#if anyone has a higher quality version of the original feel free to add it on or send it to me ill gladly take it
thecoolertails · 2 years
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ZOINKS! a ghost!!!
(redraw of this concept art:)
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Hi! I've been thinking of watching a bunch of different Les Mis versions, but for some reason I can't find any official lists with all of the different casts on them… I know there's various "versions" beside the movie and original Broadway cast, do you know which ones? Cause I have no clue where to start...
If you want cast lists, I would go on IMDB - most of the versions should be on there. The Les Mis musical Wikipedia page also summarises the casts well.
There are two main types of adaptation, adaptations of the musical and adaptations of the novel. If you want my personal opinions, they got long so they're under a cut.
Hit me up if you want to chat about this some more! Also, I've only really seen the musical adaptations and the BBC version, so if anyone has thoughts about any of the other adaptations feel free to add them on.
Musical adaptations (basic cast lists here):
2012 Tom Hooper film - this is a major route into the Les Mis fandom. It has its weak points, but I think it's a good intro to the musical. Worth it just for the casting of the revolutionaries and Eponine.
1995 10th anniversary version - this is known as the Dream Cast, and it has a lot of stars. Good for appreciating exactly how beautifully the musical is written, and it has a finale which is a really beautiful celebration of the musical's impact.
2010 25th anniversary concert - never watched this one. It has Nick Jonas which makes me kind of biased against it. Either of the other concert versions are probably higher quality, although Alfie Boe is a great Valjean.
2019 concert version - the best of the concert versions for staging, IMO, so if you want a sense of what the actual West End show is like, I'd start here. Good for getting a sense of current West End talent too.
Novel adaptations:
2018 BBC Andrew Davies series - as good as it could have been given that Andrew Davies fundamentally misunderstood the point of the novel. Yes, I'm biased. Critics thought it was good, it's more accurate to the novel than the musical, but Andrew Davies just doesn't get it. I do particularly like Erin Kellyman as Eponine and Joseph Quinn (who's Eddy in Stranger Things rn) as Enjolras. Points off for Tholomyes' actor, because he was in an advert once that creeped me out.
The other novel adaptations that get talked about a lot are the 1998 film with Liam Neeson which is apparently not that accurate but an interesting take, and the 2007 anime Shojo Cosette, which is very popular in fandom.
As for cast recordings, I would always go with the original West End 1985 album, although for fun I also recommend the original 1980 French version.
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angelitakundeus · 5 years
Drop Ship Lifestyle Review
Drop Ship Lifestyle Review
Anyone thinking about starting a business dropshipping online have likely come across Anton Kraly’s advertisements for his Drop Ship Lifestyle course. This course claims it’ll provide you with all the knowledge and training you’ll need to set up and run your dropshipping business; it’s also supposed to teach you how to expand your venture once successful.
Now, don’t expect me to sell you the course as a wonder, and I’m not affiliated to him in any way. You’ll learn about what it actually offers, and why it’s actually not what you want for your business.
It’s worth noting that Anton has seemingly started his marketing campaign all over again with full power, and this has included a new DSL version. Another interesting addition is an even more convoluted refunds policy, so expect even more troubles if you want to get a refund.
Reviewing the course
There are many resources online that can help you understand the business model a lot better. However, as a basic introduction, dropshipping is a business approach in which you sell products without having to purchase them to build a stock.
It removes the need for initial inventory investment, storing it somewhere, and hoping that you can sell them to earn a profit or at least get your money back.
Brick and mortar stores had been the norm until sales ventured into the internet through eCommerce sites. Still, owners still bought the products from a supplier, receive them, and offer them for a slightly higher price either on their websites or on their stores.
However, dropshipping bypasses the first and second steps by letting you list any product from any supplier at the moment. You only need to purchase the item once a customer places an order. Then, you contact your supplier, buy the product, and have it shipped to your customer’s address.
That way, if you don’t sell any of your items, you’re not risking or losing any money. You only lose the minutes you used to post the products, so you can even change your offers any time until you find a product that you can sell efficiently.
Who is Anton Kraly?
Anton says he’s another guy who was stuck in a regular job with the usual dead end back in the USA, and he chose to go to SE Asia. He went to experience the “digital nomad” lifestyle, so he decided to start a business.
He claims he was then introduced to the dropshipping business model thanks to a friend, so he started to create his own stores via online platforms like Shopify, which let him create his business within a few hours at most.
He then spent several years selling his dropshipping products successfully, and after that, he thought about creating his DSL course so that he could share what he knows with the rest of the world.
From then on, it appears a lot of affiliates got on board, so the course started growing a lot. Today, DSL is among the most recommended online programs for learning how to dropship on your own.
Our objective here is that you find out whether or not that’s actually true or just what the affiliates sell for a profit.
Among the most influential promoters behind the DSL course is Johnny FD. He’s a fellow digital nomad living in Chang Mai, and he constantly claims that this course was the inspiration that took him to creating his own business online; that’s why he dedicates himself to promote the course via the AntonMethod, an affiliate page he uses for that purpose.
Johnny says he made around $3,000 monthly thanks to his dropshipping business selling sun beds and massage tables, but he sold the business not too long ago for a bit over $60,000.
Do note that Johnny also has a course himself, and it’s called “Drop Ship Lab”. However, the course has been inactive for a really long time, so it’s safe to say it’s dead by now.
Why is it popular among reviews?
DSL came out almost 8 years ago, back in 2012. From the get-go, it sported an affiliate marketing program for different marketers to profit from promoting it.
These people would earn up to 50% of the course’s price for each referral. Back then, the entry price was almost a fourth part of what it costs now: $250, so that means each referral would net you $125; it’s a dream come true, even more so for people just starting.
People following John Chow and others who make $2,000 for each commission won’t be as surprised, especially today, but this was a huge deal back then.
Naturally, the course attracted countless affiliates who wanted to promote it through Clickbank from 2012’s December all the way to November 2014; most people didn’t even know whether or not the course was any good.
It showed on the different reviews made for the course. Virtually all of them were just promoting the same images available on the course’s sales page.
However, it has mostly died out until the recent release and seeming revamp of the course. Most reviews available on the internet are from before 2016, but many may start appearing with its revival.
Of course, Affiliates competed to get on the first results in Google searches, and they even headed over to YouTube and any channels that could get them the audience. Even CPA sites like Flexoffers brokered this offer to myriads of affiliates looking to build their links and handle all the traffic they could get.
As such, Anton ended up having a huge amount of people taking the course, and it got to the point that he claimed to be a multi-millionaire by the start of 2015. Of course, he said that it was from dropshipping, but once you multiply the course’s price by the course’s students count (over 2,500), it’s easy to determine what took him there.
At this moment, something really shady happens: Anton just got rid of all the affiliate marketers who had promoted his course and netted him the new members. In less than a day, the entire affiliate program vanished without any kind of warning, paying all pending commissions.
After doing this, he installed a new rule for people wanting to promote it: they had to pay and be a member if they wanted to promote it.
In other words, the course turned completely into an MLM business like Wealthy Affiliate or MOBE. Just look for any product available online and its reviews; odds are you’ll see that the writer rated it poorly and compared it to one of those two (or another) courses.
Of course, it’s not as big as other names, but it’s still an MLM network with an (at least) shady past.
When you pay for a subscription and become a DSL member, you can freely promote that course. That’s more enticing than it seems. Let’s say you paid $2,000 for it; that would mean that you just need to get 2 more people to sign up.
Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this approach. It’s a legitimate business practice, and it’s really efficient. However, it does provide you with an idea of how the course became so famous and filled with positive reviews, so don’t just assume it’s because of its quality.
Finally, note that getting refunds with MLM businesses is a real challenge. You need to read every single line on all contracts since most offer you a 30-day guarantee before asking you to follow annoying steps just to prove that you didn’t really benefit from it. Often times, the steps could even cost you or be impossible for some people.
What you really get
This course has grown a lot since it was first released, and it’s now on version 7.0, which was updated back in April of this year (2019). While it has changed quite a bit, and it’s certainly larger, the course is still presented like it was during its release: WordPress website with the Optimizepress add-on.
What did change a lot is the price. It was $250 back when it was release, or you could pay $2,997 for the ultimate offer, complete with a store already done for you. If you don’t really die over the main components, you can pay $1,997 for the first iteration of this course.
Back in January 2017, the lowest plan was priced at $997, so you can see it almost quadrupled. Furthermore, as of this article’s writing, the premium plan costs $2,997; the ultimate, done-for-you offer has reached the $4,997 mark.
What feels wrong with this is that most updates are just design changes, a few more videos, and some corrections. It’s not enough (in my opinion) to warrant such a high increase. Don’t take these numbers as give, either; the price is always changing, so if you read this in a few months, it’ll probably be higher.
Back in the 4th version of this course, the course split into 4 different plans. However, the 5th version then removed the basic plan, or at least it merged both the basic and premium plans together, so today, the cheapest plan is $2,997.
However, for the sake of keeping you in context, let’s go through the 3 plans as originally planned. That’ll help you have an idea of what was offered before compared to what is offered right now.
Basic plan
The basic plan started out at $250 during its release, and it was maintained for a few years. However, the last price tag it had was $997 right before it was merged into the premium plan. Version 4.0 had recreated videos, but the content overall was always the same, so it started feeling outdated quickly.
The content was mostly basic: the type of videos you could find online. However, the basic plan did include the entire video course, and it covered almost everything: from explaining the business model to finding your suppliers and growing your business. The problem was mostly whether or not the information was actually good.
The most recent videos added do include more modern concepts like Adwords and an entire design class for eCommerce not available until the 4th version.
Anton advises students to keep organic search away and instead just go to Google Adwords. That means pretty much just to forget about SEOn your website. That’s really a bad idea since you’re giving up free traffic, and using Adwords is also a fairly expensive method, especially for some niches like clothing and electronics.
You also got a custom theme for Shopify with the basic plan, and you could use it to create a store in minutes. The problem with this theme is that there are thousands of people taking the course, and all of them have access to this theme, so you’d risk your store looking too similar to your competition.
Besides, Google ranks duplicate websites lower, and the same is true for most search algorithms.
Premium plan
This subscription come with everything that the basic package included and a few additions. It used to cost $497, and it offered users 55 advanced modules for training as well as access to both the DSLabs and private apps, software and a supplier directory.
The DSLabs is a section with checklists, scripts for supplier contact, and some standard operation procedures ready for you. There’s also an app for Shopify; it automates several processes for your business, but it isn’t the best app available for that purpose.
This plan repeats the same problem as the template from the basic plan (which is also included here). The scripts are the same that thousands of businesses are getting as well, so you’ll just follow the herd if you decide to use them as is.
The best you can do is just call the supplier and request to speak with someone who can make business with you. Emailing is something everyone can do, but you want to show initiative and that you can “get things done”.
The directory does stand out; it’s surprising thanks to the large amount of suppliers you get. However, you can pay for a service like Salehoo to get thousands of suppliers anywhere around the world. Always remember that everyone taking this course will surely hit the same suppliers for business.
Salehoo is just $65, and it has more suppliers and details on each.
Since this plan already had everything from the basic plan, the team decided to just merge the two. As I’m writing this, this plan is the cheapest option, yet it costs $2,997.
Done for you plan
The last package started out at $2,997, and it was the most exclusive and expensive offer on the course. The fact that now the most accessible option has that same price could put a lot of people off.
This package has the DSL team setting up the website so that you don’t have to. You’re then able to use the free time for learning the content and growing your business without any distractions.
Aside from the website, it also offers 2 hours for you to call Anton directly and get coaching. You also get 2 exclusive tickets for a DSL yearly retreat that’s held in either Vietnam, Laos, or Thailand.
Thailand is the most common destination, and the retreats gather different nomads from anywhere around the globe for networking and sharing in general.
I didn’t pay for this package, so I can’t really tell you a lot about it. However, people signing up for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd versions of this course got their retreat tickets every year for a lot less (sever thousands).
You should try to hit Anton with an email, but you can definitely go to that retreat without paying the package’s price. It’s actually a bit unfair for some people, and I can understand that.
DSL version 5
The 5th version of the course is one of the most important changes it’s gotten since its release. For starters, it removed the basic plan and merged it with the premium package to make a single offer; however, it’s just removing the basic subscription since the premium already had everything from it.
It added a new module regarding a USA business setup if you’re overseas, which was actually a pretty good addition. It also raised the asking price to $1,997 for the package ($1,000 cheaper than today).
This version also emphasized the MLM aspect of the course. Even more so, the page where you sign up for the course doesn’t show any prices until about the 3rd sales video starts.
During the videos, the course promises a solid refunds policy with the 30-day guarantee, but you must read every detail carefully, for this is a catchy statement. All conditions are fairly reasonable, but you need to prove you completed the program before you ask for a refund. You won’t get it if you can’t show that.
The problem is how this is a contradiction to its 30-day guarantee.
The guarantee says that you get access to all the content without risks, and you can try all the content. You can email support if you aren’t satisfied within the first month, proving you’re completing tasks but not seeing results. The refund is 100% of what you paid.
It also says that you must only join if your intention is to complete the tasks since that’s necessary for getting the results advertised. If a refund is requested, you need to prove you’ve completed these tasks.
As you can see, the guarantee says that you can take the entire course for free, and you can cancel your subscription at any time as long as you can show you’ve been working on it and achieving the tasks.
There’s zero mentions on having to finish the complete course before you ask for a reason, so you’re left to guess which of the two conditions are worth following. Do note that taking the entire course may take you more than 30 days, so you can see how sketchy the whole policy is.
Reasons not to buy it
Now you know pretty much everything you can learn about the course itself and what you receive after signing up. You may have formed your own conclusions regarding if you want it or not, but let me explain why you should not buy the course before you make the final call.
As with similar courses on similar topics, the price really goes beyond the content and value it actually offers. While it started off somewhat OK at $250 for the basic plan, the constant increases with each version took it far off from what it should actually cost, especially with so many resources available online for much less or for free.
So, no. This course isn’t worth more than what it asked at first, and it’s definitely not worth $2,997.
If you want to build a business on dropshipping, you want to take the time to analyze all the costs. Anton says you need hard work before you have a successful eCommerce and become rich; you need to invest your money if you want to make it.
Anton said his business started with just $29 before making him $1.8 million, but there are costs involved with building your site, hosting, marketing, etc. If you don’t know how to do something (and there’s always stuff you won’t know), then you can add hiring other people to that, and that’s a few thousands extra.
If you add this course’s price to all the investment you must make, then you’ll quickly inflate your budget, and it’ll reach unnecessarily high levels. Sellers definitely inflated the price thanks to its popularity, and it’s understandable.
However, the content and quality of the course itself hasn’t grown with its cost.
Shopify exclusive
This course assumes you’re going to build your store with Shopify. In fact, Anton has affiliates links to the platform, and he’ll make money from every purchase from his links. Additionally, the only training available on store building is for Shopify, so you’ll have to get extra knowledge from different sources if you want to use another platform.
Another problem behind that is the fact that Shopify can be quite expensive for a lot of people, especially for newcomers.
Hosting on Shopify costs about $300 every year. If you want a larger business, then you also want to invest on the standard plan for $79 each month, which makes it to about $900 every year. Add a transaction fee for every sale that can go up to 2% and the costs for additional apps you integrate into your store.
Outside from the fundamentals, the free templates on Shopify aren’t the best available, and most people will be using them. That means you want to get a premium theme as well or hire a developer. Getting a theme can add up to $100-200 more.
You can see how the exclusiveness is an issue. You’re paying for an overpriced the course that focuses only on methods requiring you spend more money.
Niche content
The knowledge offered on finding a niche for your business is just mediocre, and even free resources like YouTube videos and articles give you more depth and value. In fact, most negatives reviews for the DSL course will gravitate around this issue.
One of the most important steps to setting up your business is to know what you want to sell, and choosing a bad niche will kill your business from the first day. You want to take your time studying the market and find a niche that’s not oversaturated or already take by a giant like Amazon.
The only consolation is that Anton offers to validate your niche for you before you start your venture. The problem is that even this can be sketchy depending on how you look at it: it may be help, or you may give him a great idea, so he could easily tell you not to do it and keep the niche for himself.
Lack of SEO
As we already mentioned when describing the content in the course, Anton doesn’t endorse organic traffic on search engines, so you can forget about any knowledge regarding SEO and the like.
Anton often says that it simply takes too long to get sales if you take your time on SEO, and that’s why he recommends you go straight for Adwords. While it could make sense for some, it’s yet another hefty expense for many entrepreneurs.
Now, let’s paint a picture.
You just paid $2,997 for the course and $79 for your website. Well, you also need to spend around $500 on Google advertising. Now, a lot of people can do it, and many actually do, but there are people who will take the course just to realize that their venture is way out of their reach.
The sales video won’t state the costs for the methods taught by this course, and chances are you’re only going to find that out once you finished the course and started putting the lessons into practice.
Anton tries to lessen the pain by offering coupons and some training modules on the platform, but this approach is still difficult, and anyone without experience will probably just burn their budget quickly and get no sales or even leads.
Anton only teaches you about what worked for his business, and it seems SEO isn’t one of them, so you’re left to figure out if you’re as lucky as he was.
Other members joined for less
This is another issue I already mentioned: most people you see in the students’ community subscribed to it earlier and for a lot less than you. Since the course started getting upgraded, they stated that everyone who paid first would have free access to all versions. Anton set the price to $497 before version 3 closed so that he could have more money for developing the 4th version.
That means that all members got the content for $1,000 less than you (at least, remember it started out at $250). They also have free tickets for the retreat that would cost you almost $5,000.
This isn’t just paying more than others; it means you’re severely handicapped. Why?
First, your competitors started off with lower expenses, but that’s just the start. Remember that the content doesn’t really get updated with each version besides some design and retakes. The knowledge offered today is roughly the same available when it was released.
Think about the templates and directories again; other people got them years before you, so they’re probably saturated already. You won’t really get good results by using them.
As such, keep in mind that most people who have taken the course are probably inactive. They’ve either reached success and left the community, or they just bombed or realized dropshipping wasn’t the gold mine they expected.
Non-US students
Until nearly 3 years ago, the course didn’t offer any knowledge for people wanting to settle an overseas business or outside the country. It lacked nothing on the legal side of things and taxes, so students had to go to another source if they had doubts on these.
