The moon shines overhead as you drive further into the mountains. Your GPS says there’s a town nearby, but you can see no sign of it. You’re simply surrounded by trees and the winding road ahead of you. Somewhere in the distance, you hear a wolf howling. For all you know, you could be miles away from civilization.
You round the bend and suddenly you see a cluster of lights spread out below you. It’s a small town, nestled in the crook of the mountains. A statue sits above it, light shining up on it. In the darkness it looks as though it’s floating over the town, protecting it.
You have arrived in Addersfield.
Addersfield is an rp set in a town heavily based off of Butte, Montana. It’s a love letter to Hellblazer and 80s horror as a genre. Playable supernatural creatures are witches, ghosts, zombies, changelings, werewolves, and banshees. It's run by Cal (@fiddlersbone) and Greed (@lunar-corrupt). Feel free to join the server below to join the rp or to just watch!
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fxirytxlcfxtc · 2 years
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For @descended-from-fairytales​ - What Happened in Addersfield Starring Sylvia Dinkley
“Hey. You. Look at me.” Sylvia grabs her brother’s arms. He’s starting to worry too much again. “Bunny, I’m okay. I want to do this. It’d be nice to have something normal to do around here. I need this. I will tell you if I need to sit out. Okay?” She ruffles his hair.
Trying to pretend it doesn’t all still hurt. She’d gotten herself off her crutches and had mainly managed to mask the limp. Still pretending she wasn’t having issues with most people touching her. Most of the minor stuff had healed over or was nearly gone, and the worst of it had been patched up enough when she was back in civilization.
So now all that was left were the mental scars. Her own screaming, the sensation of when she’d broken inside, her desperate prayers, that was all still locked up in her head...
She clears her throat. “Okay. Let’s review just what the hell we’ve been called in to. Mysterious spike in suicides, the police said?”
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The Full Moon
Madeline waits by the phone, torn between pacing frantically and curling herself in the living room as she desperately waits for it to ring. He can't have gone far. At least that's what the cops had said. She should wait here in case he comes toddling back home.
They sent out a small search party out, anyone who was willing to brave the night, being what it was. The full moon here in Addersfield is not as dangerous as it might be other places, but that doesn't help the aching terror coursing through her body. Auggie is out there, somewhere, probably lost, probably alone, probably scared once he realizes he doesn't know how to get home.
More tears stream down her face. He's always been a bit more restless around the full moon. She thinks it might be Sage's fault, some learned behavior from how much he's latched onto them. God, she just wants him to be okay, needs him to come home safe. She checks her phone again for any call that they've found him and considers for the millionth time, running out into the night to find him herself.
Auggie doesn't even shiver as he toddles along through the woods. Looking up at the moon, he happily grins and giggles, breaking off into a more full on run. It's nice out here. He feels drawn to it, drawn to play and explore, roll in the leaves and chase down whatever noises he hears.
Then he feels it, just a little tug, usually the one he gets when he knows it's time to come home. He pouts a little. He doesn't wanna go home. Not yet. And yet, he still follows it, whatever little growing part of him that knows his mom will miss him if she knows he's gone. He finds himself in a clearing, somewhere deeper in the forest, and cocks his head slightly. That's not Way-bees. That's a... "Puppy!!"
He excitedly rushes towards it, knowing instinctively that he won't be hurt.
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storystartsanew · 1 year
Closed Starter (Sense8 AU): Clusterfuck
Ozwell grins when he sees Laurian. He's reasonably sure it's not his Laurian, but goddamn he's hot in any universe. He starts making his way towards him eagerly, waving at him as he does.
Erin groans from where she's wandering the streets of Addersfield, looking for her sister. "Goddamnit, Ozwell, you better not be about to seduce some random guy just because he looks like your boyfriend."
Mariana snorts and shakes her head slightly. "It's Ozwell, of course he is."
Spencer goes to say something and doubles over in pain. He breathes through it, trying to keep it out of the bond as much as possible, if it even is possible. He's not entirely sure what's going on, but being here doesn't seem to agree with his existence. Wherever here is. He leans back against the wall where he's holed up, continuing to just listen to everyone else.
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Closed Starter: Complicated Matters (Oz Cycle/Villains Won)
Sylvia hums, smiling as she watches Selene and Magnus playing tag and trying not to just fall apart. She hadn't seen Laurian or Ozria yet, and she had no idea if they were here or not. She wasn't entirely clear on where "here" really was, honestly. It looked like Addersfield, but there had been... some marked differences, beyond the general end of the world chaos she'd gathered was somewhat new.
