#active ayu life
activeayulife · 1 year
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activeayulifedelhi · 2 years
Slipped Disc Treatment in Delhi
What is a slipped disc? If an intervertebral disc of your spinal column loses its usual form and/or consistency, it is referred to as a “slipped disc.” In order for the disc to change shape, its softcore substance bulges or leaks out of its outer fibrous covering. Herniated, ruptured, ripped, bulged, or projecting discs can all be referred to as slipped disc. This results in pain and discomfort. In cases when the disc slips and compresses a spinal nerve, numbness and pain can result. If you have a slipped disc, you may need surgery to remove or fix it. It is composed of a solid outer rim and a soft middle. Outer damage to the disc can allow its inner component to emerge through the disc, resulting in a defective disc. A slipped disc, herniated disc, or prolapsed disc is the medical term for this issue. This is a source of distress. In the event that a spinal nerve is compressed by a slipped disc, symptoms of numbness and discomfort might be felt along its route. A slipping disc may necessitate surgery in extremely rare cases.
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liesmyth · 9 months
Do you have any Coronabeth Worsetwin thoughts about Abigail's reaction to finding out Ianthe become a Lyctor in HtN ("Blast. It should have been Coronabeth. Ianthe never was quite the thing")? I love Abigail but ngl I am also a Corona Worsetwin truther in part because I would find it much more satisfying for one of the series' designated Rational Moral Adults to be categorically wrong about Corona.
OH I love this! I hadn't really thought out it until now, but my first reaction is that it might have been just the general "Ugh, yuck, Ianthe?" vibe that she seems to evoke, since she's very much unpleasant on main. But when thinking about it more in-depth, I think Abigail's perception of WHY Corona would be more suited to Lyctorhood depends on which qualities Abigail thinks a Lyctor should possess that Ianthe lacks.
One thing about Abigail in HtN is that she is as much of an atheist as you can get in TLT, but also she seems to have a sort of romanticised view of John (calling him "the Kindly Emperor", "I've longed my whole life to give him my findings") and I wonder if this extends to her conception of Lyctorhood as a sort of state of idyllic quest for knowledge — "the beauty of necromantic mysteries" as Harrow puts it. She's also the leader of a House known for its diplomacy, influence, and not-so-subtle expansionistic ambitions.
So, is she thinking about Corona's diplomatic skills? Her political knowledge? Or — because at this point she still believes Coronabeth is also a necromancer — is she thinking that Corona was the better necromancer than Ianthe, as it was widely speculated?
Going wildly off into headcanon land, we know Abigail has anti-Cohort sympathies (as per Judith's files) and I wonder if that plays a part. We know that Corona regards the Houses's expansionistic strategy as inefficient, but I don't think it's something Abigail would know. Maybe she just thinks Corona would be able to assert authority over the Cohort better? (One of my pet speculations is that there's some antagonism between the Cohort and the Lyctors, and if that's actually a thing Abigail could be aware of it.)
I think it's a combination of Corona's people skill, her personal experience with both twins, and the fact that Ianthe actively puts off everyone she meets.
(If anyone has any opinions about Abigail here PLS feel free to add, I too love her but she's one of the hardest characters to figure out for me)
Personally, a solid 40% of why I am a Corona Worsetwin truther is because I think it's hot. The rest is her everything in NtN / AYU from the threatening suicide to statecraft scheming, with a smattering of that one Taz interview <3 I'm excited to see her wreck havoc in AtN.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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OM Mother of the Victors of the three times, Noble Lady Tara, Liberating Mother, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel, Increaser of Life Force, I pay homage to you, the Divine Mother (Goddess).
- His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Jana Punye Puting Kuruye Soha!
May your lives be long!
Chintachakra White Wish-Granting Wheel Tara, unique among the other White Taras found in the 21 Taras, is a combination of all the activities. Imagine white light exiting a prism and separating into the primary colors. White Tara does this.
Mantra : Om Tare Tutare Mama Ayu Punya Jhana Puktrim Kuru Svaha!
White Tara - Talon Abraxas
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subir-astrologer · 4 months
The native is constantly experiencing fear of death and always have the thought of when he would die and so wants to know about it as per Vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 25.10.1995 at 08:38 AM in Eskişehir, Turkey and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows vruschik lagna / scorpio ascendant with Jupiter n mars in 1st house, Saturn in 4th house, ketu in 6th house, mercury in 11th house and venus rahu moon n sun in 12th house.
The moon is in Vishaka nakshatra in thula rashi / moon in libra sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Saturn.
In order to learn why the native has such feeling of death as per his horoscope, one need to study the 5th and 8th cuspal sublord and the moon and rahu. The study of the current ruling antardasha will reveal how the dasha lords are giving their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 5th cuspal sublord is ketu and its strongly signifying 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 and 12th house as it is in own nakshatra in the planet level, venus strongly signifying 7 and 12th house as its untenanted in the sublord level and Saturn signifying 3 and 4th house in the sub sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with moon signifying 9 and 12th house.
The 8th cuspal sublord is moon and its signifying 9 and 12th house in the planet level, Jupiter signifying 1,2 and 5th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn signifying 3 and 4th house in the sublord level.
Moon is in conjunction with venus signifying 7 and 12th house.
The current ruling antardasha is rahu and it is started from 30-10-2022 and will end on 05-9-2025.
