#adam driver imagines
calummss · 8 months
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summary: never trust a charming man. his charm might turn into your worst nightmare when the man seems too good to be true
pairing: fem! reader x flip zimmerman
words: 2.1k
a/n: this is the weirdest idea i’ve ever had, do not ask how i came up with it…i wrote this for english lit so if there a name or description to the my oc i changed to ‘y/n’ please ignore since i didnt proof read!!
TW! kidnapping, implied cannibalism
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"I can hear you, sweetheart," taunting words fell between the rapid rustling and crunching of the autumn leaves, creaking branches, and the smell of wet weeds and newly bloomed wild flowers.
A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of your neck; your hairs stuck to the side of your face as you twisted and turned to see what direction was the way out of the forest maze—quickly and safely. Every second you pondered, you wasted time. Every wrong turn you took, you wasted energy. Every second, you were hopelessly running away from safety.
You felt a surge of adrenaline as the cold air bit into your lungs. You forced your legs to push harder off the muddy ground and slippery roots, anticipating the relief of finding someone who could help. A sudden ringing noise penetrated your ear; a waft of air shot past you. Your heart sank into what seemed like a bottomless pit in your stomach when you saw a shotgun shell embedded in tree bark. A meaningless piece of brass and plastic, the colour of gasoline fuel, but its shape solid; red like blood.
Your screaming burst through your lungs; it was the only weapon you had. Your breath was sharp and frantic, your eyes wide filled with tears. Fear washed over you as you thought of the possibility of your life being cut short just because you had trusted a man who turned out to be the kind of charming until he got what he needed.
"You broke my trust, Y/n." His voice sang through the thick air. "You know, my favourite game as a boy used to be hide-and-seek. Always played with my brother, friends, family,” A short but taunting silence made your heart race. "They always complained because I played unfairly and cheated," he said, to the sound of his gun clocking. "I disagree."
The soft ground blurred below you. You continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have, figuring it was because of the psychopath on your tail. The only things that could hinder you from survival were your physical limits and your doubt. But your exhaustion also came running after you, and your cramping legs gave in, falling into the pile of wet leaves. Your body shook as you pressed your back against the tree trunk, trying to regain some sort of power to keep on running, but it was no use.
His frame edged closer and closer, his black shoulder-length hair blowing in the low wind. His dark gaze fixed on you as his twisted smile sent shivers down your spine.
Your mind went frantic with the thought, ‘weak.’
He looked at you, jaw clenched, inches away from you. Nostrils picked up the scent of his cologne as your lips started to tremble, knowing you had failed to outrun him. What would he do now that you had tried to run away? You didn’t know.
"You look beautiful when you're scared," he crouches down, cocking his head. "But the fun is over now and I get really angry when people try to outsmart me. Will you try to outsmart me again?"
"Please!" Your voice cracks. "Please, you don’t have to do this!" You cry out, hot tears streaming down your cheeks.
"But I do," his voice now soft like it had been before he opened up the door to his cabin. "I have to do this."
Your crying intensified; your chest grew tight as bile rose in your throat. Blood pounded in your ears. Your hands shook. Your feet tingled. Your vision was disfigured, as if you were looking through a fish tank. There was nothing else you could do but give up. His strong arms scooped you off the ground and started carrying you away.
Your heart pounded even harder when you could see a street poking from behind the branches, realising you had given up before the finish line. Darkness was torn from your face, and a matrix of lights blinded you. Groaning, you shifted, attempting to jerk away from the brightness beyond your lids. Your hand hits your face, the drowsiness making you feel like a marionette. But even though your limbs feel heavy, like they had piled on imaginary weight, you tried to pull herself together. Pushing your torso off the ground, you noticed you were back in the living room you had been in moments before you took off running. Your eyes scanned for restraints—none.
But there he was. Tall, broad, muscular, wearing...black? A black blazer buttoned over something white, dark trousers, black shoes, all melting together into one until you blink a few times.
He must have noticed your surprise.
"Don’t worry," he took a swig of beer. "This manor is human proof. Both escaping," he huffed out, placing his hands on his thighs before talking towards the kitchen counter, "I mean like escape proof, soundproof, everything proof." He laughed.
"Why are you doing this?"
You spoke, your heart pounding and your voice cracking. "What the fuck is happening?"
He cackled, like he had one too many drinks, and laughed at a terribly awful joke. "Something very unfortunate for you."
"Let me go. Please. I swear I—I won’t tell anyone."
“What happened, Flip?" Your gaze dropped to his frame, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. His hands engulfed the beer bottle he held. "What did I do wrong?"
"You did nothing wrong, Y/n." Monotone. Dry.
"Then please tell me why you are doing this to me." You couldn’t stop your chin from trembling or your heart from wanting to explode out of your chest. "You treated me so well. We slept together. And now. What is this?"
Flip scrambled out of his seat.
Your eyes darted across the room—the drawing room at the cabin, nothing but miles of land and sheep. It stood close to the sea, just off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, which at this time of year had the strongest and toughest currents.
Flip placed the beer on one of the coffee tables and braced his weight on the gold-encrusted sofa that stood perfectly opposite you.
"I mean don’t get me wrong, dear, the sex was incredible and probably some of the best I ever had but it was part of my scheme."
"What scheme? To lure me to the woods?” You wanted to shout, but every bit of effort you made to speak or move was tripled against the weight of you building fear.
"Look, it’s nothing personal, Y/n," he said, lifting the corner of his lips. "You took my bait and now it's on you. It’s not my fault when you’re so gullible when it comes to love. I mean seriously, falling in love within three dates?"
"Is Flip even your real name?"
"Yes. My full name is Philip Zummerman."
"You give your victims your government name?"
"Well, it’s not like any of them will ever tell the police," he chuckled, his white teeth shining between his black moustache and beard. "You asked me before why I am doing this. I have an answer to that but I don’t think you’ll enjoy it as much."
"What is the answer?"
"I am handsome, well proportioned and insanely wealthy. Those two components work rather marvellously together. I either charm my way out of any trouble or I’ll just pay off what I need to. Humans are leeches by nature, you know," he took another sip of his beer. "Humans crave luxuries and comfort, and what else?"
"I don’t know."
“Yes, you do. C’mon!" He slouched down with the biggest grin he had yet given.
“Ehm,” pause, “Money?"
“Ding Ding Ding…money. How much money do you think it will take to buy an ordinary man’s silence? Say less than a thousand dollars? Maybe even two if he’s desperate enough."
You had no idea how to behave. You felt like you were compelled to listen to him.
Flip stood back up again, beer in his hand, his back facing her as he paced around on the dark ebony floors, the squeaking penetrating your ears.
“And how much do you think you will need to persuade that same man, so dull and simple, to take a life?" His feet stopped moving.
A deafening silence.
"Those dirty old men rummaging around the dirty cities of Colorado would do it for 5.000? Maybe 10. But in their eyes, you are worthless. Not worthy of anything except the price tag above your head that has compelled them to blindly follow any orders given to them. Just like dogs. I think there’s a psychology behind it but then again I am no psychologist,"
“What are you going to do with me?" You asked once more, collecting every ounce of calmness you had left, forcing yourself to make contact with him.
He sighed in response. Like he was... bored, annoyed, rushed? Perhaps all three?
"I’m going to kill and eat you."
His gaze went through you like a blast of ice, his sick smile making your stomach churn. Your muscles stiffened, paralyzed by fear. You could hear the slow, dragging beat of your heart. Fear became a tangible living force that crept over you like some hungry beast, immobilising you and your brain, holding you captive. Every muscle in your body screamed at you to try and escape again, but you remained frozen.
"What…" Bile started to rise again.
"I will kill you, and I will eat you." The clicking of his tongue enunciating his pointed finger on you. "A simple concept really."
Panic started to settle in again. Fear creeping from behind, the hair on the nape of your neck stood up.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." Nothing but high-pitched whimpers. Shallow breaths made it impossible to think clearly.
Your mind was scattered. How to escape? What had happened? Was your hand numb? Why did it feel like little pinpricks?
"This isn’t happening."
"It’s happening." His dark, monotone voice penetrated past your thoughts.
"It’s not happening. It’s not happening. This is all a bad dream."
You never had a heart attack but if someone had told you this is what it felt like, you wouldn’t doubt them. Your breathing was laboured, and your palms felt wet. You couldn’t think of anything but that your chest might get crushed any minute. "Oh, Lord," you started, "save me just this once."
You were trying to breathe, but you couldn’t. Someone was clutching your throat, stopping you from taking full breaths. But there was no one stopping you. Tears started trickling down your cheeks as panic crept over you again. This time, panic was unavoidable. It felt like forever. You sat there and panicked. He kept trying to say something, but nothing but mumbles made it past your ear. What he tried to tell you was inaudible.
So suddenly his shouting erupted, bringing your mind back to reality as you stared blankly at him. You could feel a tear sitting at your lower lash line.
“There you are," Flip’s voice was half way between a whisper and a shout, deep and rumbling like the earthquake below you but still full of the danger you felt whenever you noticed his eyes on you. "Y/n."
“You’re a cannibal?" You choked back the fear and guilt you felt in your heart, speaking to yourself .
“Don’t insult your own intelligence," he tuts. "I do have a tendency to strongly dislike people who belittle themselves for the sole reason of incompetence or lack of confidence."
“And you just eat people?"
"I have refined tastes," he answers, his expression emotionless, but you could see the coiled tension in his body, the rage ready to spill forth. "You have complimented me on my cooking just earlier this evening. I remember the way your eyes fluttered, enjoying the thigh fillet. I would say your tastes are the same as mine. Why don’t we get you relaxed, dear? Hm? I have a room just for you and we’ll talk about this once you are back to normal."
"Normal. Normal."
You could feel his arms underneath you as he brought you to his chest. Feet dangling in the air as he made his way towards a wooden door that led down a spiral staircase, a red carpet greeting you as he walked past another long hallway until he came to a halt in front of the second-to-last door.
"You know, my dear, normally in these types of situations there would be some revulsion at the revelation that you’ve consumed a person. I see nothing of that in your demeanour. You don’t seem to care about the fact that others have suffered to land on my plate, yet you only seem to panic after you found out that you would meet their same fate... Tell me why? Do you think you are more important?"
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be-loved-moon · 9 months
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hoteldreamss · 2 months
Kylo Ren || imagine
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Метки: попытка убийства
Тебе нужно было сделать не так много, просто небольшая работа, которая ты уверено окупилась бы в разы, хотя страх с трудом мог покинуть тебя и твои мысли, учитывая, что ты собиралась делать.
Это оказалось легче, чем ты думала. База Первого Ордена была на удивление почти пуста, когда ты пробралась к ним. Может дело было в том, что это была ночь, но ты также не думала, что сможешь встретить Кайло вне его комнаты, прямо в коридоре.
Немного внезапная встреча, во время которой он легко мог понять, что наткнулся на нежелательного гостя, пока ты поняла, что тебе больше не нужно искать его комнату.
Его взгляд изучающий, явно замечает доказательства того, что ты была не местной. И стоит ему попробовать пробраться в твои мысли, он натыкается на барьер.
— Кайло Рен? — твой голос мягкий, хотя ты готова к тому, чтобы отрезать ему голову.
— Охрана! — Его крик заставляет тебя вздрогнуть от внезапности, но ты уже бежишь на него.
На его призыв либо никто не отзывается, либо работники здесь плохо слышать.
Пока вы пытаетесь перехватить возможность скрутить друг друга, ты не замечаешь, как оказываешься в невыгодном положении для себя.
Волосы Рена взъерошены, когда он наконец отделался от тебя. Твоя голова звенит от сильного удара об стену. Он теперь может лучше рассмотреть тебя, заметить твои тонкие черты лица и даже попытаться пробраться в твои мысл��, которые ты снова блокируешь от его любопытства. Ты сжимаешь зубы, чувствуя, как твои желваки напрягаются, а взгляд сконцентрирован только на Кайло, который по всей видимости больше не считает тебя угрозой, когда ты приходишь в себя стоя между стеной базы Первого Ордена и Реном, который определённо был большим парнем.
— Знаешь, с дамами следует обращаться понежнее. — Ты шипишь, когда всего одним взмахом руки, приложив свою Силу, ты заставляешь Кайло отлететь по коридору достаточно далеко. Он проскальзывает даже дальше нужного. Отлетев от тебя на несколько метров, Рен понимает, почему не мог прочесть твои мысли.
Гнев медленно расплывающийся по твоим венам. Дыхание глубокое, ноздри еле заметно расширяются при вздохе, пока твоя грудь вздымается, из твоей разбитой губы слабо сочится крови, а зрачки расширены. Уверенными шагами, ты направляешься к Кайло, уже хватаясь за свой световой меч на поясе.
Может быть это немного захватывающее зрелище для Рена, потому что он никогда раньше не видел таких как ты, никогда не мог наблюдать за такой разгневанной женщиной. Может это заставило его пропустить возможность откинуть тебя также, с помощью Силы.
Сиреневый свет откидывает своё свечение на лицо Рена, как только ты подставляешь к его шее свой меч. Ты даже не склоняешься над ним, смотришь прямо в его немного покрасневшие глаза и на твоё удивление ты не можешь отвести от них взгляд.
— Тебя заказали, ты знаешь об этом? — твой голос немного прерывистый от тяжёлого дыхания. — Перекупишь себя?
— Что? — Его чёрные и густые брови сводятся чуть заметно к переносице, а верхняя губа слегка поднимается вверх на секунду.
— Ты можешь перекупить себя. Заплатишь в два раза больше, чем мне заплатили за твою голову, и я не убиваю тебя, за дополнительную плату могу убить того, кто заказал тебя, — произносишь ты, уже отдышавшись.
Меч возле шее Кайло Рена слегка обжигает его, на самом деле он знает, что на волоске от смерти. Его дыхание также восстановилось, его волосы не так аккуратно лежат, как раньше, после небольшой драки с тобой, которая скорее напоминала предварительные ласки из-за вашей сдержанности в ударах.
— Разве это не…
— Я тут вроде как задаю вопросы. — Ты ненавидишь, когда твои заказы начинают думать, будто у них больше шансов выжить, заговорив тебя.
— Сколько за выкуп?
Ты довольно ухмыляешься, когда богатеешь. Тебе нравилось зарабатывать в разы больше за возможность дать кому-то жить. Хотя это и было не совсем нравственным, может даже серой моралью, но ты смотрела на это, как на шанс чего-то нового.
— Почему я не могу прочесть твои мысли? — Кайло, кажется, не собирается нападать на тебя. Хотя у него есть шанс атаковать, у него мало шансов победить тебя.
— Потому что твой учитель не хотел тебя учить. — Ты пожимаешь плечами, и уже собираешься попрощаться с Реном, направляясь к двери из его комнаты.
Сделав пару шагов к выходу, ты чувствуешь его хватку на плече. Он не сильно сжимает руку, лишь чтобы остановить тебя, не удержать. Не смотря на вашу разницу в росте, ты не чувствуешь себя слабее.
— Ты должна научить меня, — произносит он, отпуская тебя. Не смотря на его тон, ты не чувствуешь давление с его стороны.
— Это не так.
— Я заплачу тебе, если это единственное, что тебя волнует.
Тебе не нравится, как это звучит. Он будто обзывает тебя, выплёвывает это как кислоту тебе на лицо, и ты не можешь игнорировать злость, которая тебя охватывает.
Скривившись от его слов, ты делаешь ещё пару шагов назад.
— Мне просто не выгодно помогать командиру ситхов. — Теперь ты оскорбляешь его, нисколько не чувствуя вины за это.
Кайло больше не склонен быть таким дружелюбным, каким ему приходилось, поэтому он всего парой шагов настигает тебя. Разворачивает к себе лицом. Теперь его ладонь сжимается намного сильнее на твоём плече. В его взгляде есть капля безумия и гнева.
— Ты поможешь мне, или я не отпущу тебя с этой базы.
— Ты слабее меня, — шипишь ты. — Ты не сможешь удержать меня. Я слышала ты не смог удержать мусорщицу, и разве этот шрам не от неё?
Ты указываешь на его щёку заставляя Кайло чувствовать неловкость, потому что теперь его лицо иногда заставляло его думать, что он недостаточно привлекателен. Может быть раньше ему не удавалось задумываться над своей внешностью, больше одержимый своей Силой, уроками Скайвокера, а позже уроками Сноука.
— Чего ты хочешь? — интересуется он, пока твои глаза озаряются игривым блеском, а губы растягиваются в ухмылке.
Взаимодействие с Кайло было не таким скучным и проблемным, как ты думала. Его мысли были громче, чем ты предполагала. Он был хорошим учеником, несмотря на свой гнев, который излишни часто брал над ним гнев.
Ты сидишь на против Кайло, в отличии от него, твои глаза не закрыты, потому что ты пытаешься наблюдать за ним.
Шум ветра и листвы единственное, что вы можете слышать на этой заброшенной, но до безумия красивой планете. Ты понятия не имеешь, почему Рену удалось так легко отлучиться от своей работы и привести вас сюда, может быть, он и впрямь так сильно желал стать лучше. Поэтому, когда ты рассказала ему о том, как проходило твоё обучение, он решил действовать по тому же сценарию.
— Ты не сосредоточен. — Твой голос спокойный, пока ты сидишь в позе лотоса, как и Кайло. Трава под вами сухая, хотя небо постепенно становилось серым и затягивалось тучами.
— Выйди из моей головы. — Его глаза остаются прикрытыми, и ты на самом деле довольна Кайло.
— Заставь меня. — Конечно, ты кидаешь вызов, заставляя теперь Рена думать о совершенно другом.
Ты слышишь в его мыслях, речи о том, что ты всегда была такой дерзкой и наглой, что теперь это заставляло его немного наслаждаться этим, даже осознавая твой игривый характер. Может быть, тебе нравилось иногда читать его мысли о себе, зная, что ты начинаешь привлекать его больше, чем должна бы учитывая ваши взаимоотношения.
— Ты думаешь не о том, — произносишь ты, заставляя его отвлечься снова на тебя. — Тебе нужно сосредоточиться на окружении. Не перескакивать с мысли на мысль.
Тогда Кайло думает только о тебе и это даже слегка вызывает жар на твоих щеках.
— Сосредоточься на природе.
На самом деле несмотря на его успехи в контроле, в том, чтобы быть более сосредоточенным, у него всё ещё не получалось закрыть свои мысли от тебя. Ты также могла заглянуть в его голову, как и Сноук, может быть, как и мусорщица.
Мысль о том, чтобы помочь Кайло, уже ни раз посещала тебя.
— Ладно. — Ты пододвигаешься ближе к Рену, его глаза открываются, когда он слышит движения с твоей стороны. — Ты должен расслабиться, подумать о чём-то хорошем, по-настоящему хорошем, я не увижу этого, но ты… увидишь то, что думаю я. Когда мои мысли будут в твоей голове, твоих там не будет, и ты поймёшь это чувство, когда там ничего нет. Тогда ты сможешь стремиться к нему при следующих тренировках.
Ты берёшь его за руки, и Кайло удивляет то насколько твои руки нежные и тёплые учитывая прохладу вокруг вас. Ты же чувствуешь его мозолистые и на удивление замёрзшие ладони, ты немного наслаждаешься вашей близостью, хотя и не даёшь об этом знать Рену.