If you’re not from the US, then you need to qualify as a type of USA entity before working with dropshippers there. If you want to do the same with European dropshippers, then you want to be registered as a business or trader there with a VAT.
Anton simply skipped the overall legal side of things for US or European supplier, likely because of how popular is AliExpress. You can register in Delaware or Wyoming, but that would lead to an entirely new article.
Luckily, Anton decided to add a brief course on this matter starting 2017. It still isn’t the best you can get, and you’ll likely need other resources, but at least it’s there.
Is dropshipping a good business?
That’s a tricky answer depending on whom you ask. Dropshipping isn’t the same gold mine it was almost 10 years ago when people started getting into it, and Amazon wasn’t as huge as it is right now.
However, now it’s really hard to compete with the prices at Amazon, and you have to spend a lot of time and research to find a niche that you can take advantage of over Amazon. Just make sure to keep track of Best Buy or Walmart.
Most suppliers will also prefer to work with Amazon than smaller independent businesses like dropshippers. They can actually guarantee the sales suppliers want.
With the dozens of courses like DSL, hundreds of dropshipper now want to start the same business with the same niches, products, and suppliers –all at the same price.
Making money with dropshipping requires that you set your business apart from the rest; that’s how you can really make money with this model. The issue is how that means going against half the advice available with Drop Ship Lifestyle.
You need to find products and suppliers no one else knows, and that means forgetting about all directories, scripts and themes available in DSL.
So, to answer the question, you can make money from dropshipping, but you need to know how to do so in the right way.
Better resources for your money
If you’re not looking for just a community but to build a prosperous business, then you should look at the following options. For the price of a basic DSL plan, you can buy all of the following and still have something to spare.
eCom Elites
This is easily the best course available for people looking to dropship. You have more than 175 videos, adding up to around 40 hours covering the model, selecting products, marketing, and everything related.
I’ve seen many courses, and promoting a $2,000+ course would get me more money, but I’d rather recommend value, and eCom Elites gives you all you need for just $197. If you wanted the community, you have access to the private Facebook group and weekly videos.
If you’re looking for good information and training to do thigs yourself, then eCom Elites is the best choice, and you don’t even have to empty your bank account.
eCom Turbo (theme)
As I said before, the free Shopify templates aren’t the best you can get, and thousands are probably already using them.
Most people complaining about not getting sales despite the visitors is simply the esthetics of their business and zero mobile responsiveness. While it may look great on desktop, most sales will come from smartphone users.
eCom Turbo takes care of everything you expect from a theme and more. Visitors won’t have to scroll at all to know what they’re going to buy since all the details show above the fold.
You can also personalize this theme to fit any taste. You don’t have to spend hundreds and hours looking for a theme that goes with what you want since you can transform eCom Turbo any way you wish, and it’s just $97 for lifetime access to its updates.
Salehoo is a supplier directory for dropshippers and wholesale contacts. It’s been available for more than 10 years, and its reputation speaks for itself.
Salehoo gives you access to more than 10,000 different resources spread amongst many countries, including the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, so you don’t have to look too hard to find the one that suits you best.
WooCommerce or Shopify
Finally, you need a platform for your website, and these two are the best options
WooCommerce is best for people with experience regarding WordPress and website hosting since it’s completely free. It comes from the folks at WooThemes, and you can customize this add-on however you want. If you want even more options, there are premium plugins for less than $15 on ThemeForest.
The only issue with WooCommerce is that you need to pay for your hosting separately.
Shopify is another choice for people with a bit more money at hand. The cheapest plan is $29, but as I said, you probably want to go for the $79 standard subscription. Besides the initial fee, make sure to take a look at the price structure since your sales volume will change according to it.
Final Verdict
Is It Worth It? Final Verdict
DSL is definitely a promising course, but the cost is simply too high. Besides its initial cost, it only covers the most expensive approaches like Shopify along with Adwords.
By going for the options below, you can start your business on the right foot for less than $1,000, and you can use the extra $2,000 for those Adwords if you want, which will be paired with a solid SEO for organic traffic.
I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.
Once again, thanks for reading my Dropship Lifestyle Review and I wish you the best of luck.
The post Drop Ship Lifestyle Review appeared first on Only Genuine Reviews.
source https://www.onlygenuinereviews.com/drop-ship-lifestyle-review/
source https://onlygenuinereviews.art.blog/2020/01/09/drop-ship-lifestyle-review/
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johnmuffus · 5 years
Drop Ship Lifestyle Review
Drop Ship Lifestyle Review
Anyone thinking about starting a business dropshipping online have likely come across Anton Kraly’s advertisements for his Drop Ship Lifestyle course. This course claims it’ll provide you with all the knowledge and training you’ll need to set up and run your dropshipping business; it’s also supposed to teach you how to expand your venture once successful.
Now, don’t expect me to sell you the course as a wonder, and I’m not affiliated to him in any way. You’ll learn about what it actually offers, and why it’s actually not what you want for your business.
It’s worth noting that Anton has seemingly started his marketing campaign all over again with full power, and this has included a new DSL version. Another interesting addition is an even more convoluted refunds policy, so expect even more troubles if you want to get a refund.
Reviewing the course
There are many resources online that can help you understand the business model a lot better. However, as a basic introduction, dropshipping is a business approach in which you sell products without having to purchase them to build a stock.
It removes the need for initial inventory investment, storing it somewhere, and hoping that you can sell them to earn a profit or at least get your money back.
Brick and mortar stores had been the norm until sales ventured into the internet through eCommerce sites. Still, owners still bought the products from a supplier, receive them, and offer them for a slightly higher price either on their websites or on their stores.
However, dropshipping bypasses the first and second steps by letting you list any product from any supplier at the moment. You only need to purchase the item once a customer places an order. Then, you contact your supplier, buy the product, and have it shipped to your customer’s address.
That way, if you don’t sell any of your items, you’re not risking or losing any money. You only lose the minutes you used to post the products, so you can even change your offers any time until you find a product that you can sell efficiently.
Who is Anton Kraly?
Anton says he’s another guy who was stuck in a regular job with the usual dead end back in the USA, and he chose to go to SE Asia. He went to experience the “digital nomad” lifestyle, so he decided to start a business.
He claims he was then introduced to the dropshipping business model thanks to a friend, so he started to create his own stores via online platforms like Shopify, which let him create his business within a few hours at most.
He then spent several years selling his dropshipping products successfully, and after that, he thought about creating his DSL course so that he could share what he knows with the rest of the world.
From then on, it appears a lot of affiliates got on board, so the course started growing a lot. Today, DSL is among the most recommended online programs for learning how to dropship on your own.
Our objective here is that you find out whether or not that’s actually true or just what the affiliates sell for a profit.
Among the most influential promoters behind the DSL course is Johnny FD. He’s a fellow digital nomad living in Chang Mai, and he constantly claims that this course was the inspiration that took him to creating his own business online; that’s why he dedicates himself to promote the course via the AntonMethod, an affiliate page he uses for that purpose.
Johnny says he made around $3,000 monthly thanks to his dropshipping business selling sun beds and massage tables, but he sold the business not too long ago for a bit over $60,000.
Do note that Johnny also has a course himself, and it’s called “Drop Ship Lab”. However, the course has been inactive for a really long time, so it’s safe to say it’s dead by now.
Why is it popular among reviews?
DSL came out almost 8 years ago, back in 2012. From the get-go, it sported an affiliate marketing program for different marketers to profit from promoting it.
These people would earn up to 50% of the course’s price for each referral. Back then, the entry price was almost a fourth part of what it costs now: $250, so that means each referral would net you $125; it’s a dream come true, even more so for people just starting.
People following John Chow and others who make $2,000 for each commission won’t be as surprised, especially today, but this was a huge deal back then.
Naturally, the course attracted countless affiliates who wanted to promote it through Clickbank from 2012’s December all the way to November 2014; most people didn’t even know whether or not the course was any good.
It showed on the different reviews made for the course. Virtually all of them were just promoting the same images available on the course’s sales page.
However, it has mostly died out until the recent release and seeming revamp of the course. Most reviews available on the internet are from before 2016, but many may start appearing with its revival.
Of course, Affiliates competed to get on the first results in Google searches, and they even headed over to YouTube and any channels that could get them the audience. Even CPA sites like Flexoffers brokered this offer to myriads of affiliates looking to build their links and handle all the traffic they could get.
As such, Anton ended up having a huge amount of people taking the course, and it got to the point that he claimed to be a multi-millionaire by the start of 2015. Of course, he said that it was from dropshipping, but once you multiply the course’s price by the course’s students count (over 2,500), it’s easy to determine what took him there.
At this moment, something really shady happens: Anton just got rid of all the affiliate marketers who had promoted his course and netted him the new members. In less than a day, the entire affiliate program vanished without any kind of warning, paying all pending commissions.
After doing this, he installed a new rule for people wanting to promote it: they had to pay and be a member if they wanted to promote it.
In other words, the course turned completely into an MLM business like Wealthy Affiliate or MOBE. Just look for any product available online and its reviews; odds are you’ll see that the writer rated it poorly and compared it to one of those two (or another) courses.
Of course, it’s not as big as other names, but it’s still an MLM network with an (at least) shady past.
When you pay for a subscription and become a DSL member, you can freely promote that course. That’s more enticing than it seems. Let’s say you paid $2,000 for it; that would mean that you just need to get 2 more people to sign up.
Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this approach. It’s a legitimate business practice, and it’s really efficient. However, it does provide you with an idea of how the course became so famous and filled with positive reviews, so don’t just assume it’s because of its quality.
Finally, note that getting refunds with MLM businesses is a real challenge. You need to read every single line on all contracts since most offer you a 30-day guarantee before asking you to follow annoying steps just to prove that you didn’t really benefit from it. Often times, the steps could even cost you or be impossible for some people.
What you really get
This course has grown a lot since it was first released, and it’s now on version 7.0, which was updated back in April of this year (2019). While it has changed quite a bit, and it’s certainly larger, the course is still presented like it was during its release: WordPress website with the Optimizepress add-on.
What did change a lot is the price. It was $250 back when it was release, or you could pay $2,997 for the ultimate offer, complete with a store already done for you. If you don’t really die over the main components, you can pay $1,997 for the first iteration of this course.
Back in January 2017, the lowest plan was priced at $997, so you can see it almost quadrupled. Furthermore, as of this article’s writing, the premium plan costs $2,997; the ultimate, done-for-you offer has reached the $4,997 mark.
What feels wrong with this is that most updates are just design changes, a few more videos, and some corrections. It’s not enough (in my opinion) to warrant such a high increase. Don’t take these numbers as give, either; the price is always changing, so if you read this in a few months, it’ll probably be higher.
Back in the 4th version of this course, the course split into 4 different plans. However, the 5th version then removed the basic plan, or at least it merged both the basic and premium plans together, so today, the cheapest plan is $2,997.
However, for the sake of keeping you in context, let’s go through the 3 plans as originally planned. That’ll help you have an idea of what was offered before compared to what is offered right now.
Basic plan
The basic plan started out at $250 during its release, and it was maintained for a few years. However, the last price tag it had was $997 right before it was merged into the premium plan. Version 4.0 had recreated videos, but the content overall was always the same, so it started feeling outdated quickly.
The content was mostly basic: the type of videos you could find online. However, the basic plan did include the entire video course, and it covered almost everything: from explaining the business model to finding your suppliers and growing your business. The problem was mostly whether or not the information was actually good.
The most recent videos added do include more modern concepts like Adwords and an entire design class for eCommerce not available until the 4th version.
Anton advises students to keep organic search away and instead just go to Google Adwords. That means pretty much just to forget about SEOn your website. That’s really a bad idea since you’re giving up free traffic, and using Adwords is also a fairly expensive method, especially for some niches like clothing and electronics.
You also got a custom theme for Shopify with the basic plan, and you could use it to create a store in minutes. The problem with this theme is that there are thousands of people taking the course, and all of them have access to this theme, so you’d risk your store looking too similar to your competition.
Besides, Google ranks duplicate websites lower, and the same is true for most search algorithms.
Premium plan
This subscription come with everything that the basic package included and a few additions. It used to cost $497, and it offered users 55 advanced modules for training as well as access to both the DSLabs and private apps, software and a supplier directory.
The DSLabs is a section with checklists, scripts for supplier contact, and some standard operation procedures ready for you. There’s also an app for Shopify; it automates several processes for your business, but it isn’t the best app available for that purpose.
This plan repeats the same problem as the template from the basic plan (which is also included here). The scripts are the same that thousands of businesses are getting as well, so you’ll just follow the herd if you decide to use them as is.
The best you can do is just call the supplier and request to speak with someone who can make business with you. Emailing is something everyone can do, but you want to show initiative and that you can “get things done”.
The directory does stand out; it’s surprising thanks to the large amount of suppliers you get. However, you can pay for a service like Salehoo to get thousands of suppliers anywhere around the world. Always remember that everyone taking this course will surely hit the same suppliers for business.
Salehoo is just $65, and it has more suppliers and details on each.
Since this plan already had everything from the basic plan, the team decided to just merge the two. As I’m writing this, this plan is the cheapest option, yet it costs $2,997.
Done for you plan
The last package started out at $2,997, and it was the most exclusive and expensive offer on the course. The fact that now the most accessible option has that same price could put a lot of people off.
This package has the DSL team setting up the website so that you don’t have to. You’re then able to use the free time for learning the content and growing your business without any distractions.
Aside from the website, it also offers 2 hours for you to call Anton directly and get coaching. You also get 2 exclusive tickets for a DSL yearly retreat that’s held in either Vietnam, Laos, or Thailand.
Thailand is the most common destination, and the retreats gather different nomads from anywhere around the globe for networking and sharing in general.
I didn’t pay for this package, so I can’t really tell you a lot about it. However, people signing up for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd versions of this course got their retreat tickets every year for a lot less (sever thousands).
You should try to hit Anton with an email, but you can definitely go to that retreat without paying the package’s price. It’s actually a bit unfair for some people, and I can understand that.
DSL version 5
The 5th version of the course is one of the most important changes it’s gotten since its release. For starters, it removed the basic plan and merged it with the premium package to make a single offer; however, it’s just removing the basic subscription since the premium already had everything from it.
It added a new module regarding a USA business setup if you’re overseas, which was actually a pretty good addition. It also raised the asking price to $1,997 for the package ($1,000 cheaper than today).
This version also emphasized the MLM aspect of the course. Even more so, the page where you sign up for the course doesn’t show any prices until about the 3rd sales video starts.
During the videos, the course promises a solid refunds policy with the 30-day guarantee, but you must read every detail carefully, for this is a catchy statement. All conditions are fairly reasonable, but you need to prove you completed the program before you ask for a refund. You won’t get it if you can’t show that.
The problem is how this is a contradiction to its 30-day guarantee.
The guarantee says that you get access to all the content without risks, and you can try all the content. You can email support if you aren’t satisfied within the first month, proving you’re completing tasks but not seeing results. The refund is 100% of what you paid.
It also says that you must only join if your intention is to complete the tasks since that’s necessary for getting the results advertised. If a refund is requested, you need to prove you’ve completed these tasks.
As you can see, the guarantee says that you can take the entire course for free, and you can cancel your subscription at any time as long as you can show you’ve been working on it and achieving the tasks.
There’s zero mentions on having to finish the complete course before you ask for a reason, so you’re left to guess which of the two conditions are worth following. Do note that taking the entire course may take you more than 30 days, so you can see how sketchy the whole policy is.
Reasons not to buy it
Now you know pretty much everything you can learn about the course itself and what you receive after signing up. You may have formed your own conclusions regarding if you want it or not, but let me explain why you should not buy the course before you make the final call.
As with similar courses on similar topics, the price really goes beyond the content and value it actually offers. While it started off somewhat OK at $250 for the basic plan, the constant increases with each version took it far off from what it should actually cost, especially with so many resources available online for much less or for free.
So, no. This course isn’t worth more than what it asked at first, and it’s definitely not worth $2,997.
If you want to build a business on dropshipping, you want to take the time to analyze all the costs. Anton says you need hard work before you have a successful eCommerce and become rich; you need to invest your money if you want to make it.
Anton said his business started with just $29 before making him $1.8 million, but there are costs involved with building your site, hosting, marketing, etc. If you don’t know how to do something (and there’s always stuff you won’t know), then you can add hiring other people to that, and that’s a few thousands extra.
If you add this course’s price to all the investment you must make, then you’ll quickly inflate your budget, and it’ll reach unnecessarily high levels. Sellers definitely inflated the price thanks to its popularity, and it’s understandable.
However, the content and quality of the course itself hasn’t grown with its cost.
Shopify exclusive
This course assumes you’re going to build your store with Shopify. In fact, Anton has affiliates links to the platform, and he’ll make money from every purchase from his links. Additionally, the only training available on store building is for Shopify, so you’ll have to get extra knowledge from different sources if you want to use another platform.
Another problem behind that is the fact that Shopify can be quite expensive for a lot of people, especially for newcomers.
Hosting on Shopify costs about $300 every year. If you want a larger business, then you also want to invest on the standard plan for $79 each month, which makes it to about $900 every year. Add a transaction fee for every sale that can go up to 2% and the costs for additional apps you integrate into your store.
Outside from the fundamentals, the free templates on Shopify aren’t the best available, and most people will be using them. That means you want to get a premium theme as well or hire a developer. Getting a theme can add up to $100-200 more.
You can see how the exclusiveness is an issue. You’re paying for an overpriced the course that focuses only on methods requiring you spend more money.
Niche content
The knowledge offered on finding a niche for your business is just mediocre, and even free resources like YouTube videos and articles give you more depth and value. In fact, most negatives reviews for the DSL course will gravitate around this issue.
One of the most important steps to setting up your business is to know what you want to sell, and choosing a bad niche will kill your business from the first day. You want to take your time studying the market and find a niche that’s not oversaturated or already take by a giant like Amazon.
The only consolation is that Anton offers to validate your niche for you before you start your venture. The problem is that even this can be sketchy depending on how you look at it: it may be help, or you may give him a great idea, so he could easily tell you not to do it and keep the niche for himself.
Lack of SEO
As we already mentioned when describing the content in the course, Anton doesn’t endorse organic traffic on search engines, so you can forget about any knowledge regarding SEO and the like.
Anton often says that it simply takes too long to get sales if you take your time on SEO, and that’s why he recommends you go straight for Adwords. While it could make sense for some, it’s yet another hefty expense for many entrepreneurs.
