#actually i deleted some fics awhile back like idk a year or two ago at this point
superfluouskeys · 1 year
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1lostone · 5 years
Fic Update
Well, it’s been a crazy few weeks. RL kind of smacked me upside the head, and I had to drop out of the T’hy’la big bang. Sigh. I just didn’t think that I could commit with that and work- and I would rather quit now than before any artist was paired with me. I’m not happy about it, but fortunately the mods were super understanding. It doesn’t help that I write like a goddamn constipated snail (no joke- Sometimes slower...!) so I have to have a ton of time to do all the things! 
So below are where I’m at in my writing WIPS, and the idea I had for a Crossover with the novel The Stand. Under the cut to save your dashboards. 😅
Shook Me Cold (Sterek mashup with the game The Long Dark)  I’m having way too much fun. Derek and Stiles are finally actually talking, but there’s Plot Stuff getting ready to happen and these boys can be dumb.... I’m not quite at the halfway point, but it was a lot of fun to jump back into writing Sterek. I missed these two assholes. 
Balanced (Reylo) I wanted to write a fix it for the end of TROS. Also, to play whackamole with some of the plot holes... but the beginning is turning out a lot darker than I anticipated. I did the Ben chapter (The prologue essentially) and now I’m doing Rey from Exogol to ... er the planet the Resistance is on (I’m blanking on the name rn) and she’s... not okay. She will be okay. And you know I can’t not write a happy ending (except that one time!) but man oh man, it’s fun to play in Rey’s head. She may or may not cuddle with a certain Good Boy Sweater, and it makes me 😌  I should have a chapter cleaned up and posted soonish.
Here’s the good stuff- and a bit of a teaser. If you’ve ever had a conversation with me, you know that I love the novel The Stand, by Stephen King. I am not exaggerating when I say that I use it in my job, parts show up as Easter eggs in my fics, and and I reread it every year or so.  I’ve wanted to do a cross-over with The Walking Dead for awhile, but I also had an idea for Teen Wolf. I have been plotting out and deleting ideas for at least four years with this thing. @jlm121 has heard me go crazy and delete it over and over. Then it hit me- why not both? Why can’t I put both ideas in there? A few days ago, @marooncamaro and @twdobsessive poked at me until I actually planned it out. So yeah. Will I write it? Idk. Probably. Will I post it? again, idk. I feel so nervous about writing in that ‘verse that I’m terrified I’ll fuck it up. But damn I can’t wait to write it.  I have to finish one of my current WIPs (The star trek fic I didn’t even mention here because I feel horribly guilty whenever I think about it lol) before I start something new and epic length. 
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