riya-loveguard · 2 years
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In order to move into the state of effortless flow you have to subtract rather than add. This will go against every self-development book and course that you’ve read, which puts ACTION at its canter.
But trying to create the life of your dreams when your field is a tangled mess of energetic patterns of childhood conditioning, ancestral patterns, past lifetime experiences, karmic links and bonds, is like climbing a mountain with a very heavy backpack weighing down every step.
The first step in reprogramming your energetic field for abundance is always to locate and remove any impediments to energy flow. But it’s not just about “rewriting the beliefs” on a mind level. You have to go to the very core of why each distortion and programme was there in the first place. Heal it at its very source. It is a process of stripping layer after layer after layer - which may not be pretty or easy, but the reward is certainly worth it. It’s a controlled demolition of dysfunctional 3D patterns and a planned rebuild, so you emerge as your powerful, Higher Self, with an energetic field that is so receptive to activations and manifestations that abundance flows effortlessly into every area of your life.
This is a journey I have walked and embodied and one that I will be honoured to take a committed group of Souls on starting from January within my 6-month Transcending Dimension programme, together with Aeron Lazar.
This beautiful, life-changing programme was designed with love and patterned after our own experiences as well as successful one-on-one sessions. The difference is: it targets not only specific problem areas but re-designs your entire reality in a holistic manner.
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riya-loveguard · 2 years
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You want to create a beautiful, impactful business.
You are no novice to inner work. You’ve also heard many times that you need to work on the business, not in the business.
But do you know how to work ENERGETICALLY on your business?
Traditional business approach will teach you all about strategy, marketing and sales. But it totally ignores the energetic laws of business. And this is why even the best business strategy hits its limitations because it is not matched with the correct energetic work.
I am familiar with the mainstream business approach. I’ve tasted it during my MBA studies. I’ve had it dished out by mentors and professional advisors when I ran various companies. I’ve seen it taught in online courses by marketing and sales gurus and I even used to teach it myself!
Let me tell you: this 3D perspective is not the right fit for a Quantum business. It won't fly in the New, higher dimensional Earth.
So if you want to take your business to higher dimensions, you need to start treating it as a multidimensional entity and working on it energetically, and not just strategically.
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