#his relationship with dorian has done so much for who he is
hobnob2020 · 12 hours
Solavellan hate
After reading the latest news today I just don't understand where all this hatred towards romanced Solas comes from.
I completely understand that there are possibly "better" romances out there to some people (I adored Dorians) but Veilguard is centred around Solas' past and present decisions so he's going to play a massive role in this game, Rook is literally designed to be a mirror image to Solas!
Now as far as the Inquisitors role in this, Solas duped them whether romanced or not so they are going to feel responsible for not seeing Solas for who and what he was, meaning they are willing to fix a mistake by either stopping or saving him depending on how you felt about him.
For us Solasmancers we were given the least fleshed out romance in DAI with no sex scene, no casual kissing and then had him walk out on us with no explanation so forgive us for feeling a little short changed after all these years.
To be given confirmation that a "happy" ending has been reached means so much to us so please stop trying to spoil our fun.
Just because people involved with the game love this relationship too and have addressed it more than others doesn't mean there won't be mention of other romances but i doubt anyone will show up except maybe Dorian purely for story purposes.
As for the "Default/Canon" inquisitor being a Lavellan without her markings I think they've done this to purely give new players the most that they can from DAI and Solas because you get so much more from his character when you're romancing him.
Can we not just celebrate this game and be grateful that this is happening in just over 30 days time and that it has survived lockdowm and multiple lay offs.
It is one of the greatest fandoms to be a part of and I love the art and fanfics that talented people create from it so please try to be kind and respect other people and their opinions.
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
This is going to be very ranty and disjointed, probably borderline incomprehensible post, but with the "return" of Dragon Age Discourse (and really, did it ever go anywhere?) and me repeatedly seeing the complaints and dismissals of DA:I as a "chosen one"-type of a narrative, I just.... I keep finding myself thinking about the relationship of truth and lies within the game.
Throughout the course of DA:I, the idea of a malleable, flexible personal identity, and a painful confrontation with an uncomfortable truth replacing a soothing falsehood, follows pretty much every character throughout their respective arcs.
There are some more obvious ones, Solas, Blackwall, The Iron Bull, their identities and deceptions (of both those around them and themselves) are clearly front and center in the stories told about them, but this theme of deception (both of the self- and the outside world) is clearly present in the stories of the others as well.
Like, for example, ones that come immediately to mind are stories like that of Cullen, who presents an image of a composed and disciplined military man, a commander- all to hide the desperate and traumatized addict that he sees himself as.
Dorian grappled with the expectations of presenting the image of the perfect heir to his father's legacy, the prideful scion of his house, his entire life (he even introduces himself as the result of "careful breeding", like one might speak about a prized horse)- all while knowing that his family would rather see him lobotomized and obedient, than anything even just resembling his vibrant and passionate self.
Cassandra calls herself a Seeker of Truth, and takes pride in that identity- only to learn that in reality, she has been made a liar, a keeper of secrets, without her knowledge or consent, and it is up to her to either uproot the entire organization and painfully cut out the abscess it is to build it back from the ground up into something respectable, or let the information she had revealed sit, and continue to fester.
And this theme continues and reframes itself in, among others, things like Sera's own inner conflict between her elven heritage and her human upbringing, or in Cole being caught in this unconscionable space in-between human and spirit, between person and concept, etc.
The Inquisitor isn't exempt from this either.
I feel like this is where the core of the many misunderstandings of this plot come from, why so many people continue to believe that Inquisition is a "chosen one" or "divinely appointed" type of story, because I think many might just... not realize, that the protagonist's identity is also malleable, and what they are told in the setup/first act of the game is not necessarily the truth.
The tale of the Inquisitor is the exact opposite of that of a "chosen one" story: it's an examination and reflection of the trope, in that it is the story of an assumption that all wrongly believe to be the truth, and thrust upon you, even if you protest. The very point is that no matter who you choose to say that you are, you will be known as the Herald of a prophet you don't even necessarily believe in, and then that belief will be proven wrong, leaving you to cope with either a devastating disappointment if you believed it, or a bitter kind of vindication if you didn't.
There's a moment just after Here Lies the Abyss (when you learn of the lie you've been fed your entire journey in the game) that I don't often see mentioned, but I think it's one of the most emotionally impactful character moments, if you are playing an Andrastian Inquisitor who had actually believed themselves chosen (which I realize is a rather unpopular pick, lol): it's when Ser Ruth, a Grey Warden, realizes what she had done and is horrified by her own deeds, and turns herself in asking to be tried for the murder of another of her order. As far as she is concerned, she had spilled blood for power, and regardless of whether she was acting of her own volition at the time, whether she had agency in the moment, is irrelevant to her: she seeks no absolution, but willingly submits to any punishment you see fit.
And only if you play as an Inquisitor who, through prior dialogue choices, had established themselves as a devout Andrastian, can you offer her forgiveness, for a deed that was objectively not her fault- not really.
You can, in Andraste's name, forgive her- even though you, at that point, know that you have no real right to do so. That you're not Andraste's Herald, that Andraste may or may not even exist, and that you can't grant anyone "divine forgiveness", because you, yourself, don't have a drop of divinity within you. You know that you were no more than an unlucky idiot who stumbled their way into meddling with forces beyond their ken.
You know you're a fraud. You know. The game forces you to realize, as it slowly drip-drip-drips the memories knocked loose by the blast back into your head, that what all have been telling you that you are up to this point, is false. And yet, you can still choose to keep up the lie, and tell this woman who stands in front of you with blood on her hands and tears in her eyes, that you, with authority you don't have, grant her forgiveness for a crime that wasn't hers to commit.
Because it's the right thing to do. Because to lie to Ser Ruth is far kinder than anything else you could possibly do to her, short of refusing to make a decision altogether.
There are any number of criticisms of this game that I can accept (I may or may not agree depending on what it is, but I'm from the school of thought that any interpretation can be equally valid as long as there's text that supports it, and no text that contradicts it), but I will always continue to uphold that the Inquisitor is absolutely not- and never was a "chosen one".
They're just as small, and sad, and lost, as all the other protagonists- the only difference is that they didn't need to fight for their mantle, because instead of a symbol of honor, it acted as a straitjacket.
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10 things Henry Wotton does that scare and confuse me
Does not engage with Dorian’s antisemitism
To paraphrase MandaloreGaming, “[Henry] not being [antisemitic and/or] racist feels almost like a plot hole.”
In fact, Henry is the only one to treat Sybil’s manager like a human being.
“Lord Henry, upon the other hand, rather liked him. At least he declared he did, and insisted on shaking him by the hand and assuring him that he was proud to meet a man who had discovered a real genius and gone bankrupt over a poet.”
This isn’t even him being mocking, we have seen that Henry doesn’t mock in such an involved way—he prefers to talk shit afterwards (not counting Basil :( ).
Says a ton of misogynistic shit, but never takes a misogynistic action
You would expect a guy as supposedly misogynistic as Henry to be offended and insult every woman who argues against him, but he just talks with them and genuinely takes them seriously. He tries to convince them of his ideas, but if they don’t believe him, he doesn’t push it.
Implied to have close relationships with sister and his aunt.
Gwendolyn is the only sibling that is named and that is because she is the only one he makes a point to hang out with.
Same with Aunt Agatha.
Is possibly implied to have gotten at least a bit annoyed with Dorian sleeping with Gwendolyn (his sister). *this is based off the way Dorian reacts after Basil brings it up. Considering that entire moment was added in the 1891 ver, it’s certainly interesting, but nothing definitive, so take this with a grain of salt!
Has a decent relationship with his wife
Based on the fact Victoria was able to divorce him at all, he respected her enough to not put up a legal fight (divorce in England was difficult as fuck because women essentially became property to their husbands. They didn’t own anything and couldn’t even bring up a case without a man doing so. The fact Victoria was able to do so and the fact no other family members are mentioned, implies he brought the case to court for her, thus making the divorce process much easier than it ever would have been)
Always involves the women who enter discussions with him. 
He never once objects to them out nor insults them or makes them feel inferior or otherwise unwelcome. Constantly, he cheekily, but genuinely, suggests that the women he speaks with should have their own ‘fun’ regardless of the scandal involved. Recall that Victorian society characterized women as only valuable as wives and less than human. Henry is actively inviting women to be just as bad as men, thus seeing them at the same level as men. 
More so, in chapter 17, his banter with the duchess is not done so mockingly. Like his early conversations with Basil, Henry entertains and elaborates on her ideas, never once dismissing her. Even when he points out things she’s gotten wrong in his perspective, he does so playfully, which we actually haven’t seen him do with anyone except for Basil.
The entire scene with the Duchess of Monmouth in chapter 18. 
Henry is strangely gentle and compassionate with her in a way we have never seen him be with anyone (even Dorian!). He is genuine with her in a way that is comforting, he compliments her, makes her laugh, and, weirdly, warns her not to enter a scandal.
Owns a parrot.
Is pretty accurate on the importance of youth in society
Ever since the 1960s, youth culture has absolutely dominated social norms
The concept of teenagers and childhood were created because companies realized they could sell shit to you.
Is constantly criticizing marriage because of how it limits relationships between the men and women involved. 
This is novel because marriage was an expectation of Victorian Society, especially for someone in Henry’s class. The fact he actively despises it and recommends against it would be one of the many many things that would paint him as amoral to everyone else.
“the one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties.”
“there are other and more interesting bonds between men and women. I will certainly encourage them.”
 Disclaimer: this is headcanon: Would probably say, “I’m going to live forever” and immediately get hit by a bus.
I don’t have evidence for this, it just feels right.
Bibliography because I reference historical shit and hbomberguy has reawakened the fear of accidentally plagiarizing i have had since i was six (but i am not doing this in some college style, because ewww)
MandaloreGaming: Anonymous Agony: An Extra Edgy Adventure Game
Shanspeare: Life Doesn’t End in Your 20s: The Myth of the Teenage Dream (for the childhood part)
Mary Lyndon Shanley: Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England, 1850-1895 (for the divorce part)
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slayingqueenchal · 2 years
noble house of bullshit | draco malfoy x f!reader
Summary: draco and reader broke up because of stupid reasons, but they'll have to marry and this is about resolving your relationship
Warnings : angst, fluff, happy ending, fights, curse words, pet names like 'love and doll', you are Theodore nott twin sister, old wip
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'My dearest daughter, y/n
We remember that you've mentioned about the malfoy boy several times, draco malfoy. And it seems like you two are perfect.
From what your brother have said to us a few weeks ago, we found out that you had an eye on malfoy, and malfoy might be interested in you too.
We thought it'll be great, so, we arranged some stuff with lucius and narcissa malfoy, and, they've got letters from draco, some is about you.
And we arranged some stuff, and thought it'll be best if you two will marry after finishing Hogwarts. We thought that, we'd wait until you actually had some one that you were interested in to, then arrange somethings.