Rahu is signifying 7,9,11 and 12th house in the planet level, mars signifying 1 and 6th house in the nakshatra level and ketu signifying 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11 and 12th house in the sublord level.
Rahu is in conjunction with sun signifying 10 and 11th house.
From the analysis I conclude that the native will experience of death more and constantly from the period 30-10-2022 onwards and it will be till 05-9-2025.
As per KP Vedic astrology death is signified when there is activation of 2,4,7,8 and 12th house of a horoscope.
The 5th house denotes intelligence and that house has activation of 4,7 and 12th house which hamper the intelligence of the native.
The 8th house is of fear and its sublord is moon which also denotes our mind is signifying 2,4,7 and 12th house which also signify the death of a person when they get activated thru the house of death.
Rahu the planet of CREATING THE ILLUSION AND THE MAIN CULPRIT is operating in its antardasha level under Saturn mahadasha ruling.
Rahu is signifying 4,7 and 12th house which is also the significant of the death when activated thru the death signification parameters.
The native need not worry at all as it completely a temporary phase which will vanish after the year 05-9-2025.
Self-realization is the best remedy than moving around from pole to pole for a miracle remedy.
The native have long life ( purna ayue ) as per the horoscope and so need not worry about the death anymore.
So from now onward whenever the death feelings comes, just smile at it and it will slowly vanish away as it understood that you cannot be scared anymore.
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frommymamaskitchen · 7 months
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activeayulife · 1 year
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activeayulifedelhi · 2 years
निःसंतानता (इनफर्टिलिटी) महिला व पुरुष दोनों में होने वाली एक ऐसी समस्या है, जिसके कारण महिला माँ बनने में दिक्कत होती है और पुरुषों को भी पिता बनने का सुख नहीं प्राप्त हो पाता है। निःसंतानता के कई कारण है, जिसके कारण महिलाएं मातृत्व सुख से दूर होती जा रही है।
सबसे पहले तो भारत और अन्य देशों के आंकड़ों पर नजर डालते हैं, कि कितने प्रतिशत महिला व पुरुषों की निःसंतानता है, जिसके कारण से वह संतान सुख से वंचित रह रहे हैं। आंकड़े दर्शाते है, कि भारत में 10-15 फीसदी दंपति प्रजनन अक्षमता के कारण माता-पिता बनने के सुख से वंचित रह जाते हैं।
निःसंतानता लगभग 10-15 प्रतिशत भारतीय पतयों को प्रभावित कर रहा है। भारत में निःसंतानता (बांझपन) के बहुत सारे कारण है, जोकि इस प्रकार है- विलब से विवाह, जीवन शैली में तनाव, अधिक मोटापा, फास्ट और जंक फूड का अत्यधिक सेवन, सिगरेट व धूम्रपान, शराब और नशीली दवाओं की लत समस्या में योगदान करती है।
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solusidigital21 · 1 year
Skincare adalah Asupan Nutrisi yang dapat Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit
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Review pixy prisghanpage
🤩, ❤️SKINCARE UNTUK REMAJA❤️Affordable🥰, ✨ Holygrail skincare THAT WORKS 🥰, How I got rid of my EYE BAGS FAST! What is the Korean skincare routine that is so talked about today? As soon as my acne was cleared I started giving my skin more attention & started going to the CLARINS spa for facials & I really learnt so much about my skin, what I should be doing & how to have a good skin routine. There is one drawback - acid actives such as AHA and BHA interfere with the conversion of retinol to all-trans retinoic acid, so should not be used in the same routine with retinol. There is a big difference between an exfoliator & a scrub. If you use a clay mask, like the amusing Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask, it is recommended to use it following cleansing, before applying the exfoliator and toner.
But, you know, variety is the spice of life, and having a sink and shower lined with an array of amazing cleansers makes me feel like I’m living in the lap of luxury. It's great in the summer for people with oily skin because when used on its own, it doesn't weight the skin but it also contains ingredients to help our skin. Additionally, waiting is great if you want to make sure two products that have conflicting pH needs don’t react with each other. I experimented with different wait times in 5 minute intervals, and 20-25 minutes seems to be my sweet spot. It takes about 30 minutes for an acid’s pH to neutralize on its own. It’s important to note that I wait at least 45 minutes after applying my other products before using this, giving my other products a chance to be absorbed first. I use an acid (AHA) toner immediately after cleansing, and I apply it with a cotton round. It’s worth noting that a warming sensation (or any other sensation associated with a product’s use) is a form of irritation, no matter how intentional. It also rinses easily and completely without any residue, and contains some nice moisturizing, anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Retinoids are powerful, and applying too much can do some serious damage to your moisture barrier. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, rinses clean, and some anti-microbial ingredients. In the morning to prepare and protect the skin for the day ahead and in the evening, to remove all the dirt and impurities we have collected throughout the day. This is the lowest price available online for this serum by a long shot. Pencuci muka, Serum siang dan juga Serum malam. Pembersih wajah/cleanser yang digunakan pun bervariasi, ada yang berbahan dasar minyak atau cleansing oil, ada juga yang suka menggunakan cleansing wipes, atau ada juga yang lebih memilih cleansing cream. Bukan tu je, Qaayed pula sekarang ni dapat perangai baru, suka pegang muka Ayue dengan jari dia yang penuh air liur tu. Himalaya bukan pemain lama di ranah skincare tanah air, brand asal India ini memiliki penggemar dari skincare junkie cukup banyak karena dipercaya memiliki produk yang berbahan dasar alami. These brand focus on skincare for teenagers.
