#actually i have a lot of body horror thoughts for kaoru...
vampacidic · 2 years
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ohoho. ohohohoho (via)
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10 for Kouga and Rei
10. “Who did this?”
Kaoru is away, on a short tour to promote her newest picture book. Leo is at some conference of Makai Priests, working to design new Madou Tools. Even with Raiga’s enthusiastic running in the hallways the house echoes, and Kouga is restless. The feeling is strange by itself; once he knew every one of those echoes and welcomed them as friends. Now they feel like unwelcome strangers.
In the late afternoon, though, Raiga’s excited shouting heralds the arrival of a visitor, and is followed in short order by the sound of Rei saying, “Hey, Gonza, got room for one more for dinner?”
“Of course, Master Rei, there’s always enough for you.” Gonza sounds pleased. “And your room is, as always, ready.”
“Thanks, Gonza--don’t climb on me, you little monkey, where’s your dad?” Some excited, indistinct babbling from Raiga. “All right.” And then, “Oh, no, it looks like I dropped a box of Pocky, someone’s going to have to eat that before monsters get to it.”
Raiga lets out a howl of glee that only sort of sounds like, “Thank you, Uncle Rei!” and a few minutes later Rei leans into the study and waves. “Yo, Kouga. I just got off an easy job, thought I’d stop by.”
Kouga says, “It’s good to see you,” and doesn’t add, “Now the house might feel less empty.” Instead he goes with, “Gonza’s making that soup.”
“Shit, I’ve got great timing, then.”
After dinner they spar on the lawn in the fading light while Raiga watches, entranced. When they’re done, it’s Raiga’s bedtime, and he insists that they both read to him. They stay up for a bit after that, talking in the study over slices of one of Gonza’s excellent cakes, and then part ways to their own bedrooms to sleep.
Kouga lies in bed, staring at the ceiling, and doesn’t sleep at all. If the house felt too empty earlier, the bed feels doubly so without Kaoru in it. Steadfast, he shuts his eyes and tries every meditation technique he knows, but rest refuses to come. The bed is too big.
He gives up, gets out of the too-big bed, pulls on pants and a shirt, and walks barefoot down the hall to Rei’s room.
Where--the door opens before he can even knock, before he’s even quite there. “Took you longer than I was expecting,” Rei says, gesturing cheerfully with the book in his hand. “Come on, I brought a bottle of that scotch you like.”
“You knew I was coming?”
“Kaoru’s out of town. You can never get to sleep right when she’s away. She texted me.” Rei grins as he shuts the door. “You know, ‘hey, I’m going to Fukuoka to show off how cute and talented I am, go sleep with my husband,’ that sort of thing.”
“She didn’t say that.”
Rei raises an eyebrow, passes Kouga his cell phone, and pours him a scotch. “Don’t know how you can drink this stuff.”
Kouga stares at the phone screen. “She actually said, ‘go sleep with my husband.’“
“Told you.”
Kouga sips his drink slowly while Rei goes through two White Russians that are mostly cream, and when both of them have empty glasses, Rei says, “So. Bed?” and Kouga nods, and it’s that simple.
His bed is smaller than Kouga and Kaoru’s, and they fit in it well together. It’s better.
He also has a new scar, cutting across his stomach--something that could have been a disemboweling cut, if it was very slightly deeper. Kouga doesn’t see it at first, but he feels it, with his tongue, and then his hand, and then he looks up with a frown. “You didn’t have this the last time you were here.”
Rei winces slightly at Kouga’s touch. “Sure didn’t. Don’t worry about it.”
“This isn’t a small wound, Rei, who did this?” Logically, Kouga knows that Rei is obviously still alive, here in the bed with him, and perfectly capable of defending himself, but the thought of something trying to cut him open burns.
“You’re not going to keep going unless I tell you, are you?”
Kouga just gives him a steady look.
Rei sighs. “It wasn’t anyone. Just some leftovers from a nest of Horrors I took out years ago. One of them got in a lucky hit.”
“Who took care of it?”
“Kain and Yuna, they were backing me up. It was fine.” A beat, and then, with more of a teasing air, “Since when do you worry about me so much?”
“I...” Kouga trails off with a frown.
