#ada sheby
tommyxgrace-always · 2 years
The Only real Love Stories of Peaky ❤️❤️
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Nope…they didn’t marry because they got the girl pregnant!!!
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cerisemerald · 18 days
“What are we?” — Ada Sheby X Fem!Reader
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SUMMARY: Ada was sure of her affection for (Y/N) and was sure of how much she liked her company, but she had never questioned before what they truly were — until the day her heart quickened the pace at the simple sight of her lover in the kitchen, it's right then that Ada Shelby realises she is in love.
QUOTES: “What are we?” Ada asks, strongly biting her cheek afterwards, she didn’t see the words coming until it was too late.
A/N: feedback it always welcome!! this is the first fic I am reposting from my old account (I accidentally deleted it lmao) and it's very special to me because I love Ada a lot <33
WARNINGS: English is not my first language.
Ada looks at the woman with a smile, she is still waking up, eyes lazily trying to stay open. When they both would sleep until late, Ada would always secretly try to wake up before her, so that she could watch those small moments of pure peace. It had a calming effect on her heart, seeing  (Y/N)  so relaxed and secure on her bed, her hair spread on the pillow as she comfortably stretched herself.
“Morning, love.” Ada says, getting up from the chair she was sitting on and walking to the bed.
“Morning.” (Y/N) mutters, sitting slowly and then pulling Ada in a hug, “why did you wake up so soon?”
“I have some business to solve,” she explains, caressing (Y/N)’s hair as she supports her head in her chest,  Ada's smile growing while fondness fills her chest.  
“It’s the second day of the week that you leave me alone in bed.” (Y/N) sighs.
“Stop being dramatic,” Ada chuckles, “you know I always try to stay with you as much as possible.”
“Hm, can’t I miss you any more?” 
“Yes, (Y/N), you can,” Ada shakes her head negatively, but she was still smiling.
“Okay, I’ll make us breakfast.” (Y/N) gets up, gives a last sigh, and then turns to Ada to give her a peck before going to the bathroom.
Ada stays where she was, shifting a bit so that she can support her body with her arms extended to her back, watching as she washed her face and brushed her teeth.  Mornings like this were rare now that she was working with her brother once again, so she made sure she could enjoy every single moment of it. Sometimes only watching (Y/N) roam the house was enough, sometimes she would ask her to just stay on the bed a while longer, wanting to rest all she could. But today seemed different, something seemed to be growing on her chest, she could not name it yet, but as (Y/N) turned to her with a smile before going to the kitchen, Ada felt herself getting warm. God, what was happening to her?  With a shake of her head to dissipate those thoughts, she got up and went to the table once again, sitting on the chair and directing her attention to the papers she still had to read.
But it seemed that day would not be proper to work, her concentration quickly lost only some minutes later when the smell of eggs came from the kitchen, she had not realised how hungry she was. Soon she got up and left her work once more, stopping at the kitchen door to watch (Y/N) finish cooking.
It hit her like a train wreck.
Maybe it was the way she was dressed that day, wearing a new nightgown that Ada had given her a few weeks ago, it was baby blue silk, and it shaped her body delicately, she looked like an angel dressed in it. The fabric was so light it gave her an air of softness, her movements graceful. Or maybe it was the way she looked so relaxed, still not ready for the day, her hair messy and without any jewellery on her neck, neither bracelets nor earrings. She looked natural, nothing about her could drift the attention from her face. Or her body. Whatever it was, Ada could not take her eyes away from her, the way her profile looked when the few sun rays illuminating the room shone on her face, the way she was quietly humming a song, all of that made it impossible to look away. 
That was when (Y/N) turned around, raising an eyebrow at her, as if questioning why she was standing there instead of coming in. She smiled then, seeming happy with the way Ada was looking at her.
And it was as if the world stopped. An epiphany.
Ada felt her heart beat a little faster, her face warming. It was like being awakened abruptly, confusion mixing with all the other feelings in her brain. Had she ever felt her heart beat so fast, staring at (Y/N) before? 
“Hungry?” She asks, and even her voice has an effect, Ada feels herself melting.
She tries to respond, but the words do not come, she licks her lips and finally looks away, it is only to think what to say, only to organise her thoughts, but that makes (Y/N) come closer to her, a furrow on her face, confused. And as she hears her walking closer, Ada's mind starts to scramble again.
