#actress: ahn so hee
nabiiyu · 1 month
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"Maybe in another life? "
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about strong girl nam soon, episode five (pt 2)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
We got the replica of the ahn min hyuk squealing and kicking his feet like a school girl but this time it's nam soon. I find it endearing because it's like seeing a little child falling in love for the first time. She has this genuine look of joy and excitement in her eyes.
The actress playing Ri hwa ja being so good at her job she should get paid even more. I want her to face the consequences of her actions.
Interesting how everyone in the family wants ri hwa ja to pay for her crimes but hwang geum ju is the only one defending her because she believes hwa ja was desperate for a mom. She saw it in nam soon's imposter's eyes. I wonder if it was an act or if she really wanted to have someone to rely on instead of using all means to earn money. Hwa ja does seem desperate for money. I don't remember if it was said or not but she does come from a poor (in terms of money) background so she must have hustled her whole life to get to where she is.
Also the reason she hates nam soon is because she was on the verge of earning A LOT of money and, in the blink of an eye, the money disappeared. Even though i despise her for wanting to kill an innocent woman, I do understand the struggles of not having a lot of money to live a comfortable life. If she got the money before the real nam soon reuniting with her mom, i think she would have lived her life by herself and left like that.
With that said, it doesn't mean ri hwa ja isn't a bad person because she used manipulation and lies to get to where she is. The most horrible part is her manipulating hwang geum ju by giving her the illusion she finally reunited with her daughter after 20 years of being apart. I don't know I'm very torn on her. She's a bad person, let's all agree on that. But i do believe her financial situation plays a big part on why she's behaving that way.
I've said in a previous episode how hwang geum ju seemed to be empathetic because she wanted her daughter back and i was wondering if she'll continue to have empathy for others after she found nam soon. Well, this scene gave me the answer. She's understanding. She knows not everyone is born with a lot of money and she wants to help others as much as she can. She's even extending her hand to ri hwa ja, even though the latter played with her feelings and lied to her. Hwang geum ju's motto is shown in this scene: make the world a better place.
Bread song making poses by the window = cringe but also hilarious. Gives him the image of a newbie ceo, not really knowing how to act with his new acquired wealth. I was wrong, he's just a freak and it's making as uncomfortable as hwang geum ju is right now.
Nice to see some more info on hwa ja's background. An orphan and a gang leader training orphans to do dirty job for him. She's the only woman in the group. That means she's strong and talented at what she does. But it does explain a lot of things and I can understand her better.
The grandma is hilarious in her quest to get her future boyfriend. I just can't get enough of her.
The plot thickens and someone is giving nam in the dr*g without him knowing. It's disguised as a weight loss pill. I hope he doesn't use it but shows it to nam soon or hee sik so they can move quicker on the case.
I see the dr*g gives strength to those who took it but then they d1e right away, which begs the question: what is different about ryu si o that makes him survive when all the other people who took the dr*g d1ed a few days/weeks after?
Interestingly enough nam soon's first thought when meeting the villain (she doesn't know it's him) is to ask him if he's sick. She is worried about him. She really is a good person.
She needs to talk about this to hee sik, tell him how she found someone with superhuman strength just like her.
I see the dr*g doesn't have the same effect on everyone. Some take longer to d1e. The only side effect is the excessive consumption of water. The chief of the diu team is taking a lot longer than the other victims to d1e. Maybe he'll be the one to survive until the end and a guinea pig (ie they'll experiment on him) to find an antidote?
Ooohooo the plot thickens! Nam soon is finally face to face with her impostor. But i don't think she's seen her face so i don't think she'll recognize her.
So happy to see hee sik back on the case.
The next episode seems promising.
I'll give this episode a 10/10 because it gave us a little bit of everything without revealing too much so us spectators want to tune in for the next episode.
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youngfcs · 2 years
Hi! Can I have face claim suggestions for Park Sunghoon's (of ENHYPEN) older sister? Preferably a Korean actress in late 20s to early 30s, thank you so much ❣️
Hello there ❣️ Of course!
