#actual trash baby cain harris
rotttnapple · 6 years
let's talk about Cain:
Cain is, among other things: homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, racist, aggressive, and highly possessive. He's a great big asshole manbaby, in short, and absolutely deserves a swift kick in the nuts at all times.
but Ed!! you're saying, aren't you trans? Aren't you a big gay?? yes, yes I am, which may make it seem odd that I would actively write and develop a human trashcan like Cain Harris
But two things that really gets my giddie going are human behavior and, lord save my soul, redemption arcs. Cain (along with baby brother Charley) was born into a very religious household, and not the 'accepting' or 'progressive' sort, more or less the kind that would have happily burned a woman at the stake on the off chance that she might be a witch.
Cain was always the Holy Son to Elijah Harris, the heir to the throne, the one who could Do No Wrong. Cain, essentially, grew up on the knee of his father, whereas Charley was more of a 'momma's boy'. This is really the key of what makes these two brothers so different from each other. Part of it also has to do with their inherent nature, essentially their inborn personalities, but much of it has to do with how they were nurtured throughout their respective childhoods.
If you were to take these two and put them in a more normal household, not the witch burning sort, Cain most certainly would have grown up to be a reserved, quiet man, and his brother more outgoing and bubbly. Cain would certainly possess some of the dumb shit views he has today (there's a 'man' and a 'woman' in a homosexual relationship, for instance), but he wouldn't be hateful or harmful, just uneducated, but accepting, and typical of someone who has over time absorbed dumb shit misinformation that has unfortunately spread. He would also be very willing to listen to proper information and change these views accordingly. He would have also very likely come to accept and understand his own homosexuality far sooner in life.
Instead, before he was even old enough to understand he was taught that homosexuals are 'sinful' and 'broken', transgenders are outright freaks of nature, extremely wrong and extremely bad things. He was raised on the knee of a man staunch in his (many, and disgusting) views that a woman's duty in life is to produce children, cook, clean, and shut up. He was taught that it is a husband's duty to 'correct' a willful wife - Cain and Charley's mother, Catherine, was a far different woman before her husband's iron fist.
But ED!!! You're yelling now, you're making it sound like these behaviors should be excused!!
Absolutely not. Such behaviors - products of nurture, should not, and should never be excused, as they are absolutely inexcusable. They may not be products of nature - who one essentially Is - but they should also not be allowed to continue. To carry on being an actual walking turd is just unacceptable, and Cain has been that person for a very long time.
But the difference between Cain Harris and his father Elijah Harris is his willingness to change, his willingness to learn.
As Cain has grown and developed as a character he has come to accept his own homosexuality, something he took and buried deep, deep down inside of himself. His excuse for not 'finding a wife' and 'settling down' is that he hadn't found the 'right girl' - he hadn't found the white, meek and mild Catholic girl of his father's ugly dreams. As he has grown, he has fallen in love with an incredibly willful man of color, Dorian Pavus, who does not, under any circumstances, allow his backwards bullshit to carry on.
Cain has, slowly but surely, come out of the flaming shitcan he has been rolling around in for most of his life and that is why I write him.
Cain will never be a kawaii!!! uwu sweet baby, his history will never change, will never be excused, but he himself is changing, he is trying, and it is very interesting to write. He is fiction, but with a base in very real humanity. I never expected him to engage in the arc he has but I have to admit, it's great. It gives me some hope in a small way that people in real life have the potential for change themselves.
Next time I'll talk about how his relationship with Dorian has brought out things of his nature, because honestly that man is what he's needed since forever.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 6
Thanks to @edream93 for her awesome playlists for WLTF. Even though she never intended for it, the songs for those CJ-centric chapters really inspired me to get into CJ’s confident mood for this ch. 
CJ clapped her hands triumphantly as she crawled out of the disgusting bag of trash she had hidden herself in and looked around.
Though she smelled nauseating and was covered with a foot of dirt and grime she felt as accomplished as she had when she set sail on the Auradon seas with her very own boat.
