crowfully · 9 months
u know ur hooked when you've been playing guitar for 2 hours without taking a breath :3
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bluezenzennie · 1 year
Moodboards later on the art blog!
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seungkwanniee · 15 days
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pairings : barista!seungcheol x fem!reader
genre : angst with little fluff in it , strangers to acquaintances
warnings : mention of food , lonliness , agoraphobia (being scared of crowded place) , overthinking , anxiety / panic attack , reader being harsh to herself , struggle to breath , people making fun of reader , mention of bulimia ( not at all ) , tears , few swearing
wc: 1.8k
synopsis : s.o. just has a messed up mind, and Seungcheol is in the right spot in the right time
an : starting school in one day so manifesting that it will be not hard write trought the school year + changed my dividers because the previous ones were basic asf. My frist time writing a thing like that so yes i know this isn't the best 😭
〔 masterlist 〕
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today was not your day but again, when it was ? At least, you got dropped earlier from work, so you just decided to make a quick stop to the near bar. You went here for like, 2 times? and it was long ago but you always overhear your coworkers talking about how they always try to make in time to eat ones of their breakfast. They must have gold hands then?
as you enter in the cozy bar, the little bell above the door makes everyone knows your presence. It wasn't that crowdy, fortunately. You just wanted to chill and eat as you were starving after your tiring work today. In you sight, you can only see an old couple ejoying their tea while behind the counter a young and lovely man raise his head as soon he hears the familiar sound
"what we order for you?" he asks when you stand up in front of him. His soft smile shows his single dimple and makes his eyes go so cutely tiny "a capuccino" you reply, completely forgotting about your hungry state "that's all?" he involountary remembers you that you haven't eat nothing for hours "oh, a brioche too" the guy behind the counter nods, inviting you to take a seat
and now, you get why they love this place. It wasn't for the food (well, also this) but you founded this so comfortable, maybe you liked it better than your home. From your house you can't eat a spetacular brioches, smell the good things that they prepare at the moment, you can't hear the sound of the laughter filling the athmosphere while watching the stunning sun setting down the flower sitting outside the bar. Your house was nothing compared to his: your cooking skill weren't this good, the smell was nothing but the atrocius gas coming from the cars running down the street. Your house was always so soundless, no laughter filling it, and from your window no sunset can be seen.
It wasn't a home, it was just an house, but you never really realized how sad and underwhelming it was.
Your thoughts got distracted from the same guy - Seungcheol, you can read from his tag now - serving you what you ordered, "eat well" his smile was always here, and you find it so cute but you wonder how many times he fakes it, what's under it. You just smile back at him, thanking him. Overall, they were so right about this place, its like entering in another world.
[2 days after]
you never liked waking up early, but what you were doing today? You just woke up 30 earlier than usual just to experience the same coziness before going to work. It was so additcing, not your fault
You get dressed in your usual clothes, swatpants and big coat because it was damn cold outside. Just the walk from your front door to your car, freezed your cheeks and nose making them slightly red. Maybe you were too sensitive, but anyway you rushed trowards the car door, making inside and putting on your playlist to wram you up. You hum along the songs, tapping your fingers on the wheel, involountary smiling as you know the warm and cozy place will confort you.
It wasn't like you expected tho, you widen your mouth when you see the amount of person entering and exting the bar. Even tought it was all cute, the big sign with the cutest writing and the colorfull flower standing outside, you didn't finded it cute anymore with all this people. You was so stupid, ofcurse it would be crowded if they are making the best breakfasts. Your soul was fighting inside: you were a grown woman, how you can't go inside a place only because people were in there. It sounded so redicolous to yourself, you can't even imagine what people would think. Otherwise, you wanted to taste another time the delicious brioche you eated only two days ago, it was so good that just thinking about it was making your mouth watering. You didn't even did breakfast at home for this reason, it was time to take aside your childish fears, no?