We know this isn't the most thrilling choice, or maybe it is, we just want the best for our Pureblood family. We didn't know when to tell you, but Draco knew about this a week ago, and we thought he'd tell you but he didn't, so we told you our self.
Well, we'll be ending this letter here, but, have a great day, y/n, we miss you
-your father and mother, dorian and cornelia'
You dropped the letter. Marriage? After finishing Hogwarts? Were you gonna go crazy like bellatrix did?
Sure, if they told you that a week ago you'd be happy. The only person who knew you had a messy breakup with draco was theo, and blaise.
Theo have never shaded someone this much before. And, to see him having fun after breaking your heart was painful for you.
You climbed up to your bed, thinking about the good times you had with draco since the start of Hogwarts. The 'oh this is just a small crush' turned into 'oh, I fell for him'. Even with the quite questionable things draco has done, he was a sweetheart. You remembered everything vividly.
"Love? You okay? " Draco said. You weren't okay. "Draco, ginny is gone" You cried. Remembering the first year girl that you grew quite close too. "Ginny? Weasley? " Draco said, he sounded like he wad annoying. "As much as you hate her family, you'd feel sad if someone is gone, right? Wouldn't you be sad if i was gone? " You wiped your tears.
"Oh doll,'sorry that Ive said that, and, of course I'd be said if you were gone, I'd be a mess" Draco said.
You wished you hated Ginny, and for good reasons. If that hadn't happen you wouldn't grow feelings. If only you two stayed friends you'd be fine.
"What the fuck Draco! " You screamed. "What? Is it my fault that you probably just 'love me' because I'm a Pureblood? Oh please" Draco mocked. The tears came out of your eyes so easily. "I love you, draco, why'd you say that?" You looked down.
"Cause.. You know what never mind that, just, it's over alright, we're over. Go" Draco took your hands, but you threw it away. "You think I'd marry someone just because of their blood status. But no, I'd never do that" You walked out of his room.
"I'd never do that, he says" You scoff on your bed, sobbing. "I hate you" You curled up, hugging your pillow.
Someone opened the door and gasped. "Y/n are you okay? " Daphne said. "I'm not well, not really" You said. "Oh gosh, should I get Draco? " She said. Which, hit the spot. "Is Theo there? " You asked. "There? Where? ", " Common room"."yes, he is in the common room " Daphne gave a weak smile. "Thanks, Daphne, uhm, Im going to talk to him" You gave a smile.
"Theo" You walked down the stairs. To see the Slytherin boys circle. And that sadly includes both Draco, and Theo.
"Lo- y/n, you alright? " Draco said. But you didn't answer. "Can I talk to you for a second, Theo? " You gave a weak smile to the rest of the boys, but not even looking at Draco. "Sure" Theo walked away, well still in the common room, no one was really there, just some first year.
You immediately cried again. "Y/n". "Did you know? " You said. "What? " Theodore said. "Father and mother made me marry him! Some arrangement shit! " You cried, hugging him. "Him? Draco? " Theo guessed, and you nodded.
"I need to be tough, but I can't." You cried. "You don't need to be tough, y/n, you just need to be here, alright? We're gonna solve everything, alright, I'll tell mom something but, go to sleep, okay, I promise you'll feel better.
"Don't tell mother, or father" You said, receiving a sigh and a small nod. While that night was a rollercoaster and felt like a few seconds, it felt like hours for Draco.
Theo walked to draco, well the others sorta knee by then about what happened, so they walked away and sat on another spot.
"Draco. How dare you" Theo said. "How dare I? She was the one who 'loved' me just because I'm a Pureblood" Draco scoffed.
"Listen, you don't get to just have fun after breaking my sisters heart. She's a mess, and after a day you acted like nothing happened, like you and her never exists and it broke her, you broke her and now your parents and mine are arranging marriage between the two of you, so you better fix things, or I'll fix them my self" Theo threatened.
"She doesn't even want to talk to me! " Draco said. "And was I the guy who broke her heart? You are, and, Id you don't fix things to atleast platonic level you two will spend the rest of your live in misery, maybe just her cause you don't even care do you? " Theo scoffed.
"I care for her, I love her! Until mom told me that we were getting married. I don't want to get married so young and I don't want to be with her, not because I believe that she only loves me because of my blood status, but because I need her to be happy, I don't want her marrying someone like me, I might love and care about her now but who knows what monster I might become later, I don't want to hurt her more" Draco mumbled.
"Well you fucked up already, Draco, just, do something and be lovely for her alright, Daphne told me she, she's not really at her best state so just don't force her into anything" Theo said, patting dracos shoulders before leaving, deciding it was enough rambling.
Well, that night not only Draco stayed up late, but the whole dorm. Everyone heard draco sniffing and mumbling, and being scrunched up on his bed.
And little did he know, you were doing the same thing too.
The next morning was tough. The trip to the great Hall was tough. Draco was so close yet so far. His eyes looked puffy 'he probably stayed up late talking shit or something ' you thought.
You barely ate your food, just watching Draco from afar, watching the person you couldve been happy with. The person you could've married happily. But now it's grim.
The library was silent, reading dorian gray was fun, especially when your fathers name is dorian. The book you used to read with draco was Lord of the rings. You wanted to continue but, it was too much. 'What happened to frodo, what happened to the shire' is what you would've asked if you were fine, but right now you were asking yourself if you were alright. The sun goes down, and the moon comes up.
"Y/n? " You recognised the voice. "Go away, like you told me to go away" You huffed. "Y/n, just wait" He said.
You turned and look at the blonde. Showing your bloodshot eyes, but shockingly, he had bloodshot eyes too. "What do you want draco? Make me feel bad again? " You said.
"No, never again y/n, it was a mistake! I knew we were going to get married before you did. I didn't want you to marry someone like me" Draco said, sitting on the chairs next to you.
"Well, haha, it happens that I want someone like you, you Draco, is it so hard to accept that I fell for you? " You said, standing up and putting the book where it was.
"It's not, y/n I know you love me and you know I love you! " He says. You ignored him.
"I just don't, you, you broke my heart Draco and you were out there having fun with your friends. Even they have some bit of common sense to care for me! Even in a brotherly-platonic way! But oh, you were having the best time of your life. The boys were worried, even crabbe too, but you didn't care did you? That you just full on broke my heart? We couldve sorted this out. And if you didn't want to spend you years with me we couldve solved this in a better way than breaking me into a million pieces! It's just not fair! "You cried out.
"Y/n, y/n, calm down, will you, love? ", Draco slowly got closer to you. Draco looks at your eyes. " I'm sorry, y/n, I really am sorry. I love you and, to know that I broke your heart messed me up and made me a bit of an asshole, but, I swear I'll be the best husband ever, y/n, I love you"
"I'm sorry too, Draco, I was a bit hars-", " You didn't do anything wrong " Draco cut off. "Well in that case, I love you" You smiled, the first genuine smile.
"We'll grow a family free from blood purity and all of that noble house of bullshit, we'll be a loving family, alright, doll? " Draco said, receiving a smile and a nod.
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acourtofthought · 2 months
Reading the books, i kinda "understand" Vassien, the trope of inmortal and mortal love can give us a really interesting story to read and tell, however, i have three things against this ship: 1. Lucien and Elain being mates and having more hints of ending up together, 2. Jurian and Vassa have more build up, i mean, the queen and her general, like Nessian, and 3, the most important one, Sarah J Maas alredy told us a story about an inmortal and mortal on the ACOTAR series, specifically in ACOWAR (The same book where supposedly Lucien and Vassa have more build up).
And is...
With Andromache and Mor.
A Human Queen who falls in love with a High Fae. Yeah, both of the pairings follow differents themes, however, unless SJM makes Vassa a high fae (Something she doesn't want, she want to be queen of the humans lands with her mortal body back) or turn Lucien into Human/mortal (Which would ruin all his build up for being Helion's heir and possibly high king), their story will end up in the same way Mor and Andromache did, with the human getting older and dying while the other grieving their death
I really don't know why people only focus on the pair and not on the overarching plot of the story. Looking it with common sense, if Lucien remains inmortal and Vassa mortal, the relationships between the human realm and Prythian can get better. Lucien finding ways to retribuite all of what the Fae did to the humans, and protecting them too.
I don't know, but looking it from a far, i thinks the band of exiles relationship is more like Dorian, Chaol and Aelin, rather than Lucien and Vassa ending together while Jurian is the third wheel or something.
I agree with all your points. I also think there's a big difference between a mortal / immortal pairing like Elide / Lorcan and those who believe in a Vassa / Lucien endgame. Lorcan was pretty much over everything he had done in his immortal life, he wanted no further part of it. He had come into his full powers, used those full powers for death over the centuries and was over it. Lucien is just getting started with his story. His powers have not fully developed, Sarah has been hinting at his having the markers of a High Lord, and as you said, the possibility of him being in the running for High King. He's just getting started and is leaning in the direction of Prythian while Sarah continues reminding us that no matter what good he's done in his help of the humans he's still the odd man out. She's given us wording that shows how it's Jurian and Vassa who are two sides of the same coins with the same vision for the humans, how Jurian and Vassa are at one another's throats, how Lucien is breaking up Jurian and Vassa's arguments. Lucien is being placed as the interloper in all of it. There is nothing to suggest Lucien wants to remain in the human lands for good and nothing to suggest that Vassa has any interest in living in the immortal lands. You mentioned it above but it's an excellent point, the pairings only work so long as the possible future plot connects them and only Lucien and Elain are being connected to Spring and Day while Vassa's connection to the human lands was solidified in the novella.
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midorisudachi · 8 months
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“The Inquisitor And Her Commander”
As some of you may have noticed, I am a huge fan of the Dragon Age games, especially Dragon Age Inquisition. Last year, I had planned on drawing all the main [playable] characters up until Dragon Age Day (which took place on December 4th), but I just didn’t have time to draw more than three characters (the Inquisitor, Solas, & Varric…please check them out in my gallery) due to being busy with work and other things. I’ll eventually draw the other characters when I gather more motivation to do so.
For now, please enjoy this piece. I hope everybody likes this. I worked very hard on this artwork. It took longer than usual to create, due to all the small details, the poses, & the armour. (Armour is not easy to draw for me!) For those of you who are DAI fans, you may recognize the flowers: Crystal Grace on the bottom and Andraste’s Grace on the top. I know Andraste’s Grace is not in DAI, but I thought it would be pretty to add to the artwork (since it technically exists in the Thedas world).