It happened at some point. It grew in him, like a seed that Kaoru planted, and spread its vines through the rooms of his house so that they now feel empty when not filled with human sounds, and through his body so that he now feels lonely when only in his own company.
Rei says, softly, “You don’t actually have to answer that, you know.”
So Kouga doesn’t answer. It’s easier not to answer.
He suspects Rei knows anyway.
Somewhat later, sleep does come, both of them drifting off leaning against each other in the bed. It feels right, hearing someone else breathing next to him, like things have always been like that, and any deviation is what’s strange. Kouga sleeps, and if he dreams then he doesn’t remember it, which is how he prefers dreaming to go.
Shortly before dawn, they’re woken by the soft sound of footsteps in the hallway, and then the door of Rei’s bedroom creaks open to reveal a small form in Kamen Rider pajamas, who rubs his eyes sleepily and says, “I had a bad dream.”
Kouga sits up and beckons while Rei unobtrusively reaches off the side of the bed to retrieve a pair of boxers, and within a few minutes Raiga is nestled against the pillows in between them and already falling asleep. “I dreamed you got eaten by a hole in the sky,” he mumbles.
“It was just a dream, Raiga. I’m right here.” Kouga pauses, frowning. “How did you know I was in here?”
“I looked in your and Mom’s room and you weren’t there.” Raiga yawns, eyes fluttering shut. “So that means you’re in here with Uncle Rei.”
Rei claps a hand over his mouth, eyes gleaming. “That’s a pretty smart guess,” he says into his palm, voice shaking with suppressed laughter. “Your mom and dad do sleep in here a lot.”
Kouga squints at him over the top of Raiga’s head and then lies back, resting his cheek against Raiga’s hair as Rei gets comfortable again on the other side of the bed. “Go to sleep.”
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ko-fanatic · 6 years
Growing Spoons (part two)
Rating: Teen 
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Relationships: Eventual Kyoya x Mori
Content Warnings: Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic illness, disability
Summary: Tamaki’s worrying over his friend, therefore the other hosts are worried about him; it’s not everyday you see the “king” pacing back and forth, chewing off his fingernails. Seems there’s only one person able to go check on mama...
Other works in this series: Part one
Tamaki really was freaking out this time. They could all see it in the way he paced around the clubroom, chewing his usually perfectly manicured nails down to the nub. He was always… on edge when a member of their little found family was sick, but it was rare that he was this worried. Takashi could understand why, given that Kyoya rarely missed school despite his condition, and had to be in a lot of pain.
It didn’t help that Kyoya had only managed to send a single, two-word text after a few lessons of Tamaki pulling his hair out. Just a simple, “no spoons”. No capitalisation, no punctuation. It wasn’t meant to be comprehensive, just an explanation as to why he wasn’t there so that Tamaki didn’t assume he was kidnapped and left dead in a remote ditch somewhere.
Takashi, while he felt bad for Kyoya… He almost expected it to happen soon. Perhaps not today, but Kyoya ran himself so ragged, constantly, that it was no wonder he didn’t have a single spoon. It was like in martial arts; you reserve energy for later, try and win as quickly as possible. The best fights don’t last an hour, they should take as little time as physically possible, and Kyoya was constantly fighting. Constantly exhausted, too, if the dark circles under his eyes, cutting stark through the milky pallor of his skin, were any indication. Even if he was hurting, Mori was glad he was at least taking today to rest.
“Boss, if you’re so worried then maybe you should just go,” Hikaru sighed, raking a hand through his hair, looking rather uncomfortable and out of his depth, “After all, you’re not going to charm anyone if you’re acting like you should be committed –”
Hikaru let out a grunt, cutting himself off, when Kaoru punched him in the arm. His lips pulled into a disgruntled pout, eyes narrowing on his brother, who carried on as if nothing happened; as per usual. Takashi only bit back the urge to roll his eyes, thinking through a list of possible actions they could take. As irritating as Hikaru could be, he did have a point; Tamaki stressing would only make things worse, as Kyoya would inevitably push himself to assure Tamaki he was fine – just tired – and end up making everything worse for himself.
So, who could go? Not Mitsukuni, he knew that much. Despite his love for his cousin, he remembered what it was like to be…. “cared for” by him when he last caught the flu. Honestly? He wouldn’t wish that experience on his worst enemy. It was rather annoying, if he was honest, that his older cousin couldn’t seem to do him the favour of acting his age while he was indisposed, but things were what they were.