The cold weather hitted once again your cheeks, making you walk faster trowards the entrace and without even thinking about it, you were in. Maybe it was a bad choice as your legs were trembling under your warm sweatpants, but now you're here. You can't just walk outside againg, you would look dumb. What the other people would think of you? an odd weird kid. They would laugh while telling the not-so-funny story to ther friends, coworkers, family. And what if they recognize you in the street again? they would laugh right in your face for sure. What if, what if, wha-
"omg, y/n is here" the sound of a voice calling you out makes you raise your eyes from your shoes. You hide your head more into your scarf when the familiar faces are right in front you, and this makes you wish you never left your car or maybe your house. You awkwardly smile at their not welcomed figure, letting out an hand from your pocked to give the girls a little wave. You never get along your coworkers that much, you just ended up with no friends inside the place so they just makes little fun of you. Nothing you can't handle, it was common, but you being already overwhelmed because of the crowd inside of the place wasn't helping you at all. "what are you doing here? you eat for real?" you giggle with them, when they make fun of yourself, "it wasn't even funny" you wish you had the courage to say that, but in reality you just stand here while they makes fun of you. "make sure you don't throw up after eating, mh" the disgusting hand lands on you cheek, caressing it while her fake caring tone only makes you feel dizzy. Making fun of you just because you're skinnier than them wasn't funny.
You watch them walking away, well you can't properly do this. Your eyes were itching because of the tears wrapping them, and your head spinning wasn't helping at all. Your slightly trembing hands were making a pounch inside of your coat pockets because you were angry, sad, tired, defenceless and weak at the same time. The troath was now completely dry, you weren't even sure if you were able to speak to someone in few minutes, adding to your heavy chest. You were having a panic attack for sure. You went trought this many times before, so you should know how to deal with it, but it was like you can't even think straight right now, never wishing more to someone rescue you.
And it was like today the planets were all on your side, literally an angel falling from the sky. When you hear the soft voice speaking almost near to you ear, taking one of your arm walking you somewhere, you tought you was in heaven. 'This is real life or I just died?' were your exactly tought. "i'm sorry to bother you, I just saw what happened" the guy says, but it was like you weren't even listening him. "sit down" he places both hands on your shoulder, forcing you to take a sit in a place you never seen, but it seems more like the back of a local. "okay, kay, it's okay" probably he was looking at you with pity eyes, and it just sound so ridiculous. Your eyes weren't able to contain this amount of water, they just needed to escape somewhere. Your elaborated breath was making your chest havier and more painful, at the point that it started to be harder to breath by yourself. "gosh" he humble, Seungcheol was mad worried for you. It may sound weird but as an empathetic, yes, he was so worried about a stranger, half-stranger. He noticed you right away when you entered for the frist time to the bar, you looked so pretty in your big coat that was pratically eating you. It looked so obvious in your face your tiredness but in his eyes, you still looked so gorgeous. Something in you attracted him that he almost jumped from happiness when you appared again today. He was praying all day long hoping that you would show up so he could make a move and well, now he is making a move, not the one he expected tho.
"watch my breath, can you?" he kneels in front of you, his hand slipping down to your shaky arms and it may looks nothing, but his hands were bringing you the comfort you always wanted, not only when your mental health was messing with you. His brown eyes never leaving yours for a sec, piearcing right inside of you. "you need to match my breath, you can do it" his voice like honey for your hears, he wans't rushing you neither disrespecting your boundaries. Your heart was literally racing inside of you, and so many thoughts were going inside of your head. Why you weren't able to controll your attack today, you always deal with it but it was like you weren't in your body anymore. You was wondering why a stranger was helping you, there were still angels in this earth. What the fuck he was thinking of you, maybe you just looked so ugly, rediculus or like a kid. His bar was so full of people, he must be working right now but you were probably just a pain in the ass for him.
"stop thinking, focus on my breath" his hand moves on your chin now, slightly raising your head, while he gently caress your cold cheek. It didn't disgust you as before, his touch was gentle, almost scared of breaking you, that it brought a feeling of inexplicable calm. Your eyes glued on his lip, following his same peace.
"i'm so sorry" you take deep breaths when you were able to talk again without killing yourself for the lack of air. Now that you were able to think straight, the face of the guy seems so familiar to you. "for?" the guy tilt to one side his head, still kneeling in front of you while his hands lay on your knees. He looked so cute when his dimple shows, while his hair moves to his forehead because of the movement. Your hands were playing with each other, still feeling a little embarassed. Doing this, your eyes land on the tag attacked on his brown apron. "Seungcheol" it was supposted to be a thought, but it involountary slipped out of your mouth, "yeah, that's me. What's your name?" your cheeks turn red when you realize, making him giggle. Almost wishpering your name, you stand up from the chair, making Seungcheol standing up too. "you must be busy, i'm sorry that i bothered you. We can go back inside" you words were almost impossible to understand as your voice was so low and still a little cracked for the crying.