Too bad she couldn’t have used her boat to travel back to the Isle. She would have totally impressed everyone with her stylish ride that she had tricked out with ferocious skull sails and images of impalement and other pirate crimes decorating the walls of the Captain stern. She had wanted to but then she remembered that it would be impossible to get her ship past the Magical Barrier.
So she went with the less fabulous, but still deceptive disguise as a goblin to take trash from Auradon to the Isle.
Unfortunately her lack of green skin or any sort of ugly exterior appearance made the goblins suspicious of her presence among them so her last ditch effort was to hide among the trash.
And it worked!
CJ shook the moldy banana peel from her wavy hair and wiped off the sludge from her red pirate coat and laughed to herself. It was almost funny, after years of trying to get out of this forsaken place she had spent the last month sailing her way from Camelot to Auradon Prep in order to catch the last trash run to the Isle.
It hadn’t been part of her life plan. She had been having a grand old time on the high seas, looting and plundering from the too trusting goody goody tourists, getting riches and drinking life as well as beer when she had gotten spotted a letter in a bottle.
CJ loved letters in bottles, ever since she was a kid and her dad had told her that pirate used to put letters in bottles so that people may never find the directions to their treasure or put threatening notes to scare whoever found the bottle next.
Not that she had the chance to see many bottles near the Isle or send any out. Resources like paper were scarce and Dad tend to reuse bottles to fill them up with his beer.
So she took the bottle out of the sea and opened it up. She had expected a good chuckle over whatever vile threat the note had but was shocked to see it was actually addressed to her.
Hey CJ,
I know this is probably won’t get to you, but I gotta try, you know.
I guess yer dad hadn’t told you that he screwed with me and that I am your mother but I am. It had been bad night and instead of using his hook to slit my throat, it slipped down his pants and things kinda went from there.
Anyway I hear ya pilliging Auradon so that’s awesome. Give those Auradonians something to scream about, stab every last one of them and take all their fancies. Especially silver, silver sells well on the black market.
I’m writing because even though you probably don’t want to go back to this stupid place, I’m planning a raid on your da’s Jolly Roger. If you help me, it can be yours after I die or get murdered. You deserve it, you’re more of a pirate than your siblings will ever be.
Fine sailing matey,
Lady Caine
Lady Caine was her mother. 
At first she had been skeptical but then she realized why would Lady Caine have to gain from lying that she was her mother. No one on the Isle really knew who both their parents were and those who may have fathered r mothered them never said so because they didn’t care. So why would Lady Caine lie about being CJ’s mom? It wasn’t like she would have anything to gain from it. It wasn’t like CJ was going to blindly follow her or want a tearfully reunion from the women. She must have thought that now CJ was all grown up, she was capable enough to be a worthy ally. 
Besides having Lady Caine to be her bio mom wasn’t exactly disappointing.
Lady Caine was the self-proclaimed, “Queen of Thieves” and the only female pirate that was on the Isle so CJ secretly admired her despite dad’s deep hatred.
She was everything CJ ever wanted to be when she grew up, manipulative, self-centered, ruthless, and a “devil may care” attitude towards the few authorities that were present on the Isle.
And it turned out she was her mother.
And she was offering her a chance to inherit the Jolly Roger!
Though CJ loved the boat she currently had, the boat she had bought with her own stolen money, she wanted the Jolly Roger even more.
The Jolly Roger would be a sure sign of who was the finest and scariest pirate in the kingdom.
Not her siblings who had tried to use her as their own first mates instead of recognizing her fearsomeness. Not her dad who was far past his glory days.
She had always thought that Harriet would end up taking over dad’s ship being the oldest and the one who spent so much of her teenage years to maintaining it when Dad was too drunk or hungover to do it himself. She was the one who handled the members of Dad’s crew when they got out of line and was the one who made the dock the place not be at nighttime.
Harriet deserved the Jolly Roger, she had put so much effort.
But that would be doing the right thing and being a good person was never CJ’s priority.