“Should I go?” Kaoru asked, “Kyoya-senpai and I are friends after all, and I’d like to make sure he’s alright…”
“I think Kyoya-senpai would rather you stay here,” Haruhi chimed in, obviously in thought herself, “You and Hikaru are an act, and I think he’d prefer us to make as much profit as we can. It’ll take some stress off him when he goes back to budgeting again…”
“What about you, Haru-chan?” Mitsukuni piped up, his cheerful tone scraping uncomfortably against the tone of the room. While Haruhi was logical, and Mori honestly trusted her to take care of his junior, there was also the fact that they probably weren’t close enough for that. It’d just be awkward for both herself and Kyoya, probably. They got along just fine, but being so openly vulnerable in front of someone? That was different.
“I should probably stay too,” She shrugged, “I have a lot of customers booked today, so Kyoya-senpai would probably prefer it if I was here to do my job. Sooner I pay off the debt, the better, right?”
Not really, but Takashi couldn’t blame her for not noticing that.
“I can go,” He volunteered, surprising even himself with the offer. It wasn’t like he and Kyoya knew everything about each other, but they were friends. They shared comfortable silences, shoulder to shoulder as Kyoya completed whatever task he set out to do while he either read or kept an eye on Mitsukuni. He was, essentially, furniture, and so very few people would miss him for an afternoon.
“If you think Kyoya would be okay with it, Mori-senpai,” Tamaki nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. He liked having a plan in mind, even if he wasn’t that organised most of the time. He was trustworthy, also; one of those people who always seemed to get the caretaker role – not that he minded – but he was the best choice.
He simply nodded in response, shouldering his satchel once more and turned to leave, only to be stopped by a tugging on his sleeve. Turning, Mitsukuni stood there, holding a plate of rich chocolate cake in one hand. Objectively, it looked delicious, if a bit sickly; covered in a thick layer of buttercream which drowned how fluffy the expensive cake should be. It looked like it was enough to glue someone’s mouth closed. In other words, he knew exactly what his cousin would say, and he disagreed.
“You should take this for Kyo-chan!” Honey chirped. He knew it.
Kneeling down to Honey’s level, like he’d do for a child, he took a deep breath. “Mitsukuni, Kyoya-kun doesn’t enjoy sweets,” He pointed out, “There wouldn’t be any point in taking him something so sickly…”
It didn’t seem like that completely worked, unfortunately. Mitsukuni’s eyes widened, and he had the slightest hint of a glassy sheen to them. Not teary, but still not great. So, it seemed like talking like adults was off the table for today, amazing.
“But cake always makes me feel better –” Your experiences are not universal, “So Kyo-chan would like it, yes?”
Just taking it would probably be less work than dealing with him. Despite Mitsukuni being family and all, he couldn’t really be too bothered to put that much effort in at that moment. After all, he’d much rather go and make sure Kyoya was alright, rather than pandering to his cousin who honestly didn’t need it. He just nodded, accepting the cake and turning to leave, only to be stopped by Tamaki.
“Sorry, Mori-senpai,” He began, holding out a thick wad of paper, “Would you mind giving this to him? I did my best to get as much information down without using shorthand, so he’ll be able to use them…”
At least that was actually needed. He took the papers, neatly sliding the papers into the satchel, attempting not to bend or tear them. While he tended to accidentally crumple loose papers in his bag – the reason why he preferred binders and books – he knew that Kyoya would like the neatest copy possible. After all, they’d all seen how prettily he liked to keep his notes and reminders; bullet journals and the like crowded a few bookshelves, a pot plant or two adding a “splash of colour” to the admittedly minimalist room.
“Oh, Mori-senpai… Maybe you could give Kyoya this? For me?” Kaoru asked, handing him a large t-rex plush that he seemed to have scavenged from the back room. He couldn’t remember Mitsukuni having such a thing, but he supposed that after these few years, host club themes get a little hazy in your memory.  