Park Shin-hye (25-33)
Kim Jisoo (20-28)
Ahn So-hee (22-30)
Bae Suzy (21-28)
Kim Ji-won (23-30)
Park So-dam (23-31)
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korelist · 3 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 7,3 Benim puanım: 6
Drama: Into the World Again (English title) / Reunited Worlds (literal title)
Hangul: 다시 만난 세계
Director: Baek Soo-Chan
Writer: Lee Hee-Myung
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Yeo Jin-Goo, Lee Yeon-Hee, Ahn Jae-Hyeon, Kim Jin-Woo, Shin Soo-Ho, Lee Si-Un, Park Jin-Joo, Yoon Sun-Woo, Kim Ga-Eun, Kwak Dong-Yeon
2017 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2017
Best Supporting Actress (Park Jin-Joo)
Kötü senaryo, güzel oyunculuk, izlediğime pişman olduğum bir dizi. 19 yaşında bir lise öğrencisi olan Sung Hae-Sung (Yeo Jin-Goo) 4 kardeşi ve büyükannesi ile yaşamaktadır. Kardeşleri için canını dişine takan herkesin her şeylerine koşan biri olmasının yanı sıra arkadaşları tarafından da çok sevilen çocuktur. Adeta bulunmaz bir pırlanta. Doğum gününde trajik bir şekilde trafik kazası geçirerek ölür. Ölümünün üzerinden 12 yıl geçtikten sonra okulunun çatısında bir anda ortaya çıkar. Dizi; onun dönüşü ile yaşanan olayları konu almaktadır.
Hae-Sung hayata döndüğünde kardeşleri; Sung Young-Joon (Yoon Sun-Woo) doktor, Sung Young-In(Kim Ga-Eun) mağaza görevlisi, Sung Hae-Cheol(Kwak Dong-Yeon) serseri, Sung Soo-Ji(Kim Hye-Jun) ise öğrencidir. Birbirlerinden kopmuş aile ilişkileri kalmamış bir şekilde yaşamaktadırlar. Doktorumuz nişanlısı Lee Seo-Won(Han So-Hee)’a tek çocuk olduğunu söylemiş, ailesini yok sayarak yaşamayı seçmiştir. . Mağaza görevlisi olan kardeş ise abisinin sınıfta yakın arkadaşı olan Cha Tae-Hoon(Kim Jin-Woo)’in sahibi olduğu bir yerde çalışıyordur. Tae-Hoon ise ona ilgi duymaktadır.
Neyse efenim, bu genç delikanlının birde o zamanlar çok yakın arkadaşı ve aşkısı olan Jung Jung-Won( küçük hali : Jung Chae-Yeon, büyük hali: Lee Yeon-Hee) vardı. Doğum gününde onun için sürpriz hazırladığından dolayı okula uğramasını söyleyerek eve gelmesini geciktiriyor. Trafik kazasıda okul yolunda gerçekleşiyor. Bu nedenle de kızımız bütün bu yıllar boyunca hep kendisini suçluyor. Bu suçlulukla Hae-Sung’un hayali olan aşçılık alanına yöneliyor. Aşkım hayalini gerçekleştiremeden öldü, onun hayalini ben gerçekleştireyim diye düşünüyor. Bir de üzerine maalesef ki bu alanda kötü. Cha Min-Joon(Ahn Jae-Hyeon) çok zengin bir ailenin üvey oğludur. Ailesinden ayrı ayaklarının üzerinde durmak istediği için şirket ile hiçbir bağı olmadan kendi restoranını işletmektedir. Ve tabi ki Jung-Won burada çalışıyor.
Oyuncu kadrosu genç nesilden oluşan bu dizinin bence senaryosunda çok büyük bir sıkıntı vardı. Eğlenceli olmak isteyen ama dram yapalım diye kastıran bir hikayeydi. En başta 20 bölüm bu dizi için çok gereksizdi. 12 bölümlük olması daha iyi olabilirdi. Ölü birinin geri gelmesi ise hiçbir temele bağlanmaksızın fantastik bir hava yaratsa da önü sonu olmadığı için çok havada kalıyordu. Bu belirsizlik ise izleyiciyi sıkıyordu. Belirsizliğin yanı sıra bu kısıtlı konu çerçevesi de boğmaya başlıyor.
