#ace (rusty's totally roommate)
sunsetcorvid · 2 years
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and they were roommates
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sharkfish · 5 years
ps i loved this one
(rereading bookmarks edition part 2)
(part 1)
i’ve been rereading stories from my bookmarks as a comfort thing. i’m getting real deep in there to stuff i haven’t (re)read for years, and damn do i have good taste. the ones i’ve read recently that you should, too:
(under the cut so i’m not that asshole that makes you scroll past an endless post)
Best Laid Plans by Persephoneshadow
Things are going well for Dean: he's landed the biggest design job of his architectural career and is about to get final approval on the project despite how difficult the development company, personified by Castiel Novak, has made it. It's not bad for a moody omega...except things are also going terribly for Dean because he has to get in a plane and fly to a meeting, and course ends up in heat a few hours before. Luckily, Castiel is there to help and both men discover the good that can come when nothing goes quite as intended.
i don’t know why i’m such a ho for stories where dean thinks cas hates him, but cas secretly adores him and is just a little “rusty” on his “people skills.” i’m also a ho for stories where dean is a gd skilled genius but his dumb ass still thinks his work sucks and/or anything good is due to other people instead of himself. and also, heat boning. 
Confessions of a Cam Boy by MsCaptainWinchester (rons_pigwidgeon)
Dean runs a cam show to pay his way through marketing school, but he's about to start an internship that he doesn't know will change his life. Watching Dean's show is Castiel's favorite way to wind down after a stressful day at Sandover Bridge & Iron. When Cas comes to work one day and finds his favorite cam boy setting coffee on his desk, he is completely thrown. Will Dean finish his internship without knowing his favorite viewer is his new boss, or will he be able to see through Cas' non-existent poker face and figure it out?
omg poor cas is soooo awkward and dean is weirded out about how much his new boss seems to dislike him and then it’s super sexy >:) 
For Science by shiphitsthefan
“Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
everyone is such adorable nerds in this one. it’s a fic about rimming, but it’s also about love and discovering yourself and acceptance. it explores cas’s realization through his connection with dean that he’s not straight up ace but more grey/demi - and that doesn’t mean he was “faking” being ace up until he met dean. 
Friends with Benefits with Tentacles by andimeantittosting (Saylee)
Dean's never been embarrassed about his porn collection before, but that was before he found Cas holding his prized copy of Sweet Princess Asuka and the Tentacles of Pleasure. Dean finds himself sweating bullets—because this is Cas, sweet, nerdy Cas. Cas, his friend. Cas, his roommate. Cas, his—only slightly out-of-control—crush.
Cas, with his big, blue eyes and muscular arms and perpetual sex hair.
Cas, with his tentacles.
The last thing he expects is for Cas to suggest they experiment together.
there are not enough tentacle fics out there and i 100000% approve of this addition to the tag. i love that dean is out there legitimately studying porn, and the tentacles are obviously super fun, and there were parts where my heart hurt so bad, all around a damn fine fic. 
Grown-Ups Making Grown-Up Choices by Carrieosity
Dean is a grown-ass man - he can take perfectly good care of himself, thank you very much. Except that sometimes the easier or more fun choices aren't always the right or best ones, and, all right, maybe thinking ahead and working the long game isn't his strongest suit. It's fine! He's fine.
When he meets Castiel, he realizes that flying by the seat of his pants may not be the best way to attract the super-serious (gorgeous, funny, genius) Alpha. Dean's shrink has been telling him he needs to start making "grown-up choices," and if that's what he has to think about in order to make Cas fall for him, then he'll give it a whirl.
i LOVE this fic (series). i feel so hard for dean feeling like he’s too old for his life to still be a mess, but i also felt sad for him that he thought he had to make all these hardcore changes - basically turn himself into a different person - to be worthy of cas’s attentions. i fucking adore cas in this, and i nearly cried just thinking about all the damn peppers they eat, and i want to read it again right now. 
If I Run by Anonymous
"Dean Winchester is a red-blooded American male. He lifts all the things. He aims for functional strength. He counts his macros and makes fun of curlbros. He is not a member of the Tarahumara tribe and he will not read Born to Run, no matter how many times Sam tells him to, because Starting Strength is the only book Dean will ever fucking need."
Wherein a friendly competition with the mysterious ThursdaysAngel turns into a sexy selfie-trading spree that motivates Dean Winchester to train for his first marathon.
i really really love this fic and reread it pretty often tbh. it only became “anonymous” pretty recently and i’m so curious about why!! regardless, this fic is a really great time!!! 