 My OC Inquisitor is named Bryony Trevelyan. She is actually my 2nd Inquisitor character, the first one having been an elf (which I may draw someday). I had been playing DAI for the 3rd time, a few months ago, as a male character (since I wanted him to be in a romance with Dorian, so yes, my male Inquisitor is gay), but I stopped for a bit since I am playing Skyrim at the moment (with updates & mods). Anyway, back on the main subject: I drew Inquisitor Bryony Trevelyan in the Armor of the Dragon Hunter outfit (from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC), which I had altered the colours by tinting it with Veil Quartz. I based her crown from concept art for DAI. So much armour in the game! Which I love, especially since the DA games don’t give female characters the stereotypical skimpy outfits…I love that I get to make my female characters wear bad-ass armour.
Cullen Rutherford is such an adorable and slightly awkward character around my Inquisitor. I knew I had to romance him right away, because his looks are the type of man I am attracted to in real life. (I’m not going to lie…in the game, he’s hot for a video game character. Ha ha!) I’ve always enjoyed the flirting in the DA games when it comes to the relationships. The best scene was right before their first kiss, when Cullen got interrupted by a member of the Inquisition, and then got mad about it. Ha ha. I liked when my Inquisitor asked Cullen, “The day you kissed me on the battlements…how long had you wanted to do that?” And Cullen replied (with a laugh), “Longer that I should admit.” Awwwww.
I also liked the part in the Winter Palace, when all these people were flirting with Cullen, and one asked him, “Are you married, Commander?” And Cullen replied, “Not yet, but I am…already taken.” Double awwww, because a loyal man is so dreamy. :3 I actually had Bryony & Cullen get married in the last DLC. :3 They adopt a Mabari (dog), too!
I love DAI too much. :D It’s such a fun game with the most gorgeous graphics (especially on the Xbox Series X).
Drawn with Sakura Pigma Micron pens, then coloured in with a mixture of Copic Markers & Ohuhu Markers. I used Koi Watercolours for the background. White accents done with both a gel pen and white watercolour. Gold acrylic was used for the Inquisition Symbol & the lines, which the scanner absolutely murders...the gold is such a pretty, shimmery metallic in real life. The light green around my art was done in Photoshop Elements.
Dragon Age Inquisition © Bioware & Electronic Arts
Fan artwork © Jacqueline E. McNeese
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meanderingpenguin · 1 year
It feels like in Campaign 3 they've done Guests very differently than the other two? In the other campaigns they did tight smaller personal arcs for the guest that could be finished in 1-3 episodes and then the guest quickly left. If they were called back later it was specifically to help the Main Party's storyline in some way with a quick life update of what's been going on off screen.
Every guest this season has had a minimum of five episodes, longer than Bertrand Bell himself. They've built a real or at least complex connection with most of the party, and then left with their plotline pretty much demanding they return to get closure at some point. With the exception of the dead one of course.
Dorian is a full member of Bells Hells and the Crown Keepers. He still has multiple plot crumbs with his Parents, his Title and responsibilities, his Brother, and of course reuniting with Orym and Fearne (and the rest of the party) at some point.
Yu made a time limited contract with the party. Then the Hells failed their part of the agreement when Ira stole the Crown from them and for extra oomph they snuck into Yu's court, blew shit up there, and were explicitly seen by Yu's boss as they escaped. Yu has the plotline crumbs of still being aligned with the people the Hells are fighting, still maybe having a contract to hunt down Fearne's parents and Fearne, and also the potential that they are being punished for failing in the first place.
Deni$e is going to catch up with the Crown Keepers at some point and give Dariax a piece of her mind. Whether we get more Crown Keeper's specials with her or we just get the updates some other way, her storyline isn't finished yet.
F.R.I.D.A. is basically a member of the Bells Hells now. They're going on a sidequest for the party's needs and have promised to help them in their fight. They still have connections to the looming Devexian plotline as well. Very important person to F.C.G. and the idea they'd never see each other again is unacceptable.
Deanna is also like Dorian and F.R.I.D.A. in that she's basically a member of the party now. She has a strong emotional bond with the four she traveled with. (And her potential conversations with the other three would be very interesting if she had the time to dig deeper.) She's doing what she can to help the Hells stop Ludinus. Out of all the clerics this campaign her relationship with her deity seems the most complicated and interesting? She still has the plotlines of however her sidequest turns out, whether or not she and the Dawnfather will come to an understanding or if she'll be punished further, and of course her connection with Chetney and Fearne will always be fun to explore more of.
Pri$m. Bonded with Orym, Laudna, and Ashton. Orym is her bestie now. Ashton seems to have set her on a new rebellious path in life. She also wants to take Laudna to the Shadowfel soon. Alongside Deanna and F.R.I.D.A she is now doing quests to help the Hells. Biggest of all, with Keyleth and Planerider Ryn both out of commission, Prism is the person closest to the party who knows teleport if the staff breaks or isn't powered up. The table always calls on their teleportation buddies when possible.
It's a different approach to guest party members? I feel like we're either at or nearing the second half of the campaign soon. So I'm curious how, when, and in what order we'll start to see these plotlines and connections tied up.
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SJM ask game
I saw this ask game started by @milswrites and I absolutely love it!
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
It is a tie between ACOMAF, QOS, and CC1. Those are my top 3 and they rotate on a daily basis on which is my favorite.
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
TOG is def my favorite of the three. The story is so beautifully bookended, each book can stand by itself, the characters are amazing and they go through so much growth. I love ACOTAR because I love the relationships that are built there and the world building is so interesting. I also read ACOTAR at a very dark point in my life and reading about Feyre digging herself out of the darkness helped me do the same. I love Ruhn Dannan. Daynight is life. Enough said.
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
I have to have a favorite character from each series. For ACOTAR, gwyn has whittled her way into my heart as my favorite character. Her bravery, her selflessness, her determination. We see her interact with characters who are previously shown to be extremely unaproachable and she treats them like normal people. She is healing and is in the process of building a life that is worth living. I cannot wait to read more of her journey in the next book. For TOG, my favorite characters are Aelin, Manon, and Lysandra. Aelin is forced to be so strong from such a young age, and the shit that she is put through just makes my heart ache. KOA broke my heart so many times because she felt so broken and I feel like we never got a true conclusion to it. Manon is such a prime example of Nature vs Nurture. She was Nurtured to be a heartless killer, but once she started seeing the world for what it was and seeing the injustices her people were committing, she and the 13 stood up for what was right and went up against their sister Ironteeth in battle in order to fight for a better world. Lysandra has been a favorite of mine since the first time I read her on the page. She was taken advantage of and was forced into a role outside of her command. The way she takes her own life in her hands, she puts the needs of others before her own, and was a friend to Aelin when she truly needed one will solidify her as one of my favorites. It is no surprise that Lydia is my favorite CC character. I loved her in CC2, but she CARRIED CC3. She is like the perfect mix of Rhys and Aelin and her ancestors would be proud of her and what she has done.
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
I have a million favorite quotes. One of the ones I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo of is "Don't let the Hard days win" it is simple but so impactful and some days I need the reminder. I cannot stop crying when I read Lehabah's last conversation with Bryce. Also, I definately Bawl everytime Aelin hallucinates about her parents and her mom says, "Why do you cry, Fireheart?"
5) Favourite ship?
In no particular order: Gwynriel, Feysand, DayNight, Rowaelin, Lysaedion, Nestaq.
6) E/riel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
I think my username speaks for itself
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
NESRYN MF EMPRESSES FALIQ. I love her. I know she isn't on my list of favorites but she is 100% a favorite. Her and Sartaq are just *Chef's Kiss*
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Oooooh. Azriel, Gwyn, Jessiba, Lydia, VAUGHN, Lucien.
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Besides the bad guys? I don't care for Ithan but its not that I don't like him. He just reads like a washed up frat boy but I was impressed with his growth in CC3. It's not like I HATE him, he just isn't a favorite of mine.
10) Favourite bat boy?
It should come as ZERO surprise that Azriel is my favorite bat boy. However, if I had to choose ANY of the SJM Males to be my mate, it would be Dorian :) I would die fighting Manon for him but worth it lol
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
I most definately fit into the Night Court. Anyone who knows me knows I am a night owl and I would sleep all day and be awake at night if I could. If Eris was high lord, my second choice would be Autumn.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
I think we can all agree that Maeve is the most flushed out villian that SJM has written to date. I love to hate her.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
I would get rid of all the "crumbs" for E/riel and I would make Mor more open about her sexuality with the IC from the beginning. I am fixing both in FM2M.
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Gwynriel are mates. There is way too much canonical evidence to prove otherwise.
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated
Aedion. Leave my boy alone. Was he a dumbass? Yes. HOWEVER, think about his trauma and the BS Lysandra and Aelin pulled on him. He has had the weight of his kingdom on his shoulders for 10 years. He has been playing the game longer than he can remember, was taken advantage of by older men in the army as he worked his way up the ranks. His father's identity needed to be kept a secret to the detriment of his mother and he resents Gavriel for it. They were going to turn him into the same absentee father that he hated, and they threw his trauma in his face. He would have just been a breeding stud and would never be able to recognize his own children. It was a stab right to his heart and he was betrayed by the two people who meant the most to him in the world. Give the boy some grace.
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
I think Aelin is the most fleshed out and goes through the most character growth. However, Bryce and Feyre have my heart. I will not choose.
18) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Scars and Shadows. Thanks @thebelladonnamoon for coming up with the perfect ACOTAR 6 title.
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
Here on Tumblr, I love @acourtofthought @gwynrieldefenseatty but there are so many that I love :) And, as always, @yazthebookish
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
OH GOD. Off the top of my head for ACOTAR: ACoFD by @the-lonelybarricade (or ANYTHING by her and @separatist-apologist) ACOSAS by @thebelladonnamoon, Call Me Home by @propagandaprincess, There You Are by @sweethvilliandarlinggod
You can see my bookmarked favorite fics here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Captain_of_the_Gwynriel_Ship
TOG Favorite fics: High Infidelity by @heirofflowers, Bad Intentions by @starseternalnighttriumphant, Illicit Affairs is my ALL TIME FAVORITE by @rowanaelinn, remanents by @the_dormouse, and The Inclining of Stars by @Slytherindemigod18
CC Favorites: I havent read too many, but you can always count on Verzavar Haz by @hlizr50 to break down your soul.
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Probably Feyre or Gwyn. I just feel like I can get in their heads the easiest.
23) Hardest character to write for?
Rhys (so far). It is why he hasn't had a POV yet in FM2M but there will be one in a couple chapters.
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet? Ooh. Some of the TOG characters. I haven't ventured outside of ACOTAR yet but one day maybe.
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
Autumn wink wink. And Hybern (I know it isn't a court but still).
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
I don't know if there is a character I won't write for. I think it just depends. Probably Elorcan as a couple because as much as I like them, I couldn't really write them.
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
Gwyn. Easy.
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
Oh gods where to start. Friends to lovers, priestess/sinner, trainer/trainee, Acceptance and Longing, Soulmates, Forced Proximity. I could go on.
