#actually someone bug me tomorrow and I can find it when I'm not stoned. It's not on junkyarddogmkii yet
solradguy · 1 month
Is there a canonical reason why Sol was dripped out in the middle of the Holy War during his greasy trash man era?
Do you think Kliff gave him an allowance and one day and he went into town then came back Riot branded head to toe? Do you think Riot sponsored the Holy War?
I like to imagine Kliff put him in charge of the month’s funds for food and Sol spent it all on his designed Riot Holy Order Uniform. Then Kliff said “Haha Sol you have spent all of our money we will now starve” and then it was a really awkward month that made Sol decide to leave the Order
Post-Begin to post-Crusades Sol basically doesn't have any lore so you can just say whatever and it has just as high odds of maybe being true some day tbh lol
Sol was a bounty hunter before joining the Holy Order though. Probably he rolled up with fat stacks of cash, they showed him the uniform and he was like "fuck OFF I only wear red," and then had his boys over at Riot make him a custom tailored Holy Order uniform with its stupid fingerless-not-fingerless gloves with steel fingernails with RIOT stamped on them
but then Sol didn't have any money left over and ate all the Holy Order's food and Kliff said they will now starve anyway
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siriannatan · 9 months
"Don't look, I look terrible when I cry," - ScfWhip
It's all @joifees fault, go and read Won't cry for you after this, it's really, really good :D
fWhip had as many reasons to be upset with Jimmy as the other. And they all started and ended with Scott. And have been building up from their previous server. The forced and botched reset they had to do because of a massive 'bug' did not help at all. Everyone was a bit annoyed with everyone because of that. Sausage almost didn't want to talk to fWhip for a month of the sluggish process of trying to restore their old world when they could not find Pearl. Gem was really tense whenever Pearl was mentioned. But things calmed down. Or fWhip thought so.
Then the whole warden thing happened and fWhip had that massive argument with Jimmy. And maybe accidentally mentioned Scott in it. And they barely talked since.
And then that Watcher Death Game happened. Just one 'session' as Scott called it, curled up on fWhip's bed. Looking miserable. Was enough to make fWhip want to drag at least three wardens to Tumble Town. Sheriff's house to be more precise. Of course, Jimmy fell in love with someone he was BOUND to and not the guy who actually cared about him. Tried his damnest to keep him alive without any bounds. If he didn't have to comfort Scott, fWhip would jump to warned luring instantly. Maybe invite Sausage and Pix into the fun. Not telling them his reasons of course.
He thought the end of the game would make Scott feel better. But it didn't. Jimmy did not drop this 'rancher' thing, annoying fWhip even further. Luckily for him, a mysterious rift appeared near the Old Capital and needed the admin's attention. 
When it was decided the rift, as they started to call it, was probably safe Oli decided to throw a festival near it. fWhip was mostly interested because of the debt the bard owed him. Some of his old dragon instincts were still deeply rooted in his brain - like love of all things shiny, especially gold.
Of course, fWhip was mistaken about the rift. Most of the other server's - bigger server's - players landed scattered across their lands. Including Jimmy's rancher...
fWhip tried his best being a good hosting admin. Did his best collecting all the Hermits as their shockingly small guests called themselves. Get them some starting stuff so they don't die until they are sure they can respawn. Scar quickly 'confirmed' they can but fWhip was still worried there might be a limit to it. Gave them a tour of the server and their nether... hub. And of course, had to watch Jimmy and Tango, his Rancher, reunite. He was just glad Scott wasn't there to see it.
He still found him in his house. All curled up and glared at him. "Why is he working here?" the king of colours asked. Undoubtedly about fWhip's newly hired redstone engineer.
"I'm just trying to keep him away from Jimmy," fWhip shrugged as he quickly removed his armour and most outer layer of clothes to join Scott in bed. He was undoubtedly upset that Tango was anywhere near Jimmy. If only fWhip was a tall, golden-haired bird-brained idiot... But unfortunately, he was a small, green, red-haired menace of a goblin genius. "I'm meeting with their admin and Grian tomorrow to try and figure out how to get them back home. They want back more than we want them gone," fWhip assured as Scott cuddled him instead of pillows and toy sheriffs piled on fWhip's bed.
