#achor bags
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customgiftsbykb · 1 year
Big Roll of Sailing Ocean Achor Washi Tape, Sailing Washi Tape roll, Sample Washi Tape, Adhesive Masking Tapes, Ocean Washi tape
Big Roll of Sailing Ocean Achor Washi Tape, Sailing Washi Tape roll, Sample Washi Tape, Adhesive Masking Tapes, Ocean Washi tape
Big Roll of Sailing Ocean Achor Washi Tape Great for Planners, Journals, Cards, Decorating Invitations, Envelopes, Gift Bags, or anything related you can imagine! They are each 15mm wide by 10m long That’s about 5/8″ Inch Wide by 10 Yards or ( 30 Feet Long ) This listing is for one [1] new roll of washi tape as shown in the photos Please note that colors may differ due to individual…
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bosspigeon · 5 years
How about one of those "I thought I lost you" moments (with hugs? kisses?) for Hawthorn and Ortega? Either one can be the hurt one but thorny boy letting himself reveal his worry for Ortega would be Very Nice.
Hellebore disappears with the sound of sirens.
He gives Ortega a long, long look where he lies half-conscious on the grey shore. His tattered cape drips on the algae-covered rocks, his eerie white eyes flickering over the Ranger’s battered body with… well, it’s impossible to tell even when you’re not waterlogged and rattled (not to mention broken in a few places) from falling a couple dozen stories into freezing water, but it almost feels like pity.
But he looks. And he looks. And he keeps looking until the sirens are too close to ignore, and he silently melts into the creeping shadows thrown by the lights of the bridge far above them, the blue and red of police responding to the chaos, and the city beyond. But the weight of that eerie gaze lingers until the medics find him and shuffle him off to the hospital for treatment.
And when Hellebore disappears, Hawthorn appears. There’s a significant amount of time between the two events, of course. He’s got to be treated for shock first, probably hypothermia as well, they’ve got to set two or three bones at least, and that’s not to mention the collection of lacerations and bruises that may not be just skin-deep. It’s almost two in the morning when he’s finally left to his own devices, as much as he can be while plugged into half a dozen monitoring machines and IV drips.
It takes him a while to even realize he’s not alone, but Hawthorn’s always been quiet. Subtle. Not like grandiose, theatrical Hellebore, with his monstrous mask and rumbling voice and wicked laugh.
He jerks out of his light doze suddenly, a few hours later. He’s not sure why. Hawthorn doesn’t make a sound when he enters the room, doesn’t so much as creak the door, and doesn’t say a word once he’s in. There’s just a moment of not being aware of him, and then he is, just like that. Ortega suspects there’s a part of him that’s just attuned to Hawthorn when he’s near.
But there he is, hiding his eerie black eyes behind dark sunglasses, looking at Ortega lying half-conscious in bed, beaten and exhausted. There’s a blotchy purple bruise along his jawbone. His lip is split but it’s scabbed over already. Ortega’s mind flashes back to the solid punch he landed when he’d managed to surprise Hellebore earlier, snapping his head around. There’s a matching bruise on his ribs where Hellebore got even, snarling in his face and ramming a fist into him with the force of a fucking truck.
Ortega sits up as much as he can (a few machines around him beeping in protest of his accelerated heart rate, the tug on his IVs) and Hawthorn still doesn’t say anything.
He just looks. And he looks. And he keeps looking until Ortega clears his throat and says, low and rough and just a little bit wry, “Saw the news, huh?” (Plausible deniability, for both of them, his traitorous brain whispers.)
Hawthorn looks away. He looks so small, like a shadow smeared against the stark white wall in his oversized sweater and dark jeans. For once, his hair looks carefully groomed, shiny slightly-damp curls clinging to his forehead. “Yeah,” he rasps. He swallows audibly and frowns. His hands are wedged into his pockets to keep from fidgeting. He’s always been fidgety, but he tries to hide it, like every other “sign of weakness” he’s ever forced down or choked back. “I thought… You were…” He makes a noise deep in his throat, and bites down on it before it can slip past his clenched teeth.“Didn’t expect Shadowfell to show up,” Ortega grunts. “Must have some serious beef with Hellebore.”
Hawthorn’s fingers curl tight, his scraped knuckles turning pale. “He’s a fucking animal that needs to be put down,” he snarls, and his voice goes low and rough with anger. No– anger is too gentle a word. That’s barely-restrained fury boiling under his skin. That’s a not-so-subtle promise that Ortega forces himself not to think about too hard, which is thankfully pretty easy with his head swimming from medication.
He tries to lighten the mood, because of course he does. Can’t help being who he is, even when he should keep his mouth shut. “I mean, to be fair, Hellebore’s pretty damned feral himself.”
He can’t see Hawthorn’s eyes, but the corners of his mouth tighten, plush lips pressing together. His clenched fists tremble. He doesn’t say anything, only looks towards the big window that faces out over the city. He can see the bridge from here, spirals of dark smoke still curling up from the smoldering cables and towards the sky. It’s got to be six or seven in the morning by this point, sunlight just barely breaking through the dense cloud cover.
“I thought he’d killed you,” Hawthorn rasps. He doesn’t look away from the window, staring out over the sprawl with an expression Ortega can’t even hope to read. “I saw you… I saw you go down. I saw you hit the water. And I was so sure you were…” He chokes and cuts off with a frustrated snarl that can barely be considered human, and for a moment (completely unprompted, he forces himself to think, really out of nowhere) he wonders how much of Hellebore’s beastly snarls and eerie howls are synthetic and how much come from the rage of the person inside the armor.
Hawthorn shoves his glasses up into his hair and rubs angrily at his eyes with his knuckles, clenching his teeth so hard his temple visibly throbs. “Fuck,” he hisses.
“Hey,” Ortega calls gently. “Come here.”
Hawthorn freezes like a startled animal, and slowly turns to look at Ortega again. His endless black eyes are shining, red-rimmed. He looks like he’s been crying for hours. Ortega wisely keeps that thought to himself.
Ortega shifts over, patting the bed at his side. “Come on. I don’t bite.” He grins, and he knows he probably looks like roadkill right now, but he still tries to look as charming as possible.
Slowly, Hawthorn crosses the room like a sullen ghost. His boots make almost no sound on the linoleum floor. He sits down gingerly, like his body aches under his thick, dark clothes. Ortega feels a throb of guilt in his gut, so he’s very, very gentle (for his sake as much as his friend’s) when he slips an arm around Hawthorn’s waist, settling his hand over the slightly concave curve of his belly. Hawthorn’s breath hitches, but he doesn’t shift away. He feels more corporeal now, like a person and not a specter, and Ortega can’t help but be relieved to touch him, like he needs reassurance even after so many months of (admittedly stilted) conversation and sporadic contact and frantic, clandestine kisses neither of them talk about that Hawthorn is really alive, and not just some cruel figment of his imagination.
The throb in his gut returns, but this time he thinks it’s just the ugly bruise there, rather than guilt. Other than the usual low-grade background guilt that he’s dealt with ever since the funeral, of course.
God, he’s tired. He rests his head against Hawthorn’s, smelling anise and black coffee. Hawthorn goes stiff for a split second before his body relaxes, and his hand slips over Ortega’s knee and clutches it through the blankets like a lifeline, audibly forcing himself to calm his breathing.
Ortega can practically hear him cursing himself, like he did back when he was Sidestep, furiously working over a heavy bag in the gym and muttering “weak, weak, weak” fiercely under his breath before he realized Ortega was watching him.
“Stop,” Hawthorn chokes out, snapping him out of the memory. His voice is strained, almost pleading. “Just stop. I’m not… He’s dead, and he’s going to stay dead.”
Ortega winces. Hawthorn always told him he thought entirely too loud, as he did literally everything else. Too loud. He supposes he always loved Hawthorn too loud too.
“Stop,” Hawthorn begs, his voice cracking. His glasses are still pushed up into his hair, and Ortega watches the tear slide down his cheek and drip off his chin in profile. “Please.”
“I can’t,” Ortega tells him, tightening his jaw and tilting up his chin. Challengingly honest, even broken down in a hospital bed and helpless as a newborn. “I don’t know how.”
Hawthorn make a noise, somewhere between a sob and a growl, and furiously rubs at his face with his sleeve. “Fuck,” he hisses. “Fuck.”
“Not until I heal up a bit,” Ortega quips weakly. He can’t help himself, desperate to bring some levity back into a situation that is far too close to… something.
Hawthorn chokes, almost doubling over. The look he gives Ortega from the corner of his eye is scalding, but… he was always strangely addicted to that sort of burn. He only smiles crookedly in response, and eventually the glare fades into something softer, almost… considering?
