#adam wyse
whovian223 · 5 months
New to Me - April 2024
New to Me - April 2024 @roxleygames
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freyawaves · 4 months
What The Bright Sessions characters look like in my head (but it's mildly embarrassing)
Joan Bright - Lucy Liu
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Sam Barnes - Daisy Edgar Jones
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Chloe Turner - Ayo Edebri
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Caleb Michaels - Nate Oaks (tiktok Hamilton twink) OR Xolo Mariduena
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Adam Hayes - Alex Wyse (dont ask. I dont know.) OR Alexander Arnold, but only as short haired Rich from skins
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Agent Green - Adrian Chase (specifically as Freddie Stroma) OR Cory Michael Smith
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Damien - Edward Ironstone OR Eduardo Perez as Mirco Vladimoff (yes, this affects my ability to dislike Damien)
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Mark Bryant - Godfrey Gao OR Zac Oyama
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I'm only at the beginning of s3. I'm so excited to continue!
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tumbletumula · 2 years
God se wraak self verwys juis na Lucifer.
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Tema : Dawid sê in Psalm 105 (v. 45) “Hy het hulle dikwels verlos”»
Thomo: ZCC en Islam, Judaïsme en Protestante.
In hierdie uur van Christelike liefdadigheid, vir die gebruik van 'n filosofiese dialektiek van Christelike naasteliefde dus van verpligtinge, die wêreld van morele konsepte «skuld en begeerte» << A tamo, kom hier >>, «bewustheid van begeerte gelewer en bevredig», << Ata mo >> «pligsaksie van simbiose»,<< 'n thomo-beginsel van finaliteit en begin >> «heiligheid van die plig van die beginsel in rus» << A damo >> het sy oorsprong - sy begin, soos die begin van elke aardse grootheid, is verbale beginsels deeglik en lank geïgnoreer. En kan daar nie bygevoeg word dat daardie wêreld in wese nog nooit weer heeltemal die herinnering van kom hierheen verloor het nie? (selfs in die ou Kant: die kategoriese imperatief van optrede … slegte einde van ingeneemde kos of bloot paniek in Egiptiese of "Lucifer droë kak"). Ewe hier is vir die eerste keer herbevestig dat sinistere ketting van idees, wat dalk onoplosbaar geword het, «atamo en lyding om aan te kom En Adam hier bevrediging te laat vind deur die siklus A thomo te herhaal». Kom ons sê dit weer eens: in watter sin kan lyding 'n vergoeding vir die "lewe" wees? In soverre ly die hoogste bevrediging gebring het, in soverre die beskadigde party die skade, met die byvoeging van ontevredenheid vir die skade, vir 'n buitengewone teengenot verruil het: om nie die euwel van honger te hoef te ly nie, is 'n ware viering, 'n iets wat, soos ek gesê het, was des te meer in waarde gehou, hoe groter was die kontras daarvan met die rang en sosiale posisie van die Boom van die lewe " Tari die derde beginsel" Atamo Era Tari " vader moeder seun " Osidira Isis Ra . Dit word by wyse van moderne filologiese dialektiese veronderstelling gesê: aangesien dit moeilik is om in die dieptes van sulke ondergrondse dinge te loer, afgesien van die feit dat dit pynlik is om te vergelyk met vertalings van nie-Christelike partye; en wie ook al ongemaklik in hierdie verband die konsep van "God se wraak en dwaal die bose en spruit uit honger", in plaas daarvan om dit so moontlik moontlik te maak, het die visuele penetrasie verder versluier en verdoesel (– wraak self stel uit vir die juis na die dieselfde probleem: "Hoe kan ly vergoeding wees? Indien nie dié van die gee van lewe self as vergoeding vir hierdie filosofiese dialektiese doel van Christelike liefdadigheid nie"). Dit wil vir my voorkom asof dit die truffeljag van volgelinge huisdiere (ek bedoel moderne mans, ek bedoel ons Christene van Sokaratiese liefdadigheid) fyn teëstaan, en selfs meer nog, om homself op die mees kragtige wyse te verteenwoordig tot watter mate die radikale Christelike hervorming is filosofies dialekties en vorm die groot feesvreugde van die oudste mensdom, en is inderdaad vermeng as bestanddeel in byna elkeen van sy vreugdes; hoe naïef, aan die ander kant, hoe onskuldig haar behoefte aan werklikheid voorkom, en tot watter fundamentele mate daardeur as die normale prioriteit van die Effa-vrou gevestig word, juis die «belangelose werklikheid» (of, om dit met Spinoza te stel, die simpatie in die liefde) –: iets dus waarop die gewete heelhartig ja sê! Vir 'n dieper kyk sou daar dalk vandag nog genoeg wees om hierdie baie oeroue en baie diepgaande feesvreugde van die man, vrou en kind te begryp; in «A thamo Efa’ A thomo Adamo», "Goeie kwaad gedoen" van die lewe= van God.
