adventures-written · 1 year
@acrophobicdouble​ "Bark? Because wood?" :)
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“I’ll give you one chance to try again.”
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
Tim is staring, he is staring so very hard at the ears. He wants to pet, he wants to but knows that is a very very bad idea. You cant just pet your friends out of nowhere! Especially not after seeing them in forever! "Heeeey Nick. Sooooo... how've you been." he is so not being subtle about staring at the ears.
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Unfortunately for Timothy, he's getting an experience with a double himself (in a way).
Nicholas can feel him staring, hackles rising in apprehension. Part of him wishes he had the Punisher handy, but at least there's his pistol if he needs it.
"....Do I KNOW you?" He growls, uneasy.
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adventures-written · 1 year
6. Mun has to say something nice about themselves <3
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No! NO! I was tricked!!
Officer, I didn't see this as an OPTION!!!!
I can't Uno reverse....
Uhhhh.......I like my writing...? It's something I work very hard at and it's one of my favorite things.
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adventures-written · 1 year
[FOOTPRINTS | 🦶] - Rhys
Soulmates [FOOTPRINTS | 🦶] Your soulmates leave coloured footprints only you can see.
Ever since he started working on Helios he had seen them. At first he thought he was going crazy. It wouldn't be the first time something weird like that happened. Maybe his echo-eye was malfunctioning or he just didn't have enough sleep. Thankfully his buddy Vaughn reminded him about soulmates.
It was said that when you see colored footprints they would lead to the one you were meant to be with. Honestly, Rhys didn't buy into the whole soulmate thing at first. It was weird and he didn't want to by into superstition.
But the longer he worked on Helios, the more he saw of those footprints. He tried following them one day, but found himself heading towards Handsome Jack's office and, as much as he'd love to see that man in person, he did not have the skills to go anywhere near that man's office. He'd be airlocked or shot immediately.
One day he was heading the the Hub of Helios for some lunch. He was supposed to meet up with Vaughn, but he was distracted by the distinctly pink footprints of his supposed soulmate. Maybe this time he'd have them.
He followed the pink steps through the halls to some back storage closet down a random hallway. He did not think this far ahead if he had found the person those prints belonged to, but here he was. He stood outside of the closet, staring at it intently for a moment before he reached a hand out to the keypad to open it.
Surprisingly it did slide open, though who he found inside startled the company man. The face staring at him was none other than HANDSOME JACK! He yelped, "S-Sorry! Wrong closet!" And quickly closed the door.
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Fuck! He was dead, he was SO dead! Turn and walk away. Pretend it didn't happen. Yea...yea, that's it!
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adventures-written · 1 year
[FLOWERS | 🌸] - Wilhelm
Soulmates [FLOWERS | 🌸] Flowers bloom on your skin whenever your soulmate is nearby. This stops when you touch your soulmate for the first time.
Wilhelm had never believed in soulmates. He had no reason to, especially with the way that seemed to work. Flowers growing on your skin? It was the most ridiculous sounding thing he'd ever heard of. Even if he had witnessed it happen to countless people around him, he firmly believed that his degenerative disease broke him, leaving him unable to have this feature. That he would never have a soulmate.
He was getting up there in years, which made it even less likely to be a thing that would happen. So, with this idea in mind, he was honestly surprised when he was introduced to Jack's body double. The man looked like Jack, but his real name was Timothy Lawrence.
Nisha laughed when the white flowers started to grow from his exposed skin. Soft and delicate petals, something unfitting to the harsh man they were attached to.
He didn't say a word. He just walked out of the room, Nisha's laughter still echoing behind him.
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adventures-written · 1 year
“Stop moving, it’ll only make it hurt more” - Rhys
The Injured and The Healer
He had cut open his leg pretty badly and he may or may not be freaking out a little bit. The CEO was not much of a fighter, and yet, here he was, checking on his men in an active warzone. "Ow, owww! Careful with those hands!" The guy was squeezing just a little too tightly.
Was it to stop the bleeding?
Well YES, but hell it hurt!
"Do you even know what you're -- do...ing....!?"
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Eyes widened as he stared at the figure, getting flashbacks to a certain AI. Was he seeing things? Handsome Jack was fixing his leg! He lost all train of thought, his mind going completely blank as he stared at him.
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adventures-written · 1 year
“I-I’m fine.  Just a flesh wound or okay a few flesh wounds” - Wilhelm
The Injured and The Healer
Wilhelm ignored Tim and his assertions that he was fine. He clearly was not fine. He was bleeding and that was something that annoyed the bigger man. He was quite fond of Tim. There was nothing he wouldn't do for him, and that was saying a lot since Wilhelm was very self-centric a lot of the time.
"Hold still," he grunted, trying to push up Tim's shirt so he could get a good look at the injuries. He could do a quick patch job, but Tim would need a doctor. He'd have to head to Atlas HQ for that....
"Can you move?" Or maybe he should carry him anyway...
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adventures-written · 1 year
Featuring Rem and Tesla
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Tagged by the lovely @wolfsmuses​
Tagging (only if you want) @nicholas-wolfwood​, @orangetintedglasses​, @acrophobicdouble​, @firsthumandisaster​, @mythoustales​, and anyone else who may wanna poke this vwv
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adventures-written · 1 year
What kind of herb are you?
Muse: Rhys Strongfork
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You leave an impression wherever you go. Your heart is so strong, so determined, so willing to go after whatever hole you see in the world, whatever wound you need to fix next. You're there. You're justice, hot red and pure gold, fairness incarnate, a paladin in shining armor come to protect and cleanse and heal and yet sometimes you wonder if you're the most corrupt, dirty being in the world, a fraud, a monster in hero's clothing. The world is so intense and you are so small, so fragile, and no matter how hard you try you're never good enough. You want to be good. You want to be good enough. You try so hard and yet the world is so dark and angry and cruel. Perfection is always just out of reach and you want things to be okay so bad you bleed with it. You just want things to be right, to be good, to be fair, but you don't know if they ever can be. If you can ever be.
Tagged by the lovely: @wolfsmuses
Tagging (only if you want): @acrophobicdouble​, @nicholas-wolfwood​, @mythoustales​ (Ather), @firsthumandisaster​, @avataroftheswarm​, and anyone else who would like.
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