than the original UT Undyne, the glitches over her eyes are black, the goopy cape is the same neon blue as her hair, the clothes she wears are all black expect the heart on her tank top which is a white color Personality: well this is...kinda difficult to explain, her personality is mixed and does change a lot, she could be neutral one minute and angry the next, when she's neutral she won't really show any emotion, she'll just have a blank expression most of the time. But like I said before this does change pretty quickly, if angered she will have a scowl on her face, wanting to fight the next thing that approaches her. When she fights she is VERY aggressive, bombarding the victim with fast and brutal attacks, you'll have to have a fast reaction time to dodge them. But she quickly calms down again, you just have to keep dodging and stay alive. She should calm down after a few turns. But if you try to hurt someone she will step in and try to stop you, if this happens you'll have to try and stay alive for much longer.  Likes: she really doesn't have any "likes" she's neutral to most things. Dislikes: same as the likes, she's neutral to most things, But the thing that would be considered that she hates is seeing someone being hurt. Abilities: Anger Increase: when mad, her attack goes up by 40% Black Spears: these spears are a very powerful version of her original spears, they are bigger, faster, and a lot more powerful, about 50% more powerful, and if hit with these spears, your speed will decrease 20% for 5-10 turns. Balls Of Goo: by using the goop from her cape, she can send balls of black goo after you, these are homing attacks, and will follow you for a few seconds. Sneaky Spears: in any of her attacks, she can send invisible spears towards you, the invisibility wears off, when they are close, but they are slow and thus easily avoided. ErrorLust Frisk Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: her hair is blue and fluffy, she's a little tan like the original Lust Frisk, her eyes are closed, and the lashes are red, her sweater is striped, and the colors switch between black, white, grey, purple, orange, and green constantly. Her shorts are light brown and flip flops that change from black to blue Personality: she is very sweet, kind and caring, she hates seeing anything in pain and would try to help them to make them feel better, she would fight ONLY as a last resort, but if she is forced to fight, she will fight, and aggressively too, she usually tries to heal whatever she hurt after the fight. Even though she doesn't really look like it, she can be pretty sexual when put into the right situation, she has been put in these situations by Sans many times, but it never goes that way. Likes: being caring, calming things, sunny weather, sweet food, bright colors, being creative, positive people. Dislikes: hurting things (on purpose or by accident), anything loud, hot food, anything dark, rainy weather, REALLY negative people. Abilities: Healing Hug: she can heal injured people or monsters by hugging them, it doesn't heal too much, but it helps The Healing Touch: she creates balls of pure healing magic, it's a heal over time affect, healing a few HP every few seconds, this is a very helpful in some situations. Kindness Helps: since she doesn't like fighting, she can cheer someone on and can actually increase their speed and rarely their attack. Seductive Gaze: if her attempts to run from a fight fail, she can try to use her seductive gaze to make someone/monster to spare her, she only uses this as a last resort as she doesn't like to use this, she sees it as using it to use someone/something.
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