lenok993 · 7 months
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I've just realised one thing or get insight wow i'm slowpoke Mikasa was crying during serumbowl scene right? That means her tears were falling on Levi maybe even on Levi's face. Isayama didn't draw it, WIT didn't animate this detail. But thanks to Newton's law of universal gravitation it's fact
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momtaku · 2 years
There's something I've been wondering about; is it ever explained why the noble bloodlines of the walls are immune to the King's memory powers? Are they actually Marleylans, or some other non-Eldian group?
No. I don't think it was. I remember writing reams of meta back in the day about the different bloodlines and wondering what it all could mean but either we read too much into it or else it was a storyline dropped. Mikasa's Asian heritage resulted in nothing and the Ackerman power was introduced but never consistent or explained.
For those reading who don't know what this is about, the Eldian history that opened Volume 22 referred to the “Subjects of Ymir” as the race that could be controlled by the Coordinate and transformed into titans. In earlier portions of the manga, the nobles (Ch 63), the Ackermans and the East Sea Clan (Ch65) were presented as minority bloodlines (or clans) who are part of the Eldian Empire and yet free from the mental manipulation that plagued the "slave class". The disconnect is that in 126 both Levi and Mikasa were transported to Paths by Eren acting as the Founded Titan and in 138 Mikasa's memories were revealed to be influenced by him.
In the end, the only thing truly immune to the Founding Titan's power was Hange's wheel. Go figure.
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Thanks for the ask!
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 112 Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1706 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,664 Responses
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No doubt about it, chapter 112 was lit. 77.1% of the fandom gave this chapter a top rating making it the third most popular chapter since we started the poll.
After more than 5 years reading these series I'm not sure if I can get any more broken than this, but Isayama-sensei surely will find a new way
Probably one of the most start to finish exciting and fascinating chapters we've had in a long time.
I have nothing but praise for this chapter and the discussion it has generated. Both Eren & Levi's parts were equally emotionally compelling. All in all I feel like crying in a corner now until the day comes with Mikasa smiles again and Levi stops suffering.
At this point, Eren is the greatest character in AoT, one of the greatest protagonists ever, Attack on Titan is one of the greatest manga ever and Hajime Isayama is one of the greatest mangaka ever.
Best chapter since 100 for sure. The EMA talk was delivered in the best and least expected way possible, and Eren absolutely killed it this chapter.
Can a manga chapter kill a person?
I've enjoyed lots of recent chapters, but this is the first one in a good while that I've loved all-out. Gimme dat good juice Isayama!
Eren whyyyyyy
I normally would have spent my time stressing out about Falco, but my god what a phenomenal chapter. 
This manga is the only toxic relationship i want in my life.
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Eren’s relentless roast session takes first with 28.3% of the vote. Armin punching Eren was second with 16.6% and EMA in the chapter vs. EMA on the cover was third with 14.6%.
Me crying this all through
The Titans falling from the sky
Zeke warming up then running away
My heart was absolutely broken for Mikasa. I want to pull her out of the manga, wrap her up in a blanket, dote on her and tell her everything's going to be okay. Eren, damnit, tell her you're sorry and that you love her!
I'm glad Nicolo admitted his guilt and wanted to atone/redeem himself
Let's hope Falco won't become the sink titan for now.
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A third of all respondents feel dead inside, while ¼ are still fully in denial and think everything will be fine. Either way, our psyches need some TLC. This question was brought to you by Betterhelp.org. #notsponsored.
Everything hurts and I'm dying.
I loved it but Im suffering af
it was absolutely depressing
this killed me inside
I want to die now
It hurts
Took my mental stability away😂👌💯
See y’all in therapy.
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When it comes to Onyankopon’s intentions, it seems we’re still as lost as ever. Over 4 out of 10 respondents don’t have clue where his loyalties lie. Nearly 3 out of 10 respondents think he’s trustworthy, while almost exactly the same amount of people think he’s full of crap. Also, there weren’t any write-ins about Onyankopon, but with everything else going in this chapter, we’re not entirely surprised.
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Nearly 50% of you are not pleased with how the EMA talk turned out, while a little over 30% actually enjoyed recent developments. 15% of people now realize why we didn’t include “EMA talk” as an option for the “things you’re looking forward to in the next chapter” question (it was because we forgot, but I guess it worked out fine?)
3 words: God damnit Eren!
I loved it but it was awful, in a good way
Eren is obviously lying about hating them but until we know why all I feel is pain. Mikasa and Armin didn't deserve this.
Everything fell apart in the worst way possible
I don't buy Eren's words here, but I'm so satisfied at seeing Armin punching him in the face
I felt personally attacked, gutted, and murdered by Eren but I liked it
I was absolutely torn to pieces by it. Seeing the bond that they had/have grow and change, to seeing them go their separate ways is hard to watch, especially with the dreams we've seen them share and work to accomplish.