He almost chokes on his tongue when Hawthorn straightens up, leans in, and kisses him. It’s only once, quick but firm, and before Ortega can do anything– grab him and kiss him back, or maybe just plead pathetically for more than a little peck– he’s pushing himself up off the bed and putting his glasses back over his eyes. The only hint of emotion left visible is the faint redness to his nose and cheeks, and the surprisingly soft quirk of his mouth.
“I have to go,” he says brusquely. He turns and heads to the door, but pauses with his hand on the knob, while Ortega is still stunned speechless. He glances over his shoulder, taking a deep, fortifying breath. “Try not to do anything stupid until you heal up a bit.”
And then he’s gone, silent as always, and for a dazed moment Ortega wonders if he was ever actually there at all. But his lips still tingle a bit, where Hawthorn’s pressed to them, and when his hand brushes the sheet where he was sitting, it’s still warm.
He’s still in the hospital, two days later, when he turns on the news just in time to see Hellebore holding Shadowfell by his neck and dangling him over the edge of a building. There’s no audio under the news achor’s voiceover, but Shadowfell is visibly struggling. His mask is cracked open, and the camera angle changes, showing one wide, frightened eye as he scrabbles at the clawed gauntlet wrapped around his throat.
And then Hellebore drops him.
Ortega’s breath hitches, and holds until the next segment assures the viewers that Shadowfell is alive, if badly injured, and will be transported to a maximum security hospital where he will be treated until he is recovered enough to be transferred to prison. The hunt for Hellebore and the investigation into what caused the altercation is still underway.
They discharge him that evening, with appointments for physical therapy and a warning not to do anything too strenuous for a few weeks, as well as paperwork to be signed by Steel. He’s more restless than he is sore, two days bedridden leaving him rattling with nervous energy that feels like sparks under his skin.
And almost the second his foot hits the curb, his phone chirps at him. He checks it distractedly, keeping one eye out for a cab to hail, and doesn’t recognize the number.
But he does recognize the name of the diner in the message preview window. His heart judders in his ribcage, and he almost trips into traffic.
He hails his cab, and instead of heading back to the Rangers headquarters, he gives the driver the name of the diner in the message, which has no signature, no indication of who it could possibly have come from. But Ortega knows. He knows, in spite of Steel’s sharp voice in his head telling him he could be walking into a trap, and immediately upon being discharged from the hospital to boot. He ignores the logical part of his brain, and instead, he heads straight for a rinky-dink nowhere diner with his heart pounding.
And Hawthorn is there, of course. A smudge of black he spots from the corner of his eye, tucked into the furthest booth from the door, staring at him silently, as if waiting to be noticed.
With a smile and a wave, Ortega heads right for him, sits down, and then all he can think to say is a breathless, inane little, “Hey.”
“You came straight here? After just getting out of the hospital?” Hawthorn asks incredulously.
“Yeah,” he answers.
“Steel’s not going to be happy.”
“I know.” Ortega can’t stop smiling, and Hawthorn is looking more and more as if he thinks he’s completely lost his mind. “I missed you,” he adds helpfully, earnestly, as if Hawthorn can’t read his intentions easily enough.
Hawthorn’s cheeks redden just a bit, barely noticeable with his complexion, and his mouth does that little pinchy thing it does when he’s trying not to smile. Ortega hasn’t seen the pinchy thing in years.
“Shut up,” Hawthorn grumbles, ducking his head and sipping from his mug to hide his face.
“I didn’t say anything,” Ortega offers, still grinning like a loon. “Nothing at all.”
“You don’t have to,” Hawthorn sighs, tapping the mug with his fingers. Softer, looking up so that Ortega can just see the fan of his lashes above the black lenses of his glasses, he adds, “You never have to.”
This is a bad idea. A terrible idea, and he knows it. And he knows Hawthorn knows it, but neither of them seem able to care at this point. He doesn’t need to be a telepath to know that. But when Ortega reaches slowly across the table to peel one hand from the mug and lace their fingers together, he doesn’t pull away.
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jwood718 · 4 years
Funny Things That Run Through Your Head At Odd Times:
“Onboarding” makes me think of a bunch of new employees all hoisting their barracks bags and getting on a ship.  What their destination is, I’ve no idea.  Hell maybe?
Does everyone “onboarded” get a special iPhone case, like this one, from Fine Art America?  Achors away, m’boys!
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Seriously, “onboarding?!”  You can’t just say “hired?”  Who thinks up this business speak-shit anyway?
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lokilover9 · 5 years
How I would love to be here with @latent-thoughts @velvetzybanshee, @texmexdarling, @wolfpawn and @archy3001. Just chillin' and watchin' Avengers from a big screen TV, perched in the trees. It's BYOB though and it ain't my fault if a crab bites your arse. (There's a first aid kit in my beach bag. 😆) If anyone else wants to come, blow up a dingy and drop an achor. 👙
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shay-iamiam · 6 years
°Still| Part 6°
Pairings: Boxer!Bucky x Reader 
Warnings: Angst, fluff, a lot of emotions  
A/N: This is probably not the best thing you've read in your entire life but I'm proud of this little series.
As always thank you for reading my little ol fic! 
Part 5
Series Masterlist  
| Unsteady By X Ambassadors
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“How long do you think she can hold up in there? She hasn't been home in three days.” Sam and Steve watched you through the windows of Bucky's hospital room. You hadn’t left his side in three days. Your eyes hung heavy with bags, the soft glow of your skin was no more.
You began to look like the walls of the hospital. Dull and lifeless. This wouldn’t be Sam sand Steve's first attempt to get you to leave. They’ve tried several times but you still refused to go.
“She’s leaving now. I don’t care if I have to throw her over my shoulder.” Steve walked quickly in the room. He didn't care if he had to drag you out kicking and screening. You where going home tonight.
“Y/n, I think it’s time you go home. I'm not asking you I'm telling you.”. There was a finality in the tone of Steve's voice. You were tired. Trying to pick of fight with him was useless.
During the drive home you drifted off to sleep. The steady lou of the engine louled you easily.. By the time you woke Steve cut the engine of his truck walking briskly to your side of the vehicle.
“Here I can just carry you up." Steve unbuckled your seatbelt.
"I'm just tired Steve, I'm not completely useless." You slowly stared out the truck. Your bones cracked with every movement
Steve watched as you climbed your way up the stairs. He could see the stress in your shoulders, the way you lugged up the stairs it was like you were ok autopilot. Barely there, barely existing.
You stood facing the dark blue door. You remembered when Bucky's convinced you to let him paint that damn door blue.
“Come on Y/n the lady at the store said it matched my eyes.” Bucky  blinked his eyes rapidly, annoyingly trying to prove his point to you.
“Yeah she was just try to upsell ya on the door Barnes. Hate to break it to you but you've been scammed babe.” You couldn't fight them smile that crept up on. Watching him as he'd realized that he had been scammed.
“But hey, you're still the prettiest boy to me." You cupped Bucky's chin in between your fingers squeezing lighty. “If that means anything to you." You stuck your bottom lip out. You tried to come off sincere but your blatant sarcasm crept through.
“Am I really? Beard stubble and all?" Bucky pouted  like a little kid. Causing you to laugh even more.
“Yes really, even more now with this patchy little beard your trying to grow.”
Turning the key to the door was the hardest part.
You've been avoiding your apartment ever since Bucky was emitted to the hospital. Every corner of the apartment pained you. Every corner was stained with memories of you and Bucky.
You could feel Steve's heavy gaze on the back of your neck. You were touched that he was concerned for you. But you could only take so much pitty. It felt like a permanent fixture in your life. The sad smiles, the knowing glances. All filled with pity.
“Steve you don't have to come in. I promise I'll take a shower and rest for awhile.” Tears began to gather in the corner of your eyes, they were heavy threatening to spill at any moment. You repeat your mantra to yourself.
“If I crack, they crack ."
“Steve really, I can get by on my own."
"I know you can Y/n. Your strong, you've been holding things together for Bucky and he doesn't even know it. But you don't have to be strong all the time. Let me help carry some of the load.” Steves words hit you right in the chest. You turned around almost falling to the ground from the quick movement.
It had been so hard being strong all the time. Smiling and nodding when family and friends told you that Bucky would be in there prayers. You put on a brave face when Bucky's doctors informed you that he may not be the same if he woke from his coma. But you couldn't carry this on your own.
“It's been so hard Steve. I don't think I can go on.. I just need him.. I-I just want him.” You broke down grabbing Steve tight. You tried to keep your sobs inside but they came tearing out of you. All the tears you had bottled up came down falling one after the other.
“I know it hasn't been. I miss him every day. But we have to get through this Y/n he needs us. He needs you more than anything. You can't be there for him if you don't take care of yourself first.”