Ortada nedeni bilinmeyen bir durum, sonucunu öğrensek de bir şeyin değişmeyeceği bir olay, kimyasız bir aşk vardı. Komik anlar komik değildi, dramlar dram değildi. İster istemez ortaya çıkan Noona krizi de üzerine tüy dikti. Hayata dönen çocuğumuz hala 19 yaşındayken, biricik aşkısı 31 yaşına girmişti. Saçmalıklar o kadar arka arkaya gelmeye başlıyor ki aklınız duruyor. Çocuk 19 yaşında olduğunu çok belli ediyordu. Oyunculuğu, görünüşü her şeyi ile liseliydi. Orada sorun yoktu ama kız 31 yaşında birini canlandırdığını unutmuş şekilde 12 yaşında gibi davranıyordu. Birkaç bölümden sonra tam bir Türk dizisine bağladılar. “CAMDAKİ KORELİ” !!!
Randevulaşırlar, kız mesaiye kalmak zorunda kalınca gidemez. Tam o sırada patronu der sen çık, izin veriyorum. Kız çıkar bu sefer çocuk başka bir hayati kararın içinde kendini bulur kızla arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kalır. Ama bu anların hepsi uzuuuuun bakışmalar ile anlatılır. Onu mu seçsem bunu mu seçsemler dakikalar sürer. Sonra çocukta kızı seçip koşmaya başlar. Tam o sırada kızda tam gidecekken önünde bomboş duran el arabasının tekeri bozulur. Patronu el arabasını durdurmak için atlar, ama yandan gelen araba patrona çarpar. Patron kör olur! Şaka şaka… Kızımız patronunu hastaneye götürür. Sonrası bölümü sakince kapatıp nefes alma seansı... Bütün bölümlerin böyle anlardan oluştuğunu düşünün. Aman Yarabbi.
Bütün manasızlıkları geçtim. Bir arkadaş ortamında toplanmışlar. Gruptan biri 12 yıl sonra dirilmiş. Diğeri babadan çok zenginmiş. Grubun geri kalanı hangisine en çok şaşırdı dersiniz. İlahi sizde… tabi ki zengin olana 😊İnanılmaz. Hikayeye hiçbir katkısı olmayan saçma sapan anları çıkartınca bölümüler 15-20dk kalıyordu. O zaman daha çekilebilir bir dizi olurdu. Her bölümü izlerken IQ seviyemin düştüğünü hissettim. Ve salağa anlatır gibi konuşmaları…  Cümlenin başında ortasında sonunda, gerçek anlamda tek bir cümlede 3 kere isim söylemelerine inanılmaz takıldım. İzlerken çıldırdım.
Son olarak oyunculardan biraz bahsedeyim. Kwak Dong-Yeon’a Vincenzo dizisinden beri bayılırım. Sahne arkasındaki kişiliğine de şahit olduktan sonra daha da favorim oldu.  Yeo Jin-Goo ise başlarda kötü oyunculuk olarak gelse de artık o kadar kötü bulmuyorum. Her an o göz yaşını akıtmaya hazır duruşu takdir edilesi. Kendisi çocuk oyunculardanmış. Kadın başrolümüz Lee Yeon-Hee’i ; Shin Se-Kyung’ya ve onu oyunculuğuna benzettim. Kusura bakmayın ama ikisi de kötü. Restoran sahibi Ahn Jae-Hyeon ise bence şeytan tüyü olan bir oyuncu. Cinderella and the four knights dizisinin parlak dudaklı oyuncusu. Daha çok uzun bir yolu olmasına rağmen bence ekrana yakışıyor.
Özetlersek, oyuncuları tek tek beğendim(çoğunu). Senaryo çok kötüydü. Asla da kimseye tavsiye etmem.
