#accidentally posted this on my main account the first time around whoops lmao
gta valentine's day gift
hello, @plain-pasta13! i was your secret valentine's day gifter for the valentine's day event hosted by @gtavfest. i decided to use the prompt that you provided regarding what michael and trevor's first valentine's day date as a couple would be like and wrote a short story about it, and i really hope you like it. enjoy, and happy valentine's day! :D
Trevor lazily woke up in his bed, his mind feeling all cloudy and groggy. He looked down and noticed the few beer bottles that were scattered around on his mattress. Had he gotten drunk last night? It wouldn’t have come as a surprise honestly. Although he’d usually find himself out in the middle of nowhere after getting blitzed the night before, so that was different. He sleepily groaned as he thoughtlessly swept the bottles off the mattress and got up, stretched with great vigor, and walked out of his room to start the day. No need to change his clothes; he’d slept in his usual white shirt, blue jeans, and boots.
Now that he was more alert and could think a bit more clearly, he suddenly realized what day it was, and just who was waiting for him to pick them up in half an hour. Not wanting to waste another second, he exited through the front door and headed directly towards his truck.
“Hey, Trevor!” Ron exclaimed from the front of the trailer. He was holding a metal detector and moving it around, trying to see if he could find anything. “How’s i-”
“Shut up, Ron! I’m in a hurry,” Trevor said as he slammed the driver’s door shut and started the ignition. Within a matter of seconds, he sped off into the distance.
Ron laughed weakly, waving at him slightly as he left. “Y-yeah, you too.”
Trevor gritted his teeth, hands firmly gripping the wheel, and kept on glancing at the time. His first stop would be the grocery store.
“What do you mean the chocolates and flowers add up to $40?!” Trevor angrily shouted at the cashier, his temper coming to a boiling point.
The cashier held their hands up anxiously, clearly intimidated by this sudden outburst. “I-I’m sorry, sir, but that’s what’s showing up on the system. I don’t know what to tell you.”
“I’ll tell you what you’re gonna say. You’re gonna tell me that I can take whatever the fuck I want for free.”
She laughed nervously. “I can’t do that for you, sir.”
Feeling more than fed up with the situation, Trevor swiftly pulled out the gun he kept on him at all times and aimed it right at the cashier’s forehead.
“Give me the FUCKING stuff right now,” he angrily snarled.
Everyone in the store who saw what was happening panicked, and the cashier quickly scrambled to give him the items in a plastic bag. One of the customers shakily took out their phone to call the police.
“Now that’s more like it,” Trevor remarked, swiping the bag from the cashier before storming out through the main entrance. He couldn’t afford to waste any more time than he already had.
Michael sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror in his bathroom. He was wearing a cool blue Hawaiian shirt with tan shorts. He ran a comb through his hair one last time just to be safe and made sure that he looked as neat as possible. It had been about a year since he’d broken it off with Amanda, and approximately two months since he started dating Trevor. This would be their first Valentine’s Day together as a couple, and he couldn’t deny the fact that there were butterflies in his stomach. Sure, he and Trevor had hung out several times as friends before, but this was different.
Damn it, he thought to himself. I’m too old to be feelin’ nervous about this like some fuckin’ school girl.
Hearing the doorbell ring interrupted his train of thought, and he made his way down the staircase to answer the door. 
“About time you showed up,” he said as he looked Trevor up and down, taking him all in. He was holding a bouquet of flowers as well as a pink box of what he assumed were chocolates while wearing his usual dirty outfit. Typical.
“Hey, I had to lose the cops before I got here. Grocery stores are total rip offs nowadays, especially with this Valentine’s Day crap.” Now it was his turn to look Michael up and down. “I can see you’re ready to get your luau on.”
Michael slightly smiled. “We are going to Del Perro Pier, aren’t we?” He then took the flowers and chocolates from him. “Thanks by the way.” His cheeks flushed a light pink.