“What’s wrong, darling?” (Y/N) asks,  only a few steps away, Ada looks at her again and notices she is being cautious to approach her, “are you alright?”
“What are we?” Ada asks, strongly biting her cheek afterwards, she didn’t see the words coming until it was too late.
“Ada?” (Y/N) frowned, “what do you mean?”
“I mean,” Ada clears her throat, she herself does not know exactly what she meant with that question. So she tells the truth first, “honestly, I don’t know,” Ada shrugs, “I just… I had never stopped to think about what we are, I think? And I… you…”
(Y/N) takes another step, “I what?”
“I love you.” Ada whispers, her voice is not strong enough to convey her feelings, so she says it again, “I love you. And we never talked about this before (Y/N), what are we?”
(Y/N) face softens, a small smile plays on her lips and she walks forward to envelop Ada in a hug. “I love you too,” she says in her ear and Ada feels herself with wet eyes, she has never lost her control so fast. “Why that suddenly, darling?” She asks, not rude, just curious.
“‘Cause…” Ada sighs, “‘cause I had never realised I was in love, I guess.”
(Y/N) nods against her, “and this is the first time you ever felt this way with me?”
“Well, yes. I have loved you before, I think, it just never hit me like this.”
(Y/N) distance herself only enough so that she can hold her face caringly, “We never talked about it before, because we were just getting to know each other, I guess. It takes time to trust.” Ada nods at her words, “but we can be whatever you want.”
Ada bites her lips, feeling a bit breezy, her eyes can stop roaming all of her lover's face. She is thinking, she doesn't want to say the wrong thing, to explain herself harshly, these feelings are new, and she wants to express them perfectly.
“What is bothering you is the feeling or the fact we never discussed this before?” (Y/N) asks her, a bit worried again.
“The fact we never discussed it before,” she is quick to answer, “I'd never feel bad about loving you.”
(Y/N) nods, but doesn't say anything, she knows Ada still has something to say.
“It's just…” Ada begins, taking in a deep breath before continuing, “we always behave like we have something and, indeed, we have something, but we never talk about it. You spend more time with me now than in your own house, and you always bring Snowy,” (Y/N) smiles at the mention of her cat, “even Karl is attached with the both of you now. We take long walks talking about everything, as if we had nothing else to do. We stay awake ‘till dawn just to have more time together, you put Karl to sleep and read to him every time I can’t.” (Y/N) only expects in silence, giving Ada her time to say everything that was going through her mind, “so it makes me wonder, what are we?”
“And…” Ada goes on, a quick breath between discourses, “none of it bothers me, the fact we have lived all of this together for all these months without a name to it. I just… I guess I want to have a name now.”
“Ada,” (Y/N) says, gently, and so caring, “I love you.”
Ada feels emotion overwhelming her again, it is a simple phrase, she has heard before, she has had a lover before, but still, it finds a new place inside her heart, it carves a new name on her ribcage, it makes her skin tingle with pleasure.
“And I will be whatever you want.”  (Y/N) goes on, “if you want to call me yours, then that is what I am, yours, and only yours.” She gives her a kiss on the corner of her mouth, caressing the side of her face sweetly, “we don't need to decide it now, we can talk about it more, take things slow, but I want you to know that nameless or not, I have been yours for all this time.”
Ada nods, feeling a single tear falling from her eyes, “I do like the sound of that.”
(Y/N) smiles, wiping the tear away, “do you?”
It takes her a while to be able to answer, not exactly sure why, when she knows, when the answer is so clear in her own mind.
“Yes,” she whispers, at last, the word full of love.
“Then I am yours,” Ada's eyes follow (Y/N)’s movement, enticed by the way she smiles before kissing her jawline, trailing sweet and sickening kisses all the way to her lips, she stops them, lips hovering over hers, “and you're mine.”
She likes that, she really does. Ada pulls her to finally kiss as if her life depends on it, she can't think of anything else right now, there is only their hands holding each other while they kiss. Ada feels her heart finally calming, that nameless thing stops growing and instead turns into a song inside her chest. She is still singing when they pull apart. She is still singing even when the day ends, when they finally lay to sleep, and she can whisper on (Y/N)'s ears how much she loves her, her heart is still singing even when her eyes are closed, and she hears the last words coming out of (Y/N)'s mouth.
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queenofkings1212 · 3 years
Alone to the End
A/N: Couldn't get this out of my mind, so I decided to write it. Please forgive the mistakes, and it's kind of bad.
