wrembrythegremlin · 2 years
So my mother has just brought something to attention,
I watched Moulin Rouge for the the first time, and I am BAWLING MY EYES OUT. Like- full on sobbing, but then I notice something. (Spoilers ahead) She's dying in his arms right? And I think "huh that looks familiar where have I seen this?". ROMEO AND JULIET. Even the scene where she's on the balcony with the duke and he's below in the quart yard singing to her. ' Romeo where art thou' and all that.
Then my mother, bless her, says "okay but you know who it really is?" "Adam and Eve"
"Romeo and Juliet was just fanfiction of Adam and Eve, how can I spice up this story a little? Add some drama, a little tragedy".
Ignoring the fact that the word fanfiction just came out of my mothers mouth-
Which to think of it that way, I personally think is hilarious, but further.
We've all seen the "9-11 inspired MCR, inspired Twighlight, inspired a fanfiction, inspired 50 Shades of Grey"
So, is Moulin Rouge the musical 50 shades of grey?
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