#actively taking years off their life spans when they scroll through their own tags on this god forsaken app
wherenymphsroam · 10 months
leon would probably get a restraining order put on so many of us if he saw the shit we say about him and make him do in fics like actually
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anyone wanna hear the story of how i found out supernatural was ending and proceeded to have the worst morning of my life?
(super-excessive rambling ahead. do not read the whole of it.)
so i don't remember the date but it was the day of my english 10th board exam. boards are like a series of subject finals, kinda the biggest exams conducted in a student's education in india, plus they're nationalized. so yeah, a massively big deal, and obviously the first thing i do waking up on this massively important day is open tumblr. there are about seventy messages and i'm confused cause i think i barely "talked" to ten people back then, but before i've even checked them out, the first post i see is a textpost about how the longest running joke universally across fandoms is that 'spn has been going on way too long and needs to end' but now that it is ending, all people can do is cry about it. for some reason, i don't process that post as fact™, assuming they mean a general "ending" instead of a "j2m announced last season" ending. anyways i move on to my messages, and all of them are people who've freaking the fuck out for at least a few hours (the advantages of being in a timezone different from of most people) and i go to my activity, still stunned, and someone's tagged me in a meta of some kind, and i check it out completely dazed and it's got gifs (already!) of the three of them standing there with teary eyes and jensen actually saying the words everyone had been screaming about in the chats, and it finally hits me that it's ending, supernatural is ending, it's going to be OVER, and it's already been decided when. obviously, the tears start, and literally crying in my bed, still under the comforter, i think i watched the video twice, without headphones in fact, which is extremely weird because i virtually NEVER do that, but as if anything else mattered at the moment!
i don't remember what all i felt in those moments but one of the thoughts that REALLY stood out was that i wish, wish, wish it lasted just one more year — so maybe supernatural could end at the same time as highschool ended for me, and it'd feel like the end of a phase of my life, but no, according to what they predicted (and not even kidding, now it's even worse) supernatural was going to end smack in the middle of senior year for me, obviously a super important, super stressful year, and god, i wished so hard it'd just go on ONE MORE YEAR somehow but look what happened now it's ending like three months before my college entrance exams and the competitive engineering exams and shit which is just absolutely perfect because it's doing wonders to my attention span and mental health and yeah i'm getting off topic i'm gonna come back to the topic now
it's two am rn and i'm weirdly tired of typing so what happens next is fucking wild, but i'm gonna hurry because i need to go cry some more into a pillow or a ao3 tab or something. so like a whole HOUR later i get up from bed. i've got to get dressed and shit, most important exam of my life YET and everything. so i start brushing, obviously scrolling through tumblr, obviously failing to not cry, and my mum walks in, and she doesn't know a thing about supernatural (even if she did, she would consider the idea of me crying over them announcing an ending RIDICULOUS) so she just assumes i'm sniffling and tensed up because i'm STRESSED and she tries reassuring me like i need fucking reassurance for ENGLISH of all things. anyway anyway anyway i have maggi for breakfast i think and i'm still pretty out of it and stuff but i get dressed in my uniform and put on the fucking blazer though its HOT outside but i like wearing the school blazer for exams but i underestimated how much of a physically draining effect the news and reacting to it would have on me, so then there's me sweating literal buckets and then we set off.
we're already late in leaving the house (why, i don't remember) and once we're at the centre, and my parents have dropped me off and wished me luck, i go to the gate, right. and THEN the guard gestures to my uniform and tells me i'm missing my fucking class ID. now i know i'm late so i panic on cue because shit shit shit i'm gonna be even more late, and i legit turn and look for mum and dad (we weren't allowed to carry our mobiles for the test) and what i see is that they've reversed the car and are about to drive out the gate and obviously my brain isn't really working so i fucking RUN AFTER THE CAR, like, i'm really not an athletic person, i avoid running as much as i possibly can, and i fucking lose my shit and chase the car down in like ten seconds of running cause it's only like ten metres away actually but the highlight of it all is that i run. in a public space. unprompted. with a shitload of emotions and anxiety and panic, and i basically almost sob in relief when dad immediately stops the car and pretty much pulls me in and tells me to stop worrying cause the house is like ten minutes away and i might miss the general waiting part and stuff but i wasn't gonna miss the exam. so THEN we start driving back and obviously because they are who they fucking are, they start arguing about which of them is at fault for this and who was supposed to check in on me carrying my seriously important ID and other crap, and then obviously they're yelling and that does even more wonders for my state of practically hysteria, but i hold it together until we get home and i get the ID (which is on the bed, probably was under my blazer or something) and we set back off, and i know we're late, and i know supernatural is ending, and i know it's going to take a part of me really, and mum and dad just won't stop yelling at each other about god knows what, and i manage to squeeze in the first time in SO many years that i cry in front of my parents right there in the backseat, and they're sort of stunned because i really don't cry (in front of people) and then there's just me losing it in a mixture of helplessness and nerves and anger for some reason and just. whoa.