Scott just hummed, burying his face in copper hair. "I should be happy he's happy, but all I feel is annoyance. It's obvious nothing I could do would make him think of me as anything but his friend. The husbands' thing was just a joke to him...," Scott complained and fWhip almost instinctively started grabbing and throwing the sheriff's away. Aiming to make them hit the furthest wall he could reach. At almost the other end of his house. It worked in making Scott chuckle as they squeaked against wood and stone. "I guess I'll just have to get used to being single... Lizzie called me that once, it still stings..." he sighed as fWhip ran out of sheriff's to chuck.
"Aren't you constantly flirting with Sausage?" fWhip voiced another of his points of annoyance.
"Considering his thing with Joel I don't think it can go anywhere. I'm not a kids person," Scott sighed, flopping to the bed and dragging fWhip along. "I think I'm out of options here..."
fWhip could feel his heart breaking into a million pieces. He wasn't even an option? "What about me?" he mumbled before he could restrain himself. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He berated himself as Scott remained silent.
"Don't you like Jimmy too? Frankly, you probably have better chances..." Scott muttered with what fWhip let himself dare believe was a hint of hope.
"I don't... I just mess with him to get your attention," he might as well shoot his shot here. It wasn't like the situation could get any worse, was it?
"How long? How long did you..." Scott asked, voice shaking in a way that had fWhip wanting to punch himself.
"Some point in the last world... Don't even really know when exactly it started, I just one day realised I want to punch Jimmy for you and not just because..." fWhip admitted, curling up tightly on himself.
A heavy silence fell over them after that. fWhip was mentally preparing himself to be tossed against a wall and impaled with rainbow crystals. It'd be hell to explain why Scott killed him in the middle of the night but he would not take his words back anymore. He should be honest for once in his life. At least to Scott.
"I think we're both massive idiots..." Scott chuckled but fWhip had no doubts he was crying so He did his best to turn to see him. Hard task considering how tightly Scott was holding him.
He did find a chance to shift them as Scott tried to wipe away tears. It did end up with him straddling the other but fWhip was a bit preoccupied with Scott crying and helping him calm down to realise it. "Don't look, I look terrible when I cry," Scott pouted up at him. "You best make up for not telling me sooner.
If Tango had to look for fWhip the next morning and found him cuddled with Scott then so be it. Scott was more than worth of messing up fWhip's perfect schedule.
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twinkledadwa · 4 years
Twinkledad’s: The “I Got Ghosted” Episode
Today, my CoStar daily alert read like this:
“When you feel an impulse to control another person, use it as a prompt to remember that you can’t.”
Believing in the stars is kind of stupid. Rooting back in my high school naivety, though, I do believe everything happens for a reason. And if you believe in that, then what happens makes sense.
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If you read this blog, I made it known there was supposed to be a Twinkledad’s interview. 
If you’re reading this now, you’ll know it fell through.
Reddit PMs are not an efficient way to book plans, first of all. Doing it two months in advanced of a tour they announced morning of is boneheaded too. I recognized how ballsy of an idea it was, given the complete lack of professionalism. I have no professional experience, and honestly, there was no real reason to do the interview. Any money or “clout” ventures are stupid. It was just to have done it.
Yesterday, we agreed to do the interview after the show (through actual DMs). I went to buy merch, and during the interaction, told the initial point of contact who I was. From what I heard (I, a single perspective), the response was:
                                            “Oh...good for you”.
And we exchanged names, which was kinda jarring. I had no idea where to build from, and ultimately didn’t. A friend and I waited until everything was shut off, gear packed, then left. We ate In N’ Out. During the time spent waiting, we delved into conversation that was in the moment. No talks of the future, only discussion that could have existed then.
I couldn’t have had a better finish to the night.
The common response is to fling shit at the walls when your favorite DIY twinkle-emo band doesn’t give you attention, and try to move forces against them. This situation feels inline to being ghosted by/ghosting a romantic interest. 
 I could have handled what led up to it much better. Perspectives differ. They’re a touring band, they don’t owe anything to me as just a fan. Anybody’s selfish, specifically mine in this case, shouldn’t matter to any other but yourself. Not even that statement right there. The night became less of holding onto that sliver of hope and more enjoying where I was at. 
I discovered this band through a person whom my opinion of shouldn’t affect them, and vice versa. It’s nice to know how it has come full circle, ending with a 10 inch, a fleeting experience, and a shirt I’m still going to wear to brunch tomorrow. (EDIT: i also just remembered he didn’t give me my change back for the merch, which i was okay with at the time, but yeah that is kind of dodgy)
However, questions were sent in, and they don’t deserve to be ignored. Here are my answers, and you can imagine some quirky banter if everything went differently.