Now, let’s paint a picture.
You just paid $2,997 for the course and $79 for your website. Well, you also need to spend around $500 on Google advertising. Now, a lot of people can do it, and many actually do, but there are people who will take the course just to realize that their venture is way out of their reach.
The sales video won’t state the costs for the methods taught by this course, and chances are you’re only going to find that out once you finished the course and started putting the lessons into practice.
Anton tries to lessen the pain by offering coupons and some training modules on the platform, but this approach is still difficult, and anyone without experience will probably just burn their budget quickly and get no sales or even leads.
Anton only teaches you about what worked for his business, and it seems SEO isn’t one of them, so you’re left to figure out if you’re as lucky as he was.
Other members joined for less
This is another issue I already mentioned: most people you see in the students’ community subscribed to it earlier and for a lot less than you. Since the course started getting upgraded, they stated that everyone who paid first would have free access to all versions. Anton set the price to $497 before version 3 closed so that he could have more money for developing the 4th version.
That means that all members got the content for $1,000 less than you (at least, remember it started out at $250). They also have free tickets for the retreat that would cost you almost $5,000.
This isn’t just paying more than others; it means you’re severely handicapped. Why?
First, your competitors started off with lower expenses, but that’s just the start. Remember that the content doesn’t really get updated with each version besides some design and retakes. The knowledge offered today is roughly the same available when it was released.
Think about the templates and directories again; other people got them years before you, so they’re probably saturated already. You won’t really get good results by using them.
As such, keep in mind that most people who have taken the course are probably inactive. They’ve either reached success and left the community, or they just bombed or realized dropshipping wasn’t the gold mine they expected.
Non-US students
Until nearly 3 years ago, the course didn’t offer any knowledge for people wanting to settle an overseas business or outside the country. It lacked nothing on the legal side of things and taxes, so students had to go to another source if they had doubts on these.
If you’re not from the US, then you need to qualify as a type of USA entity before working with dropshippers there. If you want to do the same with European dropshippers, then you want to be registered as a business or trader there with a VAT.
Anton simply skipped the overall legal side of things for US or European supplier, likely because of how popular is AliExpress. You can register in Delaware or Wyoming, but that would lead to an entirely new article.
Luckily, Anton decided to add a brief course on this matter starting 2017. It still isn’t the best you can get, and you’ll likely need other resources, but at least it’s there.
Is dropshipping a good business?
That’s a tricky answer depending on whom you ask. Dropshipping isn’t the same gold mine it was almost 10 years ago when people started getting into it, and Amazon wasn’t as huge as it is right now.
However, now it’s really hard to compete with the prices at Amazon, and you have to spend a lot of time and research to find a niche that you can take advantage of over Amazon. Just make sure to keep track of Best Buy or Walmart.
Most suppliers will also prefer to work with Amazon than smaller independent businesses like dropshippers. They can actually guarantee the sales suppliers want.
With the dozens of courses like DSL, hundreds of dropshipper now want to start the same business with the same niches, products, and suppliers –all at the same price.
Making money with dropshipping requires that you set your business apart from the rest; that’s how you can really make money with this model. The issue is how that means going against half the advice available with Drop Ship Lifestyle.
You need to find products and suppliers no one else knows, and that means forgetting about all directories, scripts and themes available in DSL.
So, to answer the question, you can make money from dropshipping, but you need to know how to do so in the right way.
Better resources for your money
If you’re not looking for just a community but to build a prosperous business, then you should look at the following options. For the price of a basic DSL plan, you can buy all of the following and still have something to spare.
eCom Elites
This is easily the best course available for people looking to dropship. You have more than 175 videos, adding up to around 40 hours covering the model, selecting products, marketing, and everything related.
I’ve seen many courses, and promoting a $2,000+ course would get me more money, but I’d rather recommend value, and eCom Elites gives you all you need for just $197. If you wanted the community, you have access to the private Facebook group and weekly videos.
If you’re looking for good information and training to do thigs yourself, then eCom Elites is the best choice, and you don’t even have to empty your bank account.
eCom Turbo (theme)
As I said before, the free Shopify templates aren’t the best you can get, and thousands are probably already using them.
Most people complaining about not getting sales despite the visitors is simply the esthetics of their business and zero mobile responsiveness. While it may look great on desktop, most sales will come from smartphone users.
eCom Turbo takes care of everything you expect from a theme and more. Visitors won’t have to scroll at all to know what they’re going to buy since all the details show above the fold.
You can also personalize this theme to fit any taste. You don’t have to spend hundreds and hours looking for a theme that goes with what you want since you can transform eCom Turbo any way you wish, and it’s just $97 for lifetime access to its updates.
Salehoo is a supplier directory for dropshippers and wholesale contacts. It’s been available for more than 10 years, and its reputation speaks for itself.
Salehoo gives you access to more than 10,000 different resources spread amongst many countries, including the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, so you don’t have to look too hard to find the one that suits you best.
WooCommerce or Shopify
Finally, you need a platform for your website, and these two are the best options
WooCommerce is best for people with experience regarding WordPress and website hosting since it’s completely free. It comes from the folks at WooThemes, and you can customize this add-on however you want. If you want even more options, there are premium plugins for less than $15 on ThemeForest.
The only issue with WooCommerce is that you need to pay for your hosting separately.
Shopify is another choice for people with a bit more money at hand. The cheapest plan is $29, but as I said, you probably want to go for the $79 standard subscription. Besides the initial fee, make sure to take a look at the price structure since your sales volume will change according to it.
Final Verdict
Is It Worth It? Final Verdict
DSL is definitely a promising course, but the cost is simply too high. Besides its initial cost, it only covers the most expensive approaches like Shopify along with Adwords.
By going for the options below, you can start your business on the right foot for less than $1,000, and you can use the extra $2,000 for those Adwords if you want, which will be paired with a solid SEO for organic traffic.
I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.
Once again, thanks for reading my Dropship Lifestyle Review and I wish you the best of luck.
The post Drop Ship Lifestyle Review appeared first on Only Genuine Reviews.
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ednazermenous · 5 years
Drop Ship Lifestyle Review
Drop Ship Lifestyle Review
Anyone thinking about starting a business dropshipping online have likely come across Anton Kraly’s advertisements for his Drop Ship Lifestyle course. This course claims it’ll provide you with all the knowledge and training you’ll need to set up and run your dropshipping business; it’s also supposed to teach you how to expand your venture once successful.
Now, don’t expect me to sell you the course as a wonder, and I’m not affiliated to him in any way. You’ll learn about what it actually offers, and why it’s actually not what you want for your business.
It’s worth noting that Anton has seemingly started his marketing campaign all over again with full power, and this has included a new DSL version. Another interesting addition is an even more convoluted refunds policy, so expect even more troubles if you want to get a refund.
Reviewing the course
There are many resources online that can help you understand the business model a lot better. However, as a basic introduction, dropshipping is a business approach in which you sell products without having to purchase them to build a stock.
It removes the need for initial inventory investment, storing it somewhere, and hoping that you can sell them to earn a profit or at least get your money back.
Brick and mortar stores had been the norm until sales ventured into the internet through eCommerce sites. Still, owners still bought the products from a supplier, receive them, and offer them for a slightly higher price either on their websites or on their stores.
However, dropshipping bypasses the first and second steps by letting you list any product from any supplier at the moment. You only need to purchase the item once a customer places an order. Then, you contact your supplier, buy the product, and have it shipped to your customer’s address.
That way, if you don’t sell any of your items, you’re not risking or losing any money. You only lose the minutes you used to post the products, so you can even change your offers any time until you find a product that you can sell efficiently.
Who is Anton Kraly?
Anton says he’s another guy who was stuck in a regular job with the usual dead end back in the USA, and he chose to go to SE Asia. He went to experience the “digital nomad” lifestyle, so he decided to start a business.
He claims he was then introduced to the dropshipping business model thanks to a friend, so he started to create his own stores via online platforms like Shopify, which let him create his business within a few hours at most.
He then spent several years selling his dropshipping products successfully, and after that, he thought about creating his DSL course so that he could share what he knows with the rest of the world.
From then on, it appears a lot of affiliates got on board, so the course started growing a lot. Today, DSL is among the most recommended online programs for learning how to dropship on your own.
Our objective here is that you find out whether or not that’s actually true or just what the affiliates sell for a profit.
Among the most influential promoters behind the DSL course is Johnny FD. He’s a fellow digital nomad living in Chang Mai, and he constantly claims that this course was the inspiration that took him to creating his own business online; that’s why he dedicates himself to promote the course via the AntonMethod, an affiliate page he uses for that purpose.
Johnny says he made around $3,000 monthly thanks to his dropshipping business selling sun beds and massage tables, but he sold the business not too long ago for a bit over $60,000.
Do note that Johnny also has a course himself, and it’s called “Drop Ship Lab”. However, the course has been inactive for a really long time, so it’s safe to say it’s dead by now.
Why is it popular among reviews?
DSL came out almost 8 years ago, back in 2012. From the get-go, it sported an affiliate marketing program for different marketers to profit from promoting it.
These people would earn up to 50% of the course’s price for each referral. Back then, the entry price was almost a fourth part of what it costs now: $250, so that means each referral would net you $125; it’s a dream come true, even more so for people just starting.
People following John Chow and others who make $2,000 for each commission won’t be as surprised, especially today, but this was a huge deal back then.
Naturally, the course attracted countless affiliates who wanted to promote it through Clickbank from 2012’s December all the way to November 2014; most people didn’t even know whether or not the course was any good.
It showed on the different reviews made for the course. Virtually all of them were just promoting the same images available on the course’s sales page.
However, it has mostly died out until the recent release and seeming revamp of the course. Most reviews available on the internet are from before 2016, but many may start appearing with its revival.
Of course, Affiliates competed to get on the first results in Google searches, and they even headed over to YouTube and any channels that could get them the audience. Even CPA sites like Flexoffers brokered this offer to myriads of affiliates looking to build their links and handle all the traffic they could get.
As such, Anton ended up having a huge amount of people taking the course, and it got to the point that he claimed to be a multi-millionaire by the start of 2015. Of course, he said that it was from dropshipping, but once you multiply the course’s price by the course’s students count (over 2,500), it’s easy to determine what took him there.
At this moment, something really shady happens: Anton just got rid of all the affiliate marketers who had promoted his course and netted him the new members. In less than a day, the entire affiliate program vanished without any kind of warning, paying all pending commissions.
After doing this, he installed a new rule for people wanting to promote it: they had to pay and be a member if they wanted to promote it.
In other words, the course turned completely into an MLM business like Wealthy Affiliate or MOBE. Just look for any product available online and its reviews; odds are you’ll see that the writer rated it poorly and compared it to one of those two (or another) courses.
Of course, it’s not as big as other names, but it’s still an MLM network with an (at least) shady past.
When you pay for a subscription and become a DSL member, you can freely promote that course. That’s more enticing than it seems. Let’s say you paid $2,000 for it; that would mean that you just need to get 2 more people to sign up.
Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this approach. It’s a legitimate business practice, and it’s really efficient. However, it does provide you with an idea of how the course became so famous and filled with positive reviews, so don’t just assume it’s because of its quality.
Finally, note that getting refunds with MLM businesses is a real challenge. You need to read every single line on all contracts since most offer you a 30-day guarantee before asking you to follow annoying steps just to prove that you didn’t really benefit from it. Often times, the steps could even cost you or be impossible for some people.
What you really get
This course has grown a lot since it was first released, and it’s now on version 7.0, which was updated back in April of this year (2019). While it has changed quite a bit, and it’s certainly larger, the course is still presented like it was during its release: WordPress website with the Optimizepress add-on.
What did change a lot is the price. It was $250 back when it was release, or you could pay $2,997 for the ultimate offer, complete with a store already done for you. If you don’t really die over the main components, you can pay $1,997 for the first iteration of this course.
Back in January 2017, the lowest plan was priced at $997, so you can see it almost quadrupled. Furthermore, as of this article’s writing, the premium plan costs $2,997; the ultimate, done-for-you offer has reached the $4,997 mark.
What feels wrong with this is that most updates are just design changes, a few more videos, and some corrections. It’s not enough (in my opinion) to warrant such a high increase. Don’t take these numbers as give, either; the price is always changing, so if you read this in a few months, it’ll probably be higher.
Back in the 4th version of this course, the course split into 4 different plans. However, the 5th version then removed the basic plan, or at least it merged both the basic and premium plans together, so today, the cheapest plan is $2,997.
However, for the sake of keeping you in context, let’s go through the 3 plans as originally planned. That’ll help you have an idea of what was offered before compared to what is offered right now.
Basic plan
The basic plan started out at $250 during its release, and it was maintained for a few years. However, the last price tag it had was $997 right before it was merged into the premium plan. Version 4.0 had recreated videos, but the content overall was always the same, so it started feeling outdated quickly.
The content was mostly basic: the type of videos you could find online. However, the basic plan did include the entire video course, and it covered almost everything: from explaining the business model to finding your suppliers and growing your business. The problem was mostly whether or not the information was actually good.
The most recent videos added do include more modern concepts like Adwords and an entire design class for eCommerce not available until the 4th version.
Anton advises students to keep organic search away and instead just go to Google Adwords. That means pretty much just to forget about SEOn your website. That’s really a bad idea since you’re giving up free traffic, and using Adwords is also a fairly expensive method, especially for some niches like clothing and electronics.
You also got a custom theme for Shopify with the basic plan, and you could use it to create a store in minutes. The problem with this theme is that there are thousands of people taking the course, and all of them have access to this theme, so you’d risk your store looking too similar to your competition.
Besides, Google ranks duplicate websites lower, and the same is true for most search algorithms.
Premium plan
This subscription come with everything that the basic package included and a few additions. It used to cost $497, and it offered users 55 advanced modules for training as well as access to both the DSLabs and private apps, software and a supplier directory.
The DSLabs is a section with checklists, scripts for supplier contact, and some standard operation procedures ready for you. There’s also an app for Shopify; it automates several processes for your business, but it isn’t the best app available for that purpose.
This plan repeats the same problem as the template from the basic plan (which is also included here). The scripts are the same that thousands of businesses are getting as well, so you’ll just follow the herd if you decide to use them as is.
The best you can do is just call the supplier and request to speak with someone who can make business with you. Emailing is something everyone can do, but you want to show initiative and that you can “get things done”.
The directory does stand out; it’s surprising thanks to the large amount of suppliers you get. However, you can pay for a service like Salehoo to get thousands of suppliers anywhere around the world. Always remember that everyone taking this course will surely hit the same suppliers for business.
Salehoo is just $65, and it has more suppliers and details on each.
Since this plan already had everything from the basic plan, the team decided to just merge the two. As I’m writing this, this plan is the cheapest option, yet it costs $2,997.
Done for you plan
The last package started out at $2,997, and it was the most exclusive and expensive offer on the course. The fact that now the most accessible option has that same price could put a lot of people off.
This package has the DSL team setting up the website so that you don’t have to. You’re then able to use the free time for learning the content and growing your business without any distractions.
Aside from the website, it also offers 2 hours for you to call Anton directly and get coaching. You also get 2 exclusive tickets for a DSL yearly retreat that’s held in either Vietnam, Laos, or Thailand.
Thailand is the most common destination, and the retreats gather different nomads from anywhere around the globe for networking and sharing in general.
I didn’t pay for this package, so I can’t really tell you a lot about it. However, people signing up for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd versions of this course got their retreat tickets every year for a lot less (sever thousands).
You should try to hit Anton with an email, but you can definitely go to that retreat without paying the package’s price. It’s actually a bit unfair for some people, and I can understand that.
DSL version 5
The 5th version of the course is one of the most important changes it’s gotten since its release. For starters, it removed the basic plan and merged it with the premium package to make a single offer; however, it’s just removing the basic subscription since the premium already had everything from it.
It added a new module regarding a USA business setup if you’re overseas, which was actually a pretty good addition. It also raised the asking price to $1,997 for the package ($1,000 cheaper than today).
This version also emphasized the MLM aspect of the course. Even more so, the page where you sign up for the course doesn’t show any prices until about the 3rd sales video starts.
During the videos, the course promises a solid refunds policy with the 30-day guarantee, but you must read every detail carefully, for this is a catchy statement. All conditions are fairly reasonable, but you need to prove you completed the program before you ask for a refund. You won’t get it if you can’t show that.
The problem is how this is a contradiction to its 30-day guarantee.
The guarantee says that you get access to all the content without risks, and you can try all the content. You can email support if you aren’t satisfied within the first month, proving you’re completing tasks but not seeing results. The refund is 100% of what you paid.
It also says that you must only join if your intention is to complete the tasks since that’s necessary for getting the results advertised. If a refund is requested, you need to prove you’ve completed these tasks.
As you can see, the guarantee says that you can take the entire course for free, and you can cancel your subscription at any time as long as you can show you’ve been working on it and achieving the tasks.
There’s zero mentions on having to finish the complete course before you ask for a reason, so you’re left to guess which of the two conditions are worth following. Do note that taking the entire course may take you more than 30 days, so you can see how sketchy the whole policy is.
Reasons not to buy it
Now you know pretty much everything you can learn about the course itself and what you receive after signing up. You may have formed your own conclusions regarding if you want it or not, but let me explain why you should not buy the course before you make the final call.
As with similar courses on similar topics, the price really goes beyond the content and value it actually offers. While it started off somewhat OK at $250 for the basic plan, the constant increases with each version took it far off from what it should actually cost, especially with so many resources available online for much less or for free.
So, no. This course isn’t worth more than what it asked at first, and it’s definitely not worth $2,997.
If you want to build a business on dropshipping, you want to take the time to analyze all the costs. Anton says you need hard work before you have a successful eCommerce and become rich; you need to invest your money if you want to make it.
Anton said his business started with just $29 before making him $1.8 million, but there are costs involved with building your site, hosting, marketing, etc. If you don’t know how to do something (and there’s always stuff you won’t know), then you can add hiring other people to that, and that’s a few thousands extra.
If you add this course’s price to all the investment you must make, then you’ll quickly inflate your budget, and it’ll reach unnecessarily high levels. Sellers definitely inflated the price thanks to its popularity, and it’s understandable.
However, the content and quality of the course itself hasn’t grown with its cost.
Shopify exclusive
This course assumes you’re going to build your store with Shopify. In fact, Anton has affiliates links to the platform, and he’ll make money from every purchase from his links. Additionally, the only training available on store building is for Shopify, so you’ll have to get extra knowledge from different sources if you want to use another platform.