That ship was going to be hers so she hiked the first current out of Camelot and now she was here. She had kept that letter safe in her coat pocket along with her trusty compass so she could get both at any time.
CJ decided to head to her old room first in order to pick up some of her belongings that she had left behind.
The streets were dark and empty which was usually the first sign that you were going to get jumped but minutes passed and CJ walked by, unassulted.
Now that she really looked around, it seemed no one was about. Lights were off and shutters binded. The place had become a real ghost town.
Maybe it was fight night at Gaston’s bar, that usually drew a large crowd.
Even though it was a dark tar black with no extra lights on, CJ was able to find her way to the Jolly Roger. She could find that place in her sleep. It was a point of pride for a pirate captain to find their ship wherever they went and the Jolly Rogers would be hers.
The old idiot, Smee was sleeping on guard duty. It was tempting for CJ to hit him around a little as her father would do if he saw Smee sleeping on the job like this but refrained, she would do it when she left.
The ship creaked and groaned under her weight but no one came to the upper dock to shout intruder so CJ continued below deck to her room.
The last room on the stern was hers as it was because she was the last and therefore insignificant as Harriet told her. The quarters were tight and now that she had grown a few inches she kept banging her head against the ceiling.
The place looked like it had been ransacked. The pirate maps she had drew when she was younger, the ones that showed the route she believed to go to Neverland were all torn up. Her few thin blankets were shredded to threads. Her small chest was splintered apart as if someone brought a mallet to it and the items she had stolen, one of Ursula’s shell necklaces, bullets from Rourke, fancy hats from Anastasia among others laid scattered on the floor.
“Ugh. No respect. No one has respect.” CJ muttered as she got on her hands and knees to search for what she really wanted, her telescope. She would need it in order to plan attacks on enemies from afar.
“Whose here?” A voice growled from behind her and CJ whirled around, fists ready to battle.
“CJ?” Harry stared at her slack-jawed as if he was seeing Davy Jones in the flesh and CJ relaxed her fists.
From the dim candle lantern in Harry’s hand, CJ could see that her brother hadn’t changed a bit. His face was smeared with grease paint and too much eyeshadow with his messy hair sometimes flopping over his eyes. Though he was sporting a new scar above his eyebrow. His clothes were still raggedy and torn but it also looked like they were hanging on his frame rather than highlighting his intimidating muscles. 
Before CJ could wonder about whether he was eating less, Harry thrust a hook under nose and demanded, “What are ye doing here?”
CJ decided to go for sass, pushing his hook away she snorted, “This is my room.”
“Not anymore.” Harry kicked her, “You live in Auradon now, brat.”
CJ bit her lip to keep from groaning as Harry’s foot connected with her gut and punched at his nuts causing him to jump back and slam himself against the door. She took the moment to grope under her bed for the feel of her telescope when at last she felt the cool glass.
She pulled it out from under her bed, slid it down her boot and casually stretched out her muscles as if Harry’s hostility didn’t faze her one bit. And it didn’t. She had dealt with his mood swings for years and though he usually didn’t get so physically rough, she was quite capable of holding on her own.
When she cocked her head to crack her neck bones, CJ was startled by the hatred in his glare for her and was even more startled by this strange feeling of pain tugging her heart.
Harry never looked at her that way before. Usually he looked at her with anger and annoyance, not hatred. After all, she was his baby sister, it was her job to compete with and annoy him to death.
Then again, she had been forgetting what his face looked like since she left, maybe her memory was just fuzzy. It wasn’t like their relationship was a solid, trusting one. Ha! None of her relationships were. Especially with her siblings.
CJ swore they hated each other from day one. Harriet despised that she was on “mom” duty at twelve years, having to clean and change their dirty diapers and they didn’t even pay her back by becoming her loyal first mate. Instead they were her worst enemy when it came to competing for control of the dock. 
Harry was a disgrace since he chose not to lead and follow Captain Hook’s fierce reputation but chose to be subservient to another Vk and be a loyal member of a crew. 
