#actually been a while since i rolled a run with a mantis starting deck
skull-storm-daily · 2 years
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5/28/2022 (mantis deck)
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Who's Tougher Part 3
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Thor & Loki
Summary: If you were expecting anything the day after the Guardians find out you're a Nephilim, it wasn't for Thor and Loki to decide to "pop-in" for a visit. Too bad Yondu won't let you hide.
Author’s Note: Part 1 here. Part 2 here.
Word Count: 1,873
You were on the lower deck helping Yondu and Kraglin sort out the best course for an upcoming job. They hadn't brought up anything from the night before and you were grateful for that. You could feel the others staring at you all morning, and so you jumped at the chance to join the two men below deck to work.
Like, you got it. You really did. It would be odd to find out one of your friends had been hiding that they had certain powers or extra abilities, but it was nice to be with a couple of people who at least pretended they didn't give a crap about finding out you weren't actually Terran.
And for the most part, it was true. Yondu and Kraglin didn't care if you weren't Terran. They had raised Peter knowing he was half-celestial for 24 years. You being a Nephilim probably wasn't much different, and the fact that you admitted you didn't use your powers because you couldn't control them pretty much put you in the same boat as Peter, far as they were concerned. It also didn't look like you were gonna start wanting special treatment, if anything it was obvious you would abhor anything like that happening, so yeah, they didn't really care as long as you continued pulling your weight. Far as they were concerned, nothing had changed.
You had opened your mouth to ask Yondu a question when you heard an all-too-familiar voice booming out a happy greeting from the floor above you, followed by Mantis's bubbly excited cry of "Peter! Thor came to visit! And he brought a friend!"
You eyes went wide and you paled, dropping your pen and whatever else you were doing in an instant. "Oh no- Oh fuck-"
"What?" Yondu asked, looking at you strangely. He of course had heard it too, but he wasn't really expecting the look of fear that was in your eyes. Yeah, you had looked awful nervous when Rocket had called the "Thunder Man," but now that almost looked like genuine horror in your eyes. He wondered if he should be worried or amused, and from the look on Kraglin's face, he did too.
"I've got to get out of here." you say, starting to back away while still looking at the ceiling.
"No ya don't," said Kraglin, grabbing your arm and pulling you back. He realized this was likely the perfect time to find out why you were so nervous when Rocket called Thor last night. "Not until you at least tell us what's got ya so scared of Thor and his brother."
You looked at Yondu pleadingly, but he only nodded in agreement with Kraglin.
"Can we maybe do this later?" you plead, your urgency to hide becoming ever more apparent when a voice, softer than Thor's, could be heard asking one of the others upstairs if you were around.
Yondu almost laughed. He hadn't seen you like this before, but whatever had gotten your pants in a twist was clearly the fault of whoever was upstairs. "Nah, I wanna hear what's got you all riled up. This fella an ex-boyfriend of yers or somethin'?"
You make a face at him. "No!"
"Then what? Spill it, otherwise I might just be tempted to call them down here myself." Yondu chuckled.
You glare back at him. "You wouldn't dare."
"He really would, trust me." Kraglin warned, grinning.
"Ugh, fine!" you relented. "When we were younger, there was this prank that sorta went wrong..."
"Go on," Yondu prodded, intrigued.
"And well, you see, I didn't mean for it to happen, but I might have sorta accidentally made Loki lose his hair. Like all of it. Not just on his his head, everywhere. Eyebrows, everything. I heard it took months to start growing back in fully..." you nervously fidgeted, "and I imagine he's probably still real sore about that."
Yondu laughed. "That's all? If that happened when ya'll were kids I doubt he even remembers. I don't see what yer worried about." Sure, maybe it was because Yondu never had much hair himself save for his beard, but he didn't really see what the big deal was.
"You clearly don't know him then," you say, "so if you'll excuse me I'm going to go hide."
Yondu scoffed. "Last I checked we don't hide from our problems like scared babies. How can ya expect to call yerself a guardian of the galaxy if you're gonna run and hide like a scared little orloni? Ya gotta face up to yer fears, not run from them."
You tried to reason with him. "No- you don't understand-"
"I understand plenty enough. Yer gonna march up there and face yer fears like an adult."
"You really don't understand," you pleaded, "I'd have a better chance with the airlock. I can't!"