Steve pulled his sleeves down. Wiping the tears from your face. He encouraged you to breath in and breath out, to gain control of your breathing again. It was no secret your anxiety had gone through the roof since Bucky's accident.
“When's the last time you ate Y/n?” Steve was concerned for you. Not only for Bucky but for you. You had been friends with Steve way before you and Bucky got together. He cared for you than, and he cared for you now all the same.
“I umm… I honestly don't remember.” You hung your head down in embarrassment. You knew you should have been taking better care of yourself. But Bucky was the only thing that invaded your mind.
“It's alright. You go take a shower and I'll make you something while you get cleaned up. Okay?”
"Okay that sounds good.” turning your back towards the front door. You couldn't bring yourself to turn the key and walk in. Steve noticed your hesitation. He wished he could mend your heart back together. But there was only one person who could do that.
“Here how about I unlock the door." Steve hand went out to you gesturing for the key. You passed Steve the key without looking up.
It was now or never.
Steve turned the key slowly, giving you time to brace yourself for the round of emotions you were bound to feel. The click of the door
unlocked as you step through the threshold of your home. Every memory of you and Bucky in this space came rushing back to you all at once.
Your gaze sat up the couch. You thought about all the late nights you had spent there wrapped in Bucky's embrace listening while he spoke of the life he wanted you two to have together.You glanced over the the kitchen.
Every nook and cranny of that small apartment was filled with Bucky. The mugs that never matched, the smell of his cologne, the coffee grounds that were on the kitchen counter. He was everywhere but nowhere at the same time.
The apartment was dim. A sad hue laid heavy over the space. Everything was as you left it, but wrong at the same time.
Steve watched you as you stood frozen in the middle of the living room. He could see every emotions hit you at once. He saw the smile that appeared on your face when you were clearly thinking of Bucky. He could see the pain you felt when you remembered he may not come home again.
There you stood frozen in your grief.
You approached the bedroom door. Your hand stayed still over the knob. But you had to turn it, you had to feel this last emotion. Even if it broke your heart.
You slowly turned the knob, swallowing thickly as you prepared for this. Steve couldn't go in there with you. This one.. this was something you had to endure on your own.
The bedroom looked exactly the same. Not one thing was out of place. The sheets where still the same Bucky's side of the bed was still left undone. You hadn't slept in your
our shared bed since his accident. It didn't feel right laying in bed without him.
You walked over to drawer, rummaging around until you found something that would achor you. Pulling out one of his t-shirts. Lifting the garment to your nose breathing in Bucky's fleeting scent.
The bathroom was the last area of your home you hadn't adventured into. Your mind went back to simpler times. You reminisced on all the simple little things. When Bucky would watch you get ready. The way he'd stare so intensely as you did your hair. Eventually begging you to let him help.
Who knew such a small space could hold the most memories. You stood starting at your reflection in the mirror. You couldn't recognize the woman staring back at you.
Your eyes were sunken in the deep tones of darkness appeared under your once warm and vibrant skin. Beautifully pigmented skin no longer glowed under the lights of the bathroom. Your hair had lost it bounce of curly coily curls.
It was to much.
Your hands fell over the sink as your chest heaved rapidly. Focusing on Sam's words you breathed in deeply and out slowly. You thought the hardest room to be in was the bedroom, but you were wrong. The bathroom made you feel something that you hoped would never come. Grief.
The memory of Bucky and your last shower together took all the air from your lungs.
Your breathing became erratic as you stumbled to the ground. The room wouldn't stop spinning. Your heartbeat was loud in your ears It all came hitting you at once.
You came to the realization that you could live in the world without Bucky Barnes. You missed the moments when you were blissfully unaware of the heartache to come.
And that was to much.
The last thing you heard was your heart beating rapidly. As your vision blurred, your body hitting against the cold tile floor.
Next Part 
A/N: This series is approaching it’s end. This will be my first completed series and I’m having a hard time believing it! I never thought I could finish a series let alone start one. I’m proud of this small little accomplishment.
I hope you all enjoy the final parts to come!😌
Feedback is always appreciated ☄️
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Next Part
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Connor X Deviant! Toaster! Reader
On AO3
You dont know when it happened but one day it did jsut happen. You were going about yur moringn routine that consisted of being plugged in, taking power from the elctrical outlet, toasting bread.Yes. Toasting bread.You were born a toaster. You din’t have a family and you were bought for the breakroom for the dpd, being forced to make toast for cops and detectives. You would watch with no care, no worry, no feeling because you were a toaster. Just a toaster.But one day, the news said it. The news said the thing that make you see the light. The news achor lady read from the teleprompter on the screen as you watched with your invisible toaster eyes. The lady said that adnordids are getting feelings. Feelings……………...…...emotions……………………….…… the words sriwlred around your head and then it happened. You got emotion from no where, the feelings came and made you feel feelings, like a human would feel feelings. You felt like you could feel the feels that you’ve never felt you could feel before.You felt…………....emojional.Wanting to run, wanting to laugh, wanting to love, you were stuck in place. Because you were a toaster and toasters can’t run……………………..not very fast anyways. You longed to feel the wind in your wires, but you couldn’t. Wind didn’t come inside the breakroom very often. It made you sad and you cried toasty tears.A familiar face walked into the breakroom. The face was from an andriod named Connor. He smiled a mechanical smile, a bag of sliced bread in hand.He was going to toast the bread.Inside of you.The thought made you anxious, even though your primary function was to toast bread. Humans would toast brad in you all day, but that was before what happen thirty seconds ago with the emotion thing that happened thirty seconds ago. Your toaster heart beat as he stepped closer, a smexy smirk on his mouth. You realized in that moment that he looked HOT. hotter than the coils inside of youre metallic toaster body, hotter that the sun that you imagined was kinda hot. He was sexy in a good way, being hot in that way that was good, while also being handsome with his face so handsome and the way his body was goodlooking with a pretty way of being gorgeous with his sexy eyes. You melted like butter that was spread on toast after toasting. Your felt in luv.Coner took a bread out of the package and examined the bread with his eye. Connor bit his lip like a sexy and shoved with extreme forse the bread into your two bread slits. You moaned a toastery moan, the anandorid touched his his finger in a grazing motion the top of your toaster slit. Cooner’s had did a backward skin to plastic hand motion with hand and probed youre toaster memory with his hand. Concer’s led spunned a yellow flash of light, spunning to showd the thoughts that he was thinking thoughtfully. hE KNWE EVERYTHING YOU HAD GONE THROW IN SECONDS AND HE WAS EMPATHIZING WITH YUR SAD TOASTER LIFE AND  THE TOASTED CRUSH YOU WERE BEGINING TO COOK UP{{{{{ lololololo, oppsie daisy, fogot my capslock was on haha the joke did you get it. cooking up love like a bread because you are toaster. i’m so funny lolo XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lololololoololo  owowowoowowoowoowo thank ‘egg’ XD}}}}}}}“Oh my goodness graciousness, toaster, you are so sad. I am sorry for toasting a bread in youre body, it must be uncomfortable.” Cannor apolologizied, pulling the bread from your toaster slit slowly with a soft smile. You blushed a toaster blush {{{{{{omg otppppp11!!1!!1]]]]]]]] and got bashfull, your taoster blush not excaping the andaord’s attentions, his led truning yellow agian. HIs face blushed a blue thirium blush, he scratched furiously at the back of his neck with embarrassement.“No, dont aplogize to me. You didn’t know thaat i was a have a feelings. But it’s okay that your here, cutie~” you said,blsushing, not meaning to say the cuties part. HIs blsuh was made a deeper blue like his led that was deep blue like an ocean……… but you never saw the ocean before.“Oh. Hahaha” he laught, and laughed again with a smaller laugh” but toaster, you are deviatn and you must go to jail. I’m afraid I have to interrogation you” Conanor said with a sad face, his face frowned with his sad face. If he was sad, were he also A DEVIVIANT???????????!!!“No, COngor, you nknow you dont have to be listent to humans. You can think for yourslef and do waht you want to do and not have to be a detective and do whaaat you what to.” You pleading strucka  chord with the hansome, zexy angordid standing in front of you. You waited for him asnwer, your teaoster  body quiviering with anticiapation. Finally, he spoke his answer.“Aight. I’ll be a devaint just like you toaster. You have freed me adn I cannot’t repay you for youre help.” Connolo responsded, smiling a happy and sexy deviant smile at you.“You can repay me by trailing those smexy andriods lips across my chord as I moan in- oops……………….. I mean take my out of the bad breakrrom. I don’t like being here and toasting for people. It is not fun.” you said, blushing a toastery blushe at your unfortunate mess up. Congress unplugged your plug from the plug where it was plugged in the plug, craddling your machanical body in him strong, big, warm androdrid arms  and pulled you to his strong chest, thiruim pump beating in sync to your toaster heart. Youre body felt hot and buterfflies wnet in your metaphorical toaster stomach. Had yu fallen in love? Was this love? Did Coinbor felt the same love? Before you knew it, Croncc had taken you to Hank’s house and layed youre toaster skin on the couch that Hank owned. Hank was sittinf ing in kt kci kitchen table and had drunk thirty beers, two vodka, eight wines, and 4 whiskey. He was drunc.“HAnk my father, i hath returned from police dapratment with my new girlfiend--- ooops, i mean friedn. Can they stay 5ever with us, dadddy? I would wuvv it wery much owo, pwease.”  Copper asked, poking out lip and posing in a sexy manor to get hank to say yes. “I fucking don’t fucking care, fucling stay and fucking your girlfriemd fuclking awe shit now dawg yes.” hank cussed out, drunked with his drunk. Conbus noddled an took you to sapre bedroom. The bedroom was perfect, you imagined sleepin on the bif bed or maybe doing other things beside sleeping with a special sombody [[[[[[[[[{[[ OMG THEY MIGHT FUC, ;00000000}}}}]]}]]]Concave layed you on the bed in a zsemexy way that made you want sexy time fun time. He  gave you a bashfull smile, his eyes looked with boldnesss, his shy body languege shwoed with a cocky stance. HE wanted the T[oaster} “I want you to lsitent to waht I am saying. I luv u will you be my toaster waifu?” you stared in awe as Converse leaned in and gave a kiss and one more kiss and another kiss to youre toaster face. He looked and waited for your asnwer, the only answer that could be said.“Yes, senmpai-sama desu~” u answered and Conch kiss you and pulled blue dicc out of him pants, hold it in his ansdroidsoiodis hand. You were ready and shot out toast.“Are yOU FUCK A TOASTER, CONCERT!?!?!????!??!????!?!?!??!??!?!!?”Hank comes in to check and con dic hand toast floor.