CJ hated them both for always underestimating her and taking away her attention and resources so no one on the Isle feared her, they saw her as the overdramatic, neurotic, controlling youngest child of Hook. Not a evil pirate on her own.
“Why are ya-“ Harry was about to ask again but CJ shoved past him and walked up to the deck.
“CJ!” Harry yelled, stomping up the stairs.
“Shut up with the hissy fit, Hawthorne! Save your dramatics for Shrimpy!” CJ yelled back using her brother’s hated full name and hated nickname for his captain, “I won’t be in your hair for long. I’ve just come for what’s rightfully mine.”
“DON’T call Uma, Shrimpy and nothing here is for you.” Harry snarled catching the tail end of CJ’s coat.
“SHUT UP, I’M TRYING TO SLEEP!” Their dad’s booming voice shocked the two into silence for a moment before they heard him resume his snoring.
“The Jolly Ranger is mine.” CJ glanced down at the lovely old ship and lovingly caressed the railing. “Mom said it should be. And we’re going to make sure it will.”
“We don’t have a mom.” Harry snorted derisively but CJ took out her letter and waved it tauntingly in his face.
“I do. It’s Lady Caine.” CJ smirked triumphantly as Harry read the words himself and his eyes darted between her and the letter in disbelief.
He tore the letter from her hand and crumpled into a little ball to throw in the ocean but CJ didn’t care. She didn’t need it anymore.
Harry stared at her as if she was a total stranger which was another look that seemed to pain her heart for some reason but CJ ignored it. She may have been living in Auradon but it had not made her soft. She did not care for her brother one bit.
CJ turned to loop one of the ropes used for keeping the sail open to her wrist, “Ta ta, Harry!”
With one practiced launch, she leapt off the boat and swung her way to the dock while knocking Harry’s hat to the water.
With that ferocious shout and swears of vengeance, and Smee’s startled gasp, CJ smiled and nodded to herself confidently.
Calista Jane Hook was back everybody.
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Let’s a-freakin’-go, Mario.
12. Season 7. Leviathans. And Sam’s god-awful wolverine sideburns. ‘Nuff said.
11. Season 6. Soulless Sam was hilariously, sarcastically endearing for a little while, but towards the end of the Soulless Sam arc, just, ugh. I wanted to fast forward so bad. Samuel coming back was unnecessary and anticlimactic, “evil Cas” was an eye roller, I didn’t give a shit about Lisa and Ben, um... EVE??? What the actual fuck was that. She was possibly the single most wasted, ultra-super-anticlimactic use of a story arc that I’ve ever seen. There were a few redeeming episodes (i.e. Clap Your Hands If You Believe).
10. Season 9. Okay, this could be biased just based on how much I truly cannot stand God!Metatron. S10/11 Metatron is great; he’s such a little jerk that you cant help but find him funny. But S9 Metatron... holy shit. It was like being subjected to hours upon hours of having to watch only the Umbridge scenes from Harry Potter on repeat. It felt like legitimate torture trying to force myself to finish the season. Plus, yes, I ended up liking Gadreel later (much later) on, but Gadreel!Sam felt like it went on forever. I was over it and it was like the end of it would never come. Also, I’m just gonna say it: Abaddon was boring and annoying, and the only reason she was even an issue was because Sam and Dean thought, “Hey, wow, let’s experiment on the most powerful demon we know of roaming the Earth right now. We cut off her hands, nothing will go wrong!” Riiiight... okay. Also, Kevin’s death was seriously messed up and unnecessary and I still haven’t forgiven them for it, so. But uh, human!Cas was super endearing though, and even though I really don’t ever want actual human Cas to become a thing, it was cute for awhile. 