Jo Hyun Ah - Waiting for you
Raven Melus
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jugeullae · 3 months
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3rd Blue Dragon Series Awards Nominees
Drama Category
Best Drama
“Mask Girl”
“A Killer Paradox”
“Daily Dose of Sunshine”
Best Actor
Ryu Seung Ryong (“Moving”)
Ryu Jun Yeol (“The 8 Show”)
Byun Yo Han (“Uncle Samsik”)
Im Siwan (“Boyhood”)
Choi Woo Shik (“A Killer Paradox”)
Best Actress
Park Bo Young (“Daily Dose of Sunshine”)
Ahn Eun Jin (“Goodbye Earth”)
Esom (“LTNS”)
Chun Woo Hee (“The 8 Show”)
Han Hyo Joo (“Moving”)
Best Supporting Actor
Kim Sung Kyun (“Moving”)
Seo Hyun Woo (“A Shop for Killers”)
Ahn Jae Hong (“Mask Girl”)
Lee Kyu Hyung (“Uncle Samsik”)
Lee Hee Joon (“A Killer Paradox”)
Bet Supporting Actress
Kwak Sun Young (“Moving”)
Geum Hae Na (“A Shop for Killers”)
Yeom Hye Ran (“Mask Girl”)
Lee Joo Young (“The 8 Show”)
Tiffany Young (“Uncle Samsik”)
Best New Actor
Kim Woo Seok (“Night Has Come”)
Noh Jae Won (“Daily Dose of Sunshine”)
Lee Si Woo (“Boyhood”)
Lee Jung Ha (“Moving”)
Choi Hyun Wook (“High Cookie”)
Best New Actress
Go Youn Jung (“Moving”)
Kim Hye Joon (“A Shop for Killers”)
Lee Yul Eum (“The 8 Show”)
Jang Da Ah (“Pyramid Game”)
Jeon So Nee (“Parasyte: The Grey”)
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celtalks · 9 months
SBS Drama Awards 2023: Triumphs, Tears, and Top Talent Shine at the Prism Tower
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A Night of Glitz, Glamour, and Unforgettable Performances Celebrates the Best in Korean Dramas
In a dazzling spectacle held at the SBS Prism Tower in Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, the SBS Drama Awards 2023 unfolded on December 29th, drawing the curtain on a year filled with exceptional television storytelling. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Shin Dong-yup and Kim Yoo-jung, the ceremony not only showcased the immense talent within the Korean drama industry but also featured electrifying musical performances by TOMORROW x TOGETHER, Hwasa, Guckkasten, Doldams, Ahn Hyo-seop, and Lee Sung-kyung.
Grand Prize: A Celebration of Excellence
The prestigious Grand Prize was awarded to Kim Tae-ri for her outstanding performance in 'Revenant,' while Lee Je-hoon took home the honor for his remarkable role in 'Taxi Driver 2.'
Top Excellence Awards: Recognizing Genre Prowess
Top Excellence Award, Actor (Specialized Genre/Action Drama): Park Sung-woong in 'The Killing Vote' Top Excellence Award, Actress (Specialized Genre/Action Drama): Moon Chae-won in 'Payback' Top Excellence Award, Actor (Miniseries Romance/Comedy Drama): Song Kang in 'My Demon' Top Excellence Award, Actress (Miniseries Romance/Comedy Drama): Kim Yoo-jung in 'My Demon' Top Excellence Award, Actor (Seasonal Drama): Ahn Hyo-seop in 'Dr. Romantic 3' Top Excellence Award, Actress (Seasonal Drama): Lee Sung-kyung in 'Dr. Romantic 3'
Excellence Awards: Showcasing Versatility
Excellence Award, Actor (Specialized Genre/Fantasy Drama): Lee Joon in 'The Escape of the Seven' and Hong Kyung in 'Revenant' Excellence Award, Actress (Specialized Genre/Fantasy Drama): Lee Yu-bi in 'The Escape of the Seven' Excellence Award, Actor (Miniseries Romance/Comedy Drama): Ryeoun in 'The Secret Romantic Guesthouse' Excellence Award, Actress (Miniseries Romance/Comedy Drama): Shin Ye-eun in 'The Secret Romantic Guesthouse'
Supporting Cast: A Vital Backbone
Best Supporting Actor (Specialized Genre/Fantasy Drama): Bae Yoo-ram and Jang Hyuk-jin in 'Taxi Driver 2,' Kim Won-hae in 'Revenant' Best Supporting Actress (Specialized Genre/Fantasy Drama): Son Ji-yoon in 'The First Responders 2' Best Supporting Actor (Miniseries Romance/Comedy Drama): Jung Soon-won in 'Trolley' and 'My Demon' Best Supporting Actress (Miniseries Romance/Comedy Drama): Seo Jung-yeon in 'My Demon' and 'Trolley'