Eren has bad table manners
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In our chapter 110 poll, we asked about why Armin wanted to touch Annie in the crystal. At that time, 26.8% of respondents felt he was being influenced by Bert through Paths.
Now, it seems more complicated. 62.9% feel like Eren isn’t correct, but not completely wrong about Armin being manipulated by Bertholdt. 18.1% think this isn’t the case at all, and 13.3% feel that Bert is influencing Armin’s actions.
He claims Armin is being influenced by Berthold. If Armin can be influenced by one titan, what about Eren with his three titans? I'm not sure he's being controlled but he's probably heavily influenced.
There's something more that we don't know about yet since we (and characters in the manga) are constantly being surprised by his actions. Eren's not wrong, but I don't think he's right either. He's saying he's doing everything out of his free will (cause I guess he's not ignorant about possible influences of the memories he has), while Armin and Mikasa are being manipulated, but maybe he's overestimating the power of his free will and accepts ideas that are passed down to him along with memories as his own. Or maybe he's really fully aware he's also being manipulated but uses it to his advantage somehow.
Also if Eren thinks that Armin being controlled by Bertholdt is a bad thing, he’s wrong because now Armin is two best boys for the price of one.
My baby Bertholdt is relevant again and I live for it
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Ackermystery revealed! Or is it? 62% of respondents believe we only got partially correct information from Eren. 22% are confident Isayama is wasting no panel space on false information and 10% are certain that the information is flat out wrong.
I don't think he is totally correct. Mikasa's bond and strenght isn't solely explained by her ackerman DNA, as well as Levi. He awakened his abilities way before he met Erwin. Both of them aren't slaves of his DNA and destiny.
Partially but not fully accurate. I think there's definitely truth to what he said, but either not every... Ackerman... works the same or there are different 'levels' to the bond. He also definitely might have been exaggerating to be a douchebag, because I can't imagine how he'd think Mikasa was a slave to him when she's blatantly gone against him in the past, sometimes even physically hurting him to make a point or get him to stop doing something.
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Nearly half of respondents feel that this new information adds another layer of complexity of the Ackermans’ relationships. ¼ of voters agree that it simply makes sense, while 13% are not the biggest fans of Eren’s explanation.
Eren just replied a harsh version of it (just to protect her and let Mikasa get away from him) OR he was manipulated by Zeke with this shadowy version of the truth behind the Ackerman family
I believe his explanation of things is warped; I think Eren's explanation has some truth, but his own feelings made him jump to conclusions (e.g. Mikasa's feelings are ALL based on her Ackerbond)
Eren only understands part of it. Mikasa unlocked her powers fighting the kidnappers but formed a close bond with Eren when he wrapped the scarf around her. Those are two separate moments.
He's lying, the ackermanns haven't followed the king for the entire time they have been inside the walls, he just wants Mikasa and Armin to stop blindly following and worshiping him
Let's not jump to conclusions, we don't know if Eren's lying or if he even has the correct information. Everything should be taken with a grain of salt.
I believe it's far more complex than Eren's half assed "explanation". While it is in the Ackerman genes to find someone to bond with, it's far from a master slave relationship.  And Erwin and Levi are a proof of that. If the slave theory was true, Levi would inject Erwin with serum, his dna would prevent him from allowing Erwin to die, because humanity needs him. But he chose Erwin. He chose to set him free. I think Eren meant that Mikasa was a slave for her feelings towards himx otherwise Eren looks like a complete idiot.
I think that he has very basic or oversimplified facts. What he's saying makes sense, but I feel there is a lot of grey area that he's not considering. Mikasa is still her own person. Her feelings toward him are genuine. Not to mention, Levi and Kenny both awakened the powers without an ackerbond, so....
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At a near even split, respondents are either certain that Eren didn’t believe the hurtful things he said to Armin and Mikasa, or they are completely unsure. Less than a quarter thinks he truly believes in what he said.
I can't shake the feeling that this isn't 100% him. The hurtful words still feel like an act to push Armin and Mikasa away from him, rather than actually aiming to hurt them
what Eren said was gasp worthy. No one would have though he actually hated Mikasa. I do think that’s how he actually feels about Mikasa, as he said everything he will do is just him.
Whether Eren actually meant it when he said he’s alwaa hated Mikasa or he’s just trying to break the ackerbond, it’s too far, he broke her down and stomped on her repeatedly, it breaks my heart because Mikasa’s worse fear and true, she lost her last family member
Eren's words are not his own. Trust me.
I think that eren is TRYING to make his friends hate him by saying these things so when the time comes and he has to die, they won’t miss him as much. What I’m saying is, Eren is trying to be less connected to his friends so that his death won’t be too hard on them and they move on with their lives rather than having regret and mourning his death never continuing their lives the same way ever again
To be honest, I'm not all that surprised Eren would tell Mikasa what he did. While there are times that he has shown concern, friendliness, etc he's also had his moments of showing her some rather explosive anger. Whether it's real, all him or not, I don't know-nor am I concerned about it- but I do think it is something to be taken into account.