9. Season 12. Alright. I don’t share the exact same sentiment or level of hatred that a lot of other people seem to for this season, but it had... a lot of issues. So, uh. Buckle up. First of all... Lucifer. While I don’t... hate the idea of him coming back as a villain, just so many things about this were... sigh. Rockstar!Lucifer was - and I’m gonna fucking say it - truly awful. So, so awful. Maybe he could’ve worked on another show, but with Lucifer’s character/personality having already been so established and defined on Supernatural, it just felt out of place. He was not the same character - which is something I often complain about with the Rubys. We had just come from Casifer - which was brilliant and so, so in character - and then we get this... weird, unsnarky, not sarcastic or playful at all version of Lucifer and... pass. Moving on... they finally get to put Luci back in his cage and... then Crowley decides to keep him as a pet? And believe Lucifer - fucking LUCIFER - now bows to him and won’t get away? And assume the demons who have time and time again always helped Lucifer, will now follow him instead? What??? Crowley isn’t that dumb, and he could’ve achieved ruling Hell again with no problems if Lucifer was in the cage. It made no sense to me. And um. Lucifer having a child? Seriously? So much reaching going on. Now to the second issue: The British Men of Letters. Okay. They started off as the enemy this season. The title sequence was the MoL symbol. And yet... they weren’t that relevant or threatening until the last couple of episodes (and those were, well, in nicer terms... questionable.) They either should’ve saved a Lucifer-returning-as-the-enemy storyline for later or saved the BMoL. Together, it was just too much and not enough expansion. Side note: I loathe the BMoL like I loathe God!Metatron. Which brings me to the third - and maybe biggest - issue I had with this season: Mary fucking Winchester. What the fuck. What the actual fuck, were the writers thinking. They legitimately ruined her. Throughout the series you have this wonderful idea built up about her: she was a badass hunter and she sacrificed things for John and she loved her boys so, so much and she gave up hunting for good because that was never the life she wanted and just. Then she’s here and you’re like finally Sam and Dean get to have a fucking parent who is there for them and can nurture them for once in their goddamn lives, and then. Then she’s a different Mary and she’s back to only caring about hunting even though she never liked hunting in the first place and she’s working for the people who tortured her son and she’s leaving her boys who just got her back, who she just got back, and she was going to let them die or get hurt for the goddamn Colt that she didn’t even know was the Colt. And I just. I couldn’t get with it, I’m sorry. Oh, and also everyone fucking DIES this season, so that was just fucking great, too.
8. Season 10. This is an unpopular opinion, I’m sure, but I hated Deanmon and I was glad we didn’t have to see him that long and suffer like we did with Soulless Sam. That being said, they did way overhype Deanmon, which was pretty uncool and unfair. But I honestly hated the Mark of Cain - it went on waaaaay too long - and I really, really dislike seeing Dean be... not Dean... so... Also, I am still pissed the fuck off at Charlie’s death, so I refuse to rank this any higher out of spite, too. But um. They killed fucking DEATH this season. And while I was actually really unhappy about it because Death was cool as hell, that scene with Sam like, just wrecked, and Dean’s “Close your eyes, Sammy” kinda made it really, really almost worth it. (You’ll soon realize I really only care a lot about Sam and Dean’s relationship and their Absolute Best Moments™ that wrench my heart.)
7. Season 8. Unfortunately, the writers decided hey, let’s ruin Sam’s character a little fucking more and write him as OOC as possible by having him not actually give a shit where the fuck Dean was for an entire year because he was too busy fucking some piece of shit girl! Seriously, I didn’t think I could dislike anyone more than I hated Ruby 2.0 or Gordon... and then came Amelia. I have yet to encounter a person in the Spn-verse that is worse than her. No joke. This season ranks above the others though because it was less “meh” or all over the place. And because Mrs. Tran being a complete baller for just a single episode was more entertaining that any of the main story arcs for any of those seasons below. Also, more importantly, it had more of a return to what Supernatural is supposed to be - I’m looking at you S6/7 - and even though trying to close the gates of Hell was pointless and we knew it was never gonna happen, I have a sick love for suffering!Sam at any given time because then Dean goes into overprotective big bro mode and they stop fighting and being jerks to each other for a lil’ while and we get Seasons 1-5 (eh, minus 4) bro’ lovin’ and protectin’ again. Plus, this season holds my favorite quote/speech Dean has ever said to Sam (you know what I’m talking about) and I already said I’m a sucker for heart-wrenching moments between them, so.
