#add me to search” on google
Add me to search Google: People Card कैसे बनाएं
Google ने भारत और कुछ और देश के लिए Add me to search Google यानि की People Card की फीचर की शुरुआत की है जिसमे Google अपने उपयोगकर्ताओं को उस व्यक्ति को खोजने में सहायता करता है जिसको वह ढूंढ रहा हैं। आज के हम ब्लॉग पोस्ट मे यही  देने वाले है की आप किस तरह आप अपना Google मे People card बनाएंगे और साथ ही मे कैसे कैसे Edit भी कर सकते है और समय परने पर उसे हटा सकते हैं।
आज के समय मे Google एक बहुत बड़ा ऑनलाइन प्लेटफार्म है जिस जगह पर कोई भी बंदा जाकर आसानी से किसी की प्रोफाइल , या कुछ भी जानकारी या कोई भी जगह के बारे मे आसानी से जानकारी प्रापत कर सकता है लेकिन आप जो भी गूगल मे सर्च करते हो उसका बहुत सारा परिणाम आपको गूगल दिखाता है |
इससे लोगो को सही जानकरी या किसी की प्रोफाइल को ढूंढने मे बहुत समय लग जाता है इसलिए Google ने add yourself to google search का नया फ़ीचर निकाला जिसमे कोई भी Google Users अपना intro लिख सकता है जिसे हम People Card भी कहते है जिससे यह फ़ायदा मिलेगा की जिस किसी को भी आप सर्च कर रहे हो वह आसानी से आपको मिल जाएगा |
Add me to search Google मे आप अपना एक छोटा इंट्रो देते हो इनको Complete करने के बाद आपको गूगल के तरफ से People card मिलता है जिसको आप Bussiness वर्चुअल कार्ड भी कह सकते इसी कार्ड से आपकी गूगल मे आपकी बुनियादी जानकारी दिखाता है यह सुविधा अभी गूगल द्वारा सभी जगह उपलब्ध नहीं है यह सिर्फ़   भारत, नाइजीरिया, दक्षिण अफ्रीका और केन्या मे ही हैं।
यदि कोई भी Google मे अपना people Card बनाना चाहे वह बना सकता है जैसे की ;- ब्यापारी , पत्रकार , फ्रीलांसर, यहाँ तक की नौकरी की तलाश वाले भी इसी के बारे मे इस पोस्ट मे बताया गया है |
YouTube Studio desktop क्या है और इसके द्वारा मिलने वाली सुविधाएं
add me to search” on google परअपनापीपलकार्डकैसेबनाएं
यदि आप भी add me to search” on google पर अपना People card बनाना चाहते है तो निचे दिए गए स्टेप्स को फॉलो करें।
अपने स्मार्टफोन में Google मे जाकर यह टाइप करें add me to search या add me to search” on google |
सर्च करने के बाद ही आपको स्टार्टिंग मे ही “Get started” लिखा दिखाई देगा उसी पर क्लिक करें |
अब,Get started करने के बाद यह आपसे कुछ बेसिक जानकारी मांगेगा जैसे कि :- नाम, स्थान, परिचय, कार्य, शिक्षा, ईमेल, वेबसाइट, आदि। यह सब रिक्त स्थान भरने बाद एक बार इसकी जांच अवस्य कर ले क्युकी यही आपकी People Card पर दिखाया जाएगा |
यहाँ तक की आप अपने सोशल मीडिया जैसे कि :- फेसबुक, यूट्यूब, लिंक्डइन, ट्विटर, इंस्टाग्राम और पिंटरेस्ट को भी अपने कार्ड मे सम्मिलित कर सकते हैं।
पचवै चरण मे Google ईमेल और फोन नंबर भरने के बाद यह पूछेगा कि क्या आप इसे भी अपने People card पर दिखाना चाहते है |
और फाइनल स्टेप मे आप सभी जानकारी को feelup कर लेते है तो आपको Preview का ऑप्शन देता है इसके बाद आपको ठीक लगता है तो सेव कर दे |
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gaymelie · 5 months
Once again saw someone yell on here about how "nobody is going to report this aaah the media is evil", closed this app and not even a minute later saw a report with that exact content on a major news platform. Ngl this phrasing is rapidly being added to the list of things i won't reblog on principle.
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averlym · 6 months
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lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt (but i make these high heels work)
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terrorofthetrident · 3 months
vhagar and aemond’s reveals at storm’s end were so dramatic..had lighting striking as they came into view/turned around and everything
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zodarii-dae · 1 year
this idea has been rotating in my brain for weeks but i just now finished it. so here you go.
we all know how the winners all have a celestial body. grian is the sun, scott is the stars (i honestly think it would fit better with the rest of this if he was one specific star or even constellation but that's a post for another day), pearl is the moon, and martyn is neptune (i've seen people put him as mars but cmon guys. he's a mean gill. he's gotta be the planet named for the god of the sea). that's all well and good.
but what if we assigned stuff to the rest of the people in the top three?
second place are plants. they get the light from the sky, but haven't quite reached the heavens.