She leans her head on Violet's shoulder. "I hope they're okay."
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addersfield-old2 · 1 year
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Addersfield is a panfandom jcink rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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askstorykids-hq · 1 year
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Welcome to Addersfield, home of Illedale University. Let’s see what information we have about you for the town hall’s records, shall we?
Name: Malaika
Parent(s): Musa & Riven Film/Show: Winx Club Face: Wang Yiren Age: 21 Major (if student): Music Occupation: seeking!
Zan, you have 24 hours to send in your blog URL/post in-character on your multimuse. The follow notice for a new blog will be posted as soon as possible. Thank you for your application and welcome to the group!
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addersfield-old · 2 years
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Addersfield is a panfandom / multifandom rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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addersfield · 2 days
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taken characters | join our discord
Addersfield is a 21+ panfandom discord rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield. | revamped september 2024
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rpgadverts · 1 year
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Addersfield is a panfandom jcink rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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rpadverts · 1 year
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Addersfield is a panfandom jcink rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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allthingsroleplay · 1 year
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Addersfield is a panfandom jcink rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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rpings · 1 year
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home | rules | plot | faq | discord
Addersfield is a panfandom jcink rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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therpdirectory · 1 year
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home | rules | plot | faq | discord
Addersfield is a panfandom jcink rp that takes place in a fictional small town where all your favorite characters are starting to show up. They have all their memories and abilities, but the only possessions they have are the ones that were immediately on their body when they were transported her. If they have a phone, it is now only able to contact those in Addersfield. If they didn't have a phone, they now have one on them alongside a key to their new home. We hope you enjoy your stay in Addersfield.
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storystartsanew · 2 years
Closed Starter(Voyagers/Scroop/James): Escapes and Traps
Harper doesn't know where she is when she comes to. It's been a scary couple of days, everyone in and out of the front like a broken ferris wheel that can't stop. Klaus has tried to man the helm, she knows that much.
Her phone is pinging off the charts. She looks down at all of the group chat messages, and then all of the texts from various Mafia members all asking variations of the same question. 'Where the fuck are you?'
She texts Axel a text with a pin from her gps. It says she's still in Addersfield so that's good. They couldn't have made it far, even if she doesn't know quite exactly where that is.
She goes to answer the next message when a claw yanks her from behind suddenly. Scroop looks at her with terrifying eyes. "Harper! My darling daughter." His raspy voice sends a chill down her spine. A part of her is glad to see him, but she's also terrified of what that means.
"Dad. Let go of me, please." She keeps her voice calm and even. Sounding afraid or angry will only make things worse. Her phone is still in her hand, so she presses the call button without checking to see who she's actually calling.
"Not ssso fasst. I need your... help." He almost can't get the word out, and she has to keep herself from making a face. Calm. Neutral. She's his perfect daughter.
She smiles at him and shakes her head. "Of course. What do you need?"
"That insssolent child burned me when I esscaped." He shows her his other arm, where the burns are very clearly festering. Iris must've tried to stop him. Harper hopes she's okay.
"I'll need supplies. I'm not in the habit of carrying a first aid kit." She hopes there's a hospital or something large close by that she can sneak into and slip away under the guise of stealing.
Scroop scoffs and starts walking, pulling her with him. "Not that kind of help. I need you to build."
Her eyes go wide. Build? What are they building? "Where are you taking me?"
"Home." While he's focused on looking ahead, she looks down at her phone. James. Thank the gods. She makes sure her location is on and tracking so he can find her.
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Closed Starter: Saved at Last (James/Perry/Voyagers)
It had taken a lot of work and James would 100% be lying if he said it was easy. It had been difficult. It had been very difficult. But gods, the work had been working out for them thus far, and they'd finally managed to make a rough path back towards Montressor. Home, they'd be able to get good food, supplies, and more of a crew, then get back to Earth and to Addersfield and get back to their lives.
Right now, he'd just appreciate getting the chance to rest. He leans against the side and smiles, appreciating the stars for a moment. Appreciating home, for a moment.
It was strange how it didn't quite feel like home, being out here, sailing the stars. He hadn't talked about it, but...
Something about it felt less like home than it used to, and he kept thinking of Addersfield, his dorm with Liam. He missed it. A lot more than he'd expected.
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