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
I mean definitely FM2M, but I loved writing Up Against the Wall and coming up with the idea for The Great Escape.
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
Right now, the valkyrie and Mor and Feyre, Cassian and Feyre, and Lucien and Feyre.
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
Obviously FM2M, you can read some of my other one shots or short fics or check out some of my favorite fics above!
This was super fun and a way to distract me from such a boring work day haha
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steddiebang · 1 year
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The World Ends With You
Author: @lihhelsing l Artist: @keikei_firefly l Artist: @verdiris Posting on Thursday, November 30
After the world ended and the undead creatures were everywhere, Steve Harrington survived by isolating himself. Completely alone in a house, he barely knows what to do when someone breaks in. Injured and alone, Eddie Munson slowly wins Steve’s trust as they navigate surviving together in the middle of the Apocalypse and their relationship grows into something Steve can’t quite understand. But just as he has his share of secrets, Eddie has some of his own and this might be enough to get in the way of whatever they were building together.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
It took a bit of time for Eddie Munson to be on his feet. 
Or maybe foot was more accurate. Steve was honestly shocked Eddie had been able to stand like that, let alone walk for who knew how long. 
He would definitely need to take a closer look and he already knew he was completely out of his depth. He had seen broken bones and crushed limbs on his mother’s medical books but he never saw it in real life. That was still the best shot Eddie had so it would have to do. 
Steve also knew what he was about to say was a douche thing, but one could never be too careful. 
“I need you to strip down,” he said and there it was again, the weird sound Eddie made when he laughed. It ringed in Steve’s ears and tingled his brain. 
“Woah, Harrington. Guy’s usually pay at least for a coffee first, but I can’t say I’m opposed to the idea,” Eddie answered easily, a grin splayed across his face. Steve stared and stared and he was afraid he was blushing but the dark should still conceal his face. “Oh, you’re serious.” 
“Deadly,” Steve added and let the word hang between them. 
Death had taken a new meaning for Steve after everything. You didn’t just throw the word around like a joke anymore like ‘Oh I’m dying to eat chocolate muffins’. It felt especially disrespectful now that death walked the earth. 
Eddie bit his lower lip like he was thinking about it. 
“If you’re not going to strip I can show you the exit,” 
“Harsh, man. It’s been a while since I’ve made a show of undressing in front of a guy. Gimme a minute, will you?” 
When they were done Eddie did his bit cleaning everything up and they went into the living room. Eddie lay on the couch and pulled from under his pillow a hardcover book Steve had never seen before. He looked up at Steve and there was a glint in his eyes. 
“I was just going to start this one and I thought I could… Nevermind, that’s stupid.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders and held the book close to his chest. He was, once again, shirtless. Steve had stayed awake too many nights watching the way Eddie’s pale skin glowed with the moonlight. He was shameless. 
Steve leaned on the chair, his back already twisting in an unpleasant way. 
“You could what?” He asked and Eddie pressed his lips together. 
“I could read it for us. Out loud, I mean.”
Steve blinked, watching him as if Eddie had grown another head. He had never been one to read much, one of the many ways he disappointed his father. Steve found it was hard to concentrate on a book for too long but he always liked when his mother read to him. 
“Forget it,” Eddie said at the same time Steve said “Ok.”
“Yeah? You really want to? You’re not saying that just so you don’t hurt my feelings?”
Steve chuckled. “No. Maybe. A story seems nice, actually. What’s the book?”
Eddie turned it in Steve’s direction and he could barely see the name printed. The Picture of Dorian Gray. 
“It’s one of my favorites of all time. There are so many things he says in this book that stuck with me. There’s so much truth and hurt inside of it.”
“Sounds nice,” Steve said, because it really did. “Can I… Do you mind if I lie next to you? That way I can hear you and you don’t have to shout.”
“Be my guest, Stevie. It will be just like a slumber party,” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows and Steve rolled his eyes pretending to be annoyed. The truth was Steve’s hearing wasn’t the best, courtesy of years playing sports in high school and getting head injuries. He hadn’t admitted that to Eddie because he had never admitted it to anyone but Eddie seemed so excited about the book Steve didn’t really want to miss anything. 
He put his pillow and some blankets on the floor and he lied, close enough he could touch Eddie if he just reached out his hand. 
“Can I tell you one of my favorite quotes from this book?” Eddie asked and Steve just nodded. The moment felt charged as if Eddie was about to show his soul to Steve. “'Some things are more precious because they don’t last long'.” 
Steve blinked. He looked up at Eddie and he wasn’t sure if that was just a nice citation or maybe a foreshadowing of them. He felt like they were living in a bubble that could burst at any moment and Steve wasn’t really ready for it. It seemed Eddie wasn’t ready either. 
He had to fight the urge to argue about it. To say that some things lasted a long time and were precious and good. Instead, Steve put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He could feel Eddie was looking at him and he knew that was happening more and more, and every day they seemed to be less worried about not being caught. 
Steve opened his eyes and there it was, those two brown eyes watching him curiously, as if Steve was a puzzle Eddie wanted to decipher. They held each other’s gaze for a minute before Eddie adjusted himself back on the couch and opened the book on the first line. 
“The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfum of the pink-flowering thorn.”
Eddie’s voice was velvety and smooth as he dove into the book and soon Steve was deep down in the story, feeling how every word tickled his brain in a way reading a book had never managed to do to him. He fought sleep for as long as he could and when he finally lost the battle he dreamed of flower scented gardens, precious things and deep brown eyes. 
Read more on November 30!
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azrielhours · 1 year
What about virgin Cass and Rhys the absolute menaces 😂 I wonder how that would go.
Omg thank you for asking!! Let’s explore this can of worms 🥴😈
Rhys is the first to lose his virginity because he’s the High Lords son. He’s flirtatious and smooth. He’s like Dorian at the beginning of tog, sweet and chivalrous but a horn dog with many lovers. He used to flirt with the daughters of nobility who were older than him and he loved making them blush.
Women have always found him beautiful and he could tell bc of how they reacted but also bc of his daemati powers. So Rhys has quite the ego even before he’s ever bedded a female. He’s considerate and attentive but keeps his emotions to himself and doesn’t get attached.
His first time is with a Lord’s daughter from his father’s court. He absolutely kept it to himself that it was his first time lmao. He’s very exploratory and isn’t shy about it. Obviously he’s not as good at it as he becomes later, but his curiosity alone helps him satisfy the girl bc he wants to try so much, even if he’s already finished.
Like not to get too explicit but even if he got his, he’d be eager to do a lot of other things literally out of curiosity and that gets the job done for the girl. Rhys tells Cassian all about it after. Cassian listens carefully and wants to bed a woman at that point.
So Cass was the second. Less confident than Rhys but a gentle giant even as a young man. I see him being super into girls and flirting openly, talking himself up and when he actually manages to talk a girl into taking him home, he’s more in over his head than he anticipated. His sweetness makes up for the fact that he didn’t make the girl finish. Months later when he gets good at it, he goes back to her to satisfy her properly.
I can see Cass getting slightly emotionally attached to the girl he loses his virginity to, but he gets over it eventually. Cass goes back to the same lovers more frequently than Rhys does, and we know canonically that he’s the only one that’s had a serious relationship before.
Cassian and Rhys have an easier time showing their sweeter side to women in bed compared to Az, especially if they’re softer or shyer girls. Cassian would be more sweetness and Rhys is more charm, if that discernment makes sense. Cassian would be keenly aware of his hulking frame and try very hard to make it comfortable.
His and Azriel’s first times were at Windhaven with the girls at the camp. There was probably a lot of unabashed talk amongst the other young Illyrians at the camp about fucking women, and that’s where the guys learn about sex, so when they finally do it, they have a rough idea of what’s expected.
Though I feel like I did Az justice in my fic, I think it would likely be a little clumsier irl unless he lucked out and did it w a girl who knew what she was doing. I think he’d be eager to please and do it relatively well, but his more reserved nature would prevent much communication, and he’d be nervous for sure. He’d want to be gentle but wouldn’t quite know the words to say, but the intention is certainly there.
The main thing I tried showing in the fic is that he’s literally never known intimacy or gentleness, like he went from his prison cell to war camp. So when it comes to bedding a woman, he’s gonna be really taken aback by how soft it can be. He’d learn through practice over the years that there is gentleness to be found in intimacy.
I don’t see him being in literally any relationship outside of hookups bc he’s been in love w Mor for centuries, so a lot of his experiences with women and femininity comes from sex. He learns about being a gentleman from that. So sex becomes highly exploratory for him. That’s when he starts getting a little wilder lol but that comes a whileeee later.
He's very attentive and notices every detail and gets good at it pretty fast even if he doesn’t talk about it as freely as Cass or Rhys do. I see him using his shadows to help determine if the girl is enjoying herself.
Cassian tells feyre literally the day they meet her that he, Rhys, and Az all love fucking so this is absolutely an area Azriel let’s himself indulge in, especially bc he knows such little intimacy in his life outside sex.
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Look at Us Now — Ch. 4
Fic Masterlist
I couldn’t wait until Thursday to post under a prompt for Aelin Week, so be ready for a surprise by then hehe
P.S. this chapter is my baby be nice to it
Edit: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THIS HELLSITE ILY @aelinchocolatelover [plays parabéns da xuxa softly in the background] ❤️💛💕💓❤️
Warnings: light NSFW, language, swords, let me know if I missed something
Word count: 6,1k (Oops!… I did it again)
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The only sound Aelin could hear was their heavy breaths and the AC running.
Rowan was draped over the couch by her side, head tilted up and naked as the day he was born. The way his pecs flexed and glistened because of his post-orgasm heavy breathing and sweat was absolutely maddening.
Aelin’s fingertips were about to become calloused from the amount of times she ran them over his rock-hard abs.
It became a routine, pretending she was leaving base like everyone else at the end of the day, then turning around when no one would notice. She didn’t know if Rowan was always waiting for her or if he just enjoyed working until late. Aelin didn’t care. What mattered is that he was always at his office right after her classes were done, and she would always take advantage of it.
Aelin darted a glance at the watch Rowan kept on his wall. It was almost 11 pm.
She should’ve gone home to rest after having classes until nine, but Aelin was attached to this office like a magnet. Or to the man who stayed here. Rowan always had her so lost in his current Aelin often forgot she has a boyfriend waiting for her most days. Dorian didn’t seem to mind, though. With them having an open relationship, he was never lonely.
Around the third time Aelin came to Rowan’s office, there was a drawer with a lock and condoms inside. A short while after, he brought a small, but extra comfy couch, perfect for a post-orgasmic haze.
Aelin didn’t mind having sex on desks and walls for 10 weeks if it was with Rowan, but she liked this additional little touch.
It would be still the best sex she’s ever had, Aelin thought.
She hummed in delight, thinking about the way he tore her apart minutes ago in this couch.