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30% of voters just want to understand what Eren is up to and are concerned about where his head is at. ¼ of voters think he is just plain full of crap, 22% find his actions unforgivable and a small 15% are ready for him to lead the country immediately.
Conflicted. Best written protag in a long, long time.
A common theme in this story is the need to do something monstrous for a perceived greater good.  We don't know what Eren's goals are yet and I'm content waiting to find out before judging him.
Eren is either poorly written or his mind has been altered by Zeke somehow.
I think it’s another interesting character development for Eren. The flashbacks showed that he was starting to see his friends this way. After gaining his father’s memories, that changed everything for him.
He is still good, he hasn’t changed in terms of mindset he has become more mature and is looking at things from a different perspective. People always relied on him to make the most important descision, now he’s doing it on his own like Kaneki if u ask me. It’s like when you constantly call someone a monster, that they aren’t. they will eventually become one
I wanna kick his ass
Boy he got good roast game, bUT BOI I WOULD LIKE TO STRANGLE HIM
If he's pulling an act, then it will make me like his character even more, but if this is Eren's true self then I want him dead.
He claims he's free. What's he going to do next, run around with NO clothes on? He's already been shoeless and shirtless, he may as well cross another line!
He’s my favorite character but good lord Eren what the hell man
Still my fave. He's a bit of a dick right now but he's just so damn interesting. I NEED to know what's going on inside his head!
Eren's behaviour in this chapter is so at odds with his character portrayal in the Marley arc, that I only hope there's an explationation later that'll make it all make sense from a characterization POV
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40% of respondents feel that Eren is likely not fully in control of his actions and believe he is suffering a combination of control from Zeke and control from one or many of the titans in his system. 17.5% don’t want to make any assumptions just yet, and at slightly less, 17% believe that Eren is perfectly in control of himself.
Free, but heavily influenced (not controlled) by memories
A combination of all three
He might be making his own choices but that doesn't mean he's free. He's still a slave to his own ideals in the end.
Eren is definitely influenced by previous titans, but being influenced by Zeke would be bad writing.
Zeke gave him (questionably true) information, and he has lots of voices in his head but he's still in control. He's doing what he believes he needs to do to save those closest to him, even if he knows it's wrong and even if it drives them away.
Dude doesn't know what he is doing right now, Eren.exe has stopped working.
I really don't know. This feels so much different to when he was slaughtering kids in Liberio of his own volition only a year ago, and now he's setting up his contemporaries, countrymen and friends for his own ends and i can't tell if this is genuine help me
The memories are of course altering his personality and thoughts but I don't think there's any kind of direct "control" over him. He's doing what he thinks is best for Eldia.
He is certainly being influence, but still free to make his own choices
Partial will, partial influence of Attack/Founding Titan
There is something wrong with him. But it's too early to tell.
Eren and Attack titan's personalities are merged now I think. But is Eren cooperating or completely against Attack's will is a big question. I like the theory that this titan will be the main villain at the end (the series is called after his name duh)
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RIP Mikasa’s Heart 
How will Mikasa ever recover tho…
F for Mikasa’s feelings.
I'm broken like Mikasa
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A solid ½ of respondents are confident that this was Mikasa’s calling to finally break off from Eren and have a story arc apart from him. 20% believe she will ultimately choose to go to Hizuru in the end (or do you?) and 15% feel she’s just going to be broken for the remainder of the story.
Mikasa is approaching Reiner levels of suffering... I want her to prove Eren wrong so badly, and if that means beating his ass, then so be it.
Mikasa didn't deserve this
Mikasa better move on.
Mikasa ilu bby. Your love and consideration for others has been genuine and you're doing amazing sweetie. Don't get caught up in Eren's bullshit.
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It was a close one but Flock edged out Eren as the characters we’d most like to punch in the face. Zeke and Isayama made a distant third and fourth. Popular write-ins were Armin (26), Gabi (35), Mikasa (10), all of them (14) and no one (11).
Myself, for always still returning to this series, despite Isayama destroying my hopes and feels time and time again.
Guys who destroyed the shit machine
All of above. No questions asked.
none of them are u crazy!?
Why isn't Gabi an option here?
I'm gonna pull a chapter 68 and punch myself in the face.
I picked Floch but I’d love to punch the shit out of Zeke and Eren as a close second and third
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At over ⅓ of the votes, most feel Historia is either acting on her own, or is in cahoots with Eren and the Yeagerists. Quite a few write-ins felt her loyalty only goes as far as Eren, while another several said she’s loyal only to Ymir.
Daz the Winged Titan
Eren. But, that loyalty is wavering.
Her unborn child most likely. Everyone else has screwed her over!
