#actual purehearted superhero
thanergeticbloom · 2 years
I wish nona got to give one chaste kiss to camilla before she was put in the palamedes blender. nona loved her so dearly
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okay so possibly no one cares about this except for me but I’m super interested in what the Rivervale Superteens comic would actually be like? like it’s supposed to be a fictionalized version of the events of the latest season of Riverdale but where the main characters are all actual costumed superheroes for the most part. But like if they’re superheroes in this comic does that mean they have secret identities? or are they just always in their costumes? Also, what are they’re superhero names? This is probably the most important question, for me at least. Archie, Betty and Jughead are pretty clearly Pureheart, Superteen, and Captain Hero respectively. Archie’s got his “P” emblem on his chest, Betty’s got her “ST” and I can’t tell but I think Jughead’s got his burger as well. He’s got the outfit certainly. Veronica’s costume seems to be based on her Miss Vanity costume from the 2018 Superteens but with an “H”(?) on her chest instead of a “V”. Or maybe it’s a “W”, for Widow. That name would make sense for her powers and such. Cheryl just has fire for her emblem so no clues to what her name is but Blaze feels like the obvious choice here. Tabitha has a “T” which is what her real name actually starts with so maybe it just stands for that. It could also stand for Time or something like that because she has time travel powers. I know they said she’s actually an angel but she’s carrying an hour glass in the cover art we see so time powers seem to be what they’re going with here. I wonder if we’ll get anymore references to the Superteens as a concept or if it was just a single episode throwaway plot device. Either way I really liked this cameo of sorts I feel like we’ve been getting lots of little things like that this season just small references to stuff(like ambrose pipps as a baseball card, the madhouse glads last episode, etc.) and all the explicit references to comic books specifically. It’s super fun and makes for a more exciting viewing experience for me at least. 
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fanfics4all · 6 years
I’ll Protect You: Part 1
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Jughead Jones x Andrews!Reader
Word count: 2478
Warnings: Fred getting shot, molestation, sadness
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Archie’s POV*
Jason Blossom’s murder case was closed and our little town finally had a bit of closure, or so we thought. We were at pop’s just talking with Dad when a man walks in and shoot him, My sister rushes to Dad putting pressure on his wound.
“Dad! Dad stay with me!” She cries out. I rushed to them but froze when the gun is pointed at me.
“Get away from him!” The masked man shouts at Y/N but she doesn’t move.
“I said get away!” He pulled her away and she starts struggling to get back to Dad. He hit her in the head knocking her out, I watch as my sister falls to the ground but I still can’t move. The guy starts touching her and I shut my eyes. Why am I just sitting here letting him do this to my family!?
“I’ll see you soon.” I hear him say, then the little bell jingle telling me he gone.
“Dad!” I grab him and put him in the car then get Y/N. Dad groaned in pain.
“Hold on, Dad, hold on. Hold on, Dad. We’re almost there. We’re almost there. They’re gonna fix you up. Stay with me, Dad, Stay with me.” I said. The second I made it to the hospital I rushed Dad in.
“Help, please. Help, hey! Someone help me and my Dad!” I called into the hospital. They grabbed him away from me and take him to the back, I tried to follow but a nurse stops me.
“Sir, I’m sorry I need you to stay here.” She said.
“My sister needs help too…” I said.
“Where is she?” She asked.
“She’s in the car I’ll get her.” I said and sprinted to go get Y/N, bringing her in as well.
“What happened to…” The nurse asked.
“Y/N, The guy that shot our dad knocked her out.” I answered. They took her in the back with my dad.
“Arch? God.” Veronica said hugging me with Betty and Jug in tow.
“What happened?” Betty asked.
“I came out of the bathroom and there was this man, Thief wearing this hood, with a gun on Pop Tate, and then her pointed it at my dad and he fired. And then…” I said taking a deep breath to calm myself.
“Oh my God, Archie…” Veronica put her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me  
“And then he grabbed Y/N away from Dad and knocked her out, then he bolted. Then I was holding my dad, Pop Tate called an ambulance and it didn’t come so I drove here and… and I don’t know, maybe I should’ve waited, Maybe I made it worse!” I said shaking my head.
“No, dude, are you kidding me? You saved your dad and your sister. First Cheryl, and now your Dad and Y/N. If you keep this up, you’re gonna need a superhero name. Like Pureheart the Powerful.” Jug chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
“There isn’t any new information. Your dad’s in surgery. He’s gonna be there for a while.” Mrs. Cooper said.
“Uh, Archie? Have you spoken to your mother about any of this yet?” Mrs. Lodge asks.
“No. No, I haven’t called her. I’ll be right back.” I walked into the hall to call mom.
“Hey, Mom, how are you? Good, yeah, good.” I sigh.
