#actually if you're reading the tags im just gonna spoil it bc it's so very inconsequential
blorb-el 10 months
we shall be free; we shall find peace chapter 4 is here! it is 8.5k-ish, no specific warnings. it is time for us to meet some bats... kon and Normal Civilian Bruce Wayne team up :)
i will be focusing on the superfam secret santa exchange and also moving a few states away next week, but I did work on wsbf all throughout nano, and have a rough draft I'm pretty pleased with up to chapter 10 or so, so hopefully the next chapter will be later this month!
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sneezemonster15 1 year
I'd give you an analysis, but frankly from what I've seen from your own "analysis" you're not very good at reading
also if you'd be so kind to tag this as mha spoilers, or screenshot this ask and put it under a read more so i dont spoil anyone who's interested in reading mha. it'd be greatly appreciated
(also thanks for getting rid of anon, this time i will include pics !)
anyway, this is the "straight dude who is having a typical cutesy high school het romance with a girl in a taken for granted het world." you're talking about;
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also i wont lie, calling mha a het world when these are real dialogue is highkey stupid:
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and i know the topic at hand is s/n/s and bk/dk but lets pivot to tg/chk bc theyre more relevant to what im saying
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theres a lot to say but honestly, the manga speaks for itself :)
oh and also, you're right, bk/dk has no romantic subtext - it has romantic text. no subtlety needed! :) that is, if you have read the manga - my favourite example is this:
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and then shgrk then proceeds to kill bkg, who "dies" (sort of) thinking about izuku in his final moments:
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and then izk loses control when he sees bkg "dead" on the ground
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and these are from recent chapters! imagine the rest of the series, ey
well! that got long. i'd tackle your crappy assessment of deku's character, but then I'd be here all day!
anyways, if i were you, I'd reread mha and really really understand the text you're reading. you might end up seeing something you missed at first!
Aiyyo someone got triggered! Hehehe. Ah it was inevitable that the moment I talked about MHA and rejected shippy head canons from the show, some delusional hardcore shipper would get all up in arms. Sigh.
You think what you wrote is analysis? Hehehe.
So just some random panels and chapter covers from the manga prove Bakugou or Deku is gay? Lol. I have seen fans like you in Naruto fandom as well. But you are right, I am not as invested in MHA, because it just doesn't have the versatility and genius of Naruto and Shippuden, it is actually quite a straightforward story and I don't need to burn a lot of my braincells to 'get it'. Lol. I am not saying it's bad, but as compared to its contemporary mangas, it just isn't at par for my tastes. It's good for entertainment but it doesn't affect me like other mangas that it takes inspiration from. Some silly shipper telling me I can't read, I would tell you my credentials but nah, too much work for disproving silly ass headcanons.
Fans make comparisons between Naruto and BNHA because Horikoshi is inspired by Kishimoto, definitely some similarities are there, but it misses on the most crucial point. Naruto and Shippuden are love stories. BNHA is simply your typical shounen manga. Naruto and Shippuden use the narrative tool of subversion to tell a love story in the restrictive genre of shounen. It has multiple layers and you need presence of mind to see them. Naruto is gay and you see comphet in his character, his interest in Sakura looks superficial from the beginning and then in kage arc, it is concluded as a mere cover to run from confronting his dilemma, and closetedness. His character is consistently shown as having an internal fight, a dilemma. Sasuke is just on your face, he is clearly shown as having no interest in women, but with Naruto he is especially intimate on his own accord. Ya know, using random panels ain't gonna help, you need to establish it in the narrative. Headcanons are all nice to entertain when that's all you watch media for, shipping. But please to be showing more maturity and media comprehension when sending me an ask, I am not very sympathetic to gaslighters whose heads are filled with shippy shit and cheap self gratification. When I talk Naruto, I make comparisons with other clearly gay media, and point out the common tropes, it's a result of expansive research. Not just random panels that prove nothing. Little one, you need more than that to prove your theories. I have watched a wide range of media, including gay media, your ask is just representative of your ignorance and lack of knowledge about how storytelling and character building works. Heh. Or do you think BNHA has its own concept of homosexuality, its own private language that cannot be compared with how other media establishes homosexuality in a given universe? Yeah, solipsistic ideas like that cannot be taken seriously.