Shelby's x reader (platonic)
Fem!Reader, Angst, Bad Writing
Y/N is missing from the celebratory dinner, and Finn seems to be the only one to care.
Smiles had adorned every face present in the grand dining room. Laughter and playful banter could be heard all around. A whisper of a smile adorned Thomas’ face as he looked around. Feeling happy and content that his family was free and safe from their past. He studied every smile, while his own plastered on his face. It had slightly faltered when he caught sight of his youngest brother. Finn sat four chairs down from him, but his stare made it feel as if the young adult was miles away. He had studied his face, seeing his jaw clenching periodically, and his arms fell limp by his side. His food was left untouched. Thomas was brought out of his thoughts as his newly-wed wife stood, tapping her glass, gaining everyone turned their gaze towards the newest member.
She made her speech about the family, how proud of how far they’d come. It didn’t sit right with most of the members of the family, but no one wanted to ruin the moment of peace.
“I’m so proud of how far we’ve co-”
“We?” All eyes turned to the hoarse but determined voice. “We?” He repeated, but louder.
“Finn.” His aunt said with a smile, but her voice was determined as well. Determined to keep the peace for as long as they could.
The young adult slammed his hands on the table, standing to demand the attention of the room. “No! No! We will not sit here and celebrate the peace and success we have without the one person who guaranteed it! And you!” Finn pointed an accusing finger at his second oldest brother, all but abandoned the thought of having a civil conversation. Tears threatened to fall and it took everything Finn had to not break down. “You threw this lavish dinner, in your big lavish home, with your new posh wife, while forgetting who put you there!”
“For fucks sake Finn!” Thomas, and just as Finn had done. slammed his hands on the table, standing up and glaring at the youngest of the Shelby siblings. The children quickly ushered out by the maids, leaving the adults to watch. “She betrayed me! She betrayed our family!”
“So did she!” Finn was quick to respond to his brother's accusing tone. “So did she, but she sits at the head of the table, while Y/N-” Finn voice cracked at the mention of her name. His body tensed, a tell-tale sign of fighting the onslaught of tears.
“Y/N’s what Finn?” Pol asked, trying to keep her head from swimming towards the dark side of all possible outcomes.
The sobs held at bay wouldn’t be contained anymore. The words he wanted to scream at his family, seemingly died in his throat, replaced with cries of anguish and longing. He leaned over the table, his long, slim arms holding him up, as his head hung low. His family watched in surprise as he sobbed. Ada stood to comfort her brother, tears and hurt evident on her face. Her steps were halted upon seeing her young brother's elbows and knees succumbing to his weight. One knee on the ground, the other bent to keep him steady. They watched as Finn seemed to collapse. His cries grew louder, knuckles white from gripping the table cloth, desperate for anything to hold on to. The only words the family could hear was the wailing of Finn's beloved honorary sister. He had called her name, wishing and begging anyone, anything, everyone, and everything that could hear him, that she would answer.
His aunt made her way to the boy, holding him tight against her. Consoling the boy through the grief, of what, they didn’t know. They didn’t want to know.
His cries grew quieter after minutes of soft whispers and empty promises from his sister and aunt. Finn sat on his chair, staring at the ring adorning his middle finger. Though the onslaught of tears never seemed to cease, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he remembered the day she gifted him with the jewelry.
“I’ve a gift for you.” Y/N smiled as she walked through the kitchen into the living room. She tossed a small string bag to the boy, who caught it with ease. His cocked eyebrow and questioning eyes followed her as she stood by the fireplace. The young Finn opened the bag, and out came a simple, silver ring.
“Don’t you think you’re a bit too old for me?” He jested, laughter falling through his lips as he dodged the onslaught of items that were thrown his way. Y/N laughed at the joke, but she didn’t miss the opportunity to practice her aim.
“OK! OK!” Finn shouted through laughter as his own shoe hit his lips. “I’m sorry.” They both chuckled knowing the little bastard didn’t mean it.
He looked down at the ring and discovered an engraving that decorated the inner part of the ring.
My brother has the best sister in the world.