“We’re, uh we…Actually, Mom, we’re not, we’re in trouble here.” I take a deep breath.
“Dad’s in the hospital. It was a robbery, and, uh, he was shot, and Y/N was knocked out…” I sniffle trying not to cry.
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen, Mom, but I think you should come here as soon as you can, in case…in case we have to say goodbye.” I said.
“Archie, Y/N is awake, the doctor is running some test but it looks like she’s okay and if the doctor gives the okay then she will be released.” A nurse tells me and I nod.
“Can I see her?” I asked.
“You’ll be able to see her soon, if she’s released but if not then you’ll be able to go to her room.” I nod again and sit and wait.
“Archie!” I turn around and see Y/N rushing towards me. She hugs me and I hold her tight.
“Archie, what happened? Is dad okay?” I asked worried.
“He’s in surgery, I called mom she’s coming as soon as she can.” I nod and hug Archie tighter.
“Y/N!” I turn around and see Jughead with a worried expression.
“Are you okay?” He asked. I nod and hug him, he kisses my head and held me tight as if he let go I’d disappear.
“Sheriff.” I hear Archie say and I turn to look at the others.
“How’s your dad doing?” Sheriff Keller asked.
“He’s still in surgery.” I answer for him.
“Archie, Y/N, I know this is a hell of a time for you, but perhaps we could go somewhere and talk about what happened?” He asked.
“Is it cool if I tag along?” Jughead asked.
“Actually, if you don’t mind-”
“Yeah, that’d be great, Jug.” Archie said cutting the Sheriff off. I give a small appreciative smile to Archie. We walked into an empty room and all sat down.
“He was maybe 5’10, 160 pounds or so.” Archie said. I nodded agreeing with my brother.
“And he was wearing dark pants and a dark jacket? Anything on the jacket? Any symbol or insignia?” Sheriff Keller asked.
“You mean like a snake?” Jug asked offended.
“No, it was just a jacket, No snake.” I answered.
“And the ski mask that he had on-”
“No, it’s not a ski mask. It’s a hood, a black hood. Homemade, like he’d cut the eyes out himself.” Archie said cutting him off.
“And the guy’s eye were green.” I added.
“Now, Pop Tate had a fairly good idea of what happened up until when your father was shot. And then, well there are some gaps. And I need you two to help me fill those. What did he do, out masked man?” The Sheriff asked.
“After he shot our dad?” Archie looked at me.
“He grabbed Y/N and hit her with the gun then…” Archie paused.
“Then what?” Keller asked and we all looked at him.
“Then he…He nothing. He shot my dad, knocked my sister out and ran out of the diner.” Archie said.
“Who did this, Sheriff?” I asked and Juggie wrapped his arm around me.
“Y/N, It’s too early to speculate. But this guy, he was probably out of his head on Meth or the Jingle Jangle, some Southside lowlife that was just looking for a cash grab.” Sheriff Keller said.
“How much did he get? How much cash?” Jug asked.
“We’re waiting to hear about that from Pop Tate.” He answered.
“What if…What if robbery wasn’t the motive?” I asked scared to hear the answer.
“Well, I mean, I suppose it could be someone who has a grudge against your dad. Wanted to make it look like a robbery. But I mean it’s too early to tell.” He answered. I move closer to Jughead, that was not the answer I wanted to hear.
When we were finished we walk out and I go sit with B and V.
“Archie Andrews? I’m Steven Masters- I’m your father’s doctor.” The doctor said walking up to my brother.
“How is he?” Archie asks.
“Well, we got the bullet out and we’ve stopped the internal bleeding. But what’s most worrisome is, he’s not breathing on his own yet.” The doctor answered. I instantly got up and stand next to Archie.
“We need to see him.” I say holding onto my brother's arm.
“And you will. As soon as we’ve got him set in a room, you’ll be able to sit with him. Should be an hour or two at the most.” The doctor answers.
“An until then? What are we supposed to do, nothing?” Archie asks. “Maybe. Maybe you should go home and get changed.” V said.
“No, I’m not leaving!” My brother said.
“Archie wait.” Betty stops him.
“Veronica’s right.” Betty adds trying to convince him.
“Here are your dad’s clothes and personal belongings, everything he had on him.” A nurse says handing Archie a bag.
“Okay well yet another reason to go, you can get your dad a change of clothes. Veronica will go with you. Right V?” Betty said.
“I’ll stay here. They’re right Arch, you need to change, have a shower. Dad will be fine, he has to be.” I agreed. Dad has to be okay, he’s strong. Archie sighed, but left with Veronica. I sat down and Kevin walked up to me.
“Thank you.” I said taking the tea from Kevin’s hands.