Yondu rolled his eyes, "Yes ya can. Come on." he then collared you and began to march you towards the stairs. Kraglin followed, fighting not to giggle at the sight.
"No- wait- Yondu- please! Come on!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears the entire way up the stairs until you reached the landing and Yondu turned you to face him.
"Look here. Either ya can straighten up and face this fella, or you can embarrass yourself by continuing to act like a scared little kid, what's it gonna be?"
You look at him pitifully and say, "I really hate you right now."
He only grinned and said, "I know it," before ushering you forward towards the sounds of the voices, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
When you neared the doorway of the room the others were in Yondu felt you start to resist again, but he just pushed you on without a word, chuckling to himself and throwing an amused look at Kraglin, who was grinning wide. All too soon the three of you were standing in the doorway, staring at the rest of the team as they caught up with Thor.
You forced a small smile when Mantis looked over and happily announced your arrival, prompting Thor to turn towards you with a big smile and begin to approach you, calling your name and opening his arms for a hug.
Yondu gave you a not-completely-gentle push when Thor got close enough and you collided the the tall man as he embraced you. You returned the hug, tentatively at first, but then fully. If you were honest with yourself, you had missed him too, and it was nice to be hugged by your old friend.
After a moment or two he pulled away so he could look at you. "It's been so long! No wonder I didn't recognize you!" He chuckled, adding, "I guess 800 years will do that though, I'm sure I also look very different, so it's no wonder you didn't recognize me as well."
Well, that saved your ass in one regard, at least he wouldn't be hurt by (rightfully) thinking you'd been avoiding him and Loki.
"I'm sorry, did you just say 800 years?" Peter interjected.
You gave a sheepish look to your team, who all had wide, surprised eyes. There were several open mouths about the bunch. You were sure if you turned around to look Yondu and Kraglin might have matched their expressions.
Thor looked between you and the rest of the gang before looking back at you with a chuckle, "Didn't tell them?"
You shrugged, still looking sheepish. "Do you think they'd have believed me?" you say with a slight chuckle, throwing a nervous look at Peter and Gamora who still looked like they were processing this new information.
Thor grinned. "I guess not." He then stepped aside, beckoning Loki to say hi to his old friend, cooing about how much you had changed since they'd seen you last.
It wasn't until then that you had gotten a good look at Loki, as Thor's larger frame had obscured him before. He didn't approach to crush you in a hug like Thor, instead staying where he was and offering a little wave as he grinned. You grin nervously and offer a wave in return. You could feel a heat rising in your cheeks.
Of course he would have grown up pretty. His hair certainly came back nicely.
You try to shake the thought from your mind as you turn to Thor and ask, "So, um, what brings you guys here?"
To your surprise, Thor put his arm around your shoulder and walked you closer to where everyone else was at. "Well, Rabbit's call lost signal before I could find Loki," He released you and you turned back to the doorway to see that while Yondu and Kraglin had also stepped further into the room, they remained close to the door, grinning. They were blocking the door so you couldn't run away, the bastards. Thor continued, "so Loki suggested we just pop-by for a visit instead." Thor answered with a grin.
Your head snapped back toward the group. So it was Loki's idea? Oh no.
Loki's grin seemed to get wider. "Yes, I thought it'd be fun to catch up with an old friend. I can't for the life of me remember why we lost touch. Do you?" His eyes seemed to sparkle with glee, and you were certain you weren't imagining it.
You swallowed, forcing a smile. He absolutely remembered. Crap. "Um, no. I have no idea either..." you lied, praying that no one else noticed the blush in your cheeks. "I guess things just... happen."
"Would you guys like to stay for supper?" Gamora offered, and Peter gave her a look. Peter and Thor had only just barely gotten past their dick-measuring contest the last time he was here, and his ego was still a little bruised. Gamora caught his look and clarified, "That way everyone can catch up more? Drax will be making stew."
Stay for supper? Oh no. It was only just after lunch, they'd be here for hours if they stayed for supper. Gamora, why?? Well, it was just an offer, they may decline...
Thor and Loki exchanged looks each meant to ask if the other cared before shrugging and Thor answering that they'd love to stay for supper.
Yondu spoke up. "Hell, why not stay a couple days!" Peter shot him a look as well before he caught Yondu's wink. "After all, you three must have a lot of catchin' up to do if it's been 800 years since ya'll seen each other last."