Trevor smiled in return. “Come on. Let’s get going.” He turned around and headed back to the truck, hopping over the car door to get back into the driver’s seat. Michael followed behind him with his presents in hand.
After they both got comfortably situated in the vehicle, Michael decided to open the box. The chocolates contained within were dark and smooth in texture. They weren’t the fancy type, but that didn’t really matter to him. He then popped one into his mouth and savored the sweet and rich taste.
“Careful not to leave any crumbs in here, alright sugar tits?” Trevor smirked as he started up the car and began to back out of the driveway. “I don’t want your fat ass to make a mess.” At this remark, Michael punched him in the arm.
“You’re the one who got me the damn things in the first place, asshole.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
And so off they went to the pier.
“Alright, here we are!” Trevor said loudly and excitedly as he parked the car and got out. Michael followed suit, taking the flowers with him. Before them stood the popular amusement park that everyone in Los Santos loved to visit. The large, colorful rides stood tall and proud, just waiting to be ridden.
They walked hand in hand down the boardwalk, admiring all of the sights around them. The park was bustling with people, and it was no wonder. Of course there would be other couples who also had the same idea of coming down here for Valentine’s Day to celebrate.
Trevor turned his head to look at Michael. “So,” he began, a trace of a smile on his face. “Which ride do you wanna go on first? Because I’ve got my eye on the roller coaster.”
At this, Michael’s eyes widened, and his heart began to beat more rapidly. “Oooh no, there ain’t no way in hell you’re gonna get me to ride on that thing.” He was being one hundred percent serious. “I’d rather gut myself than do that.”
Trevor rolled his eyes at how overdramatic he was acting. “Come on, don’t be such a fuckin’ pussy. We’re going.” Before Michael could protest even more, he dragged him by the hand towards the daunting attraction, and they got in line.
“You’re fuckin’ crazy, alright?” He said, starting to feel more and more panicked by the second. “I’m gettin’ outta here.” He didn’t even get two steps away before Trevor pulled him back by his forearm. He then grabbed him by the shoulders. 
“Look, Mikey,” he said, making a feeble and slightly awkward attempt to sound understanding and caring, something that didn’t come naturally to him. “You’ll be fine. I’m here. Nothing bad will happen. I promise.” Although his anxiety wasn’t fully quelled, Michael still felt at least slightly comforted by his words.
When it was finally their turn to get on the ride, they both got into one of the compartments together and strapped themselves in. The anxiety and panic that was building up in Michael’s chest finally reached its peak, and he began to breathe more frantically. His grip on the bouquet of flowers and the bar in front of him tightened.
“This is such a bad idea.”
The roller coaster lurched forward, and it gradually began to climb up the rails. Michael felt as if his stomach was tying itself in knots. On the other hand, Trevor looked around and admired the view from up high. He turned to look at Michael again and noticed how distressed he looked. He reached over to grab his arm. “Hey, look at me,” he said. “You’re gonna be fine.” Michael was too focused on staring in front of him in terror to acknowledge his words.
They eventually reached the top and stayed there only for a split second before accelerating downwards at top speed, the air pushing against them like an oppressive force. “SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!” Michael screamed at the top of his lungs as the roller coaster rapidly descended and then continued to move forward on its set course. Not being able to think clearly, he panicked and accidentally let go of the flowers, sending them flying in the wind. On the other hand, Trevor was thoroughly enjoying himself, and so were most of the other people on the ride, but unfortunately Michael felt like he was on the verge of passing out. They eventually began to gradually slow down before coming to a complete stop, and everyone was allowed to get up from their seats.
“Y’alright, Mike?” Trevor asked as they left the ride and walked farther down the pier. Michael was still breathing heavily and trying to regain his composure. He did have fun in a way, but that was mostly overshadowed by the overwhelming feeling of panic.
He took one last deep breath before answering. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just feel like throwing up, that’s all.”
Trevor slapped him on the back in a rough yet caring manner. “You’ll live.” Thinking that maybe he would want a change of pace, he decided to make a suggestion. “Wanna go on the ferris wheel?”