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Dear Twinkledad,
Given everything I just said above, what music recommendations would you give?
“So I’m leaving...
Cloud District - Hamster Camp
Bug Bath - Unique Experience
Jawbreaker - Boxcar
Algae Bloom - Thornes
Kississippi - Cut Yr Teeth
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Dear Twinkledad,
Things recently ended with a person I had been seeing. I hurt them, didn’t communicate my feelings properly, and I feel like garbage for it. I leave the continent for 5 months in a few weeks, and I want to reach out before I leave, but I also want to give her space? Should I wait and see if she reaches out? I’m a dumb stupid idiot.
Dumb, Stupid Idiot.
Dumb, Stupid Idiot,
This is tough. Even through a small paragraph, I could sense a lot of regret. And usually, waiting until they, as the offended party, responds is a smart move, but the continental move complicates it.
If you have genuine sorrow, please reach out as soon as what’s reasonable. The time you’ll be gone will impact how she approaches it, and five months is a lot of time to sit on a negative feeling like that. If you’re in the position of having hurt someone, extending that hand once your heart feels the need to is important. Also, inferring the situation, you’re probably the one who would need to apologize (not a bad thing! we all are in this spot, one way or another!)
Hopefully this helped. I truly do wish you the best.
Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - Nashville Parthenon
Stars Hollow - As You Were Before.
Frail Body - Old Friends
Hightide Hotel - A Soft Subtle Sound
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Dear Twinkledad,
how do I find interesting things to do for my last semester of high school? everything feels like too much work to start and everyone else seems too busy to hangout.
I was in a similar position Senior year. When you get into college, those troubles will get infinitely better. It’s practically a boiling pot for activity.
For the time being, try relying on your impulses. Stupid, yes, but if you want to experience youth to its fullest, this is how. Interesting things to do lies within the “schizophrenia” (spacy, uneven rhythm in life) of what surrounds you. There is no purpose to try too hard for something. Let it happen, only focus on how your heart beats, and not an ideal nature your mind is trying to create.
Vandalism, finger painting, walks, kratom, anything and everything.
Cow tipping?
It sounds like you’re left to nothing but to fuck around for the time you have left. Make it worth it. Hopefully that helped!
Laura Stevenson - Master of Art
Total Downer - Everything Is Gonna Be Alright
For Your Health - Second Aid Kit
Sleep Kit - Je Ne Sais Pas, Aue
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Dear Twinkledad,
I am interested in a girl but I'm unsure we are compatible. I always run into her at skramz shows so I know we at least some musical taste overlap but the only other thing I know about her is that she works a blue collar job while I am a white collar professional. I am unsure if it's worth pursuing further knowing that I would rather be with someone that has a similar lifestyle to me. How should I proceed?  
-Business Casual at the Skramz Gig.
Business Casual at the Skramz Gig,
I feel like the point of a crush (opposed to having actual feelings for someone) is to know someone better. It straddles the line between romantic interest and want of general companionship. Our human want is to interact with other humans, and arguably, become more human in the process. Even if she doesn’t check the boxes to your “goals”, there’s a wealth of opportunity there to get to know someone possibly rad. 
Go for it! Skramz is a good starting point. You can’t be an NPC forever. I wish you good luck!
Dianacrawls - Rollercoasting Simulation
Senza - Sentience
Portrayal of Guilt - Among Friends
Shin Guard - Cross Country
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Dear Twinkledad,
ask the emo bands how to get gamer girls to step on my face
this question makes everything your fault.
Wellspring - Quiver
oswald;octopus - montreal is where guys wear nail polish but not condoms (never meant pt. 2 i’m going to beat the fucking shit out of mike kinsella)
friends from home - casket made of stone
god bless gilgamesh - i look for feathers in the rains from heaven, i find mostly piss
Clairo - Bags
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tkpro-scenarios · 5 years
Hello! Thank you for opening the ask box again, I'm so happy~ Can I request angsty stargazing scenarios for Shiki, Issei, and Ichiru? Thank you ^^
Used Yokai!AU for Issei’s scenario. Hope you like it~!
- Mods nana & mari
Takamura Shiki (by mod nana)
“Alright, cut! That was a greatshot! We’re done for the day, thank you very much‼”
“Thank you very much!”
“Hey hey, Shiki‼” Tsubasa sang,running up to his unit leader and slinging an arm over his shoulder.
