#actually fob 1st time
talkfastcal · 3 months
I’ve decided that the only way for me to fully get into paramore and fob (besides just knowing their popular songs) I have to listen to all of their albums…here we go
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glam-rock-boots · 1 year
i will never emotionally recover from seeing fall out boy on july 1st so here’s a compilation of my favorite show moments:
COFFEES FOR LOSERS 8BALL SONG (rewatching my concert vids is so fucking funny because you hear me straight up hyperventilating when pete mentions folie à deux then i get to ass shaking once i hear the drum intro)
moshing to dance dance and thanks for the memories
also just my first time in a mosh pit in general, i did some during bring me the horizon’s set before the actual fob show and although i got my shit rocked it was still fun
during the pre chorus in thanks for the memories, there was a short break and me and some random girl were just screaming the lyrics to each other (it was a vibe)
hitting the uma thurman dance when they played uma thurman
getting fucking jiggy to the take over the break’s over and this ain’t a scene it’s an arms race, what can i say, i’m an infinity on high girlie <3
pete talking to the dog puppet in between songs
joe and patrick actually getting it on their guitars
andy’s drumming was so good i felt my brain rattle in my skull
dancing and screaming/singing with my friends
those are all of the ones i could think of but if anything else comes to mind i’ll add it <3
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pricklypear1997 · 1 year
Nothing makes me more angry than the audacity of immigrants (whether they’re FOB, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc gen) who think they have the right to make decisions for the country they aren’t a part of. Immigrants who develop baseless opinions about the country they currently live in, yet have made little to no effort to learn about said country. There is a special place in hell for such people. That level of arrogance and entitlement. I couldn’t give two shits about the US, but even I get mad when some idiot makes up such bs about the US and spreads misinformation about it. Imagine my anger when someone does the same to Bulgaria. when I move to Spain, I sure won’t be walking around like I own the place and start accusing Spaniards of whatever bs or “re-educating” them on their history as if I think I know more than they do when I obviously don’t. I won’t even partake in their politics. It’s just not place to do so, and it’s fucking rude af. That’s just as narcissistic as Americans who think they have the right to “police” the world lmao. You can have your opinions but keep it to yourself for fucks sake. It isn’t your country, and it never will be. Get over yourselves. You’re living in someone else’s land, behave and be respectful. It’s that simple. Also revisionist history should be damn right illegal. Only colonists force their beliefs and force change on a country that isn’t theirs. Are you a colonist?
And ofc; you live in that country, then it’s your responsibility to actually take the time to learn about the country you’re living in. Regardless if it’s only temporary or not. Learn it’s history in an unbiased way and just be respectful of the people and their culture. Either that or just don’t go there, problem solved. ✅ also “sexpats”, “sex tourists”, abominations, whatever you want to call them, should be immediately shot on site lmao.
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randombubblegum · 2 years
the thing is i see awsten as someone who’s like. fundamentally uncomfortable with talking about sex, like yeah he makes his pregnancy jokes and dick jokes but at the end of the day i still remember during fandom era when he would talk about imhs and say things like “yeah its just sooo taboo to talk about sex in the scene, like no one ever sings about sex in the warped tour kinda genre, all they ever sing about is emotions” etc etc and like. thats not true?? all time low did NOT have the filthy little whore lyric just for awsten to call the pop punk scene prudish lmao. so to me all of that just came across like someone who was personally kind of squeamish about talking about sex trying to like justify this (relatively sexless) song. which makes this new era so bizarre bc tbh he still seems uncomfortable? like if there are any cowriters for brainwashed im guessing he didnt write that lyric, like maybe *im* the one projecting but like ive seen people comfortably write/sing sexual lyrics and that is not what it looks like lmao (that being said. i fucking love this song ngl)
YES exactly!!!! thats because he IS a person whos fundamentally uncomfortable talking about sex outside of jokes he can couch it in and remove it from himself lol. the lyric in imhs is literally just….. “i miss having sex” thats hardly any real discussion and that was STILL clearly a struggle for him. which is fine!!!!! it is FINE to be uncomfortable or unwilling to discuss YOUR OWN sex life even if youre making dirty jokes on the reg!!!!! theyre not mutually exclusive by any means!!!
and thats exactly what it was LMAO hes squeamish about sex (not shocking considering both how he was raised and his general personality behind the persona) and him thinking the pop punk scene is “prudish” so him saying the word “sex” was like a huge deviation rly just…. shows the kind of music he listens to lol. also even in the big, non-whore bands of the scene (sorry atl) fob and (post 1st album) panic and whoever else still throw in oblique references to sex but dont spell it out. like all the lines about hips crashing in fob. little deaths in musical beds. its actually sexier to allude but not spell it out AND awsten used to do that in his own music so that makes it an even weirder direction to take here…….
and yes LOL he still does seem uncomfortable!!!! thats why i know this is a deliberate marketing choice and tone shift. he still doesnt want ppl seeing into his actual real sex life and isnt willing to share (extremely valid) but that is rly noticeable with how he just throws these disconnected lyrics in and then…. doesnt touch them? maybe if he gets more interviews later hell ~go in depth~ about the sex lyrics but i bet you he wont. i dont think someone else literally wrote them BUT i do think hes being coached in this direction for virality and hopeful attention. this is not an atl situation where hes gonna be up there making whore stage banter with geoff and then talk about how he fucks LMAO and if he tried it would ring so fake and hollow bc thats not him. and frankly these lyrics arent him either
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datingdonovan · 4 years
I was tagged by @lots-to-love to shuffle my music & list the 1st 10 songs! thank you lovely pal :)
alright i just shuffled my liked songs on spotify lets see what this produces
1. A Cover is Not the Book - cast of Mary Poppins Returns
2. Somewhere in Neverland - All Time Low
3. Die a Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
4. don’t worry, you will - lovelytheband
5. The Times They Are A-Changin - The Beach Boys
6. She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
7. Crumbs - Belaganas
8. rainy days in la - adam&steve x Waterparks
9. Umbrella Beach - Owl City
10. some exciting live version of Let The Wind Blow - The Beach Boys
This is actually pretty indicative the only really out of left field one was the country music???? lol. SO WEIRD actually bc ive been singing dw,yw for the past few days and haven’t actually listened but it came up????? also forgot crumbs existed it must've been on like my discover weekly or taste breakers or something but it actually slaps. but yeah Beach Boys, All Time Low, Waterparks, Owl City, very indicative. my only qualm is why did FOB not show themselves?? lol
im gonna tag @hausofwax @ughkaspbrak @yeetthedragon @blog-anxiousscreenwriter @rosethorne921 @shut-up-murphy and whoever else wants to do it just say i tagged you :)
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: 💕 Jimmy: afternoon Janis: you wish Jimmy: Hang on, I love to serve ☕ what have you heard? Janis: oh soz Janis: obvs it's your passion and calling Jimmy: that's better tah Janis: got time to chat to me or you too busy being in love with the work Jimmy: you saying I can't do both? bit rude Jimmy: 🥇 me Janis: 😏 Janis: then tell me something I don't know Jimmy: you're planning the 2nd date Jimmy: so crack on Janis: but you did such a 🥇 job Janis: plus that means you get the 3rd and everyone knows thats the best one Jimmy: If you ain't up to the challenge, babe Janis: did I say that Jimmy: said it for you 💕 Janis: very rude Janis: 😒 Jimmy: you gonna prove me wrong then or what? Janis: keen Janis: but alright, it's a yet to be determined date Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: any chance I can tell you something you do know now? Janis: I'll allow it Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: I miss you Janis: I miss you too Janis: even if this beds more comfy without you Jimmy: actually 💔 Jimmy: I ain't gonna hurry back then, smoothie in hand Janis: didn't say I liked it Janis: 😞 Janis: don't be mean Jimmy: Oi who's 💔 who here Janis: me Jimmy: Baby Janis: when are you back, actually Jimmy: not for a bit Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: least you've got the orchestra keeping you company Janis: what about me Jimmy: you've got the 🐕 Janis: you don't even like the dog, not fair Janis: send Pete, you're being selfish Jimmy: I don't like classic FM either Jimmy: & Pete ain't in yet Jimmy: got any more 🎯 you wanna take or what? Janis: ugh, can this day get any worse Janis: new girl in? Jimmy: gets 1st dibs on every shift going her Jimmy: what do you reckon? Janis: poor baby Janis: remember when you were the favourite Jimmy: Piss off, it's your fault I ain't Janis: Oi, don't Jimmy: I never said it mattered to any dickhead but my manager Janis: well Janis: mia too, obvs Jimmy: she posted owt yet? Janis: not that I've seen Janis: not looked that hard, like Jimmy: 🤞 she's 💀💀💀 from her 💔 Janis: or she needs a new 👃 Jimmy: Can Gracie even 👊 that hard? Janis: probably not Janis: but her bones are brittle Jimmy: that solves that she's turned to dust Jimmy: one bit crumbled and there was nowt to stop the rest from going an' all Janis: meh, she's like voldemort Janis: do a little human sacrifice with the remaining and she'll be back stronger than ever Jimmy: looks like him, yeah Janis: what's that make gracie Jimmy: the one with all the hair and insanity Janis: 😂 Janis: checks out Janis: she was in 💘 with him Jimmy: there you go then Janis: she wishes her tits were that big Jimmy: might have given her the time of day if they were Janis: you or voldemort Jimmy: both probably Janis: 🙄 Janis: shut up Jimmy: what you doing today other than wishing my bed was bigger an' all Janis: size don't matter, babe Jimmy: 😱😱😱 Jimmy: why you trying to make me cry? Janis: gotta have a hobby Janis: seeing as I've fuck all else to do Jimmy: well I were gonna ask you what I'd have to do for you to get you to do my 🍀 homework Jimmy: but now I don't trust you not to let the 🐕 eat it Janis: a lot Janis: don't do homework 🤓 Jimmy: go on Jimmy: name it Janis: let me think Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: keep in mind I ain't done a single piece since I got here Janis: then why bother Janis: pointless subject Jimmy: don't want them giving my dad a bell Janis: don't expect to pass Jimmy: they said I had the hols to crack on and 'show willing' nowt's been said about 🥇 Janis: write with my right hand Janis: 👍 Jimmy: Alright, super spy, calm down Janis: hardly Janis: you're northern, needs to be illegible Jimmy: what do you want then? Janis: do it for free Janis: as it's my fault you aren't favourite anymore Jimmy: must be 💕 Janis: you know I don't like being in debt Jimmy: you know I don't give a shit about no employee of the month 🏆 Jimmy: I'd take being 🥇 with you on that counter over owt else Janis: you don't regret it Jimmy: that you saying you do? Janis: no Janis: was asking Jimmy: did you think I did? Janis: maybe Janis: idk Jimmy: come here and I'll show you how I really feel Janis: if you're going to throw coffee on me, I'd rather we skip the audience Jimmy: if that's a kink of yours I can get you a job Jimmy: happens near every shift that Janis: not sure I want you training me Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: so mean today you Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: roll over and get out the other side of my bed tah Janis: what's it to ya Jimmy: no 😭😭😭 in front of or on the customers Jimmy: bit of a rule Janis: no need to cry, boy Janis: I'll stay away Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I am taking your dog though Janis: will bring it back Jimmy: keep it Jimmy: 🤷 Janis: more trouble than she's worth Jimmy: tell me something I don't know Janis: bark is almost scary if you don't know her Jimmy: 😂 to who? Jimmy: 🙀 you, babe Janis: 😒 Janis: better than nothing, thank you Jimmy: is it? Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: keep telling you to just leave her in the park Jimmy: too nice you Janis: if she don't pull her weight then I will Janis: sell her instead Jimmy: nowt she can do so crack on Janis: I'm giving her a last chance Janis: nothing if not fair Jimmy: nowt if not 😍 Jimmy: 🐕💕 Janis: don't be jealous Janis: not going nowhere fun Jimmy: don't have to be to beat what I'm up to Janis: where the 🎻 got to? Jimmy: every dickhead's due a break Janis: just don't let the ��� smoke Janis: ruin their livelihood Jimmy: be a bit rude if I were the one to stop them Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: gotta be tough, babe Jimmy: that'll be why I need you Janis: don't make me soft Jimmy: why would I do that? Janis: you always do and I Jimmy: You want me to stop? Janis: no Janis: I just need to be tough right now Jimmy: Alright Janis: just gotta do something Janis: if it goes smoothly, maybe I'll catch you on your break? Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: Actually? Janis: or are you just mad Jimmy: what have I got to be 😒 about? Janis: if you're not then good Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🙌🎊 Jimmy: aint you got something on? Janis: en-route Janis: but alright Jimmy: won't be alright when the 🐕 pulls you into the road and to your 💀💀💀 Janis: okay dad Janis: capable of walking and dog walking, as it goes Jimmy: stop pissing about Jimmy: and leave it out Janis: how am I Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: 😑 Jimmy: why are you being weird? Janis: Don't call me weird Jimmy: that's not an answer Janis: You don't want one Janis: we wanna move on from all that shit Janis: not bring more up Jimmy: if you're gonna be off with me then yeah, I do Janis: Just Jimmy: What? Janis: I don't know what I want Janis: I don't wanna talk about it but I still wanna talk to you Janis: bu then I can't 'cos I've got nothing else on my brain 'cept Jimmy: I'll sort it for you and stop talking to you for a bit Janis: 👌👌 Janis: great Jimmy: I ain't gonna force to you say owt you don't wanna so there's nowt else I can do Jimmy: is there? Janis: Whatever Janis: helped me make up my mind Janis: won't bother you anymore Jimmy: Don't be a dickhead Jimmy: you know where I am if you wanna see me Jimmy: we don't have to talk Janis: You Jimmy: you Janis: This is ridiculous Jimmy: leave it out then Janis: why can't you, dickhead Jimmy: I love you Jimmy: tell me what to fucking do Janis: I'm sorry Janis: I didn't mean to do this Jimmy: What are you trying to do? Janis: the other night Janis: when I went Janis: I did something stupid Janis: I'm trying to fix it, do something good Jimmy: You're alright though Jimmy: whatever happened Jimmy: you're alright Janis: Yeah Janis: but I still need to undo something Jimmy: I'll give you a hand Janis: you're too nice Janis: people are dicks Janis: me especially Jimmy: You're nice Jimmy: and we're a team Janis: I'm shit at this Janis: actually shit Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: you're so good Jimmy: 🥇 girlfriend Janis: I've caused so much needless stress today alone, like Jimmy: no Jimmy: it ain't your fault that in my head I always reckon I've done something wrong Janis: a lot of this was though Janis: I can own it Janis: and do better Jimmy: Me an' all Jimmy: sorry Janis: don't be sorry for being nice Janis: I love you Jimmy: don't make up your mind to dump me Janis: I'm not stupid Janis: I need you Janis: well more than you need me Jimmy: no dickhead needs owt more than I need you Jimmy: I'm not having that Janis: so you're saying I don't need to do more to make it worth your while? okay, like Jimmy: I'm saying you don't need to do owt to keep me here Jimmy: I'm staying Jimmy: you can't do owt to stop me Janis: alright Janis: hot Jimmy: you Janis: I miss you Jimmy: you don't have to Janis: I could come in and pretend I'm busy 💻 Janis: got Irish homework to do, like Jimmy: so come on Janis: I will Janis: I've got to try and get rid of this thing first Janis: but 🤞 this bloke will take it Jimmy: bit rude to chat about the 🐕 like that when she's so 💕 for you Janis: she's the muscle Janis: which you rudely 😂 at Jimmy: yeah so 🏆💪 her Jimmy: just don't 💀💀💀 Jimmy: alright? Janis: I won't Janis: I'm fast Janis: and that's providing it goes wrong anyway, which it won't Jimmy: such an athlete I ain't forgotten Janis: If I tell you, you won't tell my nan Janis: actual love of your life Janis: yeah? Jimmy: 🤐 me Jimmy: that's how she likes it Janis: you're so gross Janis: I just got some gear when I ran off Janis: but I don't need it now so I'm getting rid Jimmy: who to? Janis: idk Janis: it ain't like weed or pills so I couldn't just fob it off on any random cunt from school Jimmy: how did you find him then? Janis: just put it on socials Janis: not mine, obvs Janis: right people find it Jimmy: but he can't find you Janis: nah, I'm meeting him in big park Janis: people about but not enough I'll get caught or nothing Jimmy: when? Janis: now Janis: told you I was en-route Janis: just want rid, tbh Jimmy: you could've told me when I had chance of getting there Janis: you know why I didn't Janis: like you said, Twix 💕 me, she'll protect me Jimmy: 😒 Jimmy: you know why you should've Jimmy: I'll protect you Janis: It'll just be a harmless old junkie Janis: and then I'll come and see you and it'll all be alright Jimmy: you don't know that Jimmy: shit happens in a second Janis: I promise Janis: he's more nervous sounding than I am, gonna throw the cash at me lowkey Jimmy: just Janis: I didn't wanna worry you Janis: I swear, it'll be all good Jimmy: next time, worry me Janis: I'm not planning on doing it again Jimmy: works for owt else too Janis: Alright Janis: I'll try to remember Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you more Jimmy: Oi Janis: oi oi Janis: ? Jimmy: I love you more, shut up Janis: you cannot silence me Jimmy: challenge accepted Jimmy: [sends a 🔥 sext to try and stun her into silence] Janis: not saying that was my master plan but Janis: 🤤 Janis: fuck me Jimmy: [more because trying to make her speechless as here for everything she just said as he would really be lol] Janis: idk if this is the mood Janis: maybe if I show up turned on it'll freak him out Janis: 🤔 Jimmy: 😒 Janis: don't be mad Janis: only make it worse Janis: 😩 here baby Jimmy: you challenged me, it's your own fault Janis: just can't stop being hot, you 😏 Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: you were warned Janis: nothing could of prepared me for you 💘 Jimmy: even if you're taking the piss that's how I feel about you still Janis: 😳 actually Janis: well done Janis: and I meant it too, even if I covered it with an impenetrable layer of sarcasm Jimmy: stop 😳 he'll think you're 😰 Janis: might think it's good shit Janis: I'm a great bullshitter, can't deny that Jimmy: about as good as you are an actress Jimmy: but he don't know you so crack on Janis: 😒 excuse you Jimmy: no Jimmy: I don't want you to be able to bullshit me Janis: I'm not gonna Janis: bit late for that now Jimmy: is it? Janis: yeah Janis: you know things Janis: like the mafia Jimmy: Alright Janis: is it? Jimmy: I just Jimmy: it weren't like I expected my mum to turn round and do a massive bunk one day so Jimmy: I can't get my head round getting to keep you about Janis: nah Janis: I get that Janis: like, I don't fully, obvs but Jimmy: I don't always get it myself Jimmy: it's alright Janis: that's understandable Janis: don't reckon anyone or anything prepares you for that either Janis: reckon first pets are meant to but hamster don't = sister, let alone ma Jimmy: I probably should've seen it coming living with Ian as long as she did do earned her a 🏆 Janis: not ever a barrel of laughs Janis: I believe it Jimmy: I can't remember the two of them ever not having a go at each other Jimmy: could be 🎄 or 🎂 Jimmy: they'd still crack on Janis: s'shit Janis: fairplay for putting a stop to that nonsense but could've left a forwarding address Janis: jesus Jimmy: a ditch ain't got one in fairness to her Jimmy: not enough for post at least Janis: you think Jimmy: I have done Janis: could be Janis: anywhere Janis: that's the worst Jimmy: or nowhere Janis: yeah Janis: do you reckon Ian knows more than you lot or is he as in the dark Jimmy: Depends Jimmy: sometimes I reckon he knows everything but other times nowt Janis: and even if he did fancy a chat Janis: yeah Jimmy: and if he did her in, ain't gonna admit it Jimmy: to me or the proper 👮🚔 Janis: you thought that too Janis: how could you not Janis: think every which way when you've got nothing to go on Jimmy: got form Jimmy: only have to give her a smack, she hits her head or whatever Jimmy: happens Janis: not impossible Jimmy: she didn't leave a note Jimmy: he'd have probably faked that Jimmy: unless he really is illiterate Janis: right Janis: Not picturing him as a mastermind Janis: if that had happened, you'd know by now Jimmy: I dunno Janis: 'course you don't Janis: that's why it's the worst Jimmy: I probably just wanna blame him, don't I Jimmy: instead of her Jimmy: get him out of my way that Janis: can't blame you Janis: not winning dad of the year just by default of still being about Jimmy: could've, it wouldn't take much Jimmy: only gotta show willing but like me and my 🍀 that ain't gonna happen Janis: seriously Janis: prime opportunity to be 🥇💪 Jimmy: but the prime opportunity to get pity fucked by his co-workers HAD to win out Janis: Oh Ian Janis: 💔 Jimmy: only he could make 🎻🎻 into that kind of playlist Janis: 😬 Janis: oh god Janis: well consider me turned firmly back off Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: my plan so you don't cheat on me with this druggie bloke obvs Jimmy: tah Ian Janis: because that was mine Janis: fuck tinder Janis: find all the hotties this way Jimmy: what are you gonna do if he don't show? Jimmy: other than be stuck with me as a boyfriend like Janis: slam it all myself Janis: cope with that news Jimmy: very on brand, Jules Jimmy: 💀💀💀 and 💔 Janis: I try Janis: nah, idk, plenty of junkies about Janis: had loads of people wanting it so Jimmy: lucky you're used to being so in demand then Janis: Ikr? Janis: don't be jealous, babe 😘 Jimmy: don't sound like me that Janis: Nah? Janis: put my boyfriend on please Janis: whoever you are Jimmy: well funny you Jimmy: how long are you gonna wait for him and make me wait for you Jimmy: bit rude honestly Janis: missed opportunity to ask who I was then but alright Janis: you miss me, I understand Janis: giving him 5 more than we agreed on otherwise I'm putting it back up for sale Jimmy: yeah I do Jimmy: I really want you here Jimmy: now Janis: Baby Janis: I swear Janis: 5 minutes and I'm over it Jimmy: ⏲ Janis: You can time me Janis: IOU however long it takes Janis: whatever you want Jimmy: fuck Jimmy: I'm trying to be 😇 and not distract you mid deal but Janis: You're not the only one who wants me to be there right now, like Jimmy: I get it Janis: Don't reckon you do Janis: but I'll show you so it's all good Jimmy: You're so Janis: for you Jimmy: being mine is gonna be good Jimmy: I'll show you Janis: [long enough to do her deal] Janis: Literally all yours now so Janis: I'm ready Jimmy: tah for not running away with the druggie bloke Jimmy: 💕 Janis: it was tempting but Janis: see what you got first, like Jimmy: I get it, he weren't a 🐕 person Jimmy: she ain't everyone's cuppa her Janis: 😱 Janis: where are you planning to put her when you're showing me how good its gonna be though Janis: 💔 Jimmy: tie her up out front and someone'll think she's a daily special Jimmy: have her away Jimmy: nowt to worry about Janis: heartless you Janis: poor pup Jimmy: 💔 now an' all Janis: @ the kids when we lose their dog Jimmy: they'll live Jimmy: me on the other hand if you don't start being nice Janis: I'm running Janis: I can't be any nicer than that 'til I'm with you Jimmy: save some energy Jimmy: til you can drink it in a bit like Janis: so much to offer a girl, you 💕 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: mr drug addict who? 