It’s a godsend for dry skin (and probably a bit too moisturizing for oily skin). 👃 Blackheads are really something that girls care about and they cannot be easily removed by simple cream or removing essence. Now that I’ve tried it, I won’t be without it. Skin Type & Concerns: While I’ve yet to use this for my face, the main reason I bought it was for my body. If I don’t wait, the efficacy could be compromised, but my main concern is that the Tretinoin tends to travel if it’s not fully absorbed when I start applying other products. She wanted the brand to be more than a celebrity business but embody beauty's true essence. Artinya, kamu harus rajin baca ingredients pada label produk atau pada website resmi brand yang kamu pilih. Produk dengan packaging cantik akan punya nilai plus dan dipajang di meja, bahkan bikin saya lebih rajin untuk pakai produknya. Senyawa ini akan mengikis milia dan mencegah pertumbuhan benjolan-benjolan baru sehingga tekstur kulit akan terlihat rata. Produk water-based skincare biasanya memiliki tekstur yang ringan, bouncy, dan mirip seperti gel, yang mana ketika dioleskan ke kulit akan terlihat larut seperti air. Terserah pada korang nak buat pilihan produk mana yang bersesuaian untuk korang.
Sebagai pengguna bijak, pilihan ada di tangan korang. Bukan tu je, tisu ni siap ada Shea Butter dan Vitamin E ekstrak didalamnya. I’ve tried a lot of Argan oil from many different brands, but Shea Terra is my favorite one. Where to Buy: This oil is available on the Shea Terra Organics website, where it retails for $18, but if you sign up for their newsletter, you’ll get a monthly 30% off coupon code. There’s usually a Pixi Beauty coupon floating around the internet though. In Korean skin care, people usually make use of double cleansing. In Korean cosmetics, we typically use double cleansing. When it comes to Korean skin care, people typically use double cleansing. It smells really green and herbal, and imparts a mild but pleasant warming sensation when I use it. For example an exfoliant with a mild chemical can be used every day while a mechanical exfoliant is best used not more than three times per week.
I was recommended to this “magic stone” as I'd like to call it, by my good friend when I was on a trip with her. Like the Su:m37 Cleansing Stick, it removes makeup well enough that it can also be used for both steps of the double cleansing process if needed. And, says Hutchinson, "both of our daytime moisturizers - Kinetin Age Decelerating Daily Lotion and Kinetin Age Decelerating Daily Cream - are rich in kinetin, a cell-rejuvenating discovery found in leafy green plants."There are healing benefits with kinetin too. If you suffer from dry skin, that is even more susceptible to losing natural oils, look for a very hydrating moisturiser in the shape of a rich lotion or cream that is formulated with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid. I like it because it does wonders in terms of calming skin irritation, inflammation, and redness, and it helps brighten my complexion and accelerate the healing of active acne spots. Clinical testing shows it helps to reverse and repair sun damaged skin, and will also protect from sunspots, lines, and dry patches.
It’s not pretty. A damaged moisture barrier manifests as red, rough, flaky skin that simultaneously itches and burns. Manfaat dari produknya juga cukup banyak seperti mengurangi iritasi pada kulit, memberikan sensasi halus pada kulit, memberikan kilauan pada wajah, menutrisi kulit lebih baik, memberikan kelembapan lebih lama pada kulit dan memperbaiki skin barrier lebih baik dari produk biasanya. Agar hasilnya lebih baik, kamu juga bisa lho mencampur kandungan skincare yang satu dengan yang lainnya. 2 Tahun yang lalu - Berikut 5 rekomendasi peel off mask untuk kulit berminyak dan kusam di bawah 100 ribu rupiah yang bisa jadi pilihanmu. New customers can use my referral link to receive $10 off your first order. European customers can order from the Paula’s Choice EU site. Shopping these links helps support this site. Additionally, I find that applying a hydrating toner helps offset the dryness I get from more alcohol-heavy sunscreens. But what is exactly the Korean skincare routine that we talk so much about these days? This one is a recent favorite - I really like the Su:m37 Secret Programming Essence because it contains fermented ingredients like the Missha Time Revolution First Treatment Essence does, but I find it hydrates much more effectively.
If it travels, I risk a dreaded getting it on my mouth, which results in a case of “dead lips.” Dead Lips is my name for the phenomenon in which the surface skin of my lips becomes unnaturally smooth and numb before peeling like a mofo for the next few days. Many women decide to use either the essence or serum, in the case of dry skin, both are suitable. Many women opt to use both the essence and serum, if you have dry skin, both are suitable. The mask for face is designed, according to the type of your skin, to add moisture for dry skin or to eliminate excess sebum when you have oily skin. The mask is used in accordance with the type of your skin, to add moisture in case of dry skin or to get rid of excess sebum in the case of oily skin. Then we can look at the face mask, which is to be used at night, and is a possible fabric one, which can be utilized daily or a clay mask in case you suffer from oily skin.