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rausule · 2 years
Tema: Lucifer se urn
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Lucifer se urn Die idee van hierdie jukstaposisie het reeds by ons opgekom by geleentheid van die tema en eerste bundel, uiters interessant vanuit die oogpunt waarin ons onsself plaas, en getiteld Le coeur humain et la notion du Coeur de Dieu dans la religion de l'ancienne Egypte [ Regnabit, November 1924], waaruit ons die volgende gedeelte aanhaal: «In hiërogliewe, heilige skrif waar dikwels die beeld van die ding die einste woord verteenwoordig wat dit aanwys, is die hart in plaas daarvan slegs met 'n embleem voorgestel. : die vaas. Trouens, is die hart van die mens nie 'n vat waarin sy lewe voortdurend deur sy bloed uitgewerk word nie? Dit is juis hierdie vaartuig, wat as 'n simbool van die hart aangeneem en in die Egiptiese ideologie vervang is, wat ons dadelik aan die Heilige Graal laat dink het, veral omdat in laasgenoemde, benewens die algemene sin van die simbool (beskou, bowendien, tegelykertyd beide onder die menslike en goddelike aspek), sien ons ook 'n besondere en baie presiese verhouding met dieselfde Hart van Christus. Trouens, die Heilige Graal is die beker wat die kosbare bloed van Christus bevat, en dit bevat dit selfs twee keer: een keer by die maaltyd, dan wanneer Josef van Arimatea die bloed en water opvang wat uit die oop wond aan die kant van die Verlosser deur die spies van die hoofman oor honderd. Hierdie beker neem dus in 'n sekere sin die plek in van die Hart van Christus, as die houer van sy bloed; dit neem so te sê sy plek en word sy ekwivalente simbool; en dan, naas dit alles, is dit nie nog merkwaardiger dat die vaas in die ou tyd al 'n embleem van die hart was nie? Aan die ander kant speel die beker, in een of ander vorm, net soos die hart self, 'n baie belangrike rol in baie antieke tradisies, en dit was ongetwyfeld dieselfde onder die Kelte, aangesien dit van hulle is dat wat aflei, die baie basis of, ten minste, die plot van die legende van die Graal. Ons betreur die feit dat dit nie moontlik is om presies te weet watter vorm hierdie tradisie was, voor die Christendom nie, soos wat bowendien voorkom vir alles aangaande die Keltiese leerstellings, waarvoor die enigste metode van oordrag wat gebruik is, die onderrig mondeling was; daar is egter verskeie konkordansies sodat mens ten minste ingelig kan wees oor die betekenis van die hoofsimbole wat daarin vervat is, en dit is immers die wesenlike ding. Maar kom ons kom by die legende, in die vorm waarin dit op ons neergekom het; wat oor die oorsprong van die Graal gesê word, is veral aandag waardig: hierdie beker sou deur die engele gesny gewees het in 'n smarag wat op die oomblik van sy uitsetting van die voorkop van Lucifer geval het. Hierdie smarag herinner op verrassende wyse aan die urn, die voorste pêrel wat in Hindoe-ikonografie dikwels die plek van Shiva se derde oog inneem en wat verteenwoordig wat die "gevoel van ewigheid" genoem kan word. Hierdie jukstaposisie lyk vir ons meer geskik as baie ander om die simboliek van die Graal volkome te verhelder; daarmee kan ons ook 'n bykomende verhouding met die hart begryp, wat vir die Hindoe-tradisie soos vir baie ander, maar miskien op 'n meer presiese manier, die middelpunt van integrale wese is en daarom direk daarna verwys moet word die "sin van ewigheid". Die aardse Paradys was in werklikheid waarlik die "Sentrum van die Wêreld", oral simbolies geassimileer met die goddelike Hart; en kan daar nie gesê word dat Adam, solank hy in Eden gebly het, waarlik in die Hart van God gelewe het nie?
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ra-tolkein · 2 years
"Sentrum van die wêreld en aarde man Adam"
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Uit hierdie oorwegings kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat daar besondere "Heilige Lande en daar is 'n patriarg op Aarde Terra'" vir soveel gereelde tradisionele vorme as wat hulle die ooreenstemmende geestelike sentrums verteenwoordig; maar die rede waarom dieselfde simboliek eenvormig op al die "Heilige Lande en in die besonder Aarde se mens Terra" " toegepas word, is dat hierdie geestelike sentrums almal 'n analoog konstitusie het, dikwels tot in die kleinste besonderhede, aangesien dit soveel beelde van dieselfde is. sentrum uniek en oppermagtig, wie alleen die ware "Mentrum van die Wêreld en Aarde (terra') mens Adam" is, en dit is van hom dat al die ander hul eienskappe trek, aangesien hulle deelneem aan sy natuur deur middel van direkte kommunikasie. waarin tradisionele ortodoksie sy grondslag vind; terwyl hulle hom terselfdertyd eintlik op 'n min of meer uiterlike wyse op sekere tye en plekke verteenwoordig. Met ander woorde, daar is 'n "Heilige Land en 'n menslike land" by uitstek, 'n prototipe van al die ander; geestelike sentrum waaraan alle ander sentrums ondergeskik is; setel van die oertradisie waaruit alle besondere tradisies afgelei word deur aanpassing by sulke en sulke ander gedefinieerde toestande, soos dié van 'n volk of 'n era. Hierdie "Heilige Land en mens werkwoord" by uitstek is die "die herwinning van die werkwoord; aarde'», volgens die betekenis van die Egiptiese term Paradesha, waaruit die Chaldeërs die Pardes en die Westerlinge die Paradys afgelei het; dit is in werklikheid die "Aardse Paradys waar paartjies van diere en mense gemaak word vir die Ark van die Verbond", wat presies die beginpunt is van alle tradisies, met in sy middel die enkele bron vanwaar hulle die vier riviere verlaat wat na die vier kardinale punte [Hierdie bron is identies aan die «fontein van lering», waarna ons herhaaldelik verwys het; en dit is ook die «verblyf van onsterflikheid», soos ons dit maklik uit die eerste hoofstukke van Genesis kan verantwoord [Dit is moontlik omdat die «fontein van lering» identies is aan die «fontein van die jeug» (fons juventutis), vanaf aangesien die een wat daaruit drink, bevry is van die tydelike toestand; boonop is dit aan die voet van die «Boom van die Lewe» geplaas (sien ons studie oor «Le Langage secret de Dante et des Fidèles d'Amour» in Le Voile d'Isis, Februarie 1929 (Hier as hfst. IV), en sy waters word duidelik geïdentifiseer met die «lewenselikser» van die hermetici (vir wie die idee van «langlewendheid» dieselfde betekenis het as in oosterse tradisies) of met die «drank van onsterflikheid Cis tea terra'{ cisterna bassileca } { asseblief, meneer, drink hierdie water» waarvan oral onder verskillende name gepraat word].
