wrembrythegremlin · 1 year
So, I’m writing something set in michigan. Anyone from there know what the forests are like? Google says its common to find foxes, moose (meese?), black bears, skunks? Or does it have to be a reaallly heavily wooded area?
Let me know
-a tired fic writer
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wrembrythegremlin · 1 year
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A little steddie WIP that should be done by pride month 😂
If you can’t read the text because of my horrendous handwriting, here’s the gist…
*Steve and Eddie, high as hell*
Eddie: “Thanks for being so cool about it and all- i mean everyone’s different of course but I know that I like guys… it’s a whole spectrum though… you don’t have to pick one or the other… you can like both.. or neither…
In Steve’s mind: both? BOTH?!
Eddie: Steve? Steve???
*Later at Steve’s house*
Steve, staring very intently at a tears for fears poster.
Steve, who’s been obsessed with them for “aesthetic reasons” since their first album….
These characters don’t belong to me. Please don’t repost my art,
That’s all :)
Enjoy ya gremlins
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wrembrythegremlin · 2 years
So my mother has just brought something to attention,
I watched Moulin Rouge for the the first time, and I am BAWLING MY EYES OUT. Like- full on sobbing, but then I notice something. (Spoilers ahead) She's dying in his arms right? And I think "huh that looks familiar where have I seen this?". ROMEO AND JULIET. Even the scene where she's on the balcony with the duke and he's below in the quart yard singing to her. ' Romeo where art thou' and all that.
Then my mother, bless her, says "okay but you know who it really is?" "Adam and Eve"
"Romeo and Juliet was just fanfiction of Adam and Eve, how can I spice up this story a little? Add some drama, a little tragedy".
Ignoring the fact that the word fanfiction just came out of my mothers mouth-
Which to think of it that way, I personally think is hilarious, but further.
We've all seen the "9-11 inspired MCR, inspired Twighlight, inspired a fanfiction, inspired 50 Shades of Grey"
So, is Moulin Rouge the musical 50 shades of grey?
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wrembrythegremlin · 2 years
some of you may've heard about that fancy "bionic reading" typefont thats supposed to be easier for neurodivergent people to read (if you're unfamiliar, it bolds the first few letters of each word to make it easier to follow)
well guess what, its locked behind a $500 a month API to write in because fuck you!
introducing, Not Bionic Reading! it is literally just the bionic reading typefont but for free. god bless neocities
anyone who can, pls reblog!
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