6. Season 4. Probably yet another unpopular opinion, but oh well. Ruby 2.0... gag me. Way to ruin a good character. Plus, as much as I love Gen, I loved nothing about her portrayal of Ruby. It wasn’t the same character. That’s the bottom line. Also Sam’s demon blood addiction and him so far up Ruby’s ass all season??? Vomit. Skip. Next. Literally if Sam listened to Dean for legit two seconds, the Apocalypse could’ve been avoided. But Castiel! And the angel arc! The actual saving graces (hah, literally) of the season.
5. Season 1. I feel really weird about placing this season this low because it’s really just as good as the two I’ve ranked above it, but. I suppose that’s cheating. Season 1 holds a very, very special place in my heart, is all. It’s the OG season, monster-of-the-week episodes (which, side note: makes no sense to me when people rank S1 super low because there were “too many monster-of-the-week episodes.” Um, yeah.. that’s kinda... what the show is fucking about? Sam and Dean... hunting monsters? But okay, anyway...) Baby Sam and Dean!!! The world wasn’t fucked yet! Lil’ skulky Sam!! Okay, real talk, S1-3 (and 5) Sam was fucking BALLER. He was the best Sam, and then the writers trashed his character, so. Cool. This season is really only this low because I had to fully rank this and because John was kinda a dick. But I loved Sam fighting with him and Dean getting in between them to protect Sam. (Also, on another note: John was a piece of work but he was a better parent than S12 Mary, jussayin’.) (Also, also, it irritates the shit out of me just how much they ruined John’s character and who they made him out to be post-season 5. He was truly something else and he did some really shitty things, but I don’t think it was fair to do and I don’t think that was ever what Kripke intended for his character, but. Oh well. I digress.)
4. Season 11. Once again, I don’t necessarily rank this fully above S1 or below the next ranking, but. There was a lot of good things going on this season. Casifer was brilliant and delivered some of my favorite one-liners of the series. His interactions with God!Chuck were great. Him helping instead of being a villain, but still being a ridiculous child. God!Chuck was wonderful and handled really, really well. Also, his World’s Best Dad mug? I heart. Freakin’... Baby? Brilliant, incredible, amazing, wonderful, spectacular. Rowena was also bitchin’ this season, the whole flippin’ demons, angels, witches working together (even though it was just one episode) was suh-weeeet, Sam and Dean were vibin’ like early seasons Sam and Dean. I really wasn’t here for the forced Dean/Amara weird as hell relationship/attraction, though. It was... no. Just. No. Also like, Amara was okay and they did mostly show how powerful she was but like. Azazel, Lucifer, the Leviathans, Gordon, or basically... anyone felt like more of a threat than her, even though she was the only actual unstoppable force ever on the show. And while it was kinda nice for the finale to be her and Chuck working it out, it was also... kinda lame. Here’s this dark force that is the most powerful thing in existence, and it’s stopped by God... apologizing and hugging it out with her? Um... okay, I guess.
3. Season 3. Even though this season was short and waiting for Dean to die kinda sucked and put a damper on the whole season, it still is by far one of the best ones, hands down. Not only did we get Katie Cassidy’s badass, savage, cool as hell Ruby 1.0, we got Bela (who had so much wasted potential, sigh) and return of the Trickster, Bobby really becoming the boys’ father figure, and Sam finally getting to kill Actual Piece of Shit™ Gordon Walker. Season 3 also has some of the best episodes of the whole series - Bad Day At Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Ghostfacers - and we got A Very Supernatural Christmas, which gave us the birth of the Samulet, and I swear to god that scene made me actually cry a little bit. (A lotta bit.)