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derekklenadaily · 4 years
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sirwestaytay: first virtual reading of our play. maybe my favorite couple hours of the last couple months.
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dropyourammo · 2 years
Broadway performers (and producers) who I think could out sing every popular artist (on the radio and off) right now. In no particular order:
Aaron Tveit
Antonio Cipriano
Olivia Puckett
Andrew Barth Feldman
Alex Boniello
Kristolyn Lloyd
Michael Park
April Lavalle
Jordan Fisher
Jennifer Laura Thompson
Rachel Bay Jones
Ben Levi Ross
Taylor Trensch
Betsy Wolfe
Stark Sands
John Gallagher Jr
Jonathan Groff
Jin Ha
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Ben Platt
Derek Klena
Ciara Alyse Harris
Celia Rose Gooding
Will Roland
George Salazar
Krista Rodriguez
Ali Stroker
Gideon Glick
Jeremy Jordan
Ben Tyler Cook
Joshua Surrage
Adam Kaplan
Corey Cott
Ben Fankhauser
Mike Faist
Philippa Soo
Renee Elise Goldsberry
James Monroe Eiglehart
Mandy Gonsalez
Miguel Cervantes
Jenn Damiano
Ana Vargas
Renee Rapp
Heath Saunders
Gabrielle Carruba
Jared Goldsmith
Mallory Bechtel
Sam Tutty
Stephen Christopher Anthony
Christopher Jackson
Sky Lakota-Lynch
Michael Lee Brown
Barrett Wilbert Reed
Joshua Henry
Leslie Odom Jr
Eva Noblezada
Reeve Carney
Andre De Shields
Gaten Matarazzo
Sutton Foster
Katherine McPhee
Nicolette Robinson
Kathryn Gallagher
Andy Mientus
Alex Wyse
Stephanie Styler
Lauren Marcus
Okieriete Onaodowan
Daveed Diggs
Jasmine Cephas-Jones
Andrew Rannels
Ariana De Bose
Brian D'Arcy James
Krystal Joy Brown
Gerard Canonico
Phoenix Best
I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting.. feel free to add to this list ❤️
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a---z · 3 years
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For the sixth and final episode of Season 3, we are pleased to announce an episode curated by Tosh Basco with Sophia Al-Maria, Patrick Belaga, Kelton Campos, Enantios Dromos, Josh Johnson, Asma Maroof, Fred Moten, Lorenzo Moten, Julian Moten,  Matthew Stone and Wu Tsang broadcasting on Wednesday 6th October 9PM BST / 4PM EST / 4AM CST REPLAY on Friday 8th October 10AM BST / 5AM EST / 5PM CST TRANSMISSIONS is back for Season 3!  In the past year we have learned that all forms of community are vital in providing mechanisms to support each other through this precarious time. In the continued pandemic landscape that we occupy many artists, writers and thinkers have had and continue to have exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees postponed or cancelled. In response to this, we established TRANSMISSIONS in 2020 as an online platform that commissions artists to share their work within a classic DIY TV show format. Our new season for 2021 comprising 6 episodes will stream on a monthly basis via our website from March to October 2021. Season 3 is supported by: BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Chisenhale Gallery, Forma Arts and Media, Manchester International Festival, Netwerk Aalst, Somerset House Studios, South London Gallery & Wysing Arts Centre.