It is an extremely versatile product that can be used on its own in the case of oily skin or combined with other products to treat cases dry skin. “This brand is powerful enough to stand apart in a crowded market, combining real consumer insights around clean skin care with Scarlett’s talents as a visionary creator,” Foster tells Refinery29 via email. Begitu pentingnya loyalitas bagi Perusahaan maka perawatan wajah (skin care) wardah gentle face wash telah menjadikan loyalitas sebagai hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam strategi pemasaran.Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa variabel yang mempengaruhi loyalitas merek (Brand Loyalty) di antaranya yaitu Switcher, Habbital Buyer, Satified Buyer, Likes the Brand, dan Commited Buyer. Beberapa brand skincare biasanya memiliki lini produk khusus untuk masalah kulit tertentu, misalnya untuk mencerahkan kulit kusam, mengatasi jerawat, hingga anti-aging. Jika Anda sudah mengetahui jenis kulit yang Anda miliki, maka rutinitas perawatan kulit sehari-hari dapat membantu Anda menjaga kesehatan kulit secara keseluruhan dan meminimalisir masalah spesifik seperti jerawat, jaringan parut, dan bintik-bintik gelap. Bila Kamu telah mengenali tipe kulit yang Kamu miliki, hingga rutinitas perawatan kulit tiap hari bisa menolong Kamu melindungi kesehatan kulit secara totalitas serta meminimalisir permasalahan khusus semacam jerawat, jaringan parut, serta bercak- bercak hitam.
Ada banyak bahan perbaikan dan Anda bisa membuat masker wajah yang sempurna untuk klien Anda. Maka dari itu, hal ini biasa terjadi ketika seseorang berganti produk perawatan wajah, dan ternyata tidak cocok. Ampoule ini cocok untuk memberikan rasa tenang dan nyaman bahkan ketika kulit sedang merah-merahnya. Selepas seminggu penggunaan produk Ami Skincare : Nurul Hidayu - " Tona kulit cerah dan parut jerawat ternyata pudar, jerawat mengecut tanpa timbul lagi dan kulit rasa fresh bermaya berbeza dari sebelumnya". Skincare atau perawatan kulit adalah rangkaian dari berbagai penerapan yang mendukung keadaan integritas kulit, untuk meningkatkan sebuah penampilan dan mengubah kondisi kulit. Ketika iritasi, ini akan meningkatkan peluang untuk mengalalami efek samping dari senyawa tersebut. Umumnya terdapat kandungan charcoal atau clay dalam masker tersebut yang dapat mengangkat minyak wajah berlebih. Hanya saja, muncul juga pertanyaan tentang bukti apa yang mendukung klaim tersebut. Biasanya kulit yang kemerahan juga dikarenakan adanya iritasi dan infeksi akibat timbulnya jerawat di area wajah. Diperkaya dengan Alpha Arbutin, Coenzyme Q10 dan Vitamin E yang melindungi kulit dari sinar UV, mengurangi garis halus dan tanda penuaan juga menganjalkan kulit. Selain boros, hasil yang akan didapatkan juga tidak maksimal. 1. Cleansing merupakan Perawatan, Seleksi pembersih yang tidak membuat kulit Kamu kencang sehabis dicuci.
Saya pernah merekomendasikan moisturizer untuk kulit kering, karena saat hamil kulit saya sangat kering, tapi orang yang bertanya ternyata malah kulitnya jadi acne-prone setelah hamil. Masalah klasik ibu hamil dan menyusui adalah kurang tidur, makanya pemakaian eye cream itu nggak boleh dilewatkan, biar membantu area mata nggak terlalu bengkak dan tetap terhidrasi. Jika belum, yuk cari tahu terlebih dahulu apa itu tamanu oil dan berbagai manfaatnya sebelum mencoba, dikutip dari PARAPUAN berikut! Ok, kalau korang nak tahu Ami Skincare adalah produk kecantikan terbaru kat pasaran Malaysia. Calit je Ami Skincare. Korang nak jugak ke calit vitamin untuk wajah korang? Nak calit skincare tapi was-was? Jadi Ayue pun nak cuba lah tisu terbaru dari Kleenex ni. Haa, Kleenex Facial Tissue Skincare ni adalah tisu yang paling lembut sekali. Apa yang menarik perhatian Ayue adalah walaupun tisu ni lembut gila bila sapu pada muka, tapi ia mempunyai 3 lapisan sebenarnya. Bagian bawah mata juga perlu perhatian khusus karena memiliki kulit yang lebih tipis.
Eye cream juga aman digunakan dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi. Wajah tampak kusam, berjerawat dan tampak tua dari usia? 9 Bulan yang lalu - kandungan skincare yang terkenal bisa mencerahkan wajah diantaranya seperti Niacinamide, Vitamin C, Alpha Arbutin, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Pemakaian yang teratur, rata-rata kulit baru akan menunjukkan perkembangan hasil setelah minimal 3 bulan penggunaan produk yang mengandung retinol.4. Pada malam hari, selain macam-macam skincare di atas, penggunaan krim mata atau eye cream mungkin diperlukan. The fluids follow the release of Babor's SkinovagePX Advanced Biogen Anti-Aging BB Cream SPF 20. This is a lightly tinted beauty balm with stem cells derived from Alpine plants, and avocado oil, and was developed for demanding skin. Instead, you can use BHA with your morning routine and retinol in the evening. You can also find it at W2Beauty for $16. An exfoliant, as the name suggests, is used to gently remove cellulite from the surface on which it is applied for example that is, the face. Exfoliants, as their name implies, is used to gently exfoliate dead skin cells from the area where it's applied which is in this instance, the face. Exfoliants, as their name implies, is used to gently remove dead skin cells from the area on which it is applied which is in this instance, the face.