ANYWAYS we get to the centre (in time for the exam, but like fifteen minutes later than i SHOULD have gotten there) and dad talks to the teacher and stuff and it works out because obviously it's a really important exam they're not going to make me skip it, and i go straight to my classroom — also did i mention these exams aren't held in our own schools but like, different test centres, so basically a different room and desk each day in a different school from mine, ugh, i hate new places — and i find out i have the FIRST bench of the second column which lowkey sucks because it's too public really, but at least my best friend's sitting like diagonally from me on the left, and my friends are basically sprinkled around the classroom as well and i see them eyeing me worriedly cause they were scared i might miss the exam but also because i was a MESS with bloodshot eyes and an outofit look in them and did i mention i was sweating like a dog all this time wearing a blazer because i'm just that idiot because yeah.
so then i calm myself down the best i can. sitting under a fan helps, taking off my stupid blazer helps, and seeing dish (beforementioned best friend) helps — because apparently she heard about the ending too (she's not in the fandom she just keeps up with news for my sake, yes, im very lucky to have her) and tries to cheer me up about it, but then it's time for the paper, and they give them out and...yeah.
three hours later, the exam ends, and i step out of that hall the most mentally exhausted i've been in YEARS. also i swear off tumblr until i've had lunch and napped and stuff because i was also functioning on extremely little sleep but i really think that part was obvious.
as it goes, i ended up getting a 95% in that paper :)
but to this date, my sister jokes about how i ended up getting my personal least marks of that year in english of all subjects which was supposed to be of my strongest suit heh all because of a six-ish minute video released in a different part of the world about something that wasn't even going to happen that year...and like. yeah.
that's it.
that's the story.
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, ROSE! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Emmeline Vance. Not only was your application entirely true to their character, but you made them your own and even threw in a few surprises for me. Emmeline being there when their mother was taken is a great addition, and I think explains a bit about who they are now. I also loved how you explored their empathy, which as you said, may not be a trait others would use to describe them, but nevertheless is completely present in who they are.
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
name: rose
age: 21
preferred pronouns: she/her and they/them are both good!
timezone: est
activity: I’m currently only working part time over the summer so I’ll be around pretty often- I’ll definitely be around to lurk on the dash/chat at some point every day, and will do replies as soon as I can, likely within 1-2 days depending on how many threads I have going etc
how do you feel about your character dying?: ouch. But, in all seriousness, death is a grim reality of war, and Emmeline is certainly prepared to die if it means taking some death eaters down with them. Also I’m always down for some angst
anything else?: nope nope, just a congratulations on running what looks like a really lovely rp and a thanks for reading this :)
character details.
full name: Emmeline Vance
date of birth: 25th August, 1956
former hogwarts house: Slytherin
sexuality: pansexual, but with a slight preference for women
gender/pronouns: Non-binary, they/them. Emmeline’s relationship with gender is a long and complicated one. They are their parent’s first and only child, and considering the pressure of their high social status to continue the family line and name, Em being, in the eyes of their parents, a baby girl, tempered the joy of their child’s arrival. They reassured themselves that there were other Vances out there, and little Emmeline would in time be married off and at the very least perpetuate their good, pure, blood. The lingering sense that they had somehow failed their parents straight out of the womb complicated Em’s relationship with gender from a young age, but when they eventually began openly identifying as non-binary it was a decision made solely and decisively for themself.