Historia's loyalties lie with Paradis. She will probably side with anyone who can ensure the island's continued survival. She's clearly taking her role as the Queen seriously what with her pregnancy and all... :(
I might have an opinion on this if Historia had screentime to base said opinion on.
Ymir her secret girlfriend who cosplays as a farm boy
Even if I'm disappointed with her being pregnant because of Zeke/Eren's fault, I'm sure she'll rise again. She may have close friends in the SC, but she is loyal to Ymir. She'll live in a world where she can proudly say who she is.
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With 43.8% of the responses, the random scouting legion members being turned into titans was the most horrifying, followed by Floch’s… smile. Falco’s bathtime came in last place, but do you guys realize just how big that sink is?
Zeke screaming like the furry monkey that he is and seeing Floch being a bitch was horrible too. The only thing that matters to remember is our cinammon roll taking a bubble bath🛀💗 what a cutie pie.
Falco is going to wake up like "wtf i'm in a sink"
You'll think I'm crazy, but I absolutely LOVE this Floch-villain thing. It was like I was waiting for that "smile" to happen. Most people hate him, but he may even be a more dangerous villain in the future.
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56.4% believe Levi’s head grab has nothing to do with his Ackergenetics. Of those, 29.2% attributed it to stress and 14.8% believe it’s not a headache at all. For those who believe his Ackerbonds are a factor, 27% attribute it to his bond with Erwin, while 25% cite a connection to Eren.
After all the trouble Levi went through to defend Eren, all the dead comrades who gave up their lives to defend Eren. Now Eren is in league with the very man who killed Erwin, Connie's entire village and many more people on Paradis. That's a recipe for a head explosion, nevermind a headache!
Both stress and the Ackerman headache of himself doubting the idea of continuing to defend Eren and uphold Erwin's promise of saving humanity and killing the beast Titan but his Ackerman blood tells him otherwise
He is tired as hell, give this man a break, I don't think he formed an Ackerbond with Eren, well I hope for his sanity that he didn't...I'll pray for him.
I don’t think he’s formed an ackerbond with Eren, but he seemed to believe Erwin and Eren were humanity’s hopes so whatever that means…
Little bit of the vow to Erwin, but also has a lot to do with the stress and all the lives lost for someone that may have betrayed them.
We've never seen Levi get a headache before and if that really is a headache in the same chapter Eren mentioned them I find it kind of silly.
I'm so curious about Levi holding his head and what it could mean. I hope that he can fulfill his vow to Erwin. Also that panel of him turning back around was beautifully drawn.
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57.9% think that Zeke’s still lying about, well, everything, but especially the actual mode of transmission for his spinal fluid in Ragako. A little over a third felt he was telling the truth, and the rest of the write-ins don’t trust him farther than they can throw him.
Who believes anything Zeke says now (besides Eren)?
I do, but the reason why everyone froze up wasn't because of the spinal fluid: it was the gas. If someone just ingests the spinal fluid normally, the signs aren't completely present. With the case of the wine, they didn't add any toxins to it: just Zeke's spinal fluid. What Zeke said about how someone ingesting his spinal fluid getting a coordinate on his/herself afterword to make them susceptible to Zeke's Titan transformation scream is true.
The only firm evidence we have is that Zeke's spinal fluid was involved, Everything else is supposition... damn Zekerets...
I still have my faith in the theory that he was a fake doctor, who delivered his spinal fluid in the form of medicine.
I don't trust a single word that Zeke says. I'm guessing the gas was a misdirection to throw suspicion off the wine, but it could still have been true, because no one was eaten in Ragako.
Believe' and 'Zeke' should not be in the same sentence together.
All of the Above
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This is our first question with only a write-in option and it happened because we weren’t clever enough to think of any smart book titles on our own. The fandom came through with 774 people providing suggestions. Here are just a few:
"How to be a key player and still not reveal your true goals to anyone 101"
"How to convince your captors that you're innocently reading a book while you're actually plotting your escape"
"Levi will make it out of this" and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself.
“Eren knew Reiner would save Falco” and other lies to tell yourself!”
"So you have one year left to live. One Hundred experiences you shouldn't miss out!"
8D Chess by Zeke Jaeger
A Little Brother's Love: Garnering Your Sibling's Affection with Empty Promises and Frequent Deceit
Anarchist cookbook
Fantastic Beast Abs and Where to Find Them
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Zekerets
"How To Be The World's Biggest Douche". Floch also has a copy.
How to Take Over the World While Having Fun, for Assholes
My Mom Ate My Brother's Mom!
O brother where art thou
The Adventures of Wile E. Coyote & The Roadrunner, published by ACME
The beards and the bees.
When Levi comes about, scream and shout!
Where's Waldo? with Waldo already circled on every page
No, I just hope it’s the last book he’ll ever read
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The majority (41.2%) of voters think Levi will (eventually) kill Zeke, but around a third aren’t sure if he’ll be able to. 27.4% think Levi will die, possibly next chapter, before he has a chance to avenge Erwin’s death.