😍 Jimmy: 😂 that is what I'll say if it comes up with any other dickhead Janis: who you chatting to, kathy Janis: keep it 🤐 Jimmy: just like your nan you 😍 Janis: you are not funny and I don't like you 😑 Jimmy: Baby please Jimmy: let's be mates again Janis: fine Janis: FWB and nothing more Jimmy: 👌 Janis: no 😡 not ok Jimmy: make up your mind, Juliet Janis: have the common decency to pretend to be 💔 Jimmy: not faking nowt Jimmy: I'm 💔💔💔 Jimmy: 😭😭😭 Janis: such a bad actor Janis: can't bear it Jimmy: wouldn't wanna make you feel bad about how crap you are Jimmy: like you too much Janis: Obvs Janis: can't hide your 😍 for shit Jimmy: piss off I can 😎 Janis: 😏 Janis: okay babe Jimmy: such a pisstake you 💕 Janis: only a bit Jimmy: 🤏 Janis: if you hear barking Janis: it's not me Jimmy: It's alright, not a kink I've got Janis: Thanks for getting that out now Janis: don't wanna get down the line and find out I've gotta purchase a tail Jimmy: 😂 Janis: not gotta spill all your secrets but some warning be nice Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: keep that in mind, my dear Janis: considerate and cute 💕 Jimmy: 🤫🤫 Janis: Will if you come out Jimmy: [does and there's the most intense hug because she didn't get killed by a junkie and he's so relieved as am I] Janis: [a look like 'what was that for' but obvs not mad about it] Jimmy: [a look back like 😍] Janis: ['we missed you too' 'cos better love that dog too she'll be wilding] Jimmy: [🙄 at Twix but he still gives her some kind of food he's snuck out of the CG to bribe her to chill] Janis: [😏 'see, you love her really'] Jimmy: [kisses because 1. that smirk off her face 2. shut up and 3. love you more] Janis: [you've both earnt it like] Jimmy: [make the most of this break lads] Janis: [I always like to think of everyone in the CG/walking by are always like these two again] Jimmy: [literally same because they are always so extra with their makeouts and we know it] Janis: [stopping to be like 'I should take her back' but torn 'cos you don't wanna go yet but then you can actually stay lmao] Jimmy: [he'd likewise be so conflicted cos sooner she leaves sooner she can come back and also Twix is distracting but most importantly you never wanna stop ever so you nod but you're giving her such a look and staring at her lips until you just have to give in and kiss her again like oops] Janis: [going in on it like excuse me Twix please wait] Jimmy: [keeping this going til the last possible moment of your break so you can go back in before she goes back and you don't have to watch her leave even though she's coming right back] Janis: I get why people in relationships are so annoying now Jimmy: Oi Janis: don't need to get personally offended Janis: especially when I'm trying to be nice Jimmy: no need to call me annoying Jimmy: especially when I've just been well nice to you Janis: Well I was going to say I DO miss you already, it's not just bullshit Janis: but now I'm not sure Jimmy: go on Jimmy: please Janis: oh Janis: as you're trying to kill me Janis: it feels like it hurts or some shit Janis: not being with you, being able to feel you Jimmy: you didn't even try to kill me, eh? Jimmy: just went straight in with no warning Jimmy: 💀💀💀 Janis: if you were 👻 you could be with me but no Janis: stay alive Jimmy: you brought me to life and then did me in all in the space of one break Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: don't know if I'm coming or going Janis: it's the most work I've done all day though so Janis: headfucky doesn't have to be bad Janis: prefer this ?! to how it was before Jimmy: drugs sell themselves, rich girl, what can you do? Jimmy: yeah but I don't want owt to hurt you even how much you like me Janis: it's Janis: every way I try to say it sounds like a line from a fucking bad romcom Janis: but it feels better than all the not hurting I've had Jimmy: 1. you loved last night's romcom Jimmy: 2. you're the only decent thing that's happened to me so I get it Janis: 1. if you wanna do your own performance down, yeah, couldn't take my eyes off it Janis: 2. shut up, dog will be well confused if I turn around now Jimmy: what's it gonna take for you to just ditch her? Jimmy: meant to be able to find her own way Janis: is she? Janis: not a homing pidgeon Janis: just be thankful she don't need go go back to my gaff Jimmy: there's been loads of bad films about that bollocks Jimmy: and I'm feeling too much other shit to put thankful at the top Janis: tell me Jimmy: I just Jimmy: I'd gotten used to not breathing til you're about but now it's Jimmy: like everything goes when you do Jimmy: there's no sound or colour Jimmy: no taste to the daily special 😱💔😱 Jimmy: it's jarring when you've only just gone cos when you're with me, the opposite's true obvs Jimmy: 🥇 muse with no need to do owt Janis: It's really indecent how good you are with words Janis: I wish I was better so I didn't feel like all I gave you back was a #same but Janis: I am fucking glad you feel it too or I'd feel like I was going insane Janis: well, do a bit but if you are too, it's alright Jimmy: you heard, you give me everything Jimmy: I don't wanna be stuck in a bad black and white film tah Jimmy: I'll take the romcom Janis: it's a deal Janis: take any and every cliche you wanna throw at me Jimmy: Good 'cause I'm ready to spend the rest of this shift staring at you Jimmy: don't get any more cliched than that around here Janis: I'm ready to pretend I don't notice Janis: that's a blatant lie I'm not ready at all but I'll try Janis: 😇 not getting you in any more trouble Jimmy: I'll clean your table well thoroughly and not 'cause I'm 😇 Janis: That should be the most unappealing offer Janis: and yet 😏 Jimmy: full of cliches and excuses to hang around you, me Janis: good Janis: not that you need 'em anywhere but CG Jimmy: We don't need them there Jimmy: I'll get in trouble for you Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: I know you would Janis: don't break my resolve and embarrass me with how easy it is Jimmy: what if I promise that ain't gonna be how you feel Janis: You're Janis: ugh Jimmy: not an answer, that Janis: what can I say to that, like Jimmy: what do you wanna say? Janis: big question Janis: loads I wanna say to you Jimmy: so go on Janis: how many dates you been on? Janis: need to think of something you ain't done for #2 Jimmy: loads but they were all up north so wouldn't be hard to top Janis: alright casanova Janis: no need to show off, not helpful to my cause Jimmy: it's Romeo to you, girl Jimmy: and if I were showing off I'd say they were all top not easy to Janis: 🙄 alright Jimmy: why are you jealous, you know I had a girlfriend for ages Janis: Not jealous, idiot Janis: they don't count Jimmy: ? Janis: obvs you go out with someone you go out with Janis: and she was your mate Janis: I meant the awkward kind with strangers we're tryna replicate Jimmy: then I've not Janis: back to the drawing board Jimmy: 👍 Janis: don't reckon anyone's done this since the 50s Janis: can't take you for a walk 'round the park, you ain't 🐶 Jimmy: if you ain't up to it, I'll do another one Janis: behave Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: but only til you get back Janis: such a 😈 Janis: no saving you Jimmy: that your plan were it? Janis: save your soul Janis: obvs Janis: how the church does it Jimmy: leave out doing my 🍀 homework and we're back on course for that catholic school Jimmy: job done Janis: you maybe but what about me Janis: rude Jimmy: Jesus loves you, girl Jimmy: you're always hyping him up Janis: Catholic girls are hoes Janis: you can't go alone Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: but you've really sold it there Janis: 😒 Janis: fine Janis: see if I care Janis: 🖕 you and your soul Jimmy: 😍😍🤤🤤🤤 Janis: you're not allowed to be 😍🤤 Janis: leaving me here to 💀 Jimmy: I told you, I ain't leaving you Janis: are too Janis: for jesus and hoes Janis: but mainly hoes Jimmy: no Janis: promise Jimmy: I do Jimmy: you're mine, no need for nowt else Janis: you're important Jimmy: you Janis: do you reckon school will be weird Jimmy: usually is Jimmy: but why do you reckon it'll be weird? Janis: 'cos you're distracting Jimmy: you've been distracting me since I first turned up Janis: no I ain't Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: you have Janis: nah Janis: just tryna be 👑 charming Jimmy: 1. I don't need to try at being #goals Jimmy: 2. you can't tell me I'm wrong about how I feel or felt Jimmy: 3. take the compliment Janis: not saying you're wrong just saying I'm not entirely sure I believe you Janis: but that's alright Jimmy: why? Janis: dunno Janis: just don't seem like the distractable type Janis: 😒 <-- you at school, from what I remember Jimmy: Alright, I'll prove it Jimmy: you at my house? Janis: yep Janis: just feeding her Jimmy: [tells her where to go to find the picture he drew of her in class way back when which we can say is dated because] Janis: [here for it] Jimmy: believe me now, dickhead? Janis: yes Janis: you're so lovely Jimmy: 💕 Janis: and you wonder why everyone was 😍 at you Janis: can't tone it down a bit, no Jimmy: I don't wonder Jimmy: I know what I've got to offer but I weren't offering them owt Janis: okay hot Janis: I'm 😍 now too, promise Jimmy: might believe you when I see them 😏 Janis: damn, shoulda knicked some 😎 Jimmy: got a pair here you can borrow Janis: you wanna believe me or nah babe Jimmy: I dunno you might suit 😎 Janis: can't steal your look Jimmy: I said borrow Jimmy: but you can keep the first piece of 🎨 you inspired if you want Janis: yeah? Jimmy: do you want it? Janis: of course I do Janis: why wouldn't I Jimmy: it's got whatever maths bollocks we were meant to be doing on it Jimmy: you hate maths Janis: I love you Jimmy: Come here then Jimmy: I need to see you Janis: So close Jimmy: Piss off, you phrased it like that deliberately Jimmy: like I said, so distracting you Janis: not my fault I'd much rather you were coming home Jimmy: I'll have a word with the new girl see if I can interest her in a work based accident Janis: you promised me intense looks from across the room Janis: we'll start there, like Jimmy: don't get more intense than 😱😱😱 babe Jimmy: you want us to go home or what? Janis: don't want no trouble, boy Jimmy: 🤏 Janis: you said you'd be good 'til I got there Janis: still a street or two to go Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: Alright Janis: don't be sad Jimmy: don't be 2 streets away Janis: easy Janis: [runs that last bit like yo] Jimmy: [is 😍 af] Janis: [when you kiss him hello but gotta keep it not extra 'cos you inside and you nearly die, go sit like 💀] Jimmy: [he'd be suddenly concentrating so hard on smoothie making and deciding what food to get her because likewise dying as hard, it's not a concentration face it's a shameless lip bite guys] Janis: Probably should've ordered Janis: good thinking Jimmy: if I dunno what you want by now Jimmy: what kind of boyfriend Janis: [such a meaningful LOOk like you know] Jimmy: [giving her such a look back of course] Janis: how do you do this all day Jimmy: I don't make a habit of this with all the customers, dunno what you've heard Janis: from your mouth Janis: 👴👵💕 Jimmy: that your way of telling me you're heading over to the tip jar, rich girl? Janis: not as easy as Shelia, obvs Janis: least give me my drink Jimmy: [obvs does bring her the drink as a shameless excuse to come over and have a cliche hand touching moment] Janis: Thanks Janis: defs worth starting your homework at least Janis: [whack that out so you ain't just 😍] Jimmy: [brings her the food as a separate trip we all know why, just leaning over her like he cares so much about his homework all of a sudden not at all about the close proximity oh no] Janis: [just