Finn took off the ring, rereading the engraving, and although it was meant as a joke he knew it was the truest sentence he’s ever read. Y/N had taught him many things his family should’ve taught him. Finn knew his family loved him, but they were always too busy with one thing or another to properly care for him. Y/N was his mother in many ways, but “I’m way too young to be a mother,” she’d always joke, so they settled on big sister. She was everything he needed. A mother when teaching him how to read, a father when teaching him how to throw a punch and to be a proper gentleman, a sister when she comforted him through nightmares and walked him to and from school, and a brother when she taught him how to stand his ground, and eventually how to woo a girl. Y/N had been his family when his own decided he wasn’t important or old enough to be included in the family business. She was a family encompassed in one person. She was his ‘one-person family’, and perhaps that's why it hurts like it does.
“The coppers cornered me this morning.” It was the first words spoken in what felt like hours of silence, his voice rough and hoarse.
His older brothers and aunt tensed. They didn’t want any other problems so soon.
“For what?” John asked, voice low but still held the power of the Shelby’s.
Finn continued to fiddle with the last part of his sister, not raising his head. He didn’t have the slightest strength to hold his head up.
“To identify a body.”
The temperature seemingly dropped significantly. Chills and shivers ran up their spines. No one dared to move. The thought of exhaling left their thoughts as it would somehow confirm what everyone already knew, but was scared to admit.
It was John’s wife, Esme, that broke the silence. “Y/N?”
A dark chuckle left Finn’s parted lips. The slight nod of his head was the confirmation his blood sister needed to wail, just as he had minutes before.
“Bloodied, bruised, and torn apart, but yeah. It was her.”
Ada rushed out the room, Esme leaned into her husband for comfort, Pol seemed to be in denial. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued to smoke. As for the men, not one moved. They couldn’t believe that she was gone. They couldn’t believe that the woman who was there for them when their mother had died, when their father abandoned them, when the boys were shipped off to France is no longer among them. She was there to take care of John’s children, patch them up after fights, and bridge the broken relationships between the family. She was there from the very beginning, and they all seemed to have forgotten that when they had found out about her betrayal. And now? Now, she laid on a table unmoving. It was then John started to shake, tears finally breaking free. He cried for his sister. First, he cried about the absence of her in their life. Then, he cried for her. For all the happiness she’s going to miss out. She’ll never get to know the good life. She had helped them to make it out of the slums, and all she got in return was a gruesome death. She’ll never know about the lavish parties, fancy dresses, or overpriced jewelry. She’ll never know the life she fought so hard to create.
The Shelby’s sat in the dining room, hurt, grief stricken, and lost. But Arthur was all those things and more. He was angry. He was angry that his honorary sister would never know the true love and happiness of marriage and having her own family. She wouldn’t know the fear of having cold feet before her wedding, the bliss after having her first kiss as a married woman, or the joy of intimate love between a married couple. She wouldn’t know the joy and fear of carrying a child, or self-doubt if she was a good mother. Y/N would never know what it would feel like arguing with her husband, having a disobedient toddler, or the pure love and happiness of waking up everyday knowing she had a loving husband and beautiful and healthy children. She’ll never know the things she had so desperately fought for.
The Shelby’s were quick to anger, and slow to forgive, and because of it their lovely Y/N laid lifeless on a table and alone in her last moments. No one to whisper lies that it’ll be ok. No one to attempt to save her life. No one to hold her hand as the fears took over. No one there to hold her as she drew her last breath, to hear her final words. No one was there to tell her that they loved her. That they were grateful to have a person like her in their life. No one. She was there for everyone, and yet no one was there for her.
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ilovefinncole · 2 years
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Peaky Blinders - Series 6 Episode 6: Lock and Key
Tommy Shelby faces the consequences of his experiences and actions.
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callsign-fangirl · 4 years
Peaky Blinders alignment chart
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tag yourself: I’m Bonnie with a dash of John?....
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polygamousstan · 7 years
You’re Back- Tommy Shelby
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Hiya everybody,
Your Peaky girl is back at it with a new imagine, if anyone has any requests for an imagine, pleae save me from my boredom and request literally anything, I will write anything !
The smell of smoke, the sound of factories, I'm definitely back in Small Heath.
After two years of being in London for my studies, I decided to come back to my hometown.
Nothing has changed since I left, the dark streets ruled by muddy children, men smoking, women chatting as they hang out the laundry and yell at their children.
I shake my head, my eyes wondering around the houses stuck together, my eyes land on one specific door, that house bringing back sweet memories : The Shelby house.
My parents work with the Shelby's and when my mother had me, she would spend her time with Polly as I would play with the Shelby's, but the one person I would really stay with was Tommy, Tommy Shelby.