“Of course all any of us can think about is your dad, but if we weren’t so focused on his well-being- I’d be asking if you and-”
“We didn’t Kevin. Me and Jug didn’t do it, if that’s what you were going to ask…” I smiled a little.
“He told me he loved me.” I added.
“Wait, what? Jughead Jones said “I love you”? Mr. “I’m weird, I’m a weirdo.” He asked with a smile.
“And I told him I love him back.” I smiled remembering that it was peaceful before I had to leave to meet up with my dad and Archie.
“Wow jug it looks great in here.” I said smiling as we entered FP’s trailer.
“I cleaned it up after Sheriff Keller thrashed it, ya know just in case my dad…Until he gets out.” Jughead said.
“We’re not giving up on him, Juggie.” I said.
“That’s why I love you Y/N.” Jughead said shocking me an even himself a bit.
“I love you, Y/N Andrews.” He confirmed.
“Jughead Jones the 3rd I love you.” I said back with a huge smile on my face.  
*End of flashback*
“Then what?” Kevin asked bringing me out of my memory.
“Well then things got, complicated.” I said.
“Complicated how?” He asked.
“In the “my boyfriend may be joining the Serpents” kind of way.” I answered. I never really had a problem with the Serpents, but my family sure would.
“Y/N, no! Did you learn nothing from me and Joaquin?” He said shaking his head.
“Kevin I trust Juggie and if this is something he wants to do I’m not going to stop him. You know I don’t mind the Serpents, but if my dad or Archie found out I’d never be able to see Jug again.” I sighed. Veronica came back but without Archie.
“Hey Veronica, where’s my brother?” I asked getting up.
“He’s at the sheriff’s station, doing a line-up.” She answered.
“He went without me?” I asked.
“He didn’t want you to worry about it, Y/N.” She said. I sighed. Damit Archie and your overprotective brother side!  I went to go sit with Kevin again and watched as Jug, Betty, and Veronica talked. Once they were done Juggie came over to us and hugged me.
“Hey me and Betty are going down to Pop’s to see if your dad’s wallet is there, we’ll be back soon okay?” I nodded and kissed him.An hour passed and Archie just came back from the Sheriff’s station.
“Archie, did they get him?” I nervously asked.
“No, no he’s still out there.” He looked at me sadly.
“Archie, Y/N, he’s in room 12, you guys can see him now.” The doctor said.
“Okay great.” Archie grabbed my hand and we started walking when the doctor stopped us.
“Listen, he’s not awake yet but talk to him, coax him back. Keep it positive.” We nodded and went to see out dad. When we walked in he was hooked up to machines and had tubes coming out of him, it was so hard to see him like that. We sat down and Archie starts to talk but I can’t focus enough to hear what he’s saying.
“Hey Y/N I’ll be back okay?” Archie said pulling me out of my thoughts.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“I’m gonna go talk with Ronnie, you can stay here. I’ll be right back.” I nod and go back to looking at our dad.
Once the silence is too much for me to bear I walk to go outside for some fresh air. That’s when I heard Archie’s voice.
“Guy’s, there’s something I haven’t told you, ‘cause I’m ashamed….” He said. Ashamed? What?
“After the gun went off I should have tackled the guy, but I was, I was paralyzed. I didn’t move, not even when the guy grabbed Y/N and knocked her out. He…” He paused.
“He what Archie?” Betty asked.
“After he knocked her out he started touching her, and I just closed my eyes, I don’t know how long. Long enough for him to grab my dad’s wallet, I guess but I didn’t open them again until I heard the bell.” Archie said and my eyes widened.
“There was nothing else you could’ve done.” Betty said.
“That’s not true, Betty! I could have stopped him from fondling my sister or actually try and protect my family but instead I was a Coward!” Archie said. He…He touched me… I could feel tears brimming my eyes.
“And before I heard the bell I heard him whisper “I’ll see you soon” in Y/N’s ear.” He added. That was all I could hear before I ran outside, tears falling down my face.
I don’t know how long I was out there alone but I felt someone’s arm wrap around me. I looked up and saw Jughead.
“You heard all that didn’t you?” He asked and I nodded my head.
“The last thing I heard was that the guy said “I’ll see you soon” then I ran out here.” I sniffled trying to stop the tears but they just kept coming. Jug pulled me closer and I sobbed into his chest.
“Archie is going to protect you, and so will I.” He said. I nodded, I knew they wouldn’t let anything happen to me but I still didn’t feel safe. We stayed like that for who knows how long until Archie came out.
“Y/N there you are!” Archie said. I looked up and saw his worried expression. He kneeled down and hugged me.
“I heard…when were you going to tell me?” I asked.
“I don’t know, you’re so worried about dad, I didn’t want to add to it.” He answered with a sigh.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you I promise.” He added holding me even tighter as to prove his point.