scar is a purple hyacinth. i chose these for a couple reasons; the first being the greek myth. in the myth, apollo kills his lover, hyacinthus, with a discus, and turned his blood into the flower. (there's a bit more to it than that, so i recommend reading up on it!). i chose purple both as a reference to the lilacs he gave grian, and because purple hyacinths mean seeking forgiveness.
ren is red ivy. ivy represents devotion and loyalty, which i think fits him really well. i chose red as both a reference to the red king, and a nod to the red mushrooms that grew around the fairy fort.
scott is a laurel tree. i was thinking about the myth of daphne, who turned into a laurel tree running away from apollo (damn, two apollo myths in one post?), who was trying to get with her. laurels are a symbol of victory, so they're also a reference to him being a winner.
impulse is a forget-me-not. forget-me-nots represent respect, and a promise to remember someone. they're also the color of the sky, which is a nod to skynet.
third place are rocks and stones. hidden below the earth, so close yet so far from the light of the sky.
bdubs is blue sandstone. it looks like the night sky, the way the face of the clock did. he betrayed impulse for scar, who lived in the sandlands.
martyn is amethyst. the purple color is the one most associated with the watchers, and this game is where all the watcher lore really starts. it's also used for spyglasses, which were the southlands symbol.
martyn is also rubellite. not much to say on this one, the color just reminds me of his bleeding heart.
scott is serpentine. it's commonly found in ocean ridges, and scott was of course a mean gill. it's also green, like seaweed, and scott was one of the last greens.
idk i just think that in a series so associated with the number three, we should give a bit more attention to the last three instead of the last one. (1st green, 2nd yellow, 3rd red would be such a cool idea for fanart! cmon guys!)
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wait hold on...
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(also by @/luuuna-rambles tumblr's gif search is a nightmare)
Ed, the greatest pirate captain of all time:
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And then of course we have Stede who wanted to be captain so bad he paid his way in
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And Izzy who wanted to be captain so bad that the only way to placate him was to promise he could be captain and who had a tantrum when Ed didn't kill Stede in order to retire and leave Izzy the captaincy like he said he was going to, a tantrum which lasted 4 episodes and almost got stede killed twice and everyone involved killed once:
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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ZOINKS! a ghost!!!
(redraw of this concept art:)
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drumlincountry · 3 months
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huginsmemory · 2 years
Can we talk about how olruggio wears those bronze disks on his belt which are basically pafti (Bulgarian/Grecian decorative belt buckles)? And that pafti as folk-costume are generally only worn by married women who those have been gifted to them after their wedding?
(Also, interestingly originally pafti were also worn by men and women within Bulgaria, and also very similar belt buckle was worn by Scandinavian women of high rank during the bronze age if I recall correctly. But that's not quite as interesting.)
Anyways. Uh. Clearly not trying to say anything about olruggio's relationship status but. Uh. Yeah fun coincidence here.
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nozomitojoyuri · 11 months
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@freedfromortalcoil If you add a clipping mask to a layer it makes it so that it'll only show up if there's something there on the layer beneath it
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[ I didn't think my explanation was that clear so I added a lil demonstration too <3 - The layers are depicted in the bottom right & the little arrow thingy shows which layers have clipping masks/what they're clipped to ]
I've found it pretty helpful when it comes to trying to add shading, so I only have to pay attention to staying in the lines once xD
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coffee-bat · 1 year
pov you fixed a problem in excel without anyone's (or google's) help [you're absolutely horrible at computers]
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mana-archives · 2 years
Jaden Yuki 🤝 Jayden Shiba
Both (almost) having a similar first name, having a Japanese surname and associated with the color red
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probablyaseamonster · 1 month
My paranoid ass, thinking I'm gonna get murdered at any time any time I go outside but even sometimes within the house, getting back into TMA because "nooo, it won't affect me" *pointedly doesn't listen to s1 episode 3 on rebinges*
Goes to the bathroom at 1 AM (the night is the only time I'm actively safe that's my excuse), housemate left the window open (not such an issue now that it's spring), *fucking distorted noise that seems logically to be emanating from a car but is NOT A FUCKING CAR SOUND IN ANY SETTING and also sounds stupidly fictional like a common SFX to boot*
"Ah, so this is when I get killed. They gonna frame this as a suicide aren't they. And goddamnit my hair is doing the anime mom thing I explicitly do Not want to be the fridged trope but I guess my protests were always ignored. I wonder if I have time to write up a will or if they're coming any second"
And being CHILL about that shit-?
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referce · 5 months
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creationinfoways94 · 6 months
Exploring the Benefits of 'Add Me to Search' on Google
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In the expansive realm of Google's functionalities, 'Add Me to Search' emerges as a powerful tool, offering a host of advantages for individuals and businesses alike. This feature allows users to actively contribute and manage their presence in Google's search results, amplifying visibility and accessibility. Let's delve into the myriad benefits of embracing 'Add Me to Search.'
Enhancing Online Visibility
1. Personal Branding: For individuals seeking to establish their online presence, 'Add Me to Search' provides a direct avenue. It enables individuals to showcase their expertise, portfolio, or personal brand directly on Google's search results.
