#actually fml why am I bothering to post lmao
your-generic-art-blog · 2 months
Y’all missed me??
No? Great!
Have a shitty doodle
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Ffs when you haven’t properly drawn in like a year and also haven’t done any (genuine) traditional work in longer??? Yiiiiiikes
Anyway have this tiny thing from a concept page lol, I have no eraser so it’s even messier than usual hell yeah
Reason I’m even doing traditional is because I’ve had an ongoing awful migraine and I get nauseous looking at screens
On that note, time for me to dip
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byul-bit-arae · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
So a few days ago I got tagged by the beautiful @ramune-and-rain to do this 11 Questions Tag, so here we go!!
1. Would you rather explore the many planets in the universe or explore the wonderous depths of our oceans. Tbh I love the ocean but bc I'm not the best swimmer out there and also bc I'm kind of so inlove with astronomy I'd rather explore the universe~ 2. Can you describe your favourite colour without saying what it is and it’s shades. idk how am I supposed to do that but, I'd say it's really comfortable, a common choice for clothes, not light but totally not the darkest, some people link it to gloominess or indecisiveness 3. Your bias texts you, mistaking your number for one of their friend’s. Do you talk to them and keep up an act or do you admit the mistake? How do you do it? What happens after? Considering I know it's my bias that is messaging me? Or as in just my crush? Either ways I'd tell them they've got the wrong number, but also make sure not to make them feel embarrassed for the mistake. Try to be as kind as possible and laugh it off, if they keep on messaging me after I'd gladly chat with them but if they don't I wouldn't initiate a conversation, I tend to think of this kind of stuff as bothersome often 4. Describe your favourite feature of one of your best friends without saying what it is. Why? Omg I'm so bad at this ;_; well it's probably the feature you'd want the most in a best friend, and since they have it it makes you really comfortable when you're with them, you don't need to bluff or hide anything, it also makes them the first person to pop in your head whenever something happens. Okay so I believe I can say what it is now that I'll be saying why it's my favorite It's being able to tell them every single thing, even if it's embarrassing or your most top secret. I've literally cried my eyes out during some conversations with Nana. Whenever things get really tough or I'm just feeling uneasy or sad she'd always be there to listen to whatever blahblah I have to say and comfort me and make me feel better about myself I love her so much idk what I'd do without her she's like my personal psychologist (SHOUTOUT TO MY BABY NABI;;;;) 5. What super power would you have and how would you use it? Would you choose the path of a hero or villain? I'd like to fly/float and just get away from all the noise and chaos and fly up to somewhere peaceful and meditate this is like what I want to do every single day. I'd be a villain but not a violent rough one, more like quiet cold one 6. What are 3 things includes in your ideal type? Why? Would you accept someone without these features?
1/ height I'm 170cm and that's considered rather tall where I live so I'm often bothered by that so I'd like someone tall to make me look shorter
2/ beautiful smile One of the things I notice first about someone is their smile *cough my crush cough* I find a mischievous wide smile really charming
3/ spontaneous affection (?) I didn't know what to call this but I just mean someone whom being really gentle and loving is in their nature. Honestly I don't think I'd ever accept someone shorter than me, I can omit the smile thing bc if you like someone, their looks just grow to be perfect to you but height and gentleness are necessities for me 7. Vampires, Werewolves or witches? If you could become one, which would you choose and why? Witches!! Reason is that I'm not into neither vampires not werewolves lol and witches are cool when they cast spells 8. If you released a mini album with 4 songs, what would the song titles be? (I will fight whoever says this is Astro influenced but I gotta say it's an epic coincidence) 01. Pleiades A short dreamy-ish track that's good to listen to at night under the starlight. 02. Summer Vibes *title Actually me and my bffs were playing this game where we pick a word/theme and make a song out of it and I clearly remember the song I created with 'summer'. A happy go lucky song about having fun during summer. 03. Flower Bees are attracted to flowers, but while C is a flower, A isn't a bee, so they keep on unconsciously playing with their feelings. (credits to my bff on this) 04. Midnight Thoughts A slow sad song, where I talk about my worries and insecurities, something like Agust D's The Last. 9. Describe what you feel right now by using a metaphor without including the word to describe how you are feeling. It feels like there is a tsunami a few meters away, heading towards me, and all I got to face it is a small life vest. 10. Your bias from one group confesses to you in front of your bias from another group. They quickly confess their love. Who do you choose? They cannot be your Ult bias. Wow that's a toughie. Let's say, moonbin and hansol(Vernon).. tbh I'd hate making either of them upset, but I think I'd choose hansol??? idk if it's bc I've been a carat longer than an aroha but, through the seven years I spent in this hell of a world called kpop I figured out my type is the one that looks so cool but is actually a clumsy ass weird cinnamon roll (reasons my ult is taehyung lmao) also hansol can speak English and I'm hella comfortable with that, it's not even my first nor second language but I always find myself expressing stuff in eng, plus hansol looks more like someone I can take care of (bc this kid shouldn't be left alone at all costs omg) I believe I read somewhere that bin wants to be the one taking care of his s/o but tbh I like things the other way round im such a mom lmao. I'm not the best at explaining but I'm just trying to say I'd choose mist probably choose hansol.
11. Finally, your bias promises to on a date with you on the condition that you plan it. Plan the entire night. (Where you go, why, what you eat, what you wear, the other places you go, what you talk about, any other details etc).