It was soft in his hands, baby blue fabric fuzzy and intermittently patterned with green. A goofy looking thing, really. Its jaw was slightly crooked, felt teeth laying flat against its red gums and tongue, and its eyes almost looked crossed, despite being on the sides of its head. The body seemed to be decently sewn together, but it was just kind of… ugly and unnecessary. After all, it was Kyoya, and the only one who had these “gifts”, who seemed to be remembering that, was surprisingly Tamaki. Still, he tucked the toy under his arm, not wanting to upset Kaoru and have Hikaru coming after him; it’d be easier to just get going.
Pushing open the doors to the music room, a sea of clientele almost swamped him, asking if he was going to see Kyoya and (horror of all horrors) if he could take these “very special”, handmade, get well soon cards to him. It was a sweet gesture, but he really wasn’t in the mood to carry all those ultimately meaningless things. Still, he accepted every one, shifting the heavy stacks around in his arms in an attempt to balance them all.
Luckily, the sea of fans parted, allowing him to walk through with a few nods of acknowledgement, making his way down the mostly abandoned halls and out of the front door… to remember that he and Mitsukuni walked to and from school. There wasn’t a car, and he didn’t really fancy calling one up for something ultimately small; knowing that the staff had actual tasks to complete without pandering to his whims.
Besides, there was a bus stop not too far down the road. He’d seen Haruhi use the bus before, and it seemed simple enough…
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
1, 3 (this part specifically: "copy paste a line from the first smutty fanfic you wrote"), and 7 if you'd like.
For the Fandom Humiliation Meme~
1. the worst fanfic I’ve ever written/have thought about writing
I think I already talked about writing most of an extremely angsty Fred & George fanfic about them switching identities and then ‘Fred’ dies. And you already know about me writing about the Kaoru siblings raising their child. What more is there to know?
Here’s some more extreme angst I’ve thought about writing, but am unlikely to. There’s this free-to-play rpg-maker horror-lite game called Ib. It’s about a girl - the eponymous Ib, going to an art exhibit, and getting trapped in the world of the paintings, along with a young man called Garry. Then there’s a girl called Mary within the world of the paintings that wants out. Anyhow, Garry becomes immediately protective of Ib and there’s a lot of cute moments that kind of maybe translate easily into a future ship. Except Garry’s also lavender linguistics coded as gay. Anyhow, I thought about writing a post-canon story where both are a little older, and Ib was crushing hardcore and a little terrifyingly on Garry. And he’s kind of, lol, no. You are a child and I don’t like women. But then they’re both kind of bound together by having gone through this horror game experience with one another, and Garry’s relationships with the men in his life are always falling apart because he’s had this really trippy mind-fucky experience he can’t explain to anyone. And eventually he kind of gives in and sleeps with Ib in a moment of weakness because she’s the only one who ‘gets’ what he’s been through. And Ib’s happy about it but he’s kind of miserable and both are in PTSD hell.
It strikes me as kind of problematic, which was maybe kind of the point. But it also sounds maybe a little bit too heavy even for me rn, so~
3. copy paste a line from the first smutty fanfic you wrote
oh god why?
the only smutty thing i’ve posted is this religious guilt, ethereal, one-of-these-people-is-dead, dubcon femslash that’s part of some angsty narrative for this really obscure video game. i actually love this fic but i think i might be the only one
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” Alouette asks.
Prier hikes Alouette’s dress up further.
Alouette sighs again.
“Very well,” Alouette agrees.
She arches her body up against Prier’s. She stretches one long arm around behind Prier, between her legs. Alouette’s finger nails are long, and scratch lightly against Prier’s skin and flesh, as Alouette peels her lips apart and palms the wetness of her sex.
the first smutty thing i actually wrote might be this Draco/Harry thing though. I actually wrote about writing it on this blog before.
So, one of the Drarry tropes I like is in those old fics where Draco somehow ends up in Grimmauld Place, right in the centre of the Order of the Phoenix. And I hate how it’s handled alot, but I love the idea. Because Draco is a racist piece of shit and there’s nothing more tragifunny than him getting stuck with a bunch of people who hate him, or at least hate every single thing he values, whereupon stress-induced craziness can happen [… in] this incredibly hostile environment of hostility, where Draco is super far from any position of power, and Harry and co are acting like self-righteous assholes, and Draco’s acting like his usual racist ‘giving-no-shits’ self but he’s not so secretly terrified… In this environment, Draco takes the opportunity to one-up Harry by dominating him… sexually…
And then that kind of reestablishes some sense of normality for Draco, because Harry’s kind of ashamed that he allowed it and wants more, and it gives Draco something to lord over Harry’s head - a foothold to pretend he’s not everyone else’s bitch in this situation (he is). Of course it all comes crashing down at some point, and also love rears its ugly head, and then Hermione defeats Voldie or something, and Draco walks away with a mansion and lots of Galleons and the classist system is depressingly reestablished.