It's Always More Than Once (Before It Takes) by squeemonster
The first time it happens, it's because of boredom. Or, at least that's what Dean tells himself to justify it. Boredom and Dean Winchester are a dangerous combination, especially when you factor in beer, a raging libido, and laziness.
dean: my dudes, is it gay to do sexy stuff with your male bff? cuz i’m totally straight. but also, having sex with my male bff. 
I Wanna Get Outside (Of Me) by emwebb17
Dean is a novice in the dom/sub world asked by his employer as a desperate last resort to be a sub for his recluse of a brother, Castiel. Castiel is a diagnosed OCD suffering from PTSD and agoraphobia, mysophobia, and dystychiphobia. Needless to say—he’s a mess who hasn’t stepped out of his home in literally seven years. The only times Gabriel can see traces of the way his brother used to be is when he feels in control—specifically when he has control over a sub. However, due to his idiosyncrasies and paranoia, keeping a sub around has been impossible. Enter Dean, who’s not a very traditional submissive, to try his hand at subbing for the hermit.
you know how sometimes you read a fic, and it takes ages to get yourself out of that world? even though you’re finished, you’re still right there with him? this is one of those fics. i reread it a couple weeks ago and fell asleep thinking about it last night. i cry a lot reading this one. 
Living in Agony by ChasingRabbits
Dean Winchester's life is... well, it's not great. He's a gym teacher, he's in his thirties, and he can't seem to keep any part of his life straight. When the aftermath of a one-night stand goes awry, Dean is dragged kicking and screaming out of his cozy little closet and into the harsh light of reality.
Enter: Castiel Novak, the new history teacher, who knows full well that life gets crappy when you don't allow yourself to live it in the way it needs to be lived.
there aren’t a lot of stories that deal with themes of mental illness, and a lot of them read like an episode of degrassi where everything wraps up in 30min to never be discussed again. this story is honest in that there’s no easy out. there’s medication and therapy and supportive people, but that’s not always enough. it’s a story about how you don’t have to be mentally ill to be fucked up, and while people can’t fix each other, they can help each other. content note: references to a pre-story suicide attempt. 
Oddly Shaped Empty by jemariel
Dean grew up thinking -- knowing -- he'd be an alpha.
Until he failed to present. As a beta, he has no mating cycle, no noticeable pheromones, none of the physical markers that are so important in a world of alphas and omegas. He's out of place. How is he supposed to navigate his relationships and find love when he doesn't fit into the neatly-defined boxes he's used to?
By the time he meets his new roommate, Castiel, he's more or less given up on finding a mate. He wears his secondary gender like a chip on his shoulder. But you never know what the future holds, who will come into your life, and how they might change it forever.....
Queer themes, finding identity, reconciling the past, and a whole lot of smut.
y’all know @jemariel is a gd genius, but i’m particularly obsessed with their fics that use abo to explore queer identify & experiences. i hold my breath reading most of this fic and also cry. 
Steal my Breath by Sincestiel
“Tighter, Dean, please,” Cas urges throwing his head back to rest on Dean’s shoulder. Dean squeezes. He doesn’t know why Cas wants this or even what the appeal is, but he always comes harder when he’s struggling to breathe.
what’s on the tin. a quick lil breathplay fic that is thoroughly enjoyable. 
Unsolicited by Dangerousnotbroken
In which Dean Winchester gets an unsolicited dick pic from an unknown sender which is both totally not disappointing in that it's a really nice dick pic, and incredibly disappointing in that it's clearly a downloaded picture of his favorite porn star.
There's absolutely no way it's actually this porn star sending it to him, right?
this is a destiel classic and i feel like anyone who isn’t new here has probably read it. but here’s your reminder that this is a great fic and you should (re)read it. 
Wordplay by Dangerousnotbroken @dangerousnotbroken​
“I don’t understand why talking dirty is such a big deal for you humans,” Cas complains, apropos of nothing.
it’s a “cas learning about sex” and also dirty talk, which are both things i’m really into!! and DNB is a genius so that’s even better. 
if you enjoy these fics (and you should), please give the writer some love via kudos and/or comments. <3
ps - as always, if i didn’t tag the writer and you know their tumblr, please tag in the comments. i don’t think there’s a writer alive who wouldn’t be happy to be on a rec list. :)
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the-st0ryofagirl · 7 years
Bye Bye Virginity
You came and marched right towards me, your blue eyes stormy, looked right into mine. You were on a mission, and I was the only way you could accomplish it. 7 years. I’ve waited 7 years to feel your lips on mine, and you didn’t just let me feel them, you made them yours. Your hands, all over me. Up my shirt, down my back, tangled in my hair. I wanted to slow down, it was all so fast, you work fast though, and I guess I didn’t mind too much.