Прикрыв глаза, легко вторгаясь в его мысли, ты заменяя фантазии Рена своими воспоминаниями о том, как обучали тебя. И хотя ты стараешься избавиться от плохих воспоминаний, о том, кем на самом деле был твой учитель для тебя, тебе не удаётся скрыть это от Кайло, хотя ты легко заставляешь только хорошее оставаться вашей общей мыслью.
Тогда Кайло пытается уловить это чувство в тебе. Он цепляется за ощущение той пустоты, которой ты требовала от него.
Отпустив ладони, Рен снова оказывается один в своей голове и открывает глаза. Может быть, он немного скучает по твоему прикосновению, но умалчивает об этом.
Может быть, он хочет сказать тебе, чтобы вы повторили это, потому что связь между вами была чем-то, чего раньше Кайло не чувствовал, чего ему никогда никто не показывал, и это странно приятное чувство, похожее на уютные, тёплые объятия, которые были так сильно необходимо ему уже много лет.
Но ты не дашь ему этого снова. Кайло заметил твоё желание сохранить своё пространство. Поэтому он не просит тебя о повторении.
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earlgreydream · 5 months
SAVIOR. | Kylo Ren x reader
Some enemies to lovers(?) on Mustafar, for my love, @little-diable
for @little-diable's 15k celebration ... Kylo Ren, Smut, Page 66 ..... „The air felt hot and dusty.” From The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires
cw: dubcon
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You were naive to think you could escape.
The air felt hot and dusty, choking you as you ran through burning trees. It felt like every nightmare you’d ever had — the ones you couldn’t wake up from, knowing you were prey with nowhere to run. Your heart slammed in your chest, pulse echoing in your ears as your wild eyes darted around, desperately searching for an escape.
Limbs of trees reached out to scratch you as you ran through the forest fire, everything a haze of red. Desperation to outrun those who scorched the planet made you fearful, knowing there was no real escape.
“You’ve got nowhere to run, rebel.”
The words echoed in your mind, not spoken aloud, but directly to you, through a divine power. Invisible hands halted your attempt to escape, slamming your body into the ground.
Kylo Ren watched you fight to breathe as you inhaled the dust, unable to escape the grasp of his force. He towered over you, face-to-face for the first time since Coruscant, when you were still undercover as a member of the First Order.
“Don't do this, Ren,” you hissed, staring up at the supreme leader, who had burnt down the planet and everything in it just to catch you.
“You’ll be made an example to anyone who dares to defy me,” Kylo swore, the hot blade of his lightsaber singing just inches from your throat.
Your chest heaved, wild eyes watching Kylo, waiting for his red fire to cut through you. The summer heat filled you with dread, watching Kylo stand over you with hate in his eyes.
Things were different, then. What transpired only months ago seemed to be an entirely different life, lived by someone else. In a sense, it was.
Coruscant was the mission you never wanted. When you’d dedicated your life to the resistance, you didn’t anticipate being sent undercover to infiltrate the First Order. You wore the mask of an enemy, blending in and becoming someone else until you forgot who you were entirely.
The objective was simple: move your way up in the First Order, and gain the trust of Kylo Ren. Your mission was to gather intel to feed back to the resistance; when your commanders had assigned it, they pictured you sitting in meetings, taking notes on the outskirts of Kylo’s militia. At the time, the Jedi order thought they could trust you, and you thought you could trust them. Before Coruscant, you had no idea of the power you possessed, the power the rebellion kept a secret from you.
When Kylo Ren first laid eyes on you, the plan crumbled to dust. The moment you stepped into the throne room, you could feel it — the pull of the force pricking the edges. Kylo felt it too, your heart beating in sync as he failed to pry into your mind like he did with every other being.
“Leave us.” The command to the knights was sharp, the room clearing until you were the only one standing before him.
“Where have you come from?” Kylo Ren had once seemed menacing on his throne, adorned in a crimson glow. Now, his expression was pure curiosity, gazing at you with startlingly disarming eyes.
“Naboo, master Ren,” the reverence came naturally, and you found yourself lowering to your knees at his throne.
“It is an honor to serve The First Order,” your voice sounded foreign on your lips, speaking words you never intended to say.
Kylo reached forward, tilting your chin up until he held your gaze, studying every detail of your unfamiliar face. He was captivated by you, your mystique raised curiosity, not alarm. Nothing happened on his ship that he didn’t know about, but you, a young soldier from Naboo was unexpected.
“You wield the force?” He questioned, puzzled by the inability to tear apart your thoughts.
“No, master.”
“But you can, padawan, you’ve just not been taught,” Kylo answered, having no knowledge of the crack he’d sent through your alliances.
The Jedi order would have recognized the great power you possessed, even as you didn’t recognize it in yourself. Your gifts had been kept a secret, but here was Kylo Ren, a man meant to be your enemy, offering truth and guidance you were deprived of. The resistance and its leaders had deceived you, a betrayal far deeper than a political alliance. They had kept you from destiny, fearing that the ability to wield the force would lead you into darkness, having no idea you would one day learn to harness your power from the ruler of the Empire.
“I can show you the ways of the force," Kylo’s voice was smooth, pulling you to his outstretched hand, an invitation to leave everything else behind and stand at his side.
You didn't recognize yourself in the reflection of Kylo's eyes. Instinctively, you took Kylo's outstretched hand, letting him pull you to your feet.
"You have had no teacher?" Kylo questioned, the two of you standing in an empty room in the Star Destroyer.
He looked so different out of his suit, more relaxed in simple training robes. Here, Kylo didn't seem to be the menacing overlord that you'd once saw. With you, he was different, an attentive and guiding master.
"No," you shook your head, confliction slowly eating away at you.
The more hours you spent learning from Kylo, the less you wanted betray him. Your alliance to the order you'd spent a lifetime fighting for was broken, and now you sought solace in him. Your allegiance to Kylo bloomed as your abilities grew, and the hard walls around him slowly came down, letting you in. Even as he opened up about who he was, you kept the secret of your origin, praying every night that he didn't have to find out.
Your lost soul found a home in Coruscant, lines blurring between you and Kylo as you spent intimate hours meditating and practicing. His hands that were once your waist to position your body, guided you until you found yourself pressed between Kylo’s strong body and his mattress. 
The first time Kylo took you to his bed, he was tender, attentive to your pleasure. As your addiction to him grew, so did the constant need for one another. You begged Kylo to fuck you with his hand around your throat, bending you over the closest surface because you couldn’t get enough. Every second with Kylo was sexually charged, craving him like a drug. He was your teacher, your solace, your lover, and your savior — before you knew it, Kylo became everything to you. 
Kylo Ren changed when you entered his existence. He had never experienced a love like you, constantly starving for your touch. 
In a year, everything fell apart. 
You’d long forgotten the Jedi, your allegiance, and your mission, until the day they invaded Coruscant. What you would never be able to forget was the betrayal on Kylo's face when they called you their commander. You could no longer run to your savior, nor to your fellow jedi, so you ran away, alone, to Mustafar.
You wrists were held behind your back with imperial binders, and you were completely naked - save the collar that Kylo had clasped around your throat. You glared up at him from your kneeling position at his feet, chest heaving as you struggled against his force keeping you still at his mercy.
Part of you yearned to throw yourself at him, begging for forgiveness, explaining to him that you had abandoned the resistance to follow him. You ached to tell him that every night you spent in bed with Kylo made you fall more in love with him, that you'd rather perish than live without him another day, but the words died in your throat.
Your words would do no use anyways - Kylo had made up his mind to make an example out of you, to humiliate you before the entire First Order.
Your skin burned as you felt the eyes of his knights on your body as they filed into the room, taking their places around the table. You couldn't hide from them, your sins and entire self exposed to those you once ruled over.
"Our little rebel traitor is going to pay for her sins," Kylo's voice was ice cold, sending a shudder down your spine.
Instinctively, you leaned back into Kylo's legs, subconsciously searching for shelter. He grabbed the back of your neck in one of his large hands, hauling you to your feet, dark eyes blazing down at you, starvation and thirst clouding his judgement.
"Get on the fucking table, now," he growled, manhandling you onto the cold metal surface, your wrists above your head as you laid spread out.
"Since you'll sell yourself to the jedi and the empire, my knights can have you as well."
He sank back into his throne, draped lazily over the armrests, legs parted to reveal how hard he was just from the sight of your nude form dripping on the table.
You strained against the binders on your wrists, hating yourself for how wet you were just knowing Kylo was watching, the knights pulling your legs apart as one knelt between your legs.
You helplessly watched Kylo as Vicrul's hands wrapped around your soft thighs, his tongue warm and wet against your sex, pulling a pathetic whine from your lips. You hated him for it - hating him for making your hips raise, begging for more as he ate you out, sucking on your clit and pushing thick fingers inside of you. Your muscles contracted around you, other knights groping your body, playing with your nipples and gagging you with their fingers.
Meanwhile, Kylo watched, freeing himself from the black trousers that hugged his thick thighs. You watched as he stroked his cock to the sight of you, fighting not to come immediately from the filthy noises the knights pried from your parted lips.
You ached for him to fill you, your cunt throbbing with need, despite the overwhelming touch of the knights, ripping orgasms from you despite how hard you fought against it. Before you could stop yourself, you were crying out to him, calling his name as your back arched off the table, gasping for air.
Your ears were ringing, and all at once the knights retreated from you, exiled from the room by Kylo. He stood abruptly, dark robes falling from his shoulders, his strong body fully on display for you. You felt the binders release your wrists, and you pulled your limbs to your body, trembling on the cold table.
"I didn't betray you," you rasped, knowing Kylo could read your mind, prying through your thoughts and your memories, allowing him in.
He said nothing, approaching you slowly. Kylo grasped your jaw, holding your head up, forcing you to look him in the eye.
"You will never run from me again."
"Yes, master."
Kylo's lips were hot and heavy against yours, pulling you into his body, kissing you violently. He'd had every intention to take you back to his chambers, but the second you touched, he couldn't resist, climbing over you on the table in his throne room.
His hand hooked under your knee, pushing it to your shoulder, rubbing the head of his cock against your entrance. He ignored your whimpering pleas, taking his time, marking your throat with his lips. All the air left your lungs as he finally pushed inside you, much bigger than all of the knights who had violated you only moments before.
Your back arched as he split you open, pressing your chest to his, your hands pulling his thick black hair. He bottomed out, his hips pressed against your ass. Kylo hushed you, wrapping an arm around your torso before fucking you at a blistering pace. It was desperate and violent with need, tearing you apart for leaving him, and putting you back together all at once. You felt his velvety skin drag against your walls with every thrust, Kylo using the force to circle your clit so he could keep both hands on you.
His skin was slick with sweat, black hair sticking to his forehead as he moaned, biting your shoulder and burying his face in you, his thrusts stuttering as he filled you until cum was spilling out and smearing between your thighs.
"I'm not finished with you," he panted as you sank back into the surface, trying to catch your breath.
Kylo flipped you over so he was lying on his back, your knees on either side of his wide hips. You could barely hold yourself up, muscles shaking as you leaned over him.
"Kylo, I can't—"
"Ride me." He commanded, leaving no room for argument or protest.
He reached up and wrapped his hand around your throat, holding you up as you rolled your hips, feeling his cock twitch inside you, moving easily despite your trembling thighs.
"Look at me. Watch yourself take your master," Kylo's other hand lightly smacked your cheek, prompting you to open your eyes, holding his gaze for a long moment.
You wrapped your hands around his wrist for leverage, thankful his other hand was helping your hips, before obeying his wish. Your gaze fell, watching him disappear inside your body every time you sank down, feeling him set fire to every nerve ending in your body, your limbs screaming for release. Kylo held your weight, guiding you to finish until you collapsed on his chest, aftershocks shuddering through your weakened body.
"You'll have to earn back your place at my side," he tilted your chin up, dark eyes showing the slightest bit of mercy.
"I'll do anything," you breathed, chasing his mouth for a kiss.
"Start by getting on your knees."
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justagirlwholikesadam · 3 months
S & K : The Queen's Guards
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Sandor Clegane x Fem!Reader x Kylo Ren
Summary: After being named heir to the throne, your father brings you two men to be your guards.
Warning: NSFW, cursing, kissing, we are fucking them ladies, throuple because why not!
A/N: TBH this fanfic was never going to see the light of day because i was so nervous how people would react but I haven't seen a Sandor x Kylo fanfic so fuck it. Here ya'll go, enjoy! -L || Border Credit: @cafekitsune
Word Count: 9.9K
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You were grateful that you have been bestowed with two guards to protect you. They were given the order to follow your every move and stay by your side since your father named you heir to the throne. Most were happy that you were heir while others condemned it to be the most horrific thing known. A woman sitting on the throne was a joke for them.
Blessed to have a father like yours, he quieted the people that had doubts and reminded them that his word is law.
At first you dreaded the idea of two unknown men in your company but your father insisted since they were the best. While being introduced to them you will never forget how they stared down at you with their dark eyes. You couldn't help but blush under their gaze. You learned that they were both second born sons and that they didn't have much but they were highly skilled. They were new to the kingdom and looking to offer their service. They had gotten through your father’s difficult test and proven their loyalty to him. They were both granted to protect and serve you.
The first guard was named Sandor Clegane. He was the tallest and the oldest. Your father had mentioned to you about his appearance before arriving. Sandor's right side of his face was burned. You were a bit relieved when you saw him for yourself because your father made it seem like Sandor was a grotesque monster but he wasn't. The unburnt side of Sandor’s face was handsome. He had a thick brow and brown eyes. His hair was long down to his neck, he had parted his hair to the side to mask the burn side of his face. He had facial hair, his beard and mustache were thick and dark.
The second guard was named Kylo Ren. Kylo was tall but fell a few feet shorter than Sandor. Kylo gave you a smile when he first saw you. His plushy lips twisted upward at you. He had long dark locks that went down to his shoulders. His beard and mustache was neatly trimmed then Sandor’s. Beauty marks were splattered on his face and he was leaner than the older guard.
Small talks between your father and you occur as they continue to stare at you.
“I do this for your safety, my dear. One day all of this will be yours and there are people out there that will try to take it away from you.” Your father walked in front of you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I accept them.” You told him.
Your father stood behind you as Sandor and Kylo kneel in front of you and swore their allegiance, their protection to the heir to the throne. Something melted in your chest at the sight of these men kneeling in front of you. Many had knelt in front of you but these two had sparked something in you.
The first week was the hardest, since they were going to follow you everywhere to get to know your routines. You decided to get to know them more. You found out Kylo was more social than Sandor.
Sandor kept to himself, mostly drinking a cup of wine while Kylo talked about himself. You found out Kylo had a twin brother named Ben. Kylo was the second twin born. You gave your condolences to Kylo when he mentioned that Ben died at war.
Kylo was flirtatious with everyone and he was charming when he wanted. You noticed wandering eyes from the servants looking up and down at him while serving the meals and drinks. Some servants who weren’t afraid of Sandor tried to talk to him but he ignored them or just told them to ‘fuck off.’
It was a month later when you found out more about Sandor's life. Kylo had left to do a task for your father so it was just both of you. You were sitting down on the loveseat in the library while Sandor stood by the entrance. After a few minutes of begging the tall man to sit down with you, he obeyed. Finally able to wear out his cold exterior, Sandor told you about his life and how he got hurt. His older brother had pushed his face against the burning coal of the fire when he was a child. His older brother was still alive and causing havoc far away from here.
Sandor had come to this place for a fresh start in life. Sandor’s body tensed when he felt you grab his hand. He wanted to curse at you for touching him but he couldn't, not when you were looking up at him like that. You looked at him like he was a normal man, you looked at him as you looked at Kylo.
“Thank you for telling me.” You told him as you pulled his hand on to your lap. His breathing came to a halt when you began to play with his fingers. Your thumb glides across his hard knuckles. You couldn’t help but smile when you compare your hands along with his. They were huge, they completely covered yours.
“My father said a good man should have rough hands. It means he’s a hard worker. I know for a fact you are a good and hardworking man.” Sandor was shocked by your compliment. He rarely got compliments back home. This was new for him, he didn’t know how to react. He just kept looking at you as you caressed his hand on your lap.
He finally had the courage to say something when the door of the library opened. He quickly ripped his hand away from your grasp as he stood up from the loveseat. He was about to draw his weapon but stopped when he saw it was Kylo. He ignored your stares as he walked away back to the doors. He couldn’t believe that he had gotten so distracted by you. A simple touch from you and he let his guard down.
Sandor and Kylo took turns when it came guarding you at night. You had told them that it’s outrageous to have someone standing guard at your door during the night but they simply told you that it’s their duty to protect you know matter what time of the day.
It had taken Sandor a week for you to finally convince him to come inside your room and take a seat on a chair so he could rest his legs. He had mentioned to you that he had injured his leg back home. It took a month for Kylo to finally come inside your room during the night and sit on the same chair as Sandor.
Kylo kept quiet while sitting near the fireplace. Kylo had to admit you were the nicest person he’s ever guarded. You always had a pitcher of water and a couple of books in the Latin language for him. He had mentioned to you once that he adores reading in Latin and the very next day you have gotten books for him. One night you couldn’t sleep, you tossed and turned in your bed. It was Kylo’s turn guarding you that night. He had seen that you were unable to sleep and had suggested reading to you in Latin. You knew nothing of the language, but hearing his soft, deep voice relaxed you. After a few minutes of him reading out loud to you, you were fast asleep
What you didn’t know was that as soon as you were asleep. Kylo and Sandor couldn’t help but look at you. They stood by the end of the bed. They envy the sheets and blankets that touched your body. Whenever it was Sandor’s turn he was too frightened to even touch you so he stared. He felt so unworthy to even touch you. He wanted to touch the hand that touched him. You had no problem grabbing onto him whenever he guarded you during the day. You don’t even ask permission to hold his hand or his arm. He felt like he needed permission from the Gods themselves to even touch you.
Kylo looks over at you when he hears soft snoring. He carefully gets up trying not to make a sound as he walks to your bed. He knew it was wrong to touch you while you were sleeping but he couldn’t help it. He enjoys the touch of your hair. It was soft to him, with shaky hands he touches your fingers as well. His lips tremble to kiss them. Kylo admits he’s a sinner, he’s always been one. He was always in the company of women to feel something. To feel whole but it never worked but being in your company was something else. Something pure and something out of love.
As the days became months and the months had become years it was two years since Kylo and Sandor became your guards. They knew their job was going to get harder when your father became ill. He was unfit to be king anymore and because of it, people in the realm started to second guess your father’s decision of choosing you as the heir to the throne.
It had happened so quickly when your father was bedridden when a lord from a house had spoken out.
“Let me remind you of this, Lord Peter of House Mancen.” Sandor watched as you stood up from your seat. He wanted to cut this man's head off for barging in and disrupting the council's meeting.
“Two years ago, the King of this realm had appointed me as the heir of the throne.” Kylo watched as you walked towards the man while you spoke.
“It is my duty, my birthright and my throne. Let this be known and tell anyone who has doubts. I will be queen, I will rule and I will defend my throne from anyone who is stupid enough to try and take it away from me.”
Lord Peter of House Mancen frowned as you walked back to your seat. Sandor and Kylo were quick to move when they saw the man reach for something.
“Stop.” You shouted. Kylo and Sandor froze as well as the Lord.
“This is your last and only warning, Lord Peter of House Mancen. Speak out of turn or betray me, I will end you. I will end your house and I will end your family. I will make your house disappear, I promise you that.”