Levi will probably die (although I wish he wouldn't), so I hope Connie kills Zeke in his place. That's my only hope.
Levi can't die before his vow has been fulfilled, or else I will be sorely disappointed.
I think Levi will kill Zeke, therefore fulfilling his promise to Erwin, but will die in the process :(((
Levi kill Zeke already!
Zeke will have to die at some chapter, because Levi will fulfill his promise. Even if he dies in another scene, the Mike-like ambush won't happen again.
pls don't kill Levi isayama
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With a new faction appearing in the last couple chapters, 50.3% of respondents are still rooting for the Survey Corps to come out on top. Next are those supporting Eren at 25.7%, followed by those rooting for no one.
if there was an option 'just Armin, Mikasa and Historia' in the 'Who are you most rooting for' question, I'd have taken it
As long as Eren doesn't hurt historia I'm still rooting for him
Please give me Reiner i want him to save the day like the true hero he is
Eren is pulling a Lelouch.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of The New Eldian Empire, and to the Republic for it stands, one Nation under Eren…
friendship ended with Eren now Reiner is my new best friend
Amazing how Eren manages to become more and more irredeemable with every passing chapter. Hopefully the warriors and Scouts team up to put down him and his maniacal brother.
1039 (62.9%) Levi’s titan battle 742 (44.9%) Flashback of Eren and Zeke in Marley 717 (43.4%) Information about Historia 704 (42.6%) Yeager brothers in Shiganshina 540 (32.7%) Warrior infiltration time 513 (31.1%) Uhh... did Falco ever make it out of that bathtub
Levi’s titan battle is tops on the wish list followed by a flashback on Eren and Zeke’s time in Marley. Information about Historia is third.
Some Goddamn insight into Eren's mind. (It's been 2 years Isa COME ON)
I would literally sell my soul to the devil for an Eren POV, a flashback to his time in Marley and an explanation of what the hell he's doing and why
Eren apologizing for hurting best girl's feelings
Floch getting shot in the face.
Floch kicking ass
So wait- did they really just leave Falco alone, naked, and probably Titan juiced in the restaurant? :(
Hange taking Mikasa Historia and preferably Annie and flying off to the Bahamas for an eternal vacation away from everyone's bullshit
Levi's survival and maybe a nice cup of tea.
Armin Vs. Eren Titan Battle
anything nice...
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Reddit still reigns supreme with 44.3% of respondents, but Tumblr made a slight comeback up to 18% over only 11% last month. “I don’t” is third with 10.5% and 9.8% are lucky enough to discuss the series in real life.
Lots of revelations, lots of suffering :(
Why Eren? Mikasa loves your stupid ass, ackerbond or not.
Friendship ended with Eren. Now Armin is my best friend.
I can't be more proud of armin he is my baby forever.
Amazing so far still hoping EM is a thing but its looking dim, Eren is now my waifu despite him being a jerk I love how much the dude doesn't give a shit.
Armin's gonna take at least a year to explain this shit storm to Annie once she wakes up
EMA was one of the main reasons why I was into this series and seeing Eren hurt MA like that makes me want to quit the series entirely.
Eren baby please get your shit together. Also fuck Zeke and Floch.
Eren becoming a villain was hinted since chapter 25 and by numerous characters (Levi, Annie, Reiner, Eren himself, Zeke - all before the timeskip). So Eren is probably being genuine, especially since the words he's saying to Mikasa and Armin are the same he said to Carla in the first chapter.
Eren did nothing wrong!
Eren hates that he has influenced Mikasa for so long. He's trying to break the Ackerbond so she can choose for herself in these trying times.
Eren is a bitch but I still love him
Armin and Mikasa did nothing wrong to deserve hear that crap of him, of all the people, the one who has 3 titans + a crazy half brother to influence him. Is Eren free? HAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOPE.
Even though I'm not the biggest fan of EMA what Eren has done is completely unacceptable, Zeke running and screaming is my mood, and please please please don't kill off Levi now Isayama or I'm gonna stab a bitch.
I'm heartbroken. I don't believe Eren hates Mikasa, and I'm sure he knows it. I won't pretend to understand his motivations at this point, I just know he's lying. The look on his face says it all. But Mikasa, my poor sweet girl. I wish she didn't have to go through all of this pain. Someone give her a hug ffs.
I found it funny when Eren was like “we’ve never fought, huh? That’s because I’d BEAT YOUR ASS!”
I love Eren but by god am I worried about the way the character is being handled. I hate the idea of him being so manipulated that he's almost a totally different person, I hate the idea of him being controlled and losing his agency... both of those just feel like cheating for a plot twist, y'know?
I love Isayama, but fuck him.