I hadn’t done this with anyone in so long, but boy is muscle memory a thing. One second I was struggling to keep on my toes to keep making out with you, the next second we’re on the bed, you’re pulling me on top. We had places to be, but GOD I wanted you. And well, I’m kind of a little hoe when it comes to sucking dick, I kind of love it. So that’s what I did! On my roommate’s bed, sorry B...it was so exciting, and liberating! I hadn’t touched a guy in over a year, I was a little rusty, but I definitely still hold onto my record time of getting someone off in under 3 minutes...exciting stuff! 
After a great night of drinking and dancing and excessive socializing, I was ready to go home and sleep. I was having trouble reading you all night though. You’re quiet, except when you’re not. And you speak your mind, insightfully and not excessively. I’m usually really fucking good at reading people, but you’re so damn hard to read, I had no idea what was on your mind the whole entire night. Were you into me? Were you having fun? You kept saying you were having a good time, you kept saying that you loved the vibes of the people here, but I’m so insecure and I need constant reassurance all the time, I’m sorry ok? 
Well I guess I got all the reassurance I needed from you when we got back though. On the bus we cuddled and you made me feel you through your pants, you were so hard for me. I guess I didn’t know what to expect from you when we got back to my apartment. I thought we’d just sleep. Maybe make-out a little, cuddle, and then fall asleep. NOPE. Well, we cuddled and made out yeah...but, I also lost my virginity. I know, crazy right? And it was to someone I never thought I’d lose my virginity to...A FREAKING C. He’s so damn hot, so experienced too, it kind of threw me off sometimes. 
Anyways yeah, one minute we were making out on my bed and the second he’s on top of me, clothes are just flying off each other with such a need, it’s extremely hot. He’s on top of me and we’re kissing and all of a sudden he’s going down on me, and I mean full on licking me EVERYWHERE DOWN THERE. His tongue is all around and inside me, at first it felt strange and I was sort of embarrassed and then I kind of started getting into it. But I feel like as soon as he had found my clit it was over far too soon. He came back up to kiss and next thing I knew he was at my entrance pushing in...which totally freaked me the fuck out. Not only was it my first time but uhm, boy where is your condom?! So I called him out and he wanted to do pull out, and I know my momma had taught me better than that, so I told him to find a condom or it wasn't happening. It was kind of sweet actually, he didn’t have any because he’d left them in the car, meaning he didn’t expect to have sex either otherwise he would have brought them down...right? Anyways, I told him to go look in my roommate’s box where she kept her condoms and he slid it on and then positioned himself on top of me again. I was ready, I’ve been ready, but that doesn’t mean I still wasn’t nervous. I told him to go slow as I gripped his biceps when I felt him enter me, he told me it was okay, over and over again. His words were like a breathless caress, eventually matching his strokes. 
At first I just lay there, reminding him to go slow and his body seemed to naturally speed up. The pressure of him inside me did hurt, but it didn’t hurt as much as I thought, and I could feel the pain being relieved the more and more he entered me. Eventually I was meeting his strokes halfway by bringing my hips up. He pulled out, moaning and both of us breathing heavy, he turned me onto my stomach and pulled my ass up. I made sure to arch my back and nothing turned me on more than him sliding into me and saying “oh my god, you’re so wet” and sliding his hands down my hair, my back, on my ass as he slid in and out of me. I easily met his strokes once again. All too soon, he shifts and puts his legs on the outside of mine and brings mine together so I’m laying completely under him, ass still in the air he’s breathing harder now. “I’m gonna come”, and me being an anxious to a T tell him to pull out just in case. He did, no questions asked thankfully. 