Em never really felt particularly like a girl, but they also weren’t sure what else they could be, sheltered as they were as a child- not from horror and darkness but from anything challenging the status quo. They didn’t discover that they could be something other than a girl or a boy until part way through Hogwarts, and didn’t start introducing themself with a mention of their pronouns until the day that they packed the best of nineteen years into a single suitcase and marched into the Ministry of Magic and got themself a job. In a way they were seeking control through the change, asserting a part of themself that their father had never known and therefore leaving him in the past.
face claim change: I’m very happy with Jessica Henwick!
i. personality
Paranoid: Em has been looking over their shoulder since their mother was kidnapped when they were a child, and has been looking over their shoulder in their own home since it sunk in that their father might value some things over them and their safety. Em has been weaving a net of protective charms around wherever they happen to be sleeping since they were seventeen, and the shield has only grown in complexity over time. When they followed the Order to Godric’s Hollow, Em sought out a small and defensible cottage with no immediate neighbors. Flanked by crumbling and abandoned houses, Em feels safer alone, especially at night. Emmeline’s paranoia is rooted in trauma, and in many ways is practical- they live in a world at war, after all, and there are plenty of people out there who would like to kill them, but it is also a definite weakness of theirs. It drives them to seclude themself, which doesn’t do much to inspire confidence in the rest of the Order, and has meant that they’ve never really managed to have a notable romantic relationship with another person. The idea of trusting someone else enough to let them behind their very literal shields seems incomprehensible, and yet Em sometimes finds themself almost longing for companionship. But they’ve been lonely for a very, very long time. It’s just the way life is.
Obsessive: Whether it’s their current project in dismantling a particularly nasty curse or their quest for vengeance, Emmeline throws themself into their work with everything they have. It’s what made them the best cursebreaker in the Ministry, what brought the Order before them, what keeps them sane. Em never stops. They have scrolls of parchment  with lists of every object they can remember their father ever cursing, with every bit of information they can remember about the curse scrawled below in small, tight letters. The list is crowned by their father’s most beautifully monstrous curse, and Em will not rest until they eradicate them all. As it stands, too few have a line through them. When they read, they read something useful, something that might connect two dots somewhere, and everything else they do is earnestly purposeful. Idleness is dangerous. Of course, their obsessiveness also means that they have trouble letting anything go, pursuing problems with a dogged tenacity even if the argument is over and done with, or the curse is already broken.
Intelligent: It was their brain that allowed Emmeline to carve out a place for themself in relative safety eventually, their intellect and ability which allowed them to escape from the world of the death eaters. They are a phenomenal cursebreaker, and have accumulated a vast understanding of magical theory and runes as a result. Em is a well of knowledge, all of which they’ve offered unselfishly to the Order. They much prefer when their help draws from their knowledge as opposed to their memories, but they’ll recount either if it might further the cause. Their intelligence spans beyond just the academic, however. Em is witty, with a quick sort of gallows humor that comes accompanied by a quiet smile.
Empathetic: Hardly anyone would list empathy as one of Emmeline Vance’s obvious character traits. They were quiet, and clever, oddly reserved, a little bit blunt, bitter. They were fierce and bold and decisive, ready to defend their ideas with rapid fire arguments and explanations, delivered in a tone that practically dared to be disagreed with. No one would think to call Emmeline Vance empathetic because there was danger in showing anyone anything soft, and if Em knew anything it was how to protect themself. And yet, Em had never quite had the hardness it seemed everyone else in their pureblood circles possessed, that willingness to let atrocities happen, or participate in them personally, just to advance their power. Em listened at the door as Voldemort talked to their father, and all they could think of was the people behind the hissed mudbloods and muggles, the blood behind the sneer in squibs. Their doubt in Voldemort’s cause grew from empathy, and that remained the core of their resistance even after the empathy was joined by pain and a burning drive for vengeance. Emmeline is a deeply empathetic person, but that’s not anything anyone else needs to know.
ii. the story so far
Emmeline was seven when their mother was kidnapped. Just young enough that no one had told them anything, just old enough that they remembered everything. It was common knowledge by the time they went to Hogwarts, already steely-eyed at eleven, that Emmeline Vance’s mother had been gruesomely murdered because their father hadn’t paid her ransom, but very few knew that Em had been there when it happened. They’d been out walking in a park, quiet and secluded, and Em had chased a group of pixies that had flown off with their stuffed hippogriff. They reemerged from a shrub, disheveled but victorious, just in time to see the curse hit their mother’s back and the men whisk her away with the sickening pop of side-along apparition. And that was the last time they saw their mother.