“What is it?”
“Is everything alright with youand [Name]-chan?” the blond asked, lips curling into a grin at the way Shiki’seyes widened at his question. “I mean you guys go way back right? You’rechildhood friends, after all.”
“How did you know that…?” Thetaciturn idol asked, eyebrow twitching at Tsubasa’s increasingly annoyingsmile.
“Don’t underestimate myinformation sources~! Innkeepers are pretty talkative, you know~? Especiallywhen their kid and a member of the idol group staying in their hotel arefriends!” the energetic idol explained, getting back on track. “So what’s thedeal? Did something happen between you two?”
Violet hues merely stared atgolden ones, closing with a frustrated sigh leaving his nose. “Nothing getspast you does it…?”
“Haha it’s pretty obvious, actually—evenDai-chan noticed!”
Tsubasa nodded, looking up inthought. “I mean at first glance you’d never guess it but after a while you canstart seeing that something’s not right? Like you two are trying your best notto be alone together? Something like that?” His grin returned at Shiki’sshocked yet slightly impressed expression. “So what happened? Don’t tell meshe’s an old flame or something~?”
“As if.” Shiki replied, curtlyturning his face away as he slapped Tsubasa’s arm off his shoulder. “If youwant to pester someone, go bug Dai. I’ll have you know I’m a busy man.”
“So cold~!” Tsubasa whined,puffing his cheeks. “And here I was worried about Darling!”
“Worry about yourself first, Honey.Don’t stay out too late. Wild bears and deer tend to pop up out of nowhere inNagano, you know?”
“Geh. Seriously?!”
He walked down the familiar pathback to the inn, indulging in the nostalgia from his childhood home as thenight air blew through the scenery. They were currently in Nagano for aphotoshoot for a magazine spread, as suggested by Shiki himself. Production wasgoing smoothly but there was only one problem. The inn they were staying in wasrun by your family.
“I mean at first glance you’d never guess it but after a while you canstart seeing that something’s not right? Like you two are trying your best notto be alone together?”
“Don’t tell me she’s an old flame or something~?”
“As if.” Shiki scoffed once more,glancing down at his feet. “You need to actually go out with someone for themto be an old flame.”
“What are you doing?”
Shiki lifted his head at thesudden voice, looking around for the owner when he finally spotted you sittingatop the roof of your inn.
“I could ask you the same thing,[Name]. What are you doing up there?”
“I was just thinking aboutthings.” You shrugged.
“…You’re stuck up there again,aren’t you?”
“…No.” You replied, immediatelybreaking eye contact as he made his way up as well.
“So how’s your shoot going?” you asked,scooting over to make room.
“We’re almost done. Tomorrow’s thelast day but we’re staying for another day to do some sightseeing.” Shikiexplained, leaning back to rest his weight on his arms as the both of you gazedup at the sky.
“Found it!” you pointed upat a star shining amongst two other ones in a line. “Sirius is out!” You giggled, lookingback to the idol. “Remember? Back when we got lost as kids.”
Purple eyes blinked in confusion,soon widening once he remembered.
“Ahhh, that time.”
“Shiki…are you sure this the rightway back?” you asked, pulling yourself closer to the boy. You hugged his arm asyou looked around in the darkness.
“I’m sure. Look.” Shiki nodded upat the sky, pointing at a line of stars. “Sirius is out. It’s usually to thesouth so I’m pretty sure if we just follow it, it’ll take us back to the inn.”He explained, stretching his right arm out straight towards the sky, seemingly navigating his way through the forest.
“Serious…? Like Shiki?” you tiltedyour head to the side to which he let out a grunt.
“Sirius! It’s a star.” Shikiexplained, “It’s the brightest star in the sky.”
“So it is like Shiki!” you exclaimed, sparkly-eyed. “You always shine really bright likea star too whenever you play music or talk about it. You want to be a star too,right? Shining bright like Sirius?”
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” you pinchedthe bridge of your nose with one hand while you held your other hand up towardsShiki. “Please stop, I’m begging you. This suddenly got super embarrassing!”
He gave a short chuckle, teasingyou a bit further. “I found it rather cute though. It was nice to hear someonethought of me as a star.”
You chuckled shyly, expressionsoftening as you hugged your knees. “It’s been a while, huh? Since we talkedlike this.”
“Yeah. Apparently even the othersstarted to notice.” Shiki replied, turning his gaze back up to the starry sky.
