thespianthelesbian · 8 years
what is you fords sexuality? any other muses as lovers?
[[My Ford identifies as bisexual! And yes! He’s a multi-ship muse so aside from the default verse/ship, Ford is with:
Bill (specifically @goldendorito )
Anastasia (which is @vorxkoroleva )
Himself  (or @adderallandritalin )
He’s more attracted to men usually, but it can go both ways! Thanks for asking!
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hybridemontriangle · 8 years
M!A: tired
Tired: For 24 hours, the Muse will feel exhausted. But the Muse knows that if they go to sleep, the people the Muse cares about will feel excruciating pain.
“Hahaha! Joke’s on you, buddy. Good thing I don’t care about anyone! Guess it’s naptime.”
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Skype Shenanigans
Cas: Pay for this show?
Cas: or?
Grunkle-Stud: Ohh yes, definitely. Twenty- no, thirty bucks to watch us make out!
Ford: For Tesla's Sake
Cas: That's pocket change. Done and done.
Grunkle-Stud: I'm tellin' ya there's a market for this, Sixer!"
Kyle Broflovski : I'll pay 50 for you to not.
Grunkle-Stud: Ohhh are we takin' bets now?
Ford: And I'm telling you it's not happening!
Ford: ...oh good god
Grunkle-Stud: You gonna up that Cassanova?
Kyle Broflovski: -pouts at Cas- Daddy please
Cas: -sighs- Fine, I concede.
Grunkle-Stud: ....Wow never call me dad again. The word is now ruined.
Kyle Broflovski: Thank you~
Ford: what the fuck
Ford: do not
Ford: I don't know what I just witnessed, but I never want to see it OR HEAR IT again
Cas: -snorts, because damn this is kinda funny and simply shrugs a shoulder-
Grunkle-Stud: Don't worry Sixer we can just have really loud sex t'get back at the kid.
Cas: We can do the same thing you know. I built the shack. It's got thin walls. -shit eating grin-
Ford: I'm not participating in this...this sexual contest!
Grunkle-Stud: Not in my house
Kyle Broflovski: -eyebrow raise- How about not? Please.
Grunkle-Stud: Do that in yer own Shack
Kyle Broflovski: We're all adults.
Cas: technically
Cas: Yes
Ford: are you an adult, Kyle?
Kyle Broflovski: ...I'm old enough.
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@adderallandritalin ��
“To be fair, your tits are made of sugar. It’s been scientifically proven, and I’m a doctor. Can’t be helpped.”
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“Stanford, ain’t none o’me made of sugar, an’ you ain’t that kind o’doctor.”
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amncsiacc-blog · 8 years
-throws my url at you before scurrying away-
Do I Follow Them?: Sure do.
Why Did I Follow Them?: Cuz Ford and drugs sound like a wild adventure tbh.
Do We Role Play?: On skype mostly.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Always.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Drug lordsssss. Or hookers, who knows.
A Song For Our Muses: Ed Sheeran - Sing [??? I dunno man It’s really late]
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Mhmmmm.
What I Think About The Mun: Huge nerd. Look at ‘em. Fuckin’ nerd king. [
Overall Opinion: Nerds and Drugs. How could this go wrong?
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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hitherandycn · 8 years
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Give my muse an item and see how they react.
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“Well, that’s not right at all.”
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“Are you trying to turn Gabriel into some kind of tramp, Stanford? That’s certainly what it looks like.”
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walridernightmares · 8 years
"Did you know it's scientifically proven that Santa won't come any faster if you keep sticking your head up the chimney?"
They cocked their head to the side, curious black eyes darting from the man, to the chimney, and back again. “Who are you that you believe Santa is real at your age?”
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Shout out to @adderallandritalin, whose take on Ford is some good shit right there. Their headcanons for Cas Ford are amazing and the mun is wonderful.
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"I have no issues doing /you/ standing up." //SorryNotSorry//
“You aren’t math homework, but I suppose I could clear a spot against the wall for you.”
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spacealcoholic-blog · 8 years
@adderallandritalin continued from X
█ ▌✘
[ Text: Stanfard Pones ] just you sugar tits
[ Text: Stanfard Pones ] and a bottle of whisky like yesterday
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You’ve spent 30+ years without me, the rest of our lives can’t be that painful. I can’t keep bringing you down.
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awkwardpines-a · 8 years
"So.. you're gonna share those cookies.. right?"
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“Sure, sure, Grunkle Ford! 🍪 HERE 🍪 TAKE 🍪 A 🍪 COOKIE 🍪 “
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viltot-blog · 8 years
       Adderallandritalin || Starter Call
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      “ Grunkle Stan what are you wearing? ”
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amncsiacc-blog · 8 years
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He turned to look at Stanford, confusion crossing his features.
“I don’t have to...what..?”
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