“I believe you, I’m… I’m just scared.” My voice trembled a bit.
“I know Y/N/N…” Archie said cradling me.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie  @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs  @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist  @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @camiconfessions  @rainbow-noodles @lovelywordsblog
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tricksters-captain · 7 years
FP Jones/Andrew’s Family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 13
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A/N: Oh my god. We’re back. I haven’t really edited this chapter since I just wanted to post it but oh well... lets hope for the best. 
(Part One)(Part Two)(Part Three)(Part Four)(Part Five)(Part Six)(Part Seven)(Part Eight)(Part Nine)(Part Ten)(Part Eleven)(Part Twelve)
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s old sister and you have a thing for a certain serpent
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews
Word count: 2,320 (ish)
Warnings: Depressing themes, dying father, some light smut, mentions of blood, spoilers (you must watch season 2 episode 1)
(I listened to ‘HAEVN - Fortitude’ during the first part of this chapter)
You sat up slowly, the ringing still muffling all sounds around you. 
You tried calling out for Archie however you couldn’t hear yourself. But, you must have spoken because Archie’s head turned back to you. 
His cheeks were damp and his mouth moved silently. You could see he was trying to talk to you but the ringing in your head was only just fading. 
You tried to stand but wobbled and fell again causing Pop to drop the phone he was on and lunge forward to catch you. 
“You alright?” Pop asked, his voice quiet but coming through to you. 
“Dad.” You reached forward, ignoring Pop, then Archie, at that moment, stood up. 
“The ambulance is on it’s way.” Pop told Archie, his voice clearer now. 
“Th-there isn’t time. H-he’s losing too much bl...” Archie shook his head, he knelt down and took the truck keys from Fred’s pocket then helped him up. 
“Archie... wait...” You staggered forward and followed the boy to the truck. 
You had to lean against the cold metal door of the truck after you chased after him, the world was spinning around you but you barely had time to recover as Archie had already got your dad into the truck and you had to follow swiftly. 
“Hold on, Dad. Hold on.” Archie pleaded as he started up the truck and zoomed off towards the hospital. 
You reached forward pressing down on your dad’s wound to keep the pressure on, as he was groaning in pain due to Archie’s fast and bumpy drive.
You kept feeling your eyelids start to close but you knew that if you fell asleep that you might possibly not wake up again for a while if you have a concussion so you tried everything you could to keep your focus on keeping your dad alive. 
Archie reached the hospital quicker than you expected and lugged your dad inside, you followed beside him by helping him lift your dad but you couldn’t carry a lot of his weight due to how weak you felt. 
“Help! Please!” Archie begged, calling out for someone, anyone. You did the same and soon your dad was being carted off on a bed. 
You tried to keep up with Archie and your dad but a nurse was forcing you to go the opposite way due to your head injury. 
“No! That’s my dad! No, please, just let me...” You tried to fight her off but your dad was past the doors that you nor Archie were allowed to go past so you gave in. 
You allowed a doctor to look over you quickly and they washed the matted blood from your hair in order to see the wound and you were told you’d need a couple stitches but you told them that they would have to wait and that your little brother had been alone long enough and you excused yourself to the waiting room. 
“Arch?” You walked in to see Archie pacing. When he saw you, he ran into your arms and engulfed you into a rib-crushing hug. You collapsed to the group and held Archie against you, stroking his back and hair. “Shh...” You tried to comfort him but you felt your own heart breaking. 
He cried softly against you and you let a few of your own tears escape down your cheeks for a while and when he finally calmed down, he told you that he called Betty and that everyone was on their way over. 
You almost nostalgic holding Archie the way you were. You remember holding him like that the night that your Mom decided to leave and the time when you were much younger when Archie had fallen off his bike and your parents weren’t around to calm him down. 
You raised your head to see Betty, Ronnie and Jughead approaching you with their parents. 
You nudged Archie and he looked up, scrambling to his feet to embrace his friends. 
“What happened?” Betty asked you and Archie after their embrace. 
You watched the group go sit down and you stood just far away enough to hear what they were saying. You were unconscious for a part of it so you didn’t know exactly what happened. 
“I came out of the bathroom and there was this man, thief wearing this hood, with a gun on Pop Tate,  and then he pointed it at my dad and then (y/n) walked in and he fired.” 
“Oh, my God, Archie.” Veronica piped in, 
“And then he...” Archie stopped himself, 
“And then he what?” Ronnie asked, 
“And then he bolted. Then, I was holding my dad, Pop Tate called an ambulance and it didn't come so I drove here and...And I don't know, maybe I should've waited, maybe I made it worse.” Archie felt his eyes start to fill again, 
“No, dude, are you kidding me? You saved your dad's life.” Jughead placed his hand on Archie’s back to comfort him. “First Cheryl, and now your dad. If you keep this up, you're gonna need a superhero name like Pureheart the Powerful.”