Unforgettable Bonds: Best Couple and Scene Stealer
Best Couple Award: Song Kang and Kim Yoo-jung in 'My Demon' Scene Stealer Award: Go Sang-ho in 'Dr. Romantic 3,' Byun Jung-hee in 'Dr. Romantic 3'
Welcoming New Talents: Best New Actors and Actresses
Best New Actor: Kim Do-hoon in 'The Escape of the Seven,' Kang Yoo-seok in 'Payback,' Lee Shin-young in 'Dr. Romantic 3,' Lee Hong-nae in 'Dr. Romantic 3' Best New Actress: Kwon Ah-reum in 'The Killing Vote,' Yang Hye-ji in 'Revenant,' Jung Soo-bin in 'Trolley'
Rising Stars: Best Young Actors and Actresses
Best Young Actor: Choi Hyun-jin in 'The Killing Vote,' Han Ji-an in 'Dr. Romantic 3' Best Young Actress: Park So-yi in 'Revenant,' Ahn Chae-heum in 'Taxi Driver 2'
Collective Brilliance: Best Supporting Team and Performance
Best Supporting Team: 'Dr. Romantic 3' Best Performance: Jin Seon-kyu in 'Revenant'
Netizens' Choice: Best SBS Drama of 2023
'Taxi Driver 2' claimed the hearts of netizens, earning the coveted title of Best SBS Drama of 2023. In a night filled with emotion, laughter, and celebration, the SBS Drama Awards 2023 paid tribute to the incredible talent and creativity that graced the small screen throughout the year. As the curtains closed on the Prism Tower, the memories of this spectacular event will undoubtedly linger in the hearts of both the industry and its avid viewers, setting the stage for another year of exceptional storytelling and unforgettable performances.   Read the full article
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enterenews · 2 years
Ahn So-hee, Dumpling So-hee in her 30s…
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Actress Ahn So-hee from Wonder Girls shared the current status of her unchanging beauty.
Ahn So-hee posted on her own Instagram on the 10th that her “‘Missing 2’ broadcast is only left. The coffee truck of the sisters who worked hard in the second half of the filming. She posted a photo with the caption, "# Missing 2 # Many officials # Many fathers."
In the photo, Ahn So-hee poses in front of a coffee truck. Ahn So-hee, who wore a chic mood jacket and half-pants, gave off a girl group-born talent with various poses and expressions. Now in her 30s, she drew netizens' attention with her beauty while reminiscent of her Wonder Girls days.
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otakusmart · 2 years
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kdramastagram · 6 years
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190112 / ssoheean: 굿밤,🌝🧸🧡
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dramaintherain · 3 years
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AHN SO HEE 🌟 | Korean Actors 200 (2021)
➞ In 2007, South Korea was heated by the craze of ‘Tell Me,’ sung by Wonder Girls, a girl group. Ahn So Hee was at the centre of it. The public cheered enthusiastically for the 17-year-old girl, who opened her eyes like a cat and shouted, ‘Oh my!’ Ahn So Hee’s sour look in her cute appearance was her signature. The unique atmosphere differentiated her from other girls, bringing An closer to the public. Rising to the top at once upon her debut, So Hee was also given the term ‘national sister.’
And when her popularity was still hot, Ahn So Hee stood in front of the screen with “Hellcats, I Like It Hot” (2007). It is wrong to think that she rode a free ride as an actor with the powerful fandom on her back. Ahn So Hee prepared for acting besides singing and dancing during her trainee days at JYP Entertainment and started her career as an actor by appearing in the 2004 short film “The Synesthesia For Overton Construction”. She also earned the character, Kangae, in “Hellcats, I Like It Hot”, by participating in the audition before the song ‘Tell Me’ was released.