“I guess it’s not really somethingwe can act like didn’t happen. I mean we haven’t spoken at all since then.” Youbrought your knees closer to your chest, resting your chin atop them.
“I’m sorry…” Violet eyes staredstraight at shocked [e/c] ones. “I’m going to be an idol so that means Ican’t—” he held his tongue when he saw your lips curl into a smile.
“Th-That’s right…” you chuckled,taking a step back. “I’m so stupid—you’re right! I’m sorry, forget it!” youshook your head, quickly covering your mouth when a silent whimper escaped.
“You’re going to be an idol now. Astar! Shining bright like Sirius, right?” you stared up at the sky as youdesperately tried to blink back the tears. “I said something unnecessary!”
Shiki merely stared at you, browfurrowed in guilt as he tried to find the right words to say. Silence passedfor what felt like eternity when he finally turned around to leave,letting you bring your face into your hands as the tears you tried so hard tohold back came streaming down.
Mauve hues narrowed at the memory,the night breeze rustling the shrubs among the silence.
“Hey Shiki…” you began in a quietvoice, taking a breath to compose yourself. “Could you put idols and debutingand all that stuff aside for just a sec and answer me?”
He merely blinked, waiting for youto continue.
“Back then, no, even now. Do Ireally not have a shot?” You forced yourself to lift your head to look Shiki inthe eye. “Forget about your job. I’m not asking Shiki of SolidS—just normalTakamura Shiki. Do I really not have a shot with you?”
“[Name]…” Shiki breathed, staringin surprise at your unwavering gaze. The sound of your heartbeat poundedagainst your ears as you awaited his answer.
“…I’m sorry.” The mauve-hairedidol replied, suddenly standing up to take his leave when you seized his wrist.
“Shiki! Please.” You pleaded,[e/c] hues searching his face for at least some sort of hint. “Tell me thetruth. Do you really not think of me that way?”
Silence returned as the taciturncomposer bit his lip, releasing a sigh before he finally addressed you again. “I’msorry, [Name]. But my answer from back then still stands.”
“I see…” you slowly released yourgrip, shoulders shaking as you chuckled. “I see…ahh!” you cocked your headback, staring up at the shining star in the sky. “Ahh, as always Sirius is sobright, it’s blinding!” you gave a dry laugh.
“As expected, you really are likeSirius, Shiki. So bright…I think it’s gonna make me cry.” You tried to keep yourvoice steady, nodding as Shiki excused himself back inside. “So bright and so out of reach…” You buried your face in your knees once you saw he had left.
“Dammit!” the stone-faced idol gritted his teeth in frustration ashe sped down the hall. “I’m sorry,[Name].”
“As always, you’re a terribleliar.”
Kuga Issei (by mod nana)
You opened your eyes to be greetedby the darkness of your room, grunting as you sat up and made your way over tothe door. You opened it to gaze at the beautiful full moon—the shimmering starsstealing your breath with their beauty. You blinked at the night sky, a smallsmile curling your lips as you lowered your head.
“…Are you there? Issei?”
Your voice echoed in the silenceof the garden, followed by the rustling of the bushes as a shadow came closer.[E/c] hues took in the sight of the black-haired youth illuminated by themoonlight, his sapphire blue eyes piercingly bright enough to rival the stars—hiscalm, ethereal expression as beautiful as you remembered.
“…You really haven’t changed atall since I met you.” You chuckled, letting out a sound of surprise when yousaw a tiny critter skitter over to you, the small blue squirrel climbing upyour arm to nuzzle against your cheek.
The yokai stayed silent, a gentlesmile decorating his features as he walked over. “[Name], you haven’t changedmuch either.” Issei replied, sitting down beside you.
“What are you saying? I’m awrinkly old lady now!” you lightly slapped his arm with a laugh. You lookeddown at your hand, shaky and wrinkled with age compared to the young Kamaitachi’s,which was still as large as you remembered it—the memories of all the times itheld yours as he took you back home once it got dark as a child.
Silence settled in while the twoof you gazed at the stars.
“It’s such a clear sky tonight,isn’t it?” you admired the sparkling scenery.
“You can see the Summer Triangle.”Issei mentioned, pointing at three particularly large and bright stars.
“Ahh you’re right.” You pointedfrom one star to another, the blue Lizz shifting its head as it followed along.“That one is Altair, that’s Vega—”
“That one is Deneb, [Name].” Theblack-haired Kamaitachi corrected, pointing to the star to the right of Deneb. “Thatone is Vega.”