Rowan lazily turned his head, making his gaze fall on her. What’re you thinking? His curious green eyes seemed to ask her.
“We still have time for a round three.”
He chuckled. “Insatiable.”
That single word sent a spark through her spine. Aelin had never been shy in bed, but things with Rowan were different. More intense. Something about him made her absolutely unleashed between these four walls, like wind spreading a wildfire.
They didn’t talk much, though. Too hungry for each other in the beginning and too tired from the day in the end, the only time they’d talk was between rounds.
“You’re not gonna wish me good luck?”
Every recruit needs to do a physical test by the end of their basic training, and Aelin’s would be tomorrow morning.
“You don’t need it.”
She grinned. “Because you trained me so well?”
Rowan did that thing where he tried not to smile, but the left corner of his lip tilted up anyway. “I think that goes without saying.”
“I disagree.” Aelin bit her lip, eyes full of mischief.
“Is that so?”
She nodded. “I need more cardio.”
Rowan said nothing, but his eyes sparkled with the challenge. He got up from the couch, then laid on the ground for a second before bending his knees and elbows to raise his shoulders and hips.
In less than 10 seconds, the bastard got into a perfect yoga wheel pose.
“Show off,” Aelin grunted. His grin was so smug she wanted to punch it.
“Hop on.”
Aelin’s eyes widened. “You want me to ride your dick like this?”
“You said you needed cardio.”
The squat work she’d have to do fuck him like this. With nothing around for her to support herself. After fourteen hours of boot camp and two orgasms.
“Absolutely not!” She shrieked.
One look at her face was enough for Rowan to chuckle, the echos of his amusement not stopping while he smoothly landed on the floor.
Aelin’s shoulders relaxed in relief, but something dawned on her. Was Rowan Whitethorn teasing her?
“Not funny.” She crossed her arms. “Get back here. And stop showing off. You’re not even the yoga type!’”
“That’s prejudiced. Why am I not the yoga type?”
She squinted her eyes at him, but the bastard was still grinning. He knew she thought he wasn’t the yoga type because he’s a burly brute.
He shrugged and sat back on the couch by her side. “I go to a class on Sunday mornings. My roommate joins me when he’s not too hangover.”
I could go with you. The words were in the tip of her tongue, but Aelin held back.
She knew her place in a man’s life after fucking for 10 weeks without even being asked on a date. And she was happy with it. Rowan was an incredible fuck buddy, and she had a boyfriend already to take to yoga classes. But like Rowan’s roommate, she didn’t know if Dorian could stay a single Sunday morning without being hangover, either. Or still at a party.
Who liked yoga, anyway?
Trying to erase her own thoughts, Aelin turned to straddle Rowan in one swift motion. She did her best to not let her self-consciousness show. She had been exercising like crazy, but didn’t seem to lose any weight. In fact, she’s been feeling bloated for a while now.
Fuck, Aelin really needed to stop thinking.
Rowan began trailing kissed down her neck, making her softly moan and search with her hips for his hardened bulge.
“I want to fuck you here. No yoga shit.”
Aelin didn’t see it coming, his hand slapping her ass so hard it sent shivers through her body. The hand on her hair slid to her throat, gently squeezing it again when he commanded, “You take what I give you, and you’ll like it. You hear me?”
“Yes, sir,” Aelin whimpered, and then moaned when he slid his cock between her folds to press against her clit.
It was so good it could be a crime, the way Rowan made her feel. How he knew exactly what to say in bed and every trick to make her scream.
Right now, this was exactly what she needed.
Aelin kept telling herself that today’s test was a given, and that she could endure worse than this. Dorian kept telling her that it’s okay to be and act nervous before her test.
Truth was, fighting him and insisting she wasn’t edgy was very effective at distracting her from the real thing. Now that her boyfriend was waiting outside while she waited for her second physical test in the Air Force, it felt a lot more real.
It consisted of two parts, some bureaucratic blood tests and tox screens and then being cleared to do the actual test.
Aelin was on a row with the other people from her class, entering the room where it was going to happen, when someone stopped her.
“Wait there. Galathynius, right?” The flat and rough voice came from Captain Salvaterre, the coordinator of her program. He frowned at the clipboard and wrote something down before looking back at her. “You’re not cleared to do the physical test. You’ll get more info via email later.”
Aelin didn’t move. Eyes widened, mind blank. What the fuck just happened?
“Bye, Galathynius,” Salvaterre dismissed her.
“Wait,” Aelin blurted, mind still short-circuiting. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. Don’t care either. The doctor didn’t clear you to do the exam, and now you’re holding up the line.”
Her eyebrows squished together. Why would the doctor do that? “Can I at least talk to them?”
“Look, I won’t let you bother the doctor just because you smoked some weed or whatever and got caught.”
“Excuse me?” Aelin hissed.
Salvaterre sighed. “Most people that fail this step do it because of the tox screen. I don’t give a fuck about what you do on your free time, just don’t bother the doctor over this shit. It’s done.”
“What? I don’t do drugs!”
He didn’t look convinced.
“I mean it.” Aelin raised an eyebrow. “I could be dying. I could die right now without knowing what’s wrong.”
Salvaterre rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
She followed his instructions to where to find the doctor, her mind racing all the time. Since it was their mistake, maybe she could reschedule the test. Sure, Aelin had been feeling tired and drained all the time, but it was because of her exhausting training. Apart from that, she knew she was on her prime. This was surely a mistake.
Aelin knocked three times at the door and went inside before the doctor could tell her to come in. If she did it fast enough, maybe there could be time for her to rejoin her class and do the test.
The doctor was a kind-looking older woman. Files, probably everyone’s exams surrounded her, but she looked calm in the middle of that chaos.
“Oh, hello, there!” She grinned. “How can I help you?”
She shook the doctor’s hand and rushed to sit on the chair in front of her. “Hi. My name’s Aelin Galathynius. I didn’t get cleared to do the physical test, so—“
“I’m on it.” She quickly found Aelin’s file and smiled when she opened it.
Aelin frowned. What was she smiling at?
”I couldn’t let you go in there, dear,” the doctor explained, “These tests are ruthless, especially when you’re new. All your exams look great, but it’s too physically straining and risky for any pregnant woman.“ She smiled. “Congratulations, by the way.”
“Wait. No. I’m going there. What in—“
Wait a fucking minute
Did she say pregnant?
Aelin cleared her throat. “There must be something wrong. You’re sure this exam isn’t someone else’s?”
The woman handed her the paper, jaw dropped. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know—“
“Holy shit,” Aelin interrupted, not really caring about anything else right now. Too stunned to remember that she was cursing at her soon-to-be workplace.
Her eyes were frozen on the same few lines.
TEST VALUE: 91350 mIU/mL
What the actual fuck?
Aelin just stared with a slack jaw, eyes glued to the paper.
Dorian had a vasectomy, and she only had unprotected sex once this year. Way more than once actually, but all on the same evening. Does Rowan have a vasectomy? Is he the vasectomy type?
For the first time of her life, Aelin cursed herself for not keeping good track of her period. She just marked the first day she bled on the app and forgot it existed until the next month.
Aelin snatched her phone from the purse, frantically opening the period app.
She felt the ground falling underneath her feet.
There were signs everywhere telling her period was late. Months late. The most neglected app on her phone had been trying to tell her the most important thing of her life for months.
Aelin sighed and held her head in her hands, trying to make sense of something she already knew was true. Her last period had been almost three months ago, a little before her unprotected sex with Rowan, at the very beginning of her training.
She cursed math for never lying.
Getting up, Aelin snapped a picture of the exam and gave it back to the doctor, mumbling a thick “Thanks, good morning.”
She walked that familiar path with no destination in mind. Aelin had nowhere to go now that she wasn’t doing the test. She tried to process this, but wasn’t processing nothing at all.
She was pregnant. Baby. Diapers. Cries. Big, big belly. Milk. Milk and money, actually. Babies required milk as much as they required money.
Money wasn’t an issue. At least Aelin was a doctor.
If she was keeping the baby, Aelin thought, but soon brushed it off. She wanted this. Twenty-seven isn’t too young to be a mom, right?
Fuck, she’s going to be a mom. No, not fuck. Good. This was good news. Scary too.
She also needed to move out. Uncle Orlon and Darrow never wanted kids, raising her and Aedion after Aelin’s parents died was enough on them. She didn’t want her kid to be a burden.
Her and Rowan’s. Way to go, being knocked up by a brute she barely knew.
Rowan did not look like the nurturing dad type, at least not by the way he acted around his students. Aelin cringed. Would he be too hard on her kid?
If he wanted the kid, she couldn’t forget. There was a good chance he won’t want the baby, considering that: (a) he’s a man, (b) their history, or lack thereof.
A hand wrapped around her elbow, making her jerk and go stiff.
It was just Dorian, though. Looking around, it looked like her aimless wandering led her to the room she left him in.
“That was quick,” her boyfriend said. “How was it?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“We need to talk,” Aelin blurted.
She pulled a confused-looking Dorian to his car until they were seated with the doors closed. She showed him the picture of the exam and waited for his answer. And waited. And waited until she was wriggling in her seat, trying to get a better look at his dumbfounded face.
“Wow,” he breathed, and turned to face her. “What are we doing about this?”
That word alone almost broke her heart.
“You know it’s not yours, Dor.”
“It’s Hot Lieutenant’s?”
Aelin nodded.
He had a small, sad smile on his face. “But we’re a team, remember?”
She swallowed, chest constricting. God, this was hard. Aelin already knew what she had to do, but it didn’t make it any easy.
“We are, but this isn’t a quick fix. It’d mean no quiet time, no free time, vomit all over your expensive furniture…”
Dorian took a deep breath. “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?”
Aelin nodded, clamping her lips together. “You don’t want to change your entire lifestyle for a kid that isn’t even yours, Dor.”
He didn’t answer. Just nodded, resigned. They knew they weren’t the one for each other, but that didn’t mean they wanted to break up now. The situation required, though. Aelin’s relationship with Dorian was based on fun and friendship, and throwing a baby in the mix wasn’t a good fit. Besides, he didn’t want a kid. He has a vasectomy for a reason.
Dorian cradled her face with both hands, looking her deep into her eyes. “I might not be your baby daddy, but I’m going to be the best damn uncle this kid will ever have, okay? I promise.” He brushed off a few rogue tears from her face. ”I love you, Aelin. Whatever happens, you’re not alone.”
Her hands wrapped around his torso, not caring that she was dampening his designer shirt with tears. “I love you, Your Magnanimous Holiness.” She felt his chest faintly shake with what would’ve been a full laugh any other time. “You’re still my best friend.”
Dorian kissed the crown of her head. “I better be. You’ll always be my best friend, Ace.”
They stayed a long time like this, Aelin taking deep breaths while he hugged her and played with her hair. It was nice, even with the bittersweet mood that lingered.