being like oh one sec like you're actually tryna help him with his Irish pronounciation and it's not just shameless] Jimmy: [we're taking that excuse to stare at her mouth and running with it] Janis: [hope some of the customers can speak it 'cos blatantly not explaining the homework, oh the horror] Jimmy: [where the old people at? LOL] Janis: [choking on their tea like excuse me] Jimmy: [we should also do signing across the cafe for the lols] Janis: [defs] Jimmy: [but for now whisper something saucy in her ear and get back to work boy] Janis: [😳] Janis: dickhead Jimmy: 💕 Janis: such a tease Jimmy: only if I weren't gonna do it Janis: hmm Jimmy: 😘 Janis: [blows IRL kiss] Jimmy: [😏 to hide that he's 💀] Janis: [do we want anyone to come in potentially?] Jimmy: [when you go from 😏 to 😒 so quick] Janis: need to stop posting your shifts with the specials, like Jimmy: put that in the suggestion box tah Janis: there must be however many asking for your home address so Janis: do my best Jimmy: [just imagine how much like spoiled rich girls they'd be talking to him cos Grace ain't there to tell them to chill he'd be loving life] Janis: [just 😣 trying to hold your tongue 'cos you know the manager would side with them 'cos no one gives a shit about their employees] Jimmy: [when you come over like you're cleaning up but really just wanna touch her like it's okay] Janis: [look like 'it ain't though' but giving his hand a squeeze] Jimmy: go if you want Janis: no Janis: fuck that Jimmy: they're gonna be here for ages Janis: me too Jimmy: I really like you Janis: I know Janis: should go out, after Janis: treat you with my drug money Jimmy: when you put it like that Jimmy: be rude to refuse Janis: and can be as rude as you want when you ain't on the payroll Jimmy: depends Jimmy: where are we going? Janis: where do you wanna go Jimmy: where do you wanna go? Janis: anywhere I can be with you Janis: I don't mind Jimmy: Hang on, I nearly forgot with all today's bollocks Jimmy: [comes over and slides her a 🔑 he got cut so she doesn't have to hope the spare is there cos we know Cass loses keys always] Janis: [when it's such a moment you have to have one yourself like] Jimmy: you can be with me whenever you want now Janis: [blatantly gonna come up and give him another kiss fuck all of y'all but then goes out like brb] Jimmy: [not being too extra with it but not being as chill as your manager would like either because emotions] Janis: give me the 3rd date Janis: I need time to cash in favours Jimmy: if you don't do any other drug deals in the park, you can have it Janis: 🤞 neither your sister or mine requires that much bribing Jimmy: I don't reckon sugar bear hair is the new crack Janis: 😂 Janis: arguably as effective to getting healthy skin and hair though 💔 Jimmy: have you seen the length of my sister's, don't reckon she needs a hand Janis: won't let Gracie come at her ✄ Jimmy: neither would she Jimmy: knock her out like Janis: think she's had enough 'fights' for a lifetime and Mia can't even hit back so Jimmy: 🎻💔🎻 Janis: gutted she's not got a blackeye Jimmy: take her outside, babe Janis: I want you Janis: 🎻💔🎻 Jimmy: Baby Janis: It's okay Janis: think of all the time owed now Jimmy: thinking of all sorts me Jimmy: nowt my manager or fave customers can do Janis: good Janis: think about me 'til you can be with me Janis: that's what I do Janis: all the time Jimmy: don't do owt else while I'm awake Jimmy: and you're in my head even more if I get to sleep Janis: I'll make sure you can sleep tonight, babe Janis: not just so you dream of me but you know Janis: not mad about it Jimmy: me either Jimmy: I used to dream really 🎻🎻 shit Jimmy: so you have saved me a bit Janis: gotta return the favour, like Jimmy: have a 🚬 for us that's a start Jimmy: got ages til the next break Janis: I will do Janis: give your lungs one Janis: 🛍 rn Jimmy: buy us some poison to chuck in 💀👑 and the rest of the squad's cups then Jimmy: call it even Janis: You've got some Janis: it's called FULL FAT MILK 😱😱😱 Jimmy: 😂 Janis: is there anything you need whilst I'm getting you what you want though Jimmy: we do need milk since you mentioned it Jimmy: I reckon Bob's putting it all in the 🐕 Janis: awh Janis: she's 😻 Jimmy: she'll be 😿 since you left, her Janis: don't 💔 and don't project Janis: be right back, baby Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Jimmy: never 😭😭 I don't Janis: and you wonder why she's my favourite Jimmy: is she? Janis: not saying you don't have a chance to win it back Janis: you know what to do Jimmy: Easy Janis: don't spread it about Janis: but yeah Jimmy: 👌 Janis: considering you ain't 🐶 you're pretty fucking cute Jimmy: you backhanded that compliment so far you've impressed me Jimmy: I'll take it Janis: 🏏💪 Janis: great arm, me Jimmy: I know Jimmy: 😏 Janis: corrupted me, you Jimmy: 😈 you Jimmy: how are you gonna put that on a poor northern lad? Janis: it's true Janis: pure 😇 'til I met you, mate Jimmy: that's the fakest thing you've ever said, mate Janis: 😣 so rude Jimmy: we sorted we ain't going to catholic school, no need to be 😇 Janis: not now Janis: every need before though Janis: what I'm saying Jimmy: I get it, no dickhead round here is worth risking your soul for Janis: or reputation Jimmy: or all your riches, girl Janis: just not shagging 'em Janis: but no, not gonna 🎁💎💰 'em either Jimmy: she says on a 🛍 spree Jimmy: feel well 💕 me Janis: Babe, you know you're well special Jimmy: shh you'll make me well up 😭 Janis: don't take much Jimmy: Alright, calm down Jimmy: I'm a poet and that so Janis: Sensitive type, I know Jimmy: won't be doing no dodgy deals in the park or owt Jimmy: leave them to you Janis: 'scuse me for being productive Jimmy: that what we're calling it then? Jimmy: 👍 Janis: what would you like to call it Jimmy: you just put a name to it, I don't have to Janis: Me either Janis: not a big deal Jimmy: it's nowt to do with me but that's bollocks Janis: no it ain't Jimmy: any other day for you, yeah? Jimmy: like I said, bollocks Janis: obviously not but it don't need to be a drama Jimmy: never said it were Janis: what are you saying then Jimmy: nowt Janis: alright Jimmy: what do you want to hear off me? Janis: fuck off Janis: only what you think, nothing more Jimmy: just seems like you're waiting for something Janis: nah Janis: I ain't Jimmy: 👌 Janis: 👍 Jimmy: you coming back here in a bit? Janis: yeah, can do Jimmy: 🤞 they'll be gone and you'll have brought some enthusiasm from the shop then Janis: 🙄 Janis: leave it out Jimmy: what? Janis: what do you expect Jimmy: you to wanna see me obvs but alright, don't Janis: I mean, how enthusiastic can I get about 👌 Janis: it's obvious that you have something you ain't saying but whatever Jimmy: I've said what I wanted to say Jimmy: if owt's obvious it's that you want me to say something else Jimmy: so what is it? Janis: if that's all you've got to say then what is the point in coming Janis: why was this even brought up Jimmy: if you don't see any point coming then don't Janis: no there is no point if we've got fuck all to talk about Jimmy: how have we got fuck all to talk about? Janis: don't we Jimmy: 'cause I know when to leave out something you're being a dickhead about that means we don't? Jimmy: Alright Janis: so we talk about shit as and when you do or don't wanna Janis: I don't think so Jimmy: that's what you wanna make something out of here? Jimmy: fuck's sake Jimmy: know how to pick your dramas, you Jimmy: not that you bought gear off a scary twat and sold it to another scary twat, why would that be? Jimmy: I'm just the dickhead overreacting for giving a shit what happens to you Jimmy: keep taking the piss Janis: I'm not trying to take the piss Janis: in any sense Janis: it was a fucked night Janis: everything was Jimmy: I get that and why you don't wanna tell me owt about it Jimmy: you don't have to Jimmy: just don't act like it's nowt Janis: It is to me Janis: that's the problem Jimmy: Bollocks Janis: ? Jimmy: you heard Janis: I don't know what you mean though Jimmy: you ain't that good of an actress, girl Janis: If you think I care about myself, then I'm a fucking great one Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: have it that way Janis: yeah like that's how I want it Janis: not a choice Jimmy: if you didn't give a shit you'd have taken it Jimmy: that were a choice Janis: not about me Jimmy: that don't work 'cause if you were thinking about anyone else you wouldn't have bought it Janis: I was thinking of someone else Jimmy: no one you know would want you to do that shit Janis: no one you know I know Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: my sister alright Janis: the dead one Jimmy: and what before she left she was like you know what you'd fucking love, some drugs Jimmy: crack on Janis: yeah and what Janis: was her ex Janis: dealer, boyfriend, whatever Janis: basically came recommended Jimmy: no it didn't Janis: you didn't know her Jimmy: I don't have to know her to know when you're being a dickhead Jimmy: shit matters and if you can't get your head round that then Janis: you know fuck all Jimmy: I know I've got enough on my plate without you scaring the shit out of me Janis: I apologized for that Janis: over and over Jimmy: your drug deal happened a bit ago and you're already over it Jimmy: you ain't that sorry Janis: there it is Jimmy: we're not in this together if I'm the only dickhead who's still gonna be standing at the end Janis: You want me to lie and say I care about myself Janis: you said you don't want me to bullshit you Jimmy: care about me then Jimmy: you might as well call me a cry baby and have done Jimmy: 'cause it's just nowt and I just need to put it out of my head Janis: I said I didn't do it because I care about you Jimmy: and what? that's meant to make me feel better Jimmy: safer Jimmy: or owt else Janis: For fuck sake Jimmy: you stop caring about me and then what? Jimmy: nowt Jimmy: but it won't be nowt, will it Janis: I'm not going to Janis: even though you're Janis: and I've got no idea what I'm doing half the time Jimmy: you have to care about yourself a bit Jimmy: like I do 'cause the kids need me Jimmy: enough to keep on Janis: I didn't take it, did I Jimmy: you can't leave me now Janis: I'm not Janis: I won't Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: then I'll leave it out Janis: I am sorry Janis: you know I am Janis: what do you want me to do Jimmy: I was being a dickhead Jimmy: I do know Janis: like you said I can't just leave you alone now Janis: but I can't promise or even say I ain't gonna bring hassle Janis: 'cos I will, even if I try not to, I still will Jimmy: and I can't promise I'll handle it 🥇 Jimmy: but I'll handle it somehow Janis: I don't want to be something to handle Jimmy: me either but I've got shit an' all Jimmy: nowt we can do about it, is there? Janis: It's bullshit Jimmy: you could have a go at pretending my family don't exist, crack on like my ex Jimmy: worked for a bit Jimmy: and you reckon your acting is up to it Janis: could do a better job than you Janis: but not braggable really, or your fault Jimmy: 💔 Janis: yeah Jimmy: just come back Janis: I can't get this shit right Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: this is the only thing going right Janis: don't let me ruin it Janis: remember Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: so don't let me either Janis: like you said Janis: you ain't trading meth Jimmy: don't do it again and neither are you Janis: why would I Jimmy: you wouldn't Jimmy: we can just leave it now Janis: works for me Janis: long as you mean it this time Jimmy: I'm sorry Janis: Me too Janis: but I'm coming back Jimmy: I don't wanna be here if you're not Janis: I'm not going anywhere Janis: stay with me too Jimmy: I promise Janis: it's just a different kind of difficult Janis: it must be tough, your siblings needing you Janis: but it's tough when no one does, just for different reasons Jimmy: I need you, you don't have to feel like that again Janis: I like it Janis: it makes me feel Janis: just feel fullstop Janis: I need to get used to it, that's all Jimmy: I get it, I thought I was used to giving a shit 'cause I've had to look after them for ages Jimmy: but nowt's the same with you Jimmy: needing someone too, having something I could lose Jimmy: I don't want them