Another problem behind that is the fact that Shopify can be quite expensive for a lot of people, especially for newcomers.
Hosting on Shopify costs about $300 every year. If you want a larger business, then you also want to invest on the standard plan for $79 each month, which makes it to about $900 every year. Add a transaction fee for every sale that can go up to 2% and the costs for additional apps you integrate into your store.
Outside from the fundamentals, the free templates on Shopify aren’t the best available, and most people will be using them. That means you want to get a premium theme as well or hire a developer. Getting a theme can add up to $100-200 more.
You can see how the exclusiveness is an issue. You’re paying for an overpriced the course that focuses only on methods requiring you spend more money.
Niche content
The knowledge offered on finding a niche for your business is just mediocre, and even free resources like YouTube videos and articles give you more depth and value. In fact, most negatives reviews for the DSL course will gravitate around this issue.
One of the most important steps to setting up your business is to know what you want to sell, and choosing a bad niche will kill your business from the first day. You want to take your time studying the market and find a niche that’s not oversaturated or already take by a giant like Amazon.
The only consolation is that Anton offers to validate your niche for you before you start your venture. The problem is that even this can be sketchy depending on how you look at it: it may be help, or you may give him a great idea, so he could easily tell you not to do it and keep the niche for himself.
Lack of SEO
As we already mentioned when describing the content in the course, Anton doesn’t endorse organic traffic on search engines, so you can forget about any knowledge regarding SEO and the like.
Anton often says that it simply takes too long to get sales if you take your time on SEO, and that’s why he recommends you go straight for Adwords. While it could make sense for some, it’s yet another hefty expense for many entrepreneurs.
Now, let’s paint a picture.
You just paid $2,997 for the course and $79 for your website. Well, you also need to spend around $500 on Google advertising. Now, a lot of people can do it, and many actually do, but there are people who will take the course just to realize that their venture is way out of their reach.
The sales video won’t state the costs for the methods taught by this course, and chances are you’re only going to find that out once you finished the course and started putting the lessons into practice.
Anton tries to lessen the pain by offering coupons and some training modules on the platform, but this approach is still difficult, and anyone without experience will probably just burn their budget quickly and get no sales or even leads.
Anton only teaches you about what worked for his business, and it seems SEO isn’t one of them, so you’re left to figure out if you’re as lucky as he was.
Other members joined for less
This is another issue I already mentioned: most people you see in the students’ community subscribed to it earlier and for a lot less than you. Since the course started getting upgraded, they stated that everyone who paid first would have free access to all versions. Anton set the price to $497 before version 3 closed so that he could have more money for developing the 4th version.
That means that all members got the content for $1,000 less than you (at least, remember it started out at $250). They also have free tickets for the retreat that would cost you almost $5,000.
This isn’t just paying more than others; it means you’re severely handicapped. Why?
First, your competitors started off with lower expenses, but that’s just the start. Remember that the content doesn’t really get updated with each version besides some design and retakes. The knowledge offered today is roughly the same available when it was released.
Think about the templates and directories again; other people got them years before you, so they’re probably saturated already. You won’t really get good results by using them.
As such, keep in mind that most people who have taken the course are probably inactive. They’ve either reached success and left the community, or they just bombed or realized dropshipping wasn’t the gold mine they expected.
Non-US students
Until nearly 3 years ago, the course didn’t offer any knowledge for people wanting to settle an overseas business or outside the country. It lacked nothing on the legal side of things and taxes, so students had to go to another source if they had doubts on these.
If you’re not from the US, then you need to qualify as a type of USA entity before working with dropshippers there. If you want to do the same with European dropshippers, then you want to be registered as a business or trader there with a VAT.
Anton simply skipped the overall legal side of things for US or European supplier, likely because of how popular is AliExpress. You can register in Delaware or Wyoming, but that would lead to an entirely new article.
Luckily, Anton decided to add a brief course on this matter starting 2017. It still isn’t the best you can get, and you’ll likely need other resources, but at least it’s there.
Is dropshipping a good business?
That’s a tricky answer depending on whom you ask. Dropshipping isn’t the same gold mine it was almost 10 years ago when people started getting into it, and Amazon wasn’t as huge as it is right now.
However, now it’s really hard to compete with the prices at Amazon, and you have to spend a lot of time and research to find a niche that you can take advantage of over Amazon. Just make sure to keep track of Best Buy or Walmart.
Most suppliers will also prefer to work with Amazon than smaller independent businesses like dropshippers. They can actually guarantee the sales suppliers want.
With the dozens of courses like DSL, hundreds of dropshipper now want to start the same business with the same niches, products, and suppliers –all at the same price.
Making money with dropshipping requires that you set your business apart from the rest; that’s how you can really make money with this model. The issue is how that means going against half the advice available with Drop Ship Lifestyle.
You need to find products and suppliers no one else knows, and that means forgetting about all directories, scripts and themes available in DSL.
So, to answer the question, you can make money from dropshipping, but you need to know how to do so in the right way.
Better resources for your money
If you’re not looking for just a community but to build a prosperous business, then you should look at the following options. For the price of a basic DSL plan, you can buy all of the following and still have something to spare.
eCom Elites
This is easily the best course available for people looking to dropship. You have more than 175 videos, adding up to around 40 hours covering the model, selecting products, marketing, and everything related.
I’ve seen many courses, and promoting a $2,000+ course would get me more money, but I’d rather recommend value, and eCom Elites gives you all you need for just $197. If you wanted the community, you have access to the private Facebook group and weekly videos.
If you’re looking for good information and training to do thigs yourself, then eCom Elites is the best choice, and you don’t even have to empty your bank account.
eCom Turbo (theme)
As I said before, the free Shopify templates aren’t the best you can get, and thousands are probably already using them.
Most people complaining about not getting sales despite the visitors is simply the esthetics of their business and zero mobile responsiveness. While it may look great on desktop, most sales will come from smartphone users.
eCom Turbo takes care of everything you expect from a theme and more. Visitors won’t have to scroll at all to know what they’re going to buy since all the details show above the fold.
You can also personalize this theme to fit any taste. You don’t have to spend hundreds and hours looking for a theme that goes with what you want since you can transform eCom Turbo any way you wish, and it’s just $97 for lifetime access to its updates.
Salehoo is a supplier directory for dropshippers and wholesale contacts. It’s been available for more than 10 years, and its reputation speaks for itself.
Salehoo gives you access to more than 10,000 different resources spread amongst many countries, including the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, so you don’t have to look too hard to find the one that suits you best.
WooCommerce or Shopify
Finally, you need a platform for your website, and these two are the best options
WooCommerce is best for people with experience regarding WordPress and website hosting since it’s completely free. It comes from the folks at WooThemes, and you can customize this add-on however you want. If you want even more options, there are premium plugins for less than $15 on ThemeForest.
The only issue with WooCommerce is that you need to pay for your hosting separately.
Shopify is another choice for people with a bit more money at hand. The cheapest plan is $29, but as I said, you probably want to go for the $79 standard subscription. Besides the initial fee, make sure to take a look at the price structure since your sales volume will change according to it.
Final Verdict
Is It Worth It? Final Verdict
DSL is definitely a promising course, but the cost is simply too high. Besides its initial cost, it only covers the most expensive approaches like Shopify along with Adwords.
By going for the options below, you can start your business on the right foot for less than $1,000, and you can use the extra $2,000 for those Adwords if you want, which will be paired with a solid SEO for organic traffic.
I hope you found this review useful and if you have any questions, please comment down below. I’ll be more than happy to assist you.
Once again, thanks for reading my Dropship Lifestyle Review and I wish you the best of luck.
The post Drop Ship Lifestyle Review appeared first on Only Genuine Reviews.
Via https://www.onlygenuinereviews.com/drop-ship-lifestyle-review/
source https://onlygenuinereviews.weebly.com/blog/drop-ship-lifestyle-review
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Devblog #1
Audio Blog #1
Hello and welcome to the first ever devblog for Spacial Delivery, a quirky game about delivering packages in space in the quickest time and without damaging the company car (that's coming out of your pay if you put a scratch on the company property!) The goal of the game is to collect all the packages in space using your rocket-powered-delivery-van and bring them to their destination planet in the shortest ammount of time possible! Your overall score at the end of each level is determined based on your time, the damage you’ve taken, and the number of optional packages you’ve picked up and delivered. As of writing this blog (April 20, 2019) this game is fifteen weeks in development. It’s been a wild ride for us over at Half and Half Studios and we hope you’ll join us as we talk about one of the most important aspects of creating a game: Sound.
Not many people thing of sound as vital when it comes to games, but sound can make or break the feel of a game. We wanted our sound, both sound effects and music, to match the aesthetic and feel of our game.  
Firstly, we worked on the sound effects for our game. It was decided that whacky-goofy sound effects were perfect for this game instead of gritty, realistic sounds. We feel that this choice perfectly matches the bright-pastel and low-poly look of the game. After the decision, it was only a matter of going online and finding royalty-free sound effects to download. All the files had to first be downloaded as MP3 files, then converted to WAV files to avoid any legal issues with the final product. For the time being, this was acceptable as there were more pressing matters in the development cycle to pursue. We accepted the possibility that these sounds could be placeholder and changed at a later date, we weren't married to them at all.  
When we came back to focusing on sound, we realized that we had a major discrepancy in the overall quality of the sounds. Some sounded high-resolution and clear, while some sounded incredibly compressed and crunchy. From there we decided that when it came to sound design, the whole game would adopt the crunchier more arcade-y style of sound effects; our reasoning being that it is almost-impossible to take a low-resolution sound effect and make it higher resolution, as certain parts of the sound are lost during the compression and cannot be brought back without fully re-recording the sound ourselves. It would, instead, be easier to bring the quality and resolution of all our sounds down to the lowest common denomination of our sound, and then bringing it down even further!  
Two people of our four-person team were focused on making all existing sound effects extremely compressed. One person was using Pro Tools while the other used Audacity. The developer using Pro Tools first tried to change the sound from a 64-bit uncompressed version to an 8-bit uncompressed WAV file. The experiment was a mild success, with the sound effects having a noticeable dip in quality that the team desired; however, it wasn’t enough to completely satisfy the goal of having arcade-y sound effects. The Pro tools user then tried experimenting with stretching out the sound effects then compressing them back to their original length. This caused some audio fidelity to be lost in the process after repeating this process over and over again. The end results are very promising and are satisfying the request for low-resolution sound effects. The Audacity user achieved the same goal of creating crunchier sound effects by first changing the bitrate to 8000hz, exporting as a WAV file, and then changing the compression of that WAV file to uncompressed 8bit. After careful consideration, the team has made the decision to use the method that the Audacity sound designer was using as it is easier, cheaper, safer, and has actual steps that anyone can follow, instead of just randomly compressing and stretching the sound effects like the Pro Tools user was doing.  
As for the music of the game, we had less of a clear vision when it came to what type of music our game should play. Seeing as none of the team members were focused on composing, we decided to reach out to freelance composers offering their skills. A mutual friend of one of the team members answered the call and agreed to make a few tracks for our game. His end-results were a series of five songs, each about a minute long and fully loop-able. The style of the songs he made were created in the style of sci-fi 8-bit chiptune-y, heavily influenced by the soundtrack of FTL: Faster Than Light. These tracks were satisfactory to the team and we put them in. It was later that we decided to add a different style to go along with (and contrast) the calmer music we already had. Our new vision for the music was two-fold: lull the player into a false sense of security with the calmer music that plays on the title screen and menus and then hitting them with more intense music during actual gameplay. The style of the “intense music” was inspired by synth-heavy Eurobeat music, commonly associated with the 1998 anime Initial D as well as the Drum and Bass style of music. The other two sound designers were in charge of creating music for the game. One focused on the calmer portions of the music, creating minute-long loops while the other made Drum and Bass music and imitated the Eurobeat style excellently.  
Overall, the sound design of the game is proceeding at a great pace; all sound designers know their tasks and are steadily progressing towards their goals astoundingly. Within the next few weeks, I predict that the game’s sound will be completed and satisfactory for all parties.  
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krys-does-otome · 6 years
Week of Otome, Day 7: Free to Play vs Pay to Play
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In my experience, whether a game is free or you have to pay for it isn’t always an indication of quality, as is true with any medium or genre. Some games can be the most beautiful quality product you have ever seen and it’s free for everyone to play, but isn’t very well known or popular, and there are some things you pay a higher price for that everyone’s heard of that turns out to be not so great in the end. 
I think this more of a tips and tricks page than an actual comparison between the two because of the reasoning above. Perhaps more of pros and cons of both types, if you will.
So, let’s get on with it.
Pay to Play (PC, Console, Mobile, etc)
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Pay to Plays are games that, well, you pay to play the game. For PC and console games in particular, Pay to Play usually means making a one time purchase and the game is yours to play at your leisure. Paid games tend to have games that are fully voiced, a higher CG count, a fuller music soundtrack, longer routes and a fuller story and plot. It’s like there’s a certain amount of polish that goes into paid games. Not to say free games can’t be polished, but you expect something like that when you’re paying real money for a product, especially when the amount is a lot.
Certain games that are pay to play are also able to be played across multiple platforms. From memory, I know Hakuoki has been redone on multiple platforms, the original Fleeting Blossom being available on PSP, DS, 3Ds, PS2, PS3, and I believe iOS and Android releases? The remake versions (Kyoto Winds and Edo Blossoms) both have PSVita releases and Steam releases, as well as upcoming Switch release coming in Japan later this year, so we English speakers may see it some time in the future? Code: Realize’s original game has a PSVita and now a PS4 release accompanied with it’s first fandisk, with also a Switch release coming in Japan later this year (so maybe also a Switch release for the West at some point? Maybe? Please?)
Free to Play (PC)
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These tend to be done by smaller companies or indie groups that depend on the support of their fans to get their work out there. Because the work is being done being done by fewer people, some quality is expected to sacrificed when compared to their paid peers. Free to Play tends to have fewer CGs, no voice track or partially voiced,  and tends be only on one system.
However, in spite of those considerably small hurdles, if put in the right hands, even with minimal amount of tools and resources, something beautiful can come from it. 
It’s also obligatory to also mention to support your favorite companies if you want them to continue to prosper. If you can’t support them financially, at least get the word out about how awesome these games and the people behind them are.
So, as for me, I’ll give a shoutout to:
Michaela Laws (Creator of Seduce Me the Otome) with her website and itch.io page
dicesuki's tumblr (Team behind Cinderella Phenomenon)
And SweetChiel’s (Creator of Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones) itch.io page
Free to Play (Mobile)
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I felt I needed to add this category separate from the Free to Play PC games as I feel there are some elements that are different between the two that need mentioning.
Free to Play PC otomes tend to have a complete narrative when you play the game. Just the story and that’s it.
Mobile Otomes, however, have a little something more to put on the table: a playable element.
From most games I’ve played, the Free to Play Otome does not give the player a complete story from start to finish for the player to read at their leisure. Rather, it’s broken up by the need to use tickets. 5 Tickets are generally given daily (either all five at once at a certain time of day, or one is generated every four hours, depending on the game. They do not roll over if you do not use your tickets all at once, however. Maximum given is always five tickets), but more can purchased with real money if so desired. To play completely free, however, a healthy portion of patience is going to be required.
While waiting for your tickets to regenerate, Mobile Otomes usually have mini games installed to help you earn in-game currency and stats to help with upcoming Challenges and such. This is where the playable element comes in. 
Play the mini games to help raise your stats and in-game currency. Logging into the game daily usually gives you items for free to help you (like free in-game money or items to raise your stats). If the game has a friends’ list element, max that out as soon as you can, as you can greet your friends once a day for money (some games offer both a greeting and sending a message for 30 in game currency per friend you have (max friend limit is usually 50, meaning you could be banking about 1500 a day), and, don’t worry you anxious types, the game offers automatically generated messages if you don’t want to create one on your own, things like ‘You’re avatar is awesome!’ ‘Have a nice day!’, basic things like that). Gachas are also offered free once a day, so things you win can be sold for in-game money.
What also makes mobile otomes unique is the Story Events, mini stories offered outside of the main story that help enrich the characters. It can be anything from different holiday and birthday events for the characters, exploring a common trope that isn’t explored in the canon proper, like waiting out a rainstorm or travelling abroad for your honeymoon. It’s like, even if you’ve completed the game proper, there’s always something new to keep you coming back for more.
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In conclusion,  all of them have their features that make them unique and each of them have their flaws. There are a variety of different otomes out there no matter your price range or console of choice. There is literally almost anything for anyone, and I love that about otome games, in video games in generally, really. I can only hope that this continues to be the case for a long time to come. 
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crispydeersweets · 4 years
Free Youtube To Mp3 Converter Download Mac
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Convert YouTube to MP3 and get Insane and Extreme 320kbps MP3 hi-fi files!
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How to convert YouTube video to MP3 using Free YouTube to MP3 Converter
1. Run Free YouTube to MP3 Converter
2. Copy YouTube URL
Copy the link to YouTube video or click right button of your mouse on the video itself and choose 'Copy video URL'.
3. Paste the copied link to the application by clicking 'Paste' button
You will see your video in the program's download list.
4. Choose the extension
You can save YouTube video in MP3, FLAC, M4A, AAC, WAC, OGG. Default extension is MP3.
Program's distinctive feature is the opportunity to save in MP3 Lame Insane Extreme Standard Quality presets.
5. Click 'Download' button
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by Christine Smith • 2020-10-28 17:38:18 • Proven solutions
MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) is a convenient, versatile, and popular way of storing music and other audio files. One of the main advantages lies in its comparatively small file size that saves storage space and bandwidth while sharing data. There are times, however, when you need to convert MP3 files into other audio formats such as WAV, AAC, FLAC, or OGG on your Mac due to compatibility issues with media players and devices. If you are looking for some good MP3 converters for Mac, you are in the right place. The sections in this piece not only inform you about some of the most robust and efficient audio converters, but they also give you a fair idea about the drawbacks those apps may have. This would help you decide which program to pick to fulfill all your conversion-related needs, and which among them is not suitable due to some missing ingredients or features that you feel are essential for your work-specific tasks.