Aelin woke up at her actual house this Saturday morning, which was odd. She usually spent weekends at Dorian’s, and even if they decided to stay friends after the breakup, she needed time alone to think.
She was pregnant.
Her first trimester flew by, and she had missed every single sign of it. Sure, she was feeling tired and had some cramps, but these were a few of the things she was shrugging off and assuming it meant something else. But Aelin knew better now.
She had so much to figure out it was making her dizzy, so her only goal this weekend was to not freak out completely.
One thing at a time, like her old therapist taught her.
On Monday, she’d make an appointment at the OBGYN and tell Rowan. Just find him on base during lunch or after work and rip the band-aid off, no expectations.
Aelin was giving her damn best to calm her heartbeat and not think about what would happen after that.
The smell of barbecue dragged Aelin out of her room, and hopefully it’d be a good distraction from all this.
Everyone was chatting in the backyard. She didn’t know when Aedion got here, but he was sitting with Uncle Orlon and Philippa, the housekeeper, while Darrow manned the grill.
Her heart squeezed to see her family like this. She wondered how much it’d change, after Little One was here.
“There she is!” Aedion beamed. “I thought I’d only see you at dinnertime, Ace.”
“Overslept.” She shrugged, feeling her stomach getting queasy just to think of the reason she stayed in bed more than usual.
“Is Dorian coming today?” Philippa asked. “I made that berry pie he likes.”
Aelin swallowed. It’d be easier to get this over with, so she took a deep breath to calm her nerves and announced, “Dorian and I broke up.”
The uncomfortable silence and everyone looking at each other without knowing what to say didn’t last long.
“Oh, thank God.” Uncle Orlon’s shoulders dropped and he sighed in relief. Aelin gaped, mind blank for a second. When he read her expression, he continued, “What? I like the kid, but he’s too unserious for you, Fireheart.”
She sagged back in her chair. Aelin wanted to argue, but her uncle was right. She always knew Dorian wasn’t the one, even if she enjoyed their relationship.
“What did he do?” Aedion snarled, arms crossed while he carefully studied his cousin.
“He didn’t do anything.” Aelin took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to drop. “We broke up because I’m pregnant.”
The only sound was her cousin squeezing his beer can with his hand until it was completely crushed, its contents spilling onto the table.
“He did what?” Aedion hissed through his teeth, and it was only then that she noticed everyone was intently looking at her, their faces somewhere between concern and something murderous.
Oh, fuck. Aelin really had a way of putting her foot in her mouth sometimes, didn’t she?
“It’s not his!” She blurted before anyone started overreacting. “Dorian’s not the father.”
“Oh, honey.” Philippa’s eyes were soft, understanding. “Did you cheat on him?”
“No. Hmm.” Aelin scratched the back of her head, feeling her whole face flush. God, this wasn’t a conversation she’d like to have in a room full of old people. “We weren’t exclusive. We could see other people while dating each other.”
Aedion didn’t seem impressed, but Orlon’s eyes were bulging out. Darrow was carefully silent.
“Is it a new kink?” Philipps wrinkled her nose. “Being cheated on.”
“It’s not like that!” Aelin groaned while holding her face with both hands.
“Honey…” Orlon took her hand, brows furrowed with concern while he struggled to say whatever he was thinking. “Do you at least know who the father is?”
“Of course I do!” She blurted, cheeks flaming as she dropped his hand. Aelin wasn’t easily embarrassed, but discussing her sex life with her great-uncle was not on her bucket list.
Everyone was silent, waiting for her to drop this piece of information.
“I haven’t told him yet. I’m not sure you know him, but promise you won’t say anything?”
Everyone nodded. She took a deep breath.
“It’s Lieutenant Whitethorn.”
Aelin froze. They did know him, after all.
Darrow ran inside the house and Orlon went after him, always the peacemaker. All things considered, she was thankful they didn’t have any guns, even though they could for being in the military.
“At least he’s hot,” Aedion acknowledged around a bite of garlic bread after a small stretch of silence.
Aelin groaned. “You know him too?”
“We did basic training together, and I think he went to Darrow’s section right after. Cool dude.”
“You’re not mad?” She eyed him warily.
“I’m happy for you, Ace. I will go for his head depending on what he says to you, though.” Aelin snorted. That sounded like her cousin. He continued, “But I need a cute niece or nephew to impress the ladies.”
“You are not using my kid to pick up women.”
“Not any women.” He leaned back, a lazy grin on his face. “MILFs.”
Aelin was about to say something about how disgusting her cousin was when a loud noise interrupted them.
Through the window, she could see Darrow holding a sword the military required them to have for some special ceremonies. Orlon was holding his own by the door, probably telling his husband to not threaten Rowan with it.
Considering that Rowan most likely also had a sword and definitely lived somewhere in this same village, she wouldn’t put past Darrow to find him and actually start a sword fight.
Aelin got up from her chair, ready to stop this nonsense. That’s the problem with her family, it’s full of overprotective men. They even have the medieval weapons, for Mala’s sake.
Aelin clicked on the side button of her phone just once, to stop ringing.
“Do you want to take it? I can come back in a few,” The waitress asked.
“No need. I’ll have two of today’s specials, a diet coke and a non-alcoholic beer, please.” Aelin forced a smile.
On the table, her phone still showed a picture of Rowan and their daughter together, their smiles so big it was almost blinding. On the bottom of the screen, the choice to still take the call or refuse it altogether.
When it went off and he didn’t call again, Aelin let out a long breath.
Her relationship with Rowan got a lot more pacific after his trip to the hospital. It lasted less than two days.
Something eased inside Aelin’s chest when her cousin stomped inside the restaurant while looking for her. Aedion had many skills, but he had never been exactly a graceful person, Aelin mused with a small smile when he accidentally bumped his hip against one table.
They were on their lunch break, and while meeting at the restaurant nearby was nice, doing it for the third time this week was not in Aelin’s plans. At least not when she could eat for free at the Air Force’s mess hall.
But she would never deny lunch to her hurting cousin. Besides, Elide texted her saying they were serving fish today, and it wasn’t good. The food at the mess hall was a box full of surprises. It could be anywhere between unbelievably good and absolute shit.
“I see you’re still avoiding Kyllian,” she prompted.
Aedion didn’t answer, and he was saved by the waitress coming with their drinks. He and his now ex-boyfriend had been on a rough patch these last few months, and Kyllian being called upon to relocate to Mistward was their last straw. Apparently, Aelin would be helping her cousin avoid his ex at base until he moved.
“Seriously, Ace? This tastes like shit.” Aedion grimaced at his non-alcoholic beer.
“I’m not letting you get back at work drunk. And it’s on me today.” Aelin eyed her cousin warily. “Only because you look terrible.”
That damn ringtone started playing again. Her phone was on the table, so both Ashryver cousins stared at the picture of Rowan and Maisie. She pressed the side button again.
“You’re not gonna answer that?” Aedion asked.
Aelin squared her shoulders. “I’m already answering that, by silently telling him to give me space and respect my boundaries.”
“It could be important.”
“It’s really not.”
Aedion rolled his eyes and swiftly snatched her phone from the table. “Hey, man. What’s up?”
He hummed and nodded for a few seconds, then turned to Aelin. “Rowan wants to know what you packed for Maisie’s lunch today. He called in the morning to remind you she had a tummy ache yesterday, but you didn’t answer.”
Aelin ground her teeth together. Like she wouldn’t remember her own daughter was sick. What kind of mom did he think she was?
“Tell him to fuck off,” Aelin spit out.
Aedion sighed. “She told you to fuck off, man.”
Her cousin hummed again, then his eyes lit up and he perked up. “That’s so cool! Wait a second.”
He asked Aelin, “Did you read his texts about soccer classes?”
She gripped her diet coke with a little too much force, trying not to snap at her cousin. Aedion winced before Aelin even opened her mouth, reading her too well.
“I don’t think she wants to talk to you right now, man.” A pause. “Speaking about soccer, do you wanna watch the game on Sunday?” Aedion frowned and leaned back on the chair. “Come on, man, you have to. You know I’m on a post-breakup slump.”
Whatever Rowan told him made Aedion gape. He turned to Aelin. “You didn’t tell him Kyllian and I broke up?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not friends with Rowan, Aed. We only talk about Maisie.”
Aedion sighed, said goodbye and promised to text him about Sunday’s game.
After he gave her the phone back, her cousin said, “I don’t know what happens between you and Rowan that makes your relationship so bad.”
Aelin ground her teeth together, refusing to answer.
He wouldn’t have it, though. “He’s a good man. An even better dad. Your family loves him. For someone who got pregnant out of a hookup, you did pretty great, Ace.”
“Can we change the subject?”
He drew in a long breath and let it go. Anyone close to her knew The Rowan Conversation was absolutely fruitless.
“I vote for soccer.”
Oh, great. He stopped talking about her least favorite subject of all time, introducing this week’s least favorite subject.
“Thank God you’re not her parent, then.”
”Ouch.” Aedion held a hand against his chest in mock-offense. “I’ll be a great dad.”
She snorted. “You’ll be a pain in your kids’ ass.”
“Take it back!” He exclaimed, gaping.
“Don’t you dare forget how you scared away every boyfriend I had in high school!”
“I was saving your sorry ass from those assholes, that is.”
This time, Aelin gave him a full laugh. She was kind of a dipshit magnet during her teenage years, her cousin wasn’t completely wrong about that.
He continued, “I think Rowan is the only guy you dated that I actually like.” Well, that was a way to sober up the nice mood she just got in. Aelin glared at her cousin. Knowing what she was about to say, Aedion rolled his eyes and held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, you two never dated. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” A pause. “I promise I’ll drop this, but I’m curious. Is there anything wrong with soccer practice, or you’re just picking a fight?”
“I don’t pick fights for no reason.”
Aedion raised an eyebrow. She frowned at him.
She did not. All of her fights with Rowan were absolutely unavoidable.
Aelin shrugged. “Soccer’s lame.”
“Stop lying.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re not crazy about it, but you like soccer.”
Aelin wanted to punch that know-it-all expression out of his face.
He didn’t move, waiting for her answer.
She squinted her eyes at him.
He looked absolutely unimpressed, keeping eye contact until he won that battle of wills.
“Fine,” Aelin grumbled as she roller her eyes and sagged in her seat.
“I’m too cool to be a soccer mom.”
Aedion barked a laugh, head tilted up before he looked her in the eye again. “You’re joking, right?”
“I’m really not. Have you seen those soccer mom tiktoks?” This wasn’t nearly as funny as her cousin thought.
“You’re okay with putting your body through excruciating pain and cleaning explosive diarrhea, but you draw the line at becoming a soccer mom?”
He guffawed again, now drawing the attention of the people from the surrounding tables. Aelin just sat there, trying not to smile at her cousin’s dramatic reaction and waiting for him to come back.