And so off they went in the direction of the ride, hand in hand. Admittedly, the slow and more peaceful pace at which the ferris wheel went was a welcome change compared to the high-speed movement of the roller coaster, at least to Michael. Trevor lazily spread his arms out and wrapped one of them around him, content as could be. “The world’s utterly and completely fucked, but you know what? The view ain’t too bad from up here.” Michael looked around and took it all in. From up here, he could see Los Santos and all of its beautiful modern buildings as well as the huge expanse of sand and water. People dressed in swim gear could be seen scattered all over the beach, enjoying the nice sunny weather that San Andreas had to offer.
“T.,” Michael turned to look at Trevor. “I know I don’t say this kind of stuff usually, but I’m glad to be here with you. Honestly.” And he was actually being honest. Things had thankfully been smoothed out between them finally, and it seemed like everything was getting better. The future looked bright for both of them.
Trevor was genuinely pleased to hear this. “Well…I’m glad too.”
That meant the world to Michael. “Sorry about the flowers by the way.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He sincerely sounded unbothered. “Fuckin’ things were free anyway.” Michael chuckled to himself. Of course they were.
“Also sorry I didn’t get you anything,” he rubbed the back of his head, looking a bit sheepish. “But uhhh…”
“Hey look,” Trevor interrupted him and pointed down at some guy who’d just stolen someone else’s motor boat and was currently taking it for a joy ride. “Now that’s some funny shit right there.” Michael looked down and laughed at the ridiculous sight.
The day went on, and the sky slowly turned darker and darker as night crept up on the state of San Andreas. After getting off the ferris wheel, the couple decided to spend some time simply walking around the area and grabbing a quick bite to eat. To end their date, the two of them ambled onto the sandy beach towards the relaxing water. Now that it was nighttime, there weren’t as many people around as before. 
(A/N: I suggest listening to “Meard” by Brandon Musser while reading this next part.)
They both took off their shoes and left them near the coast before dipping their feet into the water and walking deeper into the ocean until the water was around their thighs. The night was nice and slightly warm, but out here near the ocean it was refreshingly cool. Before either of them said a single word, Trevor splashed Michael playfully, a mischievous grin on his face. 
“Oh yeah?” he said, smiling while splashing him in return with full force. A splash fight broke out between the two and lasted for about ten minutes, and all the while both of them felt as if they couldn’t be happier than they were at this exact moment. But eventually the playful fighting stopped, leaving the both of them absolutely soaked from head to toe.
It was now or never for Michael. He felt as if everything up until now had been leading to this moment, as if nothing else mattered except for this exact moment.
“Trevor, I need to ask you something.”
He raised an eyebrow at him.
Michael reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a box before opening it to reveal the ring that was inside.
Trevor was at a loss for words. “Michael…”
“Look,” he began, looking down at the water. “I know it sounds crazy and that we’ve only been dating for two months, but fuck, man. We’ve known each other for a long time and I love you and I know that we can make this work.” He made sure to put a lot of emphasis on that last part. He then looked back up at him and made direct eye contact. “So, will you marry me?”
Trevor was silent for a few seconds.
“Yeah,” he said. He then repeated himself, this time with more vigor in his tone of voice.  “Yeah, fuck yeah I will.”
Words couldn’t even begin to describe just how elated his positive response made Michael feel. Trevor was still trying to process what had just happened, but he was happy nonetheless. “Well, are you gonna put the thing on or what?” Michael said with a smile.
Trevor took the ring out of the box, trying to savor every single second. “If you insist, cowboy.” He slipped the silver ring on his ring finger. Even in the dark, it looked absolutely dazzling.
At that moment, Trevor grabbed Michael’s face and kissed him full force. Slightly taken aback by his forwardness but not turned off in the slightest by it, Michael reciprocated and sunk into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his waist and feeling utterly enamored by him. The gentle waves of water continued to move past their legs, adding to the overall serenity of the situation.
For once in their lives, it felt like everything was absolutely perfect.
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