full post
anyhow. I can’t pick out a line from it because that would involve me reading it and having to choose what to share while my face was on fire. so I’ll just copy-paste the whole thing and, if on the odd chance i decide to write the rest of this fic, i’ll remove the majority of it from this post.also it’s not completely written.also don’t judge me.also if you have any concrit it would be super welcome bc i know nothing about writing smut.
Draco wasn’t sure how he hadn’t realised it before,but Potter was a hair shorter than him, when they stood this close. It was onlya fraction of an inch, but Potter was looking down, averting his eyes, andcombined with his height, and measuring the distance Draco had to stare downwas an entrancing activity.
“If you’re not going to say anything worthwhile, youmay as well put that mouth to use otherwise,” Draco snarls. It’s muggle methodshe uses, kicking at Potter’s knees and pushing down on his shoulders, and anangry look flashes on Potter’s face and he makes a half-hearted attempt atresistance. Potter drops unevenly to one of his knees, his glasses knockedaskew, and grapples wildly with the front of Draco’s robes. It’s as if he weretrying to climb vertically up Draco’s front in the attempt to strangle him,pulling himself up by the lapels of Draco’s robes, twisting them in hisknuckles.
But then, by Potter’s own designs, if Draco has readthe situation correctly, he comes face to face with Draco’s cock, alreadyerect, with pre-come beading at the slit, and then dripping, rolling down theunderside of the shaft.
Potter freezes, and that moment feels like forever.It’s Potter staring through the crooked lenses of his glasses, his mouthclosed, refusing to make eye contact with Draco or turn his face away fromDraco’s crotch, and Draco suddenly has a moment of terrible insecurity.
What if Potter thought he looked funny? What ifPotter thought it was strange how pale it was, with blood colouring it red insplotchy patches? What if he thought it was too curved, or too long, or tooskinny? What if Weasley, or one of the other infernal Gryffindors were largeror more aesthetically pleasing?
And, if the thought of being inadequate compared toa Weasley isn’t the world’s biggest boner killer… Draco almost has to pullaway.
But then Potter, without a word, leans forward everso slightly, his cheek brushing ever so softly against the side of Draco’sprick. His glasses slip off his face the rest of the way and clatter on thefloor, and Draco hisses at the attention.
Potter shifts so both his knees are on the carpet,and then, tentatively, runs his tongue along the underside of his shaft,starting from the very edge of his testicles and moving up all the way to presshis tongue flat against the slit.
And well, that’s more permission than Draco hoped toreceive, so he shoves Potter back the rest of the way against the wall, andlines up his cock to shove back and forth roughly into the waiting mouth.
They don’t talk about it and Draco doesn’t expectthem to.
7. I already answered this one. But if you missed it my guilty pleasures are OT3s and doujinshi. …I think.
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erin-the-awesome · 8 years
For the OC thing! 1, 5, 8, 15, 21, 25, 33, 41, 44 :) take ur time ik thats alot
I’m quite pleased lol~ you didn’t specify which OCs, so i’ll do whoever pops into my head for each i suppose. Maybe I’ll go back and do everyone later. This post is already long enough. Ill put all the answers under the cut.
1: Favorite color - Sayuri’s favorite colors are green and yellow, which isn’t much of a surprise seeing as she’s a botanist. They’re very soothing to her. Numa’s favorite color is grey because of what it represents for him, which is that nothing is truly good or evil, black or white. Basically, it’s morality. 
5: First memory - The earliest thing that Hikari can vaguely remember are her parent’s just talking to her normally. She was still small when they died, around 5 years old, and has lived with her grandparents since. Her earliest vivid memory is of her grandfather taking her to a hill away from the city to stargaze.