"don't worry, stay here, I can bring you something to eat" he invites you to take a sit again, but you were to stubborn. You already fucked up his schedule, you weren't bothering him any more. Plus, your work was waiting you soon. "Don't bother, go back to work. I have to go to mine soon" your still red eyes looked at him, and those were the things that weren't convincing him at all. "I insist, you must be hungry. I can take you to work if you want"
how angels can still exist?
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moon7jay · 8 months
You're writing so pussy additcing dude!!
Best compliment award goes to??
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lalalak3 · 3 years
Fucking british boys, I'm gonna get an accent how dare you--
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skyxskywlkr · 3 years
Umm anyone wanna play dead by daylight 😂
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soobnny · 3 years
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happy bday to our legendary riki !! artist of the month when (´∀`ゞ ltrly no one’s doing it like him
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sexysilkysatin · 4 years
Merry Christmas to everyone who still scrolls through Tumblr even on Christmas Day xx
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ghost1643 · 4 years
Seven deadly sins AU prompts
Just a quick head-canons because I need a break from society now a days lol.
Story prompt #1:
Zeldris has a hair pulling kink. Said kink he keeps a secret up until a fight. He's fighting Ban, when ban yanks on a bit of hair. Zeldris moans which makes everyone stop, and ends up with everyone laughing at him in the middle of the fight which causes the poor boy to retreat as the sins tease him...They bring it up with him every-time they fighting him his.
Story prompt #2:
When getting separated, instead of Ban being put in a jail he ends up escaping some holy knight and finding a old abandoned looking house. He figures he'll hide and think about his next move. Ban spends all day hiding in a caved in house wondering if he should just give himself up, seeing as maybe then he'll feel like he's been punished for everything he's done wrong in his life.
Just as he makes his mind up that he'll give himself up, he hears tiny cries. He starts looking around and finds he's been hiding in a house with a baby hidden in the pantry of the house. God knows how the little guy didn't cry before hand, but here he is now, hidden under his own mom's body screaming his head off since he was getting cold. Ban ends up picking him up, which evolves into him swearing he'll find someone to take care of the baby before he turns himself in.
Yeah needles to say, Ban keeps the little boy. So when the sins come to recruit Ban they find out he has a ten year old son who's like a mini version of his dad (minus the drinking).
Story prompt #3: (modern au)
Gilthunder and Margret announce their getting married. Everyone gets excited, yet this excitements is crushed when the couple gets cheated out of their money and find out their wedding planner was a scam artists. So here they are, seven days away from the wedding with only outfits for said event to their name.
So the free range is given to the Elizabeth and her friends (the sins) to help....needless to say chaos insues.
Meliodas and his brothers are planning to preform girl band style at the wedding, which ends up being pretty well, but the boys wear striped outfits. The boys ends forgetting about the alcohol until the last minute which ends with Escanor and Gowther trying to make wine while Merlin rushes around town with her son (Arthur, who I'm gonna say is 6 in this AU) looking for the exact booze they wanted. Diane orders flowers that die two days before the wedding, so her Ban and King break into a garden and re do all the flowers. Ban makes the wedding cake which King's dog ends up eating so Ban spends all night redoing a wedding cake with the help of his girlfriend, Elaine. Hawk (meliodas’s pet pig) ends up ripping a dress which King has to help Meliodas fix. Then to top it all of Gwother loses the rings and has to look all morning of the wedding for it.
While it’s chaotic everyone admits it was a lot of fun and brought their friend group closer together. They’re all smiles and giggles celebrating a job well done at the after party....that is until Veronica asks if they wanna help with her wedding to.
Then the chaos starts over again.
Story prompt #4:
Meliodas and Ban work at a daycare. That’s it. That’s the AU. They work at a daycare where other anime characters attend as children.
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a-clowns-words · 3 years
I just watched this deku video- and a comment saying "he has been around Bakugo too much. Say no to Bakugo." Like he's an additc or something dkskdnssj (also makes me remember that homophobic lady saying "vote N O to the gay.")
Vote no to Bakugo
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candieshound · 3 years
Death Additcs
Okay, someone stop me from writing for Lawrence. I can't stop help me
Here's what happens when two Necrophiles walk into a bar
Jokes aside. This is a gift for a special someone. <3
You can also read this on my AO3 ->Here<-
18+ Only under the cut.