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hardynwa · 1 year
PDP withdraws Anyim, Fayose’s suspension, sanctions ward exco
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The National Working Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party led by the acting National Chairman, Umar Damagum, has reversed the suspension of the party’s chieftains including a former Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose and an-President of the Senate, Pius Anyim. The party’s National Publicity Secretary, Debo Ologunagba, who disclosed this in a statement on Thursday in Abuja, said the suspension of other party leaders such as a former Katsina State Governor, Ibrahim Shema; a Benue State chieftain, Prof Dennis Ityavyar, and Dr Aslam Aliyu of Zamfara State, was also reversed. Also on Thursday, the Benue State Working Committee of the PDP suspended the executive of the party in the Igyorov ward of the Gboko Local Government Area of the state. Before the February 25 presidential election, five PDP governors, known as G-5, had insisted that Ayu must resign to pave the way for a southerner as the national chairman. They subsequently withdrew their support for the party’s candidate, Atiku Abubakar, thus leading to his defeat in Rivers, Oyo, Enugu, Abia and Benue states during the election. But the PDP NWC led by Ayu on March 23 hit back at some chieftains, on the grounds of anti-party activities. In a statement by its spokesman, the party directed the Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, to appear before its disciplinary committee. It suspended Fayose, Anyim, Shema, Aliyu and Ityavyar. Fayose, however, dismissed the suspension, saying Ayu’s days as the national chairman were numbered. Fayose, through his media aide, Lere Olayinka, described the suspension by the Ayu-led NWC as “the last kick of a dead horse.” In a statement titled, “My suspension is Ayu’s last kick of a dead horse – Fayose,” the former governor said, “Ayu and his cohorts are only entertaining themselves with the purported suspension as their latest comedy skit.” Fayose said he and others, who stood by the party when Ayu and his supporters left it to die, would rescue the PDP and give life back in due course, adding, “The purported suspension will have no leg to stand.’’ Ortom, on his part, said that it was contemptuous of the party’s leadership to disregard the court Order which barred the party or any organ of the party from issuing any disciplinary measure against him. In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Nathaniel Ikyur, Ortom said, ‘’I think the national leadership of our great party is losing its sense of direction. Instead of the leadership sitting back and thinking of ways to rebuild the party from the ruins of the defeat from the just concluded elections, they are going about chasing imaginary shadows. “In any case, the first person the party should refer to the disciplinary committee should be the national chairman of the party, Dr Iyorchia Ayu. The national chairman lost his polling unit, lost his ward, local government, and even the state,” Ikyur said. On his part, the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, said, “Ayu and Sam Anyanwu, the national secretary, and other members of the NWC cannot suspend Ayo Fayose not to talk about referring governor Ortom to a national disciplinary committee. Three days after Fayose predicted Ayu’s ouster, the PDP executive in the Igyorov ward, where Ayu hails from, on Sunday suspended the national chairman as a member of the party alleging anti-party activities and failure to pay his dues. Benue court The crisis worsened on Monday when a Benue State High Court restrained Ayu from parading himself as the chairman of the party following a suit filed by Conrad Utaan, a former aide to the Benue State governor. On Tuesday, the party announced the appointment of the Deputy National Chairman, (North), Umar Damagum, as the acting national chairman, shortly after Ayu stepped aside from the position. But on Thursday, the Damagum-led NWC, in its first major decision reversed the suspension of the party chieftains. The PDP spokesman, Ologunagba, in the statement it issued, stated “The NWC recognised the imperativeness of a total reconciliation among party leaders and critical stakeholders for a more cohesive Party in the overall interest of our teeming members and Nigerians in general. “Consequent upon the above, the NWC reverses the referral of the Governor of Benue State, His Excellency, Dr Samuel Ortom to the National Disciplinary Committee. “The NWC in the same vein reverses the suspension of Ibrahim Shema, Katsina State; Ayodele Fayose, Ekiti State; Senator Pius Anyim, Ebonyi State; Prof Dennis Ityavyar, Benue State and Dr Aslam Aliyu, Zamfara State. “ The party’s spokesperson noted that the decision was without prejudice to the powers of the NWC to take necessary disciplinary action against any member of the party at any time pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the PDP (as amended in 2017). According to him, the NWC charged all leaders, critical stakeholders and teeming members of the party across the country to be guided by the provisions of the PDP Constitution (as amended in 2017) as well as the new spirit and necessity of reconciliation, unity and harmony in our Party at this critical time. The PDP said its supporters must remain focused as “they continue to take every necessary action to recover the stolen mandate freely given by Nigerians to their party and presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal. “ Also on Thursday, the Benue State Working Committee of the PDP suspended the executive committee of the party in the Igyorov ward of the Gboko Local Government Area of the state. The party, in a statement the state Chairman, Isaac Mffo, and other 12 state officials signed, said the suspension was necessary to forestall violence that led to the suspension of Ayu. Earlier on Wednesday, the party’s Publicity Secretary, Bemgba Iortyom, in a statement in Makurdi, accused the former chairman of the state Internal Revenue Board, Terzungwe Atser of threatening some of the Igyorov council ward executive members, who suspended Ayu. Ward exco The state Chairman, Mffo, noted that the Igyorov council ward executive was suspended for one month to allow for peace to be restored in the area. He added that the state working committee would henceforth take charge of the political affairs of the party in the Igyorov ward. Mffo stated, “The executive committee of the PDP in Igyorov council ward is hereby suspended for a period of one month pending necessary action which shall be taken to restore sanity, harmony, law and order in the party in the area. “The executive committee of the PDP in the Igyorov council ward shall hand over all documents and other items in their possession belonging to the party