I think Isayama knocked it out of the park with the EMA scene. That shit will be remembered as the Grim Reminder 3.0 in matters of writing once this series is over.
I think this was a great chapter. What I find amazing is how quickly people stopped talking about Gabi after this chapter. While you might say that it's because she wasn't the focus, I think it's partially because of her (lack of violent) reaction to Eren. I think she clearly has more depth now and I am wondering what her role in the story will be.
I wish Jean had been at the table when Eren said that stuff to Mikasa.
I'm incredibly worried for Levi's safety, along with Mikasa's mental health and Armin's physical health. Eren's words created wounds that aren't going to heal quickly; It's going to take time. I'm beyond infuriated at Zeke, and I hope he gets what he deserves.
I’m not sure how I feel about this series anymore because this chapter. I get a almost a years worth of Gabi, Galliard, and Zeke whom I really don’t like and then when the characters I actually like reappear they become jerks, fools, or they bite the cursed dust. I know I sound so salty lol.
Floch being a douche beyond my wildest expectations, Eren's entrance, the fight, the tears, the child who had no reason to be there caught up in all of it, Zeke running away like he was some kind of Looney Toons' character. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. This was the most enjoyable chapter in a very long time.
Seeing Gabi terrified of Eren while he was talking to Mikasa and Armin was amazing, she finally realizes that this is the person that was responsible for the attack on Marley. Eren is this devil that she was told that she will need to kill, but when she is finally in a room with him she is full of fear.
Zeke, that jerk. Once I get his hands on him-
Eren... I still like him a lot, but damn, that was such an intense roast he did toward Mikasa and Armin. I think it'll lead to some interesting development for the latter, but I really wonder if Eren was really bluffing his hatred toward Mikasa and has an ulterior motive behind what he did. That'll be interesting to find out!
When Levi said a long time ago "It might rain Titans", do you think Zeke read his mind through paths and made his thoughts come true? Other than that, Eren's villainy is continuing. I'm not sure whether to cackle "Let the world burn" or cuff him around the ear for making Mikasa cry!
This chapter has DEVASTATED me. I already heard warning bells when I saw the cover with EMA being so adorable, and hated being proven right when the chapter came out. The bond between EMA was the thing I rooted for the most in this series, the purest thing in the SnK universe. Eren and Armin have both died for each other. Mikasa would have too, if she wasn't already an immortal goddess. The strength of their bond is something that has been made apparent since chapter 1. Together, they are almost unstoppable, invincible, and Isayama has taken even that away from us. Thanks, I hate it.
Every part of this chapter was brilliantly executed. Although, I am somehow always surprised at how wildly different reader interpretations end up being whenever Isayama teases us with purposeful ambiguity. This chapter was extremely polarizing, but as always, I think the answer to the truthfulness of each of Eren's claims (hating Mikasa, Ackermen being robotic slaves to their bond, being free, etc.) is somewhere in the middle.
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lenok993 · 7 months
Kaji Yuki: Ackertalk is coming? Will Ackermystery finally revealed?
Isayama: Soda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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lenok993 · 3 years
Eren: The Founder Ymir can you transform all Eldians into Ackermans? I want all of them can survive and protect themselves in future.
Ymir: Done!
Eren: The Rumbling is canceled.
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lenok993 · 3 years
If Yams add extra 50 pages for volume 34 and give me the answers, give me ackertalk with warm ackerhug ok I will forgive him. 😎😊
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momtaku · 3 years
Hey mom was 138 the first time we actually got confirmation that Ackermans can't be titanized? back in ch69 Kenny though about using the serum he took from Rod on himself before giving it to Levi so back then it seemed like they at least though it would work. During the serum bowl thing, it seemed odd to me that Levi always seemed set on administering it to someone else (only one man) and no one though about Levi using it on himself. Then later we find out about Ackermans being the byproduct 1/3
of titan science. So, at that point I (and many others) begin to wonder if that meant they couldn’t become titans. Then in the forest while everyone else was unknowingly drinking the tainted wine, Levi was looking for tea, so it made it seem ambiguous as to whether or not he drank any. When Zeke screamed to titanize everyone he seemed assured that Levi would be eaten, not that he was turned so Zeke ether knew that Levi didn’t drink the wine or that he did but couldn’t be turned. 2/3
A lot of what we know about the Ackermans is hearsay, coming from non-primary sources of Zeke or Ksaver. The only thing we did get from primary (grate-grandpa) was that their a unique bloodline, separate from the Eldians. Levi and Mikasa being able to enter PATHS made it seem like perhaps because their at least half Eldian that it might have been possible, but I guess now we know so long as someone is at least partly Ackerman they can’t be turned? 3/3
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Oooh, you’re right. I’d missed the point that Zeke was 0% surprised that Levi wasn’t titanized which means Zeke either knew Ackermans were immune or else he was aware that Levi didn’t drink the wine.  While it was never stated, I think in my head I’d assumed Levi did drink the wine at some point in the forest and that’s why he was confident that he and Mikasa would not be victims of the poison gas. Now I’m not sure.