“There isn't any new information. Your dad's in surgery. He's gonna be there for a while.” Betty’s mom approached you and beckoned you to the group, 
“Uh, Archie, (Y/n)? Have either of you spoken to your mother about any of this yet?” Veronica’s mother, Hermione, asked the both of you. 
“No.” You shook your head, 
“No, I haven't called her. I'll be right back.” Archie rose to his feet and took it upon himself to call your mom. He was the one closer after all. 
“(Y/n), have you been checked out? The back of your head is bleeding. What happened?” Betty’s mom told you. 
“I have, I just need some stitches or something but I didn’t want Archie to be alone. I tackled Archie before he could step in the aim of the gun but that lead to me landing on my head.” You informed her, folding your arms across your chest in anxiety. 
“Well, he’s not alone now so you should probably go get fixed up.” Hermione told you. You looked around the group and nodded your head, leaving them so you could sort yourself out. 
By the time you returned to the waiting room, all stitched up, Betty told you that the sheriff was speaking with Archie and that you should probably too. 
You reached the sheriff just after Archie had finished giving his statement and then it was your turn. You told him exactly what happened up to the point you blacked out then you were free to go. 
“You just missed the doctor, he said that they got the bullet out but dad’s still not breathing by himself or conscious so they’re gonna go find him a room before we can see him.” Archie told you, 
“How long will that take?” You asked, 
“An hour or two.” Jughead told you. 
“But that gives you and Archie time to get cleaned up and get some clothes for your dad when he wakes up.” Betty stepped in front of Archie, suggesting the idea that Archie clearly must have blown off just a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m not going home, I need to get my car from Pop’s and––” You started to explain. 
“––Well, then Archie can get your dad’s clothes and Ronnie will go with him and I’ll go with you.” Betty interrupted, insisting that you two must get cleaned up and such.
“It’s fine, Betty. I can go by myself. Archie, do what Veronica and Betty tell you.” You half teased your younger brother and then left the hospital and from the corner of your eye, you spotted Jughead talking with some serpents. 
You decided to wait for their conversation to finish before heading to speak with the Serpents, yourself. 
“Hey!” You called after them. 
“Hey, girlie.” The younger serpents greeted you. “Sorry ‘bout your dad.” He gestured to the blood that had stained your clothes. 
“What do you need?” The older serpent asked, not giving you time to reply to the other. 
“I need a ride to Pop’s. I left my car there, it has... it has my jacket in it.” You told them. 
“Hop on.” The older serpent mounted his bike and you sat behind him without a helmet. This wasn’t your smartest decision but it was your most comfortable; at least the Serpents made you feel safe. 
They took you to Pop’s and you thanked them for the ride. 
You couldn’t look at the actual diner as it made your stomach churn. 
How did everything go from being alright to being complete shit?
You entered your car and picked up your jacket, bringing the leather to your face and inhaling deeply. You needed some normalcy in all this madness so you drove to FP’s trailer. Jughead would be at the hospital so you were free to clean up there. 
After you showered and changed, putting back on your jeans which fortunately didn’t have any blood on them and putting on one of FP’s henley shirts, you opened FP’s fridge and contemplated having a drink. Staring at the beer, you realised you couldn’t, considering you needed to drive to get back to the hospital to see your dad. 
You closed the fridge door and leant against the kitchen counter, sighing. 
It’s only been about an hour since you left the hospital; you doubted you’d be allowed to see your dad yet. 
You slid down the cupboards behind you and sat on the floor, closing your eyes. 
If you closed your eyes then you could picture everything was okay; that you weren’t alone or that your dad wasn’t in hospital, having just been shot. 
“Hey.” FP walked into the kitchen. “What you doing?” FP asked, smirking at you on the floor. 
“I’m tired.” You groaned, smiling softly up at him. You rose to your feet and wrapped your arms around the man as he started to make some coffee. 
“Is this my shirt?” He asked, lifting the loose fabric from your arm. 
“Maybe... I had a shower and didn’t want to put mine back on when yours looked so comfy.” You let go of the man as he turned to face you. 
“You had a shower without me?” FP asked, cocking his eyebrows at you. You smirked, knowing where this would go, then shrugged. 
He lifted the hem of the shirt up a little. 
“Can’t be having that.” FP tutted, shaking his head. You rose your arms as he removed his shirt from your body and then placed his hands on both sides of your neck. 
“Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it?” You teased, only encouraging the older man. 
“Oh, so, now we have some cheek, huh?” FP chuckled, backing you against the kitchen counter. 
Your smirk only grew. 