to the state executive committee of the party with immediate effect. “The state Working Committee shall during this period administer the affairs of the party in Igyorov council ward in the best interest of the party, discipline, growth and success. Meanwhile, the party has accused the former chairman of Benue State Internal Revenue Board, Terzungwe Atser, of threatening some of the Igyorov council ward executives that suspended the national chairman. The party in the state also expressed confidence in the acting chairman of the party to resolve matters without resorting to violence of whatever kind as an option. Thirteen members of the Igyorov ward executive have on Sunday signed the suspension letter of the national chairman. The PDP in the state in a statement issued by its publicity secretary accused Atser of threatening those who signed the suspension letter. But Atser has described the allegations against him as ‘untrue’. The party stated, “The Benue PDP states that the crisis which has been lingering in the national leadership of the party for some time now is most unfortunate and does not bode well for its growth going forward from the regrettable outcome of the 2023 elections. “We, however, believe in the party’s well-tested mechanisms for resolving its internal disputes, being they are all civil and in line with its charter and character as a law-governed democratic institution. “The emergence of Ambassador Umar Iliya Damagum as Acting National Chairman of the party following the exit of Dr Iyorchia Ayu from the office attests to its proven ability to amicably resolve matters without resorting to violence of whatever kind as an option. “We, therefore, caution Terzungwe Atser to desist from threatening any official or member of the party as to do so is not only a breach of the PDP constitution but also amounts to criminality which is punishable under Nigerian law. “PDP values its officials and members alike and will do everything within its powers to protect and defend them from both internal and external aggression, intimidation and harassment. Meanwhile, Atser in a text message, said, “The allegation is not true. I am a peaceful person and I always preach peace; so I cannot be seen to be involved in such.” Read the full article
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weightloss40 · 2 years
Best  Ayurvedic Weight loss Treatment Center In Thane
Losing weight doesn't have to be about hard work. It can be about a lifestyle change or a change in attitude. Ayurvedic Weight Loss Centers Thane West offers a natural weight loss solution that helps you heal from the inside out, get your life back and start living it the way you want to. All of our treatments are tailor-made according to your needs and requirements.
This article will discuss some benefits of ayurvedic treatments for weight loss, weight management, and well-being.
The word Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit words, "Ayus," which means "life," and "Veda," which means "knowledge." This ancient healthcare system is India's traditional medical science, over 5000 years old! It relies on eating fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses (dals), grains, soy products, and nuts and exercising regularly with those who follow it to feel healthier than they ever have.
You may not know this, but your body is an ecosystem. With the help of this ecosystem, you can maintain your weight and stay healthy.
Toxic waste in your body can trigger excess hunger, reduce the rate you lose weight, and prevent you from getting the nutrients you need.
The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words "Ayur" and "Veda," meaning "knowledge of life."
Ayurveda is a complete system of Indian medicine that is thousands of years old. It aims to balance all aspects of the body, from nutrition to mental state and the environment, to achieve wellness and longevity.
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Ayurveda is a form of alternative medicine in which natural treatments offset the balance of food and exercise. The ancient Indian system has been practiced for thousands of years to maintain health and well-being.
It is based on the philosophy that our bodies are made up of three doshas or energies (Vata, pitta, Kapha). Ayurvedic doctors diagnose these three dosha and recommend an appropriate diet, exercise, massage, and yoga to help patients regain balance.
This treatment is not only individualized but also holistic and takes the whole person into account.
Weight loss is a common topic of discussion these days. People are worried about the health benefits, side effects, and diet they need.
New research has shown that Ayurvedic Medicine can help those who are looking for weight loss in a natural way.
Ayurvedic Weight Loss Centre in Thane West provides affordable and effective treatments to its patients.
Ayurvedic Weight Loss centers are top-rated among people of all ages and genders. People who want to lose weight without going under the knife can seek help from ayurvedic weight loss centers in Mumbai.
We hardly see any advertisements on media channels or billboards for ayurvedic weight loss centers in lower par. This is because there is had lack of awareness about these centers among people outside India.
An Introduction to Ayurvedic Weight Loss Centres Thane West:
Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine that believes that food intake, physical activity, and mental well-being are directly connected. It's been around for centuries but is still not that common in Western countries like America or Canada. There have been a lot of studies and research done on this form of medicine, and people find it very interesting to read about it because it has a lot of benefits when used as a whole-body treatment instead just focusing on curing certain.
Ayurvedic weight loss centers are a wonderful new way to get in shape. While India may not be the first country to come to mind when considering a fitness regimen, many reputable and successful ayurvedic weight loss centers are all over the country.
The beauty of ayurvedic science is that it takes care of your body on every level. This holistic approach means that all aspects of your life become healthier, which is why we strongly recommend it for getting back into shape.
Ayurvedic weight loss is a mantra in the 21st century.
Enter the Mumbai-based Ayurvedic weight loss centers Thane West, a well-established and one of the best centers in India that provide specialized treatments for obesity.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the most reliable and well-known measurements for gauging a person's health. BMI gauges whether or not you are a healthy weight for your height. It is mainly used to determine if someone has excess body fat and may be at risk of developing problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure.