I think what’s going to be interesting is that happens to the Ackermans if the titan curse is removed. Do they lose their strength? Or worse? Let’s say for instance if the curse is undone and the mindless and wall titan die, would the Ackermans die as well?  I don’t think that will happen but it might still mean a significant biological change in Levi and Mikasa  😅
Thanks for this! I have plenty more to worry think about now!
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momtaku · 3 years
Hello! Do you think Isayama should've provided more explanations for the Ackermans? I know he neglected explaining a lot of things. Whatever Eren said wasn't the whole picture & I'll never forgive the fandom for how they treated Mikasa because of this. Though Zeke debunked Eren's claims but it didn't stop the negative perception. I love the three Ackermans & what they represent. I wanted to know to more about their history but i guess we'll never get that.
We got as more about the Ackermans than we did about PATHS, so I guess we should be grateful. I mean, I'd always like more but I think what we got was enough. Isayama provided an outline and we can extrapolate from there. Knowing for instance that the Founding Titan can muck with biology and learning from Willy about the infighting among the titan houses, it's reasonable that a previous Founding Titan tweaked the biology of one bloodline to create protectors for himself and his family. It's also reasonable that Karl ended that obligation when he decided the walled people would be best left to face consequences of the world's hatred.
It would be nice to get more Ackerman lore, but I doubt Isayama thought about it too deeply. I'd more trust the creatives in the fandom to fill in the gaps.
I know it's frustrating, but nothing will change people's perceptions. I point you to the 30% or so who believe Erwin would support the Eren and the rumbling despite Isayama spelling it out unequivocally in the manga.
If it helps, when that chapter was introduced, only a minority of people accepted Eren's words. Only 20% thought Eren himself believed what he was saying. The majority saw it for what it was. And at this point, anon, anyone holding onto the lies that Eren introduced in chapter 112 is doing so deliberately, either because it upsets Mikasa fans or because it justifies their headcanons. Knowing that should make it easier to ignore.
Thanks for the ask!
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momtaku · 3 years
When Eren said in Chapter 139 that Ymir had noticed Mikasa, it caught me by surprise. Why would she have been watching Mikasa? But then it occurred to me that she might have been watching every Ackerman bonded pair. The Ackerbond was never really explained in canon, and I now wonder if perhaps it existed as a side effect or result of Ymir's devotion to King Fritz? Perhaps Ymir has been watching all the Ackermans, all this time, for an Ackerman/liege pairing that would finally meet all the requirements. Historically, the Ackermans would have served the monarch, but there'd never been a liege with the means, motive, or opportunity to end PATHS, along with an Ackerman that would have the strength to end their liege. It makes me wonder what might have happened if Erwin had inherited the Colossal titan in SerumBowl. Though if he'd gone on to eat Eren and thus inherit the Founder, and then worked out a plan with Levi that involved his own destruction, I'm not sure anyone would have preferred that ending. What do you think?
I had a similar thought that Mikasa being an Ackerman might have been a factor. Eren and Mikasa were the perfect combination to end this. Eren was an unstoppable force with an inborn drive to end the titan curse and Mikasa was an Ackerman with the immense physical power necessary to end  him.
I didn’t extend that thought to all Ackermans, but I agree with you that with their origin being largely unexplained, there’s plenty of room for imagination here.
Ending the titan curse didn’t need to be accompanied with global genocide. I think it could’ve been just as interesting and tragic if someone like Erwin had recognized what was needed to end the titan curse, and worked with his friends to make it happen rather than alienating everyone. Maybe someone will write it.
Thanks for the ask!!
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momtaku · 7 years
Do you have some theories about the Ackermans being products of the titan science? Or this will be another subject that Isayama will ignore?
I’m not really big on theories any more--I’ll come up with a cracky headcanon at best. But when it comes to the AckerMystery, I think Isayama is just getting started. He introduced it via Grandpa Ackerman in chapter 65.
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Now in chapter 93 he’s made it a Big Huge Freakin’ Deal
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The stories are consistent. The Ackerman clan was connected to the royal family, the one that holds the power of progenitor titan. I’m confident it’s going to be revealed to us, hopefully in a way more interesting than a giant info dump but I’ll take what I can get. Ackertalk people! He hasn’t forgotten.
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momtaku · 4 years
Hello Mom ! I'm actually wanting to ask you something, it's old but I really want an opinion from someone like you who is "neutral" on the subject because the answer will sometimes differs whether you're a rivamika fan or not. So I would like to know why Levi didn't fight Mikasa back during the serum thing ? Was it because he couldn't (was to weak to do so) or because he didn't want to and try to soothe her instead ? What is your pov on this please ?