to stay with me forever Jimmy: they're meant to fuck off if I've done a decent enough job Janis: you have Janis: you do Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: Seriously Janis: not just saying it because I love you Jimmy: might all be for nowt if we don't 💀💀💀 Ian Jimmy: how much do you love me? Jimmy: 💕🔪? Janis: Wouldn't even need to 💘 you that much Janis: that much of a dickhead, him, like Janis: but obvs enough anyway Jimmy: romance ain't dying with him then Jimmy: 👍 Janis: not that lucky, boy Jimmy: wouldn't be very lucky that Jimmy: need it for my 🎨 Janis: the 💔 years though, baby Jimmy: take that as your excuse like Jimmy: when you 💔 me Jimmy: a 🥇 muse has gotta do what she's gotta do Janis: no one 💸 to hear a muse's side of the story Janis: you'll have exclusive rights, like Jimmy: If I write it, every dickhead'll read it Jimmy: way with words, me Janis: Don't need to tell me Jimmy: take the reminder though Janis: tell me something pretty then Jimmy: put me on the spot Jimmy: [but a voice memo being cute cos never does any work obvs and I hope Mia saw him do it, deal with that hoe] Janis: 😊 Janis: oh you Jimmy: you Janis: Nearly swooned into oncoming traffic Janis: 💘💀👑 Jimmy: Shakespeare'll be spinning in his ⚰ Janis: Poor Bill Jimmy: I'll turn classic FM on for him Jimmy: with any luck he'll be a happy 👻 and 💀👑 will piss off Janis: some 🤓 you are Janis: you'll 🤯 with that space-age music and then 🌍💥 Jimmy: come sing for us instead then 🤓 girl Jimmy: that's that sorted Janis: not unless Pete has also shown up Janis: got to be audition ready Jimmy: he has Jimmy: you can crack on Janis: damn Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: don't show me up tah Janis: 🏃 Janis: byeeee Jimmy: 🎣 Janis: 😏 Janis: okay, you mighta appeased 🖋📜👻 Janis: can be 🤓 together Jimmy: me and him, me and you or you and him? Janis: can ask him how he feels about thirding if you wanna but Jimmy: only so much 👻💕 you can hack? Janis: only so much sharing I'm interested in Janis: which is none Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: shh Jimmy: I'll meet you outside so there's no need to share with Pete Janis: alright Janis: [show up bitch] Jimmy: [when you come out as soon as you see her, excuse him everyone cos he's gonna be extra with the hello as per] Janis: [the 😍😍😍 are so real]
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nidonemo · 6 years
Holiday Music and Why I Hate It
When asked if I enjoy Christmas music, or when I politely ask someone to turn it off I usually get this response:
“How could you not like Christmas music? It’s so cheerful and festive and wonderful! Doesn’t it put you in the mood?”
The only mood it puts me in is bitter, resentful, and “don’t touch me”.
You think it’s not that bad, that you love holiday music so much you’d never get sick of it. You say that because you’ve most likely only had the option to listen to it where you can turn it off or change it. You’ve had the power to say “that’s enough” and walk away from it. Not all of us are given that luxury come November 1st.
Imagine you’re sitting in your car, you’re all ready for the holidays, the sights of festive decorations and pine trees all lit up and bespangled with stars and lights get you cheery and giddy, you sip on your peppermint flavored hot drink of choice, you wear your holiday sweater and knit hat, you’re so ready!
You turn off the car and open the door...but it doesn’t open. It’s locked somehow, and you try the lock...but it’s no longer there. In fact, neither is the door handle. The entire interior of the car door is a blank panel now. You look for your keys because the fob can get you out...but you can’t find them anymore, it’s like they dropped into a different universe entirely. You bang on the windows but they barely even register an impact, it’s like a pillow slapping against the glass. You think of your cellphone, your hand darts towards it...but it’s not there...and it dawns on you...you never picked it back up off the kitchen counter when you left the house.
You can’t get out of this car.
You start feeling a panic prickle up your spine and then the radio turns itself on. Christmas music, of course, you had it tuned to that station or you had your playlist on. You reach to turn it off but the dials and buttons don’t react. The music keeps playing. You sit and listen to it then start to realize it’s just three songs...on repeat. The three you DON’T like. Maybe the vocals are too sharp for your sensitive ears, or you’re bored by the lyrics, or the music is dull or too eccentric, or it’s not traditional like you enjoy it. Whatever way it is, it’s all the ways you hate it.
You look up, thinking someone could get you out of the car from the outside! You search the parking lot, but not a soul is around. You remember you parked on the opposite side, the secret area behind the store that no one ever parks in because you wanted to try avoiding crowds and stupid drivers. Well you got your wish...not one soul ever comes back here. Ever.
The music keeps playing, and you’re in no festive mood now, it’s slowly becoming the theme to your panic-induced trauma. You bang on the steering wheel, the horn is dead, in fact it seems to make a jingle bell noise now. You pump every lever, push every button, nothing works or responds.
The music keeps playing.
You scream and wave and kick and bang...then give up. Nothing works or will get you out of your car.
The music keeps playing.
Hours crawl by, and you’re sick of the words “Santa”, “Christmas”, “cheer”, “presents”, and “holidays”. You tried singing along the eighth time the songs replayed themselves, but you started crying halfway through the first tune.
Then, by some miracle, the radio stops...you think “Oh...there is a God!”
...it starts back up, the music is louder now, and full of your holiday favorites, but your brain is so over saturated with the notions of holiday cheer you can’t stand your desired songs anymore. You actually feel physically sick at the mere first few notes of them. It’s like what they say about eating your favorite food when you’re sick, you’ll always associate it with that nasty flu you suffered through and never want to touch it again.
It’s been about five hours now...the music keeps playing, its dark out, the last store shut its lights off ten minutes ago. Tear stains streak your cheeks, your mind is numb, you’ve given up...you start calling out to Death itself in the shadows with the hoarse voice still left cracking in your dry throat before passing out exhausted.
This is close to the hell retail workers go through every holiday season. Of course I speak from my own personal experience, my shattered innocence, my patience beaten within an inch of its limits...and to think...they start playing this shit in the beginning of November.
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cringe-car-guy · 2 years
War stories:
It was the beginning of summer in Afghanistan. The sun was going down on another hot afternoon. I had just eaten dinner (my breakfast) and was getting ready for the night shift. My buddy Drake was waiting for me on the machine gun. Once I relived him we just talked for a few hours and my mind started to think of things back home. So I told him I was going to the John. As I was getting comfortable and my favorite video was pulled up; the incoming message came over the intercom. I didn't think anything of it since the system never worked anyway. So I continued doing my business. Shortly after I began; I head a loud woosh and an explosion close to me.
Dazed and confused I poked my head out of the john and said "hey that sounded close", do which Drake replied " YEAH GET THE FUCK UP HERE".
Now realizing the gravity of the situation I grabbed my rifle and booked it up stairs. Pants around my hips like a early 2000s rapper. I threw on my vest and put my helmet on my head.
No sooner than when I had my gear on I looked out the window and saw another explosion. This one struck a barracks building on the fob. Flames and smoke began billowing immediately.
This was my first taste of indirect fire from the enemy.
I didn't know what to think but the rush and my training told me to get on the machine gun and prepare for the worst. Minutes passed before an afgan army patrol came to retrieve their general from across the road. I almost opened fire until I realized who they were. It was around that time the fog of war had settled on the fob.
The next day jets flew over and we didn't see any action for about a week.
This was my 1st week in Afghanistan.
I think back on that day and wonder what if. But my dreams remind me thats nothing I need.
I love my buddy for being there. I can always hit him up when shit gets hard.
~Roach Coach Actual
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seecourtneytravel · 6 years
October 5th and 6th, 2018 (Friday and Saturday)
Cebu, New Friends, Excursions
When I went to bed in the hostel, I just laid down and was still in my day clothes. As mentioned before, some idiot from our 8 bed dorm turned off the AC. Maybe it was too cold but I woke up burning up inside early in the morning.
After the AC was turned back on, I kind of layed in bed for a little bit. I looked up the nearest gym available. For some reason it’s so refreshing to me to go to a gym in a different place. I found they had anytime fitness around the corner and I was pretty much jumping for joy inside because I’m a member back home.
I wasn't really interested in having breakfast first so I left with just my phone and headphones. Anytime fitness was literally around the corner in the top floor of a four story plaza.
I walked in and went to the front desk. I said to the woman working, “hi, I’m an anytime fitness member in the states and don’t have my key fob, can you look me up?” She looked pretty resistant off the hop. She immediately said “sorry, we can’t look you up here. But you can pay 500 pesos for a day or 3000 pesos for the month.” I was taken aback. I told her I am already a member and paid that in the states monthly already. I said, “I’ve gone to anytime fitness in other countries and they could look me up. This is the first time I’ve ever had issue because anytime fitness happens anywhere anytime when you’re a member.” She half ass looked me up when the flag on the search box was still showing the Philippines. It said “not found.” She then asked if I had ID. I showed her my license and passport on my phone. She said it wasn’t enough. I told her to get the manager.
The manager came out and had a disappointed look on his face as he introduced himself. I told him the story and he said “Sorry, but if you don’t have a key fob you can’t come in.” I told him I wasn’t expecting to be near an anytime fitness in the Philippines. He then went back to saying that even foreigners always have their key fob when they come and asked me why I didn’t have mine.
The argument had my blood boiling. I then showed them my bank statement that I just had money withdrawn from my bank account October 1st from the company. They said it still wasn’t proof. Then I said what if I had my dad take a picture of it. The manager said he would need to see a live video. I was thinking you gotta be kidding me.
I called my dad on Facebook messenger and it was already 11pm for him. He got up and looked in my room and found my one set of car keys. I had to inform him he had to go on the hunt for my other set that had a purple key fob on it. I felt bad, I made him look in my car, in my bombed messy room, and it took him a while before he stumbled upon them on my dresser.
I showed them the live video of my dad holding up my keys in the camera. Then they said “well what’s the number on the fob.” I asked my dad and he said needed to find a magnifying glass because the numbers were so small. He hunted all around the garage and found it with some digging. I gave them the number and the 1 hour or so ordeal was done. It was principal I went through that because I’m a paying member. They finally let me workout after all that and I killed a great workout. People probably think, “you’re in the Phillipines why are you stressing over the gym.” I’ve kind of lost my gym mojo since being here. It was like I found my home when I saw their was an air conditioned, non polluted, clean gym to go to. And I had a membership!