Obesity means weighing 20% more than what you should consider based on your height and age, so if you're 20 years old with a normal BMI index range between 18.5 - 24.9, then your range would be around 150 pounds, but if you're obese, then your range would be 180 pounds or above.
Weight loss is a lifestyle that requires discipline and the effort to maintain a healthy diet and daily routine. On the other hand, Ayurveda is a holistic health system that focuses on the body's natural ability to heal by adopting an appropriate diet.
With these two things in mind, it is no wonder that many people are turning to Ayurvedic weight loss centers in Mumbai as they offer treatments that have been found effective in curing obesity. These treatments are extremely affordable and do not involve tedious exercises or diets! What's more?
Working with Ayurvedic Weight Loss Centers Thane West was an exhilarating experience for the team. They were in charge of refreshing their website, social media platforms, and branding for them. They are an organization dedicated to the art and science of Ayurveda and provide a holistic solution for all kinds of weight loss problems. This is because they offer various treatments like dietary guidance, exercise programs, and natural medicines that can be used as a supplement to patients' existing treatment regimes. This is why they need to get a website that helps them spread awareness about their services, offers an online booking facility, and creates an immersive environment that will make people want to know more about their services.
The old design didn't consider the brand's values too well, making it difficult for visitors to connect with the organization's services or understand what they offer at first glance. We updated their design so that it reflects their brand better while also paving the way for efficient use
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Infertility can be happened in both male and female, when a couple physically active without any contraceptive more than 6 months or more or failed in conception, it is called infertility. Person can be both male and female, it all can be sort out by some lab test. Active Ayu Life is blended with ancient and modern techniques to experience a unique retreat that adopts a holistic approach. Active Ayu Life is a unique center in north India which provide a quality of treatment for Infertility diseases. Our concepts about health and disease promote the use of herbal compounds, special diets, and other unique health practices.
We use panchkarma as an important principle while extending our services on various treatments. Our all preventive treatments are based on Ayurveda, which is not a system of healing that provides only relief from symptoms. It is recommended by many patients also that people should visit Active Ayu Life for infertility problem because they have experienced and professional doctors who handle this in a brilliant way. Active Ayu Life have doctors who have 8+ years of experience.
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activeayulife-blog · 5 years
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Active Ayu Life is a leading health care clinic committed to maintaining strict quality control over ayurvedic panchakarma & Physiotherapy treatment practices and management of patient & expectation for those who suffer from different types of diseases & disorders.
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theriverbeyond · 3 years
master list of who is alive or dead, pre-NtN! it gets... complicated!
I did not include every single character ever mentioned because I wish to remain sane, but i guess if sister glaurica comes back and becomes widly integral to the story then i will have been proven a fool. But!! i think i got everyone that (i think is) plot relevent! Let’s start off easy:
ALIVE (with body and soul still together)
Ianthe Tridentarius (+ the incorporated soul of Naberius Tern) (last seen in the River, saving Jod)
Emperor John Gaius (last seen in the River, being saved by Ianthe)
Camilla Hect (last seen on a BOE planet with new eyes, with “Nona” as well as two other people)
Coronabreth Tridentarius (last seen on a murdered planet with Camilla and Judith)
Judith Deuteros (last seen on a murdered planet with Camilla and Coronabeth)
Comander We Suffer (last seen in AYU, on a BOE base/ship)
Fleet Admiral Sarpeadon (last seen on the behemoth-class flagship the Seat of the Emperor, formerly  known as the Erebos)
Now it gets weird. I am defining “Alive” to mean “the person, with body and soul still married, has NOT died/been killed/had their body irreparably destroyed, Jod excluded (presuming he did die once, a myriad ago)” and “Dead” to mean “quite a lot of different states of being that can happen after destruction of the body when it still houses the soul”. Defined below:
DEAD (revenant, not in river)
Palamedes Sextus (last seen posessing his own skull transformed into a hand, with Camilla and Judith and Coronabeth, on a murdered planet, as of NtN presumed to be with Camilla and Pyrra)
DEAD (soul active, not in river, non-revenent)
Pyrra Dve (last seen being submerged in the river, in Gideon the First’s body, as of NtN presumed to be with “Nona”, Camilla, and Palamades) 
DEAD (presummed to have passed on from the river)
Isaac Tettares (Last seen in Harrowhard’s dream bubble, soul presumed to have been ushered away immediately afterwards by Abigail Pent)
Jeannemary Chatur  (Last seen in Harrowhard’s dream bubble, soul presumed to have been ushered away immediately afterwards by Abigail Pent)
DEAD (died in Life, presumed to be in the River or a River Bubble)
Abigail Pent  (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Magnus Quinn  (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Ortus Nigenad  (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Dulcinea Septimus  (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Protesilaus Eboma  (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Mattias Nonius (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Marta Dyas  (last seen fighting the RB #7)
Ninth House Crew (Crux, Aiglamamine, the Rev. Father and the Rev. Mother) (Last seen in Harrowhard’s dream bubble, bodies presumed to still be on the Ninth) (like A and C might not be dead but. I think they’re dead. Their characters seemed “correct” in the river bubble)
DEAD (soul status unknown)
Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity (soul last seen in cytherea’s body, having her head exploded, dead for the second time, body presumably farming snow leeks somewhere on the Ninth)
Gideon the First (soul side only, killed by RB in the river, body still active)
Colum Asht (soul lost when he was put under by Silas in GtN, body killed by Ianthe)
Silas Octakiseron (soul last seen escaping Harrow’s river bubble, body killed by the posessed body of Colum Asht)
Teacher, little old man version (soul last known to have escaped Harrow’s river bubble, body killed by the Second House)
DEAD (soul status unknown, lyctor edition - can lyctors even GO to the river? what happens to them? what happens to the cavalier’s soul when a lyctor dies when not in-the-river?)