You throw a pleading glare at the Centaurian and Thor speaks up, "Oh, we could never impose like that-"
You quietly sighed. Thank goodness.
"Nonsense, boy!" Yondu says, approaching to put his arms around you and Thor's shoulders. "We're happy to have the company. Right, Quill?"
Aw, hell, Yondu! Seriously!? You wanted to kill him.
To your dismay Peter had read the room and now sported a smile. "Yeah. Stay a couple days, I insist."
Your nostrils flared. These fuckers were working against you. However, your blood ran cold when you heard Loki's smooth voice say, "Well, brother, they did insist," and then heard Thor finally agree to staying.
Loki met your eyes, grinning wide.
You were so dead.
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sherrybaby14 · 5 years
A Game of Pleasure
(Anon who sent ask about submitting the (Dub/Non-con, Marvel/GOTG xFemale Reader story. [insert obligatory apology for crappy title] I hope you like it!)
Summary:  The Guardians invent a new game centered around a discovery about female!reader.
Warnings:  NSFW, Non-con / Dub-con, Gang-up, Smut, 
It’s a drunken night of fun on the Guardian’s ship. Somehow the conversation turns sexual. Pretty much everyone else but you is fairly open about sex. Where the others would randomly announce being horny as if they were merely stating that their back itched, you would blush and keep it to yourself, despite the fact that you were horny a lot. You can’t help it after all. Yondu is pretty hot, and the other guys weren’t too bad looking either. Neither was Gamora for that matter.
It’s unclear how it got started, but somehow the conversation got turned to what others liked in bed. You try to look absently out the window and ignore them, but the conversation the others are having is hot, and it’s making you horny picturing yourself in those situations.
Normally this would be no issue. You would just wait for the conversation to be over, then when everyone decided it was time for bed you would just make your way to your quarters and quietly take care of your need.
However, tonight would be different. Rocket can apparently smell your arousal, and of course he makes a comment, asking you why you aren’t joining the conversation, since it’s clearly turning you on. He does this just to embarrass you, since it’s kinda clear that you’re shy about this stuff.
“What? Shut up.” you say, blushing. 
Drax rolls his eyes. “Man, you Earthers really have hangups.”
You blush harder and turn to face the window again. Damn raccoon. Why couldn’t he just leave you to be horny in peace without embarrassing you!?
“Aw, c’mon sweetheart.” Yondu laughs, approaching you. “It’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about.” 
You are suddenly surprised by Yondu pulling you into his lap. “Hey!” you cry out in protest. 
“What?” he laughs, slipping a hand into your pants. “I’m just helping ya take care of your little problem. Oh- a bigger problem than we thought boys! She’s wet as hell!”
You try protesting again, but he pressed on your clit, making your protest mix with a strangled moan. 
“No- Ahh… wait… hnngg! Ah god, mmm- d-don’t!” You try to scold, but you couldn’t deny the pleasure building in your core and making you squirm against his hand.
Mantis, confused by your reaction places a hand on your forearm, hoping she can better understand if she can feel your emotions. “Oh! Its the strangest thing! She’s embarrassed, but she’s also experiencing so much pleasure!”
“S-shut it, Mantis.” You feel your cheeks burn. Your hips rock of their own accord as Yondu continues rubbing your clit. Moments later you can hear Yondu laughing as your moans indicate that you are climaxing.
Mantis only now lets go of your arm. “That was very interesting. She must have needed that very badly, all I can sense now is relief.”
“She came really fast too, captain.” Kraglin laughed.
Yondu finally releases you and you try to straighten yourself up before you storm off, telling the others they were dicks as you did so.
That night sparked almost a new game with the team, and you weren’t sure if you loved it or hated it.
Obviously, the team saw how fast you came, and decided to settle if Yondu really deserved the right to brag for being “that good,” or if it was really what Peter suggested; that you must always just cum that easy.
You were simply minding your own business, walking into the flight deck when you were suddenly caught off guard by Gamora.
She walked up to you, said hi, then immediately started rubbing you through the thin material of your pants.
“Gamora! Ahh! Ohh! What the hell- ohhhhh!” you started and were cut off by your own moans. Your legs shook and you attempted to push her away, more forcefully at first but soon halfheartedly as you started to feel your coil tightening. “Gamora! What the fuck- ooh… oh God! Oh fuck!” Your orgasm hit like a ton of bricks and you slumped back against the wall as she pulled her hand away.