After the gym I went back to the hostel where they had some cheap food options. After I ordered I saw Anna. Anna was one of the girls from last night that was sitting in a different group. I asked her what her and her friend Carys were doing for excursions. Anna said she would ask Carys and come back in a few minutes while I was eating.
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Anna is from Scotland and Carys is from the U.K. and they just arrived to the Philippines. They are also nomads in their 20’s. Anna’s travel stories are incredible, she has has spent five years working in and out of many countries. It makes me feel like my moments of traveling in a country for a month is the equivalence of me going from NY to Canada for a week. She can actually say she had lived in places like New Zealand and Vietnam.
They came back to the table and Carys was extremely hung over after last nights shinanigans. They both arrived earlier in the day and started drinking many hours before I arrived. Anna and I encouraged Carys to maybe put something in her stomach. She ordered an oatmeal and a smoothie but was unable to touch it. She excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she came out she was all smiles and was much perkier. She was able to take in some of her lunch.
We sat at the outdoor picnic tables for what felt like hours of just talking. Once we decided on a tour I told the front desk. I excused myself from the girls so I could walk around the area we were in and maybe find a nail salon.
After walking for a while, I couldn’t find A nail salon anywhere. I did stumble upon a massage spot. For only 250 pasos, I experienced the most painful foot massage of my life.
I got a message from Carys while I was walking back that they were going to go to a cafe bookstore called “books and brews.” I replied yes and was almost back at the hostel. When I got back they were already ready and we headed out.
We made it to the bookstore through a random restaurant alley. It felt like a New York City speakeasy. I ordered the soup and sandwich with a latte. The other girls also ordered a hot latte. It was funny because we all shared that we were normally all or nothing when it came to having drinks. I typically don’t drink alcohol much at all. It doesn’t interest me to have “one or two beers.” I’d rather have coffee or water. Depending on the crowd, my surroundings, the atmosphere, and most importantly, how conversations are going- all depend if I dip into the “I’ll have a blue moon.”
I urged the ladies I had to go back because I had to use the bathroom and the toilets there didn’t have rims. It would be okay if I just had to pee, but I couldn’t squat for like 5 minutes straight for other duties. Filipinos must have quads of steal.
Also, I was supposed to meet Kevin out later. He said there was a table that Blui reserved. We left the restaurant and I started getting ready. Kevin messaged me he was on his way to pick me up. It was the first time I was in a car in the Philippines that wasn’t a taxi!
Kevin picked me up, he was dressed really well. Made me bummed out that I had a pour selection of clothes. I had to be up and ready BY 4am for the excursion the girls and I were taking. Kevin had a 7AM flight to catch to Manila. We figured it would be a short night.
We arrived to the bar Blui and his friends were supposed to be. I guess they were on Filipino time. After a few drinks, I thought I saw a recognizable face. “Is that the mayor from ABCD beach in Guiuan?” He came out of his vehicle with a woman. Kevin had no idea he would be here and we waved him over. It’s crazy that he also came from an entirely different island and to run into the same face. He also flew out of Tacloban to Cebu.
After an appetizer was ordered, Blui and his guests finally arrive after 11pm. We were all pouring sweat in our outside table while the inside was air conditioning. Everyone was content being outside, I kept having to go inside to use the bathroom but really just to catch the cool air.
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Time flew, 4 mojios later it was already 230am. Kevin dropped me off at the hostel where my head literally hit the pillow and in an hours time my alarm went off at 330 to get up for the excursion.
4am whale shark tour
I actually didn’t feel as terrible as I thought. Carys and Anna got in the back of our private transport car and I sat front seat. I wanted to sleep the three and a half hours to the whale shark tour. I have a really hard time sleeping in cars naturally but our driver made it so much worse. He constantly started conversation, and as the front seat passanger I wanted to be polite and talk to him a little.
Constantly, the driver would ask..”So Mam, in your country…” over and over again. With different questions from wages to asking me if I could get him a job as a driver. He then asked me if I knew any mechanics to help get him a job. I said flat out, “I really don’t know, literally go there and apply yourself everywhere.” I had to tell him “okay I’m gonna sleep now. My eyes are closing..” he would say “okay mam you sleep now.”
As I tried to sleep I felt like the guy was intentially speeding up to slam on his breaks. By far the worst driver ever. We were all jolted around the car unnecessarily. It was very frustrating. I would doze off and it’s like he was speed, brake, and swerve at the same time causing my head to bounce off the side door. I would look up in a slight panic and it would be a straight road in front of us. I would give him an annoyed WTF look but didn’t have the balls to say anything. If he became a driver in the states he would lose his license first week. Or run a family over.
We arrive to the whale shark tour at about 8am. It was already packed and we had to wait about 45 minutes until our numbers were called. After we waited we all jumped aboard these boats that would take us maybe 30 yards from the shore line. They had 8 whale sharks they were feeding and allowed us to get out and swim with them but not touching them. It was scary and surreal At the same time. There was a time the biggest one was coming straight at me with its mouth opening and closing like some kind of jaws. I saw him through my snorkel and panicked sloth holding on to one of the balancing bamboo beams. The boat men laughed as I screamed. Turns out, I survived. It was cool because Carys had a go pro and caught some great photos.
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After the whale sharks we were able to grab lunch. The girls and I sat down and ordered some food. I noticed the driver was sitting afar not eating. When the food came out I went over and invited him to join us. I scraped half of my food onto his plate which was abou 6 shrimp and a ton of seasoned noodles. He began speaking Waray to the server and she brought out pork and rice for him as well alone with an orange soda. I was a bit confused but I guess he could have managed to order his own and I lost half of my meal for nothing. He shared some rice with me.
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It came time to pay for the meal. We all dug for our last dollars and worked on configuring how to pay for the drivers additional add on meals. Afterwards he got up and said “ready?” And had no intention of paying. His meal was the most expensive one to pay for so we were all taken back that he added on to the bill. There was also no thank you in return. It was just a bit awkward.
Kawasan Falls
We then headed to the waterfalls which was another 2 hour drive. The spazzing drive was turning our stomachs. As we were just arriving, Anna said “good because I think I was going to be sick.”
We arrived and it was an obvious path the the falls. We were bombarded by locals demanding money and entrance fee in which we forwarded them to our driver. Our excursion was supposed to include our entrence fee and the driver kept asking us to pay. Our driver disappeared for about 15 minutes and then arrived again with another man. The other man was eager to take our photos and was acting as a “tour guide.” The girls and I caught on that he might expect payment at the end. They all voted me to tell him that we didn’t need a tour guide. I went up to the guy and was pretty blunt. “Hey sir. We don’t need a guide we want to be alone- thanks.” He proceeded forward without responding. We didn’t see him for a bit.
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We arrived to the huge heavy flowing light blue waterfalls. It was heavily commercialized with a lot of rules and a lot of areas where you had to pay money if you wanted to do anything. You had to rent a life jacket if you wanted to swim close and had to pay 300 pesos if you wanted a table. We did our own thing and refused both. The other guy returned who started to ask if we wanted our photos taken. We blatenly ignored him and took our own photos of eachother. We kept playing around with the “throw your hair back” photos. water was freezing but amazing.
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Once we left we had our tour guide take us to the hostel in Oslob where whale sharks were. We tipped the driver 300 pesos for driving us back. The hostel we arrived to was very basic but beautiful. It was called Salangers hostel. It had at least 16 dorm bunk beds in the one room with us being the only people at the moment.
The first thing that caught our eye was this adorable puppy that was half Dalmatian and half lab. It was the first dog I’ve seen that was actually a pet. What is more heartbreaking is that his name was Buddy. I had a delmation and labordoodle and the labordoodle’s name was Buddy.
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The hostel owner gave us a ride to downtown Oslob which was tiny and we as dinner at a pizza shop. We don’t even eat much just craved mango juice and a salad then tricycled back.
When we returned, the Canadian from the hostel 7 in Cebu city was there. He was like “hey Courtney!” I said “Sam!” It’s crazy how I kept running into the same people all around. Sam was from Vancouver Canada and was traveling alone while he is out of work. Where he has already gone is where I’m going. We were kind of on the same path but opposite. He was easy going and comfortable to be around.
Sam sat outside and picked up this cute kitten that was meowing around him. I was so surprised he did that but also happily impressed. The animals are so unpredictable here, were finally in a spot where a puppy and kitten are easy to handle and play with like your common domestic animal in the states.
Just as we were about to head to bed a guy from the Congo came in who was also traveling alone. He spoke French but lived in China. Him and Sam planned the whale sharks the next day.
I chose a bottom bunk and put my ear plugs in and eye covering on. The beds were worse than prison beds and it felt like we were upside down.
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adaine · 6 years
Get to know each other tag!
Rules: Answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by my oldest and loveliest mutual @bandhoorah​
1. Nickname: Jules, goose, jla
2. Zodiac: Sagittarius
3. Height: 5′9″
4. Age: 19 (and a half as of yesterday)
5. Time: 9:54pm
6. Fav bands/artists: Sigrid, FOB, P!aTD and uhhh hmm idk
7. Song stuck in my head: Andalouse by Kendji Girac even tho most of it being stuck in my head is gibberish since I don’t know any french
8. Last movie I saw: Beautiful Thing on a rabbit stream yeet gotta love gay movie nights
9. Last thing I googled: thank you kanye very cool bc i was looking at memes
10. Other blogs: too many! my active ones are @jonasmatteo​ @floresmeg​ and @hayconshipper​ and i have a bunch of other abandoned sideblogs and saved urls and also some for in process projects. and I also run @skambigbang​ so that blog is mine 
11. Do I get asks: not in a long ass time rip in peace
12. Why I chose my username: it would follow me through fandoms and, well, it has
13. Following: 50 exactly
14. Avg amount of sleep: 7 hours 
15. Lucky number: 13
16. What am I wearing: blue soccer shorts and an old purple gs camp t-shirt w the sleeves ripped off.
17. Dream job: designing prostheses
18. Dream trip: Oslo/Copenhagen lowkey. also highkey want to tour Italy. and i also want to go to amsterdam. but I might actually go to oslo in the fall before my study abroad in england
19. Favorite food: burrito parilla’s al pastor burrito w salsa verde
20. Play any instruments: violin since I was 9. also I took piano in first grade lmao so not really but I’m planning on taking another class on it w my friend in the spring semester
21. Favorite song: my forever favorite is Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes
22. Play(ed) any sports: I played softball ages 3-13, soccer ages 5-14, basketball in 1st grade and then 4th through 8th too
23. Hair color: lightish brown
24. Eye color: blue but they have tints of green in them, when i was little i called them chameleon eyes bc sometimes they look green if the light changes
25. Most iconic song: my neck my back
26. Languages you speak/learning: english obviously lol, yo hablo español, jeg snakker en litt norsk
27. Random fact: I have a research position in neuroengineering with Montana State this summer and I start a week from today. I’m highkey nervous!