FP brought his lips to yours and you wrapped your hands around the back of the man, clinging onto the material of his thick flannel and the muscle of his back. 
He lifted you onto the counter top and you rolled your head backwards to give him access to your neck as he started to travel across your jaw but you interrupted as you heard your phone go off. 
You heard your phone go off. 
Your eyes snapped open and you were suddenly brought back to reality. 
FP was in jail. You were alone. But your phone was actually ringing. 
You answered to find it was Betty telling you that you could now see your dad. You didn’t hesitate on leaving the trailer and you soon rushed to the hospital and to your dad’s room.  
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“Hey Dad.” You leant in the doorway. It was something that he would often do. 
It was weird seeing him look so weak, he was always this strong man to you as you grew up and now he looked so fragile and still. 
You rounded the bed and sat in the empty chair beside him. 
“Dad... Daddy, please.” You whispered, taking hold of his hand and bringing it to your lips. “It’s time to wake up.” You told him, your voice trembling. 
He didn’t move. Didn’t even flinch. 
“You have to wake up.” You pleaded, staring at him with glassy eyes. 
“(y/n/n)?” Betty ratted the door with her knuckles and you noticed she held a burger and drink in her hands. “We figured you might be hungry.” 
“Thanks.” You said gratefully, taking the food from her. 
“Any news?” Betty asked, folding her arms across her chest.
“No.” You shook your head, looking back down at Fred. 
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Your dad’s strong, so are you and Archie. He’ll wake up for you two, he wouldn’t leave you.” Betty told you, her voice soft but assuring. 
“I hope so.” You muttered, getting up from your chair. Betty sent you a small smile as you passed her to leave the room. 
You left the building and sat outside on the wall to try and eat your food. You stared up at the sky, the sun was drawing in, this day didn’t exactly go to plan. 
“Hey girlie!” You heard the familiar voice of the young serpent and you spotted him across the parking lot. You could see the smirk on his lips from where you sat. 
You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him speed off without another word. 
That was... weird. 
Not long after, Archie came and got you since your dad had awoken and then shortly after that, your mom reached town and your dad was allowed to go home to recover. 
You had to sneak your jacket up from your car to your bedroom whilst Archie and your mom were helping your dad into bed.
You put it on over FP’s shirt and stared at yourself in the mirror. 
This was it. 
Riverdale wasn’t ever going to be the same again. 
Your family was attacked. FP was facing numerous years in jail. Archie was already ranting about protecting you and your dad. 
Something would have to change. You would have to change. 
Someone needs to figure out what the hell is going on in this town and why. 
(Part 14)
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I’ll Protect you Part 1
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A/N: This is my first fanfic! I’ve had this in my head since I watched the first episode of the last season so I hope you like it! This is part one and more will be coming! (Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!) 
Jughead x Andrews!reader
Word count: 2,284
Warning(s): Fred getting shot, molestation, sadness, riverdale season 2 episode 1 spoilers 
Y/N- Your Name 
This means character is talking in their head
This means flashbacks 
*Archie’s POV*
Jason Blossom’s murder case was closed and our little town finally had a bit of closure, or so we thought. We were at pop’s just talking with Dad when a man walks in and shoot him, My sister rushes to Dad putting pressure on his wound. “Dad! Dad stay with me!” She cries out. I rushed to them but froze when the gun is pointed at me. “Get away from him!” The masked man shouts at Y/N but she doesn’t move. “I said get away!” He pulled her away and she starts struggling to get back to Dad. He hit her in the head knocking her out, I watch as my sister falls to the ground but I still can’t move. The guy starts touching her and I shut my eyes. Why am I just sitting here letting him do this to my family!? “I’ll see you soon.” I hear him say then the little bell jingle telling me he gone. “Dad!” I grab him and put him in the car then get Y/N. Dad groaned in pain. “Hold on, Dad, hold on. Hold on, Dad. We’re almost there. We’re almost there. They’re gonna fix you up. Stay with me, Dad, Stay with me.” The second I made it to the hospital I rushed Dad in. “Help, please. Help, hey! Someone help me and my Dad!” They grab him away from me and take him to the back, I tried to follow but a nurse stops me. “Sir, I’m sorry I need you to stay here.” “My sister needs help too…” “Where is she?” “She’s in the car I’ll get her.” I sprint to go get Y/N bringing her in as well. “What happened to…” “Y/N, The guy that shot our dad knocked her out.” They took her in the back with my dad.