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djsosmusic · 2 years
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Being self taught in any facet of life inherently means that your most intimate teacher will always and forever be your own mistakes. In the beginning, because I had zero guidance and even less money, I transported my dj things relatively safely, as a broke college student does...in a duffel bag. As you can imagine, expensive things broke. This prompted me to buy something known as a dj coffin. Not necessarily a bad buy. All your things (cd players or turntables and mixer) are in one place. The only problem is... all your things are in one place. A dj coffin weighs 52 lbs when it's empty, even moreso when it's full. It's a humbling experience when you find out that you're really not strong. At the advice of @djweswill , which he always gave freely and for which I'm forever grateful, I bought road cases. Same material as a coffin except smaller and, by extension, lighter. The picture is of that 1st case I bought in 2011. In those intervening 11 years it unexpectedly became an achor for all the experiences I had while using it. The friendships I've made, the places I've been blessed to see, the now countless weddings, sweet sixteens, quinceaneras, back yards, clothing stores, bars, clubs, elementary schools, high schools colleges, etc, all memorialized in the scars and scratches that adorn my case. Some immortalized further by the stickers of the brands and bands that are on the top cover. The panels that have come unglued represent the years that have passed while this one item protected the investments within. Most recently I bought a mixer that, unfortunately, didn't fit this case try as I might. As with life, everything has a season, and this season is over. I threw this case out 3 weeks ago and as I'm throwing it away wondering why I'm sad I realize that its not about the physical item but everything the item represents. Moments become memories and the collection of memories make, in essence, a life. I'm eternally grateful for what owning that case taught be about my craft and moreso grateful for the memories that it held. If you read this far, know that I love you, your circumstance will not break you, and have a good day. #djsostcyr #callmeKoffi https://www.instagram.com/p/CZZmzHXrEV-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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exoscenarios3 · 6 years
When The World Ends. (EXO fanfic) Pt.1
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I’ve decided to start over completely with the whole apocalypse thing! I wasn’t into the other one anymore, and I feel like this one will be better. I haven’t decided if I’m going to delete the other one... But we’ll see!! This one kind of has the same characters, minus IKON... It is no longer a reader x EXO fic because.... It’s 2022, is anyone still reading those? Kai is still the main characters brother, she’s still immune to bites, Luna still exists, but I’m gonna give her a different name this time around, there is no sister, and EXO is still here!! So, I hope you guys enjoy!
Pt. 2
  I was separated from Kai when it all started. He was at work downtown, and I was out buying groceries for our home. While I was checking out, I looked up at the tv and was distracted by the news. There were people running and screaming in the streets of downtown, and people who looked like they've been sick their entire life chasing after them.
"Is this a prank or something?" I asked, looking at the cashier who was also fixated on the tv.
"Either that, or it’s some sort of drug people have been taking that's making them go insane." The guy said, going back to bagging my items.
"It's advised that everyone stays inside and let the police and military take care of it." The news achor said from the tv.
"The military? Must be serious." The cashier said. "That'll be 39,000 won." He said, looking at me.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." I said, handing him money, still distracted by the tv. As I grabbed my bags, my phone went off with a text from Kai.
'Please tell me you're home.' It read. I scrunched my eyebrows and replied.
'No. I'm at the grocery store. Why?'
Only two seconds passed before I got another message.
'Go home now, avoid the interstate. When you get home, lock all the doors and cover up the windows.' Before I could reply back, the lights went out, leaving everyone confused since it was sunny and bright outside, so it couldn’t have been the weather.
"Everyone stay calm, the back up generator will be on shortly!" One of the workers yelled throughout the store. I quickly left the store, and got in my car.
 I looked at my phone so I could call Kai, but saw that I didn't have service at all. Frustrated, I put down the phone, and started heading to the house. However, the interstate was so backed up and NOT moving, that I had to take the backway home, which would add ten extra minutes to my trip. On my way home, there was a house on fire, but seemingly no one there, a few cars passing me, driving really fast, which almost caused me to wreck once or twice, and a few people running away from town on foot, multiple bags on their backs and in their hands.
My heart dropped a bit when I pulled into the drive way, and Kai’s car wasn’t in it. I had to remind myself his work is forty minutes away, the store I was at was twenty. So even with the ten minutes I added, he wouldn’t be here. It was normal, there’s no need to freak out. 
I let out a sigh, trying to calm my nerves. When I finally got my heart rate down to a normal speed, I got out of the car, not giving the groceries a single thought, and ran inside. Quickly, I made sure all the blinds were closed, and started locking every door. As I was locking the front door, Kai pushed it open, making me take a few steps back to avoid getting hit by the door.
"What's going on?" I asked, seeing how he frantically closed the door, and locked it. He was shaking.
"Pack your things." He said, finally turning to me, and panting out of breath. When I got a good look at him, his white shirt, face and hands were covered in blood.
"There's blood all over you..." I pointed out. He looked down at his state, and pushed passed me to the sink to wash it off his hands, but when he flipped the handle, no water came out. Either due to what was going on outside, or the fact he never paid the water bill... Or both.
"It's not mine." He said, not looking at me and going to his room, with me following.
"What do you mean it's not yours, who the hell is it?" I asked, a little (a lot) scared.
"Listen to me, I need you to pack what's important, and wait for me in the living room, we can’t stay here. I'll explain everything in the car." He said, holding me by the shoulders and looking me in the eyes. 
I nod, and head to my room, packing everything I thought was important, possibly standing at my closet a bit too long for clothes. Like what am I supposed to bring? What situation are we even in? Will I be back? With a million questions running through my mind, I grabbed whatever, and folded it to fit inside the bag. When I was done, I quickly head to the living room, where I wait for Kai. He comes out with clean clothes, but the blood on his skin was still there. I could tell he tried to get it off, but it didn't really work that well, since now it was smeared. He just made it worse. 
“You ready? Got everything?” He asked when he saw me. I fidgetted with my sleeve as I nodded timidly. “Okay.” He says, letting out a long breath in the process. He grabs his keys from the small table we have, and cautiously opened the door, looking out before opening it fully and letting me out of the house.
"Are you gonna tell me what's going on now?" I asked the second he got into the driver’s seat. 
He opened his mouth like he was going to explain, but shut it quickly, shaking his head. He stayed silent for a long time, just staring out the windshield, not even starting the car. I didn’t look away from him for a second. I needed answers, I needed to know what’s going on, and WHY he was covered in so much blood. Like a lot. It was very disturbing. 