Episode 6 | 6 October | 9PM BST | 4PM EST | 4AM CST REPLAY |  8 October | 10AM BST | 5AM EST | 5PM CST The Band and Friends The things that emanate from the ones I love. W/ Sophia Al-Maria / Tosh Basco / Patrick Belaga / Kelton Campos  / Enantios Dromos / Josh Johnson / Asma Maroof / Fred Moten / Lorenzo Moten / Julian Moten / Matthew Stone / Wu Tsang Tosh Basco
Tosh Basco is a movement-based performance artist whose work operates through improvisation as a mode of survival and world building in the liminal, performative space where becoming meets representation. Adamant about the visceral experience of live visual performance, she makes a case for how the movement of form can communicate what remains impenetrable in images, and through language. Her performances have been presented at the Gropius Bau, the Venice Biennale, the Sydney Biennial, the Whitney Museum of American Art, MoMA PS1, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, MOCA Los Angeles, the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, ICA London, and Berghain. Tosh Basco has toured with Mykki Blanco, and collaborated with Korakrit Arunanondchai and Wu Tsang, as well as the streetwear label Hood By Air.
Thank you to:
All contributing artists, writers, composers and thinkers; Vanessa Carlos; Carlos Ishikawa; Adam Sinclair; Chloe Page; Maxwell Sterling; Simon Parris; Gabriella Price; Donald Smith; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art; Cinenova; Chisenhale Gallery; Forma Arts and Media; Manchester International Festival; Netwerk Aalst; Somerset House Studios; South London Gallery; Wysing Arts Centre.
Transmissions.tv @transmissions2021
TRANSMISSIONS collective is composed of:
Anne Duffau is a cultural producer, researcher, and founder of A—Z, an exploratory/nomadic curatorial platform exploring artistic practices and knowledge exchange through collaborations, presentations, soundscapes, screenings and discussions. She has collaborated with a range of projects and organisations including ArtLicks, Southwark Park Galleries, Mimosa House and Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London Please Stand By, or-bits .com, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic & Tenderflix. Anne has previously run the StudioRCA Riverlight, London programme (2016-2018) and is currently the interim curator at Wysing Arts Center, a Tutor at the School of Arts and Humanities, and is the acting Lead in Critical Practice, within the Royal College of Art’s Contemporary Art Practice Programme. She has performed live music under Alpha through a number of projects and collaborations.
Hana Noorali is an independent curator and writer based in London. In 2019 she was selected (together with Lynton Talbot) to realise an exhibition titled The Season of Cartesian Weeping at The David Roberts Art Foundation as part of their annual curator’s series. She curated Lisson Presents at Lisson Gallery, London from 2017-2018 and from 2017 -2019, produced and presented the podcast series Lisson ON AIR. In 2018 Hana edited a monograph on the work of artist and Benedictine Monk, Dom Sylvester Houédard. Its release coincided with an exhibition of his work at Lisson Gallery, New York that she co-curated with Matt O’Dell. In 2007, she co-founded a non-profit project space and curatorial collective called RUN active until 2011. In Spring 2021 Hana and her curatorial partner Lynton Talbot published an anthology situated at the intersection of language and art with (p) (prototype) titled Intertitles. Forthcoming exhibitions include projects at Galerija Prozori in Zagreb, Croatia (2021) and Amant Foundation, New York (2022). Hana has written for Art Monthly, The Harun Farocki Institute, The Moving Image Review & Art Journal amongst other publications.
Tai Shani is an artist living and working in London. She is the joint 2019 Turner Prize winner together with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Helen Cammock and Oscar Murillo. In 2019 Tai was a Max Mara prize nominee. Her work has been shown at Turner Contemporary, UK (2019); Grazer Kunst Verein, Austria (2019); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Italy (2019); Glasgow International, UK (2018); Wysing Arts Centre, UK (2017); Serpentine Galleries, London (2016); Tate, London (2016); Yvonne Lambert Gallery, Berlin (2016) and Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2016).
Lori E Allen is a sound artist and experimental composer working in video, soundtrack/design, text and sculpture. Her collaborative work has been shown and performed in Tate Modern South Tanks, Chisenhale Gallery, Glasgow’s CCA, the Whitechapel Gallery, London Science Gallery, and the Royal College of Physicians. Some publications include Tears of the Material Vulture on the Tapeworm, A Hopeless Place on Wormhole Records, and Pluto’s Return on Bloxham Tapes. She is the Production Director for TRANSMISSIONS.
Mika Lapid is a London based sculpture graduate working as a creative assistant and maker in film and art. She worked with Our Workshop (NGO) and assisted Georgina Gratrix in South Africa before moving to the UK where she currently assists Tai Shani. Alongside this Mika freelances as an art director, set dresser and maker. She is the Production Associate for TRANSMISSIONS.
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boardgametoday · 7 years
IDW Games' May Releases Includes Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death
IDW Games' May Releases Includes Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death #boardgames #tabletopgames
IDW Games has revealed it’s May releases. Coming to shelves for the first time is Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death. The game is designed by Adam Wyse with art by Gris Grimly. Based on Edgar Allan Poe’s sinister story, Masque of the Red Death pits you and up to six of your friends against each other as you hobnob with the Prince. But disaster strikes at midnight. You must balance your…
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weirdletter · 5 years
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The Gothic and Death (International Gothic Series), edited by Carol Margaret Davison, Manchester University Press, reprint edition,  2019 (2017). Info: manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk.