Now I know I’m new to this, but I wanted to go again, that wasn’t nearly enough time for me to actually really enjoy it, I was just getting there. He’s definitely broken me in that’s for sure, but I was too shy to ask to go again..and I also didn’t want to make him feel embarrassed because I didn’t know what his refraction period was for him. After that it was kind of a blur, we put our clothes back on, went pee, and then tried to go to sleep, we even cuddled! After a couple minutes though he announced, pretty frustrated, that he was going to leave. I was pretty bummed, and it kind of made me feel pretty stupid, I thought perhaps I did something wrong, after all when we were cuddling he told me my knee was on his nuts... But he genuinely seemed upset and he kept saying that this was a constant problem fro him, not being able to sleep anywhere but his own bed, he didn’t say sorry, but he kept trying to explain himself to me and I understood. In fact it was sort of stressing me out how stressed out he was. He angrily threw his clothes in his bag and I offered to smoke with him so he could de-stress. 
He agreed and while he packed his joint we had really deep conversations. It made me realize how beautiful and complicated his mind was. He was observant, and he was aware that other people treated him differently because of how he looked and he didn't like it. We talked about his past experience in college and how badly he fucked up, how much his family meant to him, how much he’d matured over the years. I loved hearing him talk. I’m not very good at talking, I’m much better at writing my feelings out on paper. It takes me a lot longer to articulate what I want to say and he just spoke so freely and it made sense. Every time I tried to throw my 2 cents into the conversation I felt like what I was saying was stupid, and did not at all convey what I really wanted to say to him at all. But he didn’t seem to mind.
We walked to his car and smoked and talked some more, the night dragging on as we took more and more hits of his joint. Eventually, the joint ran out and he put the car in drive. At the stop sign where I was supposed to get off we said our goodbyes and he thanked me for such a great and amazing night. He said he had a lot of fun and he was really glad he came down. I smiled and nodded and just looked at him, my hand wavering close to the door handle, unsure of what to do next. He then leaned in closer to me as he stared into my eyes and I met him, halfway. The hottest and sweetest goodbye kiss I’ve ever received, let me tell you. 
Leaving, he yelled after me that he’d text me tomorrow and he then drove away into the night as I walked back to my apartment. 
It’s been 4 days since I’ve seen him, he did end up texting me the following day, I felt super anxious to text him, but I’m super happy that he kept his word and he did text me in the morning. I sort of didn't expect him to, but he does surprise me often. I apologized for not being the most sexy being on earth and if I at all was weird at any time and he said “no no no it was amazing seriously ;)”. 
He makes me so nervous to talk to him, I haven’t stopped thinking about him and it makes me so mad because I’m probably the very last thing on his mind. He’s so damn out of my league, and it’s not just because he’s AC, an extremely hot sex god, but because I’m attracted to the way that he thinks. He’s so unpredictable, and he says such real things. He’s got such a beautiful mind and I find that so amazing. He doesn’t care about what other people think, he speaks for himself. Everyone here in SC has kind of the same way of acting, everyone is so predictable and the University has kind of formed us into one way of thinking instead of being individual thinkers.
It’s kind of funny because he said how much of a breath of fresh air you were able to get up here, but honestly, he was the breath of fresh air to me. 
I know better than to expect more from him. But I can’t help myself. He’s my first, and he is someone who I have had a little bit of history with, even if it was a long time ago, he knows who I am. I want to see him again, and we’ve made plans to do so in the future, which is exciting. But I just want someone to call mine, I have so much loving inside of me I’m so ready to just give it all to someone, to bear my heart and have it be accepted and even reciprocated. He’ll hurt me, I know that. But I don’t care. I’m so tired of caring. So damn tired. And I like him, I truly do. 
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sunsetcorvid · 2 years
Ok but like. Neo getting splatted by chargers in turf war bc they're chasing after the laser sights until they learn to reaist the urge to pounce on them
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with a cameo from Ace!
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sunsetcorvid · 2 years
So your grizzco ocs. Give us the deets on one of them.
i'm actually going to tell you about ALL of them
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Rusty "Mr. Yeehaw"
man's got those He/Him pronouns
Short king, he's 5'0" !!
Gay ass homo
Been working at GrizzCo since he was 19, he is now 24.
Has a "Roommate" named Ace. He is currently learning Octarian and Sign with him so they can communicate better!
Keys is teaching him Octarian.
Eggsecutive VP
He is your work dad.
Yellow ink in his hair hmmm
Wore the Howdy Hat to work one day and he just became known for it. Started his signature crew like this, they all have nicknames.
Group leader, also has management abilities due to being a long working employee and a general responsible guy. (Which means he puts weapons he knows Stinger doesn't like in the rotation for shits and giggles.)
Worked at a convenience store when at the location in Inkopolis, which just so happens to be near Agent 3's house.