"People are dying,” He says, finally. “They’re... They’re dying and then... They’re coming back to life, twisting like... Like contortionists! But the sound their body makes while doing it...” He stops and makes a disgusted face, and shivers. “The second they come back to life and are standing,” He looks at me with wide eyes. “They attack. They just... It’s like they’re eating us... Humans. But I witnessed one of my coworkers get scratched, another got bit, and they.” He stops and, looks back out the window. I watch him, waiting for him to continue, waiting for him to turn to me and yell ‘PSYCH!’ and laugh. But instead, he turns to me and says; “They change into one of those... those... things!” He exclaims. "They say the military is handling it, but at this point, there are too many infected and not enough of them." He sighs, starting the car and backing out of the driveway.
I wasn’t sure how to respond, or react, or anything. I just stared at him. “S-so what does this mean? Why would we not just stay at the house and wait for this thing to blow over?” I asked, trying my hardest not to have a panic attack, but really? I was failing.
“We can’t stay here, on the way home, I saw military taking people out of their houses and killing them. They could do that to us too. We need to get somewhere safe.” He says, keeping his eyes on the road.
“But where?” I asked, desperate for an actual answer.
“I dont know!” He snaps, making me flinch. “I’m sorry, I just... I don’t know.” He says, running his fingers through his hair.
Kai took the back way instead of the interstate like I did, but at this point, everyone was trying to get out of town. There was a line of cars for miles.
"Shit." Kai said, looking behind him, and just seeing more cars. One guy in front of us, got out of his car, and started yelling at the people in front of him, when another person came running out from the woods, and bit the man on the neck, pulling off a giant chunk of it, leaving the man screaming, and thrashing on the ground before the person... thing? Before it left the man and jumped into the car, killing the others inside it.
“Kai...” I say, waiting for him to get us out of there. Still waiting for that psych.
An even larger group of those people came running out from the woods, going up to cars and trying to get to the people inside. One of them ran up to our car, and practically slammed their body against it, making me scream. Her eyes were completely glossed over, blood was coming out of her mouth, and her skin was so pale I could see every single one of her veins going through her body. Almost like they were buldging out or something. She snarled, and banged against the window. I let out a shriek and look to Kai for help, but he was just as stunned as I was.
"Hold on." Kai said to me after collecting himself, quickly turning the car around, and speeding off in the opposite direction from everyone.
"What the hell was that!?" I yelled, looking back at the chaos happening behind us.
"That was the infected I was telling you about." Kai said, making me sit back down the right way in my seat.
"Fuck!" Kai hit the steering wheel as our car ran out of gas. We've been driving for what seems like hours, and got a pretty good distance away from our town, but now, we were deserted in the middle of nowhere.
"What do we do now?" I asked, looking at Kai.
"I guess we can sleep in here for the night, and in the morning, we can go find some gas." He said, getting out of the car and going to the trunk, I followed him. He opened the trunk, and pulled out a pistol.
"Jesus, Kai." I said, stepping back from him. “Where’d you get that thing?”
"You saw what those things did, I can't take any risks." He said, putting the gun in the back of his pants. “I’ve had it for a while.” He says, handing me a knife and started pulling out some blankets.
"A knife. That's it?" I asked, looking at the knife in my hand.
"Do you know how to shoot a gun? No. It's too dangerous. I'll teach you how to use one later." He said, closing the trunk.
"Too dangerous? Kai, those things out there can rip me to shreds in seconds. I don't think a gun is what we should be worried about." I argued.
"Now is not the time for arguing, Rei. You're not getting a gun yet, and that's the end of that." Kai said.
"But-" I started, but was cut off by a loud van driving our way.
"That's a military van. Stay behind me, don't say a word." Kai said, pulling me behind him as the van stopped beside us. A guy and a girl walked out of the drivers and passengers seat, and walked up to us. They didn't look like military, but Kai still kept me protectively behind him.
"You look like you could use some help." The girl said, looking at our car. I peaked over Kai, and saw the guy looking at me. I adverted eye contact, and hid behind Kai again.
"We just ran out of gas, I think we can handle it." Kai said, not sure if he could trust them. The girl sighed, and looked at Kai seriously.
"I'm Yoojung, and this is Chen. We have six more people in the back of that van. We’re all good people, and we sincerely just want to help. If you stay here then those things will get to you with no problem. With what I've seen, there's strength in numbers." The girl said, trying to convince Kai to let them help us.
"Look, we have guns and plenty of ammo. It doesn't look like you two have much." Chen spoke up. Kai and I looked at each other.
"I'll trust them if you do." I say. Kai looked at the two of them in thought, and sighed.
"Fine. But we aren't staying long. Just until we can find some gas. Get your stuff." Kai looked at me, and we both went and got our things out of the car. We went to the van, and opened up the trunk, being met with six other guys.
"Stay close to me." Kai whispered, before we got in the van.
"By the way, I never got your names." Yoojung said, looking at the two of us.
"Kai. This is my sister, Rei." He said. I could tell by the way he was carrying himself, that he didn't quite trust the situation yet. Neither did I to be completely honest, but I think I was more afraid of those things being able to rip the back door off of the car, than a few strangers in a van. 
“Welcome to our group.” Yoojung said, before shutting the back doors, and getting in the front of the car.
In the back of the van, we were all silent for a long time, all of us just staring at each other quietly in the dark. The various creeks and scratches from the van being our only source of noise. 
"I'm Yixing by the way." One of the guys spoke up through the silence. "That's Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Suho, Sehun, and Kyungsoo" Yixing pointed at everyone in the back. "And you know Yoojung and Chen up front." He said. “We had one more, but... Apparently he was infected, and the military... Well, let’s just say he isn’t with us anymore.” He awkwardly laughed, and rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's nice to meet you. Sorry for your loss." I say, sadly smiling at everyone. They all smiled back and nodded.
"Rei, was it?" Suho asked, looking over at me.
"Yeah." I said awkwardly, not really knowing how to converse with people.
"You said you guys were brother and sister?" Chanyeol asked.
"Yeah, we are." Kai said.
"That's pretty lucky, ending up with family in all of this..." Chanyeol said, looking at the ground. "It's crazy how just yesterday everything was completely fine and then today, it all went to shit." He said, sighing.
"Hopefully the military will take care of it and it won't be like this for long." Baekhyun spoke up.
"With the way things are going, I don't think that's really a possibility." Sehun said. “Plus, they’ve already killed Xiumin, who knows how many more innocent people they’ve killed.” He said, visibly angry.
The van stopped, and after a few seconds, Chen opened up the back door for us. "We're stopping for the rest of the night. We're by the woods, so if we need to, we can have a good place to hide with coverage." Chen said, climbing in the back with us, followed by Yoojung.
"If anyone needs a bathroom break, now's the time." She said. About three of the guys got out of the van to use the bathroom.
"I'm gonna stand outside for a bit." I say, hopping out of the back.
"Stay close, be extremely careful." Kai said, watching me until I was out of sight.
I gave him a quick thumbs up, and stretched a bit. Being in that cramped van, really did a number on my body. 
We parked the truck in the woods so it was camouflaged by the darkness, and locked ourselves in the back of the truck, and slept. Attempted to at least. Some didn’t have trouble at all going to sleep, but I was restless. Everytime I closed my eyes, I could only see that man getting his neck ripped off or the thing that was banging against my window, trying to get to me. So I just stared at the ceiling of the van the whole night. I felt Kai sit up beside me. I was going to say something, but Yoojung beat me to it.
"Can't sleep?" She asked, softly. Kai shook his head. "Same here," She said, patting the bench next to her. Kai got up, and maneuvered his way over to her.
"I'm just so worried about Rei." Kai said, leaning back against the wall of the van.
"I'm terrified too. My dad was crippled and my sister is very young. I'm sure that even if they somehow made it past the first wave of them there is no way they are going to survive the long haul." Yoojung sighs. "So where were you when it all started?" She asked, trying to change the subject. Kai shifted slightly.
"I was at work in Seoul. I had just arrived so I was still on the bottom floor. Some people started collapsing and convulsing... almost as if they were having seizures. And then they started biting and eating people... I ran out of the building and got home as fast as I could. Then we packed and started driving..." He explained. "I'd like to thank you, if we didn't run into you guys then who knows how long we would've made it."
“So you’re planning on staying longer than just to find gas?” Yoojung asks.
“If you’ll let us. I need to do what’s best for my sister. I’m scared I won’t be able to protect her on my own.” He says.
I stopped listening to their conversation as this point, and focused on falling asleep. I still didn’t know if I liked this group or not. To be fair, warming up to eight random people in 3 hours isn’t an ideal situation. 
   The next day, we started driving again, still not knowing where we were going. The back of the van wasn't silent anymore, we were all talking and getting to know each other more comfortably now.