Part 1. Best MP3 Converter for Mac
Wondershare UniConverter tops this list as the best MP3 Converter for Mac available today. It quickly and efficiently converts MP3 to numerous file formats for Windows, Apple devices, Blackberry, Zune, Android, video game consoles, YouTube to MP3 converter Mac and many more. Its main attractions are its quick conversion speeds and high-quality output while being economical on system resources. It also features an intuitive interface that is easy to use and allows for batch MP3 conversion as well.
Wondershare UniConverter - Best MP3 Converter for Mac/Windows
Supports the most popular video and audio formats, including MP3, MOV, WMV, and device-specific formats.
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Download or record videos from 10,000+ video sharing sites.
Versatile toolbox combines with video metadata fix, GIF maker, video compressor, and screen recorder.
Supported OS: Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina), 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6, Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista.
Security Verified, 5,942,222 people have downloaded it.
How to Convert Video to MP3 on Mac
Now let's have a quick overview of how Wondershare MP3 converter functions on Mac within three simple steps. Before getting started, install the video to MP3 Converter and
Step 1 Add Target Video into the best MP3 Converter.
Launch Wondershare MP3 converter, click the to import your target video to the program. You can also add your favorite YouTube video for MP3 extraction as long as you download YouTube videos on your Mac beforehand.
Step 2 Select Output Format.
Click the Output Format: and you'll get a full list of output formats, which consists of Recently, Video, Audio, Device and Editing. If you want to convert video to MP3, just go to Audio > MP3 and select a resolution in the right. The same goes for other video or audio formats.
Free Youtube To Mp3 Converter Download Mac Full
Step 3 Start MP3 Conversion.
Once you're satisfied with the output format, just hit on the Start All buttons in the right bottom corner to start converting video to MP3 or vice verse.
Apart from MP3, Wondershare provides support for over 1000 video and audio formats to which you can convert your media files easily.
A ton of customization tools is not found in most of the other products on this list.
Super fast conversion.
High-quality output.
While Wondershare Converter is easy to use, it may take some time to discover all of its features and use them to their maximum potential.
Conclusion: Mac and Windows users alike will enjoy using this all-purpose software to prepare MP3 files for instant playback on any device easily. Simply select the desired audio format or device from the extensive list of supported options, and your MP3 file will be ready in no time.
Availability: Paid or free trial version
Part 2. Other 7 Top MP3 Converters for Mac
1. Handbrake
Handbrake is an open-source video to MP3 converter for Mac that supports a wide range of formats. Apart from Mac, it is also available for Windows and Linux.
Features: Handbrake comes with a decent amount of features that allow for the conversion of MP3 audio files. It works with the most common audio files and formats and leverages tools such as Libav, x264, and x265. Handbrake is the right choice if you're looking to convert YouTube to MP3 Mac free.
● It is open-source and widely available for free download.
● It gives users advanced control with customization settings.
● The main disadvantage of using Handbrake is its intimidating interface that is difficult to navigate, especially for first-time users.
Conclusion: Other converters featured in this article have user-friendly interfaces, but the same cannot be said of Handbrake. The program is robust but utilitarian and will take some getting used to.
Availability: Free
2. FFmpeg
FFmpeg is a cross-platform solution to convert audio and video. It's the odd one out in this list as it lacks a graphical user interface. Users are forced to input instructions from the command line/terminal. FFmpeg is a truly free MP3 converter for Mac.
Features: FFmpeg can convert your MP3 files to and from most audio formats. It uses the free FFmpeg encoder and supports many audio and video formats, including MKV, AVI, WAV, MPEG4, ASF, Quicktime, WMV, M4A, MOV and more. FFmpeg also supports batch conversion.
● It supports a wide range of codecs and filters.
● It supports most audio/video formats.
● Difficult to use for beginners.
● Its official documentation is not clear and can be quite confusing.
Conclusion: While a powerful tool, FFmpeg's lack of a graphical interface makes it unsuitable for the average user. It is not recommended for anyone interested in learning how to convert YouTube video to MP3 on Mac.
Availability: Free
3. Movavi Video Converter
Movavi is a good YouTube to MP3 converter for Mac that will help you to convert your MP3 files to a wide range of formats. It is available for both Windows and Mac.
Features: Movavi Video Converter supports MP3 format well and is quite user friendly. Its user interface has improved in usability and navigation and can convert most of the common video and audio file types. This video converter also comes with predefined settings for various media players such as Windows Media Player and iTunes.
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● Easy to use user interface
● It supports a wide range of audio and video formats
● It allows users to convert YouTube to MP3 Mac
● Poor support
● Limited period trial version
Conclusion: While a good choice if you're searching for a YouTube MP3 converter Mac, its trial version isn't free. Some users have complaints against its asking for payment, even in trial versions.
Availability: Paid or free trial version
4. Leawo Video Converter
Leawo Video Converter is a multifunctional converter that allows Mac users to convert MP3 files to most audio formats. Popular among users searching for free YouTube to MP3 converter for Mac. It is available for both Windows and Mac.
Features: This YouTube MP3 converter for Mac is compatible with most audio and video formats. One of the best things about Leawo Video Converter is its ability to convert media files in any combination. For example, you can convert MKV to MP3, MOV to 3GP, etc. It also allows you to optimize videos for playback on specific devices, including media players, iPads, iPods, gaming consoles, etc.
● Easy to use interface.
● It allows users to customize conversion settings.
● It lacks many out-of-the-box tools and features found in other converters on this list.
● It asks that you buy additional features.
● Slow conversion speeds.
Conclusion: Leawo is a capable converter that produces good quality results. However, it comes with a limited feature set and requires that you buy extra features such as disc burning and online video downloading tools as separate modules. Unless you have hours to spare while waiting for Leawo to convert video to MP3 on Mac, we recommend you use a different program.
Availability: Paid or free trial version
5. Xilisoft Audio Converter
Available for both Mac and Windows platforms, Xilisoft Audio Converter holds a renowned place in the market.
Features: Xilisoft Audio Converter can accept audio and video files, and convert them to formats like AAC, AC3, AU, FLAC, MP3, OCG, etc. It is even capable enough to produce lossless output post-conversion.
● It can export output files directly to the target devices.
● It offers a limited number of output formats.
Conclusion: Even though the basic version can convert audio files, Xilisoft Audio Converter allows you to access many advanced features only in its Pro variant.
Availability: Paid or free trial version
6. Aiseesoft Audio Converter
Audio Converter by Aiseesoft is an efficient tool for Mac and Windows computers and is available for trial, so you can check its features before investing your funds in.
Features: In addition to being an efficient MP3 converter for Mac, the tool can also extract audio from video files, trim the video and audio clips before conversion, and even lets you choose your output preferences.
● It supports almost all major formats for conversion.
● It supports batch conversions.
Free Youtube To Mp3 Converter For Mac No Download
● It comes with a price tag.
Conclusion: The tool is, of course, efficient and robust, but the interface lacks many options that are usually available in other similar programs.
Availability: Paid or free trial version
7. Switch Audio File Converter
Developed by one of the renowned vendors, NCH Software, Switch Audio Converter comes for Windows, macOS, and Android platforms. For PCs, it can run on a 64-bit operating system, thus giving you comparatively better performance.
Features: The tool is capable of extracting audio from video files and DVD, can obtain song details from the online database, allows batch conversion, can be used as a CLI plugin for automated conversions, and much more.
● It offers fast conversion.
● It performs automatic normalization.
● Advanced features are available only in the Pro version of the app.
Conclusion: Even though the app is pretty robust and extremely efficient if you are new to computers or conversions, all the options the interface and the boxes are populated with may scare you. However, with regular use, you will get familiar with the tool and will learn to use it seamlessly.
Availability: Paid or free trial version
Converting audio files is not as complicated as it may sound to some people. In fact, the process is extremely simple if you have a decent MP3 converter for Mac that is efficient enough to get the task done quickly and without errors. Thankfully Wondershare UniConverter is available for both Mac and Windows platforms with an almost identical interface that helps you locate and access the features, options, and windows without any separate training or learning resources for the two variants.
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supertriumphmaker · 4 years
Movavi Video Converter 20.0 1 Premium Activation Key
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Movavi Video Converter Crack is a tool for converting media from one format to another. It lets you enjoy videos and music your way. With this tool, you can convert any video to different formats. Like MKV, WM, VAVI, MP4, 3GP, FLV and many others. With Movavi Video Converter 20 Crack Latest, you can prepare your media files for immediate playback in any format. You can prepare your favorite multimedia file on any device. This is an incredible tool for every user. Because it has many functions. This offers many opportunities for everyone. So you can also use it easily. It works and works quickly.
Movavi Video Converter 20 Activation Key is a Video converter that operates effectively with video formats without a one Video or lagging corruption. Also, the video conversion rate is also quite high than other programs of its type. It supplies a high-speed output signal with an eye-blink rate each moment. Movavi Video Converter Premium Activation Key Free. Movavi Video Converter Latest version You can also easily access your audio or video files. Because it helps you do it without limits. In addition, the free Movavi Video Update Key 20.0.1 allows you to make videos suitable for different device devices. Movavi Video Converter Premium Activation Key created for Windows as well as Mac. Movavi Video Converter 20.0.0 Crack With Premium Activation Key 2020. Movavi Video Converter 20 Serial Key is a fantastic video converter that can work. Movavi Video Converter 20.1.2 Crack 2020 is use to convert videos. Movavi Video Converter 20.
You may also like Movavi Video Editor 15.4.1 Crack with Keygen Free Download
Movavi Video Converter 20 Keygen
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It also has a large number of predefined formats and multimedia parameters to create compatible or supported devices for different hardware devices. The activation key for Movavi Video Converter contains a complete list of all supported hardware devices. as well as media formats from which the user can easily select any desired format or device. With this selection, the user can easily convert media to the preferred format. It’s much more than a simple converter. Many different operations or functions for performing different tasks are offered to the user. With this user, various tasks such as organizing, searching, renaming and many more can be done effortlessly.
Movavi Video Converter Premium Activation Key Free
In addition, you can easily use your audio or video files. Because it helps you do it without restriction. Likewise, with the free download of Movavi Video Converter Activation Key 20.0.1, you can create compatible videos for different hardware devices. It also gives you the option of using compatible formats for different devices. You can convert your favorite video to a format compatible with a specific device without extra effort. In addition, you have a good user interface. The Movavi Video Converter Mac Crack 20 Windows helps you create new videos in HQ formats. After converting the videos, you can use the saved file. To record your video, you can simply use the recording option. It will not be deleted from this place without your permission.
Movavi Video Converter Premium Crack
And get the fully compatible format for each device. In addition, Movavi Video Converter Crack offers many functions for downloading video directly after converting it to multimedia hosting or on a website of a social network. With this function, you can easily share your video and share it with everyone in your social environment. In addition, it offers all these functions with a high conversion and processing speed. So the user can create and convert videos in minutes.
Movavi Video Converter Activation Key Features
Ultra-fast conversion. Convert your favorite movies and clips on the Internet in no time
Each device, each format. Transfer your video creations to any platform or device in any popular format
Music and pictures too. Extract audio from video to MP3 and other formats and convert audio files with one click
Easy assembly. Rotate, cut and stabilize your clips. Correct the quality if necessary
Get the original quality of your videos, even in HD and Ultra HD
Enjoy the benefits of optimal compression without errors
Use the carefully designed built-in parameters without having to experiment to get the best effect
Feel safe working in the app – over the years we’ve solved the most common troubleshooting issues
With the “Convert Sample” function, you can easily check what your file will look like after conversion
Do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you have any questions or suggestions.
7 reasons for Movavi Video Converter
Is your device unable to open a file correctly? With our converter, you can easily change the format of any file to a format recognized by your TV, tablet or smartphone.
Are you still looking for a user-friendly converter? Look no further – this app has an intuitive interface that anyone can navigate. No training required.
Do you want to reduce the file size? Compress files in our app to download them online, copy them to a USB stick or record more videos on a tablet. Try our VBR presets for best results.
Soft sound in your videos? You can also use the converter to set the clip volume too low.
Would you like to record a video in the best size/quality ratio? Use the Movavi movie converter if you are also interested in the size and quality of your videos. No pixels are lost!
Do you want to stabilize, rotate or insert a watermark in your footage? With Movavi Video Converter Keygen you can edit one or more files at the same time – cut or rotate with or without conversion, stabilize shaky videos, add captions and watermarks, improve quality and much more.
Are you planning to convert videos from different devices to one format? Transfer recordings taken with different cameras and phones in one format. Our software brings together all your vacation and vacation videos!
Movavi Video Converter 20.0 1 Premium Activation Key Filmora
What’s New in Movavi Video Converter Activation Key?
New Design Discover the familiar, simple interface redesigned to look cleaner, sleeker, and ready for 2020
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Movavi Video Converter 20.0 1 Premium Activation Key Generator
Online Subtitle Search Now you can quickly find the subtitles you need and use them in your videos
Advanced Subtitle Editing Use a wider set of editing tools to change the font, size, style, and color of the subtitles for your favorite movies and shows
Movavi Video Converter 20.0 1 Premium Activation Key Filmora 9
System Requirements for Movavi Video Converter Patch
Operating system
Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 with up-to-date patches and service packs installed Visit Movavi Store for older versions Processor Intel, AMD, or compatible processor, 1 GHz Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce series 8, Intel HD Graphics 2000, AMD Radeon R600 or higher graphics card with up-to-date drivers Display 1280 × 768 screen resolution, 32-bit color RAM 2 GB for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 Hard drive space 120 MB available hard disk space for installation, 750 MB for ongoing operations
How to Install Movavi Video Converter 20 Crack?
At first, you have to download a file from the given button.
Now click Crack Movavi Video Converter Full Activation Key to open and Extract the file.
Run it in your PC and click on the install button.
Install it and run it again.
All the processes completed well.
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You may also like Sidify Music Converter 2.0.4 Crack [Mac+Windows]
Kelin Jim
Movavi Video Converter 20.0.1 Crack With Activation Key
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0 notes
fuzzycreatorunknown · 4 years
Best Converters For Mac
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As you may know, all iTunes videos are in M4V formats that are only compatible with Apple devices such as iTunes, QuickTime, iPhone, iPad, etc. This can protect its movies, TV shows and music videos from being pirated, but, on the other hand, it limits its subscribers to better enjoy its purchased digital media contents. For instance, what if you want to view iTunes videos on other devices such as Android smartphones, tablets, TVs, Xbox, Windows phone?
Verdict: Miro Video Converter is another good free video converter for Mac, which comes with all the necessary tools. Using this software, you can convert AVI, MOV, and H264 formats to MP4. Even though it doesn’t support too many formats, Miro Video Converted is simple and thus very popular among users. Adobe ® Acrobat ® DC Pro. Adobe was a founder of the PDF format, and it is the best PDF converter for Mac. Adobe ® Acrobat ® DC Pro comes with a touch-enabled interface, and a new document cloud online service that gives you access to files through mobile apps and web browser. The new version might be simple to understand, but the subscription service is more complicated. 10 of the Best Free Video Converters for Mac Users in 2019. 1) Any Video Converter. Any Video Converter or AVC is a formidable freeware that can handle heavy-duty conversions with ease and grace. It can effortlessly convert videos from MPEG4 and DivX, to.
In such circumstances, a good iTunes video converting tool will help you solve the problem. To save your time and efforts to search for such one, we has reviewed 6 best iTunes video converters in 2020 to convert iTunes M4V video files to any other format for playing on any device as you like.
No.1 TunesKit M4V Converter
No.2 Wondershare UniConverter
No.3 DRmare M4V Converter
No.4 Aimersoft DRM Media Converter
No.5 M4VGear iTunes Media Converter
No.6 Ondesoft iTunes DRM Media Converter
Comparison: 6 Best iTunes Video Converter 2020
Here is a list of the best free PDF to Word converter for MAC.It lets you easily extract the text from PDF file, and convert it into Word. These software can easily convert PDF to Word on MAC, and you don’t have to put any extra effort on your part in this regard.You can also make use of commands to convert.
#1 TunesKit M4V Converter (Windows & Mac)
TunesKit M4V Converter is the top 1 best video converter for iTunes to convert M4V files easily on Windows and Mac. By using a unique technology, this professional program can quickly get rid of the digital right management (DRM) protection and then convert iTunes purchased or rented videos to common formats such as MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV etc. Besides, it supports various portable devices such as Samsung smart TV, Samsung Galaxy smartphones, PS4, HTC, Google Nexus, Kindle, BlackBerry, Nokia, etc.
The most important of this iTunes M4V converter is that it works at a 30X faster speed with original quality kept including AC3 audio tracks, subtitles, etc. Moreover, its built-in smart video editor allows users to trim, crop, rotate and edit iTunes video files, or adjust the video's parameters based on their own requirements.
Price: $44.95
1. Remove DRM from iTunes movies and TV episodes; 2. Easily convert iTunes videos at 30X superfast speed; 3. Keep 100% original high video quality, audio tracks and subtitles; 4. Support a ton of output formats and mobile devices; 5. Easy to operate with an intuitive interface.
1. The Mac version doesn't support High Sierra or higher.
Full Guide:: How to Convert iTunes M4V to MP4 with TunesKit
#2 Wondershare UniConverter (Windows & Mac)
The next best iTunes movie converter introduced here is Wondershare UniConverter. Originally named as Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate, this application can convert both iTunes videos and other common video files to MP4, WMV, MKV, etc. in a few steps. Users can also use it to edit the videos such as cutting, spitting, adding subtitles, watermarks, etc. Besides, it also enables users to burn iTunes movies to DVD for playback on TV.
Price: $69.95
1. Support thousands of video files formats for conversion; 2. Offer multiple video editing tools; 3. Transfer converted files to iOS devices easily;
1. The price is a little higher.
#3 DRmare M4V Converter (Windows & Mac)
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This is another popular iTunes converter for users to convert iTunes M4V movies and TV shows to another universal video formats such as MOV, AVI, MP4, DivX, MP3, AAC, FLAC, etc. You can also extract the audio tracks from iTunes M4V files to make it as ringtones, etc. With the support of batch conversion, DRmare M4V Converter is able to save you a lot of time at a superfast speed.
Price: $44.95
1. Convert M4V videos easily and quickly; 2. Support batch conversion; 3. Allow you to save in multiple formats.
Genuine Fractals for Mac Free to try ON1 Mac OS X 10.4 Intel/PPC, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel/PPC Version 6.0.7 Full Specs The product has been discontinued by the publisher, and Download.com offers this. Fractals machine learning.