I think I’ve become an addict.
An addict to something vile, something I thought I could control.
He proves my control wrong.
I followed someone around who reminded me of myself. Someone I thought was harmless. He isn’t.
I ended up tied to a chair, as panicked as him for days. He untied me after we found out we were similar in more ways than we thought.
That was yesterday.
It’s today.
I sit in Lawrence’s lap, sighing softly as he pumps my cock slowly.
“I never thought someone could be exactly like me..” I giggle through a breathless moan as I listen to his words.
“Someone who… was interested in death the same amount as me”
Lust drips from my lips in the form of cries. I also thought I was the only one. He once again proves me wrong…
“I- ah.. Can’t help that it excites me..” I can’t stop my urges anymore
Not around someone who is living rot.
Lawrence moans softly, rubbing himself against me. “I know you c-can’t.. Ngh. Neither can I”
I’m pushed against the bed, my face buried in his pillow. I can feel him, hot and heavy against me.
His hand goes for my mouth, and in a swift motion, he’s buried in me.
Buried like a corpse in soil.
I scream into his palm, painful and blinding hot fills me. I’ve never done this, but..
I was supposed to be in control.
Yet again, he proves me wrong.
He proves I was filled with lies, now I’m filled with him.
“Ah, You’re warm” Warm.
Warm.. Warm is wrong, so wrong. But, he feels so correct, Made for me.. A soulmate.
Maybe it’s because he’s rotting too.
He removes his hand, gripping my hips instead.
His breath hits my neck, wet and warm. “Ah, Law!” I whine, feeling him deeper and deeper in me.
As if he’s searching for something.
“Tell me Yuu, Ngh.. Say it..” His pace is quick, rough, hard.
It’s hard to focus, but I know exactly what he wants me to say.
“It’s.. Ah, like- Like waking up”
It was. Like waking up from a cruel nightmare. It’s better than the living world.
A groan leaves him as his pace quickens. The hold on my hips sure to leave bruises in the morning. I couldn’t care less.
The second his hand grips my length, pumping it again.. I feel different?
“Lawrence! Ah-” My legs are shaking, I’m drooling into his pillow. What’s happened to me?
How could I let myself lose control to him..?
“Ngh, P-please.. P-please.” I’m begging, but I don’t know what for.
Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t want to admit it. He knows.
Letting go of my hips, his other hand finds my neck. Squeezing.
I quickly become lightheaded. Barely able to make a noise, even as he’s pounding into me.
Barely able to hear his soft words that tell me to let go.
“Ngggh!” I choke out a guilty noise as I succumb to my pleasure.
He’s squeezing my neck tighter and tighter. Movements getting sloppy, breathing heavy.
I’m not sure if I should be scared and try to fight him off. Part of me wants to. But I can’t.
Something hot spills inside me as his hand finally loosened enough for me to gulp down air.
It’s him, his essence. In me. Filling me..
I catch my breath, relaxing as Lawrence lays next to me.
“Ah, Law..” He looks at me, his face blushed red, hair messy. “Y-yes?”
I say it as a half joke, but we both know the truth.
“You really shouldn’t have let go. Ahah..” A small smile is on his lips. One on mine too.
I’ve become addicted to death. I can’t deny it, Lawrence will just prove me wrong again and again.
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mitchdojo · 5 years
So far this is the best that has come from GTA RP.... I think I should start streaming lmao
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moon7jay · 8 months
Yoi it's the anon who said "You're writing so pussy additcing dude!!"😭😭😭😭 just wanted to tell you that you're writing is also dick aching dude😭
Btw can I be anon 🤡 love?
Not dick aching lmfaooo, you have a way with words I'll give u that
Also yes! 🤡 is yours<3
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
lately i been seeing a lot of misinformation goin around regarding opositions to marijuana legislation as well as misconceptions of cancer that are just boiling my blood.
i think as both a cancer patient and as a marijuana consumer the most irritating arguments against weed are "THEY DONT REALLY CURE CANCER YA KNOW???"