When the people started to come, knocking on the door and fawning over Em with pitying politeness before pulling out a wicked looking knife, or a jewel encrusted bracelet, Emmeline had dutifully let them in, and smiled at their compliments, and watched with rapt attention as their father twisted the objects’ essences into something dark and malignant and clever. They never saw the repercussions of their father’s creations, only the mastery and intellect that went into the birth of the things, benign on the worktable. As much as Em hates to think of their father still out there somewhere drawing breath, they never learned so much in so short a time as in those years before Hogwarts. And they never expected, then, that they were learning exactly how to pluck apart the intricate tangle of those same curses while watching their father braid them into being.
And then they’d gone to Hogwarts, and their destiny was drawn out before them in permanent ink, clear as anything. They were sorted into Slytherin, and they were clever and good at their classes, and they accidentally killed a plant in herbology but shone in ancient runes. And behind all the routine of Hogwarts, were everything was meant to be tinted by optimism and hope, truths Emmeline knew intimately waited, oozing a darkness so black it was almost red.
They were dragged out of their bed at seventeen, woken by hands and heavy breathing and Emmeline had struggled and screamed, thrashing uselessly as the lingering effects of deep sleep battled with a fierce rush of adrenaline. Em still dreams of that night, sometimes, waking up nauseated by terror. Mercifully, their dreams rarely make it all the way to their father’s desk. It’s worse when the night conjures up the way their father had looked down with hollow eyes before dripping fire down their arm.
Hogwarts had lost it’s luster after that summer. Emmeline had spent the remaining month at their father’s home sleepless and harried by seemingly random experiments on the mark that stood starkly on their forearm, twisting something in their heart whenever they caught a glimpse of it. They had taken it quietly, spending hours being poked and prodded, or consumed by pain when Voldemort deigned to check in on his prototype and pressed his finger into the pictorial curse. There had been no other choice. They were barely of age, they had nowhere to go.  
Those, it turned out, were some of Emmeline’s darkest days, and nothing was more demoralizing than realizing that there was no safe place for them to run. Nearly everyone they knew was, if not explicitly aligned with Voldemort, then something of an implicit supporter, and anyone else they could plead for help from (with low chances of success, marked as they were) would gain a target on their backs too. Their only escape would be by their own hands, and their only respite could be through their own power. The Ministry, when Em eventually found themself there armed with a suitcase, their wand, and a life full of curses, was a means to an end.
Freedom was perhaps too strong a word, but Voldemort never came knocking, and their father didn’t send any owls. Em waited for them anyway, and threw themself into their work with everything they had, finding a sort of catharsis in breaking curses while somewhere out there their father was making them. The pay allowed them to scrape by, and Em wasn’t happy, but then again they didn’t think that happy was something they could be, anymore.
By the time Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody asked for their first favor, Em had carved out a space for themself in the Ministry’s curse breaking department, but the running was taking it’s toll. The knowing was eating at them. They were gone, had slipped out from under Voldemort’s thumb, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t some other unlucky kid wrapped up in things too big for them. Em had escaped, but there were still terrible men out there capable of doing terrible things, damn the consequences. Emmeline was no hero, but fuck men who thought that the world was theirs to ruin, everyone else just game pieces, experiments, and target practice. When Shacklebolt and Moody’s favors grew into an invitation into something bigger, Em had felt some open wound within them close, two puzzle pieces locking together. The Order might need Em’s skills, but Em needs the Order just as much.
Was it any wonder, then, that they threw themself into their work for the Order with a sort of abandon that would be called reckless were they not so analytical? Em was among the first in the Order’s ranks, but four years on, they’re still haunted by their past. Darkness clings, lurking while they dismantle a curse by thinking of how their father would build it, bubbling up when they let a curse fly and feel sickeningly pleased by the way the robed bodies hit the floor.
iii. present day
Slotting the detritus of their life into place in the smallest cottage left standing in the bit of Godric’s Hollow the Order had carved out as their new home had taken a pitiful ten minutes. Em had resolutely focused on the efficiency created by the limiting of their belongings rather than the faint hint of regret that they had so little to show for their twenty-six hard fought years. Living out of a suitcase had served them well in that earth-shattering year (though they’d all been earth-shattering to varying degrees for too long now), what felt like decades ago, and it would, they had told themself, serve them well now. They didn’t need the luxuries that had been left behind in the scrambling chaos of the aftermath of 1981. There had been books they’d accumulated once they’d stopped hopping from flat to shitty flat every month like clockwork, criss-crossing the area in and around London, covering their tracks as if they couldn’t be cornered and offed somewhere in the bowels of the Ministry any time they went into work. Books, and records, and stupid nick-nacks. Gone now, abandoned as they downsized back to one suitcase almost on reflex. They’d fled once, now they were just retracing their steps.