Conformity is one of the pillars Japanese society is built upon, so it's not surprising that Japanese media talks upon how anything that doesn't conform to the norms is rejected. Their media is representative of their society. Mha also touches upon that and there's no surprises there, but again, you need more than that to prove it in the course of plot building and narrative. Some random out of context panel about some character saying something about conformity proves your point? You need to SHOW it and not just tell. But where other mangas, great mangas, popular and critically well acclaimed mangas have explored this idea in detail, MHA is just touch and go. It doesn't entertain a balanced proper discourse on it. It is truly shounen in that sense. Again, I am not saying it is bad, it is just more age appropriate. Which is totally fine. Do you know how heteronormativity is established in the narrative? Like this. Show me where this happens in MHA. Lol. Sweetheart, if the writer had made any attempt to write this world as heteronormative, where gay characters face challenges, I would have seen it. But mha is just not that deep. Sorry to burst your bubble. But that's just a fact.
Seriously, you are going to give me the example of Toga? I haven't gone through the recent chapters yet. I have only watched the anime. But it is clear that, that girl is medically insane. Her idea of liking someone is to kill that person and drink their blood, for her own pleasure. She ain't a homosexual, more like hemosexual. Hahaha. Again, you gotta show me the trajectory of her character, start with the base and show me how it escalates, how does she learn better about herself, her own feelings, the world from her perspective. No character is isolated, any writer who is talented enough to write multimillion franchise knows that. Don't project your assumptions on the story and the characters, work with what you have and draw the meaning from what's given, not the other way round.
There is no doubt Izuku and Bakugou have a strong relationship, even if it is mostly rivalry. But one can see that Bakugou cares about Deku and vice versa. Before telling me how to read, perhaps you should have done it yourself. Lol, I see this type of behaviour a lot from typical silly shippy shippers. "What, did you just say my ship makes no sense? 馃が"
Do you even know what subtext or text is? Hahah. This is text and subtext. So just because Bakugou and Deku talk about their rivalry in their vulnerable moments, that the audience knows as congruent since we have already seen they have a hot and cold relationship but that they are friends nonetheless, that proves they love each other romantically? You obviously don't know how romance tropes work. The dynamic between two men who respect and admire each other is always shown with a lot of empathy in Japanese media. It is one of the founding pillars of shounen, a genre meant for teenaged boys. They are certainly closer to each other than they are with women they are interested in, but a lot of fans such as yourself misinterpret it as romantic, because headcanon goggles. No, you gotta have more than that. Where Naruto and Shippuden have it in truckloads, none of that in BNHA. Deku is heterosexual af. If he is so interested in Bakugou, how come he reacts the way he reacts to Uraraka? Where is his conflict? Where is his dilemma? His affection and romantic interest in Uraraka is genuine and sincere, not a cover to hide his more private feelings. Unlike in Naruto's case. Kishi uses clever narrative tricks and tools to tell his love story in shounen and he does it skillfully. His motives and intentions are clear as water. He uses inventive smokescreens and red herrings to escape from being too controversial and colour inside the borders of shounen, nothing like that in BNHA. To begin with, Horikoshi doesn't even delve into the sexualities of his characters, because his story is not about that. There's no context, no set up, nothing. His worldbuilding is simply conventional, by which I mean heteronormative, there's no talk about sexual orientation of characters. You see the usual shounen perviness by Mineta and Kaminari and typical straight girls going kawaai over good looking boys like Todoroki, what impression does that give? If Horikoshi wanted to establish his characters being gay, he would have set up the context mindfully and carefully, like Kishi did. Gay relationships and characters can't be shown so explicitly in shounen as that would jeopardize its distribution in the west. Reason? Censorship. That's why Kishi had to be so careful, his target audience might not get it, but the adults do. Well, unbiased adults do, at the very least. So the boys in bnha are gay just because? Because you want them to be? Storytelling and character building doesn't work like that.
Seriously everything you think works as 'analysis' isn't even valid. I honestly didn't even want to respond to this ask, given it's so surface level and ridiculously simple minded. Perhaps you are a tween or teen who thinks every time two boys or girls smile at each other or rescue each other, they are gay and in love. Lol, watch gay media. Like actually watch it and see where your arguments stand in the scheme of things. I will tell you, nowhere. Juvenile kiddy stuff. I won't entertain anymore asks like these, they are a waste of my time.