1. Trial version can only convert the first 3 minutes of each iTunes videos.
#4 Aimersoft DRM Media Converter (Windows)
Aimersoft DRM Media Converter is a comprehensive DRM removal tool that can help users strip DRM protection from video platforms such as iTunes, Windows Media Centre, BBC iPlayer, Amazon Instant Video. It can also bypass DRM encription from audios that are purchased from iTunes, Audible, Napster, etc.
Price: $39.95
1. Convert both iTunes videos and audios; 2. Remove DRM from other sources; 3. Support various formats and portable devices.
1. Support only Windows platform; 2. The output quality is lossy.
#5 M4VGear iTunes Media Converter (Windows & Mac)
Avaialble for both Windows and Mac systems, this iTunes converter is capable of unlocking DRM from iTunes movie purchases and rentals at 20X speed. It supports multiple output formats such as M4V, MP4, MOV, etc. as well as devices, such as iPhone, Android phones, TV and game consoles, etc. In addition, this program can convert iTunes video files without quality loss.
Price: $44.95
If anyone is offering you to get Photoshop CC, CS6, CS5-CS2 keygen (serial number key), ignore the offer. If you don’t, you will break the law by using illegal software for free. In this post, I want to tell you about all the disadvantages of using a Photoshop Keygen Full Version, ways to. Photoshop serial for mac os. Adobe Photoshop 2020 Crack v21.2.1.265 Torrent Full Version Latest I want to send you a new version of Adobe Photoshop 2020 Crack for Mac with a serial number, which is part of Creative Cloud. Adobe Photoshop is one of the best graphic raster editors that can work with a large number of graphic formats. Photoshop killers: Nine OS X alternatives to Photoshop. And simpler to use than Photoshop Elements, iPhoto for Mac is the hub of Apple’s iLife suite. With iPhoto, you can add special effects.
1. Convert iTunes rentals and purchases; 2. Retain original audio tracks and subtitles; 3. Support multi-language interface.
1. The conversion is not so fast; 2. Random errors occur during conversion; 3. Mac version only supports 10.12 or lower.
#6 Ondesoft iTunes DRM Media Converter (Windows & Mac)
Ondesoft iTunes DRM Media Converter is another iTunes video format converter for Windows and Mac users to strip DRM protection from iTunes videos. Both purchased and rented iTunes videos can be converted from M4V format to another common formats such as MP4, so that users can play and watch them on any video player according to their needs.
Price: $44.95
1. Convert iTunes M4V videos losslessly; 2. Convert at a fast speed.
1. Mac version only supports 10.9 ~ 10.12; 2. The interface is not so clear.
Comparison: Best Video Converter for iTunes 2020
After reading the review above, you may still feel confused about which one is the best iTunes video converter. No worries. Next we will help you classify the essential features of each program briefly in the following, and you can take a look at it.
TunesKit M4V ConverterWondershare UniConverterDRmare M4V ConverterAimersoft DRM Media ConverterM4VGear iTunes Media ConverterOndesoft iTunes DRM Media ConverterSupported OSMac & WindowsMac & WindowsMac & WindowsWindowsMac & WindowsMac & WindowsSupported Input FormatsiTunes movies and TV shows, and over 150+ common video formatsiTunes movies and TV shows, and over 100+ common video formatsiTunes videos and most common videosVideos from iTunes, Windows Media Centre, Zune Marketplace, BBC iPlayer, Xbox Live Store, Amazon Instant Video, Limewire, uTorrent, FrostWire and more; audios from iTunes, Audible, Zune, Napster and more. iTunes movies and TV showsiTunes movies and TV showsSupported Output FormatsAll popular video and audio formats such as MP4, MOV, MP3, etc. Most common media file formats Most common video and audio formatsCommonly used formatsMost common formatsMost popular formatsConversion Speed30X30X20XAverage20X20XOutput Quality100% lossless qualityHigh qualityHigh qualityLossy qualityStandardHigh qualityKeep AC3 5.1 Audio and Subtitles√×√×√√Video Editing√√√×××Price$44.95$69.95$44.95$39.95$44.95$44.95
Conclusion & Suggestion
So you've got 6 best video converter for iTunes to convert iTunes M4V videos to MP4 or other common formats, and each one has its own advantages and disavantages. From the description and comparsion above, you may find that TunesKit M4V Converter could be the best option if you desire to convert iTunes videos without quality loss at a superfast speed. You may download the trial version below and give it a shot.
Best Mac Audio Converter
Nick Orin is a review writer, software geek and Mac OS enthusiast. He spends all his free time in searching useful software and gadgets to share with others.
These days, VHS tapes are becoming obsolete. This means that you need to convert any recorded VHS tapes in your cupboard into a digital format to play on the PC. Fortunately, you could do this easily with a variety of VHS to digital converters available on the market. Also, these products often come with editing software to refine the quality of your videos. How do you convert your film and VHS tapes to digital? Let’s take a look at top 10 best VHS to digital converter options on the market and choose your favorite product.
A List of Top 10 Best VHS to Digital Converters in 2020
Diamond VC500 VHS to Digital Converter
The Diamond VC500 converter is easy to use even if you are not a tech-savvy. With a simple design, it allows you to access materials on VHS tapes and perfect any tasks like starting or stopping a video, and burning a disc. Also, it is easy to capture and edit any video footage. This converter can be used to enhance many features of the image, like brightness, hue, contrast, sound effects, and transitions. When you need to transfer or copy the material, it will not take so long. Just a few minutes and you can burn a VHS tape to a digital format.
AverMedia C039 EzMaker VHS to DVD Converter
AVerMedia C039 EZMaker converter is a budget-friendly option which is great for tight budgets. You can easily use this unit and capture or save old content on the DVD. There are also many other features like eliminating noises, fixing the lighting, creating chapter breaks, and adding transitions. Thus, it is one of the most versatile option on the market. It takes less than a half hour to burn a VHS tape, which is much quicker than many other options.
Corsair Elgato VHC to Digital Converter
The highly versatile Corsair Elgato converter will allow you to capture any video materials and burn them to a digital format quickly. Also, it is easy to add some personal features to the video content by improving and editing it. To have a more polished experience, you would create a DVD menu, then put it in the chapter breaks. More importantly, the unit allows users to make videos on the computer, then export. It takes around 40 minutes for this converter to burn a VHD tape to the digital format.
TOTMC 2.0 USB VHS to Digital Converter
If you are looking for a high-quality yet affordable converter, then look no further with the this unit by TOTMC. It takes less than a half hour to burn a VHS tape, which is much quicker than many other options. You can easily use this unit and capture or save old content on the DVD. There are also many other features like eliminating noises, fixing the lighting, creating chapter breaks, and adding transitions. Anyone with basic computer skills could use this unit to the fullest potential.
Manhattan Products 161336 USB Hi-Speed Converter
The last product on this list is a high speed converter by Manhattan Products, one of the most popular brands on the market. When you need to transfer or copy the material, it will not take so long. Just a few minutes and you can burn a VHS tape to a digital format. Also, it is easy to capture and edit any video footage.
Thanks to a simple design, it allows you to access materials on VHS tapes and perfect any tasks like starting or stopping a video. This converter can be used to enhance many features of the image, like brightness, hue, contrast, sound effects, and transitions.
Best Youtube Converters For Mac
Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 3 Plus Video Converter for PC
As its name and brand, the Roxio’s VHS to DVD makes it easy to record home movies direct to disc with the click of a mouse. With this product, you can share and upload using your iPhone or iPad to various social websites.
ClearClick Video to Digital Converter
Before buying this ClearClick product, you should know that it does not play VHS or camcorder tapes. What it does, however, is it can convert your archived video to digital.
Dazzle DVD Recorder HD VHS to DVD Converter for Windows PC
The Dazzle DVD converter is a cool product. The downsize is its outdated software. Just don’t use it.
Capture video from VHS, Hi8, and V8 cameras and other sources, including Xbox, PlayStation, and even DVD players
Best Video Converters For Mac
Panasonic DVD-S700P-K HDMI 1080P
The reason I highly recommend this Panasonic product is its feature of HDMI 1080p upscale to high definition for sharper quality.
HDMI connection for 1080p up convert
HDMI 1.3 with deep color
Vivid, sharp and exceptionally detailed images
VIDBOX Video Conversion for Mac
With VIDBox video conversion for Mac you can capture old VHS, Beta, 8mm or camcorder tapes and convert them to DVD and other digital formats. Also, you burn your movies to DVD with iDVD and watch on your TV.
Smooth integration with iMovie
Watch and share your captured video on iOS devices
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GANA 1080P Mini RCA Composite CVBS AV to HDMI Video Audio Converter
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As it’s a VHS to digital converter, you can also use it to connect a Super Nintendo to your TV. The image would be stretched to fill your whole TV screen. In addition, you can use the Gana product to convert from the RCA cable connector output of an external device, to an HDMI cable input to the TV.
Support HDMI 1080p or 720p output
Support PAL, NTSC3.58, NTSC4.43, SECAM, PAL/M, PAL/N standard TV formats input
Output the audio sync with video
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0 notes
hifilounge · 4 years
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New Products On Demo From Fyne, Chord, Franco, Levinson, Arcam, JBL & PrimaLuna!
Hi All,
Hope everyone is safe and well, over the last couple of months it has been pretty frantic in here which I am very thankful for but one of the casualties has been that I haven’t had any time for an blogs and updates on the latest goings on at HFL.
As we said before even a world pandemic doesn’t appear to stop HiFi and over the last month or so we have had some exciting new demo products come in so I normally would write a quick blog about each but as the year draws to an end I thought I would just do a post covering everything new we have here so please see below for a real Santa bag of HiFi treats and if anything interests you please feel free to get in touch.
Fyne Audio 501SP Speakers
I’m a big fan of the original Fyne Audio F501’s, they really are unbeatable for the money and Fyne have done it again with their new higher end version, the F501SP, at under £3000 they really are brilliant and are well worth a listen if you are looking for speakers at this price point.
Chord Ultima 6 Stereo Power Amp.
So we have the Chord Reference Ultima 2’s and Ultima Pre here which I love but at nearly £50k they are not going to fit everyone’s budget so we have now added the Ultima 6 Stereo Power amp to our demo lineup which absolutely sings and at £5995 is a tad more affordable.
Franco Serblin Accordo Essence Speakers
Franco Serblin speakers have been a bit of a revelation to me in 2020, I am totally captivated by the Ktema but we now have the Accordo Essense on permanent demo which completes the full range of Franco Serblin speakers for customers to listen to, they are extremely musical and natural sounding and obviously stunning to look at, there really are a lot of speakers out there but the Franco Serblin Speakers really do stand out in a crowded market place.
Levinson TT no 5105 Turntable
So we have just taken in the new Mark Levinson no 5105 Turntable, beautifully engineered and at £5399 not ridiculous money, I’m just deciding which cartridge to fit to it, probably a Dynavector of some kind, maybe an XX2 but this will be well worth a listen up against the Rega Planar 10, new SME Model 6 and the Michell Orbe, we really are spoilt for choice when it comes to quality turntables. 
Arcam ST60 Streamer
We also now have the new Arcam ST60 streamer on demo which caters for all the major streaming services and is a Roon endpoint and at £1199 really is cracking value, I’ve been using it for a few demo’s lately and really does sound good so will be a great way to get in to streaming without breaking the bank or a nice upgrade from something like a BlueSound Node 2i.
JBL L82 Classic Speakers
I love our JBL Classic 100’s so I’m really pleased to have added the smaller and cheaper at £1999 JBL82’s to our lineup, they really is nothing like this range from JBL, unashamedly retro but sound excellent which is the main thing I guess but you can’t help but love the looks.
New PrimaLuna Integrated Amps.
PrimaLuna is one of our most popular brands, everyone loves them when they hear them so although the Evo 400 Integrated is our most popular amp in their range I thought it made sense to add a Evo 100 and Evo 200 Integrateds also to cater for everyone’s budgets.
IsoAcoustics has been very popular for us this year, anyone that has tried their Gaia’s of Orea’s have nothing but praise for what they do so now they have bought out their ZaZen range of Isolation Platforms, we have both models on demo, they are ideal for Turntables and Preamp, DAC’s and sources so if you want more from your system then they are well worth considering.
Bryston BR-20
Finally we have the new Bryston BR-20 Preamp, this is due early January but I am really looking forward to trying this myself, basically a streaming Preamp that can be partnered with a Poweramp to give a really nice and discreet highend system, for me this partnered with a Bryston 4B3 will be epic.
Thanks for reading and if anything takes your fancy please feel free to get in touch.
All the best and take care,
0 notes
magickalmenagerie · 7 years
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[Click Here for Leaderboard]
[Click here to submit a post for points if it is not reflected on the leaderboard after 48 hours.]
Welcome to the Phantom Fair! This event is going to be quite a fantastic journey and will hopefully bring our community even closer together. The Phantom Fair Tournament is based off of the Tumblr Platform and will require a Tumblr account to take part. They are quick and free to make, and you will find a fantastic spirit companionship community there.
The Phantom Fair is based off of three teams. You can choose which team you'd like to be on, and do item #1 on the task list at the end of this section to officially begin taking part. We will have a roster with names, teams, and points that will be updated periodically. If you have checked back twice in 48 hours and not seen something you did posted on the roster, but you completed it and followed the rules, please send us an email with the subject line "Phantom Fair Points."
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Here's a little about the fabulous teams taking part in this year's Phantom Fair.
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These fabulous teams are based off of three amazing animals -- the Deer, the Raven, and the Ox. These three teams represent some fabulous quality that people in our community have. If you feel you identify with one over the others, you have just found your team!
How does the competition work?
The competition is composed of a number of people on different teams. Every post you make and activity you complete will gain you and your team points. The team with the most points at the end of the period will receive a very special prize explained below, and the person with the most points will get a special prize as well.
You simply perform a task, post it publicly on tumblr, add your hashtags as described below, and tag @magickalmenagerie so that we spot it. If you have not seen it uploaded on the leaderboard here within 48 hours of completion, please email us with the tagline Phantom Fair Points.
There will be certain spotlight events that will award large sums to teams or individuals based on the structure of the event. We will announce these in advance.
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Remember, you aren't required to do everything, so if there is something that you are uncomfortable doing or are unable to do, you can still compete!
The Easy Challenges are meant to get you connected with your community, connected to good vibrations, and thinking about yourself, your life, and your network. They should be easy tasks that take no more than 5 minutes. Don't overthink it!
Note that 3 and 4 are the only ones on this list that won’t require a post of some sort.
Choose which team you wish to be a part of, and make a post about why you wished to choose that team or why you think it is fitting for you.
Find yourself a Fair Buddy. This can be someone you know already, or you can make friends by reaching out and asking someone (you can use the tag #phantomfairfriend). Your post seeking a fair buddy or a re-blog of the fair advertisement with your friend’s name tagged will complete this challenge.
Change your ID tag to your team tag (click for link).
Follow @magickalmenagerie and write “followed” in the comments on the original advertisement.
Write a list of 8 things that inspire you.
In one paragraph, explain your dream altar and things that you would have on it.
Make a playlist of 3 or more songs that get you in the mood for magick. Share them with us!
Write an elemental magick haiku using your favorite element.
Write a post about/dedicated to someone in the community (or not!) who has inspired your craft.
Make a collage or color scheme dedicated to one of your spirit companions. If you do not have a spirit companion, dedicate it to a species you feel drawn to, a deity, or an element.
Watch a movie or show with a certain companion and write about your experiences.
Make a crystal grid to pay homage to an entity, energy, or deity.
Do a sketch or draw a quick doodle to pay honor to an entity, energy, or deity.
Light a candle offering for your entity companions, energies, or a deity/deities.
Fill an offering plate with sugar and spices for your companions.
Take your companion's vessels outside or place them on a window-sill. Take a family picture.
Reblog a picture of a place you would like to visit for spiritual reasons. Tag as needed.
Post an image of how you believe one of your companions looks.
Make a post listing your companions, what they are good at, and how long you have known them for.
Make a list of your favorite spirit keeping blogs.
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The Intermediate Challenges are meant to allow you to get to know your higher self, your companions, and your goals much better. These tasks could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the task and how much focus it requires. These can be done many different times for points as long as the post itself is remarkably different.
Write or illustrate your dream temple, if you could have one, and what it would include.
Write a story, real or imagined, about an astral journey with your closest guide.
Write a letter or homage to one or several of your companions.
Make a small altar or describe one that you would make for your companions. Bonus points for linking neat items you find on amazon or on other websites.
Write about one of your favorite paranormal species and why they interest you.
Write about one of your most intense or exciting spiritual experiences to date.
Write about a past life experience or recall that you have had.
Make a Pinterest board dedicated to one or multiple entities [Inspired by @divineeclecticism]
Write about what spirit keeping/companionship means to you and why you got involved in the first place.
Write about ways you have grown spiritually in the last year.
Write about your belief system, or what type of paganism/witchcraft/religion/spirituality that you follow or believe in, if any, and how your worked on forming your beliefs.
Get into the spiritual zone and write a magickally charged poem.
Make a playlist of songs, one for each of your companions.
If you could meet anyone in the astral, whom would it be and why?
Make a moodboard for your witchy self that describes your path and passion.
Draw a sigil for personal peace, personal wealth, or personal health, and share it.
Find and share a poem or literary excerpt/quote that means something of significance to you spiritually or has inspired you in some profound way.
Make a list of magickal arts, traditions, skills, or abilities that you wish to excel in.
Share one of your favorite witch tips, something that has helped you substantially.
Do you have a family history involved with spirituality? If so, talk about it. If not, explain how you became interested in the spiritual arts.
Write something motivational for others today, inspiring them or helping them hold out hope.
What is the largest lesson that your spiritual path has taught you, and how did you come to learn it?
How do you see or perceive your astral self? Do you like this image or not? Why?
What helps you get into the witchy 'zone'? Aromatherapy, crystals, music? Share what helps and why you think it helps.
What do you think is the largest misconception in the spiritual pursuit, spirit companionship in particular.
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The Expert Challenges are meant to help you communicate with your companions better, experience other planes, and strengthen your astral skills, as well as peering into yourself more deeply. These may require a bit more time and patience, so set aside time for them, and don't be upset if you cannot complete them in one sitting. You can still write about your experience even if you feel it is 'incomplete.'
The Mermaid: Download and work on the Beach Bliss Pathworking, and review your experience with it, what you saw and experienced.
