riya-loveguard · 2 years
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To open up your channels to freely receiving abundance and becoming the master creator of your ideal life, you have to deprogram yourself off of templates stemming from upbringing, religion or collective consciousness that dictate that “giving is better than receiving”
It’s a bit of a paradox but you receive and give without looking at it as a transactional matter.
So when you receive something, practice being comfortable in the thought that you received it “just because.”
No strings attached. No guilt. No fear of judgement.
Only gratitude for the gift.
You don’t have to “deserve” to live the life you dream of. You don’t even have to “earn it” by giving first. You simply have to BE!
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riya-loveguard · 2 years
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You want to create a beautiful, impactful business.
You are no novice to inner work. You’ve also heard many times that you need to work on the business, not in the business.
But do you know how to work ENERGETICALLY on your business?
Traditional business approach will teach you all about strategy, marketing and sales. But it totally ignores the energetic laws of business. And this is why even the best business strategy hits its limitations because it is not matched with the correct energetic work.
I am familiar with the mainstream business approach. I’ve tasted it during my MBA studies. I’ve had it dished out by mentors and professional advisors when I ran various companies. I’ve seen it taught in online courses by marketing and sales gurus and I even used to teach it myself!
Let me tell you: this 3D perspective is not the right fit for a Quantum business. It won't fly in the New, higher dimensional Earth.
So if you want to take your business to higher dimensions, you need to start treating it as a multidimensional entity and working on it energetically, and not just strategically.
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riya-loveguard · 2 years
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It’s a bit of a paradox but you receive and give without looking at it as a transactional matter.
So when you receive something, practice being comfortable in the thought that you received it “just because.”
No strings attached. No guilt. No fear of judgement.
Only gratitude for the gift.
You don’t have to “deserve” to live the life you dream of. You don’t even have to “earn it” by giving first. You simply have to BE!
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riya-loveguard · 2 years
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To open up your channels to freely receiving abundance and becoming the master creator of your ideal life, you have to deprogram yourself off of templates stemming from upbringing, religion or collective consciousness that dictate that “giving is better than receiving”
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riya-loveguard · 2 years
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Money is currently the most convenient and efficient way of exchanging value, yet many spiritually minded people sometimes seem to be allergic to it - whether on a conscious or subconscious level. And then suffer from lack of it, and frustration.
Unless you are comfortable and happy making your living elsewhere, not charging might mean that you have to work doing something that is not your highest alignment rather than working on your energetic toolkit that has the power to change the world.
But I want to go a step further. Why should talented healers, coaches, energetic practitioners be making only “just enough to pay their bills” or “put the food on the table”? Why couldn’t beautiful, soul-aligned people have an absolute abundance of resources and the life of their dreams?
Until we realize that energy is as real as matter and that abundance is our birthright we will be stuck in this three dimensional matrix, doing soul-destroying work for businesses and institutions that are not anchoring the highest frequencies on this planet.
#lightworkersofintagram #abundance #consciousbusinesscoach #starseed #starseedbusiness #starseedbusinesscoach #energeticsofbusiness #abundancemindset #moneyblocks #abundanceblocks
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