2. Season 2. This is like. THE Supernatural season. All the cool kids are introduced: Ellen, Jo, Ash, the Trickster, Tessa. Bobby becomes more involved, brotherly bonding up the wazoo, total badass, pure monster hunting. Episodes like Tall Tales and Hollywood Babylon. And episodes like Croatoan and Heart (which had one of the best endings to an episode in the series just in terms of emotion and how well it was set up with the song and ugh), and had debatably the best season finale of the whole show with All Hell Breaks Loose Parts 1 & 2. (It killed me.) Great monsters are introduced like shape shifters and djinns. Azazel was annoying but was an actual villain (unlike some of the later big “villains”) and he was that start and end of everything. He was the Winchesters’ reason for hunting, he catapulted everything. And everything was so simple and pure and made fucking sense. 
1. Season 5. I mean, there’s really no surprise here. It baffles me when S5 isn’t at the top of everyone’s list. While I don’t necessarily wanna go back and watch S5 episodes like I do with most other seasons, it was just the most well-rounded, well-thought out, well-executed season. No competition. Everything had a purpose and a meaning. Everything was tied up. Ellen and Jo die, which is a downer, but at least they were badass. Lucifer is a total tool, and you love it. It’s also Mark Pellegrino’s Lucifer, which is - quite obviously - the best Lucifer. Death is rad as hell. Cas is in his fucking prime this season. Sam and Dean love each other so fucking much this season. The Trickster/Gabriel is revealed as an archangel!! Crowley!! Bobby in his prime as Sam and Dean’s father figure!! Dark Side of the Moon A.K.A. one of my all-time favorite episodes and also one of the most beautifully shot episodes!! (And Ash in heaven! “Some people share, like soulmates”!!!!!!) The fucking END!!! I honestly would probably rank S5 at the top of this list solely for the scene where Lucifer is beating the crap out of Dean while Dean just keeps saying, “Sammy, it’s okay, I’m here” and then Sam’s montage of memories of him and Dean as he takes back control, and jeez holy shit is that montage beautiful and brilliant. That scene alone is probably the best scene in the whole show and I will defend that opinion until I die. The only bad things really in S5 were how unbelievably annoying Zachariah was and how I still think throwing their random half-brother in there just so Dean didn’t have to be Michael’s vessel was ridiculous and absurd. But really, this is the season. I’m glad the show didn’t end after this season, but holy fucking shit would it have been one of the sickest, best, most baller series finales of all time, and no matter what they do for the series finale now, this finale is so untouchable that it will never even come close to living up to it. 
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the--blackdahlia · 8 years
Shake it Off Chapter 3
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Title: Shake if Off Chapter 3
Summary:  The reader decides to get rid of the Mark of Cain for Dean using witchcraft, not realizing what she's getting herself into.
Warnings: Blood, talk about slaughterhouses, animal cruelty sort of. 
One Year Later
 Her alarm buzzed in her ear as it told her it was time to get up. She groaned and rolled over, hitting the off button before pulling herself out of her bed. She wrapped a blanket around her naked form, rubbing at her eyes. Empty bottles set around her room. She sighed to herself softly.
 “I’m becoming Dean.” She groaned. She grabbed a trash can from by her bed and knocked the bottles into it. She didn’t know why she bothered to clean it up though. It wasn’t like she had people over all the time. She walked out of her room, blanket still wrapped around her. She pushed play on her radio as she walked past.
 She had spent lots of time making this little hut a home. Paint, rugs, new floors, and other things made it cozy. It wasn’t as nice as it could’ve been, but it would work for what she needed it to be. A little shelter. During that time, she found a way to curb the need to kill and get some money. She hated herself for doing it, but she found work at a butchers slaughter house. It wasn’t glamorous and she had been stopped by groups on her way in and out of work, telling her that this was wrong, but it helped keep her sane. If only they knew that the alternative was killing people.
 She looked out the window in her small kitchen as she waited for her coffee pot to heat up. The sun was just rising, the land bathed in that golden glow that early morning always brought. She had become more of a morning person since she got this curse. Nights were hard and she would drink until she fell asleep because it helped stop the dreams that it created. Each day, it was becoming harder and harder to pull herself out of bed and the darkness that clouded her mind. But she did it, hoping that one day a cure would be found for this and she could go home. If she even still had one.