We were the best of friends when we were little, we were stuck by the hip, always messing around.
We were partners in crime, but that changed when Tommy left for the war.
That day, everything changed, everything except my feelings towards him.
I decided to keep my feelings to myself, knowing that Tommy would never be interested in me that way, seeing me as he sees his little sister, Ada.
When Tommy came back from the war, he completely changed, he was always forlorn.
I would visit him everyday, try to cheer him up, some days it would work, others, not so much.
His behaviour changed when he started to lead the Peaky Blinders, his mind drowned in paperwork and new plans to improuve the business.
Knowing that he was too busy to see me, I decided to step aside, letting him get back to his routine without me.
The day I told Ada that I was leaving for two years, she cried her eyes out, promising me that she would keep my departure secret from the Shelby's.
When I packed my suitcase, I took with me a book that Tommy got me for my 18th birthday, a book filled with pictures of us and small texts that he had written just for me, since then, Thomas Shelby has been inexistant to me.
Ada would send me letters, telling me that Tommy seemed sad, he kept asking her where I was but she kept it a secret, she would come visit me, keeping me updated on the Sheby's and of her forbidden relationship with Freddie Thorne, bringing with her all the gossip from Small Heath to me.
The sound of a horn brings me out of my thoughts, reminding me that I'm standing in the middle of the street, staring at that house.
I turn to the driver :
« I'm sorry for the... » my voice leaves me.
Those blue eyes, that jawline, those soft traits that I haven't seen in years.
I'm frozen, staring at this stranger who means so much to me:Thomas Shelby.
I see him squinting and leaning forward until his eyes open wide :
'Y/N ?! '
Fear striks me as I hear him say my name, I run in the street to get away from him.
I can hear him follow me with his car.
I pant, looking around until I find an alley, I step into the darkness, waiting for his car to go around :
'Y/N, please come out' his voice trembles as he says my name.
I close my eyes, wondering if I should come out, but only slide down the wall.
A few minutes later, I step out of the alley and start walking down to the inn close to the pub.
I ask for a room, the lady leading me to it.
I close the door and turn around, finding Ada on the bed :
'SURPRISE' she says as she hugs me.
I hold her tightly as she lets go, seeing my distraught expression :
'What's wrong ?'
'I saw him, I saw Tommy'
Ada stays quiet as she takes my suitcase and puts in down, she leads me to the bed as she holds my hand :
'Did he recognize you ?' I nod
'You knew that it was bound to happen, Y/N, you couldn't avoid him forever' Ada says
'I know, but I didn't expect this to happen so fast' I answer
'We still goin' to the Garrison tonight ?'
'Definitely, I'm not going to stop having fun just because Thomas Shelby is around'
'Let's get ready then !'
Ada pulls out a purple dress, slips it on and starts to put on some makeup as I look around my suitcase.
I pull out a dark blue dress, I slip it on, the fabric hugging my curves and I straighten it down.
Ada sits on the bed while I put on my makeup, only putting on light makeup :
'Come on Y/N, let's go have some fun !' she says as she pulls me out of the room.
We walk down the street and head to the pub, her hands grazing the handles.
She opens the door, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hitting my nose.
We head to the bar :
'Whiskey, neat' I stare at Ada :
'Well, you said you wanted to have fun' she says as the bartender slide the glass towards me.
I drink it when I say :
'I would kill for a fag right now' I whisper.
Next thing I know, a cigarette rolls beside me.
I turn my head, only to find John staring at me with a smirk :
'JOHN !' he hugs me, lifting me up and turning me around as he chuckles :
'Y/N, since when are you back ?'
'Since today, actually' I answer
John starts talking about his kids and wife, Esme who sounds like a lovely girl who truly cares about John.
John leans down and whispers :
'You broke his heart, you know' he says as he lights up my cigarette, his head turned to Tommy staring at me.
I can see him making his way towards me, John leaving as Ada goes with him, sending me a look of luck.
Tommy leans by the bar, smoke coming out of him :
'You look gorgeous'
'Thank you, Thomas' I decide to stay neutral.
Tommy turns me towards him, his blue eyes diggin holes into me :
'For fuck sake Y/N, why'd you fuckin leave ?' Tommy asks me, his hands on my arms as he shakes me slightly
'I left because you fucking left me behind, Tommy !' I yell, earning looks from people
'Alright, go back to your fuckin business' Tommy yells as they all go back to their conversations.