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Very tiredly made pinned post bc I'm always tired lol
Hi, I'm Knight and this is my personal blog. I go by they/them. Yes Knight is my irl name. you can use he/him for me also im. Confused
Cadanain or however you spell it. uh. 馃嚚馃嚘 <- from there
ask game
DNI: LGBTQphobes, racists, ableists, misogynists, xenophobes, pedos, nazis, TERFs/FARTs, h.arry p.otter enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, NFTbros
Not extensive but generally if you're a bigot or support bigots fuck off
Fandoms I'm in: chess, animation vs., steven universe, magic the gathering, smg4, baba is you, owl house (NOT s3), tadc, minecraft, hermitcraft, life series, lifesteal smp, mario (mostly smm2), gravity falls, fnaf (kinda), doom (.......kind of. yes it is because of myhouse.wad)
ramble about the bold ones to me. Do it.
Fandoms im Looking at, but unsure of: the magnus archives, the stanley parable, dr stone, full metal alchemist, made in abyss, splatoon
Random shit about me and tags i tag under cut
Don't spoil House of Leaves for me, I'm gonna read it soon maybe
If you try to start shit in my asks I will make fun of you and then block you (yes anons can be blocked too)
i watched all of soul eater and then proceeded to forget everything that happened because im stupid
I don't fuckign know!!!!!!!!! Redstone!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHGG!!
For personal reasons relating to Words (derogatory), do not talk to me about outer space
If you're not in my DNI you're probably a better person than me lol
First ever Chessboard Moment:
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#vent for venting
#grasping at straws for reaching out (e.g "help me with a project please?") Wait when did I make this tag also what does it rnean
#the fuck up won't shut up! for just talking about stuff
#nobody cares huh for stuff I'm actually proud of
#another ruined canvas for art, although most of that will go on @chess-is-art
#look! a blunder! for plugging stuff i have on other sites
#I'm not funny for stuff i add onto when reblogging
#chessboard? sleeping? in this economy? dreams tag
#sticks and stones can break my bones but Words Can Fucking Kill Me for specific vents hold on what the fuck is this tag
#negative iq takes for theories
#cringe comp for videos
#dumb writing for fics
#chessboard saying dumb shit for when I talk to people
#do you want bad or terrible? Polls
#shitty sleep september Have you seen an entire month's worth of nightmares in a row? WOULD YOU LIKE TO??
#knight and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad pun for puns. yes commas can go in tags. no i will not say how
I tag triggers as #tw [thing] (without the brackets when actual thing is involved) current triggers are #tw sui mention but i might forget to use it once in a while so uhh just block #vent sorry
I don't tag mcyt posts as #minecraft and you shouldn't either! It is #mcyt and the mcyt applicable!
Uh I'll think of more maybe. probably not
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0tivez 3 years
Hello!!! Im so sorry for replying so late, I've been feeling odd-is (?). Things irl seemed to pile up out of nowhere and I had a shitton of tasks to finish that appeared out of nowhere lmfao. I also spoil a bit here bc yes so if anyone read this, it has spoilers :p
ANYWAY, Nanami's was so bittersweet imo. It does fit him, it was very peaceful at least (or as peaceful death can be ig), and im glad he healed his inner child by not cursing Yuuji with his death. I like that their deaths have impact ono the story and development of the characters instead of just shock value or just bc people have to die, ya know?? I've been getting so much get/stsg art on my dash and it hurts my feelings :,) The urge to tag you in every stsg post I come across bc it reminds me of you <3 I think your blog kinda introduced me to the ship?? I don't usually ship characters but I think they're really neat still!
I was Nanami biased at first and then I kinda just push away his death and then I remember bc off I do and I also feel bad bc I forget. To be fair, I don't know if I forget as a coping mechanism or if im actually drifting away from my initial obsession lmfao
Adidas? im dying. I didn't know that but now I do. and Gojo is huge? like every part of his body is apparently humougously big and I can't bc I picture him to be 5'4 or smth. 5'6 max. I live for people finding this kind of facts of the characters. Fills me up with joy, I think its sweet.
YES I TOTALLY GET YOU. I don't like the fact that Eren dies but Levi lives. It hurts to see Eren grow from a 15 (I think he was 15?) year old filled with hope and this goal to save everyone and optimism to his current self...I think it hurts the most bc I grew up with him bc I started watching when I was like 12 I think?? and now im 18 :,) And Levi never being able to find peace is gonna hunt me until the day I die lmfao
It seems like every author likes to torture their most popular character (is Levi the most popular still?? I think so but im not sure).