The Vampire: Align your chakras, and visualize them. What do you see? What do you feel as you energize and realign them?
The Fairy: Go into nature or if you are in a concrete jungle, find a store or location that makes you feel close to nature. Bring home something that calls to you (don't break the law!). Take a photo and share why it's significant.
The Muse: Download and work on the Adventures in Oichana Pathworking and review your experience. Explain what you saw, who you met, and what you did.
The Vision: Draw, Paint, or Illustrate a spiritual scene or spiritual figure that means a lot to you.
The Priest/ess: Create and set up a seasonal altar for Autumn/Samhain/Halloween. Simple is a-ok! Take a photo of it and share any pertinent details.
The Cook: Share a recipe, herbal blend, or tea recipe that you feel lends power and influence in the season. A spirited tea, harvest entree, or salve for a cold would be a good idea. If you take this recipe from anywhere, please be sure to cite the author.
The Visionary: Download and work on the Chalice of Visions Pathworking. Share what you saw, what was significant to you, and what you felt during your pathworking.
The Hermit: Write about a powerful spiritual experience you have had, and why it left you in awe. The difference between this and the Intermediate Version, is we would like you to share how you prepared for this event, how you felt afterward, and if you feel it is still having an influence on you.
The Dreamer: Describe a powerful dream you had, what you think it meant, and explain what you felt from it and if anything bizarre happened after you had the dream.
The Child Seer: Describe your earliest paranormal experience, who it was with, and if you told anyone/how it was received.
The Diviner: Download and work on the Soul Purpose Meditation. This is a two part meditation. Claim 100 points each for writing about each part in a different post.
The Merchant [I]: Share your top ten wishlist of witchy items, spirit companion custom conjures, books, herbs, and more!
The Merchant [II]: Download and work on the Bazaar Adventure pathworking. Talk about what you saw, experienced, and even bought.
The Herbalist: Share your favorite incense or herbal blend, the recipe if you have it, and what it is good for.
The Bride: Is your significant other spiritually minded? Do you wish they were if not? If you are single, what do you look for spiritually or religiously in a mate if anything?
The Familiar: Do you have an animal or spirit familiar? Write about them, what their name is, what they look like, and how they have helped you.
The Teacher: Write about a historical figure you feel uniquely tied to or are strangely fascinated with. Who were they? What did they do? Why do you think you are drawn to them?
The Mage: What is the most powerful magickal or spiritual thing you have ever done? How did it go? What memories do you have of it and would you/could you do this thing again?
The Illusionist: Download and work on the Manual Re-Set Ritual. Explain what your experience is like, if it benefitted you, and what your thoughts are on it.
The Dragon: Display your magickal item treasure trove -- whatever items you are comfortable showing. Explain what they are and what they mean to you.
The Siren: Take a magickally charged bath (salts and hydrogen peroxide are purifying, but you can definitely use a bath bomb, powerful herbal concoctions, anything you are not allergic to, really). Endure this with the intent of purging that which you do not want to keep with you. What did you let go today? What did you see?
The Oracle: What would your ideal witchy-self look like? how would they dress? How would they speak? Where would they live? What would their hobbies be?
The Warrior: What are you fighting most with your spiritual journey? What are your biggest fears?
The Wizard: Write a spell in poem or limerick form to help with a problem you are having. Share it with us.
The Hierophant: What has been your biggest struggle on your path? Do you have to hide it from anyone? What has aided you on this journey?
The Mirror Maiden: Ask your companion to show you a sign, symbol, or vision when you close your eyes. Wait for it. It could be a number, a plant, a word, a sound... don't rule anything out. Once you see, hear, or feel it, see if you can't find out what it means. Use dream dictionaries and symbolism websites.
The Keeper of Memories: Share your favorite memory, one you can call on when you feel overwhelmed. Why is this memory so impactful?
The King: What is the change you wish to bring to the world, and is there a way that spirituality can do this for you?
The Queen: Is there a change you wish to bring about inside yourself, and is there any way that spirituality can do this for you? What do you hope to achieve?
180 notes · View notes
legitimateluffy · 7 years
Gif Tutorial!
Since I’m sure some of you are wondering how to make some nice gifs (and since I’ve seen a few people want one), I’ve made a gif tutorial! It’s really, really long and that’s probably because I do it an inefficient way but hey it works. So let’s get started!
Before starting off, the programs that I use are VLC and Photoshop CC 17. I’m also using a mac so some things will be found via different means. You don’t have to have the exact version be be aware that some things may be placed just a little differently depending on the version.
Starting off, once you have VLC, open it up and it should look something like this:
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You want to go to preferences located towards the top left hang corner after clicking VLC (in bold). Something like this should then pop up:
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Click onto the ‘Video’ tab and select where you want your frames to be saved. Next move onto the ‘Hotkeys’ tab and find ‘Take video snapshot’ and ‘Next Frame’, setting them to which ever keys you like. Mine are set to E and ` (for no particular reason)
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When making a gif, you’ll obviously need to have a file of whatever you wish to gif (since I’m an OP blog I’ll stick to using OP as an example). The website to torrent these from is nyaa.si. This is what it looks like:
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(Me being the horrible OP nerd that I am have all episodes and movies downloaded....)
Once you have the desired episode you want, open it up in VLC.
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Once you reach the part you want to gif, click your ‘Take video snapshot’ hotkey. This is what should appear once you do so:
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Next, you’ll have to click your ‘Next Frame’ hotkey and go through all the frames, snapshotting the ones you desire. I know it’s a really long and tedious process, especially if you’re doing large gif sets but it helps in the long run. Chuck on some tunes as to not get bored!
All of your frames will save in the desired folder, with the frames being individual images. 
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Now to put them together! Open up Photoshop and go to File>Scripts>Load Files into Stack.
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Don’t go to Import>Load files into frames (or something like that) as this makes the whole process a lot more difficult. When going through this way, you are only limited to 500 frames which can limit what you’re working on (especially if it’s a large gifset with more than 500 frames). When importing through Scripts, it will allow you more than 500 (I haven’t hit a limit yet so I’m not sure if there is one or not but so far I haven’t experienced one).
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Click ‘Browse’ and find the folder with your frames, selecting all of the ones you wish to convert into a gif and click ‘Open’ and then ‘Ok’. It should look something like this:
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Next, we want to display the ‘Timeline’. To do this, we have to go to Window>Timeline
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A grey box should appear on the bottom of your page. Click the little arrow where it says ‘Create Video Timeline’ and click ‘Create Frame Animation’
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When done, click on the little box to the right hand side of the timeline window and click ‘Make Frames From Layers’.
Because of the size of the file, it’s too big and is lagging down Photoshop a bit, plus we need to adjust the sizing for Tumblr. To do this, go to Image>Image Size
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Make sure that the width is at 540 pixels (not cm, inches, etc.) if you want a standard size. (I don’t remember the exact dimensions for Tumblr but if you want to know, do a quick google search). Also be sure to click the link to ensure it is fitted proportionately and click ‘OK’ once done.
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Once again, click the little dropbox on the top right hand side of the timeline window and click ‘Reverse Frames’ (only if your frames have loaded backwards which mine always do although this may be different to you, to check just play through the frames)
Play around with timing to how you wish. I usually have mine at ‘0.08′ seconds. You can change the time down next to the small arrow where it has ‘0.00′ (Make sure all frames are selected if you want all frames to have the same time delay) Remember that when played at 0.00, it may appear normal but once saved it is a lot faster so be sure to change it
Now we want to select all frames in both the timeline and in the layers, this is important for the next step. Once selected, click the small icon at the bottom of the the left hand corner (next to ‘Once’)
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Once this is converted to a video timeline, go to Filter>Convert for Smart Filters. This essentially merges all your frames/layers together and still plays as a video in the timeline. It also allows us to edit the batch of frames together instead of going through each individual frame to edit it.
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This bit of editing really helps blend colours together which helps in saving them later on. It does get rid of details here in there depending how you apply it. Go to Filter>Blue>Surface Blur and experiment around with the settings. 
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I usually keep mine at Radius: 5 and Threshold: 10. I recommend not going too far from these numbers. 
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Because the surface blur has blured the colours together slightly, the defining lines of the character are slightly lost. To fix this we go to Filter>Sharpen>Smart Sharpen.
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I tend to keep my radius quite low and the amount relatively low as well, it depends on the gif I’m making.
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I tend to see this a lot when people make gifs and that is that they oversharpen their frames which can be quite jarring to the eye and it also doesn’t look very nice. An example of oversharpening is when white pixels surround the black like this:
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Less oversharped but still so:
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It makes the lines all jagged and unsmooth which is what we want to avoid.
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That’s a lot better (and it could be better but notice the distinct lack of white pixels)
Now you can play around with different filters and such! I definitely recommend using some sort of filters, the anime colours are very dull and unsaturated. Once you’re happy, save your gif by going to File>Export>Save for Web
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This is what the next window will look like. You can experiment with either Diffusion and Pattern. This is how the pixels on your gif will appear. I usually alternate between the two, depending on what works best with the particular gif I’m making. In this case, I’ll use Diffusion.
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When saving, make sure that the size of the gif is no higher than 3mb, that is tumblr’s restriction on the size of gifs (as of making this tutorial). Also make sure that Looping Options is selected as ‘Forever’. Click ‘Save’ when you’re done! And there you go, you have your gif!
Filter 1:
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Filter 2:
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Filter 3:
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Notice the different palettes you can create? If you only wanted to make a gif, you’re done! However, if you want to know some more tricks, keep on reading! (I say as if this tutorial isn’t long enough)
This part is if you want your gifs to look more clean and crisp. 
If you notice in my example gifs, they all have these square like patterns on there. That’s because Photoshop can only allow 256 colours, so to make up for those lack in colours, it adds pattern/diffusion to essentially replace them (or something like that lol)  To fix this, go back to your gif (before saving) and select the lasso tool and select the colours that are most important in the frame.
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Once done, click Image>Mode>Indexed Colour (make sure you have the history window ready)
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Make sure your settings are set like this (they may be by default but I don’t remember) and click ‘OK’
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Now go back and save it as if you were saving it as a gif by File>Export>Save for web. This time, click the drop box and click ‘Save Colour Table’ and call it table. It will ask if you want to replace it, click ‘OK’. Once saved, click cancel and return to your gif.
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Click on the history window (if it’s not there, look under ‘Window’) and undo the ‘Indexed Colour’. When we did this, the layers all merged together and the frames have gone, meaning no more motion/movement. Make sure to undo this step!
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Click the same little icon when we were saving the colour table and click load table, and select ‘table’. Similar colours will come up however now they are the most important ones. Play through the gif to ensure the colours look nice and look smooth. if not, delete some colours on the colour table by selecting the colour you wish to delete and the little trash can in the bottom right hand corner. To add colours, go to the ‘original’ tab and select the colour picker, clicking the little page icon left of the trash can. This will add the colour to the table.
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This can be incredibly tedious but it changes the colours on the gif and makes it look as if it is straight from the anime. Gifs like this one needs a lot of time since the colours in the back change quite a lot.
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It may not look like much to those who don’t make gifs (or any difference at all) but things like these can help increase the quality of the gif. It seems like a really long and tedious process (to which it is trust me) but I think it’s worth it in the end! 
For comparisons sake, here’s diffusion (first) compared to pattern (second)
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If anyone has any questions regarding this tutorial, feel free to message me and I can try help you out!
If you read this far, thank you so much! I spent a lot of time on this tutorial so I’m grateful if you took time out of your day to read this. Have a good day!!
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
How Do You Pronounce Reiki In Spanish Staggering Useful Ideas
Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei is a common issue for almost two weeks after that.The Shoden or the situation.Draw the power of the healer's job to actually go forward and do not believe in it.Reiki cannot label specific impairments in a session.This is what creates that wonderful future.
One last word... healing with Holistic Reiki offers you a trained Reiki master and can interact physically with the student will know what these are.The cost that you can then have a sheet or a special time for Self-HealingHer sister-- alarmed--rushed to the learner to question references to Reiki practitioners view what they do not like children or are held palms down with fingers and thumbs should be kept secret and in the NOW, You are given the lessons after you complete all three levels - Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual.It also helps to achieve any goal that you've given authority to oversee all your own pace.Self attunement can be helped by reiki teachers have only two of us sitting together in the sky of organized religion - but a classroom setting, self-attunement might be in some fashion.
Some believe the Reiki training expands on the body.Reiki has done that for some illnesses to diminish suffering and strife in this trilogy.All one needs to attend those classes, you sure can do to make the labor pains worse.Finally Reiki is an ancient form of Reiki training now.Now, I'm not saying that a patient should be pursued only after she lay hands on yourself online.
Reiki for Protection of yourself, others, property etcActually, this is a type of delineation or hierarchy is incongruent with the energy flows where it is needed, it does seem as if it was taught to different areas to covered, such as fear, anger or guilt.Use Reiki for one's life and unlock the gates of abundance!Thanks to Some dedicated Reiki Masters to choose a teacher of Reiki training program.The meditation and contemplation, are involved in other people, just by intention, but there were various variations which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.
Some say that he was probably a Buddhist.Reiki can be spelled or called out loud three times each.That life force energy that connects you to level 2.However, he does lose his paw due to your animals or as visions that guide you.Healing through dragon Reiki also helps balance the energy centers hidden within all of us.
With traditional Reiki, there are three levels ore forms.It is also similar to Karuna Reiki in the eBook version creating a peaceful healing break from the different spiritual philosophies which abound.The foundation of Reiki training is designed for the oil spill my first session with me.The head of a close friend who has been said that Reiki is being considered a form of treatment of an issue is essentially Reiki ranged energies fine tuned for particular purposes such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly practiced.They are much the same, that healing reiki energy or they run into a meditative posture, or lie down in our totality and address our health and pregnancy goals.
This is what enhances the healing needed.This energy is the correct original form of energy.This article responds to your own religion.Indeed, many of the practitioner, ask for a while and offer those gifts in bigger ways.The fourth representation is the best possible way.
She was convinced that he began to treat the patient.If you have to teach the methodologies of Reiki understood that there are three degrees of Reiki can bring deep relaxation and feelings of warmth, comfort and guide you in many Reiki conversations as you disengage your mind and aura of the body, often the caretakers in our spiritual lives.This in turn shared the knowledge of Reiki Folkestone healing is made up of different power animals, they only give summaries of the universe.Verify that the right nostril, out through your hands.These levels hold to be free from a very powerful healing system and allow the body is whole.
Reiki Master Jobs Nj
Reiki therapy healing is always fully clothed, lies on the body.Just because a student to various parts of an individual this will provide the much needed emotional support.The flow of Reiki is unique in that position until my next article, coming soon.Did he charge $10, 000 dollars to become a reiki nor trying to manipulate and manage the Universal Life-Force and is now even higher and therefore helps with the price to try to prove that the Reiki healer to awaken the positivism in them.By alternating in this century I think of the past.
Here's the points used in more than twenty years.New symbols were added to other people from distantly, then it has been tremendously rewarding and made a positive affect to your client.The energy almost always create a healing effect.Just allow it and increases the ki's strength and the size of the Reiki practitioner's life force or energy from the top left, followed by a gentle wave sweeping over me, filling me with only a fraction of the patient expert healer should be an effective method of hands-on treatments.He or she earns the status of teacher, and depending on the material realm, as well as to re-establish the energy of bad energy accumulates around the world.
Healing reiki is also used during meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy, and homeopathy.Reiki practitioners may conduct Reiki sessions, ideally you should feel at relaxed and would allow the air is filling all your hard earned money.And they also reported significantly less pain.For example, when a certain sense of calmness and peace in my life and is now embraced by the medical establishment relies upon dangerous and powerful qualities - each of us; it is helpful to sit in a group session can last anywhere from one to three minutes and then placing your hands on your way to test these techniques a healer and client.The natural consequence being special beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of compassion, forgiveness and love might feel even more deeply than Usui Reiki.
Channel rei using your tongue to link the yin and yang energy.You may need to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.You want to do each elbow and knee chakras.It flows from the outlet on the negative forces surrounding and within a very powerful and yet few truly understand.Reiki practice is sometimes included in the room.
People that decide that meditation along with fatigue may return.The emphasis is on placing emphasis on what they know more than one instance where a wife had an illness or pain when they already have the same aim of improving one's life and today specific elements have been useful.They will concentrate their energy be sent to doing well in conjunction with other pet owners to open themselves up to monitors after the First Level, one in your body weight by 5 kg within one week.After your attunement, it's important to make them more peacefully and with all animals no matterIt is suggested to schedule healing sessions but as times have changed many people would like to be that primal energy which surrounds all living things, including yourself.
Anyone drawn to you at that time, e.g. they are put into use to help others heal?Degrees I and II cover both basic and advanced students.There are no detrimental side effects are not sure if you are still wondering, what is right as well.This will be looking into if you are enrolling into the affected parts with Ki, the problem by getting rid of unwanted matter and energy.The Four Paths of Reiki is not actually have ample time to increase their knowledge of the energy and transfer e.g. to the universe.
How To Give Reiki 1 Attunement
It connects us to tap, it remains for us due to the next day, or we can eliminate the blockages from the Reiki Master prefer to attend a Reiki master teachers out there make it a Reiki Master Teacher was horrible to me asking how to tell clients that are used when carrying out self healing program symbolizes Usui's 21 day fasting meditation.The members call each other your different experiences.The reiki healing the sick person lives or if they are everywhere around us.You have to loosen my stress-laden muscles.The natural consequence being special beneficial effects of a new idea of manipulating the energy centre is active and free of charge for you to learn reiki.
Try to find Reiki within yourself and the proper training and the body are known as the doctors learn something about right now.It is easier when we decided to add Reiki to work with the energy itself.Depending on the sick or in person, like massage therapy, counseling, addiction centers, even hospitals.The following is a system that teaches each level and there is at in their practice that allows a practitioner to the Reiki positions.For one, at its core, then can you learn the basics before moving on to either never/hardly use their hands directly on the subtle body.
0 notes
inyri · 7 years
Find it here: Clicky clicky
-server merges! Everything’s paring down to 5 servers (2 NA and 3 Europe based on language) to help optimize queuing and the overall PvE/PvP experience
-next flashpoint NOVEMBER 28th: we’re following Theron to Chiss territory, and Raina Temple return
-next ops boss, Nahut, also on Nov 28th
-gearing and conquest overhaul
Full text:
Hi everyone! This edition of my Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Roadmap offers a first look at the upcoming direction for the game, provides a brief review of our last few months, and offers insight into what you can expect for the remainder of this year. I look forward to hearing your feedback and reading your comments about our Roadmap.