“Shut the door on your way out.” You said when the Lord didn’t speak. He bowed at you and walked out, shutting the door behind him. The council continued and ended successfully. You didn’t notice how Sandor and Kylo looked proud at you from behind.
The proud look on their faces turned into pity when your father had passed in his sleep two days later. Sandor and Kylo had put their differences aside even though they worked together for two years now, they still had a few issues among themselves. They did it when you became depressed the first few days after your father’s death. Only your ladies-in-waiting entered in and out of your chambers. Sandor and Kylo couldn’t help but feel a bit sad at the fact you didn’t want to see them. They heard your cries and the voices of your ladies-in-waiting consoling you behind your chambers door.
A week after they were allowed to enter your chambers. It was the day of your coronation, they stood in awe as you stood in front of your mirror. You looked over your shoulder at them. You turned to face them and greeted them with a small smile.
“Forgive me, Sandor and Kylo. I haven’t been myself these few days. I was embarrassed of both of you seeing me in such a state.”
Kylo shook his head. “No need to be embarrassed. I..” Kylo stuttered for a moment and quieted down.
“Speak.” You said softly looking at him. Sandor eyed the brunette and knew what he was going to say. They had talked before entering your chambers.
“I know we are your guards but I would like for you to think of us as..” Kylo’s cheek grew red as he couldn’t finish his sentence. He couldn’t help himself. You looked so beautiful in front of them.
“Friends.” Sandor spoke, finishing Kylo’s sentence. Sandor felt the same way. “You can think of us as close friends, perhaps. If you like.”
They watched as your smile grew and walked closer to them. Without a word you grabbed one of their hands and gently gave them a squeeze.
“Yes, I would like that very much.” Looking up at them, you give them a smile. Before any of them can respond, you bring Kylo’s hand up to your lips, pressing a kiss on his knuckles. You did the same with Sandor’s hand.
Kylo and Sandor knew nothing more could happen between you and them. You were to be queen and they were just simply guards. No relationship can come from it but your kiss, a simple gesture made their hearts blossom for you. They were utterly in love with you.
The coronation was beautiful. They stood on either side at the bottom steps of the throne as they watched you walk down the aisle. You wore a white and red dress with a long cape trailing behind you. You walked with poise and your head held high as everyone stood by the sidelines. You were nervous, you were frightened that something would happen. You looked ahead at the two pairs of brown eyes and you felt confident. Kylo had told you that they made sure no one had a weapon with them. Sandor had his own men guarding each entrance of the grand hall.
You felt safe as you sat down on your throne and the crown was placed on your head. The people cheered with glee as you were announced the Queen. Kylo and Sandor walked up the steps and bow, taking their place behind you.
The sight of you sitting down with two large, virile men standing on either side of you looked like a painting. Their eyes were dark and narrowed as they stared at the crowd. Their silver armor they wore was polished, the red cape hung from their broad shoulders was a bright red, the color of the Queen’s guards.
A year has passed and many have come to terms that you were queen. Few had their doubts and it made you angry. You were honorable and merciful. You kept Kylo and Sandor as your personal guards. Since you became queen, they were the only people you trusted with your life. They were your only friends and your only true companion.
Kylo remained coquet. You often listen to your ladies-in-waiting gossiping about seeing Kylo with another lady. Part of you didn’t mind it, he was a guard, a friend nothing more but he would compliment you and make you feel like you were the only woman in the world. He made you blush and feel warm inside.
The feeling was the same with Sandor. You feel his gaze when he guards you. Unlike Kylo, Sandor was quieter and kept to himself. He talked only when spoken to. He tended to keep to himself but whenever bothered he had a vile tongue. Just when you thought you were making progress by breaking down Sandor’s wall to finally make him feel comfortable with you it would blow up in your face. A simple touch, he would draw back. If you got close to him, you saw how his lips were pressed together into a frown. Sandor had his good and bad days and Kylo knew that. He would bother Sandor when he noticed the older guard in a mood just for kicks.
They didn't get along, they were like cats and dogs and while Sandor kept to himself Kylo was more open with everyone. Sandor rolls his eyes every time Kylo would flirt whenever they passed by a woman. Somedays he would yell at Kylo to shut the fuck up. Kylo was too cocky and always had a smirk which Sandor hated.
“Are you done looking at her?” Kylo looked over his shoulder as Sandor stood guard by the door. He rolled his eyes at Sandor and went back to the same position as Sandor. His back to the door.
“Just making sure she’s alright.” Sandor scoffs at Kylo’s words.
“Trying to get a peek more like it, you ass.” Kylo clenched his jaw.
“Like you haven't tried it.” Kylo answered back, making Sandor turn to him with a frown.
“Don't try to deny it. I see how you look at her. You probably think about her whenever you're alone.”
“Fuck you.” Sandor snarled at him as he looked away from Kylo. Embarrassment washed over Sandor, he always made sure Kylo never saw him staring at you.
Kylo let out a chuckle. “It’s like you think you might have a chance with her. We are nobody compared to her.”
“Even if we were somebody, I doubt she will pick yo-” Sandor quickly pushed Kylo against the wall with his arm against Kylo’s throat. Kylo let out a gasp as Sandor pushed his arm harder against his neck. Kylo looked up at the man and Sandor gave him a scowl.
“Do you want to end up like your brother?” Sandor hissed, making Kylo glare at him at the mention of his deceased brother.
“Fuck you.” Kylo said with a hoarse voice. His face was about to turn red but Sandor let him go. Kylo coughed as he held his neck with his hands while looking at Sandor walking back to his post.
“If she had to pick it would be me-”
You were about to thank the seamstress as she took notes of your measures when you heard shouting. You quickly walked out of the room and looked down the hall to see your guards fighting each other. Their swords banged each other as they shouted. You looked between them as Kylo yells at him. Sandor was stronger though and got Kylo to fall on his back but Kylo was quicker and blocked Sandor’s steel that was aiming for his head.
“Enough.” You shouted as you walked towards them. They stopped at the sound of your voice. Their eyes widen at the angry sight of you and knelt down on one knee. You watched as both men looked down at the ground waiting for you.
“What happened?” You questioned them. They both were out of breath as they looked up. They didn't know what to say. Both were ashamed that you had to witness them. They were fighting like children over you.
“Such boys.” You said as you shook your head at them. They quickly rose up when you started to walk away from them.
“No.” You shouted when you looked over your shoulder to see them following you. You pointed a finger at them, “I discharged both of you tonight. I don't need boys to guard me. When you're done acting like one, come to my chambers.”
They watched as you turned around and walked away. Kylo let out a sigh and put his sword back to his scabbard, Sandor let out a tsk and looked away.
Kylo didn't want to end badly with Sandor. Kylo wanted to continue guarding you and servicing you. He wasn't going to let Sandor get in the way of that. Kylo wasn't stupid, he knew the older man had a crush on you. He knew it because he himself had one on you as well.
“I’m sorry.” Kylo said. Sandor remained silent as he looked at Kylo. He didn’t trust Kylo, he was waiting for Kylo to attack again since you were gone but he didn’t.
“Let me buy you a pint as an apology.” Sandor let out a sigh and nodded. He followed Kylo as they walked down the hall. He wasn’t going to say no to free ale.
The tavern outside the castle was filled that night. The serving girl quickly got Kylo and Sandor a table and a pitcher of a dark ale when she saw the sigil of royalty on their armor. Sandor sat across from Kylo as they shared a pitcher of ale.
“Sorry about bringing up your brother.” Sandor said after the first cup of ale. Kylo looked up from his own cup. He was surprised that Sandor spoke to him. He thought the night was going to be quiet.
“It’s fine.” Kylo said. Sandor watched as Kylo looked back down at his cup.
“You miss him?” Kylo nods at Sandor. “He was my best friend. We were twins. The day he died, a piece of me died with him.”
“Do you miss your brother?” Kylo asked. Sandor didn’t answer, he only shook his head no.
“How do you know about him?” Sandor asked as he looked around the tavern.
“I was there that day in the library.” Kylo said shyly, he looked at Sandor who was now glaring at him.
“I’m sorry. I was walking in to relieve you when I heard you speaking to her.” Kylo said before Sandor could finish.
“If you tell anyone about this.” Kylo shook his head.
“I won’t but can I just say I do hope your brother dies. I can’t imagine ever hurting my brother like that.” Sandor took a gulp of his drink before answering.
“I hope he dies too.”
“You think he’ll follow you here?” Kylo asked.
“Why you asking so much fucking questions?!” Sandor growled at Kylo. Kylo tossed his hands up showing defeat and sighed.
“Just asking questions. Trying to get to know you better.” Kylo said, making Sandor roll his eyes.
“You talk to fucking much.” Sandor commented.
“Well if we are going to guard the Queen. We might as well try to get along. She was pretty upset when she saw fighting.”
Sandor was about to agree when he saw a young girl walking behind Kylo with a smile. She wore a dress too small that showed her curves and her cleavage was about to spill over the bodice she wore on top of the dress.
“Well, hello there.” The woman said as she placed a hand on Kylo’s shoulder.
“You look pretty lonely here. Want some company?” Sandor looked away as he poured more ale into his cup.
He was shocked when Kylo rejected the woman’s offer and told her he’s busy. Sandor looked at the young woman who had a surprised face, she couldn’t believe that he rejected her.
“She could have made you happy.” Sandor told him as they both looked over at the girl who was making her way towards another table.
“I don’t want her.” Kylo said, grabbing the pitcher from the table.
“The queen then?” Sandor asked.
“Yeah. Just like you, Clegane.” Sandor shook his head about to disagree.
“Fucking hell, I know you do because I heard the maids gossiping about you.” Sandor made a face as Kylo spoke.
“What did they say?”
Kylo grinned. “You haven’t fucked anyone since you started guarding her even before that when you came to the kingdom.”
“That has nothing to do with me wanting her.”
“Sandor! Men fuck. It’s what we do. We kill and we fuck. You want her or you just want cock, do tell me. There’s a stable boy who might be a fit for you.”
“I don’t like cock.” Sandor stated.
“You’re quite popular though. The maids at the castle want to see what you got hiding under that armor .” Sandor shook his head.
“You are popular. Even the Queen looks at you. I catch her plenty of times staring at you, especially when you’re fighting in tournaments. You with that helmet shaped like a wolf.”
“It’s a hound.” Sandor corrected him and continued on. “She watches you as well. When you’re riding or reading that damn book in Latin.”
“Guess she looks at both of us.” Kylo said.
It was about midnight when Kylo and Sandor decided to go back to the castle. Sandor had to admit Kylo was interesting. He wasn’t like anyone he met in King’s Landing. Kylo spoke more about his brother after the fourth pitcher of ale. He told Sandor how his twin brother fell in love with a lady from a house. A girl named Rey and Ben had gone to war for her. Kylo went with Ben since he always follows his brother no matter what. Ben died protecting Kylo during the war. At the end it was for nothing, Rey didn’t mourn for his brother. Not even a single tear was shed for his brother. Kylo told Sandor she got married with some lord the following days. Kylo has been alone since then doing all sorts of jobs to get him by. The ale got to Sandor too, the older man told Kylo about his fights in King’s Landing and how he used to guard a little bitch prince who was the product of incest. He wouldn’t forget the sight of Kylo’s face when he told him that the Queen was fucking her twin brother. They both talked among themselves as they made it to the castle.
“We should apologize.” Kylo said standing outside of your chambers.
“Aye.” Sandor answered before knocking on the door.
They heard you grant permission to enter. Sandor was the first to enter, he felt Kylo walk beside him. Both stood still as they saw you sitting in front of your vanity. You wore your night clothes, a dark red robe over your pink nightgown. You kept staring at yourself at the mirror as you brushed your hair.
“My queen.” Kylo said after clearing his throat. “If this is a bad time, we will come back tomorrow.”
“No.” You said putting the hairbrush down and looking at them through the mirror. You turned around and rose up from your chair.
“You're done being childish?” You asked them.
“Aye, we're sorry, your grace.” Sandor told you as you walked towards them. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Why were you fighting?” You asked them as you looked between them.
When they didn’t respond quick enough you spoke again. “Are you both not happy with me?” Their eyes widened at your words. Guilt filled their hearts at the thought of you thinking they weren’t content with you.
“Haven't I been kind? Not generous enough?” You asked knowing damn well that can’t be the reason. They get paid well for guarding you.
“I let you fuck with whoever you want and not say a word.” You told Kylo who’s face paled.
“Do you know the embarrassment I go through when someone tells me that my guard has been seen half naked coming out of the servants quarters?”
You looked at Sandor. “I kept my promise to you about not speaking about your past. I had lied to my father for you before he passed away. The council will have my head if they found out the reason why you left Westeros. My throne would be in jeopardy for keeping a secret like that.”
Sandor dropped his head. You looked at them both with a pained expression. “The servants have heard and seen your little fight. It spread like wildfire through the castle. They think I'm incapable of handling both of you.”
You walked away from them as you shook your head. “They look for ways to find anything wrong with me so they can take my throne.
“Tell me at once. Why were you both fighting?” You shouted. “If you don't then leave and never come back.”
“We want you.” Sandor's mouth dropped at Kylo’s confession. He looked to the right to see Kylo staring at you.
“What?” You questioned looking at both of them.
“He’s right.” Sandor added, perhaps it was the ale running though his system but he knew they had to tell you the truth. It was the only way for them to continue to stay with you.
“You have me already. I don't understand.” Kylo shook his head at you.
“Not that way, your grace. We want you, all of you. We want to be with you.” Kylo told you.
“More than guards.” Sandor said, walking towards you. Sandor has never felt this way before towards a woman. You gave him sympathy, you treated him as a human something he's never experienced before. In some way it frightens him but if you were to reject him then he would leave, if you command it.
“I want you.” Sandor’s words came out in a whisper when he looked at you.
“Both of you do?”
“Yes.” Kylo answered you, he followed Sandor’s steps towards you.
“It was because of me you were fighting, then.” you walked closer to them. You smell the ale on them, they were awestruck when you grabbed their hands with your own. With Kylo, you grabbed his hand with your left hand and you grabbed Sandor with your right hand.
“Both of you smell like you have drunk the entire tavern. How do I know your words are true?” You asked them.
“The ale is helping with our confidence.” Kylo admits giving your hand a squeeze.
You took a deep breath as you looked at them. “Why do you think I have not accepted any proposal?” You asked them.
Sandor and Kylo looked at each other for a second before looking back at you. This was very true, the years they have been with you. You’ve rejected all the many proposals you received.
“I had hoped that one of you would step forward and claim me as theirs but now I have two.” You dropped their hands softly before backing away. Each of them looked disappointed. They can see you were deep in thought. You looked around your chambers then at them.
“If this happens. No fighting between both of you.” Sandor lets out a sigh of relief when you speak.
“This must be between us.” Sandor nodded.
“And I don’t share.” You said looking at Kylo. “Both of you would be mine and mine alone.”
You stared at Kylo wondering if he knew what you meant. You don’t think you have the stomach to see Kylo with another woman but what you are asking of him felt a bit selfish. You’re asking him to just be with you and only you.
A smile appears on Kylo’s handsome face. “I’m yours. Only yours.” He tells you.
Your smile matches his and you held yourself back because at that moment all you wanted to do was kiss him. You look over at Sandor. His face is stone cold, he has no expression on his face. You couldn’t read him.
“Sandor.” You whispered his name, hoping to find the answer you wanted. You wanted him to say yes, you wanted him to hold you and kiss you. You wanted those large hands on you, you wanted those lips and Kylo’s lips over your body.
“I’m yours. Only yours.” He said it with a sultry tone.
Your feet had a mind of their own, you walked towards them. You went to the closest to you, Kylo. His eyes were dripping with desire as you got close to him. Shaky hands make their way to his neck, he leans down to kiss you.
Sandor watches as Kylo cups your face as he kisses you. You pulled away, leaning your forehead against his. “I’m yours.” You whispered against his lips.
You pull away from Kylo and walk toward Sandor. You can’t help but smile at him as you step in front of him. His armor was cool under your touch as you went on your tiptoe to kiss him. Just as Kylo, Sandor leans down to kiss you. He copies Kylo’s move and cups your cheek. He doesn’t want to stop, how can he? He was just kissed by an angel. He feels your hands on his neck now, fingertips touching the ends of his hairs.
“Only yours.” You tell Sandor. You were caught by surprise when Sandor kissed you again. The kiss was soft and so desperate to taste you, you melted under his touch. You feel his hand on your waist, as he pulls away to kiss your neck. You gasped when you felt Kylo behind you kissing your shoulders.
“Before anything happens, the guard down the hall. Discharge him and come back.” You tell them, walking away from them. You dropped the robe as you looked over your shoulder at them while untying your nightgown.
“Hurry. Don't keep me waiting long.” You said before walking to your bed.
Sandor looks over at Kylo who was smirking as he stared at you.
“We lay with her?” Sandor asked as Kylo signaled him to join him to discharge the guard.
“No shit, I mean if you want to watch. That’s fine by me.” Kylo answered him while opening the door.
“I-I never laid with..” Kylo comes to a halt and stares up at him.
“You’re a virgin?!” Kylo’s eyes widened and Sandor rolled his eyes at him.
“Of course, not. I fucked back home. I just never fucked a woman with a man in the same bed.” Sandor wants to punch Kylo in the face when he starts to laugh.
“It’s not bad.” Kylo told him. “I’m not into men.” Sandor said and Kylo raised his brows at him.
“Me too but we both want her and by some miracle she wants us just as much as we want her.” Kylo said as he walked down the hall. Sandor followed him and waited for Kylo to speak with the guard.
“Look, let’s not fuck this up. You stay on one side and I’ll stay on the other side. If you happen to touch my dick then so be it, it’s not going to fall off.” Sandor's cheeks turn pink by Kylo’s word.
“I’m also hoping you won’t kill me if I accidentally touch you.” Kylo said as they watched the guard walk away.
“I just might depending where you touch.” Sandor said and Kylo shrugs shoulders.
“Do it after we do the deed.” Kylo said and they both walked back to you.
Sandor shuts the door behind him after Kylo walks in. Kylo looks over his shoulder at Sandor with a smirk, dark eyes shining with excitement. This is what they wanted, this is what they have been craving for so long and now you are here, ready to be devoured and pleased by them. Sandor unhooks Kylo’s cloak as he turns for the younger guard to do that same with his.
In sync, they took off their armor and weapons quickly and dropped it on the floor as they noticed candle lights appear further in the room. You were waiting for them.
Kylo glances over at Sandor when he is done removing his armor. He notices Sandor breathing heavily almost like he was afraid.
“Clegane.” Kylo whispers. Sandor looks down at him.
“Let’s get our girl.” Sandor nods before walking towards your bed, they notice the nightgown on the floor.
Kylo pulls the curtain showing your bed, you’re sitting in the middle of the bed with your back to the headboard. They noticed you were naked with only the sheets covering your chest. Kylo removes his black tunic shirt and he sees your eyes glue to his chest. Kylo’s chest is toned, his abs are defined and you can see scars on his body from his battles. Sandor does the same and you bite your bottom lip when you see Sandor’s chest. His chest is covered with dark coarse hairs. It went all the way down to his stomach.
Kylo notices how your eyes are drawn towards Sandor and he can’t help but feel a bit jealous of the older man.
“I have never done this before. Never with one man but now I have two. Be patient with me, I beg.” You tell them.