Gideon, original flavor (soul last seen being killed in the river by RB #7, body last seen housing Pyrra Dve)
Mercymorn (last seen having having her heart exploded by Jod :( )
[Cristabel Oct (eaten and incorporated 10,000 years ago)]
Cyrus (last seen having lured RB #6 into a black hole, killing them both)
[Valancy Trinit (eaten and incorporated 10,000 years ago)]
Cytherea (soul and body killed at Canaan house, body last seen with its head exploded)
[Loveday Heptane (eaten and incorporated 10,000 years ago)]
And finally.... my favorite section! you thought it was already complicated. it gets MORE complicated!
IT’S COMPLICATED (lyctor edition)
Augustine (last seen being pulled, both body and soul, into the stoma)
[Alfred Quinque (eaten and incorporated 10,000 years ago)]
Ulysses (Last seen having wrestled RB #8 into the stoma)
[Titania Tetra (eaten and incorporated 10,000 yrears ago)]
Cassiopeia (last seen being “torn apart by ghosts” near RB #7, something I do not believe for a second)
[Nigella Shodash (eaten and incorporated 10,000 years ago)]
Anastasia (is she alive? is she dead? is she The Body? she never completed lyctorhood, but only Samael was killed in the process. what happened to her!!!! Body and soul status unknown)
Samael Novenary (body killed by Jod 10,000 years ago, soul “not all the way in” Anastasia, it’s complicated)
IT’S COMPLICATED (unholy terror edition)
Alecto, A.L., Annabel Lee, the Emperor’s Bodyguard (is she a RB? is she the First House? is she The Body? is she in some kind of staisis?)
IT’S COMPLICATED (Nona edition)
Nona... the Ninth? (how did she wake up in a different body? did she die before? who is she! why does she challenge Camilla to figure out who she is! does she not know? can she not say? when is her birthday? is she the The Body? is she a dog? is she in Gideon Nav’s body? Soul last seen in a body that doesn’t belong to her, on a BOE planet, with Camilla Hect and Pyrra and Palamades)
IT'S COMPLICATED (Drearbough edition)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (Body last seen being dunked into the river by augustine along with the Mithraum, being piloted by Gideon (new and improved). Soul last seen falling asleep in a tomb with a copy of Frontline Titties of the Fifth. is Her soul in THE Tomb? is she in the River? is she in Hell? did she get eaten by the stoma?) 
Gideon Nav (Body last seen failing to rot on a BOE base, developing a cult following, perhaps being piloted around by Nona. soul last seen “dying a second time around” but probbaly just being very dramatic, being saved by a wildly gorgeous, yellow eyed woman that perhaps looks The Body. was this real? was this in the river? where is she? HOW is she?) 
The Body (last known to be in the locked tomb, on the Ninth. is she in stasis? who is she? is she still in the tomb? is she alecto? is she anastasia? is she a ressurection beast? is she a failed lyctor? is she the emporer’s final death? is she nona? are harrow’s hallucinations a projection of The Body’s soul, or something else?)
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htn ruins my life on a daily basis because the answer to a lot of questions involving harrow, such as why did no one stop gideon the first, why did no one figure out what the fuck was wrong with her, why did no one HELP HER, why didn't the older lyctors do ANYTHING USEFUL to help their new siblings process the grief and stress and transition into a new life that only they could understand, why did things happen the way they did, is mostly - no one cared, or no one cared in a useful way.
because i think objectively, john and ianthe, to different extents, do care about harrow. john cares in a shitty way, presuming he knows what's better for harrow than harrow herself. i don't know if he's capable of caring for her in the way she might have thought he would, as her god, but that's a touchy subject anyway. he is, at the same time, just some guy, and also an absolute nightmare of a god. ianthe is a whole situation in herself but also, cares about harrow in her own, maybe not always useful, way.
it's the lyctor trio i have the most issues with - they write her off IMMEDIATELY. augustine takes a more active role as ianthe's mentor and does actually make himself useful for dios apate minor but like. he's definitely got his own agenda. mercymorn ALSO has her own agenda - i wish her motivations were more clear. i think it's so interesting that AYU confirmed that she's working with BOE and KNEW about the ninth cavalier's body, knows harrow's temporal lobe isn't what it should be, and yet? doesn't even take an interest in harrow's necromantic abilities? gideon (first edition) is even more like, dude, just, what the fuck? i know you're super loyal and the saint of duty and you're going to follow orders, but at what point are you doing more harm than good? harrow's cav isn't going to snap out and save her after the first time you tried to kill her, so why would it happen the tenth time?
so i think it makes it even more powerful when someone DOES care (or act) in a meaningful way - abigail's gentle "i would like to hear more about it if you would like to tell me" and her presence in the river bubble, ortus acknowledging the weight harrow took as a child, pyrrha telling her about the blood wards, camilla and palamedes being glad to see her even though they couldn't really help, everyone in the river already being dead but wanting to help harrow as much as they could.
anyway. i've got another post about it to make because apparently my stress coping mechanism for today is crying about htn, but yeah. fucking ouch.
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