Her grin widened when the waitress came with their lunch before she got hangry. Aedion could be absolutely insufferable sometimes, but he deserved good company.
Aelin cleared her throat. “Did you buy a new washing machine?”
His broke down this week, and Philippa kept complaining about Aedion’s lack of laundry skills over and over after the one time he washed his clothes at Orlon’s, two days ago.
“Nope, I’m trying to fix it again tomorrow.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Like when you ‘fixed’ your ceiling fan and now it only works with the lights on?”
He stuffed his mouth with food and refused to answer.
Aelin continued, “You need to stop finding random things in your house to fix and find another boyfriend. Or girlfriend, whatever. You’re pathetic when you’re single.”
“YoU’rE pATHeThIc wHeN yOu’RE sinGLe,” Aedion mimicked with a high-pitched voice.
She rolled her eyes and set an alarm for when her lunchtime would need to end. It might be an Ashryver thing, but it was really easy to lose track of time when she had so many things to bicker about with her cousin.
The floor was so shiny Aelin could barely believe most of the people inside this building were kids.
It better be, she thought when she remembered the price tag that came with it. Maisie better go straight to college after finishing preschool, because it was really hard to believe Aelin and Rowan were paying that much for their kid to learn letters and count to 20.
She took a deep breath. Aelin would pay as much as she could if it meant her daughter wouldn’t be yelled at. This was better than the Air Force school, even if was a much longer drive from home.
After last week’s incident, Uncle Orlon told them to file a formal complaint and let him deal with the rest. By the look on his face, Lieutenant Valg would not go unpunished, and this was enough. Aelin couldn’t do anything more without facing consequences because of her rank, so now she wanted to focus on the present. Which now meant Maisie’s teacher, that she was about to meet.
She heard hurried footsteps on one side of the hall and thanked Mala it was Rowan.
He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not too late, am I?”
Her eyes zeroed on what he was wearing, though.
“Seriously? You didn’t even change out of the uniform?”
“I don’t have a whole team of co-workers ready to cover for me,” Rowan sneered.
Yes, he did. He swapped schedules with Fenrys all the time.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “It’s not like your job is hard.”
“Excuse me?” He snarled.
“And you don’t even do it well! There’s so many ways to torture a eighteen-year-old, and you choose push-ups? Seriously?”
They heard a loud throat clearing and whipped towards the sound. It was a brunette holding a binder, wearing a long dress and sneakers.
“You’re Maisie’s parents, right?” She shook both of their hands. “I’m Borte Arcas, her teacher.”
It was like Aelin’s whole face was lighting on fire. Of all the ways this introduction could’ve gone, being caught mid-fight was not one she hoped for.
They didn’t get the chance to properly meet the teacher the day they enrolled Maisie here, this Monday, because her daughter was only supposed to get to know the school. But when Mais saw her cousin through the class’ window, she walked in without asking and decided she was staying. Just like that. Later that day, the teacher sent an email introducing herself, leaving her phone number if they needed anything, and inviting both of them to meet on Friday, after she got to know Maisie a little better.
And there they were, sitting side by side in a large office while Ms. Arcas turned the AC on in front of them.
“Do you need anything?” She asked. “Water, coffee, cappuccino…”
“A cappuccino would be great.” Aelin gave her a small smile.
The teacher turned to Rowan. “You?”
“Just water, thanks.”
After everything was settled, Ms. Arcas spent some time getting to know them before discussing Maisie. She was getting more comfortable with the class each day, loved story time, took part in group games. It was good for the ego, hearing the teacher talk about her daughter this way. Not that Aelin didn’t know already that her daughter is awesome, but her chest was bursting with pride right now.
Mais was only a little behind on reading compared to her classmates, but Ms. Arcas said this isn’t a big concern yet because every kid has their own timing.
She closed the binder with Maisie’s info. “There’s only two more things I wanted to discuss...” she bit her lip. “This week, during one activity, Maisie said that her favorite drink is wine.”
“What?” Aelin blurted, feeling her cheeks redden and Rowan’s shocked gaze on her. “It’s not! It’s…” one deep, long breath followed by a nervous smile. She was going to kill her daughter.
“Sometimes Maisie sees me drinking wine. Not every day, and not too much, really. Just a glass.” She grimaced. “Maybe two. Anyway.”
Aelin scratched the back of her head, wondering if she was digging a hole for herself. She didn’t care about what people thought of her wine habits, but wanted to make a good impression on Maisie’s teacher.
She continued, “Sometimes she asks to drink too, it ends with huge meltdown, so one day I gave her grape juice and told her it’s wine. She loves it. We sip together.”
Rowan’s head whipped towards her, eyes wide. “You lie to her?”
“You give her fruit and tell it’s dessert,” Aelin argued.
The teacher cleared her throat again. Loudly.
“Sorry,” they mumbled under their breaths.
Ms. Arcas looked at her watch. “I just need her to not influence other kids to drink ‘wine’. The last thing I wanted to talk about before we wrap this up…” she took some sheets of paper from the binder and spread them on the desk between them.
“Maisie seems pretty fond of drawing.”
“Especially on my walls,” Rowan said between a small smile. 
The teacher nodded. “Have you tried to analyze them?”
Aelin frowned. “We do that thing where we comment on them so she feels seen.”
“That’s really good.” Ms. Arcas nodded, brows furrowed. “But some drawing of her really brought to my attention—”
“Is this her riding a dog?” Aelin took one sheet of paper from the table to examine it closer.
Rowan scooted closer, frowning. “I think it’s a unicorn. Look at the horn.”
Aelin sighed affectionately, heart warming just to see her daughter’s drawing. “She does have an artist’s soul, doesn’t she?”
Rowan smiled. “She’s a little Picasso.”
Ms. Arcas watched their interruption with a polite smile before continuing, “You know, kids draw about what they see, so sometimes the drawings tell us a lot about what’s going on inside their heads. So I brought these she made this week…” the teacher reorganized the drawings, placing most of them back in a pile and putting another few in evidence.
“These are…” Aelin tilted her head. The sticky figures looked a bit scary in them, but she couldn’t quite place what was wrong with them.
“Every time Maisie draws you two together, you seem angry. This one, for example,” Ms. Arcas explained while showing them, “You both have your mouths open, hands up. And do you see how big you two look? You’re taking most of the page, while Maisie herself looks very tiny here in the corner.” 
Aelin felt like time stopped, her entire world freezing and narrowing down to that drawing.
It couldn’t be.
Maisie knew that she and Rowan weren’t friends, but she wouldn’t have picked up that much, right?
“As you can see, this hostile environment is a recurrent theme. I talked about it with Maisie, though is not uncommon to see kids drawing such things,“ the teacher went on, “But I think this might be a reason to that delay in her reading skills we talked about.”
“You told us it’s normal,” Aelin insisted, defeated yet defensive.
“It is for some kids, but it also could be related,” she softly explained.
“So, you mean…” Rowan looked down, furrowing. He rubbed his likely sweaty hands against the front of his pants before looking back at the teacher. “I’m not sure I’m following.”
She gave him a weak smile before confirming, “I’m just letting you know that Maisie is aware of your hostility towards each other, and it may be affecting her performance at school.”
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luminousstardust · 1 year
Constellations for each member of Bells Hells!
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As I started making my level 10 Imogen dress, I wanted to have the constellations I painted on there to have meaning. While looking up some constellations and the mythos behind them, I realized that a lot of them actually related to a lot of the members of Bells Hells, and wanted to have them all represented on her dress!! Along with a couple key NPCs.
So, here’s the list:
Imogen - Andromeda
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This was the first constellation I added to the dress!! According to my friend who is very into astronomy, Andromeda’s mother bragged about her beauty, angering the greek gods and causing Andromeda herself to nearly be sacrificed for her mother’s mistakes. I feel like this ties into Imogen’s life very neatly, as Liliana’s involvement with Ruidus and the Ruby Vangaurd have definitely had a more negative impact on her life so far. And, speaking of Liliana…
Liliana Temult - Cassiopeia
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Liliana is the only true NPC to be featured on Imogen’s dress, because the comparison of Andromeda and Cassiopeia to Imogen and Liliana was too good to pass up on! I also have Liliana’s constellation on one side of the dress and Imogen’s on the other for optimum heartbreak…💔
Laudna - Ophiuchus
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Speaking of placement… Ophiuchus as Laudna is right next to the Andromeda constellation on the dress 💜🖤. Ophiuchus is a greek healer often associated with bringing people back from the dead, which Laudna has done twice now. He’s also associated with snakes, which is a fun little nod to Laudna’s snake ring.
Fearne - Capricornus
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Fearne being placed next to Imogen and Laudna is also intentional - I could not separate the witchy bitches!!! Capricornus represents, just like Fearne, a horned half-goat. I chose this one not only because it matches Fearne’s physical satyr presentation, but because her Fae nature is so key to her character and her relationship with the world around her.
Orym - Scutum
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And right next to Fearne is her bestie, Orym!! While Scutum doesn’t have much mythos attached to it like the other constellations, it’s name means shield in Latin, which is just SO Orym. Not only is his own sheild very important to him, but Orym often utilizes his battle maneuvers in fights to protect other members of the party, so he is kind of like a sheild himself.
Dorian - Lyra
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OF COURSE I had to include Dorian!! And put him right next to his sending stone buddy. Lyra was an obvious choice for Bells Hells’ bard, since the constellation represents Orpheus’ lyre. But I also chose this with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in mind, because Dorian’s separation and inability to “see” the rest of Bells Hells at the moment hurts me sooooo much. Hoping for a reunion eventually!!!!
Chetney - Caelum
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Seeing the Caelum constellation, which translates to “the chisel,” is actually what inspired me to pair constellations to characters in the first place. A chisel constellation was MADE for Chetney!! Not only do I love love love the idea of a carver using their tools as weapons, but I absolutely ADORE that Chetney uses those same tools to make little personalized wooden crafts for his friends. He cares more than his grumpy old persona lets on!!!!
Ashton - Hercules
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This one feels as though it may be a bit on the nose, but as the tank of the party I chose Hercules for Ashton. I feel like Hercules as a very strong mythical character represents all of Ashton’s strength - the physical, the internal, and the mental. Not only are they an incredible fighter, but having to deal with their chronic pain and emotional anguish requires a great deal of strength. Not to mention what team Issylra have been going through recently, and how he’s done his best to be, for lack of a better term, a rock for his friends.
F.C.G. - Libra
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The Libra constellation represents a scale, a form of balance, which is why I chose it for F.C.G. With his healing abilities and love of emotional counseling, F.C.G. brings a unique balance to a party of heavy hitters who don’t necessarily love talking about their emotions. Also, their newfound religion promises to bring a new perspective to the party amidst their moral conundrum with the gods, which I’m excited to watch play out.