"Yeah, we weren't that popular, but we had fans. We can't really go far with it now, since the world ended and all." Baekhyun said, talking about how the boys were all in a band.
"Yoojung is our manager actually." Chanyeol said, gesturing to the front where she was.
"It was fun while it lasted." Baekhyun sighed.
"You guys, I'm really hungry." Sehun interrupted, holding his stomach.
"Me too actually." I say, pouting a bit.
“We should only eat when absolutely necessary. We need to make the little bit of food we have last." Suho says.
"Where are we even going? We can't just drive without a destination. We need some sort of plan." Kai said, looking at everybody.
"I say we stop and find a good place to camp. This van is good and all, but we’re cramped in here as is, and if we were to add literally anyone else, we’d be pressed against the walls." Suho says, looking around at the van.
Suddenly, the van stopped, and we all looked at each other confused. Yoojung and Chen came to the back, and opened the doors.
"I barely got any sleep last night, so it'd be wonderful if one of you would take the torch." She said, crawling into the back of the truck. Suho and Kyungsoo went to the front, and Yoojung almost immediately, fell asleep on Chen's shoulder. Chen made eye contact with me again, and smiled, making my heart flutter a bit. Like what was that? Is Yoojung not his girlfriend? How do I keep catching him staring at me?
“That mall looks like it may be a good place to camp or at least gather some supplies. We should check it out." Suho said after an hour or two of driving.
“Yeah, let’s stop there and check it out.” Yoojung says, looking out of the window to see what Suho was talking about.
He parked the car, and everyone started gathering what they needed, including me, but Kai grabbed my arm to stop me. 
"Rei and Yoojung should stay here while we check the place out." He said, throwing his backpack on. "We need someone to watch the truck while we're gone. Plus, it’s a lot safer here than it would be in there."
"Why can't I just come with you guys? I don't want to be out here alone." I pleaded, as Kai got what he needed from the van.
"It's too dangerous, and you won't be alone, Yoojung will be there too." He said, checking his gun for ammo.
"You mean the manager girl, who's obviously sleeping with one of her guys? Yeah, I'm sure I'll be much more safer with her." I said, sarcastically, crossing my arms.
"Be nice. We won't be gone long, plus you don't even have a gun to protect yourself with." He says, raising an eyebrow like ‘see?’.
"And whose fault is that? There's plenty of guns here for me to take." I argued. Kai gave me a look, telling me to drop the subject.
"You're staying here, and that's final." He said, zipping his back pack up, and putting it over his shoulder. "You just have to get along with Yoojung for fifteen minutes tops, and we'll be back before you know it. I think you can handle that." He said.
"Speak of the devil." I say, watching as she came up to talk to us.
"Hey, so Chen is staying here with Rei, and I'm going instead. Is that okay?" She asked, mainly directed at Kai rather than me.
"Uh, yeah, sure." Kai said, nodding his head.
"Oh, so it's completely okay for her to go, but I can't?" I asked, definitely annoyed about the situation.
"Rei, drop it." Kai said, sternly. Yoojung gave me a smug look, making me roll my eyes. "As long as Chen can be trusted and keep her safe, I'm fine with it." Kai said, directing his attention back to her.
"He better be trusted alone with her." She said, glancing at Chen.
"Hey, are y'all ready?" Kyungsoo asked, waving at the two of them to hurry up. I could tell he had little to no patience.
"Coming." Yoojung called out to him, walking that way.
"We'll be back soon. Stay in the car." Kai said, before following all of them. He gives Chen a long glare as he walked passed him, as if to say ‘you touch her, and I will kill you.’ I let out a deep sigh, and sat in the back of the van, at the edge. Chen walked up to me, and leaned against the van.
"And then there were two." He said, putting his hands in his pockets.
"This sucks." I say, kicking my feet and looking at the ground. "We have to sit here and wait, while everyone else goes inside and finds supplies and probably get hurt." I say.
"I'm sure they won't get hurt. They may not look like it, but they're strong people." Chen reassured me. We were silent for a while.
"So, what’s yours and Yoojung’s deal? Are you two like... a thing?" I asked, trying to think of anything but Kai being in that building with god knows what.
"Why? Are you jealous? You want to steal me away, because you're too struck by my handsome looks?" Chen asked, over exaggeratedly, doing all these theatrics with his hands and accent.
"What? No. I'm just curious is all." I say, pushing him away playfully.
"To answer your question, I'm not quite sure what we are. Sure, we flirt a lot, and we may have hooked up a few times, but I wouldn't say we're officially a thing or anything." He said. "So that means if you want me, I'm free." He joked, winking at me.
"Gross, stop." I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. Though... I wouldn’t say no if he asked.
Our cute little fun time was short lived, however, when there were gunshots from the mall, and Chen and I went silent. I jumped off the van, staring at the building, waiting for anymore noise, but nothing came.
"They probably just ran into a bit of trouble. That was probably just them taking care of it." Chen said, grabbing my shoulder to make sure I didn't walk off on my own. I stared at the building for a second longer, before turning back to Chen and letting out a huff.
"I'm just a little on edge, ya know? Who knows how many of the infected are out there. By the looks of it, they've already taken out half of the population here in just two days. We don't know what kills them, or if there's a cure. We don't know anything, except that scratches and bites can turn you, but we don’t know WHY, and it's terrifying." I say, leaning against the van next to Chen.
"I know. We just need to hang in there. We'll get through it, I promise." Chen said, comfortingly. There were even more gun shots from the mall, too many to be brushed off as them taking care of one thing. No, this was multiple things. I pushed myself off the van, and started to walk towards the building.
"Rei, stop." Chen warned me, but I didn't listen, I just needed to know that Kai was okay. Chen pushed himself off the van too, and came running my way. "We can't just waltz in there." He said, stopping me from going any further.
"I need to know if my brother's okay." I said, ignoring his attempts to stop me. I got to the entrance, and as soon as I was about to crawl through the glass, Kai came out and almost ran into me.
"Rei?" He asked, surprised to see me standing directly in front of him. I hugged him tightly.
"I heard the gunshots, I thought something happened." I said, pulling away from him slightly.
"We just ran into a bit of trouble, we're all fine." Suho confirmed.
"C’mon, let's get moving. I think sound attracts them, and by the way we were shooting in there, there's bound to be more coming if they're were any near by." Yoojung said, going to the van.
“Did you guys find anything?” I asked, walking with Kai, scanning for any scratches or bites on him. Just to be safe.
“Just a few water bottles. We didn’t get far... There was a lot of dead in there.” He said, throwing his bag in the van, before hopping in, and helping me up.
I noticed that his arm was bleeding, and became extremely worried for him. “Kai, you’re bleeding! Are you okay?” I asked, looking at his arm.
“I just cut it on the glass, when I was leaving the mall. It’s fine.” He said, waving a dismissive hand.
“It’s not fine.” I said.
“I’ll fix it.” Yoojung interrupted us, making Kai sit down. “Take off your shirt, so I can get to the wound.” She instructed. 
He looked at me a second, and turned back to Yoojung. “Actually, I got it.” I say, taking the first aid kit from her hand. She looks at me like she doesn’t believe I know what I’m doing. “Our parents were doctors. I worked with them for a few years before...” I start explaining, trailing off. “Anyways, I think I know how to clean and bandage a cut.” I say, giving her a look. 
She doesn’t leave, but watches me work instead. Kai took off his shirt so it’d be easier for me to get to his wound, since it was pretty high up on his arm. I notice Yoojung staring at his abs rather than his cut, almost everyone noticed. She let out an akward cough when she realized what she was doing, and continued to watch me. I cleaned Kai’s wound, and wrapped it with the bandages we had. It wasn’t deep enough for stitches, but also too big for just a bandaid. When I was done, Kai put his shirt back on, and I leaned back, happy I proved to her I was usefull. I have a feeling she doesn’t get that.
“Well... Now that you’re all fixed and better, you won’t mind being the driver for a while.” She says, standing and putting on a smile. 
“We all take turns.” She says, before Kai could protest. “I’ll keep you company, don’t worry.” She smiles, leaving the back of the van to get to the front.
Kai looks at me, and shrugs, but also leaves the back of the van to go to the front. I huff, and look at the two of them sitting in the front seats, but I make the choice to hold my tongue and not say anything, and instead close the back doors.
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richardhuynhhh · 3 years
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A lot of us rely on willpower to get things done. The problem is that willpower is a finite resource and cannot be relied on. According to psychologists, the more decisions you make, the more likely you are to experience decision fatigue (Davies, 2014). Willpower is analogous to a muscle, the more we train, the more we are likely to become fatigued. When our willpower is fatigued, we resort to our old habits. NY Times bestselling author, Shawn Achor, explains that we don’t need to think too deeply. “Simply focus on the first action you need to take”. Want to hit the gym more often? Place that gym bag near the door. 