“Arch? God.” Veronica said hugging me with Veronica and Jug in tow. “What happened?” “I came out of the bathroom and there was this man, Thief wearing this hood, with a gun on Pop Tate, and then her pointed it at my dad and he fired. And then…” Oh my God, Archie…” Veronica put her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me  “And then he grabbed Y/N away from Dad and knocked her out, then he bolted. Then I was holding my dad, Pop Tate called an ambulance and it didn’t come so I drove here and… and I don’t know, maybe I should’ve waited, Maybe I made it worse!” “No, dude, are you kidding me? You saved your dad and your sister. First Cheryl, and now your Dad and Y/N. If you keep this up, you’re gonna need a superhero name. Like Pureheart the Powerful.” Jug chuckled trying to lighten the mood. “There isn’t any new information. Your dad’s in surgery. He’s gonna be there for a while.” Mrs. Cooper said. “Uh, Archie? Have you spoken to your mother about any of this yet?” Mrs. Lodge asks. “No. No, I haven’t called her. I’ll be right back.” I walked into the hall to call mom. “Hey, Mom, how are you? Good, yeah, good.” I sigh. “We’re, uh we...Actually, Mom, we’re not, we’re in trouble here.” I take a deep breath. “Dad’s in the hospital. It was a robbery, and, uh, her was shot, and Y/N was knocked out…” I sniffle trying not to cry. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen, Mom, but I think you should come here as soon as you can, in case...in case we have to say goodbye.”  
“Archie, Y/N is awake, the doctor is running some test but it looks like she’s okay and if the doctor gives the okay then she will be released.” A nurse tells me. I nod. “Can I see her?” “You’ll be able to see her soon, if she’s released but if not then you’ll be able to go to her room.” I nod again and sit and wait. “Archie!” I turn around and see Y/N rushing towards me. She hugs me and I hold her tight.
* Y/N POV*
“Archie, what happened? Is dad okay?” “He’s in surgery, I called mom she’s coming as soon as she can.” I nod and hug Archie tighter. “Y/N!” I turn around and see Jughead with a worried expression. “Are you okay?” I nod and hug him, he kisses my head and hold me tight as if he let go I’d disappear. “Sheriff.” I hear Archie say and I turn to look at the others. “How’s your dad doing?” “He’s still in surgery.” I answer for him. “Archie, Y/N, I know this is a hell of a time for you, but perhaps we could go somewhere and talk about what happened?” Sheriff Keller asks. “Is it cool if I tag along?” “Actually, if you don’t mind-” “Yeah, that’d be great, Jug.” I give a small appreciative smile to Archie.
“He was maybe 5’10”. 160 pounds or so. I nod agreeing with my brother. “And he was wearing dark pants and a dark jacket? Anything on the jacket? Any symbol or insignia?” “You mean like a snake?” Jug asked offended. “No, it was just a jacket, No snake.” I answered. “And the ski mask that he had on-” “No, it’s not a ski mask. It’s a hood, a black hood. Homemade, like he’d cut the eyes out himself.” Archie said. “And the guy’s eye were green.” I added. “Now, Pop Tate had a fairly good idea of what happened up until when your father was show. And then, well there are some gaps. And I need you two to help me fill those. What did he do, out masked man?” The sheriff asked. “After he shot our dad?” Archie looked at me. “He grabbed Y/N and hit her with the gun then…” “Then what?” “Then he...He nothing. He shot my dad, knocked my sister out and ran out of the diner.” Archie said. “Who did this, Sheriff?” I asked and juggie wrapped his arm around me. “Y/N, It’s too early to speculate. But this guy, he was probably out of his head on meth or the jingle jangle, some Southside lowlife that was just looking for a cash grab.” “How much did he get? How much cash?” Jug asked. “We’re waiting to hear about that from Pop Tate.” “What if...What if robbery wasn’t the motive?” I asked scared to hear the answer. “Well, I mean, I suppose it could be someone who has a grudge against your dad. Wanted to make it look like a robbery. But I mean it’s too early to tell.” I move closer to Jughead, that was not the answer I wanted to hear.
When we were finished we walk out and I go sit with B and V. “Archie Andrews? I’m Steven Masters- I’m your father’s doctor.” “How is he?” Archie asks. “Well, we got the bullet out and we’ve stopped the internal bleeding. But what’s most worrisome is, he’s not breathing on his own yet.” I instantly get up and stand net to Archie. “We need to see him.” I say holding onto my brothers arm. “And you will. As soon as we’ve got him set in a room, you’ll be able to sit with him. Should be an hour or two at the most.” The doctor answers. “An until then? What are we supposed to do, nothing?” Archie asks. “Maybe. Maybe you should go home and get changed.” V said.“No, I’m not leaving!” “Archie wait.” Betty stops him. “Veronica’s right.” Betty adds trying to convince him. “Here are your dad’s clothes and personal belongings, everything he had on him.” A nurse says handing archie a bag. “Okay well yet another reason to go, you can get your dad a change of clothes. Veronica will go with you. Right V?” Betty said. “I’ll stay here. They’re right Arch, you need to change, have a shower. Dad will be fine, he has to be.” I agreed. Dad has to be okay, he’s strong.