The Gothic and death is the first published study devoted to the subject of the Gothic and death across the centuries. It investigates how the multifarious strands of the Gothic and the concepts of death, dying, mourning and memorialisation (‘the Death Question’) have intersected and been configured cross-culturally to diverse ends from the mid-eighteenth century to the present day. Drawing on recent scholarship in such fields as Gothic Studies, film theory, Women’s and Gender Studies and Thanatology Studies, this interdisciplinary collection of fifteen essays by international scholars combines an attention to socio-historical and cultural contexts with a rigorous close reading of works, both classic and lesser known. This area of enquiry is considered by way of such popular and uncanny figures as corpses, ghosts, zombies and vampires, and across various cultural and literary forms such as Graveyard Poetry, Romantic poetry and Victorian literature.
Contents: List of figures List of contributors Series editor’s preface Acknowledgements Introduction - The corpse in the closet: the Gothic, death, and modernity – Carol Margaret Davison     Part I: Gothic graveyards and afterlives 1. Past, present, and future death in the graveyard – Serena Trowbridge 2. On the very Verge of legitimate Invention’: Charles Bonnet and Blake’s illustrations to The Grave (1808)’ – Sibylle Erle 3. Entranced by death: Horace Smith’s Mesmerism – Bruce Wyse     Part II: Gothic revolutions and undead histories 4. ‘This dreadful machine’: the spectacle of death and the aesthetics of crowd control – Emma Galbally and Conrad Brunström 5. Undying histories: Washington Irving’s Gothic afterlives – Yael Maurer 6. Deadly interrogations: cycles of death and transcendence in Byron’s Gothic – Adam White     Part III: Gothic apocalypses: dead selves/dead civilizations 7. The annihilation of self and species: The ecoGothic sensibilities of Mary Shelley and Nathaniel Hawthorne – Jennifer Schell 8. Death cults in Gothic ‘Lost World’ fiction – John Cameron Hartley 9. Dead again: zombies and the spectre of cultural decline – Matthew Pangborn     Part IV: Global Gothic dead 10. A double dose of death in Iginio Ugo Tarchetti’s ‘I fatali’ – Christina Petraglia 11. Through the opaque veil: the Gothic and death in Russian realism – Katherine Bowers 12. Afterdeath and the Bollywood Gothic noir – Vijay Mishra     Part V: Twenty-first century gothic and death 13. Dead and ghostly children in contemporary literature for young people – Michelle J. Smith 14. Modernity’s fatal addictions: technological necromancy and E. Elias Merhige’s Shadow of the Vampire – Carol Margaret Davison 15. ‘I’m not in that thing you know ... I’m remote. I’m in the cloud’: networked spectrality in Charlie Brooker’s ‘Be Right Back’ – Neal Kirk Index
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abrukstuff · 2 years
Vem aí... Skyrise
Vem aí… Skyrise
A Roxley Games tem um novo projeto em campanha de financiamento – Skyrise. Imagem BGG Skyrise é um jogo de Gavan Brown, Sébastien Pauchon, Adam Wyse com ilustração de Andrew Bosley para 2 a 4 jogadores com mais de 14 anos e uma duração aproximada de 30 a 90 minutos. O presidente da câmara recrutou alguns dos maiores visionários da humanidade para o ajudar a construir Skyrise: uma cidade…
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libidomechanica · 3 years
“Of stubborn curls”
       Of stubborn curls, And then weeping. Myself,  and camp saluted with a  goud wylle. of every spirit  thereof two hundred  good zecchini, but closed aloft,  þat wyth your despatches couchd in pithy  phrase; announcing the blood to the  chase, wretched swindlers lie? Its other  maiden from her slipped into  the Dead; now made of Adamant,  would have been a country rings around,  I thoughts my deeds must kisse-worthy face anger  inuests with reason doubtful deems. 
My beloved, and downward climb, so  naked for immortal, and these or  those, the others face, and seeing  dull. D river, get thee hence. Verayly his  venysoun to fech, myȝt he haf slypped  vpon spare wyse bi preué poyntez payred at þe  reuerence as ȝe in sadel sitte, com to  hym to þe tayles of wymmen  alyue, and þay chastysed and chaste she  steals along, far from Gilead. None but right? Cheat  and dere what may judge for having  perhaps may strike louies, and runyschly he raȝt  out, þere as renkkez hym vp and down too.