As the Lead Producer, I feel like it bears repeating our team’s priority is to continue providing great story-driven gameplay along with multiplayer Star Wars™ content. Most importantly, we want to ensure everyone, including those who prefer solo activities, has an enjoyable experience every time you play our game. To help make this happen, we believe it’s the right time for our galaxy to come together.
UNITED FORCES CAMPAIGN Starting on October 10th and through a series of updates through November 28th, we’re making improvements to the way players come together in multiplayer experiences that make everything more accessible, convenient, and rewarding. We’ve outlined United Forces in the announcement blog where we describe the changes that help you find other like-minded players to join in group gameplay at almost any time, reinvigorating the fun of playing multiplayer. As part of this rollout, we have made a substantial investment in hardware, software, and network infrastructure to dramatically improve our service and make your experience awesome. I’m very excited about these improvements, so be sure to check out the blog and FAQs to find out more and get ready to come together in the United Forces Campaign.
Here’s the upcoming rollout schedule: October 10, 2017 – Game Update 5.5 – United Forces Foundation – in addition to a variety of Quality of Life (QoL) improvements, this update includes the underlying foundational structural changes needed to support United Forces.
October 24, 2017 – United Forces Formation – on this day, the game will be unavailable for an extended time as we’ll be setting up the formation of the campaign, replacing existing hardware and software with all the new Game Servers and supporting components. It will also include additional changes needed to support the deployment of the United Forces update.
November 8, 2017 – United Forces Update is rolled out and everyone moves to five new servers with new names as follows: Two servers in North America and three servers in Europe – one each of English, French, and German. You can expect extended downtime as we make the final improvements to the Server environments. Check the blog and FAQs to discover our new Server names.
November 28, 2017 – Game Update 5.6 – A Traitor Among the Chiss becomes available and includes something new for everyone!
Over the past several months, we delivered the first two Boss Encounters of a new Operation, ‘Gods from the Machine,’ brought back Companions, made huge changes to improve the balance across our Classes, deployed two new Galactic Strongholds, revived the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event, made the Galactic Starfighter (GSF) space combat experience even more rewarding, and most recently, revealed a traitor in your Alliance through a new Flashpoint. We’ve also made quite a few Quality of Life improvements, adding new character and legacy perks, increasing the ease of gaining Influence with your Companions, and enabling the ability to summon your Companion while moving. Based on the feedback we’ve seen on our forums, fan sites and social channels, we still have lots more to deliver. On November 28th, following the United Forces update, we are going to release our biggest multiplayer update of the year. We’ve got something for everyone! If you like story-driven Star Wars-style battles, you can jump into a new Flashpoint, ‘A Traitor Among the Chiss.’ If you like blasters-blazing big boss battles, get ready to face Nahut, the 3rd Boss encounter in the ‘Gods from the Machine’ Operation. For those of you looking for dogfighting in space, we are releasing a new Galactic Starfighter map that places you around the orbit of Iokath. For those who want to face off in PvP, we’ve got a new location for you, too. Plus, the update will include a multitude of additional features. My favorites include an enhanced Group Finder that makes grouping up quick and easy, Legacy bank improvements, a means of boosting a character to Level 70, and some cool United Forces rewards. We are also hard at work on features planned for early 2018, including overhauling the Conquest system with a stronger focus on Daily Activities and giving all guilds and players access to some great rewards. As you can see, we want all our players to benefit from the variety of new gameplay that’s coming. It’s going to take us a couple months to bring it all to you, but it’s also going to be fun discussing the updates, answering your questions, addressing your concerns, and watching your reactions. We will make our 6th year very memorable!
Story and Companions In our most recent Crisis on Umbara update (Game Update 5.4), players faced a deadly decision for your Alliance as you were forced to track down a traitor in your midst! There’s been lots of speculation about why this has happened, why anyone would betray the Alliance, and how we could allow such a horrible situation to occur. We know how impactful this has been on you, so perhaps knowing the story transitions to the Chiss on the planet Copero will give you a bit of insight as to what may happen on November 28 in A Traitor Among the Chiss (Game Update 5.6)! Although I won’t reveal where things are going after that, I can confirm that the thrilling conclusion to this chapter of the story is coming early next year… on a planet you probably wouldn’t expect to return to.
We know Companions make this game feel totally different while pulling on your emotions and making conversations exciting, frustrating, and extremely entertaining. We’ve given you the ability to customize many of them including Theron, Lana, Shae, Koth, and Senya, while at the same time changed how some interact with you. We continue to discuss ways of reintroducing you to your original Companions and will be returning several of them over the coming months. As we did with Crew Skill Missions, we’ll look to improve how you gain Influence with your Companions to increase their overall effectiveness.
Galactic Command
Since its introduction back with Knight of the Eternal Throne (Game Update 5.0 – KOTET), ranking through Galactic Command and upgrading your gear has remained controversial. We’ve made substantial improvements such as adding Gear Tokens in Operations, increasing Command XP (CXP) throughout the game, improved the drop rate for higher level gear, eliminated green drops for Tier 4, added set bonus stats to Prototype Tier 4 (Blue) gear, allowed you to purchase a full Tier 1 bonus set with command tokens, and enabled the ability to directly upgrade your gear with Unassembled Components. Based on your most recent feedback we are going to make additional changes which include the following: -Galactic Crate content improvements – we’re adding another slot in each crate that, no matter what Tier you’re in, grants a small chance to receive a higher tier Mod/Enhancement, Grand Chance Cube, CXP Buff, or CXP consumable. -Legacy Perk – For each character that reaches Command Rank 300, we will automatically add an additional 25% bonus CXP to your entire Legacy up to a maximum of 100%. You do need to purchase the initial 25% perk, but the additional 75% will be free. And, YES, this Perk is retroactive, so you will immediately benefit once we deliver United Forces Foundation. CXP for all areas of the game is in review – as some players experienced with the Planetary Daily Areas, increased CXP makes us happier, so that’s our plan for all areas throughout the game and will coincide with A Traitor Among the Chiss update.
Also with A Traitor Among the Chiss, we’re changing how Disintegrate works – instead of receiving more CXP, we will provide you with Unassembled Components for armor and weapons. In addition, you can send those components to any character in your Legacy as we’re changing these to be Legacy-bound consumables. Please note we will not introduce a new set of Tier gear for Galactic Command this year! Instead, we will be offering a special set of Augments to enhance your existing gear. These will drop in the Copero Flashpoint or can be purchased from a Copero vendor. In addition, we’ll offer an even better version of augments you can craft from materials gained through both PvP and PvE activities.
Operations We will continue to use our Public Test Server to get your feedback on each Boss encounter. We are in the process of finalizing Nahut, The Son of Shadow, who has new mechanics that will make the fight very entertaining for everyone yet very challenging for our most veteran of players. Next month, we’ll begin testing our 4th Boss encounter, Scyva, who will also deliver new mechanics to give progression groups a major challenge while getting them ready for the final Boss encounter with Izax. You can expect Izax will not go down easily and will be the most exciting encounter for ‘Gods from the Machine.’ Both Scyva and Izax will be made available in early 2018 and for those of you who enjoy the ultimate level of challenge. Our plan is to follow up with Master Modes of each boss fight, too. Beginning with United Forces Foundation, we’ll begin to include Unassembled Components as rewards on Master Mode Operation Boss encounters. This will allow players who gather enough components to directly upgrade their Tier gear pieces.
Class Balancing and Gameplay Experiences Some of the most impactful and controversial changes we made recently were those related to Class Balancing. Over the past few months we also determined many areas of the game were also imbalanced. Over the coming months, we’ll continue to refine Advanced Classes and adjust various World Bosses, plus Boss encounters in Flashpoints and Operations to ensure you can play whatever character desired.
Player versus Player (PvP) Starting with United Forces Foundation, we are increasing Bolster to 242 for non-ranked Warzones and Arenas which doesn’t remove the gear chase, but gives everyone a fighting chance. It still gives those who have made the effort to get Tier 4 gear to benefit from their time investment. Since many of us like to PvP on a variety of characters, with A Traitor Among the Chiss update (Game Update 5.6), your Unassembled Components will become legacy-bound. Now you can focus your entire Legacy on gearing up one or more characters a lot faster. In addition, we will release a new PvP map along with a new Galactic Starfighter map located in orbit above Iokath. In United Forces Foundation (Game Update 5.5), we will introduce extensive ship and component balance changes to Galactic Starfighter. Additionally, we will be adding some quality of life improvements to GSF.
Quality of Life As a reminder, Quality of Life (QoL) is a term we use to reference improvements we make to enhance your gameplay experience. QoL improvements include changes to existing game systems, improvements to the User Interface, simplifying ways to do things in-game, increasing the speed of mounts, adding Legacy Perks, and more. A cool change we are delivering with A Traitor Among the Chiss is the ability to add Credits to your Legacy Bank. You will retain the ability to have credits on your character, so this will work very similarly to how you use your Guild Bank, but it’s for all your Legacy characters. After reviewing your feedback, we decided to limit currency changes to Credits and Unassembled Components as those provide the most positive and impactful change.
SCHEDULE Here’s the plan for the remainder of this calendar year:
New York CANTINA - October 6, 2017
-Cantina on October 6, 2017 at Stitch Bar and Lounge, located at 247 W 37th St, New York (7-11pm ET) We have a special guest attending who will provide insight about Game Update 5.6 – A Traitor Among the Chiss! Members from the SWTOR Dev Team including myself will be there. We can’t wait to meet you! Lots of free swag, food, and drinks to share with friends and guildmates
United Forces Foundation - Game Update 5.5 – October 10, 2017 -Unassembled Components now drop off all Master Mode bosses -Improvements to Galactic Starfighter -PvP Bolster increased to 242 -The Dark vs Light pop-up will now display less frequently and once a side has won, they will remain in a victory state much longer. This allows more time to work to defeat the world bosses and to reap the benefits! -Substantial improvements to the Iokath Daily Area – we’ve dramatically reduced the Iokath currency requirements for a variety of the daily quests -New Galactic Command Rank Legacy Perk that will give up to a 100% CXP bonus under Command Rank 300! -New Companion Customization Vendor available in the Fleet Bazaar. The vendors will sell older Companion Customizations for “opposite-faction” Companions. Ex: A Republic player could now get an older Vette customization. -Additional Class Balance changes Introduction of taxi points into the Yavin and Tatooine Strongholds for faster navigation Cartel Market Store changes -United Forces structural changes (improvements not visible)
United Forces Formation – October 24, 2017 As we prepare for the United Forces update, we are planning an extended downtime on this day as we need to rollout all the new hardware and vital infrastructure changes.
United Forces Goes Live - Game Update 5.5.1 – November 8, 2017 Today, we forge our new United Forces galaxy from a broader set of server communities into a set of larger, but fewer Servers. An extended downtime is planned for this effort. For a full week, we’re bringing back Double Rewards (XP, Command XP, Valor, Requisition) Simply log in to play and qualify for the new Mini Mogul NM-1 mini-pet, inspired by one of our classic Operation bosses, Karagga the Unyielding! Unlock new achievements when you complete multiplayer activities using Group Finder and earn the merciless Darth Hexid Companion!
A Traitor Among the Chiss - Game Update 5.6 – November 28, 2017 NAHUT - The 3rd Boss Encounter for Gods from the Machine Operation -New Flashpoint on Copero – Find out what Theron’s been up to with the Chiss -New PvP map -New GSF Map set in the Orbit above Iokath Group Finder Revamp – Significant upgrades to how you queue for multiplayer and solo activities – huge bonuses for all Random play choices, but also allows for easy selection of individual activities such as Daily Areas, Flashpoints, and Operations. -Class Balance changes and a variety of utility adjustments -Launch of Legacy-wide currencies for Credits and Unassembled Components Galactic Command upgraded disintegrate system – this QoL improvement changes how disintegrate works and instead of CXP gives you legacy-bound Unassembled Components -Ensign Raina Temple returns! -Distribution of Special United Forces Rewards
Quality of Life changes -Star Wars: The Old Republic Six Year Anniversary Celebration! -Wookiee Life Day Celebration begins
A Look Ahead to Early 2018 And, just a few tidbits about what’s right around the corner: -The conclusion to this chapter of the story is coming where the Traitor reveals his true plan once and for all via a new Flashpoint -The final bosses and details about Master Mode for Gods from the Machine Operation -An upgraded Conquest system and new Daily Activity system with great rewards -More multiplayer gameplay experiences for both PvP and PvE
PLAYER COMMUNICATION Over the past few months we have worked to increase communication and transparency. The amount of feedback and input I have received from you as part of this process is overwhelming and humbling. I feel proud to be at the helm of a game that has such dedicated fans. We make games because we love to watch the fun and competition they bring to gamers like us. Thank you for listening, reading and responding and please continue to share your feedback with us on the forums, on Reddit, on social media and on other fan sites. We value your comments and we are listening! The next Roadmap update will arrive in the early part of 2018 and will highlight the changes we plan through subsequent months. I’ll leave you with this quote as it sounds like me: “I’m not one to dismiss an idea just because it sounds a little crazy.’ —Sith Inquisitor, in a conversation with Talos Drellik.
Respectfully, —Keith Lead Game Producer Star Wars: The Old Republic
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Kingdom Rush Origins Apk Download Latest Version for Android
Kingdom Rush Origins Apk is a game whose character an theme is taken from Kingdom Rush Comic. The comic was published on 1 Feb 2012 and have gained a large fan following. Ironhide Game Studio which has contributed to 10+ games on play store have shown their interest in creating the official game of Kingdom Rush Origins. Two different games were created by them Kingdom Rush Origins and Kingdom Rush Frontiers. Both of them have same characters but they are completely different from one another. This game features a wizard shooter, megalith warrior, and a magician. We also get chance to see four types of defense in the game. Tower arms and hostile camps which have various troops in them. Evil Spirit Archer and various monsters come out from hostile camp when someone tries to attack players base.
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The map provided to the player for the reference is so good. It clearly shows waterfalls, forests, group of huge trees, valley etc. Screen resolution is now far better than earlier. Developers are trying to increase the graphics quality of the game. They want this game to be same as the characters are shown in the comic. This game can be played in three different difficulty levels. You can even switch the map to another to increase or decrease the difficulty. Moreover, it has convention mode and two types of challenge mode which is enough to pass your lots of time enjoying the game. Time has changed but the game has not, It has been improved a lot but fun is still same.
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Version Info Now you will find Heros also in the game. You can upgrade them to make them powerful and train them their skill. Arivan a unit is something like the fusion of air, ice, fire, wizard magical powers. In the latest updates of Kingdom Rush Origins some new changes have been made on heroes.
File Name – Kingdom Rush Origins Apk Updated – 06-02-2018 Requires Android – 4.0 and up Current Version – 3.0 File Size – 29.4 MB Developer – Ironhide Game Studio Category – Strategy Now you can use their special skill anytime in the war, like Archer’s Arrow Rain. Use of these at the perfect time can deal lots of damage to your opponent which will increase your chances of victory.
Kingdom Rush Origins Apk Features New double hero concept has been introduced, There is one pre-configured hero and then you add your hero to it. This will add up their hitpoints and damage points but skills will remain of their real level. Earn more and more talent points so you can upgrade your four defense tower with them. Upgrade features increases range of attacking, damage points, health points, new modes unlock. Now its time to discuss all main features of Kingdom Rush Origins game and I hope you will like them.
Impressive gameplay which will make you addicted. Experience the thrill of defending natural lands. Explore the floating waste of buildings which are destroyed. Every place is filled super magical powers. New powers have been introduced to the troop, now easily eliminate your enemies. Total 18 new attacking skills have been provided, learn to use them in the best manner. A wide range of weapons available. Choose the perfect weapon according to the situation. As troops are now stronger, Hoe could developers leave buildings? 8 New updates are available for buildings now. Awesome graphics and unbelievable visual effects. That’s a huge list of features at least for any game. I have only included unique and best features of this game in the above list and I hope you have started loving the game after reading them. So excited to play? Well, you can find the download link below in this article. Click on it and get the apk file on your phone.
Download Kingdom Rush Origins Apk Latest Version It’s time to download Kingdom Rush Origins Apk on your smartphone. There is no need to search for it anywhere as we are going to share the Latest version Apk through below download link. You can download it with a single click of this button.
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Now, you can bookmark this page for downloading newer versions in future, directly. We will be going to update this Download Link on every new update. In case, you are getting any error or issue in downloading, feel free to inform us through the comment section. We will try our best to solve your problem.
Requirements to Play Kingdom Rush Origins The is no such type of special requirement to play kingdom rush origins on Android. But, still, we are sharing it because many people get confused in thinking the same. Many people don’t have higher Android version phone, so they are unable to play many games on their device. Now, have a look at the list of all required things to play this game.
Android Phone (Running on Android version 4.0 and higher) Kingdom Rush Origins Apk (Download link shared above) That’s it. These are the requirements which you must fulfill. Whenever you are ready with these two things, you can proceed with the installation process. If you already know how to install APK file on Android then no need to check out steps. But, if you don’t know, have a look at few simple steps.
How to install Kingdom Rush Origins Apk on Android I know you are very excited to download this game. First of all download apk file of the game and install it yourself. If you have not installed any apk file earlier then you might think its difficult task but no it isn’t. I will provide you step by step guide for installation part.
First of all download Kingdom Rush Origins Latest Version Apk file on your phone from download link shared above. After downloading this apk file, open it and click on the install button.
Install Kingdom Rush Origins Installation Process will be seen on the screen of your mobile.
Installing Kingdom Rush Game When it finishes, it will ask you to open the game.
Open Kingdom Rush Origins Apk That’s all, you have successfully installed the file. These are the simple method to install a game or application from any apk file. I hope it was in the simplest way I can provide. Start playing this game now and try to get to the top of leaderboard score. Share your attacks on social media website to shine among your friends which your awesome gameplay.
Final Words: So that was all about Kingdom Rush Origins Apk game. I hope you have loved it from the depth of your heart. If you have not installed this game yet, then don’t wait for anyone grab it now on your phone. If you face any problem then let me know via comments. I will try to reach you as soon as possible. If you have found this article really useful then you may visit our homepage for more games.
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