Oh so it's a "night" date? I'd rather have a daytime one but here we go!! We'd first spend the evening in a carnival-like place?? You know all the cute game booths and the cute Mickey ears headbands and the cute balloons (just so much cute fite me) then we'd have dinner in a somewhat fancy place nearby (leaving all the ears and balloons in the car ofc we tryna be fancey here) then we'd move to a quieter place, like a park or something, where we enjoy the night sky and chat every now and then, and finally and bc i get easily sleepy huhu;;; we go back home and cuddle to sleep :3 My Questions: (Look I'm so bad at asking questions I literally googled half of these) 1. If you were prime minister/ruler if the world,what rules would you make? 2. What would be your super hero name? And how would your outfit look like? 3. How would you describe your ideal wedding? What would your love house look like? 4. You have a two weeks fully paid holiday to one country of your choice, which one would you choose? Why? 5. What's in your bag/purse/school bag? 6. If you could create an ice cream flavor what would it be called? What would it taste like? 7. Would you rather trade your looks for intelligence or your intelligence for looks? 8. Choose one: being a professional patissier, being a talented painter/artist, being a famous fashion designer 9. You meet your bias in your country, they are lost and ask for your help. Do you fangirl? Do you ask for a picture? Do you pretend you don't know them? What do you do? 10. You're making a love song, write down four lines from it 11. What's a plot you'd really like to write but never had motivation for
So bc I'm lonely here and I don't even know 11 tumblrs I'm just going to tag some senpais I follow fml @astrofireworks @artist-aroha @dxnghyuns @kpopangst @earlygreytae
And if you happen to run into this post you're free to answer my questions too if you want!!!
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Compilation of sucks from the world of real estate
Ok so, back before I found my true calling in the magical land of foodservice (previous posts are the one w/the dude that wanted me to whip up some bearnaise sauce, and the asshole manager who talked shit abt me behind my back because I needed help lifting heavy things after surgery) I was a receptionist for a pretty big real estate firm. That job pretty much convinced me that dealing with customers one-on-one is prooooobably not the thing I am best suited for. Welp, this got long, sorry not sorry. lol. (Question: when someone posts a tl;dr does anyone actually scroll to the end to get to the tl;dr? I don't usually bother with that but I'll start adding them to my posts if anyone requests it. But then knowing me the tl;dr would be almost as long as the post itself. 💁) I'll start with a general pet peeve: [Phone rings] Me 😺: Standard Greeting Dumbass Asshole 💩: Can you tell me how much that house is? 😿: [dying inside because this happened way too often] Well, I don't actually have any information on any of our listings, you have to speak to the realtor. 💩: But I don't want to talk to a realtor. Can't you just tell me? 😿: I'm sorry. You have to speak to the realtor to get specifics, I honestly can't help you otherwise. [They either hang up or agree to talk to the realtor] 😿: Okay, do you know the name of the realtor or the address of the house? 💩: No...it was on Fuck Me Street though. 😿: [checks the 20 page printout of listings that may or may not be up to date. dies a little more inside] Ma'am, I'm sorry but we have no listings on that street. Are you sure you don't remember at least the realtor's first or last name? 💩: No. It was across the street from Fuckity McBullshit Conglomeration. Can't you just tell me? 😿: I'm sorry, are you sure that's the right street? Is there anyway you can go back and get the agent's name and cell phone number off the sign? 💩: [gets pissed off at me because they can't remember shit/didn't feel the need to stop and get basic info off the For Sale sign] 😿: fml (This was before the days of zillow and realtor.com, we didn't even have computers at the switchboard. Fuck I'm gettin' old). Then we had people calling the front desk and getting pissed off at me because their realtor won't answer their cell or return voicemails. The fuck am I supposed to do about it, send them a psychic wave or some shit? We had one realtor in our satellite office--actually, he was the broker for that location--who was notoriously impossible to get in touch with. I was not certain he even actually existed. He certainly never returned any of the voicemails I left him that Sharon Fuckface has been trying to call him for two days. Then this one time I was temping in their rental office on the weekends. Basically all I had to do was sign out keys for people so they could view properties. I think we had a limit of three keys at a time? And you had to leave a $20 deposit and we had to make a copy of your driver's licence. Most folks were fine with this, but one lady just did not want to deal. She did not get why she had to go through all that just to look at some houses and I'm like??? I do not make company policy??? And it is not??? Actually a big deal??? And then sometimes people would want to know if any of the properties had hardwood floors or other specific info. Bruh there are 300 properties listed and I have stepped foot in none of them lmao. OH! Yeah this one time a dude called and he wasn't even a renter with us, he wanted to complain that his across-the-street neighbor (who did rent with us) was in violation of his lease because he had put a trailer on the property and it was an eyesore! Now me, I am legit from the trailorhood so I'm thinking ol' dude must have parked some jank old Winnebago or even a full on singlewide in the yard. But it was actually just one of those trailers you hitch to the back of a pick up. Please get over yourself old guy. Ugh, this one is the actual worst though. So our main broker also had a bunch of rental properties, and his renters would give their check/m.o. to me, I wrote them a receipt and put the money in our safe, and called the broker and told him that So-and-So paid their rent. Well, one day he comes up to me asking if this one person had paid their rent. I said I didn't think so, and checked the safe and the receipt book. Nope. Not there. He then tells me that this person is swearing that she gave me a money order for her rent, but that I lost or stole it. Uh? All I could tell him was that I hadn't seen any of his renters that particular day, and that I always write receipts and put rent money in the safe immediately upon receiving it, and then call him/leave a message. He then said something like he didn't think she would lie, I don't remember exactly, but I was pretty freaked out over it. Like okay, real talk, we've all probably been there, right? Wages don't match inflation. But how are you going to accuse some stranger who's also just trying to get by of stealing your rent? Instead of just being straight up and admitting you're struggling to your landlord? smdh. That's one reason I can't be a server or cashier, I don't wanna fuck with nobody's money but mine, so no one can come at me/my boss crying that I shorted them, or that my register is short. I have enough anxiety, thanks 👍
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