More deeply fascinated by the world of acting through Hellcats, I Like It Hot, Ahn So Hee tested her potential as an actor after leaving Wonder Girls in 2015. The untypical looks and the ability to produce a sophisticated yet soft feminine beauty at the same time gave her several opportunities as an actor. Through TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016), which was invited to the Cannes Film Festival and attracted 10 million viewers, So Hee was recognized as a good actor by playing Jin Hee, a confident high school girl and cheerleader of the high school baseball team.
In the TV series Entourage (2016), which is based on the American HBO drama series, Ahn So Hee showed a new aspect that looked folky and humane while playing a promising popular actress. The movie “A Single Rider” (2016), in which she collaborated with Lee Byung Hun, provided an opportunity for her to leap as an actor. She was praised for her detailed emotional performance as Yoo Ji Na, who came to Australia on a working holiday. Through TV series Waikiki 2 (2019) and Missing: the Other Side, So Hee is constantly digging into the well of acting, cleverly building up her colorful portfolios. The girl who sang, ‘I’m so hot, I’m so pretty, I’m so attractive,’ is still attractive and pretty.
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kdramafeeds · 3 years
K-Actors/Actress Birthday on June
June 4 - Park Yoochun & Kim So Hyun 
June 5 - Yoo In Na 
June 6 - Kim Hyun Joong 
June 7 - Cha Seung Won & Jiyeon 
June 9 - Hyeri 
June 11 - Go Kyung Pyo 
June 16 - Park Bo Gum 
June 20 - Kang Tae Oh 
June 22 - Lee Min Ho
June 25 - Rain 
June 27 - Lee Won Geun & Ahn So Hee 
June 28 - Jang Gyu Woon & Seohyun 
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mindofseoul · 4 years
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bewitchroleplay · 6 years
Bewitch welcomes Ahn Sohee!
✧ Name: Ahn Sohee
✧ Group/ occupation: actress
✧ Entertainment company: key east
✧ Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Para sample:
She is quiet but she was aware of everything around her, she would watch those that entered and exist her life. With faces now saved in her memory, she enjoyed all the memories she shared with the person. Sohee was simple to please that’s for sure but she was one to always have a bigger heart behind her cold demeanor. Once going at the world with five/six girls as a wonder girls member she was now just an actress. She had gone through so much, from being at her her highest to now starting once again to make her name in the acting industry, she was doing she loved the most. She was comfortable with herself that’s for sure but being famous was sure getting quite lonely. Sohee always seemed to make best conversation with those she felt comfortable with kind and gentle, she was sure to make everyone around her happy and safe.
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years
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Ahn Hyo Seop as Cha Min
Park Bo Young as Go Se Yeon
Han So Hee as Jang Hee jin
Kwon Soo Hyun as Seo Ji Wook
Seo In Guk as Grim reaper
Kim Sarang as Go Se Yeon
Jung So min
Lee Si Eon as Park Dong Cheol
Abyss is a perfect combination of crime related drama, romance and comedy. The combination of actors is so good as well. I think the drama first aired in 2019? I heard of it but I never watch it till now because of Hyoseop. Abyss have no boring episodes because one moment you are laughing then another you are wondering what's happening. I really like the concept of Abyss where they can reborn again with the magical orb and solve crimes. Although there are parts that are confusing, the drama ended well. I just don't like some cgi parts of animated parts(like the orb thing) but it will do. Park Bo Young, as always, so great in her roles. Such versatile actress. Han So Hee is also good in here and I kinda like her acting here.
Abyss version of Hyoseop looks more cute and feels like a college heartthrob. And his hair in this looks so good on him. I also like his role because he's funny and sweet. Very different in his role in Business Proposal. I wish he will get more comedy roles but I feel like he's already done in it and now venturing on more mature roles. Business Proposal Hyoseop looks more mature plus he gained weight and muscles which is a very good thing because back then when he's thin, he resembles Nam Joo Hyuk. Now people can recognize him on his looks alone. I watched Abyss while waiting for episode 11 and 12 of Business Proposal and mind you, I feel like Cha Min and Tae Mu is played by 2 different actors. Hyoseop is so good at differentiating his characters. Hope to see more of him in different genre. He's so versatile.
