acelosangeles · 10 months
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Small but mighty! Ace Los Angeles representing at Long Beach Pride 2023 🖤🤍💜
Fur babies support ace and aro people too 😎
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trekkiepirate · 11 months
Okay, so I am headed back to FL for the better part of August because my momma is having some heart issues (she's fine at the moment), and is gonna take a ton of tests and I am her emotional support human.
BUT! TWO MONTHS AFTER JUNE PRIDE (instead of in May, LIKE USUAL) Long Beach Pride is happening August 6th (I leave the 3rd). I have been DYING TO GO BACK AFTER EVERYTHING not to mention, how badly I miss seeing my @acelosangeles folks in person! (I attended a virtual meeting a few months ago like "hey guys, now my Sundays are free! :)" and then the next two months they UNFREED THEMSELVES and made me a LIAR)
So I know it's stupid and small and yes my mom is 1000% more important to me, any day. But STILL! I miss Pride! I miss Ace LA friends! I just... WHY DOES TIME HATE ME?
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mencecle · 7 years
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@acehotel #acelosangeles #vitrail #graphic #downtownla #lenombril #lenombrilparis (at Downtown Los Angeles)
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acegallery · 9 years
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Spending the day organizing our collection of Mary Corse paintings--these incredible pieces investigate human perception and sensation while remaining definitively minimalistic.
Mary Corse
Untitled (White Inner Band Beveled), 2012
Acrylic on Canvas
39″ (H) x 39″ (W)
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acelosangeles · 7 months
Ace LA's very own Izzy is featured in this new video from Anthony Padilla! 
This video is about different assumptions that people make about asexual people. It already has over 200K views! Please go and support! 💜
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Type in "Is Asexuality Even Real? Assumptions" on YouTube to watch! Or click here ✨
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acelosangeles · 11 months
Good Omens Season 2 comes out Thursday at 5PM PT! One of our Ace Los Angeles members organized a Good Omens Cosplay Meetup at San Diego Comic Con.
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As Neil Gaiman has said “I wouldn’t exclude the ideas that they are ace, or aromantic, or trans.” 🙌🏼
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acelosangeles · 7 months
Check out our newest issue of ACE ON ACE, Ace Los Angeles's monthly newsletter, out every last Tuesday of the month! 🎃
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This newsletter links any new ace articles, any updates on new asexual characters in media, new ace events, and more! And Happy Halloween!
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acelosangeles · 8 months
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Happy National (and World) Coming Out Day from Ace Los Angeles! 💜
"National Coming Out Day is an annual celebration which takes place on 11 October every year. It was first celebrated on the one-year anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights – a date chosen to honour the bravery of LGBTQ+ individuals who decide to come out and live openly. Although it started off as an American awareness day, the meaning of National Coming Out Day is still highly relevant to LGBTQ+ communities across the world today.
Coming out is a unique experience for each LGBTQ+ person. It’s not a one-time event; many LGBTQ+ individuals who come out to their closest friends and family may later come out at work or school, to their extended family, or to casual acquaintances." - stonewall.org.uk
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acelosangeles · 9 months
Check out our newest issue of ACE ON ACE, Ace Los Angeles's monthly newsletter, out every last Tuesday of the month!
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This newsletter links any new ace articles, any updates on new asexual characters in media, new ace events, and more!
There are new articles on Heartstopper, Barbie, and asexual representation! 🖤🤍💜
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acelosangeles · 11 months
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Check out our newest issue of ACE ON ACE, Ace Los Angeles's monthly newsletter, out every last Tuesday of the month!
We started a newsletter this year with updates on any new Ace articles, new asexual characters in media, new ace events, and more!
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acelosangeles · 9 months
Check out our newest issue of ACE ON ACE, Ace Los Angeles's monthly newsletter, out every last Tuesday of the month!
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This newsletter links any new ace articles, any updates on new asexual characters in media, new ace events, and more!
There are new articles on Sex Education, Ace Dad Advice, and information on surveys!
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acelosangeles · 6 months
Check out our newest issue of ACE ON ACE, Ace Los Angeles's monthly newsletter, out every last Tuesday of the month!
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This newsletter links any new ace articles, any updates on new asexual characters in media, new ace events, and more!
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acelosangeles · 6 years
We are having our fundraiser and it would be great if y’all could help support us.
(We also have PayPal and Venmo, [email protected])
Ace LA's primary goal is to provide community to ace and aro spectrum members. And as of this coming August will be doing so for 5 years! As one of the co-executive directors, I’ve been attending Ace LA’s meetups since I moved to LA and it’s the place where I made my first friends in a new city. And I am so glad that we can continue to source of community for others in the greater LA area.
We have reached our $250 milestone (meme and photo coming soon)! The next milestone is $350, at which, one of the co-executive directors of Ace LA, who has an M.S. in astrophysics and astronomy, will spend 15 minutes on the flat-earth reddit.
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acelosangeles · 6 years
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Hi everyone, us over here at Ace Los Angeles, are having our fundraiser this month and it would be great if we could get some support through folks sharing our info and donating as they can!
(They also have PayPal and Venmo, [email protected])
Among other things, Ace LA tables and gives presentations at various events.
My favorite is that we have given multiple presentations at Models of Pride (LGBTQ youth conference in LA), multiple years in a row. We get to bring awareness to not only younger folks, but also health care professionals.
Once the fundraiser reaches $100, they'll make a blank meme of Ace Spectrum (the group's plush armadillo mascot) for all to use.
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acelosangeles · 6 years
Ace Los Angeles, LA's premier asexaul and aromantic spectrum community and outreach group, is in our last few days of fundraising and it would be great if y'all could help support them in one last push.
(We also have PayPal and Venmo, [email protected])
Enough money has been raised to support Ace LA's website (acelosangeles.org) but just barely, not enough to fund Ace LA marching in Long Beach Pride next year.
Plus side, Ace LA reached our $350 goal! As a result, one of our co-executive directors (Masters of Science in astronomy) spent 15 minutes on the flat earth reddit as a result. Little taste of the result:
"The most challenging part of flat earth reddit is finding one that is not satirical."
"Apparently, the idea of the Earth constantly spinning on its axis is too far-fetched, but ice sheets, miles thick and high, encasing the edges of the flat earth, with no origin or sustaining mechanism, is a perfectly acceptable theory to flat earthers. I'm too amused to be angry."
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acelosangeles · 7 years
Co-executive director Shari spoke with The Asexual Agenda recently about consulting on BoJack Horseman, and that interview is now up!
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