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Milo "Stinger"
Demiboy He/They, that's so cool!
Woah he's bisexual I didn't know that! /ref
Got his nickname from always being targeted by Stingers when on shift. (Which is the main reason why he has so many scars.)
Started working at GrizzCo when he was 17. He is now 22.
Second member of the crew. Got their nickname second. Been best friends with Yeehaw since their first day there. They are bros for real!
Profreshional +3 (Had a few bad shifts, working his way back up to VP)
The eye scar is a mystery
They keep getting asked out by this one guy at work, but then the guy leaves the moment Yeehaw arrives.
He's like your super cool uncle.
Likes to start drama in the break room for fun. (And to mess with Yeehaw.)
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Sylvie "Egg"
So you're non biney? like you dont have any binery? thats so poggers
They/Them pronouns too?!?! amazing!!
They are the youngest of the crew at 16 years old!
They are also very tall! 5'9" man what the hell!
They have a rule for themself to never attack salmonid. They feel bad. However, they make up for this by bringing back a shit ton of eggs and making sure each crew they're on clear the shift! (Any time they've failed a shift has been few. Very few. The others become concerned when this happens.)
Called "Egg" because they're always collecting the eggs!
Third member of Yeehaw's crew.
Really looks up to Yeehaw and Keys. They're sort of like their parents, to them at least.
Eggsecutive VP for how many shifts they clear!
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Mochi "Keys"
She/Her and trans lesbian she's so cool!!
Oldest of the crew at 33 years old. Though she is the most recent member, having only joined about six months ago.
Girl is TALL at 6'2"
As mentioned before, she is teaching Yeehaw Octarian for his roommate.
Mochi was the first thing she ate when she got to the surface and was still trying to figure out her name. That is why she is named "Mochi."
Has that gay/lesbian friendship with Yeehaw.
Due to only joining within the year, she doesn't have many salmonid scars and she might not get many more. She is quite skilled.
Profreshional +2 but girl can handle VP if the crew get together for a shift.
She's like your work mom.
Egg is like a kid to her, so don't fuck with Egg or Keys will find you.
Got the nickname "Keys" from breaking into Ammo Knights that one time and also she's the person you go to when your locker is stuck.
Seek her for her wisdom.
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Rusty's "Roommate"
Legit started as a roommate situation though
Gay ass trans man with those He/Him pronouns!!
Same age as Rusty, 24!
He doesn't actually work at GrizzCo. He's well known there anyway.
Known as "Yeehaw's definitely totally roommate and not his boyfriend."
Sometimes he'll walk into GrizzCo if he's bored and wait for Rusty to finish whatever shift he's on.
Rusty found him half dead while on a shift a couple years back and just said "Damn i don't want this guy to die" and took him home.
Ace has a good bit of scars from that.
Rusty didn't actually know his name at first because Ace doesn't speak and one day admitted to not liking his original name (his deadname.) so Rusty comes home one day trying to find him eating a deck of cards and he had the Ace of Hearts in his mouth, so in that moment Rusty called him "Ace" and he ended up really liking that.
He can understand Inklish, he just can't read it very well. This is why he is learning Inklish Sign with Rusty and Rusty is learning Octarian!
General Info on All!:
If they all get together for a shift, there is chaos. They still get shift done, absolutely, crazy shit just happens. Glowflies on high tide, there's like eight Flyfish in one wave. There's almost always a Cohozuna. But they bring back a shit ton of eggs and always clear the shift, they are gods.
Yeehaw will sometimes bring an extra lunch for Egg because he knows they like his sandwiches.
And then Ace will show up some days if Yeehaw forgot his lunch. Making sure the guy who saved your life is fed!
Stinger constantly teases Yeehaw about Ace, which is why he hasn't full out said they're in a relationship.
Sometimes there's a group game night. Milo is banned from Mario Kart.
Rusty and Ace totally don't have date nights in their apartment, totally don't cuddle at night, totally don't fall asleep in each other's arms when watching a movie.
The guy who keeps asking Milo out is called Jackpot. We don't know if that's his real name or nickname. He's convinced Rusty is Mr. Grizz (Despite the fact that Grizz has a sorta boston accent and Rusty's is Very Much Southern.) and he dislikes Grizz. This is why he always leaves when he tries asking Milo out.
Okay I think that's it! These are my GrizzCo sillies!
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sunsetcorvid · 2 years
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buncha sketches + a ship for yall to consider
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