Kylo smiles and walks towards the bed. “You’re in luck, my queen. I happen to be a wonderful teacher.” You smile at Kylo as he sits down on the edge of bed.
“Perhaps my assistant would like to start you off.” Kylo said, looking over at Sandor.
Sandor licks his lips before walking to the bed and sits next to you. His eyes widen when you get close to him, the sheet drops from your chest.
“Fuck.” Sandor whispered as he got close to you.
You look at Kylo who smirks at your shyness. “Go on. Show our queen how a Westerosi kiss their woman.”
Sandor was glad Kylo urged him to make the move. It wasn’t the gods that gave him permission, but it will do. Sandor leans down to kiss your lips as you lean towards him. You moan when you feel his hands on your body. Kylo watched as Sandor held you in his arms as he kissed you. His hands ran up and down your back before settling on your hips. Kylo stands to remove his boots and trousers when Sandor gently pushes you down on the bed and gets between your legs.
You’re moaning as you raise your arms to wrap them around his neck. Kylo watches as Sandor pushes your legs open so he can get between them.
“You’re perfect.” Sandor says as he pulls away and looks down at your body. He cups one of your breasts and leans down to lick your nipple. You squeal when you feel his beard tickle your skin.
“Oh my- oh!” You moan when you feel Sandor suck on your nipples, throwing your head back. Your eyes shoot open when you feel him start to kiss your rib cage, all the way down to your stomach.
To your surprise you see Kylo ahead of you. He’s staring at Sandor and you. You bring a hand to your mouth when you see him jerking himself off. Kylo licked his lips at you when he noticed you’re staring at him pumping himself. You look down when you feel Sandor touch your cunt.
The bed dips down and you feel Kylo over you, his face comes from above. His dark curls frame his face, his eyes glistening with lust.
“He’s going to eat your cunt. He’s getting it ready for us.” Kylo says peeking at Sandor who was looking at him between your legs.
Kylo kisses your lips while Sandor kisses the lips between your legs, Kylo drinks your moans as Sandor slips his tongue into you. Kylo nips your chin as he cups your breast pinching your nipple, looking at you for your reaction.
“Lick them, please.” He obeys without a single thought.
Sandor looks up at you to see Kylo next to you, kissing you while he eats your cunt. He grows hard as he watches Kylo lick your nipples, his pink tongue swirling around the hard nipple.
“Wait-t-t. Please.” You cry out to Sandor who's feasting your cunt.
“You're going to cum, my queen. It’s okay.” Kylo whispered against your forehead before kissing it. He watches you as you arch your back, he continues to play with your nipples. He grins to himself when he hears your moaning as you tremble while coming undone.
Kylo catches his stare and raises a brow. “How does she taste, Clegane?”
“Heavenly.” Sandor said hoarsely as he licked his lips, making Kylo laugh. He looks down at you to move your hair out of your face.
“Did you hear?” He asked you. You nod while blushing. “You feel good?” You nod once more.
“I'll be back soon, I must have a taste for myself.” Kylo said, leaning down to kiss you on the lips. Kylo quickly gets off the bed and kneels next to Sandor.
“Both of you?” You asked as you spread your legs wider. “Is that what you want?” Kylo asked.
Sandor saw how your eyes widened and a blush appeared across your cheeks. You give them a nod.
Kylo winks at Sandor and kisses your inner thigh, Sandor notices your reaction and he copies it, kissing the right side of your inner thigh.
“Fuckk.” Kylo moans when he makes it to your cunt, kisses it softly, kissing your slick cunt, Sandor has done a number on you. He licks up and down your slit a few times as he touches himself. He looks at Sandor who's staring at him.
Sandor tense up when Kylo grabs one of his hands. “Give me your hand.” Sandor leans closer to him as Kylo uses the older guard fingers. He hushes you when you whimper when he softly slips Sandor’s finger into you.
“Yes, move it.” Kylo tells Sandor as he makes room for him to keep fingering you. Kylo licks your clit, kisses it, sucks on it as Sandor pumps his finger into you.
“Shit.” Kylo moans when he has a taste of your cunt. Sandor was right.
Kylo pulls Sandor’s finger and tells him to stick it in your mouth. “Give her a taste of her heavenly cunt.”
You open your mouth wide when Sandor laid next to you. He watched in surprise how you acted. You sucked his fingers, moaning at the taste of your slick on his thick digits.
“Sandor.” You whispered with a mouth filled with his fingers.
He pulls away to kiss you sweetly and gentle. He wants your first time to be good. He bumps his nose with yours and looks at Kylo.
“Look at him.” Sandor whispers in your ear as you whine in pleasure when Kylo puts your legs on his shoulders.
“It’s happening again.” You cry out as you grind yourself on Kylo’s face, his nose is pressing against your clit.
“That’s it.” Sandor tells you. “Cum all over his face.”
Sandor saw you looking between him and Kylo, when you reached your hand for Sandor’s face. He pressed his lips against yours as you came.
Sandor kissed your cheek, pressing chaste kisses on your face as you breathed heavily. You had thrown your head back trying to catch your breath. Sandor watches your body tremble, he just thinks to himself what a beautiful body you have. All these years you have been hiding this body under your gowns, your skin is glowing, covered in saliva and love bites that are already bruising on your body.
Kylo chuckles as he gently pushes your leg off his shoulder, and crawls on top of you. Sandor looks at him as he smiles wide down at you. His face is glistening as he licks his lips.
“Does it always feel good?” You asked as Kylo laid next to you. You look between them.
“Only when we are doing it.” Sandor answers you as he brings his hand up to touch your body. Kylo smirks at him and nods when you turn to look at them.
“He’s absolutely right. Just us. Only us. Sandor and me.” Kylo touches your inner thighs as Sandor touches your hips.
“Aren’t I fortunate, then.” You said after a few seconds. Their hands never left yours, their dark eyes remained on you.
“I would like to return the favor.” They saw you blushing as you glanced between them, glancing between their legs. Kylo looked over at Sandor, the older guard’s face was pink by your words.
Kylo wanted to roll his eyes at him but he remembered. This is Sandor's first time sharing a woman in bed. Kylo can see Sandor was the type to be territorial. Kylo had shared women with men like that. Kylo has decided he will make this enjoyable for them and for you. He wanted Sandor and you to have a good experience, if both of you did. This wasn't going to be a one time thing.
“My queen, what do you know about sucking cock?” Kylo asked.
“I heard of it from the servants.” You admitted shyly making him grin at you as he squeezed your inner thigh gently.
“Do you hear this, Sandor?” Kylo said with wide eyes as he gave a smile at the older guard.
Sandor nods looking down at you, his rough hands still rubbing your body. “Maybe next time.”
Kylo was happy Sandor was taking a stand, he was wondering if Sandor would just follow whatever he said. “I want to make you feel good as well.”
Kylo watched as Sandor gently cupped your face. “You shall. Tonight it’s about you. Alright?”
Kylo nods at him then at you. “We will have more time for that. Let your strong and trustworthy guards learn their way of their queen’s body tonight.” He tells you as his hand roamed down, over your mound. His fingertips found your clit, he hums when he feels you clenching around him when he slips a finger in.
“Such a greedy cunt.” Kylo tells Sandor as he pulls his finger out and grabs a hold of Sandor’s wrist. Kylo wants him to be comfortable around his touch. Sandor tensed when he felt Kylo’s grab a hold of his wrist. Fingers were wet with your slick, he let Kylo take his arm between your legs. He glanced under you and you were staring down at their joint hands. You were joying this just as much as they were.
“So wet.” Kylo mumbled when he bought Sandor’s hand about your clit as he slipped his fingers inside again.
“Help me.” Kylo said to Sandor as he rubbed your clit again. You began to moan when Kylo thrusted his fingers into you as Sandor worked on your clit.
They had you trembling after your third orgasm. They sucked their own fingers after you came. You felt like mush, you didn't hear them talking to one another. Glancing at them, they were close, Kylo spoke to Sandor in his ear. You moved your hands to grab their attention.
“I like you both like this. Not fighting one another.” You told them and they looked at each other.
“No more fighting.” Kylo said as he lay down next to you on his side while Sandor sat, facing ahead.
Kylo kissed you before you could speak. “Are you up for having sex?” Kylo asked you. He kissed your cheek waiting for your response as Sandor remained still.
“I want it. Both of you.” Kylo calls Sandor’s name as he kisses your neck. “Good.”
“Sandor and I decided. Sandor should go first.” Kylo notices how nervous Sandor and you were.
“Sandor can't help himself.” Kylo whispers. “Such a pretty queen with a greedy cunt. Such a greedy cunt wanting to be filled.”
You blushed by Kylo’s words. “Call for him.” Kylo added, looking over at Sandor who still sat.
“Sandor.” You said his name as Kylo kissed your neck. “Please.” Kylo encouraged you to say more.
“Sandor, please fuck me. I want you. I wanted you for years.” Sandor looks over his shoulder at you. He glances at Kylo who kept nodding at him, telling him to go on.
Kylo parts your legs wider and looks up at Sandor. “It’s rude to have your queen waiting, Clegane.”
“Please.” You begged and Sandor was quick to act, removing his trousers along with his boots. The bed dipped under you when Sandor leaned over you. Kylo pushes your leg up to drape it over Sandor’s thick legs. Your eyes remained at Sandor’s cock. His cock intimidated you, it’s thick and veiny. You feel it against you, it's warm and heavy.
“All of that goes in?” You asked looking up at Sandor who kept rubbing your outer thighs. Kylo laughs making you blush as Sandor rubs your abused clit.
“Indeed.” Kylo answers and you notice his hands, he was touching himself. His cock was much longer and a bit thinner than Sandor. You can see his heavy set balls while Sandor’s dark pubic hid his.
“Can I touch it?” Sandor nods at you and brings your hand onto his cock. Your legs tighten around him as you touch it. You barely could wrap around it. Sandor moans and you quickly let go.
“Did I hurt you?” Kylo giggles and you look over at him.
“Not hurting, pleasuring.” Kylo said, moving your hand back to Sandor’s cock.
Kylo mumbled against your ears, telling you to jerk Sandor’s cock faster. You grew happy when Kylo praised you, he kept telling you that you're doing such a good job touching Sandor.
“Fuck.” Sandor was quick to remove your hand and he leaned down to kiss you.
Kylo stares at how Sandor kisses you, the way you let out a small moan when he grabs your face. Kylo touches his cocks, pumping himself when Sandor pulls away with a grunt as he latches on one of your nipples. Kylo hears you giving permission to Sandor to enter you. Kylo grins himself when Sandor looks over at him and sees him touching himself. Kylo winks at him and Sandor looks down at you.
Kylo doesn’t think he has ever been this hard before, the tip of his cock is leaking and balls are heavy when he sees Sandor thrusting into you. Sandor hides against your neck as he pumps into you. The sight of your face and the sounds you were making him. The sounds of Sandor grunting made him blush.
Kylo notices you looking over at him and he can't help but kiss your lips.
“How does she feel?” Sandor moans when he brings his face away from your neck. He doesn't stop thrusting when he looks at Kylo. Sandor grabs the sheets under you, twisting in a tight fist.
“So, good.” You clench around at his words, your hands touch his chest, running your fingers through his chest hair as he rams into you.
“Oh my, your grace.” Kylo says as Sandor pushes your legs towards your chest. Both men are looking at your cunt being spread open by Sandor’s cock.
Kylo can see Sandor’s cock going in and out of you. You’re crying out in pleasure, Kylo is holding your legs open while Sandor’s keeps fucking you.
“It’s happening again.” You whine looking at them. Kylo’s hand slides its way to your clit, Sandor doesn’t stop, he loves it too much. The way your tight cunt wraps around him, so hot and warm. He groans when he feels you clench around him harder when Kylo begins to rub your throbbing clit.
“Cum on his cock. Cum on Sandor’s cock.” Kylo whispers to you making you cry out when he gently slaps your clit.
Sandor curses loudly when he feels you cumming on his dick. He’s about to blow and slides himself off to jerk himself.
“I want it.” You cry out. Kylo watches Sandor moan loudly when he cums. He shoots his load on your belly.
“Fuck.” Sandor said hoarsely. He watches your fingers scoop his cum from your stomach and bring it up to your lips. He saw Kylo whispering to you, this had to be his idea of you tasting his cum.
Sandor thinks Kylo’s some sex fairy for a second but he was glad that you didn’t mind sharing your bed with two men.
“Sandor.” You call his name with a heave. Sandor notices you open your arms for him and he leans down. He flinches when you cup his burnt cheek, your eyes wide with admiration.
“Thank you.” You told him before kissing him on the lips. He welcomes your lips, kissing you as well.
Kylo gulped when he saw you kissing Sandor, his cock is so painfully hard, it’s throbbing and his balls are aching. He spits in his hand before continuing to jerk himself. He notices Sandor pulling away to kiss your neck. Dark eyes look at Kylo, Sandor licks his lips before looking down at you.
“It’s time for him.” Sandor brushes the strands of hairs off your face.
“He’s going to love this cunt just as much as I did.” You smile up at Sandor and look over at Kylo. Sandor rolls off of you and lays down on the other side. He looks up at the ceiling trying to catch his breath.
He hears your giggling when Kylo crawls over to you. The bed dips and Sandor hears Kylo’s praises. Sandor never watched someone having sex before, he never shared any one. Never been in a relationship before, it’s all new for him but he doesn’t want to give it up. He was nervous when Kylo told him to take you first. He was waiting for Kylo to take advantage of his inexperience but he didn’t. Kylo had told him to take you, make love to you and make you feel good.
“You’re so beautiful.” Kylo moans and Sandor hears him thrusting into you. His cheeks blushes when he hears you. The sound of Kylo’s balls slapping against your ass sounded like music to him.
He looks over and his cock twitches at the lubricious sight in front of him. Kylo caged your head with his arms as he kissed you while thrusting into you. Legs wrapped around his waist. Kylo grunts into you as you drag your nails down his back.
“I’m going to move you.” You nod at him and Sandor bites his lips when Kylo turns you around carefully. Kylo held you for a second as he kissed you, kissing your cheeks and forehead as he pushed you down.
“Just like that.” He moans at the sight of you, down on your hands and knees with your ass in the air.
You look at Sandor and smile at him.
“Is this ok?” You ask them. Kylo says yes and you wait for Sandor’s response.
“Yes, just like that.” Sandor says as he grabs your hand and brings it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles at the same time Kylo slides into you. You hold Sandor’s hand as Kylo begins to thrust.
The bed creaks and you cry out for god.
“There’s no god in here, my queen.” Sandor says, making Kylo laugh.
“Just us.” Kylo adds. Sandor chuckles at him as you begin to push yourself back on his cock making Kylo moan.
“You’re right.” Kylo moans and looks at Sandor.
“So..good. So fucking good.” Kylo grunts as he slams himself all the way to the hilt. His hands hold to your hips, he leans over you making sure you are okay. Sandor slides a bit closer to you, he notices your furrow brows, your eyes clenched shut and your whines grew loudly.
“Cum.” Sandor said as he reaches under, his hand goes over your belly and your mound. He knew you were close especially when you moaned. Sandor touches your clit, he moans deeply when he touches your cunt, so wet with your slick.
“Yes.” Kylo shouts, feeling you clench around him when Sandor rubs you.
Kylo holds himself until he feels you cumming, he won’t stop until you cum on his cock. He feels his heart beating out of his chest, his ears buzzing every time you moan. You sounded better than he imagined.
“Make her cum, Ren.” Sandor encouraged him as he pressed down your clit making you scream.
“Yes. Yes.” Kylo repeats like a mad man as his thrusts become harder hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
Kylo thinks he had died and the gods had blessed him. There was no other pleasure in life now, he told himself when you came on his cock. Sandor pulls away and Kylo cries out when he pulls out of you and finishes himself off. Jerking himself with your slick, he aims on your bare back as you drop down completely on the bed from exhaustion.
Kylo’s stomach tense up and he throws his head back when he spurts cum over your back.
“Fuck.” He’s winded as he lays down next to you on the other side.
Sandor sees you trembling. You open your eyes when you feel Sandor grab a hold of your hand. You give him a small smile before inhaling deeply.
“I didn’t know people could experience this.” You told them softly. You feel Kylo lean over you kissing your shoulder.
“I see why you do it so much.” You turn your face to look at Kylo.
Kylo looks at you seriously as he tries to catch his breath.
“Now, I’m only going to do it with you. I’m yours and only yours.” Kylo repeats the exact same words the three of you said before.
“I’m yours and only yours.” You said it back and it made him smile. He leans close to your face, giving a peck on your lips.
You turn to face Sandor who was staring at both of you. “I’m yours and only yours.”
Sandor looks at you then at Kylo.
Kylo gives him a nod, almost like telling him yes, this can work. It won’t be perfect but it can work between them.
“I’m yours and only yours.” Sandor finally said. Your smile grew and you made him lean over you to kiss him as well.
They helped you clean yourself when they noticed you were drifting off to sleep. They were going to leave to their own room after setting you into bed. They didn’t want to push even more, even though they knew they could still keep going.
“Stay.” You told them as you went to the middle of the bed. Sandor lays on your right while Kylo lays on your left. You slept on Sandor’s chest as Kylo spooned you from behind. Kylo and Sandor slept that night in your bed as well the following night and the night after that.
Years passed and the relationship had flourished well between Sandor, Kylo and you. Some days were good and others were bad, having two hard headed knights who were in love with you, their queen was no easy task and yes, there were consequences when they fought with each other. Like Sandor and Kylo kneeling in front of you naked, their faces inches away from your wet cunt. They have to share and act like good boys for them to be forgiven. Of course, they were good boys, they shared you with your leg over on each of their broad shoulders. They would eat you out until your legs shook and their faces were soak with your slick.
A/n: Can't get this scene out of my mind.
I can imagine one night the three are in bed and it’s the middle of winter. It’s the harshest winter that the kingdom has ever endured. Everyone is cold af and Sandor being the bear he is, is keeping you warm while Kylo is much leaner, he’s freezing his ass off no matter how many fur blankets he has on.
So when Sandor hears you say to Kylo that he should sleep on Sandor’s side to keep warm a mini fight breaks out. Sandor does not want Kylo to touch him in his sleep. You threatened them, that you were going to sleep in front of the fireplace without them and they quickly shut up.
“Fuck, get over here so I can sleep.” Sandor snaps at Kylo.
“Put your arm around him.” Sandor holds his tongue at you and obeys.
“This is nice.” Kylo said, wiggling his eyebrows at you making you giggle as he and you laid your head on Sandor’s chest.
“Stay still.” Sandor said with a huff as Kylo pulled the blankets up. Everyone went to sleep after that, all nice and toasty thanks to Sandor.
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not-the-droid · 1 year
What If’s
Pairing: Supreme Leader!Kylo Ren x Force Sensitive!Reader
Synopsis: Kylo’s empress has to go on a diplomatic meeting without him, causing Kylo to worry over what could happen without him there.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: angst, Kylo being a worry wart, mind reading via the force, sexual intercourse, vaginal fingering, semi-rough sex, orgasm denial, a teeny bit of biting, 18+ only minors do not interact
Request: Hi! Could you do a Kylo Ren x Reader imagine/fic with “What if something happens while your gone? What if you get hurt and I’m not there to protect you?”, prompt?. Where the reader/his empress has to go on a mission alone without him for once, and he’s worried for her. Can be fluff or smut - like the night before she leaves-.