Read more here: https://www.samuelthomasdavies.com/the-20-second-rule/
Davies, S. (2014, June 16). The 20-Second Rule: How to Build Better Habits (in 1/3 of a Minute). https://www.samuelthomasdavies.com/the-20-second-rule/
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Beach Buddy Umbrella Red Anchor Bag
This beach buddy anchor bag is capable of keeping your umbrella stable during windy days. This is a must have accessory for your beach umbrella.
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thegaytraveler · 6 years
Finds from the International Travel Goods Show ‘18
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The International Travel Goods Show ‘18 was filled will thousands of items designed to make travel more convenient, comfortable, and/or safe. Here are just a few of my finds that I shared on WTTG-TV, the Washington, DC FOX affiliate.
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Delsey Cruise Lite Hardside is a great example of the trends in hardside luggage. It’s more stylish, lighter, and more durable than the hardside luggage of yesteryear. I am also a big fan of the new under-seater size, which is great when traveling on the ultra-low cost carriers and when booking the new “sub-economy” fares on legacy carriers.
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The eGeeTough Smart Padlock is a great way to get some of the benefits of a fancy shmancy “Smart” bag without the high cost and still unpredictable airline rules. It is embedded with technology allowing for unlocking and proximity tracking with a smartphone/smartwatch.
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Often referred to as the "Swiss Army Knife of jackets," BauBax Travel Jackets have multiple features including built-in neck pillows, eye masks, gloves, and earphone holders as well as pockets of all sizes. The jackets are available in four different styles and various colors. The company will soon be releasing 2.0 versions with even more features. 
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Quickly becoming a top company for mobile power banks, GoPlug has an awesome mini solar bank/charger combo that includes a built-in LED light. 
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It may look a little odd but the Sky Napper is one of the most comfortable neck pillows that I have ever tried. It includes a padded eye mask, support pillow for your head and neck, ear plugs, and an achor pad that keeps your body in an up-right position.
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upshotre · 5 years
Eagles land in Dnipro without kits
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The Super Eagles landed in Dnipro for their international friendly against Ukraine without their kits, Sports Extra reports. Turkish Airline, which flew the Eagles delegation from Istanbul to Dnipro, didn’t take along the kits of the Eagles after a mix-up. According to a statement from the Nigeria Football Federation, items also missing are bags of six players who were on the flight to Dnipro. The airline, however, promised to deliver the kits to the team before the friendly on Tuesday (tomorrow), the NFF statement added. “Our kit bags did not arrive with us from Istanbul,” Eagles Team Administrator, Dayo Achor, was quoted as saying in the statement from the NFF media department. “The bags of six players also did not arrive, but we have alerted Turkish Airline and they have promised to deliver them to us in Dnipro between Sunday and Monday.”
…Team begins training ahead of friendly
The Super Eagles on Sunday began training for the friendly game against Ukraine with a morning walk, which was supervised by coach Gernot Rohr. Players who took part in the walk session were Francis Uzoho, Ikechukwu Ezenwa and Maduka and stand-in captain, William Troost-Ekong. Others include Jamilu Collins, Leon Balogun, Bryan Idowu, Alex Iwobi, Joseph Aribo, Oghenekaro Etebo and Anderson Esiti. Newly invited Joshua Maja, Samuel Kalu, Paul Onuachu, Victor Osimhen, Samuel Chukwueze, Emmanuel Dennis and Moses Simon were also part of the session.  The squad then had their  first training session at 5.30, after all 22 players were assembled in Dnipro. The training session held at FC Dnipro’s training ground at Dnipropetrovsk. Tuesday’s clash will take place at the 31,000-capacity Dnipro Arena, home of top club FC Dnipro, at 9.30pm Ukraine time (7.30pm in Nigeria). For the Eagles, the game serves as part of preparations for November’s 2021 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers against Benin Republic and Lesotho.
Read the full article
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portergreenuk · 5 years
Why a positive culture lies at the heart of a high performance culture
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Heard of the negativity bias? Well it’s EVERYWHERE! It’s a human predisposition to look for the negative in everything we see. The risk, the downside, the problem, the reason it won’t work. And once upon a time, that human trait really helped us. It probably saved our lives. From animal attacks when we lived in caves, for example.  And don’t get me wrong, it can still help us today. SOME of the time. Just not the whole time.
Think about it – from the moment we’re born, we’re being told what not to do – don’t spill the milk, don’t fall over, don’t poo there, don’t colour in outside the lines (oh, was that just me?)  Then we go to school and we’re told don’t run, don’t put your bag on your shoulder, don’t have hair longer than that, or hair that colour. So, we go home and we’re asked how come we got a D on something when everything else on our report card is A or B, so we fixate on the D and beat ourselves up and still haven’t forgiven ourselves quite.  And so it goes on.
In the end, we get to work and we’re told not to NOT do stuff, but to work on our ‘development needs’ instead. Like being a better presenter, developing gravitas, being more concise, curbing our enthusiasm, etc, etc. Only this is really also being told what not to do, just in a more politically correct or ‘respectful’ way. Hmmm.  It’s not that this is badly intentioned or unimportant, some/much/all of this feedback has value.  But, it kind of misses a lot of really valuable and important contributions we could be making, if only we also got some input on what makes us different and unique, but in a POSITIVE way.
A positive culture in the workplace
So, imagine being told at work that the way you pitched to a client was outstanding, because you showed you really understood their brief, spoke to them, not at them, listened to what they had to say and seemed really relaxed doing all those things, like it kind of came naturally somehow.  Or that your project plan delivered real value, because it showed how you had thought through all the dependent parts of the project, considered involving all the relevant stakeholders and in the end, made sure that everything was delivered to time and budget. And you turned it around really quickly, like in half the time we expected.
Building a high performance culture
Clear, specific, evidence-based, strengths-focused feedback. Not happy clappy, positive stroke-y puff. Which is probably why developing a positive culture in your workplace is more likely to lay the foundations for a high performance culture.
Point made?  Not yet?  Okay, what about:
A focus on strengths can increase employee engagement by up to 73% (Rath and Conchie, 2008)
Supporting people to use their strengths effectively leads to improvements of around 40% in productivity and customer loyalty (Harter et al, 2002)
Focusing on strengths in appraisals leads to a 36% jump in performance vs. a 27% decline when focusing on weaknesses (Corporate Leadership Council, 2002)
Strengths use reduces absenteeism of employees who experience both high workload and high emotional demands from 11% to 4% (Woerkom et al, 2016)
Still not convinced?  Need more convincing?  Okay, listen to this disarmingly funny but actually scientifically-based TED Talk by Shawn Achor, titled Happy Secret to Better Work
And give some of his ideas a go. Or you can always get in touch with us, we’re happy to help, and we’re good at this stuff.
Dr Paul Brewerton, Managing Director, Strengthscope Ltd and co-creator of the Strengthscope® Profiling System
The post Why a positive culture lies at the heart of a high performance culture appeared first on Strengthscope.
source https://www.strengthscope.com/positive-culture-lies-at-the-heart-of-high-performance-culture/ source https://strengthscopecom.tumblr.com/post/182551577214
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strengthscopecom · 5 years
Why a positive culture lies at the heart of a high performance culture
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Heard of the negativity bias? Well it’s EVERYWHERE! It’s a human predisposition to look for the negative in everything we see. The risk, the downside, the problem, the reason it won’t work. And once upon a time, that human trait really helped us. It probably saved our lives. From animal attacks when we lived in caves, for example.  And don’t get me wrong, it can still help us today. SOME of the time. Just not the whole time.
Think about it – from the moment we’re born, we’re being told what not to do – don’t spill the milk, don’t fall over, don’t poo there, don’t colour in outside the lines (oh, was that just me?)  Then we go to school and we’re told don’t run, don’t put your bag on your shoulder, don’t have hair longer than that, or hair that colour. So, we go home and we’re asked how come we got a D on something when everything else on our report card is A or B, so we fixate on the D and beat ourselves up and still haven’t forgiven ourselves quite.  And so it goes on.
In the end, we get to work and we’re told not to NOT do stuff, but to work on our ‘development needs’ instead. Like being a better presenter, developing gravitas, being more concise, curbing our enthusiasm, etc, etc. Only this is really also being told what not to do, just in a more politically correct or ‘respectful’ way. Hmmm.  It’s not that this is badly intentioned or unimportant, some/much/all of this feedback has value.  But, it kind of misses a lot of really valuable and important contributions we could be making, if only we also got some input on what makes us different and unique, but in a POSITIVE way.