I LOVE READING "PREQUELS" BEFORE THE ACTUAL THING BC IT HITS DIFFERENT. And now we get season 2 in 2023 and im so excited!!!! I don't know how much of the manga they're gonna be able to animate but I really wanna see Nanami's death for some reason. I just wanna see it in a different medium, even though if its gonna make me cry
ANNOYING MC. all my friends hate Tokyo revengers, specially the animation, I swear. They rage. Still, I don't know much about Tokyorev except that the op is fucking amazing and I love it. I Also like the art style of the manga though I haven't read it; I've seen a few panels tho.
I think with aot openings they keep getting better and better as well. The one that sounds like and European anthem makes me happy and the Shinzo wo sasageyo nostalgia. I ALSO LISTENED TO THE ENVANGELION OP AND ITS AMAZING. I was watching a compilation of different performances by Yuzuru Hanyu on tiktok after the olympics (to heal my heart) and Apparently he skated to that song once and now Its gonna play at my funeral bc its really wow.
I'm so glad you get where I was coming from as well TT I was on a constant state of anxiety a few days ago and I couldn't help but overthink every little thing I did lmfao.
Did Fujimoto actually write a soft melon bread author's note after killing someone?? Lmfao I love that. Reminds me of AO3 author's notes in way. I think im gonna read chainsawman bc of this. I need to fix my schedule to make space for reading it tho. I finished my first manga on Monday I think?? It was a short manga of 5 chapters and it was sweet I think?? The name was kamisama ga uso wo tsuku or God's lie in english! It was very bittersweet as well.
Hope you've been having a good weekend and have a good day/night!
- 馃コ anon
(answer under the cut for the length)
ahh it's okay! hope you're feeling better now :)
nanami's death ripped my heart. no lie. his death might even be the saddest. the man just wanted to live a peaceful life, y'know? i also got to thinking the other day and i think an underrated/sad death was mimiko and nanako's. they died while trying to revive the person they called their father basically, and one o fthem had to watch her twin die brutally. sukuna's rampage was wild but come on, this was probably one of the top 3 brutal shit he did. killing two teen girls without hesitation
finally my satosugu propaganda is succeeding. i myself am not a shipper, but i have come to terms with my interest in satosugu (and some more). i used to think it was cringy (shipping) but my friend said who's gonna say anything and i was like holy shit yeah!!!! as long as you don't go around harassing people, it's good. tho with stsg, it seems that non shippers harass shippers more lol
gojo is MASSIVE. he's already 6'3. i just want to know geto's and toji's canonic heights, the ones we know are all fanon
i think levi would agree. he cared about eren so much and to watch him die like that, kinda similar to how erwin died, must have traumatized him a lot. to even say "we have to kill eren" is so fucking saddening. same with sasha's death. both hanji and levi looked awful, they were basically parent figures to them. and don't even get me started on hanji.... she's my favorite character always, for eternity. huh. maybe i just really like semi serious/childish entp's.
know what i want to see with nanami? that scene where the luck dude kicks nanami's body and feels like he's kicking a wall 馃槴 and geto's shower scene 馃憖
i'm extremely excited for season 2 i can not even tell you. i have been waiting for this for so long..... i will go feral. LMAOO the way one of my biggest motivations to keep going is to see jjk's ending animated 0////0 that's between us
i HATE tokyo revengers' animation. it's so...... inconsistent? i checked its studio and apparently they also animated berserk 2016 so.......
i've heard that the manga is better tho descending in quality. i really like the character designs, especially sanzu's. i should really continue reading it but i want to reread jjk and csm first and then finish demon slayer lol
yeah he did lol he just really likes melon bread. he always talks about it on his twitter. i just think both gege and fujimoto are neat, would love to see them interact sometimes. i think gege congratulated fujimoto for csm getting serialized. ALSO fujimoto's art style is too good, he also drew nobara. it should come up when you write his name and nobara lol
aah you would love fujimoto's one shot look back! it's not too long but the art style is incredible as always and the story is too fucking beautiful. i think it won the harvey award this year?? it was either that or csm (i checked it it was csm) but still, you should check it out! you would love csm too, it's my favorite manga of all time. i'll try to check god's lie too, heard pretty great things about it
also once you feel comfortable for it, you have to tag me on those fanarts or else 馃敨
good day/night babe
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