28. Describe yourself as aesthetics/things: shit this seems hard. uhhhuhhuhhhhhhhhh, my laptop (w its stickers), my violin, late night in a crowded car, writing at 2am, drinking vanilla honey chamomile tea
bold of you to assume ik twenty people well enough to tag and not feel awkward. i’m tagging: @femmevilde @evensdramaticshenanigans @unendeligtid @julian-dahl @skamfairy @naescar @memequeenpeter and anyone else who wants to
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fightsandgirls · 3 years
7 Advice For Customized Present
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All autumn, folks possess been asking me one concern: "What are the hottest presents for the holidays?" I have actually been telling them the patterns I am actually viewing, including Uggs, succulents, tablet personal computers, as well as a whole category of gifts: personalized gifts. Personalization, like monogramming a present, or adding a date or information, is actually both a traditional suggestion and entirely on-trend. It creates a gift appear even more considerate as well as organized. As well as for little ones' gifts specifically, it's an useful technique to mark an item so it won't receive lost at institution ... or confiscated through a brother or sister. Personalized disney gifts are also terrific for college students in dorm rooms. When you are purchasing customized presents this vacation, listed here are actually a handful of recommendations.
Tips for Personalized Disney gifts
Stay colorfully.
Opt for contrasting needlework to bring in initials pop, or even go tone-on-tone for a chic appeal.
Character research study.
When you are getting your customized presents, keep an eye on how many personalities you are allowed every series, and how many lines tot, to ensure you will not receive a call from a concerned client service associate when your information does not fit.
Dig in.
Laser etching as well as hardwood engraving create a long lasting impression.
Make use of images.
Child's 1st portraiture or the picture from your family members's holiday season card can be published to make graphics on just about anything coming from phone instances to Rubik's dices and also dead heats.
Plan ahead.
Customization can take a number of additional times, specifically as the vacations warm up and also business go into overdrive filling all their orders, thus order early. That pointed out, tailored products are on call far more quickly than they remained in the past.
Enthusiast the flames of passion.
Produce your very own charming promo publication, romance or perhaps throw cushion.
Have fun with measurements.
Along with a personalized present, you can go significant, like quilts and even little ones furnishings, or even little like fashion jewelry cartons and also band owners. Ready to start creating your mark on whatever coming from initialed candlesticks to vital fobs, purses, Disney ornaments and steak marketing devices?
Gift Tips to Offer:.
Stretch Their Space.
A teeny very small dorm room demands some extremely crafty use area. Think about helpful presents, like a battery charger that can energize several gizmos instantly, a workdesk leading rack to offer additional space, closet shelfs or even a wall-mount bike rack.
Provide One Thing Truly Trendy.
Not every person expects providing cash money or one thing uber practical for these huge gifting occasions. If you can not get into the concept of getting your BFF their very first toaster, culminate of trying to find one thing definitely excellent, and even a customized college graduation present. If they enjoy songs, try a wonderful retro-styled turntable; it's the kind of gift that will definitely be the talk of the dorms every Friday evening and a best conversation starter for every new good friend on school.
Hand-to-hand deliveries.
For many college youngsters, it's tough receiving used to managing everything on their own, therefore give Disney collectibles that takes a few traits off their layer. Delivering them an University Care Package deal will certainly reveal them you are thinking about them. One thing such as a meals gift container with a mix of delicious as well as salty addresses for late-night research study treats.
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insunny · 4 years
1) rn im making amigurumi snails and a pair of gloves, n i might start a cardigan soon. i havent read much this year either, but i love coming of age and mysteries. the one i just read is called red white and royal blue, it was so good! didnt know i could still read a book in 3 days, havent done that since middle school probably lmao. wow u really love figure skating! i think thats so great, its really nice to have something you love that much! i know those skaters, ive seen some their routines!
2) i remember watching ice skating in the 2018 olympics, thats when yuzu caught my eye. i get what u mean about winter, the cloudy skies and early nights can get to ya, but the holidays make everything seem so bright n cheerful. the gingerbread definitely helps! ooh song recs let’s see..i love the whole folie a deux album of fob’s, sunshine riptide n bishops knife trick are great too. for the killers, the man and change your mind perhaps? and hey i hope u get more chances to relax from work! -ss
Happy 3rd week of December dear and sorry for the late reply 🤍 Amigurumi snails sound adorable! A shame you can't send pictures in anon... And a cardigan? That's honestly pretty cool, I could never with my level of patience... Also, I googled red, white & royal blue and it seems interesting, probably will give it a go as well!
Ah, my skating rambles... For someone who barely knows how to skate forward I like watching it a lot, but it's just been like that since I was a kid. I did dream of becoming a figure skater back in like 1st/2nd grade but now reading textbooks and following competitions is enough for me, I don't really feel the need to get on ice myself unless it's just for pure fun. I'm satisfied with my current hobbies. I also love watching dance as it is the sport I'm actually involved in.
Thank you for the recommendations, I'll be sure to check them out! Also, since I've once again provided a whole unnecessary skating paragraph, I would love to know which subjects you get all ranty about. What's something you could go on about for hours? Feel free to ramble too :D
So little time until Xmas... Feels unreal...
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Chevrolet Express Fob Keys And Remote Program San Antonio TX
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Did you cleave to reflash your car computer system, cleave to replace your ignition lock, forgot where you put your vehicle key or want to replace a key-fob? San Antonio Key Replacement is the highest quality Chevrolet Express lock-man in San Antonio TX and countrysides area, our team has many years of experience administrating boundless keyfob and smartkey duplicated, cutting of laser cut keys, vehicle lock-out or broken ignition keys extraction for majority of model, year and manufacturer of automobiles and can help you out of any vehicle key and lock trouble. We carry bountiful blankeys for practically all cars in the United States of America market including metal bladed, fob keys, VAT/PATS or smart-keys keys. Rather then hiring a towing-truck, call (210)598-8120 to explain about your situation and one of our professional vehicle lock-smith will be on the way to you instantaneously to repair, rekey or replace and basically work out all kind of locks, ignition and keys disputes on premises.
Chevrolet Express replacement keys in San Antonio TX
Buying a brand-new car key from the dealer-ship is occasionally lavish or lengthy task, on the other hand in lots of affairs, electing an emergency car lost key made solution can be economical rates or shorter remedy. Our team members are furnished with specific break in and entry machinery and furthermore anti theft system, proximity key, sidewinder or passive theft system blank keys adept to aid 24hr and cut and program a brand new vehicle key for customers who got their keys stolen or lost for every imported or domestic auto manufacturer onsite.
About Chevrolet Express key lock platform
Chevrolet vehicle brand was produced by the U.S.A automobile manufacturer General-Motors in Detroit, Michigan. The brand was 1st sold in the U.S.A in 1903 as common vehicles, Trucks and commercial cars. Since 1997  Chevrolet cars use transponder keys that may be copied in a comfortable and cost effective process, yet today's cars adopt ciphered transponders that must be programmed to the vehicle using a distinct diagnostic machinery and if all keys are misplaced, the vehicle ECM must be reflash.
Today's cars beginning from  2007 normally equipped with the modern stylish Passive Entry Passive Start (PEPS) keyless entry with components like keyless entry, push to start and blind spot data platforms.
Ignition cylinder repair
The Chevrolet Express ignition switch use three phases that activate different instrument when the key is turned. The ignition will activate the electronic detachments on the 1st stage, activate the fuel injection on the 2nd stage and start up the engine on the 3rd stage.
One of the most common thing people ask us over the phone for assitance with,  ignition cylinder problems. While we are usually pleased to tackle and diagnose your condition, it can be terribly hard to perform over the phone. Apart from having proper Chevrolet Express diagnostic and lock-picking tools, an essential proficiency of the way car ignition cylinder works is essential, though prior to calling an ignnition expert please check the options below:
</p> <h5>No lights on dash board</h5> <p> If you turn the key in ignition on and no lights turn over on the dashboard which actually means that there is no power supply coming from the battery. It may be a deplated battery or maybe even a bad electronic wiring connection or alternator could be the reason for this. Turn over the headlights, if they wont light up, it's actually means the battery is empty which is a job for a  mechanic.
</p> <h5>Ignition key wont turn</h5> <p> Exceedingly all vehicle accommodate a steering column locking system that activates every time you take the ignition key out of the switch  at the end of a drive. Often, the steering column can lock in a position that employs pressure to the ignition cylinder, and bars the key from turning (usually when parking on a hill) or when a front wheel is pressed against something (like sidewalk corner).
* Before you try fixing this issue, please verify that your car shifting gear is on park.
Grasp the  wheel and try to move the sized steering wheel to the sides left and right and back and forth while lightly shake right and left the ignition gripping the key - which might help in unlatching the steering lock.
The ignition switch is remarkably significant part of any car and consisting of so many small detachments that can be wearisome to diagnose by a non-experience hands, so the only thing a driver can do bumping into ignition switch or key complications is to verify you are really attempting to start your own vehicle and schedule with a car lockman to come out to your place of choice to repair, rekey  reprogram the ignition or key which will costs $160–$360.
Transponder chip key originate
Two decades ago automobile manufacturers world-wide upgrade exceedingly all of their car keys and locks mechanisms to electric passive anti theft, chipped key or V.A.T keys incorporating a tiny chip hidden into the key head or blade and furthermore car computer.
The idea behind this is to attain anti theft platform in which the car consists of ECU and the key consists of a small scale chip hidden into it's plastic apex.
Whenever the driver stick the key into the ignition key crack, a radio frequency signal is transmitted to the engine control module. If the car main computer doesn't identify the code, the engine would not start. Transponder keys actually means that besides cutting a blank key, the key need to be computed to the vehicle by a relevant programmer done by a locksmith or at the dealer-ship .
Chevrolet Express keyless device
Smartkeys are the state of the art in driver convenience and comfort, you are capable of lock and unlock your doors and moreover starting the engine – yet avoiding holding the key. You only need to carry it on you, either in your handbag or purse.
When the driver swing by their car, they are recognized by a corresponding combination of audio and infrared transponder located inside the proximity key. The doors open and unlock when the driver pulls the handle. The engine ignites pressing a toggles on the dashboard. The toggles is altering the metal blade key by releasing electricity on the engine fuel pump.
Closing the car doors when exiting is just as straightforward. The driver just pushes a keypad on the door handle – some smartkeys even lock as soon as the driver go's out of reach.
Copy vs lost car keys
2 decades ago, varied automakers began to integrate electronic keys and immobilizer as a protection measurement in which a vehicle computer will identify the programmed key when you go to ignite the car. If the vehicle doesnt identify a suitable key, immobilizer demobilize the fuel pump and the car will not crank.
This instrumentation serve as anti theft to prevent against hot wiring or lockpick the motor vehicle and help drivers and insurance companies in preventing car theft around the world, yet the costs of vehicle keys climb to $50-$120 for a basic duplicate chipped key and presumably around a hundred dollar more if the keys are lost.
24 hrs car lockout
With modern power lock, air-bag, electric windows and immobiliser technology normally evolving, keys, locks and ignition likewise car lock pick services are becoming way more compound to work with. Our vehicle opening technician utilize specialized lock cracking tools and procedures to reduce damaging your car electrical windows, door frames or airbag. If you locked yourself out of your vehicle, we can be with you in no time for all your car trunk and door locks commitments,
Vehicle locks adjusting
Did you bought a new Chevrolet Express ignition and requisite to restore an obsolete one?, got one of your Chevrolet Express keys pinched? or misplaces the keys to your vehicle?, would like to guarantee that no one else pick up the power to activate your car? Good News! You are in the right place, since updating of car locks is one of San Antonio Key Replacement capital aspect. Our professionals can modify the internal pins inside your door or ignition lock, so it would accept the brand-new key and eliminate the previous one. Pick up the cell and call our customer care office to get your car lock conversed by a accomplished lock smith before you even know it
Our 24 hrs mobile lock-smith service let drivers get an expert lock smith every time they need one. With one phone call! Our workmanship are on the guard year round ready to come down to you to copy fobic-key, repair your ignition or make a newish flip-key at your side.