Tommy leads me to the back of the pub, closing the door behind him :
‘What do you mean, I left you ?
You're the one who fuckin left without telling me where the fuck you were going'
'You didn't seem to give a shit about me.
All you cared about was your fuckin busines.
Do you realize that I was by your side when you came back from the war,doing everything in my power to make you feel better ?
Do you realize that I held you when you had nightmares, that I would wipe your tears whenever you would wake up in the middle of the night ?
I did, I was there and what did you do ?
You dug your head in business, leaving everyone who loved you behind you.
That's why I didn't tell you that I was leaving because you wouldn't have given a shit anyway !'
I yell the last part, tears rolling down my cheeks.
Through my blurry vision,I can see him rubbing his eyes with his fingers, sighing as he shakes his head :
'I really fucked up' he whispers as his feet shuffle on the floor, his steps sounding louder
'You really did' I say as I sniffle, my head staring at the ground
My eyes land on his feet as they touch mine.
My eyes flutter as his hand caresses my wet cheek, he lifts my face with the palm of his hand, my eyes still closed, I'm scared to open them as I know what I'll see :
'Y/N, please, open your eyes for me' he whispers
I open my eyes, they land on his blue eyes that pierce through my core :
'Y/N, you don't know how much I've missed you.
Everyday, I would wake up with you in my mind, I would fall asleep with you in my mind, you followed me everywhere.
Anything I saw, touched, smelt or felt reminded me of you.
Since we were kids, you were always there, even after, when I came back from the war and I pushed you away.
I pushed you away because… because I was scared of loving you…' he whispers
‘I've been in love with you since we was 14 years old, you fuckin changed me' his breath feels closer to my face, his eyes seeming more blue
'Fuck' I whisper as his lips ghost over mine :
'I fucking love you, Y/N' his lips land on mine, the taste of them becoming addictive.
I slowly push him away, out of breath from that kiss :
'I fucking love you too, Tommy' I say with a smile as he also smiles, his lips coming back on mine...
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niakurniatiginting · 4 years
Selingkuh ®
Sheby pikir laki-laki akan lebih mencintai ketika perempuan bisa berperan dominan memberi bantuan terhadap wilayah-wilayah yang menjadi tanggung jawab laki-laki
Dimana wanita memberi lebih bahkan dari apa yang lelaki punya, sehingga laki-laki tak perlu berpayah lagi akan semakin mengikat cinta diantara mereka
Setidaknya membuat lelaki merasa berhutang budi dengan makin menjaga hubungan cinta kasihnya. Namun ternyata kata Mas @shifrunn gak begitu cara pikir laki-laki
Justru, Ketika wanita lebih dari laki-laki apalagi dari sisi ekonomi laki-laki akan merasa tercoreng harga dirinya, tidak berguna, dan tidak dibutuhkan lagi
Sangat menyakitkan bila mendapati pasangannya ternyata sudah mencukupi kebutuhannya sendiri tanpa harus ada peran & jerih payah dia, katanya
Ternyata ucapan Mas Shifrun ini sejalan dengan studi terbaru dari American Sociological Association (ASA)
Studi itu menunjukkan bahwa kondisi seperti itu membuat prosentase perselingkuhan laki-laki meningkat 15%
Christin Munsch yang merupakan ahli sosiologi dari University of Connecticut mengatakan, "Ketergantungan suami pada istri sangatlah mengancam"
Bagi beliau, ketika seorang wanita memiliki dominasi lebih besar dari suami, entah dari sisi penghasilan, pekerjaan, pun perhatian atau rasa sayang, pria akan memiliki kecenderungan untuk selingkuh
Bukan berarti wanita gak boleh menghasilkan lho ya..intinya saling memahami & menghargai tugas masing2, itulah yang terbaik. Emang yah mau gimana pun yang paling bener tuh tetep yang nyiptain kita:
"Kaum laki-laki itu adalah qowwam (pemimpin) bagi kaum wanita, sebab Allah telah melebihkan sebahagian mereka (laki-laki) atas sebahagian yang lain (wanita) dan karena mereka (laki-laki) telah menafkahkan sebagian dari harta mereka. Sebab itu maka wanita yang saleh, ialah yang taat kepada Allah lagi memelihara diri ketika suaminya tidak ada, oleh karena Allah telah memelihara (mereka)..... Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar" (QS.An-Nisa 4:34)
Temen curhatmu, @shebyka_ 🌱
#Soy #Shebyka #Wanita #Pria #Berbeda #cinta #pasangan #nikah #parenting #selingkuh #TheWorldOfTheMarried
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finnbloodyshelby · 7 years
im super bored so send me a couple of details about yourself and i’ll tell you who i ship you with x
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shebybika · 5 years
Sudah umur 22 tahun tapi juz 30 belum hafal semua
Nonton hafiz cilik di tv, ku semakin merasa, aku tidak ada apa² nya.. seperti tamparan keras bagi diri sendiri, mereka masih kecil tapi sudah hafal belasan juz, tak hanya itu ayat demi ayat mereka bacakan dengan sempurna makhrajal huruf dan tajwidnya pun terjemahannya,subhanallah.. sedangkan aku? :(
Mungkin aku bukan seorang hafizah, semoga nanti Allah memudahkan ku untuk mencetak generasi penerus hafiz dan hafizah tidak seperti dirinya sendiri ini, yg belum hafal satu juz pun :(
Sheby kepada dirinya sendiri
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tommygrace · 11 months
A little story that I would like to see happen in the movie.