8: Theme Song - Ok, this one I actually have for all of them, but it’s more like… well. So i took the ost of “Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle” and decided which song suites each of my characters best awhile back. I have the entire list, but it might be long to post links. maybe i’ll do it later. So for now have song names. Makizou “Another Mind”, Ren “Money Game”, Shinzo “Lost Jackpot”, Satoru “Moon Child”, Daishi “Not Steady Body”, Sayuri “Mono EYE”, Haruka “Meeting a Hero!!”, Jurian “Homunculus Nightmare”, Ayano “Over Heat Down”, Numa “Eleven-Dimensional”, Miyo “Chimera Soul”, Kaoru “BIG STAR”, Tsukiyomi “Mowed-Down Relationship”, Hikari “Burst Overflow”, Yuo “Ruler of the Deceased Moon”, and Eiko “Cyclops Tech”!
15: Pet? - Ayano would definitely want a snake of some kind. Any kind. She think’s they’re really cool. Sayuri would want a rabbit because they seem non threatening. Yuo loves dogs but has never had one. He’d love to be able to go on runs with it. Tsukiyomi doesn’t like animals, and would be against owning any as pets, but if she had to she’d pick a song bird of some kind. Miyo would want a cat, because she’s always liked the way they act. 
21: Pet Peeves - AHAhaha ok well. there’s lots. Here’s a few: Satoru HATES pop music and bullies, Sayuri is afraid of girls, Makizou dislikes pointless banter, Jurian hates other people being better than him, Ren dislikes violence in real life and people who think they’re above others, Kaoru hates guys flirting with her, Tsukiyomi HATES being looked down on or being treated like a child, and Numa dislikes not knowing what’s going on.
25: Design - Welp I could say a LOT for this, but i’ll keep it shorter. So they are all fan characters for danganronpa as you probably know, but interestingly I actually made all their designs to reference dr characters from the first two games! (V3 characters not announced when design happened) For example, Makizou is referencing the “default protagonist” thing Makoto and Hajime had going on. I even made his name a reference. Another really obvious reference was Ren. He’s basically one giant reference to Toko, who is a Writer with a serial killer alter ego, which for Ren I combined into Horror Author. Even his last name, Gyakusatsu, means “genocide” (I’m so sorry Ren). Satoru is a reference to Chihiro essentially. And as for Numa… welp. You can probably tell that Numa is like, basically a Nagito reference, right? And Shinzo is a reference to Gundamn, Celeste, and Mikan all in one. You’ll uh… you’ll see. K, i don’t wanna post actual spoilers for MY story so i’ll end it here. But yeah every character references 2 or 3 other lol. I found some interesting ways to combine traits.
33: Would they be a killer? - OOOOOH ahahaha~! So answering with details would be spoiler inducing so i’ll speak in general. This story is about a murder game so… killing abound!… Probably. It depends on the path readers take. So overall, I’ll say MOST characters would kill in some scenario. I’ve actually plotted out ways for all but four of them to do so, but some are rather situational. I will say, I’ve also plotted out a “typical” murderer, or person involved in each specific chapter, that I will use as the default lest things change based on who survives. I also have a secondary set that I’d also consider relevant to most routes. And then a sprinkle of situational ones and ways for things to backfire and such. I’ve thought pretty hard on this. It’ll be fun~! 
41: What do they do when angry? - Kaoru gets more outspoken and her voice gets shriller. Tsukiyomi would become cold and harsh, and stop being polite as she usually is. Jurian would belittle someone else, probably Ren Yuo or Kaoru. Numa would destroy you mentally lol but he’s not one to get angry. Satoru gets spiteful. Makizou would probably start yelling at and threatening who ever made him mad, but also isn’t one to let this happen usually. 
44: Being criticized - Makizou would usually ignore it. Satoru would DEFINITELY ignore it, and also you. Kaoru would get defensive. Eiko would try and talk it out and get feedback. Sayuri would crumble. Jurian would insult you, probably backhandedly. Ren might argue or agree depending on what it was. Daishi would take it and try to improve. Miyo would REALLY take it and try and do what you said to do instead as much as she could. Shinzo would be curious as to why it was being said, analyze it, and adjust accordingly if he saw fit. Yuo would either have it fly over his head or be surprised but laugh it off. Hikari would try and understand where you’re coming from but likely stick to her ways or compromise. Numa wold be amused.
Ok~ thats them all answered at least mostly~! That was reallllll long. I’ll see if i think of anything else but here you go!
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