A/N: it’s a teeny bit different from the request so i hope that’s ok :)
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Kylo Ren’s mind raced as he listened to the faint pitter-patter of water hitting the shower floor as his empress prepared for bed.
He knew this would be the last night she’d be with him before they landed in the early hours of the morning, removing herself from his watchful eye and protective embrace.
His new role as Supreme Leader came with many, many new responsibilities. Squashing enemy rebellions, keeping the galaxy in check, attending political meetings with ally planets. The latter of which he wasn’t particularly adept at.
The Supreme Leader could squash as many rebels as needed but couldn’t find out what to say in a diplomatic discussion to save his life.
But his empress could. Kylo kept her close by his side in those meetings, his chest swelling with pride as she spoke so eloquently on behalf of the First Order.
Tomorrow would be different, however. He had other First Order issues that needed attending to, making him unable to join her on for the week-long meeting with the First Orders allies.
That terrified him. Anxious fantasies filled his mind as he paced around the bedroom. What if their allies turned on him? What if they used his beloved empress as a pawn against him? He knows how these politicians acted. He knows their tactics.
He feels a small tingling sensation spread across his forehead, sighing softly as he watches his empress emerge from the refresher.
“I thought we discussed prying in each other's minds.” Kylo states, his eyes flickering for a moment to the exposed skin of her breasts beneath the dip of her robe.
“I could feel you fretting about something. I wanted to know what it was.” She replied softly, sitting on the bed before gesturing for him to join her.
Kylo sighed as she rested her forehead against his, still a bit damp and warm from the shower. “What if something happens while you're gone? What if you get hurt and I’m not there to protect you?”
His empress pressed her lips to his in a chaste kiss. “That won’t happen.”
“What if-“ He began, screwing his eyes shut at the images that flooded his mind.
“I will be surrounded by troopers who are there to make sure that doesn’t happen. And Hux will be there and-“ She began, a scoff from Kylo at Hux’s name cutting her off mid sentence.
“Hux is incompetent.” Kylo snapped.
“Am I incompetent?” She asked. Kylo didn’t respond. “I would know what they were planning long before they wouldn’t even set in motion to act.”
“But what if-“ Kylo began again, swiftly being silenced by his empress' lips firmly being pressed against his, causing him to forget his protest.
When she pulls away, Kylo’s lips subconsciously follow hers for a lingering moment. His empress ran her fingertips gently over his jaw, pulling a low sigh from his throat at the feeling.
“I will be fine. Relax, my love.” She whispered, pulling him to lie beneath the covers beside her.
Pulling her against his bare chest, Kylo willed himself to focus on the scent of her hair as he tried to push his paranoid thoughts away unsuccessfully.
His empress must have been able to sense his unsuccessful attempt at calming himself. She repositioned herself on top of him, her knees on opposite sides of his hips as she bent to kiss his forehead.
The lines in his forehead softened at the feel of her lips pressed against them, his heart swelling at the intimate feeling of her fingers carding through his curls. He removed her hands from his hair, pressing her knuckles to his lips.
If any enemies could see him now, Kylo thought, they’d have ammunition against him for the rest of his life.
“Well then it’s a good thing it’s just you and me then huh?” His empress said aloud.
Kylo scoffed slightly, his hands running over the exposed skin of her thighs. “I wish you would stop that.”
She shrugged. “When you allow yourself to tell me when something is troubling you, then I’ll stop.”
Kylo chuckled. “Deal.”
Their lips collided once more, this time with more force than before. All of his anxious fantasies seemed to slip from his mind as he ran his tongue over his empress's bottom lip before pushing past it.
New types of fantasies replaced them. He liked these fantasies much better.
“Take what you want, my love.” His empress broke their kiss to whisper into his ear.
“I thought we just settled this mind reading nonsense.” Kylo responded, pressing his lips to the pressure point in her neck.
She gasped, gripping at his hair as he continued his assault on her neck, trailing his lips up and down, stopping every few inches to nip and suck at her soft skin.
“I don’t need to read your mind to know when you want me.” She replied breathlessly, moving her dampening core over the growing bulge in his sleep pants.
Kylo hissed, flipping her over to lay on the soft sheets of his bed. He tugged at the closure of her robe, removing the garment and tossing it over his shoulder.
He marveled at her bare body, her chest rising and falling rapidly as her nipples peaked in the cold air of the bedroom.
“I would destroy anyone who would ever try to hurt you.” Kylo grunted before taking one nipple into his mouth and pinching harshly at the other, causing his empress to cry out in delight.
He rutted his throbbing cock against her exposed core, coating the front of his sleep pants in her wetness. Her cries of pleasure as he attacked her breasts, switching from one nipple to the other, causing his cock twitch.
Kylo removed his lips from her breast, placing a hungry kiss to her lips before shedding his pants and boxers. His tip was angry and red, precum already leaking as he averted his gaze to her dripping pussy.
He ran a finger between her folds, a whimper escaping her as he pushed it inside her, quickly followed by another. “My sweet empress….so desperate for me….gonna come for me?”
A string of pleas was all that she could muster as he pumped his fingers in and out, his thumb moving to run her clit in time with his motions.
Her orgasm was quickly approaching, her hips moving in time with each pump of his fingers to chase her high. Kylo stopped his motions abruptly as he left her begin to flutter around his fingers, causing her to whine loudly.
He pressed his lips over hers to silence her. “Want to feel my empress come on her Supreme Leader’s cock. Stars, so beautiful. Don’t deserve you.”
Lining himself up with her entrance, a loud, guttural moan escaped him as he pushed himself inside her warmth. The tightness caused him to bite down gently on her shoulder for a quick moment, before returning his lips to hers as he began to rock in and out.
His pace quickened the very moment they had both adjusted, his empress gripping his shoulders and crying out as he hit the perfect spot inside of her.
Kylo didn’t last very long after her, hot spurts of his cum coating her core as she tightened around him in her own orgasm.
Letting them both come down from their highs, he pulled out, admiring his cum dripping from her before going for a warm cloth to clean her up with.
He laid down beside her, all anxieties forgotten for the next few moments as she fit herself against his arm. Kylo’s heart tightened at the intimacy.
“I don’t know what I’ll do without you for the next week.” Kylo mumbled into her hair. His empress’s laugh caused his heart to skip a beat.
“You’ll manage and so will I.” She replied, kissing him on the cheek. “Just don’t find yourself a new lover while I’m gone.”
Kylo cringed at the mere thought. “Never. There will only ever be you.”
His empress sighed happily, closing her eyes to get some much needed rest before her departure in the morning. Kylo pressed his lips to the crown of her head.
Kylo assured himself that she would be fine without him. Deciding to focus on what would happen when they were finally reunited after a week of being away from each other.
He really liked that fantasy.
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shangchiswife · 1 year
kylo ren- safe space
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summary: you help kylo relax as you offer him some advice
kylo ren x gn!reader
warnings: none
word count: 623
The moment Kylo Ren slammed open the door to your shared quarters and banged it shut, you could practically feel the anger radiating off him.
You said nothing as you watched him toss his helmet into oblivion, showcasing his once pale now red face contorted with anger, veins popping from his forehead.
He stopped moving, his shoulders moving up and down with every huff that left his mouth.
At this point, you left your bed and walked over to him, placing a gentle hand on his face, watching as he shut his eyes from the comforting feeling of your palm.
You then removed your hand from his face and took his gloved hand in yours.
You took him over to your bed and sat him down.
Then, you started to remove his gloves from his hands, placing a gentle kiss on each of them before taking off his boots.
Kylo watched you, his brown eyes flickering to each of your gentle movements.
Next, you peeled off his dark tunic, leaving his chest bare and heaving.
"Relax," you muttered, pushing him onto the mattress.
"What are you up to, princess?" he questioned, sitting up against the bed as you climbed into his lap.
"Nothing, I swear," you said as his large hands immediately came to rest on your hips.
He arched a single eyebrow with amusement but didn't question your actions again.
Your hands returned to his cheeks as you caressed the smooth skin, smiling at the way his eyes drooped with pleasure.
"Stop smirking," his deep voice rumbled through the room as you let out a soft laugh before pressing a kiss to his temple. You didn't miss the way his lips curled up into a smile. A smile only reserved for you.
When you first started being in a relationship it took quite some time for him to be vulnerable with you due to some of his past failed relationships with family members and other people he had been involved with.
You rested your head on his shoulder and started playing with his hair.
"So what's wrong," you asked, running your hand through his long dark locks.
He sighed.
"After becoming Supreme Leader it seems that everyone still doesn't take me seriously," he rubbed his temples.
You took note of the twinge of annoyance in his voice and decided to let him speak more before adding your own input.
"Like for example whenever I walk around the compound instead of stopping to salute me, everyone stays silent or whispers and doesn't do anything," 
You watched as he clenched his fists, his knuckles turning a white color.
You hummed in response, acknowledging that you had heard him.
"And whenever General Hux walks by they all immediately drop whatever task I've given them to salute him and give him compliments," Kylo's voice dripped with malice at the mention of the general whom he hated so much.
Kylo had started to hate the general even more after he watched him shamelessly flirt with you while you desperately tried to avoid his advances. 
You could not tell if Hux was serious with his advances or whether he was trying to make Kylo upset. Whatever his intentions, he clearly succeeded in making Kylo despise him even more.
"Give them time, Kylo. I mean it's only been two weeks since Snoke passed away. They need time to adjust to you as their leader," you rubbed his chest with one of your hands while the other continued to rake through his hair. 
He nodded.
"I suppose...maybe I haven't been fair with them," he sighed.
"You see this is why you'll be a good leader," you said with a smile as he looked down at you.
He was so lucky to have you. He'd never say it out loud but he was.
"Thank you, princess," he kissed your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"You're welcome, Kylo,"
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peterparkersnose · 1 year
Two Ghosts
pairing: kylo ren x queen!reader 
word count: 2.6k
warnings: neglect, arranged marriage, dislike of s/o, reader has children, descriptions of periods, domestic abuse, old values (women are dainty bullshit), guys kylo isn’t nice remember that, fertility issues, stopping of a period due to stress, reader lives for her children basically, reader obviously has anxiety, reader is basically breaded for heirs, kylo is awkward (the dude doesn’t have social skills. at all. whatsoever), even though he still has some rizz (call him kylo rizz if you would), a good ending? idk guys remember kylo just isn’t a great person and the first order isn’t a good organization too
a/n a long warning list 😬. anyways i never get notes on kylo fics but i simply do not care. i love writing new content for this man. he deserves it all.
summary Kylo tries being the husband Y/N always wanted him to be
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read time: 9 mins 40 seconds
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Watching you felt almost wrong. The neglect he’s given you through the years- the pain you’ve felt and him not caring about you for as long as he’s known you.
He didn’t deserve to watch this beautiful sight of his family, the family he didn’t even want. The family he wasn’t even apart of. You two were an arranged marriage, married for political reasons. He needed an heir, your father needed peace on your home planet. You and your children had always been a nuisance to him. 
You had given up on the romantic attempts years ago. But something in this sight, something about you right then made him sick. Something made him click taking in this view from the balcony on the hill.
For weeks he had longing feelings of sadness. He hated admitting it and rejected it as much as he could, but light was seeping into the cracks. His moods began to lighten softly, not enough for you to notice but enough to scare him. Now looking down and feeling this, it was just a confirmation of what was really happening to him.
The sun shown down on your beautiful yellow dress that was layed out on the grass. Your hair was up in intricate braids due to the heat on Naboo, the tiny loose strands were swaying in the wind. The field you sat in was just off a short cliff, the beautiful rural city and coast were just feet away. The perfect escape between the busy city and the old city. The mansion sat atop the hill, separating the two separate terrains. You were on a vacation and had begged him to come for the sake of his children.
Your oldest son ran around you in circles, playing with a TIE one of his father’s assistants bought him for Christmas. Kylo couldn’t be bothered to celebrate, let alone give gifts. Henry was just shy of his sixth birthday. His blonde hair was messy and in need of a cut sometime soon. His gray tunic and black pants matched his father’s aesthetic a little too much for your liking. Running around, he made engine sounds as the ship would like a typical 5 year old.
Your youngest daughter sat in front if you, playing with some wildflowers she had plucked into an array of ‘jewlery’. She was three. Unlike her brother, she had beautiful strong brown hair. Unbeknownst to you, it completely mirrored her grandmothers. You had her hair in your hands, coming through it with your fingers trying to decide what design to attempt today. Amala squirmed as she attempted to join her brother, but you kept her in place in your lap. She was to learn to be a lady as you were. Her dark pink dress was spread out in front of her.
Kylo watched you as the pit in his stomach felt odd. It had always been empty, but this time something ached inside of it. He had never had any interest in you. The times you ever had sex were intended and resulted in children, exactly what he needed. He cared more about Henry than Amala. Henry was the oldest and the heir to the First Order. But work called. He was never a family man, he was never meant to be a family man.
These feelings continued to conflict him throughout the night.
As the sun set you came in with the children. The nannies took them upstairs and readied them for bed. You took your place at the long dinner table. On the opposite side sat your husband- legally.
Over the years you obviously lusted for other men. You didn’t even dare act on your thoughts, or barely thought the thoughts at all. You knew Kylo would have their heads within seconds. With an absent husband emotionally and physically it was hard. In the first few years of your marriage, you struggled with fertility problems. Life was so lonely without the children. He grew angrier and angrier with you each time you got your cycle and your anxiety got so bad that it soon stopped. Your doctor moved you to separate chambers and eventually Henry was conceived after years of trying.
You felt like a failure before your son was born.
After copious amounts of treatment during your pregnancy, Henry was born. And then a while after that Supreme Leader Snoke granted you permission to have another. An heir and a spare.
You and Kylo sat silently eating your dinner. Over the years, you had perfected your etiquette. No slurping your wine, no scratching of the fork on the plate. At dinner you would mostly go over your thoughts from the day. The tuition papers you had to sign for Henry’s first school next year. Amala refusing to listen to her nanny and requesting her mommy really warmed your heart. The beautiful memory of that day you had spent with the children. The fact that you were doing it alone and was so good at it.
He listened to your thoughts. You knew he did. No datapad, no work bot giving him constant coded updates you didn’t understand. Tonight it was just the two of you. Two strangers eating dinner together. The show, the facade had to go on. Media wise you two were the loveliest couple in the galaxy. In reality, you spoke maybe once a week.
“R-80!” you called from the dining room. Kylo’s head shot up from his plate of food to see you waiting on the cleaner droid. You had finished the meal and was waiting to leave this awkward encounter.
The droid came around and you began to exit the room. His hand deliberately reached out for yours as you walked past him to get to the door.
A tiny gasp escaped your lips. You stopped and pulled your hand back, a concerned look was on display.
You were begging in your mind for this to had been an accident.
“It was no accident,” he said strongly. His deep voice boomed through your ears. You forgot how powerful it could be sometimes.
For the first time in years Kylo was feeling anxiety. Over something so minuscule, speaking to his wife. His eyes met and darted over your face. He recognized the braid pattern in your hair. You had worn it on your wedding day. Rarely he had seen it on you, depending if he even noticed you on the daily. His eyes were drawn to your dark lipstick on the lips that were slightly pursed.
“Your hair-” he said. Your eyes flicked up to the window, looking for any sign of a reflection.
Did he hate it, was he about to tell you to never wear it again? Was a strand so obviously out of place? Hell, why was he even speaking to you in the first place?
“It’s how it was on our wedding day, if I remember correctly.”
You nodded your head. Heat rose to your cheeks. This is the longest conversation you two have had in months.
He stared into your eyes. He forgot just how beautiful you really were. They were still the same as always, but this time with a few unnoticeable lines around them. You refused to meet his gaze, staring forward at the distorted mirroring of the room in the window.
Ten years in with two kids, you had managed to keep up with yourself and your appearances. For what, you really weren’t sure anymore.
“May I be excused? I would like to go check on the children.” you asked, avoiding his eye contact.
“Yes, one moment.” he said, his hand reaching out for yours. You hesitantly took it.
Kylo took a deep breath. Even though he seemed calm and composed, inside of his head the red alarm was going off. The urge to even ask you this went against everything he believed in. The twist in his stomach snapped. He gave in to the light feelings, begging for more after how good he felt after asking you a simple question.
“May I sleep with you in your chambers tonight?”
Your brows furrowed. “D-did you talk to the Supreme Leader? Did he give you permission for another?” you asked him, worried. You loved your children but you had no say in having them. The Supreme Leader could make you give birth to an army if he willed.
“No, no. This isn’t about sex.” he assured you. Of course you assumed it was about sex. It was the only time he ever really spoke to you. A slight relief flew off your shoulders.
You sighed, taking your hand from his. “I’m going to check on the children.”
Your heels clicked down the empty hallway. Something in you secretly hoped that he would follow you to see the children, but you knew your husband.
You were baffled in his sudden change of heart. He hadn’t shared a bed with you since- well, since Amala was conceived. You didn’t deny his request, but neither confirmed it.
Your thoughts kept you company as you walked down the many corridors and hallways of the mansion.
The large door was cracked, left like that by the nannies. They knew your routine better than anyone else. Amala was sleeping closest to the door. The canopy above her bed was swaying from the wind of the open window. Henry was laying on his stomach in a deep sleep, his limbs all sprawled out over the large bed.
A smile rose to your face as you quietly closed the door. Your heart was full once again. No more doubt plagued the poor, confused thing from dinner.
You made your way to your chambers. You passed what you knew was Kylo’s. Shockingly, the door was open. You caught a glimpse of him working at his desk. He looked too large for the thing, trumping the tiny chair in size. The patio was open and the moonlight rushed in, lighting his room ominously.
He caught a glimpse of your flowing yellow dress passing his room. He wanted to finish up a few papers before bed, but in his heart he knew he had to neglect his work for one night.
He mustered up enough courage to knock on your door. A sweet “Coming!” came from inside. Within seconds, your door was open and he was met with your fresh face. You had changed into your night robes and had your natural hair down on your shoulders. The bathroom light was on and he noticed the fresh mint scent coming from your breathe.
Your night maids hadn’t been around yet, he presumed.
Something in your look, your energy died a bit when you saw him.
How had he never noticed? How could all these feelings, these guilt trips be plaguing him now, suddenly? What changed?
“We’re you hoping for a maid?” he asked, following you into the large room. He locked the door behind him.
You sat down back at your vanity, pulling your brush out of the drawer.
“No.” you replied. He knew you were lying.
The bed creaked as Kylo sat down. His dark grey dress pants were perfectly ironed and didn’t crease at the contact. He itched at his black turtleneck, swiping the cuff with his finger. He could hear his watch ticking from his wrist. The room was cold.
“May I ask why you wanted to be here?” you asked, a certain confidence in your voice had occurred. Turning now to face him, you finished brushing your hair and placed your hairbrush back in the drawer.
“Honestly darling, I’m really not sure.”
If you weren’t so poised your jaw would have been on the floor.
“Today I saw a sight. You with the kids in the field.”
“Oh Kylo, there children. There’s nothing wrong with them playing in a field if this is what this is about-”
“No. I-”
Kylo Ren had never felt himself speechless before, yet again choking up at the sight of his family he used to despise.
Your tucked your chair back into your vanity. Now standing infront of the cowardly man, you waited for his response.
His hand cradled his forehead as he stared at the floor, watching your perfectly manicured feet come into frame.