 Her coffee was ready and she made herself a bowl of cereal. She set down in front of her laptop, reading some news. It was like she was just a normal, everyday person. Not one holding some sort of evil inside of her, not one hiding from angels, demons, and hunters. She was just a regular, everyday person.
 Every day, part of her wanted to call Dean, just to hear his voice. Or send Sam a text. Or even pray to Cas. But she had hidden herself so she wouldn’t be found. If she did that, she would probably have to move again. And she had just gotten things where she wanted it. Plus, she figured that they didn’t even care anymore anyway. Dean was free from the mark and could go on hunting without worrying about killing the victims or Sam. She carried the burden now and he was safe.
 Soon it was time for work. A Monday through Friday job was the last thing she ever expected herself to be doing after years of hunting, but that’s exactly what she got. It was the closest she would ever get to a normal, apple pie life. She looked in the mirror of her bathroom as she got ready.
 “You can do this.” She said to herself softly. “You’ll survive.” She pulled her hair back, then headed out to her truck. A red, 1987 Chevy pickup that she had bought for pretty cheap from an on woman that lived down the road. It was a little rough around the edges, but it was her baby. She ran a hand on the hood as she made her way to the driver’s side, a smile on her face. She climbed in and started the old girl up, turning the music up as she drove to her job.
 She pulled into the old parking lot, “Run through the Jungle” playing loudly from her truck speakers as she parked by one of the guys’ cars. A group of them were gathered in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes and shooting the shit. They looked up at her. There were a couple women that worked there, but she was the only one that would actually work in the blood. The others were secretaries and book keepers.
 “Hey (y/n), I didn’t know Woodstock was still going on.” One of the guys laughed as she hopped out of her truck.
 “Well, you’re old enough. You would know.” She shot back, earning some praises from the other guys. “Are we just going to stand here in a sausage fest or are we going to get some actual work done?”
 “Never seen a chick so anxious to do this job.” One of the other guys said, throwing down his cigarette and stomping it out. They grabbed up their lunch boxes and headed inside the building.
 It was a long day of work and it was hot. (Y/n) watched as the guys took breaks to complain about the heat, but the heat didn’t really bother (y/n). Probably one perk to having the mark on her skin. A couple of the guys had seen it a few times and she told them she had been accidently branded while in college. And she left it at that.
 “Guys, I need a cold on.” One of the youngest ones, Nick, said as he leaned up against a control panel. He hit a button as he did. (Y/n) heard the machine turn on, but no one else seemed to notice over their loud chatting. She looked over at them.
 “Guys!” She called out, but no one was listening to her. She ran over towards them as one of the hooks used to carry meat snagged on one of the guy’s shirts and pulled him towards a cutting machine.
 “Help!” Derek screamed as he was dragged.
 “Shut down the machine!” The foreman screamed at Nick. (y/n) rushed forward and grabbed ahold of Derek, adrenaline fueling her. She had to smile as she climbed up Nick and grabbed onto the conveyor belt that housed the hooks. It was tearing up her hands, but she didn’t seem to care. She reached down and tore Derek’s shirt, letting the hook free from where it was caught. He fell to the ground with a thud. (y/n) let go and fell by him, blood covering her hands and arms.
 “Oh my God! (Y/n)!” Harry, the foreman, called over, running to her. “Are you okay?”
 “I’m fine.” She said. “I have to go.” She ran off before they could get over to check out her injuries. She ran out to the truck quickly, guys coming out to stop her. “I need a few days and I’ll be back!” She called out to them before getting in and driving off. It was only once she got home that she looked down at her damaged hands.
 And they were completely healed.
Tag List: @amazingmontse @petrovadixon @smoothdogsgirl @soobi89 @policeofficerdean @castielspahdehrah @theas-bedtime-stories
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