Em can’t fault the Order for running. It would be hypocritical, if nothing else, but also with their ranks depleted and those who remain rocked by shock and grief, to do anything but hide for the time being could very well end in yet another blood bath. But at the same time, Em itches to be back on the front lines, capitalizing on the fact that Voldemort’s side suffered losses too. Sitting on their hands is all well and good, but Em isn’t convinced they’ll be able to lick their wounds for much longer.
Chittock’s broadcast would’ve left them with a smug smile, a silent told you so, if it weren’t for the fact that Em was well aware there were plenty who would hear the warning that not everyone was to be trusted and look at them, a pureblood and a Slytherin with a mark on their arm, damning them to darkness. The war is inescapable, as far as Em is concerned. At least it is for them. They’ll keep fighting until they die or there’s no more fighting to be done.
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Get to Know Me...the oddball edition.
So, I was scrolling through my dash, (and had a little time on my hands), when I saw this posting. I changed it up a little from the original and I forgot who posted it first so I’m saying sorry for not tagging you in advance. I put my spin on it since most of us out in Tumblr-land have answered this or similar questions in the past. 
I have only two rules: You are to tag one person and you must answer these questions honestly, sort of... 
Just a warning though, there are 100 questions below the keep reading so if you don’t want to do that many, you won’t be wasting your time scrolling through the questionnaire forever.
@tardisspeedsterfanfiction ....I choose you!
1. What is your middle name? Something I am embarrassed about when said with my first name. Makes me sound like a hillbilly from the sticks.
2. How old are you? How dare you ask a lady such a question?! And the answer is older than I care to admit.
3. What is your birthday? In the first month of the year...and every year after that...on the same day.
4. What is your zodiac sign? A stupid song….EVERYONE SINGS when they find out my star sign.
5. What is your favorite color? Mostly dark colors. Heaven forbid you get me something pastel pink!
6. What’s your lucky number? Anything printed on money in my wallet works for me...
7. Do you have any pets? Does family count?....then no.
8. Where are you from? My parents.
9. How tall are you? Average for a person of my age.
10. What shoe size are you? Too big to find a decent pair of fancy shoes.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Five-ish. Slippers count, right?
12. What was your last dream about? Making enough money to take an actual vacation instead of two days off in a row.
13. What talents do you have? I try not to kill stupid people at work and so far…..SUCCESS!
14. Are you psychic in any way? I knew you were gonna ask that….
15. Favorite song? Whatever is currently an earworm from the radio that plays continuously in my head most days.
16. Favorite movie? Do I have to pick just one? FINE! It’s….none right now cause I have no time to watch anything since picking up a second job. Adulting is hard.
17. Who would be your ideal partner? One who pays their own way instead of putting the weight of their emotional and monetary issues onto me.
18. Do you want children? Most days...YES! Those with little to no sleep…..I don’t even want to take care of myself let alone a child.
19. Do you want a church wedding? EMPHATICALLY NO!
20. Are you religious? I’m more of a spiritualist. I believe that everyone had the right to their own beliefs and practices but don’t try to force me to conform to your ideals because “My deity” believes you should be like me.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Unfortunately.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not so much.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Met personally, yes cause of convention OPS.
24. Baths or showers? Why not both? Start in one and finish in another...
25. What color socks are you wearing? Flesh colored because they invisible for my sandals...
26. Have you ever been famous? Not something I wish for so no….
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Pay-grade...yes. Notoriety, paparazzi, stalkers, taxes, fake friends and family….no thanks.
28. What type of music do you like? Not much.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Does taking a bath in a giant Jacuzzi count? Then no….
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Three..so far but I am always willing to add more!
31. What position do you usually sleep in? I’m a roller so no one solid position for long.
32. How big is your house? No house, just apartment.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? A nice big bowl of air.
34. Have you ever fired a gun? No and don’t wanna start either.
35. Have you ever tried archery? For shits and giggles at the Renaissance Fair.
36. Favorite clean word? Balls.
37. Favorite swear word? Shit.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39 hours.
39. Do you have any scars? Too many for such a young life.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope and it feels stalker-ish if I did have one...or was one.