yeah, i do know. if that were the case i wouldn't have cancer in the first place. but do you know what marijuana DOES do for us cancer patients? heres a little bit of perspective of what we have to struggle with
having cancer is not just "you have [x amount of time] left to live". thats only in the movies, its never as cut and dry as that. the sad truth is there's a LOT of uncertainty in the entire process, from discovering somethings wrong/finding the tumor, having the courage to go to the doctor and explain everything to them, having to endure many invasive, PAINFUL tests, waiting for the results (took 2 weeks to get mine back), then you have to figure out how tell your loved ones. Ya know what helped ease my panic during all that overwhelming shit? marijuana
fun fact: a lotta people leave when ya tell em ya got cancer! its an extremely depressing reality we have to face. a lot of people compare drug additcs to cancer patients, the joke usually being "you can yell at a person who got addicted to drugs, they chose that! but you cant make fun of a cancer patient, because they didnt!" well, unfortunately, people can and do "make fun" (more like bullying....) of us. people DO scream at us. for example: when i told my mom my diagnosis, she screamed at me, as if i chose to have cancer. she asked me "how could i do this to HER?". So not only is cancer a grueling painful process, its also stressful, confusing, heartbreaking, uncertain, overwhelming, and fucking DEPRESSING. Marijuana helps me get my mind off of all that. Instead of the constant thoughts such as "when will this cancer finally kill me so i can stop being such a huge burden on my family?" i can give my mind a rest and think happy thoughts instead.
a lot of cancers cause supressed appetites. thats why a lot of us are extremely underweight and gaunty. marijuana helps us regain our appetites and not have to starve and waste away! it also helps keep us at a consistent weight, another really dangerous problem for us.
In addition to having difficulty putting food down, its also hard for us to keep our food down. our supressed appetites come with the extra pain of extreme nausea and vomiting, which oh hey! personal experience i had today; i violently threw up 8 times in a row after only eating a bag of chips (supressed appetites make it VERY hard to eat actual meals), and i thought i was going to drown in my own vomit because i couldn't stop and breathe. i didnt smoke first 🤔 but i drank plenty o water and smoked some marijuana afterwards, and wouldnt ya know, no more nausea, and i was able to keep my next snack down.
cancerous tumors often become inflamed, randomly and for indefinite amounts of time. i cannot even begin to explain the unbearable pain it causes. it feels like there's a giant ball of itchy fire inside your body. Marijuana helps the inflammation go down and relaxes the body.
in addition to inflammations, tumors are just naturally painful. its a mass growing exponentially inside your body, compressing your internal organs, LITERALLY STRETCHING YOUR SKIN, and literally an extra weight to carry around. You know what can safely help take that pain away, without all the shitty side effects for pain medications such as oxys/percs (which is what they had me on before Oklahoma passed Medical Marijuana legislation)? Marijuana. Marijuana helped the pain better than oxy or percs, and Marijuana certainly didnt force me to become bedridden and sleep 20 hrs a day like oxys/percs did
Speaking of sleep, trying to sleep with cancer is also difficult. the pressure of anything even remotely close to your tumor area. I had a massive tumor in my breast that was almost 5 POUNDS, and even my shirt touching it hurt. imagine sleeping with a bowling ball extremely poorly ducktaped tightly to your chest. Thats what I had to do. you know what helped me sleep though?
you guessed it!
Medical Marijuana
there's so many more benefits that it has for different cancer types, as well as other ailments, but i wont go further because that would take forever to list. my point here though is that no medical marijuana advocate is saying its the end all cure all, just that there are many people that it could help who we're denying in favor of big pharmas opiod crisis.
its just plain ignorant and legitimately harmful to the people marijuana could benefit to deny that it helps sick people, especially cancer patients.
im so sick of hearing shit like "well pot ruined my sons life, now he's unemployed and plays video games all day" like bitch do you think i fucking care??
marijuana literally SAVED and continue to save my god damn life every day. its not pots fault you raised a shitty son with no rules or boundaries, i also know plenty of recreational smokers who hold down jobs and are well off, so its not weeds fault yr sons a loser.
im just glad oklahoma has pretty much the most liberal weed laws in the US. sq788 passed right after my surgery and i was so happy that finally i could legally and SAFELY get the medication that i had to do illegally for so long.
im ending my rant with this screencap of my favorite arch of archer when he had breast cancer which obviously hit close to home with me.
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me too, archer, me too.
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tinydragonsnake · 7 years
Call out Post @ ALL OF TUMBLR
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winterdollsblog · 3 years
Do I have a headache from trying to find an old fanfic masterlist I reblogged before I got additced to this hellsite? Yes
Do I regret it? Not one bit
(word of advice: save the link to your notes 🤣)
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