“Eh?” you blinked, bringing yourgaze down to see Lizz tilting its head, mirroring your confusion. “Was that howit is?”
“You were the one that taught me.”He reminded with a chuckle, making you hum in remembrance.
“Ahh sorry…I forgot a lot of it.” Youadmitted with a wry smile, petting the little squirrel on the head. “I becamebusy with so many things over the years; I haven’t gotten the chance to look atthe stars in so long.” [E/c] hues narrowed into a wistful expression. “…It’sbeen so long, hasn’t it?”
Azure orbs blinked at you,glancing away with a curt nod. “Yeah.”
“I’m so sorry…”
“For not coming to see you. Ipromised I would never forget you and that I’d always come to play and yet it’sbeen decades since I’ve come to see you or Ichiru.” You hung your head inremorse, Lizz staring up at you once you stopped patting him. “Even though Ican still see you…even though I could’ve come over whenever I wanted, I didn’teven bother to visit and now it’s too late—”
“It’s not your fault.”
A silent gasp left your lips onceIssei’s hands entered your vision, wrapping around your shaking fist. Youlifted your head to find blue eyes gazing warmly at you. “It’s not like youmeant to break your promise…to tell you the truth, I didn’t really believe youwhen you made it. I mean, humans and yokai lead very different lives, after all.”
“It’s something we’re all aware of…butit still surprises us how fast and fleeting a human’s life is.” He shook hishead, his black locks shifting left and right before he stared down at theground. “In the blink of an eye, you stopped being a child…and in anotherblink, you became an adult.” He squeezed your hand. “And now…you’ve alreadycome to the end of your life.”
“Sorry…” You wrapped your free handaround his cheek, Issei looking up to see you wearing a smile. “You’ve been watchingover me this whole time, haven’t you?” you chuckled once you saw his surprisedexpression. “Sometimes the kids would come running over talking about how somethingstrange happened or they saw a strange creature.”
You hummed in thought, looking backon the memories. “I remember one time they said they were climbing a tree inthe forest when my youngest slipped and fell…but a sudden gust of wind brokethe fall and let them land safely.”
You continued while let out agasp. “When they told me, I thought it couldn’t be but the same thing happenedto me when I first met you…although in my case, I got a thorough scolding fromIchiru about it after he learned I could see him.” You gave a sheepish laughbefore returning to your first topic. “Another time, they apparently saw a tinyshadow pass by them and whatever cuts or sprains they had were healed. Iassumed it was either him or you, and it looks like I was right.”
You rubbed his cheek with yourthumb, bringing him closer to press your forehead against his. “Thank you forkeeping my children safe. Both of you. Please tell Ichiru as well.”
“I-I will.” The young Kamaitachireplied with an awkward nod, a faint blush dusting his cheeks in embarrassment.Issei sat straight once you let go, a comfortable silence returning as the twoof you returned to stargazing.
“Hm?” you hummed, eyes stillfocused on the twinkling stars. You waited as the blue-eyed yokai searched forthe words.
“…Have you lived a fulfillinglife?”
You stayed silent for a bit,closing your eyes with a nod. “I guess I can say I have. Even if things mightnot have gone according to plan, I lived a life surrounded with love andhappiness. I’ve had a happy marriage, my children are settled into their ownlives with their own kids…and soon I’ll be reunited with the love of my life.” Younodded again. “It was a pretty fulfilling life. Sure there are a lot of regretsand wishes still left…but you granted the biggest one right now, so…thank youagain, Issei.” You looked over to the Kamaitachi, offering him your best smile.“I’m happy I got to see you one last time.”
Sapphire eyes stirred withsurprise and awe, expression softening as he returned your smile with a smallone of his own. “Me too.” He nodded when the wind rustled the shrubs and treesof the garden.
“[Name], it’s cold tonight. I thinkyou should you go back to bed.” Issei suggested, looking over to the tossedaside blanket on your bed. “You’re already pushing yourself as it is…”
“What’s with that nagging tone?”you wore a childish pout. “I’m older than you now, you know?”
“Only physically.” The Kamaitachireplied in his usual calm tone. “I’m still centuries older than you. Now c’mon,the night wind isn’t good for your health.”