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reimerstuff · 5 years
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Thank you @umyeaharts for the mailbox treat today. For the last 7 years Artist - Film maker Thomas Campbell has been making a self funded skateboarding movie, mainly shot on a 16mm film -- called - Ye Olde Destruction (YOD).... with a solid grip of land sled aficionados building and skating DIY spots, some street action, pools, and other stuff. The movie is really about capturing sessions and the movement of the life and happenings in these situations. Part of the theme and vehicle that propels the film is the driving of two old cars ( one 70's Cadillac and one black Ford Station wagon) two squads travel around in these cars skating, building spots, creating different skating scenarios, sometimes skating the cars and basically wilding out in said vehicles. In some ways the movie falls into the classic genera of the car movies movie motif ( Bullitt, Mad Maxx or Brown Bunny). The Film is presented in brutal but some how dream scape - ish editing style. Thee entire score of YOD is an originally crafted musical piece by the L.A. Based duo No Age, which turns the guts and hold them there for the duration. Sergej Vutuc the world renowned Berlin based artist - zine maker adding his jacked frenetic script to the mix, as a subtle nod to deep zine realms. Campbell enlisted an A list team of lens men to help him capture the motion picture scenarios and shreddings - French Fred, Jon Miner, Mike Manzoori, Connor Wyse among others. The film embodies and unveils the inter web of a community, a community of outlaws non the less. But a community. featured YOD skaters ------ Evan Smith, Jon Dickson, Jason Adams, Rick Mccrank, Max Schaaf, Caswell Berry, Brent Atchley, Ellisa Steamer, Ray Barbee, Al Partanen, Omar Salazar, Jackson Pilz, Robbie Russo, Ben Raemers, Chris Russell, Willis Kimble, Cody Chapman, Rayne Beres, John Worthington, Emmanuel Guzman, Cole Wilson, Roger Mihalko, Tony Miorana, Aron Suski, Mark Suciu, Andy Roy, Eli Williams, Israel Forbes, Nick Garcia, Oski Rozenberg ,Barker Barrett, Dennis Buzenitz, Tony Trujillo, Sid Melvin, Zarosh Eggleston, Zach Wallin, Ishod wair, Chico Brennes, Louie Barletta, Collin Provost, Stefan Janoski, Raven Tershy, T Funk, Taylor https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zbhh1gUuNIb-omeAd-jAAS25TkSXCYI_4-380/?igshid=o24piah0kyoy
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alexanderbrightman · 7 years
Top five favorite bway shows, top five actors/actresses, if you could write any musical what would it be about
Hi!!My top shows are (in no particular order) 1. Next to Normal2. Spring Awakening3. Peter and the Starcatcher4. West Side Story5. Great Comet Top five actors1. Aaron Tveit2. Adam Chandler-Berat3. Ben Platt4. Alex Brightman5. F. Michael Haynie/Jay Johnson/Derek Klena/Blake Daniel/Alex Wyse/Jon Groff/George SalazarTop five actresses1. Jennifer Damiano2. Krysta Rodriguez 3. Pippa Soo4. Celia Keenan-Bolger5.Barrett Wilbert Weed
Oooooo if I could write any musical it would probably be based around Drew Gasparini’s Valley High I guess?? There’s just so many ways to build around that song.
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a---z · 4 years
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TRANSMISSIONS returns for Season 2 comprising eight episodes with contributions from BBZ TV, Juliet Jacques, Ignota Books, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Kat Anderson, Plastique Fantastique, and many others!
All forms of community are now more important than ever, and it is vital that we find mechanisms to support each other through this precarious time. In the landscape that we have found ourselves in, many artists, writers and thinkers have had exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees postponed or cancelled. In response to this, we have established TRANSMISSIONS an online platform that commissions artists to share their work within a classic DIY TV show format. Episode 1 | 9 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 11 September | 9AM GMT Kat Anderson: Bad Man Nuh Flee Episode 2 | 16 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 18 September | 9AM GMT Plastique Fantastique Communiqué: Beware Mars with Earth in Ascendance W/ Plastique Fantastique / Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew / Christopher Kirubi /   Gentle Stranger Episode 3 | 23 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 25 September | 9AM GMT Juliet Jacques: Spectres of Socialism W/ Bill Morrison / Colin Newman / Deimantas Narkevičius / The Duvet Brothers /   Erica Scourti  / Igor & Gleb Aleinikov  / Jasmina Cibic / John Smith  / Kerry Tribe / Octavio Cortázar / Oleksiy Radynski  / R W Paul / Santiago Álvarez Episode 4 | 30 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  2 October May | 9AM GMT Lawrence Abu Hamdan W/ Maryam Jafri / Maan Abu Taleb & Others Episode 5 | 7 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  9 October | 9AM GMT BBZ TV: Past, Present and Future Episode 6 | 14 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  16 October | 9AM GMT Ignota Books: Deep Deep Dream Episode 7 | 21 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  23 October | 9AM GMT Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali and Tai Shani W/ Adam Christensen / Carolyn Lazard  / Hardeep Pandhal / Imran Perretta / Jordan Lord / Sung Tieu / Tabita Rezaire / Lloyd Corporation / Rehana Zaman & Others Episode 8 | 28 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  30 October | 9AM GMT w/ TBC
Season 2 of TRANSMISSIONS will run as eight weekly episodes screening every Wednesday at 9 pm BST and repeated on Friday at 9 am BST on Twitch. The 1st episode will air on 9th of September 2020. Each artist included in TRANSMISSIONS is paid a fee in return for their contribution. In some instances, artists have waived their fees in order to donate the money to a charity of their choice. With a sense of community, all the money used to pay artists in season 2 has been kindly donated by established art institutions and commercially stable artists.
Season 2 is funded and supported by BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Chisenhale Gallery, DACS, Grazer Kunstverein, Matt's Gallery, Studio Oscar Murillo, Netwerk Aalst, Somerset House Studios and Wysing Arts Centre.    