Bertrand Bell - Corvus
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Last but certainly not least, the man who inspired the name of the Bells Hells himself! Corvus, the constellation representing crows and ravens, was an obvious choice for Bretrand. Not only was taken by the Raven Queen himself, but his girlfriend, Lieve'tel, was a cleric of the Raven Queen, so he feels intrinsically tied to the Matron. And as morbid as it was, Bertrand's death really set the Bells Hells off on the chain of events that has spiraled into the story we know today.
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…And that’s it! I may add more constellations in the future (I have a few in mind for some of the guests, but I don’t want it to get too cluttered), but we’ll see! I’ll definitely post more when I finish Imogen’s whole level 10 outfit as well. Thanks for reading!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I know the unpopular opinions meme finished ages ago, but id love to hear yours on Chetney, especially given the uthodurn arc. I suppose for more specific direction since thats quite a broad ask, what would you say is the fandom interpretation of Chetney’s character, and how does your opinion/interpretation of him differ and why?
Absolutely - and questions like this one are always welcome!
I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by the fandom response to Chetney this week, which was by and large positive. But with that in mind I think that honestly, it's hard to pin down a definitive fandom interpretation of Chetney's character! Some of this is probably the circles in which I engage and what people put in the main tag, but I think at this point people who felt he was comic relief or a shallow joke or "just couldn't get him!" have either quietly adjusted their expectations or have left the fandom, or have always been people only watching for one character and ignored him from the start.
So I think the thing that differs in my opinion, to be honest, is just that like....I've never reduced him to mere comic relief? Like, he's an extremely funny and ridiculous character, but he showed a great deal of emotional depth from early on; if you didn't pick that up from his rapid turnaround on Dorian it's pretty much impossible to miss in his quiet conversation in the Heartmoor or the way he takes FCG's also ridiculous backstory about Shithead completely in earnest. These two things, as I've mentioned many a time before, are not in conflict! I think Chetney definitely skews far more comedic than, say, Fjord; or obviously more so than other Bells Hells party members Imogen; but like, comedy, tragedy, and horror are all connected by the same tissue, separated only by timing, perspective, and expectation. We know Travis can do a ridiculous character with heavy plot beats as we've seen with Grog; we also know that sometimes the funniest jokes come from more serious characters (again, I think an underrated moment of hilarity in C2 was Caleb's early "you look like a nerd").
It's very narrow and not terribly smart to box characters into a tiny contained archetype with no room to spread out, and Travis is particularly good among the cast at creating characters who defy those boxes. Chetney is an old weirdo with a high voice who says truly preposterous things; he is also someone whose life took an unexpectedly sharp slide downward following an impulsive decision, and who then, improbably, found that what many would consider rock bottom was in fact one of the greatest things that ever happened to him. He's incredibly passionate about what he loves, and vocal about what he dislikes, and deceptively insightful, and has a strong sense of justice and a remarkably good sense of how far he can push people with his over-the-top bravado without wearing out his welcome. He's even (heavily implied to be) bisexual.
I also think, and here's where "oh shit we need to catch up on the entire campaign on the Bells Hells page on the wiki" is really benefiting me, people underestimate how quietly instrumental Chetney is in many of Bells Hells decisions. He was not just the person to clock Dusk, but also the person to broker the compromise; he served as one of the more levelheaded party members following the disastrous fight with Otohan; he's consistently been the one to ask Imogen to actually consider her relationship with her powers; he was the one who convinced Delilah that she needed them leading Delilah to give Laudna a moment; and it was ultimately his idea to fly the skyship into the key. As of this level, he literally is the brains of the operation, with a +3 INT modifier to Orym, Ashton, and Laudna's +1 (and Imogen's +0 and Fearne and FCG's -1's). He has an overblown public sense of pride, but is remarkably willing to set his ego aside when he is not the focus. And for all he loves being a werewolf, he also does take responsibility for the harm he has done without wallowing in guilt. (Not that exploring guilt isn't valid as well, but I think Chet's approach is an admirable trait).
To be honest I think anyone who's not on board with Chet is uncomfortable with those final notes. Either they're one of the stragglers still on their "but Grog had a 6 INT and despite having five entire years to get over this during which Travis has consistently played characters with at least a +2 to INT, I shall not change my perception" bullshit, or, more realistically, are uncomfortable with the fact that Chetney (and, on a meta level, Travis as a player) both without hesitation will take the lead when appropriate or needed, but also will step aside when the narrative is not about him with absolutely no ego or resentment. I think that last bit really throws people off, especially people of the 'if the show cannot be interpreted as secretly centering my blorbo at all times I'm going to go into my tantrum hole' persuasion.
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delicatefade · 8 months
I finished 'the sky sang out your name to me' and MAKER WHAT HAPPENS NEXT???! What happens to Eilan in Solas' bold new world?! If you ever do write a part 3 please let me know I am so curious to follow her story it was fabulous and heartbreaking!
Ahhh!!! Thank you for this comment and the one on AO3. I do have the next part in draft at 65k! It's happening. It's just a much more complicated fic than the first. Multiple POVs, parallel subplots, some that intersect and thus timing is key. Lots more world building too! I zoom out from just Eilan and her POV to see Thedas writ large. What is happening across the map? How are our faves doing? POV characters are Eilan, Solas, Varric, Dorian, Josephine, Sera. A big part of the sequel's arc is Eilan going from thrashing against the horrors of the post-Veil roil to accepting her place alongside the power center in Thedas, even as Solas does his usual "who, me? no i don't want power, i'm just some guy" and yet of course can't help but wield his power because he has it, knows he is right, someone must act, etc. Classic Solas! Oh! One thing I like about them as a couple in the sequel is that Solas actually becomes a better partner! Once he's less myopic on the Veil and more grateful to her, he can actually listen to her complaints and adjusts and likes himself better as a person, so that's cute. But of course it leads them down dangerous roads because again they become so self-absorbed in their relationship. They just keep saying "you're the best" to each other while ignoring all the terrible turns the other takes. Josephine, Varric, Dorian and Sera all take dark turns as their world is ended and they are embittered. Mwhahahaha. I have had SOOOO much fun world-building and writing politics in Tevinter. A lot of that is done. If you really REALLY want to know what happens next in greater detail and don't mind spoilers, I can share in DMs. I do want to finish it but I got Lexlan on the brain. I think you might also really like Lexlan cause, I think, if I am picking up on things correctly, you like this obsessive love. It happens with Lexlan too but manifests in a totally different, fresh, and youthful way. Also that story is just starting and we got some fans on the train so we can all scream together.
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gayest-classiclit · 9 months
Classic Literature Sexyperson Tournament; Round 1
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I hate that damn book. It's rather short but it's terrible to read if you can't stand ingenues. Sadly, my teachers liked imagination and I had to study it three times in four years at school. It doesn't get more interesting in time, and you don't understand the titles and relationships better. The heroine is so pure of heart you're considering murdering her by page 10. Anyway, that was my vent against the book, which at least has the merit of being one of the first (the first ?) known French modern (the 17th century) novel -and was written by a woman, well known in her era's intellectual circles. Um. What was I saying ? Oh yes, the book's not all bad. It has exactly one highlight : the dashing and highly immoral womanizer known as Nemours. Our boring, sickeningly perfect and freshly married -to a man who loves her, isn't especially good looking but is good with her and not old- young heroine who has seen nothing of the world falls in love with the seductor. It shakes her deeply but she's well bred - it's not like she's going to do anything about it : she's a married woman. Nemours is quite amused and makes advances about every 5 pages but eventually falls for her -I mean, who wouldn't fall for that much goodness ? *eyeroll* Eventually, the Princess' husband dies because she doesn't love him -poor darling- and begs her not to marry Nemours on his deathbed. I'm not spoiling the rest because I get more and more annoyed as I vent about the rest of the book. Anyway, Nemours a good counterpart to the protag's naive ways and rakes are always interesting in books
Dorian and Basil:
(for Dorian) It’s Dorian Gray
(also for Dorian) Kinda makes a pact with the devil to stay pretty forever
(again, for Dorian) He deserves it bc it’d be the funniest thing ever given everything he’s done
(for Basil) basil is beautiful, eternally youthful, artistic, and dramatic. he’s the definition of a disaster gay (he literally murders his love interest because he’s deranged and morally complex and that’s so real of him) and he basks in the glory of all the finer things in life. he’s captivating to read about and his corruption arc is soooo sexy.
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crackinglamb · 10 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @theluckywizard, thank you! 💕
Tagging...anyone who's writing something these days. Yes, I mean you.
I'm supposed to be resting (lol). I've been sick, and I've gotten three major fics all finished in a ridiculously short amount of time. But the Muse has been on fire lately, so of course, I've been heeding her wishes. ItC may be closing out, but the next fic in the series is only halfway done. Have a bit of it.
The Ben-Hassrath camp was cleverly hidden in the undergrowth. The canvas tarp blended in with the trees and she nearly didn’t see it. But Bull had sauntered up as if he knew right where every pair of watching eyes was and she forced herself to relax. This was a meeting, not an ambush.
“All right,” he said. “Our Qunari contact should be here to meet us.”
“He is,” a voice said from behind a copse of trees. The small elf walked out, head tilted and hands open. “Good to see you, Hissrad.”
“Gatt!” Bull exclaimed. “Last I heard you were still in Seheron.”
“They finally decided I’d calmed down enough to go back out into the world.”
Bull turned to her, his expression jovial despite the cautious gleam in his eye. “Boss, this is Gatt.”
She blinked at him; he rarely called her that. It was a verbal cover that implied their relationship wasn’t known to the Qun. Not that she actually expected that to be true. She nodded to the elf politely.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Inquisitor. Hissrad’s reports say you’re doing good work.”
“I’m glad he says nice things about me in his secret spy letters,” she said lightly.
“He does...but they’re not really secret, are they?” Gatt’s tone was tinged with something almost like censure. For her or him? She remembered belatedly that she could have questioned ‘Hissrad’ and had a whole thing about them explaining what it meant. It hadn’t occurred to her since she already knew. She wondered if Gatt was suspicious now because of that. He was Ben-Hassrath in his own right, and she shouldn’t underestimate his powers of observation.
“Look, Gatt…” Bull started. Gatt waved him off.
“Relax. Unlike our superiors, I know how it works out here. We’re in this together. The Tevinter Imperium is bad enough without the influence of this Venatori cult.”
“Yes,” Dorian drawled. “Filthy, decadent brutes, the lot of them. I’m certain life would be much better for all of us under the Qun.”
“It was for me, after the Qunari rescued me from slavery in Tevinter. I was eight. The Qun isn’t perfect, but it gave me a better life.”
“Yes, one free from all that pointless free will and independent thought. Such an improvement.”
“Gentlemen, it’s already raining. We don’t need to add a pissing contest to the mix. Back to business, if you please.”
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