Keep our phone number available for the next day you are undergoing an emergency broken or lost keys and need a timely lock-smith service.
Our company is proud for the reputation as a trusted and extremely fast reply and our techs are trained to get the job done guaranteeing complete satisfaction with highly competitive pricing every time you need one.. If you are in a search for What is proximity key? San Antonio Key Replacement.
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kodokugumon · 7 years
me? Doing a Tag? why I’d never
I was tagged by @furrydatemate and I feel pain
Nicknames: V or Spider-fucker. I’m dead serious
Gender: demigirl?? Nonbinary?? Nonbinary girl???????? dude I don’t even know anymore. And I’m like half certain I don’t even care anymore
Star Sign: Leo 
Height: 5′0 
Time: 10:27
Birthday: August 1st 
Favorite Bands: ??? I honestly just listen to whatever is pleasing to me so like I guess P!ATD or FOB or like Halestorm or something. I like most of Mother Mother’s music. 
Favorite Solo Artist: I like Hayley Kiyoko’s music because it’s gay af
Song Stuck in My Head: Take a Slice by Glass Animals 
Last Movie You Watched: *nervous sweating because I haven’t actually sat down and watch a movie in 56674565 years* I think, uh, do documentaries count?? I watched this one on gay animals recently 
Last Show You Watched: Pokemon Sun and Moon, my favorite anime but mimikyu hasn’t appeared in so long, my crops are dead, when is he coming back 
When You Created Your Blog: Fuck dude I don’t know. I think maybe in 2016??
What Do I Post: pokemon and whatever usually. What I like y’know the drill 
Last Thing I googled: PokemonCenter.com
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Yeah, but I plan on deleting or giving the blogs to someone else who are more motivated to keeping them running. So I’ll update my sideblogs list soon 
Do You Get Asks: Occasionally 
Following: 125 Blogs 
Followers: 208 
Favorite Colors: Red, black, blue. 
Average Hours of Sleep: like at night or in a 24-hour period?? Because at night it’s like 6-7 and altogether it’s like 9-10 
Lucky Number: Don’t have one but I’ll go with 3 
Instruments: don’t play any 
What Am I Wearing: A cat tank top and purple shorts 
How Many Blankets Do I Sleep With: 1 
Dream Job: death 
Dream Vacation: Send me to Iceland 
Favorite Food: Piggies in a blanket and Mac N’ Cheese 
Nationality: good ole’ America 
Favorite Song Right Now: In My House from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Languages: English 
So I’m tagging @cloudseokjin @scraftyguts @diamondthesmolwolf @carmacybli @a-ninja-in-training
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15 Hilarious Videos About exeter nh town pool
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Tagging game
ASDFGHJK Thank you so much @oftrickstersandmoose for tagging me and saying that about my blog!! That’s sooo sweet <333
I am going to do this thing, even though no one probably cares that much... Still, I will use this opportunity to tell everyone that reads this that THEY ARE AWESOME AND SIMPLY SOME ADORABLE CUTE LITTLE ANGELS ^-^
Nickname: Riri (no one actually calls me like that, but I found out it’s another abbreviation of my name so I love it =)) ) Gender: Fangirl (that’s it. That’s my gender. Forget about female, I am a fan-femme ❤︎)    Star Sign: Libra ^^ (the most indecisive person ever, I admit it)  Height: a bit more than 5ft 1′ I think? (I know, I know... I am literally a shrimp! But at least I get to stay in front of tall people and watch better everything XD) Time: time...time is irreversible.. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole... But, yeah, it’s about midnight here, if that’s the question =)   Birthday: Oct 1st  ❤︎ Favourite Bands: *pulls out powerpoint project* Are you sure of this?? *brings pictures and merchandise* jk XD My favorite band EVER will forever be Fall out boy I love them SO much,my wonderful adorable obsession!! <333 I also love mcr (my babies asdfghjk), p!atd, bvb, Green Day, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Rolling stones, Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Skid Row, The Offspring, The Beatles, Journey, Metallica, Gnr, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Boston,CCR, Van Halen, BOC, Asia, lynyrd skynyrd, alice cooper, Eagles... The list can go on till tomorrow :)) Also, a special mentioning would be Abba and Modern Talking <333 and, of course, my second favorite band (I shamelessly admit I have 90 songs of them on my phone device), QUEEN XD Favourite Solo Artists: hard to choose, uggh... My favorite singer used to be Celine Dion, so... I also love Kylie Minogue, Michael Bolton, Cyndi Lauper, Bryan Adams, Barbra streisand, Amy Grant, Bob Dylan, Elvis, too many to think of right now... Could I add Richard too?? =)) (even though he always says he is NOT a musician, his voice is wonderful aaaahh *sighs*)  Song Stuck in My Head: “All star” by Smash Mouth! It’s kind of making me feel more confident though, but it’s annoyingly catchy... Oh and yeah, how could I forget about “anyway you want it” by Journey, it got stuck in my mind for a whole week, I am so glad I got over it  Last Movie I Watched: Forrest Gump =) (watched it today, I admit I have cried a lot to it, and now I have only southern accents stuck in my head heeelp) Last Show I Watched: Big Bang Theory <33 (I adore sitcoms) I was trying to see if I can get to watch more Star Trek on tv, but instead I saw this :) When did I create my blog?: umm...My main one, I think around October last year?? And this secondary little thing that made my life better, I think sometime in May :)) What do I post? Post or reblog?: Both? =)) I reblog brilliant posts and I write anything that comes into my mind about Gabe <3 Also, I just simply adore making photo edits, gifs and stuff like that with him, so... Last Thing I Googled: it’s actually “sunburnt” because I got one during hiking yesterday, so I needed to know how to treat it better XD (I am so glad I didn’t have to do this game earlier, when my last thing was “how to burn people”, I assure you I am not a psychopath hehhe... Even though it was annoying that google was showing results for “good comebacks”, not actually burning people alive...) Any other blogs?: Hells yeah. Not many though. My main one where I haven’t posted anything for six months, a side blog with nice book quotes and nature landscapes that finally turned into a fandom one (oops!!) and one with song lyrics where I make photo edits and post mostly fob and mcr lyrics because when I don’t find them on google I must make them by myself :D  But here I have most of my followers <33 Do you get asks?: Umm...Nope, never got one, only messages, but happily waiting for some =)  The Story Behind My Username: *coughs*......it was, my darlings, the summer of 2017 when me meets the other inner me and I’m like “yo, I know about music” and the other me is like “yo, I know more about music!! ”, “that’s impossible! Do you wanna start a side blog? We’ll call it after your new favorite song ever that makes your heart sing and melt in the same time because of the most adorable mellow sweet feathered golden angel, that small tiny muffin who ruined your life” and I was like “yeah that’s cool” and that’s it XD Actually, I came up with the idea of this blog when I realized how obsessed I was with Gabe and at 2 AM I was creating gifs just to post them here, and the only logical username that came in my mind was this, I just love the heat of the moment!!! <33 *starts humming while eating a candy bar and sobbing in a corner* Following: 155! ;D Followers: 563 AAAHHH MY BEAUTIFUL RAYS OF SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR BRIGHTENING MY LIFE EVERY TIME YOU PRESS THAT “follow” button I JUST WANT TO WRAP YOU ALL IN WARM BLANKETS  ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ *hug attack to everyone who reads this* Favourite Color: GREEN! Grass green, cyclam, turquoise, that coral red-orange wonderful thing, blue violet, sunflower bright yellow (guess why ;)))... Average Hours of Sleep: probably eight hours. Sometimes 6, sometimes 11... Two weeks ago I slept only one hour, yesterday 12, so it depends XD Lucky Number: 111 <3 Not lucky, but favorite one I guess :)) But usually all my lucky numbers contain “1” so... I also love 21, dunno why Instruments: Fountain pen. JUST KIDDING! If it means musical instruments, I used to play piano and violin, but now I only know a bit to play the national anthem, that’s all... Currently I am into guitar, I have been trying for six months to learn how to play it from youtube tutorials, I can play couple of chords ;D What I’m wearing right now: whoa easy there, tagging game! (just a joke again, sorry ^-^) It’s actually only a dress with green and pink floral print because summer nights when you don’t want to go to sleep, just to stare at the stars, hum songs and spend time on tumblr, that’s why :) I just find dresses easier to wear when the heat outside overwhelms you How many blankets do I sleep with?: umm... Like now, during summer? Only a white sheet, it’s too hot (even though I sometimes want to go back to my warm blanket in case of monster night attacks). But on winter I can sleep with two wool blankets or even more... :)  Dream Job: Cardiothoracic Surgeon or any kind of doctor in general :)) It’s been my dream since I was two, I just love anatomy...<3 (probably I shouldn’t add my temporary dreams too, like becoming an actress, a Broadway singer, a detective or a novel writer and artist, should I?^^)  Dream Trip: aaah hard to say, but I think it would be a road trip in Arizona or any western desert part in general, while driving an old rusty convertible car (preferably an impala, of course), watching the ruby sun going down into the lakes painted on the azure sky and the stars sparkling brightly at night, feeling the freedom air and humming old rock songs (and singing “take it easy” when I get to Winslow, AZ :D)... Also, another dream trip would be in my favorite cities: NYC (to see Tiffany’s and Broadway :)), Paris (mainly the opera house and get to sing “bonjour Paris” like in Funny Face) and Rome (driving  a scouter or riding a vintage bike on the old streets, while picking ruby geraniums and singing Dean Martin songs aahh). Also, a trip to provence where I can dance through the lavender fields, the Alpes with warm small cottages or Greece would be wonderful (as long as I can admire the landscapes and the local culture with not so many people around... ^^) Favourite Food: grilled chicken with french fries and any kind of dessert (chocolate especially)<33 Also a bunch of sour soups, pasta, fish, meat, pizza and hamburgers, jam with butter and honey, cereals with milk, bacon and eggs, meatballs, chicken soup with dumplings, boiled potatoes with butter and parsley, pancakes, and this list could go on and on.... (now I got hungry ugh...) Nationality: Romanian :) (this should explain the “sour soup” thing)  Favourite Song Right Now: umm...*trying to make up my mind while sweating nervously* Probably still the heat of the moment, or Tiffany Blews by fob... But right now, I mean really RIGHT NOW, I think it would be “don’t stop believing” it’s so uplifting and purely...gorgeous :)
Sorry for the long post, in real life I never speak up, yet, here, I am a chatter box oops >.<
Now, the ceremony of tagging people! *drums beating*... Aaaand the nominees are....LEONARDO DiCAPRIO!! (SOORY just a silly joke ^^) Now, for real, I am tagging :  @scarlettwinchester23  ( ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ) , @sabriel-fanboy-83, @akhuna01, @hunters-hiraeth, @tricksterxangel, @lisiblack, @chaotictrickster, @quaker-wtf-lass and any other cinnamon roll that wants to do this, but I know you won’t do it unless I tag you, so, here you are : @that-sweet-person-who-read-my-ramblings-and-wants-to-do-this-game-too  ❤︎  You have been officially tagged ;) 
I love you all so much!! <3
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