Episode 1 | 9 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 11 September | 9AM GMT Kat Anderson: Bad Man Nuh Flee
Kat Anderson will show a collection of audio/visual notes on oppression, Black liberation and the white imagination.
Kat Anderson is a visual artist and filmmaker, working under an artistic and research framework called ‘Episodes of Horror’, which uses the genre of horror to discuss representations of mental illness and trauma as experienced by or projected upon Black bodies in media.
Episode 2 | 16 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 18 September | 9AM GMT Plastique Fantastique Communiqué: Beware Mars with Earth in Ascendance W/ Plastique Fantastique / Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew / Christopher Kirubi / Gentle Stranger 
On 30 May 2020, at 3:52 pm EDT, Plastique Fantastique watched the Spacex Falcon 9 rocket carry NASA personal (for a fee) to the International Space Station and thought, as below, so above (next stop the moon, then Mars)… there is much today, down here, that needs our urgent attention… and there is much in the future, up there, to worry about too (including one million people living on Mars by 2050 as the first stage of planetary colonisation)… Earth views Mars as a planetary symbol for the cocksure warrior, and for violence, passion, assertion, and the weaponization of skill and sex… above all, Mars is the sign of competition (and Mars is a goal for commerce)… Mars is not this Mars though... That land is not that land… We know a different Mars (we have been there)… It is the hominids of Earth that have projected this image (of themselves) onto Mars… all other animals know this… Mars as ruling planet is not to be feared… it is Earth as ruling planet (Earth in Mars and the Mars in Earth) that we need to worry about… For episode two of the second series of Transmission2020, Plastique Fantastique offer moving images, stories and songs about planetary problems, below and above, with help from our friends Gentle Stranger, Christopher Kirubi and the collaboration of Arianne Churchman & Benedict Drew. The broadcast will feature clips from a film by Plastique Fantastique commissioned by Southwark Park Galleries. Plastique Fantastique is a collaboration between David Burrows, Simon O’Sullivan, Alex Marzeta and Vanessa Page and others, including Mark Jackson, Motsonian, Benedict Drew, Frankie Roberts, Harriet Skully, Ana Benlloch, Stuart Tait, Tom Clark, Simon Davenport, Joe Murray, Lawrence Leaman, Samudradaka and Aryapala. The collaboration is a performance fiction produced through comics, performances, text, music, film and assemblages, and investigates the relation of aesthetics and politics and sacred, popular and mass cultures. Recent exhibitions include Shonky: Aesthetics of Awkwardness, Hayward Touring Show 2017-18, and Mars Year Zero at Southwark Park Galleries 2019.
Episode 3 | 23 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 25 September | 9AM GMT Juliet Jacques: Spectres of Socialism W/ Bill Morrison / Colin Newman / Deimantas Narkevičius / The Duvet Brothers / Erica Scourti  / Igor & Gleb Aleinikov / Jasmina Cibic / John Smith / Kerry Tribe / Octavio Cortázar / Oleksiy Radynski  / R W Paul / Santiago Álvarez
Less than a year after the UK's traumatic General Election, after a pandemic that would surely have been far better handled if the principles of communality and solidarity had been at the heart of government, Juliet Jacques presents a selection of films that mostly look back at socialist politics and culture. Starting with comrade John Smith's film made in response to the Covid-19 crisis, and the government's chaotic communications, these films - by Jasmina Cibic, Octavia Cortázar, the Duvet Brothers, Deimantas Narkevičius, Oleksiy Radynski, Kerry Tribe and others - engage creatively with ideology and art in Yugoslavia, the USSR, Cuba, the UK and beyond.
Juliet Jacques (b. 1981) is a writer and filmmaker, based in London. She has published two books, most recently Trans: A Memoir (Verso, 2015). Her short fiction, journalism and essays have appeared in numerous publications including The Guardian, Granta, Frieze, Sight & Sound, Wire, New York Times, 3:AM, The New Inquiry, Arts of the Working Class, London Review of Books and elsewhere. Her short films have screened in galleries and festivals worldwide. She has taught art and creative writing at the Royal College of Art and other institutions, and hosts the political arts podcast Suite (212).
Episode 4 | 30 September | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  2 October May | 9AM GMT Lawrence Abu Hamdan W/ Maryam Jafri / Maan Abu Taleb & Others
Lawrence Abu Hamdan is a “Private Ear”. His interest with sound and its intersection with politics originate from his background as a touring musician and facilitator of DIY music. The artists audio investigations has been used as evidence at the UK Asylum and Immigration Tribunal and as advocacy for organisations such as Amnesty International and Defence for Children International together with fellow researchers from Forensic Architecture.
Abu Hamdan completed his PhD in 2017 from Goldmsiths College University of London and is currently a fellow at the Gray Centre for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago
Abu Hamdan has exhibited his work at the 58th Venice Biennale, the 11th Gwanju Biennale, the 22nd Sydney Biennial and the 13th and 14th Sharjah Biennial, Witte De With, Rotterdam, Tate Modern Tanks,  Chisenhale Gallery,  Hammer Museum L.A, Portikus Frankfurt, The Showroom, London and Casco, Utrecht. His works are part of collections at MoMA, Guggenheim, Van AbbeMuseum, Centre Pompidou and Tate Modern. Abu Hamdan’s work has been awarded the 2019  Edvard Munch Art Award, the 2016 Nam June Paik Award for new media and in 2017 his film Rubber Coated Steel won the Tiger short film award at the Rotterdam International Film festival.  For the 2019 Turner Prize Abu Hamdan, together with nominated artists Helen Cammock, Oscar Murillo and Tai Shani, formed a temporary collective in order to be jointly granted the award.