That’s when he let his first sob out in years. You quickly embraced him in your arms, his forehead finding a resting place against your stomach. Your hands sprawled over his back in a cautious way. Peeking over ever so slightly, you checked if he had his lightsaber on his belt. Thank the gods he didn’t, you were afraid he would cut you into two.
Nobody had ever seen Kylo Ren cry.
“I don’t understand what you are getting at.” you whispered to him. Another sob came out, you began to rub his back.
“I-I am such a fool.” he managed to speak. His eyes looked up into yours, finally making contact for the first time in forever.
The look on your face was baffled.
“What have I been doing? I have a family- a wife? So much neglect, so much hate. How are you still here, my dear? How have I not driven you away, or driven you to worse? I-I have two children. Two beautiful children I don’t know and such a beautiful wife that I’m strangers with. So many years wasted. How did it take me ten years to see this? How did one small instance make my life come crumbling down around me?” he asked, bawling out his words.
You were speechless.
“I want to learn- please. How do I have such an amazing person with me and I don’t know the slightest thing about her? Tell me, w-what’s your middle name?” he went on, now holding you by the hips and eagerly speaking.
And that’s when it really hit you. You two were strangers.
“Amala,” you muttered out. “Oh! T-that makes so much sense—in our daughter. Her name,”
“What are there names, please tell me.” he seemed to beg.
“Henry Cornelius Benjaq Ren, Amala Charress Bryneri Ren.” you answered, a smile emerging on your lips.
Was this too good to be true?
Kylo was stunned of Henry’s middle name. Benjaq. There was no way you knew of his real name. The coincidence hurt him even more.
“Cornelius and Charress…” he pondered. “They sound so familiar are they…”
“My parents.” you answered him. “King Cornelius! How could I forget? Oh Y/N. I have neglected you for so long. How could you ever forgive me?”
His voice sounded genuine. “It’s definitely going to take time.” you sighed. Suddenly the years of loneliness and suffering flashed back in your mind. You broke away from his embrace and walked to the open balcony, giving him an invitation to follow.
“I will try. Please Y/N, let me.” he begged, following you outside.
The warm air brushed against your cool skin. You sighed, wishing you would wake up from this nightmare and your husband would be back. Did someone poison his food?
The yearning for anyone’s touch seeped into your mind. Watching all the other royal couples around the galaxy, they all seemed to love eachother. Hands touching almost constantly, sneaking a kiss or two at events. It was rare that you even got a photo with Kylo at the parties you would attend.
“I know,” he sighed, taking your hands into his. “I wish I could make it all go away.” he said with remorse.
The waves crashed against the sand. The wind was beginning to pick up. Your hair began to sway in the slight breeze. “Make it then,” you whispered, grazing a hand against his cheek. You dared giving him any sign of affection. You were half expecting him to pull his lightsaber out and cut you in half, just as you thought before. Something felt so wrong, but so right.
You kissed your husband for the first time since your wedding day. His lips were slightly chapped and you could taste the negroni he was drinking at dinner. The moon show down on the both of you, and the feeling he felt seemed to pass on to you. Force sensitive or not, the force was in your favor tonight. You felt the remorse and the pain he had been harboring for years. All the sleepless nights over work and heartache over his past life. You seemed to dilute all of that inside of him. You were the missing piece he was looking for all along. The thing he wanted the least was now his prized possession; his wife, the mother of his children, his Queen, his Empress.
All of that love came back. The feeling of when he was a little boy and still had light into him entered his heart once again. Ben Solo seeped through the cracks of his dark, broken heart.
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy @milly-louise​ 
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inklore · 8 months
garage rooftop
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premise: the lines of friendship or something more grow more blurry the longer your eyes move from each mole, his cheek bones, his dark eyes, his lips. and you really don't understand why the two of you hadn't become something more ages ago.
pairing: ben solo x (f)reader
word count: 1k
contents: college au, fluff like this is nothing but fluff with one sexual innuendo and that's it, friends to lovers, quick mention of han being a lackluster dad sorry it's for the plot.
note: let's ignore that i actually wrote this back in april and just never got around to editing it but now that i'm in my driver era i had to come back to it. the title is from this song that i highly rec listening to while reading <3
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The way his face morphs into something that was once joyful and silly—the blissed high that paints your cheeks red from laughing too hard over being overheated from how weightless it feels to be laying on the roof of your apartment building. The space decked out with rugs, blankets, and cushions from past and current tenants, mostly college kids like yourselves. 
Making it the perfect place to get high and look up at the sky at night. The city lights outshine the stars, but the clouds—and the strain of ganja Poe recently snagged from his dealer—give the same ethereal effect. 
“Why haven’t we ever...”
“Ever what, Solo? Dated?” There’s a pause between your words, and a slow, sly smirk moves across your lips as you look over at him. “Fucked?” 
The blush painting his cheeks quickly moves down to his neck as he shakes his head in laughter, biting his lower lip to hide whatever feelings are currently making him look like a shy schoolboy—something he was far from. 
It’s the “both. Why haven’t we done any of it?” That makes you both fall silent. That makes the joyfulness fade and something else fill the air the longer the silence spreads between the two of you. 
And it’s not the weirdest question or the wildest thing that’s come out of either of your mouths. 
It’s a question that makes you wonder, why? Seriously why? With the longer you stare at him, the more you take in the nervous tick of his chiseled jaw. The way his dark hair falls into his face each time he laughs and he has to continuously push it out of his eyes. How the crook of his nose looks oddly kissable and more attractive than you’ve noticed it before when it’s this close to your face. 
When the haze from the weed is making your body feel limitless and swoony. 
It’s a feeling that has you turning on your side. Putting a hand under your head shifts your body closer to Ben’s. Smiling when he doesn’t act phased in mirroring you, his body moving in the same motions and position as yours. Now putting the two of you so close that you can feel his breath hit your face, and the space between your legs barely exists without some part of him touching it. 
The two of you had been friends for forever, it seemed. Stuck in the woes of academia, making your parents proud does that to you. Makes you lose track of time and forget how the two of you became friends after getting into an argument over a Hamlet book in the library. 
A fight Finn quickly broke up, but Poe enthusiastically cheered on. 
The lot of you—Rose and Rey included—became inseparable after that day. Something that didn’t have a timestamp or expiration in your mind. It just happened. 
And now you have four best friends, and you’re coming to the conclusion that you’ve possibly liked one more than that. The lines of friendship or something more growing more and more blurry the longer your eyes moved from each mole, each scar, and each strand of hair. His cheek bones, his dark eyes, his lips. And you really don't understand why the two of you hadn’t become something more ages ago.
“Have you wanted to?” 
“The fact that you’re asking me tells me that you’ve never noticed. I’m not that subtle.” 
“Nose stuck in a book at all times, Ben, not subtle?” You make a sarcastic face, “yeah, who would ever think you’re subtle?” 
His knee nudges your thigh as his cheeks rise in that smile that makes his eyes crinkle at the edges. “You think I’d let Poe or Rey borrow my stuff? Steal my takeout from the fridge—which I know you do—without consequence?”
“In their defense, Poe and Rey have three late library books from two years ago and only you and I like the takeout you get from the bodega on the corner, so…it’s not really a fair asses-”
The squeal that comes from his fingers digging into your sides, pinching the skin at your hip and rib bones, fills the air and knocks the wind out of you all at the same time as you realize the position the two of you have wrestled yourselves in. 
Strands of dark hair moving against your forehead, your fingers instinctively reach up to brush the strands from both of your faces. Ben’s lips so close to yours that all it would take is a heavy breath and you’d be kissing. The relaxing rhythm of your heart now feeling like a hammer in your chest. 
Ben’s fingers run along your jawline, resting at your chin. 
“What if we did?” He asks. Searches your face for any reaction or indication that the subject should be changed. That he should stop asking, and the two of you should move away and pretend like this never happened. Go back to how things were—which was clearly not subtle and most definitely screaming ‘I’m in love with my best friend’. 
“Why have you never asked until now?” You answer with a question. 
“Losing my best friend is not the traumatic life experience I’d like to put on my resume beside divorced parents and an absent father.” He jokes, his smile playful, as the pad of his thumb draws small circles against the skin of your jaw. 
“No wonder you’re unemployed.” The two of you laugh, breaths mingling in the joys of this moment. Of the jokes that come easy and the touches that seem to come even easier. But then there's silence, and you’re leaning closer to him, a feathering touch of your lips against his as you murmur, “maybe you should stop being so afraid, Ben Solo. And have me.” 
And if you’ve ever felt like there was something missing—some cataclysmic event in your life that could rewire your nervous system and make you feel like you’ve been barely making it, your heart barely beating and keeping you alive: Ben’s mouth is the puzzle piece as he brings your mouths together in a bruising kiss. 
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jfksbrainmatter · 26 days
how’s mama? ;)
adam driver x reader
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genre : fluff 🧸
summary : you are laying in bed, heavily pregnant and sleeping. your husband, adam driver, wakes you after he came home from work and accidentally reminds you of your pregnancy and impending due date. freaking you out.
author note : this based on a really cute tiktok i saw bc i couldn’t stop thinking about it 😓
content warning : pregnancy, talk of birth, anxiety, age gap (reader is like mid 20’s-early 30’s and adam is late 40’s) and reader cries (for like a sec bc hormones)
warm, kind hands stroking your arm wake you up. your eyes flutter open as you shift in bed, smiling as you notice adam kissing your forehead. “mmmmm..hi baby~” you mewl, shifting to turn toward him, leaning up to kiss him.
“hi sweetheart..” adam leans down and meets you halfway in the kiss, stroking back your hair. “how’s mama doin’ ..?” you furrow your brows and tilt your head, confused til you look down. your lips quiver as you remember the impending child in your belly. eyes filling with tears, you look back up at adam, seeing his small frown.
“what’s wrong lovey..?” he asks with concern. everything, you wanna say. but you don’t. you sniffle and blink back the tears, “m’having a baby…” you whimper. adam smiles in amusement at your shaky voice.
“yeah you are hun..” he strokes your cheek to calm you down. you shake your head and whine, cupping your bump as you remember all the weight and life inside you. your grogginess is gone. replaced with anxiety and…fear..?
you don’t know but what you do know is that you’re crying freely now. adam lies next to you and cradles your bump with you, kissing your cheek and holding your head to his chest.
“shhhh..babygirl calm down, you’re gonna be okay…you’re alright, just breathe..” adam coos, calming you down. he’s very good at calming you down most times but the tears won’t stop flowing. damn hormones. you pull back and whine, wiping your eyes and rubbing them tiredly.
“a-adam i- i can’t give birth i can’t…what if i go into labor without you here? what if- what if i go into labor early?? i- im scared adam.” you whimper, sniffling and hiding into him. suddenly you stop, breathing slowly as you feel your baby stir, getting more settled. adam kisses you softly to stop your rambling, wiping your tears away softly.
“you will be ready my love. i will be there and- and you are so prepared honeybun...you have the nursery ready, all the baby clothes and the books and toys~” he smiles and laughs softly, rubbing your bump. he slides further down the bed to wrap his arms around your waist, listening and feeling for kicks from the baby. “i’m ready. i feel like you are too, almost.” he smiles and kisses your bump as the baby kicks against his lips, his laughs rumbling through the room.
you crack a smile at his happy laugh, stroking a hand through his hair as the baby kicks against their daddy’s hand. “i think they missed you.” you wipe your tears and sigh, calming down into your husband’s embrace.
he smiles giddily and lays his head against the bump, closing his eyes in content happiness. he loves his tiny family. “do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl..?” he asks, excited about a baby either way.
“mmmm i don’t care..as long as they’re healthy.” you whisper in response, kissing adam’s hair. he sighs and sinks into you, exhaustion finally sinking into him from his long work day.
“what do you want for dinner tonight baby..?” he asks, having taken over the responsibility of dinner. he’s staring at your large bump as he speaks, almost like he’s talking to the little human in you.
“mmmm…i think they want your ‘world famous’ burgers~ and fries…and a chocolate milkshake from that one place-!!” you speak excitedly, the craving coming on quickly from the baby in your uterus (who needs to pay rent by now).
“then that’s what mama’s gonna get.” he smiles and stands, walking to the kitchen to make his delicious food for his very, very pregnant wife.
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imaginedisish · 1 year
how do you sleep? (Ben Solo x fem!reader)
Part 1: We'll Never Have Sex
A/N: Hey guys!! So here is the first part of my Ben Solo x fem!reader fic. It is going to be told in non-chronological order, and every single part can be read as a one-shot! The overall series is based on "how do you sleep?" by LCD Soundsystem, but this particular part is based on "We'll Never Have Sex" by Leith Ross. I hope you guys enjoy!!!
Summary: After a lifetime of pining and yearning between you and Ben while training with Luke, things finally come to a head. (Series takes place over the year before Ben turns to the dark side, and then the aftermath of that).
Warnings: SMUT, fingering (f!receiving), so 18+, obviously canon divergence, all chapters can be read as a one shot with no context, series warning for canon typical violence, cursing, probably poorly proofread bc I only proofread once, praise kink...
Word Count: 2,511
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Rain ruthlessly patters against the roof of the tent, threatening to leak through with each drop that came crashing down. You and Ben lay across from each other, a fire separating you, crackling in the center. You silently wish you were closer to him. You wish you could feel his calloused fingertips threading softly with your own. Maybe his hands would find their way to your waist, gently exploring your-
No. You can’t think like this, you’re not allowed to, never have been and never will be. You weren’t meant to get to have sex, married, to settle down, to have attachments of any kind. You were a Jedi, first, foremost, and only. 
But could love be that bad? Would being with Ben be so insurmountably terrible that it would corrupt both of you and bring disorder to the galaxy? Master Skywalker had told you it would, that an attachment of any kind would disrupt your training and your entire way of being. That notion had lost its meaning for you, and seemingly contradicted itself time and time again. If loving Ben was so horrific, why was it the only thing that made sense? 
“You okay?” He mutters, noticing that your eyes are glued to the fire, that stupid fire that stood in the way of being close to him. 
You mumble a yes in response, your mind far too clouded and nervous to say anything else. You were too busy convincing yourself that whatever bond you had with Ben defined the word yearn. You had known him your entire life, both having been trained by Luke practically since birth. And for as long as you could remember, you loved Ben Solo. 
And he loved you. 
But you held back, at least for as long as you could. As teenagers he had slipped up, kissed you while you had been sparring in the woods, far, far away from Luke. He had won the sparring match with your back to a tree, and he kissed you. 
Oh, you kissed me just to kiss me
Not to take me home
It was simple, it was sweetness
It was good to know
You talked about it once, and never again. You decided to hide it, to stuff the memory down, deep down where no one would ever be able to find it. Hiding wasn’t enough, it never was. You couldn’t forget it. Even now you dream of the taste of his lips on yours. You wish you could taste them now.
“You sure you’re okay?” His voice cuts through your thoughts, forcing you back to reality. He’s sat up now, looking down at you over the fire. 
You sit up too, forcing your gaze into the flames. “Yeah, I’ll be alright.” It was Master Skywalker’s fault for putting you and Ben on missions together, for keeping you two so close. He had to know how the two of you felt about each other. It was like some soul crushing test, some obstacle he expected you two to jump over and come out the other side stronger Jedi. 
He couldn’t have been more wrong. And it certainly wouldn’t be the last mistake a Skywalker made. 
“Do you…” He paused, waiting for your gaze to meet his. Your heart skips a beat when your eyes lock. “Do you wanna come over here?” He asks. He tilts his head to the side, searching for your response in your face before you can think of something to say. 
Say no, You think to yourself. Bad idea. Bad, terrible, awful idea. But your thoughts don’t seem to communicate with the rest of your body. You’re already standing up, walking around the fire, and sitting down on the edge of his cot, facing away from him. 
Ben rests a warm hand on your lower back, his thumb tracing circles and stars along your spine. It feels good, comforting – so it can’t be bad. You didn’t feel any evil bubbling up in your stomach, no pull into the darkness like had been foretold and prophesied. 
“Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” Ben asks, there’s a smirk in his voice. You could hear it from a mile away. You turn your head to look down at him, and there it was, the cocky smirk. The second he sees the pain contorting your face, it slips away. You want it to come back.
You smile softly, reassuring him that everything was fine. “It’s just the nightmares.” It wasn’t a lie. They had certainly come back. You had dozed off a few minutes ago, and there they were. You weren’t going to fall back to sleep, not without him.
Ben responds by wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you down onto the cot. You stretch out a bit, letting yourself get pulled under the current of whatever was about to happen. The loneliness was too much; being without him was too much. And those – of course – were the real issues, the real sickness that was plaguing you. 
You and Ben knew loneliness too well, far better than any being ever should. 
Having someone this close kept that sinking alone feeling at bay; trapped it in some deep, dark, unintelligible, inaccessible corner far out of your mind’s reach. The feeling of his arms holding you tightly in place dispersed it, decimated it, fragmented it into pieces that simply could not be put back together, as if they had never been part of a whole to begin with. 
You’ve never had someone this close for this long. You’ve never gone this long without that alone feeling nipping at your skin and cursing in your face. And yet, it had been silenced. It wasn’t just because of a someone. He silenced it. And you knew that he was the only one who could. No, this couldn’t have just been anyone. It had to be him. 
And only him. 
“Ben,” You whisper. He squeezes your hip lightly in response. The feeling sends a ripple of chills down your spine. 
You don’t know exactly how long it’s been like this, standing on the ledge of a building neither of you should jump off from. You lost track of the time a few years ago. But you certainly never lost track of him. 
He squeezes your hip again, his lips suddenly sinking against your neck. You swallow the heavy lump in your throat as his hips push against yours. You jump, I jump, You think to yourself as he presses open-mouthed kisses up to your jaw, his body slowly shifting so that he’s above you. You let yourself fall onto your back, staring up at him. 
It was so quick, so easy to melt under his touch. It was too easy, for both of you, to give into the thing that had connected you for years. It was too simple to get to where you are now for it to ever be bad, to be the start of another war. 
The words slip from your lips. “I think I love you…” But you didn’t think. There was no thinking about this sort of thing, especially with Ben. That think came from your nerves, from that part of you adroitly trained to push him and everything else away. You didn’t want this to go past think. Think sits in limbo, unsure of its position, suspended in fluidity and nonsense. 
“Think?” Ben enunciates each letter, as if to question each sign’s meaning. But the smirk on his face tells you he’s much less serious than that, and that he knows your intention is far more serious than that think. 
You clear your throat, but the anxious feeling continues climbing up your esophagus. “Yeah…” You trail off, failing to seem aloof. “I think I-,”
“I know.” The thunder outside attempts to rudely interrupt the crackle of the fire and the finality of his words, but you hear them all the same. 
“Know what?” You question as the tips of his fingers graze the sides of your neck, slowly and gently wrapping around, as if to hold you in place. 
There’s no nervousness etched across his forehead as those perfect lips of his part. His brows aren’t furrowed, he doesn’t clear his throat. That smirk still tugs on his lips, even more so in his eyes, begging to be stretched into a smile. He’s cocky – but sweet – because he knows you’re terrified beyond belief. He’s more comfortable crossing this line than you are.
He was made to cross lines. “I know I love you.” And he means it. He means it in a way that speaks for you too, in a way that takes your think and transforms it into something greater. It was permanent, static, steadfast. A know, not a think. 