41. Are you a good liar? Most days, with enough sleep...people believe I’m a kind and caring person every day.
42. Are you a good judge of character? Eh...could go either way most days.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yea and it annoys the fuck out of my friends when I refuse to use my “normal” voice.
44. Do you have a strong accent? Not so much.
45. What is your favorite accent? Irish/Scottish but I can do Jersey in a heartbeat if you cross me.
46. What is your personality type? My own unique style.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Forty dollar shoes count, right?
48. Can you curl your tongue? No. Why would I want to?
49. Are you an innie or an outie? I like to stay indoors. I burn easily.
50. Left or right handed? Both if I’m super hungry.
51. Are you scared of spiders? FUCK YEA! I’ve been chased by the little bastards.
52. Favorite food? Anything involving cheese is a good start.
53. Favorite foreign food? Thai noodles. Hands down, you have a bowl for me...I’m yours for life.
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean at work (OCD kicks in HARD) and an organized mess at home.
55. Most used phrase? Son of a biscuit eater! (I usually hang around my 5-year old nephew).
56. Most used word? Fuck.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Most days, about 30 minutes. Special occasion...I start getting ready the night before.
58. Do you have much of an ego? Only in one aspect of my life. The rest, I’m a timid mouse with no voice.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Neither. They kind suck. (ha ha ha...suck)
60. Do you talk to yourself? Most days, yes. When I answer back….RUN!
61. Do you sing to yourself? Always when at home or in the car. Shower’s a good place too.
62. Are you a good singer? No idea but no complaints from my car yet so YEA!
63. Biggest Fear? Fears are something I try not to think about cause I will likely overload and break down….in the middle of work...during rush hour.
64. Are you a gossip? I try not to be. Or so multiple people tell me.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Beetlejuice. What?! You die in the eighties and try having a weird family with a goth kid re-decorate your house and see how you like it!
66. Do you like long or short hair? Depends on the activity? You nasty people! I mean work or chilling at home...weirdos.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Yep and thanks to the song from elementary school, it’s in alphabetical order too!
68. Favorite school subject? Recess cause food and friends man.
69. Extrovert or Introvert? A little of both, depends on the group I’m in at the time.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Not for me man.
71. What makes you nervous? Stupid decisions. Most of the time, I back out of fully committing them.
72. Are you scared of the dark? No...are you?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? At work, yes. I ain’t got time for that shit. Off the clock...hell no. It’s entertaining as fuck.
74. Are you ticklish? Come here and find out. Just kidding. Don’t cause then I’ll have to punch you.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Hasn’t everyone?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Multiple times and let me tell you...adulting is hard.
77. Have you ever drank underage? Once on accident. I was 9. Thanks for the learning experience Grandpa.
78. Have you ever done drugs? Prescribed...yes. Other...HELL NO!
79. Who was your first real crush? A celebrity probably. I was young...heartache to heartache. Sorry, got off topic for a sec.
80. How many piercings do you have? Too many according to my mother.
81. Can you roll your Rs? Yea and it pisses my mom off when I do it randomly in a conversation.
82. How fast can you type? Faster than most, slower than the speedsters of literature.
83. How fast can you run? I only run for the ice cream truck.
84. What color is your hair? Currently...too many to count. I need to fix it soon.
85. What color is your eyes? Depends on my wardrobe but not black or violet.
86. What are you allergic to? Stupid people and their unending belief that they are doing just fine as they are.
87. Do you keep a journal? Does Tumblr count...then no.
88. What do your parents do? Be parents. What kind of question is that?
89. Do you like your age? No cause age is just the odometer of your life span.
90. What makes you angry? *See the above allergy answer*
91. Do you like your own name? Mostly unless someone is yelling it in my face.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Cute ones but not weird like Apple or North. Why people!? Why?!
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? One of each mostly so they can be raised as equals in the game of life.
94. What are your strengths? Bad judgement calls and poor money handling skills.
95. What are your weaknesses? Peanut butter...thy mortal nemesis of my thighs.
96. How did you get your name? Parents named me it cause you know….reasons.
97. Were your ancestors royalty? Stubborn, thinks they are always right no matter what, lords power over everyone in family, SO MUCH DRAMA…..maybe.
98. Do you have any scars? Already answered this my dude.#39. Look it up.
99. Color of your bedspread? Dark...like my soul!
100. Color of your room? Like every other apartment...white as hell.
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Fi Links Without Internet Accessibility As well as Won't Immediately Reconnect To Them.