“Damn,” you heard Yondu say in disappointment.
“Looks like Peter was right,” said Drax, “she climaxes very easy.”
“This could be fun,” Yondu grinned, pushing his disappointment away that you actually didn’t cum that fast because he was just “that good.”
It seemed that the rest of the team thought this as well. After this hypothesis was confirmed, the others thought it would be funny to just see who could make you cum at the most random times. You thought they might have been keeping score.
Due to this new “game,” you came so many times you lost count, and were edged more than that, again, mostly for their own amusement. Apparently you get “adorably pouty” when your orgasm is denied, and of course you’re too shy to request they finish, so you’re basically out of luck until you can find some private time, which you didn’t have much of.
You’d walk out of breakfast and be quickly surprised by Kraglin grabbing you and rapidly flicking your bean and making you cum in nothing flat. After you’d cooled down Yondu would usually find you in the hall, followed by Peter and Gamora, all of which would edge you in succession, sometimes allowing you to cum, sometimes leaving you frustrated and desperate to where Drax’s ambush near the control room was almost welcome. Yondu would find you the most often, always liking to make a show out of it. The quiver of your knees, the buck of your hips, how you’d always start to protest before your impending orgasm betrayed you and you’d fight not to moan.
Again, you weren’t sure if you loved or hated this new game. On one hand, it took care of your “horny all the time” problem. On the other hand, however, it was humiliating to be forced to cum for the others’ amusement, not to mention how the others would laugh about your “adorable blush” or the “cute” way your knees quivered when you were held or left on an edge, which was frustrating but you couldn’t deny how amazing it felt.
One night, much like the night that started all this, the team was having a night of fun and drinks. Of course it didn’t take long before Yondu yanked you into his lap so he could play with you. Of course you protested like always, but this time it was only halfheartedly. The last eight times you had been “gotten” you had only been edged, so now you were dying to finally have release.
Yondu noted with a grin how you didn’t seem to be fighting it as much this time as he slipped his hand into your panties and began circling your clit. He also noted how you had more trouble biting back your moans this time and he grinned at Kraglin as your hips started to jerk, indicating you were getting close. The blue man briefly considered stopping before you could cum and leaving you on the edge, but decided to have mercy instead, believing you must have needed to cum really bad since you were being more receptive this time.
You tipped into your orgasm and bucked against his hand, but you were so desperate that you didn’t stop once you had finished, needing so much more. You could hear Yondu laughing as he realized and he began to rub faster, surprised, but willing to give you what you wanted. You came again and Yondu pulled his hand away and you whimpered slightly in response, still needing so much more even after that.
You caught your breath and finally looked up to see the surprised yet amused looks on your team’s faces. It finally hit you what you had just done. Not only had you not protested as usual, you had actually ridden his hand in desperation to cum. Your face began to turn a shade a scarlet and you made a move to get up, but Yondu gripped your hips and pulled you back down.
“Now, now, there, Lil’ lady.” he chuckled. “There’s no need to be embarrassed. There’s no shame in needin’ to cum.”
“Hey, boss, why don’t we see just how long she can go this time?” Kraglin suggested with a laugh.
“Sounds like a plan.” the Centaurian laughed, “Apparently she needs it.”
Before you could protest, though not sure you wanted to with how horny you still were, Yondu began stroking your folds and your breathing became deeper and you gave up on speech as you were overtaken with pleasure. Before long you came a third time, opening your eyes to see Gamora standing in front of you. 
“I think I’d like a turn.” she smiled, noting your blush.
“There’s an idea, we’ll all have a go,” Yondu laughed.
“I-I d-don’t know…” you tried, shifting and again failing to stand up from the blue man’s grip.
“Don’t fight it, girlie. I can tell yer dying for more. If Mantis were here she’d be able to prove it (Rocket was teaching her and Groot how to play poker a few floors up) I bet it’s been building up all week.”
Next thing you knew you were laying on the floor and your pants were being pulled off by Kraglin while Yondu held you in place and Gamora sat next to you and began gently running her finger up and down your slit, making you shiver. In embarrassment you tried to protest again but again you were shushed, this time by Gamora as she spread your lips to grant her full access to your clit, which she then began to lick ever-so-gently. Your breath hitched and your eyes rolled back. You could hear the others chuckling at your reaction. You tried but failed to suppress your purrs and moans as she lapped around your bud.