All in all I really like the drama.
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alissagifs · 2 years
By clicking the source link, you will find 140 gifs of Lee Sang-hee in various television shows, movies, and interviews. Some of these projects included: End of Winter (2016), Our Love Story (2016), Children of the 20th Century (2017), Somewhere In Between (2020), All of Us Are Dead (2022), and Juvenile Justice (2022). All of the gifs were created by me from scratch. You may use these gifs to roleplay or as reaction gifs. Please do not repost or claim these gifs as your own. Contact me if you would like to edit these gifs for any purpose. I will likely say yes. Like or reblog if you find these gifs helpful!
Refer to the content warnings prior to clicking on the source link.
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Content/trigger warnings: Food/eating, drinking/alcohol, zombies, injuries (e.g., getting bitten, neck wound, blood, body contortions), death, and text (e.g., on some gifs). 
Featuring: Ryu Seon-young, Park Keun-rok, Lim Seong-mi, Han Ye-seul, Kim Ji-seok, Lee Sang-woo, Ahn Se-ha, Shin Sehwi, Shin Dong-mi, Lee Yoo-mi, Ham Sung-min, and Ryu Seon-young. 
Notes: Lee Sang-hee is an actress and she is of South Korean descent, so please cast her accordingly. She is currently 38 years of age, but she was anywhere between the ages of 32 and 38 years old in the gifs included in this gif pack. 
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enterenews · 2 years
Ahn So-hee "Seventeen's Seungkwan on YouTube?"
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Actress Ahn So-hee from the group Wonder Girls shared her feelings about becoming a YouTuber for the third year.
On the 6th, a video titled 'YouTube 3rd Year Now I Can Talk Production Q&A' was posted on Ahn So-hee's YouTube channel.
In the released video, Ahn So-hee had time to answer honestly about the video production. First, Ahn So-hee said about the reason she started YouTube, "I had a lot of fun when I was exposed to YouTube. If you work as an actor, you have a hiatus other than when you greet with a work. After thinking about it, I thought that if I do YouTube, I have a lot of things I want to do and a lot of interests, so I can share those things and discover a side of me that I didn't know I hadn't shown before."
She also commented on why she chose her name as her channel name. He said, "Don't the original names change a lot before idols debut?" "Wonder Girls wasn't even Wonder Girls. Just like that, we had a lot of trouble even choosing a channel name. Originally, it was 'communication'" and said that the abbreviation of 'Sohee Communications' was a candidate. said.
She added, "I thought it would be better for her to start with the name Ahn So-hee because she wants to show me in a simple way and run, participate, and appear together."
She especially talked about guest invitation content, which she recently launched. Previously, Ahn So-hee recently invited comedian Do-yeon Jang and member Seung-kwan Boo of the group Seventeen. Ahn So-hee said, "I was worried about two or three years ago. I had to broaden the spectrum to do it for a long time, and that was the reason I decided to invite guests."
Also, Ahn So-hee said, "I wondered what it would be like to meet someone new. I was curious about me, and he was curious about me, and when I was wondering who was new, Boo Seung-kwan immediately came to my mind. Our team came up with an opinion." She explained the situation at the time, "I heard a lot about her (that she is a Wonder Girls fan), but she said thank you for renting the spot and asked me to meet her."
She said, "Ahn So-hee goes to the same gym as Boo Seung-kwan and they say hello to each other, but she says they've never talked to each other." She expressed her gratitude, saying, "I thought I would wait for exercise time if that didn't work, but as soon as Mr. Boo Seung-kwan contacted me, he said, 'I'll adjust the schedule.'
Finally, Ahn So-hee greeted, "It's really amazing and nice that it's been 3 years. It's thanks to our subscribers that we keep having fun and making videos without getting tired. Let's continue to share and share fun things together."
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