“My health, huh…?” you muttered,taking his hand as he led you back to your bed. You gave a soft smile as hetucked you in and sat beside you. “Thank you again, Issei. I’m glad I met you,Ichiru and the others…and got the chance to see you again.”
“Actually…I was scared that youmight have lost the ability to see me. But I still wanted to meet you again.” Heconfessed, holding your hand. “I’m glad I got to talk to you again…before itwas too late.”
“It feels like a dream…” youwhispered, earning a soft chuckle from the black-haired yokai.
“It’s not a dream, [Name]. See? I’mright here.” He brought your hand to his cheek. He took a breath to steady hisvoice. “…The dream will begin from now on.”
“I guess you’re right.” You giggled,committing his features to memory. “After seeing you again…I feel like…I’ll seea really lovely dream.” You whispered, [e/c] hues slowly fluttering closed. “Goodnight, Issei…”
“Good night, [Name].” Isseinodded, holding your hand tight as he bit his lip, sapphire hues glossing overwith tears at your serene smile.
“Sweet dreams.”
“…So [Name] really is gone.” Ichiru mused, voice just above a whisper as he pat his red companion on the head. Cerulean hues glanced to the side at his older brother who sat hugging his knees, hiding his face. He soon tore his gaze away, staring at the forest floor as silence filled the night.
“…Hey Ichiru?”
“Hmm?” the raven-haired yokai hummed, poking the red Lizz’s cheek.
“…Do you think [Name] managed to become a star?”
“A star?”
Issei nodded, finally lifting his head to look up at the star-studded sky shining down on them. “[Name] told me this a long time ago…that when loved ones die, they become stars so they can keep watching over you.” the young Kamaitachi recalled the memories, along with the last night he spent with you a few days ago. “Do you think…the same thing happened to [Name] too?”
Ichiru stared at his brother for a few seconds, following Issei’s gaze as he too watched the twinkling stars.
“I wonder…”
Kuga Ichiru (by mod mari)
Ichiru looked up at the sky, as he looked for the first star to appear for the night. He had gone up to the dorm’s rooftop to look at the stars, as what he told his brother and the others when he dismissed their worried looks. 
Minutes passed as he still looked up at the sky for a star to finally shine when he finally let a sigh and looked down at his hands with a frown. “I said that I’d look up at the stars tonight, but…” he let out another sigh and this time, with a wry smile, he looked back at the night sky. “…There are no stars tonight, [Name]…”
“Another worthless star wishing, huh?” he scoffed as he slowly stood up and headed back towards the Quell common room, when his brother came out from the rooftop door. “Issei…” he was surprised to see his brother, “I was just about to head back down.”
Issei frowned as he glanced at the sky before looking back at Ichiru with worry, “It’s been reported that there might be rain tonight, so…”
Ichiru chuckled dryly, “Oh, so that’s why there’s not a single star out tonight…” he mustered a grin as he tried to remove the worry from his brother’s face, “Hey, don’t worry, I can always look for the first star tomorrow.”
Ichiru smiled sadly, “I thought that if I wished at the first star… I would…”
“First star? Not a shooting star?”
Ichiru shook his head, “She… [Name] told me that wishing on the first star is special.”
Issei blinked as he remembered Ichiru telling him that in the past, “Oh right… Is that why you would always come out here and wish for something?”
Ichiru stayed silent for a few moments before he let out a sigh, “I don’t know… I don’t even know what exactly I’m wishing for.”
Issei gave a small smile, “Isn’t it so that you can see [Name] again?”
Ichiru flinched. 
Ichiru let out a dry laugh, “What are you talking about? I… We haven’t seen her for years since she got adopted. She probably doesn’t…”
Issei frowned, “We don’t know that…”
Ichiru shook away his thoughts, “Anyway, “ Ichiru forced a smile, “Let’s head back? Shu and Eichi might get worried.” he said as he walked past his brother and headed back down to the Quell floor.
Issei watched his brother’s retreating figure before glancing up and saw a single star that had just appeared, surprised he immediately called back for Ichiru. “What is it?” the younger twin looked back.
“It’s a star,” Issei said, pointing at the night sky.
Ichiru debated to go back out and look, but sighed in defeat and said, “It’s fine. Forget it.”
Ichiru smiled, “It’s fine, let’s head back, okay?”
Issei debated but nodded nonetheless and followed him back. “Are you sure?” he asked as they headed down the staircase.
Ichiru nodded, “Yeah.” 
“It’s just wishful thinking.”
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