2. Business Exposure: Small businesses and entrepreneurs can leverage this feature to ensure their enterprises appear prominently in search results. By adding essential information such as location, contact details, and services offered, businesses can attract potential customers effectively.
Amplifying Credibility and Trustworthiness
1. Authenticated Information: When individuals or businesses add themselves to Google's search index, it lends an air of authenticity to their online presence. Verified information displayed directly on Google's platform can instill trust among users.
2. Improved Search Relevance: Being part of Google's index enhances the chances of appearing in relevant search queries. This feature ensures that users searching for specific services or individuals find accurate and verified information, boosting credibility.
Simplifying Accessibility and Engagement
1. Direct Information Access: 'Add Me to Search' streamlines the process for users to access pertinent information directly from the search results page. Whether it's contact details, social profiles, or key information, users can find what they need without navigating multiple pages.
2. Enhanced User Interaction: Businesses leveraging this feature can witness increased user interaction. With essential details readily available in search results, potential customers can easily engage, leading to higher conversion rates.
Managing and Customizing Information
1. Control Over Representation: 'Add Me to Search' empowers individuals and businesses by allowing them to control how they are represented in search results. It enables customization of information displayed, ensuring it aligns with the intended image or message.
2. Real-time Updates: Users can make real-time updates to their information displayed on Google Search. Whether it's a change in business hours or updated contact details, this feature ensures that users always access the most current and relevant information.
Also Read:- Google Search: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding What You Need
Embracing Innovation in Search
'Add Me to Search' represents Google's commitment to empowering users to manage their online presence effectively. It's a step towards a more inclusive and user-centric search experience, bridging the gap between users and the information they seek.
In conclusion, 'Add Me to Search' on Google is a boon for individuals and businesses aiming to establish a strong online footprint. From bolstering visibility and credibility to simplifying accessibility and information management, this feature encapsulates the essence of a user-driven search ecosystem. By embracing and utilizing this tool effectively, users can harness the full potential of Google's search platform, ensuring a robust and impactful online presence.
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guestpostlinks · 9 months
How to Add Yourself to Google Search Card on Your Phone
In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential. One of the ways to boost your online visibility is by creating a Google Search Card for yourself. This personalized card appears when someone searches for your name on Google, providing a brief overview of who you are and what you do.
In this article, we'll guide you through the process of adding yourself to a Google Search Card on your phone, ensuring that you make a memorable online impression.
Understanding the Importance of a Google Search Card
Your Google Search Card acts as your digital business card. It showcases your achievements, skills, and credentials directly on the search engine results page (SERP). This makes it easier for people to find and learn about you, whether you're a professional, artist, entrepreneur, or simply want to boost your online presence.
Preparing Your Information
Before diving into the process, gather the following information:
Your full name
A brief biography
Professional achievements
Contact information
Social media profiles
Website links
High-quality images
Setting Up a Google Account (If You Don't Have One)
To get started, you need a Google Account. If you don't have one, sign up for a Google Account with your personal or professional email address. Ensure that the email address is associated with your online persona.
Claiming Your Knowledge Panel
Your Google Search Card is powered by the Knowledge Panel. Search for your name on Google. If a Knowledge Panel already exists for you, click on "Claim this knowledge panel." Follow the on-screen instructions to verify your identity.
Editing Your Knowledge Panel
Once you've claimed your Knowledge Panel, you can edit the information displayed. Click on "Edit" and update your biography, achievements, and other details. Make sure everything is accurate and up to date.
Optimizing Your Content
Craft your biography and achievements in a way that highlights your uniqueness. Use keywords related to your field to improve search visibility.
Adding a Profile Picture
A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload a professional and clear profile picture. This helps users identify you at a glance.
Verifying Your Identity
To ensure authenticity, Google may require additional verification. Follow the verification process, which may include providing documents or answering security questions.
Reviewing and Confirming Your Changes
Double-check all the information you've entered. Once satisfied, click "Confirm" or "Save" to update your Knowledge Panel.
Monitoring Your Google Search Card
Regularly review your Google Search Card to keep it current. Update your achievements, contact information, and images as needed.
Dealing with Common Issues
If you encounter issues during the process, refer to Google's help center or contact their support for assistance.
Tips for a Standout Google Search Card
Keep your information accurate and up to date.
Showcase your expertise and uniqueness.
Engage with your audience through social media.
Share relevant content and updates.
Creating a Google Search Card for yourself is a powerful way to enhance your online presence. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll ensure that when people search for you, they find a comprehensive and professional representation of who you are and what you do.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is it free to create a Google Search Card?
Yes, it's absolutely free to create and manage your Google Search Card.
Q2. How long does it take for changes to appear on my Google Search Card?
Changes may take a few days to reflect on your Google Search Card.
Q3. Can I add links to my Google Search Card?
Yes, you can add links to your website and social media profiles.
Q4. Is there a character limit for my biography?
While there's no strict character limit, keep your biography concise and engaging.
Q5. What if I can't claim my Knowledge Panel?
Contact Google's support for assistance with claiming your Knowledge Panel.
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