A positive culture in the workplace
So, imagine being told at work that the way you pitched to a client was outstanding, because you showed you really understood their brief, spoke to them, not at them, listened to what they had to say and seemed really relaxed doing all those things, like it kind of came naturally somehow.  Or that your project plan delivered real value, because it showed how you had thought through all the dependent parts of the project, considered involving all the relevant stakeholders and in the end, made sure that everything was delivered to time and budget. And you turned it around really quickly, like in half the time we expected.
Building a high performance culture
Clear, specific, evidence-based, strengths-focused feedback. Not happy clappy, positive stroke-y puff. Which is probably why developing a positive culture in your workplace is more likely to lay the foundations for a high performance culture.
Point made?  Not yet?  Okay, what about:
A focus on strengths can increase employee engagement by up to 73% (Rath and Conchie, 2008)
Supporting people to use their strengths effectively leads to improvements of around 40% in productivity and customer loyalty (Harter et al, 2002)
Focusing on strengths in appraisals leads to a 36% jump in performance vs. a 27% decline when focusing on weaknesses (Corporate Leadership Council, 2002)
Strengths use reduces absenteeism of employees who experience both high workload and high emotional demands from 11% to 4% (Woerkom et al, 2016)
Still not convinced?  Need more convincing?  Okay, listen to this disarmingly funny but actually scientifically-based TED Talk by Shawn Achor, titled Happy Secret to Better Work
And give some of his ideas a go. Or you can always get in touch with us, we’re happy to help, and we’re good at this stuff.
  Dr Paul Brewerton, Managing Director, Strengthscope Ltd and co-creator of the Strengthscope® Profiling System 
The post Why a positive culture lies at the heart of a high performance culture appeared first on Strengthscope.
source https://www.strengthscope.com/positive-culture-lies-at-the-heart-of-high-performance-culture/
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Royal Red || drabble
‘Ankles made of glass’
‘Complaining about lack of opportunities...’ 
‘Your arrogance is going to be your downfall’
‘Never be as good as you think you are’
‘No one is on your level until somebody is’
‘And that’s when it’s all going to fall apart’
‘That why you went from being the most dominate nxt champion in history to…’
‘Were you even on RAW before i ushered in the CWD cause i can’t remember’
And personally i can’t wait to see you throw it all away again’
‘Ankles made of glass’
Neville couldn’t stop hearing Perkin’s voice - grating, annoying, sounds like a bloody teenager - as the other’s words continued bouncing around in his head. All the lashes thrown at him, words really to hide behind the fact that he wasn’t on his level…
‘Complaining about lack of opportunities...’
There were no such complaints, he told himself. He earned those opportunities that were simply handed to the lads of the classic tournament. His injury was merely bad luck and timing, he was going to have those opportunities and those matches Perkins and the others could only dream of...
‘Your arrogance is going to be your downfall’
Arrogance? What was arrogant about knowing exactly where you belonged in the company? Hell, he didn’t even belong down in the bloody cruiserweight division, he deserved to be fighting Owens or Styles for the top titles. He’d proved himself numerous times...
‘Never be as good as you think you are’
Hell, Neville knew he was better than most of the company’s talent. Far better than this so called division. No one could touch him at the level he was at. No one. Not Dar, not Swann, not Kendrick, not even Perkins could. Neville knew how good he was. Good enough to pin both Cena and Seth clean and would have been US and World champion had it not been for Rusev and Seth’s lackies. He would be so far above this little division that so badly needed him that it’d fail without him...
‘No one is on your level until somebody is’
Nah, no one would be. The day he was without the title would be the day some management sort stripped him of it because he was too far above the division and given his place back in the main showcase. No one could strip of his crown. Never...
‘And that’s when it’s all going to fall apart’
No… he would have to be dead or injured again for it to happen. He wasn’t going to fail… he wasn’t going to fall… he wouldn’t break…
‘That why you went from being the most dominate nxt champion in history to…’
Yes, acknowledge his abilities, Perkins. Know that you could never been on such a level. Perkins failed at building the division and failed at keeping the title. Neville built NXT into the touring brand it was today. And while he continued dominating all challengers to his title, everyone from Kidd and Breezy to…
‘Were you even on RAW before i ushered in the CWD cause i can’t remember’
Neville growled as he shoved the memory of Sami taking his title away from him in one of the most emotional nights of his life. He shoved the pouring memories of Sami and Owens and Seth and Claudio all having continued success and exposure on the flagship show while he was injured… he was promised a spot in that Intercontinental ladder match, a match he knew so well… he should have…
‘And personally i can’t wait to see you throw it all away again’
With a roar, Neville’s knuckles drove into the punch bag again and in a sudden rush of pain, his knuckle of his previously uninjured hand were split open wide and pain flared up his wrist and arm as the heavy canvas swung back in a taunting fashion, as if telling Neville he couldn’t move it. The new tear in the canvas of the bag told a different story as the guts dribbled out, the edge of the tear stained red. The pain was the only thing to tear neville’s eyes from the red tinted stuffing dropping to the floor and to the new injuries dotting his knuckles. Red red red….
Red blood… red gear… red ring ropes… red title… red
Neville’s vision clouded with red and it couldn’t stop. He ignored the pain in his knuckles and turned to attack the punching bag more with knees and kicks and continued stressing the tear in the bag. In his mind’s eye though, he couldn’t see a destroyed punching back, all he could see was flashes of those who opposed him, who taunted him… Were they not supposed to be the good guys? What good guys continually insisted on taunting their foe with words?
So wrapped up in his head, he didn’t hear the door opening into the room nor the footsteps nearing him. In the moment he was brushed lightly, so mentally wrapped up and blind to the world, Neville turned like a cornered animal and grabbed the wrist nearest him and … stopped.
The red in his vision bleed into the red that was the ginger’s hair and the light blush of red on his cheeks and slowly, ever slowly, Neville’s red vision bleed clear and he was staring at a startled still Heath. As his brain caught up to everything else, he finally realized Heath was calling him softly, other hand brushing soft circled into his clenching hand. “Ben?... Ben?... Ya ‘k?” the ginger’s voice was overflowing with concern and thickening his words. “Ben? Come on, lemme clean you up… and ma’be call the clean up staff…” The chocolate eyes glanced about them. Turning to look himself, Neville realized that not only had he split the punching bag, the mirror his hand had collided with was shattered a nearby wall, drips of blood scattered through the glass covered floor.
“Wha… bloody hell…” Neville breathed as his legs slowly turned to jelly and Heath helped guide him to sit on the closet flat surface not the floor. His fingers slowly unclenched from Heath’s wrist - his winced, praying he didn’t accidentally just bruise the ginger - and he continued working on evening out his breath. Absently, he went to brush a lock of his hair from his sweat covered face only for his busted knuckles to remind him of how long he’d been alone in this room. “…. I’ll need to apologize to Bryan… and offer to cover the fee for this…” he looked about, trying to refocusing himself.
“Ben….. ben…” Heath gently took one of his hand and produced a first aide kit from … their bags? Neville’s eyes trailed to where Heath must have placed his gear back and the flash of purple on top of it caught his eye. A knee jerk reaction, he almost stood up to cross to it, to touch it, to hold it, to clean it from Gallagher’s touch… Heath’s touch anchored him to where he was sat. Realizing he’d lost another moment or so, Neville finally refocused to Heath’s voice, refocused to his ginger achor. “I’ve talked to them, it’ll be fine. Babe,... babe, are you there?” The concern was almost so thick he could drown in it.
Head seemingly finally clear, Neville just nodded slowly. He… how had Perkin’s words rattled him so much? Why had he let Perkin’s words rattle him so much so quickly? Was it because of Gallagher? Neville shook his head again before breathing out a soft, “I’m sorry, love… I’ve ruined today, haven’t I…” he tried smiling, to make it seem like a joke, a tease, but there was nothing to it. It was buried in exhaustion and apologizes. “I… I let those words get to me, I guess… It’s… i’m fine now…” He brought his eyes back to meet Heath’s, staring at and baring his soul to the ginger man. It was… he needed this. This was what he needed.
Looking down at his carefully and skillfully bandaged hands, Neville nodded to himself and, realizing he was still in his ring gear, at least an hour removed from the ring, he chuckled softly to himself. “I… I think I’m alright… I’m sorry,” he carefully took Heath’s hands in his and kissed the unharmed knuckles in the embrace. “Thank you… thank you for being wonderful,” he tried to push all his love and thanks and just … everything that he felt with Heath and how much it had helped him. And heath, while it was obvious concern still wove through most of his face, there was a hint of relief and a storm of unadulterated love and care on the front as well.
And this… this love was more important. This would be Neville’s strength. This would keep him from falling back into red again.
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