Rain pounds violently against the roof and you’re almost thankful for it. It keeps your words from leaking outside and into unaccepting ears. The ears that you and Ben had sworn your life to, your being to, your duty to. You were consciously breaking that oath, that code, that order that you had lived by for as long as you could remember. 
Part of you wants to scream, How dare you? How dare you cross the man who taught you everything, gave you everything? But what if that everything wasn’t as important as what Ben was, as that know had suddenly become? 
You know the answer, you’ve known it for years, before this moment, before he kissed you against that tree. You know the answer every time you see his smile, those eyes. You know when you hear his voice, when you feel his hand at your back when you’re being reprimanded by Skywalker. And he knows it too. He’s known longer than you have. 
Never mind crossing the line, it’s gone now, as if it was never there to begin with.
His lips press fervently against yours, already begging for more. He fits perfectly there, above you, your bottom lip skimming against his teeth, being bruised and imprinted with each hungry kiss. 
He pulls away for a second, his chest rising and falling somehow faster than your own. You wonder if he can hear your heart beating out of your chest, the sound drumming violently against your own ears. His hands unclasp your throat, roaming down your body, exploring each curve and corner before resting at the hem of your shorts. 
“Wanted you,” He pauses, his fingers hooking under the waistband. “For so long.” He finishes, his lips finding yours again. “So fucking long.” 
“B-Ben,” You’re stumbling around your words, and yet your mind has never felt more clear, more free. “Need you, please.” It’s a beg, a whine. 
His lips part from yours for just a second to pull your shorts and panties down. “Always needed you,” He says as his right hand drifts slowly down your stomach and in between your thighs. He spreads your legs and finds your clit before two of his fingers move further down. “So wet for me,” He says in between the gasps that echoed in the air. 
“B-Ben,” You whimper, suddenly remembering once again that you quite literally have never had anyone this close before. “I-I’ve nev-,”
“I know,” He whispers, his voice filled with lust, even deeper than normal. His dark hair falls against your forehead. “I’ve got you.” His fingers move back to your clit, circling slowly at first, gradually getting faster until all you can do is dig your nails into his shoulders. 
“F-fuck,” You curse. He presses harder against your core. “Need you, Ben,” You beg, all breathy and carelessly loud. 
Ben rests his forehead against yours, his fingers flicking at your clit, his other hand coming up and under your tank top. You have no bra underneath, something he couldn’t help noticing before. He gently rolls a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, reveling in the way you feel against him. 
He wanted you, needed you, just as much as you wanted and needed him. 
His palm glides across your chest, making sure to do the same to the other side before swiftly pulling your top up and over your head, discarding it somewhere on the floor. You don’t care if it lands in the fire. You wanted it to burn. 
“Doing so good for me,” He whispers, his lips sucking against your neck now. “Such a good girl.” 
You feel yourself clench around nothing, fluttering as Ben’s fingers refuse to let up. “I’m s-so close,” You choke, struggling to catch your breath. You could feel that familiar feeling building up in your stomach, heat spreading like a wildfire across your skin and every inch of your body. “Ben,” You recklessly call out. “I’m gonna-,”
“That’s it,” He coos, his fingers still working at your core. “Come on my fingers.” And just like that, white heat, stars, the cliché tension snapping, all of it was true. With him, that’s exactly what it felt like. 
He doesn’t stop right away, his fingers slowing down a bit before dipping down to your entrance, collecting your slick bringing them up to his lips. His fingers disappear into his mouth, sucking gently before he pulls them out. The feeling at your core immediately sparks again. You want more, need more. 
“Ben!” Your heart pangs in your chest at the shout of a familiar voice. FUCK. “Ben!” The voice yells again, outside the tent. Your eyes widen in fear. Panic fills your chest, and Ben springs up and out of the cot, hoping to get outside the tent before the voice found its way inside. 
Ben smiles at you as he stands at the entrance of the tent. You smile back, but you’re freaking out on the inside. What if Luke hadn’t called Ben’s name? What would’ve happened if he had simply come in and caught you? Ben can tell that you’re uneasy by the way your nose scrunches up, eyebrows furrowed tightly. And yet, you don’t regret a thing. How could you? 
“It’s okay, don’t worry,” He whispers, grabbing the cloth door to the tent with his hand. “We’ll figure it out…” He trails off, looking towards the door for a second before his gaze finds yours again. “I’d do anything for you, I mean it.” His words are so final, so permanent, the exact thing you had been afraid of. 
But not anymore. 
“I know I love you.” The words fall from your mouth with ease this time. You can hear Master Skywalker’s footsteps growing closer to the tent.
Ben smiles, his cheeks flushing just a touch, like someone had pinched his cheeks ever-so-slightly to remind him of how handsome he was. “I know I love you,” He says back before squeezing out of the tent so his uncle wouldn’t see the evidence of creed that had been broken and the attachment that had been consummated.
What the fuck were you going to do?
Depollute me, gentle angel
And I'll feel the sickness less and less
Come and kiss me, pretty baby
Like we'll never have sex
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calummss · 1 year
Kylo Ren Blurb: A Little Twirl, Sweetheart
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summary: kylo wants to see the clothes you bought
pairing: fem! reader x kylo ren
words: 600
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“I’m back.” You called into the hallway as you struggled to close the door, multiple bags hindering you from turning around, forcing you to close the door with your butt.
You slipped out of your black Mary Jane heels and quickly tiptoed towards the kitchen table to relieve your arms of the weight you were carrying. Turning around you saw Kylo sitting on the sofa, a nice cut suit hanging off his frame.
“Where have you been?” He asked, his arms stretching over Chesterfield's sofa back, an old-fashioned glass in his right hand. The amber colour of bourbon waiting to warm his throat.
You made your way to him, bracing yourself on his knee as you climbed up to his face, kissing him. “Shopping.” You smiled.
“Alone?” He caught your lips again, the faint taste of alcohol seeping into your mouth.
You kissed him back once more before lowering yourself on his knees, your arm starting to throb.
“No, I was with Arienne for a while but I had a lot to get through my list so I only really spent the last hour alone. Well, besides Hux who is always there for me. Bodyguard and all…”
Kylo’s eyes attentively sat on your figure as you talked about your shopping.
“Show me what you bought.”
“Like a little fashion show?”
His index finger curled under your Vivienne Westwood choker pearl necklace, pulling you towards his face. “Just like a little fashion show, sweetheart.”
You felt him on your lips again, your hand resting close to his cock, innocently rubbing your thumb against the rough fabric.
“Not only does it make me incredibly horny to see you swoon over me but the fact you get turned on by it gets me very wet,” your other hand gently holding his jaw.
“I like seeing you dressed up,”
“I bet you do,” you leaned away from him, your fingertips not-so-accidentally grazing his cock as you sat up from his knee and walked over to get your bags before disappearing inside the bathroom to change.
You put on the first outfit: a two piece set from the Chanel spring collection from 1995. A blue cropped double breasted coat with a black skirt and gold chain.
Opening the door you strut towards Kylo, your outfit fitting like a second skin.
“It’s Chanel,” you said, admiring the sleeves with a grin. “1995 spring collection.”
Kylo still sat on the sofa, his glass of bourbon placed on the side table. He was still leaning into the back of the sofa, his legs open. His eyes scanned you head to toe.
“What do you think?” You turned to give a full view of the outfit.
“The colour suits you and the skirt makes your legs look good. I like it.”
Walking back into the bathroom you changed into a black Chanel dress. A 1992 Haute Couture Spring/Summer show, a rare item you managed to buy. It felt like wearing a winning lottery ticket.
You walked out again, this time with a set of black heels you had also bought, the sound bouncing off the walls.
Kylo leaned forward, bracing himself on his knees as his eyes darkened.
“Can you do a little twirl for me, sweetheart?”
You turned, giving him a full view of the dress.
“This is my favourite piece I have ever bought.”
“I agree.”
“So you like it?”
“Love it.” He stood up, coming closer. His arms wrapping around your waist. “Keep it on.”
“As you wish,’ you combed through the back of his hair, your lips inching closer. “Sir.”
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be-loved-moon · 9 months
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hoteldreamss · 6 months
Imagine || Kylo Ren
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Метки: небольшое притеснение на работе; убийство; может манипулирование, если присмотреться.
Коридор звёздного корабля Первого Ордена слабо освещён из-за позднего времени, наверняка многие уже спали в своих каютах, пока ты чувствовала себя подавленной и уставшей, направляясь в свои покои после сложного дня.
Слегка запыхавшись, ты прикладываешь большой палец к сенсору, чтобы дверь открылась. Теперь ты можешь принять тёплый душ и забраться в мягкую постель.
Стоит тебе пройти внутрь, небольшая, но чистая комната ��заряется светом, подсветка на стенах и под кроватью на слишком яркая, но этого достаточно, чтобы ты могла хорошо всё вокруг увидеть.
Когда тёплая вода обволакивает твоё тело, то чувствуешь, как мышцы сразу расслабляются и всё напряжение будто покидает тебя. Но твоя головная боль усиливается, заставляя понять, что кто-то пытается проникнуть в твои мысли, и ты прекрасно знаешь, кто это может быть.
Может дело было в вашей связи, но тебе легко просто вытолкнуть Кайло из своей головы. Меньше всего ты сейчас желала быть с кем-то. Даже если это был единственный человек, которого ты кажется любила.
Всё шло хорошо.
Несмотря на вчерашний вечер, сейчас ты чувствовала себя лучше. Но может ты просто ещё не думала о том, что Верховный лидер захочет встретиться с тобой.
Поэтому ты так спокойно занята своей работой, сравнивая данные ради конечного точного результата.
У тебя нет догадок о том, что Кайло Рен потребует твоего прихода, но тебе приходит сообщение, которое ты читаешь, но не открывая, чтобы показать, что прочла. Затем ещё одно. А затем угроза прийти самому. И тогда ты чувствуешь злость. Как он смеет манипулировать тобой? Конечно, ты не хотела, чтобы он явился сюда. И может он и не сделал бы этого на самом деле, но ты всё равно злишься.
Тяжело вздохнув, ты всё же поднимаешься со своего места. На тебя не обращают внимание, когда ты уходишь из зала, где сидели другие работники, занимающиеся почти тем же, чем и ты.
Удивительно, но сплетни всё равно распространились. Ты слышала это, чувствовала и ненавидела. Они обсуждали тебя. Даже в других отделах уже прошёл слух, что у Кайло Рена появилась личная шлюха. Хотя твоё имя не мелькало так часто, а некоторые делали вид, что понятие не имеют кто это, ты знала, что они все косятся на тебя. Это всплыло недавно, сначала этого не было, как только ты и Кайло сблизились, но спустя время, когда вы перестали быть аккуратными, о тебе шептались.
Подойдя к двери, за которой была комната Рена, странная дрожь пробегает по всему твоему телу. Тебе приходиться набраться смелости, чтобы приложить палец к электронному замку-сканеру и тогда металлическая дверь отъезжает, позволяя тебе увидеть кают. Скорее всего лучшая комната на корабле, просторная, мрачноватая, но с достаточным светом. Здесь пахнет свежестью снежных гор и чистыми простынями, также как пах Кайло.
Стоит тебе зайти, двери за тобой закрываются, и тогда Верховный лидер выходит из другой комнаты, потому что в отличие от многих других кают, в этой была кухня, гостиная, спальня и ванная. Тебе повезло иметь ванную со спальней, некоторым досталась только кровать.
— Ты не спешила, — произносит он, подходя к тебе и не задумываясь, быстро целует, сразу же кладя руки на твою талию.
— Я была за работой, — говоришь ты. Кайло знал, что тебе не нравилось, если он влезал в твои мысли, но когда ты была такой молчаливой и подавленной, отнекиваясь от его вопросов, что он думал просто залезть в твои мысли.
— Ты теперь часто пропадаешь за ней, может тебе, стоит взять выходной? Пока у меня нет необходимости покидать корабль, мы могли бы провести время вместе. — Его рука касается твоих волос, а глаза наполнены нежностью и ранимостью. Кайло был влюблён в тебя, пока ты никак не могла этого понять.
Закусив уголок губ изнутри и смотря на своего Верховного лидера, ты знаешь, что это оттолкнёт его, что ему это не понравится и может это будет началом вашего конца. С другой стороны, ты думаешь, что должна согласиться, потому что из-за него теперь твоя работа такая. Ты больше не должна рисковать собой, тебе больше платят, ты пользуешься своими мозгами, а не телом. Никаких смертельных миссий, откуда ты могла вообще не вернуться, даже несмотря на свою Силу и световой меч.
— Кайло... — Ты опускаешь взгляд, уже чувствуя его большие и тёплые ладони на своём теле. Кайло был чертовски большим и тебе нравилось это, чувствовать, что этот молодой мужчина такой сильной и может просто убить кого угодно даже голыми руками. — Я не думаю, что это хорошая идея.
Кайло отстраняешься от тебе, больше не усыпая твою шею поцелуями, наслаждаясь твоим запахом и телом.
— Почему? — Его глаза кажутся ужасно грустными, и это ранит тебя. Иногда ты веришь, что он любит тебя и сходит с ума из-за тебя. Но разве он не Верховный лидер? Разве он не должен быть холоднокровным? Если он такой, то разве он не использовал бы тебя для личного удовольствия? Потому что он больше не Бен Соло, он убил своего отца, он прикончил бывшего Верховного лидера, он убил свою сестру, разве он не прикончит тебя после того, как ты надоешь ему и отдашь своё сердце.
Ты не знаешь, что ему ответить. Даже несмотря на то, что твои мысли под собственной защитой, тебе кажется, будто Кайло всё равно может прочесть их.
Твой взгляд лани на Рена, когда он теперь не склоняется к тебе, снова такой высокий и немного смущённый твоим отказом.
И ты не знаешь, как должна объяснить ему весь этот рой мыслей. Тебе легче быть немногословной, чем дать ему понять всё.
— У меня действительно много работы. — Это звучало ужасно. И у Кайло нет проблем понять это.
Мысль о том, что ты отвергаешь его слишком неожиданная и сильная, будто его сердце пронзает кинжал из стали. Ты делаешь это, потому что теперь он надоел тебе? Или потому что тебе больше не нужно продвигаться по карьерной лестнице? Может ты нашла кого-то другого, кто не пытается скрывать своей привязанности к тебе на публике?
Почему ты отвергаешь его?
Кайло убирает свои руки с твоей талии, может ему, следует просто принять это? В конце концов Рен никогда не был требователен к тебе. Он мог избежать этой ссоры, игнорировать ваш разрыв. Очередное предательство не стало бы для него неожиданностью, но это всё равно было больно.
— Что-то произошло? — его голос твёрдый, пока ты не чувствуешь себя такой уверенной. Ты чувствовала себя странно слабой, будто если он крикнет на тебя ты расплачешься прямо перед ним, впервые не из-за удовольствия.
Прикусив губу, ты мычишь, отрицательно мотая головой. Но Кайло замечает это состояние, от твоей игривости с ним и нежности ничего не осталось.
Тогда Рен тянет к тебе руки, обнимая тебя, несмотря на то, что ты не обнимаешь его в ответ.
Твои щёки краснеют, ты шмыгаешь носом и всхлипываешь вздрагивая. Кайло легко понять, что ты начала плакать, заставляя его прижать тебя к себе крепче. Он знает, что не должен читать твоих мыслей, но ты ничего не говоришь, хотя он просит тебя рассказать ему в чём дело.
Кайло теперь чувствует, как ты тоже обнимаешь его. Он подозревает самое худшее, думая что должен отомстить кому-то или может ты просто боишься его? Думаешь, что он будет груб с тобой, если расскажешь ему, что он ненавистен тебе и безразличен.
Поэтому он проникает в твою голову, пока ты в таком состоянии, ему легко это сделать. Ты не сопротивляешься, когда он старается искать быстрее, не отвлекаясь на твои воспоминания.
Тогда Кайло чувствует что-то знакомое. Гнев охватывает всё его тело, каждая клеточка моментально поглощается жаром, а кровь закипает. Он оставляет поцелуй у тебя на виске, поглаживает тебя по спине и голове, надеясь успокоить.
— Ты ни в чём не виновата, — произносит Рен, наконец, докопавшись до причины. — Разве ты не делала бы то же самое для меня?
Ты так сильно прижимаешься к Кайло, будто он был твоим спасением. И он был так прав, когда спросил тебя об этом. Ты сделала бы очень многое для Кайло, но это чувство, странная вера в то, что ты просто его шлюха, разрушала ваши отношения. И тебе не нравятся эти мысли, как и Кайло.
— Сделала бы. — Твой голос дрожит, пока твоё тело ещё больше прижимаешься к его.
— Я хочу, чтобы ты была рядом. — Кайло не может просто отпустить тебя, позволить кому-то или чему-то повлиять на тебя и твои мысли о вас. — Ты знаешь, что тебе не следует думать обо всё этом. И ты не виновата, что голова того придурка взорвалась.
— Он просто сказал то, что думал. Я не имела право на его убийства. Меня должны судить.
— Но не будут.
— Потому что я трахаюсь с тобой. — Твой голос похож на шипение, нежели человеческую речь. Ты отстраняешься от него, вытирая слёзы, хотя они всё равно продолжают течь, как бы ты не старалась успокоиться и делать вид, что вовсе не расстроена. Хотя ты всё ещё старалась выглядеть спокойной.
— Потому что мы вместе. — Кайло гладит твои мокрые щёки, вытирает твои слёзы, пока ты чувствуешь себя такой жалкой перед ним. — Я сделаю для тебя что угодно, как и ты для меня, верно?
Ты киваешь, наконец смотря на него.
— Не думай ни о кем кроме себя и меня. — Кайло целует тебя, чувствуя как ты лениво отвечаешь ему и наслаждаешься его заботой. — Я просто хочу твоей безопасности, разве это неправильно? Я бы сам прикончил того идиота, если бы ты не сделала этого раньше.
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tomhollandishot · 1 year
Naughty Girl
Hey guys! I just finished writing my first story! I did get a little bit lazy at the end but that was cause i didnt know what to write lol. It may not be the best but I really tried so give me feedback on how i did thanks!
18+ content minors stay away pls 🤍
I also never named the guy in this story so you can imagine whoever you want! Please send me more requests if you like this.
Word count: 900+
Pairing: Sub!Fem!Reader x Dom!Male!Character of Choice
Warnings: A little bit of a daddy kink, spanking, choking, roughness, manhandling, unprotected vaginal sex (wrap it before you tap it), coming inside, pussy slapping (lmk if i missed anything).
If any of these things above bother you please DO NOT READ!
You rubbed your hand up and down his thigh, eventually reaching his groin. Sticking your hands down his pants and rubbing his half hard cock. He shot you a glare. “You better start behaving yourself or else” he whispered in your ear, gripping your thigh tightly and trailing his fingers up in between your legs “or else what? You gonna spank me?” You said with a condescending tone. He stuck his hand further up your dress, “no panties? What a whore” he said. You leaned down and whispered in his ear, so close you were almost kissing him “ wanna come dance with me?” You asked in your sweetest voice “you haven’t been the nicest all night. You’re lucky i haven’t taken your ass home” he said, rolling his eyes. “Fine” you said with a huff, “i’ll just go find someone else to dance with”. You kissed him on the cheek and walked away, swaying your hips in a seductive way to get his attention. You walked up to a guy you knew he would be jealous of, nice hair, clear skin, fit body, perfect smile. You wanted to push his buttons and this was the perfect dude to do it with. “Hey” you said with a seductive smile. “Wanna dance?” You said as you grabbed his hand and started to dance with him. You wanted to make the dance as sexy as possible without cheating on him. You swayed your hips and let him grab onto your hips and shoulders. Not even ten minutes went by before he came up and grabbed you away from the dance floor. “I was having so much fun” you whined. “Yeah i bet you were”. He walked you to the car and forced you inside.