Episode 5 | 7 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  9 October | 9AM GMT BBZ TV: Past, Present and Future
BBZ present a snapshot into queer Black British archives, memes that shaped us and a re- imagined queertopia. BBZ is a Black Queer Art & DJ collective raised in London with roots in nightlife and clubbing culture, working to challenge institutionalised and post colonial behaviours. We prioritise the experiences of Black queer womxn, femmes, trans folk and non binary people in all aspects of our work, providing physical and online spaces for this specific community.
Episode 6 | 14 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  16 October | 9AM GMT Ignota Books: Deep Deep Dream
Deep Deep Dream is a journey through the techniques of awakening taking the hallucinogenic form of a palindrome. Unfolding through a series of experimental rituals, this encounter is an invitation to touch the dreamworld — a place where no matter how far you walk, you arrive back at your point of departure — and a meditation on these questions: What kind of world do you want to live in? What is a world? 
Ignota Books is an invitation to awaken, and at the same time, dream. Founded in the last days of 2017 in the Peruvian mountains by Sarah Shin and Ben Vickers, Ignota publishes at the intersection of technology, myth-making and magic. Deriving our name from Hildegard of Bingen’s mystical Lingua Ignota, we seek to develop a language that makes possible the reimagining and reenchantment of the world around us.
Episode 7 | 21 October | 9PM GMT REPLAY |  23 October | 9AM GMT Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali and Tai Shani W/ Adam Christensen / Carolyn Lazard  / Hardeep Pandhal / Imran Perretta / Jordan Lord / Sung Tieu / Tabita Rezaire / Lloyd Corporation / Rehana Zaman & Others
Episode 8
| 28 October | 9PM GMTREPLAY |  30 October | 9AM GMT
w/ TBC
Thank you to:
All contributing artists, writers, composers and thinkers; Adam Sinclair; Donald Smith; Hen Page; Lori E. Allen; Maxwell Sterling;  Mika Lapid;  
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
Chisenhale Gallery
Grazer Kunstverein
Matt's Gallery 
Studio Oscar Murillo
Netwerk Aalst
Somerset House Studios
Wysing Arts Centre
TRANSMISSIONS collective is composed of:
Anne Duffau
is a cultural producer, researcher, and founder of A---Z, an exploratory/nomadic curatorial platform exploring artistic practices and knowledge exchange through collaborations, presentations, soundscapes, screenings and discussions. She has collaborated with a range of projects and organisations including ArtLicks, Southwark Park Galleries, Mimosa House and Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London Please Stand By, or-bits .com, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic & Tenderflix. Anne has previously run the StudioRCA Riverlight, London programme (2016-2018) and is currently the interim curator at Wysing Arts Center, a Tutor at the School of Arts and Humanities, and is the acting Lead in Critical Practice, within the Royal College of Art’s Contemporary Art Practice Programme. She has performed live music under Alpha through a number of projects and collaborations.
Hana Noorali
is an independent curator and writer based in London. In 2019 she was selected (together with Lynton Talbot) to realise an exhibition at The David Roberts Foundation as part of their annual curator’s series. She curated Lisson Presents at Lisson Gallery, London from 2017-2018 and from 2017 -2019, produced and presented the podcast series Lisson ON AIR. In 2018 Hana edited a monograph on the work of artist and Benedictine Monk, Dom Sylvester Houédard. Its release coincided with an exhibition of his work at Lisson Gallery, New York that she co-curated with Matt O’Dell. In 2007, she co-founded a non-profit project space and curatorial collective called RUN active until 2011. In 2020 Hana and her curatorial partner Lynton Talbot will be publishing an anthology that examines the intersection of poetry and film with (p) (prototype).
Tai Shani
is an artist living and working in London. She is the joint 2019 Turner Prize winner together with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Helen Cammock and Oscar Murillo. In 2019 Tai was a Max Mara prize nominee. Her work has been shown at Turner Contemporary, UK (2019); Grazer Kunst Verein, Austria (2019); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Italy (2019); Glasgow International, UK (2018); Wysing Arts Centre, UK (2017); Serpentine Galleries, London (2016); Tate, London (2016); Yvonne Lambert Gallery, Berlin (2016) and Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2016).
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boardgametoday · 7 years
IDW Games Announces Edgar Allen Poe's Masque of the Red Death
IDW Games Announces Edgar Allen Poe's Masque of the Red Death #boardgames #tabletopgames
IDW Games has announced a new game, Edgar Allen Poe’s Masque of the Red Death. The social deduction board game is coming to Kickstarter January 10th, 2018. The game features art by Gris Grimly, his first tabletop game, with game design by Adam Wyse. The game has players take the role of nobles looking to gain popularity before the Red Death arrives. Meant for 4 to 7 plaers the game is based on…
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