If more girls don't enter scientific research as well as engineering industries, Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Prepare strongly believes that the gender inequality at tech providers might injure the United States technician market. Made of a surprise insusceptible zinc composite metal inspecting at 72 x 26.94 x 21 mm, and also connecting using USB 3.0, that is actually a storage space creature that can easily hold up to 70 hours from 4K online video (on the 2TB model). This are going to produce this easier for Android makers to take 3D Touch-like technology to Android devices, as that is actually cooked directly right into the operating system. I evaluated the superior Pro" model of the device, as well as after possessing it strangle up on me a few times when pestering Android apps, I can not even imagine how shateringly slow the And also may be. That is actually particularly slow when I aim to possess various Android applications available. You'll get a 12 month manufacturer's warranty if you acquire your unit off eBay's Refurbished Technology Hub. In fact, Apple has actually headed to fantastic spans to guarantee those very small iPhone wall chargers are dependable as well as safe, and that utilizes state of the art technology to carry out that-- which is why its wall chargers are actually extra costly in comparison to many. A mutual hyperlink permits any type of recipient to download a report or directory, or even scan a folder's materials. Intel is actually creating its personal HDMI personal computer stick: The Intel Compute Stick This are going to use the 1.33 GHz Atom Z3735F Bay Trail processor. A glass near the bottom uncovers a preview, Limelight approvals, tags, as well as remarks, along with report records like development date and also whether the thing is actually secured or otherwise. The regulator is also analyzing how Google.com pays out and restricts cellular phone suppliers which use its own Android software and Play app establishment. Actually, I haven't also removaled off the inventory launcher considering that I installed my apps. You are going to usually bring in even more by marketing your apple iphone directly in comparison to you are going to for trading it in, and also you may place that money toward the brand-new one. There's an item from software program phoned doubleTwist that works just like iTunes, letting you mount your iTunes popular music collection on your Android phone or even tablet. Apple has actually targeted Android consumers prior to along with a distinct site, which has actually been removed. If sauputernic.info/ go into the Google Explore application (on my iPhone FIVE operating iphone 7), and have Google Right now made it possible for, this will access my calendar activities and also is wise sufficient to give me travel opportunity to my upcoming place. This appears a lot like the increased reality function the next apple iphone is reported to supply. Just before her present part, she was and principal advertising and marketing officer for Verizon Wireless, responsible for all advertising efforts and the control as well as growth of mobile phone products and services. What occurs upcoming along with the sector has significant ramifications for the rest of the S&P 500, which has actually held on to the coattails from the technology rally this year as positive outlook around presidential policy efforts has vanished. The majority of my pals along with apples iphone do not even understand exactly what WhatsApp is actually, and also those that do don't utilize this considering that they gone on apple iphone and also possess iMessage. Experience back to Dracula's fortress as our team dive into the innovation behind Harmony of the Night and also the reasons why this failed on Sega Solar system. Google's likewise boosted electric battery life along with Doze and also packing in the Android Sensing unit Hub in its own most up-to-date Nexus cell phones, suggesting you should be able to endure the time without needing to take out a. demanding cable television. Gather 7 Puzzle Item, click on the Vacant Framework (1), the Case (2) then click the Soda machine (3). Initially, you can easily make use of the Google.com Play app that you'll find on your unit when you electrical power this up the very first time. The variety of innovation tasks publicized between January and March boosted through 9pc coming from the previous part, along with 59,151 positions offered, while long-term jobs raised through 18pc. ZTE has offices in Sydney and Melbourne, and is a provider from a large number from Telstra cellphones, generally rebranded as Telstra's personal T- and F-series mobile phones. Our experts have actually loved both the Galaxy S6 Side and the Galaxy S7 Edge, however this year our company choose the much smaller device from the flagship pairing. Android and also Microsoft window Phone clients will not observe this immediate to switch over until Apple Songs becomes available for those systems. At that point you have youngsters residing in a house that can't pay for both so they go mobile phone source they require a phone. Moore's legislation anticipated that over the record from calculating components the volume of transistors in incorporated circuits will certainly double every two years, influencing their effect on the progression from modern technology. For some Android TELEVISION managers, this may be much easier to locate even more series considering that you're certainly not scrolling via content highly recommended coming from every resource.
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