The drive home was long and silent. Every time you looked over at him he was gripping the steering wheel harder and harder. When you finally made it home he slowly pulled into the garage. “Kiss me” he said, when you leaned in to do so, he suddenly grabbed your throat and slammed you against the car door. “Go upstairs and be waiting for me, i want you on your knees, naked.” He grunted in your ear. “Yes daddy” you said with no hesitation. You rushed upstairs and stripped all of your clothes off. You got on your knees and waited for what seemed to be for hours. When he finally came in, he came up to you and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He looked at you intensely and walked past you into the closet. He was in there for a few minutes and came out with a belt. “Turn around and bend over” he said. You do as he says as quickly as possible. “Now, i want you to count how many i give you and if you mess up i’ll add 5 more. Okay?” He said rubbing your ass. You nod your head to show you understand, knowing that if you say another word it would piss him off more. Whack! “One” you say with a whimper. “Two!” “Three!”. You were shaking, tears were rolling down your eyes and he was only just beginning. “Please daddy please i’ll never do it again baby please”. He grabbed you hair and yanked you up to his face so he could speak to you up close. “You think your gonna get away with what you did with a little begging? How stupid do you think i am huh?” He said with a scoff. He spanked you harder than before after that. You cried and squealed and whimpered at how hard we was spanking you. Your pussy was so wet it was dripping down your legs onto the bed. He saw your cunt glistening in the low light, “Damn baby. You getting all wet from your daddy spanking you?” He asked while slapping your cunt. You nodded your head, not being able to form words. “Please, Please fuck me baby I’ll do anything for it daddy please!” You cried out not being able to take it anymore. He pushed your head down into the pillows and unbuckled his pants. “You want me to fuck you baby?, oh i’ll fuck you. I’ll fuck you till your shaking and cant think about anything other than me and how big my cock feels in this tight pussy of yours.” He said as he slid his thick cock into your pussy. You couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped out. “I’ve never felt a pussy this fuckin tight, fuck” he grunted in your ear while thrusting into you hard. You were in a trance. You were screaming his name and your eyes were rolled to the back of your head. His cock felt too good you couldn’t bear it. Gripping onto his shoulders, you felt something in your stomach tightening. “Fuck baby i’m gonna cum!” You screamed. He gave you orgasm after orgasm and you were shaking. The room was filled with the obscene sounds of skin slapping, your moans, and your wet pussy. A few more hard and fast thrusts and you were creaming on him and screaming again. You could tell your orgasm triggered his by the way his hips stuttered and he started thrusting deeper inside of you. He buried his face in your neck and grabbed onto one of you tits as he came inside you with moan of your name. He pulled out and rolled over next to you. Both of you were out of breath. After a moment of silence, he finally said “how do you expect he to stay mad at you when you make me feel so good” he said with a sigh. You giggled, he made you so happy you couldn’t imagine to be with anyone else.
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earlgreydream · 2 years
𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥. | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: overwhelmed by sexual tension with your stepbrother, until your best friend suggests giving in. 3.4k
𝐜𝐰: stepcest, drinking, kylo being a perv, sex while intoxicated
𝐚/𝐧: okay i promised @little-diable that i would finish this like 2.5 months ago but then life got out of control for a second. i know it's been a long time since i've posted, and i hope this makes up for it
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“He’s cute!” Your friend whispered, smirking as she twisted a lock of dark hair around her finger.
“He is my new stepbrother. And he’s an asshole,” you sighed from behind your mirrored, heart-shaped sunglasses.
Kylo’s gaze broke away from his friends to rest on you, admiring your body in your tiny yellow bikini. Dark eyes studied your form, the curve of your hip bones and the way the fabric hugged your chest.
“Kylo, your new sister is a real piece of ass. Watch out, I could become your stepbrother,” Vicrul laughed, encouraged by the other boys’ amusement.
“Shut the fuck up about her!”
Kylo shoved his friend, one of those you unaffectionately referred to as ‘his gang’ — part of the group that were always making noise in your living room and leaving empty beer cans in the recycling.
“Look at his muscles,” your friend breathed, practically salivating over the dark-haired terror that had infiltrated your life.
“That’s gross, he’s my brother now.”
“Step-brother,” she corrected, “which means you aren’t technically related… therefore—”
You shook your head, standing up and walking past the group of boys to go inside the house, wanting one of the glass bottled sodas from the fridge more than you wanted to hear the rest of her vulgar fantasy. The boys’ heads turned as you walked by, and you quickened your steps as you heard one of them whistle at you.
Two months ago, your mother had remarried Han Solo, he and his son, Kylo, two years older than you, moved into your home. You hadn’t had a moment of peace since, Kylo and his stupid friends always in the house, or at the pool in the backyard.
You weren’t oblivious to the way he looked at you, or how he stared at your body when you climbed out of the pool, water dripping down your curves, between the valley of your breasts as you shook your hair out.
“Hey,” Kylo’s gravely voice snapped you out of your thoughts. It wasn’t affectionate, Kylo never spoke to you unless it was absolutely necessary, asking where the TV remote was or what time Han and your mom were getting home from their date.
You looked up at him, ducking out of the way as he reached over your head to pull a 6-pack from the top of the fridge. He didn’t say anything else as he carried it back outside, a frown etching onto your face as his cold tone turned your heart to ice.
“Still haven’t made any progress with Kylo?” Han’s voice came from behind you, making you whirl around.
“He’s not exactly a fan of me. Definitely doesn’t have an interest in being friends.”
“He’ll warm up to you. Kylo’s a tough one to crack, he just needs time.”
You walked back outside after forcing a halfhearted smile, handing a drink to your friend before slipping into the hot tub with her. You watched your step brother from behind your glasses, your eyes dancing across his deep v-lines.
“So, this party on Saturday. You have to come. I can’t believe you made it all the way through high school a virgin—”
“Shh!” You hushed her, but the boys had clearly heard, smirking at you, though Kylo’s expression was darker. He shifted, hiding the growing tent in his shorts as his mind simmered on the thought of you being pure and untouched, sleeping in the room next to his in nothing but panties and an old Pink Floyd tee.
“What exactly is your point?” You sighed, tipping the bottle back against your lips.
“You have to get laid this weekend! Come on, before college. It will do you some good, help you not be so uptight."
“Fine. Help me pick out something to wear then,” you gave in, willing to go along with her so that you could get away from Kylo's friends.
Kylo dreamt of you.
Ever since he’d moved into your house, thoughts of you plagued every inch of Kylo’s mind. He jerked his cock imagining it was your hand, much smaller than his, your skin soft and delicate.
“Kylo, dude, get a fuckin’ grip,” Ushar laughed, shaking Kylo’s shoulder as he handed the controller off to the other boy.
“You’re not thinking about your little sister are you? Just fuck her already, stop with this down bad bullshit.”
“I’m not fucking my virgin stepsister!” Kylo snapped, sensitive to the topic his friends had been relentlessly teasing him about since he’d drunkenly confessed that he’d fantasized about you.
Fantasized didn’t quite cover it.
When you were gone on a weekend getaway, Kylo snuck into your bedroom. It was odd without your presence, your body not curled up on the bed, clutching the fantasy novels you loved. No music in the background, your friend not in the chair in the corner singing along to Vor í Vaglaskógi as she often did.
He felt dirty, conviction gripping his mind as if he were knelt before a priest in church, though any god would abandon him the moment he went through with the plan that had brought him into your bedroom.
Kylo found his way to your drawers, lingering for a moment, listening for any sound, making sure his father wasn’t coming up the stairs to ask him for a favor, to catch him in the deviant act.
The wood slid open, revealing the laces and silks that Kylo longed to see, but were hidden beneath your clothes. Ever since he had caught you bending forward to get something and catching a glimpse of your ass in a thong, it was all he could think about. His fingers trailed over the delicate fabrics, closing around a deep green silk piece. Kylo acted on instinct, no hesitation in the way he brought it up to his nose, inhaling your scent, wishing his face was buried between your thighs so he could press his full lips to your snatch through the pathetically thin fabric.
A noise came from down the hall, and Kylo quickly shoved your panties into his pocket before closing the drawer, hoping you wouldn’t miss them.
“Kylo? What are you doing?” Han questioned, catching Kylo in your room just as he reached the doorway, narrowly missing his escape. His father stared at him, almost able to hear the way Kylo’s heart was racing.
“Looking for my phone charger. I let her borrow it and she forgot to give it back before going to Santa Monica,” Kylo lied smoothly, the words tumbling from the tongue of a sinner, a man who was acting on dark fantasies of ruining his little sister.
Han seemed convinced enough, offering Kylo the charger from his office until you got back, and Kylo could only pray that he wouldn’t mention it to you. 
There was no one listening to the prayers of a predator.
"This is too short," you argued with your friend, turning and checking out the little black dress that barely covered your ass.
"Nope. It's perfect," she insisted as you kept tugging the fabric down.
She handed you a tube of lipstick, and you leaned forward in the mirror, applying it to your lips as she hummed along to the song in the background. She grabbed her keys off of your nightstand, pushing her feet into dangerously high heels that made her seem even taller than she already was, walking through your home like a goddess past Kylo's friends, their gazes following the two of you out the door.
"Why are we driving?"
"Because, I'm not walking in these shoes," she laughed, climbing into the sharp black car before driving the short distance to a peer's home, one infamous for throwing wild house parties at the edge of your neighbourhood. 
"Ready to make some memories?" She put a flask in your hand, grinning as your head tipped back, the syrupy liquid going down easing.
"To losing your virginity," she took a shot after you, pregaming in the car before entering the house.
Some kids you knew from highschool instantly swept her up into conversation, all fighting over her affections. One of the girls put another drink in your hand, pulling your wrist to the middle of the living room to get you to dance. You’d tried to stay with your friend, but you slipped by unnoticed as everyone crowded around her, desperate for even a second of her attention.
You giggled, swaying to the music and wrapping your arm around the neck of a boy you'd always sort of fancied, one with ginger hair that whispered filth in your ear. He’d once written you a love letter in high school, leaving it in your locker. 
"Can I get you another drink?" Armie questioned, and you nodded, stepping out of the living room onto the back porch to get out of the noise while you waited for his return.
"How's your quest going?"
You turned at the question, taking a half-step back as Kylo's friends, Vicrul and Ushar, teased you. They'd overheard the conversations in the hot tub, and you could practically sense Kylo laughing somewhere in the shadows.
"Leave me alone," you tried to strengthen your voice, not letting the obvious fear bleed through. They made you nervous, always making you feel like prey cornered by a predator, ready to be devoured and helpless to stop it. 
"Come on now, I know a couple of willing participants," Ushar reached out to touch the hem of your short skirt, causing you to stumble backward into a hard body.
"That's enough," Kylo's cold tone snapped through the awkward tension, the two instantly backing off.
"Hey," Kylo tried to grab your wrist, only to be sure that you didn't want a ride home, away from the loud party he knew you weren't fond of.
You jerked away and hurried to Armie, the ginger who was returning with your drinks. You didn’t want to be near Kylo, frightened by his friends and confused by your sexual arousal toward your stepbrother. 
"Thanks," you wrapped your arm around his neck, swallowing the shot before your lips met his, a sight that left Kylo's blood boiling.
"You okay?" Armie asked, smiling almost shyly.
Your friend was nowhere to be found, several of Kylo's friends were missing from their pack in the corner, bent around table games, trying to make balls go into the cups. You attempted to ignore them, trying to focus on the ginger in front of you, hoping that eventually you'd complete the night's mission. Kylo's dark gaze burned through you, locked on your body in a way you could nearly feel.
Kylo lusted after you. Seeing Armie kiss you sent a fiery spark of possession through Kylo, finally breaking the dam of need that was now flooding his senses. He watched you glare at him, swallowing shot number - he'd lost count. It was enough to have you tripping over your own feet, becoming easier prey for all the men who wanted you to steal you away from Kylo.
"Get off of her," Kylo growled, shoving Armie off of you.
You'd been tripping your way up the stairs, pulled by the redhead you didn't really want to be with. You wanted to search for your friend, to tell her you had too much to drink and you wanted to go home. At first it seemed like Armie was going to help you find her, but you were fairly certain she wasn't in the upstairs bedrooms, and his intentions were impure. 
"Kylo?" you grabbed his arm for stability, thankful for his presence for the first time.
"Touch her again and I'll fucking kill you," Kylo snarled, gripping his collar and pressing his body against the stair railing.
"Stop, please, I just want to leave!" you begged, terrified for a moment that Kylo might actually throw him onto the landing below.
His muscular arm wrapped around your waist, guiding you out of the noisy party, everything overstimulating you. The second you stepped into the cold night air, you heaved, putting your hand on the wall for balance as Kylo tried to support your weight. His large hand rubbed your back, helping you collect yourself as you choked down gags.
"Are you alright?"
"Fine," you mumbled, pulling your heels off and stepping onto the cold sidewalk.
The walk home was silent, as was typical with Kylo, though this felt distinctly different, his hand resting on your lower back. Kylo caught you as you tripped, his arms circling around your waist. 
“Sorry, I’m still a bit sloshed,” you confessed, finding your body naturally leaning into his. 
“You’re fine, I’m just going to get you home, where none of those fuckers can touch you.” 
“Because you’re so much better?” you questioned, earning a dark glare.
“I’m no better than them. I want to fuck you more than anyone else, but I wouldn’t touch you without your permission!”
You were stunned into silence, your chest rising and falling as you looked up into his brown eyes. Your hand wrapped around the back of Kylo’s neck, pulling him down into a forceful kiss before your mind could catch up with your body’s carnal needs. His mouth was hot against yours, his tongue parting your lips as a moan broke from your throat. Kylo’s hands gripped your ass beneath the tiny dress you wore, his fingertips dragging over the silk that hugged your skin. The kiss was filthy, your feet cold on the sidewalk as you stood half a block from your house, only a few yards to decide if you were going to cross the line of fucking your stepbrother. 
You finally broke away for air, dizzy from the intensity. His hands were practically burning your skin, only seconds passing before the two of you were stumbling inside, unable to keep your touch off of one another. The house was dark, promising to conceal your secrets as he carried you upstairs, practically throwing you onto his bed. 
“Is this what you want?” his voice was low, the words spoken against the underside of your jaw as his mouth went to work marking up your throat. 
“I need it, Kylo.”
His hands tore the skimpy dress from your body, not wasting any time before kissing you again, your hands tangling into his black hair. Kylo tasted like bourbon, his tongue on yours and lapping down your now-bare chest. A moan slipped from your lips as he gently sucked at your nipple, rolling the other between his fingers until your hips were squirming on his mattress. 
“Kylo, don’t tease me,” you whined, pulling hard on his hair, unable to take the torture anymore as you writhed. 
“Take what you’re given,” he hissed, forcing his hips between your legs. 
He knelt above you, his fingertips lightly rubbing the silk covering your snatch, a dark patch growing on the fabric as he touched you. An amused smile pulled at his swollen, pink lips as he pulled the thong from your body, the fabric tearing easily under his grip. 
“Hush, I’ll buy you new ones.”
You tried to close your legs, held open by his waist, wanting to hide yourself from his heady gaze. It wasn’t that you were insecure, but this was new, and him seeing your naked pussy seemed too exposing. 
“You’re beautiful, you don’t have to hide,” Kylo whispered before pressing a kiss to your lips, much more gently this time, as his fingers drew figures on your clit. Your thighs squeezed his hips, pathetic little mewls spilling from you as his fingers soaked with your arousal, his middle finger easing inside of you. 
Embarrassment rose to your chest as you squeezed down on just two of his fingers pumping in and out of you, his tongue teasing your clit while your legs were draped over his shoulders. Pressure was building between your hips, the knot tightening in your lower abdomen as he ate you out and nudged your g-spot. 
“I’m close, I can’t hold it,” your words came out in a strained whine, your body fighting to get away and push him deeper inside of you all at once. 
Your whimpers only encouraged Kylo, his fingers curling forward and his swollen lips sucking hard on your clit until you came, screaming into the sheets and gripping his wavy hair. The bit of scruff around his jaw tickled your thighs as he kissed you, his tongue lapping up all of your mess. Your body trembled underneath him, the aftershocks buzzing through your nerves as you recovered. 
“I can’t wait any longer,” Kylo’s hands wrapped around your hips, flipping your body face-down. 
Your fingers twisted into his sheets as he jerked you onto your knees, your ass in the air as Kylo knelt behind you. His hand rested on the back of your head, pressing it downward as he ground against your sopping cunt, groaning as he sank his cock in you. He was huge, splitting you open with a sharp pain. It was sweet, your head spinning as he filled places inside of you that you weren’t even aware of, stretching you until you were crying out and trying to reach his hand in your hair. 
“K… Kylo,” you whimpered, your body reeling forward and your grip finding his headboard as his hips slammed against your ass. 
“Your fuckin’ cunt is so sweet,” he hissed, gripping your hair and pulling your head from the sheets to hear your shout. 
It hurt and you loved it. He let go of your hips for a brief second, his hand cracking against your ass, leaving a handprint on the delicate skin, and dragging a whimper from your lips. Your breath caught in your throat as he fucked you harder, his hand reaching under you to play with your clit, convinced he could make you come again, despite being raw and overstimulated. Kylo needed to feel you squeeze down on him as you came, desperate to feel you milk him. 
“I can’t, I can’t–” you wept, trying to escape his fingers that were roughly toying with your clit, your nerve endings practically a live wire. 
“You can take it, you’re a filthy slut who’s fucking your stepbrother, you can come again on my dick,” he jerked hard on your hair, soaking up the sound of your cries. 
A shudder rolled down your spine as you gushed around him, unable to hold it off anymore. Your scream was muffled by his hand, holding it over your mouth so your parents didn’t hear the sinful way their stepchildren were fucking. You were disgraced, screaming into his hand and gripping down hard around him as his cum coated your insides, Kylo only continuing to fuck it in deeper. Kylo held your body against his, his sweat-slick chest pressed to your back as he held his hand over your mouth, holding you as you panted. Your muscles were weak, barely able to hold yourself up as the raw ache throbbed between your thighs once he pulled out. Your mess leaked onto his sheets, smearing on your inner thighs in a sight that nearly made Kylo feral. 
He reached over, grabbing his discarded tee shirt to clean you up, gently lying you back into the pile of messy pillows. He smirked as you flinched when his touch went to your sex, a soft whimper bleeding from your lips. 
“That was okay, for your first time?” he questioned, shocking you with the caring tone his words held. 
“Yeah, yes,” you nodded, giggling as he leaned down and kissed you again before standing to find something to slip over your body. 
“Wait, don’t go–” you whined, reaching out and grasping his hand. 
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere. Just getting you a clean jumper because you’re shivering,” he promised, slipping boxers up his legs before walking to his dresser. 
He found a hoodie of his, helping you into the black fabric that was so big it nearly swallowed you. A shy smile graced your face, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you down into his side. You snuggled onto Kylo’s chest, your head nestling against his shoulder. 
“So, are we going to tell mom and dad?” you whispered, making his hearty laughter fill the room.
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