I’m afraid this reply is going to be more preamble than actual answer. I get nervous when an ask includes a ship name and the word “neutral”. It makes me wonder if there is discourse happening somewhere and someone is looking to use my reply as evidence for or against. 
I also think it’s an incredibly douchy thing to dismiss a moment another ship community holds dear. I’m not a member of the r/m community, but all evidence is that they are awesome, one of the chillest, and whatever they headcanon for this moment isn’t something I’d want to interfere with. Shippy or not, they’ve watched every interaction between these two so they are in a great position to pick up any nuances or changes in characterization.
I don’t think you are doing either of those things, I just wanted to make sure we’re clear on that because I don’t want to be inundated with asks that veer into that territory. 
So on to your answer.
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...I don’t know. 
Maybe it’s the obvious. Levi just fought off a horde of titans on level ground with no gas or gear and he’s exhausted. Or maybe it’s connected to the Ackerbond and Erwin’s failing power. Or maybe he doesn’t want to hurt Mikasa. Or maybe it’s a case of all of the above. But I do agree that Levi’s failing power and the indication that Mikasa at this moment was stronger than him feels significant. It feels like something that needs an explanation. 
There’s still much we don’t know about Ackermans, their ackerbonds and everything surrounding them. I don’t think this manga will end without clarification, so I’m hopeful whatever we learn about Ackerbiology will help us make sense of this moment.
Thanks for the ask!
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momtaku · 5 years
Hello Mom!I have a question,Does Mikasa know Levi is Ackerman?Because we saw that she took everything to heart what eren said so she obliviously thinks about her ackerman bloodline and about dedicating theirselves to somebody so I think she might think at one point who could be the one Levi dedicated himself to?
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I’m sure she does but I doubt she’s had much time to reflect on what Eren’s words mean outside of her own relationship with him.
I do hope Levi and Mikasa get a another chance for an ackertalk before the series ends. I think Levi’s perspective, no matter how brief, could go a long way helping Mikasa feel more balanced about her heritage. He’d be the perfect person to adjust Mikasa’s thoughts and set the record straight about their relationships. For now though, I think Armin was doing a fine job of pointing out the flaws in Eren’s logic.
Thanks for the ask!
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momtaku · 4 years
Thank you so much for your answer about the serum moment ! I understand that the shipping thing is a very sensitive subject and I think I expressed myself badly on my side too ; the fact is that I always asked myself the question of why Levi didn't defend himself at this moment. But maybe Isayama made this an "open" ask.. But anyway thank you for your answer you're awesome !
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You’re very welcome. Judging by the number of responses, it was a good question to be asking. I was looking at the post yesterday and was genuinely surprised at the number and variety of comments it received. If you haven’t looked at it, you should.  I think that emphasizes exactly what you say, this is an open ask. Something that needs clarification.  
I agree with something @cecldcecld wrote. “Mikasa stating his weaker is definitely meant to be taken as fact not something we should question.” The question is why. Is it important? Is it a hint to something involving either of their biologies. It doesn’t feel like a throw away statement.
Thanks for following up! Have a great day!
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momtaku · 5 years
Hi mom! Last chapter made me reflect a lot about the story. Right now, one thing that understandably doesn't get discussed enough is the Ackerman storyline. Eren said Ackerman are slaves to their genes, Mikasa apparently believes in him and Levi/Kenny are out of the picture, so they can't bring any clarity into this topic. How do you think this issue will be solved? Not only Mikasa has started to doubt about her own identity, but also Eren looked guilty/sad when he looked at the scarf scene.
I don’t know how it will be solved, but I’m confident this isn’t a plot thread he’ll drop. The Ackermystery is something Isayama has taken his time to set up. He’s been leaving a breadcrumb trail of information since chapter 6.  All that’s left is the final reveal. We need to learn the origins of the Ackermans and their true nature. All I can say is wait for it. 
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momtaku · 5 years
Hello ! I have been wondering something: do you think the Ackerman headaches might be related in any Way with thé Time Travelling ability of the Paths ? I doubt it il trully something with thé original personality coming back - Levi seemed to be pretty free of mind ....
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I tend to agree with Armin that everything Eren said about the Ackermans  was  lie that he came up with. As you mention, if headaches were important, I think we would’ve seen Kenny and Levi have them as well.
Thanks for the ask
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momtaku · 5 years
mom, it’s crazy.. i started reading snk because i was so interested with the ackermans and all isayama did was drop information/hints along the way, i love it. i’m getting a lot of guess of what their final role to the story is and i’m also here patiently waiting for the BIG reveal. 🤧👀 it’s frustrating tho because i want it now. AHHHHHHH
A decade long manga with month chapters, a complex story and a huge cast of characters should come with a “Warning: Patient Required” label.  I feel you anon. It’s hard. As much as I’ve loved the ride, I’m looking forward to it ending. Another year and we'll have all our answers. Acker-answers are sure to be part of that.
Thanks for the ask!
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