“Thank you.” I said taking the tea from Kevin’s hands. “Of course all any of us can think about is your dad but if we weren’t so focused on his well-being- I’d be asking if you and-” “We didn’t Kevin. Me and Jug didn’t do it, if that’s what you were going to ask…” I smiled a little. “He told me he loved me.” I added. “Wait, what? Jughead Jones said “I love you”? Mr. “I’m weird, I’m a weirdo”. “And I told him I love him back.” I smiled remembering that it was peaceful before I had to leave to meet up with my dad and Archie.
*3rd person POV*
“Wow jug it looks great in here.” Y/N said smiling as we entered FP’s trailer. “I cleaned it up after Sheriff Keller thrashed it, ya know just in case my dad...Until he gets out.” “We’re not giving up on him, Juggie.” “That’s why I love you Y/N.” Jughead said shocking Y/N an even himself a bit. “I love you, Y/N Andrews.” Jughead confirmed. “Jughead Jones the 3rd I love you.” Y/N said back with a huge smile on her face.  
“Then what?” Kevin asked bringing me out of my memory. “Well then things got, complicated.” “Complicated how?” “In the “my boyfriend may be joining the Serpents” kind of way.” “Y/N, no! Did you learn nothing from me and Joaquin?” “Kevin I trust Juggie and if this is something he wants to do I’m not going to stop him. You know I don’t mind the Serpents, but if my dad or Archie found out I’d never be able to see Jug again.” I sighed. Veronica came back but without Archie. “Hey Veronica, where’s my brother?” “He’s at the sheriff’s station, doing a line-up.” “He went without me?” “He didn’t want you to worry about it, Y/N.” I sighed. Damit Archie and your overprotective brother side!  I went to go sit with Kevin again and watched as Jug, Betty, and Veronica talked. Once they were done Juggie came over to us and hugged me. “Hey me and Betty are going down to Pop’s to see if your dad’s wallet is there, we’ll be back soon okay?” I nodded and kissed him.
An hour has passed and Archie just came back from the sheriff’s station. “Archie, did they get him?” I nervously asked. “No, no he’s still out there.” He looked at me sadly. “Archie, Y/N, he’s in room 12, you guys can see him now.” “Okay great.” Archie grabbed my hand and we started walking when the doctor stopped us. “Listen, he’s not awake yet but talk to him, coax him back. Keep it positive.” We nodded and went to see out dad. When we walked in he was hooked up to machines and had tubes coming out of him, it was so hard to see him like that. We sat down and Archie starts to talk but I can’t focus enough to hear what he’s saying. “Hey Y/N I’ll be back okay?” “Where are you going?” “I’m gonna go talk with Ronnie, you can stay here. I’ll be right back.” I nod and go back to looking at our dad.
Once the silence is too much for me to bear I walk to go outside for some fresh air. That’s when I heard Archie’s voice. “Guy’s, there’s something I haven’t told you, ‘cause I’m ashamed....” Ashamed? What? “After the gun went off I should have tackled the guy, but I was, I was paralyzed. I didn’t move, not even when the guy grabbed Y/N and knocked her out. He…” “He what Archie?” Betty asked. “After he knocked her out he started touching her, and I just closed my eyes, I don’t know how long. Long enough for him to grab my dad’s wallet, I guess but I didn’t open them again until I heard the bell.” “There was nothing else you could’ve done.” “That’s not true, Betty! I could have stopped him from fondling my sister or actually try and protect my family but instead I was a Coward!” He- he touched me… I could feel tears brimming my eyes. “And before I heard the bell I heard him whisper “I’ll see you soon” in Y/N’s ear.” That was all I could heard before I ran outside, tears falling down my face.
I don’t know how long I was out there alone but I felt someone’s arm wrap around me. I looked up and saw Jughead. “You heard all that didn’t you?” I shook my head. “The last thing I heard was that they guy said “I’ll see you soon” then I ran out here.” I sniffled trying to stop the tears but they just kept coming. Jug pulled me closer and I sobbed into his chest. “Archie is going to protect you, and so will I.” I nodded, I knew they wouldn’t let anything happen to me but I still didn’t feel safe. We stayed like that for who know how long until Archie came out. “Y/N there you are!” I looked up and saw his worried expression. He kneeled down and hugged me. “I heard…when were you going to tell me?” “I don’t know, you're so worried about dad, I didn’t want to add to it.” “I’m not going to let anything happen to you I promise.” He added holding me even tighter as to prove his point. “I believe you, I’m… I’m just scared.” My voice trembled a bit. “I know…” Archie said cradling me.
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