Five years have passed, and Ada is in politics, Arthur has his own garage and Linda is a teacher, and Lizzie has two children with a normal man, she is married.
The three of them met, because they have to go talk to Tommy. They took Charlie away. Charlie lives with Tommy but some weekends he stays with Lizzie, less and less according to her. The three going to look for Tommy at his house, and they start talking to each other. We find out, that for the world Tommy is dead, except for them. Arthur and Ada ask Lizzie if she has seen Tommy? She tells him that the last time she saw him was when he found out about his illness, that it was a lie, Tommy went to look for them, he reconciled with Charlie but with Lizzie the two decided that it was best to be friends, she deserved someone who really loved her, according to Tommy. And after that time she didn't see him again, but she did find out what happened to him.
It seems that Mosley's men went looking for him, beat him and put him in prison. Ada and Arthur told Lizzie that yes it's true, he was imprisoned for two weeks, but they were able to get him out, with the help of Churchill. And they also said that he was imprisoned in a place, that there were women, children and men, all living there together.
And Tommy met a woman there, also like him, they put her in prison when she was innocent, she didn't do it, but they still sentenced her to 40 years. Ada tells Lizzie that Tommy fell in love with this woman, and that they are still together after 5 years. Lizzie is surprised, she didn't know, Charlie had never told her. Ada tells her that they live together, with Charlie and Duke, in a house in the country. And that they got married. Lizzie doesn't respond, she seems hurt, she asks Ada how the wedding was? She replies that she wasn't there since it was inside the prison. In those two weeks. Lizzie is even more surprised. "But how? If it was a month after he and I"…Ada and Arthur look at her with pity, she finally realizes that Tommy never loved her.
After a while in silence, Lizzie asks them what she is like. They remain silent, and Arthur responds, "we don't know, we don't know her. Tommy doesn't want to, he says that no one can know that she left prison, he is afraid that they will look for her again and take her away".
Ada: "He is very protected with her, I never saw him like that."
Arthur: "Me neither, but… he's happy, my brother is finally happy and has peace. It's the only thing that matters".
Ada: "Yes, he doesn't stop smiling, I have never seen him so happy".
Lizzie looks at them seriously, with a suffering face, she hates that Tommy is happy with another woman, and that he never was happy with her. They continue driving in the car, the three of them, heading to see Tommy.
Now we are outside a house in the countryside. It is a small but beautiful house. We are in the room and we see that Tommy is making love to someone, very passionately, and very slowly. Stop kissing her for a second so he can look at her, and there we see who she is. Grace!!!
We find out that the two work in the fields, with the horses but they also work undercover for Churchill, they are both undercover spies.
Tommy continues making love to her, very passionately. Happy.
We find out that Grace was in that prison this whole time. She was taken away after that night, during which she was shot. In all that time, she had only one visitor. That priest. He informed her that once Tommy does what he has to do, he will come looking for her. That priest never returned. And neither does Tommy. She survived, using her intelligence, her skills, and her strength.
But now, they are finally at peace and happy, living with Charlie and Duke in their small country house. Tommy hugs her every day, because he doesn't want to let her go, never again, a day without her. Finally he is at peace.
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