With her gentleness your edge was coming slower, just as she wanted, but in little time your climax began rounding the corner. Kraglin began massaging one of your breasts and it sent you over the cliff moaning loudly and bucking into her tongue. You felt her plunge two fingers into your entrance and begin pumping, and your body writhed and bucked in response, almost immediately throwing you into another climax. 
Gamora dismounted to allow someone else a turn and Drax took up the mantle. 
Drax began gently petting your folds at first to let you cool down a bit.
You heard Peter whispering something to Gamora but before you could make out what he said you were caught off guard by Drax rapidly rubbing your clit. You began breathing hard and fast, your head thrown back in ecstasy and you couldn’t even focus on being embarrassed anymore that Yondu and Kraglin were laughing at your reactions because you couldn’t really focus on anything besides the fact that you were already cumming again and he wasn’t stopping. You thought you might pass out.
You had cum three times in succession and were practically screaming in pleasure before he finally had mercy and let you breathe, and you had hardly noticed that Gamora had left and returned with something purple which she handed to Peter.
“My turn.” Peter said to Drax as he knelt between your legs. He was holding what appeared to be a purple ribbed dildo. 
“W-wait…” you gasp, “I-I’m not sure-”
However, Starlord didn’t feel like waiting and he inserted the device. It entered easily thanks to your wetness and be began to pump it in and out. 
This felt different. You had never had anything other than your own fingers, and now Gamora’s, inside you before. This filled you, and the ribs felt… well you weren’t sure you had words. It was like getting an incredible massage, only on the inside, but better. Much better. 
You stop protesting, and begin to purr.
“Oh, she likes that, boy.” Yondu said with amusement, noting your breathing get faster and how your legs began to quiver. 
Your hips began to buck again of their own accord and you welcomed your climax. You heard one of the others ask how many times that had been and heard someone answer back that it had been at least your ninth, but honestly you were starting to lose count. You had rather enjoyed that last one if you were honest, but honestly you weren’t sure if you could take more.
Peter allowed you to cool down for a moment and for that moment you thought they were done, but then he started pumping again. 
“Oh! Oh please!” you cry.
“What lil’ missy? Ya want more?” Kraglin laughed, reaching down to rub your clit as Peter fucked you with the dildo.
“Oh god! No! I can’t!” You trembled and bucked, it was too much, you were going to explode, you knew it.
“Ya’ll be fine, darlin,’“ Yondu laughed and began caressing your breasts. “I don’t think we need the rest of these pesky clothes in the way though…” 
The next thing you knew he was pulling your shirt off over your head, and you were now naked and utterly exposed. Yondu took this as an opportunity to pinch and rub your now bare nipples.
This added stimulation made you shriek and moan. “God! Oh my god! I-I can’t!” You saw stars and your orgasm hit you like a freight train. You shrieked as you came harder than all the rest. None of them stopped. “I can’t take anymore!” you whine, your whole body shaking.
“You know, Peter, if you hit that button on the edge, it also vibrates and tickles the g-spot.”
Before you could shout a protest Peter had already pushed the button. You threw your head back and shrieked. It was too much, but so wonderful at the same time. Even if you wanted to protest further you couldn’t manage the speech. Your body trembled and bucked as you shrieked into another orgasm. And another. And another. 
You were vaguely aware that you had squirted, maybe twice, but it was hard to focus with having had so much stimulated at once, and you could hardly register that they had finally stopped. 
You lay there utterly spent and exhausted, inches from passing out and barely aware that they were now lightly stroking you in a comforting way as your eyes closed. 
The next thing you remember is waking up naked in your bed. There was a note on your bedside table waiting for you in Yondu’s handwriting. 
“I’d be happy to have a repeat of last night anytime ya like, but jus’ a lil’ one on one with the two of us. Maybe we can beat yer record from last night. (An’ if ya don’t remember, ya got up to 13.)”
You immediately blush and throw the note away.
However, you couldn’t completely deny that the offer was tempting… not if the wetness that just gathered between your legs was any indication.
Perhaps you’d take advantage of this alone time while you thought about your decision…
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